• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,327 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 4: An Unexpected Visit

“Well how’d ya get here anyways?” asked AppleJack while munching on a forkful of her salad.

“Yeah, I mean if you’re not from Equestria, where are you from?” joined in Rainbow Dash.

“Well, from what Dante's told me, he said he was from a whole different world.” answered Twilight. “Isn’t that right?”

“Guess you can say that.” Dante answered still chewing on a slice of pizza. “Lately, I’ve been getting thrown across worlds like a damn pinball."

“This happens to you normally?” asked Twilight.

“Not really, wasn’t ‘til a few days ago I got involved in some weird meshing of two worlds because some metal-headed, nut job doctor thought it’d be fun to conquer my world along with his apparently.”

“Wow,” muttered Rainbow Dash while chewing away at a slice of pizza. “Sounds like that dude really needs a hobby.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Still don’t explain how you ended up here.” AppleJack butted in.

“Eh, I’m getting to it. Anyways, that Doctor Doom dude screwed up something and the next thing we know, he accidentally attracts this giant planet eating monster called Galactus who wanted to eat both mine and his world. So me and a few other guys from both worlds get together and totally trash him.”

“And that’s how you got here?” asked Twilight.

“Not exactly,” answered Dante. “Ya see after the whole mess, this wizard or whatever you wanna call him, Doctor Strange, pulls off a spell to help us get back to our world. After some help from my brother, he made a portal to send both Vergil and I back to our world and well…here I am...wait a minute.”

“Something wrong?” asked AppleJack, noticing Dante starting to space out.

“OH CRAP!” yelled Dante. “I totally forgot about Vergil!”

“Who’s Vergil?” asked Rainbow Dash looking somewhat concerned at Dante.

“Vergil’s my brother. He was with me when the portal acted up. I remember seeing him right before I wound up here. If anything that probably means he’s here in Equestria as well.”

Dante’s eyes suddenly shot wide open upon finishing his sentence. “Awwww crap. He’s here in Equestria.” he groaned, placing his hoof to his face.

“What’s wrong with that?” asked Spike, chewing a mouth full of hay fries.

“Yeah,” Twilight chimed in. “If anything, it’s a good thing if he ended up here, considering your circumstances. I mean could you imagine if he got lost in another world or didn’t make it through the trip at all?”

“No no no, you don’t get it. If Vergil’s here, God only knows what kind of trouble he might cause, especially in a world filled with ponies.” Dante stressed his point further.

“Oh come on! He can’t be all that bad.” laughed Rainbow Dash.

“You obviously haven't met my brother.” Dante's brow furrowed.

“Well what’s he like?”

“How do I put it?” Dante began, tapping his hoof to his chin thoughtfully. “Well for one thing: he’s rude, he's condescending, arrogant, a bit of a snob as well. He doesn’t care about anyone other than himself, and gets violent when things don't go his way. Over all, he’s a pretty cold and ruthless bastard.”

“That don’t sound too brotherly of ya sayin’ such things there, Dante.” protested AppleJack in an angry, almost offended tone.

“It sure doesn't," Twilight agreed. “You’re making it sound like he’s pure evil. How can you say such things?”

“Like I said,” Dante spoke up. “You don’t know Vergil like I know him. I just feel sorry for the poor sap that crosses his path.” he said while scarfing down another slice of pizza.

Vergil had finally arrived at the cottage after walking along the dirt path leading out of the Everfree Forest. Upon reaching his destination, the singing he had heard before seemed to be coming from the garden out in the front. After crossing the small bridge leading up to the cottage, he had soon discovered the source of the melodic voice. The singing was coming from a yellow female pegasus with a long, flowing, light pink mane, who was fluttering about, tending to the many birdhouses outside the cottage.

“How are you all doing today, little birdies?” Fluttershy cooed as she filled each of their birdfeeders with seed. “Did you all have a safe flight back here?” she asked. The small birds simply nodded happily in response before pecking away at their meal, causing Fluttershy to giggle in delight.

“Excuse me, Miss,” interrupted Vergil. “By any chance, would you know if there’s a town nearby? Or any sort of populated location for that matter?”

Upon hearing Vergil’s inquiry, Fluttershy turned around to answer him.

“Why yes there is. If you jus-“ was all she could say before letting out a loud, terrified gasp upon seeing Vergil, whose body was still bloodied and gashed.

“Oh my goodness! Are you okay sir? Do you need help? What happened to you? Oh my gosh, this is just awful.” Exclaimed Fluttershy as she hovered around Vergil nearly hyperventilating while examining his wounds.

Vergil taken aback by Fluttershy’s sudden burst of questions and overbearing concern, managed to compose himself after a brief moment of confusion and simply responded, “To answer those in order, Yes I am ok. The only help I need is directions towards a town and I got acquainted with some sniveling, rabid mutts. Other than that, that pretty much covers everything.”

“A-a-are you sure you’re ok? Your injuries look serious.”

“I’ve had far worse than this.” said Vergil, shaking off the momentary burst of pain in his back leg.

“But what could have done this to you?” Fluttershy asked while still steadily circling Vergil, looking up and down his body.

“I had a run-in with some sort of wolves in that forest back there. You know of them?”

Fluttershy let out another loud gasp as she placed a hoof over her mouth. “Oh My! You ran into Timberwolves? Thank goodness you’re ok, but how did you get away from them?”

Vergil let out a small chuckle at the idea of him retreating from any sort of encounter.

“Please, I had no reason to flee. I killed every last one of them. The damn mutts put up a more difficult fight than I anticipated though.”

Fluttershy was stunned at Vergil’s statement. “You killed them?” she asked with somewhat of a frown on her face.

Vergil raised his brow, “Yes. After all, they made the mistake to attack me. I see no reason to feel any sort of guilt, especially if they weren’t smart enough to know when to give up.”

Fluttershy slowly nodded, knowing this to be the sad truth. It was either him or them and she didn’t think anypony would want to end up dead if they could defend themselves.

“Now then that’s out of the way, exactly where is this town you were referring to?” asked Vergil.

“Oh yeah, um, sorry. It’s ummm, about a mile down the road that way.” she replied, pointing her hoof towards where the dirt path led from her house to the bridge.

“Thank you, ma’am. I shall be on my way then.”

Vergil began to walk off, leaving the cottage and started over the bridge. Fluttershy stared at him sadly, still fixated on his wounds. Though she did not know him, she couldn’t let him just walk away in his condition.

“Wait! Sir!” she yelled out flying over in front of him.

“Yes? What is it?” Vergil asked impatiently.

“I’m really sorry to bother you, but I just can’t let you head off on your own in your condition…if that’s ok with you.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine.”

“Please, sir. Your wounds are still bleeding and what if you catch a horrible infection? At least let me just patch you up. It’s the least I can do…please?” Fluttershy pleaded, her sad teal eyes staring straight into Vergil’s own cold, blue irises

Vergil only sighed. He knew this pegasus wouldn’t waver. Given his initial impression of her, he figured she had a gentle and caring nature, but had no idea she’d be so persistent. “Fine,” he conceded. “I could stand for a rest. I’ve had nothing but one eternal headache since I arrived here. Thank you, ma’am.”

Fluttershy gave him a big smile, letting out a small squeak in the process. “Oh, no problem, sir and, umm, by the way, my name is Fluttershy.” she said timidly. “Um, what’s yours, if you’re ok with me asking?”

“Vergil. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Fluttershy. If I must say, I find it to be quite an elegant name.” he said smoothly, turning back towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Oh, um, t-thank you very much,” Fluttershy’s cheeks flushed bright red, leaving the mare fumbling for her words at the stallion's compliment. “So, uh, right this way, please.” she stammered before hastily stumbling ahead of Vergil and escorting him in through the front door to her house.

“If it’s not too much to ask, would you grant me the use of your shower? I’d think it’d be best to at least wash off before tending to my injuries, wouldn't you agree?" asked Vergil, looking over his body; still trying to adjust to the fact that he was now a small horse.

“Oh, I don’t mind. Um, the shower’s over in the next room." Fluttershy pointed towards a door across the living room.

“Thank you.” Vergil said, walking through the bathroom door and shutting it behind him.

It took some time, but Vergil had managed to remove his clothes and get the shower on. He stood there letting the warm water run over his body, as his long wet mane fell down from its graceful style into his face. He had noticed the water was starting to sting his gaping wounds and gashes. However Vergil did not flinch nor wince, but rather stood stone faced looking up as the water continued to pour down over him while he was lost in thought.

I don’t know how or why the portal sent me here, but there has to be some way to get back to my world. Being stuck here as a horse isn’t exactly a favorable condition by any standard. To add insult to injury, this had to happen just after I was plucked out of the deepest pits of Hell, and ready to take back from Dante what was rightfully mine. How cruel and ironic this situation truly is.

Vergil’s ears perked up and his eyes shot open as he heard the bathroom door open up.

“Is there something you need Fluttershy?” he asked casually from behind the curtains.

“Oh. Sorry to bother you, but uh I just came to get your clothes for you.” Fluttershy stuttered as she picked up Vergil’s torn garments in her fore-hooves.

“That won’t be necessary, my dear.”

“Oh but I insist. I just didn’t think you’d be comfortable wearing them if they were so dirty. I can at least get some of the blood off them.” she said, her voice shaking a bit, still somewhat intimidated by Vergil’s presence. After all it’s not every day somepony like him showed up and just casually destroyed a pack of rabid Timberwolves.

“Hmph.” Vergil said grinning. “If you insist, Miss Fluttershy, then I guess there’s no arguing with such a charitable offer. Unless there’s a catch you plan on delivering after I’m in your debt.” Vergil said skeptically.

“Oh no, I’d never do that,” Fluttershy said defensively. “I don’t think it’s all too polite to make somepony repay me for helping them out.”

“Well, I thank you again for such a kind and generous offer.” said Vergil. Although a bit naive to be perfectly honest, he thought.

“You’re welcome.” Fluttershy replied, blushing as she walked out with his clothes in one hoof.

After stepping out of the shower, Vergil noticed Fluttershy had left him a pink towel. He grabbed the towel with his hoof and began drying off. He then proceeded to wrap the towel around himself, still cautious of his injuries, which weren’t nearly as bad as they were before, but for some reason they were still taking a considerably long time to heal over.

I guess it’ll take some time for my body to adjust to this new form, but for the most part it seems to be coming along at a gradual pace. I should be wary of that next time, Vergil thought while walking towards the couch to take a seat.

“Oh hey, you’re out,” said Fluttershy, trotting towards Vergil with a first aid kit in her mouth. “Hope you feel better after washing off.”

“Yes, very.”

“Alright then, just take off the towel so I can get to patching you up, please.”

Vergil removed the towel and stood up so Fluttershy could treat his wounds. For a few minutes they were both silent as the soft-spoken pegasus cleaned and bandaged his gashes. Vergil couldn’t really put his finger, well hoof, on it, but there was something about this mare that he found strangely inviting. Never before had he met someone so giving or caring. If anything, she was the exact opposite when compared to his previous associates: those who were nothing short of self-serving, traitorous, arrogant and detestable stepping stools whom often outlived their usefulness, if only to further advance his goals. But Fluttershy seemed to stand out as quite the exception. In all honesty, it was rather comforting to be around someone he didn't feel the need to outright dispose of. With that in mind, he figured he might as well enjoy her company for the time being.

“There, all done.” Fluttershy happily announced as she patched the last bandage on Vergils neck. “Hope you don’t mind, but it’ll take awhile for your clothes to dry."

“It’s fine,” said Vergil, sitting back down. “Besides, based on your appearance, I’m guessing clothes are an optional accessory here.”

“Well yeah, I guess you’re right.” she said quietly, looking Vergil up and down, inspecting her handiwork. As her eyes wandered over his figure, Fluttershy was starting to notice just how handsome of a stallion Vergil really was, especially with his mane matted down just above his pale blue eyes. She couldn't help but nervously look away every now and then, doing her best not to make eye contact, but had noticed Vergil seemed to have trouble keeping his eyes fully open as he let out a silent yawn. “Oh, are you tired?”

“Amazingly, yes. Not too often that happens.” he replied in a surprised yet collected tone.

“Well if you want you can rest here.” Fluttershy offered.

“Hmph, I think that’d be the best choice.” Vergil said, laying down on the couch and resting his head on his forehooves. “Thank you again, Fluttershy. I truly appreciate your kindness.” he said before shutting his eyes.

“You’re welcome, Vergil. Oh, and it was nice meeting you.”

“The feeling’s mutual.”

Fluttershy giggled happily and trotted her way out of the living room to let the tired stallion sleep.