• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,346 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 23: Demonoid Phenomenon

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he himself does not become a monster.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche




The Gates of Tartarus had begun to buckle under the pressure of the boisterous pounding it was enduring, as each and every demon bashed and scraped against the enormous marble doors; hastily clambering to the fissure that would serve as the gateway to their freedom. The ground itself rumbled and quaked beneath the insurmountable force while the innocent souls on the other side were left shaken to their core, helplessly struggling against the might and desperation of Tartarus’ encroaching inhabitants.

The girls could feel the doors slowly opening once again as the familiar groaning of the ancient architecture resounded, pushing them back ever so gradually despite their attempts at fighting back. Never the less, they were undeterred, grunting and exerting all of their strength against the horde of demons that were now mere feet away, with nothing but a few inches of structurally sound marble standing between them and the girls.

However, their efforts were met with even more resistance, as arms and claws reached through the doors, grasping and flailing about.

“Just when ah thought it couldn’t get any worse,” AppleJack grunted as she started kicking away at the demonic appendages protruding from behind the door. “These varmints had to go and rear their ugly heads!”

“Less talking, more pushing!” ordered Rainbow Dash, who along with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, had now moved to the other door in hopes to keep the previously unattented structure from moving anymore than it had. With both pegasi now taking to the ground alongside Pinkie, they pressed themselves against the doors, digging their hooves into the ground to gain leverage.

“This isn’t good,” Fluttershy cried over the clamoring demons. “I don’t know if we can hold out much lo- EEK!” she squeaked out a high pitched shriek as a stray claw from one of the demons reached out and yanked at her long pink tail.

“Oh no you don’t!” Rainbow Dash swiftly took to action and karate chopped the offending claw, sending its owner reeling and yelping in pain as it let go of the meek pegasus and retreated back behind the doors.

“Thanks.” Fluttershy smiled weakly.

Nodding to her friend, Rainbow Dash immediately returned to holding back the doors alongside Pinkie Pie and Spike.

Suddenly, as if a great weight had been lifted, the girls felt the doors finally starting to close as they continued to push, each of them exchanging baffled glances with one another while simultaneous focusing their efforts on shutting the Gates of Tartarus. Even stranger was the fact that the demonic limbs that had been grasping about in between the doors had suddenly pulled back behind the gates. With her magic still encasing the doors, Twilight was struck with a dreaful sense of unease; unsettled by the unusual lack of resistance from the countless demons that were no longer crowded around the gates, let alone pounding away at its doors. It was almost as if they had seemingly vanished from the opposite side entirely.

It was then that the ground had begun to tremble once more as the cries of the demons rose in volume. Twilight’s eyes widened as the horrific realization of what the demons were planning suddenly sunk in. They’re going to ram the doors all at once! Her mind frantically raced. Her magic encasing the door had quickly begun to flicker as her concentration waned with each distracting thought. We can’t hold them back like this! Once the demons break through, everypony’s going get crushed the moment those doors give!

As the Elements of Harmony, it was Fluttershy, Rarity, AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight’s responsibility to protect Equestria, but what good would it serve if Twilight and her friends were to perish in this struggle? A heavy burden bore itself on the mare’s shoulders once again, as she was left to weigh the value of her friends’ lives against the safety of Equestria. We’re fighting a losing battle here, she admitted defeatedly. But that doesn’t mean we still can’t save Equestria… I hope. The hesitation to retreat was still strong, leaving the unicorn mare at a loss for words as she opened her mouth to speak.

Biting her lip and gulping down the fearful lump in her throat, Twilight mustered up the courage to finally cry out to her friends. “Everypony, get away from the doors now!

“But we still need to close them!” Rarity protested.

“There’s no time, Rarity!” Twilight snapped, tearfully looking to each and every one of her friends. “Everypony needs to fall back right now!”

The look in Twilight’s eyes was all that was needed to get everyone to turn heel and run, abandoning their positions as the thunderous quaking that was lurching its way towards the door grew exponentially.

With Spike lagging behind the girls, Twilight quickly darted towards the baby dragon, lowering her head to scoop him up before hoisting him onto her back. Still maintaining her speed, the unicorn made a hasty u-turn, allowing her to catch up with the rest of her friends as they continued their retreat from the the impending doom that lay behind The Gates of Tartarus.

Unfortunately, the elements didn’t get as far as they had planned. Just upon clearing the door’s range, another defeaning series of roars surged from behind the gates only to be drowned out by an even more tremendous eruption.


The Gates of Tartarus burst wide open with such a resounding force, giving way to the demons that had tirelessly forced their way through. The resulting shockwave sent the girls tumbling forward across the rocky terrain; a series of grunts sounding off from the group before each had finally skidded to a complete halt. The thunderous slamming of the doors had even caught the attention of the devil twins, who had both ceased their bloody battle to gaze upon the abysmal black void that no longer lay obstructed by the Gates of Tartarus.

From out of the darkness, hundreds of nightmarish creatures crept past the gates. Taking in their in their surroundings, the demons let out a collective and triumphant series of wails and roars before wildly rushing forward into the world that had once banished them so fervently.

Amongst many of the frightful beings that were charging forth into Equestria, there were two types in particular that appeared to serve as the more predominant races of Tartarus’ demons.

The first type were known as Satyrs: tall, lanky, goat-like beings that walked upright on two legs. Given their height, they seemed to stand no higher than that of the princesses. Among their more noticible features were their sinisterly elongated horns, knotted shoulders and legs, heel like appendages at their cloven feet to give them better balance and control over its strength and speed, and a skeletal head lined with the teeth of a predator. In their clawed hands, they held a hook-like pole, evidently used for slashing and grappling. Their makeshift garb appeared to be a single waist cloth, serving as their only means of clothing, dangling around their gnarled hips.

The second type were Jackals. They were large bi-pedal canines, roughly the size of diamond dogs, whose pelts were clearly much darker, earthy, and shaggier. Their forearms appeared to be outfitted with crude, makeshift, steel gauntlets; evidently used to reinfore their razor like claws in combat. Their most notable feature was that they bore a vicious fang filled maw that could even contend with the jaws of Timberwolves. Most likely, these creatures were the brutes of Tartarus.

While these two types of demons proved vast and numerous, the girls had also caught brief glimpses of a few much larger and other undiscernable varied beings amongst the oncoming mob. With the utmost haste, they quickly scrambled to a wall on the side of the clearing, narrowly escaping the stampede of demons.

Still standing in the path of the advancing horde, the demonic Vergil irritatably bore his fangs at the countless demons that dared to impede on his progress. Before taking action, he passed a glance towards his brother, whose body was trembling with malicious anticipation as the demons drew closer and closer. It was all too obvious what was stirring in Dante’s mind. The crimson demon then stood up on his hind legs, gripped his blade, Rebellion, with a single claw and tilted his head back, letting out vicious roar.


The berserk devil then threw himself into the fray as he stormed off, leaving Vergil far behind. It took almost no time for Dante to wildly plunge his sword into its first victim: a lone satyr leading the army of demons that continued their charge towards the exit. Without the slightest hesitation, Dante hoisted both his sword, and the unfortunate demon still impaled on its blade, over his shoulder, and with both claws, forcefully swung the massive sword; severing the surrounding demons’ torsos from the rest of their bodies. Taking the macabre display as a challenge, gangs of demons took to the offensive, brandishing their weapons to take down the manic devil while countless others ran from him in fright, still dead set on making a break for the exit.

What followed was a massacre. Despite their vast numbers, Dante continually hacked away at the Satyrs and Jackals. And although he was relying on his most primal of instincts, the crimson devil was sure to make every swing of his blade count as he plowed into the crowd like a force of nature, a blood red wind that tore through the demons’ ranks by the dozen; the futility of their efforts only realized just as each and every one of their mortal coils were severed by that crimson devil’s blood soaked blade. Its metal cleaved through both flesh and bone, snuffing out every life that foolishly challenged its strength. Not a single move was wasted as every swing of Rebellion drew blood; the night air filled with the fleeting cries of battle as the Tartarus demons' lifeless bodies fell all around Dante, their mangled remains igniting in a burst of ghostly blue flames that burned away all trace of their presence.

Meanwhile, amidst the hellish pandemonium, the girls were faced with their own predicament as a mass of stray demons had broken off from the vast crowd and were now closing in on the elements, targeting them as either enemy or mere prey.

Taking action, Rainbow Dash was the first to make a move as she swooped in to uppercut a Satyr right in the jaw, allowing both AppleJack and Rarity to rush in, reel back their hind legs, and buck the stunned demon, sending him crashing into his comrades that had made the mistake of crowding in behind him. Pinkie Pie, on the other hoof, was keeping a group of Jackals preoccupied, diverting their attention from her friends as she bounced about between them, seemingly ignorant of their attempts to viciously claw at her.

Twilight was left to serve as their primary defense. Alternating between telekinesis and conjuring magical bursts of energy, she was able to continuously blast back the encroaching demons while Spike and Fluttershy sought cover behind their friends in the hopes that the chaos would eventually die down.

Just then, that same blood chilling cry from before echoed forth from the blackened abyss of Tartarus.


Turning their attention to the gates, the group caught but a glimpse of the lone creature that was desperately sprinting out of Tartarus. Like the Satyrs and Jackals, it was a bipedal creature, yet its figure was far lankier, while its height was but a few inches shorter than that of its predecessors. Its arms and legs were like spindles, but showed signs of a lean muscular build beneath its frail-looking exterior. What Twilight couldn’t shake most about its brief appearance was that its body, at first glance appeared to be concealed by a cloak of darkness, but in actuality, was as black as the shadows of night itself.

Trailing not too far behind the striding shadow, a group of massive beings emerged from the gates as well; their features hidden by the cloak of night. Compared to the Satyrs and Jackals, their sized varied from on par with their lesser brethren to possibly twice the size and width of a normal demon, if not more. As the mysterious group of demons cleared the entrance to Tartarus, one of them hastily took to the sky, giving off only the slightest hint at its form through its silhouette, which appeared to resemble that of a massive bat. The rest of the group, obviously not wanting to sift through the crowd of lower demons, quickly bounded up and over the surrounding canyon walls with relative ease. The massive figures displayed their incredible strength as they cleared the rocky formations in just but a few leaps, while others hurriedly climbed over the walls with unmatched speed. In just a matter of seconds, the shrouded demons had disappeared into the night, having successfully made their escape into Equestria.

Vergil’s attention however, was not so much focused on them as it was curiously drawn to the shadow creature that was darting through the crowd of demons at incredible speed. He couldn’t help but notice that its anatomy seemed strangely humanoid, like that of the demons back in his world.

Running along the outskirts of the crowd surrounding Dante, the shadow hurriedly made a beeline for the exit. As the strange shadow cleared the final stretch to freedom, passing the demonic Vergil by in the process, the two devils simultaneously turned towards one another. Their gazes met for but the briefest period in time as the demons exchanged a frightfully, powerful passing glance; Vergil’s cold, glowing, cyan eyes matching the shadow demon’s dark and empty violet irises. And just as fast as it began, the two suddenly broke eye contact as the shadowy demon hurriedly continued on its way towards the cave mouth, darting alongside many of its brethren who also chose to flee from the ongoing slaughter before finally vanishing into the darkness.

Caring very little for the dark creature’s departure, Vergil then cast his sights on the Gates of Tartarus. The massive crowd of demons that had been pouring forth from the entrance was finally beginning to thin out, giving him a clear view of the abyss that lay just beyond those magnificent marble doors. With Dante still tearing through swarms of Jackals and Satyrs, Vergil knew he would have to act fast. Proceeding to follow through with his goals, the devil started galloping towards that forbidden realm. Along the way, a number of brazen Satyrs had attempted to stop the azure demon, but just like so many of their fallen comrades before them, they were dispatched of almost instantly as Vergil sliced through them without the slightest hint of slowing down. The demons' bodies were like paper when met with Yamato's dark forged blade, as Vergil continued to literally carve a path straight to Tartarus; the remains of his fallen victims igniting a trail behind him as their bodies burned away. Nothing could stand in his way.

Having effortlessly worked his way towards the Gates, Vergil slowed his pace to a trot and eventually came to a stop as he finally arrived at his destination. As he stood before the entrance to Tartarus, Vergil began to gaze almost longingly into the darkness from which all of Equestria’s demons resided.

Suddenly, a series of distressed and familiar cries shattered his focus, stirring the azure devil just enough to draw his attention away from the gates. Turning away from the abyss, Vergil soon discovered that the distracting shrieks had been coming from the girls, who, despite their best efforts to stave off the oncoming beasts, had found themselves cornered due to the demons’ overwhelming numbers.

Normally, Vergil wouldn’t have cared less for their plight, especially considering how quick the girls were to throw themselves into the fray of battle. It was their problem as he saw it. He warned them once and they did not heed his words. The way Vergil saw it; this was nothing more than the result of their insubordination. However, one particular sight was all that was needed to get the devil to promptly change his tune as his gaze instinctively lingered towards Fluttershy, who was currently crouched down behind her friends along with Spike. The gentle Pegasus was covering her head with her hooves, her eyes were shut tight, and her body trembled with fear as the demons drew closer, leaving her and her friends with their backs against the wall of the canyon. For once, Vergil had begun to feel a sense of urgency and dread creep its way into his mind as he could only look on in wide eyed stupor.

Pulling himself together, the azure devil took one last look back into the abyss that was Tartarus; his destination finally within reach after having overcome so many obstacles, both perilous and trivial, only to snap back to Fluttershy and her friends as a mixture of grunts and screams emerged from the group.

Turning his back to Tartarus, Vergil finally made his descision, cursing himself under his ragged breath.

“Damn it all!”

Twilight and Rarity’s magical abilities were being put to the test as they focused solely on driving back the Satyrs and Jackals that were closing in on their group; using their horns to create magic shields and implementing kinectic force to knock back the demons. Meanwhile, AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash were fighting off as many of the demons as they could, prioritizing their assault against those who had managed to push past Twilight’s and Rarity’s magic.

“They just keep coming!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Then keep hittin’ em!” AppleJack snapped angrily as she bucked a Satyr square in its diaphragm, sending the beast flying over a crowd of its comrades.

The group’s retaliation however, could not deter the demons in the slightest, as their struggling only encouraged Tartarus’ inhabitants all the more to barrel through and take the girls for the prey they saw them as.

The group soon found itself surrounded on all sides with their backs to the wall. Looking up from her curled up state, Fluttershy let out a terrified shriek as she saw the demons had drawn closer than ever. Satyrs and Jackals from all around started collectively pounding away at Twilight and Rarity’s magic shields with their weapons, a look of hunger and depravity spread about their faces.

With both layers of magic failing, the Satyrs raised their hooked staffs high above their heads and prepared to deal a crushing final blow to the cracking magic barrier. Twilight and Rarity braced themselves and prepared for the worst as Spike and the rest of the girls backed away in a desperate attempt to distance themselves from the horde of demons. Fluttershy could only cover her teary eyes as she let out one last horrified scream.


Suddenly, the shrill whine of metal pierced the air as the azure devil known as Vergil rapidly dashed between the girls and their assailants, tearing through the surrounding demons with just a single swipe of his blade. As he skidded to a halt directly in front of Fluttershy, Vergil slowly began sheathing Yamato into his left outstretched foreleg. Just as the hilt of his sword clicked against the sheath on his wrist, the demons, still frozen with shock, began falling to pieces as the countless slashes Vergil left behind had reduced them to nothing more than severed limbs and bloodied torsos. Witnessing the devil’s display of speed and power, the remaining horde of demons cautiously backed away, distancting themselves from the demon and keeping their weapons at the ready should he decide to attack once more.

As the the girls watched on in slack jawed horror, Fluttershy hesitantly looked up from her curled up position; curious as to why and how the demons had stopped attacking. What she saw was the frighteningly twisted yet familiar form of Vergil, standing tall with his back to the meek pegasus. Her eyes went wide with both curiosity and fear as the demon’s silvery crowned head turned towards her, looking down at her over his scaly shoulder. As she caught sight of those hauntingly luminescent cyan eyes, Fluttershy’s wings instinctively shot out as she flinched back from the devil’s gaze.

“Are you hurt?” Vergil rasped.

Fluttershy gulped. “N-n-no.” she stammered weakly.

“Good.” Vergil’s distorted voice reverberated. “You and your friends huddle together. You’re leaving. Now.” he ordered.

Before Fluttershy could even respond, Rainbow Dash swooped in, defensively taking to her side as though she was prepared to fight Vergil herself. “Wait just a minute! You really expect us to believe that you of all ponies are going to get us out of this mess!? How can we even trust you?!”

“You can’t!” Vergil snapped, turning towards the two pegasi. “Now make your decision.” he commanded, looking towards to the rest of the group.

Casting one last gaze over to the still wary demons, Twilight, Spike and the girls eventually nodded in agreement. If they were to get out of here alive, they didn’t have much of a choice. Twilight then hoisted Spike onto her back as the girls crowded around her. Rainbow Dash begrudgingly joined them as she was the last to huddle into the group. As soon as they were all together, Vergil waved a single foreleg, casting two sets of rings comprised of summoned swords to surround the group.

Rainbow Dash momentarily snapped back from the surrounding ring of blades in response to their appearance, only to discover the next instant that the swords had been pointing outwards instead of inwards; unlike the last time Vergil had casted the revolving swords against his brother.

Turning back towards the demons, Vergil then instructed the girls. “Head towards the exit and whatever you do, don’t stop running. Those swords will do the work. Now go.”

Although now was not the time to be asking questions, AppleJack couldn’t help but give in to her curiosity as she addressed Vergil. “Why exactly are ya doin’ th-“

“I SAID GO! NOW!” Vergil barked, cutting the farm pony off.

“C’mon girls! We’re leaving.” Twilight quickly complied, not wanting to waste anymore time. The group then galloped away, fleeing towards the cave mouth as the three rings of summoned swords continued to revolve around them.

As the group made their way to the exit, Fluttershy took one last glance at Vergil who, along with the still berserk Dante, dove into the mass congregation of demons that had surrounded him, soon disappearing from sight.

As Twilight and the girls fled through the dark cavern, they were soon surrounded by hundreds of demons running alongside their group, no doubt wanting to escape the chaos that had erupted amongst both their brethren and the two half-breeds. Though this did not deter some of the more savage and ravenous individuals from targeting the group as an easy meal. It wasn’t long before one the Jackals made a leap for the girls, his jaws stretched wide open, ready to sink its fangs into their supple pony flesh.

“Twilight!” Rarity shouted, trying her best to alert the undaunted and focused unicorn.

Hearing both Rarity’s shrieks and the snarling beast, Twilight turned to see the Jackal descending upon them. Before she could even conjure even a sliver of magic into her horn, one of the surrounding summoned swords immediately fired off and pierced the Jackal right in its neck, propelling the creature back before pinning the demon into the cave wall.

The Jackal writhed in pain as it unleashed a gurgling howl before finally falling limp, hanging lifelessly from the cave wall.

“Woah!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Vergil wasn’t kidding about those things.”

“Less talking! More running!” Pinkie Pie screamed, urging the group to pick up its pace as three more summoned swords launched themselves at a gang of Satyrs that were closing in on the girls from behind.

With the number of swords defending the group dwindling and the end of the cavern finally within sight, Twilight and the girls frantically sprinted across the final stretch of cave before emerging out into the cold, desert night. With the last of the swords firing off, assaulting the few surrounding demons, the group quickly sought out Cerberus, who was also preoccupied with warding off the demons that had been flooding out of Tartarus; biting and stomping at the predominately violent ones while chasing off those who were simply fleeing out into The Bad Lands.

Seeking refuge in the presence of the three-headed guardian, the girls made a beeline for the gigantic canine, narrowly evading every demon whose path they crossed along the way. Upon reuniting with the oversized hound, Fluttershy was greeted with a series of kisses from Cerberus as all three heads happily lapped at her face. Despite the ongoing ruckus, the pegasus mare couldn’t help but smile and hug the lovable guardian, thankful that he had not suffered any injuries.

As the legion of demons escaping from the cavern finally started to thin out, a horrifying realization had dawned on Twilight as she witnessed the last of Tartarus’ denizens scattering out into the furthest reaches of the wasteland, eventually disappearing over the horizon. “Oh no!” she shouted. “The demons. They’re heading straight into Equestria!”

“Whatdy’a suppose we do now?” asked AppleJack worriedly.

“What do you think!?” butted in Rainbow Dash. “We find each and every one of those filthy fiends and kick their flanks all the way back to Tartarus!” she exclaimed while hovering and making kicking motions with her back legs.

“And how do you propose we accomplish such a feat, hmm?” Rarity chided, giving the delusional pegasus a look of reproach. “We could barely handle a handful of them, let alone hundreds.”

“We could always get Cerberus to help.” Fluttershy innocently suggested.

“No offense, Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash started. “But I’m pretty sure letting a giant three-headed mutt loose to hunt down demons all throughout Equestria would just spell trouble for everypony else.”

Cerberus merely planted his rump on the ground, whimpering dejectedly at Rainbow Dash’s comment as he leaned in towards Fluttershy.

“He’s not a mutt.” the yellow pegasus pouted, petting the middle head of the disheartened dog.

“How about we catch ‘em all in a big net?!” Pinkie Pie piped up. “Oh oh oh. Wait. I got it. What if we lure them back into Tartarus with a huuuuge cake or maybe-“

“I’m not sure they’d fall for that.” Twilight stated calmly, not wanting to hurt the party pony’s feelings. “We have to be rational about this, girls. We’re going to need some serious help if we plan on fixing the mess that those two made.”

“You mean the mess Vergil made!” Rainbow Dash corrected defensively. “Dante was doing his best to stop him.”

“Well he certainly didn’t make things any better!” Twilight retorted. “Not to mention both of of them turning out to be demons!”

“Well we gotta do something to help Dante!” AppleJack joined in, taking Rainbow Dash’s side. “We left both those varmints in there with a whole herd of blood thirsty demons.”

The conversation suddenly erupted into bouts of arguing and shouting as each of the elements tried to bring their points and ideas to light, each of the girls attempting to raise their voices over what they felt was the others’ constant bickering. Spike meanwhile, let out an exasperated sigh as he waddled over and plopped down next to Cerberus, who had been watching on intently. “Some night this turned out to be.” the young drake groaned, picking up a rock and casually tossing it to the side.

As the group’s arguing persisted, two shimmering lights soaring through the night sky caught the small purple dragon’s attention. Upon further inspection, he noticed that they appeared to be closing in, veering down towards the group. Picking himself up, Spike hurriedly rushed back to the group, flailing his arms about in an attempt to draw their attention to the sky.

“Girls! Girls! Look!”

Noticing her assistant frantically waving his claws, Twilight and the rest of the groups looked up to see what it was that had the young dragon in hysterics. What they saw was none other than both Celestia and Luna descending upon them, no doubt having flown in all the way from Canterlot. Following closely behind the princesses were four royal guards: two white male pegasi, both donning the signature golden armor marked by a blue star on their brest plate that was primarily issued to Celestia’s guards, and two dark grey Thestrals, one male and the other female; otherwise known as bat-ponies in laymen terms. Unlike pegasi, their wings were membranous like that of bats, their ears were more angular than that of regular ponies, and most noticible of all were their fangs. Thestrals were usually assigned to the ranks of night guards under Princess Luna’s jurisdiction and wore cobalt blue amor, complimented with a silver sheen.

As the princesses landed, accompanied by their guards shortly after, Luna was the first to rush forward as she confronted the group. “Girls! Thank heavens you’re alright!” she cried, a look of relief now washing over her face.

“Princess Luna!” exclaimed Twilight. “What’re you and Celestia doing here?”

“We should be asking you the same thing.” The princess of the night retorted as Celestia calmly strode towards the lavender unicorn.

“Twilight.” Celestia sternly addressed her student. “Where are Dante and Vergil?” she asked, a disquieted look encompassing her facial features that left the element of magic feeling ten inches tall as she locked eyes with the princess.

“They’re back at the Gates of Tartarus.” she answered despondently after a brief period of silence.

“I should have figured as much.” Celestia angrily spoke aloud as she shifted her focus towards the entrance leading to the Gates. She then looked to the elements of harmony with a frightfully strict gaze. “Everypony stay close to me.” she ordered. “We’ll be heading back to the Gates of Tartarus.” She then turned to face the four guards who were standing at attention before administering them their orders. “I’ll leave you four in charge of detaining Cerberus.”

“Yes Ma’am!” all four sounded off as they saluted the princess.

“They’ll be careful with him, won’t they?” Fluttershy spoke up as she approached Celestia to address her concern.

“Fear not, Fluttershy. I promise you that our guards will take the utmost care handling Cerberus. You have my word.” she stated as a calming and familiar benevolence returned to her voice. “Now please. Let us depart from here. Time is of the essence!”

The princess of the sun soon took the lead as she galloped off into the dark cave while the rest of the girls quietly followed after, leaving Luna to bring up the rear.

As he stood in front of the Gates of Tartarus, the demonic Dante had pinned down a beaten Satyr beneath one of his clawed hind legs before savagely plunging his sword down into the squirming demon, cutting its life short with a stomach churning squelch. The crimson devil breathed heavily as the demon’s body beneath him burned to ash in a pyre of blue flames, the exertion he had placed on his body finally taking its toll. He then cast his firey gaze towards Vergil, who was now steadily approaching his demented brother, countless slain demons dissipating behind him in a collective surge of blue fire, illuminating the brother’s battlefield with the phantasmal radiance of death.

Among the demons fortunate enough to survive the massacre, the majority retreated from the canyon and into Equestria while the remaining few clung to the outer walls of the canyon in fear for their life, watching on as the two brothers had now focused their blood lust towards one another.

“T-those two!” shouted a frightened Satyr, trembling to the core as he pointed his claw directly at Dante and Vergil. “What sort of demons are they!?”

“They’re not demons!” growled another larger Satyr. “There’s only one word for what they are. They’re monsters.”

Lifting his sword with both claws, Dante then held Rebellion at the ready, tilting its blade towards his demonic brother. The crazed crimson devil was now the only obstacle left standing between Vergil and his goal.

“How long, Dante?” Vergil rasped harshly, gripping the hilt of Yamato jutting out from the sheath on his left foreleg. “How long will you continue to stand in my way!?”

Dante responded the only way he knew how, and charged recklessly at Vergil, releasing a rage induced roar.


The azure devil stoically stood his ground as he crouched at the knees of his hindlegs, patiently waiting for Dante to move in closer so that he could make his move.

While the mad demon was rapidly closing the distance, Vergil quickly noticed how Dante was practically telegraphing his attack as the manic demon lifted Rebellion over his shoulder with both claws as though he were preparing to deliver a heavy downward slash. Expecting nothing less from his mindless brother, Vergil let the crimson devil close in on him as he prepared to end this battle with but a single swipe of Yamato.

Right as Dante came within range, Vergil drew his blade with immeasurable speed as he sliced at his brother with one perfect fluid motion. Yet, despite Vergil’s lightning fast reflexes, Dante’s reaction was slightly faster. Just as the blade of Yamato was approaching his face, the crimson devil immediately ducked forward; the infernal metal of Vergil’s sword passing just above the back of his head as he pulled his own sword back down at waist level. Vergil’s luminous cyan eyes shot wide at his brother’s unanticipated maneuver as an alarming realization invaded his thoughts. He had left himself wide open.

With a clear shot at Vergil’s chest, Dante then drove his blade upwards, thrusting the razor, sharp steel of his sword straight through his brother’s torso. A pathetic retch escaped from Vergil’s throat as the azure devil’s lungs were pierced by Rebellion.


With Vergil now impaled on his blade, Dante maddeningly continued to drive his brother backwards, exerting the full force of his rage. Struggle as he might against the crimson devil’s raw strength, Vergil was completely at Dante’s mercy.

The two would eventually come to a gut wrenching halt as the crimson devil buried his blade further into Vergil’s torso before finally stabbing his sword into the edge of the canyon, thus pinning his brother to the wall with one last vengeful thrust of Rebellion. The resulting blow left Vergil struggling for breath as he could feel his lungs being crushed while blood spewed forth from his gaping jaw.

Unfortunately for Vergil, Dante was not finished with him just yet. The crimson devil proceeded to firmly grip the hilt of Rebellion and in an act of immeasurable strength, began to drag his brother along the rigid stone walls while simultaneously carving a long, bloody trail into the side of the canyon. Having built up enough momentum, Dante then came to a complete stop as he stomped down on his leading backleg, allowing him to dislodge his blade with an outward swipe and fling the azure devil off of his sword. The sheer force of his brother’s throw sent Vergil tumbling across the rocky terrain as if his body were nothing more than a ragdoll.

Watching his brother’s body fall to the ground, the red devil tilted his head up to the sky and howled triumphantly.


Slowly, Vergil picked himself up off the ground, Yamato still clenched between his furiously shaking claws as his split open chest heaved up and down. It wasn’t long before his labored breathing began to subside as the gaping wound gradually closed up; his demonic flesh repairing itself at an accelerated rate.

Noticing Vergil’s persistence and outright refusal to stay down, Dante bore his fangs as he let out a sadistic snarl.

Vergil then met his berserk brother’s gesture with a disgusted sneer as he retracted Yamato back into the sheath of his arm. “I’ve had just about enough of you!” he proclaimed through clenched, razor sharp teeth.

The crimson demon quizzically tilted his head in response to his brother’s venomous words. However, seeing Vergil take to his typical offensive stance, Dante caught on rather quickly and raised his blade before viciously dashing towards the azure devil once more.

Crouching just low enough on his hindlegs, Vergil leaned his body as far foward as he could before suddenly taking off in an explosive sprint with the hilt of Yamato still firmly grasped within his claw.

In a speed faster than the onlooking demons could follow and with a ferocity that would rival pure-blooded demons, the devil brothers charged straight for one another. Just as the two had approached striking distance, Dante quickly lifted Rebellion high above his head using both forelegs as he prepared to drive the gigantic sword down into the azure devil’s skull. True to his form though, Vergil would not be outplayed by such primitive tactics. Right as Dante raised his sword; Vergil drew out Yamato with blinding speed, rapidly slashing through the red devil as he continued to dash past his brother.

As the final cut was made, Dante completely froze in place, his body overwhelmed with shock and trauma as Vergil skidded to a stop a few meters behind him with Yamato still held out at arm’s length. The next moment, streaks of blood bursted forth from the crimson devil’s chest as the intense lacerations prompted him to drop his sword. An unsettling and agonizing wail escaped from Dante’s lungs soon after.


The haunting cries of the devil resounded throughout the canyon with a terrifying mixture of rage and agony. A piercing white light began to resonate all around him as his devil trigger began to dissipate. Suddenly, his whole body surged with an abundant discharge of raw demonic energy, completely and instantaneously reverting the crimson devil’s ghastly figure back into the red coat clad, yellow pelted, white maned pony that he was.

The screams had now subsided and the devil hunter soon lost consciousness, falling onto his back as he lay next to his relinquished sword.

Satisfied with his work, Vergil turned to see his defeated brother lying motionless before him. As he walked over towards Dante’s body, he began to feel a stirring within his soul. Suddenly, a wave of immense pain, fatigue, and exhaustion swept over him as surges of blue electricity rippled up and down his body. In a burst of light similar to his brother’s, Vergil's own Devil Trigger had dissappeared instantaneously. He too had unintentionally reverted back to his pony form.

The fight had taken more out of him than he had anticipated. His grey pelt appeared disheveld and unkempt, his once glorious, azure coat and vest had rips and tears all across them, and most noticeably, his mane had deflated from its sophisticated, slicked back style. Instead, his mane heavily hung down to his eyes, perfectly identical to Dante’s own look.

Vergil suddenly crumpled over in unrelenting pain, planting the blade of Yamato into the ground as a means to hold himself up. Taking a few moments to catch his breath, he weakly turned his head towards Tartarus. The doors were still open, its black void calling out to the half-demon. He then shifted his gaze back to his unconscious brother, who was but a few feet in front of him.

Enduring the constant pain that had now subsided into a dull ache, Vergil grabbed the sheath of Yamato that had fallen to his side with his left hoof, and lifted himself up onto his back legs. He then pulled the blade of Yamato from out of the ground and slowly trudged closer and closer towards Dante until he was standing directly over the demon hunter’s unconscious body.

“I’ve wasted far too much time and effort to get this far,” he breathed heavily, raising Yamato over Dante’s chest with a single hoof. “I can’t risk having you interfere any longer.”

Hovering the blade over Dante’s heart, Vergil soon began to rethink his methods. While killing Dante would most certainly free him from any more hindrances, he needed to contemplate the consequences of committing to such rash actions. Would killing Dante release the amulet from his body? Or was it eternally bound to him in this dimension? Would ending him destroy the amulet as well? If so, then the power of their father, Sparda would forever be lost to him along with any hopes of becoming a full fledged demon. Vergil wrestled with these thoughts as they continued to bombard his mind and impair his judgement.

Before he could make his decision, Vergil soon found himself completely enveloped in a magenta tinted magical aura, suddenly floating above the ground and away from Dante.

“That’s enough!” exclaimed Twilight Sparkle as she emerged from the dark cavern leading into the canyon, her horn glowing with the same hue used to secure the half-demon. As she stepped into the moonlit arena, Vergil could see her friends following in shortly after, along with the two rulers of Equestria: Celestia and Luna accompanying the group.

“What!?” shouted Vergil as he struggled in vain against Twilight’s magical hold. With no proper footing or ground to plant his backhooves on, not to mention his stamina nearly depleted, the half-demon’s pride took a sudden demoralizing blow as he was detained by that accursed unicorn mare.

“Excellent work, Twilight.” Celestia complimented with a cold and professional tone, not once looking towards her student as she trotted past the lavender unicorn. Instead, her attention was solely focused on the Gateway to Tartarus. “I trust you can hold him until Luna and I have secured the gates?” she then asked, still looking ahead.

“Yes ma’am.” Twilight replied softly before matching glares with Vergil, whose own gaze thankfully seemed far less threatening now than before, given his worn and battered condition. Seeing the arrogant half-demon in such a state gave Twilight the boost in confidence she needed as she strengthened her hold on him for good measure; not wanting to give him the slightest bit of leeway, let alone the opportunity to fight against her encasing aura.

“Good.” She stated almost emotionlessly. “Then come, Luna. We must make haste.” Celestia announced before galloping towards the gates.

“Yes, Sister.” the princess of the night complied without hesistation as she sprinted after Celestia.

With Vergil properly secured within Twilight’s more than capable grasp, Spike and the girls hurriedly rushed to their unconscious friend, Dante’s side.

Rainbow Dash was the first to arrive as she sprinted over before anxiously placing her forehooves on the devil hunter’s chest, shaking him back and forth pleadingly. “Dante! Get up! C’mon. Aren’t you supposed to be able to handle stuff like this!? I saw you get up last time!” Rainbow Dash yelped, fighting back tears as she continued to shake him.

“Rainbow.” AppleJack spoke up as she trotted up behind the pegasus. “I don’t think that’s gonna help him all that much.” she protested.

“Then what do you expect me to do!?”

Suddenly, a low groan caught the mares’ attention as the rest of the group joined in around Rainbow Dash and AppleJack. As she did a quick double take, Rainbow Dash saw Dante slowly begin to open his pale blue eyes. Noticing that he was trying to lift himself up, Pinkie Pie then took one of his forelegs and slowly helped the still dazed demon hunter sit upright.

“What happened?” he asked the group in a wearied stupor. “Did I get him?”

Letting loose a weak, tearful smile, Rainbow Dash lunged forward and wrapped her forelegs around Dante’s neck, pulling him tightly into her embrace.

"Dante!" the sky blue pegasus cried with tear filled eyes. "You're ok!"

"Woah! Easy there, Dash!" Dante laughed, gently patting the mares back as he hugged her back. "Of course I'm ok."

The group’s sorrowful expressions soon lifted into ones of joy, relieved that Dante was both alive and himself again.

“Don’t you ever scare us like that again!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she joined Rainbow Dash in on the hug, squeezing both ponies firmly.

“Pinkie.” Dante strained. “That’s a little too tight.”

“Oops. My bad.” She giggled innocently, releasing the demon hunter and rainbow pegasus from her overly enthusiastic embrace.

“Pinkie has a point though,” Spike agreed. “You really had a bit of a scary streak going for ya. What with the whole psychotic demon thing you pulled back there.” the young drake explained as he struggled to lift up the handle of Rebellion, allowing the devil hunter take the hefty sword from his trembling claws.

“Thanks, little dude.” Dante said as he planted the blade into the ground, leaning against the sword for support.

“What I’m more concerned about, deary,” Rarity then interjected. “Is why didn’t you tell us that you were a demon in the first place? None of us had any idea you could take such a, ahem, grotesque appearance. No offense, mind you.” she said apologetically, nervously rubbing one of her forelegs with the other.

Dante simply grinned at the elegant alabaster mare before speaking up. “Well that’s because you never as-“

“Finish that sentence, boy, and I’ll make sure ya don’t wake up this time.” AppleJack threatened playfully as she raised a hoof towards Dante’s head.

“What!? It’s true.” he groaned.

“He’s right.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “You never did ask him.”

AppleJack simply raised an eye brow at the party pony, a trace of annoyance in her expression while Rainbow Dash and Spike proceeded to stifle a few laughs.

“I’m just happy to see that both you and Vergil are alright.” Fluttershy said as she looked to Dante with a warm and heartfelt smile.

“Speaking of Vergil,” Dante started as he lifted himself up onto all fours. “Where is he anyway? I’m still a bit hazy on what happened.”

“The dirtbag’s over there!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pointing her hoof over to Twilight a few meters away, who was still levitating the vengeful half-demon with her magic.

“Heh. Way to go, bookworm.” Dante chuckled lightly as he instantly took notice of Vergil’s battered appearance. “Looks like she messed him up good.”

“Erm, most of that was you.” Rainbow Dash explained uneasily.

Suddenly, two brilliant lights shone across the canyon, turning everyone’s attention towards the Gates of Tartarus.

Looking onwards, Twilight and Vergil could both see the two alicorn princesses standing in front of the dauntingly gigantic marble doors. With the grace and poise attributed only to those who could honor such a title as princess, the two sisters spread their magnificent wings as their horns ignited with an enormously potent magic. Soon a golden aura casted by Celestia engulfed one of the doors while Luna casted a dark azure aura over the other.

It was at that moment that the doors to Tartarus had begun to close, shaking the earth beneath them as they scraped across the rough and rocky foundation. Seeing the princesses move the gigantic structures with such vigor, the few demons that remained within the surrounding area scampered and scrambled back within the confines of Tartarus just as the doors were closing. Their fear had obviously gotten the best of them as they collectively came to the consensus that while previously attacking the red and blue devils wasn’t the smartest thing to do, attempting to face down the princesses was simply nothing short of suicide.

Vergil could see all of his work coming undone before his very eyes as Celestia and Luna closed the doors with a thunderous slam.


“NO! You fools!” he screamed as he continued to writhe futily against the confines of Twilight’s binding spell. “Open them back, now!”

Paying no heed to Vergil’s delusional demands, Celestia and Luna continued onwards with the final touches. Their horns then radiated once more with their respective lights before both of the sisters shot forth a powerful beam of magic. As both streams made contact with the Gates of Tartarus, a glorious and shimmering magical barrier began to form all around the gates, restoring the magical seal that once held the gates firmly shut so as to ensure the safety of Equestria.

With the Gates of Tartarus finally sealed once more, the two sisters then turned back towards the onlooking ponies. Celestia walked back towards the group with a frighteningly determined stride in her step. As she drew closer, her eyes locked in on Vergil as her once neutral expression had contorted into that of a scowl.

Standing before Twilight with Luna following not to far behind her, Celestia silently leered up to the grey pelted pony trapped within her student’s magic. Vergil only met the white alicorn’s disgusted glare with a condescending sneer of his own; words proving unable to express either pony’s rage.

Celestia then lowered her gaze to Twilight, looking her student in the eyes. "We're leaving," she announced before turning to face the rest of the group. “Now!”

In a stunning display of her magical prowess, Celestia’s horn once again began to glow with a golden aura as a brilliant white light soon surrounded everyone within the princess’ proximity.

In a blinding flash of light, everypony had vanished as a burst of magic, creating a teleportation spell, whisked them away into the night; leaving the canyon devoid of any life underneath the pale moonlight.

Author's Note:

Chapter Name and Inspiration: Demonoid Phenomenon by Rob Zombie