• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 21,327 Views, 1,327 Comments

Pony May Cry: Brotherhood is Magic - Joey JoJo

A series of cosmic events cast the demon sons of Sparda, Dante and Vergil, into Equestria as ponies.

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Part 1 - Chapter 20: Bark At The Moon

After a tireless journey across the cold, moonlit wastelands, Vergil had begun to slow his pace as he approached what he believed to be his destination. Before him lay a massive mountain range that stretched all across the land, leaving no chance to pass without climbing upwards; save for a large cave mouth that seemed to lead straight into the base of one of the mountains. Quickly reaching into his saddlebag, the grey pelted pony pulled out the geography book and opened it to the map he had marked prior to leaving the Everfree. Surely enough, the map had confirmed that this was the exact cave mouth that led to the Gates of Tartarus. Venturing towards the enormous cave mouth, a low roar soon echoed forth from its depths, stopping the ever vigilant Vergil in his tracks as he readied himself for whatever beast that may present its self.

The ground started to shake ever so gently at first, but soon the tremors began to grow faster and more powerful with each passing second. Rising up on his backhooves, Vergil stood unfazed by the implied size of the creature that would soon be emerging. It was then that a large black, three headed bull-dog leapt forth from the cave mouth, barking wildly at the face of the half-demon pony. Not even flinching at the beast’s attempts at intimidation through snapping and barking, Vergil soon observed that Cerberus was being held back by three long, iron chains that were latched onto the spiked collars that decorated the base of each of the gigantic dog’s necks.

“I take it you must be Cerberus.” he said to the dog, not really expecting an answer.

Cerberus almost immediately stopped his barking to look down at Vergil and let out a low yet immense growl while still baring his fangs, almost as if he were confirming the demon pony’s inquiry.

“Am I also correct to assume you don’t plan on allowing me passage into Tartarus?”

Understanding exactly what the pony wanted, the beast began to bark relentlessly at Vergil, blowing his warm, vile breath upon the pony while coming within inches of the half-demon’s face as he tried to ward him off.

Vergil only let out a sigh as he stepped back and readied into his stance and gripped the hilt of Yamato with his hoof. Cerberus instantly took the gesture as both a threat and challenge towards his authority and began to tug wildly at the chains that binded him within the cave, wanting nothing more than to stop the arrogant half-demon. In an instant Vergil had released and resheathed the blade, the sound of metal slicing through the air rang loud and had brought the beast known as Cerberus to a silent halt. Curiously looking across his body with each of his three heads, Cerberus began to check for wounds after witnessing Vergil’s attack. After a second or two, the beast’s fears were quelled as the sound of the chains that restrained him soon clattered to the ground, having been cut clean by Vergil’s blade.

Staring down at the grey pony, Cerberus could only look on in curiosity at just what he was planning. However, his animal instincts continued to leave him on edge, figuring that blade could easily cut through his flesh as it did those chains that held him back. Quickly gathering himself, Cerberus soon let out an immense roar as he charged towards Vergil.

“Ungrateful mutt!” Vergil hissed as he leapt above the wild dog’s heads, landing atop the middle one. Cerberus began to shake his heads vigorously while trying to scratch away at Vergil with one of his paws, doing his best to rid himself of the half-demon.

Vergil however, held on firmly to a tuff the beasts’ fur atop his head before holding out his sheathed blade, and with a well timed jump, he leaped forwad in front of Cerberus’ face and smacked the dog’s large, sensitive nose with a powerful blow from Yamato’s sheath. Cerberus broke out into multiple yelps and whines as he fell forward onto his stomach and covered his nose in agony, whimpering beneath his paws that shielded his snout.

Having proved his dominance over the guardian beast, Vergil held out the end of his sheathed blade in front of Cerberus’ faces in a firm and commanding fashion. “Now then, are we going to listen?”

Cerberus silently nodded all three of his heads while still lying down before the devil pony.

“Well then,” Vergil began as he lifted Yamato before reaching back and pointing it towards the direction from which he came. “Leave.”

Cerberus looked at him, almost dumbstruck by such a request.

Growing more impatient with the three headed beast, Vergil forcefully slammed his sheath into the ground. His eyes burned with a firey and demonic glow as he leered down at the defeated dog. His voice then grew deeper and raspy as he commanded the now fearful Cerberus once more. “I said leave! Now!” He then pointed his sheath back behind him once again, silently directing the beast to depart from his post.

In a panicked scramble, Cerberus hurriedly stumbled to his feet before running off, leaving both Vergil and the cave entrance behind as his broken chains rattled off in the distance, eventually fading out from earshot.

“That should keep Dante off my tail for awhile.”

Satisfied with his work, Vergil then turned back towards the cave, stepped down onto all fours, and continued to venture forth into the pitch black entrance.

Running against the chilling night winds that blew across the desert like wastelands, Twilight, Spike, Dante and the rest of the girls were racing against the clock to reach the Gates of Tartarus. Every ounce of their stamina was being poured into this journey now, as they couldn’t afford allowing Vergil even the slightest chance of opening those dreaded iron doors that withheld some of the most violent and fearsome creatures as its prisoners. The longer they pressed on though, the more Twilight’s thoughts began to race, frantically hoping to find even the slightest indication of Vergil’s presence. Looking to and fro while still leading the group, Twilight had started to scan every direction for Dante’s brother; trying in vain to find some hoof prints in the lifeless, and dried up ground. I can’t believe it. She thought to herself, her eyes now focused straight ahead towards the mountain range off in the distance. He’s already gotten this far ahead of us? There’s not even so much as a trace left of him, or even a trail for that matter. What could he possibly be hoping to accomplish!?

Twilight’s thoughts were soon interrupted as the ground beneath the group began to rumble.

“Is that an earthquake?” Pinkie asked, her voice warbling as she shook with the ground itself.

“Might be just a small tremor.” AppleJack reassured, steadying herself as the group came to halt.

“I don’t think it’s either one of those!” Rainbow Dash piped up as she flew above the group, her sights focused on a large charging mass that seemed to be approaching from beyond the distance. “Looks like something big is headed our way!” She yelled out, warning the others as she was unable to properly discern just what it was that was headed their way due to the cloak of night.

“Whatever it is,” Rarity started as the intensity of the tremors began to grow. “It must be what’s causing such a horrible ruckus. Not to mention all this rumbling is doing a number on my hooficure!” she griped, worriedly examining her front hooves.

Within seconds, the large mass had come within a reasonable distance to make out its figure, only to leave the group more bewildered. Charging towards the group was the enraged three-headed dog known as Cerberus whose wild barking rang out through the empty night air almost like thunder.

“What’s Cerberus doing way out here?” Fluttershy asked, now growing more curious than frightened as she began to detect trace hints of pain as well as the occasional yelp between the enormous beast’s barks.

Twilight, catching sight of the beast, could only groan in both defeat and anger as the implications of Cerberus’ presence began to add up. I can’t believe it! He’s already made it to the gates! We were so close…

“Twilight,” Fluttershy spoke up, breaking the unicorn mare’s train of thought. “Cerberus is acting really strange. He might end up hurting somepony, or even himself if we don’t do something.”

“Fluttershy’s right,” agreed AppleJack. “If we don’t do somethin’ ‘bout Cerberus, we’re gonna be in for a heapin’ helpin’ of trouble.”

Overhearing Fluttershy’s comment, Dante looked off to the side to see a stray, hollowed out log lying only a few feet away. He quickly rushed over, and using his forehooves, quickly broke off a large piece of the dead wood in the shape of a board. The sound of the splintering log caught the girls’ attention as they looked to the demon hunter with a mixture of confusion and intrigue.

“Just what are you doing?” Twilight asked, observing the large chunk of wood Dante was carrying under his foreleg whilst standing upright on his hind legs.

“Well, Fluttershy there said we gotta stop that mutt,” Dante began as he summoned the nunchucks known as Cerberus, ironically sharing the same name as the guardian of Tartarus, into his free forehoof. “I figured it won’t take much to get a leash on this bad boy. Feel free to join.” He then ran off, charging head on towards the fast approaching beast.

Seeing Dante take the lead, Fluttershy fumbled her words as she tried to speak out against his brazen actions. “B-but, y-you can’t just rush in lik-“

“I figure you’re right there, Fluttershy.” interrupted AppleJack, who was now digging in her saddle bag. Moments later, she pulled forth an already knotted lasso with her mouth. “Can’t expect Dante to handle this one all by himself.” She explained as she spoke through her teeth that were firmly gripping the rope. The farm pony then ran after Dante with a lively “Yeehaw!” leaving Fluttershy trying to object to their course of action once more.”

“That’s not what I mean-“

“No worries, Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash said boldly as she hovered above her friend. “I got them covered!” Following suit, the rainbow-maned mare flew off after both Dante and AppleJack, ready to take down the berserk Cerberus.

“You don’t understand. What I’m trying to say is…” Fluttershy tried again to speak up, only for her words to fall on deaf ears as Rainbow Dash took her leave. “Oh no.”

Dante was running as fast as he could, having done his best in the past week to try and adjust to walking on just his hind legs; an accomplishment that, given the anatomy of his pony body, was no small task. Still though, he had managed to accomplish standing out, so to speak, from the rest of the crowd, and had regained his sense of normalcy and balance while standing upright.

Noticing that Cerberus was paying him no mind, Dante hurriedly ran alongside him, passing the enormous three-headed creature by. Before the beast had completely dashed past the demon hunter pony, Dante quickly threw the broken slab of wood he was carrying down and leapt atop it with both of his hind legs, skidding across the rough desert ground. He soon began to twirl his icy nunchucks and with a well timed twist of his upper body, Dante had managed to cast out one of the hooks of his weapon and instantly latched onto a chain dangling from one of Cerberus’ collars. As soon as the hook made contact with the chain, ice immediately began to freeze over the links, solifiying its bond.

“Whoohoohoooo!” shouted the ever enthusiastic demon hunter, who had now hitched a ride onto the colossal canine as it drug him and his makeshift board all across the desert. Feeling the pressure on one of his chains, Cerberus immediately changed directions by making a u-turn as he tried to fling the pony off. Thinking quickly, Dante kneeled down and grabbed the bottom of his board with his free hoof just before he was flung into the air. Pulling off a quick 360 spin, he kept hold of his board before falling back to the ground, all while continuing to hold onto the three headed behemoth.

AppleJack, finally catching up to the two, hurriedly tossed her lasso around one of Cerberus’ necks, and with all her might, began to pull at the beast. The shift in force caused Cerberus to turn as AppleJack continued to tug at his neck, but unbeknownst to the farm pony, his shift in direction had swung Dante around his backside, flinging the demon hunter straight for AppleJack.

“AJ! Watch out!” cried Rainbow Dash who was now flying just above Cerberus.

Catching a glimpse of Dante speeding towards her, the farm pony leaped high into the air, her rope still held firmly between her teeth as Dante slid just underneath her.

Noticing the pressure on his lassoed neck had let up, Cerberus instantly burst into a mad sprint as he tried to shake the two ponies. Instead, Dante continued to hold on tight to his icy chains, still surfing along the desert ground. AppleJack on the other hoof, had hastily climbed up her rope, leaving her dangling just a few feet from the speeding ground.

Catching sight of her two friends still struggling, Rainbow Dash sped into action, swooping down from above to grab the chain on Cerberus’ last and untethered neck. With all three ponies pulling at his necks, Cerberus was now feeling the strain as the sky-blue pegasus was tugging upwards at one chain, Applejack trying to drag one of his heads down from below and Dante pulling at the back of his middle collar as he continued to drag along the insufferable demon hunter.

“Pretty impressive how well those three work together.” Twilight commented as she and the rest of the girls along with spike kept a safe distane from the fray.

“This isn’t impressive at all.” Fluttershy complained. “They’re going to hurt the poor thing if they keep this up.”

“Pardon my intrusion, darling,” Rarity spoke up. “But I’m quite positive Cerberus poses more of a threat to us than we do him. I’m sure they can detain him.”

Fluttershy only pouted as she turned away, not entirely reassured by Rarity’s or Twilight’s words, let alone Dante’s and the girls methods.

Having fed up with their attempts at slowing him down, Cerberus only sped up, continuing to fight against against the might of all three ponies. Having built up enough speed, Cerberus once again came to an abrubt halt and quickly jerked all three of his heads to one side as he stopped. The resulting force sent Rainbow Dash crashing straight into Dante, throwing him off his board and causing him to lose hold of his nunchucks that were soon dismissed from his presence. As they collided with one another, both ponies let out an audible “Oof!” right before flying straight into AppleJack, who upon impact with her two friends, immediately lost her grip on the rope as she let out an audible cry herself. The three then tumbled and skidded across the ground in a heap of pained groans.

“Everypony alright?” AppleJack asked as she slowly picked herself up from under Dante.

“Yeah, I’m good.” The demon hunter answered, dusting the dirt off of his coat. “How ‘bout you Dash? You ok?”

“Just my pride.” She answered half-heartedly before standing up on all fours.

Standing before all three ponies, Cerberus let out a low and fearsome growl as he began to paw at the ground as though he were readying himself to charge straight for them.

Dante then stood up on his hind legs, walked past AppleJack and Rainbow Dash as he pulled Rebellion from his back, and then slammed the large blade into the ground. “Alright then, Fido; looks like we’re doing this my way now!”

Cerberus immediately broke out into a series of ferocious snarls and barks as he saw Dante ready his blade.

Witnessing the scene unraveling before her, a loud gasp escaped from Fluttershy as she realized just what Dante was planning to do. Breaking away from the group, the pegasus mare flew straight towards Dante, iliciting cries of concern and shock as her friends pleaded for her to stop.

Before either Dante or Cerberus could advance on one another, a loud and shrill cry rang out through the night, catching their attention and causing Dante to turn around and see Fluttershy rushing straight for him.

“Stoooooooooop!” she screamed, flapping her wings as hard as she could to reach the two.

“Relax doll. I can handle this mys-WOAH!” Dante cried out as Fluttershy shoved past him, cutting him off and knocking the demon hunter flat on his flank.

AppleJack and Rainbow Dash looked on in dumbfounded silence as they bore witness to the events unfolding before them.

“Hey what’s the big idea!?” Dante shouted angrily as he picked himself up off the ground. Looking back to Cerberus, his jaw dropped almost instantly as he saw Fluttershy gently rubbing behind the ears of the bull-dog’s middle head, cooing affectionately towards the now subdued beast who was panting happily at the treatment he was receiving.

“There there, Cerberus,” Fluttershy whispered softly to the oversized dog as she hovered over and started working other ear. “It’s ok now, sweetie. Nopony’s here to hurt you.”

Cerberus responded by leaning his head into the kind pegasus and started to whimper like a scorned puppy.

“What’s the matter?” Fluttershy asked as she flew in front of his faces.

The middle head then leaned forward past the other two as he stuck his nose out for Fluttershy to inspect it.

“I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” Dante finally said in actual shock as the rest of the group joined at his side.

“That’s Fluttershy for you,” chuckled a relieved Twilight. “She has quite a way with animals. Almost forgot how well she can handle even Cerberus.”

“Why didn’t she say anything before then?” Dante grumbled as he holstered Rebellion onto his back.

After a few seconds of observation, Fluttershy finally had found the problem. “Oh my goodness, Cerberus! Your nose is badly bruised.” She then softly rubbed the dog’s snout causing it to reel back just a bit as he let out another few whimpers. “Wonder what could have happened.”

Walking over to the chains that rested behind Cerberus, Dante noticed that the ends of them were severed by a straight and clean cut. “Pretty sure, it was Vergil.” He concluded as he gestured for the girls to observe for themselves.

“You mean Vergil was the one who did this to Cerberus!?” Fluttershy gasped.

“Pretty much,” Dante shrugged. “Although that mutt should be lucky it was just a bruised nose he walked away with. Normally he’d have turned fido here into kibble.”

Dante’s comment didn’t bode well with the three headed guardian when Cerberus let out a low growl as he looked down at the messy, white haired pony.

“Oh my!” Fluttershy cringed at the very thought of Vergil bringing harm to the oversized pup.

“So why didn’t he then?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “If pretty boy’s so determined to get to Tartarus, what stopped him from getting rid of Cerberus?”

“Because he’s already reached the entrance to the Gates of Tartarus!” Twilight blurted out.

“What!?” the group exclaimed, with Dante remaining silent as Twilight’s realization sank in.

“Don’t you see?” The unicorn mare explained. “He’s already made it to the entrance leading up to the Gates. He just riled up Cerberus here and used him as a distraction to buy himself some more time. He must have figured that we were following him.”

“How in tarnation would he have figured that?” AppleJack asked incredulously.

“My guess is that he must have seen Dante’s little light show earlier and more than likely came to the conclusion we were trailing him.”

“So I’m guessing that where Cerberus just came from is where Vergil is, right?” Dante asked.

“More than likely, yes.” Answered Twilight.

“Well that’s just fantastic,” Dante said sarcastically before turning towards the group to address them. “Listen, Twilight. While Dr. Dolitte takes care of Lassie here, I’ll go catch up with Vergil. If what you said is true then there’s no time to waste. After all, who knows what sort of hell that dirtbag’s let out this time?”

Without so much as waiting for a response, Dante immediately got onto all fours and bolted off into the distance from where Cerberus’ tracks had came.

“Dante!” cried Twilight.

“Dagnabit Dante!” shouted AppleJack furiously.

“Pardon my asking this, but what exactly did Dante mean when he said ‘this time’?”

“I’m not exactly sure,” Twilight answered. “But he is right that we need to deal with Cerberus first.” She then turned to the sky-blue pegasus with a steel resolve. “Rainbow Dash.”


“I’m going to need you to catch up with Dante and keep him from doing anything too hasty. We can’t afford to let him and Vergil wreack havoc anywhere near the Gates of Tartarus. Understand?”

“Got, it!” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Good. We’ll meet up with you and Dante shortly after Fluttershy takes care of Cerberus here.”

Rainbow Dash quickly took her leave as she flew off into the direction where Dante had ran off to.

It wasn’t long before Rainbow Dash caught sight of the devil-hunter running across the desert night, heading straight for the Gates of Tartarus.

“Dante!” Rainbow Dash shouted from above as she lowered herself closer to the ground, flying alongside her now determined friend. “Listen, Dante. Ya gotta stop now. Twilight said we gotta stick toget-“

“Twilight doesn’t know Vergil!” The demon hunter interrupted as he began to slow his pace. He soon came to a trots pace as Rainbow Dash lowered herself to the ground and joined him. Dante then turned to the rainbow-maned pegasus, a grave expression washing over his face. “Look Dash, I appreciate you and the girls helping me and after all that just happened, I sure as hell don’t doubt you all can handle yourselves, but my brother’s a different subject. He’ll go through anyone and anything to get what he wants, even me, his own flesh and blood.”

“Then I’ll just go with you by myself!” Rainbow Dash replied after a few moments of silence.

“You serious?!”

“Of course I am, Dante. I’ve seen what both of you can do and if what you said is true about Vergil opening those gates, then I’ll be sticking by your side if you need me. That’s what friends do after all.”

Dante could only shake his head at the spunky mare before giving in. “Fine then. From here on out, I want you to understand that I’m no longer responsible for what might happen should we catch up to Vergil. I don’t need you getting hurt because you got in the way, got it?”

“If you’re trying to scare me off, then it’s not working.” Rainbow Dash grinned.


The two ponies then ran off into the night, dashing towards the mountain range that withheld the entrance which Cerberus had guarded; a new resolve having formed between the two as they continued onward towards the Gates of Tartarus.

Author's Note:

Chapter Namesake and Inspiration goes to this awesome song here: