Life as a Sonic OC Redux

by Kitsulestia

First published

A revamped version of My Life as a Sonic OC

Two worlds, one adventure

Sonic belongs to Sega
OCs belong to me
Roll belongs to Capcom (hedgefox version belongs to Gammatron)
Bluestar and Ravenpaw belong to Erin Hunter

So it begins...

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It was a calm quite morning in the city of Mobotropolis where humans, Beastmen, Cyniclons and Mobians live together peacefully and in one of the apartment buildings three childhood friends were living together as roommates, a human girl named Lillian Rose, a hawk beastman boy named Jake Palmer and Danyelle the Nekomata. The three of them were on the couch watching the news about Sonic, Tails, Roll and a tanuki Beastman fighting off against Eggman and winning.

Danyelle spoke "I'm glad we have folks like Sonic around."

"Yeah if it wasn't for him and the others, Eggman would've probably taken over the whole world." Lillian says in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, Maria's PTSD... She's got a fear of guns due to what happened around 50 years ago..."

Jake spoke "True there but we really don't need a repeat of the Dark Gaia incident..."

"Yeah poor girl and as for that Dark Gaia incident when that happened, I literally thought the world was going to explode." Lillian says shivering a bit.

Danyelle spoke "I had to beat Shadow up once when I saw him pulling out a gun out of nowhere. So I had to confiscate all of his guns though."

"Talk about being an edge lord alright." Lillian says before they all heard a knock at the door.

Danyelle spoke "I got it."

The sky blue Nekomata got up and went to open the door.

After opening the door, Danyelle was surprised to see Sonic, Tails, Roll, Michiru, Shadow, Maria, five human females and three Cyniclon males at the door.

Danyelle spoke "Hey guys."

"Sup Dany, long no time no see." Sonic says with a smile.

"How you been sis." Tails added.

Danyelle spoke "I'm doing great."

"Who's at the door Dany?" Lillian called out from the couch.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, Tails, Roll, Michiru, Maria, Shadow, Zoey, Corina, Bridget, Kiki, Renee, Dren, Tarb and Sardon."

"Wow really?" Lillian asks.

Danyelle spoke "Eyup and I found out Shadow's weakness, his left ear is sensitive to touch."

Shadow glared at the Nekomata telling everyone his secret.

Maria scritches Shadow's left ear, calming him back down.

Maria spoke "You do realize that due to my PTSD, she had to take all of your weapons away."

"Hey sorry for interrupting, but why are you guys standing out here? Come on Dany, let them inside." Lillian says walking up to the group.

Danyelle steps aside to let the eleven in.

"Hey Jake, mind making lunch for all of us?" Lillian asks turning to the boy in question who was still sitting at the couch.

Jake spoke "Sure thing Lills."

Danyelle spoke "I'm starting to hate Baldy McNosehair..."

Lillian starts snickering the moment Dany mention that name.

Sonic chuckles "She heard it from me though. But I used to call Eggman "Robuttnik" when I was younger."

Another knock was heard.

Tails spoke "I got it, it's likely Inari. I had invited her."

Once Tails open the door he was greeted by a white vixen wearing a pink dress.

Tails spoke "Hey Nari, it's good to see you."

"Hey Tails, thanks for inviting me." Inari says happily as she comes in and before long everyone started to enjoy themselves except for Shadow who mostly kept to himself.

Miyuki spoke "Sorry I'm late kyu, I had work to deal with."

"No worries besides we got enough food here." Lillian says to Tails' older sister and as everyone was enjoying themselves Danyelle suddenly felt the ground start shaking.

Danyelle started feeling the ground shake. "Hey is it me or do you guys feel the ground shake too?"

"Yeah I felt it too." Agreed Jake and before anyone can say anything else the ground started to shake again until out of nowhere, Danyelle disappeared.

Roll and Michiru spoke "Danyelle!"

"Where'd she g..." Before Lillian can finish her sentence she was cut off before vanishing too.

Jake spoke "Lilli!"

Jake soon vanishes, along with Sonic, Tails, Roll, Inari, Miyuki, Michiru, Nazuna, Shirou, Shadow, Maria, Zoey, Corina, Bridget, Kiki, Renee, Dren, Tarb and Sardon.

*Unknown location*

Danyelle groans "Tails, get your butt out of my face..."

Tails spoke "I could if Shadow would get his foot out of my face..."

Lillian groans "Who pulled my tailfeathers... Wait... I don't have tailfeathers!"

Shadow spoke "You lot have five seconds to get off before I use Chaos Blast..."

The other 23 quickly detangle themselves before Shadow snapped.

Roll spoke "Uh guys, I don't think we're on Mobius anymore.... Plus Shirou's a winged unicorn..."

Shirou spoke "Shut up hedgefox."

Roll spoke "Bite me!"

Lillian got up as she starts looking around as she notices their surroundings as it was nothing but white. "Where are we?"

Danyelle had a small backpack with a Bluestar plushie on her back.

Miyuki spoke "I have no idea kyu."

"Mmm... What is going on meow?"

"Huh?" After hearing a voice that wasn't theirs, everyone looked around before noticing Danyelle's bag.

Danyelle asks "Why are you all staring at me for?"

"We're not really looking at you, we're looking at your bag." Lillian answered pointing to the Nekomata's bag.

Bluestar asks "Uh.... Meow?"

The living plushie hid in the backpack.

"Is it me or is your plush alive Dany?" Lillian asks.

Danyelle spoke "Eyup..."

Before anything else can be said, a portal opens under them before falling through it.

Danyelle groans in pain.

Sonic asks "Where are we?"

Bluestar had been turned into a real Mobian cat since she had absorbed a bit too much magic.

Lillian looks around before answering. "From the looks of it we seem to be in a classroom." She says before hearing a gasp causing everyone to look in the direction of the gasp only to find a young unicorn pony.

Bluestar spoke "H-hi."

The small unicorn was about to say something before being interrupted by a much bigger pony who was white and had both a horn and wings as she was complementing her on what incredible magic she possessed and would be happy to take her on as her personal student.

Danyelle and Miyuki both bow to the regal pony since it was proper manners to bow to royalty.

"Uh Dany, why are you and Miyuki bowing for?" Lillian asks the Nekomata in a whisper.

Sonic whispers "It's proper manners to bow before royalty...."

"Wait she's royalty, how can you tell?" Lillian asks.

Sonic whispers "It's how she carries herself... Sally's the same way."

Lillian looks closer at the tall pony before her mouth in a "O" fashion seeing what the others meant before bowing herself.

Maria had Shadow in submission before bowing as well.

After the tall pony finished talking with the younger one, she turned her attention to the group.

The mare spoke "It it seems you lot aren't from around here."

Jake spoke "No ma'am, we just got here but we don't know how to get home."

"Yeah we were at our apartment talking with each other before we got dragged away from our home and ended up here." Lillian added.

Danyelle pulled something out of her left tail.

Danyelle spoke "Look Lillian, I found this in my tail fur."

Lillian spoke "You might want to put that away Dany before some dragon hurts their teeth on it."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right."

And so, the 24 outsiders were offered a few rooms to stay in until they could find a way back to their world.


12 years later/ Friendship is Magic Part 1

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*Lillian's POV*

It's been 12 years since me and my friends have been accidently ripped from our world. During that time, Shadow and Maria had one daughter named Ruby while Tails and Inari had their first child, a boy named Rusty. Zoey and Dren had a girl named Anzu. Thanks to tanuki magic, Michiru and Nazuna had a boy named Alto. Sonic and Roll had triplets, two boys and a girl.

A female Mobian Arctic fox came up to Twilight as she was reading a book and greeted her. "Hey Sparkles!"

"Hey Korra." Twilight says greeting the vixen known as Korra while she kept reading her book.

Korra asks "What book are you reading?"

"She's reading about Equestria history about the two royal sisters." I answered as I was sitting under a tree that Twilight was sitting by.

Korra asks "But isn't the Summer Sun Celebration coming up?"

"Yeah but you know Twilight and her studies." I say with a shrug.

Using her waterbending, Korra drenches Twilight.

"Ahh! hey what was that for?!" Twilight asks looking up from her book and looking at Korra with an unhappy look.

Korra giggles "You forgot that Moondancer's having a party today."

"I'm sorry Korra but I don't have time for parties, I found something very important in this book that I need to look up back at home." Twilight says before using her magic to dry herself off before getting up and heading back to her place.

Korra asks "Who put salt in her coffee?"

Before I can answer, I heard Sonic crash into the tree I was under.

Sonic spoke "Oww...."

"Um you okay there buddy?" Korra asked Sonic looking up at him from the tree branch he landed on.

"Yeah I'm fine, just accidentally pissed Shadow off a bit." Sonic groans.

"What did you do this time?" I asked and before he could answer we heard Roll come over as she tells us what happened.

Tempest followed Roll as the others followed.

Danyelle had crashed into a tree.

Danyelle spoke "That hurt...."

"What happened with you Dany?" I asked the nekomata who also seemed to crash into the same tree I'm under too.

Danyelle groans "Shadow happened..."

"You pissed him off too?" I asked.

Danyelle groans "Caught him off guard..."

"You know not to do that to him because he'll do what he just did to you." I say as I shake my head in disappointment. "Anyways I have to check on Twilight, it looked like she might've found out about something in the book she was reading." I tell Dany before heading off to Twilight's home leaving Dany and Sonic to in the tree as they called out for me to help them get down.

Danyelle airlifted Sonic down from the tree since she had wings now.

Sonic spoke "Not my fault his left ear is sensitive..."

*At Twilight's tower*

After arriving back at Twilight's home, I heard Twilight ask Spike to help her look for a book.

Sonic, Danyelle, Tempest and the others follow after me.

I silently told my friends to keep quiet as they nodded, complying with my request.

Michiru whispers "Lillian, I have a feeling that something bad is about to happen. Even Shirou senses it too."

“I have that gut feeling too, ya know.” I quietly responded.

Korra whispers "My guess would be that Nightmare Moon is close to breaking free..."

“How do you know?” I asked in confusion.

Korra whispers "I read it in a book that... I had accidentally set on fire..."

Danyelle whacks Korra on the back of the head.

Korra yelps "OW! What was that for?"

Danyelle spoke "You know how Twilight is about books."

Korra spoke "Plus I heard rumors that a certain guard has a major crush on Twilight."


A brilliant gamboge Pegasus had sneezed.

The stallion sighs "I'm so gonna shave that arctic fox's tail for that later..."

*Back with the group*

Zoey spoke "Real smooth Korra, plus I heard rumors that you have a crush on a guy named Mako."

Inner Korra was freaking out.

Korra looked flustered. “Uh… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Zoey spoke "It's written on your face Korra, you have it bad for Mako. It's as obvious as Shining's crush on Cadence."

Anzu spoke "Like you're to talk mom, you and dad bicker a lot though."

Alto spoke "Good thing my mothers aren't like that."

Shirou was pacing about.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

Michiru spoke "Shirou said that the last few nights, he’s been seeing an alicorn mare in his dreams, calling out for help, warning him about a monster."

Alto asks "You mean the Mare in the Moon?"

Michiru spoke "That’s what it sounds like."

Danyelle spoke "As things are now, we've only got three alicorns."

Danyelle soon got a scroll to the face since it was from Celestia.

Danyelle spoke "Ouch."

Twilight asks "Danyelle?"

Danyelle lies "I'm fine."

A feathered dragoness spoke "Looks like Celestia tasked the lot of us with preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration."

Danyelle and Shadow teleported with the other Mobians to outside a town called Ponyville though Michiru and Nazuna stayed behind with Alto.

Alto spoke "*manifesting a pair of wings on his back since he was a tanuki Mobian as he spotted a certain Pegasus approaching* Good luck Sparkle Butt."

Alto took flight with his mothers.

Michiru had the legs of a bird while airlifting Shirou since he had no idea how to fly yet.

Nazuna was carrying Korra.

Flash spoke "H-hey there."

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Twilight turned around to see Flash Sentry, turning into a stammering mess.

The trio of Mobians laugh as they flew off with Shirou and Korra.

Alto laughs "Oh my god, that was priceless!"

Alto spots a unicorn mare with a broken horn before divebombing her, pinning her down.

The mare spoke "Get off me you stupid raccoon!"

Alto spoke "I'm not a raccoon! I'm a tanuki!"

Michiru asks "*sweatdrop* Was I like that once Shirou?"

Shirou spoke "Yeah."

Nazuna giggles "Michiru, you may be a tanuki but you're my stupid raccoon."

Michiru spoke "Silly kitsune."

*Back with Twilight*

Spike asks "Why do I have the feeling that Alto got called a stupid raccoon?"

Wendy spoke "Beats me, Spike."

Spike was a blushing mess.

Wendy asks "Huh? You okay?"

Twilight spoke "He's got a crush on you Wendy."

Wendy asks "W-Wha?!"

Spike spoke "Sh-she's right...."

A roar was heard but it wasn't from Spike or Wendy.

Twilight gasps "Wh-what is that doing here?!?"

Wendy asks "Wait, why does she feel familiar?"

A red dragon male spoke "She's not the only one. OI NATSU! GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!"

A smaller red dragon with a salmon pink mane along with a yellow dragoness show up.

Natsu spoke "Keep your scales on old man."

Wendy was definitely surprised.

The feathered dragon spoke "Hello daughter."

Wendy was shocked before she fainted from it.

A blue dragon teen spoke "Wow mother, you went and done it."

The larger feathered dragon spoke "I couldn't help it Ember."

Ember facepalms.

*After Twilight, Flash and the dragons arrived in Ponyville*

I ask "What took you so long Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Unexpected family reunion."

The blonde dragoness was carrying an earth pony mare on her back.

The blonde dragoness asks "Where should we go first?"

Twilight spoke "The list said to check on the food for the festival."

The mare spoke "That would be Sweet Apple Acres."

Spike spoke "But Twilight, we don't know how the others will react to 26 Mobians and five dragons... One of which is carrying a pony on her back."

Twilight asks "So?"

Korra spoke "He's got a point Twilight, there might be a pony that might not take well to larger dragons... Let alone Mobians."

Flash spoke "Plus that pink pony freaked out."

Sonic spoke "Looks like she was planning something fun."

Jazz asks "You sure dad?"

Rusty spoke "None of the folks here know what we are though."

Roll spoke "I was thinking that we split into five groups to cover all the areas faster."

The blonde dragoness spoke "The hedgefox has a good point Twilight."

Twilight spoke "I don't know..."

Zoey spoke "I agree with Roll on that, it'll save you less time."

“One takes the weather check, one goes to Sweet Apple Acres, one goes to Town Hall, one goes to check on the animal chorus, and uh…” I noted before thinking about the fifth task.

Bridget spoke "Before Sardon has a conniption from trying to figure that pink pony out..."

The blonde dragoness spoke "I'll go with the two hawks, the two tanukis and the fox to check on the food prep."

Rusty spoke "My dad and I will handle the weather."

Roll spoke "Lance, Jazz, Volt and I will check on the song progress."

Danyelle spoke "Sonic and I will try to find a place large enough to support 26 Mobians and six dragons."

Miyuki spoke "Inari and I will handle Town Hall."

I spoke "Let's meet up at the library later."

With that, the group splits up into smaller groups.

*Lucy's POV*

I was heading to Sweet Apple Acres with Lillian, Tempest, the earth pony and the Kagetashis.

The earth mare spoke "It's been a while since Ah was here."

The seven of us soon hear the voice of another earth mare.

The mare asks "Who’s there?!"

An orange furred chakat with leaf green eyes and brown paws spoke "Applejack! Ah believe that's part o' the group that came ta check up on the preparations fer the Summer Sun Celebration that's tomorrow and..."

The chakat takes notice of the mare on my back.

The chakat asks "Say Applejack, didn' ya say yer ma was dead?"

Applejack spoke "Ah did, but when Ah heard that voice, Ah thought someone was tryin’ ta-"

The earth mare asks "Ya callin' me a liar Jay-Jay?"

Applejack spoke "…Jay-Jay? Only one pony called me that, and that was…"

I sat down on my rear, causing the cream colored mare to slide off my back.

Pear spoke "It's been too long Jay-Jay."

The earth pony mare suddenly had tears in her eyes before she fainted from the shock.

I spoke "I think we overdid it..."

I picked Applejack up and shook her awake.

The chakat whistles loud thus calling in the rest of the Apple Family.

“WHOA! Just how big is this family?!” I asked in complete shock and awe.

Pear spoke "Mah family was 'bout the same size but Ah cut ties with them before Ah had Big MacIntosh."

“Huh? Why?” I asked in confusion.

Pear spoke "Ah don' wanna talk 'bout it."

Pear was soon on her back since a yellow earth filly had tackled her.

Pear spoke "Calm down Bloomy."

But the filly cried while tightly hugging her.

Not a single dry eye was seen among the rest of the Apple Family just as Maria pops up with an elderly stallion.

Noticing the stallion, Pear Butter spoke "Daddy..."

The stallion looked away in an apologetic expression.

Ears flatten, Maria spoke "It's time to put the past behind you, for everyone's sake."

*Meanwhile at town hall*

*Miyuki's POV*

I spoke "This place is coming along nicely kyu."

Inari notices a unicorn mare and a white chakat with green eyes.

I spoke "Hello there kyu."

The mare asks "Hmm?"

It was clear to the unicorn that Inari's fur was a total mess.

Rarity gasps "My goodness! What happened to your coiffure?!"

Inari asks "You mean my fur?"

I spoke "It's a long story kyu."

Unknown to the unicorn and I, a mysterious black stallion with a white mane and ghostly green eyes was watching while invisible.

Rarity asks "Kyu?"

I spoke "It's a verbal tic of mine."

Rarity spoke "Oh."

I ask "Is it just me or there someone hiding?"

But then I felt a chill shoot down my spine.

A stallion was heard yelping in fright since he had been pounced on by his Pegasus marefriend.

The stallion groans "Why do you keep pouncing on me like that Violet Glow?"

Violet giggles "Pinned ya!"

The stallion spoke "You forget Vio, I can phase through things."

The stallion disappears before reappearing, pinning Violet down.

Violet spoke "No fair Phantom!"

Phantom chuckles "All's fair in love Vio, you know that."

Violet giggles *Smirk* Really? Then how about this?"

Violet grabbed Phantom’s face and kissed him on the lips.

Phantom chuckles "Cheeky mare."

Violet giggled “Tricky stallion.”

Rarity spoke "Aww!"

The white chakat chuckles "That is adorable, right Rares?"

Rarity spoke "Indeed!"

I spoke "I agree kyu."

*Meanwhile with Tails and Rusty*

*Tails' POV*

I spoke "Seems someone's not doing her job of keeping the sky clear."

Rusty spoke "That or someone’s waiting 'til the last minute."

I spoke "Well, Danyelle did tell me that her favorite candy was skittles so if I use that as an insult..."

I look about for anything.

I call out "SKITTLES!!!"

Next thing I knew, I was sent flying into a building.

Rusty glares at the rainbow maned Pegasus.

Rusty growls "You hit my dad!"

The 8 year old tri-tailed fox Mobian slugs the mare in the face.

But the Pegasus was unfazed. “He insulted my mane and tail!”

Rusty glares even more at the mare, making her cower.


“Nah, Rusty, it’s alright. That was fair for me calling her that.” I responded, calming Rusty down.

Rusty spoke "But dad, you know that aunt Miyuki would've snapped if she found out that you got hurt! And it doesn't help that the mare has a rainbow mane. If Danyelle had used the skittles term, she would have gotten hurt."

A blast of ice had hit the rainbow maned mare's rear, freezing it solid.

Miyuki spoke "Damn right I would have snapped! You're my brother though Miles."

The Pegasus snickers "Miles... Seriously?"

I growl "Watch it Skittles, only my sisters and my wife can call me that!"

The mare asks "Then I won’t call you that, if you don’t call me Skittles. Deal?"

I spoke "Deal."

I curl my left hand into a fist before giving the mare a fistbump.

I spoke "And I do apologize for my son's temper."

Maria flew past me while carrying a wounded male jackal in her arms.

“Wait, isn’t that…!” I gasped in shock as I was about to ready myself to fight Infinite!

Rusty spoke "Cool it dad! He's in no shape to fight anyone."

“But that’s-!” I tried to explain.

Miyuki spoke "Miles...."

Yipe! That sister of mine, she’s real scary like that!

Even the rainbow maned Pegasus was shivering.

Rainbow Dash asks "Wait, I just noticed, why so some of you have more than one tail?"

Miyuki spoke "I'm a nine tailed fox, my brother's a two-tailed fox and my nephew's a three tailed fox. Oh, we never introduced ourselves either. I'm Miyuki Prower."

I spoke "My name is Miles Prower but I usually go by Tails most of the time."

Rusty spoke "And I'm Rusty Prower."

*Meanwhile with Roll's group*

*Lillian's POV*

Roll spoke "I hear singing."

“Definitely. And it’s pretty sweet too.” I agreed.

Tempest spoke "But we should be careful, we might be dealing with a skittish pony and taur."

“What makes you say that?” I asked in confusion.

Tempest spoke "One of my cousins is just as skittish."

Jazz slowly approaches the butter yellow Pegasus mare and the baby blue chakat.

Jazz spoke "Sorry for spooking you but that was a lovely song your birds were working on."

The baby blue chakat spoke "Shy, she's talking to you..."

The shy mare asks "O-Oh. Really?"

The chakat spoke "Yeah, there's a young foxgirl looking at you."

Jazz spoke "Um… I’m a hedgefox."

The shy mare asks "A what?"

The chakat spoke "A half-hedgehog, half-fox."

Jazz spoke "My brothers and I are two thirds hedgehog one third fox since our dad is full hedgehog."

To be continued

Friendship is Magic part 2

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*Danyelle's POV*

I soon meet up with Sonic.

I ask "Hey Sonic, find anywhere large enough to house 26 Mobians and 6 dragons?"

Sonic spoke "No, not yet."

I groan "Given that I'm the de-facto leader of the group of Mobians, I would prefer to keep them together."

Sonic spoke "If ya say so."

I spoke "I heard a loud crash earlier since Tails got beat up by someone."

Tails and the others soon meet up with Sonic and I at the library.

Since I was an avid reader, I was starry eyed.

Bluestar pokes her head out of my backpack.

Bluestar asks "Where are we?"

Lillian spoke "Book Geek alert, we’re at a library."

Bridget was giggling.

Bridget spoke "I like books too."

Noticing a silver band around Twilight's right foreleg, I ask "Hey Twilight, is that what I think it is?"

Twilight spoke "*Embarrassed blush* Um… Well… Uh…"

I snicker "Your brother is so going to lost his marbles once he finds out..."

Bluestar giggles.

Lillian giggles "Especially to Flash."

Spike soon burps up a letter and it was from Shining Armor himself.

I laugh "Talk about timing."

Tempest spoke "And Lillian, there's something I want to ask you."

Lillian asks "Yes?"

Kneeling down on his left knee and pulling out a pink diamond ring, Tempest asks "Lillian, will you marry me?"

Sardon had Zoey in a headlock since the black furred catgirl had the gall to reveal his plushie addiction.

Lillian gasped with hands on her mouth before she started crying silent tears with a smile.

Tempest asks "Is that a no?"

But then Lillian hugged Tempest with tears of joy.

Lillian spoke "Yes, Tempest. I will marry you."

My tails were wagging happily.

I spoke "I suppose congrats are in order and..."

I was soon cut off by a snarl from the blonde dragoness since Nightmare Moon had escaped.

“Uh-oh.” I dreaded.

Sonic spoke "Danyelle, I think it would be best that you keep that chaos emerald hidden. Last thing anyone needs is a mad mare out for blood."

I spoke "R-right."

Shirou darted over.

Shirou spoke "I'm going with you."

Sonic, Maria, Roll, Shirou, Michiru and I follow after the six ponies, overcoming the same challenges they had faced.

Bluestar stayed with Nazuna who also held onto the chaos emerald.

The eleven and I soon arrive at the ruined castle.

I spoke "My friends and I are with you Twilight!"

Twilight asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah, there's twelve of us against one moon mare."

Sonic spoke "I'm just as loyal to my friends as Rainbow is!"

Rainbow nods in agreement to what Sonic said.

Shirou spoke "I'm not one to lie to others."

Applejack spoke "Darn tootin'!"

Michiru spoke "I'm rather funny at times."

The hyper pink pony spoke "Same!"

Maria spoke "I care about my friends and I hate seeing them get hurt."

Fluttershy nods.

Roll spoke "I help others out without expecting anything in return."

Rarity spoke "Here here!"

I spoke "And when all five are present, a spark will cause the sixth element to appear."

Twilight spoke "We have to stop Nightmare!"

All of a sudden, Twilight and I along with the five stones were in a different part of the castle.

I growl while protecting Twilight from Nightmare Moon.

But then we heard dark laughter.

My fur was fully bristled up.

I think "{Good thing I left Bluestar and the chaos emerald with Nazuna.}"

I hiss at the dark alicorn.

Nightmare Moon appeared before she crushed the five stones into pieces.

The voices of the other ten were heard.

My eyes shimmer at the same time as Twilight's eyes.

I growl "You think you can destroy the elements like that?"

Twilight spoke "You thought wrong! the spirits of The Elements of Harmony are right here."

Nightmare Moon asks "What?"

Twilight spoke "Applejack and Shirou, who reassured Danyelle and I when we were in doubt, represents the spirit of... honesty! Fluttershy and Maria, who tamed the manticore with their compassion, represents the spirit of... kindness! Pinkie Pie and Michiru, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... laughter! Rarity and Roll, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift represents the spirit of... generosity! Rainbow Dash and Sonic, who could not abandon their friends for their own heart's desire represents the spirit of... loyalty! The spirits of these six ponies and four Mobians got us through every challenge you threw at us."

Nightmare Moon retorts "You still don't have the sixth Element! The spark didn't work!"

I spoke "But it did! A different kind of spark. I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I cared about you. The spark ignited inside me and Twilight when we realized that you all... are our friends! You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!"

I suddenly felt stronger.

Two sets of the Elements of Harmony appear on the twelve of us as we blast Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare screams "Nooooo! Nooooo!!!!"

My eyes and Twilight's eyes flash white as the darkness is ripped out of Luna's heart, causing it to be purified as it took on the form of a baby alicorn.

I spoke "Well Twilight, it looks like you're going to have a new responsibility."

Twilight asks "What makes you say that?"

I pointed at the foal near Luna.

Twilight spoke "Oh."

Shortly after the sun had risen, Celestia had returned.

Maria and the others bow as Twilight went over to Celestia.

Twilight spoke "Princess Celestia, you’re here."

Celestia spoke "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I know you could do it. But what I didn't expect was a second set of the Elements of Harmony."

Shirou spoke "It came as a shocker for... OOF!"

Shirou was soon on his back since he had been pinned down by a mare.

Sonic and the others snicker.

Michiru giggles "What's the matter wolfboy?"

Shirou spoke "*Blushing* Um… Uh…"

Luna spoke "Thank you."

Michiru and Pinkie were on their backs while laughing since Shirou was flustered.

I pick up the small alicorn.

“Wonder what we should call her.” I thought aloud.

Michiru asks "How about Nyx?"

Twilight spoke "That sounds like a good name for her."

I was soon covered in foal urine.

I spoke "Twilight.... You take her!"

Luna and Celestia giggled.

My ears flatten after I handed Nyx to Twilight.

I spoke "It's not funny Sunbutt."

This time, Shirou had snickered.

Celestia spoke "*Smiling with a tick mark* I will let that slide this time."

I spoke "You don't want to know what I call Rainbow though. Tails made that mistake one time... And got beaten up for it."

Shirou asks "Do you mind getting off me Moonbutt?"

Luna suddenly blushed at that nickname.

Celestia giggles "He got you there Luna."

Later in Ponyville, a big party was under way.

Twilight sighs.

“You okay, Twilight?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "I just realized that as great as it is to have friends, I have to leave them."

Maria had teleported before showing up with a unicorn mare in tow.

Maria spoke "Not to mention, you also owe someone an apology for skipping out on her own party."

Twilight asks "*Apologetic* O-Oh. Right. Sorry about that. I’m guessing Korra told you?"

Korra spoke "She figured it out on her own."

But unknown to any of us, a Mobian fox was watching us from a long distance.

Maria spoke "And speaking of...."

The immortal fox-eagle hybrid teleported yet again before reappearing with a gryphon hen, one that Rainbow was familiar with.

Rainbow spoke "Hello again Gilda."

A loud pained squawk was heard since a male Mobian gryphon got his head stuck in a tree yet his tail was wrapped around something.

Needless to say, Gilda was speechless.

Sonic spoke "Good thing Jet and his buddies aren't here. Last thing any of us need is a mad gryphon."

Rainbow Dash asks "Gilda?"

Jet spoke "I heard that, Hedgehog."

The male gryphon pulled his head out of the tree before turning to face the green hawk.

The gryphon spoke "Don't you even THINK of taking the idol of Boreas from me stupid hawk! It's a valuable treasure to my species and I'm not giving it up!"

Jet spoke "Calm down, Ezekiel. I wasn’t planning on doing anything with that."

Ezekiel spoke "Good, and the same goes for your friends."

Corina had an odd look on her face.

Jet asks "Huh?"

Renee throws Corina at Jet, causing the two to lock beaks.

Zoey giggles "Hehe, you can definitely be a trickster when ya wanna, Renee."

Renee spoke "Regardless of what a certain pink alicorn would say, only I can pick on my best friends like this."

Dren spoke "Barring that one time you punched me wolf girl."

The others and I laugh as Pinkie rambled on.

Dren spoke "For the love of... Shut up pink pony!"

The Benny Hill theme song was heard as Dren chases Pinkie around town.


Ticket Master/ Gadget's Arrival

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*Renee's POV*

I was napping on a bench with a book over my face when I felt that someone had moved the book.

I growl "Piss off Tarb before I hang you from a tree by your tail."

A red furred Mobian wolf chuckles "C’mon, Renee. That any way to say hi to a friend?"

My tail had shot straight up from embarrassment.

The red furred Mobian wolf asks "You really still have that habit, Renee?"

I spoke "I c-can't help it you know Gadget? I have a fear of bugs..."

Twilight was tending to Nyx since she had adopted the foal.

Gadget asks "Why don’t I help you get up?"

Getting up, I spoke "I'm fine Gadget."

Anzu was chasing Rusty since the three tailed fox had taken her favorite ribbon.

Anzu spoke "Give that back Rusty!"

Rusty spoke "Try to catch me!"

Since she had her dad's powers, Anzu teleported to in front of Rusty thus scaring him.

Rusty yelps "GAH!!!"

Anzu laughs "I warned you not to mess with a Mobian that has Cyniclon powers! Consider yourself lucky I can't create predasites to hurt you or the others. Plus I can tell you have a little crush on an orange Pegasus filly with a purple mane."

Rusty stammers "H-Huh?! What’re you talking about?!"

Anzu calls said Pegasus over.

Anzu giggles "I'll leave you two be."

After taking back her ribbon, Anzu teleported away.

Anzu snickers "That was funny, oh hey dad."

Spike had burped up a letter from Celestia.

Spike spoke "Hey Twilight, we got two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!"

Twilight gasps "THE Grand Galloping Gala?!"

Spike warns "Twilight, calm down will you? If the others find out, they'll want to go too. Plus with about 20 of them Mobians along with the dragons, they'd want to go too."

Flash spoke "He's right Twily, and we'd have to find a foalsitter for Nyx too."

Twilight teases "*Smirk* Are you saying you want in on the Gala, Spike?"

Flash chuckles "Judging by that look on his face, he wants to go with Wendy."

Spike was definitely a stuttering mess at that.

Flash chuckles "I can't want to see the look on Shining's face when he finds out about our engagement, right Twily?"

Twilight spoke "Don’t worry, I’ll keep him from strangling ya."

Flash spoke "As would your former foalsitter since it's so freaking obvious that Shining has a huge crush on her."

Twilight asks "Wait, Cadence?"

Flash spoke "Yeah but Shining's trying to deny it."

Twilight giggles "Heh, since when did you take up her job, Mr. Flashy stallion?"

Flash spoke "I'm not but even she knows not to meddle with the love lives of them Mobians though."

Though unseen by many, a ghostly gryphon hen was wandering around.

Spike suddenly shivered.

Zoey yowls before bolting.

Phantom asks "What's her problem?"

Phantom’s breath turned blue.

Violet spoke "Relax Phantom, Ghostfeather's not causing any problems at the moment."

Phantom spoke "Let’s hope so, otherwise I’d have to send her back there."

Ghostfeather spoke "Chill out dipstick, I'm not going to cause problems but that black cat will constantly keep freaking out."

Phantom spoke "She’s scared of ghosts."

Violet spoke "Which also includes you as well Phantom since you're half ghost."

Ghostfeather's breath had glowed green.

Ghostfeather asks "Did you sense that?"

Phantom spoke "Definitely."

A blue coated Pegasus filly with green eyes and black mane was running away from an out of control mob of adult ponies that had found out about the gala tickets.

Spectral had turned invisible to hide.

Phantom spoke "Yep, that’s my little sis."

Violet asks "Let me guess, she's also half ghost?"

Phantom asks "Wait, you don’t remember her, Vi?"

Violet slugs Phantom in the chest.

Violet spoke "That's for scaring me..."

Violet grabs Phantom by the shirt collar and kisses him.

Violet spoke "And that's for getting me pregnant a while ago."

Phantom gasps "Wait-what?"

Inner Phantom thought "{*panicking* Oh shit oh shit oh shit! I'm not ready to be a dad yet!!!!}"

Danyelle showed up and slapped Phantom at the back of the head. “Calm down.”

Phantom asks "Did you just try to slap me?"

Danyelle spoke "Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake-up call."

Spectral was on her back while laughing.

Twilight was talking with her fiancée.

Flash spoke "I'm glad I proposed to you Twilight."

Twilight spoke "I agree."

Flash chuckles "But remember that silly little dance you and Cadence used to do? How it'd go again? Oh right... Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake."

Dren spoke "Last thing we need is a screaming wolf though..."

Twilight spoke "Wait… *Dread* Oh no…"

Dren spoke "Yeah.. Renee's terrified of larger than normal bugs..."

Anzu pops up suddenly.

Anzu spoke "If my calculations are right, something bad will happen on the day of your brother's wedding."

Dren spoke "And as for Tarb... I think someone should warn Pinkie not to give him any sugar..."

A loud crash was heard over at Sugarcube Corner since Tarb had too much cake.

Dren spoke "*sweatdrop* Aaannnnd I spoke too soon... Oh and Twilight, I strongly recommend keeping Sardon out of your kitchen. He can't cook. And I'm not like most Mobians though. I'm actually an alien."

Twilight asks "Wait… What?"

Dren grabs some blank paper before drawing himself as his Cyniclon self.

Dren spoke "Here's what I looked like before I ended up in this world. Though my appearance changed, I still retained my powers."

Anzu spoke "And going off that note, I'm technically half alien."

Twilight was starry-eyed before fainting from the shock and excitement of meeting real aliens.

Anzu spoke *sweatdrop* Not all aliens could be friendly..."

Danyelle spoke "Don’t remind me."

Anzu yelps "Where did you come from?"

Danyelle spoke "I was here for a while."

Anzu was growling suddenly since she felt a dangerous aura.

Dren spoke "Oh no. Don’t tell me."

Tarb and Sardon pop up with Zoey, Corina, Bridget, Kiki and I.

Sardon spoke "It's impossible... But Deep Blue is making a come-back... and his next host is..."

Tarb spoke "If he took control of Twilight, that would render the Elements of Harmony useless!"

Flash gasps "Wait… What?!"

Danyelle spoke "It's kind of a safety feature with the Elements of Harmony... If they're used against one of the other bearers, they will cease to function for the others. I read that in a book about the battle between Celestia and Nightmare Moon."

Twilight's eyes had turned an icy blue but she fought to keep Deep blue from taking control of her body.

Twilight growls "{GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU MONSTER!}"

Glowing eyes suddenly appeared in Twilight’s shadow.

A voice spoke "Let me help ya with that."

A shadowy arm emerged from Twilight’s shadow as it went into her head before pulling an icy blue wisp out of her before it burst, breaking free from the shadowy hand’s grasp and escaped before the glowing eyes and shadow arm faded.

But Deep Blue was far too stubborn to let go of his current host.

Deep Blue laughs "Stupid mare, you can't possibly stop me!"

The voice spoke "Oh yeah? Well, EAT THIS!!!"

A boot on a leg popped out of Twilight’s ear, sending Deep Blue flying with a goofy yell/scream.

But the ghostly Cyniclon had a steel grip on Twilight's mind.

The voice sighs "Yare yare daze."

Zoey spoke "It's near impossible to stop Deep Blue though, it took the combined powers of my friends and I just to beat him the first time..."

The fox spoke "To think I’ll have to get serious for someone weak like Deep Blue? I’ve been slacking off too much."

I spoke "Wait... Zoey might be onto something! If it took the combined powers of five Mew Mews to beat Deep Blue the first time, it just might work a second time!"

The fox spoke "Good! I’ll hold him off while you five do your magic!"

I spoke "That won't work though Rei, Deep Blue's hiding deep within Twilight's mind."

Rei asks "I’m already finding him in there-Wait! How did you know my name when I showed up not long ago?"

I spoke "Pinkie Pie."

Rei spoke "Of course she knew."

Dren spoke "We got only one choice here... Train Twilight how to control her Cyniclon powers..."

But then a shadow was sent flying from Twilight’s head.

Rei spoke "Good thing I left a little something to keep Deep Blue in check!"

Deep Blue was soon shackled deep within Twilight's mind, unable to break free.

Twilight groans "Ugh... What happened?"

The shadow suddenly transformed into a Zoroark Poké-Mobian. “I helped ya shackle him with a little mental barrier.”

Twilight spoke "Great... I have alien powers now..."

Rei spoke "Just be glad you aren’t being controlled."

Dren spoke "About that, Cyniclon powers have to be trained as soon as they appear or they will go out of control."

Sardon spoke "Exactly so it'll have to be either me, Dren or Tarb that will have to train Twilight how to control these powers."

I ask "And as for the gala tickets, wouldn't it be easier to get a group pass since there's 30 Mobians total?"

Twilight spoke "Oh, right."

Danyelle spoke "It wouldn't be fair to the rest of us if you and one other went to the Gala."

Twilight spoke "Oh right! Spike, take a letter. *Ahem* Dear Princess Celestia, it has come to my attention that due to the number of Mobians, it would be near impossible to have only two tickets without having them or my friends along with my cousins fight over the tickets so I'm requesting a group pass for all 30 Mobians as well as a group pass for my friends, my cousins and I. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. PS, I also request a couples pass for my older brother and my former foalsitter."

Spike spoke "Okay, and... Done."

I spoke "Good call Twilight, last thing anyone wants is a town-wide fight if word got out about the tickets... *sweatdrop* Along with one or two Chaos Blasts...."

Violet snickers "Sly move there Twi, you had set Shining and Cadence up on a date without telling them!"

Twilight giggles "Heehee! What can I say? I have my moments."

I spoke "But Nyx'll need a foalsitter the night of the gala though."


Applebuck Season

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*Applejack's POV*

Miyuki was in an apple tree while munching on an apple.

Miyuki spoke "Oh hi Applejack."

"What're ya doin' up there?" I asked.

Miyuki spoke "Hiding from Shadow, he's on a rampage right now kyu. Let's just say pranking him is a VERY bad idea kyu."

"Ya think?" I deadpanned.

Tails was half shaven due to a prank from Gilda.

Tails spoke "MIYUKI!!"

Miyuki asks "GAH! Tails?! What happened?!"

Tails spoke "Gilda happened..."

I spoke "*sweatdrop* Mad vixen alert..."

Dren pops up suddenly with Zoey and Anzu.

Dren spoke "Hey AJ."

"We got a small problem." I said.

Dren asks "Mad vixen?"

"Eyup." I answered.

Anzu teleported before whacking Miyuki on the back of the head.

Miyuki growls "What was that for?!"

Anzu spoke "You need to take a chill pill, it was just a prank though."

Crosswind spoke "That didn't look like magic though..."

Anzu spoke "It's more of an alien ability I have."

Dren spoke "Even though I look like a Mobian cat on the outside, I'm an alien on the inside. Anzu's half alien."

Danyelle had crashed into a tortoiseshell Mobian nekomata male.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry!"

The tom spoke "N-No! It's my fault for crashing into you like that!"

Danyelle spoke "I got clipped on the wing by Shadow since he was in a foul mood..."

Renee was busy with something.

Danyelle asks "Do I know you?"

The tom asks "Hmm?"

Sonic chuckles "Hey Ben."

Danyelle gasps "Wait... Ben?!?"

Sonic chuckles "What's your beef Dany?"

Sardon was training Twilight on how to utilize Deep Blue's powers for good.

Danyelle suddenly dashed off as Sonic snickered.

Wearing a shirt to hide the bare spots until the fur grew back, Tails asks "What's her problem?"

Sonic snickers "Oh well, ya know."

Tails pieced it together and snickered too.

Tails snickers "Oh my Chaos! She has it BAD for the tortie!"

“Mind explainin’ what’s goin’ on?” I asked.

Sonic explained what happened to me.

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Twilight was hovering in the air, scaring the cuss out of me.

Twilight spoke "Hey Applejack."

“What’re you doin’?!” I asked in shock.

Sardon was also hovering in the air.

Sardon spoke "I was teaching her how to use her Cyniclon powers before they went out of control and I must say, she's a fast learner."

Tails spoke "No surprise there."

Sardon spoke "Exactly, none of us want to get hurt or worse if Twilight's powers weren't fully trained."

Twilight asks "Do you need any help with the apple harvest Applejack?"

I spoke "Course not! Ah can do this on mah own!"

Crosswind facepalmed at that.

I spoke "Uh, with Cross' help of course."

Crosswind still don’t seem convinced at that though.

Michiru spoke "That's a total lie AJ."

Rei showed up with a chuckle. “I wouldn’t have been surprised if your face while lying looked like this."

Crosswind spoke "Even though shi's a dumbass, Blizzardstar's a lousy liar."

Spectral was chasing Applebloom about the farm since the two fillies were playing.

I couldn’t help but smile at that.

Rusty zips past with an orange Pegasus filly on his back.

Twilight giggles "Seeing Spectral playing with Applebloom gave me an idea."

“What?” I asked.

Phantom spoke "Spectral's 14 yet she's still a blank flank since she's unsure of what she wants to do... Heck, I'm 20 and also a blank flank!"

Violet asks "Yet you know you’re a ghost hero, right?"

Phantom shifted back to his casual form which had white fur, blue eyes, black mane yet no cutie mark.

Phantom spoke "Ghosts can't get cutie marks."

Twilight spoke "Maybe Applebloom can start a club for other blank flanks."

Phantom spoke "I’d be more of an honorary member."

Violet asks "Do I need to punch you again Phantom?"

Phantom chuckles "*Pins Violet down* Try me, Violet."

Violet aims a back hoof at Phantom's crotch, inflicting him major pain.

Crosswind spoke "That had got to hurt..."

But Phantom and Violet just smiled at each other.

Squirming out from under Phantom, Violet flies off to hide.

Phantom spoke "As soon as I get better, I’ll come to find ya Vi."

Violet giggles "Catch me if you can!"

Miyuki froze Phantom's rear, easing off the pain from the kick before the ice thawed out.

Phantom spoke "Thanks."

Miyuki spoke "Any male or hermaphrodite would wince in pain from a kick like that."

Crosswind nodded in agreement.

Miyuki spoke "Now go get your mare."

Phantom spoke "Heh, don’t worry."

Phantom flew off like a white blur.

Zoey spoke "Ugh... I seriously need to overcome my fear of ghosts..."

Ghostfeather spoke "*Intangible behind Zoey* You can start now."

Zoey jumps up into the air in fear as a pair of black wings with pink tips burst out from the she-cat's back.

Zoey spoke "DON'T DO THAT!!!"

Ghostfeather spoke "Thought it’d be a good start. Besides, look behind you."

Zoey spoke "Guess that jumpscare triggered my ascension into alicornhood."

Twilight gasps "Wait… What?!"

Twilight faceplanted on the ground at that.

Deep within Twilight's mind, Deep Blue was laughing at his current host's predicament.

Deep Blue chuckles "{Never before have I had a host this funny before!}"

Twilight spoke "{Shut it, Blue!}"

Deep Blue chuckles "{Not a chance Sparkle Butt, your antics amuse me. But you should be on guard, I sense an aggressive tenrec approaching and she's after the blue hedgehog.}"

Twilight asks "{Huh? Tenrec?}"

Deep Blue spoke "{I might not know much but you should ask the hedgehog about it. And there's a unicorn out cold on the ground...}"

The unicorn Mobian groans in pain. "Owie..."

Sonic asks "What the?"

Looking around, the unicorn Mobian spoke "This isn't Canterlot High..."

Deep Blue spoke "{I think you should send a letter to that Princess before she mistakes this unicorn for some other unicorn.}"

Twilight asks "{Okay?}"

Deep Blue spoke "{Speaking of, I sense her coming now.}"

Just as Deep Blue predicted, Celestia had arrived.

Deep Blue goes silent since he was still a threat.

Twilight spoke "Hi Princess."

Celestia spoke "Hello Twilight."

Twilight spoke "Before you ask, that's not the same Sunset you once knew."

Celestia asks Hmm?"

Celestia saw the Mobian and definitely looked shocked.

the unicorn gasps "Wait, what happened to me?!"

Sonic spoke "Long story short... Starline happened..."

Sunset yelps "What? GAH!"

Sunset started holding her head in pain.

Danyelle restrains Sunset as Zoey used a healing spell on the mare.

Sunset groans "Ugh..."

Zoey asks "You okay?"

Sunset spoke "My head… I think I’m starting to remember…"

Zoey spoke "Just go slow with remembering your memories. Get too many back at once and you'll have a nasty headache."

Sunset sighs "Don’t remind me."

Zoey spoke "I'm Zoey Ikisatashi by the way."

Sunset spoke "Sunset Shimmer."

Celestia froze at that.

Sardon cuffs Celestia upside the back of the head, knocking the crown off a bit.

Sardon spoke "That's not the same Sunset you once knew."

Celestia spoke "S-Sorry. It’s just that…"

Sunset spoke "I don't know you though, sorry. I'm not the Sunset you once knew..."

Rei asks "But you know her counterpart, no?"

Sunset spoke "I don't think I met her though."

Twilight's eyes had turned ice blue since Deep Blue had something to say.

Deep Blue spoke "I doubt that's true since the human turned unicorn was unable to transfer to a new school because of that stupid platypus."

Rei suddenly started growling with fire-red/sea-blue/lightning-yellow color-combo eyes at that.

Sardon whacks Rei.

Sardon spoke "Cool it will you? Deep Blue can't hurt anyone right now since he's locked away in Twilight's mind."

Rei spoke "No, that wasn’t it. It was who he mentioned."

Sonic spoke "I'll get in touch with my Zone Cop counterpart soon."

I spoke "As much as Ah hate ta admit it, Ah need help."

Rei spoke "It’s not bad to ask for help."

Twilight and the others help me out with the harvest.

Twilight's horn glows a icy blue as she gathers most of the apples and puts them into baskets.

Miyuki bumped into Rei while carrying a basket of apples.

Gilda laughs "Real smooth cyro fox!"

Rei chuckles "If I was a tree, it would’ve been timber."

Miyuki giggles.

Much to the shock of the others and I, Miyuki had kissed Rei on the lips.

Rei suddenly went stiff from that and fell over like a tree.

Miyuki giggles "Heehee. Timber."

Tails spoke "Hehehe, wow. You knocked him out cold with that."

Danyelle spoke "Eyup."

Rainbow Dash laughs "Wow! You must have it bad for the trickster."

Miyuki spoke "Oh bite me!"

Gilda spoke "You're one to talk Skittles, I heard rumors you have a crush on a stallion named Soarin."

Rainbow Dash counters "Oh yeah, chicken-kitty? You have a crush on Ezekiel!"

Gilda pounces on Rainbow, pinning the mare down before tickling the bottom of the mare's hooves.

Rainbow Dash, while laughing, used her wings to tickle Gilda’s sides, making her laugh too.

Gilda spoke "Nice try but I'm not ticklish."

Rainbow Dash giggles "Oh c-c-come on!"

A female Mobian Vulpix was laughing.

The vixen giggles "You can't possibly beat a Prower in a tickle fight though."

Gilda spoke "Oh yeah, squirt? Try me."

Tails, Pixie and Miyuki gang up on Gilda before tickling the gryphon hen.

Gilda laughs "H-Hey! Three on one’s ain’t fair!"

Tails spoke "Consider it payback for the shaving prank you pulled on me."

Pixie spoke "And for calling me a squirt."

Miyuki spoke "And for teasing me."


Demon Dog the Brush-Off

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*Rainbow's POV*

Little did I know, a friend of mine was coming for a visit but it wasn't Gilda.

Pinkie asks "What 'cha thinking about, Dashie?"

But a unicorn head pokes out from my house since Clarity had come by for a visit.

I spoke "Hey Clarity, it's been a while you silly furbrain."

Clarity spoke "Chyeah and you promised we'd get some flying in today."

“Oh yeah.” I realized.

Clarity spoke "But it would definitely be more fun with Gilda around."

I couldn’t help but giggle in agreement.

Danyelle flew over since she was trying to hide from Miyuki.

Danyelle spoke "Word of advice Dash, never prank Tails or Pixie when Miyuki is nearby! And don't prank Maria if Shadow's around... Those two are SCARY when mad!"

Somehow, I believe that and got interested.

Clarity spoke "Heh, I’m always down for a good prank."

Danyelle spoke "Just so you know... No lightning pranks around Tails, no quesadilla pranks around Twilight, no cucumber pranks around the chakats and DEFINITELY no water pranks around me or Sonic."

Clarity spoke "Heehee. Sure."

Danyelle growls "I mean it hairball. And don't make me get Ifrit."

Clarity suddenly blushed as bright as fire at that.

Pinkie, Gilda and I were on our backs while laughing.

I laugh "Oh my Faust! She got you good Clarity!"

Clarity spoke "S-Shut it, Dash!"

Gilda spoke "Hehehe! Hey, maybe after our race, we could do an eating contest like we did at Flight Camp."

“Hay yeah!” I cheered at that.

Danyelle spoke "Just don't mention racing around Jet or Sonic... Both of them love to race."

Clarity spoke "And what’s the problem with that? The more, the merrier, and the more interesting the race is."

A loud bang followed by a screaming fox was heard since Dren had blown Sardon's lab up.

I pale at what just happened.

I spoke "Let this be a reminder for us... never leave dynamite lying around or Dren will get his hands on it and use it to pull pranks on others..."

Pinkie spoke "Yep."

Gilda spoke "Know what I heard? Them Mobians took up residence in that old castle in the forest."

"Wait, you serious?" I asked in surprise.

Gilda spoke "Yeah, there wasn't a mansion large enough for them all."

Danyelle spoke "It was my idea though since not all ponies are trusting of Mobians yet. Wings and second tail aside, I can easily pass for an anthro cat."

Pinkie asks "Really?"

I spoke "Hey Pinkie, we could show Clarity around town."

Pinkie spoke "That's an awesome idea!"

Gilda spoke "I got things to do so I'll catch up with you at the party."

"Cool." I responded.

Gilda flew off to meet up with Ezekiel since he had something planned for her.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Skittles, I heard a little rumor that you have a crush on a Pegasus named Soarin."

"W-What?! What're you talking about?!" I asked.

Danyelle laughs "It's as obvious as Shining Armor's crush on Cadence!"

*Meanwhile in Canterlot*

Shining Armor had sneezed.

Shining thinks "What is wrong with me?"

*Back in Ponyville*

I spoke "I'm so gonna tell Twilight about this!"

Danyelle spoke "Twilight already knows about Shining Armor and Cadence."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she flew off into the Everfree Forest.

Danyelle flew into a spindash, causing a Timber wolf to get shattered.


The other timber wolves turn tail and run away.

Danyelle soon finds an injured mare with a filly in her forelegs.

Wasting no time, Danyelle scoops the two up into her arms and flew straight to the hospital.

I spoke "That can't be good..."

*At the hospital,*

Danyelle asks "Will they be okay Redheart?"

Redheart spoke "Fortunately, they're gonna pull through."

Danyelle sighs with relief. "Oh thank StarClan.... May I see them?"

Redheart spoke "Okay, but please try to stay quiet as they need their rest."

Danyelle spoke "Right but what irks me right now is why they were in the Everfree Forest in the first place."

Redheart spoke "Now isn’t the best time to ask."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough and knowing Pinkie, she'd want to throw a party for the two ponies I had saved."

Pinkie asks "Aw! How’d you know?"

Danyelle spoke "I've got really keen ears."

Fluttershy spoke "You can be like a bat at times. And I mean it in a good way with your ears."

Danyelle spoke "Thank you Fluttershy."

Danyelle's ears twitch since she had heard yet another scream from Sardon.

Danyelle sighs "I swear to StarClan.... That fox reminds me of a certain dumbass I know..."

Sonic spoke "If you’re gonna say that dumb hyena, I’m gonna run into the ocean."

Volt spoke "Dad... You know you can't swim..."

Sonic spoke "I know, kiddo."

Danyelle spoke "If you think Ein is bad enough.... You don't want to be in the area when Pinkie and *shudder* Deadpool collab on a prank..."

Sonic spoke "Don’t remind me."

Danyelle spoke "But all three in the same place... That's just ASKING for trouble..."

Sonic spoke "Don’t jinx it."

Danyelle snickers "And don't get me started on that Shadow got Owned collab video on YouTube though Sonic."

Sonic snickered in agreement at that.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Dash, Pinkie! I need your help with a prank I'm planning to pull on Shadow."

“I’m in!” I smirked.

Pinkie spoke "Me too!"

Danyelle whispers her plan into Pinkie's ear then into my ear.

The three of us couldn’t help but snicker at the idea.

Danyelle snickers "We can't let Shadow know that it was us though... Maybe we can pin the blame on Ein."

“How?” I asked with a snicker.

Danyelle pulls out a block of gold from her right tail.

Danyelle spoke "There's one thing Ein loves more than pranks, and that's gold."

Danyelle throws a stick of dynamite at Shadow before throwing the gold at the hedgehog.

Shadow snaps "THAT HYENA IS DEAD MEAT!!!"

Heehee! Now that entertainment is golden!

Ruby groans "Mom! Dad's on a rampage again..."

Maria sighs "Things haven’t changed."

Ruby spoke "I swear to Chaos.... Dad has such a short temper."

Pinkie spoke "Huh, no wonder he’s emo Sonic."

Within Twilight's mind, Deep Blue was laughing.

Deep Blue laughs "That's hilarious!"

Danyelle spoke "Uh Pinkie... He's looking at us..."

I spoke "RUN!!!!!"

Danyelle and I flew off fast.

Pinkie was already gone as she somehow ran off faster than we did.

Shadow teleported to in front of Pinkie before slamming her into a tree.

Pinkie spoke "*in pain* That’s fast."

Danyelle flew over to Pinkie.

Danyelle spoke "I should have warned you Pinkie..."

Pinkie spoke "It’s okay."

Danyelle spoke "Rainbow and I were lucky that Shadow didn't have wings."

Sonic spoke "You forget that Shadow has some kind of rocket boots."

Shadow spoke "They’re Air Shoes."

Danyelle spoke "On top of that, they're also Extreme Gear... Just don't ask how they float or Tails will go into a jargon-filled talk about them... And the same goes for you too Twilight, I see that look in your eyes."

Twilight whines "*Pout* Aw!"

Danyelle spoke "Knuckles tried to one time and all he got was a headache."

Deep Blue was mentally laughing at his host's behavior.

Danyelle teases "*holding a brick of cheese in one hand* You want some cheese with that whine?"

Pinkie spoke "OOH! Burn!"

Bluestar giggles "Looks like Twilight's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Twilight comically had steam coming out of her ears.

Deep Blue was on his back while laughing.

Danyelle spoke "Somebody better call Flash over before Twilight loses it!"

“I dunno. If Flash shows up, Twi might lose it in a different way.” I smirked as Twilight blushed madly at that.

Flash chuckles "Did somepony call me?"

Twilight yelped with a jump as her entire coat blushed red.

Zoey laughs "Oh man! That was just too much!"

“Her insides must be on fire!” I snickered.

Danyelle laughs "More like chilled to the bone!"

Phantom spoke "You don't want to go in there Spike..."

Spike asks "Okay?"

Phantom spoke "I'd rather not have my tail set on fire by Natsu."

Natsu spoke "Dang right I would!"

Though unseen by all, a white wolf was near Danyelle.

“Oh right! Almost forgot Clarity!” I realized.

Clarity was invisible as she snatched a single apple before eating it all.

Danyelle spoke "Something is definitely off with Clarity...."

Danyelle whistles loud, calling in Ifrit.

Ifrit asks "You called?"

Clarity's wings shot up on end, startling me.

Danyelle spoke "Perfect timing."

I spoke "Holy hayseeds... She's an alicorn!"

Clarity spoke "Oops!"

Danyelle giggles "That's what, seven alicorns now?"

Pixie was itching at the ruff of fur around her neck.

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Pixie spoke "It's a shedding problem... Any Mobian with long fur has that issue pix."

Rei spoke "Ah."

Miyuki had a small bump on her belly since she was expecting pups.

Tails spoke "For the love of Chaos... Rei, I think you should propose to Miyuki before she gives birth..."

Miyuki giggles "Heehee! He already did kyu."

Miyuki showed a ring that had a rainbow gemstone.

Pixie spoke "I haven't found the right guy yet pix."

Rei spoke "Hmm… Maybe a lion dog."

Zoey asks "You mean a Komainu?"

Pixie spoke "I'm a Vulpix for heaven's sake!"

Rei asks "Something wrong with that?"

Danyelle spoke "Poké-Mobians don't have live births. They fall into the same category as dragons, all bird species, echidnas and platypi..."

Rei spoke "Woah, calm down. A lion dog’s not really half-lion and half-dog, it’s a dog that has fur that looks like a lion’s mane."

Zoey spoke "Plus they're often seen in pairs at any shrine."

Rei asks "Does Pixie have a problem with dogs or something?"

Pixie growls "I don't like dogs that much..."

Rei asks "Why?"

Pixie spoke "Don't ask..."

Rei was soon soaking wet since he got a double blast of water to the face.

A voice laughs "I got you good foxboy!"

A female Vaporeon Poké-Mobian with waterproof clothes and carrot-orange hair was giggling.

Rei chuckles "Heh, used some hydro pump, eh, Hydro?"

Hydro spoke "I got bad news for Sonic and the others... Eggman is planning to attack this world soon."

Rei spoke "No surprise there."

Hydro spoke "Zelda alerted me via temporal telepathy. In case you didn't know, she happens to be Silver's girlfriend since Blaze had gone missing."

Rei spoke "That doesn’t sound good."

A crash was heard since Silver and Zelda fall out of a temporal warp ring.

Zelda groans "Silver, get off me..."

Silver spoke "Sorry, Zelda."

Zelda got up before shaking the dust off.

Zelda spoke "It's just as I said, Blaze has indeed gone missing but Silver and I can't find her anywhere."

Rei spoke "Let’s just hope the worst hasn’t happened."

Zelda spoke "Don't jinx it, you baka Zoroark..."

Rei stammers "*Different voice* Wassat? H-How did you know? How did you know? H-How did you know I was a Zoroark?"

Zelda giggles "*Smirk* I guessed it."

That definitely made us laugh.

Silver chuckles "Zoroark don't have a tail. Plus I can tell that the sky blue nekomata's an expert on Poké-Mobians."

Rei spoke "*Imitating another voice with laughter* Ah! Wakka-wakka-wakka! Ah!"

That made us laugh even more.

Danyelle laughs "Holy cuss dude, that was Pacman's noise!"

Rei spoke "*Still imitating said voice* Not only that, but the laugh of a fuzzy comedian that’s beary funny!"

Danyelle giggles "Banjo and Kazooie, I know all of the Smashers though. Sonic's one of them."

Danyelle soon spots a Mobian bat with the exact same hair color and outfit as Bayonetta.

Danyelle spoke "Cereza!"

Bayonetta spoke "Well, quite the surprise to see you here."

Sonic chuckles "She's not the only one Bayo, Shadow and I are here too. And it seems you've been turned into a Mobian bat."

Bayonetta giggles "Now is that really a surprise?"

Danyelle jumps out of the way before a male Mobian bat crashed headfirst into a tree.

Danyelle spoke "And talk about timing... Luka's here too. And I sense that he has something to ask you Cereza."

Bayonetta asks "Oh?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I can tell that he wants to propose to you."

Luka stammers "*Flustered* Wh-What?! What makes you think that?"

Bayonetta giggled at that.

Danyelle spoke "I happen to be Master Hand's point of contact, you know? I know every single Smasher there is."

Danyelle suddenly burps up a letter from Master Hand.

Danyelle spoke "Mama mia! We got trouble! Some of the Smashers have gone missing!"

Rei spoke "*Facepalm* Of course."

Danyelle spoke "The ones that are missing are.... King Dedede, Kirby, Luigi, Bowser, Sora, Banjo, Isabelle, Joker, Wario, Lucario, Lucas, Ness and one of the two Ice Climbers."

Rei spoke "Kazooie must be freaking out about Banjo."

Danyelle spoke "Since Banjo went missing, the loud-beak breegull's in a panic."

Kazooie squawks "Shut up stupid cat!"

Danyelle spoke "It's rare to see the two apart though."

Rei spoke "*Smirk* Maybe she likes Banjo."

Kazooie squawks "SHUT UP YOU STUPID ZOROARK!!! And besides, Blaze has a crush on Sonic!"

Sonic grabs Kazooie by the neck and strangles the red hippogriff.

Kazooie soon had her head stuck in the ground.

Sonic spoke "The stupid Breegull had it coming."

Rei spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle spoke "Seems like she'll need some herbs for that burn."


Finding the Missing Smashers

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*Danyelle's POV*

Since I had the stupid red hippogriff in a backpack that I wore, I was talking with Cereza.

I ask "Any idea where to look?"

Bayonetta asks "Have their homeworlds been checked?"

I spoke "I haven't checked."

But then a male Koopaling appeared, definitely concerned about Bowser.

Kazooie spoke "I hate this so much..."

“How come? You did this all the time with Banjo.” I pointed out as I helped the Koopaling get up.

Kazooie spoke "I look like a bird-horse!"

Rei spoke "Well, you turned into a hippogriff, so no surprise."

Twilight asks "What's a hippogriff?"

Rei spoke "Half-gryphon, half-pony."

Sonic spoke "*facepalm* Rei, you forgot... Twilight hasn't seen a hippogriff before..."

Rei spoke "She truly will soon enough."

Kazooie and I slap Rei on the back of the head.

Rei yelps "Gah! What was that for?!"

Kazooie giggles.

I spoke "Like I always say... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake-up call."

Miyuki giggles "You're funny Rei."

Rei chuckles "Hehe, I try to Miyuki."

Zelda hisses suddenly.

Rei asks "Trouble already, huh?"

Twilight's eyes were ice blue since she had let Deep Blue take control.

Deep Blue spoke "Even I sense it too... An evil far worse than me is coming...."

Ringo asks "But what about Bowser?"

I spoke "We'll break him free first since I sense him coming."

Sonic spoke "Even with five Poké-Mobians, we're too small an army to stop whatever is controlling Bowser and the others."

Rei spoke "Sometimes, numbers don’t matter when skill, strength and ability is what’s important at those times."

A crash was heard since Blaze fell out of a portal as the lilac cat landed on top of Sonic, accidently locking lips with the blue hedgehog.

I snicker "Well, that solves the firecat problem."

Deep Blue laughs "I didn't see that coming!"

Rei chuckles "Definitely."

Zelda and Silver were on their backs while laughing.

Sonic asks "Uh Blaze, do you mind getting off me?"


Roll and Blaze are soon in a fight cloud.

Rei asks "*Bead of sweat* What's going on?"

Sonic spoke "Catfight...."

Zelda grabs the two females with Psychic, pulling them apart.

Rei asks "Wait, if that's Roll, where's Vince/Mega?"

Sonic and I both ask "Who?"

Rei spoke "Nevermind."

I spoke "Sonic's my brother though, despite the fact I'm a gryphon-nekomata hybrid and he's half hedgehog half alicorn."

Zelda asks "What should we do with Blaze?"

Rei spoke "Don't look at me."

I ask "What do you think Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Help me out here Tails!"

Tails spoke "Sorry, but you're on your own for this one."

Sonic spoke "Tails, you traitor!"

Roll and Blaze both got the same look in their eyes before dragging Sonic off through a warp ring.

Tails spoke "Even I'm smart enough to not interfere with that."

Pixie spoke "Same here pix."

Rei spoke "Could take a while."

Ringo spoke "I can understand that-GAH!"

Ember suddenly crashed into Ringo.

Pixie was laughing, as was Michiru and Pinkie.

I giggle "That was funny, right Cereza?"

Bayonetta giggles "Indeed. Looks like Ember has a bit of a naughty side to her, doesn't she?"

Ember got off of Ringo with a huge blush.

I dropkick Luka into Bayonetta, causing them to kiss.

Neither of them seemed to resist as Luka and Bayonetta started making out immediately.

Dren chuckles "Heh, guess the chicken needed a kick in the tail to get his point across."

Ringo groans "Ugh... What hit me?"

Wendy spoke "That would be my older sister."

Ringo spoke "Oh. My name's Ringo, and I'm a koopaling."

Ember stammers "*Blush* Oh, r-really? My name's Ember."

Korra was laughing since Mako's brother was being silly.

Wendy snickered.

Deep Blue spoke "You're one to talk skyfire, you have a crush on my host's assistant."

Wendy spoke "S-Shut it!"

Spike was stammering.

My eyes had flashed white, seeing a glimpse of the wedding that will happen between Shining Armor and Cadence.

I shook my head to clear my mind.

Silver asks "You sensed that too Danyelle?"

I spoke "Yeah..."

Rei spoke "Same here."

I spoke "We should warn Celestia ahead of time so that she and her sister know what is to come."

I suddenly burp up a letter from Celestia which had hit Twilight in the face.

Rei spoke "Talk about timing."

I spoke "She must have sensed the same thing and has decided to send Shining Armor and Cadence to Ponyville until further notice."

Dren spoke "But then that would mean one of us... Likely Sardon... would have to explain Deep Blue..."

Twilight spoke "No, I’ll explain it myself."

Sardon spoke "No Twilight, your alien powers are not fully trained yet. Dren, Tarb and I would be at fault if you lost control and attacked your own brother."

Twilight spoke "He’s my brother, he deserves to know about that from me."

Sardon spoke "Perhaps it would be best if you and I both explain it then since I'm the one that's training you to control Deep Blue's powers."

Twilight spoke "Fair enough."

But then we felt the ground rumble.

I yell "Rainbow! What in StarClan's name is going on?!?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Giant jacked penguin incoming!"

I spoke "Oh StarClan no... THAT'S KING DEDEDE!! EVACUATE THE TOWN!!!!"

Rei spoke "Huh, just like with the Jamba Heart."

Miyuki spoke "Now isn't the time Rei! We have to evacuate the civilians!"

Eyes turning ice blue, Twilight floated up into the air before summoning a sword.

Deep Lilac spoke "Your fight is with me penguin!"

Rei was airlifted by Rainbow.

Rei spoke "Two is better than one though Twilight."

Deep Lilac spoke "Call me Deep Lilac when I'm in this mode since I'm both Twilight and Deep Blue."

Wings flapping while devout beads float around my neck, I spoke "Four is better than three!"

Rei asks "Ah, so you have a Stand, eh?"

I spoke "Yeah, it's a 18-piece Stand called Celestial Gods."

Deep Lilac spoke "You could say that Deep Blue's my Stand in the sense of things and he's a self-aware one too."

Rei spoke "Well, looks like one of my powers is back. Heh, hope he’s ready."

Rei’s hair and fur suddenly went blonde and curved upward as his eyes turned green with a golden aura around him.

Shadow zooms off to Canterlot to warn Celestia of the impending fight and of the evacuation of Ponyville to the old castle.

Tails and the other Mobians that weren't fighting evacuate the Ponyvillians to the old castle to get them out of danger.

Rei spoke "Let’s see if you guys can keep up."

I spoke "Don't make me laugh Rei, I shattered a Timber wolf with just a Spindash when it was about to kill a Pegasus mare and her daughter."

Deep Lilac spoke "Let's do this!"

We moved at great speed towards the obsidian-eyed King Dedede as we started battling him.

Deep Lilac fired energy blasts from her horn at the penguin.

I spoke "If it were Kirby, we'd have a harder time since he'd copy our attacks."

Rei spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "Yeah."

Rei spoke "Let’s go!"

Deep Lilac spoke "EAT ENERGY BLAST!!!"


The two attacks merge before hitting Dedede in the face hard, snapping him back to his senses.

Rei spoke "Hit the dirt!"

Rei suddenly took cover before we heard flatulence as King Dedede flew all around us before crashing onto the ground, deflating back to normal.

Deep Lilac spoke "EWWW!"

I thought I was gonna lose my lunch.

Deep Lilac spoke "Good thing Tails and his sisters evacuated the town."

I agreed as King Dedede was definitely back to normal.

Deep Lilac spoke "My back feels a bit itchy..."

I spoke "Maybe it's because of the clothes you're wearing."

Rei spoke "I suggest finding some mirrors to look at your back."

Deep Lilac powers down thus causing the clothes to vanish before revealing a pair of foal-sized wings on her back.

Twilight spoke "Don't even think about laughing at me Rei unless you want to be run through with a sword."

Rei spoke "Why would I find that funny? That only means it was sooner than it was supposed to. So it'll take time for those wings to grow."

Twilight spoke "Great... Now I'll have to hide them until they're fully grown."

Twilight borrows a shirt from me until her wings were fully grown.

Twilight spoke "Thanks, Dany."

Sonic, Blaze and Roll soon return.

Blaze asks "What did we miss?"

Rei spoke "Not much."

King Dedede groans "Ugh... Man... Anyone got the number of the airship that hit me?"

Sonic spoke "Hey Triple D."

King Dedede asks "Sonic? What's goin' on?"

Rei's nose twitched.

I wingslap Rei.

Sonic spoke "You were under some sort of mind control so Master Hand had to alert his point of contact to the problem."

Rei spoke "Sorry, Dany. I just couldn't sense that."

Blaze growls "Do I need to roast a Zoroark?"

Rei spoke "I can avoid that, but no thank you."

Hydro drenches Rei again with another hydro pump attack.

Rei spoke "That would happen too if you scorched me."

Hydro chuckles "I like picking on you though Rei, it's funny."

Miyuki giggles "Heehee, you're all wet."

Rei chuckles "Really? Or are you wet?"

Rei and Miyuki smirked at each other with half-lidded eyes as they embraced.

I soon sense an unnatural gust of wind.

We suddenly saw a huge mountain giant made of ice.

Rei asks "Hmm? Is that Popo or Nana?"

My eyes shimmer.

I spoke "Oh crap, it's both of them!"

Rei spoke "Wait, the list said one of the Ice Climbers. ‘Cause we know how tough they are when they’re together."

Kazooie spoke "Regardless, the nekomata's strong too."

I soon take flight, dragging Kazooie along to deal with the two Ice Climbers.

Kazooie squawks "I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS!!!"

Then I noticed Rei running on the giant like he was some kind of ninja with white eyes before his eyes returned to normal.

Rei spoke "Looks like another power of mine came back!"

Even though her wings weren't strong enough to get her off the ground, Twilight flew through the air as she shifted to her Deep Lilac form.

Deep Lilac spoke "It's four on two!"

I spoke "Rei, you and Twilight handle Nana while the stupid Breegull and I deal with the other one!"

Rei spoke "You got it! The Giant does look like it has two heads after all. Time to make things hot!"

I spoke "Let's light 'em up!"

Rei spoke "For sure!"

I shot a stream of fire from my mouth.

Those attacks were super effective as the giant’s heads started to melt.

I spoke "It's basic Pokémon knowledge! Fire melts ice!"

Rei spoke "Yep."

I fly into a spindash, clonking both Popo and Nana hard on the head to snap them back to their senses.

Kazooie groans "Urp... I feel like I'm about to lose my lunch..."

“Banjo rolls around with you inside the backpack, right?” I pointed out.

Kazooie spoke "Yeah but not at that fast a speed...."

Kazooie was coughing up puzzle pieces.

Kazooie groans "There go my Jiggies…"

I spoke "Sorry."

Kazooie spoke "It’s okay…"

I spoke "You might need to lay off the Jiggies for a while..."

Kazooie spoke "I did carry those for Banjo if he ever needed them."

I spoke "When we find that earth pony, we'll snap him back to his senses."

Kazooie spoke "Thanks, Dany. I appreciate that."

I snicker "I'm no Cadence but I can tell you have a major crush on Banjo."

Kazooie blushed madly at that.

Rei was laughing.

I laugh "Gotcha!"

Kazooie was a stammering mess.

My eyes shimmer before spotting a brown earth pony stallion with a cream muzzle and a dark brown mane.

I spoke "Found the bear! Or rather, an earth pony with Banjo's colors!"

But his eyes were glowing purple.

I spoke "Let's get jiggy with it!"

I grab Kazooie by the neck before making her fire a grenade egg from her mouth at Banjo.

Banjo rolled, dodging the attack.

I kept making Kazooie fire grenade eggs at Banjo.

Banjo kept dodging it before I got an idea.

Kazooie asks "What are you gonna do...?"

I throw Kazooie at Banjo, causing the two to lock lips and beak.

“Bullseye!” I cheered as Banjo went unconscious after that.

Amaterasu was on her back while laughing.

Kazooie started pecking me in embarrassment and anger.

I grab Kazooie by the neck and strangle her.

Rei chuckles "Okay, calm down, you two."

I clonk Banjo on the head with Kazooie's weight, snapping the stallion back to his senses.

Banjo spoke "Goh! My head!"

Kazooie spoke "Good to have you back to your senses furbrain."

Banjo asks "Kazooie? That you, bud?"

Hiding a faint blush, Kazooie spoke "Even though I look different, I'm still the same bird."

Banjo asks "Different? Wait, what happened?"

I spoke "She's a hippogriff, you're an earth pony."

Banjo asks "Wait, really?"

I spoke "It's kind of a zone rule. Plus your shorts are gone..."

Banjo spoke "WHOA!!!"

Banjo blushed in embarrassment at that.

I spoke "Equians don't wear clothes though."

Kazooie taunts "Hehe, what’s wrong, Banjo? Scared to show some fur?"

I spoke "He's just chicken!"

Kazooie angrily spoke "Oh, you did not just call my bear chicken!"

Amaterasu was howling with laughter.

I spoke "I just did!"

Soon enough, Kazooie and I were in a fight cloud as Rei and Miyuki sighed at that.

Rei asks "Are they always like this, sweettails?"

Miyuki spoke "Not always but Danyelle hates it when someone touches her feet... Tails learned that lesson the hard way one Christmas..."

Rei spoke "Duly noted, snow princess."

Miyuki spoke "Oh how I love it when you call me that, ghostfox."

Miyuki soon had a contraction.

Miyuki spoke "Hospital...."

Rei’s eyes flash before he carefully picked up Miyuki. “Make sure to hold onto me tight.”

I spoke "I'll go let Tails and Pixie know!"

I flew off while dragging Banjo by a back leg to where Tails was.

Miyuki spoke "Okay, honeyllusion."

Rei zooms off to the hospital while carrying Miyuki.

A Mobian lion had dropkicked Bowser into a stone wall, snapping the Koopa back to his senses.

The lion spoke "That takes care of the firebreathing turtle-dragon."


Boast Busters

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*Yugi's POV*

I was reading a book when I spotted Rainbow fly past in a panic.

I think "{What's gotten into her?}"

Yami thoughtspoke "{We should investigate.}"

I thoughtspoke "{You're one to talk Atem, Téa's got a crush on you.}"

Atem chuckles "{Hehe, but that would also means she has a crush on you, since you and I share a body.}"

I thoughtspoke "{Shut it Atem.}"

Atem thoughtspoke "{Still, let’s find out what’s going on.}"

I got up and followed after the Pegasus.

I asks "Hey Rainbows, what is going on here?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "No time! Gotta find Twilight!"

I ask "*sweatdrop* Let me guess, new unicorn in town?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "That can't be good."

I soon meet up with my three friends.

I spoke "Hey Joey, Tristan and Téa."

Joey spoke "‘Ey, Yuge. Good to see ya."

I ask "Have any of you seen that new unicorn in town yet?"

Téa growls "Tch, yeah. Acted real annoying."

I spoke "Yami warned me about the mare...."

I was soon bowled over by Pinkie.

I spoke "Get off me pink pony."

Pinkie spoke "Oops! Sorry!"

My eyes had turned red since Atem had taken control.

*Atem's POV*

I spoke "You have five seconds to run before I take my teeth to your neck."

Pinkie spoke "*Smile* Okay."

The pink pony suddenly skipped away.

I got back up before shaking the dust off.

I spoke "We should talk to the purple pony."

Tristan asks "You okay, Yugi?"

I spoke "I'm fine."

A dark emerald green Mobian tom pops up suddenly.

The tom spoke "It seems your lion friend has the same case as Twilight does. Two souls, one body."

“What?” I asked in surprise.

The tom spoke "Yeah, you could ask her some time. Plus Sardon's been training her to control her new powers."

I ask "Who are you though?"

Dren spoke "I'm Dren Ikisatashi."

That name left me a bit confused.

Twilight's eyes were ice blue as she trotted over.

Twilight spoke "So, you're the lion I heard about from Sonic."

“Yes, I am.” I confirmed.

Twilight spoke "As you can tell by the ice blue eyes I currently have, I also have a second soul within my body."

“Yes. I can see that.” I responded.

Twilight spoke "Like Dren said, I'm currently training to use my new powers."

A pair of foal sized wings were seen on Twilight, causing Joey and Tristan to snicker.

Téa pulled on their ears for that.

Twilight growls "Watch it boys, my alien powers aren't 100% trained yet."

Joey spoke "Jeeze... Téa, that hurt!"

I chuckle "You had it coming though Joey."

Joey spoke "‘Ey!"

Renee was staring at a mint green Mobian tiger male that had brown stripes.

Dren spoke "Oh jeeze... Lovesick she-wolf alert..."

Twilight spoke "*Wince!* Gadget might not take it well…"

Renee's left ear twitches when she heard a scream before running off into the Everfree Forest.

Renee attacks a pair of timber wolves that were about to hurt a pale blue furred Mobian tiger male with dark blue stripes and black mane.

Renee snarls "LEAVE THAT KID ALONE!!!"

Renee rips the two timber wolves to shreds before picking the kid up and carried him back to where the others were.

The blue furred tiger held onto Renee, keeping his face buried in her fur since he was scared.

Renee asks "Did anyone lose a younger brother?"

The mint green Mobian tiger male spoke "I did. So you found Mokuba. Thanks."

Renee spoke "He nearly got eaten by some wooden wolves so I went to save him. Plus you would have done the same if my younger sister was in danger."

A light purple furred she-wolf crashed into Gadget.

The she-wolf spoke "Sorry!"

Gadget spoke "It’s okay-Wait, Renee?"

Renee spoke "That's my twin sister, Riley."

Gadget spoke "Whoa! You’re not kidding."

Renee spoke "Plus my fur's a few shades darker than Riley's fur."

Gadget spoke "Oh."

Renee spoke "Yeah and if I hadn't heard Mokuba's cries for help, who knows what could have happened to him."

Renee passes Mokuba back to Seto but the younger tiger wouldn't let go.

Zoey spoke "He's scared..."

Seto asks "It was the forest, wasn’t it?"

Renee spoke "Timber wolves actually..."

Seto spoke "I see."

Dren spoke "Oh for the love of...."

Dren roundhouse kicked Renee in the rear, causing the she-wolf to trip over her own feet and fall onto Seto thus causing both to lock lips.

That snapped Mokuba out of it was he was surprised at that.

A dark purple furred Mobian she-wolf about Mokuba's age was giggling.

Riley giggles "Hehehe. I know what ya mean, sis."

The dark purple she-wolf spoke "You're one to talk Riley, you have a crush on the red wolf!"

Riley stammers "H-Huh?!"

Dren chuckles "Hehe, just look at him."

Gadget blushed at that.

Twilight teleported Gadget and Riley to an already paid hotel room.

Renee giggles "Man, heehee!"

Twilight spoke "You're next wolfgirl!"

Renee asks "Wait-What?"

Twilight snickers "You might want to look at the green tiger."

Renee was flustered.

Rei spoke "Hehe. Definitely."

Zoey laughs "She's got it BAD!!"

Renee spoke "Shut up Zoey!"

Zoey stuck out her tongue at that.

Dren spoke "Kitten, quit teasing Renee."

Zoey spoke "*Trying to charm Dren with wiggles of her butt and tail* Aw, pwease don’t be wike that, Dwenny-Wenny."

Dren grabs Zoey before tickling her.

Anzu spoke "My parents are crazy."

Twilight's left ear twitches.

Twilight asks "Did someone wake up an Ursa Minor?"

Rei facepalmed.

Danyelle took flight before growling at the bear in its own language, asking who had woken it up.

The Ursa Minor growled back.

Danyelle spoke "Ah, you're just cranky since someone woke you up."

Claws glowing bright with magic, Danyelle gave the Ursa Minor a baby bottle of milk before sending it back to its den.

Danyelle spoke "See Trixie? This is why one should never wake an Ursa Minor from its slumber. It was just a cranky baby after all."

Danyelle whistles loud, calling over a unicorn stallion thus causing Trixie to faint with a blush on her face.

Rei chuckles "Heh, you’re a sly cat, ya know that?"

Danyelle spoke "Better a sly cat than a dumb hyena."

Rei chuckles "True."

A pair of purple tinted pink wings had covered Danyelle's eyes.

Twilight spoke "Cadence!"

Cadence giggles "Heehee! Hey Twily."

Despite her eyes being ice blue instead of magenta, Twilight giggles "Sunshine, sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

Cadence hugged Twilight as she hugged her back.

Deep Blue thinks "{Kill me now.... That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard....}"

Twilight spoke "It's good to see you and Shining Armor again."

To Cadence and Shining's surprise, Twilight's eyes weren't the magenta color they knew.

Shining asks "What happened?"

Twilight spoke "Well...."

Sardon spoke "I'll explain it sir. Much like the lion, your younger sister has a secondary soul in her body. I've been training her to control Deep Blue's powers before they go out of whack and end up hurting someone."

Twilight spoke "Exactly, I'm currently learning to control my alien powers."

Cadence soon takes notice of how small Twilight's wings were.

Twilight spoke "Don't you dare laugh Cadence."

Cadence spoke "I’m not, but they are cute. I know it’ll take some time."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle told me that you and Shining Armor are dating."

Shining blushed at that as Cadence giggled.

To Shining's shock and to Cadence's delight, there was a silver engagement band on Twilight's right foreleg.

Danyelle spoke "Angry stallion in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Shining spoke "Twilight, you better have a good explanation for this."

Cadence spoke "Shiny, calm down."

Cadence kisses Shining Armor on the cheek, doing the trick on calming him down.

Danyelle spoke "You must be Shining Armor."

Shining spoke "I am."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle, I'm sort of the de-facto leader of the group of Mobians that ended up here by accident."

Twilight asks "Wait... What?"

Danyelle asks "Whaddya mean what?"

Twilight asks "How did the lot of you get here in the first place?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh. That."

Bluestar meows "It's a funny story really."

Twilight asks "How?"

Danyelle spoke "Tempest, Michiru, Nazuna and Shirou are actually Beastmen though they look different now. Plus Shirou's also immortal, I'd rather not go into explanation how he became that way."

Twilight spoke "Oh."

Danyelle notices Blizzardstar.

Danyelle asks "Is that a chakat?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "I've never seen one before."


Look Before You Sleep

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*Danyelle's POV*

Some time after Fluttershy had stood up to a dragon, Tails and I were helping Applejack pull down loose branches since a storm had been scheduled to happen.

I spoke "We sure got our work cut out today Tails."

Tails spoke "I agree though I could say the same about Rarity..."

Rarity was decorating the branches before Applejack pulled the loose ones down.

I spoke "For the love of StarClan, we don't have time to be playing around Rarity. A storm was scheduled to make up for the drizzle that was missed!"

Tails spoke "Exactly plus you are kind of a dry-hoof when it comes to mud."

Rarity growls "What was that foxboy?"

I growl back "Watch it Rarity, you don't want Miyuki on your tail."

Rarity spoke "Sorry Tails."

Tails asks "It’s okay. How’s Miyuki doing anyway?"

I spoke "She's with her two children so yeah, you're an uncle now Tails."

Tails spoke "Whoa…"

It started to rain heavily.

I groan "Great StarClan... Rarity, why must you take shelter under my tails?"

Rarity spoke "I'll have you know I don't like getting muddy."

Rei spoke "*Showing up* At least you don’t have mysophobia like a crazy villain, Rares."

I sigh "It's bad enough Tails has astraphobia."

Tails pouts "Dany!"

I spoke "It's the truth Tails."

A loud bang caused Tails to curl up into a ball.

Rei spoke "Case in point."

I soon hear Twilight's voice call out.

Twilight spoke "Come on guys, get in quick!"

Picking the yellow ball up in my arms, I carry Tails inside Twilight's home.

After setting the fox down, I shake the water off my body.

Rei spoke "Man, rain sure is a doozy this time."

I spoke "And before you ask Twilight, I haven't had a sleepover since I was younger."

Twilight asks "How did you know?"

Tails spoke "Danyelle's got a rare gift not commonly found in Mobians, the ability to see things that have yet to happen. Pinkie Pie has a similar ability."

Rei spoke "Yep."

A crash was heard since a black furred Abyssinian tom about 9 years of age had fallen out of a strange portal.

The tom groans "Owie...."

Rei asks "Huh?"

I spoke "There's something about that cat that's familiar to me..."

Another loud bang causes the 9 year old Abyssinian to cling onto me in fear.

“Are you okay?” I asked in concern.

Bluestar spoke "He's in shock from what had happened. We have to calm Ravenpaw down or he'll have a heart attack which could lead to his death..."

I wrap my wings around the young tom, calming him down.

Rei spoke "Man… skittish little tom, isn’t he? No offense."

I glare at Rei.

I spoke "You shut up."

Twilight spoke "He said no offense."

Changing the topic, I spoke "Now, about that sleepover..."

Twilight happily spoke "Sure thing!"

Ravenpaw asks "Wh-what's a sleepover?"

Twilight's left eye had turned ice blue, startling Ravenpaw more.

Applejack asks "Twilight, what's with yer left eye?"

Twilight spoke "*Nervous chuckle* Sorry. It’s probably Deep Blue."

I spoke "It's a long story though. Anyways, I'm in the mood for smores."

Twilight spoke "Nice!"

Tails spoke "I think we should omit the scary stories though."

Glancing at Ravenpaw, Twilight spoke "Oh. Right."

I spoke "Good call Tails, last thing we need is a screaming cat."

Rei spoke "Okay."

My eyes flash white suddenly before I snap back to my senses.

I spoke "Screaming cat is one thing... but a murder tabby is worse..."

Rei snickers "*SNRK!* I’m sorry, what?"

I laugh "Oh that's kinda what I call Tigerclaw though."

Rei spoke "One moment."

Rei went outside before bursting into laughter while rolling on his back.

I spoke "If you think that's funny, I sent Ein flying one time! BLUE PUNCH BUGGY!!"

Rei laughed harder, rolling around more and more.

I spoke "And there was also a stick bug I had thrown at Moeka."

Twilight was howling with laughter.

Applejack spoke "*Laughing with smiles* S-Stop! Too much!"

Cadence was on her back while laughing.

I giggle "Plus I call Ein a screamer since he sounds like a girl whenever he screams."

Rarity tried to hold in her laughter, but failed miserably.

Bluestar was laughing.

Ravenpaw was chuckling.

I spoke "At least I can get away with calling Aphmau a stupid potato."

But then I saw black as I heard a *CLANG!*

But due to my clairvoyancy, I dodged the frying pan as it hit Applejack in the face.

Deep Blue was laughing.

A dark gray Mobian tomcat spoke "I KNEW IT WAS YOU, DANYELLE!!!"

Hehe, touchy touchy.

I give Zane the stink eye before flying off fast.

Rei spoke "Mad farmer alert!"

Twilight asks "Applejack?"

Only a dust cloud shaped like Applejack was left before we heard Zane scream as he was being chased by the Earth Pony.

I giggle "And cue the Benny Hill theme..."

Rei brought out a boom box and played some music.

I flew after Applejack to record the entire thing.

Zane got a whip to the rear, making him yelp.

Rei chuckles "HA! That’s so funny!"

Twilight spoke "To be fair, he had it coming."

Rei spoke "Yep."

Nyx was crying since the noise woke her up.

Twilight tried to calm her.

Bluestar started to sing to help calm the alicorn foal down.

Nyx soon went back to sleep.

A soft light had engulfed Bluestar before revealing the image of a yellow lightning bolt with a small bright blue star and a music note overlapping on her hips.

Rarity spoke "Well, this is unexpected."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

The song had also calmed Ravenpaw down too.

Rei spoke "Huh, that's new."

Twilight spoke "That didn't sound like heartsong though."

Looking up at Twilight, Nyx spoke "M-momma."

Twilight asks "Hmm?"

Returning, I spoke "She thinks you're her mom."

Twilight spoke "*Touched* Aww..."

After the mess had been cleaned up, I filled out the paperwork to indicate that Twilight was the legal guardian of Nyx.

I spoke "Despite that stray branch crashing our party, we had fun."


Bridle Gossip

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*Sonic's POV*

I kept hidden since there had been a newcomer in town but the ponies were wary.

Rei somehow wasn’t hiding at all. “What’s the big deal anyway?”

Miyuki pulls Rei into their house.

Miyuki spoke "There's a newcomer but there's something odd about her... It's got the ponies and other Mobians on edge."

Rei spoke "Eh, they’re jumpin’ the gun and just assuming."

Miyuki spoke "Remember how they reacted to the other Mobians? The shy one ended up fainting."

Rei asks "And what about Poke-Mobians?"

Miyuki spoke "Same reason."

Rei looked out a window. “It’s just a zebra out there. Don’t see any problem.”

Dren pops up.

Dren spoke "Pinkie's being paranoid though."

Rei asks "When hasn’t Pinkie been crazy?"

Dren spoke "She's worse than Tarb on a sugar high."

Rei spoke "You get used to it."

Dren spoke "At least there's a cure for sugar high."

Rei spoke "Yep."

Dren spoke "For Tarb, Sardon and I... Sugar is kind of like a drug to us though..."

Rei asks "Sugar rush and crash?"

Dren spoke "Much worse.... Last time Tarb was on a sugar high, he was screaming about fanged snowflakes."

Rei spoke "Imagine what would happen if Pinkie was Deep Blue’s host instead."

Dren spoke "The thought of that scares me..."

Yugi spoke "But I’m glad I can control myself."

Joey spoke "I doubt you can Yuge, you are a lion after all... In a place full of plant eaters no less."

Rei asks "Come on, they didn’t freak out at that, did they?"

Joey spoke "Danyelle, Sonic, Maria, Roll and Michiru have it easy since the five of them along with Shirou have the Elements of Harmony."

Rei asks "Well that blows. How’re the kids, Miyuki?"

The twin Alolan Vulpix girls pounce on their dad.

One had a blonde Zorua mane though.

Rei spoke "Heh, guess that answers that."

To Rei's surprise, Danyelle was talking to the zebra.

Rei spoke "*Smile* Not bad, Danyelle."

Dren spoke "She doesn't judge others for who or what they are."

Rei spoke "I'm glad about that."

All of a sudden, the sky above Ponyville was full of gryphons!

Jet asks "What in Chaos' name...?"

Rei spoke "Something must've happened."

Dren spoke "They're all looking at Ezekiel though!"

Rei spoke "I wonder why."

*With Ezekiel,*

Ezekiel asks "Gilda.... Why is everygriff staring at me?"

Gilda spoke "Don't look at me Ezee, you're the one that found the idol in the first place."

Ezekiel spoke "Well, you're the one that told everygriff!"

Gilda facepalmed at that.

Jazz spoke "Dad! Lance went into the forest!"

I spoke "Jazz, go find your mother and the other Mobian Elements."

Jazz spoke "Right!"

The light blue hedgefox girl zooms off.

Misty asks "What’s going on?"

I spoke "One of my two sons had gone into the forest."

*Meanwhile with Lance,*

Lance spoke "Oi filly! It's not safe to be in this forest!"

But Applebloom didn't listen.

Lance stretches out his left arm before grabbing Applebloom.

Lance thinks "{Did I just...?}"

Lance shook his head to clear the thought from his mind for the time being.

Lance asks "Why are you in the Everfree Forest?"

Applebloom spoke "Ah was followin’ Zecora."

Lance spoke "But the forest isn't safe at night though."

Applebloom spoke "But she can’t be as bad as they say she is."

Lance quiets Applebloom's mouth with his tail as his ears twitch.

A scream was heard from a Leafeon female.

Lance spoke "Filly, go get the Vaporeon and Espeon. Tell them we've got a Leafeon in danger."

Applebloom spoke "Okay! *Hugs Lance* Thanks!"

Applebloom ran off.

A flustered Lance thinks "{Great... My parents are so gonna tease me if they found out...}"

The yellow hedgefox leapt up into a tree before pulling out some binoculars to see what happened.

*Back in Ponyville*

Zelda was talking with Silver when she saw Applebloom dart over.

Zelda asks "You okay?"

Applebloom gasps "L-Leafeon..."

The exhausted filly collapses.

Picking Applebloom up with his telekinesis, Silver spoke "I'll get this one to the hospital in case she has a fever. You go find Hydro and the others."

Zelda spoke "Got it!"

Silver heads off to the hospital with Applebloom in tow as Zelda looks for Hydro.

Hydro was napping at the bottom of a lake since he couldn't drown in water.

Zelda spoke "Oh boy…"

There was a small rock near Zelda.

Zelda spoke "Better than nothing. I should wake him up."

Little did Zelda know, Hydro was half awake and looking at her with one eye open.

Hydro blasts Zelda with water.

Zelda yelps "GAH! Hey!"

After surfacing, Hydro chuckles "I got you good Zelda!"

Zelda spoke "Not cool!"

Hydro chuckles "It's what happens when you hang around Rainbow, Gilda and Pinkie long enough!"

Zelda spoke "A Leafeon’s in trouble!"

Hydro spoke "It's none of my concern... *yawn*"

A few seconds later, Hydro comically had tons of bumps on his head, courtesy of Zelda.

Hydro whines "Ow! What was that for?"

Zelda asks "Did you tell me you had a cousin?"

Hydro spoke "My uncle on my dad's side was killed by a Seviper, as was my aunt and uncle on my mom's side. Plus you have me mistaken for a different Vaporeon."

Zelda scoffs "*Bonks Hydro again* Then what makes you think your cousin’s not alive?! Huh!?"

Hydro spoke "Knock it of Zelda!"

Zelda snaps "Wake up, Hydro! This Leafeon needs help, and you’re napping?!"

Hydro growls "You know I can't help it because of my nature."

That did it for Zelda as she kicked Hydro into the Everfree Forest. “Get off your condescending tail and help me find her!”

A blast of ice froze Hydro solid.

A Glaceon Mobian spoke "Anna's my sister and Arceus have mercy on whoever hurts her..."

Twilight and the others soon enter the forest.

Twilight asks "What happened?"

Rei asks "Elsa? Why am I not surprised?"

Elsa spoke "So you're here too, you baka Zoroark? No big surprise."

Rei asks "Still giving people the cold shoulder?"

A female Sylveon Mobian spoke "She seriously needs to let it go."

Rei spoke "Ooh! Burn!"

Elsa growls "Did YOU have to go there Diana?"

Diana taunts "*Smirk* Oh? Something wrong?"

Danyelle was on her back while laughing and so were Pinkie, Michiru and Rainbow.

Elsa spoke "Unless you want to be put in a block of ice like the stupid lazy Vappy, shut up!"

Since he was in a block of ice, Hydro didn't hear what Elsa had called him.

Elsa spoke "If that Garchomp comes near me again, I'll freeze him."

Rei asks "Garchomp? Where?"

Rainbow spoke "She was talking about Raptor."

Rei asks "He’s back in his own universe, the Heartsverse, remember?"

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors that he hates his nickname."

But then we heard a sonic boom.

Danyelle teleported via Chaos Control to dodge the incoming Garchomp.

The Garchomp yelps "Ow! What gives?! First I found myself in a new world and now I crash into something?"

A random flag was on the dragon type Poké-Mobian's head.

The Garchomp asks "What’re ya looking at?"

Diana snickers "There's a flag on your head."

The Garchomp asks "Again?!"

Elsa spoke "Don't make me ice you again Riptorn."

The Garchomp growls "*Tick mark* What was that?"

Elsa freezes the Garchomp from the neck down in ice.

Elsa spoke "You need to chill out."

The Garchomp spoke "Again with the cold shoulder? You need to warm up to others."

Rei spoke "Oh!"

Elsa spoke "I'm an ice type damn it! You of all Poké-Mobians should know this by now Raptor!"

Raptor spoke "Heh. Now you need to chill out."

Rei spoke "He got you!"

Miyuki whacks her mate on the back of the head.

Miyuki spoke "This isn't your concern Rei-Rei."

Rei spoke "Sorry, babe. Couldn’t help help on the commentary."

Soon enough, half the Everfree forest was covered in ice.

Rei spoke "Let’s just hope the ice age doesn’t come back."

Elsa spoke "Quiet..."

Elsa's ears were twitching as she listens for any odd sounds.

Elsa spoke "I smell smoke! And where there's smoke... There's a FIRE!!!"

Rei spoke "No doubt about that.”

Elsa darted off into the forest.

Danyelle spoke "Pegasi! Gryphons! Grab as much water as you can and follow me!"

Danyelle breaks Hydro out of the ice before carrying him as she flew after Elsa.

Rei spoke "Time to choke out the flames."

Rei suddenly threw down a smoke pellet, enveloping him in smoke, but when it vanished, he was gone.

But Rei was soon pinned down by his two daughters.

Rei asks "What the? How’d you two little ladies find me?"

Kohaku yips.

Miyuki spoke "Smart girls is what they are."

Rei asks "Even though I smoke-teleported?"

Miyuki spoke "I may not look it but I can use Chaos powers alongside my usual ice powers kyu."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Miyuki spoke "Yeah."

Rei spoke "You sly Ninetales, you."

Miyuki giggles "Better a sly Ninetales than a dumb hyena."

Rei spoke "And three, two, one."

An explosion was heard, followed by a scream from said hyena.

Miyuki giggles "Ten bits says that was Shadow's Chaos Blast."

Rei spoke "20 says it was what caused the forest fire."

Miyuki spoke "Chaos Blast doesn't cause fires...."

Rei asks "Who said it was from Chaos Blast?"

Danyelle was dragging a half dead Mobian spotted hyena male by the tail over to where Rei was.

Danyelle spoke "I found this dumbass trying to burn the forest down."

Rei asks "Just for the fun of it?"

Danyelle spoke "Afraid so... *sigh* I'll deal with this brat myself."

Danyelle started beating Ein up, causing him to scream like a girl which in turn caused everyone to laugh.

I laugh "Oh my Chaos! That's just too much!"

Rei asks "Ooh! Mind if I add in a little something?"

Danyelle spoke "I'll deal with Ein myself since he's nothing but trouble."

Rei spoke "Oh come on, let others have in on the fun."

Danyelle spoke "You could go beat Pierce up."

Rei spoke "Only if he really causes trouble."

Danyelle spoke "Ein and Pierce are both at fault for this mess."

Rei spoke "Then I’ll only be a minute."

Rei suddenly dug into the ground.

Danyelle growls "What do you have to say for yourself dumbass?"

Rei spoke "DIG!"

Then we heard something like a spring before we heard another scream, which was from Pierce this time since he was launched right into the air before he crashed next to Ein.

Danyelle growls "I have half a mind to tell Aphmau about your behavior... If you two continue pulling dangerous pranks like this, I WILL banish you from Equestria!"

A puff of smoke appeared, and with it faded, Rei was in its place.

Danyelle dropkicks Ein and Pierce through a warp ring, sending them back to Mobius.

Danyelle spoke "And never come back!"

Rei spoke "Knowing them, they probably will."

Danyelle spoke "There's one or two idiots in every universe..."

I spoke "True there."


Thundering Skies, Icy Winds and Blazing Fires

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*Danyelle's POV*

I was hiding from Shadow since he was in a foul mood once again when a stray bolt of lightning came out of nowhere and hit a tree at Sweet Apple Acres. I immediately called all of the Poké-Mobians over and headed to the farm.

I ask "Applejack, what happened here?"

Applejack spoke "A-Ah don’t know! It just struck all o’ a sudden!"

Rei spoke "*Sniff! Sniff!* Well, it reeks of thunder bolts, so a Pikachu-Mewtwo hybrid."

Anna comforts Applejack.

Sparky spoke "This wasn't my fault though but I know who is behind it."

I soon pick up on the scent of another Poké-Mobian, likely a female.

I spoke "Wait a minute you stupid Jolteon, I smell female Braixen-Mewtwo hybrid as well. You might as well come out Ash, I know you're hiding somewhere with your girlfriend."

Hydro asks "What are you...?"

I stuff an apple in Hydro's mouth.

I spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Two yellow ears tipped in black were poking up out of a bush.

Rei spoke "More."

The ears raised, revealing a scalp wearing a red league cap.

Rei spoke "More."

The scalp raised, revealing a head with bolt-shaped whisker-like markings below his eyes.

Rei spoke "More."

The head raised, revealing him to be wearing some kind of blue jacket.

Rei spoke "All the way,mister!"

I spoke "You too foxgirl."

Two figures came out of the bush.

I spoke "Kinda figured it was you two, Ash and Serena."

Ash spoke "Hehehe... Sorry about that."

Serena spoke "Uh Ash, she looks more pissed off than Shadow..."

Rei spoke "If there was any ice on her head, they'd have already melted."

Diana spoke "Speak for yourself foxboy."

Rei asks "Hmm?"

Diana spoke "Everyone knows that Miyuki's got a far shorter temper than Danyelle does."

Rei spoke "But I can calm Miyu down no prob."

Rei hugged Miyuki from behind, who lovingly purred at that.

A shrill scream was heard from Twilight since a Persian Poké-Mobian had Nyx by the tail.

I snarl "Damn... I didn't expect Giovanni of all baddies to be here..."

Rei spoke "Oy vey..."

All of a sudden, Giovanni's left arm was sliced off.


Giovanni simply scoffed as he dropped Nyx.

But since Giovanni had an arm cut off, the Persian Poké-Mobian dies from his injury.

Deep Lilac reverts back to normal.

Twilight spoke "Oh my Faust... I just killed someone..."

Rei spoke "First time for everything."

I spoke "Alicorns aren't supposed to kill though but Twilight was blinded by rage and fear for Nyx's safety. And you two might as well come out before Twilight snaps again."

A male hedgehog that had a lighter shade of blue fur than Sonic along with a magenta female hedgehog were cowering behind a tree since they had seen their boss get ripped apart by a mad mare.

Rei asks "Where's Meowth?"

Miyuki spoke "Uh Rei, you forget that we Poké-Mobians don't carry any pokeballs."

A Meowth Poké-Mobian asks "And who said there ain't other Poke-Mobians?"

Since her eyes were ice blue, Twilight was growling at the Meowth Poké-Mobian.

I spoke "Twilight, DOWN GIRL!!"

Twilight backs off while glaring at the Meowth Poké-Mobian.

Serena groans "Great, Cash is here too."

Cash spoke "Should'a known the twerpette was here."

Rei spoke "Says the pussycat with a gold-painted oval-shaped cardboard on his forehead."

From Cash's point of view, what appeared to be a female Alolan Meowth Poké-Mobian that lacked the coin on the forehead was chasing a trio of hedgefoxes about.

I spoke "Don't even think about it mister."

Cash asks "Huh?"

Bluestar whines "Mom! Quit embarrassing me!"

I spoke "Sorry Blue but I'm still your adopted mother and besides, you're only 12."

My left ear twitches before throwing a Chaos Spear at a bush, causing a male wolf Mobian with the same outfit as the two hedgehogs to yelp.

I sigh "If it isn't Biff."

Rei asks "Who now?"

Ash spoke "Another idiot from Team Rocket."

"Heh, and where's Cassidy?" I noticed.

Ash spoke "Arrested, most likely."

Butch growled at that.

Renee snarls loudly at Butch, shutting him up.

Renee snarls "Beat it Buffy!"

Butch growls "Grr! It's Butch, not Buffy!"

Various ponies laugh.

Twilight laughs "Whatever you say Butcher!"

Butch growls "GRR! It's not Butcher, it's Butch!"

I laugh "What's your problem Bobo?"

Butch growled more at that.

Rei chuckles "Uh-uh-uh. Temper temper, Baby."

That made Miyuki roll on the ground in laughter.

I spoke "Elsa, Miyuki, ice him."

Both ice type Poké-Mobians coldly spoke "Gladly."

One dose of a double Ice Beam later and Butch was trapped in ice.

Rei chuckles "Now that's "ice", Miyu."

Twilight burst into laughter.

Miyuki spoke "Oh you. *Traces a finger up Rei's throat and off his chin* You always know how to make me hungry for you."

Rei spoke "It's a gift, Mimi."

Miyuki giggles "Heehee, you are such a charmer Rei-Rei."

Rei and Miyuki started purring as they were making out.

Tails spoke "Holy floppa... You're gonna be loaded with eggs after all that Miyuki."

Miyuki giggles "Hmm... Somehow, I don't mind that at all."

Tails spoke "But given that you're a Ninetales, all of your children will be Vulpix."

Miyuki giggles "*Smirk* Now we don't know for sure, right, Rei-Rei?"

Rei spoke "*Smirk* Right, Mimi."

Tails spoke "Even the Pokémon expert knows that. Two Pikachu will always produce Pichu offspring though."

I spoke "Exactly and it's the same with Eevee and its evolved forms. Pair a Jolteon with any of the other seven forms and it will always produce Eevee offspring."

Serena spoke "But still, the chance of an egg hatching a Zorua between you two is low."

Miyuki spoke "We’ll take that chance."

I spoke "But in the case where it's male Pikachu-Mewtwo hybrid and female Braixen-Mewtwo hybrid, the offspring will be Fennekin-Mewtwo hybrids."

Rei spoke "Or it could be a Pichu. Just sayin’, ya never know what could happen."

Ash spoke "My dad's a Lucario-Mewtwo hybrid while my mom's a Kantonian Raichu-Mewtwo hybrid yet I'm a Pikachu-Mewtwo hybrid that can use Aura Sphere."

Rei spoke "Again, ya never know what could happen."

I spoke "Maybe similar cases apply to ponies as well? The odds of an alicorn in a Pegasus-unicorn pairing is one in three whereas if the parents are both alicorns, the odds of an alicorn child is much higher than the odds of non-alicorn children. And in cases where two earth pony parents have unicorn and Pegasus relatives, there is a chance that their children will be different than them. Although... With gryphon-pony pairings, there is a 100% chance that the child is a hippogriff. But with pony-chakat pairings, the child will always be a ponykat hybrid and also a hermaphrodite."

Rei spoke "Okay, slow down. Let’s not go into Twilight Mode right now."

Miyuki and I giggled at that, along with some others.

Twilight whines "Hey....."

“Alright, I think we had enough teasing fun for one day.” I giggled.

Bluestar spoke "You started it mom."

I spoke "Hehe, I know."

Twilight asks "What should we do with the two hedgehogs and the green wolf?"

Rei spoke "Don’t forget the Meowth."

I spoke "Regardless, the four of them will likely be arrested because of their crimes."

Rei spoke "Yep."

I spoke "No offense to Twilight's former foalsitter but I can tell that James has something he wants to ask Jessie."

James was a stammering mess.

Serena spoke "Wow, James has it bad."

“You just noticed that?” I asked in surprise.

Serena spoke "My next and final form is a Delphox-Mewtwo hybrid after all."

Ash spoke "No way am I evolving."

Serena giggles "I like you just the way you are Ash, whether you choose to evolve or not."

Ash spoke "Heh, thanks Serena."

I giggle "Wow, you are SO dense Ash. It's so obvious that Serena has a big crush on you but you only see her as a friend."

Serena blushed in embarrassment at that.

A random chakat laughs "Looks like the Pikachu-Mewtwo hybrid's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Serena asks "Ash?"

I roundhouse kick Ash, causing him to fall onto Serena which also caused the two hybrids to kiss.

Rei chuckles "Heh, you sure you aren’t out for Cadence’s job, Dany?"

I giggle "There are some things I can do that Princess Cadence can't do."

I soon notice a pink blur tackle what appeared to be a clone of Sonic.

I spoke "Uh Amy, that's not Sonic."

Sonic spoke "Though he looks like me, he's not me."

Amy spoke "Wait, how can there be two Sonics? Metal Sonic isn’t here."

Other Sonic stammers "P-please don't hurt me..."

Rei spoke "Huh. Way sooner than normal."

Other Sonic asks "What do you mean?"

Rei spoke "Oh, nothing important now that you’re here."

I spoke "Where there's one Changeling, the others aren't too far behind."

Rei asks "Wait, you already know?"

I spoke "Dimensional Scream lets me see past or future. Basically, it's an evolved form of clairvoancy. Plus I can tell that Pinkie is clairvoyant. And with Thorax, he's not as coldhearted as others of his hive."

Rei spoke "Huh. That’s quite a surprise."

I spoke "Plus having a friendly Changeling on our side might give us the advantage later on. And Shining Armor better not think of attacking Thorax."

Rei spoke "I think Cadence will keep him from doing that in her own way."

I spoke "True but from now until the third time we go up to Canterlot, Thorax will have to stay in disguise."

Thorax spoke "Okay."

Roll and Blaze were both snickering since Amy had a large blush on her face.

Roll giggles "Uh Amy..."

Blaze snickers "You've got something on your face..."

Sonic asks "What do you think Thorax?"

Thorax spoke "Um…"

Amy was a stammering mess.

Rei chuckles "Hmm? Sounds like a lovebug got her."

Tails chuckles "Quite literally in this case."

Miyuki giggled.

Pixie giggles "What's the matter Amy? Too chicken to confess how you feel to the Changeling?"

I was teasing Rainbow with a Daring Do book.

I tease "What's the matter Skittles? Can't take the heat?"

Rei asks "*Smirk* Eh? Something wrong?"

I spoke "Just teasing Rainbow with a book that I know she might like. You know Skittles, Daring's a lot like you. Adventurous, fierce, and undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable."

Rainbow Dash’s hooves were definitely shaking.

I spoke "And she never ever backs down from a fight."

I could tell that Rainbow was hesitating so I decided to give one last push.

I spoke "Hey Sparkles, mind lending me a hoof? Rainbow's close to caving."

Twilight giggles "Heehee, sure thing."

Deep Blue groans "{Kill me now....}"

After asking Thorax to take on Soarin's form, I tease "Is it just me or is Soarin' here right now?"

Rainbow stammers "W-What?!"

Amy was snickering.

Rei teases "What? Your heart's "Soarin", Rainbow Dash?"

I laugh "She's got it BAD!!"

Miyuki giggles "Heehee, yep."

A loud crash followed by a tidal wave that had drenched the others and I along with a few incoherent curse words was heard.

I ask "Was that Kai?"

Rei spoke "At least I didn't get fish in my ears."

Sonic groans "There are times I hate that Lugia... He's so accident-prone..."

Rei spoke "Eh, it's no big deal. Heh, but I do wonder if he has a crush on anyone."

Rei gets sent flying with an Aeroblast from Kai.

Kai spoke "Stupid potato fox, I haven't found the right girl yet."

Rei was sent flying with a goofy yell.

Kai growls "But a Zoroark can't learn any ninja based skills! Only a Greninja can!"

Rei asks "What was that for?!?"

Miyuki spoke "Rei....."

Rei asks "Hmm?"

Miyuki spoke "You're just asking to be iced..."

Rei spoke "Okay, okay. I’ll just stop."

Sonic spoke "Dude, she's got you whipped."

Rei spoke "If ya say-GAH!!!!!"

Rei was suddenly shocked by strange energy before we heard snickering.

“Ugh… Ein.” I instantly realized before I spotted Ein with a strange device.

Kai spoke "Eat Aeroblast you stupid hyena!"

Ein gets sent flying with the attack.

Miyuki gasps "Rei, are you okay?!"

Rei groans "Ugh… Suddenly… feeling way… weaker… for some reason."

Maria shouts "CHAOS HEAL!"

Rei spoke "*Feeling better* Whew, thanks. Now I’ll just-Huh? Wait, what happened? My powers… They’re just… gone."

Maria spoke "Aside from your usual moves like Dig and Shadow Claw, all of your other skills got erased. I'm sorry but I can't guarantee I can get them back for you."

Rei spoke "Worst-case scenario is Ein just normalized me."

Miyuki spoke "Regardless, you're still my ghostfox kyu."

Rei asks "*Genuinely touched* R-Really?"

Miyuki spoke "Yes."

Rei hugged Miyuki with happy tears as he whimpered before Miyuki hugged him back.

Ein was soon frozen in ice by a Kantonian Articuno Poké-Mobian.

I spoke "He had that one coming."

Tails spoke "Yep."

I spoke "I got it! Since Chaos Heal can restore one's health, perhaps Chaos Reversal can restore one's power!"

Rei asks "*Ears twitch* Are you sure?"

Maria spoke "I can't use Chaos Reversal since I don't know how to use it. Shadow can use Chaos Blast, Chaos Control and Chaos Spear. I'm not sure about Sonic though since I've never seen him use any Chaos powers."

I spoke "I might know how though."

Rei asks "Really?"

I spoke "It's a 50-50 chance."

Rei spoke "Oh."

All of a sudden, the others and I had been restrained by Psychic yet Nightshade was unaffected since he was a dark-type.

I gasp "What the?!?"

I soon found it hard to breathe since it felt like something was crushing my throat.

Rei asks "Mewtwo, eh?"

The normal colored Mewtwo Poké-Mobian spoke "Shut up!"

Sonic asks "Who put salt in his coffee?"

Rei shrugged.

I choke out "Arceus have mercy..."

Rei spoke "Yeah no. That attack already weakened me, so… LASH OUT!"

Rei’s mane suddenly went crazy and struck Mewtwo, freeing us from his grip.

Blaze and I spoke at the same time "Follow that up with Fire Spin!"

A double Fire Spin traps the Mewtwo.

Blaze spoke "Thank Arceus that I'm half Litten."

Rei spoke "Really? Huh, must be in the abilities ‘cause you don’t look part or half Litten."

Blaze spoke "My mother's an Incineroar Poké-Mobian though, my dad's a normal Mobian cat. So my fire attacks came from my mom."

Rei spoke "Makes sense."

Ears pin back, Blaze spoke "And thanks to my idiotic father finding out about Sonic, I couldn't get out of an arranged marriage. You should have seen the look on my mom's face!"

Rei asks "Jeez, stick in the mud much?"

Blaze spoke "Blame my dad's mother... She's old fashioned to the point that she doesn't understand that some folks marry for love. I blew a gasket at her when I found out what my dad had done."

Rei sighs "*Facepalm!* Why am I not surprised?"

Blaze spoke "But what's done is done and I can't back out... Especially now that I have children on the way."

Sonic and Roll ask "Wait... WHAT?!?!?"

Rei spoke "*Deadpan* Saw that coming."

I spoke "Oi, I'm the one with the Dimensional Scream."

My eyes flash white, showing me a vision of the future.

I think "{Crystal Heart... Crystal Onix... King Sombra...}"

I took off like a rocket northward, dragging Cadence and Shining along with me.

Cadence asks "Shiny, where is the crazy cat taking us?"

Shining spoke "I don’t know."

I spoke "I believe it has something to do with Cadence's cutie mark..."

I cloak myself and the two ponies with a light coat of fire that didn't burn so that the three of us kept warm.

The two ponies and I soon arrive in what seemed to be a barren wasteland of snow and ice.

I spoke "I sense an ancient and dark magic around here. You two might want to back up a bit."

Cadence and Shining back off before I used Chaos Spear to shatter the barrier that was surrounding the Crystal Empire thus putting it back on the map after it vanished long ago.

I soon notice something frozen in the ice nearby so I thaw it out with my flames.

To Cadence and Shining's surprise, it was a unicorn mare.

The unicorn groans "Ugh... P-Princess Amore?"

To be continued

Return of The Crystal Empire/Royal Wedding

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*Twilight's POV*


A random guard had galloped into the throne room with urgent news.

The guard spoke "Princess, I bring news from the North! It... has returned!"

Celestia gasps "What?!"

The guard spoke "A sky blue cat with two tails sensed it in her clairvoancy and took off flying from Ponyville with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence in tow."

Celestia spoke "Pyre, we should send a letter to Twilight."

Pyre spoke "Agreed, Celly."

Celestia spoke "And since Shirou's part of the Mobian Elements of Harmony, this might concern him as well."

Celestia soon sends the letter to Twilight before going to talk to Shirou.

Outside Luna's room, Celestia asks "Luna, is Shirou in there with you?"

Celestia’s ear twitched before she heard something in there that made her giggle. “Guess that answers my question.”

Celestia walked off.

A different guard spoke "Princess, I received a troubling message from a hedgehog named James. He has a problem that he can't get out of."

Celestia asks "Hmm? What is it?"

The guard spoke "Arranged marriage..."

Celestia asks "*Tick mark* …What?"

The guard spoke "The firecat, Blaze, also had the same problem but she couldn't get out of an arranged marriage since from what I heard, her paternal grandmother was rather stubborn... Which in turn caused her dad to make the decision. But that aside, James' parents are rather determined to get their son to marry a female he doesn't like."

Celestia spoke "…One moment."

Celestia walked out of sight, before fire erupted from somewhere and faded with her roar of anger before Celestia came out with a calm smile.

A random Pegasus guard was up on the ceiling due to the noise.

The Pegasus guard thinks "{I swear, that alicorn is part nirik....}"

Celestia asks "You were saying?"

The unicorn guard spoke "Aside from General Swift Strike being up on the ceiling like a scaredy cat..."

Swift spoke "OI!"

The unicorn guard spoke "James seriously needs help and since Twilight and her group of friends along with Sonic's group heading north, they can't help him."

Celestia spoke "I see."

Swift spoke "Plus I heard that Twilight had gone ballistic on someone since they had the nerve to take Nyx."

Celestia spoke "A mother’s instinct."

Swift spoke "On top of that, Twilight's starting to become an alicorn as well."

Celestia asks "Is it the sprouting wings?"

Swift spoke "Yes ma'am, it happened just after Twilight reverted back from her Deep Lilac form for the first time."

Celestia spoke "I see."

I soon skid to a stop in front of Celestia even though I had a shirt on to hide my wings.

I spoke "I'm here Celestia!"

Celestia spoke "Good timing."

Maria pops up via Chaos Control.

Maria asks "Is something the matter?"

Celestia spoke "It’s about Shining Armor, Cadence and Danyelle. But if he’s following them, it could be also Rei."

Maria spoke "I suppose it had something to do with the recent vision Danyelle had."

Celestia spoke "Yes."

I spoke "I'll do whatever it takes to save the empire!"

Maria and I soon meet up with the others.

Sonic spoke "We're still waiting on Shirou though."

Michiru asks "Where is the dumb wolf anyway?"

Celestia giggles "*Smirk* He’s actually busy right now."

Shirou spoke "Not anymore Sunbutt."

Celestia asks "That was fast."

I giggled.

Sonic chuckles "Cheeky wolf."

The others and I head to the Crystal Empire.

Maria spoke "We should be careful Twilight, we don't know what could be lurking out here."

Spike spoke "Exactly."

But then Rei erupted from the ground.

Maria spoke "For the love of, you gave me a freaking heart attack.... Even though I'm immortal!"

Rei spoke "Sorry about that."

I spoke "Sorry Rei but this isn't your problem."

I knock Rei out with the flat of my sword.

But Rei instantly woke up. “I was following Danyelle, so it kinda is.”

Wearing a scarf around the neck and goggles to keep the snow out of her eyes, Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan... I didn't ask you to follow me Rei!"

Rei asks "Is it wrong I wanna help out my friends?"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but this is part of Twilight's test. Plus Miyuki's worried about you."

Rei spoke "I guess when you put it like that…"

But then a snow arm grabbed Rei.

Rei spoke "Guess she wants me somewhere out here."

The snow arm dragged Rei away.

Rei was suddenly back in Ponyville.

I spoke "Awkward...."

Shirou was growling since he heard something off in the distance.

Shirou spoke "RUN!!!!!"

The seven ponies, five Mobians and the dragon took off towards the barrier before Shirou fired a powerful howl at the dark shadow.

The voice spoke "Why you…!"

Shirou rips off his collar, causing him to switch to his Ginrou form.

Ginrou snarls "YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!!!"

Ginrou held Sombra off long enough for the others and I to get inside the barrier before Danyelle put Chaos Barrier back up, easing Cadence's burden.

Danyelle spoke "Cadence and I have been overworking our magic to keep that evil unicorn out."

Shirou soon returns but his horn was covered in dark crystals which prevented him from using his magic or his Ginrou form.

Shirou spoke "This will be harder than I thought."

Maria spoke "Not even Chaos Heal can fix that."

Radiant had a scared look on her face but she had to help in some way.

Radiant spoke "We have to stop Sombra... I... just want my friend back..."

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Sombra's been trying to take back the Crystal Empire ever since I shattered the spell he had put on the place but Cadence and I have been working our tails off to keep him at bay."

Cadence spoke "Believe me, it’s not easy."

Danyelle spoke "Between Cadence's magic and my Chaos Barrier, Sombra's been trying to take back what's his."

Michiru spoke "I have an idea Twilight!"

“What is it?” I asked.

Tail wagging, Michiru excitedly spoke "The others and I can set up a crystal faire to boost the morale of the ponies that live here!"

Danyelle spoke "That's a great idea Michiru. You and Pinkie can handle that."

I spoke "We can do this."

Danyelle spoke "As for the flugelhorn, best to leave that to me."

Rainbow Dash asks "The what?"

Radiant spoke "It's part of the Crystal Empire's history."

Danyelle explained everything she knew to the others and I.

I spoke "Spike, we have planning to do!"

Spike spoke "Okay!"

The others got right to work.

At the library, Sonic and Roll were zipping about while looking for any info on the faire.

Sonic spoke "Hey Twilight, I found something!"

“Really? What is it?” I asked.

Sonic hands me the book on the Crystal Empire's history.

Sonic spoke "Danyelle and Princess Cadence are counting on us to save the Empire."

“You sure?” I asked.

Unaware of the growing wings on his back, Sonic spoke "Yes."

Rainbow asks "Uh, Sonic?"

Sonic asks "What?"

Roll spoke "Turn around..."

Sonic turned around. “What is it?”

Roll spoke "Y-you've got wings on your back..."

Sonic asks "…Say what now?"

Roll tugs on her husband's left wing.

Sonic spoke "GAH!"

Roll changes tactics and started massaging Sonic's new wings, causing the hedgehog to purr.

A mild purr was heard from Sonic even though he wasn't a cat.

Even though she didn’t say anything, I could tell by her smirk that Roll was thinking about helping Blaze learn how she was doing it so the both of those girls would give Sonic the Double Whammy.

Sonic spoke "Don't even think about it Roll dear."

Roll giggles "Heehee, no promises, Speedy."

Sonic chuckles "How in the wide world did I end up with such a generous wife?"

Roll giggles "*Feigning ignorance* Oh, I don’t know. Maybe winning me over?"

Shirou spoke "Even Applejack and I know that's a lie."

Applejack spoke "Darn right."

A loud roar was heard outside.

Sonic spoke "Well that blows."

Radiant spoke "I have to stop him!"

I ask "You sure about this?"

Radiant asks "The Crystal Empire's my home and if I don't fight for it, who will?"

Sonic spoke "I would."

Radiant spoke "But you can't even fly yet."

Sonic spoke "I’m the fastest thing alive."

Radiant spoke "But you don't know Sombra like I do."

The crystal unicorn mare trotted to the edge of the barrier alone.

Radiant spoke "Sombra! No... Obsidian Shield! Enough!!!"

The monster charged before it froze as it looked like something was trying to break free from inside.

Sombra spoke "It’s no use fighting me, you weak colt!"

Radiant spoke "The Obsidian I once knew was such a gentle stallion..."

Sonic started getting ready.

Sombra snaps "Grr!!! He’s gone! As long as I am here, he will never be free!"

Radiant had tears in her eyes.

Radiant spoke "I don't want to raise a foal on my own...."

Wait… WHAT?!

“What?!” The group of us gasped at that as Sombra suddenly froze completely before he seemed to be in pain.

Sombra spoke "Fool! You cannot be rid of me! No matter how hard you attempt!"

Radiant spoke "Obsidian please... Come back to me...."

Sombra started turning into black smoke just as Danyelle traps him with Chaos Barrier, stopping him from escaping. But then we heard coughing.

Radiant asks "Obsidian?"

We saw a stallion on the ground.

Maria uses Chaos Heal on the stallion, bringing his health back to normal while Danyelle seals Sombra inside a snowglobe that he can't get out of.

Danyelle spoke "Guess we knocked that ball right out of the park."

I spoke "Yeah but there's still one thing to do."

I teleport to the top of the castle before reappearing with the Crystal Heart.

I spoke "Cadence, you should be the one to put this where it belongs."

Cadence asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "It's part of what your cutie mark is, you're meant to rule the Crystal Empire. Plus I can tell that Shining Armor has something he wants to say to you."

I ask "Shining?"

Shining was suddenly blushing madly at Cadence.

Deep Blue takes control of my actions before he roundhouse kicks Shining in the rear, causing the stallion to kiss Cadence on the lips.

Sonic chuckles "Real smooth Twilight! Or should I say Deep Lilac?"

Danyelle spoke "Hehehe! Wow, guess Deep Blue got real impatient there."

Sombra scoffs since he was trapped within the snowglobe.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, I need to add something to this snow globe."

I spoke "He can't escape though."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, but it just kinda needs something that makes keeping Sombra in here fun."

Spike soon burps up a letter from Celestia.

Spike gasps "Huh? *Reads letter* WHOA!"

Shirou chuckled, “I’ll handle the other surprise.”


Still trapped in the snowglobe, Sombra thinks "{I hate that cat so much, I need to get out of this thing.}"

Shirou chuckles "Hehe, you caught on already?"

Danyelle spoke "*To Shirou* Hehe, yep. *To Sombra* And don’t even think about trying to escape, Sombra. You can’t get out."

I snicker "I have an idea Danyelle, why not give the snowglobe to Luna as a wedding gift?"

A large collection of old books appears inside the snowglobe so that Sombra had something to read since he couldn't escape.

Danyelle laughs "Heeheehee! Oh, for sure."

I snicker "She might be surprised though!"

*At the train station,*

*Roll's POV*

I was with the others while waiting for the train to arrive.

Sonic asks "See anything yet Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Nothing yet!"

Twilight asks "What’re you looking for?"

I spoke "Celestia and Luna along with Ash and all of his friends should be arriving by train soon. Plus I do believe Flash is also on the same train too."

Cadence and Shining were with us as well since they had invited Blizzardstar, Crosswind, Flowerstep, Soarin and a special guest.

My ears perk up when I hear the train pull in.

But the others and I sweatdrop when a female Axew Poké-Mobian was heard shouting.


“Oh boy… She hasn’t changed at all.” I noted.

Danyelle groans "Typical Iris... She's such a little kid..."

Iris snaps "I HEARD THAT!!!"

Ash spoke "She's not wrong Iris, you used to call me that several times. I found it rather annoying... Plus you've got a crush on Cilan."

Iris and Cilan were actually confused at that.

Iris asks "What’re you talking about?"

Cilan asks "Are you eating right?"

Ash electrocutes the two, causing Iris' hair to go poofy.

A female Vaporeon Poké-Mobian burst into giggles.

Danyelle spoke "*Smile* Hey Misty."

A female Piplup Poké-Mobian spoke "This place is amazing! I'm so working the idea into my next performance!"

A female Blaziken Poké-Mobian with fireproof clothes spoke "Jeez Dawn, you can be such a pain at times... And like what the hedgefox had said about the Axew, you can be such a little kid at times."

A male Marshtomp Poké-Mobian spoke "That was a bit rude May."

May spoke "Oh shut up Brock. Plus you tried to flirt with Princess Luna despite the fact she's engaged."

May had to grab Brock before he could attempt to flirt with the mares.

May spoke "Oh no you don’t."

Misty asks "Besides, remember Olivia?"

Brock sighed lovingly at the mention of that name.

Misty spoke "Plus I heard from the lazy Vappy that the lilac pony has a secondary soul in her body. And unless you want to get run through with a sword, leave her alone."

Brock stammers "R-Right."

Misty spoke "Hydro may be lazy but I wouldn't want him any other way."

Dawn spoke "Know what I heard? There's been rumors going around that the head of Team Rocket died of blood loss when he had gotten an arm chopped off."

May spoke "*Wince!* Yeesh. Not a pretty way to go."

James spoke "Giovanni made the wrong choice of taking a young foal hostage which in turn pissed Twilight off big time."

The others were on guard, ready to fight James, Jessie and Cash.

Ash spoke "Cool it everyone! They're not evil anymore, not since Twilight scared them senseless right after she killed Giovanni."

Danyelle was on her back because of Bluestar and Ravenpaw.

A female Meowth Poké-Mobian with a red ribbon on the tail and tattered clothes collapses near Cash.

Cash gasps "Oh no!"

The female Meowth Poké-Mobian groans "C-Cash?"

Cash spoke "Meowzie!"

Meowzie asks "Wh-where are we?"

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, welcome to the Crystal Empire."

Iris asks "A bit on the nose?"

Elsa whacks Iris on the head.

Iris spoke "HEY!"

Elsa spoke "Watch it dragongirl, I could ice you faster than I could ice Hydro."

Danyelle spoke "Here's a gift for you Celestia, you'd be surprised as to who I was able to trap inside it."

Danyelle passes the snowglobe to Celestia.

Ash spoke "Jeez Iris, you can be such a little kid at times."

Cilan chuckles "Need a dish starring Rawst berries to soothe that burn?"

Serena and the other Poké-Mobians burst into laughter.

Ash chuckles "Nice one Cilan."

Cilan spoke "Why thank you."

Iris walked off in anger at that remark.

Danyelle pulls Iris back by the stubby tail with magic.

Danyelle spoke "Calm down with you? We were only joking."

Iris spoke "What kids."

Ash spoke "Don't make me zap you again Iris."

Iris spoke "Try it, bolt boy!"

Serena growls "Watch it missy, that's my boyfriend you're sassing."


The three froze in fear at the tone of Danyelle's shout.

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan, can you three get along for today? It's a special day for Princess Cadence and Princess Luna so neither of them want you three to start fighting with each other!"

Ash spoke "Sorry Iris."

Iris spoke "Sorry."

Seto roundhouse kicked Cilan in the rear, sending him crashing into Iris thus causing the two to kiss.

The two separated and were completely furious.

Iris snaps "What’s the big idea?!"

Cilan snaps "That was completely rude!"

Danyelle glares at the two.

Iris spoke "But he clearly had the wrong idea!"

Cilan spoke "One should not jump to conclusion, that is true."

Cadence spoke "Don't make me use my magic on you two."

*Some time later,*

Rarity and Renee were busy working on the wedding dresses for Cadence and Luna.

Rarity spoke "This is so exciting!"

Renee spoke "I do apologize for Seto's actions, he's got a lone wolf kind of attitude but deep down... He means well."

Rarity spoke "But I must admit, he was off the mark there."

Renee spoke "In the length of time I've known Danyelle, she's never raised her voice. Plus it's so obvious that Iris has a crush on Cilan but she's just too stubborn to admit it. Guess it's a dragon thing."

Rarity spoke "I’m not certain about that. It really didn’t look like that at all. I mean, we could be letting our imaginations run wild. Besides, you know the age difference between them."

Renee spoke "I'm 29 though, Seto's 26 but that's besides the point and knowing Cadence... She'll try anything to get the two together."

Rarity spoke "But no creature is flawless."

Renee spoke "Try telling Deep Blue that some time... Zoey, Corina, Bridget, Kiki and I were rather shocked when he changed his ways."

Rarity spoke "Sure thing."

Renee spoke "Even so-called gods can make mistakes."

Rarity giggles "Too true."

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* I heard that!"

Renee giggled at that.

Renee spoke "Even though Deep Blue's over a thousand years old, he looks about 20 but he never married. So I heard..."

Rarity asks "Really?"

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* And you better not think of hooking me up with that grass-monkey. I'm not gay."

Rarity spoke "Heavens no! I wouldn’t!"

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* He's got a better chance with the tusked dragon girl anyway, regardless of what she says."

Rei asks "What about that Cinccino Professor?"

Ash spoke "Dude... She's 40ish... Cilan's 22... That's a 20 year age gap there!"

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* Exactly! Plus she's bound to be married by now."

Serena spoke "I heard rumors that she had married a Zigzagoon Poké-Mobian male."

Pinkie spoke "Huh? I thought it was a Cofagrigus."

Renee spoke "Unless you want a screaming cat on your hooves, never mention anything about ghosts around Zoey. Now.. All of you, out! Rarity and I can't focus on making dresses for the girls and tuxes for the guys!"

We left the two alone.

I spot Cilan by himself.

I ask "What's wrong?"

Cilan asks *Confused* Hmm? What do you mean?"

I spoke "It's as though you're dealing with internal struggling..."

Twilight was talking with Cadence when the lilac mare collapsed from a sudden fever.

Cilan spoke "We’ll discuss that later, because we got trouble right now."

Zoey spoke "Corina! Rainbow! Fly as fast as you can back to Ponyville and get Sardon, Redheart and Gingerheart! Tell them that Twilight collapsed!"

Rainbow spoke "On it!"

Corina spoke "Okay!"

Danyelle carries Twilight into one of the rooms so the mare could rest.

The two females soon return with Sardon in tow since Redheart and Gingerheart were too busy with work.

Dren and Tarb show up with Bridget, Kiki, Blaze, Anzu and a few others.

Dren asks "What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Not sure."

Sardon spoke "My guess would be that a second soul has appeared within Twilight's mind. But since none of us can check, Princess Luna will have to check things out."

Danyelle asks "On her big day?"

Luna spoke "Shirou and I are having our wedding later on."

Anzu closes her eyes before focusing on Twilight to see who else was inside the mare's mind.

*Inside Twilight's mind*

*Anzu's POV*

I look around before spotting Deep Blue.

I ask "I hate to bother you but have you sensed any other Cyniclons within the lilac mare's mind?"

Deep Blue asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "You don't know me but I'm Anzu Ikisatashi. I recently took up healing since your current host had fainted from shock when another soul had entered her body."

Deep Blue gasps "What?!"

I spoke "One of my adopted uncles assumed that another Cyniclon soul had merged with Twilight."

I soon spot a peach-blonde haired female Cyniclon with green eyes.

“Are you okay, miss?” I asked.

The female spoke "Leave me alone little hybrid freak!"

The female lashes out at me with an energy blast.

But the energy blast never hit me.

I gasp "What the...?"

Deep Blue spoke "Calm down... Momo..."

Momo spoke "That freak's mother was the reason why you got killed 13 years ago!"

Deep Blue spoke "But I’m still alive, and so are you."

Momo snaps "Bull shit! A pathetic healer can't even fight despite the fact that her parents can! And need I remind you that it was your fault that Dren has scars for life now?"

Deep Blue spoke "If you kill the body we’re in, we’ll both die."

I spoke "Along with putting a young foal's life in danger and rendering one set of Elements of Harmony useless."

The shock of what I had said causes Momo to drop her weapon.

Deep Blue asks "Are you willing to listen now?"

I giggle "I'm no Cadence but even I can see that you have a huge crush on Momo, right Blue?"

And then Deep Blue turned Bright Red, if you get my meaning. Hahaha!

I was on my back while laughing.

Momo was suddenly frozen stiff, and I knew why, which made me laugh more!

I laugh "It's as obvious as the fact that May, Dawn and Iris all have it bad for Ash!"

The two were then confused.

I spoke "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."

I snap back awake.

I was soon snickering since I had something to tell Ash later.

Danyelle asks "What’re you snickering about?"

I giggle "I'm not telling~!"

To be continued

The Truth about Danyelle

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*Anzu's POV (still)*

*Some time later,*

The first wedding was underway.

Sonic, Danyelle and Rainbow were waiting impatiently.

Rei spoke "Oh calm down, you three."

Gilda spoke "Can you blame them? They don't like staying put long."

Rei spoke "I don’t think you do either."

Gilda spoke "I can handle it but Rainbow and Sonic can't."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she started snarling.

Danyelle spoke "You might as well come out Eggman before I rip you apart."

Nothing happened.

Danyelle spoke "Coward..."

Rei spoke "Wow, talk about yellow-bellied."

Danyelle spoke "For sure."

Rei and Danyelle started laughing.

Danyelle spoke "Oh look, Cadence's about to throw the bouquet."

Rei spoke "Wonder who’s gonna catch it."

The bouquet lands in Iris' hands.

Twilight snickers "Guess that answers that. Oh and Iris, you know that if you catch a bouquet that was tossed by a newly married female, that means you're next in line to marry."

Iris gasps "*Shocked* W-What?!"

Serena spoke "She's right you know."

Cadence was holding back a snicker since it had been her idea to prank Iris.

Iris’s head was definitely red in anger.

Elsa and Miyuki glare at Iris, causing the Axew girl to freeze.

Cilan spoke "Iris, I'm sorry..."

Iris asks "Hmm?"

Cilan spoke "I really do like you but you don't feel the same way towards me."

Iris hugged Cilan as he hugged back.

Iris asks "Look, I’m glad you like me, but I just want us to stay as friends. Is that okay"

Cilan spoke "*With a genuine and understanding smile* Of course it is."

Brock spoke "Girl, that was a bit cold."

Brock was soon iced by Elsa and Miyuki.

Danyelle spoke "At least they respect each other and Cilan respects Iris’ decision gracefully."

Rarity spoke "I could say the same about Ash..."

Rei asks "So… What now?"

Luna spoke "By Mobian and by Equestrian laws, Iris has to marry within a year after catching a bouquet of flowers."

Iris asks "Huh?!"

Blaze spoke "Crap, I forgot about such a law.... But them's the rules dragon girl."

Now Iris was really mad, like she was about to go Outrage.

Elsa ices Iris, cooling the Axew's temper off.

Iris spoke "…Never thought I’d say this, but thanks."

Elsa spoke "No problem and besides, not all ice-types are coldhearted."

Elsa soon notices a male Drakeon Poké-Mobian behind Iris.

Anna giggles "Whatever you do Iris, don't turn around."

Iris asks "Huh?"

A pair of dragon wings wrap around Iris, causing her to blush.

The Drakeon chuckles "Well, what's a cute little Axew doing by herself?"

Iris stammers "U-Um… I-Uh…"

Diana and the other Eeveelution Poké-Mobians were on their backs while laughing.

Misty giggles "Oh dang!"

Iris spoke "*Blushing madly* Gotta go!"

Iris ran off somewhere to calm herself as the Drakeon chuckled.

Elsa snickers "Real smooth move there Haku."

Haku spoke "Eh, I try my best."

Elsa spoke "Go after her then you silly Drakeon before someone else does."

Haku spoke "Heh, alright then."

Iris was up in a tree.

Iris was definitely panting up a storm with her scales blushing red.

Diana spoke "Don't make me pull you down dragon girl."

Iris didn’t hear her as her mind was going a bit crazy with fantasies.

Diana spoke "She has it bad! Oh hey Haku."

Haku asks "Yeah?"

Diana spoke "The silly Axew's up in the tree and my ribbon-like feelers aren't long enough to pull her down."

Haku asks "Want me to get her down?"

Diana giggles "Yeah and it's so obvious that she likes you."

Haku spoke "Sure thing."

Iris was flustered.

Haku spoke "Hey beautiful."

Diana was laughing.

Iris stammers "H-hey..."

Haku asks "Busy with something?"

Iris spoke "N-no..."

*That night*

Sonic had transformed into his werehog form thus startling some of the ponies.

Sonic groans "Oh come on…!"

Even the hedgefox triplets were in their werebeast forms.

Roll and Blaze purr "You look fluffy!"

Sonic asks "Really?"

Roll spoke "For sure!"

Blaze spoke "Given that I was hatched from an egg since I had said that my mom's a Poké-Mobian, I'm not sure if I would or not."

Sonic soon has Celestia in a headlock while giving her a noogie.

Twilight, Luna and Cadence were laughing hysterically.

Rei laughs "HA! Wow! Now THAT is awesome!"

Danyelle giggles "It reminds me of the times I had my cousin in a headlock while giving him a noogie one Christmas. Oh, that's kind of like Hearth's Warming in case the ponies and gryphons don't know. He and I bicker a lot but that's what relatives tend to do and if I hadn't seen it for myself, I'd say that Sonic was related to Princess Luna. Plus I never knew my real parents"

That got us all confused.

Lillian asks "How come you never told us this Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I couldn't find the right time to."

Danyelle opened a warp ring before a wolfish alicorn stallion along with a female hedgehog Mobian fall out of it.

Sonic spoke "Uh, hey mom and dad."

Ears flattening, Danyelle spoke "Freak out from Luna in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Luna screams "HUUUUUUUUUUH?!?!?!?!"

Several eardrums ended up popping due to the scream.

Lightning Flash wingslaps his mother on the back of the head.

Lightning Flash spoke "You could’ve made some creatures go deaf, mom."

Danyelle spoke "But that still doesn't explain why I look different than Sonic."

Sonic spoke "You've got some explaining to do mom."

Aleena spoke "Understandable."

Danyelle asks "Where did I come from?"

Aleena spoke "That however, is hard to explain."

Danyelle spoke "I don't care how hard it is to explain, I want to know..."

Lightning sighs "Maybe these goggles should explain..."

The wolfish alicorn passes the goggles to Danyelle, triggering her Dimensional Scream.

*Flashback to when Danyelle was a newborn*

*Danyelle's POV*

A drenched Mobian nekomata tomcat was running through the streets to Aleena's house while carrying a newborn in his arms as he tried to escape from some assassins since they wanted to get rid of the kitten because she had the Dimensional Scream.

The tom knocked on the door before he set his daughter down with a pair of goggles and a nametag that had the kitten's name on it.

The tom spoke "I'm sorry sweetie but I can't put you in danger because of your ability... I love you..."

The tom ran off into the night, leaving his daughter behind to draw the assassins away.

A burst of thunder scared the kitten to the point she started crying.

Inside the house, Aleena asks "Lightning, who was at the door?"

Lightning spoke "I’m not sure. I’ll go get it."

The sound of a crying two week old kitten was heard.

Lightning spoke "Oh no, it couldn’t be…!"

Aleena got up to check outside.

After opening the door, Aleena finds a damp kitten with a nametag and goggles.

Picking the kitten up, Aleena spoke "Oh you poor little thing... Lightning, get the kitten incubator ready. A kitten this age can't regulate its body heat that well."

Lightning spoke "Already on it!"

Though I had gone unnoticed by the two, I saw everything that had happened.

A nine month old Sonic had his head in the cookie jar.

Aleena asks "But who would leave a two week old kitten alone?"

Lightning spoke "I’m not sure, but I think whoever did that knew that she could be in trouble."

Aleena spoke "Whoever it was, they left a nametag and their goggles behind. Plus Sonic's stuck in the cookie jar again."

Lightning spoke "Hmm… Her name is Danyelle."

Young Danyelle's ears twitch in response to hearing her name.

Over the next 18 years, Young Danyelle grew into a fine young adult and she often pulled pranks with Sonic.

Teen Danyelle launched a water balloon at a 16 year old male echidna Mobian before zooming off with Sonic.

Teen Danyelle laughs "Oh man, we got him good though Sonic!"

Young Adult Sonic laughs "What was in that water?"

Teen Danyelle laughs "White hair dye! I borrowed it from Miyuki for the prank."

*end flashback*

I groan "Ugh... It still doesn't explain what happened to my real dad after he left me..."

A voice spoke "You don’t need an explanation."

I spoke "N-no... It can't be... Lightning Flash told me you went missing when I was 6!"

I flew off somewhere to be alone with my thoughts as I seal myself inside a magic barrier.

I think "{That can't have been my real father... It just can't be!}"

The tom asks "Is something wrong, Danyelle?"


the tom spoke "And I’m sorry your mother and I couldn’t been there for you before we…"


I suddenly saw a spirit right in front of me.

I curl up into a ball since I wanted to be left alone.

The she-cat spoke "Please, calm down, Danyelle."

Ghostfeather spoke "She's having a crisis right now and wants to be left alone.... Plus that black cat is about to scream..."

The she-cat sighs sadly "Very well…"

Ghostfeather spoke "She was so young that she forgot where she came from. Oh! I have an idea! You could try singing that lullaby you used to sing to her!"

The she-cat spoke "*Smile* Very well."

I was silent up until I heard my old lullaby from when I was a week old.

I spoke "I'll deal with you two later, I owe Luna an apology for running off."

I flew back to the others.

I ask "did I miss anything?"

Sonic spoke "No, not much."

I spoke "Thank StarClan.... I'm sorry for running off like that Luna. I was just stressed out."

Luna spoke "It’s understandable."

I spoke "I got a lot on my mind..."

I soon spot a dark navy blue alicorn mare with the same mane colors as Celestia over by a buffet table since she was busy stuffing her face with carrots while a white alicorn stallion with a dark blue mane had facehoofed.

The stallion spoke "Dear, please stop."

Both Celestia and Luna froze in shock when they saw the two alicorns.

I spoke "everyone might want to plug their ears... Screaming in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

I stuff my ears full of cotton before the screaming started.

The Celestial Sisters both scream "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!"

Pixie whines "OW! MY EARS!"

Rei spoke "Saw that coming."

Tails had curled up into a ball.

Sonic groans "Watch the tone Grandma..."

Man, it was one surprise after another.

I spoke "My ears hurt..."

Dren spoke "Same..."

Rei spoke "Man, this is a lot."

I spoke "I'll say.... That double barreled scream busted quite a few eardrums..."

Miyuki spoke "We’ll need some help repairing them."

Maria spoke "Good thing I took up healing though."

One Chaos Heal later and everyone's ears had healed.

I sigh with relief "Much better."

Maria spoke "Thanks."

Korra spoke "My back feels funny."

Rei spoke "Look behind ya."

Miyuki cuffs her mate on the ears.

I spoke "I'll deal with this."

I drag Korra into a room before closing the door and locking it.

Korra removed her shirt.

I gasp "No freaking way..."

A pair of tiny wings was on Korra's back.

Korra asks "What is it?"

I snicker "You've got foal sized wings on your back."

Korra asks "Huh?"

I was on my back while laughing.

I laugh "Twilight's also got foal-sized wings."

Korra spoke "At least I’m not alone."

I spoke "And it's so obvious you have it bad for Mako."

Korra blushed at that.

I tease "You should tell him!"

Korra’s head had steam comically out of it with her head completely red.

I teleport out at the same time I had teleported Mako into the same room as Korra.

I think "{Best to leave them be for now.}"

I soon pick up on the smell of blood.

I spoke "Crap..."

I flew over to where the smell was coming from.

I spoke "Oh StarClan no...."

The body of an Axew was on the ground.

“What happened?” I asked in horror.

Haku was crying.

While comforting a crying Serena, Ash spoke "Someone killed Iris..."

Rei spoke "Hold on a sec. Let me see. *Places a hand on Iris* Hmm… Definitely a fighter. Her spirit’s still clinging onto her body."

I spoke "But she won't last much longer, I sense a dark spirit trying to pull her spirit away."

Rei spoke "We need a fairy-type attack since it’s a dark spirit."

I spoke "Normal and Fighting type attacks won't work on Ghost types."

Diana spoke "I don't even know any fairy type moves! I have Tackle, Swift, Tail Whip and Baby-Doll Eyes. Sadly, my fourth attack is useless in this case."

Miyuki spoke "I know Dazzling Gleam."

Ravenpaw was cowering underneath my tails.

I spoke "Will you cut that out? It's embarrassing."

I used my magic to scan Miyuki's moves.

I spoke "You've got Ice Beam, Safeguard, Ice Shard and Confusion..."

Miyuki spoke "Dang! Must’ve forgotten that move."

I spoke "In the length of time I've known you, I never seen you as a Vulpix."

Miyuki spoke "Yeah, I evolved with an ice stone when Tails was born."

I spoke "I think my mom's half Eevee but I don't remember much since I was 2 weeks old when I lost her and my dad."

I sneeze a bit, shooting out a bit of plasma.

“What the?!” I gasped.

Tails asks "Did you come in contact with both a thunder stone and a fire stone at one point?"

“I-I guess.” I answered in confusion.

Tails spoke "That probably explains it. Your Eevee gene didn't become a Jolteon gene or a Flareon gene, it's a mix of the two Pokemon I just mentioned."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Tails scans me with a Pokedex.

"Undiscovered Pokemon, no info available." the mechanical voice said.

Tails spoke "Thought so."

Ash was starry eyed.

Ash spoke "Unknown Pokemon huh? Hey Danyelle, I challenge you to a battle!"

I spoke "Sure! We can have it later on."

Rei spoke "Down boy."

Serena spoke "This is normal for Ash."

Rei asks "Oh, guess he hasn't seen Hisuian, Galarian, Paldean or Paradox Pokemon, huh?"

Ash spoke "I've seen a few Galarian pokemon though."

I spoke "I'm classed as a Paradox since I'm one of a kind."

Rei spoke "Well, Hisuian pokemon are like ancient Sinnoh pokemon."

Kai spoke "That reminds me! I met a female Sprigatito Poké-Mobian and a male Fuecoco Poké-Mobian when I was in the Paldea region."

Rei asks "Really? Who?"

Kai spoke "I didn't get their names since I was busy chasing off a Skarmory."

Rei spoke "Dang."

Kai yawns just as he crashed into a female shiny Lugia Poké-Mobian.

Kai spoke "Sorry!"

Serena nudges Ash.

Serena giggles "Seems like the goofball's got a girlfriend."

Kai shot an Aeroblast at Serena who had ducked, causing the attack to hit Ein instead thus sending him flying.

Rei chuckles "Ooh! Nice one!"

Kai growls "Want an Aeroblast to the face baka Zoroark?"

Rei spoke "Nah, I'm good."

Kai spoke "I'd rather not get an Ice Beam to the face."

Rei spoke "Good call."

Haku whimpers "She's gone...."

Rei spoke "*Gasps before laying a hand on Iris* Not yet, but her spirit's hanging by a thread here! We need to hurry!"

Hydro howls loud while crying, setting off the other Poké-Mobians as they cry.

The ponies, chakats and gryphons were crying as well.

I yowl while crying.

Rei spoke "Grr… Guess I have no other choice since her spirit’s on her last thread. This is gonna hurt."

Rei suddenly clawed one of his palms, causing it to bleed before he placed his bleeding palm onto Iris before flames engulfed her. When the flames faded, Iris’ wounds were all fully healed as Rei was suddenly silent with his palm still on her.

But sadly, the last thread had snapped just before Rei could do anything.

Rei spoke "Tch… Guess it’ll take some time. But I ain’t giving up."

Bolin spoke "It's no use dude... Once someone dies, they can't be brought back."

Dren whacks Bolin on the head.

Dren asks "What about the blue aqua?"

Zoey spoke "That stuff is powerful enough to bring someone back."

Rei asks "Same with the Chaos Emeralds. But tell me, have any of you heard of resuscitate?"

Various murmurs were heard.

I spoke "It's basically CPR but it's not enough in this case..."

Rei spoke "It’s not as simply as that. It can also happen from hearing voices. But it most or least, we got one full day."

Twilight asks "What if we put her body into stasis, would that buy us more time?"

Rei spoke "At the least, it could double it to two days."

Dren spoke "Plus we need someone with a connection to the spirit world."

Rei asks "Korra, right?"

Korra spoke "I heard that!"


Mewtwo Strikes Back!

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*Rainbow's POV*

A strange storm soon breaks but none of the Pegasi could wrangle it.

Danyelle asks "Oi Skittles! What is with this weather?!?"

“How am I supposed to know?! And aren’t we supposed to be looking for the blue aqua!?” I asked.

Zoey spoke "Finding any in Ponyville is hard though, I'd have to get some from Blondie though."

Danyelle spoke "One thing's for sure, this isn't a normal storm."

“Ya think?” I deadpanned.

Kai spoke "Something's not right..."

Danyelle asks "What’s wrong?"

Sonic spoke "Something is calling us to New Island..."

Rei spoke "Yeah, definitely."

Danyelle burps up a letter from Master Hand.

Danyelle spoke "The ones that are going are as follows. Sonic, Dren, Zoey, Twilight, Renee, Seto, Kai, Rei, Corina, Ash, Serena, Brock, Misty, Hydro and myself."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Ash spoke "I'm going too."

Danyelle spoke "Ash, I think that’s a bad idea."

Ash spoke "I've been to New Island before."

A slightly more feminine Mewtwo Poké-Mobian pops up.

Newtwo spoke "He's right though, he's been to New Island before."

Rei spoke "A Mewtwo? That’s new. *Covers mouth with his hands* Oops!"

Newtwo asks "What?"

Rei spoke "Huh? Oh, sorry. My bad."

Newtwo spoke "I... I'm not like other Poké-Mobians...."

Rei asks "Pardon?"

Newtwo spoke "I... was created by humans... from fossilized DNA of Mew..."

Rei spoke "Oh… That."

Newtwo spoke "I'm nothing but a freak of nature..."

Rei spoke "No you ain’t."

Asuna spoke "For Arceus' sake! I'm not like you or the other Poké-Mobians!"

Rei asks "So? How does that make you different from any of us?"

Asuna spoke "I'm nothing but a clone...."

Danyelle slaps Asuna upside the back of the head.

Asuna asks "Ow! What was that for?"

Danyelle spoke "Clone or not, you're a living being."

Rei spoke "Too true."

Serena was giggling since Asuna had gotten a headslap.

Kai spoke "We should get going."

Kai carries Ash and Serena on his back as he took off flying.

Danyelle follows the three with Asuna.

Rei spoke "Better get going."

Twilight and Dren teleport with those that can't teleport.

*After arriving on New Island*

Sonic asks "Jeeze... What was Mewtwo thinking of challenging us?"

Twilight spoke "I don't know but it can't be good."

Rei spoke "Good thing I swapped out one ghost-type move for another and swapped my Dig attack for a different move."

Asuna spoke "Regardless, Orion is still my brother. I have to talk to him."

Rei spoke "Just be careful."

Asuna spoke "It'll take a lot to kill a legendary though."

Rei spoke "Okay."

Danyelle and Twilight push the heavy doors open with magic.

Asuna spoke "Show yourself Orion!"

Rei spoke "*Quietly* Phantom Force."

Rei suddenly vanished instantly.

But a sudden shadow ball hits Rei before he could vanish.

But it didn’t affect him at all before he completely vanished.

Zoey was shaking in fear.

Dren spoke "Knock it off Rei! You keep forgetting that Zoey hates Ghost-type Pokémon!"

Rei kept silent since he didn’t wanna spook Zoey more by speaking while using Phantom Force.

Asuna spoke "Stupid Zoroark, don't make me get that mate of yours."

Rei popped out. “Calm down. I was only trying to get the element of surprise.”

Asuna spoke "Regardless, we don't need a screaming cat."

Rei spoke "Okay."

Asuna spoke "Smart choice."

Misty spoke "I've got a bad feeling about this you guys..."

Rei asks "You think?"

Twilight was growling since her eyes had turned ice blue.

Orion spoke "So you sensed my presence."

Asuna asks "Why are you doing this brother?"

Orion spoke "You should already know why."

Asuna spoke "Clone or not, we're still living beings!"

Orion asks "How does that prove anything?"

Asuna spoke "*tears in eyes* Just because we're clones, it doesn't mean we don't have to fight each other Orion!!"

Orion spoke "No. There can only be one."

Twilight growls "We will beat some sense into you!"

But then a flash suddenly happened.

Hydro gasps "I can't see!"

Twilight had shielded her eyes from the light with a foreleg as Ash shielded Serena.

Then the flash suddenly faded.

Rei spoke "I don’t think that was meant to blind us."

Twilight growls "what in Faust's name was that light?"

But then we heard steam hissing as a door opened.

Sonic and Danyelle were growling.

Rei spoke "Call me crazy, but I think all of us have our own enemies to fight other than Asuna fighting her brother."

Zoey was hissing at her clone as she fought with the fake.

Sonic and his clone attack each other.

Twilight had clashed horns with her clone.

Clashing claws with his doppelgänger, Rei spoke "Yep, definitely a mirror battle."

Serena was cowering behind Ash.

Misty asks "Does this look familiar to you Brock?"

Kai was fighting with his clone in the sky.

Brock spoke "Definitely."

Danyelle was dodging plasma attacks from her clone as she flew through the sky.

Corina and her clone fought like a pair of angry birds.

Renee was attacking her clone while Seto fought against his clone.

Misty spoke "This is wrong... It doesn't matter if they're clone or original... They're all living beings..."

Serena was fighting her clone.

Rei was single-handedly battling his clone now. “Don’t know if you realize it yet, Copei, but it’s just a losing fight for both sides if this keeps up.”

Rei’s clone was definitely running out of steam.

Running out onto the battlefield, Ash yells "STOP!!!!"

The two attacks from Asuna and Orion hit Ash, turning him to stone.

Serena spoke "Ash! No!"

The distraught female Braixen-Mewtwo Poké-Mobian runs over to where Ash was before shaking him.

Serena spoke "Ash... Please, wake up.... I can't lose you..."

Serena was crying as she howled.

Asuna spoke "Now look what you did brother."

Orion asks "What? He got in the way… to stop our fight?"

Rei’s ears twitched before looking up.

All of the originals and clones froze from fighting, realizing their mistakes before they all started to cry.


Danyelle yowls loud as she cries.

Kai and his clone cry as well.

Twilight was crying.

Renee and her clone both howl as they cry.

Copei started crying too.

The tears turn into sparkles as they absorb into Ash's body.

Serena howls as her tears turn to sparkles as well.

Rei then scratched below one of his eyes, causing some tears to fall with some crimson color as they turned into sparkles too.

Ash was soon back to normal.

Serena asks "Ash?"

Asuna spoke "I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are. It doesn't matter if we're originals or copies, we're all living beings."

Orion spoke "I was blinded by the fact that it doesn't matter how one comes into existence, we're all living beings."

The clone Sonic flees through a warp ring, never to be seen again.

Rei spoke "That might not be good."

Sonic spoke "Best to leave him be Rei."

After the other clones leave to find their own place in the world, Orion was left to wonder where he should be.

Asuna spoke "You know bro, you could come live in Ponyville."

Orion asks "Why is that?"

Asuna spoke "I found a Mew near there.... But something about her rubs my fur a certain way...."

As if on cue, the Mew Poké-Mobian pops up.

Myth asks "S-son?"

Rei spoke "Wow, talk about timing."

Hydro and Misty both drench Rei with Water Gun.

The group was soon back in Ponyville.

Sonic spoke "Danyelle, let's never mention Myth's name to the other Smashers."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

Some time later, Asuna comes across an odd purple flower.

Asuna asks "Hey Sparkles, what kind of flower is this?"

Twilight spoke "I don’t know, but something’s telling me it might not be good."

Asuna spoke "Maybe your zebra friend might know something..."


A Third Mewtwo?!?/ Embarrassing Moments

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*Twilight's POV*

Sometime after the disaster that was Orion's welcome party, Asuna and I had gone to talk to Zecora.

“I just hope she knows about this flower.” I said.

Asuna spoke "Just *urp*... keep it away from me...."

“Okay.” I responded.

Asuna spoke "That flower only affects Mews and Mewtwos though... *urp* Other species don't have to worry about it."

“You alright?” I asked.

Asuna spoke "To be honest... I don't *urp* know..."

Asuna passes out due to fever.

“Oh no!” I dreaded.

I drag the 90 pound Poké-Mobian to Zecora's place.

I spoke "Zecora! I've got a problem!"

Zecora asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "It's Asuna, she passed out from a fever."

Zecora spoke "That certainly is strange. Perhaps a diagnosis can be arranged."

I spoke "I agree."

Asuna groans "Wh-where am I?"

“You’re in Zecora’s hut.” I answered.

Asuna groans "Ever since I looked at that flower, something's been wrong with me..."

Zecora asks "Flower?"

I spoke "Yeah, it's purple in color and it only seems to affect Mews and Mewtwos for some reason."

Asuna asks "Got any pecha berries?"

Zecora spoke "The berries that cure poison? I’m not sure if they could help in this fashion."

I giggle "She's got a bit of a sweet tooth."

Asuna spoke "Don't make me throw you into those blue flowers."

I spoke "I'm gonna shut up now."

Asuna soon had a basket full of green colored berries while eating said berries.

I spoke "We might need to ask that Marshtomp..."

Asuna asks "Why?"

Zecora spoke "I'm sorry but Poké-Mobians are out of my league."

Little did Newt know, a new life was growing inside her.

A mare ran in as Brock followed her before said mare transformed into Rei, snapping Brock out of it.

Rei spoke "Thought this might happen, and I had to find out someway to convince Brock."

Myth was giggling since she had followed the two.

Brock asks "What’s going on?"

I explained to the dumbass Marshtomp about Newt's recent illness and cravings.

Brock spoke "That can’t be good. I don’t know how, but somehow…"

I spoke "It had something to do with this flower though..."

I pass the purple flower to Brock.

Myth was staring at the flower as well.

Brock spoke "Yep, I think that’s the cause."

I spoke "It doesn't affect me though since Newt said that it only affects Mews and Mewtwos."

Myth gasps "Gah!"

Orion suddenly pops up.

Asuna gasps "ACK!"

Rei spoke "Oh boy…"

I shove Brock, Orion and Rei out of Zecora's hut so that Asuna and Myth could have some privacy.

“This is gonna be complicated.” I noted.

Zecora spoke "Little is known about Mew Poké-Mobians and even less about Mewtwos but the two will pull through."

I couldn’t help but sigh in relief.

Zecora spoke "I'll keep an eye on them overnight."

I thank Zecora before dragging the three males back to Ponyville.

*Early the next morning*

Not many were up when Zecora came galloping into town.

Zecora spoke "TWILIGHT!!!"

“Ugh…” I groaned as I was definitely groggy.

Natsu fell off the branch he was sleeping on.

Natsu groans "Ow..."

Danyelle yawns "What gives?"

Zecora spoke "It’s Asuna and Myth!"

A cranky Nyx was on my head.

I spoke "I'll go get Ash then, I want to see how he reacts."

Rei asks "*Groggily* Ugh… What’s going on?"

A half asleep Serena was dragging a sleeping Ash by the tail.

Serena yawns "Something must have happened..."

Miyuki asks "*Yawning* But what?"

Asuna soon arrives while carrying a newborn shiny Mewtwo Poké-Mobian with one arm, a newborn shiny Mew Poké-Mobian in the other arm and Myth on her head.

Asuna spoke "Hey everyone... Wow, you all look tired."

Rei spoke "And three, two, one."

Asuna spoke "Don't even think about screaming. You'll wake the babies."

Ash spoke "Aww, baby Mewtwo and Mew. Night."

Ash started to wake off, before he immediately came back with wide eyes.

Serena was spooked by Ash's reaction.

Rei spoke "Saw that coming."

We then heard something shatter as we saw Orion with wide eyes, something dripping from his hands and something shattered with a puddle below him.

Danyelle asks "Uh, why is the baby Mewtwo a shiny?"

Rei spoke "Simple answer; great luck."

Crosswind spoke "Either that or Newt had one too many green colored berries."

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, the kid'll need a name."

Myth was asleep since she was worn out.

I ask "Got any ideas Ash?"

Ash spoke "Uh…"

A Kantonian Raichu-Mewtwo hybrid Poké-Mobian female asks "How about Huey?"

That surprised us out of nowhere.

Serena spoke "Goodness, you scared most of us there Mrs Ketchum."

The Raichu spoke "Sorry about that."

Nyx was curious about the new babies.

Ash asks "Was I once that small mom?"

Delia asks "As a baby?"

Ash spoke "Yeah."

Delia spoke "Then yes. I have baby pictures."

That made Ash blush in embarrassment.

I spoke "As does my mom..."

Danyelle spoke "I don't have many memories of my real parents but my adopted mother's got quite a few embarrassing pics of Sonic though. There was this one time when Sonic had his magic spurts, I was about 5 at the time but Sonic had accidentally teleported himself inside a wall."

Sonic spoke "DANY!!!"

Danyelle taunts "Catch me if you can bro!"

Danyelle flew off fast with Sonic flying after her.

Shirou chuckles "Reminds me of the times Lightning got stuck in the cookie jar."

Luna snickered at that.

Lightning spoke "Not cool dad! And don't go there mom."

A loud crash was heard since a starving pale arctic blue siren had fallen out of a portal.

The lone siren spoke "Owie...."

Rei spoke "Huh. Way sooner than normally expected."

Miyuki slaps Rei on the head with a tail.

Miyuki spoke "Can't you see that the poor dear's injured and malnourished? She'll need treatment and a lot of food."

Rei spoke "Okay, calm down."

Maria spoke "I hear screaming male hedgehog..."

Sonic spoke "*Ear twitching* Manic."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "PONIES! SCATTER!!!"

The ponies and other Mobians scatter before both Manic and a purple female hedgehog crash in the nearby lake.

Michiru spoke "Oh flop! Neither of them can swim!"

Michiru dove down into the water, grabbing the two hedgehogs and swimming back up to the surface.

Michiru shook the water off, causing her fur to go poofy.

Sonic asks "Manic! Sonia! You two okay?"

Manic spoke "Ugh… I think so, bro."

Michiru spoke "Don't even think about laughing at me Skittles!"

Rainbow asks "Huh? What makes ya say that?"

Michiru's fur was totally fluffed up since she had shaken the water off.

Korra was trying to hold back a laugh.

But then Manic suddenly looked a bit dizzy with a smile on his face.

Anzu was on her back while giggling.

Zoey snickers "Seems someone's in love with a siren!"

Sonata pulls out a taco from somewhere before moving it about in Manic's face.

Manic’s eyes started following the taco.

Michiru laughs "Once a tacobrain, always a tacobrain."

Sonata keeps teasing Manic with the taco.

Sonata teases "You want this taco?"

Manic simply nodded.

Sonata giggles "You have to catch me first!"

After eating the taco, Sonata scurries off to hide somewhere.

Manic dashes off in a green blur.

Sonata was on top of the library tree while hiding from Manic since the green hedgehog did not have wings yet.

Rei spoke "Huh, maybe it didn’t occur to her that Manic could run up the tree."

Sonia spoke "Manic's not a jumper though plus his magic level's lower than Sonic's."

I spoke "That plus I'd kick him."

Rei asks "But he’s got some skills with drumsticks, boomerangs and daggers, right?"

I spoke "Rei, you're a GENIUS!!!"

Sonia was soon pinned down by a yellow siren.

A thumping tail was heard since a purple siren was laughing.

The purple siren laughs "Oh my stars! That is just too much!!!"

Rei spoke "What? I was just listing some mad skills. I’ve heard of raining cats and dogs, but raining sirens? That’s ridiculous."

Blaze spoke "Least it's not raining alicorns."

Rei facepalmed at that. “Blaze, please. Don’t jinx it.”

Blaze spoke "At least I'm not a crazy blonde haired pirate chef that would get a freaking nosebleed if I saw a mermaid."


Orion's Fears/ Swarm of the Century

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*Sunset's POV*

It was a dark and stormy night, I was asleep in bed when Orion was tossing and turning in his bed.

I jolt awake in a cold sweat due to the nightmares Orion was having.

Asuna groans "Jeeze.... Can't a new mom get some proper sleep?"

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Asuna groans "Something's been on his mind ever since he was attacked by a Gengar."

"A Gengar?" I repeated in confusion.

Asuna yawns "Yeah... Orion's been having nightmares since that one time..."

But then a scary thought crossed my mind as I shivered at that. "Do you know what would happen if you had triplets instead of one?"

Asuna spoke "I'd get very little sleep...."

"Thought so." I noted.

Asuna walked over to her brother and kicks him out of his bed.

Orion spoke "GAH!"

Asuna spoke "Keep your voice down mister or you'll wake the babies."

Orion asks "But why did you do that?"

Asuna spoke "Your nightmares work the unicorn up."

I spoke "We should talk to Luna, she might be able to help."


Asuna fed Huey while Myth tore into some Oran Berry pancakes.

"I just hope my letter gets to Princess Luna soon." I said.

Myth spoke "I agree."

Asuna spoke "I'm worried about that Drakeon."

“We’re doing everything we can right now.” I responded.

Asuna spoke "I heard that the black furred cat's gone back to her world to find that blue aqua stuff but it's a race against the clock."

*Meanwhile in Tokyo*

Zoey spoke "For Faust's sake Elliot! I need some of that blue aqua!"

There was no response from Elliot.

Zoey calls out Wesley's name.

Wesley showed up. “Sorry about that. Elliot’s a bit half-asleep today.”

To Wesley's surprise, Zoey was half alicorn half cat Mobini.

Wesley asks "Um… What happened?"

Zoey spoke "I have no idea how this happened but I plan to talk to my mom about my wings later. Right now, someone's life is in danger and I need some blue aqua."

Wesley spoke "OH! Blue Aqua! I’ll go check! *Heads off before soon coming back with a Blue Aqua* It’s the last one! So it’ll take some time for Elliot and I to find more!"

Zoey spoke "I hate to say this but Deep Blue is back but he's changed."

Zoey's magic flares up, drawing in a lot of blue aqua.

Zoey gasps "Holy Shinx... Did I just do that?"

Wesley spoke "Well this’ll definitely be more than enough for your friend! Go! Go!"

Zoey heads back through a warp ring with all of the blue aqua she accidently gathered with her magic.

Zoey spoke "Rei! I got the blue aqua! And a LOT of it!"

Rei spoke "Good! Now let’s hurry!"

Carrying all of the blue aqua with her magic, Zoey darts over to where Iris' body was stored.

Zoey pushes one of the blue aqua orbs into Iris' body.

Iris’ body began to glow before she jolted up, wide awake. “Why was I dreaming about being in a field of flowers?”

Haku spoke "I almost lost you...."

Iris asks "Haku?"

Zoey spoke "That was a close call. If I hadn't gone back to my hometown, you wouldn't have been brought back from the brink of death."

Haku hugs Iris while crying.

Iris asks "What’s going on?"

Zoey explains to Iris what happened.

Anzu was talking with a sleep deprived Orion.

Iris asks "You’re kidding, right?"

Anzu asks "Orion, are you okay?"

Zoey retorts "Does it look like I'm joking?"

Downing some tea, Orion spoke "Rough night..."

Iris asks "But how did that even happen?"

Anzu asks "Really?"

Zoey spoke "To be honest, I have no idea. I'd hate to see what would have happened if I hadn't gotten enough blue aqua."

Orion spoke "Yeah... I've been having recurring nightmares. It's as though something is calling me..."

Twilight soon got a rather nasty headache since something or someone was calling out to Orion.

Twilight groans "Orion’s right about that. Ugh…"

Danyelle asks "You felt that too?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Rei spoke "Same here."

Zoey spoke "I felt the presence of another Mewtwo when I was in Tokyo. But I should warn you Orion... If you go after it now, it might not survive long."

Orion asks "What?"

Zoey spoke "Being a preemie myself, I know what it's like for the first few weeks after. I had to fight to survive."

I spoke "If it helps, we could go take a look."

Zoey asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah. Plus you were gonna talk to your mom about something."

Anzu spoke "I'm coming too."

*Back in Tokyo*

*Zoey's POV*

Since I couldn't hide my wings normally, I had to wear a jacket over them. I pull the hood over my now visible cat ears to hide them as well.

I spoke "First, we'll talk to Wesley about that Mewtwo."

I bump into Mark.

I spoke "Sorry sir."

Mark asks "It’s okay-Wait. Don’t I know you from somewhere?"

Since my voice was also disguised, I spoke "No you don't."

Mark asks "Okay?"

I spoke "If you'll excuse me, my daughter and I along with a Mewtwo have someplace to be."

I scurry off with Anzu and Orion towards Café Mew Mew.

I kept my tail hidden with a bit of magic as I ran off with Anzu and Orion.

After arriving at Café Mew Mew, I sat down on a chair before sighing.

I spoke "That was too close..."

Anzu sat down as well.

Anzu asks "How come you didn't want him to find out who you really are mom?"

I spoke "Knowing Dren, he'd probably try to kill Mark... So I had to disguise myself."

I chose two slices of cheesecake from the menu along with two strawberry milkshakes.

“Come on… please be here…” I said to myself.

Anzu spoke "Calm down mom."

Wesley notices a female with a jacket on.

Setting the order down in front of me, Wesley asks "You okay miss?"

“Yeah.” I answered.

Wesley asks "You new in town?"

I spoke "Uh, yeah."

*Shortly after the cafe closes up for the day,*

I take the jacket off before shaking the cramps out from my wings.

I spoke "Sorry for hiding my Mobini appearance but I can't risk being found out. My ex-boyfriend nearly found out."

Wesley asks "So, what’s going on now?"

I spoke "Well, Orion's been having recurring nightmares but one of my fellow royals can't help."

Anzu asks "Have you or Blondie been working on a secret project?"

I scold Anzu.

I spoke "I do apologize for Anzu's behavior, she's only 10 years old after all."

Wesley spoke "Oh."

I giggle "She takes after my husband for playfulness."

Orion asks "Is there another Mewtwo here?"

I spoke "Oi Blondie, put that Pokéball away!"

Wesley asks "Um, what’re you talking about?"

I spoke "Orion doesn't like humans that much so he's kind of wary of you and Elliot."

A voice spoke "Eep!"

I ask "That you Berry?"

Elliot spoke "No! That was me!"

I restrain Orion before he could attack Elliot.

I spoke "Elliot, remove that lab coat right now."

Elliot spoke "Okay okay!"

After the lab coat was removed, Orion calms down a bit.

I spoke "Sorry about that Elliot, Orion doesn't like people with lab coats on."

Orion glares at Elliot.

I spoke "Before someone loses an arm, we should check the lab."

Orion spoke "Very well."

Elliot leads me, Anzu and Orion down to the lab.

I was speechless upon seeing another Mewtwo.

But something seemed a bit different.

I growl at Elliot.

I growl "Did you do this?"

Wesley spoke "I told you this was a bad idea Elliot."

Inside the test tube was a small Mewtwo.

“Oh boy…” I dreaded.

I held Orion back from breaking the tube.

I spoke "You break that now, the little one won't last long."

Orion scoffed as he backed off.

I spoke "Good freaking grief..."

The Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo's psychic energy draws Orion closer.

I ask "Orion?"

Orion asks "Hmm?"

Anzu spoke "You seem kind of out of it..."

Orion asks "What makes you say that?"

Anzu spoke "Your tail's twitching more than normal."

I spoke "Oh cuss! It's waking up!"

Orion asks "Oh?"

I spoke "Don't you know that preemies have a lower chance of survival? If we don't stop it from waking up too soon, it'll die!"

As the baby Mewtwo’s eyes started to open with a crack, Orion’s eyes suddenly turned green and flashed at the baby Mewtwo through the eye cracks as it went back to sleep.

Orion spoke "Hypnosis."

Anzu spoke "But the glass is damaged though... I fear it won't last longer..."

But all of a sudden, the infant Mewtwo had vanished from the glass tube.

“We should check on Asuna.” I suggested.

Little did I know, the premature Mewtwo was now inside my stomach so it could finish growing.

Anzu spoke "Good idea mom."

So Orion, Anzu and I headed back to Ponyville via warp ring after waving goodbye to Elliot and Wesley.

Back with Asuna, she was trying to get Huey to talk.

Asuna asks "Look at me, look at mommy. Can you say Wa?"

Huey spoke "Wa."

Asuna spoke "Ter."

Huey spoke "Ter."

Asuna spoke "Water."

Huey giggles "Wadala."

Twilight and the others laugh.

Twilight giggles "That is adorable."

“Heehee, yeah. But Asuna, are you feeling okay?” I asked.

Asuna spoke "I could say the same about you catgirl. I sense something within you that wasn't there when you left."

“Say what now?” I asked in confusion before I felt my fishes swimming back upstream.

Huey was indifferent to the reaction.

I spoke "Huh, a shiny Mewtwo."

Rei spoke "Okay, did not see that coming."

Nyx was playing with Huey.

Twilight spoke "It's never too early to make friends."

the twin Vulpix girls were tussling with each other.

Danyelle yowls as she flew past the group while trying to escape the parasprites.

Bluestar started singing a random song, getting the attention of all of the parasprites.

Rei asks "What the what?"

Bluestar sends the parasprites back to where they came from.

Twilight spoke "Oh thank Faust, a minute later and Celestia would have my hide."

Celestia spoke "Hello everyone."

Twilight yelps "*Jumps in surprise and fright* GYAH!!!"

I spoke "If I wasn't sick to my stomach, I would be laughing at you Sparkles."

Dren passed me an empty bucket.

I threw up my recent meal.

I groan "Ick."

Rei asks "How and why did that happen?"

I spoke "Long story."

Rei asks "Okay?"

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter before reading it.

With a pale look on her face, Danyelle spoke "I fear we may be in for a galactic war soon..."


Galactic Troubles

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*Sonic's POV*

A spaceship crashes down near the castle.

A honey colored chakat-Andalite hybrid groans in pain as shi limps out of the wreckage.

The hybrid asks "<Where am I?>"

“On what planet or in what town?” I asked.

The hybrid spoke "<Both.>"

“Planet Equis, and town of Ponyville.” I answered.

Bowing down in a typical Andalite manner, the hybrid spoke "<My name is Honeystar-Ferria-Clement but you may call me Honeystar.>"

“Yeah, sure thing.” I responded.

Blizzardstar ices Ein before the hyena could sneak up on the hybrid from behind.

Blizzardstar spoke "Don't even think about it dumbass, that tail-blade is dangerous!"

Pierce asks "Huh? How?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Just don't ask."

Rei spoke "Better to be in the front than the back."

Miyuki spoke "Agreed."

Rei chuckles "Hehe, let’s try not to get our hair tangled with each other, Mimi."

Miyuki giggled at that.

Yugi asks "What is going on here?"

Renee asks "Seto?"

Seto asks "Hmm?"

Renee spoke "I feel funny..."

Miyuki spoke "Oh dear…"

Asuna spoke "Talk about timing..."

Danyelle spoke "You’re telling me…"

Zoey spoke "You're one to talk... I can barely keep my meals down."

Danyelle spoke "We don’t know how that’s the situation with you though, Zoey."

Twilight spoke "Morning sickness is a common sign for expecting females."

Zoey gasps "What? But I haven’t…"

Asuna spoke "Pigment might say otherwise..."

Zoey asks "Who?"

A kick was felt.

Zoey spoke "If you'll excuse me..."

Zoey darted off to her house for a while.

Honeystar asks "<What's with her?>"

Danyelle spoke "Just don't ask."

*some time later,*

Zoey was asleep on her bed with a small Mewtwo beside her.

Miyuki spoke "Huh. Well whaddya know."

Anzu spoke "Keep your voice down."

Asuna spoke "Huh, a black Mewtwo."

Zoey yawns "Oh hey guys..."

Miyuki spoke "Morning, Zoey."

Zoey yawns "Hey Miyu."

Anzu asks "Sleep well, mom?"

Pigment mewls.

Zoey spoke "Bringing a little one into the world can be hard..."

A loud growl was heard from Alto.

Zoey pulls the baby close to her.

Asuna spoke "Something's not right...."

Honeystar was growling.

Honeystar spoke "<I fear something is coming.>"

Shadow suddenly showed up in a cold sweat.

A loud explosion was heard before Jazz lead a large army of monsters out from deep underground, beside the hedgefox was a recently revived 12 year old male goat monster as other monsters followed her.

Ruby asks "You okay dad?"

Shadow asks "How is he coming back? How?!"

Maria scritches Shadow's left ear, calming him back down.

Jazz spoke "I brought in back up!"

“Who now?” I asked in confusion.

A female goat monster spoke "That would be my friends and I along with my estranged husband."

“Whoa!” I yelped in surprise.

The female goat monster spoke "*ruffling Jazz's fur* This little one freed all of us monsters. She also warned us of an oncoming threat."

Danyelle spoke "We'll need a place to hide the non-fighters though!"

Zoey spoke "That’s… gonna be hard."

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter but it wasn't from Master Hand.

Danyelle spoke "Uh guys, seems like we have a place to evac the non-fighters to after all."

Luna suddenly showed up. “Oh?”

Shirou spoke "Hey Lulu."

Luna spoke "Does that mean she’s back? *Giggle* Because she was quite the prankster, especially with food. Not to mention she’s quite a master when it came to meals."

Twilight spoke "Oh cuss, I inadvertedly reopened the Chuddle Hotel when I had teleported Riley and Gadget to a hotel room..."

Card spoke "It was just before I crossed paths with Trixie."

But then Trixie’s hat started wiggling, much to her confusion.

Card asks "Trixie, what are you hiding?"

Trixie spoke "Not sure. *Takes off hat and looks inside* Nothing. Maybe I should reach into it."

Danyelle spoke "No point of hiding Jasmine, I know you're invisible and currently sneaking up behind Korra."

Trixie reached into her hat and pulled out… a rabbit? But then the rabbit was engulfed in a puff of colorful dust before it faded, revealing to be some kind of mixed creature.

Jasmine spoke "Ooh, you were close, Dany."

Danyelle's neck fur bristles up due to a recent vision.

Danyelle mutters "Tabuu... Black Doom..."

I ask "You okay Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Spike, I need a letter written!"

Spike spoke "Okay."

Danyelle spoke "*ahem* To all Smashers both new and veteran, I just received a nasty vision concerning a terrible foe that I thought was destroyed for good. I request aid as soon as you get the chance! From MH's point of contact, Danyelle Hikari."

Once the letter was written up, Danyelle sends it out to Master Hand via her flame breath since it worked in the same manner as Spike's magic flame breath.

Danyelle spoke "Cereza, Sonic, Shadow. We have to evacuate the non-fighters to the Chuddle Hotel!"

Jasmine spoke "One portal to Chuddle Hotel, coming up!"

Roll and the non-fighters head off to the Hotel as the rest of the Smashers arrive through portals from their home worlds.

Zoey went with the non fighters since she had to keep Pigment safe.

Kazooie spoke "So that jerk dares show his ugly face once more."

“Um, Kazooie? You didn’t fight Tabuu or Black Doom.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind the loud-beak Breegull though Sonic."

The trio of sirens growl.

Adagio's tail was loosely wrapped around Sonia.

Rei spoke "Well this is gonna be big."

Asuna spoke "Agreed though I do wonder how the other Smashers will react to another Mewtwo."

Rei asks "Shock?"

I spoke "Mario and the others only know of one Mewtwo though. So the thought of four more existing might cause one of them to faint."

Asuna spoke "Agreed..."

Rei asks "Let me guess, is Ash one of the Smashers?"

Danyelle spoke "Delia would have my hide if Ash was involved in something that reckless."

Rei asks "But weren’t two of the Smashers a Pikachu and a Pichu?"

Danyelle's ears drooped down.

Danyelle spoke "They were killed in the fight against Galeem and Dharkon...."

Sonata growls "Now isn't the time to worry! BLACK DOOM IS HERE!!!"

Asuna and Orion went into their mega forms.

SSB Mewtwo was speechless at seeing two more of its species.

Rei chuckles "Heh, looks like it’s time to get dark."

Rei had a ghastly aura, ready for battle.

Renee pulls a whip out.

Renee spoke "Good thing Zoey's in hiding."

Rei spoke "And good thing I swapped out some of my moves."

Danyelle snaps her fingers, removing the limit for the Poké-Mobians.

Danyelle spoke "LET'S GET WILD!!!!"

Danyelle's body crackles with static.

Danyelle spoke "ATTACK!!!!!"

Rei became engulfed in ghostly flames before he took off into the air.

Danyelle took flight as well.

Rei spoke "Time to take my new fusion form for a test drive!"

Danyelle charges up a plasma attack.

The flames faded, revealing Rei’s new temporary form.

Rei spoke "Hope you punks are ready, cause you’re about to get whupped!"

Danyelle takes a picture of Rei's new look and sends it to Miyuki.

Danyelle spoke "Wow Rei, you look badass in that form! I wonder how Miyuki will react!"

Rei spoke "Hey, same here. Not to mention fusion transformation lasts one to seven days, even with the restraints on."

Danyelle engulfs herself in fire as she transforms into a giant Plasmeon-taur.

Danyelle spoke "You know what they say! The bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

Rei spoke "Nice! Time to combine some moves! Hope the enemies don’t mind some frostbite!"

Miyuki spoke "EAT ICE BEAM FREAK!!!!!!!"

Danyelle fired a Plasma Cannon attack at Black Doom.

The Ice Beam hit Black Doom after that.

Rei spoke "Night Sphere!"

Black-Red energy surrounded Rei as he formed it into a sphere before firing it at Black Doom.

A Solarbeam followed by a triple dose of shadow ball hits Black Doom.

Myth growls at the hostile alien.

Honeystar gallops through throngs of Black Arms, slicing them to pieces with hir tail-blade.

Rei spoke "This is gonna be tough."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly! Black Arm skin is more thicker than Mobian or Equian skin so it's harder to cut through!"

Shadow showed up and removed his inhibitor rings.

Six inhibitor rings fall off Danyelle as her power increased tenfold.

Danyelle asks "You thinking what I'm thinking Shads?"

Shadow spoke "*Glowing blue and red* Without a doubt."

Danyelle spoke "*glowing a golden color* CHAOS....."

Shadow and Danyelle fire their most strongest attacks at Black Doom, killing the hostile alien.

But then the two noticed Black Doom’s eye trying to escape.

Shadow spoke "Chaos Control!"

Shadow teleported with Danyelle straight to Black Doom’s eye.

Danyelle roars "CHAOS BARRIER!!!"

Black Doom's eye was trapped within the barrier, unable to escape.

Rei spoke "Now for the other problem."

I spoke "But there's a lot of dark energy within Tabuu's dimension. If I go in there, I'll automatically shift to werehog form."

Rei asks "Wait, the last time you fought Tabuu, you weren’t in werehog form, right?"

I spoke "I got the werehog form nine months after my first Smash tournament."

Rei spoke "Oh."

A pair of howls ring clear before Tabuu had exploded.

I ask "Rei, did you call in a Zacian and a Zamazenta?"

Rei asks "*Shrug* The Sword/Shield Siblings?"

I spoke "Don't play dumb with me Zoroark."

Rei spoke "Okay okay, so I may have called for a little backup from Galar."

A loud explosion was seen in the sky since Asuna, Orion, Myth and SSB Mewtwo had blown up the Black Comet.

Renee spoke "At least the threat is over..."

Then two armored wolf-like Poké-Mobians showed up, one being blue, a female and wielding a sword, with the other being red, a male and wielding a shield.

Rei spoke "Ah, Zacia and Zenta. Perfect timing."

Poking her head out of a warp ring, Zoey asks "Is it safe for the non-fighters to come back?"

Rei spoke "Yep."

Zoey carries Huey and Pigment in her arms and a baby Mew on her head as the other non-fighters followed.

Rei asks "What a day, huh?"

Peach and some of the other female Smashers were fawning over how cute Huey was.

Danyelle asks "Cereza, you okay?"

Bayonetta asks "Hmm?"

Asuna spoke "Seems like you and the other female Smashers are fawning over my son."

Bayonetta asks "Pardon?"

Huey had a kitten-like sneeze.

Bayonetta spoke "Now that’s an adorable little kitten."

Zoey spoke "He's a natural born Mewtwo."

Bayonetta asks "Really now?"

Asuna spoke "Yeah, there was a strange flower involved. Next thing I knew, I was pregnant with Huey."

Pigment was being fussy.

After passing Huey back to Asuna, Zoey spoke "Excuse me for a moment."

Passing Koji back to Myth, Zoey wraps her wings around her body before adjusting her shirt so Pigment could get something to eat.

I spoke "Annnyways... We should clean up the mess that the Black Arms caused."

And so, everyone worked together to clean up the mess that was caused by the Black Arms.

Asuna was being mindful of SSB Mewtwo's space.

Zoey was looking after Huey and Koji.


Winter Wrap Up

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*Zoey's POV*

I was asleep in bed with Pigment on my chest when I was woken up by Twilight.

“Why’re you so excited, Twi?” I groggily asked.

Twilight spoke "It's Winter Wrap up day!"

“Huh?” I said in confusion.

Pigment was mewling since she was fussy.

While bottle feeding Pigment, I ask "Could you explain it to me Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "*Gladly smiling* Definitely!"

Deep Blue groans "{I'll never hear the end of it...}"

Twilight spoke "Oh zip it, Deep Blue."

I giggle "Guess he's just being a sourpuss."

Twilight giggles "Heehee! Don’t ya know it."

Deep Blue manifests as a Mobian cat with a long blue jacket.

Deep Blue spoke "I still hate you catgirl."

I spoke "You're still an idiot though Blue."

Deep Blue growled at that.

I snarl back at Deep Blue.

I spoke "You know you can't kill me because it could put Pigment's life in danger and I know I can't kill you because that would deliver a nasty shock to Twilight."

Deep Blue growls in annoyance, knowing that I was right.

Twilight spoke "Okay you two, calm down."

I spoke "Ladies do not start fights but they can finish one."

Twilight spoke "Rarity would agree with that."

Pigment was being fussy as usual.

I spoke "Regardless, it's too early... I'm going back to bed..."

Twilight soon opened the door.

Twilight spoke "Maybe Zoey was right."

Flash asks "Twilight? You okay?"

Twilight spoke "Aside from the sudden sickness, I'm fine."

Flash Sentry spoke "Sudden sickness? Maybe we should see a doctor for you."

Twilight spoke "I don't think Redheart or the other doctors can help. I'd have to ask Sardon though."

Flash Sentry spoke "Oh…"

Twilight spoke "I may be an alicorn now but I'm also half Cyniclon due to Deep Blue being a part of me."

Rei spoke "Hey guys."

Rei was still in his Lucario/Zoroark fusion form from that battle against Black Doom and Tabuu.

Miyuki had fainted with a major nosebleed.

Pixie giggles "Seriously sis?"

Rei chuckles "Hehehe, I have tons more where that came from."

Pixie spoke "I swear Rei, your dad was a Lucario."

Rei spoke "*Confused* What makes you say that? I have tons of transformations when my restraints are off."

Danyelle sneezes, causing the restraints to go back on thus locking Rei in Zorocario form.

Rei spoke "What the?! My timer suddenly stopped!"

I throw a book with my magic at Rei to shut him up.

Rei asks "What the?! What gives?!"

Twilight glares at Rei.

I spoke "Unless you want an angry cat and a pair of angry Mewtwo on your tail, keep your voice down."


I had Pigment wrapped up in a blanket while in my arms as I bottle fed her.

I spoke "I'll be too busy to help out with wrapping up winter."

Anzu was throwing snowballs at Applebloom and Spectral.

I couldn’t help but smile at the fun they were having.

Asuna spoke "Ugh, I'm not built for this kind of weather..."

“Oh, wanna come in?” I offered.

Asuna spoke "Thanks..."

I spoke "I'll put some hot chocolate on for the both of us."

*Meanwhile with Twilight*

*Danyelle's POV*

I spoke "Hey Sparkles."

Twilight spoke "Hey Dany."

Twilight notices I had a blue vest on.

Twilight asks "Are you okay?"

I spoke "Nothing's wrong, I'm helping the others with wrapping winter up."

Roll and Toriel were helping Fluttershy with the animals.

Twilight spoke "Wow. Not really surprised about Toriel getting along with Fluttershy."

I tease "You're one to talk Sparkles, you and Alphys get along as well."

Yugi had slipped on the ice, causing Tristan and Joey to laugh at him.

Twilight asks "What about Undyne and Rainbow Dash?"

I was too busy laughing since Yugi had slipped and fell.

Yugi spoke "Quit laughing at me Joey!"

The Mobian lion got back up but slipped yet again.

Joey and Tristan started laughing harder.

The ice under Yugi cracks, causing him to go under.

I gasp "Oh sugar honey iced tea!"

Disregarding my typing and my inability to swim, I dove in to the water to get Yugi out.

Holding my breath, I swam towards Yugi and grabbing him before swimming back up to the surface.

Honeystar asks "<What happened?>"

Rei spoke "A lot."

Joey and Tristan got pelted with a piece of ice.

Yugi stammers "Th-that's for n-not telling me th-the ice was th-thin..."

I get Yugi back to his house so he could warm up on his own.

Yugi stammers "Th-Th-Thanks, Dany."

I spoke "I risked drowning to save you since I can't swim that well."

Yugi spoke "S-Sorry about that."

I spoke "I should've warned you..."

Yugi spoke "No, I didn’t know about that. I’m sorry."

I spoke "I was raised by a hedgehog and an alicorn though, plus my inability to swim is genetic... I think..."

Yugi spoke "Oh."

I spoke "Yeah..."

I flew off to help clear the clouds.

But then I heard pitter-patter of wings as I saw something small and pink flying.

I ask "huh?"

Rainbow calls my name.

I spoke "Coming Skittles!"

I soon meet up with Rainbow to discuss where I should fly to.

“So, where to?” I asked.

Rainbow spoke "Mind going north to get Ditzy? She went the wrong way yet again."

“Sure, at least she’s not that swordsman with no sense of direction.” I responded.

I flew northward to retrieve Ditzy.

Big Mac spoke "Uh AJ..."

Applejack asks "Hmm?"

Moeka spoke "Zane lost the grass seeds again."

Applejack spoke "Oh fer the love of…"

Zane growls "It wasn't my fault!"

Rei spoke "Ay-oh! Break it up, break it up! Calm down."

Corina was arguing with Rarity as a scuffle broke out.

Renee noticed that Twilight was hiding in a bush.

Renee asks "You okay Twilight?"

Twilight sighs "No."

Renee spoke "You're the most organized pony I know. If anypony can solve this before it descends into total chaos thus causing someone to break free, it's you."

Twilight asks "Really?"

Jasmine suddenly showed up. “Total chaos?”

Renee spoke "Yeah and DON'T scare me like that Jasmine!"

Jasmine spoke "Sorry, it’s just it reminded me of someone."

I soon return with Ditzy.

I spoke "Let me guess... Discord."

Jasmine asks "How do you know my cousin?"

I spoke "I have the Dimensional Scream. It lets me see past and future. Plus one ill-timed squabble between Applebloom and two other fillies will cause the seal that Celestia and Luna put on him will weaken. And I can tell that Pinkie is a clairvoyant. How else can she predict things yet to come? Oh don't give me that look Twilight."

Jasmine spoke "Huh. Not bad."

Twilight gasps "H-how?!?!?"

I spoke "From what info I got from the last vision I had, my birth mom also had the Dimensional scream."

Jasmine spoke "Makes sense."

I spoke "And with restraints off, I can use Transform since I have diluted Mew Poké-Mobian blood in my veins."

Jasmine spoke "I can easily remove the restraints, but that’d be WAY too easy, so I won’t."

I snicker "I just had an idea to prank Shirou and the other wolves."

Jasmine spoke "Ooh! I want in!"

I engulf myself in fire as I took on the form of a two-tailed Mightyena Poké-Mobian before howling which sets Renee off.

Rei thinks "What’s Renee doing? She’s gonna start a howl."

Riley spoke "Renee, quit it! You're gonna start a howl!"

Renee spoke "I didn't start it!"

I howl again, setting both wolves and a few others off.

Rei thinks "What’s going on here?"

Miyuki giggles "Prank."

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

Shirou was howling since he had been set off by the Mobian wolves.

Luna asks "*Groggily* Ugh… What’s going on?"

Celestia spoke "Seems like Shirou got pranked..."

Luna asks "How and by who?"

Celestia giggles "Danyelle's howl."

Luna giggled.

Celestia spoke "Teehee."

White had also been set off since he was quarter wolf.

Celestia asks "Uh, dad?"

Luna spoke "Odd."

Leilani spoke "Seems somepony hasn't told me the truth..."


Call of the Cutie

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*Lance's POV*

I was sneaking up on Applebloom from behind since she was busy before I pounce on her, tickling her.

Applebloom giggles "*Laughter* L-L-Lance! Stop!"

I chuckle "That's payback for the hug you gave me back when we first met Zecora."

Applebloom spoke "Oh yeah?"

I spoke "At least I'm not as dense as my uncle is."

Sonata was covered up with a siren-sized blanket since she had come down with a flu.

Sonata spoke "Achoo!"

Manic was carrying a large bowl of soup with his magic over to Sonata.

Sonata spoke "*Shivering* Th-Th-Th-Thanks, M-M-M-Manic… Achoo!"

Manic was soon drenched in the broth.

Manic asks "*deadpan* Really Sonata?"

Sonata spoke "*Sniff!* Sorry, Manic. It’s this flu. I never know what could happen *Pant!* next…!"

Sonata started sweating.

A loud sneeze was heard from Adagio and Aria.

Manic asks "Do sirens get flu this season?"

Aria spoke "It's kind of *Achoo!* like a horn flu that alicorns get in the spring..."

Sonic spoke "You know Skittles, I could beat you in an Extreme Gear race with my wings tied!"

Rainbow asks "*ears twitching* What was that?"

Sonic spoke "Don't say I didn't warn you Rainbow Crash! I have more experience with Extreme Gear than you do!"

Rainbow spoke "Oh, it’s so on!!!"

Sonic spoke "Don't make me laugh!"

Tails sighs "Here we go again..."

Rusty spoke "Yeah..."

An orange Pegasus filly had jumped onto Rusty's back, knocking the three tailed fox over.

Rusty asks "Really Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo spoke "*Bashfully* Oh! U-Uh, sorry about that."

Rusty grabs Scootaloo before tickling the bottom of her hooves with his tails.

Rusty laughs "Nobody can best a Prower in a tickle fight."

Huey was laughing at his mother since Pinkie had pranked Asuna with a cucumber.

Asuna was definitely on her hands and feet like a cat on all fours.

Danyelle was fluffed up since she hated cucumber pranks.

Even Zoey, Dren and Anzu were fluffed up. Pigment was up in a tree.

Blaze was in the hospital since she had given birth to a girl.

Pinkie spoke "Whoa…"

Danyelle spoke "Pinkamena Diane Pie, you have five seconds to hightail it before I hit you with a Flamethrower!"

Pinkie already ran.

Danyelle spoke "Serves her right to..."

Danyelle glances at Rainbow.

Danyelle spoke "I'm starting to think that it was your first Rainboom that connected you to the other five without realizing it. If it wasn't for your Rainboom... Applejack would have remained in Manehattan, Rarity wouldn't have found the inspiration she needed for the dresses she makes, Pinkie wouldn't have left her home which in turn wouldn't have caused a certain stallion to become a party planner, Fluttershy would have died in that fall and Twilight would've failed her entrance exam."

Rainbow asks "Wait… What?"

Rei spoke "It’s true."

I spoke "I didn't see that one coming."

I was soon on my back since Applebloom had pinned me to the ground.

I groan "Seriously Applebloom?"

Applebloom giggles "Heehee! Pinned ya."

I spoke "Hey, let me up!"

Applebloom and I tumbled, only for me to lose.

Applebloom giggles "*Smirk* Pinned ya again."

I aim my tail at Applebloom's stomach, making her laugh.

Applebloom giggles "Not again!"

I chuckle "You can't best a member of the Sakurai clan or a Prower in a tickle fight."

Rusty spoke "I just had an awesome idea! We could set up a club for blank flanked ponies!"

Applebloom asks "*gasp* Really?"

Rusty chuckles "Yeah! We could call it Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Scootaloo asks "Wow! You serious?"

Rusty spoke "I never tell a lie."

A pale purple unicorn filly with a blonde mane and yellow eyes asks "Could I join too?"

A white unicorn filly showed up. "What about me?"

I spoke "Sure!"

A tora-ge chakat with silver fur and bright blue eyes asks "What about me?"

Rusty asks "What do you think Lance?"

"I guess so." I answered honestly as the chakat smiled.

After a run in with a strange flower, Twilight had popped up with a Pegasus colt with the exact same colors as her.

Twilight spoke "That's the last time I trust you with a weird flower Asuna!"

Asuna retorts "How was I supposed to know what that flower was!"

Twilight spoke "Don't make me shove a Tamato berry down your throat."

The two were comically then in a fight cloud.

Due to the influence that Korra had on all ponies, Twilight sets Asuna's tail on fire.

Asuna yowls "GAH!!! Hot hot hot!"

Huey grabs a bucket of water with his Psychic and dumps it on the two before slamming the bucket on Twilight's head.

Twilight gasps "Gah! What the?!"

Asuna spoke "Phew... Thanks, Huey."

Danyelle and Michiru laugh.

Danyelle snickers "Talk about being soaking wet and clueless!"

Michiru spoke "Yeah."

Rei sighs "Man…"

Danyelle snickers "That was priceless!"

Michiru spoke "I'd hate to see what would happen if Fluttershy slammed a bucket on Blaze's head..."

Jasmine spoke "*Facepalm!* When he comes back, you’ll get the answer to that."

Danyelle growls "Do I need to roast a Draconequus?"

Jasmine spoke "No, just trying to warn ya not to jinx it."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Jasmine... I have the dimensional scream, I see things that have happened or have yet to happen."

A cry was heard, causing many ponies to freeze up.

Twilight asks "What was that?"

A flash of silvery white wings was seen just above the treeline as something large crashed down near Zecora's place.

Rei spoke "Oh, that can’t be good."

Danyelle spoke "If that was a Beast-lord, we better be careful. They are wild animals and can easily kill a Mobian or an Equian if angered."

Fluttershy asks "Um… can I come along?"

Grabbing a med kit, Danyelle spoke "Very well Fluttershy but do be careful."

The two females along with Asuna head to Zecora's hut to tend to the Beast-lord.

Asuna spoke "I'm tagging along just in case it attacks you two."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Asuna spoke "I'd rather not get an earful from the others if you two got hurt."

The trio soon arrive to where the Beast-Lord is.

A large branch was impaled in the Beast-lord's left wing.

Danyelle spoke "We'll have to put it to sleep before we can attempt to remove that branch."

Fluttershy spoke "Okay."

After Asuna used Hypnosis on the Beast-lord, Danyelle and Fluttershy work carefully to remove the branch.

Danyelle spoke "This one might never fly again..."

Fluttershy spoke "Not if we find a way to fully heal its wing."

Danyelle spoke "I'll have to ask Maria about it since she's a healer... And despite my blue eyes, my element is fire so maybe..."

Danyelle places a hand on the still asleep Beast-lord's left wing before searing the wound shut with fire.

The Beast-lord winced a bit in its sleep.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, that should do for now. We should back off before she wakes up."

Asuna spoke "Right."

The trio back off before the Beast-lord woke up.

Danyelle chuffs in the Beast-lord's tongue, asking if it was okay.

The beast-lord responded, confirming that.

Danyelle chuffs back, saying that she had healed the wound.

Danyelle spoke "Aw nertz! I have to get ready for that race!"

Danyelle flew off.

Asuna spoke "She seems to be in a hurry."

Fluttershy asks "Race?"

Asuna spoke "I overheard the blue hedgehog mention something about Extreme Gear."

Fluttershy asks "Um… Should we take a look?"

Asuna spoke "About that, the race is going to be held on Mobius. So I heard."

But then something hit Asuna. “Wait a minute… what would happen if someone from this planet went onto Mobius?”

Sonic spoke "I'll answer that one. Lillian was human prior to coming to Equestria so if she goes back, she'll revert back. But for someone like Twilight for example, she'd take on an alicorn-Cyniclon hybrid form due to Deep Blue. Anzu would likely remain a Mobian cat since she was born one. So basically, it varies with origin."

Fluttershy spoke "O-Oh."

Using his magic, Sonic draws out an image of what Fluttershy would look like as a Mobian on paper.

Fluttershy spoke "Oh my!"

Sonic spoke "Yeah and you're welcome to keep the picture if you want."

*One warp ring to Mobius later*

Rainbow spoke "Woah! I look awesome!"

Rei chuckles "Hehehe, heck yeah you do!"

Michiru was back in Beastman form.

Michiru spoke "This feels weird..."

Rei asks "Whaddya mean?"

Michiru spoke "I've been human for 17 years, tanuki beastman for a year then Mobian tanuki for 12 years..."

Rei spoke "That makes 30."

Danyelle spoke "I've been Mobian my whole life."

Jake spoke "Hawk beastman for 18 years, hawk Mobian for 12 years."

To Michiru's surprise, Luna was among the group.

Michiru spoke "Holy Shinx, you look amazing Luna."

To be Continued

Let the Race Begin!

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*Lillian's POV*

I spoke "It feels weird being human again after 12 years..."

Danyelle asks "You doing alright?"

I spoke "Yeah and it seems them sirens tagged along."

Sonata was in hedgehog form as she pounced on Manic, pinning him down.

Adagio and Aria both facepalm.

Adagio spoke "Once a tacobrain, always a tacobrain."

Sonata and Manic both spoke "HEY!"

I giggle "So says the hedgehog that has a craving for nachos."

Aria spoke "HEY!"

Adagio laughs "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Aria growls "*Facepalm!* Really? REALLY?!"

Adagio growls back at Aria.

Rei spoke "Okay you two, calm down."

Adagio spoke "She started it!"

Danyelle snaps "I don't care WHO STARTED IT, I'M ENDING IT!"

Both Adagio and Aria immediately shut up.

Rei spoke "…Well, better get ready for the race."

Aria spoke "I'm going to enjoy kicking your butt in the race Adagio!"

Adagio spoke "Bring it, Aria!"

Aria taunts "So says the hedgehog that has a weakness for chili carrots."

Adagio spoke "Oh, it is on now!"

Sonic asks "Chili carrots?"

Adagio was stammering.

Sonic teases "*Smirk* What’s wrong? Not hungry?"

Adagio spoke "Sh-shut up blue rat."

Sonic asks "What?"

Roll spoke "Sonic Maurice Ogami! Cool your jets before I throw you into the water."

Sonic spoke "Sorry."

Adagio spoke "It’s fine."

Alto felt rather short compared to his tanuki mother.

Michiru asks "You okay?"

Alto spoke "Yeah ma, I just didn't know you were a Beastman of all things."

Dren and Zoey were among the crowd.

Deep Lilac spoke "I look weird..."

Dren spoke "This is going to make one heck of a story to tell the other Cyniclons..."

Deep Lilac asks "Is it just me or does the fox smell like mint?"

Sonic asks "Huh?"

Tails spoke "Shut up Sonic! I haven't had any mints today!"

Rei asks "What’s going on?"

Knuckles spoke "For the love of Chaos, there's three empty mint tins on the ground by you Tails."

Tails spoke "*mouth was full of mints* Make it five..."

Pixie spoke "Tails, stop! That's a COMICAL amount of mints!"

Rei facepalmed.

Danyelle laughs "Oh, here's a recording from when Tails and the others verbally roasted Eggman!"


Tails asks "*to Eggman* are you sure you didn’t pack a toy with that happy meal?"

Sonic laughs "Ha get him Tails!"

Knuckles asks "Your mom didn't leave a note in there too. Did she?"

Eggman spoke "You leave my mum out of this."

*End recording*

Deep Lilac laughs "Oh my Faust! He got roasted!"

Rei spoke "OOH!!!"

Blaze spoke "Sounds like Baldy McNosehair's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Rei spoke "Hehe, yep."

An infant hedgecat girl was clinging to Blaze's back.

Sonic notices a Mobian monkey.

Sonic spoke "Ahoy Luffy!"

Luffy laughs "Huh? Whoa! Hey Sonic!"

Danyelle spoke "It's been a while funky monkey."

Luffy spoke "Hey!"

Sonic chuckles "She's just teasing."

Danyelle shot a bolt of lightning at a skeletal cat Mobian with a poofy afro.

Danyelle spoke "Don't even THINK about it Brooke!"

Brook spoke "Yohohohohoho! That certainly shocked me to the bone! Because I’m a skeleton, you see."

Clarity scoffs "You're just as bad as Miroku..."

Danyelle asks "Say what now?"

Clarity spoke "Guess you didn't know, I'm 523 years old. Even though I look 19."

A demonic fox Mobian was soon hugging Clarity.

Danyelle was itching at her neck, trying to get a demonic flea Mobian off her.

Clarity spoke "Myoga, leave the cat alone."

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

A flea-sized Mobian was soon on Danyelle's nose.

Clarity spoke "That's Myoga... He tends to bother me and Inuyasha a lot."

Sonic spots a male.

Sonic spoke "Hey Goku! Over here!"

Danyelle snaps her fingers, causing vests to appear on those with wings to prevent them from flying.

Danyelle spoke "Given that this will likely be a gourmet race, flying will be off limits."

Deep Lilac spoke "Fair enough."

Danyelle spoke "And another thing, Dren can't float in the air either since it counts as flying."

Dren spoke "Bummer!"

Deep Lilac spoke "But knowing the pink puffball, he'd enter too."

Danyelle spoke "That may be so but even Kirby knows that he's not allowed to fly."

A white furred Mobian wolf with a crest of blue fur down the back of the head and neck walks over to the group.

The wolf spoke "Seems like the twin-tailed cat knows the rules about the gourmet race."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Toriko."

A tailless black-furred monkey Mobian suddenly appeared.

Sonata asks "What happened to your tail?"

Goku spoke "Huh? *Carefree smile* Oh, it’s no big deal."

Sonic asks "But still... Why would anyone want to do that?"

Danyelle spoke "If I had my tails chopped off, I wouldn't be able to fly right..."

Goku spoke "Hey, it was for a good reason."

Danyelle spoke "Ignoring the outburst from Rarity..."

Rarity spoke "Hey!"

Danyelle asks "Given that there are newcomers in the Gourmet Race, mind explaining the rules Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "*Ahem* Regarding the rules, winged folks like alicorns and Pegasi are not allowed to fly during the race. On that note, Cyniclons are forbidden to hover in the air since the point is to run. At the finish line is a really rare kind of meat. There will be a lot of obstacles too. Just so everyone has a fair chance, I will be running at half my normal speed. Extreme Gear is off limits...."

Danyelle uses her magic to disable the Ex-gear mode on Shadow's shoes for the entire race.

Sonic spoke "All forms of magic and Cyniclon powers along with element bending is off limits."

Jet spoke "BUMMER!!!"

Rei spoke "Okay."

Sonic spoke "All Pokémon moves are also off limits too."

Asuna spoke "I'll be watching the race from a hot air balloon though since I'm not much of a runner."

Sonic spoke "Racers! To the starting line!"

Rei spoke "*Gets to the starting line and readies himself* Here we go."

What seemed to be a hybrid of a WereGarurumon and a Midnight form Lycanroc was among the racers.

There was also a Blaziken-Garudamon hybrid as well.

The Blaziken-Garudamon hybrid spoke "You're going down WereLycanmon!"

WereLycanmon spoke "In your dreams Blazedramon!"

A Flareon-Garudamon hybrid spoke "Joltesusmon could kick your sorry tails!"

Joltesusmon spoke "You're one to talk Flarerudamon, you got your sorry ass kicked by Espewomon ONE time and you just can't leave well enough alone!"

Espewomon spoke "So says the dense boltbrain that can't admit his feelings for Leaflymon!"

Joltesusmon spoke "Shut up Espewomon! You're too shy to admit your feelings to GlaceAngemon!"

An AncientMermaimon-Vaporeon hybrid spoke "That's no way to speak to a lady."

GlaceAngemon was on his back while laughing.

Rei spoke "Did… not see that coming."

An Umbreon-LadyDevimon hybrid was laughing.

The Umbreon-LadyDevimon hybrid spoke "Seeing the six of them squabble like that is amusing."

Espewomon asks "Really?"

UmbreDevimon spoke "Bite me."

From the hot air balloon, Asuna spoke "Racers! On your marks! Get set! GO!!!"

Rainbow, Sonic and Joltesusmon took the lead as the others took off running.

Asuna asks "Hmm… Should we put on some music?"

Huey spoke "mya!"

Danyelle spoke "EAT MY DUST SKITTLES!!!"

A glint of gold was on Danyelle's right ankle as she ran past the three speedsters.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh, it’s on now!"

Rei was definitely catching up.

A tan blur zipped past since Michiru had taken on a cheetah form.

Michiru laughs "Later Slowpoke!"

Rei then caught up with the three speedsters. “Looks like all that leg training paid off!”

A loud boom was heard as Michiru suddenly broke the sound barrier, zooming past the four.

Asuna exclaims "This is intense! Miss Kagetashi pulls ahead of the four leads after breaking the sound barrier! Can the Blue Blur, the Cerulean Blur, the Clairvoyant Cat and the Ghostfox catch up to her?"

Rei spoke Heh, looks like it’s time to pull out all the stops."

Danyelle and Sonic break the sound barrier and catch up to Michiru.

Rei pushed off the ground with his legs with incredible power, force and speed, breaking the sound barrier too as he caught up with the three.

A sudden Rainboom was seen as Rainbow breaks the sound barrier, catching up to the four.

Danyelle kept the speed as she jumps up a mountain cliff.

Rei pushed off the ground again like before, getting all the way up the mountain cliff in one jump.

Michiru and Rainbow crossed through the forest as Sonic sped through the desert.

The five were halfway through.

Shadow was already far ahead but he was forcefully removed from the race due to usage of Chaos Control to get ahead.

Rei spoke "Guess ya gotta move with the time, not against it."

Danyelle spoke "He had it coming!"

Rei asks "Yeah, but see what I did there?"

Danyelle spoke "Shadow doesn't seem to give a shit though."

Rei spoke "Well, let's keep going!"

Danyelle spoke "I doubt the others can catch up with us speedsters."

Rei spoke "Ya never know what could happen in a race. Luffy might go 2nd Gear, and Goku might go Super Saiyan."

Danyelle spoke "But Sonic said earlier that all powers were off limits. That included magic, Chaos Control, Cyniclon powers, Pokémon attacks and elemental bending. He didn't say anything about Blastia though."

Rei asks "But were Devil Fruit powers and Ki mentioned?"

Danyelle spoke "Not directly but those are off limits too."

Rei spoke "Just thought I should check."

Danyelle spoke "But I heard rumors that Goku got into a slap fight with Vegeta one time."

Rei snickers "Sorry, what?"

Danyelle snickers "Slap fight."

Rei snickers "You serious?"

Danyelle laughs "Very much so! Catch you later slowpoke!"

Danyelle zooms off down the mountain while pulling off a Plasmaboom in the process.

Rei spoke "Ooh, you're in for it now!"

Rei plummeted down the mountain, pulling off an Illusionboom in the process.

A Renapix with fireproof clothes zooms past Rei.

Renapix spoke "Eat my dust!"

The Renapix ran so fast that a literal dust cloud obscured Rei's vision.

Rei spoke "Oh... IT IS ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!!!"

Rei leapt and ran even faster, catching up with the Renapix as the dust cloud cleared off his head.

Michiru, Danyelle, Sonic and Rainbow were closing in on the finish line.

Rei and the Renapix were closing in too.

What seemed to be a yellow Zoroark had crashed into Rei, accidentally locking lips with him.

Rei gasps "What in the?!"

That startled Rei so much that he tripped and tumbled.

The Renark's clothes were tattered since she was trying to escape from some bad people.

The Renark was soon on her back as she glances up at Rei with a blush on her face.

Renark stammers "S-sorry..."

Rei groans "Ugh… What happened?"

A quad-boom was heard off in the distance thus indicating that Danyelle, Rainbow, Sonic and Michiru had tied for first place.

Renark spoke "I accidentally crashed into you...."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Renark giggles "You're kinda cute."

Rei asks "Huh?"

Asuna calls out "Rei! What happened?"

Rei spoke "Not really sure. But I’m sure Miyuki will wanna talk to me about this."

Asuna teases "Seems like you found another Zoroark."

Rei rushed to the finish line, reaching 2nd as Renark giggled.

Deep Lilac laughs "Sounds like the Zoroark's in sixth place."

Rei asks "6th? Then who’s in fifth?"

Deep Lilac spoke "That would be the Renapix."

Rei sighs "*Facepalm* Should’ve known."

Zoey was out of breath as she and Pigment came in tenth place.

Danyelle's fur bristled up since she had a bad vision.

Danyelle calls out "Asuna! Call off the race!! Something BAD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!!!"

Danyelle was bodyslammed into a tree by a darker version of Orion.

Danyelle groans in pain. "Wh-why Orion...?"

Rei spoke "That’s Shadow Orion now."

Danyelle fires a Plasma Bolt at Shadow Orion, knocking the corrupted Poké-Mobian back.

Raptor suddenly showed up. “What’s going on here?!”

Deep Lilac spoke "Orion's gone berserk and Danyelle's trying her best to stop him."

Raptor spoke "That explains why I somehow can’t Mega Evolve!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Sonic can't go into any of his other forms because of this!"

Rei spoke "Guess we’ll need this."

Rei brought out something.

But a darker colored shadow ball hits the item, causing it to shatter.

Danyelle spoke "You've gone too far Orion!"

Rei spoke "No, that’s not Orion. That’s the Shadow Synergy Stone."

A blast of ice freezes Shadow Orion in place but it wasn't caused by Elsa.

What seemed to be a robotic Glaceon was up on a nearby cliff.

The robotic Glaceon spoke "Long time, no see."

Zelda spoke "Indeed it has Iron Frost."

Tails asks "Woah, what Poké-Mobian is that?!?"

Tails scans the Poké-Mobian with the Pokédex.

The Pokédex's voice spoke "No data available. Possibly a Glaceon."

Iron Frost spoke "The Pokédex is half-right."

Tails spoke "Since the Pokédex can't recognize you...."

Sonic asks "What are you? Some sort of robot Glaceon?"

Iron Frost spoke "You can say that. I just hope Lord Miraidon is okay."

Danyelle yowls louder than she ever could, getting Mirai's attention.

A time portal suddenly appeared as Mirai showed up.

Korai soon follows, as did many other legendary Poké-Mobians.

Arcee asks "Did thou summon all of us Legendary Poké-Mobians?"

Danyelle explained to Arcee and the others.

Arcee spoke "Ah, I see."

Deep Lilac spoke "I was the one that killed Giovanni..."

Suicune asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "It's a mother's instinct to protect her children."

Zoey spoke "Asuna and I would say the same thing about Huey and Pigment."

Raikou asks "Wait.. WHAT????"

Danyelle spoke "Calm down, Raiju."

To Arcee's surprise, a pair of smaller Mewtwo and a smaller Mew were near Zoey and Myth.

Arcee asks "What’s going on?"

Myth spoke "Well, a rare flower that wasn't a Gracidea caused Asuna to have a child and me to have a third child. Pigment was cloned from Orion but... She's a Ghost-Psychic type."

Zoey asks "Did you say ghost?"

Myth spoke "Oops."

Danyelle spoke "Pig doesn't look like a ghost at all though."

Zoey sighs with relief.

Myth spoke "Thanks, Dany."

Zoey spoke "That's a load off my mind."

Sonic spoke "Sounded like Scratch for a moment there."

Lance asks "Who?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, one of Egghead’s goons."

Danyelle laughs "Oh! I call him Chicken Face!"

The others burst into laughter.

Danyelle laughs "Michiru, Nazuna and I often refer to Eggman as Baldy McNosehair!"

Sonic chuckles "Hey! I call him that too, ya know!"

Deep Lilac snickers "I got one!! Fatso!"

Sonic laughs "Humpty Dumpty!"

Tails spoke "Oh my Chaos! I got one!!! Tubby!"

Rei chuckles "How's this? Potbelly!"

Rainbow, Pinkie and Michiru were laughing.

Nazuna snickers "Lardball!"

Everyone was in high spirits while Deep Lilac slices up the meat after Danyelle cooked it thoroughly with her flames.

Deep Lilac spoke "While the other ponies and I enjoy our salads, the meat eaters can enjoy the meat!"

Danyelle took some for herself as the other carnivores did as well.

Rei spoke "Mmm! This is good!"

Sonata was growling at Aria since the two were arguing over the same chunk of meat.

Huey had a smaller portion since he was just a baby.

Rei slashed Sonata and Aria's chunk of meat perfectly in half, 50-50.

Adagio steals both pieces from her sisters and ate them.

Natsu sets some fireworks off.


Suited for Success/ Feeling Pinkie Keen

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*Miyuki’s POV*

Rei definitely seemed nervous about something. But what?

I ask "Rei?"

Rei yelped before noticing me. “Oh, *Phew!* It’s just you, Mimi.”

I spoke "I swear, you're more jumpier than Fluttershy is."

Rei spoke "S-Sorry. I’ve been worried ever since the race."

Ein was stuck in a wall since he had the nerve to harass Yugi.

Rei asks "Again?"

Twilight spoke "It's a lion versus hyena thing."

Rei spoke "Yeah."

A trio of dark yellow Zorua children tackle their father.

Rei chuckles "Hehehe! Hey! Take it easy! Wait… Yellow?"

I spoke "I guess some cat forgot to mention that normal Mobian marriage laws don't apply to Poké-Mobians..."

Rei asks "Wha-huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Miyuki!"

"What? I thought I should let my husband know in case anything happens." I pointed out.

Crosswind was galloping past while carrying a chakat cub in hir arms.

Crosswind spoke "Jay-Jay! Ah found a chakat cub all by hirself!"

Danyelle was digging in the soil when she had dug up some gems.

Danyelle spoke "Oh, Rarity might want these!"

Danyelle gathers the gemstones up with her magic and carried them to Rarity's place.

Danyelle spoke "*knocking on the door* hey Rarity, I found some gemstones for you."

Rarity gasps "Gems?!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, maybe you can use them for the gala dresses."

Rarity gasps "Really?!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and I have a gut feeling that Twilight might show up with a tattered dress which in turn prompts you to make dresses for the others... Tuxedoes for the males though."

Rarity spoke "Okay!"

Twilight spoke "Danyelle, I swear! That Dimensional Scream of yours is freaky!"

Danyelle spoke "Eh, it’s a gift."

Blizzardstar was covered in tar since Ein had pranked hir.

Blizzardstar shouts "YOU DAMNED HYENA!!!"

Rei spoke "Oh jeez…"

Rarity asks "What happened to hir?"

Rei asks "You’re really asking that?"

Danyelle snickers "Something tells me that Rarity has a crush on Blizzardstar!"

Rarity froze at that.

Danyelle giggles "It's as obvious as the crush that Crosswind has on Applejack."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Crosswind spoke "Ah heard that!"

Danyelle giggled.

Applejack was quite flustered.

Applejack asks "What she talkin' about Crosswind?"

Danyelle giggled.

Applejack spoke "It ain't funny Dany!"

Danyelle asks "What?"

Applejack spoke "Yer lyin, Cross doesn't have a crush on me."

Crosswind spoke "About that AJ..."

Applejack asks "Huh?"

Crosswind spoke "*flustered* She's right... Ah do have a crush on ya Applejack."

That caught AJ off guard.

Crosswind asks "Jay-Jay?"

“Heehee. I think you broke her.” I giggled as AJ was definitely frozen.

Crosswind spoke "So says the unicorn that has a crush on Blizzardstar despite not knowing the fact that the dumbass cyro was raised by an ice dragon."

Blizzardstar growls "Crossy, you have five seconds to run before I use my Ice Dragon Roar on your sorry ass!"

Crosswind spoke "Try me, snowflake!"

The two chakats started fighting with each other.

“Oh boy…” I sighed.

Danyelle was growling suddenly since the Clone Sonic had returned but something was off about him.

Rei asks "Again?"

Danyelle growls "Remember when I had mentioned murder tabby? Well... TIGERCLAW HAS BEEN REVIVED!!!"

Rei facepalmed. “I think we’re gonna need a vacation after beating those two again…”

Sonic spoke "It's worse than that Rei, Tigerclaw looks robotic... And his main targets are Bluestar and Ravenpaw!"

Rei spoke "Looks like the big egghead had a part in it."

Danyelle growls "Oh StarClan no!"

The sky blue Nekomata-Gryphon flew fast to where her adopted children were, only to find them both dead.

Danyelle roars in rage "EGGMAN!!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!!!!"

Zoey showed up, having some blue aqua. “Did something happen?!”

Danyelle growls "That murder tabby killed my kids..."

Zoey spoke "Whoa! Looks like it wasn’t long ago, less than 24 hours! Good thing I have some blue aqua!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm going after that damn tabby before he makes the stupid mistake of hurting Huey or Pigment."

Zoey spoke "Okay, I’ll get your kittens back on track."

Danyelle spoke "Bluestar's 12 and Ravenpaw's 9... I adopted them both."

A sudden shadow ball had sent Tigerclaw flying, causing the tom to scream like a she-cat.

Danyelle asks "What the…?"

Zoey already started to use the blue aqua on Bluestar and Ravenpaw, healing their wounds.

Asuna laughs "Nice one Orion!"

The two cats gasp as they were brought back to life.

Zoey spoke "Phew! I'm glad that worked."

Danyelle was soon on her back while laughing.

Danyelle laughs "That Murder Tabby had it coming!"

Dren spoke "Yeah but there is also a limit though Zoey, the blue aqua can't bring a person back from the dead a second time."

Zoey spoke "Oh jeez, then we better make sure this doesn't happen again, or we might need to call in Goku."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think it works that way Zoey."

Zoey asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "If Iris dies a second time... That'd be it for her... Not even Shenron can bring a person back once they die a second time after being revived with blue aqua."

Zoey spoke "Then that CAN’T happen again, EVER!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, we can't prevent old age and severe sickness."

Pigment was on Zoey's head.

Zoey spoke "Still…"

Pigment mewls cutely.

Danyelle spoke "I'm surprised with you Zoey, you're not freaking out as much ever since Pigment was revealed to be a Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo."

Zoey asks "This little cutie?"

Danyelle spoke "Though she was cloned from Orion, you were the one that brought Pigment into the world. How else can we explain the black fur? She got that from you."

Zoey asks "Whoa, really?"

Danyelle's left ear twitches when she heard singing.

Danyelle asks "Was that a Vaporina?"

Rei spoke "Hmm, sounds like Lana."

Blazedramon had dropkicked a Mobian wolf into a wall.

Natsu laughs "What's the matter Gray? Can't take the heat?"

Gray spoke "Try me, hothead!"

Blazedramon spoke "You're one to talk, you ice-brained stripper!"

Lucy was on her back while laughing.

Blizzardstar calls the rest of the Mane Six over so they could see the dresses.

“I wonder how they’re doing.” I said.

Blizzardstar asks "Rarity, could you come here?"

I spoke "Of course."

Blizzardstar shows off the dresses that shi had made for the Mane Six.

Blizzardstar asks "What do you girls think?"

Rarity gasps "My word! This is perfect!"

Blizzardstar spoke "I also made one for Princess Celestia and one for Princess Luna as well. For Princess Celestia's dress, I went with a phoenix motif. Luna's has a night-time vibe."

Twilight spoke "It's not what I had in mind but..."

Blizzardstar spoke "I'll ice you if you finish that sentence Twilight."

Twilight immediately shuts up.

Rei spoke "Sometimes, you get what you get."

Blizzardstar spoke "I even made dresses for the female Mobians too! I had to take Blaze's powers into account when making her dress since the last thing any of us want is a female Mobian walking around naked."

“Too true.” I nodded in complete agreement.

Blizzardstar spoke "I couldn't decide a theme for Arcee though."

A crash followed by a screaming female Delphox Poké-Mobian was heard.

Rei asks "Huh?"

Zoey spoke "Sounds like Ein had pranked Serena..."

“And she’s gonna be mad.” I noted before we heard a fiery explosion, followed by Ein screaming.

Danyelle spoke "One dipwad is annoying enough, two is worse... And Ein better not think about pranking Orion...."

Then Renark suddenly showed up, surprising Rei.

The trio of dark yellow Zorua along with their Vulpix half-sisters gang up on Rei, tickling him.

“Hmm… Are you the mother of those yellow Zorua?” I asked Rena.

Rena spoke "Yeah, they had been an accident but I still love them."

“You and your children can join the family, if you want.” I smiled.

Rena asks "You sure?"

I spoke "Yeah."

A Kantonian Raichu-Mewtwo hybrid with the same hat as Ash was in a foul mood since Ein had pranked him with a crushed up Thunderstone in his drink.

Rei spoke "Oh jeez…"

Serena asks "Ash, you okay?"

Ash was silent.

Rei spoke "Looks like I’m gonna call in Jasmine for a plan I have in mind."

Serena hugs Ash.

Zoey spoke "You can't reverse a Poké-Mobian's evolution, it doesn't work that way."

Rei spoke "Thought it was the case."

Jasmine suddenly showed up. “Did something happen?”

Rei chuckles "Heh, perfect timing. Wanna pull a prank on Ein with me?"

Kai sent Ein flying with an Aeroblast.

Jasmine giggles "Heehee, sure thing."

Rei spoke "Then let’s sneak into his house."

Jasmine spoke "Here’s a little something to see our work."

Jasmine left behind a window mirror before she snapped her fingers, teleporting her and Rei to Ein’s house as we saw through the window. Rei helped Jasmine find all of Ein’s gold, and the female Draconequus turned all of the gold into irresistible food and meals before the two teleported back to us.

Jasmine spoke "Now we just gotta wait for Ein to head home and the magic will happen."

Zoey spoke "I heard him scream earlier."

Rei spoke "Yep."

Soon, we saw Ein return to his home before he was surprised at all of the food in there, but he shrugged as he ate a bit, before he ate all of the food. Then suddenly, he started ballooning with fat as his body got bigger and fatter with his head, neck, arms, hands, legs and feet before he got so big, he fell right onto his butt, and soon, wrecked his house from the inside out, becoming as big as his former house, weighing at least about 10,000 pounds. We couldn’t help but find that hilarious.

Asuna spoke "You have to admit bro, that was funny."

Orion chuckles "Hehe. It is."

Jasmine giggles "Heehee! Ein will be a house of flab for a week before he goes back to normal."

Koji was on Orion's head.

Rei spoke "Well, I wonder how Tigerclaw’s holding up. I bet he’s not doing well since Orion sent him flying."

Rainbow spoke "I heard from Crosswind that the murder tabby crashed head first into a brick wall."

Rei spoke "Hehe, wow. I bet he’s out cold right now with security arriving to lock him up."

Rainbow spoke "Shattered skull, I don't think he's alive anymore."

Rei asks "He’s robotized, remember?"

Rainbow spoke "Oh feathers... The royal guards can't stop Tigerclaw without losing their lives and we have a limited supply of blue aqua!"

Danyelle had fainted due to a fever.

Rei spoke "Oh jeez…"

Sonic asks "What just happened to Danyelle?"

Ash uses his aura to check for anything out of the ordinary with Danyelle's body.

Ash spoke "You're not gonna believe this guys but Danyelle's got a kitten on the way!"

Rei spoke "Yikes…"

Ash spoke "This is actually a good thing."

Danyelle spoke in a quiet voice "Ben..."

Ben showed up.

From Ben's perspective, Danyelle had a soft glow about her but it wasn't caused by magic.

Ben asks "Dany, you alright?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm purr-fectly fine, aside from the fact I have a kitten on the way."

Ben asks "Cat pun? Really?"

Danyelle then grabbed Ben and kissed him right on the lips.

Danyelle was purring happily.

Jasmine asks "Do I need to book a room?"

Danyelle spoke "Nah, we're good."

Serena's ears twitch.

Serena spoke "I hear screaming!"

A thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom with bright amber eyes crash lands in the water but due to how thick his fur was, he couldn't keep his head above the surface long.

The tom yowls "HELP!!!!"

The Pegasus mare that Danyelle had rescued dove into the water to save the tom from drowning.

Orchid grabs the Abyssinian by the scruff with her mouth before swimming back up to the surface.

After swimming to shore, Orchid started pressing on the tom's chest to get the water out of the lungs.

Orchid spoke "Come on! Come on!"

The thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom coughs up water.

The thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom groans "Wh-where am I?"

Orchid spoke "You’re in Equestria."

The thick furred silver-gray Abyssinian tom mutters "Pretty pony...."

Bluestar giggles "Sounds like Featherwhisker's drunk..."

Rei asks "Drunk with alcohol or with salt water?"

Bluestar giggles "Catnip."

Rei spoke "Oh. Makes sense."

Rena and I smirked at each other before we came up to Rei and each hugged one of his arms with one of our assets hugging his arms as well.

“Maybe we could plan a vacation.” I smiled.

“And have some fun to ourselves.” Rena added.

“Right, Rei-Rei?” Rena and I asked as Rei was a stammering and blushing mess.

Ravenpaw was on his back while chuckling.

Sonic chuckles "I pity the guy."

Summa giggles "Heehee! If anything, I think Rei’s ecstatic."

Honeystar asks "<What's a Gala?>"

Twilight spoke "It’s a lot to explain."

Honeystar spoke "<If I were to attend, I'd have to mind the tail-blade.>"

Spike had burped up a letter from Celestia.

Honeystar asks "<What is that?>"

Twilight spoke "A letter from Princess Celestia."

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that she found out about our galactic friend here and decided to send an extra ticket."

Spike spoke "Whoa! There is a ticket in here!"

Twilight spoke "I said it once before and I'll say it again. Danyelle, that Dimensional Scream ability of yours is scary."

Danyelle giggles "Heehee! It’s a gift."

Twilight spoke "And I suppose Pinkie has a similar gift then."

Pinkie’s ears suddenly started flopping before Rei, Rena and I got covered in mud.

Tails snickers "What's the matter sis?"

“Oh, nothing. I just think the three of us will have ourselves a bath. Together.” I smirked as Rena nodding in agreement with a smirk too while Rei blushed at what I was saying.

Korra spoke "I could easily remove the mud off you three."

“Yeah, but I think we should take a bath anyway, since it could give us some time with each other.” Rena said as she and I smiled with Rei blushing.

Pixie spoke "You're a crazy fox."

“Hey, Rena and I may be crazy vixens, but you can say we’re crazy for Rei-Rei.” I smirked with Renark.

Tails spoke "That may be so but we have to get rid of Tigerclaw!"

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me… Orion’s already on his way to do that."

Twilight spoke "About that...."

A pained scream was heard from Orion since Tigerclaw had ripped the dark synergy stone out of the Mewtwo's shoulder.

Asuna spoke "BROTHER!!!!"

Rei spoke "Oy vey…"

Zoey teleported Orion away from Tigerclaw so she could use the blue aqua to heal his wound.

Honeystar growls "<That murder tabby has gone TOO far!>"

Rei spoke "Time for a true finisher. Dig!"

Rei then dug underground before resurfacing in front of Tigerclaw.

Rei spoke "Flamethrower! Full power!"

Rei then breathed fire at the roboticized feline, dealing a ton of damage before he melted away from the attack and heat with only his bones remaining.

Rei spoke "Toasty!"

But the fire attack had no effect.

Robo-Tigerclaw laughs "Foolish mortal! I was built to withstand fire! And with this stone, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!!"

Rei asks "Huh? What stone?"

Robo-Tigerclaw spoke "This stone!"

Twilight growls as her eyes turn ice blue.

Twilight growls "You picked the wrong group to anger!"

Something deep within Twilight snaps before she let loose the loudest roar she could ever make, sending Robo-Tigerclaw and the dark synergy stone flying far away.

Rei spoke "Wow! It’s way past outta here now! Quite a roar."

Danyelle spoke "I'll say! The Roar of the Ancients has returned!"

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Old African legend I heard of."

Rei spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "I've been to Africa once though."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Danyelle spoke "We should get rid of Eggman before he hurts any of the children."

Rei spoke "Huh, looks like he isn’t here at all at the moment. Must’ve ran off, knowing we beat him for now."

Twilight spoke "As long as I'm around, I won't let that lily-livered jerk lay the hurt on my friends!"

Danyelle spoke "Exactly!"

A gryphon messenger arrives from Griffonstone with a letter from Gilda.

Rainbow Dash asks "Huh? What’s going on?"

The gryphon messenger spoke "R-robots... they've taken over Griffonstone! Queen Gilda had to order a full evacuation."

Sonic spoke "Cuss it all! Tigerclaw was just a diversion!"

Rei groans "Ugh… It’s just one thing after another. Can’t we catch a break?"

The gryphon messenger spoke "One death has already happened though."

Danyelle growls "He's gone too far!"

Sunset was shaking.

Sunset asks "D-did s-someone c-call in a p-platypus?"

Rei spoke "Of course that maniac Mobian did that death."

Sonata, Adagio and Aria were growling.

Nazuna spoke "We should warn Celestia..."

Rei spoke "There might not be time."

Maria teleported before reappearing with Celestia, Pyre and Luna via warp ring.

Maria spoke "I got them!"

Rei spoke "That was fast."

Maria spoke "I may not be as fast as Sonic or Shadow in terms of speed but I can teleport faster than Shadow can."

The messenger gryphon pushes a chickub about Applebloom's age to Danyelle.

The messenger gryphon spoke "I was told that you have experience with handling children with some form of trauma."

Danyelle asks "Is this…?"

The Messenger gryphon spoke "Yeah, his parents were killed."

Danyelle spoke "What a tragedy..."

The young gryphon was afraid.

Danyelle calms the young gryphon down.

Renark and I couldn’t help but find that so adorable! “Aww!!!”

Danyelle spoke "Given that I have Flareon, Jolteon and Mew blood in my veins, it's only natural that my ability would be Flame Body. Which comes in handy for handling eggs."

Rei spoke "Makes sense."

Tails spoke "Going off that note, I'd likely have either Flash Fire or Snow Cloak as my ability since I have Vulpix blood in my veins."

Rei spoke "Again, good point."

Asuna spoke "I sense another Mewtwo..."

Rei spoke "And I have a feeling it has mystery written all over it."

Danyelle spoke "Much like Orion and Asuna, this one was also created by humans...."

Rei spoke "Only thing that’s missing is a detective Pikachu."

Danyelle spoke "My adopted parents took me to Ryme City one time though. But that was 15 years ago."

Rei spoke "Whoa. Well that’s a brilliant bolt."

As if luck would have it, the Mewtwo that was from Ryme City had collapsed on the ground due to injuries.

Asuna and Orion help their fellow Psychic type up before getting him to Fluttershy's place.

Danyelle kept an eye on Huey.

*Asuna's POV*

I knock on the door of Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy asks "Huh?"

Flowerstep spoke "I guess that would be Asuna."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh."

I open the door with psychic and to Fluttershy's shock, Orion and I were carrying an injured Mewtwo.

Fluttershy gasps "What happened? And why do I see a gryphon out there?"

I spoke "The gryphon's just a messenger but that aside, this Mewtwo is badly hurt."

Fluttershy asks "Oh dear. But what happened?"

Orion spoke "Asuna and I don't know but those claw marks seem rather deep..."


Vacation Time?

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*Rena’s POV*

Heehee, Rei was so flustered, he was about to head into the showers when we told him he could take the bath while Miyuki and I took the showers, who didn’t have a problem with that.

Danyelle was talking with Twilight about taking a vacation.

The two of us vixens went into the showers as a thought crossed my mind. “You think Rei’s gonna have a harem?”

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, I’m serious. After we take Griffonstone back from that Egghead, we should take a vacation."

Miyuki spoke "Given that Poké-Mobians aren't monogamous, standard Mobian marriage laws don't apply to us."

Twilight spoke "We've got the Roar, at least 20 combat ready Mobians, two sets of the Elements of Harmony, 8 alicorns and several gryphon refugees. We can easily take back Griffonstone."

“But I do wonder who will be next to join us two ladies.” I added as we started the showers onto the perfect form for our comfort.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, but we have be careful too. Who knows what he has in that head of his."

Miyuki spoke "We'd have to talk to Rei though."

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, we have Sonic on our side. He and Eggman have been fighting for at least 25 years."

“But we can be pretty persuasive.” I smirked as Miyuki smirked two while we were helping wash each other off.

Twilight spoke "Good point, Dany."

Miyuki spoke "I can't say the same about that dumbass hyena, it's common knowledge that male spotted hyenas are weaker than females of the same species. So it's not likely Ein will find a mate any time soon."

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention... we've got some powerful Poké-Mobians too... We've got Arcee, Mirai, Korai, Raiju, Sui, Tei, Kai, Myth and three adult Mewtwo as well. We've also got Natsu, Lucy and Gajeel too."

“Too true, Miyu. Too true.” I agreed before a thought crossed my mind. “Thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Heehee. Well, we better get them bigger naturally.” Miyuki giggled as I snickered in total agreement before we hugged each other.

Twilight spoke "Again, good point, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "I wonder how that Mewtwo is..."

Twilight spoke "Same here."

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps we should go check on him."

Twilight spoke "Right."

Danyelle heads off with Twilight to Fluttershy's cottage.

Danyelle asks "Fluttershy? You in there?"

Flowerstep spoke "Come in!"

*Asuna's POV*

The two opened the door and came in.

I was sitting on a chair while changing the Mewtwo's bandages.

“It’s good to see you two here.” I smiled.

Huey was being carried by Danyelle.

Huey spoke "Mama!"

“Hey Huey.” I giggled as my son and I hugged each other.

Danyelle giggles "He's such a smart boy!"

“Indeed.” I agreed with a smile.

Danyelle asks "So uh... How's the Mewtwo?"

“Doing well. I just hope he heals.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "Thank StarClan... I'm glad he'll be okay."

Huey asks "Mama? Who that?"

“Another Mewtwo, sweetie.” I answered.

Huey spoke "He look like older version of Uncle Face."

That made me snicker.

Orion throws his scarf at my face.

Orion spoke "I don't look like that."

Twilight snickered.

Orion spoke "Don't you dare go there pony."

Twilight spoke "Sorry, it’s just funny."

Orion spoke "I heard rumors that your mentor scared one of her guards to the point that he was up on the ceiling."

The Mewtwo groans as he struggled to get back up.

The Mewtwo groans "Ugh…"

I spoke "You shouldn't be moving about yet!"

The Mewtwo asks "Huh?"

I spoke "You were in bad shape when Orion and I found you."

The Mewtwo asks "Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "Near Ponyville."

The Mewtwo spoke "Oh."

An annoyed Orion passes Huey back to me.

Orion spoke "Take your spawn back or he's going outside!"

Myth giggles.

“Ok, ok…” I said before snickering.

Huey asks "Mama, how come Uncle Face no like Huey?"

“Oh, he’s just a little grumpy, Huey.” I answered.

Pigment pops up on Orion's head suddenly.

Danyelle giggles.

Orion spoke "Pigment..."

Pigment tilted her head in confusion.

I spoke "You silly kid."

Danyelle giggled.

I ask "You okay Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "There is a low chance your child might be full Eevee though."

Danyelle asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "That’d be really surprising."

Twilight spoke "What confuses me is the fact Asuna is able to mega evolve without the need of a keystone."

I spoke "I'd rather not talk about it... But that aside, we have to take Griffonstone back from that fatso!"

Twilight spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle spoke "Like you said Twilight... We've got the Roar, at least 20 combat ready Mobians, two sets of the Elements of Harmony, 8 alicorns and several gryphon refugees. We can do this!"

Twilight spoke "Definitely!"

Danyelle spoke "As well as my keen ears too!"

Danyelle's right ear twitches before firing a Plasma Spear at a robot, destroying it.

Twilight gasps "Whoa!"

I spoke "That was freaking close... Orion, Huey, Pigment and I along with Jericho are more likely to be grabbed first to be used in cloning..."

A roar rang clear as Twilight-two was chasing Eggman out of the Everfree Forest.

Twilight-two snaps "YOU MONSTER!!!!"

I spoke "Woah!"

Twilight spoke "It just goes to show, I'm not that kind of pony to anger. And I can say the same about my clone."

Fluttershy asks "What happened?"

Twilight spoke "Let's just say that my clone got into a fight with Eggman."

Fluttershy asks "Clone? How did that happen?"

Orion spoke "That was my fault."

Fluttershy asks "How?"

I spoke "Orion and I rather not talk about it... It's just too painful for us and it's rather hard on Myth as well since she had lost her first two children to the clutches of Team Rocket..."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear!"

I spoke "Yeah...."

Huey was hanging off Orion's tail.

Orion spoke "Asuna, I swear to Arcee... Take your spawn back or he's going outside!"

“Okay, okay…” I snickered.

Twilight giggles "Wow, cranky much?"

Twilight was soon yeeted out the window.

“Wait a minute… if Twilight-Two is out there chasing Eggman, then what does that mean about Griffonstone?” I noticed.

Orion spoke "We might be able to take back the gryphon kingdom!"

Danyelle asks "Think Gilda noticed?"

I slap Orion in the face for yeeting Twilight.

Myth spoke "Ignoring Orion's recent outburst for getting a slap in the face, we should go check."

“Right.” I agreed.

Danyelle's fur bristled up since she saw something in her vision.

“You alright?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Some real crazy things are gonna happen when Jasmine's cousin breaks free..."

"Who?" The rest of us here asked in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "You'll find out eventually."

Fluttershy spoke "Or we could ask Jasmine herself."

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

*No POV*

A loud crash was heard since a Celestia lookalike had fallen out of a stray portal but unlike the true Celestia, the lookalike had a solid pink mane and tail.

The double groans "Shit... that fucking hurt..."

The double groans in pain as she got up.

Blueblood ran off screaming when he saw another Celestia.

Blueblood screams "AUNTIE CELESTIA!!!!"

Celestia asks "Hmm?"

Blueblood screams "There's another of you! I think she might be one of them bugs in disguise!"

Celestia sighs "I suppose I should investigate."

Pyre asks "But what if Bluebitch is right and it was a bug in disguise?"

Celestia spoke "Calm down, Pyre."

White spoke "He has a point dear daughter."

Leilani spoke "Regardless, we don't know this Newlestia."

“Really, mom?” Celestia deadpanned at the nickname.

Celestia soon found herself face to face with Newlestia.

Newlestia spoke "Talk about freaky... Aside from the pink mane, I look and sound like you."

Celestia spoke "I can see that."

Newlestia snickers "This could work great as a prank! Since we look nearly the same, it could send many folks into a frenzy."

Celestia giggled. “Agreed.”

Newlestia laughs "This oughta be good! We could start by pranking Twilight!"

Celestia giggles "Heehee. She’s bound to go crazy from that."

Newlestia laughs "Given that I scared the crap out of Bluebitch, it's not likely he'd bother the Element of Generosity."

Celestia spoke "I should warn you about Rainbow Dash."

Newlestia spoke "Fair enough."

Celestia spoke "Hmm… I wonder how Luna will take this."

Luna spoke "Sister!"

Celestia giggles "Speak of the mare now."

Luna asks "What is going-Why is there two of you?!"

Celestia and Newlestia both giggle at the same time "There's one thing that's different though Luna."

Luna asks "And what is that?!"

Celestia and Newlestia both giggle at the same time "One of us has a pink mane."

Luna’s eye twitched, angry at not noticing that sooner.

Shirou spoke "Luna, calm down."

Newlestia asks "Sorry for interrupting but did something bad happen?"

Shirou spoke "Well..."

Newlestia teleports suddenly before appearing in the skies above Griffonstone, blasting all of the robots with fire magic thus melting them all.

Celestia asks "*sweatdrop* Pyromaniac huh?"

Pyre spoke "Uh babe, she didn't hear you."

Celestia spoke "Oops, sorry."

*Meanwhile in Griffonstone*

*Newlestia's POV*

I laugh as I blast another robot.

I laugh "Oh, they'll have to glue you back together in hell!"

Hehehe! Yep! That’s right! I quoted the Demoman from Team Fortress 2!

I laugh "You are a bunch of metal-headed dummkopfs and your boss is a dummkopf too!"

That definitely got the robots' attention.

I shot fire from my mouth at the robots, melting them all!

“Just be glad I’m not THE Pyro!” I quipped!

I glance around to check for any robots left.

So far, only melted machines.

Twilight and some of her friends arrive via warp ring.

Twilight spoke "Celestia! We came as soon as... Wait... You're not Celestia!"

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Since he was disguised as a gryphon, Thorax spoke "She doesn't smell like a Changeling though."

Twilight gasps "What?!"

Thorax spoke "Each Changeling hive has a different scent that wards off rival hives."

Rainbow Dash asks "Say what now?"

Thorax spoke "It's a long story but most Changeling queens hate each other."

Fluttershy asks "Wh-What?"

Thorax spoke "As far as I know, my former queen didn't exactly get along with Queen Ovi or Queen Lexi..."

“Yeesh…!” I winced at that.

Twilight growls "So... Are you a fake or not?"

I spoke "I'd rather not say."

Pinkie spoke "OOH! Maybe a displaced!"

I spoke "Nope! Not a displaced, whatever that means."

Crosswind spoke "Ah may not be Applejack but Ah can tell that's a total lie. Hey Twilight, Ah've got an idea. Once we clean the mess here up, we should drag the double ta the Chuddle Hotel."

Twilight spoke "Really? Whaddya-Oh…! *Smirk* I see where you’re going. *Snicker!*"

Crosswind spoke "*deadpan* Git yer mind outta the gutter Twilight. This mare's obviously hiding something."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Crosswind spoke "Don' make me slap a mare."

Blizzardstar spoke "Her scent has an underlying masculine tone."

What?! How’d shi know?!

Crosswind spoke "The dumbass was raised by an ice dragon."

How’d shi read my mind?!

Blizzardstar spoke "Quiet everyone!"

A howl from a green furred male Mobian wolf was heard.

Danyelle spoke "I know that howl!"

Danyelle howls a response before the wolf darts over.

Danyelle spoke "It's been a while Li."

Li spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "And Rarity, don't even think about freaking out. You oughta know by now that green is Dren's natural hair color."

Rarity spoke "Fine...."

Danyelle notices a few tiny pinfeathers on Rarity's back.

Danyelle asks "Rarity, did you have any Pegasi in your family?"

Rarity asks "Pardon?"

Danyelle spoke "You've got pinfeathers on your back."

Twilight spoke "They're small now but they'll grow."


Sonic Rainboom

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*Danyelle's POV*

After the mess in Griffonstone had been cleaned up, Asuna and Rainbow were practicing for an upcoming contest. But since I had a kitten on the way, I couldn't practice so Asuna offered to practice in my place.

“You sure about this, Asuna?” I asked.

Asuna spoke "I want to test my limits and since you've got a kitten on the way, I don't think it'd be wise for you to take part in the Best Young Flyer's competition. And between you and me Dany, this is a prime opportunity to tease Rainbow about Soarin."

I couldn’t help but giggle in agreement before we heard a sonic boom as we looked up, seeing Raptor practicing too.

I spoke "Uh, Garchomp can't learn Fly..."

Asuna spoke "Danyelle, Raptor’s using Dragon Rush."

I snicker since I saw a Pegasus mare in my vision.

I call out "Hey Rainbows, do you know a pony named Lightning Dust?"

Rainbow spoke "Who? Maybe, when I raced as a filly. But I dunno."

I snicker "I have a plan though, we should get her and Raptor together."

Rainbow spoke "Uh… You sure about that? ‘Cause I have a feeling there might be more than her probably after him."

I spoke "You're one to talk Skittles, it's so freaking obvious that you have a crush on Soarin. Heck, even Cadence knows that!"

Rainbow was definitely a blushing, stammering mess.

I whistle loud, calling Soarin in from Cloudsdale.

Soarin asks "What's up?"

And little did I notice, Fleetfoot was watching.

I spoke "You might as well come out Fleetfoot, I know you're hiding nearby."

Fleetfoot spoke "Yikes!"

Asuna was on her back while laughing.

Asuna spoke "She got you good!"

Fleetfoot and Rainbow were blushing madly, and I can tell that both of them have it bad for Soarin.

I snicker "I can so see foals in your future Skittles. A little colt named Bold Lightning."

Rainbow was blushing even more as I decided to tease Fleetfoot too while at it.

I snicker "A filly named Azure Sky would be in your future, Flatfoot."

Fleetfoot was now in the same situation as Rainbow Dash is.

Asuna giggles "What's your thought on the matter Clipper?"

Soarin asks "Uh… What’s going on?"

I giggle "Wow Clipper, you're as dense as Ash is!"

Then I sensed a rivalry between Rainbow Dash and Fleetfoot.

Asuna spoke "Uh Skittles, you do realize that we have to get going or we'll miss the competition."

Rainbow spoke "Gah! Totally forgot! Better get moving!"

Asuna took off flying with Rainbow as Soarin and Fleetfoot followed them.

“Something tells me that Raptor will be participating too.” I noted.

Lucy asks "What makes you say that?"

“I think he has a dream of joining the Wonderbolts too.” I guessed.

Lucy spoke "So do you Dany but your dreams are on hold because you have a kitten on the way."

“Yeah…” I agreed as I looked at my stomach.

My eyes flash white suddenly since I saw something.

*Meanwhile in Cloudsdale,*

*Rainbow's POV*

Asuna asks "You okay Rainbow?"

“H-Huh?” I asked.

Asuna spoke "Don't try to deny it Skittles, I can sense you have it bad for Soarin."

Asuna soon notices a mosaic pattern on a cloud near her.

Asuna asks "Is that Rarity?"

That made me nervous. I’m totally gonna blow it.

Danyelle and the others arrive as well.

Danyelle spoke "Relax Rainbows, I already warned Rarity not to overdo it since I have a gut feeling that she'll fly too close to the sun."

“W-Wha?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I can see things that have happened or have yet to happen."

“Oh.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, good luck Rainbows."

“Thanks.” I said in gratitude.


Rarity was busy preparing herself since she had entered.

To my surprise, Twilight had also entered.

Asuna was wearing an aerodynamic outfit since she didn't want to destroy her dress.

But with Raptor entering, this is gonna be a real challenge.

Twilight spoke "Uh Rainbow, I don't think Raptor signed up."

“Then explain that.” I pointed out as Raptor used Aerial Ace to walk on the clouds.

Twilight spoke "But I thought Miyuki had iced him!"

Raptor spoke "She did, but I broke out with my Fire Fang attack to break outta there. But seriously, what happened back there? I didn’t even do anything to her."

Twilight spoke "Dragon-types and Ice-types just don't get along..."

Sonic spoke "I beg to differ... Tails said that you had pulled a prank on Pixie one time."

I nervously chuckled at that. “Sorry, that was kinda my fault. Raptor and I went on a pranking spree with Pinkie and some of the others.”

Sonic spoke "Huh, I'm kinda surprised that I haven't fallen through the clouds yet."

Asuna giggles "Orion seems rather aloof at times. Not long ago, he told me off when Huey was climbing on him."

“Wait, really?” I asked.

Asuna spoke "HIs exact words were "Take your spawn back or he's going outside!"... I couldn't stop snickering~!"

That made me snicker too.

Danyelle giggles "I heard him say it too."

Sonic spoke "Oh, it looks like you're up next Rainbow."

Asuna spoke "I'm up next as well so our acts along with Rarity's act will have to overlap."

Danyelle spoke "HURRY UP RARITY!!!"

Rarity spoke "Just one last touch."

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan... DO NOT MAKE ME SET A CLOUD ON FIRE!"

Rarity spoke "Rarity, is now ready."

Asuna spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Danyelle spoke "Good luck Rainbow."

“Thanks…” I responded, even though I was freaking out inside.

Asuna cuffs me on the back of my head.

I spoke "I needed that..."

Asuna spoke "No problem."

Twilight spoke "If it helps, I'll perform as well. I decided to leave my engagement band at home so that I don't lose it."

Asuna spoke "Smart choice."

Twilight spoke "My wings are about the same size as Rainbow's wings are now but they're not fully grown."

“Whoa, looks like you’d be an awesome flyer.” I smirked.

Twilight giggles "Cuss yeah!"

Twilight flew off to perform.

Asuna spoke "Let's go Dash, we've got one shot at this."

“Right.” I nodded.

After crashing into a wall and nearly hitting Celestia with a cloud, Asuna had mega evolved.

I spoke "Time for phase 3... The Sonic *gulp* Rainboom.. Wings, don't fail me now."

Asuna spoke "Let’s do it!"

I spoke "Right!"

Asuna, Twilight and I fly after Rarity.

Rarity spoke "Look upon me Equestria, for I am Rarity!"

Despite the warning Danyelle had given her, the heat from the sun had vaporized Rarity's wings causing her to fall.

Danyelle and four of the other Wonderbolts had flown after Rarity, only to get knocked out.

Asuna spoke "Oh crap! Pigeon into the pavement! Come on Dash! We got a few sparrows ª to save!”

I spoke "Right behind you Asuna! Come on Twilight!"

The three of us fly down at high speed after the six as mach cones form around us as we pull off an amazing display of a Rainboom, a Sparkleboom and a Psyboom all at once.

Fluttershy screams "THEY DID IT!!! WAHOO!!!"

I grab two of the four Wonderbolts as Asuna grabs Danyelle and Rarity while Twilight grabs the other two Wonderbolts.

The three of us bank back up with the six in tow.

“Whoa…” I awed at the stunt we pulled off.

Twilight spoke "I had NO idea I could do that!"

Asuna spoke "Me neither!"

A small black Mewtwo Poké-Mobian with orange eyes and tail had fallen out of a portal and onto Twilight's back.

Asuna spoke "And now... There's six Mewtwo..."

I ask "Hey Twilight, remember that one time when your clone chased Eggman out of the forest?"

Twilight asks "Yeah?"

I spoke "That was scary as heck!"


Rest and Relaxation?

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*Twilight's POV*

Since Danyelle was up in Canterlot, the rest of us decided to take some time off and relax. I was lucky that Twilight-two was keeping Eggman at bay.

“So… where should we go?” I wondered.

Rei spoke "Maybe Alola."

Roll spoke "And freak Sonic out all the time? Bad idea."

Blaze spoke "I am rather curious about the Kanto region."

Rei asks "Now who said that Sonic would have to swim?"

Miyuki spoke "I think my mom's family is from the Alola region, my dad's from Hoenn."

I ask "Say Rei, isn't your family from the Unova region?"

Rei spoke "You can say that."

Ash spoke "My mom's from Kanto, I think my dad's from the Sinnoh region since Lucario aren't common in Kanto."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Serena spoke "Kalos native."

Newlestia snickers "I scared the crap out of Blueblood right after I ended up here."

Rei, Miyuki and Renark snickered.

Rarity giggles "That oughta teach him."

I spoke "If you'll excuse me..."

I grab Newlestia and drags the mare through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

I automatically took on Cyniclon-alicorn hybrid form.

Newlestia gasps "*covering hir lower half with a towel* I hate you so much right now Sparkles!"

I spoke "Guess that explains things."

Newlestia spoke "You're one to talk Elf Ears."

I ask "What did you just call me?"

Newlestia spoke "Elf Ears."

I slug Newlestia in the face.

Newlestia spoke "Oh… It’s on!"

I spoke "I won't use any weapons either!"

I flew at Newlestia, slamming hir into a wall.

But then Newlestia tackled me, sending me flying into a different wall.

I grab Newlestia by the tail before spinning around fast, making the herm dizzy.

But then her tail started feeling like it was on fire.

Since I had firebending, I also had heat resistance.

I fling Newlestia far away.

I laugh "So long Gay Bowser!"

But then Newlestia flew right towards me before both of us were suddenly pinned down by tons of blubber.

Jasmine spoke "Okay, enough, you two."

But Newlestia and I blasted Jasmine with magic, sending her flying.

I growl "YOU HIT ME!!"

Newlestia spoke "YOU STARTED THIS!!"


Despite not having a Chaos Emerald on hand, I send Newlestia flying with a Chaos Blast.

Newlestia then got super angry and charged at me! But before either of us knew it, us both suddenly became immobile beds of fat.

Jasmine spoke "I tried to stop you two and tried to be reasonable. Remember, you forced me to do this."


I used a weight transfer spell, putting all the weight on Jasmine thus making her as fat as 20 elephants.

I spoke "I hate it when others interfere in my fights..."

But Jasmine instantly went back to normal before shoving Newlestia and I outside of the hotel.

Jasmine spoke "If you two are so serious about this, then take this quarrel outside!"

I aim the trip of my sword at Jasmine.

I spoke "Interfere again and I'll run you through with this sword."

Jasmine was unfazed while staring at me with a straight face. “You’ve got anger issues.”

I growl "That's because of Deep Blue. His powers are my powers now and viceversa."

Jasmine spoke "Still, you need help. I suggest a psychiatrist."

Jasmine slammed the door closed.

I growl "dummkopf bitch..."

Jasmine crack open the door. “I’ll let that slide this time.” Jasmine said before closing the door.

Newlestia slaps me in the face before slapping me on the back of the head.

I scoff before flying off to be alone.

Danyelle arrives via warp ring.


I was soon face down on the ground.

“What was that for?!” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I sensed your anger levels rising so I had to calm you back down."

I spit out the dirt from my mouth.

Danyelle spoke "As the Bearer of Magic and wielder of the Roar, you should behave better than this!"

“But-“ I tried to say.

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me use the command again."

I immediately shut up.

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Eyes widen, Danyelle gasps "Oh my StarClan! It seems you have a foal on the way Twilight!"

“Wait-what?” I asked in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "You lucky mare!"

Newlestia was flabbergasted.

Newlestia sighs "I'll never find love... Given that I used to be... You know, a dude...."

Danyelle spoke "More of a herm right now, actually."

Newlestia spoke "But that term only applies round here, not in Equestria though."

Rarity and the others soon arrive via warp ring.

Blizzardstar spoke "Hey Twilight."

“Hey everyone.” I smiled.

Rainbowtwo was rather nervous around the others.

Rainbow asks "Uh Jas, when did my clone start working here?"

Jasmine spoke "Hey, I was just as surprised as you are when the clones came to work here. It’s only been a day, so nothing much changed about them."

Coal was on my head since he was small for a Mewtwo due to the fact he was still growing.

Zoey spoke "Least they have a place to call home."

Raptor suddenly showed up. “Huh? Where am I?”

Asuna mutters "{Great... Riptorn's here...}"

Rainbowtwo suddenly blushed at the sight of Raptor.

Orion was annoyed that Rainbowtwo was looking at someone else.

Asuna spoke "Uh oh... Raptor, you might want to run...."

Raptor asks "Huh?"

Asuna spoke "My brother's about to whoop your scaly arse..."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, teleporting Raptor back to Mobius.

Jasmine spoke "Dunno, Raptor would’ve battled him."

Orion spoke "My power rivals that of Arcee even though I was created by humans."

Jasmine spoke "Something tells me Raptor would’ve battled you anyway."

Danyelle's eyes flash white suddenly due to a vision.

Danyelle murmurs "Chaos Emeralds.... Angel Island falling.... Eggman.... Master Emerald shattered... Chaos...."

Asuna spoke "Okay... That last part worries me...."

Rei asks "Anyone else getting deja vu?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah..."

Tails spoke "Same."

Amy spoke "Yeah."

Knuckles spoke "Same here."

Blaze asks "Has this sort of thing happened before?"

Roll spoke "Yeah and if Danyelle's vision is right, history has repeated itself..."

Danyelle's tail fur had fully bristled up.

Danyelle spoke "It's much worse than that guys! Eggman has taken one of the statues from Canterlot!"

Rei spoke "Oh Muk."

Danyelle burped up a letter from Celestia.

Danyelle spoke "And I fear it was the draconequus statue, according to the letter I just burped up."

Jasmine asks "Wait-what?"

Danyelle spoke "My visions never lie."

To be continued...

Return of Harmony/ Chaos on Mobius

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*Sonic's POV*

*Station Square, Mobius*

It was a dark and rainy night on Mobius as Twilight, Danyelle and I leapt over rooftops.

Danyelle notices a group of police cars heading somewhere.

I spoke "Something is seriously wrong if Sally had called in the police."

Twilight spoke "We should check it out."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed. But Rei said he’d meet up with us."

I chuckle "But knowing Rena and Miyuki, they've got plans for him."

Twilight spoke "You have two wives as well."

I counter "Well you have a foal on the way."

Twilight spoke "Which is why I won't be directly fighting if things get nasty."

Danyelle spoke "Yep."

Danyelle's ears pick up on the sound of gunfire.

I spoke "*sweatdrop* Good thing we didn't bring Maria with us, she still hasn't gotten over her PTSD..."

The three of us follow after the police cars.

Soon enough, the three of us encounter a creature that didn't look like a Mobian or Poké-Mobian.

Danyelle gasps "That's the thing I saw in my vision! And given that it's made out of water, Twilight and I can't use our fire attacks! Plus my electric attacks are useless!"

Twilight asks "What? How?"

Danyelle spoke "Fire types are weak to water."

Twilight spoke "No, I meant the electric attacks."

Danyelle spoke "And risk zapping you and your unborn foal? not on a rainy day."

Twilight spoke "Oh."

Danyelle spoke "And given that Sonic doesn't have shock resistance, I can't go hogwild with my electric attacks."

Danyelle pulls out a sponge from her left tail.

Danyelle spoke "But given Chaos is made out of water, it has a fear of sponges."

I laugh "Dany, you're a smartass!"

Danyelle giggles "Better a smartass than a dumbass."

“Like Ein?” I quipped.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, Ein's a prick though."

Twilight spoke "We have to stop that thing before someone gets hurt!"

“Right. Let’s do it!” I said as we flew to the ground.

Danyelle spoke "I should be extra careful since I have a chaos emerald with me."

The thing turned right at us at the mention of that.

Danyelle spoke "Don't even THINK about it Chaos! You see this sponge? That's right, I know your fear!"

Chaos growled at that.

A blast of intense fire hits Chaos, causing it pain.

Danyelle spoke "Okay... That was not me or Twilight..."

A Flareon Poké-Mobian male laughs "How'd ya like THEM apples?"

Danyelle spoke "Holy cuss..."

The Flareon spoke "So, what’d I miss? Rei told me to come here in his place since his ladies want some privacy with him."

Danyelle spoke "Good timing Scorch, we need help. Twilight and I both have kids on the way thus neither of us can fight. Sonic doesn't have his speed at night."

Scorch spoke "You got it, Dany."

Twilight spoke "I have an idea! A double barreled dose of Flamethrower and my roar!"

Danyelle asks "Whoa! You sure?"

Twilight spoke "It's our only chance Dany or we'll lose the chaos emerald. And knowing Eggman, he'd probably have the other six by now!"

“I dunno about the other six.” I replied.

Danyelle spoke "Remember when Knuckles attacked you? He got tricked by Eggman..."

Twilight spoke "Talk about being dumber than a sack of bricks."

“Heh, yeah. He’s a knucklehead.” I snickered.

Danyelle suddenly felt that her wings were missing.

Danyelle spoke "Aw shit! My wings are gone!"

Then I felt something wrong with me as I tried running my fastest, only to realize… “My speed’s gone! And it’s not night!”

Danyelle smacks me on the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "Have you forgotten? You don't have your speed while in werehog form."

I tried stretching my arms, nothing!

Twilight's wings and horn were gone!

Twilight screams loudly.

Scorch spoke Okay, something’s definitely wrong here!"

Danyelle spoke "Seems Discord was smart enough to leave my tails alone."

Danyelle twists her tails up as she jumped into the air, causing her tails to behave in the same manner as helicopter blades.

Danyelle spoke "Holy cow! I did NOT know I could do this!"

I chuckle "Girl, did your butt just turn into a helicopter?"

Danyelle giggles "Hahaha, a butt-copter! Only Sonic can come up with something like that!"

Scorch asks "Well, what’re we waiting for?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't have access to my magic right now."

“Still, let’s go!” I urged.

Danyelle sends a letter to a certain someone.

Pandora soon pops up with Yui in tow.

Pandora spoke "Hey you three."

I chuckle "You know Dany, Tails is gonna flip once he finds out you can fly with your tails."

Scorch spoke "Maybe even challenge ya to a race."

“Yeah, a buttcopter race.” I laughed in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "I'll have my wings back by then."

After landing, Danyelle pulled out a box with three of the Elements of Harmony in it from her tail fur.

Danyelle spoke "I think it'd be wise to keep these with us at all times in case we need them."

“Right.” I nodded.

Pandora asks "What’s going on here?"

Danyelle spoke "Discord happened and I fear he's teamed up with Eggman."

Yui froze at that and suddenly backed away.

Danyelle's left ear twitches before growling.

Pandora spoke "Listen, Danyelle. I know Discord, and I love his mischievous personality, but there is no way he would go this far."

Danyelle spoke "There is one way... He was turned into a robot...."

Pandora spoke "Well, turning him back to normal will be a snap, a literal snap, for me and Yui."

Danyelle spoke "Uh, that won't work! The only way to reverse robotization is with a machine."

Yui asks "Then what would that be?"

Danyelle spoke "If Eggman's got the machine, we have no hope of freeing Discord!"

Pandora snapped her fingers, suddenly teleporting the machine to us.

Danyelle spoke "I'd watch out for Metal Sonic though, I sense that it's coming after us to take the robotizer back since the machine was built by Eggman."

“I can handle him.” I said.

Danyelle whacks me again.

Danyelle spoke "You don't have werehog strength right now!"

Pandora spoke "So we get Dissy to us before this robo-Sonic find us."

Danyelle pulled out a rather rusted shield from the fur on her right tail.

Danyelle spoke "I have no idea how this got in my hammerspace..."

Pandora spoke "Heehee! It could help you more in the future."

Danyelle spoke "I have a nagging feeling that it's one of six vital artifacts that the Pillars of Old Equestria used to seal the Pony of Shadows away."

Pandora and Yui giggled.

Danyelle's left ear twitches.

Danyelle spoke "30 feet to the northeast, robotic draconequus. 80 feet to the northwest, Metal Sonic."

Pandora spoke "Then we can pull this off."

Danyelle spoke "Not with two elements though, we need all six. But Chaos is a different matter altogether. And shit! The water level has risen!"

Danyelle grabs Twilight and I before revving her tails up to take flight to a higher location.

Twilight spoke "We gotta get the others here!"

Danyelle spoke "Right but since we don't have Spike with us..."

Danyelle pulls out some paper before writing out letters to the rest of the bearers but due to Discord's interference, she was unable to send them out.

Danyelle spoke "Damn it to Tartarus! I can't send any letters out! Something is blocking my flame breath!"

I spoke "We're on our own here Twi."

Twilight asks "What about the warp rings?"

I spoke "No-go since the warp rings are made from chaos energy."

Twilight spoke "Dang it!"

Danyelle spoke "In other words... The five... no, seven of us are totally bucked..."

Pandora slapped my face, then the back of my head. “Don’t you dare say that! Giving up that easily? You’re a yellow-bellied coward!”

Danyelle growls "Did you just slap a royal?"

Pandora spoke "Hey, I had to snap you out of it. Giving up hope is a huge no-no in my book, missy."

A lot of shouting was heard since a non-conspicuous barn owl with a bag of six emeralds flew away from Eggman's lab before landing on my shoulder.

I spoke "Oof... Thorax, you little stinker."

Yui spoke "Heehee! Great job, bug boy. Just as planned."

Thorax spoke "I already asked Amy to get the other Elements of Harmony."

Yui spoke "And I expect they're on their way here right now."

I spoke "With Station Square totally flooded, they're too busy rescuing folks."

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, it's up to us to pacify Chaos as well as stop Discord and Eggman!"

Tails calls out "YOU GOT THIS GUYS!!!"

Others started cheering for Twilight, Danyelle, Thorax and I as the chaos emeralds regained their original colors thus causing the four of us to take on our super forms.

Danyelle's fur turned white while Thorax's chitin had also turned white.

BGM: Open Your Heart instrumental

Burning Twilight gasps "Woah.... Is this what chaos energy feels like?"

Pandora spoke "Chaos and Order working together. That’s Harmony for ya."

Yui spoke "And it’s positive chaos too, and get ready! Perfect Chaos is coming up!"

A giant water monster emerged from the flood as it roared.

Burning Twilight's roar was boosted tenfold as she roars back at Perfect Chaos.

A floating orb of spiritual energy hovers around Super Danyelle.

Super Danyelle spoke "If we seal Chaos back in the Master Emerald now, its rage will only continue to grow."

“What else are we supposed to do then?” I asked.

Burning Twilight spoke "We have to calm it down by draining off that negative energy."

Super Thorax asks "But how though?"

Super Danyelle spotted something glowing on Perfect Chaos’s head. “Looks like we’ll have to go for the brain.”

I spoke "That's our only option here. Twilight, you and Danyelle better hold on your lunch. We're kicking it into overdrive!"

Burning Twilight asks "Huh?"

I spoke "Don't ask!"

Super Danyelle spoke "I can see where this is going..."

Super Thorax asks "Should the females collect power rings so that we can hold these forms?"

I spoke "Good idea since these forms won't hold long."

Thorax and I battled Perfect Chaos while Danyelle and Twilight gathered power rings since the four of us shared the same power.

Super Thorax spoke "This is tough!"

I spoke "We got this dude, everyone's counting on us and I know you don't want to let Amy down."

Thorax blushed at that.

Burning Twilight and Super Danyelle giggle.

Super Danyelle spoke "Boy's got it bad!"

Burning Twilight spoke "As much as it’s funny, we need to keep going."

Super Danyelle spoke "We can tease Thorax later."

After Chaos was defeated and pacified, the four soon met up with Rainbow and the rest of the Bearers.

Super Danyelle spoke "Hey guys."

Rainbow Dash gasps "Whoa… What happened to make you guys so awesome?"

Super Danyelle spoke "That would be the power of the Chaos Emeralds."

Burning Twilight spoke "Chaos and Harmony are two sides of the same bit, you can't have one without the other."

Pandora spoke "Now there’s one more thing."

I spoke "Two if you count Eggman..."

Yui asks "Who now?"

Maria spoke "A cousin of mine that wants to take full control of Mobius."

Michiru spoke "Sonic, Danyelle, Tails and I call him Baldy McNosehair or Robuttnik."

Shirou growls "I smell fat man and chaotic draconequus approaching, 25 feet from the north of us. There's hundreds of robots too."

“Hehe, let’s beat those bots, get that Draconequus back to normal, and send Egghead running.” I smiled.

Super Thorax was shaking in fear.

Super Thorax spoke "It's much worse than we thought... My former queen has allied herself with Eggman..."

Shirou growls "Crap, how did I not sense that?"

Super Thorax spoke "Chrysalis masked her scent, thus stopping the keenest from sniffing her out."

“Let’s make sure it’ll take a long while for them to come back.” I added.

Shirou notices that Super Danyelle was using her tails to fly.

Shirou asks "Uh, did her butt just turn into a helicopter?"

Super Danyelle giggles "Hehehe, a butt-copter."

Michiru spoke "Huh, wonder if I could do that."

Tails spoke "I don't think you can tanuki girl. Remember, humans and beastmen have heavier bodies than Mobians do."

Michiru spoke "*Ahem!* I can turn my arms into bird wings."

Super Danyelle spoke "That's not what Tails meant Michiru."

But then a roboticized draconequus suddenly appeared.

Burning Twilight and Super Danyelle spoke "Battle formations! We can't let Discord get the better of us!"

Pandora spoke "Remember, we’re only getting him back to normal."

Burning Twilight's excess chaos energy flows through the rest of the Mane Six, turning them super as well.

Super Dash gasps "Holy hay! This is AWESOME!!!"

Super Danyelle whistles loud, calling in the Wonderbolts to Super Dash's surprise! Even a swarm of friendly Changelings led by Queen Lexi arrived to help! Gilda and a squad of gryphons flew into battle!

Super Dash spoke "Whoa!"

Shirou spoke "Good thing I asked Luna to put the call out to Queen Lexi and Queen Gilda for backup in case the Elements weren't enough. Celestia had ordered the Wonderbolts to provide assistance."

Zoey flew out of a warp ring with her friends being carried in her magic.

Gilda spoke "Thought you folks would need help!"

Lexi spoke "the Skyfire sisters had gone to get more help though!"

Riding on the back of a roc while using sturdy vines like a whip to control it, Seto and Zecora soon arrive.

Zecora spoke "Fret not fellow ponies and Mobians for I have brought in back up!"

Several timberwolves attack the robots.

A few dozen robots got crushed by Psychic since Silver, Zelda, Asuna, Orion and Jericho had come to help out.

“Whoa! This is a lot!” I smiled before a green warp pipe rose from the ground.

Super Danyelle spoke "Good thing Master Hand is well aware of how much a threat Eggman poses to all worlds. And I didn't have to warn him at all! And good timing Mario!"

Mario jumped out of the warp pipe with a “Wa-hoo!”

SSB Mewtwo pops up via Teleport as Blazedramon arrived with all of the Knothole Freedom Fighters.

I spoke "Long time no see Sally!"

Sally spoke "Sonic? What happened to you, other than you going super."

I chuckle spoke "You mean the werehog form? That was an accident because of Eggman but I can't get rid of it."

I kept my wings invisible with magic since I didn't want Sally to know I was half alicorn.

Asuna teases "Is that Ferret Face I see hiding behind a garbage can?"

Antoine asks "W-What? Who says I am?"

Zoey giggles "Talk about being chicken shit."

Antoine angrily asks "I beg you pardon!?"

I spoke "Dude, don't provoke a princess."

Bunnie spoke "Antoine, calm down, sugar bun."

Gilda spoke "What he needs is a slap upside the back of the head."

A gold-yellow blur zipped past before pouncing on Starline and strangling the platypus.


But then the platypus vanished, revealed to be a hologram.

But Sunset wasn't fooled.

Sunset screams loud as her magic flares up, causing the actual Starline to appear before she strangled the life out of him.

Starline darkly chuckled.

Sunset snarls "You're the reason why I'm NOT HUMAN ANYMORE!!!"

Starline spoke "Don’t think I’m the only one chasing you now, Shimmer."

Sunset snaps Starline's neck with her bare hands, ending the platypus' life for good.

Sunset spoke "I won't let my past control me any more!"

Sunset was engulfed in light as she gained wings in the same color as her fur.

Sunset spoke "Now that felt… *Smirk* Good."

Zoey spoke "Uh... You might want to look in a mirror.. Rarity, if you please."

Rarity spoke "Sure thing."

Super Danyelle spoke "Oh fudged up cracked knives... We've got an alicorn!"

Sunset gasps "Say what?!"

I spoke "Maybe it's because you faced your fears."

Super Danyelle had redirected a bolt of lightning that was aimed at me.

Super Danyelle growls "You might as well come out Surge, I can smell you hiding."

The tenric scoffs "Tch, why’re you always defending that loser? He’s nothing but a slowpoke."


I spoke "Faust damn it Danyelle, you should've kept your mouth shut..."

Super Danyelle had a frightened blue furred fennec fox in her magic grip.

Super Danyelle spoke "And unless you want your little minion here to be electrocuted, I suggest you leave my brother alone."

Pandora spoke "Whoa whoa! Easy Dany, easy."

Super Danyelle used Chaos Reversal on Surge and Kit, snapping the two out of hypnosis.

Surge groans "Ugh… What? Where am I?"

Sunset spoke "Long story short, you two were brainwashed by Starline so Danyelle had to use Chaos Reversal to snap you back to your senses."

Super Danyelle and Burning Twilight both had gone into labor.

I spoke "Talk about bad timing..."

Sunset spoke "With the two at their weakest, Eggman might attack us!"

Shirou spoke "There's about 200 of us and one of him. Plus we have our ace in the hole, Maria."

Surge spoke "I don’t know who this Eggman is, but I’ll help."

Kit spoke "Um… same here."

Despite the flames on Twilight, Fluttershy was busy helping with the delivery.

Maria was handling the other delivery.

Amy spoke "In a nutshell, the psycho is Maria's cousin."

Surge spoke "Okay, that’s a bit weird."

Shirou spoke "Weird is an understatement... Sonic and Danyelle tease him a lot though.. Among the names they call him are Fatty, Robuttnik, Baldy McNosehair..."

Kit giggled at the last insult.

Surge however laughed up a storm at that too.

I chuckle "Nazuna calls him Lardball."

Surge laughed even harder. “We’re gonna be great pals when this is over.”

Pandora asks "*Ahem!* Roboticized Draconequus needing to be returned back to normal?"

Maria and I blast Robo-Discord with a double barreled dose of Chaos Heal, causing the draconequus to revert to flesh and blood.

And since Chrysalis had been in the crossfire, she had gotten transformed.

Shirou spoke "Okay, I didn't see that one coming."

Chrysalis gasps "What the…?! What happened?"

Since he was still in gryphon disguise due to not wanting to expose himself to Chrysalis, Thorax spoke "I have no idea what happened."

Maria spoke "We've got two newborn girls here! An alicorn foal and a gryphon-nekomata hybrid!"

Discord spoke "Ugh… My head is spinning like a twister."

Discord’s head was actually spinning like a twister.

Yui spoke "You've got a lot of explaining to do dad."

Sally spoke "As do you Sonic."

I sigh "Busted...."

Twilight had powered down during childbirth but her foal had a stark white coat for some reason.

Even Danyelle's daughter had stark white fur.

Twilight spoke "Okay... Something tells me Akari will have chaos powers when she gets older..."

Pandora spoke "Makes sense."

Danyelle's eyes flash white suddenly as she got a glimpse into the distant future, one where ponykind was split into the three tribes.

Ears pin back, Danyelle spoke "Guys, I had gotten a rather nasty vision..."

Little did the group and I know, one alicorn would be the cause of the divided tribes.


Alolan Adventures

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*Danyelle's POV*

I soon felt another sharp pain in my body before I pushed out what seemed to be an egg.

Asuna asks "H-how?"

Orion spoke "I thought she was more Mobian than Poké-Mobian!"

Sonic spoke "It's a total mystery but there was that ball of light that was floating around Danyelle during the battle with Chaos..."

“That was Tikal.” Knuckles answered.

Asuna asks "Who?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, she was one of the earliest known guardians of the Master Emerald but her father's selfishness and brutal ways caused her to sacrifice her life to seal Chaos away."

I spoke "I also saw an alicorn in that vision... Dark mulberry coat, blue eyes, mint green and white mane..."

Twilight gasps "We should warn Celestia about this since she might know more."

“Right.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Might as well warn Newlestia too, given that shi might have the same memories as Celestia."

A yell was heard since Newlestia had set Eggman's ass on fire.

Twilight spoke "Wow, sooner than thought."

Newlestia had punted Eggman over towards the group.

Maria groans "I'm disappointed with you Ivo."

Eggman scoffs "What makes you think you know me!?"

Ears pin back, Maria asks "Does the name Maria Robotnik sound familiar to you?"

Eggman gasps "What!? How do you know that name?!"

I spoke "I don't think you've heard of Project PHOENIX then."

Eggman asks "What?"

Maria spoke "I may be a fox-eagle hybrid now but round about 50 years ago, I was once human."

I had a wing draped over my daughter, shielding her from Eggman's sight.

Twilight was protecting Coal and Akari.

Eggman asks "*Getting annoyed* Just what are you trying to tell me?"

Zoey spoke "For Amaterasu's sake... What Maria is trying to say is that she is the very Maria Robotnik that was killed roundabout 50 years ago by G.U.N because Project Shadow was deemed dangerous."

Mental images of Maria's human self appear in Eggman's mind.

Now Eggman was a confused mumbling mess.

Rainbow spoke "Yep, you definitely broke him."

Yui snapped her fingers, as Eggman suddenly wore a straight jacket.

Yui spoke "Something tells me he’ll be like this for a while before he calms down."

Twilight spoke "Out of the baddies we've faced so far... nine have been reformed, one was killed, one was sealed in a snowglobe, one's a stammering mess, and one was scared senseless by Celestia and Newlestia."

I spoke "That may be so Twilight but there are still other baddies out there."

Rainbow Dash facepalmed. “Now you’ve gone and done it.”

Twilight spoke "What?! That means…!"

Twilight started stressing out as that made me really worried if I should’ve said that.

I spoke "Twilight, calm down or I will ask Miyuki to ice you."

But then I realized something; where is Miyuki?

Tails spoke "Miyuki's got her hands full with Kohaku and Ruri."

“Oh.” I noticed.

Coal mewls.

Twilight spoke "To be honest, I'm not looking forward to the day Coal starts school."

“Why’s that?” I asked.

Tails spoke "Main reason is that Neighsay jerk.... Another reason is Spoiled Rich..."

I facepalmed at that.

Asuna asks "But didn't Neighsay get scared senseless by Celestia and Newlestia?"

“Oh yeah. Bet he won’t be showing his face anytime soon.” I realized.

Twilight spoke "I agree with you Dany. Friendship isn't just for ponies, it's for all creatures."

Discord asks "Hold on, that soon?"

I spoke "The Cutie Mark Crusaders is a mixed group of kids.. There's a few ponies, a three-tailed fox, three hedgefoxes, three cats, a chakat and a gryphon."

Twilight giggles "I swear, Neighsay has a 39 and a half foot pole stuck up his ass."

“Heehee, yeah. But I definitely think we need a vacation.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "Yeah but we can't leave Equestria unguarded too long."

Rainbow spoke "Twi, calm down."

I spoke "She has a point Rainbow but then again, there won't be any baddies for a good while, we can take some time off! Alola region, here we come!!!"

Various folks cheer.

My right ear twitches before I hear jazz music.

I giggle "Oh! Oh no! Sounds like Scat Cat and his gang have dropped by!"

Serena spoke "And where the Jazz Cats are, Thomas and his family can't be too far behind."

Mane 6 ask "Who?"

Serena spoke "Friends of mine from the Kalos region. Scat Cat and his friends are real party-goers and love having a great time. And yes Pinkie, they'd be able to handle your bubbly personality."

Pinkie smiled so big, she practically exploded with joy.

I spoke "I think I know a pair of Brazilian Mobians that love to party."

That got Pinkie’s attention even more.

I write up a letter before sending it to Nico via flame breath.

I laugh "They'll be arriving in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

A warp ring appeared.

A female spix macaw Mobian flew out of the warp ring before crashing beak first into a window.

The female squawks "Ow! que doeu!"

Rainbow Dash asks "Say what now?"

The female macaw spoke "Eu te culpo por isso brincadeira Nico!"

Sonic spoke "She's speaking Portuguese, one of the various languages there is."

Tails groans "*Searching his namesakes* Ugh… where’s that translator?"

I spoke "Roughly speaking, she was scolding Nico for the prank he pulled on her."

Thorax was stammering.

I giggle "Something tells me Thorax has something he wants to ask Amy."

Thorax gasps "What? No I don't!"

Applejack, Crosswind and Shirou spoke "Liar."

Thorax was definitely blushing up a storm.

Chrysalis scoffs "Oh for the love of..."

Chrysalis punts Amy in the rear, sending her crashing into Thorax causing the two to kiss.

Chrysalis spoke "Heart butt's not here though."

Twilight giggles "Heehee! Something tells me you might make a new rival, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis spoke "You're one to talk Sparkle butt, you're a bigger bookworm than Ocellus."

I spoke "Heh, I never pegged you as a prankster Chryssie."

Serena asks "Anyone seen the Axew?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Maybe she’s busy with the Drakeon."

Shirou sniffs the air.

Shirou spoke "I got bad news everyone... Both of them are dead... Metal Sonic killed them both..."

Zoey spoke "I'm sorry but I can't bring Iris back a second time... And I don't think the dragon balls can help..."

A voice spoke "I dunno about that."

We turned around, seeing Goku.

Goku spoke "The Namekian Dragon Balls can definitely help."

Zoey spoke "I'm sorry Goku but Iris can't be brought back a third time. Once she dies a second time, that's it for her."

I had my tails curled around the egg I had delivered thus keeping it warm.

Sonic spoke "Besides, it took about 4000 years for Tikal to be reborn after her original death."

Goku spoke "Man, you guys really don’t get it, do you? The Namekian Dragon Balls can revive anyone, no matter how many times they died or how they were revived before."

Korra whacks Goku with a stick.

Korra spoke "There are two drawbacks though, old age or fully incinerated body..."

I spoke "Korra's right Goku. If we attempted to revive someone like Professor Robotnik for example, his body wouldn't hold itself together long."

Goku spoke "Come on, Krillin was revived with the Namekian Dragon Balls, and he was totally fine. So I know they’ll be totally fine too."

Korra spoke "If we tried to bring Aang back, it just wouldn't work since his soul had already reincarnated."

Goku spoke "Hmm… Dende just told me that Iris’ soul is somewhere else, so that decides the first wish."

Korra places a hand on her stomach since she was expecting a child.

Korra spoke "Oof... I felt a kick."

A flash of pink light appears before fading away, revealing a pink furred Mobian whippet female with angel wings.

The whippet spoke "I'm sorry but there are strict rules though."

Goku spoke "Welp, Dende just told me that Iris’ soul is back on Mobius, no problem at all. He’s making the next two wishes now."

The whippet snaps "EXCUSE ME?!? I just said that it's impossible to bring someone back once their soul has been reincarnated! I heard about it straight from Raava herself, Aang can't be reborn since his soul had been reborn as Korra. But since Raava is no longer bound to Korra, the Avatar cycle is broken and no amount of wishes can fix it."

But then Iris and Haku suddenly appeared, completely fine and unchanged, much to the whippet’s shock.

But something was off about Iris, it was as though her soul wasn't there anymore.

Sonic spoke "Annabelle's right though Goku, no amount of wishes can bring a soul back once it has reincarnated."

But then something flew through the air and went into Iris’ body as she gasped, wide awake.

Goku spoke "I don’t think King Yenma have the green flag on that."

But then something seemed off about Iris now. She looked like she was growing some fur and feathers.

Korra's fox ears had flattened since she couldn't sense her child's lifeforce anymore.

Mako spoke "Look what you've done! You've caused Korra's unborn child to lose its life!"

Goku asks "How was I supposed to know that would happen?"

But then Korra’s child was suddenly absorbed into Iris.

Korra flew off in a depressed state.

Zoey slaps Goku across the face with her claws out.

Zoey spoke "Your actions cost the life of an unborn child! One that Korra was waiting to bring into the world! Now, it won't EVER have that chance!"

But then Iris screamed in pain, before I suddenly saw her spirit split in two as one half flew into Korra before the two halves suddenly grew whole.

Sonic spoke "Woah, I did NOT see that coming!"

“Yeesh, if Korra’s child wasn’t on the way, Iris would’ve gotten a split personality.” I realized with a shudder.

Serena spoke "Or worse... She would've gained the power over fire, water, air and earth as well..."

Twilight spoke "It could have gone either way."

Goku spoke "Huh, that kinda makes Iris and Korra’s kid like Piccolo and Kami now."

I spoke "I think one of my counterparts is raising a Changeling filly named Iris."

Twilight spoke "Whoa."

I spoke "Yeah, it's so weird. Plus that universe's Lance is a hedgecat instead of a hedgefox."

Lance asks "Say what right now?"

“It’s complicated, I know.” I agreed.

Twilight asks "What about me?"

I spoke "Hmm... chakat and a Pegasus for now."

Applejack facehoofed at that.

A crack was heard from the egg.

That definitely got our attention.

I spoke "Huh, it seems my innate ability sped up the development process."

Twilight spoke "All that aside, it's time for a VACATION!!!"

The others cheer happily.


Twilight was wearing a backpack as she carried Akari in it as she walked with the others to the airport.

I followed while carrying Irene and the baby echidna in a backpack that was designed for babies.

Asuna and Zoey tag along with their children.

Sonic asks "Whoa, why you’re bringing him along?"

Eggman was still a muttering mess of confusion.

Maria spoke "Insane or not, he's still my cousin."

“Heehee, I think he’s rethinking everything he knows.” I giggled.

Shadow scoffs "If he even thinks about returning to his evil ways... Maria's PTSD or not, I'll kill the fatso."

Maria spoke "Shadow."

Ruby spoke "Dad, you're a disaster waiting to happen..."

A pair of soot-gray paws had covered Jasmine's eyes, spooking her.

The male draconequus chuckles "Gotcha Jas-Jas!"

Jasmine giggles "Heehee! Will, you sneaky lion."

Will spoke "I know."

Ruby spoke "Get a room you two."

Will chuckles "Heh, I may be a croc, Jazzy, but I’m also a lion. *Lustful growl*"

Jasmine giggles "Heeheehee! Aw, you!"

The two Draconequi wrapped around each other.

Ruby teleported the two to the hotel.

Twilight calls out "Hey Ash! You coming?"

Ash showed up, a bit out of breath, but totally excited.

Serena and a few others arrive.

Kai flew in from Paldea with his girl following.

A small Lugia was clinging to the female Lugia's back.

“Aww! Who’s this little cutie?” I asked.

Kai chuckles "This little troublemaker is Gale."

Gale chirps as he flapped his wings, knocking Ash's hat off.

Emma giggles "See what I mean?"

A Latias Poké-Mobian grabs Ash's hat before hiding it.

Ash asks "Huh?"

Kai spoke "Knock it off Bianca."

Emma sighs "That Latias is gonna be trouble."

Twilight asks "What’s going on?"

I spoke "Bianca, give Ash his hat back right now."

The Latias Poké-Mobian gave the hat back to Ash before zooming off.

I spoke "We're gonna be late for the plane!"

*One plane flight later,*

Ash chuckles "Guys and gals, welcome to the Alola region!"

“Wow!” The rest of us ooh’d and ah’d in amazement.

Roll had a grip on Sonic's tail since he was freaking out.

“Maybe we should help Sonic relax.” I noted.

Aria spoke "I doubt it'd work since we're surrounded by water, lots of it."

“I’m guessing hypnotic suggestion’s out of the question?” I assumed.


Roll sighs "Good thing I brought custom-made cobalt blue life jackets for Sonic."

Blaze spoke "Count me out, fire and water don't mix."

My eyes flash white suddenly, showing me a vision of the past.

I mutter "Amaterasu.... 15 brush skills.... divine reflector... devout beads.... Tsumugari.... Orochi..."

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Blaze spoke "She's seeing something from the past."

Twilight spoke "Oh. *Sigh* But I really wish that Shining Armor and Cadence were with us."

Newlestia asks "Who?"

I spoke "Everyone, I fear an ancient enemy is about to return..."

Sonic groans "Oh come on! What now?!"

I spoke "Relax everyone! It'll be a good long while before Orochi reawakens! So for now, let's just relax and have a party."

Sonic spoke "Don’t kill the mood like that!"

I spoke "I better warn Aph to keep Ein under control. Last thing any of us want is an idiotic hyena breaking the seal on Orochi."

Twilight spoke "It’d be better not to let Ein know about it either."

I fired a plasma bolt at Ein, making him fall from the tree he was in.

I growl "Don't even THINK about it mister!"

Passing the two babies to Twilight, I pounce on Ein and beat the crap out of him.

A flash of a divine reflector had sent Ein flying with a Goofy yell.

Sonic laughs "He had it coming!"

Ash spoke "I wonder how the others are doing."

I shot a flamethrower up into the sky, causing Kiawe to see it.

I spoke "They'll be here soon."

Ash chuckles "Heehee, man, they’ll definitely be surprised."

I giggle "Hay yeah, they don't know that you and Serena are married."

Serena spoke "I always wanted to come visit Alola."

A female Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid was relaxing in a beach chair.

Twilight spoke "Same."

Maria whacks her cousin on the back of the head.

Eggman was still a nurturing confused mess.

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid asks "What's with him?"

“He’s rethinking everything he knows.” I giggled.

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid asks "Let me guess, he thought his cousin was dead but in fact... She was alive the entire time?"

“Yep.” I nodded.

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid spoke "There's a whole colony of Mewtwo hybrids though. But we have to keep hidden or bad people will capture us and use us for sick experiments..."

That caught Orion’s attention.

Even Asuna, Huey, Pigment and Jericho were intrigued.

Zoey spoke "Mewtwo hybrids huh? I'm rather curious about them."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Huh, that’s new."

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid spoke "I'm Haru by the way."

Ash spoke "Besides, you won’t believe the food they got here! It’s awesome!"

Haru giggles "I've already tried a malasada, it's good."

Ash excitedly spoke "I know!"

I had burped up a scroll from Master Hand, warning me of an oncoming threat that was targeting the colony of Mewtwo.

I spoke "Zoey, you and the Mewtwo should go help the colony. I fear someone is after them."

Zoey spoke "Right Danyelle! Asuna, Orion, Jericho, Haru! We have to help them!"

The alicorn-cat hybrid flew off fast with the six Mewtwo to the colony.

I spoke "While Zoey and the six Mewtwo handle that, let's unwind for a while."

Ash gasps "We should check out the Battle Royale Dome!"

I spoke "I'm SO IN!!!"

Sonic asks "But are non Poké-Mobians allowed to compete?"

Ash spoke "Hmm… Last I checked, I think so."

I spoke "But I thought only Poké-Mobians were allowed. And given that I have Plasmeon and Mew blood in my veins..."

Ash spoke "Well, Kukui thought it would help if the Battle Royale expanded their horizons."

My right ear twitches.

I spoke "Alola Kukui!"

Kukui chuckles "Haha. Alola, Danyelle."

I spoke "I'm kind of curious about what other Poké-Mobian genes I have. I already know about the Flareon, Jolteon and Mew genes though."

Kukui asks "Did something happen?"

Ash spoke "Long story short Professor, Danyelle has the genes of an unknown Eeveelution species alongside Mew genes but she's unsure as to what else she has."

Kukui spoke "Huh. That’s definitely surprising. Heh, but Burnet will definitely be more surprised."

Ash asks "Oh! How’s Lei doing?"

A small stark white kitten with red eyes was on my head.

Kukui asks "Lei’s doing great. And who’s this little kitten?"

I spoke "My firstborn daughter, Irene. And before you ask, it was just dumb luck she was born with stark white fur and red eyes."

The infant echidna climbs up my back.

Tails asks "Can someone slap Knuckles?"

Ash shocked Knuckles with a thunderbolt, snapping him out of it.

Serena asks "What is your beef Knucklehead?"

Knuckles spoke "Nothing."

I spoke "I don't need to be the element of honesty to tell that was a lie."

Knuckles turned away, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

Kukui spoke "Hehe, who knows, maybe the Battle Royale will have eight competitors, especially with my little sis back to visit Alola."

I ask "Little sis?"

Kukui spoke "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys about that. She was traveling the world as a wrestler."

Twilight spoke "I straight up killed the boss of Team Rocket when he attempted to foalnap Nyx."

Kukui spoke "Yeesh, you sound worse than when I was exhausted while UB Black was draining the light out of Alola."

Twilight spoke "I may be half alicorn half Cyniclon but I've learned to control Deep Blue's power for good."

I spoke "Any mother would go to the extremes to protect their children."

Serena asks "UB Black?"

Ash spoke "That would be Necrozma."

Serena spoke "Oh."

Ash spoke "Hehe, and when we thought it was happening again, it turned out Professor Kukui only had a cold."

I giggle "Asuna and Orion would get a kick out of that! Oh, I hear Kiawe's wingbeats now."

Ash spoke "Nice!"

I giggle "Something tells me Pigment just said wadala."

Blaze giggles "Heehee, even I find that funny."

Roll giggles "Can't be no funnier than the times Orion had told Asuna off."

But then I suddenly giggled at a feeling I had.

Roll spoke "Danyelle, you are the most WEIRDEST nekomata I've ever known."

Tails had sent a bratty Shaymin Poké-Mobian flying with an air blast.

Tails spoke "I hate that stupid Brad... He's so freaking bratty!"

“We know the feeling, Tails.” I nodded.

Ash exclaims "Come on! Let’s get to the Battle Royale Dome!"

Sonic spoke "That'd be up your alley Knux."

Knuckles spoke "Heh, I’ll make sure they’re only down for the count."

The ground shook violently as all of Equis split into seven pieces while the Elements of Harmony were rendered inert.

Sonic spoke "Oh just great! It's the Dark Gaia incident all over again!"

To be continued...

Trouble in White Tail Woods/ Night of the Werebeasts

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*Zoey's POV*

While the others had their vacation, the Mewtwo and I headed to White Tail Woods since that was where the Mewtwo colony was located.

I ask "We going the right way Haru?"

Haru spoke "Definitely. *Snicker!*"

I scoff "You do realize that I'm a married cat right?"

Haru spoke "I know, but that’s not what I find funny."

Tail swishing, I spoke "It's enough that Danyelle has diluted Mew blood in her veins..."

“True.” Haru admitted.

My ears were twitching as I listened for any other voices that weren't from me or the four Mewtwo.

Orion asks "Hey Asuna, why did we bring the cat along?"

Asuna spoke "She could help us, Orion."

Jericho spoke "Not only that, she rarely lets that little Mewtwo out of her sight. If you thought that one pony was scary, the black cat AND the twin-tail are just as scary when they feel that their children are threatened."

Orion was a bit confused at that.

I spoke "What he meant was that Twilight straight up murdered a guy that tried to hurt Nyx... So yeah... Twilight's got a short temper."

Orion definitely looked impressed at that, surprised too.

I giggle "She was madder than an Ursa Major in a fit!"

Haru giggles "Wow, no joke?"

I spoke "Yeah, it just goes to show that you don't mess with an alicorn that has Cyniclon powers."

Asuna spoke "That mare is scary when pissed and here I thought Shadow was scary when mad."

Haru spoke "Heehee! Who knows, we might encounter a Mewtwo-Zoroark hybrid here."

Asuna giggles "You sly Eevee! That gives me an idea for a prank to pull on Rei!"

Haru asks "If the hybrid is female? *Snicker!*"

Huey spoke "Wadala!"

Asuna snickers "Yeah, what Huey said."

“Man… If Rei gets more wives, Sonic will feel relieved and more lucky that he has two.” I noted.

Asuna spoke "You forget that some stallions do form herds since there are more mares."

“Oh. Right.” I noted.

Asuna spoke "And given that Sonic is a little bit stallion since he's half alicorn, it'd only be natural for Sonic to start a herd if he wants to but Roll's the lead female."

But then I suddenly encountered myself, like I was looking in a mirror.

I spoke "This better not be one of your tricks Orion!"

Haru spoke "Calm down, Zoey. That’s the Mewtwo/Zoroark hybrid I talked about earlier."

Pigment tilted her head.

I spoke "It's enough that Pigment's half Gengar despite my fear of ghosts..."

Haru was rather surprised.

Asuna spoke "Huey's a shiny since I had one too many Lum berries..."

Haru spoke "Oh."

I giggle "Ash freaked out when Huey was born."

Asuna giggles "Yeah, and you should’ve heard the first time when Huey tried to say water."

Pigment spoke "Wadala!"

Haru, the rest of the girls and I laughed.

Asuna spoke "It's funny, I know."

Orion chuckles "I've told Asuna a few times to take her spawn back or Huey's going outside."

Huey asks "Why does Uncle Face have to be mean to Huey?"

The other me suddenly transformed.

Haru spoke "Hey Jennifer."

Jennifer spoke "Been quite some time, Haru."

Haru spoke "I know and you won't believe what I had found while over in the Alola region!"

Jennifer asks "What’s that?"

Haru spoke "Four purebred Mewtwo and a Mewtwo with cat and alicorn DNA."

Jennifer asks "Say what?"

A female asks "What’s going on now, sis?"

Another Mewtwo hybrid showed up, this time, a Hisuian Zoroark.

A scream was heard since Brad had got sent flying with an air blast from Tails.

Asuna spoke "Oh great... the annoyance is here..."

I couldn’t help but facepalm.

Asuna spoke "Uh Zoey, your claws are on fire."

“Say what now?” I asked before my hands started feeling warm.

Orion spoke "My guess would be that your fire powers are starting to manifest."

The ground shook violently as all of Equis split into seven pieces while the Elements of Harmony were rendered inert.

A stray burst of dark energy had absorbed into my chest, causing me pain.

Haru gasps "Are you okay?!"

Asuna spoke "this sort of problem has happened before with Sonic..."

Orion spoke "If you think dealing with a werehog howling at night is bad enough, try dealing with that along with a WERECAT!"

“GAH!!!” I yowled as I started changing.

Dren and Anzu suddenly pop up, worried about me.

But then Anzu yowled, starting to change too.

Dren spoke "Uh babe, the Dark Gaia curse doesn't work that way."

“I really don’t know how it works.” I admitted.

A bright blush was on Dren's face.

Dren spoke "You look hot as a werecat."

“R-Really?” I stammered in embarrassment.

Dren spoke "Yeah."

A winged werehog soon flew out of a warp ring.

Sonic asks "Woah! What happened to you Zoey?"

“Did you see Equis?” I pointed out.

Sonic spoke "Yeah, I felt it. Dark Gaia has returned. I blame that stupid Shaymin for this mess."

“But I’m the only one who can stop it.” I sighed.

Sonic spoke "I can teach you the basics then, from one werebeast to another."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Sonic spoke "Yeah, I didn't have anyone to turn to for werebeast basics so I had to figure it out myself."

A Suicune-Mewtwo hybrid approaches the two werebeasts.

The Suicune-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "It was foretold that Dark Gaia would return but without Light Gaia's presence, it will seek to plunge Equis into eternal darkness... Just as Nightmare Moon tried to do 1000 years ago."

Sonic spoke "Chip!"

All six Mewtwo, all of the hybrids and I were confused.

Sonic spoke "Sorry, *Brings out Warp Ring* I’ll be right back. I gotta go find him!"

I spoke "Uh, he's sealed deep within Mobius' core..."

Sonic spoke "But if Dark Gaia’s out, so is Chip!"

I spoke "We don't know where he is."

My cellphone went off as the ringtone of Endless Possibility was heard playing.

Renee shouts "WHAT DID YOU DO ZOEY??"

“Whaddya mean?” I asked in confusion, clearing out my ears from that yelling.

Renee spoke "I'm a FREAKING WEREWOLF!!!! Corina's screeching since she got turned into a werebird!"

Did… Did I hear that right?

Renee spoke "Not to mention that Kiki’s a weremonkey and Bridget’s a weredolphin!"

Sonic spoke "…I think I know where Chip is."

Werelight was screaming in the background.

Sonic spoke "And this is bigger than we thought, a whole lot bigger."

Renee spoke "You just HAD to jinx it Sonic! Danyelle's most recent vision was that of Mobius and Equis fusing into one planet!"

Sonic spoke "Oh no… No no no no! We gotta split them back up before time starts to permanently freeze for both worlds! Dark Gaia’s the least of our worries now!"

I spoke "But Renee, you forget that Sonic has a foot in both Mobius and Equis. He's half alicorn half hedgehog."

Renee spoke "Crap, I forgot about that..."

But Sonic was still panicking about this time problem.

Haru tail slaps Sonic upside the back of the head.

Haru spoke "Wake up and smell the chili dogs will you? We'll find a way to stop this without causing all of the first gen Mobians that came here by accident to go back to Mobius."

Sonic asks "But how, and while fighting Dark Gaia?"

Jasmine suddenly appeared. “‘Sup.”

I explained everything to Jasmine.

Jasmine spoke "Whoa, that explains why those two seemed so eager to come along."

That left the rest of us confused.

Tempest was squawking in the background.

Tempest spoke "I hate it when I'm right! 12 years ago, I said that we didn't need a repeat of the Dark Gaia incident and look where THAT got us!"

“Sorry, those two?” I asked Jasmine.

Jasmine spoke "Yep, residents of my dimension. They’re great friends when you get to know them."

I spoke "But if the Mobians that ended up here by accident were forced to go back... The Mobians that were born in Equestria would end up staying behind... Families would get torn apart."

Renee spoke "Zoey, you're a GENIUS!!! We can ask Shenron to stop the time suspension progression! We can wish that free travel between Mobius and Equis can happen and not worry about worlds colliding or families getting torn apart!"

“Aw… Really?” I asked before Pinkie popped up.

Pinkie spoke "Hi!"

I spoke "For Amaterasu's sake Pinkie! Don't scare me like that! You should know better than to scare a cat Mobian!"

Pinkie asks "I heard about two mystery creatures, who are they?"

Jasmine spoke "Heehee, good friends of mine, and a lovely couple."

Pinkie gasps "Ooh! I wanna meet them!"

I ask "Pinkie, have you not noticed the danger all Mobians are in?"

Pinkie spoke "I noticed, just thought we could use the help."

I facepalm and sigh.

I spoke "No amount of alicorn or draconequus magic can stop the Time Suspension Phenomenon..."

Pinkie asks "The say what now?"

Sonic spoke "In a nutshell, it's the result of what happens if two worlds merge... Time slows to a halt, no advancements are made and nobody ages... And the worst part is... No more parties... No birthdays... Basically, you'd be trapped in a limbo-like state... forever..."

Pinkie gasps "WHAT?!"

Sonic spoke "Afraid so, we have to figure out a safer way to merge the worlds without causing time to freeze."

“Maybe Shenron could help?” I noted.

Sonic spoke "Don’t forget we have Dark Gaia to worry about too."

I spoke "I know but without the elements working right, all of Equestria is left defenseless!"

Sonic spoke "There’s gotta be six Gaia Temples connected to the Elements."

Pinkie spoke "Please bring in help, Jasmine!"

Jasmine spoke "Sure, but who said the two were Draconequi? They’re more of a furry cyborg couple."

Looking at a map of Equestria, I spoke "There's one in Canterlot which is guarded by Celestia and Luna, one at Mount Aris which is currently unguarded since something had caused the guardian along with the rest of the inhabitants to go into hiding, one at the Peaks of Peril, one in Manehattan but the guardian is missing, one is located in Tartarus which is guarded by the three headed dog known as Cerberus and the last is located in Cloudsdale."

Jasmine spoke "Let’s just hope Cerberus doesn’t go into his real form."

Sonic spoke "Or worse... a magic stealing centaur might use Dark Gaia's power for itself."

A voice spoke "Come on, Dark Gaia would eat him for breakfast."

Someone appeared.

Sonic spoke "It's been a while Chip!"

Chip spoke "Yep! I got good news and bad news though."

Sonic spoke "Let me guess, Dark Gaia's influence is causing more werebeasts to appear... As well as causing Mobius and Equis to be pulled towards one another."

Chip spoke "Not what I was gonna say. The temple at Mount Aris is destroyed, but I sensed its energy, so it’s still operational! That’s the bad and good news, in that order."

Sonic asks "And what of the guardian?"

Chip spoke "Don’t know how, but she’s currently living under the sea."

Pinkie suddenly did a rimshot.

I spoke "Now isn't the time Pinkie! We have to restore the elements of Harmony AND piece Equis back together before it's too late!"

A female voice spoke "Then let us try to help."

A couple suddenly appeared.

I spoke "I'm sorry but cyborgs and water don't mix so Bridget and Rarity will be handling the gaia temple at Mount Aris."

Renee spoke "I just asked Bridget to head to Mount Aris with Maria and Rarity. Water is their element after all."

*Bridget's POV*

Maria, Rarity and I soon arrive at Mount Aris via warp ring with the elements of generosity and kindness.

I spoke "This place is a mess!"

Rarity spoke "Oh, here here!"

Maria spoke "Uh girls, the temple is underwater."

“Well that makes things a bit easier for me.” I noted.

Rarity spoke "Not so much for Maria and I though..."

Rarity's left ear twitches since she heard singing in a cave.

Maria asks "You heard it too Rarity?"

I call out to the singing voice "We need help!"

The being warily asks "How do I know I can trust you three aren't working for the enemy?"

I spoke "I'm sure that you've already seen the damage that Dark Gaia has caused."

I head into the cave with Rarity and Maria before wading into the water.

Rarity spoke "We need to get to the Gaia temple."

The being gasps "You know of the temple?"

The creature swam over to me and the two females.

I spoke "Yeah, we do."

The creature spoke "My mom told me not to bring strangers into Seaquestria but this is an emergency. Follow me! I'm Skystar by the way!"

There was soon a bubble around Maria's head and Rarity's head as I had shifted to my aquatic form.

Skystar spoke "I've been stuck down here ever since he attacked my home."

Maria, Rarity and I follow Skystar to another seapony.

Skystar spoke "Mother, before you yell at me for bringing strangers in, this is an emergency!"

Novo asks "What is it?"

Skystar spoke "These three females came a long way to the Gaia temple since Dark Gaia has broken free and is causing our world to be merged with another."

It was clear to Queen Novo that Rarity's element and Maria's element were inert since both had blackened out due to Dark Gaia.

Novo spoke "I see. But the Kraken has been… Acting strange lately."

Maria spoke "But Rarity and I can't breathe under water though."

Novo spoke "Perhaps I can help with that."

I spoke "I automatically take on aquatic form whenever I'm in water though."

Maria asks "If it's too painful to remember, why are you all down here hiding?"

Skystar asks "Ooh! Can I tell them? Can I? Can I?"

Novo spoke "Even if I told you no, you're gonna say it any ways."

Skystar happily exclaims "Yay!"

Novo sighs in annoyance.

Skystar spoke "Once upon a time, like, a while ago, the Hippogriffs did live on Mount Aris. Fine! I can't tell you! Also, that horned beast did show up to steal their magic! But, to keep it out of his clutches, their brave and majestic leader, Queen Novo, hid them deep underwater where he could never go! We are... Well, we were the Hippogriffs! Ta-da!"

I spoke "You can let some cloven hoofed Storm King get the better of you OR you can be awesome again!"

Rarity spoke "Bridget, now really isn't the good time for a..."

I started to sing a different version of, encouraging the seaponies to rally together.

Maria groans ""

Ocean Flow spoke "Sister, I don't want to live the rest of my life hiding all the time!"

Novo spoke "Seaponies! For far too long, we have been hiding down here! It's time we TAKE back what is rightfully ours! We can't be living in fear all the time!"

The Seaponies cheered before a monstrous roar was heard.

I swam off towards the noise, finding myself face to face with a Dark Gaia Kraken!

“Whoa!” I yelped before I dodged its tentacles.

Aria was soon beside me while in siren form as she roared at the kraken, challenging it.

But then one of the Kraken’s tentacles came at us.

Aria and I swam fast to get out of the way, dodging the attack.

Aria and I both started singing loud, causing the kraken to freeze up.

But then crab legs suddenly revealed themselves on the Kraken as they moved on their own, causing the Kraken to charge at us with its body.

A trident hits the kraken, diverting its attention away.

Novo spoke "You've gone too far!"

But then monster starfishes and leeches made of Dark Gaia energy appeared.

Novo and I both charge into battle as the seapony guards followed.

I used my waterbending to blow the leeches away.

A voice spoke "Don’t forget about us!"

I turned around to see… Rarity as a Seapony unicorn and Maria as a merfox?!?

I spoke "But Rarity, I sense that you've got a foal on the way so I don't think you should fight. And I'd rather not be on the receiving end of a Chaos Blast if Maria got hurt."

Maria spoke "Don’t worry, we’ll only help heal the others and strengthen their defenses for now."

A Suilotic was heard singing, causing immense pain to the Dark Gaia Kraken.

“Whoa, did not see that coming.” I admitted.

Novo spoke "That's our temple guardian and songstress."

The kraken was soon purified of the darkness.

The kraken fell unconscious after that as the enemies vanished.

The Suilotic looks at me, Rarity and Maria before motioning for us to follow her to the temple.

“Okay.” I responded as we followed the Suilotic.

Rarity spoke "This might be a trap."

Maria spoke "Not very likely. From how Sonic told me, there wasn’t anything in the temples of Gaia."

I spoke "It's still funny that Tempest was right the entire time. 12 years ago, he said that we didn't need a repeat of the Dark Gaia incident yet it happened again."

We soon arrived at some kind of pedestal before Chip appeared, able to breath water just fine.

I ask "Now what?"

Chip spoke "I got this."

Chip swam over to the pedestal before his orb glowed with the pillar as a smaller one rose from the hole in the top of it.

Chip spoke "Put the Elements on here."

Rarity and Maria place their elements on the pedestal at the same time Roll and Fluttershy had with theirs since the two were in Manehattan thus restoring the Elements of Generosity and Kindness back to normal, causing two pieces of the planet to return back to where they should be.

Chip spoke "Alright! Two down, four to go!"

I spoke "Yeah, I think Zoey had gone up to Canterlot with Danyelle and Twilight to handle the Element of Magic."


Manehattan Mayhem/ Canterlot Chaos

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*Roll’s POV*

Welp, we’re in Manehattan.

Fluttershy spoke "I've never been to Manehattan before..."

“Really? Why?” I asked.

Fluttershy spoke "It's just too much for me."

“Oh.” I noted before I sensed one of our friends showing up.

Renee asks "Let me guess, Seto?"

“Whoa!” I yelped. “When did you get here?”

Renee giggles "Werewolf remember? I tagged along since Flutters isn't much of a fighter unless provoked."

“Oh. Guess that’s who I was sensing, you.” I noted.

Renee giggles "Even though I was downwind of you?"

“Guess so.” I giggled in agreement as Fluttershy giggled as well, feeling more calm now.

Renee spoke "I heard that Zoey had gone to Canterlot with Twilight and Danyelle."

Fluttershy asks "Really?"

Renee spoke "Yeah but I'd hate to be in Shirou's location right now... He, Applejack and Corina are dealing with the Tartarus Gaia temple..."

Fluttershy asks "Wh-What?"

Renee spoke "Yeah... but at least Bridget's group has it easy."

Fluttershy asks "How?"

Renee spoke "Bridget's element is water though so she went with Rarity and Maria to Mount Aris since there's a temple there."

Renee's ears flatten as she growls.

Renee spoke "Fluttershy, get behind me now."

Fluttershy spoke "O-Okay."

Renee wallops a few Dark Gaia minions, defeating them.

Renee spoke "All clear for now."

I spoke "Not bad Renee."

Renee spoke Heh, thanks. *Blushing madly* But Seto’s pretty good too…"

I giggle "I'm no Cadence but even I can see you have it bad for the tiger. And I'm no Danyelle but I can sense that you've got a tigerwolf pup on the way."

Renee gasps "Wha-Really?"

I giggle "Yeah."

We kept moving forward in Manehatten.

Renee spoke "The sooner we put Equis back to normal, the sooner we can stop Dark Gaia. And the sooner we can stop the merging of the two worlds, the safer everycreature will be."

“And the sooner we can get back to our vacation.” I added in agreement.

Renee spoke "For sure! and the gaia temple is just up ahead."

Fluttershy asks "Um… Anyone else think it’s too easy?"

A voice laughs "The shy one couldn't be more right!"

Renee growls as she pushes Fluttershy behind her.

Renee growls "This mess is all your fault Brad!"

But then Brad’s voice rang out, sounding different. “Please! Help! I don’t know how, but it took control of me way before the planet started splitting up!”

Renee growls "You caused this to happen!"

The voice spoke "I never meant for any of this to happen! That thing controlling me made me do it!"

Renee snarls "LIAR!!!"

“Renee! Calm down!” I told my friend.

Fluttershy spoke "Her anger is out of control..."

“Dark Gaia’s influence, no doubt.” I noted as I mentally spoke with Fluttershy. "{Do you think he’s telling the truth?}"

Fluttershy spoke "{Absolutely. I believe him.}"

"{Strangely enough, so do I.}" I mentally admitted to Fluttershy.

A tailslap sent the bratty Shaymin flying.

Orion spoke "{I hardly tolerate that little shit though, he made Pigment cry a while ago.}"

"{That wasn’t his fault! Dark Gaia was controlling him!}" I pointed out before I saw the real Brad on the ground. Fluttershy and I ran over to him. “You alright?”

Fluttershy spoke "Please be okay…"

Brad groans "Ugh… Roll? Fluttershy? Is… Is that really you?"

Orion ignores the Shaymin Poké-Mobian.

Brad spoke "I know you don’t like me, Orion, and I don’t blame you. I don’t like myself either, after all I did, even though I was controlled by Dark Gaia. I know I helped heal Giratina, *Voice breaking* b-but that doesn’t make up for what I did. I was angry at myself for being small and weak, letting Dark Gaia control me. So when this is over, Orion, you can walk away, knowing you were right, all along. I really am just a dumb Shaymin."

Fluttershy spoke "There's nothing wrong with being weak, I'm not much of a fighter either."

Brad spoke "*Hugs Fluttershy and I back while sniffling* Th-Thank you… I’ll-I’ll try to start over."

A sudden Rainboom had shot across the sky, knocking a few Dark Gaia minions out.

Rainbowtwo asks "Can someone explain why Equis is such a mess?"

Fluttershy asks "R-Rainbow Dash?"

Orion spoke "No, that's Rainbowtwo. She's a clone of the original... *quietly* And my mate..."

Fluttershy asks "*Blush* What?!"

Orion spoke "I knew I couldn't go after the original Rainbow since she has a crush on someone else..."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Hence why I was created."

A Dark Gaia minion tried to attack Renee with fire, but she destroyed the minion before she smelled something.

Renee spoke "Why do I smell roasted…"

Renee looked behind her, only to see that her butt was on fire.

Renee yelps ""What!? Oh no no no! *Running around* Gah! No no no! This are the only clothes I brought! Yeowch! Gotta find some water! And fast!"

Seto chuckles "Talk about hot tail..."

Seto tackles his wife into the water.

Renee spoke "*Pant!* This is embarrassing…!"

Seto spoke "Good thing neither Danyelle or Shirou aren't here, they'd probably faint since the smell of wet wolf is similar to rotten milk..."

Renee covered her mouth, feeling squeamish at that while keeping her meal down.

Seto asks "You okay babe?"

Fluttershy had thrown up.

Renee groans "Yeah, it just… rotten milk… Yuck!"

I spoke "Let's never speak of this again..."

Fluttershy spoke "We're at the temple now."

Chip suddenly appeared. “You’ll need my help for this part.”

Renee swam to shore before shaking the water off her fur and clothes, causing the fur to floof up.

I puffed out my cheeks, holding my laughter in.

Renee grabs me and throws me into the water.

I splutter "Not cool wolf bitch!"

Seto sighed with a facepalm as Renee and I growled in each other's faces.

The two of us burst into giggles.

Some time after the elements of kindness and generosity were restored, two pieces of the planet were restored back to normal.

I spoke "Two down, four to go!"

*Zoey's POV*


I spoke "Least we have it easier since we know the temple guardians."

Werelight suddenly shivered for some reason.

Pigment was growling, as was Danyelle.

Danyelle shot fire from her mouth at an ice-type Dark Gaia minion, causing it to faint.

Werelight asks "Okay, but what if we have to fight a Dark Gaia Fusion of them known as Eclipse?

Danyelle spoke "Chip's pretty much a counterpart of Celestia anyway so it's not likely that...."

Danyelle's ears pick up the sound of clashing horns.

Newlestia flew over with Asuna and a few Mewtwo hybrids following.

Newlestia asks "Let me guess, Moonbutt's fallen to darkness again?"

*Inside the castle*

Celestia spoke "SNAP OUT OF IT SISTER!!!"

Dark Gaia Luna was silent as she clashed with Celestia.

Danyelle yowls loud "CHAOS SNARE!!!"

Chains of chaos energy restrain Dark Gaia Luna, stopping her from moving.

Celestia gasps "What is going on?!"

Asuna spoke "Dark Gaia's broken free and is now causing Mobius to gravitate towards Equis. The other bearers have gone to the shrines to restore the elements and put Equis back together.... And Sonic warned that if we don't do something to stop it, both worlds will fuse together and cause time to freeze permanently."

Haru spoke "Exactly since the Mobians that came here by accident are what's causing the problem to happen... But since Sonic and his two siblings are children of two worlds, the three of them are likely to be erased..."

"...We'll definitely need Shenron's help, which means we gotta find the Dragon Balls after beating Dark Gaia." I noted.

Carrying his baby sister on his back, Lightning spoke "Same for Moonlight and I, we're also children of two worlds. But first..."

Lightning slaps his mother across the face, snapping her back to her senses.

Luna then went back to normal except something seemed different, like she was somewhat furrier.

Lightning chuckles "You're as fluffy as dad's other form is."

"Hold on, it's almost if... *GASP!* Luna became a were-alicorn!" I realized.

Lightning removed the hoofwear off his front legs, revealing wolf paws.

Luna definitely became a were-alicorn.

Danyelle spoke "She looks more like a MAREWOLF!"

Luna asks "What the?"

Lightning chuckled. "Wait until dad gets a look of you now. I bet he'll howl with a wolf whistle."

Lightning howls loud just as a third piece of Equis had gone back into place.

Shirou soon pops up after dropping Applejack and Crosswind off at the Chuddle Hotel.

Shirou spoke "Lulu, I'm back!"

But Shirou froze stiff at the sight of Luna.

Lightning chuckles "You okay dad?"

Shirou howled lustfully with a wolf whistle after that.

Lightning teleported his parents straight to the Chuddle Hotel.

Lightning spoke "Auntie, I think we should get the element of magic restored pronto."

Celestia spoke "Right."

Chip suddenly appeared. “I’ll help.”

Werelight asks "Half the planet's restored already?"

Chip spoke "Yep."

I spoke "That means we've got laughter and loyalty left before taking on Dark Gaia!"

Werelight spoke "I just got a telepathic message from Sardon, the Element of Laughter was just restored!"

“Nice!” I cheered.

Werelight spoke "And Pinkie got a new wereform."

Danyelle spoke "Uh Twilight, the dark gaia curse doesn't work that way. Pinkie didn't get infected."

Werelight spoke "Not by Dark Gaia, by something else."

Haru tosses a book to Werelight, shutting the mare up.


Tartarus Terror/ Perilous Peaks/ Cloudsdale Confusion

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*Shirou’s POV*

Well, we’re on our way down to Tartarus, which is hell for creatures with fur.

Crosswind spoke "Yer one ta talk wolfboy, Ah've got short fur."

“Tch, count yourself lucky for that.” I scoffed.

Crosswind spoke "Don't make me call Luna down here."

Applejack spoke "Both of ya calm down. The heat down here’s messin’ with us."

Crosswind spoke "The sooner we find the temple, the sooner we can git outta this hellhole!"

Applejack spoke "Won’t be as easy as we think. Cerberus might be controlled by Dark Gaia right now, putting him in his true form too while twistin’ it."

Crosswind groans "Of all times ta not have Flowerstep or Fluttershy with us..."

“Who knows, he might have four heads, the fourth being the tail.” I noted.

Crosswind growls as shi pulled Applejack close.

“And speak of the devil.” I noted as the Dark Gaia Cerberus appeared in its true form, with its tail looking similar to a snake.

Crosswind rears up before slamming hir front paws down, sending earth spikes towards the dark cerberus.

But the three heads on front suddenly released noxious breath, putting them on alert as I could tell that breath could hurt us.

A Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid shows up before firing hydro pump from his mouth at the three heads, drenching them.

But then the tail/snake head spat venom at the hybrid, paralyzing it.

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid ate a cheri berry thus getting rid of the paralysis.

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid scoffs "Didn't your mother tell you not to spit at others?"

But then Dark Gaia Cerberus leapt at us and pounded the ground before we saw clear see-through doubles of us that were being dragged toward Cerberus in fear. We then realized those were our souls, so we couldn't let Cerberus eat them!

I tore my collar off as I switched to my other form before howling loud at the Cerberus, negating its attack.

But then Dark Gaia Cerberus let out a haunting wail before we were knocked up by souls as we suddenly became linked to the controlled dog. Cerberus then pulled us in with the links before knocking us back as all three heads on front became alert again.

A tri blast of energy hits the Dark Gaia Cerberus, severing the link.

A tri-layered voice laughs "Oh my, how the mighty Ginrou has fallen victim to a mere three headed mutt!"

But then all four of Dark Gaia Cerberus' heads were looking at the newcomer with angered growls and hisses.

Flying on a pair of pink wings, Nazuna flies into a spindash thus chopping off the tail-head.

I spoke "Nice one Nazuna!"

Nazuna spoke "Thanks!"

But then the snake grew its head back before it and all three heads on the front spat venom at Nazuna, hitting her while stunning her from the paralysis.

Nazuna shapeshifted to her false Ginrou form before roaring at the monster.

"Looks like we'll need to knock Cerberus out cold." I noted.

Nazuna spoke "Exactly Shirou since you and I along with Alan have the size and strength advantage while Applejack and Cross have the speed advantage."

Nazuna shot fire from her mouth at the Cerberus before it could spit more acid.

Dark Gaia Cerberus was stunned by the sudden and quick attack.

Nazuna leapt high into the air, grabbing onto a rock on the ceiling thus pulling it down.

The Cerberus was knocked out cold after it had spat up a female Vulpix Poké-Mobian with a bloodied dress and chains around the neck.

But then Cerberus suddenly transformed back to normal.

The blood-stained Vulpix Poké-Mobian was soon yelling at the Cerberus.

The Poke-Mobian then placed her fingers on all three necks before she sighed in relief. "Thank goodness he's only unconscious."

Nazuna asks "Who are you?"

After the Element of Honesty was restored, the others and I headed back.

I had dropped Applejack and Crosswind through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel as a piece of the planet went back to normal.

I was slack jawed when I saw my wife's marewolf form.

Alan laughs "Oh man! You're a horny wolf, you know that right Shirou?"

I didn't hear any of that as I found myself only focusing on Luna.

Lightning laughs as he sent me and Luna through a warp ring to the hotel.

Nazuna heads off towards the Peaks of Peril.

*Michiru's POV*

I was airlifting Pinkie and Kiki over the rocky walls.

I ask "You sure there's a temple here Pinkie?"

Pinkie spoke "Yessiree! And I have a feeling someone will be there to help us! Two someones!"

I ask "Is one of them a wolf?"

Kiki spoke "I may not have Danyelle's longsight but I see a pink blur in the distance... It's not Amy though."

Pinkie spoke "Huh, make that three, ‘cause I think that cyborg wolf couple will be there to help us."

I spoke "Alan's not traveling with anyone else, he's alone."

Pinkie spoke "I didn't say that. That couple's waiting ahead of us."

I groan "For Ginrou's sake... This isn't their problem, it's our problem..."

Pinkie asks "Come on! They can help us! Please?"

I spoke "Danyelle told them to protect the children. And Pinkie, don't make me drop you."

Pinkie spoke "But Jasmine said she has that all covered and protecting the kids."

Kiki spoke "But the Crusaders are a real handful since one is half ghost and three are the eldest children of the Blue Blur..."

True to Kiki's word, the Crusaders were hopped up on sugar and zooming all over the hotel.

But Jasmine was doing a great job of keeping the damage to a minimum.

We soon arrived to see Nazuna and what Pinkie said was true. That couple did get here before Nazuna.

Nazuna growls "How and why are you here?"

The anthro cyborg she-wolf spoke "Jasmine teleported us here, plus Pico and I really wanted to help the others here."

I spoke "Danyelle told you no!"

Pico spoke "Don't worry. Once this temple's done, Candy and I will head back to help Jasmine."

I spoke "Bad idea... I heard rumors that the Peaks of Peril are really hard to climb over."

Candy asks "Huh, I think Pico and I can handle that. Besides, it's a full moon tonight, right?"

I looked up and indeed saw a full moon.

Kiki asks "Is it just me or does the moon look a bit bigger than it should be?"

A howl rang clear all over the world as a dark yellow almost orange furred nine tailed werefox was running up through the sky with balls of air under his hands and feet as he rams headfirst into the moon, pushing it back into the sky.

I spoke "GO TAILS!!!"

Pinkie spoke "Huh, gives us more time."

Candy and Pico looked at the moon before the female's face faded on her visor with a green circle and "!" appeared, then faded as her mouth and eyes became green with her mouth looking more jagged while her eyelashes, eyelids, pupils and lips becoming blue as Pico's face faded on his visor with an orange circle and "!" appeared, then faded while his mouth and eyes became red with his mouth looking more jagged while his eyebrows, eyelids, pupils and lips became yellow. But then something weird happened; the two anthro cyborg wolfves started getting bigger, like they were inflating, as their bodies and limbs looked like they were gaining weight while we heard air hissing. When they stopped growing, they were each as big as Celestia.

Candy asks "Surprised?"

Kiki spoke "He's just one fox though."

"So we have no time to waste." I said as all of us started climbing the Peaks of Peril, and surprisingly, Candy and Pico were keeping up with us just fine.

Kiki spoke "Hold on a minute tanuki! We might be dealing with some unknown creatures."

"Like what?" I asked as we kept going.

Kiki spoke "I heard Swift Strike mention something about niriks."

"Niriks?" I asked in confusion.

Kiki spoke "I don't know much about them either."

A warp ring opens up as Danyelle walked out with Swift Strike following.

Swift asks "Did someone call me?"

Danyelle noticed Pico and Candy, but stayed calm.

Danyelle asks "Normally, I'd be angry right now. But see that you two have some kind of wereform and keeping up with the others so well, I'll let it go this time. But when this piece of the planet is back in place, you two are heading back to the hotel to help Jasmine with the Crusaders. Am I clear?"

Candy and Pico spoke "*Gladly* Crystal."

I ask "Say Danyelle, do you know anything about niriks?"

Danyelle spoke "Not directly but from what I heard... They're know for short tempers."

*after arriving in the village,*

Danyelle asks "Is it just me? Or are there no niriks here?"

One of the kirins was curious about the three Mobians.

Pinkie spoke "Huh, wonder what happens when you spell and say nirik backwards."

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan... shut up Pinkie."

But then I realized something. "Wait a minute... I think Pinkie's actually onto something."

Danyelle uses sign language to ask the kirin what happened.

"This might take a while." I noted.

Danyelle's ears twitch in a pattern as if to ask the kirin what happened.

Danyelle spoke "No good, the kirin are refusing to talk to us."

Pinkie asks "Hmm... Maybe there's one outside the village?"

Danyelle puts duct tape on Pinkie's mouth to shut her up.

"Was that really necessary, Dany?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "You see that stream over there? I think that's why the kirin here aren't talking... And since Pinkie was being noisy, they would have put her into the stream thus silencing her... So I had to duct tape Pinkie's mouth."

"Why?" I questioned.

Danyelle leads me and Kiki someplace else.

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that the kirin are supressing their emotions..."

“Why would they do that?” Kiki asked.

A voice spoke "Perhaps I can answer that!"

I ask "Who are you?"

The kirin happily spoke "I’m Autumn Blaze and I’m SOOO happy to meet new creatures here!"

Pinkie, Nazuna, Candy and Pico caught up with us as Pinkie’s words were muffled.

Danyelle snickers since she was the one that had duct taped Pinkie's mouth.

I spoke "I'm Michiru Kagetashi, tanuki. The others are Danyelle Hikari, Nazuna Kagetashi, Candy and Pico. The kinda mute pony is Pinkie Pie."

Autumn Blaze asks "*Serious* You did that, didn't you?"

Danyelle spoke "The other kirin would have thrown Pinkie into the stream if she didn't stop talking."

Autumn spoke "That's still wrong. Here, let me help."

Autumn used her horn to take the duct tape off Pinkie's muzzle.

Pinkie spoke "Whew! Thanks."

Danyelle was on her back while laughing since the tape had torn some fur off Pinkie's muzzle.

Pinkie noticed that and shrugged. "Eh. It'll grow back."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she started growling.

Even Nazuna was growling.

Pico spoke "Looks like we got trouble."

Candy spoke "Definitely."

Pico and Candy readied themselves.

Right after the sun had set, Danyelle had gone into werecat form before howling.

Pico and Candy went back into their wereforms as they howled as well. I think Candy told me those were their Wereloon forms.

I glow a bright green as I used my shapeshifting to transform into a wolf-like creature, my clothes were stored in my hammerspace.

I howl loud.

Kiki, Pinkie and Autumn spoke "WOW!!!"

A flash of pink light was seen as a dark gaia minion was knocked out with a headbutt.

My tail wags happily before I headbutt another minion, knocking it out cold.

Kiki spoke "Pinkie! You and Michiru have to get to the temple!"

I pick Pinkie up by the body with my mouth, minding my strength as I dart off to the temple.

Danyelle knocks Dark Gaia Rain Shine out cold, freeing the kirin leader from the monster's influence.

Candy spoke "Alright!"

Right after the Element of Laughter was restored, the ground shook thus indicating that a piece of Equis has been restored.

Carrying Pinkie on my back, I spoke "It's all on the speedsters now."

Nazuna shook the dust off her fur, revealing the foal's breath flower.

Danyelle spoke "Nice one Nazuna, you figured out the cure before Applejack and Fluttershy did."

Pico spoke "You girls did a great job."

Danyelle contacted Sonic to let him know of the progress.

*Sonic's POV*

I spoke "Hey Rainbows, I just got a telepathic call from Danyelle. The element of laughter and another piece of Equis has been restored!"

Rainbow asks "Awesome! How's Corina holding up?"

Corina spoke "*pant* I'm barely keeping up..."

Rainbow spoke "Man, you need to fly and exercise more."

Corina spoke "Oh bite me Skittles, I've got eggs on the way!"

Rainbow spoke "Oh, right. Forgot about that."

Corina counters "So, when will YOU be having kids Rainbow?"

That definitely made Rainbow blush madly and off guard.

I chuckle "She got you good Skittles."

But then Rainbow remembered something, which made her laugh.

Corina chitters "You're one to talk Blue Boy, I heard rumors that the captain of the Wonderbolts has it bad for you."

I stammer "Wh-what?!?!?!"

Rainbow giggles "I know! That's what I remembered! And if it's true, Sonic's amount will go from 2 to 3!"

Corina spoke "He is half pony after all and it's only natural that mares rule the roost since there are more of them than stallions."

I spoke "Shut up birdie..."

Corina snickers "And speaking of, I see Spitfire right now! Hey Spits! Over here!"

Spitfire spoke "Whew! Am I glad I found you three! Something strange is happening in Cloudsdale!"

Hiding a faint blush with the scarf I took from Orion, I spoke "It happened in five other places too. I know what caused this all to happen, Dark Gaia."

Spitfire spoke "Wow! But-GAH!"

Some kind of black tendril got hold of Spitfire before it pulled her back to Cloudsdale.

Spitfire shouts "Oh no! It got me too!"

I flew into a spindash, ripping the black tendril in half thus freeing Spitfire.

Holding the Pegasus in my arms, I ask "You okay?"

Spitfire stammers "Y-Yeah…"

Corina and Rainbow were both laughing their tail off.

Rainbow laughs "Wow Spitfire! If I hadn't seen it for myself, I wouldn't have known that you had a crush on Princess Luna's eldest grandson!"

Corina laughs "Oh cuss! Luna's gonna spit her bridle once she finds out about this!!!"

Rainbow laughs "Hey! That’s what I said earlier!"

Corina spoke "Wait until Roll and Blaze find out!"

Rainbow giggles "Hehe! I bet Roll, Blaze and Spitfire will triple tackle him."

Corina spoke "I heard rumors that some other counterpart of you is dating a Pegasus version of Sonic."

Rainbow asks "*Surprised blush* Say what now?"

Corina spoke "It's just a rumor I heard though."

Rainbow spoke "Oh. Okay, cool."

Corina teases "And Spitfire, you're blushing!"

Spitfire’s wings shot on end like that.

I spoke "Don't make me hit you Birdie."

Corina spoke "Try me hedgehog, you wouldn't want to piss Jet off."

Rainbow asks "Guys, Cloudsdale, remember?"

I soon notice darkened bruise-like spots on both of Spitfire's wings.

I ask "Did you get beaten up by something Captain?"

Spitfire spoke "Wait-what? *Looks at bruises* Oh no! It still got me!"

I used Chaos Heal to cure the bruises on Spitfire's wings.

Spitfire spoke "Thanks, but I'm still feeling weird."

Rainbow spoke "I'm no Cadence but even I can see that you have it bad for the Blue Blur."

Spitfire stammers "*Blushing* Wh-What're you talking about?!"

I chuckle "It might be because of my stallion half."

Corina spoke "The last temple is just ahead!"

But then we heard a dark and ghastly neigh.

Corina spoke "Th-that sounded like Soarin!"

But then we felt really cold winds blow in.

Corina was shivering since she had an aversion to ice.

Rainbow spoke "Oh no...!"

Spitfire spoke "This can't be good.... Since we're dealing with an ice elemental, we need someone that can use fire!"

Rainbow spoke "I'll take care of this."

Twilight was in her Deep Lilac form as she flew through the sky.

Deep Lilac spoke "I'll help you out Rainbow!"

Rainbow spoke "Thanks, Twi. Or Lilac."

Deep Lilac spoke "Flew all the way from Canterlot once the Element of Magic had been restored."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Awesome!"

I chuckle "And I suppose my grandpa's a horny wolf..."

Deep Lilac spoke "You could say that."

"What happened exactly?" I asked with a smirk.

Deep Lilac giggles "Long story short, Luna's a marewolf now."

"Whoa, really? Hehe, wow." I said in surprise.

Rainbow spoke "The sooner we stop that thing, the sooner we can fix the Element of Loyalty!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Right."

Rainbow flew at the windigo while cloaked in fire, ramming head first into the icy creature.

Sonia was on Adagio's back as the yellow siren flew through the sky.

Adagio shot fire from her mouth at the windigo.

"Whoa! Nice!" I smiled.

Sonia spoke "Yep."

Adagio roars loud.

Rainbow spoke "Let’s do this!"

Adagio spoke "WE GOT THIS!!!!"

Deep Lilac spoke "No doubt about it!"

I spoke "You got this girls!"

Rainbow shot fire at the windigo.

The windigo howled/neighed in pain.

Deep Lilac spoke "That sounded like...."

Spitfire spoke "Fleetfoot!"

“Thought so. Dark Gaia is controlling them.” I noted.

Deep Lilac spoke "We have to break them free!"

Rainbow spoke "But that means we’ll have to knock ‘em out cold."

A howl rings clear before a pink blur slams headfirst into the windigo, knocking it out cold with a fiery spindash.

I ask "Was that Amy?"

Sonia spoke "I don't think so Sonic, she doesn't know how to use the spindash."

Rainbow spoke "Hold on, maybe she does, and with her hammer too."

Sturdy pink wings were heard flapping.

The female giggles "I don't think Amy can manifest a pair of wings unless she was a Changeling, no offense to Chrysalis and Thorax."

“Whoa! Nice one, Nazuna!” I cheered.

Nazuna spoke "I had NO idea I could even pull that off!"

Rainbow and I flew to the temple to restore the Element of Loyalty, causing another piece of Equis to be restored to normal.

Nazuna spoke "We should meet up with the others in Canterlot."

"Now we gotta go down after that. WAY down." I said as Chip appeared.

Chip spoke "Sonic's right about that, Dark Gaia's in the center of the planet."

Rainbow spoke "Knowing Rarity, she'd whine and complain about the amount of dirt on the way to Dark Gaia."

Nazuna's right ear twitches before she giggled.

Nazuna spoke "You're not gonna believe this Sonic but we've got two more werebeasts, both male this time."

To be concluded...

Final Showdown! Werebeasts versus Dark Gaia!

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*Twilight/Deep Lilac's POV*

The final battle was drawing near and every werebeast was on edge.

Pinkie asks "Ooh! I’m so nervous! Are you nervous?"

Maria was out cold with a blush.

Pinkie asks "Huh? What happened?"

Asuna giggles "Look at Shadow."

Pinkie spoke "Huh-WOWZA!!! No wonder!"

Asuna spoke "Teehee!"

Coal was on my head as usual.

I spoke "Some of us should stay behind in case Dark Gaia gets past the first row of fighters."

Asuna spoke "Good idea Twilight since the kids can't fight."

Fluttershy spoke "I volunteer."

I spoke "I can't put Nyx, Akari and Coal in danger and..."

A pained scream was heard from Korra.

Iris spoke "Oh boy…"

Danyelle spoke "Talk about bad timing..."

Sonic spoke "It's worse than that Danyelle... Something just stabbed Korra in the stomach!"

Iris coughs "Not good."

Haku spoke "IRIS!!!"

Sonic spoke "Shahra, Misty Breeze! I wish that the chains binding Iris and Korra's unborn child were severed!"

Shahra spoke "Very well…"

We heard something shatter, like a chain was broken.

Mako asks "Korra, you okay?"

Korra’s face was that of shock. So I used a scanning spell on her, and found out that her unborn child escaped death by a hair! Fortunately, whatever stabbed Korra in the stomach narrowly missed the unborn child by just one millimeter! Talk about luck!

Korra spoke "*Happy tears* Our kid’s okay, Mako."

I spoke "Talk about cutting it close.... If Sonic hadn't used a wish to sever the chains, two lives would have been lost."

Sonic spoke "Man… You’re tellin’ me."

Roll and Blaze both ask "So Sonic, what's the deal with you and Spitfire huh?"

Sonic spoke "U-Um, uh… *Nervous chuckle*"

Danyelle roasts Sonic's rear, making him yell.

Sonic asks "YEOWCH!!! What gives?!"

Danyelle spoke "I hardly see you with Roll or Blaze though Sonic."

Rainbow spoke "He had it coming."

Blaze and Roll smirked at each other, getting an idea.

An Absol-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "Focus guys! That monster is drawing closer!"

Orion thought about something before gaining an intrigued and mischievous smirk.

Asuna pulls her brother's tail.

Orion growls "*Glare* Why did you do that?"

Asuna spoke "Don't make me get Rainbowtwo on your sorry tail brother."

Orion asks "Do you not remember her last pranking spree?"

Asuna counters "And speaking of... When will you be siring children?"

Orion froze at that before pointing out to Asuna, “Have YOU found a suitable mate yet?”

Asuna spoke "Not yet since Huey's my main concern."

Chip spoke "Get ready, ‘cause we might be going down."

Rarity spoke "COUNT ME OUT!!!"

Orion "Wuss."

Asuna slaps her brother upside the head.

Asuna spoke "That was uncalled for."

Zoey spoke "But still, Rarity hates getting dirty."

Haru growls.

Chip spoke "Trouble incoming."

A few of the Mewtwo hybrids were growling.

I pass Coal, Nyx and Akari to Fluttershy.

I ask "Mind looking after them for me?"

Fluttershy spoke "Gladly."

Coal spoke "Mama..."

“I’m going to be okay, Coal.” I assured the little Mewtwo.

Danyelle spoke "If it helps, I won't be fighting either. Irene's too young to be left alone long."

Danyelle rounds up the children and leads them to the Chuddle Hotel for safety, even the non-fighters went with Danyelle.

Pinkie spoke "Alright! Let’s get this party started!"

Rainbowtwo tail slaps Pinkie on the head.

Rainbowtwo spoke "This isn't a party!"

“I think that was an expression, a figure of speech.” I pointed out.

Haru spoke "Uh guys... We've got one chunk of Equis still floating!"

“What?!” I gasped in shock and horror.

A roar rang loud as a blast of air tries to push the final piece back down.

Sonic asks "Was that Tails?"

“Sounds like it.” I noted.

Chip spoke "This may be our chance to take the fight to Dark Gaia."

Michiru's howl was heard all the way from the Peaks of Peril as Maria sent the prayers of the seaponies to me via telepathy.

I spoke "Everycreature is counting on us!"

Zoey spoke "From Maria's prayer to Michiru's howl, they're all cheering us on!"

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! I’m feeling charged up now!"

Haru spoke "ATTACK!!!!!"

Rainbowtwo spoke "Orion, there's something I want to ask you after all this!"

Orion spoke "Actually, I do as well."

Zoey spoke "For the love of Amaterasu...."

Zoey yeets Orion with magic at Rainbowtwo, causing them to kiss.

Yugi laughs "He had it coming!"

Asuna giggled in agreement.

The others laugh.

Chip spoke "Hehe, okay. Leave the fun times for later."

Orion and Rainbowtwo didn't hear a thing.

The very alicorn that Danyelle had seen in her vision soon shows up.

The stranger spoke "The pipsqueak's right, we don't have time to be fooling around!"

Zoey’s jaw dropped.

Zoey spoke "Well, this is awkward..."

Pinkie spoke "More like confusing to me."

Zoey spoke "We'll deal with where the stranger came from after we seal Dark Gaia away!"

“Right.” I agreed.

Sonic howls as he charges into battle.

BGM: Lifelight instrumental

The colony of Mewtwo work as one entity to throw Dark Gaia's attacks back at it as Rainbow and Sonic flew about to attack it.

Pinkie spoke "Whoa! He’s big!"

Adagio spoke "AND UGLY TOO!!"

Pinkie spoke "Well, might need to bring in my a-game!"

Aria spoke "After this is over, I'm getting some nachos."

Sonata spoke "I’m getting tacos!"

Manic was on Sonata's back.

I let out a roar, pushing the flames towards Dark Gaia.

Dark Gaia roared as Pinkie looked like she was planning something to help us fight it.

The Dazzlings and I roar back at Dark Gaia in retaliation.

Pinkie spoke "Looks like I’ll have to help even the odds in size."

The chaos emeralds were floating around my neck.


My fur turns stark white as my mane turns to flames yet my outfit remained a navy blue.

I spoke "Aw YEAH!!!"

Rainbow shot fire from her mouth at Dark Gaia.

Pinkie tackled Dark Gaia, definitely dealing a bit of damage.

But Dark Gaia swatted Pinkie away.

But Pinkie bounced and rebounded off the ground, uninjured.

Pinkie giggles "Ooh! That tickled!"

I shot white fire from my mouth at Dark Gaia, inflicting pain as the trio of Mewtwo attack with shadow ball.


Pinkie spoke "Hmm… I aimed low, so I should aim high this time."

A sudden Rainboom Spear followed by by a Chaos Spear hits Dark Gaia hard.

Rainbow spoke "My clone is right Pinkie, we don't have time to be screwing around!"

Elsa was skating on ice under her feet as she flung Icicle Crash at Dark Gaia.

Newlestia flew about, shooting fire at Dark Gaia.

Newlestia laughs "HOW'D YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?!"

Dren and Zoey flung fire and energy blasts at Dark Gaia.

A yowl splits the air as Divine Danyelle flew fast as she shot devout beads at Dark Gaia, inflicting massive pain.

Pinkie suddenly smiled before rushing in and then jumped high into the air before spinning forward like a wheel, crashed on Dark Gaia’s head hard with her belly and bounced off, then spun backwards before crashing on the enemy’s head again with her flanks this time, definitely dealing more damage as she bounced back onto the ground.

Pinkie spoke "Soft for friends, hard for foes!"

Divine Danyelle spoke "I swear to StarClan... Pinkie, that WON'T WORK! Dark Gaia is weak to light based attacks and holy weaponry!"

Divine Danyelle kept firing more devout beads at Dark Gaia, causing more pain to the dark monster.

Pinkie spoke "Huh, guess feeling light doesn’t mean light-based attacks. At least I tried."


The others retreat to a large enough distance as Divine Danyelle flew at Dark Gaia before using Celestial Blast, defeating the monster.

Dark Gaia then fell into the core of the planet, definitely defeated.

But then, Dark Gaia had shifted into a small dragon-like creature with a collar that looked like Chip's collar but with a red orb.

Divine Danyelle picks the small dragon up by the tail before shaking it a bit.

The dragon groans "Can’t… Too sleepy…"

Divine Danyelle spoke "Hey, wake up."

Divine Danyelle pokes the small dragon with a finger.

*Some time later, back on the surface*

After everyone was back on the surface, Tails had pushed the final piece of Equis back to where it belonged.

Divine Danyelle powers back down while carrying the recently named Mint on her right shoulder.

Sonic asks "Where's Chip?"

Danyelle spoke "Beats me."

I spoke "And Danyelle, you were AMAZING!!!"

“Yeah! You were all POW! BANG! BLING!” Pinkie cheered.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks."

Sonic spoke "That didn't feel like Chaos energy at all!"

Danyelle spoke "It wasn't."

Tails spoke "At least things are back to normal now."

I spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "Okay Jasmine! It's all safe for the kids and non-fighters to come out of hiding!"

A snap was heard as Jasmine returned with all of the children and non-fighters.

Danyelle was soon on her back since Bluestar, Ravenpaw and Gallus had tackle hugged her.

Sonic spoke "Shahra, I wish that Chip didn't have to go back to eternal slumber."

Shahra smiled as Chip suddenly reappeared.

Chip gasps "Wha? How did I?"

Sonic chuckles "It just wouldn't be the same without you around Chip. You're part of the Freedom Fighters buddy."

Chip asks "Hehe, thanks. *Notices Mint* What the? Is that?"

Danyelle spoke "Dark Gaia's sealed form."

Chip spoke "Whoa, did NOT see that coming."

Danyelle spoke "Side effect of my new form."

I spoke "With that over, let's resume our vacation!!!"

Danyelle and the others all cheer.

Danyelle hears rustling in a bush nearby.

Danyelle spoke "Uh Asuna, Orion, Jericho... You might want to come look at this..."

Danyelle picks up three baby Mewtwo.

The three Mewtwo were definitely surprised, even though Orion showed that the least.

Even the Mewtwo hybrids were surprised.

Serena asks "But where did they come from?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't know but they need me..."

Asuna asks "Are you sure you should do this?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm already raising four children, three more couldn't hurt. Plus I can ask you for help if I need it Asuna."

I snicker "Something tells me Kukui's gonna lose it once he sees 25 Mewtwo hybrids, 5 pureblood Mewtwo, a Mewtwo with alicorn and cat DNA along with 3 Mewtwo that seem to have Nightlight Fury genes!!"

Danyelle snickers "*Smirk* I dunno. He has been disguising himself as the Masked Royal, so I think he can handle it. I bet he'll just be surprised."

Zoey spoke "Burnet spazzed a bit when she saw Pig though."

Pinkie spoke "Maybe because Pig is adorable."

Zoey spoke "That may be so but Pig doesn't like her belly being touched... It's a Mewtwo thing, you know? They can get a bit aggro if someone touches their stomach."

Danyelle spoke "Ein tried that with Orion one time... The end result was not pretty... But now that the worlds are saved... We can FINALLY relax!"

Everyone cheers as Danyelle opens a warp ring back to the Alola region.

The dark mulberry alicorn asks "But is it a wise idea for me to tag along?"

Danyelle spoke "Sure."

The dark mulberry alicorn asks "But what if I turn out to be a bad mare and backstab the lot of you?"

Danyelle spoke "So we’ll try to help you turn around."

I spoke "I have a bad feeling about this...."


Rest and Relaxation, Alolan Style!

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*Serena's POV*

With the worldwide crisis now over, everyone who had fought hard in the battle needed some time off.

Opaline kept to herself since most folks didn't trust her yet.

“Heehee! I’m so excited to meet Ash’s friends from Alola!” I said in excitement.

Twilight spoke "Yeah but I have a bad feeling about that Opaline..."

Dusk asks "Mom?"

Twilight asks "Hmm?"

Dusk asks "When are you having another child?"

Twilight's wings shot up on end.

What sounded like a yip-yowl was heard before an immortal eleven-tailed foxcat-alicorn hybrid crashed into Opaline, causing the two to tumble head over tail down a hill.

While on his back, the male spoke "Oh gosh, I am SO sorry!"

Opaline was just silent.

The hybrid asks "Is that you Opaline?"

Opaline definitely looked surprised, but still said nothing.

The hybrid wraps his front paws around Opaline and hugged her.

The hybrid spoke "I never gave up on looking for you after you left Skyros all those years ago..."

Opaline still said and did nothing as Twilight definitely looked shocked.

Twilight gasps "SKYROS?! I thought that was only a legend!"

Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight was face down on the ground.

Twilight spoke "I hate that..."

Danyelle spoke "Your nerd side was showing."

"But Skyros was only heard in legends." Twilight pointed out.

A loud POP was heard, scaring Danyelle to the point of getting the hiccups.

Danyelle's hiccups somehow sounded like soft meows as she blushed in embarrassment.

I could tell that all of us thought, {That's so cute!}

Danyelle spoke "It's not *hiccup-meow* funny you *hiccup-meow* guys!"

And to the surprise of the others, Orion also had the hiccups.

And for some reason, Orion's hiccups sounded like "Mew!"

Myth was laughing.

Asuna giggles "That is cute."

“Well, what’re we waiting for? Let’s have some fun!” I said as most of the others agreed.

Midnight howls loud in happiness.

But Midnight stopped when he saw Opaline being nervous.

Using two of his tails, Midnight tickles Opaline.

Opaline covered her muzzle, trying to hold her laughter in.

Midnight chuckles "Tickle tickle!"

Opaline definitely wasn’t breaking as Midnight smirked, deciding to add more tails into the mix.

Danyelle laughs "Go for the hooves!"

Opaline’s eyes dilated at that as Midnight whispered into her ears with a smirk, “Now don’t make me have you beg.”

Danyelle snickers "Seems like Opaline's in heat!"

Opaline spoke "*Blushing in embarrassment* N-No I'm not!"

Heehee! Opal's in denial!

Crosswind and Applejack both spoke "Liar."

Danyelle spoke "Heehee! Looks like you two might need some privacy, and I think I know where."

Lucy spoke "Danyelle, you're a sly cat."

Danyelle giggles "Better a sly cat than a dumb hyena."

Opaline was definitely trying to keep control of herself.

Danyelle teleported the two to the Chuddle Hotel before kicking Diamond's mother in the rear.

"...I have a feeling that Danyelle's gonna be a while." I noted.

Sonic spoke "I forgot to mention, Danyelle hates bullies.. Ever since she started school, folks had picked on her for being an orphan. And when she caught wind of Scootaloo being bullied, Danyelle ended up snapping."

Tails spoke "Yeah, we should keep moving and let Danyelle clear her head."

Danyelle was suddenly pinned down by her adopted children.

Tails spoke "Or not."

Danyelle soon has another vision and this time, it had concerned Scootaloo.

Danyelle asks "Hey Scoots, could you come here for a moment?"

Scootaloo spoke "Huh? Sure."

Danyelle spoke "I was thinking of looking after you until your parents are found since I have a feeling that they are currently missing alongside your aunts."

Scootaloo asks "R-Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, it just wouldn't sit right with me that a filly I know is by herself without a parent figure around. Plus I can tell you have it bad for Rusty."

Scootaloo stuttered, blushing madly.

Rusty was fluffed up in embarrassment.

Rusty whines "Auntie Danyelle!"

Danyelle giggled.

Tails chuckles "Cheeky cat."

We soon met up with Ash.

I spoke "Hey Ash."

Ash spoke "Hi, Serena! Hi everyone! Follow me!"

Danyelle snickers "Something tells me that Serena has something she wants to ask you Ash."

Ash asks "Huh?"

"But that can wait until we get to where Ash wanted to lead us too." I giggled.

Haru spoke "For the love of... What the Delphox-Mewtwo hybrid is trying to say is that she's got a child on the way."

Ash was frozen stiff at that before he fell onto his back, stiff as a board. Heehee! Oh that Ash, I hope he never changes.

Huey giggles "Ash fall down!"

Asuna giggles "Heehee! Yeah, he did, Huey."

Pigment was hanging off Zoey's left wing.

Huey spoke "He more funnier than Uncle Face!"

Jericho snickers at what Huey had called Orion.

Jericho chuckles "Uncle Face, ha. Hilarious."

All of the Mewtwo suddenly felt something calling out to them.

Rainbowtwo asks "Did you all feel that?"

Zoey spoke "I might not be a Mewtwo but I did feel like something is calling out to me."

Danyelle spoke "Same."

"What's going on here?" I asked.

Rainbowtwo spoke "It's hard to explain but something is calling out to Jericho... Which in turn affected the rest of us 'Twos."

The Nightlight Mewtwo trio were hanging off Danyelle's wings since they were playing.

Jericho spoke "Whatever it is, I have to find it alone."

Orion spoke "Not by yourself, you're not. We 'Twos are a clan. Barring Huey, we may not have been born like normal Poké-Mobians but we're still living beings. I once said that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”

Haru and the other 'Twos agree.

Rainbowtwo spoke "It doesn't matter how we came into the world. Clone, hybrid or original, we're all living beings."

Various folks nod in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... Maybe two would be enough. Heehee!"

Jericho spoke "Don't make me throw you into the water Danyelle."

Danyelle used her magic to throw Haru at Jericho, causing the two to kiss.

Danyelle mischievously stuck her tongue out as the two 'Twos blushed at what happened.

Jericho spoke "Danyelle, you and your kids have five seconds to run before I..."

Haru grabs Jericho and tickles him relentlessly.

Jericho laughs "H-H-Haru! Stop! *Laughter!*"

Rainbowtwo got the same idea before pouncing on Orion and tickling him.

Orion asks "Wh-What do you think you're doing?! *Laughter!*"

Haru and Rainbowtwo giggle "Tickle fight!"

Jasmine appeared with a giggle before whispering to Danyelle, "Think those four should...? Or just Haru and Jericho?"

Danyelle giggles "Well, it's obvious by scent alone that Rainbowtwo has a kid on the way. So just Haru and Jericho."

Jasmine spoke "Heehee! And I bet those two ZoroarkTwo sisters are gonna meet up with Rei soon."

Danyelle giggles "Yeah. Heeheehee!"

Jennifer asks "Who are you talking about?"

Jasmine and Danyelle only giggled.

Thorax spoke "Hey guys!"

To the surprise of many, Thorax looked different.

Danyelle spoke "Wow, I didn't see that one coming even though I have the dimensional scream..."

Amy fainted with a heart-shaped nosebleed.

Chrysalis snickers "Didn't see that one either, eh furbrain?"

Danyelle spoke "Aw shut up Bug Butt."

Chrysalis asks "And who’s gonna make me, Feline Flank?"

Danyelle spoke in a sing-song voice "Oh Mandible~!"

Chrysalis taunts "Really? Do I have to call Ben here?"

Danyelle pounces on Chrysalis before tickling the Changeling mare relentlessly.

Jasmine giggles "Heehee! Cadence would’ve wanted to join in."

Pinkie gasps "Ooh! What’s that fruit you have?"

Sonic spoke "I wouldn't eat that if I were you Pinkie."

Jasmine asks "Hold on, you mean this?"

Jasmine brought out an oddly-shaped fruit.

Pinkie spoke "Uh-huh."

Danyelle sneezes, setting the fruit on fire.

Jasmine poured water on the fruit, extinguishing the fire, but the fruit was burnt, though in color.

Jasmine spoke "Guess it might be a baked Elephant Fruit now."

But the flames had been far too hot to be put out.

Jasmine asks "Okay, a little help here?"

Twilight spoke "Sorry Jas but Divine flames are harder to put out due to the intense heat."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as she held a bucket of sub-zero ice-cold water with ice floating in the water before dunking the fruit into the bucket.

Danyelle spoke "I can't control my divine flames at the moment."

We then heard sizzling, telling us the flames have been extinguished.

Danyelle spoke "About that..."

Danyelle pulls the apple out of the water with her magic just as the flames came right back.

Danyelle spoke "Nothing can extinguish divine flames."

A splash was heard nearby, followed by a yelp since a pterolycus version of Michiru had crashed into the water.

Danyelle asks "What in StarClan's name was that just now?"

Michiru asks "Uh... Is it just me, or why do I feel a counterpart connection?"

Nazuna spoke "Nope, just you!"

Michiru asks "You sure?"

Nazuna spoke "Don't make me tickle you tanuki."

But then a sneeze heard when the pterolycus surfaced.

Filthy Rich was among the group since he needed time away from his wife.

Danyelle spoke "Hello Mr Rich, I'm rather surprised to see you here."

Filthy spoke "I just... needed a change of pace and some fresh air."

Diamond was wary of the Crusaders.

Alto spoke "I bet it's because of your wife correct? I heard from my mothers that she had gotten into a fight with one of the Mewtwo."

It was clear he didn't wanna talk about it.

Rainbowtwo spoke "She had it coming though..."

Orion cuffs his mate on the back of the head.

Rainbowtwo spoke "Ow!"

Rainbow spoke "Wow, she's definitely like me."

Soarin spoke "Minus the fact she walks on two legs instead of four."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Heh, maybe we could have a race sometime."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Let's save it for after...."

A pain cuts Rainbowtwo off before she floated off to a quiet space for a few hours.

Twilight spoke "We should leave her be for a while."

Myth had gone after the Pegasus-Mewtwo hybrid for company.

Danyelle spoke "And Ash, you better not freak out after Rainbowtwo has her child."

Ash spoke "Okay, I won't."

Jericho and Haru had gone back to a PCL lab.

Haru spoke "Something is drawing us both here..."

Jericho spoke "Yeah..."

The two mask their powers and freeze the humans inside with Psychic before going in.

The two soon find a test tube with an infant Mewtwo in it.

Haru asks "You thinking what I'm thinking Jeo?"

Jericho spoke "Yeah."

After breaking the babytwo out, the two adults teleport away after erasing the memories of the humans along with all of the files so that another Mewtwo isn't created.

Twilight asks "Where have you two been?"

Jericho spoke "Saving a life."

Various Mewtwo had gathered around, curious about the babytwo.

Asuna spoke "Oh, she is so small!"

Huey asks "New friend?"

Jericho spoke "You can say that, Huey."

Pigment was on Zoey's head.

Zoey spoke "Look at her eyes, they're a nice shade of amber."

Danyelle spoke "Hey, that could work as her name!"

Haru spoke "I agree."

The Nightlight Mewtwo trio chirp in agreement.

Myth floated back over to Orion before dragging him away by the secondary neck, causing him to go limp.

Huey giggles "Uncle Face is funny!"

Asuna spoke "Heehee! Yeah, he is."

Danyelle pinches the secondary neck on Asuna with a clothespin, causing her to go limp as well.

Danyelle snickers "Now that is funny."

Huey giggled.

Danyelle soon had her head stuck in a tree trunk.

Asuna spoke "Consider that payback for the clothespin prank."

Danyelle spoke "*muffled voice* Fair enough."

Ash spoke "I’m excited for the Battle Royale!"

Rainbowtwo soon returns with a babytwo in her arms.

Rainbowtwo asks "Battle Royale?"

Danyelle pulled her head out of the tree trunk.

Danyelle spoke "It’s a battle where multiple Pokémon or battlers fight all of each other at the same time."

Rainbowtwo spoke "I'm not like other Poké-Mobians though, I'm half Pegasus."

Ash spoke "I think anyone who can fight now can participate if they wanted to."

Danyelle spoke "I'm looking forward to whooping your ass in the royale Ash!!"

Ash laughs "Haha! Bring it!"

"I wonder who else is gonna be participating." I said to myself.

Twilight spoke "Count me in!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey Bug Butt, you can't possibly beat me!"

Chrysalis spoke "Oh, it's on!"

We were soon at the dome, in the audience seats as we saw the ring having eight corners, meaning that 4 other competitors were participating. Not to mention we saw Jessie, James and Cash being commentators of the match.

Zoey was in the audience with the group of Mewtwo.

Twilight was in her Deep Lilac form as she stretched her muscles.

To Ash's surprise, Blizzardstar had entered the battle royale.

Blizzardstar spoke "You're going down bolt boy!"

Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk dumbass cyro!"

Chrysalis spoke "You're gonna pay for this Sparkle Flanks!"

Deep Lilac spoke "As if Bug Butt!"

Danyelle "I wonder who the other three competitors are."

We looked at the ring and to our surprise, saw Rei competing as well before we saw UmbreDevimon competing too when we suddenly saw a female siren competing as well.

Ears twitching, Rarity asks "Is it just me or do I hear a screaming guy?"

Aria spoke "I hear it too."

Sonata spoke "GO OPERETTA!!!"

Operetta smiled as she readied herself.

James spoke "My name's Fire Jameston and I will be your host. Your commentators are Freezer Jessip and Thunder Meowtaire on the call. This Battle Royale will be an Anything-Goes Free-For-All!"

One of the Nightlight babytwos had set Jessie's tail on fire.

Jessie yelps "GAH!!!""

Zoey snickers "Fire-type infants can't control their flames yet."

Jessie soon managed to put her tail out, much to her relief.

James spoke "Well, that was unexpected."

Zoey snickers "Well, that was rather meowsy..."

“Heehee! Good one.” I giggled.

Zoey giggles "Thanks."

Pig had phased through Dren, scaring the cuss out of him.

Zoey giggled at that.

Asuna spoke "I'm surprised though Zoey, you're not freaking out as much at the sight of ghosts now as you used to."

Zoey asks "What can I say? Pig's kind of an exception for me, I've gotten used to her. I mean, how can an adorable Mewtwo/Gengar hybrid be scary?"

Asuna spoke "Aside from phasing through things all the time..."

Zoey spoke "That just makes her an adorable little troublemaker."

Huey spoke "Oh look! Uncle Face is taking part!"

James spoke "What a surprise twist! Orion the Mewtwo is participating!"

Rainbowtwo spoke "You got this Rio!"

But then a spotlight shined in the middle.

Deep Lilac asks "What the?"

We saw Kukui in the audience next to us, and he smiled about something. But then we saw someone leap form the audience, as we saw that someone to be a female Incineroar, wearing sunglasses like Kukui's, a tank top and fireproof black stirrup pants like Burnet's.

James spoke "Another surprise twist! A new competitor is in the ring!"

Kukui spoke "Hehe, you always know how to make an entrance, Keahi."

Since she was sitting on the left of James, Rarity spoke "I just hope Twilight doesn't pull out any weapons."

“You know her, Professor Kukui?” I asked.

Kukui spoke "Yeah, she’s my little sister."

Haru asks "YOUR SISTER?!?!?"

Kukui spoke "Yeah, she likes to travel and have fun in battles."

Haru spoke "Least this'll be good for Twilight as well, she told me she wants to get stronger."

Soon, the bell rang as the battle started.

Deep Lilac kept her wings folded tightly as she hovered in the air while zooming towards Keahi, grabbing the Incineroar female and flying high into the sky before using Seismic Toss and throwing Keahi towards the ground.

James spoke "Super effective move!"

Keahi got up with a smile. “Not bad. How about some Flame Charge?”

Keahi was covered in flames before she tackled Deep Lilac as her legs suddenly looked stronger.

Jessie spoke "What a hit!"

Cash spoke "Keahi’s definitely faster now!"

Deep Lilac had teleported just before the attack connected, causing Keahi to crash into Chrysalis instead.

Deep Lilac laughs "You forget! Fire attacks have zero effect on me!"

Deep Lilac shot fire from her mouth at Ash, causing a burn.

Ash yelps "Gah! Hot! Hot!"

Danyelle had curled into a spindash as she coated herself in plasma, clonking Chrysalis hard thus causing paralysis.

Rarity spoke "That had got to hurt!"

Rei spoke "Snarl!"

Rei let out a yelling screech, which hit all of his opponents as they suddenly felt a bit weaker.

James spoke "Gadzooks! That Snarl attack hit all competitors with some super effective strikes!"

Jessie spoke "They better get up close and personal, ‘cause their special attacks got weaker!"

Deep Lilac shot off a roar at Rei, causing him to retreat.

Rarity spoke "And Twilight forced Rei out with Roar!"

Rei suddenly snapped himself out of it as he got back in.

But due to Roar, Rei was switched out as Jericho was pulled in.

Rei spoke "Guess it’s a tag-team match."

Danyelle spoke "Are you THAT dense Rei? Roar switches Pokémon out!"

Rei spoke "*Deadpan* I know, and what I said was a Roar-related quip."

Danyelle was hit with a roar, causing her to be switched out for Crosswind.

Crosswind asks "Wot in tarnation?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh. I see what you mean, now."

Unknown to everyone, a ghostly tomcat with fiery orange fur and green eyes was hovering near Danyelle but only Pigment could see the spirit.

I saw Jennifer and Jessika not far from me, and I noticed them leaning against each other’s backs with dreamy sighs, and I think I know why. Heehee!

Bluestar spoke "You might want to watch your rear Rei! Two someones have their eye on you!"

Rei asks "Huh?"

Bluestar giggles "Twins, I may add."

Ravenpaw bops his adopted older sister on the head.

Crosswind used hir earthbending to trip Keahi up, causing the Incineroar Poké-Mobian to crash head first into a wall thus getting knocked out.

But then Keahi got up, still conscious somehow.

Keahi spoke "Thought someone might pull that stunt on me."

Cash gasps "Yeowza! Keahi used Endure right when she was about to hit the wall!"

Deep Lilac thinks "{Okay, psychic attacks don't work on her since she's a dark type... So maybe...}"

Deep Lilac grabs Keahi once more and used seismic toss on her, knocking her out.

Rarity spoke "And Keahi's down for the count! An Earthquake from Crossy followed by a Seismic Toss from Deep Lilac has knocked the Incineroar out!"

But then Deep Lilac was shocked by Thunderbolt, with a side of paralysis, courtesy of Ash.

The Cheri berry that Deep Lilac was holding had been eaten, canceling the paralysis.

Deep Lilac spoke "EAT FLAMETHROWER ASH!!!"

A full powered Flamethrower hits Ash, knocking him out.

But then the rest of the competitors had their focus on Deep Lilac as she had a few nervous beads of sweat.

James spoke "Looks like the rest of the competitors are now teaming up against Deep Lilac!"

The rest of the Mane Six started cheering for Twilight.

Deep Lilac pulls out a smash ball from somewhere, causing the others to become nervous.

Deep Lilac spoke "That's right fellas! I have an ace up my sleeve!"

Deep Lilac destroyed the smash ball, as rainbow-colors flames formed an aura on her with her eyes turning gold.

Deep Lilac laughs "EAT FIRE ALICORN ROAR!!!!"

The other participants all got knocked out.

James exclaims "UNBELIEVABLE!!! What a finish!"

Rarity spoke "I had no idea Twilight could pull that off."

Danyelle spoke "I think she could with a Smash Ball."

Sonic spoke "I think we might have found our Equian Smasher."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and I suppose Master Hand approves."

Mint scoffs "tch."

Operetta got back up, definitely surprised on how the match turned out before looking at Rei.

Operetta spoke "You’re a pretty good fighter. Maybe I should introduce you to a friend of mine soon."

Operetta and Sonata winked at each other, giggling at a prank they have in mind for Rei.

Manic chuckles "You're one to talk 'Nata, you've got a kid on the way."

Sonata giggles "*Smirk* That isn’t the only surprise I have in mind for you, Manny."

Manic asks "Oh?"

Sonata and Operetta giggled.

Sonic spoke "I swear Manic, you're as dense as Ash is."

Korra was absent since she had gone into labor.

Manic scoffs "Oh yeah, chili-head?"

Sonic counters "Tacohead."

Manic spoke "Blue boy!"

Sonic counters "Snot."

Manic spoke "Speed junkie!"

Rainbow spoke "Street rat!"

Manic asks "What the? Since when did you join in?"

Sonic spoke "You insulted Rainbow and Spitfire when you called me a speed junkie."

Manic asks "How was I supposed to know that?"

Both mares and the two sirens gang up on Manic, tickling him.

Manic laughs "Gah! Stop! No! *Laughter!*"

Danyelle spoke "You had that one coming Manic."

And so, everyone had a great time in Alola.


Bird in the Hoof

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*Danyelle's POV*

I was helping Twilight with preparations since Celestia and Newlestia were both coming for a visit.

“Twilight, please. You need to calm down.” I said.

Twilight spoke "You don't understand Dany! Both Celestia AND Newlestia are coming for a visit!"

I whistle loud as I held up an arm before an adult male phoenix lands on my wrist.

Twilight asks "Huh?"

I giggle "I'm planning to prank Celestia later. Oh hi Fluttershy."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh, hello."

But Fluttershy gasped when she saw Kindle and dashed up to me in excitement.

I ask "What, never seen a phoenix before?"

My right ear twitches as a white colored Mobian hippogriff with black flecks and a black bowl-cut mane arrives.

I spoke "Hey Bruno! Good to see ya man!"

A teary eyed Wave tackles Bruno to the ground, hugging him.

Bruno asks "Goodness, Wave! Are you alright?"

Wave spoke "You dummy.... I was worried about you!"

Bruno spoke "And I’m sorry I did."

I cover my nose.

I spoke "Oh ew! Who the heck farted? Oh wait... That's just Iggy...."

Iggy must be chewing someone’s hair off right now.

Applejack spoke "GIT OFFA ME MUTT!!!"

Iggy farted right in Applejack’s muzzle, and it was a nasty one too.

Applejack spoke "AW BUCK!!! THAT WAS DISGUSTING!!!!"

Jeez… AJ really needs to learn how to chill, but that gas bomb is murder on my nose.

I soon pass out from the smell.

*Wave's POV*

Wow, I guess Danyelle couldn't handle the smell.

Twilight asks "What just happened?"

I spoke "Downside of being the keenest, Danyelle can't stand Iggy's farts."

I notice the tip of a purple five pointed star on the left side of Danyelle's neck.

I ask "Bruno, is this what I think it is?"

Bruno spoke "Odd, Giorno has that exact same mark on his neck."

I spoke "Maybe we should contact him."

Bruno spoke "Indeed."

Maria was dragging Giorno and Josuke by the ankles as the two male hedgehogs shout at her.

Giorno asks "Again, I ask, why did you have to do that?"

Josuke spoke "Yeah! What’s the big idea?! You could’ve gotten my hair dirty!"

Maria spoke "I heard the news from Sonic, another Joestar was found! Female this time!"

Giorno asks "Really, now?"

Josuke asks "Hold on, you serious?"

Maria retorts "Does it look like I'm joking? That's more Michiru's thing since she's the element of laughter. I'm the element of kindness but I've picked up my temper from my husband."

Giorno spoke "I wasn't being skeptic."

Maria spoke "Plus Danyelle fainted since her nose couldn't handle the mutt's farts."

Then Iggy was on Maria's face, biting her hair out.

Maria was glowing red in anger.

Maria spoke "*deadpan* You have five seconds to get off me before I hit you with Chaos Blast."

But then Iggy’s ears perked up before he ran and jumped at Rei, who dodged while purposefully dropping what looked like a bar of gum as Iggy grabbed the gum and started chewing it.

Rei spoke "Yep, coffee-flavored gum still works around Iggy."

Maria spoke "He messed up my hair..."

Applejack spoke "And mah mane!"

Rei spoke "I know Rarity can help with that, as long as she doesn’t go overboard."

Maria spoke "We can deal with that later, Princess Celestia has arrived!"

Danyelle jolted awake after Twilight had shocked the cat.

Danyelle spoke "Oh right! I was gonna talk to Celestia!"

Danyelle zoomed off to Sugarcube Corner with Kindle following.

Rei ponders "Huh, I wonder how he's doing right now."

A howl rings clear.

*Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner*

*Danyelle's POV*

I spoke "Hello Celestia, it's good to see you again."

Kindle was perched on my right shoulder.

Celestia asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "Oh, this is Kindle. He's my pet phoenix."

Newlestia spoke "She got you good Tia."

Celestia spoke "I am quite surprised."

A wheezy noise was heard from the covered bird cage.

Kindle got curious about the noise and goes to check.

"Huh? What's going on?" I asked.

Newlestia spoke "Celestia brought her pet along."

Peeking under the cloth, Kindle saw a sickly phoenix female.

"Oof." I winced.

Fluttershy seemed to be worried.

I spoke "Fluttershy, don't even think about it."

Fluttershy spoke "...Okay..."

I ask "Celestia, is it normal for phoenixes to look that sickly?"

Newlestia spoke "I was thinking the same thing myself..."

A sudden sleep powder had put the group to sleep.

I groan "K-Kindle...."

I pass out on the floor.

Later, we woke up.

Newlestia groans "That was a dick move..."

"Wait a minute, where's Kindle?" I noticed.

Celestia spoke "Philomena's gone too!"

Kindle was heard screeching at someone that was running off with Philomena.

We couldn't get a good look at who it was as the villain escaped.

A shrill "EOT!!!" was heard as a male Pidgeot Poké-Mobian divebombs the thief, pinning the person down with taloned feet.

Brock spoke "Good thing I phoned Falkner for help!"

I growl at the thief.

I growl "Who are you?"

I discovered that the thief was an Amoonguss Poke-Mobian.

I spoke "Cuss! He's from Team Plasma!"

Josuke asks "*Combing his quills* Huh? What’s that all about?"

Ash growls "There have been reports of Team Plasma activity in the forest."

Giorno spoke "Hmm, that is odd."

Maria spoke "Can't be more bizarre than the purple star on Danyelle's neck."

Ash gasps "Wait-what?"

I shook the remaining powder off my fur, causing a bare patch of skin to be covered by fur to hide the purple star on my neck.

I ask "Why are you looking at me like that Josuke?"

A yowl was heard before a dark gray furred Abyssinian with yellow eyes and a stripe of darker gray fur down the back crashes head first into a tree.

Bluestar asks "What the?"

"What's going on?" I asked.

Ravenpaw spoke "Graystripe..."

Rei asks "Who now?"

Ravenpaw spoke "It's a long story but..."

Ravenpaw brushes aside a patch of fur on his neck, revealing a lightning bolt tattoo on the skin.

Ravenpaw spoke "I believe he's from the same clan as I might be."

Two more crashes were heard as a dark tortoiseshell Abyssinian she-cat with amber eyes and an herbal smell and a black Abyssinian tom with a white foot and ice blue eyes had crashed into trees.

I gasp "Was that Spottedleaf?"

Rei asks "Huh, you met a ton of creatures, haven't ya?"

I spoke "Not counting Bluestar since she started out as a plushie, I've travelled into the Warrior Cats world one time with Sonic."

Spottedleaf notices me.

Spottedleaf gasps "Is that you Emberstreak?"

Various folks were confused.

“It’s a name I went by in Spottedleaf’s world.” I explained.

Graystripe spoke "Now I remember! It was because of Emberstreak that Spottedleaf was reborn into a new world!"

I spoke "Hehe."

Soon enough, Philomena had burst into flames thus becoming a pile of ashes.

Celestia giggles "Oh stop fooling around Philomena, you're scaring everyone."

To my surprise and Kindle's shock, Philomena soon rises from the ashes as a fully renewed phoenix.

Kindle was soon a chirping mess.

A thought crossed my mind, which made me giggle about it.

Newlestia snickers "Something tells me Kindle's got it bad for Philomena!"

We all burst into laughter.


Generational Chaos/ Cutie Mark Chronicles/ Owl's Well that ends Well

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*Rei’s POV*

Whoa, I have a feeling today’s gonna be eventful.

Danyelle spoke "Given that I can see past and future, I can easily tell that one event was what caused us Mobians and Poké-Mobians to end up in Equestria by accident."

“Huh? How?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Think about it Rei, I was 18 when I first arrived in Equestria. Now, I'm 30 with three adopted children, one foster daughter and one blood related daughter."

“Huh.” I noted.

Bluestar, Ravenpaw and Flintfur were hanging out with the Crusaders.

Danyelle spoke "I was rather surprised when Bluestar got her cutie mark even though she's 100% Mobian."

Applebloom asks "Say Blue, how did you get your cutie mark?"

“Honestly, I’m curious too.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "She got it back during the sleepover I had with Twilight."

“Really now?” I asked.

A squeak was heard from Twilight since she was trying to utilize her Fire Alicorn Roar again.

Danyelle spoke "Ever since that Battle Royale, Twilight's been trying to use the Roar."

"Pretty strange." I agreed.

Sonata was in hedgehog form since she was pregnant.

Sonata spoke "Rei, I think Miyuki was looking for you."

“Yeah? About what?” I asked.

Sonata spoke "You should go ask her."

“Okay.” I responded as I met up with Miyuki.

Miyuki had a scared look on her face.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Miyuki spoke "R-Ruri's gone missing..."

“What?!” I gasped.

Miyuki spoke "I think something took her..."

A loud crash was heard over at Sweet Apple Acres since a pony that looked a lot like Applejack appeared but she didn't have a hat on.

*At Sweet Apple Acres*

*Crosswind's POV*

I was wary of the stranger since she looked a lot like my mate minus the hat and slightly different cutie mark.

I spoke "Jay-Jay!"

The Applejack lookalike asks "Uh… Huh? Who are you?"

I spoke "Ah'm Crosswind, some of mah friends call me Crossy."

The Applejack lookalike spoke "Sorry, but that name don’t ring a bell."

I spoke "Ah think yer from a different timeline, one where folks like me don't exist."

The Applejack lookalike asks "…Say what now?"

I spoke "Maybe we should ask Twilight... Provided she hasn't started freaking out."

But then I saw Rei searching around, looking real worried.

I spoke "That can't be good...."

An earth pony version of Rainbow Dash was out cold near the boutique.

Blizzardstar spoke "Uh Rarity, I don't think that's the Rainbow Dash we know..."

Rarity asks "Pardon?"

Blizzardstar spoke "Look outside."

Danyelle's fur was fully fluffed up when she saw an earth pony version of Fluttershy.

The other Mobians and Poké-Mobians were in hiding.


Discord appeared with a yawn, definitely just getting outta bed.

Danyelle growls "Did you cause this mess?"

Discord asks "*Yawn* What are you talking about? What happened?"

Danyelle pointed over at the unconscious earth pony.

Danyelle spoke "I heard a crash over at Sweet Apple Acres, a crash near Rarity's place, a crash near the library, a crash near Sugarcube Corner and a crash near Mr Rich's place!"

Discord definitely seemed shocked. "Okay, I did NOT see this coming."

Danyelle spoke "Neither did I yet I'm the one with the freaking Dimensional Scream!"

A scream was heard from Twilight.

Danyelle spoke "And Twilight's screaming..."

Discord spoke "That can't be good."

Danyelle spoke "No, it's not!"

Rei spoke "On top of that, Ruri’s missing!"

A ponylike howl rang clear as a blizzard kicked in thus blinding Rei, Discord and Danyelle.

Danyelle gasps "What in StarClan's name?"

Though faint, the trio could see the outline of a kitsunepony with three tails in the blizzard.

Rei asks "Did NOT see that coming-Wait... Is she from a different universe?"

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors stating that she lost her foal a long time ago and even now, she calls out to the foal but it never responds back..."

Rei asks "Wait a minute... You don't think that...?"

Danyelle spoke "Best not tell Zoey this but the kitsunepony is a yokai."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Danyelle spoke "When I said yokai, I mean full demon."

Rei spoke "Yeah. From down south."

Danyelle whacks Rei on the head.

Danyelle spoke "The kitsunepony's an ice user so she's from up north!"

Rei spoke "That was just an expression, geez."

The blizzard soon disappears as the three tailed kitsunepony headed off towards Mr Rich's mansion.

Danyelle asks "Should we follow her Discord?"

Discord asks "*Shrug* What do you think?"

Danyelle spoke "We don't know if she's friend or foe yet."

Rei spoke "But she might turn the inside of the building into a winter wonderland by accident."

Danyelle spoke "But that's only if she got pissed off at somepony..."

*Meanwhile at Mr Rich's mansion*

*???'s POV*

I knock on the front door.

Randolph asks "Yes?"

I spoke "My name is Winter Frost and I'm here for a maid position."

Randolph asks "Are you certain?"

I spoke "Yes sir, I was strongly recommended by Princess Celestia herself. Though I may not look it but I'm also a royal guard, plainclothes division."

I fling a sharp needle at a wall, nearly missing Spoiled Rich's head.

I spoke "Sorry about that ma'am, it's a strange habit of mine."

I then suddenly found myself outside the mansion.

I immediately snapped, causing a nasty blizzard around the whole mansion.

I was shooting off profanities that a child should never hear.

*meanwhile inside the mansion*

Mr Rich spoke "SPOILED RICH!!!!"

A loud slap was heard from Mr Rich's office.

Mr Rich spoke "It's over Spoiled, I had expected you to be a proper role model for Diamond but after I heard that you had harassed one of the Crusaders, I made my own decision. Pack your stuff and leave."

Spoiled just scoffed and left.

I soon freeze Spoiled in ice from the neck down.

I growl "You had it coming for a while now."

But right when Spoiled was about to say something to me, I froze her head, except her nose so she could breath.

I whistle loud, calling in four guards to carry the frozen mare away.

I soon re-enter the mansion before heading to Mr Rich's main office.

I ask "You okay sir?"

Filthy Rich spoke "Honestly? I'm very conflicted right now."

I spoke "I heard everything that happened during that fight you had with your soon to be ex-wife."

Filthy Rich asks "Really?"

I spoke "I may not be as keen as that nekomata female but my ears are keener than most pony ears are."

Mr. Rich spoke "Still... This is a lot to take in. I need to be alone for a while."

I spoke "Your ex pissed me off though..."

Filthy Rich spoke "Please, I need to reflect."

Oh, okay. I can tell that he needs to be alone to think about things right now.

I trotted off to get started on my job after getting the required outfit on.

I sigh "{He's a good stallion, it's obvious I might not have a chance with him... Given that I'm a demon and he isn't.}"

*Meanwhile, back outside…*

*Danyelle’s POV*

Well, now we’re looking for Ruri, one of Rei’s kids.

I ask "Where did she go?"

Rei spoke "I’m not sure. She’s always curious about stuff-Wait..."

Rei’s head slowly turned towards… the Everfree Forest.

A teal burst of magic appears as Sunset pops up while holding Ruri by the tail.

Sunset spoke "Found this little troublemaker at the entrance of the forest."

Rei spoke "Wow, thanks, Sunset."

Sunset spoke "No problem."

A flash of light was seen under Sunset's shorts as the Mobian unicorn got her cutie mark.

Sunset asks "What just happened?"

I spoke "You got your cutie mark! Hey Pinkie! We're gonna need a cute-ceañera! Sunset just got her cutie mark!"

Pinkie spoke "ON IT!!!"

But then Keahi, UmbreDevimon, the green female siren, Jennifer and Jessika were behind Rei again.

I spoke "Rei, don't turn around."

A dark-fire type Eeveelution Poké-Mobian male had gotten UmbreDevimon's attention, causing the female to faint with a blush.

Inferno chuckles "And she's out cold."

Rei chuckles "You’re telling me."

I giggle "Many of the female Poké-Mobians that are still single think he's a total hottie. No fire pun intended... And Keahi's out cold too."

Rei spoke "Huh. Still, I wonder when my bro will get here."

The Lycanark that was heard howling earlier had gotten blown up by one of Ein's pranks.

Kenta growls "*voice was muffled since his head was stuck in a tree trunk* I hate that hyena!"

Rei asks "I can understand that. Need help?"

Kenta pulls his head out of the tree trunk.

Kenta spoke "I'm fine bro."

Rei spoke "Cool."

But then Kenta noticed Rei's mates/wives.

Kenta chuckles "You sly tod! Bagged yourself a couple of good-looking vixens huh?"

Rei asks "Yeah, but how's life been for you?"

Kenta spoke "Good, I haven't found the right girl though."

Rei spoke "Who knows, maybe you’ll find more than one."

Tails spoke "Hey Danyelle! I challenge you to a race! No wings, only your tails!"

“You’re on!” I smirked.

I revved up my tails before taking flight with them as I zoom after Tails.

*Rei's POV*

Hehehe, I hope they never change. Although I wonder why the green female siren, Jennifer and Jessika are still behind me.

Maria spoke "Maybe they want something from you!"

Jasmine then showed up. "Or those three have a crush on Rei."

The green siren, Jennifer and Jessika froze at that.

Alto was flying through the sky before he crashed into the green siren, tumbling head over feet down a hill and getting pinned down by the siren.

Alto asks "Do you mind getting off me?"

The green siren spoke "Sorry."

Alto's eyes had shimmered pink for some odd reason.

The green siren's eyes suddenly shimmered pink too.

Maria giggles "Michiru and Nazuna are so gonna lose it once they find out about THIS!!!"

Maria flew off fast to find the Kagetashis.

But then Jennifer and Jessika each grabbed an arm of mine before hugging them.

A sudden roar-like scream was heard from Nazuna.

"What happened?" I asked.

Twilight pops up.

Twilight spoke "Nazuna."

A fireboom streaks across the sky.

Danyelle laughs "EAT MY FLAME TRAIL MILES!!!!"

Tails spoke "I'll get you back for that furbrain!"

Danyelle laughs "Heehee! I'd like to see you try!"

Tails spoke "You're one to talk Danyelle! You can't seem to get enough tacos!"


The two soon get into a fight-cloud, ending with Tails getting his head stuck in a tree trunk.

*Back with Winter Frost*

The three tailed kitsunepony was suddenly airborne since she somehow figured out how to use her tails for flight.

Winter spoke "Hehe, now I have the butt-copter trick. Oh, hello Mr Rich."

Filthy Rich spoke "*Smile* Ah, good to see you again, Ms. Frost."

To the stallion's surprise, Winter was hovering in the air despite the obvious lack of wings.

Filthy Rich asks "How are you…?"

Winter giggles "That would be because of my tails, I watched that nekomata earlier."

Filthy Rich spoke "Ah, I see."

Winter asks "I shouldn't be asking this but have you thought things over?"

Filthy Rich spoke "Yes, I have. Though I had some difficult decisions."

Winter spoke "You're a good stallion, you deserve to be happy with a mare that will stand by you through thick and thin. Plus my parents taught me that there are thing that money can't buy, love and friendship are two big examples."

Filthy Rich chuckles "Too true."

Winter spoke "There's plenty of good mares out there to pick from."

Winter was fidgeting a bit.

Filthy Rich asks "Hmm? Are you alright?"

Winter stammers "Y-yeah..."

A bit of a faint blush was on Winter's face.

Filthy Rich spoke "Your face says otherwise."

Winter stammers "Ugh... It's enough that my heat cycle kicked in..."

Filthy Rich spoke "Oh dear. That is quite sudden."

Winter spoke "Only downside of being half fox..."

Filthy Rich asks "Pardon?"

Winter spoke "I'm a kitsunepony, earth variant... Plus I'm a demon..."

Filthy Rich spoke "I see."

Winter spoke "Yeah but I'm just a maid-guard... I doubt you'd want a mare like me around."

Winter kept her middle tail tucked tightly against her rear.

Filthy Rich asks "Why would you say that?"

Winter spoke "I... don't know..."

Filthy Rich knew that Winter need to build up on her confidence and self-esteem. "Winter, please follow me."

Winter's other two tails shot up on end in embarrassment as she followed the stallion.

The two were soon in Filthy Rich’s room as he revealed a switch before flipping it, opening a secret staircase.

Winter spoke "Guess Spoiled wasn't ready for this though."

Filthy Rich spoke "I thought she was, but I’m not so sure anymore."

Winter asks "But the big question is.... Would your daughter even accept me as her new stepmom?"

Filthy Rich spoke "It may take some time, but I'm sure she will as you help her become a better pony."

Winter spoke "Even the resident clairvoyant knows that. I heard rumors she can see past or future."

Filthy Rich spoke "*Smile* And those rumors are true, as she knows about my family’s business with the Apple Family."

Winter spoke "Yeah and I have a feeling that it had been that Rainboom that brought Twilight and her friends together as well as bringing Mobians into Equestria."

Filthy Rich asks "Pardon?"

Winter spoke "I heard it straight from the nekomata herself."

Filthy Rich spoke "Ah, makes sense. *Smile* Oh good, we're here."

The two suddenly arrived at a private room with a king-sized waterbed, a minibar, a fridge and a little compact looking a bit like a combo of styles.

Winter spoke "Just as a heads up, I can't eat chocolate. Dogs, wolves and foxes can't digest it that well... Non-Mobian dogs too apparently..."

Filthy Rich spoke "Thank you for the heads-up."

Winter spoke "No problem sir."

*A few hours later...*

Winter spoke "*Drunkenly and lustfully* Oh... That was so much fun, Richie-Bear... *Hic!* I feel so full..."

Mr. Rich chuckled at the situation as both he and Winter were on the waterbed.

Since she was half fox, Winter accidentally popped the waterbed thus getting herself and Filthy Rich both soaked.

Winter spoke "Curse my inability to retract my claws..."

Filthy Rich spoke "It's alright, Winter, I can get another one, and I can get you some gloves."

Winter spoke "They don't make gloves for ponies..."

But then Winter suddenly leapt on Mr. Rich with lust-filled eyes and a drunken smile.

Winter giggles as she curls a tail around Filthy's hindlegs.

Filthy Rich spoke "*Smile* Well, you clearly don't know what Rarity's capable of."

Winter giggles "I guess not."

The two tussle about for a while.

*Meanwhile, back with Rei*

Jennifer and Jessika were still hugging Rei’s arms.

Miyuki asks "Rei... What is the meaning of this?"

I stammer "L-Look, I don't know why, but these two kept following me and-"

But then Miyuki and Rena giggled.

Skidding to a stop, Sonic spoke "Hey Rei, I got good news and bad news for you."

I ask "What now?"

Sonic asks "You want the good news or bad news first?"

I spoke "Good news first."

Sonic spoke "Blaze, Roll and I went to talk to Sally about a few things concerning Poké-Mobian marriage laws but the bad news is, the limit is four wives..."

I ask "Huh, that's definitely new. How'd that happen?"

Sonic spoke "You don't wanna know."

Blaze spoke "I'm only half Poké-Mobian yet I have to abide by Mobian marriage laws."

Sonic spoke "Exactly and since I'm half Equian, I have to abide by Equestrian marriage laws as well as Mobian marriage laws."

I spoke "Oh."

Sonic spoke "Yeah and will you stop stalking me Spitfire? It's embarrassing."

Twilight trots over with an owl on her back.

Twilight spoke "Oh hey guys."

I spoke "Hey Twi."

Miyuki spoke "Wait, come to think of it, I am like Twilight."

Twilight asks "What's THAT supposed to mean icebrain?"

Miyuki asks "Hey, I wasn't saying that as a bad thing, star-flank, but are you trying to start something with me?"

Twilight growls "You're as stubborn as Gray, minus the stripping habit!"

Miyuki growls "What was that?"

Twilight growls "You heard me fox bitch."

Sonic and the others all back off, knowing full well not to get in Miyuki's way when she snaps.

Twilight and Miyuki were soon in a fire and ice fight cloud.

Danyelle shouts "SIT GIRL!!!"

Both mare and vixen were face down on the ground.

I ask "How did that happen?"

Danyelle spoke "I've traveled into the Feudal Era one time when a demon had grabbed me."

I ask "Ah, Inuyasha, correct?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

A demonic fox Mobian male was sneaking up on Danyelle from behind.

Danyelle spoke "*right ear twitches* Nice try Shippo, you can't sneak up behind a keen cat."

Shippo spoke "Darn."

Danyelle spoke "You little squirt."

Shippo spoke "Watch it Danyelle, I'm older than you are."

I spoke "Oh... That makes things a bit... awkward..."

Danyelle spoke "Shippo may look 7 but he's over 500 years of age since demons age slower than mortals do."

I spoke "Oh."

Danyelle shot fire at Ein, causing the TNT he had to explode.

Ein let out a scream, making all of us laugh.

Sonata giggles "Hyena go boom!"

I laugh "*Cute baby voice* He fall down and go *Loud thunderous voice* BOOM!"

Pixie had grabbed Ein by the tail before spinning around fast, making the hyena dizzy.

But then my four wives smirked as they started hugging me on all four sides.

Ein soon goes flying as he screamed with a goofy yell.

And I could tell that Miyuki, Rena, Jennifer and Jessika had a plan in mind they would discuss alone with the four of them.

Twilight spoke "If I were you Rei, I'd start running... Female Poké-Mobians are always in heat..."

But then the four smirked as they walked off together.

Sonic spoke "I don't have to have Danyelle's Dimensional scream to tell that there'll be more Mewtwo in the future."

Jennifer soon notices the same flower that Asuna had seen.

Jessika asks "Huh? Something wrong, sis?"

Jennifer spoke "There's something about that flower..."

Jessika asks "Really?"

Jennifer spoke "Yeah, I heard that it only affects Mews and Mewtwos that are in the mood for children."

Little did Jennifer know, a babytwo was growing inside her.

Danyelle asks "Hey girls, what are you looking at?"

Jessika spoke "*Not knowing about a babytwo growing inside her* Some strange flower."

Danyelle spoke "Myth told me about it though..."

Soon enough, a baby Mew was developing in Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "The flower can't be controlled by alicorn or draconequus magic. It's been around as long as the Mew species has been."

Jennifer spoke "Guess the Mew will be effected by the flower the way they're supposed to, no matter how much someone changes it in a potion."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and good thing there's a limit, you won't see a mew or a 'Two with 14 kids."

the three females giggle.


Huey's first Hearth's Warming Eve

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*Asuna's POV*

Some time after Danyelle and the ZoroarkTwo sisters had their kids, I was approached by Huey since he had a question.

Huey asks "Mom, what's Hearth's Warming Eve?"

Oh, that might be a bit hard to explain.

Carrying a brown furred baby Mew in her arms, Danyelle spoke "In a way, Hearth's Warming is a lot like Christmas. But the true meaning of Christmas is spending time with those you care about about, regardless of how one comes into the world."

Huey asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah kiddo since this is the first Hearth's Warming for the 'Twos."

Koji was on Huey's head.

Danyelle giggles "And it's also Rani and Koji's first Hearth's Warming too. Oh hey Twilight, happy Hearth's Warming."

Twilight spoke "*Smile* Thanks, Danyelle. Happy Hearth's Warming."

To Twilight's surprise, a baby Mew was in Danyelle's arms.

Danyelle spoke "And I guess it's also Deep Blue's first Hearth's Warming since he changed his ways."

Thanks to a size change pendant, Midnight was about the same height as Big Mac.

Opaline spoke "It's a first for me as well since it was a foreign concept back in Skyros."

Danyelle asks "Wasn't there something going on up in Canterlot?"

Opaline was silent at that.

Midnight asks "You okay Opaline?"

Opaline seemed uncomfortable.

Twilight spoke "You'd get a kick out of Newlestia though, she may look like Celestia but she's hilarious!"

Midnight nuzzles his mare.

Midnight spoke "It's okay, Opal."

Opaline spoke "It's just... too soon to cross paths with Celestia and Luna... Not after what I had done long ago..."

Danyelle spoke "Look Opaline, the past may hurt but the way I see it.. You can either run from it or learn from it."

Rei spoke "Got that right."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly."

*One train ride to Canterlot later*

Danyelle spoke "Don't go too far Scootaloo!"

Scootaloo spoke "Okay!"

The Nightlight Mewtwo trio kept close to Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Gallus, mind keeping a watchful eye on the Crusaders? They do get into sticky situations at times."

Coal was on Twilight's head.

Twilight spoke "Heehee, you won't be able to stay on me head forever, Coal."

Danyelle had her Mew child wrapped up in a blanket since Mew and Mewtwo Poké-Mobians weren't known to have thick fur.

Rainbowtwo spoke "You know, I'm rather curious about Hearth's Warming."

Rainbow asks "Really?"

Rainbowtwo spoke "Clone, remember? Many things are unknown to me and the other 'Twos. The same can be said about the baby Mews and the babytwos."

Danyelle spoke "How about a little game while we walk? I'll go first, I spy a tall candy cane that Scootaloo has her tongue stuck to!"

Scootaloo spoke "Help!"

Danyelle walks over to Scootaloo before using a weak flame to warm the filly's tongue up thus freeing her from the candy cane.

Scootaloo spoke "Thanks."

Danyelle spoke "No problem kiddo."

Rei spoke "*Shivers* Ooh."

Jessika and Jennifer opted to stay back in Ponyville since they had peach-fuzz short fur.

Rainbow asks "You cold?"

Rei spoke "Nah, I felt a chill down my spine."

Danyelle spoke "I felt it too..."

Rei spoke "Then you know that something's gonna happen, just don't know when or what."

Danyelle spoke "Dimensional Scream remember? I can see past and future. On that note..."

Danyelle teleports via chaos control before reappearing with a unicorn mare.

Danyelle spoke "I sensed that this mare is emotionally hurting since a friend of hers got his cutie mark before she did and was shipped off to magic school."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Opaline spoke "Guess the two-tailed fuzzball's the Nekomata of Redemption now."

Rei chuckles "Heh, where have I heard that before?"

Danyelle spoke "Not in this universe though."

Rei spoke "I know."

I spoke "Oh look guys! we're at the theater!"

Twilight spoke "Awesome!"

Danyelle spoke "I don't think the Hearth's Warming pageant explained where Celestia and Luna came from."

That caused the Mane Six to freeze up.

Twilight spoke "I hadn't thought about that..."

Opaline tried to make a run for it but was restrained by one of Midnight's tails.

Midnight chuckles "And where do you think you're going?"

Opaline got nervous.

Danyelle spoke "Neither of them are gonna bite."

The group soon arrives at the castle.

Sonic spoke "Hello grandma, grand auntie."

Opaline was trying to hide behind Midnight, as the sisters were surprised to see him.

Midnight spoke "Celestia, Luna. It's been too long since we saw each other."

Luna asks "Midnight?"

Midnight spoke "I may look smaller but that's because of the pendant I have."

To Luna's surprise, Midnight had a familiar alicorn restrained with one of his eleven tails.

Luna asks "Midnight? Is that...?"

Midnight spoke "Yeah, she's my marefriend."

Danyelle spoke "She's still on the path to redemption but Celestia, I have a question."

Celestia asks "What is it?"

Danyelle asks "Does the name Sunburst ring any bells?"

Celestia spoke "I believe so."

Miyuki asks "Hey Rei, you and Rena wanna get some D-E-S-S-E-R-T?"

Rena spoke "Sure.

Rei spoke "Yeah, I could use a T-R-E-A-T."

Pierce asks "Whatcha three talkin’ about?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah, why don’t you say-"

Rei, Miyuki and Rena gasp "No! Don’t say it!"

Twilight asks "Huh? Why?"

Rei spoke "Might be hard to believe but Pierce can’t spell."

Twilight asks "What?!"

Aphmau spoke "Ein can't spell either so just don't say it Twilight."

Rei spoke "Yeah, so just spell so they don't get too excited."

Twilight asks "They're grown Mobians! They can't handle hearing the word treat?"

Pierce asks "Treat?

Aphmau spoke "No treat!"

Pierce asks "Treat?"

Aphmau spoke "No treat!"

Pierce asks "Treat?!"

Aphmau spoke "No treat!"

Pierce spoke "Aw..."

Twilight asks "Okay, what's going on?

Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!"

Much to Celestia's amusement, Twilight was face down on the floor.

Twilight spoke "Come on...!"

Rei spoke "We tried to warn you about T-R-E-A-T."

Pierce asks "Whatcha talking about?"

Aphmau spoke "Creepers."

Pierce spoke "Aw shucks."

Twilight asks "Really? You treat him like a foal?"

Pierce asks "Treat?"

Rei spoke "No treat!"

Pierce asks "Treat?"

Rei spoke "No treat!"

Pierce asks "Treat?!"

Rei spoke "No treat!"

Pierce spoke "Aw..."

Miyuki spoke "Seriously, you gotta spell if it's about F-O-O-D."

Aphmau spoke "Ein and Pierce are idiots."

Zane spoke "Last month, these two idiots blew up my lab."

Sardon spoke "They destroyed my lab a week ago!"

Twilight asks "So you three are getting an S-N-A-C-K?"

Pierce asks "Snack?!"

Rei groans "Bruh..."

Miyuki spoke "Come on!"

Rena asks "Seriously, Twi?"

Twilight spoke "What? I spelled it!"

Rei spoke "He knows how to spell snack."

Twilight asks "So he can spell snack but he can't spell treat?!"

Pierce asks "Treat?"

Twilight spoke "No treat!"

Pierce asks "Treat?"

Twilight spoke "No treat!"

Pierce asks "TREAT?!"

Twilight spoke "NO TREAT!!!"

Pierce spoke "GAH!!! Sheep fur!"

Kim grabs Pierce by the tail and drags him away.

Danyelle spoke "This is why we never mention the t word with Ein or Pierce around."

Rei asks "Hehe, but they're a hoot, right?"

Danyelle spoke "Trust me on this one. Those two are just as bad as Shadow on a bad day... They blow things up for fun. Two months ago, they blew Moeka's cake shop up."

Pinkie gasps "WHAT?!"

Aphmau spoke "No matter how many times I take the TNT away from them, they always have more..."

Rei spoke "Don't ask."

Aaron spoke "Some things are best left unsaid."

Midnight spoke "If you're sure."

Aphmau spoke "Ein can't read though."

Danyelle pinches the back of Twilight's neck, putting her to sleep.

Danyelle spoke "Ultima or not, you should choose your words carefully Aph. It might give Twilight ideas."

Rei spoke "Especially E ones. That's education, folks."

Danyelle asks "Back to the topic of Sunburst... Do you know where I can find him?"

Since Celestia had no idea, Danyelle decided to ask folks around Canterlot.

Starlight spoke "This is a stupid idea..."

Danyelle asks "Why?"

Starlight groans "He might not remember me..."

As luck would have it, Starlight bumped into the very unicorn that Danyelle was looking for.

Starlight spoke "Watch where you're going..."

But then Starlight froze.

Danyelle spoke "You're Sunburst right? I was looking for you."

Sunburst asks "Ugh... What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Let's just say you bumped into a friend of yours from your childhood years."

Sunburst spoke "Huh? What're you..."

Sunburst froze.

Starlight spoke "H-hey Sunburst..."

Sunburst asks "Starlight? How did you...?"

Danyelle spoke "I tracked her down and brought her here since I sensed that she was emotionally hurting."

Rani was still in Danyelle's backpack.

Danyelle spoke "Consider it a Hearth's Warming gift."

Danyelle flew off back to the others while Rani was tucked into the backpack to keep warm.

Danyelle soon lands by Twilight's group just as they came out from the theater.

Danyelle spoke "Hey guys."

Rei spoke "Glad to see you came back, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Least Starlight won't go down the path of evil now that she's reunited with her childhood friend."

I ask "So what now?"

Danyelle asks "Is the show already over?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah and thanks to Midnight and Opaline, we got a better understanding of Celestia and Luna's origins since it was never explained in the play."

Danyelle asks "Wow, really?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "I'm rather curious about those donuts."

Danyelle giggled.

Rani mews cutely.

Twilight spoke "Let's go get some donuts."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Last one to Donut Joe's is buying!"

The speedsters took off fast but thanks to Twilight's magic, the slower ones got to the donut shop in a blink of an eye.

Twilight giggles "You were saying Rainbow?"

Rainbow spoke "Pony feathers!"

Danyelle snickers "You had it coming Skittles."

Rei spoke "There's always next time."

Applejack asks "Guess ya can't handle the speed o an alicorn huh Skittles?"

Rainbow growls "What did you just call me, Applesmack?"

The two mares tussle.

Rei spoke "Wow, they never change."

Danyelle spoke "Good thing Applejack doesn't have ice magic, last thing we need is another Gray-Natsu fight."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before throwing a fireball at a stallion that had grabbed a mare's saddlebags.

Danyelle spoke "DROP IT!"

The stallion immediately surrendered.

Danyelle asks "You okay miss?"

To Rarity's surprise, the mare was Fleur dis Lee.

Twilight spoke "Wow Danyelle, your reaction speed is off the charts! Never before have I met a cat with crazy powers like yours!"

Danyelle giggles "Heh, I bet Shining Armor would be jealous of that?"

Twilight spoke "A Mobian with your reaction speed could put many guards to shame!"

Danyelle spoke "True there and I have a gut feeling that an oncoming scuffle between the Appleloosians and the buffalo is about to break."


Trouble in Appleloosa

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*Applejack’s POV*

What Danyelle said was really botherin’ me.

Asuna spoke "I'm just as worried too, but not all of us can go."

Danyelle spoke "The fastest of us will fly out there while the others will take the train to Appleloosa. If I'm right, they might need help."

Twilight spoke "And if Danyelle is right, there might be an unknown illness."

Danyelle spoke "Which is why we Ponyvillians should gather as much healing medicine we can carry and get it to Appleloosa as soon as we can!"

Spottedleaf spoke "I will be going with Emberstreak and the speedsters."

Natsu spoke "We just can't stand by and let a community fall! If one area falls then it'll affect all of Equestria!"

Since she was representative of the hippogriffs, Skystar spoke "the fire dragon is right, we have to help them!"

Zoey spoke "The 'Twos will be staying behind to protect Ponyville."

Orion spoke "Fair enough."

Danyelle spoke "But I rarely let Rani out of my sight though."

Rei spoke "I just hope that disease better not be what I think it is, otherwise we might have a visitor."

Thanks to Danyelle's item box magic, half of the medicine was safely stored while the rest was with Twilight's group.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, go let Zecora know that we may need her help."

Sonic spoke "On it sis!"

Sonic zips off to Zecora's hut to let the zebra know.

Rei spoke "But I have a feeling that at best, the medicine would make the disease withdraw, not cure it."

Spottedleaf spoke "I can't ask my fellow medicine cats to help us in this case."

Sonic soon returns with Zecora as Featherwhisker arrives with Orchid Jewel.

Rarity spoke "We should move out as soon as we can!"

Rei spoke "Well, what’re we waiting for?"

Danyelle takes flight while airlifting Spottedleaf, Sonic carried Zecora while Orchid carried Featherwhisker on her back.

I spoke "Ya'll should head south from Ponyville and fer heaven's sake, don't lose the medicine!"

Danyelle spoke "Got it Applejack, see you all there soon."

The six along with Rainbow head south towards Appleloosa as Twilight and the others boarded the train with the rest of the medicine.

Danyelle flies with the other six while keeping watch on the train tracks so they didn't lose their way.

Featherwhisker asks "Uh two-tail, we going the right way?"

Danyelle spoke "As long as we follow the train tracks below, we won't go off course."

Orchid spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "With three healers, we should be able to help the Appleloosians recover! Oh! We're almost there!"

When the eight got to Appleloosa, it was pretty much a ghost town but Danyelle realized that the ponies were hiding inside the buildings.

Danyelle spoke "ick... the smell of illness is heavy in the air..."

Rani hid in the backpack.

The seven noticed a lone pony, looking around as if it was hungry while it wasn't at their direction, keeping them from seeing the pony's face.

Danyelle's left eye turns magenta so Twilight so the alicorn could see the same thing.

Danyelle asks via telepathy "{Hey Twilight, you seeing what I'm seeing?}"

Twilight spoke "{I don't know, but something might be off with that pony.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Yeah but two Mobians, two Pegasi, two Abyssinians, a zebra and a baby Mew are likely to be targeted so the eight of us will be careful.}"

But then the pony started sniffing the air.

Danyelle immediately masks her scent and the scents of her small group with magic so they wouldn't be caught.

The group soon got to another hiding spot where they could see the pony's face, but to their shock and horror, its eyes were orange and slit, while the pony had long, sharp teeth in a large mouth. Something definitely wasn't right with the pony.

And thanks to sight sharing, Twilight saw the same thing so she went to the conductor to ask him to stop the train since it was too dangerous to continue.

Danyelle asks "{Hey Twilight, you asked the conductor to stop the train right?}"

Twilight spoke "{Yeah, I had to after seeing that thing... I don't want to put ponies and Mobians in danger, plus Deep Blue is saying the same thing.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Good, my friends and I might have to restrain that pony since it might be a victim.}"

Flintfur was hiding in Danyelle's shadow as chains slither over to the pony to restrain him from moving.

Danyelle whispers to Rainbow "Well, that works... We don't have to directly touch the pony since I'm the only one with magic."

The pony was definitely growling as it struggled to break free.

Since it was Blood Chains, the pony couldn't move.

With a fierce look in her eyes, Danyelle spoke "Pony! Quit moving or those chains will continue to tighten!"

The pony growls "Flesh! Give me your flesh! I must eat!"

Rani pokes her upper half out of the backpack before shooting a Sacred Penance at the pony, cleansing it of the virus.

The pony’s eyes, mouth and teeth returned to normal, revealing it to be… Braeburn?!

Danyelle asks "Braeburn?!? What the hay happened?"

Braeburn groans "Ugh... Where'd ya come from...?"

Danyelle spoke "Flew here from Ponyville since I sensed something was off. Twilight's group hasn't arrived since this illness is nothing like ponykind has seen so she and the others are the defense guard. And Applejack said hello."

Rainbow spoke "If it wasn't for Danyelle's warning, things would have gotten so out of hoof and hand."

Featherwhisker asks "Mind telling us what this illness is?"

Braeburn spoke "Ah don't have a clue what it was, that strange creature tried to warn us not to get near him. Guess Ah shoulda listened."

Danyelle places a hand on Braeburn's head, triggering a vision of the past.

Danyelle thinks "{What creature is that?}"

Danyelle saw a male hippogriff with eyes and teeth like Braeburn had a few moments ago, a large beak, spikes on the wrists of his front legs, shoulders, a bit on his chest, wearing some clothes with trinkets and a fear tears on them while his wing feathers looked more shiny and sharp and the mane on his head was short.

The hippogriff spoke "Do not touch me, not unless you want to suffer the same fate as I do."

Those of the past did seem skeptical as Danyelle saw the rest of what happened.

Danyelle spoke "Geez, guess that hippogriff is a victim too."

Braeburn spoke "Ah don't think he's in town anymore."

Danyelle spoke "Rainbow, continue flying south to Mount Aris and relay my message to Queen Novo. Tell her to be careful since I have no idea what this virus is or why it's affecting Equians."

Rainbow spoke "Got it Dany!"

Rainbow took off towards Mount Aris.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, fly back to Canterlot and let Celestia know. Give her the same message I had told Rainbow."

Sonic spoke "Right!"

Sonic took off flying to Canterlot to let Celestia, Pyre, Luna, Shirou and Newlestia know.

Newlestia flew off to the Crystal Empire to let Cadence know.

But then a female buffalo showed up, out of breath.

Danyelle spoke "Let me guess, some of the buffalo are infected."

Twilight asked Natsu to go let the Dragon Lord know.

The female spoke "N-No, but I saw it coming from here and I became concerned."

Danyelle spoke "My daughter recently purged it from Braeburn though and I'm no Cadence but I can tell you have a crush on him."

The buffalo stammers "*Blush* W-What are you talking about?!"

Danyelle laughs "It's as obvious as the blush on your face Strongheart~!"

Strongheart definitely looked flustered.

Danyelle's ears had flattened in pain after getting a telepathic scolding from Cadence.

Twilight asks "{What just happened?}"

Danyelle spoke "{Cadence blew a gasket at me for doing her job...}"

Twilight spoke "{*Wince!* I hope Shining can calm her down.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Let's never mention this to Haru or the other 'Twos...}"

Twilight spoke "{Agreed. Sounds like the hippogriff is still in the land you're in right now.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Yeah but going off what I saw in my vision, I can't touch the hippogriff directly.}"

Twilight asks "{What if that disease isn't highly contagious?}"

Danyelle spoke "{For ponies, zebras and other non-beaked species... Signs included orange slit eyes, long saber-like teeth and large mouth... For gryphons and hippogriffs... the signs include larger beak, razor sharp feathers, spikes on the forelegs and shoulders...}"

Twilight spoke "{Something tells me that the spikes are what happen when the disease progresses.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Thank StarClan that it hadn't progressed too far on Braeburn but we still don't know where the illness came from.}"

Spottedleaf spoke "Let's find the hippogriff and make him talk!"

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Spots! If you got sick, we could lose a healer."

Twilight asks "{Uh… Dany?}"

Danyelle asks "{Yeah Twi?}"

Twilight spoke "{Rei ran off and is heading your way after I told him the symptoms.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Oh shit!! He's gonna get himself infected! Whatever this illness is, it infects Poké-Mobians five times faster than normal Mobians!}"

Twilight spoke "{Rei looked like he knows what he's doing, so he might know what the illness is.}"

Danyelle spoke "{It felt almost alien in nature... I think we should talk to Honeystar about it.}"


Out of this World

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*Rei’s POV*

The description of those symptoms… if they’re what I think they are, I have to get to Danyelle and the others so we could find the hippogriff! I soon made it to Danyelle.

Riding on a custom built Extreme Gear that was able to withstand taur bodies, Honeystar zooms after me.

Honeystar spoke "<Hey foxboy! Wait up!>"

“Honeystar?” I asked in confusion.

Honeystar spoke "<I've heard of this kind of illness. It's not one you should mess around with.>"

“Hold on! How did you get to Outworld?!” I asked in shock before closing my mouth with my hands.

Honeystar spoke "<Warp rings, try to keep up.>"

“Look, we need to find that hippogriff so I can figure out if that disease is really what I think it is.” I urged.

Honeystar spoke "<Fair enough plus given my appearance, I hate the taste of sand on my hooves.>"

“Cool. Danyelle!” I called out.

Danyelle spoke "Stay back Rei!"

"But we need to find that hippogriff to find out if that disease is really what I think it is." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "He's already gone but I don't know where he went."

I then sniffed Braeburn before picking up the hippogriff's scent. "I know where he went."

Orchid spoke "He could've covered his tracks with a warp ring."

“I doubt that. If he’s from where I think he’s from, I don’t think he’s even heard of a Warp Ring.” I pointed out.

Honeystar spoke "<He could be a hostile alien in disguise.>"

“Once we find him, I’ll know what he is for sure.” I said. “Come, we don’t have time to waste. We gotta find him.”

Honeystar spoke "<Fair enough but if it IS a hostile alien, I'll rip it to shreds... Like I did with those other aliens...>"

“If anything, that hippogriff’s a victim. Now come on.” I said as Honeystar scoffed but shi followed me anyway.

Danyelle spoke "Be careful Rei!"

“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” I assured and Honeystar and I went off.

Twilight soon pops up via magic.

Twilight spoke "You might need my help."

Honeystar asks "<Wait, why?>"

Twilight spoke "No offense Rei but you don't have magic."

"Not the first time I've been told that, and if you think of challenging me to combat, it's not the first time I've beaten magic-users." I shrugged off.

Twilight spoke "I'd rather not get a sit command from Danyelle or frozen in ice by Miyuki."

Oh boy... "Well, okay. But don't blame me if your brain overloads from the info." I said.

Twilight shifts to her Deep Lilac form.

Deep Lilac spoke "Two souls, one body... Remember? I have Deep Blue's memories as well."

Deep Lilac's ears twitch when she heard a mewl.

Honeystar asks "<What is it?>"

Deep Lilac spoke "Sounds like a chakat, roughly around Silverstorm's age...."

"Well, what do we do? Bring hir along or call in backup to pick hir up?" I asked.

Deep Lilac spoke "Dummkopf, all chakats and their subspecies are hermaphrodites."

Honeystar asks "<Can we just please focus right now?>"

A fiery orange chakat with green eyes about Silverstorm's age limps out of a bush, hir back left paw had thorns lodged in it.

Honeystar spoke "<Looks like shi needs help.>"

The fiery chakat fainted since shi was malnourished.

Honeystar asks "<Anyone have any food?>"

Deep Lilac spoke "Don't look at me!"

All of a sudden, the flame colored chakat was out for hir pound of flesh and was glaring at Deep Lilac.

I then brought out some fresh tuna, catching the chakat's attention.

But suddenly, two of the chakat's teeth grew into saber-like teeth.

Deep Lilac spoke "Shit! Shi's been infected!"

"Guess shi had a run-in with our visitor and fought him while accidentally touching him too much." I noted as I put some latex gloves on before I swiftly jabbed some nerves on the chakat, making hir go unconscious. "Never hurts to be prepared."

Honeystar spoke "<True there but it if had been me, you two would have been killed by my tail-blade.>"

"Not the first time." I shrugged off before asking Twilight, "Got a quarantine bubble spell?"

Deep Lilac spoke "I don't know that kind of spell!"

A Chaos Barrier surrounds the fiery orange chakat, keeping it from lashing out.

Danyelle spoke "That was a close call."

"Had a feeling you'd come along." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, we're stronger when we work together."

"What about the others?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Applejack and the others are in Appleloosa right now with the medicine."

Oh geez… “Last I checked months ago, that disease is incurable. So the most they could do is treat the symptoms, but they can’t cure the disease.”

Deep Lilac spoke "I hate to break it to you Rei but this disease is a new one since Celestia and Luna know nothing about it... Wait... Maybe it started back when Dark Gaia was put into a restraint form? That might be why!"

“No one knows where the disease came from but I do know it’s not from Mobius or Equis.” I pointed out, confusing the others greatly. “Let’s just find the hippogriff so I could confirm the disease, then I’ll explain the whole situation.”

Danyelle sniffs the air.

Danyelle spoke "I got his scent!"

“Then let’s move.” I said as we went off.

Guided by Danyelle's nose, Deep Lilac and I along with Honeystar made our way to where the hippogriff was.

We were bringing along the Chaos Barrier that had the chakat we encountered earlier along as we found the hippogriff. The hippogriff sniffed the air and turned around, spotting us immediately.

The sickly hippogriff asks "*Raspy voice* Who are you?"

Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle and the others are Rei, Twilight Sparkle and Shir Honeystar-Ferris-Clement."

The sickly hippogriff spoke "My name is Teermakus."

That confused the others as I looked at Teermakus' condition. "Yep, that settles it."

Danyelle was growling.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes shimmer* There's a lump of foreign flesh on his back!"

“Calm down, Danyelle, those are spikes that are gonna grow out.” I informed. “Now Teermakus, if you would explain the disease.”

Teermakus asks "Don’t you know what that creature and I are?"

Danyelle spoke "*Skeptically* We do not know."

Teermakus spoke "We are victims of Tarkat. The disease is not easily gotten, but you can’t risk more close exposure. It disfigures, then debilitates. In time, it will turn all those infected into blood-thirsty monsters. Death is the only release."

Ugh… Just Mukking great. As I thought, he isn’t from Equis or Mobius, but from one of the realms I found before.

Danyelle spoke "But I refuse to condemn an innocent child to death."

Honeystar spoke "<Tarkat huh? I've heard of such a thing from my Andalite father, he told me to never get close to it.>"

"Tarkat isn't a monster, it's a disease, and Tarkatans are the result of that disease." I pointed out before facing Teermakus. "You're from Outworld, aren't you? Used to be Edenian?"

Teermakus asks "Yes, how do you know?"

"I've been to Outworld before. Especially the wastes, as in the wastelands." I answered.

Danyelle asks "Is there any way to remove the disease completely?"

I winced at that, knowing they weren't gonna like the answer. "No, there isn't."

Deep Lilac spoke "I heard a rumor that a different Danyelle knows a move called Chaos Blackhole."

"I don't think even that will cure Tarkat. The disease has been around for thousands of years in Outworld." I informed.

Teermakus spoke "And to think I share my brother's affliction now."

A heavenly howl rings clear, cleansing the disease from Teermakus completely.

Danyelle spoke "But against Amaterasu's howl, it doesn't stand a chance."

“*Sigh* I tried to tell you it existed for thousands of years, so that howl only treated the symptoms. It didn’t cure him.” I explained.

Teermakus spoke "Your friend is right, it is only a matter of time before my symptoms return to how they just were."

Danyelle spoke "True but if caught early, the disease can be contained. Just look at the fiery orange chakat, my Chaos Barrier is laced with healing magic to slow the progress."

"But is it long-lasting?" I asked, bringing out the million-dollar question.

Danyelle spoke "I... don't know..."

"Thought so." I said before bringing out a flute.

Danyelle asks "Is that a time flute?"

"That's right." I confirmed before playing it.

Celebi soon appears.

Celebi asks "Rei?"

"That's right. If you don't mind, take us to you know what, you know where." I requested as Celebi nodded at that.

Celebi spoke "You sure? 'Cause there might not be any going back after this."

"I'm certain, for I'll explain to those here everything." I nodded.

Rani pokes her head out of Danyelle's backpack, causing Celebi to fawn over the baby Mew.

Celebi giggles "Aww! Who’s this adorable little cutie?"

Danyelle spoke "Her name's Rani. And there's a few other babytwos as well. There's Huey, Pigment, Amber, Jessika's son, Jennifer's daughter, Rainbowtwo's daughter and I think Haru has one on the way."

Celebi spoke "Whoa! Really! I gotta see that! But first, if you guys are certain, I’ll take you guys to where Rei is talking about."

Deep Lilac spoke "Danyelle and I both have kids though, as does Rei. So if anything bad happens to us, their lives might be in danger."

"Don't worry, I've been there before, and nothing happens there. Besides, we'll be back in Appleloosa when this is over." I assured as Celebi nodded in agreement of that.

Deep Lilac spoke "I've got fire powers, a sword and the Roar just in case."

Danyelle spoke "Keen senses and fire powers."

"Okay, but where we're heading might be a bit mind-blowing." I warned as Celebi teleported the six of us to a place I knew well before seeing a giant hourglass.

Danyelle asks "Are those... dragons off in the distance?"

“Hmm?” I asked before noticing. “Ah, dragon spirits. I don’t know why or how, but the spirits of all dragons come here when they pass on. Good spirits that is.”

Danyelle spoke "So basically a dragon version of StarClan then."

“You can say that, but this place is more.” I said before Dialga appeared. “And before you ask, Dialga does like to hang out here, especially when he’s in his element.”

Danyelle spoke "This is his domain after all. Oh? There he is now! Dialga! Over here!"

Dialga smiled as he jumped over to us when as dust devil suddenly blew in. But Dialga and I didn’t act, much to the others confusion.

Danyelle flapped her wings to blow away the dust devil.

But the dust devil was unaffected as it came together, forming a man.

The male spoke "Rei, Dialga, it is good to see you both again."

“Heh, same here, Geras.” I smiled.

Dialga spoke "Glad to see a fellow guardian of time again."

Danyelle spoke "Stars above... Korra's gonna freak once she learns that I can control water, air and earth as well as fire..."

Geras spoke "It would seem your exposure here may have brought out your full potential, since it may be possible that potential may have been sealed within you since you were born."

Danyelle spoke "It was my adopted dad's decision, he chose to seal my other three elements when I was 5. He didn't want others to know a second Avatar existed."

Geras spoke Indeed."

But then Danyelle’s eyes glowed white as her Dimensional Scream showed her something.

*Danyelle’s POV*

I saw grains of sand falling in an hourglass, but when the last grain of sand fell, it transformed into a big bang explosion as I saw the whole universe, then the Milky Way before I heard a voice. “Having liberated the Hourglass, I’d become Keeper of Time. My next task was to restart history.” The voice narrated as I flew into the Milky Way before finding myself at the Solar System, with Earth being red and black. “Not beholden to past events, I was free to craft a new era. But as I wondered how to create it, I encountered Arceus, the Alpha Pokémon. We soon became friends as we decided to work together. It was with humility and restraint, that we approached this blank canvas.” the voice continued before stars appeared alongside colorful supernovas in the darkness of space. “After careful preparation, Arceus introduced me to her creations, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina, as we began work, painting over the darkness. After eons past, we sketched out the realms, after eons more, we brushed them in with life.” The voice said as the sun rose over a colorful and life-filled Earth before I sensed Equis and Mobius far far away. “In this new era, all beings will have the opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do, will be their responsibility. For the power of me and my friends only permit me to begin this endeavor, it is the duty of those beings to finish it.

Then I suddenly found myself back with the others.

Rei asks "So, what’d ya see?"

I spoke "A lot of things.... I never knew my Dimensional Scream could see THAT far into the past..."

Geras spoke "It does not. Perhaps the Hourglass allowed your Dimensional Scream to show you the beginning of time."

I spoke "I am rather curious about my Mew ancestor..."

But then we heard a thud as Deep Lilac was out cold.

Dialga spoke "Yeesh, guess your friend couldn't comprehend what she saw."

I spoke "Her and Deep Blue both..."

Rei sighs "This is why I asked beforehand, because I had a feeling this would happen."

I spoke "Honeystar stayed behind though."

Rei asks "Nervous about unfamiliar lands?"

I spoke "Very much so, it took hir a few months to adapt to being in Equestria since shi took up residence in the old castle."

Rei spoke "Oh."

I spoke "Shi's not like other chakats though and I think shi might be in danger..."

I soon notice a Mew that looked a lot different than Myth.

"Huh?" I noticed.

Deep Lilac groans "Ugh..."

Rei asks "Brain loaded all that info you saw?"

Deep Lilac groans "Twice over... Two souls, one body remember?"

Rei spoke "I'll take that as a yes."

Deep Lilac groans "Ugh, I've got such a pounding headache...."

Rei spoke "Whaddya-Oh."

But when we looked at Teermakus, he looked human as well.

Deep Lilac soon threw up on the ground.

Deep Lilac asks "What's going on?!"

I spoke "Long story short... Momo's pregnancy affected your body... So yeah, you're a surrogate mother."

To Be Continued

Fighting the Illness?/ Origins of the First Alicorns

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*Applejack’s POV*

We got to Appleloosa when we saw Braeburn with a bison, while mah cousin looked worried about something.

Sonic asks "Is everything okay?"

Braeburn spoke "Ah don’t know, I just hope the others are okay."

Then Honeystar got back here.

Honeystar spoke "<Alicorn, fox and cat have gone with fairy to check something out.>"

But then the three somehow appeared from dust devils with a chakat in a Chaos Barrier and a strange hippogriff.

Danyelle checks to make sure Rani was okay.

Rani was definitely fine.

Danyelle sighs with relief before she's tackled by her other seven children though Irene was clinging to Bluestar's back.

"What happened?" I asked.

Rei spoke "Nothing much."

Danyelle giggles "Gallus, Bluestar, Ravenpaw, Dart, Ruff, Pouncer, Irene... You seven are little troublemakers."

"Anyway, I know about the disease, and so Teermakus here." Rei said, introducing the hippogriff. Teermakus? That's an odd name.

Danyelle spoke "Aside from Twilight fainting.... then throwing up...."

Tails asks "Is Nurse Redheart around?"

Zoey spoke "Uh, Redheart is not certified to handle Cyniclon or Mobian pregnancies... If that were the case..."

Danyelle asks "Wait, you can tell?"

Dren spoke "I know Deep Blue though. Despite being born a Cyniclon, he takes on the form of a Mobian cat in Equestria. It's kind of a zone rule."

Sonic spoke "And going off that, there exists a zone where everyone is the opposite... Basically... Since I'm a good guy, my opposite is a bad guy."

Rei spoke "Let's just stop at that."

Being the eldest of the group of kids that were adopted by Danyelle, Gallus and Bluestar were both growling as a unidentified warp ring opens up.

Danyelle growls as well, knowing full well that Twilight was in no state to fight.

But then Raptor came out of it as it closed. "Hey guys, what's goin' on?"

Danyelle spoke "It's a long story."

But then a dark dust devil blew in as it came together, revealin'... a green Sonic?

Sonata was snarling since she knew the hedgehog wasn't Manic.

The green Sonic darkly smirked with green energy surging around him.

Sonic growls "What do you want Scourge?"

Scourge spoke "Hehehe, just being nice and letting you off with a warning."

Scourge suddenly vanished, having gone back to his world.

Danyelle asks "Any idea what he meant by that Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Heck if I know."

Rei spoke "Anyway, I need to explain the disease."

Danyelle spoke "We're all listening."

Rei asks "Sure thi-*Stammers* Didn’t Teermakus and I already explain to you, Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "I forgot.... Side effect of having ADHD... Plus Twilight passed out because of info overload."

Rei spoke "Oh, but that was from the other thing, not the disease."

Suddenly, the fiery orange chakat woke up and was trying to get out of the bubble.

Teermakus spoke "The bloodlust is controlling hir."

Twilight spoke "Uh dude, all chakats and their subspecies are hermaphrodites... Meaning they're both male and female."

Rei spoke "Hey, Teermakus is new to it, so don't blame him for getting confused."

Twilight spoke "He has never seen a chakat before either."

"Anyway, what's this about the disease?" I asked.

Twilight spoke "I think Rei and Teermakus should explain."

Gallus spoke "Agreed before someone else gets infected."

Rei spoke "Don't worry, we'll be fine, as long as no one touches anyone who's infected. The disease is known as Tarkat and long story short, turns the infected into carnivorous beasts with spikes and retractable blades on their front legs or arms. And before you ask, it can be fatal."

Teermakus spoke "Miraculously, the progression of Tarkat varies on the infected. But there is no cure for it."

Danyelle asks "Would a vaccine slow the progress?"

Rei spoke "Probably, but we don't know for sure."

The fiery orange chakat growls "OI! LET ME OUT!!!"

Danyelle spoke "And infect one of us? Not a chance!"

Rei spoke "*Sigh* We might have to risk it. Teermakus can help both hir and Braeburn control their bloodlust."

Teermakus nodded in agreement with that.

Danyelle spoke "So age has no effect as far as that virus is concerned."

Sonic growls "Rei... this mess is YOUR fault! You brought the virus into Equestria!"

Rei spoke "Calm yourself, Sonic. I wasn't aware that Teermakus was somehow trapped in Equestria. But there are possibilities that some creatures could be immune, but that hasn't been proven. Even though I encountered those with Tarkat before, I haven't had symptoms of it."

Danyelle spoke "Wait a minute... Immune... THAT'S IT!! Folks like Arcee and Dialga have stronger immune systems so it's not likely they'd get infected!"

Rei spoke "Mythical and Legendary Pokemon and Poke-Mobians, I can see being immune. But I don't think that'll help."

Danyelle spoke "Arcee rarely comes down sick though."

"...I think Rei's right, we have to risk it." I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "But babies, children and pregnant females have a high risk though..."

The barrier suddenly shatters as the fiery chakat launches hirself at Danyelle, only for Arcee to block the bite with an arm.

Arcee spoke "Rei is right though. If we just leave those infected in barriers like this, then we're no better than the ones who shunned and banished them to the Wastes."

That truth hit Danyelle like a ton o' bricks.

Danyelle spoke "But I refuse to kill a child though..."

Arcee spoke "Then we can use a spell to make sure anyone else doesn't get Tarkat."

Danyelle asks "Would Chaos Reversal reverse the damage that was already inflicted?"

Arcee spoke "I'm afraid not."

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss..."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "Uh guys... gals... We're surrounded..."

Suddenly, Heartless were all around us while having sharp fangs and blades coming out of their arms.

Rei spoke "Oh great, this is the last thing we needed. The Heartless have weaponized Tarkat."

Arcee spoke "Hmm... Fortunately, those Heartless cannot inflict Tarkat."

A black blur slams into a Heartless, causing it to vanish.


The black furred Mobian she-cat was holding a keyblade in each hand as she sliced up the Heartless.

A Heartless attacked Braeburn, knocking him back.

Danyelle yowls "TACHIGAMI! SLICE 'EM UP!!"

A white rat with red markings goes hogwild on the Heartless, ripping them to shreds.

Braeburn seemed to be in pain fer some reason. "Y'all right, Braeburn?"

Braeburn groans "Effects... wearing off... Must... stay in... control...!"

The fiery orange chakat turned hir attention on the heartless before savagely ripping them apart.

Braeburn's mouth suddenly got bigger as his teeth got a whole lot sharper. "Grr... You mess with mah family and friends, y'all won't like what happens next." Braeburn growled at the Heartless before fightin' them.

Zoey spoke "Huh, I had no idea the virus could be used as a strength boost to fight!"

Teermakus spoke "*As his symptoms started showing again* Battle also brings out Tarkat's symptoms, as well as increase their bloodlust."

Braeburn then bit off the head of a Heartless, much to our surprise except Rei and Teermakus.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps we've only been looking at the negative side of the virus..."

Braeburn suddenly grew blades on his front legs and he sliced a group of Heartless to shreds.

Teermakus spoke "Now you see how those with Tarkat fight so fiercely."

Teermakus joined the battle, fighting with his wrist blades as he somehow fired one of 'em at a Heartless as that blade grew back.

The fiery orange chakat grabs a heartless by the neck with hir mouth, using the sabers to stop it from escaping as shi shook it senseless like a ragdoll.

Rei spoke "*Brings out a chain spear* Good thing I have a weapon with me just in case. And now a pinch of Flamethrower. *Breaths fire on the weapon, increasing its strength* Let's go!"

Rei held the chains as he threw the spear at a Heartless before gripping the chains hard.

Rei spoke "GET OVER HERE!!!"

Rei yanked the chains with one pull as the Heartless flew towards him.

Rei spoke "Night Slash!"

Rei then slashed the Heartless with his claws as it vanished in defeat.

Danyelle yowls "FLAME CLAW SLASH!!!"

Two Heartless catch on fire as they run around, causing other Heartless to catch on fire.

Danyelle laughs "HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Twilight spoke "JOSUKE! HELP!!!!"

A voice spoke "DORA!!!"

A Heartless was suddenly punched by the air.

All 19 pieces of Danyelle's Stand, Celestial Gods, suddenly appear before fighting the Heartless.

Soon enough, the Heartless all vanish.

Twilight asks "Is it over?"

Rei spoke "Yep."

Braeburn and the fiery orange chakat suddenly fell to the ground, exhausted.

Crosswind asks "Ya okay Braeburn?"

Braeburn groans "Ugh... So... Tired..."

Teermakus spoke "The first battle is always exhausting for the newly infected."

Maria used Chaos Heal to restore Braeburn's energy back to normal while minding her distance and not touching him directly.

Braeburn spoke "Hoowee, thanks."

Strongheart groans "Ugh..."

Danyelle spoke "That's the Mobian Element of Kindness for ya, she helps others in need."

Braeburn asks "Nice, but is Strongheart okay?"

Danyelle glances over at Strongheart as her eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "She's infected..."

Buffalo horn suddenly grew on Strongheart, but they looked more sharper as her mouth got bigger and her teeth became sharper with her eyes turning slitted and orange.

Maria spoke "Shit! Chaos HEAL!!!"

The virus suddenly recedes on Strongheart.

Strongheart groans "Ugh... What was that?"

Maria spoke "That was my divine skill, Chaos Heal. It was given to me by High Goddess Faust herself to aid those in battle or to heal people back to full strength."

Danyelle spoke "My Chaos Barrier restrains infected folks from lashing out. Plus I also have the strongest Stand in existence, Celestial Gods which is lead by the goddess of the sun Amaterasu."

Twilight spoke "I am rather curious about that Skyros place..."

Rei spoke "We'll have to ask Celestia and Luna about it."

Midnight spoke "Or you could just ask me and Opaline since we're from Skyros too."

Rei spoke "Oh, right. Forgot about that."

Midnight and Opaline combine their magic to show the others what Skyros had looked like long ago.

*Midnight's POV*

I spoke "I was the only oddball in Skyros since others were afraid of me because of who my parents were. Being the only eleven tailed foxpony in existence was hard for me, until I met the love of my life. I constantly followed Opaline around like the lovesick tod I was. *chuckle*"

Twilight giggles "Heehee! I bet Cadence would get a charge out of that."

Danyelle uses sight sharing so Cadence could see as well.

Danyelle spoke "*left eye was a lighter shade of blue* She's seeing the same thing as I'm seeing right now and I can tell that she's laughing."

I... really couldn't help but blush at that.

Opaline spoke "But Midnight and I were rather jealous of Celestia and Luna back then."

Twilight asks "What? Why?"

I spoke "Like I said, I'm not like other ponies... Many called me a demon due to my eleven tails.... And because my father was known as the Nine Tailed Terror..."

Opaline spoke "I was seen as weak."

I spoke "You're not weak Opal."

Opaline spoke "Thanks, sweetie."

I spoke "Being demon sucked though but I lived a long life."

Twilight asks "Where did your parents come from exactly?"

I spoke "My mom was from a village of nekomata-pony demons while my dad was from a village of nine-tailed foxpony demons. They weren't supposed to even meet... I'm the result of their forbidden romance... When I was 10 years old, they told me to run away and never return since the rest of their villages wanted me dead. So I ran as far as my legs could handle. Next then I knew, I had arrived in Skyros."

Rarity spoke "My word!"

I spoke "I kept to myself, disguising myself as a normal alicorn and suppressing my demonic aura as well... I missed my old home but it's no longer around."

Opaline spoke "Midnight was the only one that kept me from going too far down the path of evil. Demon or not, he's the only one for me."

The two soon cancel their magic, returning us all to Appleloosa.

Rei spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss... I forgot to tell Mr Rich that his new wife is a demon..."


Luna Eclipsed

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*Twilight's POV*

Some time after my spazz out, Winter and I soon had new children. Surprisingly enough, the child I had given birth to was a full fledged Mobian cat with the powers of a Cyniclon.

"Wow." I awed in surprise.

Nyx and Akari were rather curious about their adoptive brother.

Dusk asks "What are you gonna name him mom?"

A knock on the door was heard.

Danyelle calls out "Hey Sparkles, you ready yet?"

"Huh? For what?" I asked in confusion.

Danyelle giggles "It's Nightmare Night silly! Plus it's something new for Opaline too since she has never experienced such an event before! Plus Luna is supposed to come by too."

"Oh no!" I realized as I worried about where my Starswirl the Bearded costume was.

Danyelle spoke "About that... I don't think it's a good idea to wear that costume. Last thing we need is a trio of angry sirens..."

"What else am I supposed to wear?" I asked.

Danyelle uses her magic to disguise me as a pony version of Amaterasu.

Danyelle asks "What do you think of this idea?"

"Whoa. Did not see that coming." I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "I left your eyes alone though since the spell doesn't work that way."

Danyelle uses the same spell on her own fur to change it from sky blue to cream colored while the tail tips were turned black.

Danyelle spoke "Bummer, it doesn't work on my wings though."

"It's okay." I said before Pinkie popped up.

Pinkie exclaims "Hey guys! I heard there's a new ride this Nightmare Night!"

The dark blue Mobian kitten started crying.

Pinkie spoke "Oops."

"Shh... Shh... It's okay. It's okay." I soothed the kitten as it calmed down before it started getting sleepy.

Pinkie spoke "Sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "Newborns of any species are more jumpy than children or adults."

Pinkie spoke "Again, sorry about that."

Deep Blue suddenly manifests, scaring the cuss out of Pinkie.

But then Pinkie laughed. "Wow! Good fright, Deep Blue."

Deep Blue chuckles "Not bad for my first Nightmare Night though."

Renee soon knocks on the door despite carrying a tigerwolf boy in her arms.

Renee spoke "Happy Halloween Twilight! Oh sorry, that's a thing back on Mobius."

"Huh, sounds a lot like Nightmare Night here on Equis." I noted.

Seto chuckles "It is, minus the Nightmare Moon part."

"Oh." I said. "Anyway, Pinkie told me about the ride here. That true?"

Renee spoke "Yeah."

Elsa was being held back by a pale blue Pegasus stallion with blue eyes and a white mane since she was pranked by Rainbow.


That nickname definitely pushed Dash’ buttons.

A clawed hand pulls Rainbow back.

Sonic spoke "Cool it Dash, you shouldn't provoke an ice user."

the stallion spoke "Name’s Jack Frost."

Natsu sets Jack's tail on fire.

Elsa spoke "I smell roast Pegasus...."

Jack simply blew on his tail as the flames froze and shattered.

Elsa was giggling.

Asuna snickers "Talk about hot flank, right Rainbow?"

Rainbow spoke "Hehe, yeah. But even flames feel cool for him."

Asuna spoke "So says the hothead that has a crush on Soarin."

Rainbow spoke "Hey!"

Sonic chuckles "Dash, calm down. Besides, we were gonna check out that ride, right?"

Rainbow spoke "Sure thing.

Roll, Blaze and Spitfire gang up on Sonic before dragging the male away.

Tempest spoke "You're on your own Sonic."

Rainbow spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle and I soon arrive with a gaggle of kids following.

Danyelle spoke "Happy Nightmare Night Rainbow."

Rainbow spoke "Happy Nightmare Night, Twi."

I spoke "Likewise Rainbow. Danyelle suggested a different costume for me since my original idea would have angered the sirens..."

Rei showed up in his Hisuian Form. “Hey everyone.”

All of a sudden, the screech of a Galarian Moltres Poké-Mobian was heard just as Princess Luna arrives.

Rei spoke "Talk about timing."

Jazz and her brothers dart over to Luna and hug her.

Luna laughed as she hugged them back.

Moonlight was on her mother's back.

I spoke "Hello Luna."

Minus Danyelle and I, the other Mobians and ponies were afraid of Luna.

Danyelle spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Rei sighs "You're telling me."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... That gives me an idea... Rei, Twilight, I'll need your help with this. Josuke, I'll need Iggy's help too."

Josuke asks "Really?"

Danyelle snickers as she whispers her plan into Josuke's ear.

Josuke spoke "Whoa."

Luna sighs "I suppose we could try this new ride that Jasmine brought here."

The triplets snicker as they drag their great grandma and grand aunt over to the area.

Danyelle and I follow with Nyx and our group of kids.

Danyelle spoke "I just hope Jasmine knows to make the attraction safe for babies."

We soon got to the ride that suddenly had two paths.

Jasmine spoke "Hello! Welcome to the Tunnels of Mystery!"

I ask "One question Jasmine, is this safe for babies?"

Jasmine spoke "One of the tunnels, yes. And I’ll make sure they go that tunnel, with supervision no less."

That made Danyelle and I give a huge sigh of relief as a clone of Jasmine appeared.

I spoke "I'd rather not get an earful from both Momo AND Deep Blue if their son got hurt."

Both Jasmines spoke "Don’t worry, only I know which tunnel is baby-safe, so that no one pulls any funny business."

Luna spoke "Stars above, hearing you and your clone talk at the same time reminds me of the time Celestia and Newlestia pulled that prank on me."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Oh hello!"

Orion and some of the other male 'Twos were helping Jasmine out.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked.

Rainbowtwo spoke "I was just about to ask that!"

I ask "But which is safer for kids though?"

Jasmine clone spoke "Sorry, can't tell."

Jasmine spoke "We don't want anyone to know if they wanna pull some switcheroo tricks with this ride."

A scream was heard from one of the tunnels.

Danyelle growls "I smell blood!"

Alex (Jasmine clone) spoke "Definitely not part of the ride. Looks like the kids will have to stay behind."

Danyelle spoke "S-someone should go take a look..."

Orion was dragging a decapitated body out.

Orion spoke "That Sonic clone killed an Axew... And it's impossible to revive them since the head was devoured..."

Alex investigated the Axew. "Hmm... This definitely isn't Iris, it's a bystander who was at the wrong place at the wrong time."

Iris showed up. "What's going on?!"

Orion spoke "I made a terrible mistake with Sonictwo, he's gone full on cannibal."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Hey, you didn’t know this would happen."

I spoke "But we should be careful. With a cannibal on the loose, no creature is safe until that thing is destroyed."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed, I see no chance of reforming Sonictwo. He's too far gone."

Danyelle sent a warning letter to Zonic as well as Scourge via fire breath, warning them about Sonictwo's behavior.

A bruised Twilight-two collapsed on the ground, her left front leg was completely gone.

Rei spoke "Guess as much as I know, that psycho’s just asking for combat."

Danyelle spoke "Bad idea Rei, he'll rip you apart!"

Rei spoke "Not the first time I’ve been told that, only to come out on top."

Danyelle soon burps up a letter from Zonic.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes narrow* Oh this is BAD!!! Sonictwo has infected a Zone Cop!"

Rei spoke "Just as I thought, we gotta take the fight to him."

Danyelle gives the letter to Rei.

Danyelle spoke "*ears pin back* It's worse than that Rei, Sonictwo's got the tarkat virus! That alone is what's causing him to go berserk!"

Rei asks "Thought that's the case. So what's the plan?"

Danyelle spoke "We only have one option, kill the hedgehog before he kills one of us."

I ask "f someone treated for tarkat got infected again... Would that person die?"

Teermakus spoke "That has never happened before, so I can't provide an answer for that."

Danyelle spoke "Odd... Ever since the virus broke out, I haven't gotten infected once."

A divine voice rings clear as it spoke "The two-tailed cat is correct! She's too important to lose."

A flash of light lit up the night sky as an alabaster alicorn with a scarlet red mane and bright teal eyes appears.

Rei spoke "Saw that coming. Her arrival, not what she said."

Danyelle whacks Rei on the head.

Danyelle spoke "I'm the one with the Dimensional Scream, not you Rei."

Rei spoke "That doesn't mean we can't predict in our heads."

Danyelle was about to retort, but thought about it and said, "Point taken."

I spoke "That still doesn't explain why High Goddess Faust is here."

Faust spoke "It's... A lot to explain."

Danyelle spoke "I was bit by a chakat with the tarkat virus a week ago but I show no signs of the virus at all."

Faust spoke "Well, you're immune to it."

Danyelle spoke "Given that Irene and Rani share my blood, they'd be immune as well."

Faust spoke "Indeed."

But then Rei glared at something in the distance, having sensed something.

Danyelle's eyes shimmer as she uses longsight magic.

Danyelle spoke "Whoever is hiding better come out now before I set them on fire!"

Rei spoke "Well, looks like the fight’s heading right for us."

Passing Rani to Ravenpaw, Danyelle spoke "Gallus and Jasmine, evacuate all of the children and non fighters to the Chuddle Hotel!"

Gallus spoke "Right! All children and non-fighters! Follow me!"

Thanks to Jasmine, the non-fighters were safely evacuated.

Danyelle spoke "Chrysalis! Deploy as many Changelings as you and Mandible can to make sure that none of the houses are destroyed!"

Chrysalis and Mandible nod as they deployed their hives to defend the houses.

Danyelle spoke "Rainbow, go let Soarin and the other 'Bolts know to defend Canterlot!"

Rainbow spoke "Got it!"

Rainbow flew off to Canterlot.

Danyelle spoke "Michiru and Nazuna, keep close to Luna. We can't afford to have her infected!"

The two females nod as they stayed by Luna's side.

Rei brought out a sickle as it looked like liquid shadow was leaking from within it.

Danyelle bared her fangs as she growls.

A blue blur dashed in, revealed to be Sonictwo afflicted with Tarkat.

Danyelle spoke "Since my blood is immune to tarkat, it just might be the cure!"

Michiru spoke "Just like how my blood and Nazuna's blood was the cure for the Nirvasyl Syndrome that affected Beastmen!"

Rei spoke "I don't know about that."

Danyelle spoke "Only way to find out..."

Danyelle charges at Sonictwo, ramming her right arm into the hedgehog's mouth and pounding his head with her left fist thus causing him to bite down on it which caused her blood to flow into his mouth. Soon enough, the virus vanished fully from the hedgehog clone thus curing him 100%.

Sonictwo groans "Ugh... Huh?"

Danyelle used Chaos Heal on her injured arm, sealing the wound shut.

Danyelle spoke "I purged you of the virus in your body since my blood is immune to it."

Sonictwo asks "What's going on? Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "You're in Ponyville."

Sonictwo asks "But how did I...?"

Teermakus spoke "The bloodlust must've taken control of you."

Danyelle spoke "But the only drawback is, my blood can't purge the virus from Equians... Unless... I got it! Maybe we can use some of Sonic's blood mixed with my own! That might work!"

Rei spoke "I'd advise against doing that. That might make things worse."

Danyelle spoke "Cuss... I forgot that Sonic's half immortal on top of being part alicorn and part wolf Beastman..."

Rei spoke "Like I said, more harm than good. Still, we should let Sonictwo rest at a hospital since he's been through enough tonight."

Danyelle spoke "True and since Sonictwo was cloned from Sonic, the clone is also part alicorn and part wolf beastman..."

Danyelle's ears twitch just before an infected Zone Cop shows up.

Danyelle spoke "Oh StarClan no... That's the Zone Cop chief! Zelestia! My blood won't be of any use to purge the virus from her!"

Rei spoke "Oh for the love of... *Equips Latex Gloves* Phantom Force."

Rei vanished before reappearing behind Zelestia as he struck her nerve points, knocking her unconscious.

Newlestia soon pops up after receiving a divine blessing from a different alicorn goddess.

Newlestia spoke "Since the nekomata's blood won't work on a pony, perhaps my blood might work."

Rei asks "Say what now?"

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that Newlestia has the same divine blessing as I do, immunity to all illness. But the only drawback is, her blood can only be used to purge the virus from another immortal."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Danyelle spoke "But for mortal ponies, we'll need one of each of the three kinds with the same divine blessing as I have so that other infected ponies can be cured. As well as a Changeling, an Abyssinian, a buffalo, a hippogriff, a zebra, a gryphon, a chakat, a dragon, a yak and I hate to say this in front of Rarity... a Diamond Dog..."

Rei spoke "That's a lot, but it'll be hard. Might take months or years."

Faust giggles a bit before bursting into laughter.

Faust spoke "Or it can be instantly since I can use my magic to spread the divine blessing that I gave to the sky blue nekomata to all of the Equians."

Rei asks "Well here's the big question; who?"

Faust spoke "You severely underestimate a goddess young Zoroark, I can purify all Equians around the world in a blink of an eye."

With a flick of her horn, High Goddess Faust grants every single Equian that exists the same divine blessing that Danyelle has thus preventing them from contracting the tarkat virus as well as purging it from those that have the virus. Even the Equestrian born Mobians also got the divine blessing too.

Rei spoke "Huh, Strongheart might be feeling a bit lonely."

Danyelle spoke "*left eye was green since she was using sight sharing with Braeburn* Good news! The buffalo and Appleloosian ponies that were infected are fully purged of the virus! *left eye soon changes color to a strong magenta color* And so are the hippogriffs and seaponies that got infected. *left eye was now a brilliant gold* Same with the gryphons."

Blizzardstar spoke "The infected chakats are back to normal!"

Teermakus however, was still afflicted.

Faust spoke "Guess I'll have to go straight to the source and purge it."

High Goddess Faust disappears in a flash of light as she heads straight to Edenia to purge the virus from the residents.

But then Faust suddenly reappeared, in anger. “Not a single trace!”

A white blur shot out from Danyelle's shadow before clonking Faust in the back of the head, calming the goddess down.

Amaterasu spoke "Bark Bark! {Calm down will you? Your anger is scaring the Equians and the Mobians!}"

Faust spoke "*Deep breath in, deep breath out* Sorry."

Danyelle asks "But what about Teermakus?"

I spoke "Danyelle has a point High Goddess, he could infect us again and since Roll and the other Mobians don't have the divine blessing... They're at a higher risk."

Danyelle spoke "If I can purge the virus form Sonictwo easy, I can do the same for my fellow Mobians."

I spoke "I agree and happy Nightmare Night High Goddess Faust."

A big party was soon underway and everyone was having fun.


More Mewtwos?!?

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*Li's POV*

I was pacing about when I felt a presence in my mind.

I think "What was that?"

With a troubled mind, I went to talk to Orion.

I ask "Have you sensed any other 'Twos aside from the ones you already know?"

Orion asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "Even though I'm not a Mewtwo, I've been feeling the presence of one..."

Rei asks "Huh? What’s going on?"

Asuna spoke "Seems the green wolf's been having troubles lately."

A sudden burst of psychic energy pinged in the minds of all of the 'Twos, giving them a headache.

Rei asks "What the?"

I spoke "Hold that thought..."

I dart off through a warp ring with a sword strapped to my back.

*Unknown location on Mobius*

I soon find a laboratory.

Turning around, I noticed that Orion and Rainbowtwo had followed me.

“What’re you two doing here?” I asked.

Rainbowtwo spoke "One wolf alone might not be able to stop the remnants of Team Rocket."

“Team Rocket?” I gasped in shock.

Orion spoke "Even though Twilight killed their boss, there are still rag-tag groups in operation."

A pained voice was heard in my mind. "H-help me...."

I instantly went into the building.

To my shock, a cherry blossom pink Mewtwo was asleep in a tube.

“Is that…?” I wondered in fear.

Orion spoke "She's been trying to connect to you for a while now."

The cherry blossom pink Mewtwo slowly opened her eyes which were a warm chocolate brown instead of the purple eyes that a purebred Mewtwo has.

the Mewtwo asks "{Dan…yelle?}"

I spoke "Uh, I'm a wolf... not a nekomata...."

the Mewtwo asks "{Where…?}"

I break the glass, freeing the Mewtwo.

I spoke "I got you."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Judging by her fur coloring, we could call her Sakura."

I spoke "That sounds like a good name for her."

Orion spoke "Right, but let’s check the place for any more before heading back."

I growl "Team Rocket is the worst..."

Rainbowtwo spoke "We can worry about that later."

I spoke "Right."

Sakura was clinging to my back.

We searched the place.

Sakura spoke "There be another Mewtwo... female..."

“Who?” I asked.

Sakura spoke "Friend...."

“Well, we better find her.” I said.

Sakura reaches out to Nova via telepathy.

Sakura asks "{Nova! Can you hear me?}"

Nova groans "{Ugh… Sakura? That you?}"

Sakura spoke "{Yeah, I'm with a wolf, another 'Two and a Pegasus-Mewtwo hybrid.}"

Nova spoke "{Ugh... Still sleepy...}"

Sakura spoke "{Don't you DARE fall asleep on me now!}"

Nova yawns "{Trying to… stay awake… but containment pod… makes that hard…}"

A sudden rainbow colored shadow ball hits the pod that Nova was in, shattering the glass thus freeing her.

Nova immediately woke up with a gasp. “Whew! Close one! *Notices Orion* Huh?”

Rainbowtwo had her tail wrapped around Orion's tail.

But Nova didn’t notice that at all and went up to him. “Hey there, handsome. Whatchu doin’ later?”

That made Orion nervous, knowing this might not end well.

Rainbowtwo growls "*anger mark on forehead* Excuse me? Orion's my mate."

Nova giggle "Oh really? I don’t see how, Skittles."

…Ohhhh snap.

I slowly back off with Sakura as a warp ring opens up before Rainbow flew out of it, slugging Nova in the face.

Rainbow spoke "DON'T CALL ME SKITTLES!!!"

But then Rainbow Dash, Rainbowtwo and Nova were suddenly in a fight cloud.

Rainbow bites Nova on the tail.

Nova clonks both Rainbow and Rainbowtwo on the head.

Orion spoke "Remind me to not get involved in these situations."

I spoke "Same... since I'm not a Poké-Mobian..."

Sakura asks "Should we work this out when we get outta here?"

I grab my sword and whack the trio of females on the head, stopping the fight.

Unfortunately… it knocked them out cold. “…Oops.”

Orion whacks me on the head.

Orion spoke "Stupid wolf."

“Yeah, I kinda deserved that.” I bashfully admitted.

Sakura giggles.

Sakura spoke "We should get out of here before we get caught."

We immediately took a warp ring and got all of us back to Ponyville.

Another Mewtwo had followed after us.

"Who's there?" I noticed right away.

The timid 'Two hid in a tree.

"Huh? You okay?" I asked in concern.

Orion spoke "She's shy... Oi Jericho! Get your tail over here! We found three more 'Twos, all female!"

Jericho showed up with a shocked face. "Three?!"

Soon enough, Asuna and the rest of the 'Twos show up with shocked looks on their faces.

Serena spoke "I've never seen a 'Two with pink fur before!"

Asuna asks "Alright brother, out with it. Where did you and your mate find these three?"

Orion spoke "A Team Rocket base, but if it's abandoned, we don't know."

Haru spoke "They've been avoiding Ponyville lately since it was where Giovanni was killed... Which is a good thing for us 'Twos."

Myth spoke "As well as for me and Koji."

But then I remembered something, which made me giggle. "Remember how scared Rainbow Dash was on that ride Jasmine showed us on Nightmare Night?"

Asuna spoke "*Giggle* Yeah, and thank Arcee that all of the babies went into the baby-friendly tunnel, because they laughed like they were having so much fun."

Huey spoke "yeah."

*Flashback to Nightmare Night*

*Applejack's POV*

We rode a boat with Jasmine as the babies rode on a different boat with Alex. Soon our boat entered a dark tunnel as we felt the boat going faster.

Jasmine spoke "'Round the world and home again, that's the sailor's way. Faster!"

We felt the boat going more faster.

Jasmine spoke "Faster!"

The boat kept going faster still before strange colors appeared in the tunnel.

Jasmine spoke "Faster!"

Jasmine was facing us, not even bothering to look ahead.

Asuna was on the same boat as the infants along with Werelight.

Opaline spoke "PAY ATTENTION!!!"

Jasmine spoke "You're right. I can't."

But then terrifying and gut-wrenching things appeared in the tunnel, and I knew all of us were scared real good.

Jasmine spoke "*Singing* There's no earthly way of knowing... Which direction we are going... There's no knowing where we're rowing... Or which way the river's flowing... Is it raining? Is it snowing? Is a hurricane a-blowing? BLEH!"

Now that spooked us!

Jasmine spoke "Not a speck of light is showing so the danger must be growing. Are the fires of Hell a-glowing? Is the grizzly reaper mowing? Yes! The danger must be growing for the rowers keep on rowing! And they're certainly not showing! Any signs that they are slowing!"

Jasmine then started shrieking, scaring us a whole ton!

Opaline spoke "Jasmine! This ride went on long enough!"

Jasmine spoke "Definitely right about that, Opal. Stop the boat!"

Then us and the boat were suddenly engulfed in darkness before we found ourselves out of the tunnel, with the boat having stopped.

Jasmine spoke "We're at our last destination. The end of our ride here. All ashore!"

Most of us were dead silent before we laughed heartfully!

Sonic spoke "*Joyfully* That was so scary!"

"Ta some, more than others." I snickered as Werebow Dash was frozen stiff with fear.

Midnight was a large puffball since he was completely terrified.

Pinkie asks "Heehee! You sure you didn't mind me comin' along like this?"

Pinkie was as big as Celestia while looking like she put on a whole lotta pounds, but how-Oh, right. Wereloon.

Jasmine spoke "Not at all, my friend."

We got off the right while helping others get off before the other boat came out of the other tunnel, all smiles all around as the babies giggled.

Asuna spoke "Everything was so adorable in there."

Werelight spoke "Yeah and the kids had a great time."

Alex spoke "See? I told you I knew the way."

Then the two saw Rainbow Dash and Midnight.

Midnight spoke "Sh-shut up Sparkles..."

Tails snickered.

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me drench you Tails."

Midnight's ears twitched at that, suddenly calming him down.

*End flashback*

*Li's POV*

Twilight spoke "Danyelle is obviously hiding a rather big secret."

Danyelle spoke "No I'm not!"

I ask "What do you think Applejack?"

Applejack spoke "Ah agree with you there, Li."

Rei showed up. “Am I missing something here?”

Looking at Rei, I ask "In the length of time you've known Danyelle, has she used anything else aside from fire?"

Rei sighed at that. “Ya won’t stop asking, huh?”

Danyelle teleported away with her kids.

Twilight spoke "Maybe we should talk to Sonic's dad."

I spoke "Agreed."

Winter was busy while cleaning her husband's mansion.

Winter spoke "Hey hun, I was thinking of hiring some of them Mewtwos to help clean the mansion."

Filthy Rich asks "Hmm? Are you certain?"

Winter spoke "Yeah, most of them are just wandering around town with no job."

Silver Spoon soon knocked on the main door.

Filthy Rich spoke "Come in."

Silver Spoon trotted in as a male Ninetales-Mewtwo hybrid about her age follows.

Diamond spoke "Dad! Crystal Rose bit me!"

Filthy Rich sighed at that.

Silver Spoon goes to check on her best friend.

The Ninetales-Mewtwo hybrid asks "What happened?"

Diamond Tiara spoke "My baby sister just bit me!"

The Ninetales-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "That was to be expected of a half demon..."

Silver Spoon gasps "Oh, she is such a cutie!"

Crystal had a half destroyed teething ring in her mouth.

Diamond spoke "Nopony told me that my sister was a half demon...."

Winter spoke "*Nervous chuckle* Yeah, that's my fault."

Filthy Rich spoke "You never told me that you were a demon."

Winter spoke "Yeah, sorry about that."

Filthy Rich spoke "Demon or not, you're still the same mare I learned to love."

Diamond was looking at the hybrid.

Diamond spoke "You're so fluffy."

Winter growls suddenly when she got a telepathic message from one of the unicorn guards stating that Spoiled Rich had escaped and was now on her way back to Ponyville to take back what was hers.

Winter growls "She does NOT know when to quit."

The Ninetales-Mewtwo hybrid led the trio of fillies to a hiding spot.

Winter growls "I'll deal with her, demons like me have a stronger immune system than non-demons would."

Winter darts outside to deal with Spoiled.

Winter snarls "What the fuck do you want Spoiled?"

Spoiled growled with her face covered in shadows. "I am... *Reveals her face, with her eyes and teeth having changed* going to eat you alive!"


Winter attacks Spoiled, clawing the mare's face.

But then Spoiled thrust out a leg as a blade suddenly lunged out of it. Winter was shocked, but dodged the attack.

Winter shot ice at Spoiled's face, inflicting pain to the snobby mare.

Spoiled lunged at Winter with blades extended on her front legs, but Winter dodged them.

Winter roars loud at Spoiled before biting the mare's neck, ripping out the vocal chords.

But then Spoiled chomped down on Winter's shoulder.

Winter drove her claws through Spoiled's chest before slashing the mare's heart with Ice Claw Strike.

But Spoiled just smugly smirked.

Winter rips Spoiled's head clean off the body, killing the mare.

Rei spoke "*Commentating* Fatality. Winter wins."

Winter spoke "Spoiled was an escaped and infected convict. So I had to put her out of her misery."

Rei spoke "Still, you're pretty tough."

Winter spoke "I may not wear the armor like most guards would but I'm as tough as one, given the fact I'm also a demon. And unless the head of the EEA wants to be ripped to shreds, he better come out of hiding,"

…There was nothing.

Rei spoke "Call me crazy, but I don’t think Neighsay would’ve come with Spoiled, since she was an escaped criminal."

Winter spoke "That may be so but Spoiled was also part of the school council. Plus she hated the Mobians too."

Rei spoke "Yeah, but I think Neighsay stopped trusting her when she was put in prison."

Winter spoke "With Spoiled now dead, I don't have to worry about her trying to worm her way back into my family."


Sisterhooves Social

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*Scootaloo's POV*

I was bouncing about in excitement since today was the social.

I spoke "Hey Blue!"

Bluestar asks "Hmm?"

I had a flyer for the Sisterhooves Social in my mouth as my tail wagged happily.

Meanwhile at Rarity's place, Blizzardstar got hir tail stepped on.

Blizzardstar spoke "Rarity, that hurt."

Rarity spoke "Sorry Blizzy. I didn't mean to step on your tail.... Plus I should really talk to my parents..."

Danyelle was up in Canterlot since she had something to discuss with Celestia.

Danyelle spoke "I've been having a strange feeling about Mount Aris."

Celestia spoke "But given your inability to swim... it would be wiser to send Bridget, Rarity and Maria to Mount Aris."

Luna spoke "But sister, the Sisterhooves Social is coming up soon and I would like to take part in that with you!"

Celestia was a bit silent at that, unsure of what to do.

Danyelle spoke "This could be a good opportunity for you two to be better sisters. Plus I heard that a pony was killed..."

Celestia asks "Who?"

Danyelle spoke "According to witnesses, it was a mare named Spoiled Rich, ex-wife of Filthy Rich. Ponies and Mobians have been saying that a guard had killed her."

Luna sighed at that. "Somehow, that does not surprise me."

Danyelle spoke "Spoiled was also infected too so she had to be killed."

Celestia asks "But who did that?"

Danyelle spoke "According to Tails, it was a foxpony. But given that I only know of two foxponies, it could have been one of them."

But then Danyelle's ears twitched. "Actually, I think the guard responsible is on her way here."

Winter was limping since the shoulder that had been bitten was bothering her, plus her bad leg was covered in blood.

Winter spoke "Princess Celestia, I bring news of the escaped prisoner."

Danyelle asks "What happened?"

Winter spoke "Spoiled tried to kill me so I acted out in defense since I have a young daughter that still needs me. And the blood on my bad leg isn't mine."

Despite the injured shoulder, Winter bows down in front of Celestia.

Winter spoke "It pains me to say this but I had to take Spoiled's life because she was infected by tarkat."

Celestia was definitely shocked, but stayed calm.

Danyelle spoke "I saw this one coming..."

Winter spoke "Please Princess, I don't want to lose my job."

Celestia spoke "Winter, I understand what needed to be done. But since this might have taken a toll on you, may I suggest a break for a day or two."

Danyelle spoke "About that princess, demons heal faster than normal folks do."

Winter spoke "Yeah, should be one to two hours."

Danyelle spoke "I've already told Goku about what happened."

Rei appeared. "Let me guess, he shrugged it off and said , 'Okay'?"

Danyelle spoke "Eyup... Spoiled had a zero percent chance of being reformed since she was infected."

Rei spoke "Saw that coming, and I thought you should know, Jennifer and Jessika are entering the Sisterhooves Social."

Danyelle asks "But don't they have kids to look after?"

Rei spoke "I'll be looking after them. Later."

Rei then dashed off.

Danyelle shook her head in disbelief.

Danyelle spoke "If only he knew how much damage a babytwo can cause..."

Rani pokes her head out of the backpack, causing Celestia and Luna to gush over the baby Mew.

Rei shouts "*From a distance* I heard that!"

The four females giggle.

*Meanwhile, at the Sisterhooves Social*

"Are you excited?!" I asked Bluestar.

Bluestar spoke "Totally! And I think mom had encouraged the Celestial Sisters to take part."

"Really?" I gasped.

Danyelle spoke "Sure did kiddo."

But then we saw Jennifer and Jessika entering.

Celestia giggles "We've got this, right Luna?"

Luna giggles "Even so, this looks to be a tough competition."

Much to the surprise of the Crusaders, Diamond Tiara shows up with her baby sister.

Diamond spoke "H-Hi."

Applebloom spoke "Sorry to hear what happened to your mom though Diamond..."

Diamond was a little quiet at that.

Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and I hug Diamond.

Diamond broke down into a crying mess.

Rarity asks "Is she alright?"

Danyelle spoke "From what I know, Spoiled Rich was infected by tarkat so Winter Frost had to stop the mare..."

Applejack spoke "Dang..."

Danyelle spoke "Any of the Mobians or Poké-Mobians would have done the same thing... Plus I saw no chance of redemption for Spoiled anyway."

Lillian spoke "Agreed..."

But then a green mare with black mane and tail, having a basilisk as her cutie mark appeared with a blue mare that had black mane and tail, with her cutie mark being a skink.

The green mare asks "What's happening?"

A loud bang followed by Pierce's scream was heard since Dren had pranked the Mobian sheep with TNT.

Danyelle asks "Who are you two?"

The green mare spoke "Oh, my name is Basilisk, and this is my sister, Skink."

Bluestar spoke "Not very creative names..."

Basilisk spoke "*Quietly to her sister and herself* You can thank a friend of ours for that."

Danyelle spoke "I heard what you said."

Skink asks "How?"

Danyelle spoke "I've got keen ears."

But it looked like the competition was gonna start in a minute.

Danyelle spoke "I'm surprised with you Rarity, you normally don't enter these sorts of events."

Rarity spoke "Well…"

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps you should follow Celestia's example of how to be a good sister."

Rarity spoke "O-Okay..."

Danyelle spoke "Sonia and I bicker at times but we're still sisters."

Danyelle's left ear twitches since she heard Adagio and Aria bickering.

Lillian spoke "*sweatdrop* Case in point..."

Rarity spoke "Not going to argue with that."

Danyelle spoke "Siblings argue at times but they forgive each other. Not long ago, I kicked Manic through a wall since he scared me with a balloon..."

Soon, we got ready for the contest to start.

To my surprise, Sonata and both of her sisters had entered as well since the three of them were in Mobian hedgehog forms.

Then we got racing!

Danyelle kept her speed the same as the others since she was one of the fastest.

We soon got to the pie-eating part.

Adagio and Danyelle down a whole pie each before moving on.

Some of the other duos ate the whole pies real fast too, including me and Bluestar.

Danyelle balances a chicken egg on her head before setting it into the basket as she and Adagio headed for the finish line, tying for first place with Celestia and Luna.

"Whoa! She's good." I noticed. was heard before a Mewtwo as black as night flew overhead.

Luna asks "What was that?"

Celestia spoke "I'm not sure."

Danyelle spoke "That sounded like a Night Fury but not a purebred one."


Back to Mount Aris

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*Rarity’s POV*

Princess Celestia called me here for something.

Maria asks "Yeah but what?"

Bridget spoke "I think we’ll find out when we get there."

I spoke "Too bad we couldn't drag Sonic along, you know how he is with water though."

Maria spoke "Something’s telling me we won’t be alone."

The Suicune-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "Even though that nekomata killed off that Storm King jerk, there's still the army to deal with..."

"Goodness!" I gasped in surprise.

Maria spoke "I do remember Alto pinning down a unicorn with a broken horn."

The Suicune-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "I'm sensing one to three presences here."

Maria spoke "I'm no Danyelle but I can sense it too."

Then we saw that unicorn mare with a broken horn approached us.

Maria spoke "Fizzlepop..."

Maria teleported before reappearing with Finn, causing Fizzlepop to blush.

"Oh? Something that caught your eye?" I smirked.

Fizzlepop spoke "sh-shut up..."

Maria, Bridget and I giggled at that.

Maria giggles "Something tells me that Cadence is throwing a hissy fit."

Bridget spoke "Let’s just hope her knight in shining armor can calm her down."

Maria spoke "Agreed."

The Suicune-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "Oh, by the way, my name is Purity."

I spoke "Oh right, Suicune are known to purify tainted water so the name fits."

Purity spoke "Heehee, thanks. But still, I’m sensing two other presences, even though I can's see them."

We looked around, yet we couldn't see even a bit of them.

I spoke "I don't see anyone."

Purity spoke "I’m not sensing magic, but I feel like the two presences are invisible."

Asuna pops up with Huey in tow.

Asuna spoke "I sensed it too, there's more 'Twos."

Purity spoke "Not from how I'm sensing it, it feels like they're not from Mobius or Equis."

Huey spoke "Whatever it is... They might be dangerous..."

I spoke "*Ears twitching* Hmm… Why do I feel like I’ve met those two before? *Notices a hidden brush of grass rustling* They seem to be over there."

Twilight pops up with Honeystar.

Twilight spoke "Careful Rarity, we don't know if they're friend or foe."

Honeystar spoke "<Whoever is hiding should show themselves lest they get the Roar.>"

But then we heard rustling as we saw two mares suddenly appeared out of thin air, like a chameleon, as I realized that those were Basilisk and Skink from the Sisterhooves Social. But last I saw, they were Earth ponies, and they still are.

Honeystar asks "<Who are you two?>"

Basilisk spoke "Since you saw through our invisibility, I suppose my sister and I should come clean about us."

Honeystar asks "<You're not really ponies, are you?>"

Skink spoke "Yes, but my sister and I can only shift between this and our natural form, which was somehow altered when we somehow stumbled into this world."

Basilisk and Skink suddenly turned into dragons, with Basilisk being light green with green eyes, and Skink being light teal with blue eyes.

Honeystar spoke "<I'm the only one of my kind around here since I lost control of my spaceship and crash landed here. And please, don't touch my tail. I'd rather keep the blade ready for combat.>"

Basilisk spoke "My real name is Kiri, and this is my sister, Ankha."

Honeystar spoke "<I'm Honeystar-Ferria-Clement but I normally go by Honeystar since it's easier for the ponies.>"

Twilight spoke "I'm Twilight Sparkle, Deep Lilac when in battle."

Kiri spoke "We may look like dragons here, but Ankha and I are actually Zaterrans, but none can shapeshift except the two of us."

Honeystar spoke "<I'm a Chakat-Andalite hybrid and currently the only one on Equis.>"

Twilight spoke "Shapeshift huh? That reminds me of the Changelings."

But then Ankha spat some kind of green liquid at something before it was revealed to be a Heartless before it suddenly melted.

Twilight spoke "What the?! That looked like... acid."

Asuna spoke "Watch where you spit! You nearly hit Huey."

Coal was on Twilight's back since he was about the same size as Huey.

Ankha spoke "Sorry about that."

Twilight spoke "I'm so not looking forward to the day Coal starts school... Given that he's about 5 years old mentally."

"Anywho, let's get going to Mount Aris." I insisted.

Asuna spoke "Right."

Maria teleported all of us to Mount Aris as we soon met up with Queen Novo and Princess Skystar.

Honeystar spoke "<Uh, hi.>"

Queen Novo spoke "I see you've arrived. My daughter found something, as I have a feeling it has a connection with Mount Aris."

Coal mewls.

Twilight spoke "I do apologize for any bad history between you and Fizzlepop but by Danyelle's word, the unicorn is trying to be a better pony."

Queen Novo spoke "I warn you, that may be hard to earn."

Skystar spoke "I trust her."

Fizzlepop spoke "I'm trying my hardest to be a better pony."

Queen Novo spoke "Again, that may be more difficult than you expect."

Fizzlepop spoke "I know you don't trust me because of what I had done in the past but I'm not that mare anymore. Broken horn or not, I'm learning to be a better pony."

Queen Novo just sighed and kept moving.

Skystar spoke "Come on; let’s go see what I found."

Barring Honeystar, the others and I follow Skystar.

We soon arrived and what saw what appears to be a portal gateway, but it was deactivated and broken down.

Asuna asks "What happened to this portal?"

Queen Novo spoke "It must’ve been abandoned after thousands of years ago."

Asuna spoke "Taking Midnight's age into account... My guess would be that it was an old portal that was once connected to Mobius about ten thousand years ago."

Purity spoke "I don’t know, I feel like this portal is to a whole new realm."

Asuna asks "But what if it's a portal to the OC-verse?"

Twilight spoke "I think I heard Chameleo mention it one time..."

Maria spoke "We don’t know where this portal goes to though."

Something about the portal was somewhat familiar to Coal.

Purity spoke "I have a feeling there’s more than one here."

But when we looked to our right, there was another portal gateway in the same condition that the other one was in!

Danyelle pops up suddenly with Rani in the backpack.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps I can be of help."

Twilight asks "You sure?"

Danyelle spoke "Of course Sparkle Butt."

Asuna, Huey, Coal, Rani and Purity snicker at what Danyelle had called Twilight.

Twilight spoke "Grr... we'll see, Cat Flank."

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me burn your Smarty Pants doll."

Twilight screams "NO!!!"

To Danyelle and I, the scream sounded a lot like a roar.

Danyelle spoke "*ears flatten* Ow! Watch where you aim that roar Twilight!"

"Please do try to keep it down." I requested.

Asuna was shaking the water off her fur, causing it to slightly poof up.

Some of us stifled snickers.

Asuna grabs Twilight with Psychic, flinging the alicorn into the water.

Twilight spoke "I didn’t even snicker!"

Within Twilight's mind, Momo and Deep Blue were laughing.

Asuna spoke "Consider that payback for sending me flying with your Roar."

Twilight spoke "Fine."

Twilight shook the water off her body, causing it to become very poofy.

Asuna giggled at that.

Twilight spoke "You're one to talk Ms Sweet Tooth!"

Asuna asks "…Excuse me?"

Twilight spoke "You're as bad as Celestia is when it comes to sweets!"

Oh dear…

Danyelle spoke "*Whispers to me* I’ll check the portal gateways."

Twilight and Asuna were soon in a playful fight cloud.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm… One of them goes to a place what looks like Coal’s homeworld, and the other goes to a place called Sun Do."

Huey asks "Would this mean Coal would be going home?"

Danyelle spoke "I think that’s for Coal to decide."

Coal mewls sadly.

“Hmm, sounds like Coal wants to stay with us?” I guessed.

Coal happily mewls while his tail wags excitedly.

Asuna was back in the water.

Twilight spoke "I'm glad to hear."

“What happened?” I asked.

Coal spoke "No go back!"

Twilight hugs Coal close as a few tears fall from her eyes.

Coal hugged Twilight back.

Danyelle spoke "Anyway, a visit won’t hurt, so let’s try to restore these gateways."

Twilight spoke "I don't think opening either is a good idea.... I heard from Indigo that a crazed demon has taken control of Coal's homeworld..."

That made Coal concerned.

Twilight spoke "We should get the rest of the 'Twos here before we even think of facing that thing."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Maria teleported back to Ponyville to alert Indigo and the rest of the 'Twos.

Orion spoke "I'll gather the other 'Twos."

Maria spoke "Thank you."

Indigo was tussling with Ash.

Maria could not help but giggle.

Delia spoke "Boys will be boys..."

Mamoru was talking with Diamond.

Diamond asks "Hmm?"

Mamoru spoke "*trying to hide a blush* I... really like you Diamond... But given that I'm a Poké-Mobian, I might be genetically incompatible with you later on..."

But then Diamond tackled Mamoru with a hug. "*Voice breaking* Do you think I care about that? I still wanna try when we can, you idiot."

Mamoru uses his tails to tickle Diamond, making her squeal.

Then Diamond used her tail to tickle Mamoru, making him laugh.

Mamoru chuckles "I have the tail advantage though."

The two then started tussling.

Mamoru pins Diamond down.

Mamoru spoke "Pinned ya."

The two tussled again before Diamond pinned Mamoru. “Pinned ya back.”

Mamoru licks Diamond on the cheek.

Diamond was really flustered at that.

Mamoru asks "But would your dad approve of me?"

Diamond asks "Have you seen how he accepted my new mom?"

Mamoru asks "Even though she's a demon?"

Diamond spoke "Yeah."

Zoey was chasing after Pigment since the muddy babytwo had gotten away from her.

Zoey spoke "Get back here!"

Pigment spoke "Wadala! No want bath!"

Mamoru chuckles "My mom had the same problem with me when I was that age."

Diamond asks "Really?"

Mamoru spoke "Yeah but I don't think you met my parents yet."

Diamond asks "Who are they?"

Mamoru spoke "My mom's a hybrid like me and my dad's a Ninetales."

Diamond spoke "Woah..."

A male Ninetales and a female Ninetales-Mewtwo walk over to the two children.

Mamoru spoke "Meet my parents, Robbie and Alyssa."

Alyssa's right eye was blind plus a scar ran across it.

Diamond got nervous.

Mamoru spoke "My dad's got a relaxed nature, my mom has a bold nature despite her blind eye."

Rei showed up. “It’s true what they say: Clear your mind, and even flames feel cool.”

Robbie chuckles "Funny fox!"

Rei spoke "Hehe, good to see you too."

Alyssa spoke "That wasn't funny..."

Miyuki spoke "It’s just a saying, Alyssa."

Mamoru spoke "Cool it Ice Queen, my mom's half blind."

Miyuki seemed a bit angered at that before Rei calmed her down.

Rei spoke "He's just a kid Mimi but he is right, you're my Ice Queen."

Miyuki spoke "Oh, Rei-Rei…"

Pigment spoke "WADALA!!!"

Jericho spoke "Sounds like that's the signal for the 'Twos to meet up with Asuna at Mount Aris."

Rei asks "Huh?"

Indigo spoke "Pig's just being a weirdo."

Rei spoke "Easy there."

Zoey spoke "She may be a weirdo but I wouldn't want her any other way."

Rei spoke "Cool."

Zoey spoke "Regardless, the 'Twos and I should head for Mount Aris."

To be Continued...

Trouble in Gravity Falls

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*Indigo's POV*

Shortly after the other 'Twos and I arrived at Mount Aris, I lead the group over to where Asuna and Twilight was.

I ask "So, what are we dealing with?"

Twilight spoke "I don't know but I don't think we can get Discord involved..."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed..."

“Why?” I asked in confusion.

Ears pin back, Danyelle spoke "Bill isn't easy to defeat and he's a LOT stronger and more chaotic than Discord."

“Hold on, is this dimension somehow connected to Earth?” I asked.

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter from Master Hand, stating that she and all of the Mewtwos had to go to Gravity Falls to stop Bill.

SSB Mewtwo soon arrives but due to the amount of Mewtwos that were around Danyelle, SSB Mewtwo faints from shock.

Danyelle spoke "Wake up, Mewtwo."

An Ampharos-Mewtwo asks "Should I shock him?"

Danyelle spoke "I’ll try to wake him up first."

The Ampharos-Mewtwo hybrid shocks SSB Mewtwo a little.

It didn't work.

Danyelle spoke "Purity, SOAK HIM!"

Purity spoke "Understood."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Guess the amount of Mewtwos was just too much for him to handle."

Danyelle asks "You guess?"

Orion spoke "Cut her some slack will you fuzzball? Rainbowtwo didn't know."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Danytwo soon pops up thus scaring the crap out of all the 'Twos along with Twilight, Zoey and Danyelle.

Danytwo laughs "Got ya!"

I was a total fluffball since I was the most scared.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake! You scared the lot of us!"

Danytwo spoke "Gotta admit, that was good."

Danyelle spoke "I could have roasted your sorry tails."

Danytwo asks "I’m half you, remember?"

Danyelle spoke "It's bad enough I have air, earth and water powers alongside my fire powers... *mumble* stupid lesbian..."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion as that caught me off guard.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake.... It's the gender ratio of mares to stallions...."

“Oh.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "Know what I heard? Danytwo's been following Sonia around lately..."

That definitely caught me off guard.

Twilight asks "What's your beef fluffball?"

Asuna spoke "We should get going before that thing decides to take over this world next."

“Right.” I agreed.

Danyelle spoke "Someone should stay behind with the younger 'Twos."

Zoey spoke "I'll stay behind."

Danyelle asks "You sure?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah, Pigment's not ready to fight yet and I know the other young 'Twos aren't ready for battle."

A demonic laugh was heard, setting all of the 'Twos on edge.


Danyelle spoke "Something tells me we've got our loyal Mewtwo already...."

But then a demon appeared.

Zoey hid with the children.

I growl "I may be a Scaredy Skitty but I won't let you hurt my brother OR MY FRIENDS!!!"

The Element of Magic manifests as a bracelet on my right wrist.

Orion spoke "I'm not backing down!"

The Element of Honesty manifests as a bracelet on Orion's left wrist.

Asuna growls "I won't let a bastard like you hurt my family!"

The Element of Kindness manifests as a bracelet on Asuna's right wrist.

Ash growls "You might have hurt me once before but I won't let it happen again!"

The Element of Loyalty manifests as a bracelet on Ash's left wrist.

Haru growls as the Element of Generosity manifests as a bracelet on her right wrist.

Akane howls as the Element of Laughter manifests as a bracelet on her left wrist.

Bill laughs "Hahaha! Don’t you get it? Those silly jewels won’t work on me!"

Danyelle spoke "One set might not but THREE SETS CAN!!!"

Danyelle lets out a loud yowl, warning the rest of the Mane Six and the Mobian bearers.

Werelight snarls "There's FOURTY of us and ONLY ONE OF YOU!!!"

Bill just yawned at that. “Didn’t I tell you? They won’t work. And I add, no matter how many of them you use.”

But suddenly, a force of nature far stronger than Bill strips the demon's power away.

Danyelle spoke "You picked the wrong cat to mess with..."

But then a sandstorm suddenly surrounded us, including Bill.

Eyes glowing white, Danyelle used all four of her elemental powers to strike Bill down.

Bill was knocked to the ground before he stood up as the sandstorm turned into a sand tornado when a earth pony stallion like Big Mac suddenly materialized, with a dark coat of fur, a black tail, no mane, glowing blue eyes, some kind of energy present on his chest and back. He then grabbed Bill and grind his left side against the sand tornado, which removed his left side of the demon’s body, before the stallion slammed Bill overhead into the ground with one hoof, destroying the upper body while leaving only his upside-down legs and lower half behind as both legs twitched a bit before they became dead-still.

But all of a sudden, the mystery stallion was sent flying far away since Bill was fully pissed off!

Asuna spoke "Oh..."

Werelight spoke "Fudged..."

Sonic spoke "up...."

Rarity "cracked..."

Renee spoke "Knives..."

The stallion was gravely injured, but then he suddenly healed back to full power and health.

Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Shit! He's got insane regeneration! But everything has a weakness!"

Avatar Mode Danyelle slashes Bill's eye with fiery claws, blinding the demon permanently.

Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "It's OVER Bill! You lost this time!"

Avatar Mode Danyelle punches Bill hard, causing the demon to be erased from existence forever.

Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Good riddance!"

A stallion spoke "Well done, Danyelle."

That voice sounded familiar to Avatar Mode Danyelle.

Avatar Mode Danyelle asks "Do I know you?"

The stallion spoke "Indeed."

Avatar Mode Danyelle tried to remember when it hit her. “Geras?”

Geras spoke "Yes. I saw Bill Cipher and knew he was a danger to all the realms. So I thought I was required to intervene, but it seemed you have already won. As for why I am like this, it is because Equis is one of the realms that alters the forms of visitors.

Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Barring natural born Mobians, anyone who crosses into Equis is turned into something native to the world. Lillian was a rare case though."

Shirou spoke "Due to my immortality, I went from wolf beastman to alicorn."

Sonia spoke "My brothers and I are half hedgewolf half alicorn."


Asuna Versus Celestia! Cake Competition!

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*Asuna's POV*

I was up in Canterlot with Huey since Celestia had the gall to challenge me to a sweets competition.

Huey asks "You sure about this mom?"

“Absolutely. No holds barred, which means anything goes.” I smirked.

Huey spoke "Too bad Uncle Face doesn't like sweets."

I snicker "Yeah."

Orion spoke "*Teleports in* I heard that, Asuna."

Huey spoke "Uncle Face!"

I spoke "I still can't believe Twilight bit me back at Mount Aris..."

Orion spoke "I won’t say you did not deserve it."

I groan "Stuff a Tamato Berry in it brother."

Danytwo was at the local ramen shop since she was having her lunch.

Danytwo spoke "Tasty!"

I spoke "I swear, she reminds me of Danyelle..."

Danyelle pops up suddenly with Rani and Irene in tow.

Danyelle asks "Did some 'Two call me?"

I pointed to the ‘Two eating ramen.

Huey spoke "Oh... Uncle Face is in trouble now!"

After passing Irene and Rani over to me, Danyelle pounces on Orion before tickling him relentlessly.

Orion was trying his hardest to cover his mouth.

Danyelle tickles the bottom of Orion's feet.

Orion found himself struggling.

Danyelle aims the tips of her tails at Orion's armpits, tickling him there.

Orion was almost at the edge.

Danyelle uses her wings to tickle Orion's sides.

Orion now needed just one more little push.

Danyelle snickers "Don't make me call Rainbowtwo here~!"

Orion then burst out in laughter.

Danyelle giggles "Gotcha!"

Heehee, well, this is gonna be fun either way.

*Celestia's POV*

Asuna challenged me to a no holds barred anything goes sweets competition? Oh, this is gonna be fun!

Luna spoke "Calm yourself, sister."

I spoke "I'm not letting her get the better of me when it comes to cakes."

Luna spoke "But you might get carried away, and then again, so might Asuna, since this is all-out."

I spoke "Then there's Jasmine..."

Luna spoke "You accepted the challenge, which was no holds barred and anything goes."

*Sigh* My sister had a point, I can’t go back now.

Asuna spoke "Hey Sunbutt! I'm here for the challenge!"

Pyre spoke "I was rather shocked when Zoey's alicorn powers manifested."

Shirou spoke "That nekomata-Mewtwo hybrid's a total weirdo."

Luna asks "Danytwo?"

Shirou spoke "Yeah, she's been following Sonia around lately..."

“Now that would intrigue Cadence.” I smirked.

Shirou spoke "Yeah, given that mares rule the roost since there are more of them than stallions."

Pyre asks "Anyhow, are you ready, Celly?"

I spoke "Yeah."

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Wow! This contest is gonna be awesome to watch! Celestia and Asuna showed up.

Indigo spoke "Every 'Two was talking about it since they heard the news."

Pinkie asks "Hey, wanna know what I heard?"

Indigo's tail had fully fluffed up in surprise.

Indigo spoke "For the love of Arcee, DON'T sneak up on me like that pink one! AND QUIT LAUGHING AT ME ASH!!!"

Ash snickers "Sorry, it’s just too good."

Serena pulls Ash's right ear.

Serena spoke "You shouldn't be picking on your brother like that Ash."

Ash spoke "*right ear in pain* Okay! Okay! Calm down!"

Serena spoke "Scaredy Skitty or not, he's still your brother."

Sonia spoke "Grandma!"

Luna showed up.

To Luna's surprise, a pair of wings were growing out from Sonia's back.

Luna asks "Sonia? What happened?"

Sonia spoke "No idea, I woke up with them growing out of my back."

Jasmine showed up. “Alright! Both competitors ready?”

Asuna spoke "Ready!"

Celestia spoke "Same!"

Shirou howls to indicate the competition has begun.

Asuna chows down on several cakes.

Celestia was doing the same as both contestants were neck and neck, while totally unaware of their slowly growing barrels.

Twilight spoke "For such a kind 'Two, she's got a bottomless stomach..."

Luna spoke "I wouldn’t underestimate my sister, Twilight, since alicorns can have large appetite at times."

Sonia spoke "According to Sonic, Kirby's worse."

Twilight snickers "Yeah, that guy's a literal black hole when it comes to food."

Rei asks "And can ya believe that Dedede tries to match him?"

Adagio spoke "Some folks just don't have limits though..."

Celestia and Asuna kept eating, not even caring that they’re 1,000 pounds now.

Danyelle spoke "Let's just hope Newlestia doesn't enter..."

Twilight and I facehoofed at that.

Huey spoke "Go mama!"

The two contestants kept ravenously eating as they were now 10,000 pounds as Asuna's clothing stretched along with her body without damage, which was definitely a relief.

Jasmine spoke "Just a precaution since there’s kids and males here."

Twilight spoke "Chakats too."

Jasmine spoke "I think Chakats are okay."

Twilight spoke "Rarity had a fit trying to make clothes for the Black Arm refugees."

I winced at that as Celestia and Asuna kept eating, now at 100,000 pounds!

Shirou howls once more, indicating the contest was done.

Suddenly, the floor under Celestia cracks thus causing her to fall.

But then the floor under Asuna cracked too, causing her to fall as well.

Jasmine spoke "*Facepalm!* The floor! Oh, I knew I forgot to modify something!"

Asuna over exerts her Psychic to hold herself up.

Danyelle wingslaps Jasmine on the back of the head.

Celestia was over exerting her levitation spell to hold herself up too.

Asuna spoke "I can *urp* hold out longer than you can Sunbutt..."

Celestia spoke "No way, *belch* I'll stay up longer than you without my wings Catflank..."

Celestia's wings were definitely bigger now, definitely able to lift her, but now it was to see who's brain can hold out longer. After a minute, we could definitely see a bead of sweat on both Celestia and Asuna's heads.

Celestia taunts "What's wrong Asuna? Feeling winded?"

Asuna spoke "Not a chance! Plus I know for a fact that a smack to the horn can cancel out your magic."

Neither of them could notice or hear it, but Asuna and Celestia's stomachs started rumbling as the alicorn winced at that, knowing that was true.

Celestia counters "Oh yeah? The same can be said for a smack to the head being able to cancel out psychic-type moves, especially Psychic!"

Asuna winced, knowing Celestia had a point at that.

Twilight spoke "*sweatdrop* Celestia, you do realize you insulted Danyelle and all of the Mewtwos with what you said."

Suddenly, Indigo was bloated as he was about the same weight as Asuna.

Indigo spoke "JASMINE!!! YOU *****!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME??? I CAN'T MOVE!!!"

Jasmine spoke "*Genuinely surprised* What the?! This wasn’t supposed to happen. What’s going on? Wait a second…"

Celestia and Asuna didn’t hear them, but we heard the two competitors’ stomachs rumble louder.

Twilight roars "HIT THE DECK!!!"

The other 'Twos all scatter before Celestia and Asuna let out a loud belch.

Celestia asks "Heh, still going?"

Asuna asks "Not done either, huh?"

Now an hour passed with Celestia and Asuna's whole bodies sweating up a storm.

Jasmine spoke "Whoa, I didn't expect the contest to go on this long."

Shirou whacks Jasmine.

Shirou spoke "Did you not hear my howl? That was a signal to end the competition."

Jasmine spoke "I know, but Celestia and Asuna clearly don't wanna stop until one of them runs out. And no one interferes. I just wanna make sure this ends fairly."

But then Celestia and Asuna started blushing red before their entire bodies started blushing as their stomachs started gurgling incredibly loudly while their bellies actually jiggled a ton from the inside growling.

Jasmine spoke "Uh... And I think it'll end soon."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, which I think did something to the castle, but none of us could see anything that changed.

Jasmine spoke "I think everyone in the castle should evacuate."

That made most of us confused.

Danyelle spoke "The 'Twos minus Indigo already bolted... Which caused all the castle staff to flee as well."

Jasmine spoke "Well, I figured out what's going on now. The effort the two are putting into keeping themselves are building up something inside them, and if it bursts out an exit, my magic might go a bit bonkers, which explains why Indigo is like that now. I modified the entire castle to hold that energy in and neutralize it when all of that energy bursts out, but with how Celestia and Asuna are looking, all that energy building up in them might burst out of all exits. Fortunately, it won't make any new exits, but we should get outta here."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as all of us were outside the castle while Celestia and Asuna were still in the castle before Jasmine made a one-way window to show us what was going on.

Celestia groans "Ooh... Why do I feel so good...?"

Asuna spoke "Aah... For some reason, I do too..."

The two contestants were moaning up a storm before they simultaneously let out planet-rumbling burps and farts all at once, cracking the window, making it go static and silent before Jasmine keep sensing before we felt the ground shake.

Jasmine spoke "Well, time to help clean up."

Jasmine teleported into the castle before teleporting back with a couple dozens of gallon containers.

Jasmine spoke "I wore a hazmat suit while in there, and I made sure that everything's back under control."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, reverting Indigo back to normal, much to his relief.

Jasmine spoke "But Celestia and Asuna are a different story."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, teleporting us to Celestia and Asuna, who were on their backs and both still 100,000 pounds, but they didn't seem to mind at all.

Celestia and Asuna ask "Who... *Pant* won...?"

Jasmine spoke "When I looked back, I thought it would be a straight tie at first, but it turned out by the SMALLEST millimeter higher, Asuna won the competition."

The two of them definitely looked surprised before they started laughing without a care as their whole bodies jiggled.

Danyelle spoke "I'm planning to host a Nightmare Night party here in the castle on the 31st."

Luna asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Luna spoke "Yes!"

Jasmine snapped her fingers, but nothing happened. "*Sigh* I was afraid this would happen."

Amaterasu appears suddenly before growling.

Danyelle spoke "Something's not right...."

But then Amaterasu stopped growling before shaking her head in confusion, leaving Danyelle confused before turning towards Jasmine.

Danyelle growls "What gives Jas?"

Jasmine spoke "Why does this happen when my magic goes beyond control at the most inopportune times? I should be glad for all of existence lucky that it's only temporary."

Danyelle spoke "I've been exposed to magic since I was a month old, perhaps that's why I became the Mobian Element of Magic..."

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, but thanks to my magic going bonkers, nothing can be done about Celestia and Asuna for a week."

That left us shocked.

Jasmine spoke "But once a week has passed by, I'll get those two back to normal."

Asuna asks "Stuck like this for a week, huh?"

Celestia spoke "That isn't much of a problem at all."

Asuna asks "We could do this contest again sometime, Celly. Next month?"

Celestia giggles "I don't see why not, and maybe we could have some friends join us as well."

The two giggled at that before they fist-bumped/hoof-bumped.

Danyelle sneezes loudly, restoring Asuna and Celestia back to normal.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Jas... Dust allergy."

Jasmine's jaw literally dropped to the floor in total confusion. "I don't know how you did that, but as much as I want to, I'm not gonna question it. And that's a lot coming from a draconequus."

Danyelle spoke "Side effect of my Mew blood and my magic, weird things can happen."

Danyelle gave out a light fiery burp before Celestia and Asuna were back to how they were before her sneeze.

Danyelle spoke "*Bead of sweat* Oops."

Jasmine comically fell onto her back at that. "Guess it really is for a week then."

Danyelle spoke "*Apologetic smile with closed eyes* Yeah, sorry about that. I had ramen earlier, and I guess I still have a little gas from."

Celestia and Asuna spoke "*Calmly smiling* No problem."

Huey was hiding behind a vase.

A scroll had appeared due to the burp.

Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle's eyes shrink in shock.

Danyelle spoke "Oh sugar honey iced tea! All Mewtwos! FOLLOW ME!!!"

Danyelle immediately took flight after using her magic to transfer Asuna's extra weight to Jasmine.

Asuna and the other 'Twos follow Danyelle.

Much to the shock of the group, all of Ponyville was missing.

Twilight calls out Spike's name but got no response.

"What the hay is going on?!" I growled.

Danyelle spoke "I don't know what just..."

Danyelle's eyes flash white as she got a vision from StarClan.

Danyelle spoke "I hate to say this but we have to go to Edolas..."


Trouble in Edolas

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*Twilight's POV*

Orion had gone into the Everfree Forest to get Zecora.

I was pacing back and forth since I was worried about Nyx, Akari and the dark blue kitten.

Brad showed up. "What in the?! What's going on here?!"

Danyelle explained everything to the Shaymin.

Brad spoke "Oh man! This is bad!"

Sonia spoke "I agree."

Brad started panicking, and he was terrified.

Danyelle wingslaps Brad upside the back of the head.

Brad spoke "Thanks. I needed that."

Danyelle spoke "I slap Knuckles a lot since he's as dense as Ash is..."

Ash spoke "Hey!"

Serena spoke "It’s true."

Ash whines "Serena...."

Danyelle asks "You want some cheese with that whine Ash?"

Indigo and the others laugh.

Indigo chuckles "She got you good bro."

Brad spoke "Still… If the Poké-Mobians are where they think they are, then their powers might be a bit weakened."

I spoke "We don't have all of the element bearers either since most of them are currently missing."

Zoey pops up with Pigment, Coal and the Nightlight trio in tow.

Coal spoke "Mama!"

Zoey spoke "Good thing I took shelter at the Chuddle Hotel with these five."

I spoke "You’re telling me."

But then we felt the ground rumbling as Brad got scared.

I growl.

Danyelle spoke "Something big is coming..."

Brad gasps "*Horrified* P-Please don’t blame me again…"

Asuna spoke "Wait a minute… *Places hand on the ground* Feels like someone is using Thrash."

Akane asks "Yeah but who?"

We looked ahead to see a female Feraligatr rampaging through a bare field.

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "Ali! Calm down!"

The Feraligatr then turned towards us before leaping at Brad in fury.

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid snares Ali with Psychic, stopping her from attacking Brad.

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "Brad didn't cause this to happen!"

Ali asks "Wait, is that really you Chris?"

Chris spoke "It's me alright Ali."

Ali hugged Chris with tears before she calmed down and realized something. “Oh boy…”

Chris spoke "Went a bit too far huh? It happens to many of us."

I spoke "I killed a guy that tried to take Nyx..."

Ali asks "Yeah, was there a Garchomp here?"

Orion spoke "MIA, as well as all of the Ponyvillians... Not counting us though."

Ali asks "And what was his name?"

Rainbow spoke "His name's Raptor... Just don't call him Riptorn, it'll only piss him off."

Ali spoke "That's not good..."

We felt the ground rumble again.

Deep Blue suddenly appears.

Deep Blue spoke "Whatever it is, it can't be good... Given that the Ponyvillians are prone to panicking if something spooks them badly."

Ali spoke "Don't worry, I'll handle this one since I know exactly who it is."

Ali went to the front of Ponyville before she was suddenly tumbling/wrestling with... another female Feraligatr Poke-Mobian?

Ali spoke "Katrina, calm down!"

The female now known as Katrina roared before the two kept wrestling.

Deep Blue strikes the back of Katrina's neck with a hand chop, knocking the female Feraligatr Poke-Mobian out cold.

Ali spoke "Thanks. *Giggle* Though the wrestles Katrina and I have never changed."

Deep Blue spoke "I may not have had any siblings back when I was a regular Cyniclon so I don't know what it's like to tussle with a sibling."

Ali asks "Oh, well Katrina’s my sister. When we were Totodiles, we wrestled each other with our bites, and as Croconaws, we wrestled each other with our bites and tails. Now we fully wrestle each other, even with our bites and tails. And wanna know something she told me?"

Indigo asks "What?"

Ali snickers "She has a mountain-sized crush on Raptor."

Indigo and the other 'Twos all burst into laughter.

Indigo laughs "By the ancients... That's hilarious!"

Sonia teleported before reappearing with Cadence.

Cadence asks "What’s going on?"

Sonia explained to Cadence about everything that had happened.

Cadence giggled at that.

Ali spoke "My sis and I are great dancers too since we learned Dragon Dance from our dad, who’s a Dragonite. And you can tell our mom’s a Feraligatr too, as to that’s also who taught us Thrash."

Danyelle spoke "I was right all along! Baby Pokémon always take after the mother's base form."

Asuna spoke "Don’t go tooting your own horn and get a big head over that, Dany."

Danyelle growls "Don't test me Asuna, I know just as much as Ash does when it comes to Pokémon. And since there isn't a Ditto Poké-Mobian, male-only Pokémon like Latios will have issues."

Orion spoke "Both of you calm down."

Serena spoke "But Danyelle has a point Orion."

Ali spoke "We can worry about that later. Right now, we gotta find the others."

I spoke "Right!"

Danyelle spoke "One thing I failed to mention, magic won't work in Edolas."

Ali spoke "Not like that’ll have much affect on Poke-Mobians."

Asuna spoke "But Equestrian born Poké-Mobians have magic in their veins, same with Equestrian born Mobians... And given that Sonic, Manic and Sonia have a foot in two worlds... They're at a higher risk of having their magic stolen."

Something was lurking in Asuna's shadow before it popped out, taking the very form of High Goddess Faust herself.

I gasp "By stars! How did you end up with High Goddess Faust as your stand though Asuna?"

Asuna spoke "Hey, I know as much as you do!"

Faust spoke "I'm just as clueless but Bonnie told me to help you lot out."

A dirt covered Elsa dug her way out from her hiding spot underground.

Elsa spoke "Thank Arcee I asked Scorch to build me and Anna a hiding spot... Too bad it had collapsed not long ago."

Anna was spitting out dirt after she crawled out of the hiding spot.

Anna spoke "Get your icy butt out of my face Elsa..."

Elsa giggles "Thought you needed an ice bag."

Anna spoke "You just can't let it go can you? Least you're not the one with a chocolate addiction..."

Elsa giggled before Anna smirked.

Anna spoke "But you are the one with a vanilla addiction."

That made Elsa stop giggling.

Elsa spoke "Why you little...!"

The twins started tussling with each other.

Asuna spoke "Okay you two, ENOUGH!!!"

The two didn’t listen as Ali placed a hand on Asuna's shoulder.

Ali spoke "Leave them be, Asuna. It’s times like this when others need to let out some steam. Believe me, I know."

Asuna spoke "I got a cup to the head one time by my brother."

Soon, Elsa and Anna were on their backs while panting, exhausted from their tussling.

Spitfire soon lands with a foal strapped to a carrier on her back.

Spitfire asks "What in the High Goddess' name is going on here? And where is Prince Sonic?"

Rainbow Dash facepalmed at that.

Flare squirms a bit in the carrier.

I spoke "We have to save the others!"

Danyelle spoke "We'll only have a few moments to get to Edolas."

Deep Blue and I both glare at Danyelle, causing the nekomata to become nervous.

I ask "Aren't you worried about Gallus and your other adopted children?"

Danyelle spoke "Of course I’m worried!"

Faust spoke "I may not have had kids myself but I can understand the emotions of a stressed out mother."

Deep Blue spoke "Let's get the others back!"

Asuna spoke "Right!"

Zoey spoke "YEAH!!!!"

*One warp ring later,*

Sonia spoke "This place is so weird..."

I spoke "Yeah but we can't be using our magic so willy-nilly since it feels like there's hardly any here."

Ali spoke "I do feel like my powers are a bit weaker here."

Sonia spoke "Same, plus I'm worried about Adagio..."

Danyelle places a hand on her adopted sister's shoulder.

Danyelle spoke "We'll find them all."

Sonia spoke "Thanks, Dany."

I spoke "We should proceed with caution, alicorns tend to stick out like a sore hoof because of their magic levels being higher than a normal unicorn."

Danyelle spoke "Right."

I growl suddenly since the six of us got surrounded by the guards.

Danyelle soon had her wings half damaged and her tails bound with rope, stopping her from flying.

"Me and my big mouth..." I groaned.

Sonia spoke "Get your hands off me! Don't you punks know royalty when you see it? Let me go!"

That statement alone caused the guards to freeze up from surprise.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, Sonia."

Sonia spoke "I hated having to pull rank on these guys and I know Twilight and Zoey would say the same thing even though they're not verified princesses yet."

Asuna spoke "I can see why."

I spoke "Exactly."

Ears pin back, Sonia spoke "Guards, release my brothers and the rest of the folks you've captured!"

The captain spoke "Sorry miss but we can't, our king is the one that gave the order to drain the magic."

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan.... I just want the rest of my kids back..."

But then we heard distant laughter as the guards suddenly got scared.

One guard spoke "Oh no! Not him!"

High Goddess Faust materializes from my shadow, her presence alone calmed the guards back down.

Lauren spoke "Calm thouselves, Thy has this."

The captain spoke "It's bad enough he can do it without magic, but his ability to self-heal is inhuman!"

I spoke "Even with Deep Blue's powers, I don't stand a chance against him."

Danyelle spoke "Good thing my powers are wild and unpredictable."

But then a single man jumped in, having scars, especially a major burn across his face. "I will tear down this kingdom's government, and bless its people with anarchy!"


Danyelle goes into Avatar Mode while holding a divine sword in her right hand.

Divine Avatar Mode Danyelle leapt at the man, only for him to tear off his own arm with ease as it clashed with her sword. Danyelle shoved the man away as he tossed his dismembered arm to his left before a new arm regrew in its place.

High Goddess Faust used her magic to strip the man of his regeneration skill, making it easier for Divine Avatar Mode Danyelle to kill the man.

The man spoke "Even without my ability, I will liberate my home from the mad king and tear down his government!"

Divine Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Hold on a minute, that king took my friends and my family from me. I want them back."

Sonia asks "Who are you?"

The man snaps "Don't ask me questions! You're forcing me to give an answer!"

The Captain spoke "That's Havik, the Cleric of Chaos."

Asuna spoke "Without the rest of my friends, I can't utilize my bracelet."

Divine Avatar Mode Danyelle asks "Captain, how many men do you have working as guards?"

As the captain tried to answer, I realized who he was.

Sonia spoke "Twilight.... He may look like Shining Armor but he's not the same stallion."

"I-I know..." I said.

Sonia spoke "Even still, we should meet up with the other rebels and figure out how to stop the king."

Ali spoke "Hold on, the rebels might've gotten the others and rescued them."

Divine Avatar Mode Danyelle tries to use sight sharing with Korra but all she saw was darkness.

Divine Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Korra and the other captives appear to be in a deep slumber... In a huge block of crystal inside the castle... And it's heavily guarded."

The ground shifts a bit before an earth pony version of Celestia opens a hatch that Sonia was standing on.

Edolas Celestia spoke "Quickly, it's not safe for you to be out in the open."

“Celestia?” I gasped.

Divine Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Look again Twilight, do you seen a horn on her head? I don't."

“S-Sorry, she looks exactly like her.” I apologized.

Edolas Celestia spoke "Move it!"

The rebel guards usher the small group of outsiders into the bunker.

Edolas Cadence spoke "That was too close..."

Edolas Shining Armor spoke "You're telling me."

Danyelle powers down to conserve her magic.

Danyelle asks "Any idea why the king has gone mad?"

Edolas Luna showed up. "No one knows for certain, but I'm surprised some of his prisoners somehow managed to escape, especially through underground. We were fortunate they surfaced far from our base and that we managed to find them."

Edolas Celestia spoke "Ever since queen Danyelle disappeared, her husband went mad with grief..."

Edolas Havik scoffs "Tch! That may be true, but who's to say Queen Danyelle's alive? Her assumed death is the reason for the abuse that gave me my scars."

Edolas Luna spoke "Don't mind Havik, he's the most... Er... Eccentric rebel soldier here."

She was about to say insane.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps my counterpart is still alive but is currently missing."

Danyelle contacts Goku via telepathy.

Danyelle asks "{Hey Goku, do you sense any blue foxes?}"

Goku spoke "{I'm trying, but Edolas is really throwing me off my game.}"

Danyelle asks "{So it's 50-50?}"

Goku spoke "{Don't worry, I'll keep looking.}"

Danyelle spoke "{StarClan willing, her absence is causing the Edolas king to go mad.}"

a voice asks "Guys?"

We turned around to see Raptor, some of the CMCs and some new faces.

Danyelle spoke "Applebloom! Sweetie Belle! Lance, Jazz, Volt!"

One of the new faces looked like a female koopa like Bowser.

Danyelle hugs the hedgefox kids, wrapping her mangled wings around them.

Ali asks "Is it just me, or does that koopa look familiar, or similar?"

Danyelle sends a telepathic message straight to Bowser, asking him to come to her location.

Danyelle spoke "I just contacted one of my fellow Smashers, he should be here soon."

But then a green pipe emerged from the ground before it suddenly bulged out.

Bowser asks "Uh, a little help?"

The female suddenly froze at that voice.

Danyelle snickers "Alright, alright, don't get your tail in a knot..."

Danyelle and I pull Bowser out of the pipe.

"You really need to go on a diet." I said bluntly as Danyelle giggled.

Sonia giggles "Really Twilight?"

Bowser growls "I heard that!"

Danyelle pointed a tail towards the female Koopa, causing Bowser to go wide-eyed.

Bowser asks 'Wha…?! This isn’t a joke?"

Jazz spoke "No it's not Bowser."

The female asks "Bowser? Is that really you?"

That voice made Bowser freeze, speechless.

Deep Blue snickers "Wow Jupiter, you broke him."

The mention of that name made Bowser faint from too much info.

Danyelle drenches Bowser with ice water, jolting him awake.

Bowser yelps "Gah! What’s the big idea?!"

Danyelle spoke "You fainted."

Bowser asks "Huh? How?"

I spoke "That was Deep Blue's doing."

A warning noise went off.

Edolas Shining Armor asks "Now what?"

I was growling.

Edolas Celestia spoke "Cadence, status report!"

Edolas Cadence spoke "Large army approaching! Roundabout 60 guards!"

Edolas Celestia spoke "Damn it, there's only 30 of us!"

Bowser spoke "Don’t worry, I brought in backup."

Bowser let out a whistle as the warp pipe started rumbling before Bowser Jr. and the Koopalings came out, followed by Kamek, Boom Boom and Pom Pom.

Bowser asks "Are they ready?"

Kamek spoke "Indeed."

Indigo jumps up out of the warp pipe since he had been in the Mushroom Kingdom gathering allies.

Indigo spoke "I brought Mario, Luigi and Princess Peach as well."

Danyelle spoke "Wow! Good call."

I spoke "Even with backup, Danyelle's fur color is our biggest problem."

Edolas Cadence spoke "The Danyelle I knew had the exact same fur color..."

Edolas Celestia spoke "And the mad king might be coming here too."

Danyelle spoke "Species aside, I look just like my Edolas counterpart and..."

Danyelle soon got a message from Goku.

Danyelle asks "{What's up Goku?}"

Goku spoke "{Starting to get a clearer reading now. I’m heading to some kind of fire temple.}"

Danyelle spoke "{I don't think my Edolas counterpart had any powers.}"

Goku spoke "{I’m sensing two crazy strong power levels, and I’m sensing a faint one that’s getting stronger. I’ll check it out.}"

Danyelle asks "{How strong we talking here?}"

Goku spoke "{Can’t tell from here. This is gonna be fun.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Well hurry up! I fear that the mad king has his eyes on me!}"

Goku spoke "{Got it-WHOA!}"

Danyelle asks "{What in StarClan's name just happened?!?}"

Danyelle got silence.

Danyelle asks "{Goku! What is going on?}"

Goku spoke "{I found the other you, but wow, she’s somehow gotten stronger. But one of the other two power levels I sensed suddenly vanished, like it teleported.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Impossible, Edolas Celestia told me that there's not enough magic.}"

Goku spoke "{I don’t think whoever vanished like that isn’t a regular person.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Point taken.}"

Goku spoke "{Anyway, this guy said he managed to heal other you, but she was asleep for a long while.}"

Danyelle spoke "{You might want to bring Edolas Danyelle here fast, the bunker door won't hold for long!}"

Indigo and Asuna were holding the bunker door shut alongside Bowser and Jupiter, trying to keep the mad king from getting in.

Goku spoke "{Right! Just gotta make sure other you is holding onto me, and then a little Instant Transmission, and…}"

Goku suddenly appeared in here with Edolas Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Good timing too, I should hide someplace so I'm not mistaken for my counterpart."

Danyelle hides behind a pile of crates just as the bunker door was ripped off its hinges.

I shifted to my Deep Lilac form, hiding my wings since alicorns are non existent in Edolas.

Those who were holding the bunker door were sent flying.

Edolas Danyelle asks "Guards, what is the MEANING OF THIS?"

The guards froze at that before a voice was heard. “What are you idiots doing?! The rebels are right in there! Why are you just standing there?”

Edolas Danyelle spoke "DON'T MOVE A MUSCLE!!! I've already pardoned the rebels! AND IT'S YOUR FAULT THE ALICORNS ARE GONE KING BEN!!"

The male asks "…Danyelle?"

Edolas Danyelle spoke "You idiot, it's me alright."

We then saw Ben coming, but he was a fox. “I-Is it truly you?”

Edolas Danyelle spoke "Yeah you bonehead."

Edolas Ben asks "B-But how are you-?"

Edolas Danyelle spoke "A new friend I met healed me, but I was still asleep. Good thing I woke up in time to stop this."

Edolas Ben was about to hug his wife, but hesitated because of what he did.

Edolas Danyelle spoke "You've been a bad boy too, hurting an entire village of people you don't even know."

Only Edolas Ben and I noticed Edolas Danyelle lick her lips in hunger with a smirk.

Edolas Danyelle spoke "But that can wait for later."

Edolas Ben nodded as soon, while our Danyelle was still hiding, we went into the castle as the king pressed into the wall before a part of it opened, revealing some kind of talisman.

Edolas Ben spoke "I didn’t know why I used it, but it makes sense now. This talisman contains the alicorn magic I stole, and those who used to be alicorns are still alive. I didn’t know why I let them live, but now I know, it’s because I always hoped that you could still be out there, Danyelle."

Edolas Danyelle spoke "But our world's Twilight is still missing..."

But then a portal made of flames appeared as what appeared to be my Edolas counterpart walked out of it before it closed.

Good thing I was in Cyniclon mode or I would have been mistaken for my Edolas counterpart.

I spoke "Anyways, it's high time that my friends and I head back to our world."

Edolas Ben spoke "Don’t worry, I’ll release all the prisoners, every single one of them."

One of the guards had a nekomata-gryphon hybrid by the tails.

The guard spoke "I found this one hiding behind some crates."

Edolas Danyelle spoke "Let her go, she's not of this world."

Jazz and her brothers were huddling close to their adopted aunt.

Edolas Ben spoke "I will also return the magic collected in this talisman."

Edolas Danyelle spoke "Good, because at midnight tonight, *Whispers to Edolas Ben in a dominant tone* I want you in our bedroom so I can deliver your punishment, you naughty boy."

Edolas Ben’s entire body blushed with all of his fur standing on end as Edolas Danyelle once again, licked her lips, along with licking her teeth in hunger and anticipation.

The guards all laugh as I punt Edolas Shining in the rear, causing him to kiss Edolas Cadence on the lips.

The two were surprised at first, but then embraced each other as their kiss went deeper with eyes closed.

Indigo chuckles "Too bad the Cadence we know is back home though, she can't help out in this case... Regardless if she throws a hissy fit later."

After the magic was restored, Edolas Celestia and Edolas Luna were back to their true selves. Heck even Edolas Twilight got her wings and magic back.

I tap my Edolas counterpart on the shoulder before pointing at Edolas Flash, causing Edolas Twilight to faint.

“Just like me.” I giggled.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Edolas Danyelle spoke "Hey, thank you."

Danyelle spoke "No problem, I sensed something was off so I had to contact a friend to help fix it."

Asuna and Indigo along with the other outsiders leave via warp ring.

I spoke "See you guys later."

I head off with my world's Danyelle.

*Some time later,*


I spoke "It's good to be home."

Raptor spoke "I’m back!"

But then the ground started rumbling.

Ali groans "Here we go again."

Elsa ices Raptor for the heck of it, getting him to cool off.

Ali spoke "It’s not Raptor, it’s-"

Someone suddenly rushed in and completely wrecked the ice, freeing Raptor before hugging him.


We saw that someone to be Katrina.

Anna teases "So Elsa, when will YOU find your special someone?"

Elsa’s eye twitched in anger at that before the two sisters started tussling again.

Raptor asks "Katrina?"

Katrina spoke "When I heard you suddenly vanished, I didn’t wanna think you were gone!"

Danyelle was pinned down by Scootaloo.

I soon notice that Jack had a different look yet the wings remained.

I spoke "Hey Elsa! You might want to look at Jack!"

Elsa asks "Huh? What are you-"

A Mobian Pegasus-fox hybrid male with the exact same color as Jack smirks at the Glaceon.

Anna giggles "Spazz in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Elsa started making small Glaceon noises before, “EEeeeeeep!!” Elsa yelped as she blushed with pink hearts replacing her irises and pupils as she suddenly let out an Ice-Type attack that whizzed right past Frost. “A-A-“ Elsa moaned while panting as the tree behind Frost was completely frozen solid, leaving most of us shocked with our jaws dropped.

Nightshade laughs "Looks like she's gonna need some Rawst berries for that burn!"

Haku throws his sister at Cilan, causing the two to kiss.

Haku chuckles "You were saying dear sister?"

Ash and the others laugh.


Howl of the Were-Mewtwo!

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*Indigo's POV*

It was a dark stormy night when I heard a loud crash outside, followed by a howl that wasn't from any of the wolf Mobians or wolf Poké-Mobians I know.

“What’s going on?” I wondered.

Ash spoke "I have no idea bro but maybe Luna might know."

“Right.” I agreed.

Ash spoke "I heard from Orion that the cherry blossom pink Mewtwo's become extremely fond of Li."

Serena giggles "I heard that too!"

Ash spoke "Guess what? I heard from Lillie that Mallow has a crush on Kiawe."

Serena spoke "Luna freaked out when she saw Flare Blitz for the first time."

The howl was heard again, causing Serena to cling to Ash.

Man… I’m kind of jealous of my bro now…

Ash teases "What's the matter Gogo? Jealous?"

“Not gonna even argue with that.” I sighed.

Ash spoke "I heard from Orion that Nova's got a crush on you."

That made me freeze. “Wait-what?”

A plate had been dropped in the kitchen since Nova had sneezed.

Asuna asks "You okay?"

Nova spoke "Yeah."

Ash spoke "You should tell her before some other 'Two claims her."

But I was still frozen at that.

Ash and Serena drag me to the kitchen.

Asuna spoke "Let’s just be glad that plate isn’t easily broken."

Ash spoke "Hey Asuna."

Asuna asks "Hey Ash. Hey Serena. *Notices me* What’s with him?"

Serena giggles "Indigo's in shock since Ash told him about Nova."

Ash spoke "Yeah plus there's been rumors of another Mewtwo lurking around but the funny thing is, he's half werewolf."

Asuna asks "…Sorry, what?"

Nova spoke "I heard him howling earlier."

Serena giggles "And he's single!"

Asuna froze at that.

Huey asks "Mom?"

Asuna was as still as a statue.

Huey asks "You okay?"

Nova giggles "I think your mom’s broken, Huey."

Huey spoke "As is Indigo since my uncle said you had a crush on the Absol-Mewtwo hybrid."

Nova was in shock.

Oh no…

Winter asks "What is going on in here?"

Much to the kitsunepony's amusement, three of the 'Twos were spooked.

Winter giggles "Richy dear, mind bringing that wolfish Mewtwo inside? I think Asuna wants to see him."

Filthy Rich spoke "I will try, although it may be difficult."

Winter runs her tails under her husband's chin in a flirty manner.

Rich spoke "V-Very well."

Ash and the other 'Twos snicker.

Serena giggles "She's got you whipped."

Winter giggles "Pays to be a demon."

Filthy chuckles "True but you're my demon."

But then another howl was heard.

Diamond and Crystal dart to hide behind their parents.

Mamoru asks "What was that?"

Ash spoke "Could've been that werewolf-Mewtwo."

Serena spoke "Or Shirou..."

Ash asks "Uh, you okay Gogo?"

That snapped me out of it. "I told you not to call me that!"

Ash chuckles "Wow Gogo, you're as moody as Raptor is when someone calls him Riptorn."

But then Ash was suddenly uppercutted from underground.

Winter ices Raptor right after the dragon-ground type appeared.

Winter growls "You break my house, I break your leg."

Nova groans "*Facepalm* I forgot about that berserker button."

Orion spoke "You think Indigo and Raptor are temperamental, Winter is much worse and she's an ice user! Add the light green cat, Twilight, Miyuki AND Danyelle into that mix and you're a dead 'mon."

Raptor broke free and left underground.

Winter spoke "What a scaredy Skitty!"

"Nah, I think he just didn't feel like hanging around." I shrugged off.

A loud crash was heard from Akane's room followed by her screaming.

Akane spoke "THERE'S A HOLE IN MY ROOM!!!"

"Seriously? That?" I asked with a facepalm.

Akane asks "But how did it get there?"

We looked at the hole below us.

Raptor spoke "*From a distance* Don't look at me, I didn't cause that."

Orion spoke "We could try covering it up with a rug..."

*One missing rug later*

Asuna spoke "Okay, the rug idea didn't work."

All of us were around the hole.

Mamoru asks "Any 'Two seen Silver Spoon?"

Rei showed up. "Anyone else smell slapstick and comedy in here?"

Orion spoke "Now isn't the time Rei...."

Rei spoke "I'm serious here."

Asuna spoke "Least it's not that one incident with the broken coffee maker..."

*Flashback to before Sakura was found,*

*No POV*

Orion, Serena, Ash, Asuna, Purity, Rainbowtwo and Indigo are all standing around a broken coffee maker.

Orion asks “So, who broke it?”

Everyone murmurs.

Orion spoke “I'm not mad, I just want to know.”

Serena spoke “I did it. I broke it.”

Orion asks “No, no you didn't. Purity?”

Purity spoke “Don't look at me, look at Ash.”

Ash spoke “What!? I didn't break it!”

Purity asks “Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?”

Ash spoke “Because it's sitting right in front of us. And it's broken.”

Purity spoke “Hmm, suspicious.”

Ash spoke “No, it's not!”

Asuna spoke “If it matters, probably not but Indigo was the last one to use it.”

Indigo spoke “Liar! I don't even drink that crap!”

Asuna asks “Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?”

Indigo spoke “I use the wooden stirs to file my claws, everyone knows that! Asuna!”

Serena spoke “Let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Orion.”

Orion asks “No! Who broke it?”

Purity spoke “Orion... Rainbowtwo's been awfully quiet.”

Rainbowtwo scoffs “Really!?

Purity spoke “Yeah really.”

Rainbowtwo spoke “Oh my god!”

*Everyone starts arguing*

Orion thinks “{I broke it; it burnt my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now they'll be at each other’s throats with war paint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good, it was getting a little chummy around here}”

*end flashback*

*Indigo's POV*

Orion spoke "You just HAD to bring that up!"

Asuna spoke "Oh bite me."

Orion and Asuna were soon in a fight cloud.

Rei chuckles "Siblings, what can ya do?"

Ash spoke "Least Gogo and I rarely fight."

Rei asks "*Confused* How's that?"

Serena was holding a babytwo in her arms.

"And who's this?" Rei added.

Ash spoke "HIs name is Hotaru."

A knock was heard at the front door.

Rei asks "Huh?"

The other 'Twos were huddled together.

Huey spoke "Th-that was the w-werewolf..."

Rei asks "Whaddya mean?"

Ash spoke "Since Nightmare Night's less than three weeks away... Strange creatures have been appearing and... Don't open that door Asuna!"

Asuna didn't listen and opened the door anyway, only to fall onto her back out cold with a huge nosebleed.

A rather fluffy Mewtwo Poké-Mobian male blushes.

The fluffy Mewtwo Poké-Mobian male asks "She okay?"

The Mewtwo tries to help Asuna up, but the moment he touched her, she immediately woke up and clung onto his midsection with her tail wrapped around him.

Asuna spoke "...So fluffy!"

Ash spoke "Just don't let Danyelle hear you say that Asuna, she knows a few folks that might feel threatened by the were-Mewtwo."

"Let's just hope you didn't jinx that, Ash." I pointed out.

Ash spoke "Oh shut up Gogo."

"Oh yeah, kid?" I fired back.

Hotaru spoke "Uncle Gogo!"

Rei spoke "Hehe, sounds like Bleh bleh bleh."

Serena giggles "I think Danyelle and Sonic had visited that hotel in Transylvania one time."

Rei spoke "I would say "It must've been a monstrous time," but I don't wanna hurt the feelings of any Mewtwo Poke-Mobians or hybrids in here."

The were-Mewtwo tailslaps Rei out a window.

Ash asks "Kinda uncalled for, uh... What's your name?"

Serena spoke "And he's out of here!"

The other 'Twos and I were laughing.

Asuna was snuggling up to the Were-Mewtwo.

The Were-Mewtwo spoke "My name's Kazuto."

Asuna didn't pay attention to anything else but nuzzling herself against Kazuto's fur.

Serena giggles "She's got it bad!"


Cutie Pox

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*Asuna's POV*

I was flying around town when I saw Rei doing something with a log with both its ends on top of blocks, holding it up. He was drawing quite a crowd too, so I decided to check it out when I saw the crusaders watching too.

Kazuto asks "Should we go have a look?"

"Might as well." I shrugged as we landed as we heard the crowd cheering "Test your might! Test your might! Test your might!"

Kazuto spoke "I'll take a crack at that!"

Rei raised his right arm up, before he swung it down, using brick break as he broke that log in two with one strike as the crowd cheered with Rei pumping his fist into the air.

After two logs were put into place, Kazuto broke them both in half with Karate Chop.

Kazuto spoke "Beat that foxboy."

Rei sighed at that before he placed out a stack of bricks on a plank that is now on the two blocks before he used brick break, obliterating them with one strike. "You turned this into a contest, not me."

Kazuto spoke "You started it foxboy!"

Rei spoke "It was only a showcase."

Crosswind spoke "Ah think the wolfish 'Two's just tryin' ta show off his strength ta his new girlfriend."

That caught Kazuto off guard.

I was giggling.

And that made Kazuto blush.

Orion was being held back by Jericho and Rainbowtwo.

Rei asks "What's going on?"

Crosswind chuckles "Orion's mad..."

Rei asks "Why?"

Rainbowtwo spoke "You don't want to know."

I spoke "Back off Orion, I'm not a baby anymore!"

Orion spoke "But-"

I snap "I'm a grown 'Two, I can make my own choices! Just because you're ten minutes older than I am back when we were normal Mews, doesn't mean you can boss me around."

Orion spoke "I'm... just trying to look out for you..."

I spoke "And I'm sorry for snapping at you."

Huey asks "Mom?"

"Yes?" I asked.

Huey spoke "Something's wrong with the apple filly."

"Huh?" I wondered as I saw Applebloom send a downward kick, snapping an iron plate in half.

The other 'Twos and I were shocked at Applebloom's strength.

Rei asks "*With an eyebrow raised* Where'd that strength come from?"

Lance asks "Bloomy, is that what I think it is?"

Apple Bloom smiled as there was a symbol on her flanks.

But suddenly, a second mark appeared on Applebloom's flanks.

Applebloom gasps "What the-Whoa!"

Applebloom suddenly dashed with her back right leg sticking out at Rei as he dodged the attack.

Danyelle spoke "Oh StarClan no..."

I ask "Oh what now?"

Danyelle yowls "CUTIE POX!!!!"

Various ponies scatter in fear.

The second cutie mark on Apple Bloom was a JC symbol.

Rainbowtwo teleports before reappearing with Zecora.

Rei spoke "*Dodging attacks* Smart thinking!"

Twilight and Danyelle encase Applebloom in a magic bubble, stopping the AWOL filly.

Applebloom kept attacking the bubble she was in, even though her body was acting against her will.

Danyelle spoke "Something is truly amiss if it has come to this."

"Heehee! You really sounded like Zecora." I giggled.

Pigment asks "Wada?"

Danyelle teases "So Asuna, when will YOU have another child?"

"Wait, have as in..." I was about to ask.

Danyelle giggles "Dimensional Scream remember? I can see past and future."

I blushed madly at that as Kazuto blushed madly too.

Twilight spoke "Focus Dany!"

Danyelle asks "Well, what about you and Flash Sentry, Twi?"

Twilight stammers "Sh-shut up!!! It's bad enough Dusk has a crush on Sweetie Bell!"

Twilight immediately covered her mouth at that as Rei transformed into a cat and said, "Oooh."

Danyelle spoke "Busted...."

Danyelle's wings shot up on end since she had a frightening vision.

Rei asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "*Shiver* I don't think I should say."

Twilight spoke "I bet it has something to do with Ein..."

Rei snickers "*Devilish smirk* How about we plan and pull the biggest and best prank ever made in history on Ein?"

A purple colored Mewtwo with bat wings spoke "Oh, count me in on this too!"

Rei asks "...And what are you?"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe Bruno would know. Hey Bruno! Get your feathery butt over here!"

A zipper appeared on the ground before it unzipped as Bruno came out of it.

Narancia spoke "Wait-Bruno? *Gasp!* Bucciarati!"

Bruno spoke "Hey, it's good to see again as well, Narancia."

Danyelle whistles loud, getting Rouge's attention.

Rouge flies out of a warp ring.

Rouge asks "You called?"

But when Rouge noticed Narancia, she fainted.

Danyelle laughs "Holy StarClan, she zinged right off the bat!"

Narancia spoke "Hey."

Danyelle sweated a bit nervously at that.

Danyelle spoke "Anyways, the lot of us are planning to prank the dumbass hyena soon."

Narancia chuckles "Heh, and maybe Lil' Bomber can have some fun too."

Twilight spoke "We can't let Ein know though."

Rei spoke "Ein knows nothing of this."

Danyelle spoke "Might as well leave Pierce in the dark too since those two always hang out together."

Twilight spoke "Yeah. Hmm... I wonder if Zane or Kim have anything that could help with this prank."

Danyelle giggles "I got a good one in mind."

"What is it?" Rei, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Raptor and I asked.

Danyelle spoke "It stems from a song I know."

Fluttershy was carrying an angelic babytwo on her back.

Fluttershy spoke "Hi everyone."

That left us surprised.

Coal asks "New friend?"

Twilight spoke "I guess so."

Danyelle asks "Have you thought of a name for her yet Flutters?"

Flutter spoke "Hmm... I think so."

Danyelle spoke "She looks like a little angel."

Fluttershy spoke "Exactly, and her name is Angel."

The angelic babytwo giggles.

"Aww! That's a cute name!" I gushed.

Despite the coal black fur, Coal was blushing a bit.

Twilight giggles "Seems Coal's flustered."

Coal spoke "Mom~!"

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Rani pokes her head out of Danyelle's backpack.

Rani mewls.

Rei asks "Hold on, what about AB?"

I spoke "It's gotten worse..."

Twilight asks "You got anything, Zecora?"

Zecora spoke "A cure I have forsooth can only be found in the seeds of truth."

Danyelle spoke "Basically, somepony or someone has to tell the honest truth."

Rei spoke "And I think I know who."

Lance pounces on Applebloom before tickling her relentlessly.

Applebloom started laughing.

Lance spoke "It's so obvious those marks are all fake."

The intensifying tickle-torture made Applebloom laugh harder.

Jazz asks "Ya gonna spill AB?"

Lance spoke "This is only gonna get harder if you don’t."

Applebloom spoke "All right! Ah admit it! They're all fake!"

Lance lightened up a bit.

All of the fake marks vanish off Applebloom's body.

Applebloom spoke "Phew!"

Lance spoke "That was a close one."

Applebloom spoke "Still, kicking that iron plate felt real good."

Lance was wide eyed.

Lance asks "Jazz, can you bring a mirror over here?"

Jazz spoke "Sure bro."

To Applebloom's shock, a pair of wings the same color as her body were seen.

Applebloom gasps "What in the...?"

Scootaloo spoke "Aw man...!"

Rusty spoke "Hey Scoots, there's s-something I want to ask you about..."

Scootaloo asks "Huh? What?"

Rusty spoke "I uh..."

Lance spoke "For the love of..."

Lance grabs Rusty and throws the 8 year old fox at Scootaloo, causing the two to kiss.

Applebloom spoke "Ah didn't see that one comin'."

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped in surprise at that.

Danyelle spoke "Holy StarClan...."

Rei spoke "Huh, that's new."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that Scootaloo's parents are going to spit their bridles once they find out."

Rei spoke "Especially when you find them."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but I've flown all over Equestria and beyond, no sign of them."

Rei spoke "I know they're still alive, and so do you."

Danyelle flinched at that, knowing Rei was right.


Rainbow's New Child/ Goofy and Donald's Arrival

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*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Hehe, I can’t believe Raptor and I are having another race.

Danyelle and Twilight were talking about their plan to prank Ein.

“Heh, you’re like a brother I never had.” I smirked at Raptor.

Raptor spoke "Ha, and you’re like a twin sister to me."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Skittles, I'm gonna need your help for a prank I'm gonna pull on Ein."

“Really?” I asked, excited.

Danyelle snickers "Yeah, I'm planning to pull it off on the 31st."

Danyelle whispers her plan into my ear.

“Ooh! That’ll be so awesome!” I smirked.

A rather tired mewl was heard from a bush near me.

“Huh?” I noticed.

Rani was curious about the noise so she used Psychic to move the bush elsewhere, thus revealing a shiny baby Mewtwo with a tired look in his eyes.

“Who’s this little guy?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "No idea but his defense stat is like a tank. His speed on the other claw is rather low."

“Like a tank, huh?” I wondered.

The newly named Tank was looking at me before smiling slowly.

That made me giggle.

Carrying a border collie colored female babytwo on her back, Applejack spoke "Would'ya look at that, he even smiles slow."

Pinkie and Rarity showed up while carrying babytwos too.

Twilight asks "Am I the only one with a normal pet along with a babytwo?"

Danyelle giggles "Seems babytwo fever has begun."

“Say what now?” Raptor and I asked, lost.

Danyelle spoke "Nara, Rouge and I have been raiding various Team Rocket bases lately and finding that more Mewtwos have been created."

Rouge flew in. “And I found some interesting info.”

Rouge spoke "Mewtwos that aren’t purebred may change, evolve or mutate as they grow."

Haru spoke "I'm still an Eevee-Mewtwo hybrid though. I chose to stay as I am."

Narancia spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "Even though I look like a nekomata-gryphon hybrid, I have diluted Mew blood and Plasmeon blood in my veins."

Twilight snickers "So Nara, when will you and Rouge have a babytwo of your own?"

Narancia and Rouge blushed at that.

Narancia spoke "H-Hey! Mind your own business!"

All of the other 'Twos were snickering.

Haru snickers "You're one to talk Nara, you can be rather batty at times."

Twilight was on her back while laughing.

Asuna giggles "Good one Haru!"

But it looked like Narancia was about to lose his temper.

Indigo chuckles "We're just teasing ya man."

Narancia then grumbled in Italian.

Danyelle spoke "It took me some time but I was able to translate that scroll to Equish but the bad news is... Scootaloo's parents are trapped... There's no way I can get them out even with a warp ring..."

That only made me laugh. “Come on! We can get them out!”

Danyelle spoke "According to the scroll I decoded, the portal that the two fell into was a one way portal. Plus warp rings aren't able to pinpoint them... Not unless I knew their names."

“Scootaloo obviously knows her own parents’ names.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "As does Mayor Mare, we could ask her."

Lan showed up with his PET. “Guys, Megaman found something.”

Roll asks "Uh, who are you?"

To Lan's surprise, the yellow hedgefox had the same jade green eyes as Roll.exe had which had caused him to freak out and faint.

Megaman asks "Lan? You okay? Lan?"

Danyelle spoke "I think he fainted..."

Megaman asks "Wait a minute, what’s going on?"

Sonic spoke "I'm just as confused as you are dude. My guess would be that he fainted at the sight of one of my three wives."

Megaman spoke "Nevermind, I found something strange in the net. Some kind of digital circus."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but we can't help."

Discord suddenly popped up. “What’s going on here?”

All of the babytwos started crying, causing the other females and I to glare at Discord.

Discord vanished as quickly as he showed up.

Calming Irene and Rani down, Danyelle spoke "He should have known better than to spook a group of babies..."

Megaman spoke "I think he realized he was at the wrong place at the wrong time, so I don’t think it’s his fault."

Rarity was trying to calm Opal back down.

Tank was already tired as he gave out a sleepy yawn.

Danyelle's ears twitch before she started growling.

Heartless suddenly appeared.

Danyelle lets several blades of air fly at the Heartless, destroying them instantly.

Danyelle spoke "Seems like I'm gonna have to contact Sora, let him know what just happened."

*After a letter was sent to Sora,*

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I was on high alert the whole time."

But then we heard a goofy yell and angry quacking.

Twilight and the others grab their kids before scattering.

But then two figures crashed on the ground.

Danyelle spoke "Well if it isn't the goofball and the short fuse."

The gryphon's head immediately turned red while we heard steam kettle whistles.

The gryphon squawks "Why I oughta-!? *Angry quacking while furiously flailing around*"

Danyelle drenches the new gryphon with waterbending, cooling his temper.

Danyelle growls "Cool it Donald! Your temper is scaring the babies!"

The diamond dog was making funny faces as the babytwos started laughing joyfully.

The Diamond Dog spoke "Aww... Ain't you little fellers cute."

Danyelle spoke "I should warn you Goofy, Pigment has a habit of phasing through things."

Pigment showed up, phasing through Goofy as he chuckled.

Goofy chuckles "That tickles."

Zoey spoke "I do apologize for Pig, she is a Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo after all."

Goofy spoke "Aww, kind of reminds me of Zero."

The Mane Six ask "Who?"

Danyelle spoke "Ghost dog."

Fluttershy asks "*Excited* Dog?!"

Danyelle spoke "Down Fluttershy."

Goofy spoke "Oh! Halloween’s comin’ up soon! That means we might see Zero again!"

Danyelle spoke "Here in Equestria, we call it Nightmare Night."

Goofy asks "Really? Huh, why’s it called that?"

Twilight spoke "It's best if you ask my mentor about it."


The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

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*Korra’s POV*

Geez, Rainbow Dash did some saving, and now she has a big head over being famous.

Danyelle spoke "This will end in disaster, I just know it."

Twilight spoke "Don’t worry, the others and I are already working on a plan to teach her a lesson about humility."

Aphmau spoke "Provided Ein doesn't try to pull anything."

Twilight snickers "I think some of us have that covered."

Coal asks "How mom?"

Twilight spoke "Raptor might be on a pranking spree against Ein. If he was with Rainbow Dash, he might get a big head over being a hero too."

Danyelle groans "As if one overinflated ego is bad enough, three is worse..."

Aphmau snickers "At least Ein is worse than Rainbow Dash and Raptor, since the pegasus and Garchomp are actually good friends to have."

Danyelle snickers "Speaking of... Hey Aph, what do you call a hyena with half a brain?"

Aphmau asks "What?"

Danyelle laughs "Gifted!!"

That made all of us laugh as I wondered something. “Could there be sub-element in airbending?”

Danyelle spoke "It's bad enough I used airbending to shred several Heartless a while ago... And drenched Donald with waterbending when he blew a gasket..."

“Given his temper, it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s a fire-bender.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and Diamond Dogs are earthbenders by default."

Twilight asks "Like how Goofy’s accident-prone?"

I ask "Wait... Did Danyelle say she used waterbending and airbending?"

Danyelle spoke "Oops."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle, you are SO busted!!!"

Rarity spoke "The suits and hats are ready!"

Danyelle asks "Is one of them fireproof?"

Rarity spoke "Of course, I made sure of that."

Danyelle spoke "Good, last thing we need is Rainbow finding out too soon."

Applejack spoke "Well, she’ll find out sooner or later when she unmasks one of us."

Danyelle spoke "Ten to one, it'll be Pinkie..."

Pinkie spoke "Don’t predict an ending! It might change the ending to something else entirely!"

Danyelle spoke "I can't control my Dimensional Scream, you should know that by now Pinkamena Diane Pie!"

Pinkie spoke "I know that, but nothing's written in stone!"

Danyelle pounces on Pinkie, tickling the hyper pink mare relentlessly.

Pinkie was holding strong as her tail was tickling Danyelle back.

Danyelle spoke "NOT THE FEET!!!"

Danyelle dropkicks Pinkie through a tree.

Twilight spoke "Ooh ouch... Let this be a lesson for us as well... never touch Danyelle's feet..."

Applejack spoke "No arguments here."

Danyelle spoke "I've dropkicked Ein and Pierce so many times but those two idiots never learn!"

Pinkie popped her head out of the tree. "But ya love Ben's foot massages, don't ya?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, he's the only one I allow to even touch my feet."

Danyelle kicks Ein in between the legs for trying to prank her with a cucumber, causing him to keel over in pain.

Ein whines "*Extremely high-pitched* Why'd you do that?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't like it when folks outside my family sneak up behind me or attempt to scare me with a cucumber... And you had it coming."

Pinkie spoke "Ya know Ein, you should put some ice on that."

Aphmau spoke "Forget it Pinkie, he deserved that."

Danyelle spoke "I give myself a 10 for style on that one."

Twilight laughs "It could have been much more painful for him if your foot was on fire though Danyelle!"

Danyelle giggles "Hehe, yeah, but that could've neutered him."

Several stallions, chakats and male Mobians were pale faced at what Danyelle said.

Twilight spoke "Dang, you are one savage girl! You scared all of the males and the chakats with that comment."

Danyelle: Yeah, but hey, even I have to have respects for some things.

Aphmau spoke "Even though I'm the Ultima, the Avatars are a whole other class!"

Danyelle spoke "I wonder what Kindle's up to..."

Fluttershy spoke "*Embarrassed blush* Um… I’m not sure if you wanna find out."

Danyelle spoke "He just flew off without a chirp."

Fluttershy's ears twitched before she tried covering them with her blush growing more red.

Twilight asks "You okay Fluttershy?"

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Oh my StarClan, you've got a child on the way Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy squeaks "E-Eep!"

The others congratulate Fluttershy.

"But Danyelle, what's going on with you?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Nothing!"

Danyelle teleported away with Rani and Irene.

Applejack spoke "That cat’s hidin’ somethin’."

I spoke "Fire, air, water.... I think she's a lot like me..."

Applejack spoke "We might have to ask her dad about it."

Sonic asks "You mean my dad right?"

Applejack asks "Yeah, that. But since me and some of the others are needed here ta use the disguise, who’s gonna go?"

Twilight spoke "I might need an alicorn model of the outfit..."

Rarity spoke "Already did that. I planned ahead."

*After the costumes were on*

Twilight spoke "I think I'll use this again on the 31st. But without the mask though."

To the surprise of the mares, an alicorn version of Mare-do-Well was going around and saving ponies that were in danger before Rainbow had the chance.

Twilight spoke "Okay.... That clearly isn't me."

Applejack asks "What in the?"

Twilight spoke "Can't be Celestia or Pyre, the legs aren't that lanky. Can't be Shirou, he rarely takes his collar off... And it's not me so that leaves three options..."

Sonic spoke "Two actually, my dad's not one for dressing up unless it's for a gala or Nightmare Night."

Pinkie spoke "Or if it's someone brand new."

Twilight spoke "Akari and Nyx are too small, Dusk is not the right height so that rules them out."

Pinkie spoke "Or a changeling."

Another Mare do Well flew by but the muzzle was more boxy than a mare's muzzle.

Pinkie asks "Two?"

And there was only two before they flew/ran off.

Twilight spoke "Okay, we're dealing with alicorn mare model and pegasus stallion model."

Pinkie spoke "I dunno, one of them could be a changeling."

Chrysalis spoke "Well, it's not me or any of my Changelings or any of Mandible's Changelings."

But then Kiri and Ankha suddenly appeared.

Kiri spoke "My sister and I have a feeling that this changeling isn't from this world."

Ankha spoke "Agreed, the changeling posing as that female Mare-Do-Well smells off."

Twilight growls "What did you just say about my brother's wife?"

But then another female mare-do-well exactly like the female one we saw earlier flew by.

Ankha spoke "Now that one smells like your sister-in-law."

Twilight calmed down about that, somewhat.

Twilight's left ear twitches before she growls.

More heartless appeared.

Twilight's eyes narrow before she let loose a powerful roar, sending all of the Heartless flying.

Kiri and Ankha were definitely surprised by that.

I spoke "Holy hay.... I had no idea you could pull it off Twi."

Twilight spoke "I try."

Pinkie spoke "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's get the plan started!"

Twilight spoke "About that..."

Rainbow soon pins the Colt-do-Well down before pulling the mask off.

Soarin chuckles "Okay, you got me Skittles."

Rainbow stammers "S-Soarin?! *Stuttering* Huh?!"

Cadence reveals herself shortly after.

Cadence giggles "Soarin asked me for help with a confession."

Soarin knelt down on his left foreleg before pulling out a cerulean diamond ring.

Soarin asks "Rainbow Dash, will you marry me?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but gasp at that in total surprise.

Cadence was giggling.

But then Rainbow Dash tackle-hugged Soarin with happy tears. "You idiot, of course I'll marry you!"

Twilight pounces on Flash, hugging him.

Flash asks "Twily?"

I spoke "Oh dear... Seems she wants something from you Flash."

Flash asks "Like what?"

I snicker "Oh I don't know...."

Kindle soon returned while carrying a small phoenix egg in his talons before placing the egg into Spike's hands.

Spike asks "Huh?"

Fluttershy spoke "Seems like Kindle and Philomena have a clutch of eggs now but the one he brought to you seems smaller than the others."


Lion Troubles

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*Twilight's POV*

I was practicing a spell that would transform creatures into different species.

When all of a sudden, a loud gunshot sneeze from Myth scared the cuss out of me.

The spell I was practicing started going out of control!

Danyelle teleports away fast to dodge the spell.

Fortunately, the magic blast didn't go far. Unfortunately, everyone in Ponyville was caught in the stray spell.

Crosswind and the other chakats weren't affected though.

I looked at myself in a mirror, surprised by my transformation.

Asuna was flying off the handle in a fit of Brooklyn Rage!

Huey spoke "Uh oh... Mom's mad..."

After breathing to calm myself down, I made a plan. "Okay, maybe there's a counter-spell to reverse the effects."

Ben was roaring in anger.

Ben growls "TWILIGHT!!!!"

"Uh-oh." I gulped.

A speedy blue blur slams into Ben, knocking the calico lion over.

Sonic spoke "Cool it Ben, you're flying into a Brooklyn rage..."

"Are the others okay?" I asked.

Sonic spoke "Asuna's flown into a Brooklyn rage, Orion and Jericho are freaking out, Rainbowtwo's been turned full Pegasus for some odd reason, the chakats weren't affected, Adagio's a *snrk* pufferfish..."

“…She’s what?” I asked, not processing that last part.

Sonic snickers "Pufferfish..."

Said pufferfish shot fire at Sonic, causing him to smell like hickory smoked lion.

Sonia was a dragon.

Sonia spoke "Jeeze Sonic, you should have known better than to insult Adagio like this."

Manic was somehow a diamond dog.

Sonata was still in hedgehog form since she was expecting a child.

Rainbow Dash flew in. "What happened, Twi? 'Cause this is awesome!"

Sonic spoke "Gunshot sneeze from Myth..."

Rainbow Dash asks "Whoa, Myth got a cold or something?"

Sonic spoke "No idea."

But then a female sungazer lizard Mobian showed up. "Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Hey Trip."

Ash was full Mewtwo for some reason, as were Serena and Hotaru.

Ash spoke "TWILIGHT!!!!"

Indigo was full Absol.

Trip asks "Um... Did I miss something?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, gunshot sneeze from a Mew caused this to happen."

From Trip's perspective, Sonic was a non Mobian lion.

Trip spoke "For a moment, I thought the chaos emeralds had something to do with it."

Sonic spoke "Like how they turn you into Super Dragon Trip? No."

Blaze, Roll and Spitfire were also lions as the three of them pounce on Sonic.

Sonic gasps "WHOA!!!"

Even Lance, Jazz, Volt, Perci and Flare were lions.

Lance was sneaking up behind Applebloom before pouncing on her.

Applebloom gasps "Whoa!"

Most of us noticed Trip as she suddenly started getting nervous before she put a helmet over her head. Her shyness kind of reminds me of Fluttershy.

And speaking of Fluttershy, the front half of her was lion.

Flowerstep spoke "Whoa."

Pinkie popped up, being a lion too. "Hi everyone!"

Jericho spoke "Twilight Sparkle! You better fix this before Celestia finds out!"


*Sonic's POV*

Twilight immediately started panicking about Celestia finding out about this.

Spitfire spoke "You're one to talk Sonic, your grandmother's gonna freak if she saw you like this."

That didn't freak me out. "Yeah, but you forget about my grandfather."

Myth was flying around in a panic since Koji was missing.

I spoke "That can't be good... If what Myth said about her first two children being stolen, the same could happen to Koji!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh come on!"

A low growl was heard from Orion and Asuna since the two of them were worried about their brother.

Kiri and Ankha's pony forms were changed to lions, but their true forms were unaffected.

Kiri spoke "I smell this Koji, he seems to be inside that forest."

Ankha spoke "But that forest smells dangerous."

We realized where Koji was.

Zecora was carrying Koji on her back as she trotted over.

Twilight and the others were holding back their urges since to a lion, a zebra was nothing more than food.

Zecora spoke "Despite my instincts shouting at me to flee, I knew that not returning him wasn't meant to be."

Asuna was growling at Zecora.

Zecora simply tilted her head in confusion.

Twilight spoke "Oh hairballs, Asuna's given in to the hunter instinct!"

All of us managed to pin Asuna down.

In a full fit of Brooklyn rage, Asuna breaks free of the hold.

Kazuto spoke "Asuna! Stop!"

Kazuto tackled Asuna before they tussled.

Huey covered his eyes with a forepaw.

Soon enough, Asuna was on her back as she looked up at Kazuto.

Danyelle soon returns with Newlestia.

Newlestia asks "What is going on here?"

Twilight yelped in horror.

Danyelle spoke "Wrong alicorn though Twilight!"

Twilight spoke "They look exactly the same!"

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan, Celestia has the aurora mane... Newlestia has a solid pink mane."

Newlestia spoke "Don’t worry, I’m used to that."

But then Asuna purred at Kazuto with a smile and half-lidded eyes.

Danyelle spoke "So says the dude in a mare's body...."

Newlestia spoke "Ohohoho whoa whoa whoa! Don't you dare! Don't even go there!"

Danyelle spoke "You dare pick a fight with one of the Avatars? Bring it Pony Boy!"

But then we heard an explosion followed by Ein screaming was he was sent flying into the air.

Korra spoke "Stupid is as stupid does."

Danyelle and Newlestia then laughed, not caring about what happened a few seconds ago while Asuna and Kazuto nuzzled their heads or cheeks against each other.

Danyelle teleports the two lions to the Chuddle Hotel, freaking the crap out of Jasmine.

Jasmine popped her head out of a portal. "Takes skill to spook me, Danyelle. Respect."

Danyelle laughs "Didn't see that coming did you Jas?"

Jasmine giggles "Heehee, nope."

Jasmine withdrew her head as the portal closed.

Zecora spoke "Also, I’ve been seeing strange things in the Everfree. It’s like there have been survivors in there lately."

Newlestia asks "How strange we talking here zebra?"

Zecora spoke "Would acid, blood and yellow webbing count? Because there seems to be a large amount."

Twilight spoke "Oh hairballs..."

But then Korra and Mako showed up, having been transformed into lions.

Korra was carrying a fox cub by the scruff.

Korra asks "*Muffled* What's going on with me, Mako and Iris?"

I spoke "You and Mako are both lions yet your daughter's still a fox."

Newlestia spoke "That aside, someone that doesn't have a keen nose should go check that mess out."

Zecora asks "Into the Everfree Forest?"

Newlestia spoke "Yes, we obviously can't send Shirou and Danyelle in there. Both of them have keen noses and would likely faint."

Myth spoke "I'll go alone."

Orion and Rainbowtwo: What?! Why!?"

It was clear those two were shocked to hear that.

Myth spoke "I'm tougher than I look. And don't worry, I won't fight unless it's absolutely necessary."

Koji mewls.

Danyelle spoke "And Kiri, Ankha, before you two say anything, Myth knows what she's doing."

Orion spoke "She's a tough 'mon."

Kiri spoke "Fine, but be careful, whatever my sister and I smelled earlier, it's in that Everfree Forest."

Ankha spoke "And it smelled dangerous."

Orion spoke "Perhaps it would be better if I went with my mother."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... Probably for the best."

And so, Orion and Myth head off to the Everfree Forest.


Everfree Dangers and another Mew

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*Orion's POV*

Mom and I went into the Everfree Forest.

Myth spoke "This place is so spooky..."

"Are you seriously scared?" I asked.

Myth spoke "Don't make me stuff a Pecha berry down your throat."

I spoke "You wouldn't!"

Myth spoke "Don't test me son."

But then we heard buzzing as we saw a small unknown insect flying around.

A blade of air was flung at the insect, killing it.

Danyelle spoke "Keen nose or not, I want to help."

Myth asks "You sure?"

Danyelle spoke "I may have a keen nose but it's not as keen as Shirou's nose is. Plus I'm one of the Elements of Harmony."

Myth spoke "Okay."

So we kept looking before we saw what looked like a pack of timber wolves, half melted by acid and the other half trapped in yellow webbing.

Danyelle finds a frightened timber wolf pup in a bush.

Danyelle spoke "Uh guys, I think one of the half melted timber wolves was this one's mother..."

Myth spoke "Or one of the wrapped-up timber wolves. Hmm... From what I can see here, whoever did this was only in self-defense to survive."

Danyelle cuts the webbing with air blades, freeing the trapped timber wolves.

The pup ran toward two of the freed Timber Wolves before they nuzzled him.

"Seems like the little pup's parents are okay." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "I figured out what I had to do just by looking at the pup."

Myth spoke "If only we could understand them."

Danyelle growls in wolf-tongue, asking the timber wolves what happened.

The timber wolves responded, telling Danyelle what happened.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, that does not sound normal."

My mom and I were confused.

Danyelle spoke "They said that something dangerous is hiding in the forest and if I know Holo, she'd get mad..."

Danyelle uses a wolf-to-Equish translator spell on the alpha timber wolf so that Myth and I could understand the conversation.

Danyelle asks "Could you explain what the creature that you saw was?"

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "We were just hunting for food before we found a strange bug-like pony, who we though was gonna be our next meal."

Danyelle spoke "It probably was a Changeling though."

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "If so, she wasn't what we thought. Her eyes were black and reflective, she can grow and withdraw wings and appendages, she's about to trap opponents in yellow webbing. But what was the most strange was her ability to summon any unknown insect from within her. Some were strong, some were sneaky and sudden, some were explosive and some were acidic and venomous."

Danyelle spoke "I should pass that description to Chrysalis and Mandible."

Danyelle has Kindle deliver the scroll she had written to Chrysalis.

Danyelle spoke "Acid huh? I saw what happened to some of your pack, I'm sorry that happened."

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "No, it was our fault entirely. She was only defending herself, but since she knew we were planning to eat her, she didn't have a choice. She only did what was necessary."

Danyelle spoke "Regardless, we should bury the ones that lost their lives."

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "Actually..."

The half-melted timber wolves suddenly became lit on fire.

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "Thing is whenever a timber wolf dies, its body becomes engulfed in enchanted flames that doesn't leave behind even ashes so the regeneration ability doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

The burning timber wolves then suddenly faded with the flames, leave nothing behind.

Danyelle spoke "May StarClan guide their path."

Myth spoke "Well, whoever this female changeling is, we better find her so we can help her find a way out of the Everfree Forest."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle asks the Timber wolves to lead her, Myth and I to where the Changeling was.

To our surprise, the location was a deep and dark cave where sunlight doesn't get very far.

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "Come to think of it, I've been hearing guttural screeches at night lately. And some predators here were somehow eaten themselves with only their bones left with puddles of blood."

Danyelle spoke "I see some remains of a cockatrice..."

We saw a cockatrice skeleton.

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "From its scent, it assumed whoever lived in that cave would be easy prey. So whoever's responsible was only defending itself to survive and did what needed to be done."

Danyelle spoke "There have been quite a few loner Changelings that don't have a hive."

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "From what I can smell, one female and one male, but it smells like mother and son. Also, I smell another scent with them in there. *Gasp!* And I smell a new scent heading right for us!"

Danyelle growls as strands of fire and air swirl around her.

But then what showed up... was definitely a shock.

Danyelle had suddenly transformed into a two-tailed Mew form.

Danyelle asks "Have I seen you somewhere before?"

But then mom suddenly started freaking out.

Danyelle asks "You okay Myth?"

Myth spoke "Okay? OKAY?! THAT's an Ancient Mew!"

Danyelle uses Double Slap on the back of Myth's head, calming the Mew back down.

Myth spoke "Thanks, I needed that."

Danyelle spoke "Twice over, if I might add."

Danyelle turns her attention back to the Ancient Mew.

Danyelle spoke "I think I saw you one time before... In one of my visions."

The Ancient Mew tilted its head in confusion.

Danyelle asks "Would Arcee's name ring any bells?"

The Ancient Mew gasped at that.

Danyelle also asked if there were other Mews aside from Myth and Koji.

The Ancient Mew seemed to have a hard time remembering.

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "If it's alright, we should investigate the cave."

Danyelle spoke "Very well but don't provoke the Changeling once you see it."

Myth spoke "Careful, there may be more than a changeling in there."

Danyelle spoke "Since we don't know what else is here, we should stay close together."

Danyelle uses her flames to light the way as the group goes into the cave.

We went deep into the cave as we felt like we were getting close.

Danyelle's senses were on high alert.

But then we heard snoring as we looked up to see... a male gryphon vampire?!

Danyelle lowers the brightness of her flames.

Danyelle spoke "Wait a moment... I know this vampire... Hey Drac!"

But then a warp opened as we saw a male vampire pony.

The stallion asks "Danyelle? You called?"

Danyelle was up on the roof of the cave.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Drac! Don't scare me like that!"

Dracula asks "Anyway, what is going on here?"

I spoke "Other than Danyelle being up on the ceiling like a scaredy Skitty..."

Danyelle spoke "Hey!"

Myth spoke "We came here to look for something."

The alpha Timber Wolf spoke "I think I found that something."

We turned toward the Timber Wolf and saw two changelings, one female and the other being male. I sensed that the female was older than the griffin vampire, and the male one was the griffin vampire's age, and I sensed that those two were mother and son. They seemed ready to defend themselves and the vampire griffin.

Danyelle spoke "Calm down miss, we mean you no harm."

The Changeling mare growls "And how can you prove that? This one does not trust you."

Danyelle snickers "I happen to know something that would get on Drac's nerves."

Dracula growls "*Scowl* I don't say "Bleh-bleh-bleh"."

Myth and I snicker.

Danyelle giggles "You just did. And I also happen to know a vampire that lives in Ponyville. And get this, *snicker* she's single!"

Dracula spoke "What? Oh no no no no no. I'm far too busy. I have Mavis and Dennis and the hotel and blah blah blah."

That actually left us surprised.

Danyelle: Wait, did you just hear that? He actually said "Bleh-bleh-bleh"."

Dracula spoke "I don't say "Bleh-bleh-bleh"!

Okay, now we were a bit confused.

Danyelle whistles loud before Vinyl pops up suddenly, surprising Drac.

Dracula spoke "Don't do that!"

Vinyl removes her sunglasses, revealing blood-red eyes.

Vinyl spoke "It seems that I'm not the only vampire around."

Danyelle, Myth and I were on our backs while laughing since Drac's wings were up on end.

None of us noticed, but Drac's eyes shined and glimmered pink.

Vinyl spoke "Name's Vinyl Scratch, professional DJ."

Drac's body suddenly became droopy as as his muzzle became a wavy smile.

Danyelle asks "Drac? You good?"

Dracula asks "Eeny feeny fanny foonyah wah wah?"

The alpha Timber Wolf asks "Is he having a heart attack?"

Danyelle spoke "Drac? Not likely, since that can only come from a wooden stake."

Vinyl spoke "Anyway, I've heard legends and you must be Count Dracula, the one and only."

Dracula chuckles "Eh doobeeday shoolah eh koobeeday?"

Vinyl asks "Transylvanian? Guess I can try. Eh doobeeday shoolah eh koobeeday?"

Dracula spoke "Eh koobeeday."

Vinyl spoke "Koobeeday."

Dracula spoke "Eh koobeeday."

Vinyl spoke "Koobeeday."

Dracula spoke "Eh doobeeday shoolah eh koobeeday."

Vinyl spoke "Doolah-day shoolah koobeeday. Huh, pretty nice language. Ya know, can't help but think that accents help stallions sound smart."

Dracula spoke "Alibooboo."

Danyelle spoke "Uh... *Giggles nervously* Transylvanian language alright. He's saying it was good to meet you."

Danyelle grabbed Drac and opened a warp ring before going to Hotel Transylvania.

Vinyl giggles "Well, "alibooboo" to you too."

*Danyelle's POV*

Gotta find Frank and the others and tell them about this.

Vinyl and the trio of Poké-Mobians follow after me.

I call out while snickering "Hey Mavis!!!"

Mavis asks "Huh? Danyelle?"

Frank, Wayne, Griffin and Murray noticed Drac's attitude and took him away to a place that's alone as I decided to do a little eavesdropping.

Frank spoke "Drac! Drac, snap out of it."

Drac kept saying "Alibooboo."

Griffin spoke "*Holding Champaign glass* Wait wait. I've always wanted to do this. *Splashes Drac with champaign before slapping him* Wake up! Wake up, Drac! Snap out of it!"

Frank asks "*Pulls Griffin away* Hey, cut it out! Hey, buddy, you okay?"

Dracula spoke "No, no, not okay. Not okay! I... I... I... Zinged."

*Giggle* Oh well, might as well keep the secret and see how things unfold. I went back to the others as I remembered the Timberwolves, two changelings and one vampire gryphon. I took Vinyl, the trio of Poké-Mobians and Mavis back with me to the cave as nothing much had changed, much to my relief. Then I heard a yawn as the vampire gryphon started waking up.

Orion spoke "You know Danyelle... If Cadence finds out, she'd be extremely giddy."

"I know, that's why I'll keep it quiet." I smirked.

The vampire gryphon asks "Ugh... Mom, K'Dagon, what's going on?"

Vinyl snickers "Long story short, I got a new coltfriend."

“But it’s not official yet.” I giggled.

Changeling spoke "I'm called M’Della. The boy you see beside me is the son, K’Dagon. The boy above you is my adopted son, Draven."

I looked outside and saw it was night.

I yawn a bit.

“Well, let’s get back to Ponyville.” I said.

Vinyl spoke "Agreed and I can't wait to see the look on Tavi's face when she sees Drac."

I brought out a warp ring as we went back to Ponyville, when all of a sudden Kiri and Ankha dropped in while in their true forms, pinning down M’Della, K’Dagon and Draven.

Orion spoke "Let's never mention the amount of pups that one Diamond Dog has to Pinkie, she'd likely have a meltdown."

"I think she'll find out anyway. And Kiri, Ankha, what are you two doing?" I asked.

Kiri spoke "Saving your lives from these three monsters."

Ankha spoke "You should be glad the female one didn't plant any larvae in you."

I spoke "StarClan's sake you two! Don't make me mad! so let them go! The mare didn't do anything! Ben is the only one who can do what he wants with my body."

Vinyl spoke "Plus the gryphon's a vampire."

Kiri spoke "This gryphon isn't just a vampire. He's a Vaeternian, and these two changelings are Kytinn."

Ankha spoke "We don't know how they got here, but we're gonna kill them now before they can harm this realm."


I fired a quad elemental Roar at the two females, knocking them off M'Della and her two sons.

I growl "You never even gave them a chance to explain how they got here in the first place!"

Orion asks "M'Della was it? How did you and your sons get here though?"

M'Della spoke "The Zaterrans are correct, K'Dagon and I are indeed Kytinn. However, I no longer wanted the Kytinn to be feared, so against the hive's wishes, I fled with K'Dagon while he was still an infant. However, while finding a new home, I encountered a female Vaeternian holding an infant male as she was fatally injured. She informed me she wanted the Vaeternian to be feared no longer while helping her kind survive. The infant she was holding was Draven, who was fortunately unharmed. I agreed to care for the infant as the Vaeternian smiled before she breathed her last. Soon, K'Dagon, Draven and I found this realm and survived for slightly less than 10,000 years."

The amount of years alone shocked us.

I spoke "I may look like a two tailed Mew with wings right now but my true form is a nekomata-gryphon hybrid. Plus I can ask Queen Leilani and King White to grant you permanent Equestrian residency meaning the two Zaterrans can't kill you."

Kiri spoke "You're making a big mistake letting them stay here. The Kytinn harvests other species to make their hive grow in numbers. And the Vaeternians are currently on conquest since their homeworld Vaeternus is on the path of self-destruction."

Ankha spoke "Vaeternians can fortunately only come out during the night, but they are skilled with blood magic. They're known to capture other species to either feast on them to satisfy their ravenous hunger or breed them to make their numbers grow."

I spoke "SHUT UP KIRI!!! I believe that all creatures deserve a chance to be heard. I don't care if the creature in question is Mobian, pony, chakat, gryphon, yak, dragon, Changeling, hippogriff, Abyssinian, Diamond Dog, zebra, Poké-Mobian, Cyniclon, human, Andalite, Beastman or even a Kytinn. I believe that all opinions matter, no matter where it comes from! And if you make a remark like that towards them again, you two are no better than the Black Arms!"

Kiri spoke "My sister and I are telling you this because their kind tried to invade our home realms before, even though they were repelled."

Ankha spoke "We don't want this realm to be invaded like ours had been before, from both inside and outside."

One of the female Black Arms spoke out "They refugees, just like us. They need place to live in."

Ankha spoke "If so, then they'll have to earn the trust of my sister and I."

I growl "You two Zaterrans have lost my trust. If you want to get it back, you have to leave M'Della and her sons alone. Besides, you two aren't the only aliens in Equestria. There's three Cyniclons in Mobian skin, an Andalite-chakat hybrid, a Mobian cat with Cyniclon powers, a group of Black Arm refugees.... Heck, Twilight's half Cyniclon because of Momo and Deep Blue."

Kiri and Ankha said nothing as they walked away while vanishing.

I spoke "With all the alien species now living in Ponyville, perhaps it's time I became a peacekeeper so that fights don't end with someone getting killed."

Draven asks "You sure?"

I spoke "I have a firm belief that all creatures have a right to be heard, regardless of who they are or where they came from."

Sunset nods in agreement.

Sunset spoke "I was once a normal human but because of a stupid platypus, I can't go back to my original form. So what you see now is what I am for life."

I spoke "Spike, take a letter please.*Ahem* "Dear Princess Celestia, it may come as a shock to you but with the recent trio of aliens that Vinyl Scratch and I have found nearly got themselves killed by another pair of aliens if I hadn't stopped the fight from happening. I have a firm belief that all creatures have a right to be heard, regardless of what they look like or when they came from. The Kytinn female, M'Della along with her two sons are refugees since they don't have a place of their own. Your nekomata-gryphon subject, Danyelle Hikari." Okay Spike, you can send it now."

Spike spoke "On it."

I spoke "Thanks Spike."

*After the letter was sent off*

I spoke "Now then, let's find you three a suitable home."

M'Della spoke "Thank you, but it might prove difficult for Draven since..."

Mavis spoke "He could use a blood substitute like Near Blood or Blood Beaters. Hard to tell them apart though."

I spoke "Hmm... Maybe that old castle in the Everfree Forest could work, nobody lives there anyway plus there's ample prey. I'm talking hydras, rocs and cockatrices. That could work for the blood fix too."

Draven spoke "Well, I won't overeat since that could empty out the life in the Everfree Forest. That's why my homeworld's not doing well, they overfed."

I spoke "Too many mouths to feed can cause a shortage of prey."

The Black Arm that spoke up before nodded in agreement.

The Black Arm spoke "My old world same way, too many mouths... and overbreeding..."

Mavis asks "Dany, you doing okay?"

A faint kick was felt from my stomach.

I spoke "I'm okay Mavis."


Sweet and Elite

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*Rarity's POV*

Despite the fact Danyelle had another kitten on the way and she was still in Mew form, she was helping the bellhop carry my things to the room I had booked.

I spoke "Thank you so much for helping me out Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "No problems Rarity... It's *pant* good to help a friend out."

"Please, don't push yourself, Dany." I advised.

Danyelle spoke "I'll be okay given that I had to tell Kiri and Ankha off when they tried to kill M'Della and her two sons."

"Oh, that reminds me. Fluttershy is talking to them and told me that they actually had good reason." I remembered.

Danyelle spoke "But I told them that all creatures deserve to have a choice."

"Their parents were killed by invading Kytinn and Vaeternians." I said as Danyelle froze at that.

Danyelle spoke "Remember those Black Arms that arrived? They're refugees though since their homeworld is severely overpopulated... Plus the females are forced to be bred like crazy with no say in the matter."

“I know, but those two had a hard life.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "I'll have a look into it with my Dimensional Scream after I have this kitten."

“Fluttershy said it was the whole truth as well.” I added as Sonic showed up.

Sonic spoke "Hey girls."

Danyelle spoke "Hey bro, I didn't even smell you coming even though you have that chilidog smell. And now, I smell cake as well as cinnamon."

Sonic spoke "Well, I do smell a bit like smoked chili dogs right now."

Danyelle giggles "Let me guess... You pissed Shadow off again?"

Sonic spoke "Well… you could say that."

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Blast from Shadow followed by fire from Adagio... I guess you pissed them both off."

Sonic chuckles "Hehe, well I guess. Smell a bit chilly too."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think Ben saw me like this though, not yet anyways."

Sonic chuckles "Heh, I bet he’ll go crazy for you."

Danyelle spoke "Plus I'm stuck in Mew form until after I have the kitten. Oh and bro, your tail's on fire."

Sonic turned around before pouring some ice from a bucket onto his tail, extinguishing the fire.

Danyelle giggles.

Sonic spoke "Not the worst I've had."

From Sonic's perspective, Danyelle looked like a grown up version of Koji.

Sonic asks "So what happened to you?"

Danyelle spoke "I was messing around with Transform... And with a kitten on the way, I can't switch back to my normal form. Which also means Rani will have to fly on her own since she's getting bigger."

Sonic spoke "Oh."

"I must say, I am surprised." I admitted.

Danyelle teases "So Rarity, when will you and the dumbass cyro have kids?"

Rarity spoke "Please watch your tongue, Danyelle. I've been working on my magic."

Danyelle spoke "Oh hairballs... Not now.... Sonic, go get Asuna and Fluttershy... NOW!!"

Sonic spoke "Already on it!"

Danyelle asks "Rarity... Could you set up a comfortable spot for me?"

"Of course!" I nodded.

Myth pops up suddenly with Koji clinging to her stomach.

Myth spoke "I heard the news from the fire-psychic 'Two that a new Mew was about to be born."

Danyelle spoke "You... heard right..."

Myth spoke "And since I sense Princess Celestia coming up the stairs, we have to do get the kitten out quickly."

Sonic came back with Asuna, Fluttershy and Ben.

Danyelle was on a comfy pillow as she tries to push the kitten out.

Ben spoke "Dany!"

Danyelle spoke "B-Ben..."

Ben gently grabbed Danyelle's right wing before she gripped his hand incredibly hard with it since her hands were small.

Danyelle mewls in pain.

Ben winced at the intense grip Danyelle made as he could feel his bones starting to crack.

Soon enough, the mewling of a single newborn Mew was heard.

Danyelle spoke "Oh, she's so tiny..."

My goodness, the little Mew kitten is just so adorable!

Danyelle asks "Ben dear, what do you think about Akoya?"

Ben spoke "It's purrfect."

Danyelle and Akoya laughed at that pun as Amy restrained Pinkie.

Danyelle curls one of her tails around Akoya to keep the little Mew warm.

Danyelle spoke "Keep your voice down Pinkie, last thing Myth and I need is a pair of crying baby Mews."

Pinkie spoke "I know, I know. I just can't wait for the party! And I have a feeling I have a ton of parties comin' up!"

Danyelle spoke "And I sense that Mrs Cake has twin foals on the way, a colt and a filly."

Pinkie couldn't be more excited.

"Hmm... How about you rest here while the girls and I treat ourselves at Donut Joe's?" I asked.

Blizzardstar chuckles "If I know Pear Butter, she'd be ecstatic!"

"Hmm... Maybe Mrs. Cake and Pear Butter are like sisters in their friendship." I smiled.

Irene, Tikal and Rani was curious about their little sister.

Danyelle spoke "I think you folks can go on ahead to Donut Joe's."

Myth spoke "I'll stay with Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks."

Myth yawns "I need some sleep as well..."

The girls and I soon went off to Donut Joe's.

Myth and Danyelle curl up together on the pillow with their children curl around them.

*Rainbow Dash's POV*

So earlier today, AJ and I did a bet, doing race to fill the baskets with apples back at Sweet Apple Acres, and last to fill payed for the meal at Donut Joe's.

Applejack spoke "Ah'm glad yer payin' fer the bill, 'cause it might get steeper with Pinkie's sugar rush."

"I'm paying? I finished first." I said.

Applejack spoke "But Ah delivered mah basket to Granny Smith before you."

"Delivered? It was filled." I pointed out.

Applejack spoke "Heh, not how Ah recall."

"So that's how you wanna play? Then let's do this mare-to-mare." I challenged as AJ and I walked.

Applejack asks "Hold on, as in fight?"

"Yeah, we've been training to get better, right? This'll test 'em. Best two rounds out of three?" I said.

Applejack spoke "Alright, but we better be careful, 'cause Donut Joe'll kick us out if we break anything."

"Heh, don't worry, this'll be over in ten seconds flat." I smirked as AJ and I started battling.

*Rarity's POV*

Those two brawling? *Sigh* They never learn. Later, Rainbow Dash won the first and final round as everything in the building was undamaged with some of the customers cheering for the friendly battle.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Heh, guess you're paying."

Rainbow Dash pumped her hooves into the air for the cheering customers as Donut Joe chuckled at what was going on.

Donut Joe chuckles "Not bad, you two."

Korra spoke "Least nothing got broken, this time..."

A roar was heard followed by an explosion since a random Team Plasma grunt tried to steal Akoya from Danyelle.

Holding a crying Akoya close to her chest, Danyelle growls "If you ever come near any of MY kids again... I will personally RIP out your eyes and shove them down your throat SO YOU CAN SEE MY CLAWS TEAR YOUR CARCASS OPEN!!!"

The grunt ran away in absolute horror.

Later, we had a good meal, some larger than others as AJ was looking at the bill as Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Pinkie let out a rather big burp.

Applejack spoke "Y’all were hungry."

Twilight spoke "I'm eating for two though."

Donut Joe showed up.

Applejack spoke "Thank ya kindly for the food, Donut Joe."

Danyelle soon floated in while carrying Akoya in her arms.

Danyelle spoke "Hey guys."

Akoya squirms in Danyelle's arms.

“Hello Danyelle.” I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that explosion I had caused, some stupid grunt tried to take Akoya from me."

Twilight spoke "It's okay, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, she's so little though... I'd hate to see what would happen if Team Plasma got their hands on her..."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh, I don't wanna think about it!"

Twilight spoke "Any mother would say the same thing about their little ones."

Danyelle spoke "I'm lucky that I have reliable friends to back me up if it did happen."

Korra asks "Mind introducing us to the little one?"

Danyelle spoke "This is Akoya."

Ben spoke "She does get rather hissy if someone other than me or Danyelle holds her, it's a cat thing you know."

Bluestar spoke "Oh, she's so little."

Danyelle spoke "She may be small now but she'll get bigger."

Pinkie asks "How big?"

Danyelle spoke "About the same size as Myth. Rani on the other hand, she'll be at least twice the size since I was a Mobian nekomata when I had her."

Fluttershy spoke "Wow."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before passing Akoya to Ben.

Danyelle growls "Whoever is hiding better come out right now before I blast you out!"

Coal hid behind Twilight since he was scared.

Someone moved away from the tree, revealed to be a black furred female Mewtwo like Coal, who seemed nervous.

Twilight growls as she wraps her tail around Coal.

The adult female got scared, as it looked like she was worried about Coal.

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

The scared Mewtwo spoke "S-Shakira..."

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Twilight, you're scaring her."

Twilight stops growling but kept Coal close to her.

Danyelle spoke "I do apologize for Sparkle Butt's temper."

Twilight spoke "Dany!"

Danyelle spoke "Cork it Sparkles or I will burn your Smarty Pants doll."

Twilight spoke "No!"

Coal snuggles up to Twilight.

Danyelle spoke "Least I have a way to shut Twilight up when she's got a foal on the way."

"What if Twilight had hundreds of children." I teased.

Twilight spoke "SCREW THAT!! I can't handle THAT many foals!"

Danyelle spoke "I honestly don't know how Wayne and Wanda can handle that many.... given that most of them are boys..."

Cadence appeared behind Twilight. "Or that Winnie has a crush on Dennis."

Twilight spoke "You're lucky I didn't kick you Cadence. But Danyelle is right, 300+ mouths to feed is too much for one mare to handle."

Various mares nod in agreement.

Danyelle snickers "And there's the fact that Drac's got a new marefriend."


Visiting a New World

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*Twilight’s POV*

Queen Novo said that the other portal gateway was ready as we went to Mount Aris.

Danyelle spoke "Not all of us will be going though since those with young children are likely going to stay behind."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Strange thing is M’Della, K’Dagon, Draven, Kiri, Ankha and Teermakus aren’t that excited to come with us. It’s like they wanna stay here."

Honeystar snickers "<Maybe they're just being a group of scaredy Skitty.>"

Skystar spoke "Well, what’re we waiting for?! Let’s go!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm staying behind since Akoya is too young to be left alone for more than two minutes. Twilight will also be staying behind because of Nyx and Akari."

“Oh… Right.” I realized.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Don’t worry, Twi. The rest of us can handle this."

Danyelle spoke "Fluttershy's also staying behind since she's got a child on the way. So the ones staying behind are Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Asuna, Zoey, Blaze, Spitfire, Rainbowtwo, myself and Myth."

Applejack spoke "Dang. Sorry about that."

Sonic spoke "She's got a point Applejack. You know Rarity and Fluttershy aren't fighters unless provoked."

Rainbow spoke "Welp, let’s go!"

The Mewtwo-Night Fury spoke "We not know what could leap out, we take at least 10 Mewtwos."

Novo spoke "I’m coming along, to make sure Skystar doesn’t get into trouble."

Skystar spoke "But mom, you have a kingdom to protect."

Novo spoke "I know, and that's why I'm coming along."

Danyelle was growling suddenly since the Storm guards have showed up.

I growl as well.

Novo asks "Oh, you noticed them?"

Danyelle growls "I'm the one that offed the Storm King though."

Fluttershy asks "You seem tense. Do you wanna talk about it?"

One of the storm guards grunted in confusion.

Danyelle growls and chuffs in the storm guard's tongue, asking the general what happened.

The general responded.

Danyelle spoke "Sounds like Heartless. I've already alerted Zoey and Sora, they're heading to the Stormlands to get rid of the Heartless there."

I spoke "Good call."

But then we heard a storm guard freely sobbing into a tissue as Fluttershy soothed the guard.

Fluttershy spoke "There there, it's okay. Let it all out."

Maria was comforting a different storm guard as it cried.

Rainbow asks "Anyway, we gonna check out this new world or what?"

Soarin spoke "Oh no you don't Skittles, I have plans for you and Fleetfoot."

Rainbow stutters "Huh?"

Soarin drags Rainbow away by her tail through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel.

Applejack asks "Welp, that’s new. Anyway, everyone who’s comin’ along ready?"

The Mewtwo-Night Fury spoke "Ready!"

Novo nodded in agreement, ready too.

Orion spoke "I don't think Queen Novo should go though."

Skystar spoke "Sorry, but when my mom really decides to do something, there’s no stopping her."

High Goddess Faust suddenly appears.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Divine blessing or not, she could get killed and I know the hippogriffs would not want that."

Novo spoke "I’m serious about this."

A portal opens up before a hippogriff male steps out.

The male asks "N-Novo, is that you my pearl?"

Novo froze at that voice completely.

High Goddess Faust spoke "I had to search all over Mobius to find the guy."

Sonic asks "Hold on, he was on Mobius the whole time?"

Danyelle spoke "We probably never saw him though Sonic."

Sonic asks "How?"

Danyelle spoke "We didn't have our wings back then. Duh!"

Sonic asks "Oh. But who is he?"

Skystar gasped in shock at the sight of the hippogriff male.

Danyelle had transformed into a female version of Tails yet the clothes remained the same.

Danyelle spoke "*voice sounded like Tails* My guess would be that Novo somehow recognizes the guy."

Sonic asks "What the?! Since when could you...?"

Danyelle giggles "*voice sounded like Tails* Mews can transform into any Pokemon they can think of. Oh hey Ben."

All Ben saw was a female version of Tails.

Ben asks "Tails?! What happened to you?!

Tails spoke "I'm over here Ben! That vixen isn't me!"

Ben gasps "Wha?! Two Tails?!"

Danyelle giggles as she flirts with the nekomata.

Danyelle giggles "*voice sounded like Tails* Come on, kitty cat. I know plenty of female friends, I bet they'll all take a liking to you. *Soothes tails against Ben's chin* Who knows, maybe we can join that special nekomata of yours."

Ben was blushing up a storm with steam hissing out of his ears.

Danyelle giggles "*voice sounded like Tails* You are so easy to tease!"

Ben was practically frozen as Danyelle decided to add one more touch while gently grabbing Ben by the chin.

Danyelle asks "*voice sounded like Tails* Then how about this?"

*One quick transform later,*

Danyelle now looked like a female version of Sonic.

Sonic spoke "Whoa. Did NOT see that coming."

Danyelle spoke "The forms are affected by how long I've known someone for. Given that I practically grew up with you Sonic, I can look like a female version of you with Transform. I can't take on a female version of Shadow since I haven't known him as long."

Danyelle then kissed Ben on the lips.

Sonic's wings shot up in surprise.

Roll and Blaze spoke "Wow, we didn't see that coming."

Danyelle disconnected before becoming female Tails again before she gave Ben another kiss on the lips.

Dany-Tails drags Ben off to the Hotel.

Tails asks "What about the male hippogriff?"

Novo had fainted from shock.

Orion spoke "And Novo fainted..."

Sonic asks "What about Skystar?"

Skystar was crying while hugging the male hippogriff.

Poseidon hugs his daughter back.

Poseidon spoke "Just look at you Sky, you've grown into a fine young adult. Just like I hoped you would."

Skystar spoke "I... *Sniff!* I can't believe it... You're back, daddy!"

Akoya was clinging to Myth's back.

Applejack asks "Everyone ready now?"

Michiru spoke "Ready!"

Myth spoke "Good luck ponies."

The group went into the gateway.

*Applejack’s POV*

When we went out of the gateway, we suddenly found female guards in yellow clothing pointing spears at us.

Michiru spoke "Looks like they were expecting us when they noticed the gateway working again."

Since Sonic and Sonia went with the group, the two hedgehogs unfurl their wings thus indicating to the guards that they were royalty.

Sonic spoke "Ladies please, we mean no harm. My name is Prince Sonic Ogami, eldest grandson of Princess Luna."

The guards stood down a bit, but remained vigilant as one of them walked up.

The guard spoke "You are fortunate that the Empress and princesses are coming here personally."

Michiru was back in Beastman form.

Michiru spoke "Not again.... This always happens when I'm not in Equestria..."

The guard spoke "Odd, your abilities is similar to a Zaterran, yet you are not."

Sonic asks "Wait, did you say Zaterran?"

The guard spoke "Of course, you are in Outworld."

Dren was back in his Cyniclon form since he was with the group of Equians and Mobians.

Sonic spoke "My adopted sister told a pair of female Zaterrans off when they were about to straight up murder a pair of Kytinn and a Vaeternian... And as for Dren, he's a good guy once you get to know him. Just don't ask about the scars he has..."

Dren spoke "I don't want to talk about them though."

Next thing we knew, the guards pointed their weapons at us again.

The guard gasps "Kytinn and a Vaeternian?! Why would you protect such monsters after what they did to Outworld?!"

Dren knocks a spear out of one guard's hands.

Dren spoke "Cool it ladies! I'm also an alien but I'm not dangerous unless provoked."

Sonic growls "Plus Honeystar's also an alien, and there's also a few Black Arm refugees!"

But that only made them draw their weapons closer at what Dren did.

“Sonic! Dren! Stop and calm down! Yer makin’ things worse!” I pointed out.

Sonia restrains her older brother with magic.

High Goddess Faust suddenly appears, causing the guards to freeze.

Dren's eyes were glowing blue in anger.

Zoey spoke "Dren Ikisatashi, STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!"

Dren immediately calmed back down.

Looking at the guards, Zoey spoke "Ladies, you shouldn't provoke an alien... Especially if they're a purebred Andalite, those tail-blades are sharp enough to cut Black Arm skin."

The guards weren't intimidated by that however.

Zoey spoke "Just trust me on this ladies, Honeystar's one alien you don't ever want to piss off. Shi will kill you if you anger hir."

The guards were still unfazed.

"Guys, stop aggravatin' them!" I urged.

Honeystar's tail was thrashing a bit, causing the others and I to back away from hir.

Zoey spoke "Oh crap...."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Honeystar, calm down right now!"

But the hybrid was too aggravated to listen.

A commanding voice spoke "Enough!"

Hair suddenly wrapped around Honeystar, completely restraining hir and hir tail. We looked ahead to see the one responsible for restraining the hb.

The guard spoke "Empress Sindel."

The guards immediately stood down as two young woman were behind the now known Empress with the three of them approaching us.

Sonic and the others bow in respect.

Sonic spoke "I do apologize for Honeystar's behavior, shi's not acting like hir usual calm self. Oh, my name is Prince Sonic Ogami. I am the eldest grandson of Princess Luna Ogami and Prince Shirou Ogami. The others are Applejack, Michiru, Zoey, Dren and my sister."

Sonia spoke "I'm Princess Sonia Ogami."

High Goddess Faust spoke "And I am High Goddess Faust, creator of Equis."

Sindel spoke "Well, as Tanya has said, I am Sindel, Empress of Outworld. And these are my daughters, Mileena and Kitana. And I know of Equis, and I’m quite surprised that the gateway reopened after all this time."

High Goddess Faust spoke "As was I, it was meant to remain closed but with the recent string of events... It had opened."

Sindel spoke "So then you know of the tournament."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Sadly, yes."

Dren asks "Have you noticed anything unusual lately?"

Sindel spoke "No, there hasn't been any disruptions."

But then I noticed Faust and I lookin' like humans as the two of us wore clothes in our style.

Sonic and Sonia were unaffected though since they were born Mobians.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Two Zaterrans got told off by a nekomata a while ago whey they thought the nekomata was attacked by a Kytinn."

Mileena gasps "What?! Why would you protect-"

Sindel spoke "I'm certain they have their reasons, Mileena, as unbelievable as that may seem since Kytinn have tried to invade Sun Do before."

Sonic uses his magic to play back a memory from the time Danyelle defended the two Kytinn from Kiri and Ankha.


Kiri spoke "You're making a big mistake letting them stay here. The Kytinn harvests other species to make their hive grow in numbers. And the Vaeternians are currently on conquest since their homeworld Vaeternus is on the path of self-destruction."

Ankha spoke "Vaeternians can fortunately only come out during the night, but they are skilled with blood magic. They're known to capture other species to either feast on them to satisfy their ravenous hunger or breed them to make their numbers grow."

Danyelle snaps "SHUT UP KIRI!!! I believe that all creatures deserve a chance to be heard. I don't care if the creature in question is Mobian, pony, chakat, gryphon, yak, dragon, Changeling, hippogriff, Abyssinian, Diamond Dog, zebra, Poké-Mobian, Cyniclon, human, Andalite, Beastman or even a Kytinn. I believe that all opinions matter, no matter where it comes from! And if you make a remark like that towards them again, you two are no better than the Black Arms!"

Kiri spoke "My sister and I are telling you this because their kind tried to invade our home realms before, even though they were repelled."

Ankha spoke "We don't want this realm to be invaded like ours had been before, from both inside and outside."

One of the female Black Arms spoke out "They refugees, just like us. They need place to live in."

Ankha spoke "If so, then they'll have to earn the trust of my sister and I."

Danyelle growls "You two Zaterrans have lost my trust. If you want to get it back, you have to leave M'Della and her sons alone. Besides, you two aren't the only aliens in Equestria. There's three Cyniclons in Mobian skin, an Andalite-chakat hybrid, a Mobian cat with Cyniclon powers, a group of Black Arm refugees.... Heck, Twilight's half Cyniclon because of Momo and Deep Blue."

Kiri and Ankha said nothing as they walked away while vanishing.

Danyelle spoke "With all the alien species now living in Ponyville, perhaps it's time I became a peacekeeper so that fights don't end with someone getting killed."

*End memory*

High Goddess Faust spoke "Miss Danyelle believes that all creatures deserve to voice their opinion, regardless of where they came from."

Sindel spoke "Let us hope that belief is true and her choice proves wise."

For some reason, I saw Mileena and Kitana as Luna and Celestia.

Sonic asks "Wait, if Mileena and Kitana are your daughters, then who's going to be the next empress?"

Sindel spoke "Mileena is my heir, since she is my eldest daughter."

Sonic spoke "Danyelle told Shadow off when he was about to kill the Black Arm refugees though."

Sindel spoke "I do apologize for the Umgadi's hostility. Their duty is to protect the royal family of Outworld as they are warrior priestesses."

Sonic spoke "True plus the weight of the crown is heavy in any universe."

Sindel asks "Should I assume that you would want to see Sun Do and its sights?"

Sonic spoke "Sure plus we've been busy getting things set up for a Nightmare Night party."

That left the Outworlders confused, but they decided not to question it.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Oh, that's a Equian term for Halloween."

Sindel spoke "We have of such a time in Earthrealm."

Sonic spoke "As do Mobians. But I should warn you... There is a hyena Mobian that often pulls a cuss ton of pranks... But when the prank backfires on him, he screams like a girl!"

Sindel giggled. “That certainly sounds amusing.”

Sonic spoke "There was this one time he pulled Danyelle's tails.... Next thing we knew, he was char-grilled to the point he smelled like hickory smoked hyena!"

Mileena snickered.

Dren chuckles "If you think that's funny, I pulled a dynamite prank on Shadow but pinned the blame on Ein."

Kitana covered her mouth, keeping her laughter in.

Sindel asks "Okay, enough. Now do you want to see Sun Do?"

High Goddess Faust spoke "Sure."

Honeystar spoke "<Uh... this is extremely uncomfortable...>"

Uh-oh! We gotta find another chakat!

Sonic used his magic to teleport Honeystar into Rainbow's suite.

Sonic spoke "That should stifle the peak male phase..."


Pranks Galore at the Chuddle Hotel

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*Rainbow's POV*

I had a great time at the Hotel, pulling a prank or two on the other guests.

But man... Pinkie's sure missing out on the fun.

Soarin chuckles "That feather dye prank we pulled on Jet and Corina was hilarious!"

Fleetfoot giggles "Can you believe the arsenal we have for pranks here?"

I spoke "Yeah but pranking Shadow is a bad idea though."

Fleetfoot asks "Anyway, what's this surprise you had in mind?"

"Yeah, what it is?" I agreed.

Soarin chuckles "Follow me to our suite, and you'll see."

I spoke "Honeystar's been acting off lately, I wonder what happened."

We went back to our suite, which was the Sky Lightning Speed suite.

Soon enough, a female version of Tails had checked into the hotel with Ben.

Dany-Tails spoke "Hey Skittles."

"What?! Tails?!" I gasped.

Dany-Tails laughs "That's what you think!"

I didn't see the sky blue wings that Danyelle was known for.

Dany-Tails laughs "Later Skittles."

Dany-Tails drags Ben off to a different suite.

Soarin spoke "You just got pranked by a fox."

Fleetfoot asks "Anyway, about that surprise?"

Soarin spoke "Well, we're almost there."

Meanwhile in a different suite, Dany-Tails was having some fun with Ben.

Soon, the three of us were in our suite.

Fleetfoot giggles "Whew, all that pranking made me hungry."

"Same here." I agreed.

Soarin chuckles "Heh, I got just the things for that."

That made me and Fleetfoot curious.

Dany-Tails soon transforms into the female Sonic form before going a second round with Ben.

I shudder with surprise.

Soarin spoke "I know we go anthro whenever we enter dimensions or worlds like this."

"Yep, and it's awesome!" I smirked.

Fleetfoot spoke "Hehe, definitely."

Soon, there was a HUGE meal on a table for the three of us, and boy, were my and Fleetfoot's mouths watering...

I spoke "Lillian on the other hand, she'd take on a form that's partial hawk Mobian though."

Fleetfoot asks "*As Soarin got some drinks ready* And she's half-human?"

I spoke "I heard from Michiru that Lillian was born human though."

Fleetfoot spoke "I meant on her form in dimensions and worlds like this one."

I ask "Kind of like Twilight's hybrid form? You know, half alicorn half Cyniclon?"

Danyelle spoke via Telepathy to me "{That would be something that my OC-verse counterpart would call a Mobini form.}"

"Oh, thanks Dany." I smiled before I blushed what I was hearing from next. "Ugh, she seriously needs to turn off her telepathy while doing that."

Fleetfoot giggles "You're one to talk Dash and I think someone is coming."

We heard a knock on the door.

Fleetfoot spoke "Five bits says it's the chakat."

"Nah, I don't feel like betting. Maybe it's a prankster chakat." I shrugged.

I soon hear the click-clack of hooves.

I ask "Was that one of you two?"

Fleetfoot and Soarin spoke "No."

I spoke "It might be Crosswind but shi's got Applejack plus shi's a true chakat... So that rules hir and the other true chakats out..."

A voice asks "<C-Can I come in?>"

I spoke "Of course."

The door opened, revealing Honeystar.

To my surprise, shi had a problem shi couldn't walk off.

"You alright?" I asked.

Soarin spoke "Oh hayseeds, shi's in peak male phase... I heard of it from the dumbass cyro."

I couldn't help but facepalm at that.

Fleetfoot spoke "If that's so the case... Either Rainbow or I will have to help stifle it."

"You kidding me?" I deadpanned.

Fleetfoot spoke "Does it look like I'm joking? That's more the stupid hyena's thing.... Which I just don't understand why he can't spell T-R-E-A-T...."

"Isn't there a way to protect ourselves?" I asked.

Fleetfoot teases "You're one to talk Skittles. Remember Danyelle's vision about your future son?"

I was confused. "Whaddya mean?"

Danyelle laughs via Telepathy "Wow Rainbow, you're as dense as Ash is!"

Hey! I forgot! What does she mean?

Danyelle asks via Telepathy "Remember when I had that vision of you with a colt named Bold Lightning?"

“Yeah.” I said.

Danyelle spoke via Telepathy "My futuristic visions never lie but now... I could have sworn I saw a Pegasus ponykat-Andalite mixed breed in a recent vision..."

“Don’t go there!” I growled.

But then something came by and tackled Honeystar.

“Huh?” Danyelle and I noted at once.

Honeystar spoke "<Whoever tackled me has five seconds to get off before I take my tail-blade to their neck.>"

The voice spoke "Heehee! Okay."

The creature who got off Honeystar looked like some kind of Chakat hybrid.

Honeystar spoke "<I don't like being pounced on from behind. It's a trait I got from my Andalite half.>"

The hybrid spoke "Oh! Sorry, guess I’m stronger than I thought thanks to my dragon half."

Honeystar asks "<Wait... Are you an alien as well?>"

The dragokat spoke "Not really... By the way, I’m Scalefire."

Honeystar spoke "<I'm Honeystar-Ferria-Clement but I mostly go by Honeystar. I'm a chakat-Andalite hybrid.>"

Scalefire spoke "Whoa, I’m half Chakat half dragon."

Honeystar was staring at Fleetfoot.

Scalefire asks "Huh? You okay?"

Soarin spoke "Peak male phase...."

Honeystar grabs Fleetfoot before galloping off to a different suite.

Scalefire spoke "Oh jeez."

But then I noticed a potion that looked like it was drank.

Soarin spoke "Wasn’t me."

“Me neither, Fleetfoot must’ve took it.” I noticed.

Danyelle giggles via Telepathy "I pulled a prank on Flatfoot though."

Then I noticed liquid on the floor. “Well, guess Honeystar made Fleetfoot spit out all of whatever was in that potion.”

Scalefire spoke "Aw… And I really thought I could help with hir problem…"

I spoke "There's plenty of other mares to pick from."

Scalefire spoke "But I thought I finally found someone I could relate to… guess not."

Danyelle giggles via Telepathy "Don't give up too soon Scales, there will come a time when Honeystar will go into peak female phase. And since Fleetfoot can't get hir pregnant without help of a genderswap amulet, that'd be your chance."

Scalefire asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke via Telepathy "Of course but that will only work if you're in peak male phase and shi's in peak female phase."

Ugh… Guess all we can do is wait. I hate waiting.

A pained Psychic tone rang clear in my mind as well as in Danyelle's mind.

Danyelle asks via Telepathy "Augh! What was that?"

Soarin asks "You okay Rainbow?"

“It’s Danyelle.” I sighed.

Danyelle spoke via Telepathy "No Rainbow, I got an alert message from Myth... Someone has taken Tank!"

To be continued...

Team Plasma Attack

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*Twilight's POV*

Not long after Myth had sent out a warning message via Psychic, Coal and the other babytwos had gone missing.

AJ and the others came back from their visit to Outworld.

I was pacing about in anger since Coal was missing.

Tail thrashing, I ask "Applejack, did you get an alert message from Myth?"

Applejack asks "…Whaddya think?"

Okay, that’s definitely a yes.

Blizzardstar spoke "Opal's gone as well and I heard from Mr Cake that Gummy's gone missing."

Asuna spoke "I can't find Huey!"

Zoey was upset since Pigment was missing.

Rainbowtwo spoke "Even my sweet little Rosebud's gone."

Raptor went underground and away, knowing that this was gonna get ugly.

Danyelle and the others soon return from the Chuddle Hotel.

Danyelle growls "That freaking does it! Nobody kidnaps MY kids and gets away with it!"

Oh, this fight against Team Plasma won’t be a battle, it’ll be a massacre for them.

Asuna was outright FURIOUS since Huey was missing.

Ash and Serena were worried about Hotaru.

Danyelle brought out a warp ring as it was right to Team Plasma’s home base.

But all of a sudden, something had cancelled the warp ring's power.

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan! It seems the head of Team Plasma was made aware of Warp rings..."

“I saw a clear look at that place, so I can teleport us there.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "No can do Sparkles, you can't teleport there."

“How come?” I growled.

Ash spoke "Remember that grunt that had been scared shitless by Danyelle? That grunt probably told Ghetsis about the Pony Guard and the Mobian Guard."

Danyelle spoke "I just sent a letter off to Ember's dad, he might be able to help us."

*Meanwhile in the Dragon Lands,*

Ember spoke "Father! I have a letter for you from a two tailed cat that's in Ponyville!"

Torch asks "Hmm?"

Ember spoke "A group on young Poké-Mobians have gone missing... And so has Wendy... I heard it straight from Lucy."

Torch spoke "…I’ve been wanting a good reason to fight once more. But to think that they’d kidnap my own daughter…"

Ember spoke "I heard that an alicorn straight up murdered the leader of Team Rocket one time."

Torch chuckles "I didn’t think they would have it in them."

Ember spoke "You know what they say... Tartarus hath no fury like a mare scorned."

Natsu soon arrived since he flew in from Canterlot.

Natsu spoke "Dragon Lord Torch, I bring bad news from Princess Celestia. Moonlight Shadow has vanished."

Torch growls "Seems these plasma crooks truly are cowards."

Natsu growls "And a bunch of scaredy Skitty too..."

Ember giggles "Good one Natsu!"

Natsu spoke "I try."

Ember spoke "I also heard rumors that the queen of the hippogriffs freaked out when her husband came back."

Torch spoke "Heh, that’s happened before."

Grandeeny giggles "Remember when we first met a thousand years ago Torchy?"

Torch chuckles "How could I forget?"

Grandeeny spoke "Old Metalface was flirting with me and you really let him have it."

Torch chuckles "All that hardness and I still dealt a good blow."

Grandeeny giggles "Yeah, you sure showed him not to mess with a fire dragon."

Torch spoke "Indeed."

Grandeeny spoke "That aside, we should help the ponies out."

Torch spoke "Agreed."

Celestia pops up suddenly.

Celestia spoke "Dragon Lord Torch, Lady Grandeeny."

Torch spoke "Celestia."

Celestia spoke "You're probably already aware of what's going on so I'll get straight to the point. On behalf of the ponies, we need help stopping Team Plasma."

Torch spoke "Of course."

Grandeeny spoke "I'm worried about Wendy..."

Torch spoke "We'll get her back."

Grandeeny spoke "I know we will."

Celestia spoke "The other nations are becoming aware of the situation and are now rallying their forces."

Torch spoke "I can understand that."

Celestia spoke "Yes but we can't waste time. Who knows what sort of sick experiments those goons will do to Wendy and the others."

*Meanwhile at the Team Plasma base,*

Wendy was shielding the children from the grunts.

Wendy hisses "LET US GO YOU JERKS!!!"

The grunt spoke "Sorry, but King Ghetsis needs all of you for experiments."

Wendy shot an air blast at the grunt, sending them flying.

Wendy growls "You jerks made the mistake of taking Akoya once already... And once my dad finds out.... Let's just say it WON'T END WELL!!!"

Coal growls "Plus my adopted mother was the one that killed the head of Team Rocket!"

The grunts were unfazed at that.

The ground rumbles violently as an army of Equians, Mobians and Poké-Mobians led by a furious Twilight heads towards the base. Even the creatures of the Everfree Forest marched alongside the army.

Wendy laughs "You punks are so in for it now! My dad and several others are here!"

Twilight slashed the door open with her sword.

Twilight spoke "COAL!!!"

But then an electrical barrier formed.

Ash zaps the machine, shorting it out and cancelling the barrier.

Serena used Psychic to fling grunts about.

Asuna was full on Brooklyn Rage mode as she flung shadow ball at various grunts.

Twilight blasts one or two grunts with fire.

Raptor crashed through with Dragon Rush, knocking away plenty of grunts.

Haru fires a Swift attack at the grunts, landing an auto-hit since Swift was a move that never misses a target.

Katrina charged in with Waterfall, making other grunts flinch.

Danyelle used her waterbending in tandem with Katrina's Waterfall to freeze several grunts in ice.

Katrina spoke "Not bad."

Raptor spoke "That was awesome, Katrina!"

The Feraligatr's head blushed red with steam rising from it.

Danyelle yowls as the timber wolves charge into battle, attacking the grunts.

Two or three grunts got turned to stone because of the cockatrices.

Rei delivered some Night Slashes against some grunts.

Twilight was snarling as she heard a roar but it wasn't from Spike or the other Equian dragons.

Raptor spoke "Guess he noticed us."

Twilight growls "Yeah... But his head is MINE!"

Twilight transformed into Deep Lilac before flying at such a high speed that could put Sonic and Rainbow to shame, impaling Ghetsis in the chest with her sword.

Since Deep Lilac hadn't directly touched Ghetsis, the Druddigon's ability did not activate.

But then Ghetsis did a Thunder Punch on the sword, which conducted it and shocked Deep Lilac.

But Deep Lilac had protected herself with a barrier spell since she had a foal on the way.

Deep Lilac growls "Did you just try to hurt MY unborn foal?"

But then Ghetsis used Outrage, going out of control.

Deep Lilac pulls the sword upwards, slicing through the madman's neck and head thus killing him.

Raptor spoke "Whoa... That was brutal."

Ember spoke "It's just like I said to my dad... Tartarus hath no fury like a mare scorned!"

But then Katrina tackle-hugged Raptor, knocking him down.

Danyelle and the others laugh.

Danyelle laughs "She got you good Riptorn."

Raptor spoke "HEY!!!"

Katrina giggles "*Nuzzling* My awesome Rip... Don't leave me."

That calmed Raptor down instantly.

Rainbow spoke "Guess Twilight, Danyelle, Fleetfoot and I can get away with calling you Riptorn for a while since we know you refuse to hit a pregnant female."

Raptor spoke "HEY! Even I have morals!"

Honeystar spoke "<Least I can get away with it since I could easily kill you if you attacked me.>"

Raptor asks "What? You wanna fight me?"

Honeystar spoke "<Watch it Scaleface, I'm a trained warrior.>"

Raptor growls "Same here. And isn't that the name of the dragon-chakat who knocked you up?"

Honeystar growls "<Cork it Riptorn, I wasn't even in peak female phase at that time!>"

Danyelle spoke "Calm down you two!"

Honeystar growls "<He started it.>"

Raptor spoke "I didn’t start this fight!"

Honeystar growls "<Liar!>"

Danyelle snaps "ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!"

Honeystar growls "<I challenge you to a battle then Riptorn!>"

Raptor growls "BRING IT!"

Danyelle groans "Oh chicken wings..."

Honeystar attacks Raptor with a sand attack, blinding him.

But then Raptor went underground before emerging and uppercutting hir in the jaw.

Honeystar tail slaps Raptor with the blunt side of hir tail-blade hard, sending him crashing into a wall.

Raptor leapt out and used Thunder Fang on Honeystar, biting one of hir shoulders.

But due to the sand in the eyes, Raptor had missed Honeystar and bit Blizzardstar instead.

Blizzardstar spoke "ICE DRAGON ROAR!!!"

Raptor was soon trapped in ice.

Danyelle spoke "Honeystar, Raptor, we don’t have time for this."

I spoke "Drop it Danyelle, the two have energy to vent out so a battle will wear them out."

Danyelle spoke "But he was smart for going for only the head and shoulders."

I spoke "Not with sand in the eyes though... Hence why Blizzardstar retaliated."

Danyelle spoke "But he went underground while having sand in the eyes, and it’s pitch black underground most of the time."

The ground shook violently, causing the ground to break open.

Danyelle shouts "CHAOS CONTROL!!!"

Danyelle and everyone that fought the Plasma grunts disappear fast before reappearing in Ponyville with Wendy and the kids.

I spoke "That was freaking close!"

Danyelle spoke "The base must’ve been on self-destruct."

I spoke "If you hadn't reacted like that, we would have all died."

But then Danyelle felt a warm shiver. “Somehow, I feel like someone else would’ve saved us if I failed.”

I ask "You mean High Goddess Faust?"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe, but I don’t know for sure."

Twilight spoke "Regardless, that's the second time I've killed someone..."

Danyelle spoke "And again, for a good cause and it was the only choice."

Ash spoke "There's still Team Magma, Team Aqua and Team Galactic to deal with but it's not a good idea for Twilight to keep fighting once she's further along."

“The same could be said about Danyelle.” I added.

Danyelle spoke "You're further along than I am though Sparkle Butt."

I spoke "Cat flank."

Danyelle spoke "Egghead."

I counter "Gamer Cat."

Danyelle and I glare at each other before laughing.


A Way Home?

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*Lillian’s POV*

*Sigh* Even though I’m happy to be with my friends and family, I still miss home, I miss Earth.

Tempest asks "You okay baby bird?"

“Do you ever feel homesick?” I asked.

Tempest spoke "There are times I miss being a beastman but we have a little one to look after."

Katie was on my head.

Tempest spoke "Then there's Sonic, Manic and Sonia... They've got a foot in both Mobius and Equis due to their mixed blood."

“I know.” I said before Sonic showed up as he ran here.

Sonic asks "Hey guys! Huh? Something wrong?"

Danyelle flew over while carrying Rani and Akoya in her arms as Irene and Tikal clung to her back.

Danyelle spoke "They're homesick bro."

Sonic spoke "Dang… Then again, I’m feeling kind of torn since both Equis and Mobius are my homes."

Danyelle spoke "And then there are the Equestrian-born Mobians and Poké-Mobians... They'd likely suffer from magic withdrawal if they were on Mobius too long."

Sonic spoke "Come on, we don’t know that for sure."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Sonic... My real father was from Equis! And so is yours! I'm just as torn between two worlds as you are..."

Espio soon showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Espio."

Espio asks "Am I interrupting something?"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic and I were talking about being torn between two worlds."

Espio spoke "I sense that there is also another topic."

Sonic spoke "Lillian and Tempest miss their home too."

Danyelle spoke "I've heard rumors that a counterpart of Nyx had issues with non-magical worlds given what she was."

Espio spoke "But I have information to give of what I found on Mobius."

Irene mewls in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Oh. Right."

Lance pops up.

Lance spoke "Hey dad."

Sonic chuckles "Hehe, hey Lance."

Lance asks "You okay dad?"

Sonic spoke "Actually, we might plan a trip to someplace."

Danyelle spoke "I can't take my girls with me, they're too young for cross-dimensional travel yet."

Spitfire spoke "Blaze and I agree with the cat, Percival and Flare Blitz are too young for travel."

Blaze nods.

Katie somehow looked curious.

Danyelle spoke "But Lillian, Katie's too young for cross-dimensional travel yet."

Tempest spoke "Lillian, I'll look after Katie."

Danyelle's neck fur fluffed up suddenly.

Sunset asks "What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "I hate to say this but Team Aqua's made their move..."

Sonic spoke "Oh stars no...."

"...There's no time for safety, we have to head back to Mobius, NOW." I urged.

Twilight spoke "It's the Chaos incident all over again!"

Zoey spoke "I'll help!"

Danyelle spoke "Since Twilight and I can't fight... The ones going are Zoey, Roll, Tails, Lillian, Bayonetta, Lucy and Orion."

Kiri and Ankha showed up.

Ankha spoke "We'll help as well."

Danyelle spoke "I'm still not talking to you two, not after you've tried to kill M'Della."

"Danyelle, let it go. We'll need all the help we can get." I pointed out.

Espio spoke "I shall be assisting as well."

Danyelle spoke "Watch it Lillian, I could turn you into Kentucky Fried Hawk if I wanted to."

Danyelle laughs at what she said.

"I'm just trying to help you stay calm since you're having these mood swings with two kids on the way." I said.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not that far in."

"Again, just trying to help." I responded.

Sunset spoke "The longer we sit around on our collective asses, the longer it'll take to stop Team Aqua!"

I nodded in full agreement as I tossed a Warp Ring to Mobius.

Danyelle spoke "Minus Bayonetta and Sonic, I've put the call out to the other Smashers. They're on the move to help take back Mobius."

But then Raptor and Katrina raced past us and into the warp ring, back onto Mobius.

Sonic spoke "Even though I'm scared of water, I'm not backing out of this! I'm a Smasher as well!"

Sonic flew after Raptor through the warp ring.

Danyelle leaves her daughters in Twilight's care as she flew after Sonic while airlifting me.

Sonia and Adagio follow.

Danyelle spoke "Oof... You need to lay off the junk food Lillian..."

“Can ya blame me? I was pregnant.” I pointed out.

Zoey spoke "You think have it hard Lillian? My cat DNA got so screwed up to the point I can't hide my ears and tail anymore. I blame my alicorn half for that. I'm a permanent cat Mobini now."

Michiru spoke "Oh shut up Zoey...."

Zoey growls "What did you just say stupid racoon?"

The tanuki beastman and cat Mobini were soon in a fight cloud.

"We don't have time for this!" I pointed out.


Both females froze in fear.

Zoey spoke "First off, we need to assess the damage."

Michiru spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle passes me over to Zoey before diving down into the water below.

Danyelle puts an air bubble around her head before swimming towards a Mobian that was unable to get to safety in time.

Danyelle thinks "{Oh no! Sally!}"

Danyelle swam towards Sally before getting the chipmunk back up to the surface.

Danyelle checked her pulse. “Her heart’s still beating! We gotta get the water out of her lungs!”

Danyelle used her waterbending to pull the water out of Sally's lungs.

Sally gasped as she woke up. “That was TOO close!”

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm lucky I have the same powers as Korra our it would have been a lot worse..."

Sonic asks "Sal, what happened to Mobius?"

Sally spoke "Right now, this is only a part of it, but if we don’t stop Team Aqua soon, the whole world will become an aquarium!"

Danyelle spoke "But one waterbender alone isn't enough to reverse the whole mess."

Katrina and Raptor surfaced.

Katrina spoke "I don’t know if even Kyogre can fix this."

Danyelle spoke "If Kyo's under Team Aqua's control... I hate to say this but we need Team Magma's help... Don't give me that look Ash."

Rei showed up. "Actually, I know someone else who can help, but it's risky."

Danyelle whistles loudly, calling in a Rayquaza.

Rei spoke "...Not who I had in mind, but it works."

Danyelle spoke "Ray hardly interferes unless Groudon AND Kyo had both gone AWOL."

Danyelle soon get a telepathic message from Orion.

Danyelle spoke "{I hear you Orion.}"

Orion spoke "{It's just as you said Danyelle, Groudon has also gone berserk so calling in Ray was the smart move.}"

Raptor spoke "A dust bowl and a flood? Yeesh!"

Danyelle spoke "Many Mobians, humans and Beastmen are struggling since the balance of nature is out of whack."

Michiru was carrying a Mobian dog in her taloned feet since her arms were bird wings.

Michiru spoke "We need to call in the gryphons and hippogriffs since there could be more Mobians that have gone under."

Katrina spoke "Not to mention we need Ali’s help too, along with any water-type Poké-Mobians on our side."

Danyelle uses her telepathy to contact Hydro to let him know of the situation before opening two warp rings, one that led to Griffonstone and one that led to Mount Aris.

Danyelle spoke "Gilda, Queen Novo. Sorry to bother you at a time like this but we need help. Mobius has been half flooded and I need the help from as many helping talons as I can get. And can Indigo get Luna on the telepath line? This concerns her as well since she has waterbending."

Raptor spoke "Hold on! That means the other half’s gotta be dried out! Dragons might need to help out too."

Danyelle spoke "I've already sent a telepathic message to Natsu, he's gathering the dragons as I speak... But the larger dragons like Wendy's dad will not fit through a warp ring."

Michiru asks "What about the Diamond Dogs?"

Danyelle spoke "Michiru, you might be onto something!"

Michiru asks "I am?"

Danyelle spoke "We could try digging some tunnels to drain the water from one side to fix the dry side!"

Tails showed up. “Hold on, I don’t think that’s the best idea. It could cause earthquakes.”

Danyelle spoke "Something's off about you Tails...."

Tails asks "Huh? What’re you talking about?"

Danyelle pulls Tails' other seven tails with magic, causing the nine-tailed Mobian kyubi to yelp thus startling Sonic.

Rei chuckles "Hehe, I can't wait to surprise your sisters about this, Tails. Or should I call ya NineTails?"

Tails spoke "Even though I just evolved, I'm still the same fox."

Sonic asks "What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Smells like either a fire stone or ice stone was used on Tails... We should keep this a secret for a while."

Rei spoke "Cool."

But then we heard a crash.

Raptor spoke "I'll go check it out."

Danyelle spoke "If it was a Charizard or some other fire type, they will NOT last long underwater!"

Rei spoke "*Looks ahead* Fortunately, they crashed onto a building."

Danyelle spoke "Even though I'm part Plasmeon, I'm still in the water!"

Raptor swim off before jumping onto the building and picked up the female Charizard Poké-Mobian.

Raptor asks "You alright?"

The female groaned, trying to come to.

Suddenly, Indigo and the other Mewtwo hybrids had arrived to help as Queen Novo swam through a warp ring with a squad of guards.

Indigo spoke "Hold on, I know this Charizard! Oi Starfire! Wake up!"

Indigo used Psychic to move a small amount of water up to him before splashing it on Starfire's face, jolting her awake.

Starfire spoke "GAH! Indigo, would you quit it with-*Notices Raptor* Oh. Hi."

Ash spoke "Sorry about my brother, he can be a pain in the tail at times but only I can harass him with his nickname."

Indigo spoke "Shut up Ash!"

Ash spoke "Make me Gogo!"

The two brothers continue to bicker.

Starfire asks "*Snapping out of her trance* Oh, yeah. Right. So... *Pointing at Raptor* Who's this?"

Serena spoke "That's Raptor... Just don't call him by his nickname since it's just as much a trigger as my brother in-law's nickname."

Katrina jumped onto the building. "Rap! I'm so glad you-*Notices Starfire before charging at her* GET AWAY FROM MY RAPPY!"

The Feraligatr and Charizard were soon in a fight cloud before Serena tail slapped them in the heads.

Serena spoke "That's TWICE this has happened today!"

Sonic spoke "I see something coming!"

Raptor spoke "*Places something below his left horn/antler* Could be trouble."

The Ampharos-Mewtwo hybrid was crackling with static.

The Ampharos-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "I sense it too..."

We noticed a storm brewing. A rain storm.

Danyelle flew up out of the water while carrying Sally.

Danyelle spoke via telepathy with Spitfire "{Captain Spitfire, I need every able-bodied Pegasus to come to Mobius to help stop the storm!}"

Spitfire spoke "{Got it!}"

Soon enough, several able-bodied gryphons and Pegasi showed up to wrangle the storm.

Danyelle sets Sally down on a rooftop before flying alongside Sonic, the gryphons and Pegasi in a hurricane formation to redirect the rainstorm to the dry side of Mobius.

But with how hot it was, the rain was evaporating really quickly.

Danyelle spoke "We can't give up now!!!"

Rei asks "Should I call in some backup?"

Indigo spoke "As may Flying type Poké-Mobians you can think of..."

Orion uses Telepathy to broadcast the call to every Flying type Poké-Mobian.

Purity was among the group that was trying to redirect the rainstorm.

Indigo spoke "All 'Twos that can fight, help Danyelle!!!"

Ash and every other Mewtwo hybrid was using Psychic to transport large orbs of water to the dry side.

Zoey was using her magic to transport the water despite being a firebender.

But the orbs of water were still evaporating really quickly.

Rei spoke "Oh man... I might need to call him in."

Danyelle fired a water based Roar into the sky after flying all the way to the dry side, causing a torrential downpour to happen.

It was starting to work, but very slowly.

Rei spoke "We need to move quicker! We actually might need HIS help now."

Sonic spoke "This isn't his concern!"

All of the Mewtwo hybrids, Pegasi and gryphons were pulling double time to move the water to the dry side.

But then a sudden Eruption hit the water being transported, evaporating them immediately.

the sound of nine whirring tails was heard as a water-type Ninetales Poké-Mobian was riding on a surfboard as she rode the waves, directing a lot of it to the dry side and cancelling the flames.

The water-type Ninetales Poké-Mobian laughs "Talk about being washed up!"

But then fearsome blades of stone erupted from the land, destroying a ton of buildings.

Tails was flying faster than normal since he was an Electric-Flying type Ninetales as he and the others got the folks to safety.

Danyelle's fur turns stark white as streams of water, air and fire along with bits of stone swirl around her before roaring loud at the same time as Ray thus restoring the balance of nature.

But then we noticed a fin surging through the water as we noticed flaming camel-like hoofprints on the ground.

Ash and Peach electrocute the water, shocking Archie thus knocking him out.

Purity knocks Maxie out with Hydro Pump.

But then Heartless went into the two leaders, mega evolving them as well as making Kyogre and Groudon go Primal.

Danyelle goes into Super Avatar Mode before pounding seven kinds of rainbow-colored crap out of Maxie and Archie.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle glares hard at Don and Kyo, making them both submit.

Ray was surprised that Danyelle managed to pull it off.

Sonic spoke "Seems High Goddess Faust had big plans for Danyelle."

Rei spoke "Even I'm surprised about what Danyelle did there."

Ash spoke "Even the other 'Twos and I are surprised."

Espio spoke "We should be close to restoring Mobius."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle glances up at where the sun should be.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle asks "Uh guys? Was there supposed to be an eclipse today?"

Rei looked up before facepalming. “Necrozma better not be UB Black and going crazy again.”

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "If that were the case, then Luna would have gone Nightmare Moon again."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle shot a fire arrow at a tree, causing Ein to scream since his tail was on fire.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Don't even THINK of taking my inhibitor rings you stupid hyena!"

Raptor spoke "Hehe! Nice one, Dany!"

But then we heard fighting as we saw Katrina and Starfire in a fight cloud again.

Raptor spoke "I got this one. Attract!"

Raptor fired a heart at the fight cloud, hitting the Feraligatr and Charizard dead on as they immediately stopped fighting and went to Raptor with hearts for eyes while swooning.

Sonic spoke "For the love of Faust... Guess someone never told them about Poké-Mobian marriage laws..."

Rei asks "Hey, four’s the max amount, right?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah but even though Blaze is half Poké-Mobian, I have to abide by both Mobian and Equestrian marriage laws."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "NOW ISN'T THE TIME TO BE ARGUING!!!"

Raptor asks "*As Katrina and Starfire nuzzled against him* What’s up with the sun?"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Either Necrozma's gone berserk or there's a right nasty eclipse happening... I got it! We need Sol and Lula's help!"

Raptor spoke "Well, better be careful, ‘cause we might be affected."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle teleports quickly before reappearing with a male Solgaleo Poké-Mobian and a female Lunala Poké-Mobian along with Koko, Bulu, Fini and Lele.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "I've already explained the situation to these six. They can help us."

Rei asks "Like make an Ultra Wormhole?"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Sol's power is the same as Celestia's power while Lula's power the same as Luna's power."

Sonic spoke "Whoa, now Twilight will freak out about that."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "I'm not going to tell Sparkles that."

Rei spoke "Knowing Twi, she might find out, sooner or later."

Peach spoke "Uh guys, we still have to straighten this mess out!"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "She's right."

But then an Ultra Wormhole started opening.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle was hissing loudly.

A monstrous roar was heard from inside the Ultra Wormhole.


Rei spoke "Dany? I don't think it's only Necrozma we have to fight."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "I smell shadow Poké-Mobians... Ten total.... One's a female Lugia Poké-Mobian..."

But then a shadow portal appeared.

A pair of roars were heard as Kai and Kara flew into battle as several Pidgeot and other bird Poké-Mobians followed.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Kai! Good timing!!!"

Kai spoke "And let the balance of Mobius to collapse? Not today!"

Kiri brought out a metal bo-staff as Ankha brought out a pair of sais.

Winter and Blizzardstar were racing on ice as they used cyrokinesis to cool down the desert.

Several waterbending chakats work as a team to transport the water to the desert.

Katrina and Starfire snapped out it as they got ready for battle.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle yowls "CHARGE!!!!!"

We charged at the enemies as we fought.

Zoey was wielding two keyblades as she sliced up the heartless.

Kiri morphed into her true form while putting her Bo-Staff in her maw before leaping forward while spinning really quickly, slicing up heartless like helicopter blades.

Renee cracked her whip at a Heartless, yanking it over towards her.

Renee spoke "GET OVER HERE!"

Renee punches the Heartless in the face hard, causing it to pop like a balloon.

Rei asks "Ooh! Nice! You a firebender?"

Zoey spoke "My element is fire, Corina has air, Bridget has water, Kiki and Renee both have earth."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Several Heartless had drowned since Bridget had trapped them in water bubbles.

Zoey spoke "Most bird Mobians are air aligned hence why Corina's an airbender. And nice one Bridget!"

Bridget spoke "Thanks Zoey."

Rei spoke "Time for some illusions and Flamethrower."

Rei transformed his head into a flaming Zoroark skull as he breathed Flamethower at the ground beneath a large heartless, catching it on fire before it exploded in flames.

Rei laughs *Sing-song* ~Toasty!~"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle uppercuts a Heartless with Fire Punch, causing it to explode.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Good thing Poké-Mobians don't have the same restrictions as most Mobians do... Mobini in Zoey's case since her cat DNA was messed up."

Ankha went into her true form as she grabbed a heartless’ neck with her tongue as the saliva on it was acidic, causing the head of pop off the body before Ankha caught it with her sais and ate the heartless’ face.

Diana lets loose a very loud "EON!!!!" as it rang clear, causing hundreds of Eeveelution Poké-Mobians to charge into battle. Among the Eeveelution Poké-Mobians was a male Scarabeon.

The Scarabeon spoke "Fell Stinger!"

The attack hit the Heartless as it was defeated and increased the Scarabeon’s attack.

Rei spoke "Nice job, Beetlo!"

Beetlo spoke "Thanks."

Diana spoke "I put the call out to my fellow Eeveelution Poké-Mobians and they all answered. Maneke was the first to respond."

A Manekeon rams head first into a Heartless, knocking it away.

Rei spoke "Hehe, let’s hope Cash doesn’t get jealous of the Manekeon."

Diana snickers "Maneke's a girl."

Rei asks "Huh?"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Diana's just as bad as Cadence is when it comes to romance."

Rei spoke "Oh. I bet she, Cadence and Jasmine will get along real good. I think they’d be like a love trio."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle giggles "Hopeless romantics, they are."

Rei asks "Hey, does Diana have a crush on any guy?"

After powering down, Danyelle laughs "Diana? Oh StarClan no! She's a lesbian."

Rei asks "*As the shadow Pokémon were restrained* Why? And with who?"

Diana growls "Unless you want a Dazzling Gleam to the face, stay out of my personal life foxboy."

Rei asks "Hey hey, I’m just asking. You can’t blame curiosity, now can ya?"

Danyelle spoke via one-on-one telepathy with Rei "{It's a touchy subject for her since she was abandoned by her own parents because of her preference.}"

Rei spoke "{Oh. Okay. Mum’s the word.}"

With the bad guys stopped, things were soon restored back to normal.

Danyelle spoke "Oof... I'm never dealing with this crap again..."

Rei spoke "Don’t jinx yourself, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sakes Rei, I have kids on the way."

A pink seapony dove into the water before resurfacing while carrying Graystripe by the scruff to dry land since the clumsy tom had been thrown into a warp ring above the ocean.

Danyelle pulled the water out of Graystripe's lungs while the pink seapony watched.

Graystripe coughed after waking up.

The pink seapony asks "You okay mister?"

Graystripe spoke "Yeah… I guess so."

Silverstream spoke "I'm Silverstream!"

Images of a silver tabby she-cat appear in Graystripe's mind.

Graystripe asks "Silverstream? That you?"

Silverstream spoke "Uh, you got the wrong one. I'm a fish-like horse... not a cat."

Graystripe spoke "But your name…"

Silverstream spoke "I don't see any silver tabby markings on my body though."

Danyelle spoke "Since you don't know me by my actual name yet, I had gone by Emberstreak one time."

Graystripe asks "What?"

Danyelle engulfs herself in flames as she transformed into a normal cat albeit with sky blue fur.

Emberstreak spoke "This was the form you last saw me in and..."

Another swirl of flames later and Danyelle was back to her normal self.

Danyelle spoke "This is my real self."

Graystripe was definitely shocked.

Danyelle spoke "I'm also fostering someone since her parents along with her aunts are missing."

Sonic spoke "Danyelle's a really kind person too and barring the ones she had adopted, she's got four adorable daughters."

Danyelle asks "Would you like to meet them?"

Graystripe spoke "I guess."

Espio spoke "Now, I must tell the information I found."

Danyelle spoke "I also adopted a gryphon too but please don't ask him about his parents, it's far too sensitive for him to talk about it."

*Back in Ponyville*

Danyelle steps through a warp ring with Graystripe following her as the others follow.

Danyelle calls out Scootaloo's name along with Bluestar's and Gallus' names, causing the three of them along with Ravenpaw, Irene, Rani, Tikal and Akoya to dogpile her.

Danyelle laughs "I'm back kids."

Graystripe spoke "Whoa."

Meanwhile, I was shocked to hear what Espio told me. “For real?”

Espio spoke "Yes, a portal gateway has been found on Mobius that goes to another world."

Danyelle spoke "Since I already told you about Bluestar, I'll introduce the others. The gryphon is Gallus, the Pegasus is Scootaloo, the kitten is Irene, the echidna is Tikal and the two Mews are Rani and Akoya. You already know Ravenpaw."

Graystripe spoke "Wow, I wasn’t expecting this."

Danyelle spoke "I took Gallus in because he had no place to call home. I'm looking after Scootaloo until her parents are found."

Graystripe spoke "Again, wow."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm a kind-hearted cat but when I get mad... Flames are everywhere."


Nightmare Night is Back Once Again!/ The truth about Martha

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*Vinyl's POV*

Some time after Twilight had killed Ghetsis, preparations for Nightmare Night were underway at Hotel Transylvania since I had talked Twilight into having the celebration there.

I spoke "Hey Drac-bite."

Dracula spoke "Hmm? Oh, Hey Vinyl."

I spoke "I still can't believe that I was able to talk Twilight and Danyelle into putting Nightmare Night decorations up here at Hotel Transylvania."

Dracula chuckles "Well can you believe that creatures actually like monsters?"

I giggle "And to think that this all started back when Sonic's daughter had busted out a bunch of monsters that were sealed away deep underground. And for the sake of the skeletons, we shouldn't get Dennis a puppy. Last thing we need is a pile of drool covered bones."

Dracula asks "*Confused* What? You’re saying I need a vacation?"

I spoke "Oh stars no, I was talking about dogs."

Dracula spoke "Oh well. I’ll take a look around the hotel to check if everything’s going well."

Danyelle was hanging off a wood beam since there was a large group of werewolf puppies under her.


Yeesh… That’s a lot.

Twilight was also up on the same wood beam.

Twilight spoke "Even if Spike asked for a pet dog, I'm NEVER getting one for him!"

I noticed Draven wondering about something.

I ask "Hey Draven, what's up?"

Draven spoke "Oh, I’m just wondering about Outworld, and what it’s like there."

I spoke "Based on what Applejack told me, the Outworlders don't like the Kytinn or your species that well."

Draven spoke "I mean, from what M’Della told me, Vaeternus used to be allies with Outworld before they started hunting for survival."

I spoke "Yeesh... and here I thought the mere idea of Dennis getting a puppy was scary..."

Draven asks "What?"'

I spoke "Just a thought I had. and I'll be right back..."

I gallop off to find a washroom before throwing up in the toilet.

I groan "Ick... DRAC!!!!"

Dracula asks "Hmm?"

I had a warm smile on my face despite the fact I was sick.

I spoke "I've got a surprise for you."

Dracula asks "What is it?"

I spoke "I'm pregnant and the foal is yours."

Danyelle flattened her ears before Dracula started shouting in happiness.

Dracula was in his bat form as he was whooping and cheering in the sky.

Soon enough, the news had reached Mavis' ears.

Mavis asks "Huh?"

A random patron spoke "Sounds like your dad's excited about something."

Danyelle spoke "I heard him shouting in happiness earlier."

Mavis asks "What's going on?"

Danyelle giggles "In a year's time, you'll have a new sibling."

Twilight spoke "So that explains why I heard Vinyl screaming Drac's name earlier..."

Mavis asks "*Ear twitch* ...What?"

Danyelle and Twilight giggle "Clean the cotton out of your ears, we said that you're getting a new baby sibling in a year from now."

Mavis was definitely shocked, although her body froze at that.

Twilight pokes Mavis in the nose, causing a bat squeak to be heard.

Twilight spoke "Uh Dany, I think we broke her..."

Danyelle pops a balloon in Mavis' face, startling the vampire batpony.

Mavis yelps "Gah!"

Danyelle spoke "You freaked out... and you also squeaked like a bat with Twilight poked your nose. *giggle* Which sounded really cute."

Mavis asks "Huh?"

Danyelle grabs Mavis by the tail, dragging the vampire batpony mare over to where I was.

I spoke "Oh hey Danyelle."

Mavis asks "Okay, what’s going on?"

I spoke "It's just like Danyelle and Twilight said, I'm expecting a foal."

Mavis asks "…What?"

I spoke "Drac! Get your tail in here and explain!"

Danyelle spoke "Nah, I think she understands. It’s just hard for her to process, and she’s a bit like Twilight in that way."

Twilight spoke "I HEARD THAT GUZZLE GUTS!!"

Danyelle asks "…What did Star flank just call me?"

I spoke "This will not end well..."

Danyelle and Twilight charged at each other, about to fight before Drac showed up and glared at the two, completely freezing them midair.

To Drac's shock, Twilight was holding a sword in her magic which had fallen to the ground right after the alicorn was stunned.

I held back all of the werewolf kids with my magic since Twilight's sword was made of an unknown material and could possibly hurt them.

I sigh "I better call Ben and Flash in to deal with these two."

Mavis spoke "Okay."

Twilight soon calmed down, causing the sword to vanish into thin air.

Danyelle growls "As soon as I'm let go... I'm gonna FEED YOU A QUESADILLA TWILIGHT ANDROMEDA SPARKLE!!!"

Twilight froze at that.

I giggle "Still scared of quesadillas huh Twilight?"

Mavis asks "Huh?"

Twilight spoke "D-don't ASK!"

Danyelle snickered.

Twilight spoke "Don't make me burn your strawberries Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "NO!!!!"

Draven spoke "Whoa, this is pretty intense."

There was some spooky music being played as the Crusaders chase each other and the other children about the hotel.

Twilight picks up a cookie up off a plate before eating it.

Twilight spoke "Oh hey Luna."

Luna spoke "Hello Twilight."

Twilight spoke "It had been Vinyl's idea to have the Nightmare Night party at Hotel Transylvania this time since the last party was in Ponyville."

Luna spoke "And it is indeed scary."

I spoke "I agree."

Twilight spoke "Uh-huh."

Nyx and Akari were on their mom's back.

Akoya was on Danyelle's head.

Danyelle spoke "Aww you."

Akoya mewls.

I giggle "She's so tiny."

Mavis spoke "Aww... He looks like Dennis as a baby."

Danyelle spoke "Akoya's a girl. Same with Irene, Rani and Tikal."

Mavis spoke "Sorry. Kinda hard to tell."

But then we heard fighting outside as we saw Draven fighting a scouter heartless before he picked up a jack-o-lantern with some mold on it and smashed it onto the heartless’ head, causing creepy crawlies to come out of the jack-o-lantern as the heartless tried to get them off before falling to its hands and knees in exhaustion. That’s when Draven ran toward the heartless and kicked the jack-o-lantern, sending it flying with its decapitated head when it the carved pumpkin shattered against the front door with a splat as it rang the doorbell while it fell to the mat as it revealed the decapitated heartless’ head before it disintegrated with its headless body as a howl was heard with more creepy crawlies moving out of the shattered pumpkin. Looks like there won’t be any interruptions.

Renee and Misty were up on a wood beam in fright since they hated bugs.

Mavis spoke "Makes sense there were bugs in that moldy jack-o-lantern."

Zoey spoke "I don't like ghosts that much but I've mellowed out some once I found out that Pigment was a Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo."

Danyelle spoke "But wow, that was awesome."

Zoey asks "but why do those heartless keep attacking us?"

Danyelle spoke "No idea."

Zoey spoke "I wish the Heartless would leave us alone on holidays...."

Danyelle puts a cucumber behind Zoey, causing the black cat to yowl in fright.

A Pegasus stallion with a red curly mane flew in. "Huh, why aren't you spooked by that, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not scare my daughters."

The stallion asks "Oh. So who's that?"

Danyelle spoke "The eldest is Irene, the Mew and echidna are Rani and Tikal, the shiny Mew is Akoya. Plus I have two more on the way."

Looking at the stallion after I removed my sunglasses, I spoke "I heard from Mavis that you're a DJ. If that's the case, I challenge to a DJ battle!"

The stallion gasped dramatically. "No."

"Yes." I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "Oh boy, she's got the Eye of the DJ."

Twilight snickers "What's the matter Johnny? Too much of a scaredy Skitty to face off against another DJ? Especially one that's a vampire?"

Johnny spoke "Heh, never said I was scared. I was just surprised, and yeah, I ACCEPT the challenge."

Johnny suddenly brought out a large backpack before instantly turning it into a table by hoof before bringing out some speakers, and a computer.

Courtesy of Sonic, I soon had my DJ table set up.

Danyelle shivers a bit.

Danyelle asks "Did anyone turn the heat down?"

Even though the others couldn't see the Gengar, Pigment could.

Pigment asks "Wada?"

Zoey asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle spoke "I sense a Gengar hiding somewhere... Most likely female..."

I noticed Drac’s shadow looking odd as the shadow’s eyes were red.

Danyelle asks "Say Drac, didn't your previous wife have blue eyes?"

Drac asks "Martha did. Why do you ask?"

I blinked and shook my head to check, seeing that the shadow’s eyes were indeed blue.

Zoey spoke "Well, Pig senses a Gengar hiding in your shadow."

Drac asks "Gengar?"

Pigment floated over to Drac before poking the stallion's shadow, causing the Gengar to pop out.

Ash spoke "A Poison-Ghost type Poké-Mobian often said to be the spirits of dead people."

Dracula asks "Wait what?"

Danyelle pulls out a Pokédex before looking up Gengar's dex entry.

a mechanical voice spoke "Gengar, the Shadow Poké-Mobian. It apparently wishes for a traveling companion. Since it was once human itself, it tries to create one by taking the lives of other humans. In this case, it was once a batpony."

Danyelle spoke "Odd...."

Twilight asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "According to the Pokédex, this particular Gengar was once a batpony."

I ask "Uh Mavis, you okay?"

The Gengar was soon looking at me.

Dracula asks "What? What is going on here?"

I spoke "I have no idea... but something about that bracelet reminds me of a friend I lost roundabout 124 years ago...."

Mavis was definitely shocked about something.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps my Dimensional Scream can shed some light on what happened..."

Danyelle touches my forehead as she uses a Memory Recall spell to show everyone else what happened 124 years ago.

*Flashback to 124 years ago*

*No POV*

A slightly younger Vinyl was galloping full speed towards Castle Lubov to warn Dracula of the oncoming mob of ponies that wanted to rid the world of vampires.


But as Vinyl went inside, a small spark was seen that would start burning the house down.

Vinyl spoke "Oh buck..."

Vinyl barges into the room where Dracula was.

Vinyl spoke "Dracula, we have to get out of here! An angry mob is coming to kill the four of us!"

But then the burning flames were starting to be seen there were growls of “vampire”.

Vinyl puts up an anti-heat barrier around herself and the trio.

Vinyl asks "Drac, how are we getting out of here?"

Dracula spoke "I will reason with them."

Vinyl spoke "I'll do what I can to keep Martha safe, she's my friend."

But then Vinyl noticed Martha carrying an infant Mavis.

Vinyl spoke "If we weren't under attack, I would have time to admire her."

An arrow was soon lodged in Vinyl's flank, knocking the unicorn out as a Pegasus stallion stabs Martha in the heart thus killing the mare.

Vinyl growls "AGAIN WITH THE FLANK???"

A furious Vinyl rips the stallion's neck out.

Holding a crying Mavis with a foreleg, Vinyl screams "DRACULA!!!!"

A few seconds earlier, Dracula was trying to reason with the ponies before he heard Martha’s scream.

Dracula spoke "Martha!"

Vinyl pulled the arrow out of her flank.

Vinyl growls "Why do ponies insist on firing arrows at my flanks?"

Dracula showed up as Vinyl kept Mavis safe before giving her to him.

Vinyl spoke "I'm sorry, I couldn't save her... But I know for a fact Martha wouldn't want you to be sad forever. And one day, we creatures of the night will be able to walk among the mortals. After what happened today, I think we should go our own ways. It's so that ponies don't track us down and find us."

Vinyl hugs Drac before going through a portal, closing it for the next 125 years.

Little did the two vampiric ponies know, Martha's spirit had become a Gengar Poké-Mobian thus remaining at the ruined castle for the same length of time.

*End flashback*

*Vinyl's POV*

Danyelle soon took her hand away.

I gasp "Now it all makes sense now... I killed the stallion responsible for Martha's death..."

Danyelle spoke "Wow, this is a lot to take in."

I spoke "If I hadn't been there, Mavis would have been killed as well."

Mavis spoke "Let’s not think about that."

I spoke "Your mother would be proud of the mare you've grown into though Mavis."

Mavis spoke "*Smile* Thanks."

Danyelle spoke "I think she already is."

I spoke "I heard about it from Korra though, Martha's spirit has finally passed onto the afterlife."

Danyelle spoke "Huh. Drac’s shadow is back to normal."

The bracelet that the Gengar was wearing had been left behind as a reminder that Martha would be watching over her family from heaven.

Picking the choker up, Danyelle spoke "Mavis, I think your mother would want you to have this."

Mavis asks "Really?"

Danyelle undoes the clasp before putting the choker around Mavis' neck.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Mavis hugged Danyelle. “*With happy tears* Thanks, Dany.”

Danyelle spoke "No problem. Hey Vinyl, Pinkie! Let's get this party started!!!"

“Now don’t tell me you forgot about my DJ battle with Johnny, did ya?” I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk hornball, you've got a foal on the way."

That piece of news had startled Johnny.

Johnny asks "Whoawhoawhoa, what?"

I spoke "Well, the Meowth's outta the bag now... I indeed have a foal on the way but I won't know what it'll look like until after it's born."

Johnny spoke "Whoa! Guess a party’s gotta be planned!"

I spoke "Chill out will you? I'm not that far in though so it'll be 11 months before I have the foal."

Twilight suddenly giggled at the mention of “party.”

Danyelle spoke "Oh and Twilight?? Quesadilla."

Twilight flew up in fear.

Kit was on his stomach while laughing.

Tails asks "Kit? You’re here?"

Nazuna asks "*wide eyed* Uh Tails, have you looked in a mirror yet?"

Tails asks "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Danyelle pulls Tails' other seven tails with magic, causing the nine-tailed Mobian kyubi to yelp thus surprising the others who didn't know yet.

Midnight laughs "By the goddess' mane! You've grown seven more tails! If it wasn't for the fur color and eye color, you could have easily passed for a younger version of my dad!"

Tails screams "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

Danyelle spoke "I blame Ein for this... He probably threw either a fire stone or an ice stone at the back of your head, causing you to grow seven more tails. And if it wasn't for your yellow fur, you'd could easily pass for a male version of Miyuki."

Tails spoke "Hey!"

Danyelle spoke "Don't blame me Tails, you have Vulpix blood in your veins so it was bound to happen sooner or later."

But then Danyelle sighed.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe the Pokédex can figure out what variant of Ninetales you are then Tails."

Danyelle uses the Pokédex to scan Tails.

The machine spoke "Ninetales, the Fox Poké-Mobian. Unknown variant. Possibly Electric-Flying type."

Danyelle spoke "That’s a new one."

Tails spoke "You're one to talk Danyelle, you've got both Flareon and Jolteon alongside Mew blood in your veins."

Ash spoke "Unknown variant huh? This could send Kukui and the other professors into a frenzy."


Vacation Disasters

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*Indigo's POV*

A few days had passed since Nightmare Night happened and I was helping the other 'Twos remove the decorations.

Vinyl spoke "Drac, you seriously need a vacation."

Dracula asks "What? What do you mean?"

I ask "In the length of time you've been running the hotel, have you had a single day off?"

Dracula spoke "For the birthday parties here."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Drac.... What Indigo and Vinyl are trying to say that aside from parties, you haven't had a single vacation."

Mavis spoke "I mean, now that we’re working together more, we’re seeing each other less."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly."

Dracula spoke "You know, you’re right. Why don’t we take a break right now."

Dracula flew off.

Vinyl groans "Drac you dummy... Not all of us have wings or immense Psychic powers..."

Mavis spoke "I’ll go check on Dennis and Johnny."

Danyelle was in two-tailed fox form while holding Akoya.

“You okay?” I asked Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm just caring for my little one."

“Ya sure? ‘Cause you look like you miss someone.” I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "Ben's around somewhere."

“I mean someone else, like from your childhood.” I clarified.

Danyelle growls "What are you getting at Gogo?"

Despite that being a trigger word, I kept my cool.

Danyelle spoke "Stars above, you're so easy to annoy!"

“Look, I’m just trying to find out why you’re sad on the inside.” I responded.

A Pegasus Mobian had crashed through a window.

The mare spoke "Son of a *beep*!"

Good thing we were covering all kids’ ears at that while Danyelle gasped at the appearance.

Sonia gasps "Michelle?"

Michelle asks "Huh? Dany? Sonia? Manic? Sonic? Is that really you four?"

Sonata was holding Manic with her forelegs as Adagio nuzzled Sonia.

Sonic spoke "It's been a while Michelle!"

Michelle spoke "*Dashes up to Sonic and Danyelle before hugging them* A while? Try years!"

Danyelle spoke "Easy there, I've got kids on the way. And you nearly squished Akoya."

Michelle asks "Oh! Sorry. But after they’re born, maybe you and I could have an eating contest like we used to when were little girls?"

Danyelle spoke "Heehee! You kidding? I wouldn’t miss that for the world!"

Michelle laughs "And with no interference from that kooky draconequus!"

Danyelle asks "Wait, really?"

Michelle giggles "Heehee! Yeah, since she taught me her tricks."

Danyelle giggles "Teehee! You always were a glutton, Michelle!"

Michelle spoke "Come on, we were both heavy eaters."

Danyelle spoke "So says the mare that has a crush on Sonic."

Michelle stammers "*Blush* H-Hey!"

Roll, Blaze and Spitfire snicker "What's the matter Michelle? You want in?"

Michelle spoke "Well… It’s just that… if I do… A lot of things could change."

Roll spoke "Well, Sonic is half alicorn though so standard Mobian marriage laws don't apply to him."

Michelle spoke "That's not what I mean... *Nervous blush*"

Danyelle laughs "Oh my StarClan! You're in heat aren't you?"

Michelle spoke "*Blush* It's not just that either!"

Sonic asks "You okay?"

Michelle asks "*To Sonic, Roll, Blaze and Spitfire* Please tell me, are the four of you hungry?"

Blaze and Spitfire spoke "Given that we have little ones to look after, kind of."

Roll spoke "Obviously!"

Sonic chuckles "If it's chili dogs then yes."

Michelle asks "Okay, what're your personal favorites?"

Spitfire spoke "I can't eat meat though, Equian ponies don't have the right teeth for that."

Blaze spoke "I mostly favor waffles..."

Roll spoke "Same as Sonic, I like chili dogs."

Michelle spoke "I can make chili carrots, and I know how to make vegetarian chili."

Spitfire spoke "I'm in!"

Aria spoke "Did someone say chili carrots? COUNT ME IN!!!"

Michelle spoke "Hmm... I can tell you also like nachos."

Aria spoke "Nachos?! Now I'm double in!!!!!"

Sonic groans "And now there's five..."

Danyelle spoke "Least I'm not one of them though Sonic, I'm more like a sister to you."

Sonic spoke "Point taken."

Michelle was already making some food for Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire and Aria.

Danyelle had transformed into a female version of Sonic.

Michelle asks "*While still making food* Whoa, guess I'm not the only one who learned new tricks. So how've you been over the years, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I pulled a prank on Knuckles one time."

Michelle asks "*Still making food* Really now? Well, found out anything new about yourself?"

Danyelle spoke "Aside from unlocking some new moves... I can also control air, water and earth alongside fire. Oh, I also have a Mew ancestor."

Akoya sneezes out a rather weak flame.

Michelle spoke "And you had some kids. Nice. I hope they find their Auntie Michelle fun to be around with."

Michelle finished making food as she gave Sonic and Roll chili dogs, Blaze waffles with syrup, Spitfire chili carrots with vegetarian chili, and Aria chili carrots with vegetarian chili and nachos.

Michelle spoke "Feel free to dig in."

Danyelle spoke "Akoya's currently my youngest since I have twins on the way."

Michelle spoke "*As Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire and Aria ravenously ate their food* Wow, nice. *Whispers to Danyelle* I have a foal on the way, but my late husband was..."

Danyelle spoke "I know what you mean. Orchid lost her husband too..."

Michelle asks "You know my cousin?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, she saved an Abyssinian tom from drowning one time."

Michelle spoke "Wow… I guess both of us have found new love."

Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire and Aria gave out a belch after finishing their food.

Danyelle giggles "I made Twilight fall flat on her face a few times."

Michelle giggles "Heehee! Really?"

Somehow, Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire and Aria looked like they were 500 pounds fat, and for some reason, they didn’t seem to mind that one bit.

Danyelle snickers "All it takes is a simple "Sit Girl!" command and boom! Face down on the ground!"

Twilight was face down on the ground as I laughed at her.

I laugh "By Arcee's light! That's too much!"

Michelle spoke "Heehee, wow! Not bad, Dany."

But then Michelle was hugged by Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire and Aria, who were still 500 pounds fat as their jiggly and doughy bodies cushion against Michelle.

Michelle spoke "Mmm… Wow, you really do accept me."

Michelle then suddenly became as fat as they are while she returned the hug.

Danyelle spoke "I don't do well with hugs when I'm in Mew form."

Michelle spoke "Oh, thanks for the heads up, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "I may have been raised an Ogami but I'm a Doucet at heart."

Michelle asks "Whoa, for real?"

Danyelle spoke "Lightning Flash and his wife adopted me when I was 2 weeks old since my real parents are dead..."

Michelle spoke "*Wince!* That’s gotta hurt."

Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire and Aria were suddenly back to normal.

Michelle spoke "Wow! You five learned it already!"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic is one third alicorn though."

Sonic spoke "Remember Pinkie? Don’t question it."

Danyelle spoke "Don't remind me bro, I gave Jasmine hell for that..."

Sonic asks "But think we should get ready for the vacation?"

Danyelle spoke "About that bro, we'll be on a cruise ship and since you're a total scaredy Skitty..."

Sonic spoke "…You know what? I’m still coming along."

Aria spoke "I feel funny..."

Michelle spoke "Oh, your body’s just getting used to the potential, I think."

Danyelle spoke "It's either that or she's in heat..."

Michelle spoke "It could be both."

Danyelle spoke "*nose twitching* Nope, Aria's in heat..."

Aria spoke "Sonic...."

Sonic asks "Yeah?"

Roll giggles "Seems Aria wants kids..."

Michelle brought out a warp ring and threw it behind Sonic as it went to the Chuddle Hotel.

Aria pounces on Sonic, causing both hedgehogs to tumble through the portal.

Michelle spoke "They could take a while."

Danyelle spoke "Given that I'm currently raising twelve kids, I have my hands full with the younger ones."

Michelle asks "Ooh... Let me know if you need any help, Dany. BFFs, right?"

Danyelle spoke "Ravenpaw, Graystripe, Scootaloo, Gallus and Bluestar are school age so I can focus on Irene, Rani, Tikal, Akoya and the Nightlight trio more. Agh! No Dart! We don't put that in our mouths!"

Danyelle pulls the blue eyed Nightlight Mewtwo away from some rotten food.

Danyelle spoke "I can't take my eyes off them for a second!"

Michelle spoke "Again, I can always help."

Orion had Pouncer by the tail.

Danyelle spoke "Orion!"

Orion spoke "Control your spawn better."

Danyelle spoke "Well, Pigment's your daughter regardless if Zoey gave birth to her!"

Orion spoke "*Tick mark* Do not anger me."

Danyelle growls "Least YOU'RE not one carrying kids!"

Michelle spoke "Okay you two, that's enough."

Danyelle spoke "Ladies do not start fights but they can finish one."

Michelle spoke "Ooh!"

Asuna laughs "Looks like Orion's gonna need some Rawst berries for that burn!"

Michelle giggles "And some oink-ment for that too."

Roll snickers "Want to know what Huey calls Orion?"

Michelle asks "What?"

Huey giggles "Uncle Face!"

Michelle snickered at that.

Asuna spoke "I got a cup to the head one time."

Michelle spoke "Bet that rang a bell."

Serena giggles "And there was this one time where Ash pranked Orion!"

Danyelle giggles "Heehee! Now shall we get ready for a vacation?"

Various Mewtwo hybrids cheer.

Sakura asks "Could I tag along?"

Vinyl spoke "Of course you can."

Sakura spoke "Yes!"

Li spoke "I'm going too."

Midnight chuckles "Same with Opaline and I."

Michelle asks "Why don’t we invite your friends along too?"

Midnight spoke "Luna has a little one to look after along with managing a kingdom with Celestia."

Michelle spoke "But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t use some family time."

Newlestia pops up suddenly.

Newlestia spoke "Sorry but the kingdom comes first."

Twilight spoke "Newlestia doesn't have that restriction in place since she doesn't have a kingdom to manage."

Newlestia spoke "Exactly so Celestia asked me to enjoy the vacation in her place."

Michelle asks "You sure?"

Newlestia spoke "Yes."

Michelle spoke "Okay."

I chuckle "Let's go!"

*One warp ring later*

The others and I soon find ourselves on a cruise ship!

Sonia spoke "Wow!"

Danyelle spoke "Amazing!"

Dracula gasps "A cruise?!"

Mavis spoke "Surprise!"

Dracula spoke "*Stammering* But it’s… just like a hotel, on the water!"

Vinyl spoke "Drac-bite, you've been so tense lately."

Vinyl massages Drac's shoulders.

Mavis spoke "We just figured you need a vacation from running everyone else’s vacation. You’ve barely been out the hotel since… Well, since mom died. But this is a chance to make new memories, with all of us. With Dennis."

Dennis and Johnny spoke "*Awed* Booooooooaaaaaaaaaaaat!"

Vinyl spoke "I agree with Mavis on that Drac."

Dracula smiled. “Who made you such an amazing daughter, Mavis?”

“You.” Mavis giggled.

Dracula chuckles "That’s right! What a father I am. *Picks up Dennis and gives him a piggyback ride* Come on, Denisovich, let’s get cruising!"

Dennis spoke "Yay!"

Rosebud and some of the babytwos were chasing each other about the cruise ship.

Rainbowtwo spoke "These cheese balls are amazing!"

Michelle spoke "Mmm! Yeah they are!"

Twilight had bolted since someone put a plate of quesadillas in front of her.

Danyelle grabs Twilight by the tail, stopping her from trying to teleport away.

Danyelle spoke "You're staying with us."

Twilight spoke "Just keep the quesadillas away from me then!"

The dark blue Mobian kitten was on Twilight's back with his tiny claws in her skin.

Twilight winced a bit.

Danyelle spoke "Kid's got claws."

Ash spoke "He'll need a name though."

Twilight asks "Starspeed?"

Materializing suddenly, Deep Blue spoke "His name is Luke."

Twilight asks "Deep Blue... Did you do something?"

Deep Blue spoke "It was Momo's idea."

A male Mewtwo with a yellow tail was out cold on a table since he had gotten an accidental uppercut from Frank.

Danyelle gasps "What in the?!"

I ask "Which one of you punched a Mewtwo?"

I then noticed a disembodied hand.

Zoey's fur was totally fluffed up, as was Midnight's fur.

The hand started hopping by the wrist before landing on Frank’s arm.

Ash spoke "That was freaky..."

Danyelle's neck fur bristled up suddenly since she had a vision.

Danyelle spoke "Yeesh…"

Twilight asks "What did you see Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I… don’t really know. Everything was happening so fast, I couldn’t understand."

Peach was growling suddenly since something big was under the surface of the water.

Okay… So we went to an underwater volcano and stopped at a deserted island earlier. What next?

Zoey spoke "Maybe Atlantis? my ancestors used to live there long ago before it sank. It's as though something is calling me there."

The announcer spoke "Everyone assemble on the forward deck. We are arriving at our final destination. From the depths of creation, the mighty city has risen once again. Home to the greatest monster civilization the world has ever known, far surpassing Athena and Rome in art, culture and sophistication. I give you the legendary lost city of Atlantis."

But then something started rising from the ocean, revealed to be…

A random female monster screams "Ah! It’s a giant Kraken!"

The Kraken emerged with a mic and started… singing?

The Kraken sang "There’s a place you’ve gotta be, a thousand leagues beneath the sea and it’s waiting over here for you and me."

We then saw Atlantis.

The Kraken sang "Gonna take you for a ride but first you’ve gotta come inside. Get ready, for the party’s on tonight."

All of us smiled before heading in.

The Kraken sang "So relax and just unwind. Leave your worries all behind and get ready, for the party’s on tonight."

We then found ourselves in a huge casino/aquarium combo.

A Statue spoke "Welcome to Atlantis!"

The Kraken sang "So get ready"

Visitors immediately started having fun as this was gonna be an awesome party!

The Kraken spoke "It’s party time!"

Blobby grabbed some dice before rolling them inside himself before tossing them onto the table, getting a 4 and 3, odd as some of the watchers cheered.

The Kraken spoke "It’s party time!"

Zoey spoke "It's as though I can remember my ancestral grid...."

Ghostly remnants of long since dead Atlanteans and ancient Mobians float about.

A ghostly black cat Mobini with green eyes floated past.

Frank spoke "*Looking around* Ooh. I am so excited! *Chuckles*"

Frank saw the gambling and was pumped to do some himself before Eunice was in front of him, making the monster yelp.

Eunice spoke "Oh, no, you don’t. Last time you gambled, you lost an arm and a leg. Literally! Replacement limbs… *As Frank saw some gambling behind him* aren’t just lying around like they were in the old days. So, no gambling. Frank!"

Frank spoke "*Smiling nervously* Yes, dear! Got it! No gambling!"

Zoey asks "Mr Kraken, could I ask you something?"

Pigment was on Zoey's head.

The Kraken asks "Yeah?"

Zoey asks "What happened to the Mobini that originated from Atlantis?"

Kraken asks "*Surprised and confused* Say what now?"

From the Kraken's perspective, Zoey was a cat Mobini with alicorn wings and a baby Mewtwo on her head.

The Kraken asks "Why’re you asking about that?"

Zoey spoke "Up until I got my alicorn powers, I was a somewhat normal human female but now... I'm half cat Mobini half alicorn..."

Barring the pinkish brown eyes, Zoey looked a lot like one of the first generation cat Mobini that had lived in Atlantis a long time ago.

The Kraken spoke "Look, I have no idea what happened. It’s like they suddenly vanished, like they went deeper than when Atlantis sank. I just hope they’re only hiding."

Pigment spoke "Wada... {I don't think it that though... I see spirits of dead humans, Mobians and Mobini that used to live here...}"

Zoey spoke "…Pigment, let’s go see the others. The glow-up party might happen soon."

Pigment asks "Wada? {Glow-up?}"

Zoey giggles "Glow sticks."

Asuna spoke "Bad idea Zoey, babies of any species will put things into their mouths regardless if it's safe for them or not. You saw how Danyelle reacted when Dart had a dead snake in her tiny hands..."

Zoey spoke "Oh..."

Danytwo was growling since she sensed danger.

Later, we were heading towards a party while Frank now had crab claws for hands before we stopped at an edge, seeing nothing.

Eunice spoke "Huh? I thought they said the party was this way."

But then a lit-up island rose from the sea as a golden clam opened up, revealing an Atlantean DJ.

Johnny and Vinyl spoke "DJ in a clamshell? *Gasp!* I'm so jealous!

Then a bridge came up, connecting the edge to the island/building with whooshing spotlights as the party started with all of us heading there. This party was awesome as Crystal and Griffin were riding a crowd wave.

I spoke "I'm sensing a lot of red flags here..."

Danyelle spoke "Same..."

But then the lights shut off with the music stopping.

Danyelle was growling.

I spoke "I have a bad feeling about this..."

Danyelle spoke "As do I."

The Atlantean DJ spoke "Hey back off, man. DJ booth is a sacred *Shoved off* SPAAACE!!!"

All of the Mewtwo were now on edge after seeing what just happened.

Danyelle was now snarling.

Danyelle snarls "This can't be good..."

Zoey was hissing.

But then a screen came on, showing an UGLY face!

Dracula asks "Who is this?"

A stallion laughs "HA! I know you recognize me, your greatest rival."

Dracula spoke "Hmm. Oh, right. You own that Holiday Inn down by the airport."

The stallion spoke "No! It is I, Abraham Van Helsing."

Dracula spoke "Van Helsing? After all these years? You look awful."

OOH! Burn!

Spottedleaf laughs "Sounds like some stallion's gonna need some herbs for that burn!"

Van Helsing only frowned at that. "Oh, always with the quick insults. *Brings out an artifact* Well, this will shut you up. And all monsters. Behold, the key to the demise of all monsters."

Van Helsing opened the artifact and brought something out of it before opened what seemed to be a sheet of old paper as he placed it on the keyboard.

Van Helsing spoke "Let's see. Right... Okay."

Van Helsing started playing an eerie tune.

Van Helsing ponders "Listen to the melody of your destruction. *Notices volume knob* Ooh, what's this little doodad do?"

Van Helsing turned the knob, cranking up the volume as the music played louder. But we felt the ground rumble as something rising from the ocean. It was the kraken, but his eyes were different, glowing orange-red as the Kraken growled. Van Helsing continued the riff as the kraken gave a babbling roar.

Dracula spoke "Everybody out now!"

The party goers tried to escape, but the Kraken destroyed the escape route.

Frank spoke "We're trapped! Everybody back!"

The kraken growled as he was laying destruction to the island we were on.

Despite being one siren short, Adagio and Sonata started singing in attempt to overpower Van Helsing.

But the song drowned out the singing.

Dracula spoke "This has to stop, now!"

Johnny spoke "Drac! No!"

Dracula fought the kraken, but that became a losing battle as he let out a scream.

Mavis spoke "Dad!"

Mavis tried to fly up but got pinned down by a tentacle.

Dracula spoke "Mavis!"

Van Helsing spoke "Time for the immortal Dracula to die."

The Kraken started to crush Dracula.

Mavis spoke "Dad!"

Mavis struggled to break free with a strained yell as Vinyl has had enough and decided to save Drac.

A pair of leathery bat wings burst out from Vinyl's back as she sang loud and clear to overpower Van Helsing's song.

Vinyl sang as the voices of her friends and allies call out.

Vinyl: You're never gonna bring me down
You're never gonna break this part of me
My friends are here to bring me 'round
Not singin' just for popularity

Everyone: We're here to let you know
That we won't let it go
Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow

Danyelle, Sunset, Twilight, Myth and several Mewtwos: And you can try to fight
But we have got the light of friendship on our side

Adagio, Sonia, Sonata, Manic, Roll, Blaze and Spitfire: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

Applejack, Crosswind, Fluttershy, Flowerstep, Rarity and Blizzardstar: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives

Spottedleaf, Bluestar, Graystripe, Flintfur and Silverstream: Got the music in our hearts
We're here to blow this thing apart
And together we will never be afraid of the dark

Vinyl: Here to sing our song out loud
Get ya dancin' with the crowd
As the music of our friendship survives survives survives!!!!

That started to work with the Kraken letting Drac go, but Helsing noticed that.

Van Helsing spoke "What is that noise? *Notices Vinyl* Hehehe, the fool."

Van Helsing played the music louder as that regained control of the Kraken as it roared.

Johnny spoke "Drac! Van Helsing's beats are controlling the giant octopus thingy. If there's one thing I hate, it's an evil DJ. *Grabs Drac* We need positive energy! *Brings out his DJ station as he puts on a cap* Get ready for a DJ battle! We're gonna use good music to defeat his evil music."

Dracula asks "What?"

Johnny spoke "Trust me, I know the tunes, but you've got the power. That opening was off the shizak! Now we'll need something more positive. Now, Drac!"

Dracula played the music.

That made the kraken smile and relax, much to the group's surprise.

Dracula asks "*Deadpan* Really?"

Johnny spoke "It has a nice message."

Vinyl spoke "That may be so it won't be enough to stop him!"

Van Helsing just frowned. "I've had enough of this nonsense!"

Van Helsing played the riff louder as the Kraken growled and went underwater. The tentacles then surrounded the island before grabbing the platform that had Johnny and Drac on it.

Dracula spoke "*As Vinyl joined to help* Johnny, we need the most brain-dominating, toe-tappinating song in the history of all the universe."

Johnny spoke "*Searching as the kraken growled and tightened his grip* Come on, come on, come on. Where is it? Where is it? *As the platform came closer to the Kraken's maw* I don't know! There's too many choices. No, wait! This is it."

Dracula and Vinyl pressed the play button as the Kraken chomped the platform into its mouth with riff stopping. But then we heard another music faintly, catching our attention.

Van Helsing spoke "What the..."

The music got louder as the Kraken snapped out of it and opened his maw, having the platform with Johnny, his DJ station, Dracula and Vinyl still in one piece. But Johnny was dancing to the music in an... Dunno how to describe it.

Vlad spoke "Boy, that stinks."

The music kept playing as the kraken put the platform back on the island.

Johnny spoke "*Still dancing* It's working!"

Surprisingly, the kraken was dancing along too.

Vlad chuckles "Hey, Johnny's corny music is defeating the evil music. I kinda like it. *Starts dancing along as well before some of the other monsters joined too* Ayy macarena!"

Van Helsing screamed in anger as he played the riff again, but with those here dancing with the song playing, the music sheet Van Helsing had started dancing and tore itself apart, causing the riff to stop. "No!"

Everyone was dancing to the music. Dracula and Vinyl shrugged with smiles as they and Drac's cape started dancing along too. Well, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em! I started dancing along as well.

Various Pegasi flew about in the sky as they danced to the song.

Twilight was dancing with Winnie and Dennis.

Van Helsing spoke "Argh! *Starts dancing* Ahhh! Whoo! I'm a slave to the rhythm! *Unknowingly fells off while screaming* AYY MACARENA!!!"

Dracula noticed that and flew down to save him.

Frank asks "Drac, what are you doing?"

Murray spoke "You gotta be greater than the haters!"

Van Helsing kept screaming before he suddenly started floating upward. "Huh?"

Dracula was in his bat form as he brought Van Helsing back onto the island.

Van Helsing asks "*As Drac went back to normal* Why? Why, after everything, would you save my life?"

Dracula spoke "Because basically we are all the same. Claws or hands, two eyes or three eyes."

A witch spoke "Green skin."

A skeleton spoke "No skin."

Mr. Prickles spoke "Prickly."

A brain monster spoke "Brainy."

Twilight spoke "Half alicorn half Cyniclon, murdered a Persian and a Hydregion."

Danyelle spoke "Nekomata-gryphon hybrid with Mew and Plasmeon blood in the veins, beat the tar out of a Sharpedo and a Camerupt."

Sonia spoke "Half hedgewolf half alicorn, as are my brothers. I married a siren."

Sunset spoke "Human turned unicorn, I also murdered a platypus...."

Honeystar spoke "<Chakat-Andalite hybrid.>"

Zoey spoke "Human turned half cat Mobini half alicorn."

Anzu spoke "Mobian cat with Cyniclon powers, Pigment's a Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo."

I spoke "But regardless of what we are, we all have the same emotions."

Van Helsing stammered softly. "I'm sorry."

But then Van Helsing were dogpiled by Wayne's pups as he was getting licked all over, getting covered in slobber.

Vinyl spoke "You are amazing."

Vinyl and Dracula's eyes glimmered at each others.

Vinyl giggles "If I didn't have a foal on the way, we'd be trying for one."

*One warp ring later*

*At the hotel*

Zoey spoke "Given that there isn't someone to officiate the wedding, either Twilight or I would have to oversee it."

Twilight spoke "I'll handle it Zoey. Mobians, humans, aliens, monsters, Equians. We are gathered here tonight to witness the union of Vinyl Scratch AKA DJ Pon-3 and Count Dracula. If anycreature objects to this union, speak now or hold your comments."

Twilight turns to look at Drac.

Twilight asks "Dracula, do you take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

Dracula nodded at that as he brought out a box with a ring inside for Vinyl as she gasped in surprise.

Twilight turns to look at Vinyl.

Twilight asks "Vinyl, do you take this stallion to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

Vinyl spoke "*tears in eyes* I do."

Twilight spoke "Then by the light of the moon, I pronounce you Mare and Stallion."

Vinyl pulls Drac towards her with magic, kissing him on the lips as everyone cheers.

Danyelle spoke "Rainbow, that's your cue!"

Rainbow flew high into the sky, pulling off a Sonic Rainboom in the process.

Rainbow spoke "AW YEAH!!!"

Mavis couldn’t help but feel happy for her dad and new mom.

Danyelle spoke "Now, this was an awesome wedding. Too bad we had zero time to even prepare due to what happened."

Renee howls in sheer happiness.


New Mew in Town/ Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000/ Finding Scootaloo's Parents

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*Myth's POV*

I was hiding from a pissed off Orion when I noticed that another Mew Poké-Mobian had arrived in town but something was different about them.

Orion spoke "When I get my hands on mother, I'll strangle her!"

Asuna spoke "Calm down brother before I whack you..."

Rei spoke "Geez... Temper, temper."

From Rei's perspective, Orion was covered in tar and feathers.

Rei asks "Got pranked?"

Orion retorts "What do you think?"

Rei spoke "It was rhetorical."

Danyelle spoke "I have a bad feeling that a pair of unicorn stallions will try to take Applejack's farm..."

Rei scoffs "Psh, being all "modern" and whatnot?"

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Rei, you should know by now that I can't turn my Dimensional Scream off."

Rei spoke "I know."

Danyelle spoke "I worry that some of my kids will have the same gift I have."

Rei spoke "Calm down, Dany. It’ll be okay."

Danyelle giggles "I think I heard Miyuki calling your name."

Next thing they knew, Miyuki, Rena, Jennifer and Jessika were swarming all over Rei in a love cloud.

Rei spoke "Not again!"

Danyelle was laughing.

Soon, the cloud settled as all four of Rei’s wives looked at him lustfully with half-lidded eyes.

Rei asks "Here we go again. Dany? A warp ring?"

Danyelle spoke "You oughta know by now that Mews and Mewtwos don't reproduce the same way other Poké-Mobians do."

Rei spoke "Please? It’ll help them calm down."

Danyelle grabs the flower that was used before with Psychic and hands it to Rei.

Danyelle spoke "You're gonna need this to trigger Jennifer and Jessika's breeding cycle."

Rei gasps "How'd you-"

Danyelle spoke "Jasmine gave me one in case of emergency."

Asuna spoke "Good thing that flower only affects female Mews and Mewtwos."

Danyelle tossed a warp ring, teleporting Rei and his wives to the Chuddle Hotel.

The newcomer was hovering around Sonia for some reason.

Sonia asks "Uh… Need anything?"

Danytwo giggles "Seems she likes you!"

Sonia asks "Wha-huh?!"

Danytwo giggles "Think about it Sonia, mares outnumber stallions."

Asuna spoke "Wow, definitely didn't see that coming."

Huey asks "Mom?"

Kazuto spoke "Asuna, we need to talk."

Asuna asks "Hmm? About what?"

Kazuto chuckles "You'll see!"

Kazuto drags Asuna off through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Orion soon has me by my neck.

Orion growls "You did this to me...."

Danyelle spoke "Orion, calm down."

Rainbowtwo grabs Orion by the secondary neck, causing him to go limp.

Rainbowtwo asks "Want me to take care of him?"

Orion growls "What was that Skittlecat?"

Rainbowtwo giggles "Hehehe, you’ll see."

Orion pounces on his mate, getting her covered in tar as well.

Rainbowtwo spoke "Ohohoho! You’re in for it now!"

Danyelle threw a warp ring as Orion and Rainbowtwo were teleported to the Chuddle Hotel.

Twilight-Two transformed into her Mewtwo form before thumping her tail on the ground in boredom.

Danyelle asks "Wanna come along and visit AJ?"

Twilight-two sighs "Fine..."

Hmm... I wonder if... I used a warp ring before I went into a Mewtwo area and started looking.

Huey asks "Grandma?"

I noticed Huey was hanging onto me.

Even Rosebud was clinging to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Rosebud spoke "Hungwy..."

Danyelle's tails were bristled up.

Danyelle asks "You hear that Myth?"

I teleported back to Danyelle with Rosebud and Huey. "Yep."

Crosswind was growling since shi was annoyed.

Applejack spoke "Crossy, calm down. They were just showboatin'."

Crosswind spoke "But they might take our farm though Applejack..."

Applejack spoke "Don't worry, sugarcube. We won't let that happen."

Danyelle growls "No swindlers are gonna take my friend's farm, not if I have ANYTHING to say about it!"

Applejack spoke "Be careful, Dany. They're as slippery as an eel dipped in grease."

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me roast you Applejack, three of my adopted children hate the taste of eel."

Applejack spoke "Dang, sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "I'll let it slide this time..."

Danyelle was soon dogpiled by Scootaloo and the other Crusaders.

Danyelle spoke "Gah, Scootaloo! How many times must I tell you? No dogpiling a pregnant female..."

Scootaloo spoke "Sorry, but we couldn't wait to see ya again."

Purity soon pops up with a sad look on its face.

Purity spoke "Hey Danyelle, I got some bad news... It's about Scootaloo's parents..."

Danyelle spoke "If it's about Scootaloo's parents, I'm still searching... But since I have twins on the way, it'll be harder for me to track them down... Unless... *slapping her hands against her own cheeks* NO! I can't jump to conclusions!"

I ask "What about asking Master Hand?"

Danyelle gasps "That's a great idea!"

I whistle loud, getting Bayonetta's attention.

A panther suddenly ran in before it turned into Bayonetta. "You are quite lucky I was using Panther Within."

Danyelle explains everything to Bayonetta about Scootaloo's parents.

Bayonetta asks "Well, I suppose we can't let the worst happen, can we?"

Danyelle spoke "Minus you and Sonic, I've already sent messages to all Smashers both new and veteran so that they can help track down four missing ponies."

Bayonetta asks "Hmm... *Smirk* Perhaps Jupiter is searching with Bowser?"

Danyelle spoke "Zoey's searching her hometown with Dren right now, Ash and Serena are looking all over the Kalos region and Sonic's searching all over Mobius."

But then Danyelle's communicator with Tails rang.

Danyelle asks "What is it Tails?"

Tails spoke "Vector and Charmy told me that Espio went off into that portal gateway he mentioned before to help investigate."

Something cuts Tails' connection off suddenly before Danyelle's left ear twitches as she picked up an unknown signal.

Danyelle spoke "I got a hit!"

A feminine voice asks in an unknown language who she was talking to.

Danyelle fiddles with the translation device before the message finally came through in English.

Danyelle asks "What's going on?"

A holographic image of a brown Mobian rabbit female with strange clothes appears on Danyelle's comm device.

The rabbit spoke "About time someone responded! I have good news! Nearl found four ponyfolk recently. Three females and one male."

Danyelle asks "Descriptions?"

The rabbit spoke "The only male of the four has dark purple hair with matching tail, one female has blonde hair, another female has light blue hair and the last female has reddish orange hair... But I fear that the four of them have been infected with oripathy, a disease with no cure."

Danyelle spoke "*Starts to feel down before snapping herself out of it* That only means a cure isn't found yet."

The rabbit spoke "I'm afraid I can't let the four of them return to the world they came form or the oripathy will spread like wildfire. And it would be really bad if originium crystals sprouted up in your world..."

Teermakus suddenly showed up. "That makes this 'oripathy' no better than Tarkat."

The rabbit spoke "Oripathy is caused by Originium and if those four are infected then die from said infection, their bodies will become Originium crystals which in turn cause more oripathy... It's a never-ending cycle... with a 0% chance of a cure."

Nearl asks "*voice in background* What's Tarkat?"

A voice called out, "There may be a way, but the chances of succession are extremely low."

A dust devil appeared before it formed into Geras.

Danyelle spoke "The rabbit's got a point though, finding a cure for oripathy is extremely difficult since there isn't one. Plus the disease is dangerous with a high kill rate."

Geras spoke "I’ve seen that through the Hourglass. Oripathy is from Origimiun, a dangerous and hazardous crystal and mineral. But minerals can be made of many things, such as sand. Their fates are not set in stone. I will attempt to siphon the Originium from them."

The rabbit spoke "Bad idea sir, oripathy can't be removed from an infected."

Geras spoke "Not the crystals themselves, but what first made these crystals."

The rabbit spoke "I don't know what made the crystals in the first place."

Geras spoke "But I have that knowledge after researching your world’s history with the Hourglass."

Nearl asks "*voice in background* Wait.... WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?"

The rabbit groans "Did you have to scream like that Nearl?"

Nearl spoke "*voice in background* Sorry Amiya."

Amiya spoke "Anyways.... I'll be keeping the four under surveillance to make sure they're clean before I find a way to send them back to where they belong."

Danyelle spoke "Oh thank goodness..."

Amiya spoke "And… I’ll let whoever said Hourglass try to help. It’s his funeral."

Geras spoke "I am a fixed point in time. With every death, I only rise once more."

Danyelle wingslaps Geras on the back of the head.

Danyelle spoke "I swear Geras, you're like a phoenix!"

Geras however was unaffected. "But you cannot go to that world Danyelle since you do not have immunity to oripathy."

Danyelle spoke "That plus I have children on the way. And even if we did get Scootaloo's parents and aunts out of Amiya's world, they'd be bringing the oripathy with them which in turn will infect the rest of us!"

Amiya spoke "She has a point sir, I can't risk an outbreak of oripathy on another world."

Geras spoke "Which is why I will attempt to cure them."

Danyelle spoke "Attempt is the key word... Not even alicorn and draconequus magic can fix it."

Geras spoke But I said before, chances of success are extremely low. And there are three outcomes, two of which are better left unspoken."

Danyelle asks "What are they then?"

Geras spoke "One of these three outcomes will be that Scootaloo's four family members will be cured."

Amiya groans "It won't be easy though... As I had JUST said, there is a 0% chance of curing oripathy."

Danyelle asks "And the other two?"

Geras spoke "The second outcome is slowing, halting or speeding up the progressing. But the third is more sand for the Hourglass than anticipated."

Danyelle spoke "If the worst case scenario happened, I would have to adopt Scootaloo."

Danyelle's fur bristled up since she had a terrifying vision.

Danyelle spoke "*Shakes her head rapidly* Nononononono! Gotta be a prediction! It could be wrong! There's a first time for everything!"

I spoke "Try telling Kyurem that..."

Geras spoke "Even deities can make mistakes and be wrong. So let us not assume the worst yet."

I spoke "Kyurem never makes mistakes..."

To be Continued

Finding the Cure?

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*Danyelle’s POV*

After that terrifying vision, I was pacing about in fear as I tried to make sense of it.

Myth asks “You okay?”

I spoke “No, I’m not! No matter how many times I think about it, it still turns out the same!”

Twilight spoke “It seems as if that ice dragon’s dead set on making it happen.”

I groan “Don’t remind me Sparkles! Kyurem’s far too stubborn to change his ways.”

Myth spoke “We might have to talk to Arcee about it.”

I spoke “That might be our only option when dealing with Kyurem.”

Myth spoke “And if Kyurem doesn’t listen...”


Twilight spoke “I have a bad feeling about all this...”

Amiya asks “I’m sort of confused here... Who’s Kyurem?”

I spoke “Girl, you don’t want to know...”

Amiya spoke “Fair enough, I won’t ask.”

Geras was still here, waiting patiently. "Then do you know of his DNA splicers?"

I spoke "In the sense of things, it's like whenever Sonic and Shadow use Chaos Control at the same time to form Shadic."

*Some time later in Kyurem’s domain*


I flung a blade made of air at an ice pillar to aggravate the ice dragon.

Twilight asks “Uh Danyelle, what are you doing?”

I spoke “Aggravating Kyurem into coming out.”

Twilight spoke “I see where this is going!”

Twilight charges up an energy blast before firing it at a wall, causing damage.

I blast a different area with fire.

I laugh as Twilight and I continue causing damage.

Dunno why, but Geras was with us as a tortoise Mobian as we felt the ground rumble, telling us that Kyurem was coming out.

I spoke “I think we’ve pissed Kyurem off good.”

I cloaked Geras, Twilight and myself in fire since I knew that we were in for an extremely chilly fight.

Kyurem then burst out the cave, pushing the three of us back before Geras became a pile of sand after hitting the ground. But then he rose from the sand, bending backward while standing upward as he straightened out before clenching his right fist with sand falling as his eyes glowed blue.

I shot a Fairy Wind at Kyurem in retaliation.

Kyurem growled at us.

I used my magic to teleport the DNA splicer away from Kyurem.

I growl "Out with it Kyurem, why are you so intent on making that future happen?"

Kyurem spoke "Because of the threat those crystals have."

Amiya asks "You mean the Originium crystals?"

I ask "So you're willing to put the lives of four Equians in danger just to protect many others?"

Kyurem spoke "It’s hard to make that decision, but there is no other way."

But then I noticed a small yin-yang-like circle of blue and red fire in the air.

Twilight spoke "Explaining this to Scootaloo won't be easy..."

“Guys?” I called out before the circle grew and became a portal before Espio came out of it, accompanied by a male Chinese fire dragon Mobian.

Twilight asks "Oh what now?"

But then I noticed the dragon Mobian’s eyes were glowing.

Amiya spoke "I have a bad feeling about that..."

The dragon spoke "Calm yourselves. I am a friend."

The dragon then did a kung-fu salute.

Espio spoke "Surprisingly, he found me while I was investigating the new world I found on the other side of that gateway."

The dragon spoke "Indeed, as the gateway’s activation rebuilt a connection between Mobius and Earthrealm."

Twilight spoke "But we still don't have a clear answer as to why we can't bring Scootaloo's parents and aunts back."

The dragon spoke "It is possible to bring them back, but it seems that battle and isolation has left Kyurem’s mind weary."

I spoke "According to Amiya, it's not safe to bring Scootaloo's parents and aunts back to Equis since the four of them have Oripathy... which has a 0% cure rate..."

The dragon spoke "*Smile* But Geras can help with that since the source are from crystals."

Geras nodded at that.

I groan at the same time Amiya did.

I spoke "Oripathy has no cure though. Nothing can cure it."

The dragon spoke "I would not be so certain."

The dragon’s right hand was engulfed in blue flames as his left hand was engulfed in red flames before conjuring a portal of blue and red flames to Amiya’s homeworld.

“Whether if you want to accompany us or not will be your decision.” The dragon said as he and Geras walked through it, entering the realm before encountering Scootaloo’s parents and aunties before they shifted to their true forms.

Twilight spoke "…We have to at least try."

I spoke "But Twilight, you and I don't have immunity to Oripathy."

Twilight spoke "I know, but we still have to let them try."

Sonic pops up suddenly.

Sonic spoke "But you heard the rabbit, it's not going to be easy."

Geras summoned a large hourglass as the strange man summoned fire to protect Scootaloo’s parents and aunties harm. Geras then used the hourglass as black sand somehow started becoming extracted from Scootaloo’s parents and aunties. Thirty minutes to an hour later, the hourglass was filled as the black sand turned into normal sand with Scootaloo’s parents and aunties still standing.

Geras spoke "It has been done."

Amiya spoke "Even it were that easy, Oripathy can't be removed from an infected person..."

But the Oripathy soon rebounds on the four, turning their bodies half crystal.

The I would not be so certain.

Geras snapped his fingers, completely erasing the Oripathy and Originium from the four’s bodies while completely restoring them to normal.

I spoke "*via comm* For the love of StarClan, Oripathy is hardwired in their bodies thus making it impossible to remove!"

Amiya gasps "*Scans Scootaloo’s parents and aunties before becoming shocked* This… This is impossible! There is no trace of Oripathy or Originium inside any of those four anywhere!"

I groan "*via comm* StarClan's sake Amiya... I thought you said that Oripathy was permanent!"

Amiya gasps "I-I thought so too! But how…?!"

The male spoke "You can ask questions after these four are returned home."

A loud bang was heard before the only male of the four ponies had dropped dead.

The man checked the male’s pulse. “Hmm… Something must have occurred to force this stallion into a coma and a dead-like state.”

The man then summoned fire to protect the four ponies from any further harm.

I growl "It's worse than you think Liu Kang, someone that's heavily infected by Oripathy is out for blood."

Liu Kang created a barrier made of flames to protect the four ponies as Liu Kang and Geras stood to protect them.

Liu Kang spoke "It seems that this enemy has chosen to defy peace, then this enemy has chosen war with a god."

Amiya spoke "It's not gonna be that easy sir..."

A loud warning noise was heard.

I spoke "*via comm* SHIT! That's a hurricane! And it's a class 5-A, nothing can stop it! Not even air magic! And it's heading your way!"

But then a huge flame barrier formed around everyone.

Liu Kang spoke "I am the god of fire and protector of Earthrealm. I am no stranger to defending others."

I scoff "Yeah right, I'm the freaking Avatar."

Amiya spoke "We can't stay in one spot long, that catastrophe is headed right for us and it can't be stopped."

Liu Kang then teleported the group to the exact opposite side of where they were as the hurricane looked like it was headed away from them.

Several more originium crystals had appeared, causing the four ponies as well as Espio to contract Oripathy.

I spoke "*via comm* I hate tell you this but I told you so!"

Amiya spoke "The Originium, the Catastrophes and the Oripathy are all connected. It can't be gotten rid of."

But then Liu Kang smiled as the Oripathy and originium crystals suddenly burned away completely as the five were fully cured before the group noticed that they were still in the barrier, realizing that the barrier went with him.

Liu Kang spoke "It has not been a full day, now I must return them home before it happens again."

Amiya groans "It's been three years since the four ponies got Oripathy, they can't be cured."

Liu Kang spoke "Yet, but they can be. But for now..."

Liu Kang blasted out fire at the four before he stopped as the four ponies were unharmed, but each have a ring on them as Amiya gasped.

Amiya spoke "Those are the same rings I use to keep my infection from getting stronger, but how-"

But then Amiya's rings glowed before the glow faded.

Liu Kang spoke "I have upgraded them, now they, neither you, Amiya, can infect anyone else."

Nearl spoke "That will only slow down the crystallization though."

Liu Kang spoke "Not if we find the cure before that happens. It seems you're devoid of light's greatest weapon, hope."

Amiya spoke "Uh... Originium particles are permanently assimilated into the Infected's cells and blood, making them impossible to filter out without endangering the Infected's life... Even if you tried to, it would put the lives of the four ponies in grave danger."

I spoke "*via comm* ...I have an idea on who can help, but it ain't gonna be pretty."

Amiya spoke "I don't like where this is going..."

I spoke "*via comm* Me neither, but there isn't any other option. We'll need to ask Egghead for help."

Twilight spoke "*voice in background* ARE YOU NUTS DANYELLE? He'll probably say the same thing Amiya just said!"

I spoke "*via comm* Maria told me she saw Eggman testing some kind of machine."

Twilight spoke "*voice in background* But it won't stop Oripathy though. Remember what you told me about Maria's illness back before she became a fox-eagle hybrid? It's basically the same thing."

I spoke "*via comm* But it’s different from back then. They didn’t have tech advanced enough for that."

Maria spoke *voice in background* Don't make me hit you Danyelle! My grandfather tried to find a cure but failed when... I just don't want to talk about it..."

I spoke "*via comm* I won’t go into it, Maria. But this may be our last and only chance."

Maria spoke *voice in background* This oripathy thing is like the disease I used to have... Wait... I GOT IT!!! We can use Soul Transfer to move the souls of the four ponies into new bodies thus fooling the oripathy!"

Liu Kang spoke "Are you certain, Maria? Because there can be no undoing this action once it has been done."

Celestia spoke "*voice in background* She's positive about this. Given that I was the one who turned her into what she is now."

Liu Kang spoke "...Very well."

Geras spoke "I suppose that is our only option left that's sure to succeed."

I spoke "*via comm* But first we gotta get them into a quarantined room."

Maria spoke *voice in background* Celestia and I will be handling the Soul Transfer process since we have no idea what the four ponies will turn into after. Not even Danyelle's Dimensional Scream can predict it."

I spoke "*via comm* I'll help with the spell too."

Maria spoke *voice in background* We won't know what the end results could be though."

Celestia spoke "*voice in background* There is a chance that Snap's soul will become a minotaur or possibly a Mobian echidna."

I spoke "*via comm* Actually, those four could become anything. It's totally random."

Maria spoke *voice in background* Celestia, Newlestia, Danyelle and I will prepare a quarantined room to put the four in before we use the spell."

I spoke "*via comm* Let's prepare another room for when they come back."

Celestia spoke "*voice in background* But if we add a male turned mare's magic into that mix, there is a chance that one of them would turn into a chakat. Even I don't know which one will become a chakat."

I spoke "*via comm* I think I have a feeling of which one, but let's not jump to conclusions."

Celestia giggles "*voice in background* Regardless, the results will be as random as Pinkie Pie."

I spoke "*Snickers on comm* Who knows? Could be even more random like a cragadile mobian."

Celestia giggles "*voice in background* You're one to talk, Miss Dimensional Scream."

I ask "*Giggles on comms* Oh really, Princess Sun-Sized?"

Amiya spoke "Can you two save the jabs for later? You two have ponyfolk to cure."

I spoke "*via comm* Okay. The rooms are ready."

Sonic uses a warp ring to send the four infected ponies into four separate sealed rooms.

Liu Kang and Geras then teleported to us, transforming back into their Mobian forms.

I spoke "I'll handle Scootaloo's mother."

Sonic spoke "Since Maria doesn't have magic, I'll handle the stallion."

Newlestia spoke "I'll handle the other Pegasus."

Celestia spoke "Which leaves me with handling Holiday."

As streams of fire and air swirl around me, I use the Soul Transfer spell to transform Mane Allgood into something different.

A loud bang was heard from where Newlestia was, followed by a chakat's yelp.

The chakat appeared in a different empty room.

Soon enough, a violet colored Mobian echidna appears in a different room.

I saw a female Mobian hippogriff with a coat of light tangelo fur, while some of the mane on her head was pale-light grayish gold and goldish white appear in a room behind me, while a light tangelo colored female Mobian echidna appeared in a different room.

Celestia spoke "It's done, the Oripathy has no reason to kill the four off now."

"Good. Now that that's settled..." I sighed in relief before turning towards Liu Kang.

Sonic spoke "Danyelle, you better cool it or you'll have a miscarriage."

That made me freeze a bit before I took a deep breath in and out, calming myself.

Newlestia snickers "Good move hedgehog."

"Liu Kang. We need to talk." I said, having a feeling I have heard the demi-god's voice before.

Newlestia spoke "I remember now! I think I've seen him before I got yanked out of my world after I had been turned into a pink maned version of Sunbutt."

Celestia asks "Ignoring that remark... What are you getting at Danyelle?"

“It was in a Dimensional Scream that showed me the dawn of history when I was at the Hourglass.” I remembered, having heard that voice there.

Newlestia asks "What the fuck?"

Celestia wingslaps her double on the back of the head.

Liu Kang spoke "If you have seen that, I suppose it is necessary to explain."

I spoke "Ignoring the fact that Newlestia just swore...."

Liu Kang spoke "As you know, the Hourglass is a celestial object beyond the realms as it regulates time and destiny. When I wielded its power, it was upon me to craft all existence and meet Arceus. Which I did, when I restarted history. I am a mere demi-god now, but eons ago I was more powerful than Faust and all the Elder Gods combined. I was a Titan, and the Keeper of Time."

“What do you mean by that?” I asked.

Geras spoke "This timeline was preceded by billions more, though this is the first of Liu Kang’s design. The others were designed by his predecessor, Kronika. Kronika was obsessed with equalizing good and evil. When a timeline veered too far to one or the other, she would halt it and restart history. Tinkering with lives and events in the hope of achieving her golden balance."

Liu Kang spoke "When I took the Hourglass from Kronika, I vowed to do better."

That was a lot to take in. “So what? Am I supposed to worship you? To obey you without question?”

Liu Kang spoke "No, Danyelle. My prior role was thrust upon me by circumstance. I am in no way divine."

Sonic asks "Hold on, you saying that you gave up power over all creation?"

Liu Kang spoke "Because I saw how it drove Kronika mad. I knew I would dare no better, had I kept it."

Maria spoke "I'm so soaping my husband's mouth later..."

I spoke "I didn't choose to become the Avatar though. But there is a saying... With great power, comes great responsibility."

Celestia nods in agreement.

Sonic teleported suddenly before reappearing with Starlight.

I spoke "Case in point... If I hadn't stopped Starlight before she traveled back in time, she would have tried to stop the Rainboom."

Liu Kang spoke "Indeed, but sometimes, there is power that isn't meant to be in anyone's hands."

I spoke "Or hooves..."

A sharp pain shot up my back.

I spoke "BEN!!!!! CODE PINK-BLUE!!!"

Ben showed up via Warp Ring.

I spoke "Hospital... Now..."

Ben spoke "On it!"

Ben picked me up before carrying me bridal style as Sonic used a warp ring to the hospital as Ben took me there as fast as possible without any problems.

Starlight spoke "I'll get the others."

Starlight teleports after Ben and I before getting Gallus and the rest of my children.

Ben soon helped me get onto a bed as he held my hand while I was squeezing his.

Gingerheart was handling the delivery.

I spoke "I'm not having anymore kids after these two!"

*Some time later,*

I was holding a hedgecat girl and a foxcat boy in my arms.

"At least until the little cuties start drinking their formula..." I smiled, despite being exhausted as Ben smiled while gently hugging us.

Gallus spoke "But that doesn't explain why they look different than you Danyelle."

Bluestar was holding Rani in her arms as Irene clung to her back while Akoya was on the blue-gray Mobian cat's head.

Bluestar spoke "I was thinking the same thing myself when I saw Rani for the first time."

"It's because of the forms I was in." I answered.

Myth soon pops up but Koji wasn't with her.

"Hi Myth." I greeted.

Myth spoke "Orion heard that Mrs Cake had new foals! Twins as well! A Pegasus colt and a unicorn filly!"

Pinkie couldn't help but pop up with a HUGE smile.

I spoke with a growl "Pinkamena Diane Pie, you have five seconds to scram before I set you on fire. You scared Irene, Rani, Akoya, Daria and Damien."

But to my surprise, the two newborns were laughing as that somewhat calmed me down.

I cuddle Daria and Damien close while purring happily.

I spoke "Maybe we could arrange a playdate for the babies and babytwos in a month from now."

Pinkie smiled, but stopped herself and left before she could lose control of her excitement.

I giggle "Airhead..."


Baby Play Date/ Tournament Talk/ Return of the Pillars

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*Danyelle’s POV*

*One month later*

Heehee, I’m sure this play date is gonna be fun for the babies.

Spitfire spoke "True there and it was funny when Shadow had his mouth soaped."

Blaze giggles "Courtesy of Maria no less."

Ruby giggles "My dad had it coming!"

Twilight giggles "You think?"

Ruby spoke "Iggy's a weirdo though...."

"Both of them, yeah, but Iggy's way more gross than Iggy Koopa." I responded.

Serena spoke "But I swear that M-U-T-T is as bad as Ein..."

A voice spoke "WHOA! Whoa whoa!"

We then saw Bob, getting dragged along by a chain chomp as it barked.

Zoey glares hard at the chain chomp, making it stop.

But the sudden stop sent Bob flying before he crashed into a wall before falling to the ground while withdrawn into his shell.

Zoey spoke "That was a close call..."

I sigh "Tell me about it."

Twilight spoke "Okay... I didn't know Zoey had the Stare."

“Ya never know what you can expect.” I shrugged.

Twilight spoke "You're one to talk miss Dimensional Scream."

“I can’t control it, ya know.” I pointed out.

Twilight spoke "I know that."

“Cool.” I smiled.

Winona was chasing Angel about while barking like a dog.

Then Ringo showed up with Ember.

Wendy spoke "Hey sis!"

Ember spoke "Heehee, hey Wendy."

Wendy spoke "I overheard Twilight and Danyelle talking about that Oripathy stuff.... I fear what could have happened if it was left untreated..."

I soon got a warning message from Celestia.

I spoke "Excuse me for a moment..."

Leaving my kids in Twilight's care, I teleported straight to Canterlot.

*In Canterlot*

I ask "I got your message Celestia! What happened?"

Celestia spoke "High Goddess Faust wanted to talk to us about something."

I ask "Is it about the Oripathy?"

Celestia spoke "Thankfully, no. It’s about something else entirely."

I couldn’t help but let out a huge sigh of relief I didn’t know I was holding in. “Good, because the last thing we need is an apocalypse.”

Newlestia spoke "It would not have ended well for any of us if we hadn't used that Soul Rebirth spell."

I spoke "Too bad it wouldn't have done Amiya or any of her friends any good..."

Celestia spoke "Indeed, since that world is actually their homeworld."

I spoke "Least we have opened communications with them though. Not to mention, Alphys is our only go-to doctor when monsters are ill... We should look for more."

Celestia spoke "Anyhow, High Goddess Faust is waiting for us."

I follow the two alicorns to where High Goddess Faust was.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Ah, I have been waiting for you three. It’s actually important for you to know about this since Mobius has a gateway reconnected with Earthrealm and our planet’s gateway reconnected with Outworld."

Newlestia spoke "I haven't been able to find a way back to my old world... and my original form..."

Celestia spoke "it’s okay, Newlestia."

Newlestia spoke "No it's not! My parents are probably worried sick about me!"

High Goddess Faust spoke "Anywho… an event could be occurring this year or the next one. And since the gateways are reconnected, Mobius and Equis will have to participate too."

I spoke "And since I'm Master Hand's point of contact, the other Smashers are likely to enter as well."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Sadly, since Outworld is the host of the event this time, only one champion can be chosen per world."

I spoke "But given that Banjo and Kazooie are a tag-team duo along with the Ice Climbers, it just wouldn't be fair if either Banjo and Popo or Kazooie and Nana were chosen but the others weren't. Maybe I could send a letter to Sindel about that."

I soon write up a letter concerning the four I had spoken of before using my flame breath to send it to Sindel.

Faust spoke "Good call. But even though it’s not now, there will be seven months of training before the tournament begins. When there’s seven months before the tournament, I’ll let you know so combatants can be gathered to train. And the day before the tournament, the combatants of each realm facing Outworld will have to test their might against each other until only one left standing."

I spoke "Yeah."

I soon burp up a response letter from Sindel which Celestia reads.

Celestia spoke "Hmm… It seems that Empress Sindel is surprised about that there are fighters who battle as one."

I spoke "I wonder who the Mobian fighter will be though."

High Goddess Faust spoke "We’ll find out soon enough on the day before the tournament begins."

I spoke "There's four options though... Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles and myself. I don't think Twilight can enter since she's close to having her second foal."

High Goddess Faust spoke "As I said, it’s not now. And the foal could have already been born by the time tournament would begin."

I spoke "Even if she was chosen, her foals come first. I should let Sindel know about that... Just to be on the safe side."

I soon send a letter to Sindel concerning Twilight Sparkle's foals via flame breath.

I spoke "It'll take some time before I get a response back. And as far as Mobini go, Zoey's currently the only one we know of."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Actually, combatants coming to Outworld are champions of their worlds, not of their species."

I spoke "As far as Mobius goes, I think Sonic will likely be picked. Dren will likely represent his homeworld. Honeystar is likely to represent all chakats and Andalites though. But for Equis, I don't know who will be picked and..."

I soon burp up a letter from Sindel.

“That was quick.” I noted as I read the letter. “Looks Like Empress Sindel understands and accept that concern.”

Newlestia spoke "So a back up champion for Equis is going to be picked just in case."

I spoke "And since Honeystar's of two worlds, a second chakat might be picked to represent Chakona as a whole."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Smart choice."

I spoke "Given that most chakats hate fighting, I think the dumbass cyro would be the most obvious choice. Since Sonic, Manic and Sonia are of two worlds... A second Mobian champion would have to be picked to represent Mobius as a whole."

High Goddess Faust spoke "There are a lot of choices, but we do not have to worry now."

I spoke "You forget High Goddess, I have the Dimensional Scream. I can see past and future. Plus I sense that the one to represent Mobius as a whole is going to be Shadow. The one representing all of Equis is going to be.... Adagio tag-teaming with Sonia."

High Goddess Faust spoke "But I will warn you, the opponents will not only be strong, but have powerful magic as well."

I spoke "But I suppose there will be restrictions in place too. Especially for females and chakats."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Yes, the rounds are best two out of three, and combatants aren’t to be grievously injured or killed."

I facepalm.

I spoke "What I meant was that pregnant or nursing females and chakats won't be able to take part."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Of course. And after seven months of training, when the champions are chosen, seven days of rest would be needed before setting out for the world hosting the tournament."

I spoke "Honeystar wouldn't be able to use hir tail-blade in the tournament though."

I soon burp up a letter from Master Hand.

I laugh "Seems like Master Hand's caught wind of the upcoming tournament though! But some of the Smashers won't be able to take part though... One example would be Mario and Bowser. They both come from the same world so only one of them can take part."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Like I said, only one champion per world can be decided by testing their might against each other."

I spoke "True plus there should be back-up fighters in case a chosen champion is unable to take part for certain reasons. I'm talking reasons like pregnancy, raising little ones, fractures and whatnot."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Indeed."

I burp up yet another letter from Sindel.

I groan "Make it stop...."

Now I know how Spike feels…

Celestia spoke "*Reads letter* Looks like we’ll be heading to Outworld’s capital, Sun Do, when the tournament happens, at her palace no less."

I spoke "Too bad those from Amiya's world won't be taking part though... The other competitors would run the risk of contracting Oripathy."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Indeed."

*Twilight's POV*

Wow, those children are definitely having a lot of fun.

Daria and Damien were mewling since they were hungry.

Coal asks "Mama?"

"Hmm?" I noticed.

Coal spoke "Hungry..."

Soon enough, Luke and the other infants started mewling since they were also hungry.

Oh boy... This is gonna be tough.

Applejack spoke "Looks like we're gonna have ta work as a group ta feed them all."

Rainbow spoke "I'll be honest, this ain't gonna be easy for any of us."

I spoke "At least the babytwos are easier to feed..."

Rarity spoke "Indeed."

I spoke "Plus we have the chakats to help us too."

Scootaloo spoke "I'm worried about my parents..."

Blizzardstar spoke "Uh Rares, you might want to look at your back..."

Rarity spoke "Hmm? If this is about me itching…"

Blizzardstar itches Rarity's back, causing the unicorn mare to purr like a cat.

Rarity asks "Wait… did I really just… purr?"

I spoke "Huh, seems your long since dormant sphinx genes are starting to appear. How else would we explain the wings."

A loud roar shook the ground as a crack in the sky appears before six ponies fall out of it.

The gray unicorn groans "Ugh... Rockhoof, get off..."

W-Wait… I-Is that… Starswirl the Bearded?!

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Oh boy, Twilight’s going into fanfilly mode again.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight! Down girl!"

Twilight Immediately shut up.

Danyelle spoke "That oughta calm her down."

“Seriously though, what’s going on?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I used my Roar to bust these six out of limbo."

Suddenly, the sky had gone dark but it wasn't Luna's doing.

Danyelle growls "Oh StarClan no..."

Rei showed up. "Huh, the Pony of Shadows."

Gilda arrives via warp ring, courtesy of Ezekiel.

Starlight spoke "This is bad..."

Chrysalis was growling, as were the Dazzlings.

Rei spoke "This is gonna be tough."

Danyelle spoke "You think? It's bad enough that it was Starswirl's doing that got the Dazzlings banished... And unless he wants his beard burned off, he better leave them alone."

The old stallion raised an eyebrow in suspicion at that.

Rockhoof spoke "She's got a point Starswirl, them sirens don' seem ta be causin' trouble now."

A small turquoise hedgehog was on Sonata's head.

The wizard simply sighed at that before turning his attention to the Pony of Shadows.

A blade of air hits the Pony of Shadows.

The shadow monster roared.

Danyelle roars back just as loud as flames swirl around her before flying full speed at the Pony of Shadows, going into the monster's chest.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Man, it was dark in here.

I get my claws glowing with magic so I could see.

I heard a dark and lonely growl.

Fire swirls around me, providing more light.

But then Gilda appeared behind me.

As did Chrysalis.

I ask "Gilda? Chrysalis? What are you girls doing here?"

Gilda spoke "Thought ya need help."

I spoke "Fair enough but stay close, I don't know what will jump out and attack us."

But then Shadows appeared around us.

I spoke "DIVINE LIGHT!!!"

A burst of heavenly light engulfs me, Gilda and Chrysalis thus driving off the Heartless.

Chrysalis spoke "This is not good."

I spoke "We have to find Stygian and get the hell out of here before the darkness corrupts us."

Gilda spoke "Not like you could be corrupted."

I spoke "Not as long as I have the Cosmic Star keyblade which recently manifested. It's the most rarest of all keyblades. Heck, Sora doesn't know that such an item exists."

Chrysalis spoke "Come on, let's move!"

I transformed into my Mew self before zipping off to find Stygian.

Gilda and Chrysalis helped to find Stygian.

I yowl loud, alerting the two royals to my location.

I spoke "I found him but he's chained up!"

Gilda asks "Think it was too easy to find him?"

I spoke "Too easy if you ask me G, I sense a huge trap lying in wait..."

Chrysalis spoke "Same here."

Despite having peach-fuzz short fur, I was fully bristled up while growling.

A gigantic Heartless rose behind us.

A triple barreled dose of Aura Sphere hits the giant Heartless, causing it to explode.

Ash spoke "Thought you gals would be needing help!"

Indigo spoke "My danger sense was going off like crazy so Peach, Ash and I came to help."

Another giant heartless appeared before a table cloth flew by before a long dinner table appeared with the table cloth, having food, dishes, silverware, glasses and candles as Jasmine showed up before grabbing the heartless.

Jasmine spoke "If ya wanna eat, then open wide!"

Jasmine banged the heartless’ head on the table ledge, breaking its jaw as it was still hanging before Jasmine tossed the heartless into a chair.

Jasmine laughs "*Grabs a handful of food* Up first, green bean casserole!"

Jasmine shoved the green bean casserole into the heartless’ mouth, force-feeding it as its belly distended a bit while some of the food was on its face.

Jasmine laughs "*Grabs pie with whipped cream* Next up, pumpkin pie with whipped cream!"

Jasmine force-fed that to the heartless, distending its belly more with more food splattered on its face.

Jasmine laughs "*Grabs roasted turkey as an oven ding was heard* And finally, roasted turkey!"

Jasmine force-fed the heartless as it didn’t go down yet before the Draconequus pushed harder, causing the heartless and chair to fall to the ground, shattering the furniture as that turkey went down the heartless’ throat, distending its belly even more.

Jasmine spoke "You look like you have a lot of gas in there, let me help ya get it out!"

Jasmine jumped and stomped on the heartless’ belly with both feet, causing the heartless to hurl a geyser of vomit as its eyes popped out of its head and onto the ground while its scalp exploded before the heartless laid dead with its jaw leaning to the left and its belly still a bit distended before the giant heartless vanished in defeat.

Jasmine spoke "Now that’s how you turn food into a weapon! *Turns toward us* Thought you could use some help."

Ash spoke "Holy..."

Peach spoke "Shit..."

Indigo spoke "Woman..."

Gilda spoke "You..."

Chrysalis spoke "Are..."

I spoke "SAVAGE!!"

Jasmine spoke "Heh, just like when you can be savage sometimes, Danyelle."

I couldn't help but giggle in agreement.

I laugh "Mess with my kids and you'll get burned!"

Jasmine and I high-fived.

The sound of "Ora Ora Ora!" was heard repeatedly as Midnight flew at yet another giant Heartless, causing it to explode!

I spoke "Didn't see that coming..."

Ash gasps "What the heck was that?!"

I spoke "That was the eleven tailed foxcat demon, Midnight Storm with his Stand... Star Platinum!"

Jasmine spoke "Okay, was NOT expecting that."

I spoke "One can never tell what sort of Stand will manifest though, I was lucky I got Celestial Gods though since it's not just one..."

Amaterasu, Chibiterasu, Yomigami, Tachigami, Moegami, Kabegami, Itegami, Yumigami, Nuregami, Gekigami, Kasugami, Bakugami, Kazegami, Sakigami, Hasugami, Tsutagami, Michigami and Kyokugami all appear around me.

I spoke "It's 18 pieces."

Midnight spoke "So far, Star Platinum has strength, speed, precision and accuracy."

I spoke "Kazegami gives me a speed boost, Ammy and Chibi let me use the Sunrise skill in battle, Moegami boosts my flames, Nuregami boosts my waterbending, Bakugami lets me throw bombs at opponents, Kabegami lets me climb walls if my wings are missing, Gekigami boosts my electric attacks and Yumigami is the opposite of Amaterasu."

Jasmine asks "*Ahem* The chains?"

I spoke "Oh right! Tachigami!"

A small white blur slices the chains but not inflicting any damage to Stygian, freeing the stallion.


I teleport with the seven out of the Pony of Shadows before using Chaos Blackhole to banish the foul monster.

I then made the black hole vanish after that.

Ash spoke "Danyelle, you are the MOST CRAZIEST NEKOMATA I'VE EVER SEEN!"

Jasmine spoke "Not bad, Dany-Cat! Up top!"

Thanks to Kazegami's speed, I inflict a major bruise on Jasmine's hand which caused it to hurt bad.

Peach laughs "You had that one coming Jasmine!"


Daring Reunion

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*Twilight's POV*

After losing my temper with Pinkie since a spell had gone wrong, I was talking to Applejack.

I groan "Can you believe this mess?"

Applejack asks "What's wrong Sugarcube?"

I groan "I blew a gasket at Pinkie earlier... And now... She's a Pegasus..."

Applejack asks "…She’s a what-now?"

I groan "Pegasus..."

Rei spoke "Maybe she had a Pegasus ancestor."

Coal was on my back with Luke.

I spoke "She's probably mad at me..."

Rainbow spoke "Pinkie? Mad at you? Yeah, right. There’s no way."

I ask "Remember that party we threw for her back on her birthday?"

Applejack spoke "She thought we were ignorin' her."

Rainbow Dash spoke "It was a SURPRISE party."

I snicker "Gogo couldn't keep his mouth shut!"

Applejack spoke "Be glad Indigo's outta earshot."

Indigo shouts "I HEARD THAT SPARKLE BUTT!!!"

Applejack spoke "Nevermind."

I spoke "Guess I forgot that Indigo had keen hearing due to his Absol half...."

Rainbow asks "You guess?"

Indigo spoke "You're one to talk Skittles, you can't beat me in a battle even if you tried!"

Rainbow growls "What was that?!"

Indigo taunts "What's the matter, too much of a scaredy Skitty to fight me?"

The two soon got into a fight, with Indigo winning, although barely.

Indigo spoke "Geez... You're getting better and better."

Twilight-two was in a foul mood since she was stuck halfway between alicorn and Mewtwo forms.

Twilight-two asks "Where is that stupid hyena?"

"Ein again?" I asked.

Twilight-two spoke "I'm gonna kill him!"

Indigo spoke "Heh, I bet Ein’ll just run."

Peach giggles "50 bits says he'll fall into a creeper pit!"

Indigo spoke "100 bits say he’ll set off one of his own traps."

Rainbowtwo laughs "200 says he'll get fattened up by Jasmine!"

The Mewtwo hybrids snickered.

Kazuto was howling with laughter.

Kazuto spoke "Maybe he’ll be made immobile!"

Twilight-two spoke "You're a lucky furball though Kazuto, I haven't found the right guy yet."

Kazuto spoke "I’m sure you’ll find him, Twitwo."

Danyelle had suddenly gone into Mew form when she felt a Psychic ping in her mind.

Danyelle spoke "Oh man, sounds familiar, which means we have a Mewtwo to find."

Scootaloo asks "Why am I here again?"

Danyelle spoke "Scoots, we managed to find your parents and aunts but the four of them had gotten infected by Oripathy... A disease with no cure..."

Scootaloo started to whimper.

Danyelle spoke "But we managed to get their souls into new bodies, so they should be okay."

Maria pops up suddenly.

Maria spoke "Danyelle! Urgent message from Princess Luna!"

Danyelle asks "What is it?"

Maria spoke "They’re on their way here!"

Danyelle spoke "That’s great!"

Maria spoke "But that's not what I meant you silly Mew... Somehow, that stupid hyena's contracted Oripathy..."

Danyelle spoke "*Comically falls over* Way to ruin the mood. Quarantine him and we’ll get him a new body. A slime should suit him."

Maria spoke "He'll still escape, no matter how many times we trap him."

But then Ein appeared, completely trapped in a sealed large box with the materials and viewing glass made of pure obsidian.

High Goddess Faust spoke "*Appearing* Not with obsidian involved."

Danyelle spoke "Not even lava or TNT can bust him out..."

Ein sets himself on fire with a bucket of lava, killing himself.

Danyelle spoke "Cuss... we should have removed his stuff before he was trapped..."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Well, we still have time to get his soul into a new body."

Aphmau spoke "*Snicker* About that... Ein reincarnated as an Ender Dragon..."

Danyelle snickers "An Ender Dragon Mobian?"

Maria snickers "You’re kidding? You're kidding, right?"

High Goddess Faust started to snicker.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Well, it’s a good thing I caught him before he got near anybody."

Twilight-two spoke "Too bad somepony forgot to remove ALL of Ein's stuff..."

Aphmau spoke "He pretty much committed suicide..."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Yeah, but look, not a leak or crack on or in this box."

Danyelle snickers "Too bad for him though, all that gold he was carrying with him got incinerated."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Yeah, but I better get rid of this safely before it melts back into lava."

Aphmau facepalms.

Aphmau spoke "Clearly you don't know Minecraft logic though."

Jasmine showed up before encasing the obsidian box in a large bubble filled with water.

Jasmine asks "Will this do?"

Danyelle groans "StarClan's sake Jasmine... Everything that isn't netherite can and will get incinerated if thrown in lava... Be it mobs, items or players..."

Jasmine spoke "But sometimes lava and water make obsidian when they mix, even though it’s rarely. But we should get rid of it safely before it spills."

Danyelle spoke "We could go into Bertha's dimension and throw the cage into the void."

Jasmine spoke "Sounds like a plan to me."

Aphmau spoke "The Ender Dragon doesn't take too kindly to strangers since there's only one left in existence."

Jasmine spoke "I met Bertha before. Besides, we should hurry before it spills."

Danyelle spoke "Right."

*One warp ring to the End dimension later*

*Danyelle's POV*

I spoke "We're here."

A voice asks "Danyelle? Jasmine? What’re you two doing here?"

Bertha showed up.

I spoke "Long story short... the dumbass hyena got infected with a disease that had no cure... High Goddess Faust trapped him in obsidian... Ein committed suicide and lost all his stuff... So yeah, he's something else now..."

Bertha asks "And all this has that and needs to be dumped into the void?"

I spoke "Yeah and..."

A loud yelp was heard before another Ender Dragon with a small blue stripe on the head along with gray eyes crashed headfirst into an obsidian pillar, getting his head stuck.

I was on my back while laughing.

I laugh "Oh wow! Once a dummkopf, always a dummkopf!"

Jasmine spoke "Blows up and reincarnates again? Geez…"

Jasmine tossed the box into the void.

I laugh "Creepers in general are suicidal and I'm no Cadence but even I can see that Bertha's blushing!"

Bertha asks "Huh? What’re you talking about?"

I point a tiny arm at the Ender Dragon that got his head stuck.

Bertha spoke "You’re kidding, right? I can tell he tried hunting me down multiple times."

I snicker "That was his hyena self..."

Ein soon got his head out of the obsidian pillar before tumbling backwards, landing on his back while staring up at Bertha.

Bertha asks "What?"

Ein was a stammering mess.

I snicker "You know Bertha, there aren't that many Ender Dragons left and once you kick the bucket... That will be the end of your species..."

Bertha sighs "You’re joking, and I thought today couldn’t get any worse. First, someone stole some of my scales, now this?"

I ask "Wait what?"

Bertha growls "I’m glad they weren’t after my life, but still, taking my scales? Ugh!"

I spoke "My guess would be that whoever took some of your scales wanted to bring back the Ender Dragon species."

Bertha grabbed me with a hopeful smile. “You serious?”

I teleport out of Bertha's grip.

I spoke "Watch it! I'm not in my nekomata form right now and too tight a squeeze could kill me! But yeah, I assume Zane's the one that's trying to bring back the Ender Dragon species by cloning them from your scales."

Bertha spoke "Take me to him."

I spoke "Right."

*one warp ring to outside Zane's lab later*

I was back in nekomata form before knocking on the door.

I ask "Zane, you there?"

No response. Must be really focusing.

I teleported into the lab, only to find 30 black colored Mewtwos. 15 males and 15 females, all in test tubes.

I gasp "What is this?"

I soon turn around thus noticing Zane.

I ask "Did you do this?"

Zane asks "*Notices me* Hmm?"

Rei laughs "*From outside Zane’s house* BLUE PUNCH BUGGY!!!"

Ears flatten, I spoke "Don't make me get Moeka over here."


Zane spoke "Look, I’m actually trying to help here."

Rei laughs "Because. And you’re a dumb prankster, Ein."

I giggle "Sounds like that dumbass dragon got a blue punch buggy to the head..."

That made Bertha laugh. “He had that coming!”

I laugh "He SO had it coming all along!"

But then Bertha noticed a black Mewtwo male, but when I looked at that Mewtwo, I saw what Bertha noticed, wings.

I spoke "Uh Bertha... All 30 of them have wings..."


We heard a BONK outside.

I spoke "*sweatdrop* At least Holo and I can get away with calling Aph a stupid potato..."

Zane asks "*Sweatdrop* You think?"

I spoke "When Holo says it, she means actual potatoes... I heard rumors that she choked on a potato one time."

Zane asks "Wait, what?"

I spoke "You should ask her that though."

Zane spoe "Okay."

Opaline had blasted Pierce with magic, sending the Mobian sheep flying into a creeper pit.

Midnight laughs "He had it coming!"

Scootaloo was hugging her parents and aunties with happy tears and I made sure to scan them. And luckily, there aren’t any readings of Oripathy on the four of them this time, which means they didn’t run into Hyena Ein.

Kim asks "What happened to Ein?"

“Became a creeper, blew himself up, then became an ender dragon.” I answered simply.

Kim giggles "I just can't even!"

“Heehee! I know!” I giggled.

Opaline snickers "I think that half blind tom is dumb."

Midnight laughs "Ha! Get 'im Opaline!"

Opaline asks "Hmm? You sure, sweetie?"

Midnight spoke "Babe, it was a joke."

Opaline spoke "Oh, you!"

Opaline leapt onto Midnight with her forelegs wrapped around his neck.

Midnight tickles his mare relentlessly with two of his tails.


Hurricane Fluttershy

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*Michelle’s POV*

Well, my child in me from my late husband before joining Sonic’s herd should be due anytime now.

Danyelle was in her Mew form as she was working on her speed since it was needed.

Danyelle spoke "Oh hi Michelle."

“Hi, Danyelle.” I smiled as she noticed my large baby bump.

Danyelle's eyes glow with Psychic as she checked the gender of the child.

Danyelle spoke "Oh wow! It's a boy!"

“Heehee, thanks, Dany. And I can only imagine what a big family we’ll have.” I gladly said.

Danyelle spoke "And given that Sonic's half immortal..."

“Heehee, I know.” I giggled. “Call me crazy, but I wonder who else would join Sonic.”

Danyelle giggles "Well... He's got a siren, a hedgefox, a half Litten, a Pegasus and you so far..."

“What if it’s a certain chipmunk next?” I wondered.

Danyelle snickers "And maybe a mongoose as well."

“Who knows? Maybe even a Mewtwo-Regieleki hybrid. Regieleki are the fastest Pokémon known.” I added.

Danyelle spoke "But the only problem there is that Regieleki are genderless and of the undiscovered egg group, meaning that true Regieleki and any hybrid are not breedable. Even though I have a Mew form, I still identify as female."

“Sorry, I got carried away. Maybe a female Ninjask/Mewtwo hybrid? Ninjask speed is third place for Poke-mobians.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Unless you want to be dealing with a screaming wolf and a screaming Vaporeon, never mention bug-type Pokemon."

“Okay.” I shrugged as I felt my belly move.

Danyelle spoke "Seems like you're about to pop any moment."

I couldn’t help but giggle. “And I kept him safe the whole time.”

Danyelle senses a second child within my stomach, a girl.

Danyelle gasps "By Arcee's light! You're carrying twins! Both are Pegasi!"

And as if that was true, my belly was huge. “Heehee, you bet. Have any kids of your own?”

Danyelle spoke "Not counting the ones I adopted... There's Irene, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien. Irene's full cat, Rani and Akoya are Mew, Tikal's the reincarnation of another Tikal from 4000 years ago, Daria's a hedgecat and Damien's a foxcat."

“Wow.” I awed in surprise as my belly started moving again.

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars... Seems they want out..."

“Heehee, they sure are hungry. I bet they’re be ravenous when they get out.” I smiled as my belly started moving more and more.

Danyelle spoke "Oh right! I told Rainbow that I'd be helping with tornado duty today!"

“Well, good luck and have fun.” I said as my belly was now moving and wiggling nonstop.

But as luck would have it, my water breaks.

Danyelle yowls "REDHEART!!!!"

I was soon on a bed with Redheart handling my deliveries.

Bluestar spoke "That was a close call."

Redheart asks "You think?"

Bluestar spoke "If my adopted mother hadn't yowled, it could have been much worse..."


Danyelle spoke "There are so many ways this could go wrong though Skittles..."

Rainbow asks "Whaddya mean?"

Danyelle spoke "Feather flu alone might put us eight Pegasi behind schedule... And Fluttershy's not exactly a strong flyer. If push comes to shove, we can ask Sonic and the Mewtwos to help out if need be."

Rainbow spoke "Look, we need every help we can get."

Danyelle spoke "From every Pegasus and Mewtwo in Ponyville. We're gonna need Tails' help too."

But then someone rushed by us, leaving behind a trail of electricity.

Since Danyelle was in Mew form, she got knocked back by the wind thus crashing into a tree.

Danyelle spoke "SON OF A MARE-BITCH!!!"

Rainbow spoke "Could’ve been Surge."

Danyelle groans "Or Tails.... Remember, he's an electric-flying type Ninetales now..."

Rainbow spoke "Would’ve been yellow or orange lightning, but that was lime-green or turquoise lightning."

Danyelle was floating funny since she was in pain from what had happened.

Rainbow asks "You good, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I think I smacked into that tree a bit hard..."

Rainbow asks "A headache?"

Danyelle spoke "Mews are among some of the smaller Pokemon though so their skulls aren't as sturdy as most..."

To Rainbow's shock, 8 Pegasi were absent from tornado duty.

After using Recover to ease the pain and headache, Danyelle spoke "I hate it when I'm right... Thunderlane and seven other Pegasi are sick with feather flu..."

Rainbow groans "You have gotta be kidding me!"

Danyelle spoke "Blame my Dimensional Scream. But with eight Pegasi absent, we might have to call in Sonic and Tails."

Then that lime-green/turquoise electric blur rushed by again.

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Surge before you end up killing me by accident one of these days!"

Then the two heard a crash as Surge crashed against a wall face-first.

Danyelle floated over to Surge before using Recover on the tenrec to ease off the pain.

Danyelle spoke "That looked like it had hurt..."

Surge spoke "You’re telling me. Ugh… I wish Kit came along, he’d have helped."

Danyelle spoke "You're lucky I wasn't carrying a child or it would have ended bad."

Surge winced at that as Danyelle smirked at the mention of Kitsunami.

Danyelle laughs "Oh my StarClan! You have a crush on him!"

Surge stammers "*Blushing* W-What?! What’re you-Shut up!"

Danyelle laughs "It's as obvious as the blush on your face!"

Danyelle flew off to find Kit as Surge chased after the Mew.

Rainbow sighs "This is gonna take a while."

Tails skids to a stop.

Tails spoke "Hey Dash."

Rainbow spoke "Glad you’re here."

Ezekiel and Gilda soon arrive with a little gryphontaur girl named Grace.

Gilda spoke "Hey Dash!"

Rainbow spoke "Hey Gilda!"

Gilda spoke "I heard about the hurricane tryouts so I want to help."

A Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "Count me in too!"

Rainbow asks "Uh, who’s that?"

Tails spoke "No idea, Nova found her recently but she's currently nameless."

Gilda asks "Anyway, you ready, Dash?"

Rainbow spoke "You bet I am, Gilda! Just like flight camp!"

The Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "I could easily fly circles around you Skittles!"

Rainbow growls "...What was that?"

Gilda spoke "Oh geez..."

Tails spoke "Don't start Rainbow, you can't outfly Zephyr. Her speed is that of a true Pidgeot."

Gilda spoke "I wouldn't take Dash for granted, Tails."

A stray portal opened up before a gryphon chickub with the same gold eyes as Gilda along with Rainbow's rainbow colored mane fell out.

Zephyr spoke "Awkward..."

Jasmine popped up. "Again?"

Danyelle shouts "WRONG UNIVERSE!!!"

Ezekiel spoke "I'm lost."

Gilda spoke "Hey, I'm just as confused as you are."

Rainbow spoke "I got nothing."

Danyelle spoke "Either way, we can't leave a chickub that age alone long. I'll ask Redheart to run a DNA test on her to figure out who her parents are."

Ezekiel spoke "Well, I think we know it's not from this world."

Danyelle spoke "We won't know until I get back with the results of the DNA test."

After taking one of Gilda's feathers and one of Rainbow's feathers, Danyelle heads off to the hospital to get a DNA test done.

Surge came back with Kitsunami, both blushing out of embarrassment.

Zephyr snickers "Guess the crazy Mew was right!"

Surge spoke "Not. A. Word."

Zephyr snickers "Don't give me that look plus I saw that Jolteon staring at you not long ago!"

Surge asks "*Angrily* What now?"

Kit spoke "Surge... Please don't zap the bird..."

Surge spoke "Fine... but only for you, Kit."

Tails spoke "Good move Kit. Even though Zephyr's a Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid, she still has the same weaknesses as a true Pidgeot does."

Rainbow spoke "Anyway, we should get going."

Gilda asks "Just one question though... What happened to Tails?"

Surge gasps "Wait, THAT'S Tails?! Why does he have nine now?"

Tails spoke "I blame the stupid hyena for that mess. Plus I have Vulpix Poké-Mobian blood in my veins."

Surge's jaw dropped at that.

Tails spoke "But at least I'm faster now."

Aqua bops her electric type cousin on the head.

Aqua spoke "And remember when that nekomata beat the tar out of Maxie and Archie? That was hilarious!"

A mare asks "U-Um... Hello?"

Fluttershy showed up.

Indigo and the other Mewtwo arrive.

Huey spoke "Bad news, other Pegasi sick now."

Rainbow groans "*Facehoof* Oh come on!"

Asuna conks Rainbow on the head.

Asuna spoke "You forget, we Mewtwo can fly quite quick."

Rainbow spoke "I know, but still, we need all the help we can get."

Zephyr spoke "My top speed is Mach 2."

Rainbow spoke "HA! Same here!"

Gilda snickers "I don't know Dash, I've seen how you get whenever Daring Do is mentioned."

Rainbow spoke "Hey!"

Zephyr snickers "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Tails laughs "OH BURN!!!"

Rainbow asks "Can we just get going?!?"

Sonic spoke "Right!"

Danyelle soon arrived with Twilight.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry bout that! Twilight needed my help."

Rainbow spoke "No biggie."

Tank was on Twilight's back.

Tank spoke "*sleepily* Mama rocks."

Rainbow spoke "*Smiles* Thanks, Tank."

Twilight spoke "Uh Rainbow, he called you mama."

Rainbow spoke "I know. And I’m happy about that."

Danyelle spoke "Uh Rainbow, we have to get that water up to Cloudsdale NOW!"

Rainbow spoke "*Nod* Right, so there's no time to waste."

Much to Rainbow's shock and Twilight's amusement, Danyelle looked like a Mobian version of the speedy Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash spoke "*Stammers before growling* No fair..."

Dany-Dash spoke "You don't have Mew blood in your veins."

Dany-Dash stuck her tongue out at Rainbow in a cocky manner.

Rainbow growls "Why you...! We're having an eating contest after this!"

Twilight spoke "Sounds like someone's jealous."

Dany-Dash spoke "I'm so gonna enjoy knocking you down a peg or two!"

*After the water had been successfully delivered to Cloudsdale*

Dany-Dash spoke "It's going to be a pie eating contest!"

Rainbow Dash froze at that before shaking her head, snapping herself out of it.

Dany-Dash taunts "What's the matter Skittles? Too much of a scaredy Skitty to admit you don't like pies?"

Rainbow spoke "Grr... No way I'm backing out now!"

Dany-Dash spoke "If only a certain alicorn-Cyniclon hybrid could overcome her fears of quesadillas..."

Twilight spoke "Hey!"

Asuna laughs "Sounds like Sparkles is gonna need some Rawst berries for that BURN!!!"

Orion and the other Mewtwos were laughing.

Dany-Dash spoke "And to make sure you really don't back out... Jasmine."

Jasmine popped up. "Yeah?"

Dany-Dash spoke "Serve the both of us your best pies, and don't worry, there aren't any restrictions."

Jasmine spoke "Cool, but just to make sure... *Snaps fingers, making Dany-Dash's clothes elastic* Better safe than sorry."

Dany-Dash spoke "I don't want Rarity screaming at me to put some clothes on."

Jasmine asks "How about 15 minutes?"

Dany-Dash spoke "Sounds good. And thanks for the improvement on my clothes."

Jasmine spoke "No problem."

Soon, there was a crowd outside of Ponyville, eager to watch the contest as Rainbow Dash and Dany-Dash faced off.

Jasmine asks "Both contestants ready?"

To the surprise of the two Pegasi, Danytwo and Rainbowtwo had entered as well.

Dany-Dash asks "Uh… Why are you joining?"

Danytwo and Rainbowtwo spoke "Triple Diamond Dog dare... We blame Sonic."

Dany-Dash giggles "*Smiles* Why am I not surprised?"

Twilight spoke "Nobody can back out of a triple Diamond Dog dare."

Jasmine asks "Are you two certain about this?"

Both Danytwo and Rainbowtwo spoke "We can't back out though."

Jasmine spoke "Okay."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, making any clothes that Danytwo and Rainbow are wearing elastic.

Jasmine asks "Then are all four contestants ready?"

All four spoke "READY!!!"

The contest started as the four started digging right in. After each of them ate one pie, there was already noticeable bulges on their bellies.

Jasmine asks "Looks like all four ate them without a problem! Ready for more?"

But Rainbow soon threw up since she was not feeling well.

Dany-Dash spoke "Jas, I think we should call off the competition... I think Rainbow's got a foal on the way."

Jasmine spoke "Hmm… I think it’s for the best. Sorry folks, but the contest is canceled."

Various Mewtwos spoke "Bummer..."

Danytwo spoke "*As Jasmine snapped her fingers, returning the four contestants bellies back to normal* Well, at least we didn’t back out."

Rainbowtwo spoke "Yep."

Dany-Dash spoke "Sorry about that, Dash."

Rainbow spoke "It’s cool…"

Dany-Dash spoke "Guess your dreams of being a Wonderbolt are on hold..."

Jasmine asks "By the way, how's Michelle doing?"

Dany-Dash spoke "Oh! Right! I should check on her!"

Dany-Dash switches back to nekomata form before zooming off to the hospital.

She then saw me in my bed, holding my two newborn son and daughter. "Hi Dany, just in time."

Rani and Akoya were on Danyelle's head.

Danyelle spoke "These two are Rani and Akoya. It was just dumb luck that Akoya was born shiny."

"*Giggle* They're adorable. My daughter was born a second before my son. My daughter's name is Rekka, and my son's name is Bolo, and they're my little wrecking balls." I smiled as my two children cooed, starting to show how hungry they were.

Danyelle giggles "I've got 12 kids in total. Six are adopted, five are blood related and one was a reincarnation of another."

"Yeah. And I don't think I can feed them while in my Restraint Form, because I think they'll drink me dry." I giggled back. "But don't worry, Jasmine helped make this bed really sturdy, and I can handle them."

Danyelle spoke "I have to use a non-Mobian wolf form to nurse my children since six of them are rather young. Gallus, Bluestar and Ravenpaw can handle their meals with my supervision. Dart, Ruff and Pouncer are on a fish diet but they react negatively if I try to give them eel."

“Oh.” I noted as I went into my 1,000 pound obese form, and the bed wasn’t affected in the least before I started breastfeeding my little wrecking balls. “So what happened out there?”

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, Rainbow and I tried to do a pie eating challenge but it backfired when she threw up..."

“Heehee, guess memories about the two of us having eating contests came back to you, huh?” I asked as Rekka and Bolo were drinking my milk.

Danyelle spoke "It's not that Miche, Rainbow's got a foal on the way."

“Oh.” I noted as my children started getting bigger and fatter while they were still drinking.

Rani mewls.

“Maybe we could arrange a play date sometime.” I said as my two children were close to being full.

Danyelle spoke "Baby Mews and babytwos can't control their psychic powers that good."

“My kids are pretty tough. Besides, they can’t control shifting between their Restraint and Unbound forms right now.” I added as Rekka and Bolo finished drinking, now each being 200 pounds obese and each of them as big as one of my breasts in my 1,000 pound obese form. My two little wrecking balls then got tired before soon going to sleep in my arms. “Don’t they look adorable?”

Danyelle giggles "Sonic was just as bad when he was little, he couldn't control his magic surges that well."

“Heehee, oh I just can’t wait for him to meet Rekka and Bolo.” I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "But uh, you don't have any connection to Jasmine though."

“I never said that. I spent most of my life in Jasmine’s dimension after my parents…” I pointed out before trailing off, feeling a bit sad.

Danyelle spoke "I'm the same way... But Sonic's parents took me in."

“In all honesty, Jasmine’s a big sister to me.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "I've dropkicked Manic through a wall twice when I was growing up. First time, he pulled my tails. Second time, he and I were having a tickle fight and he made the stupid mistake of touching my feet..."

I couldn’t help but wince at that.

Danyelle spoke "I don't mind if Ben touches my feet though."

"He's your one and only, isn't he?" I smirked.

Danyelle sighs with a happy purr.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah... It doesn't matter if I'm a Mew or nekomata, I'm still me."


Demon Troubles

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*Scootaloo’s POV*

We really need to get our Cutie Marks…

Rusty spoke "But Scoots... You do realize that Lance, Volt, Jazz, Asriel, Silverstorm, Silverstream, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur and I can't get cutie marks."

“So? We can still find our talents.” I pointed out.

Mamoru spoke "I may not be able to get a cutie mark either but that doesn't stop me from hanging out with you guys or with Diamond."

Diamond spoke "*Blush* S-Stop it!"

Mamoru chuckles "Well I do want to be a guard one day."

“And who do you wanna guard?” I smirked.

The Ninetales-Mewtwo hybrid had fully fluffed up.

Mamoru spoke "Sh-shut up Scootaloo!"

Diamond blushed harder at that, knowing the answer to that question.

Flintfur spoke "Well I never had a mate in my previous life though!"

We couldn’t really help but wince at that.

Graystripe spoke "I'd rather not talk about my past life."

A wolfish earth filly pounces on Applebloom before tickling her.

Applebloom giggles "Hey! Stop!"

Myuri giggles "Gotcha cuz!"

Mamoru whispers into Diamond's ear about a plan to set Flintfur up with Silver Spoon.

Diamond snickers "You got it."

Mamoru spoke "Princess Cadence might get mad at us though."

Diamond asks "How would she get mad at kids like us?"

Bluestar spoke "Two words.... Love Poison."

Silverstorm spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Jazz asks "So what now?"

Diamond asks "Maybe some news work?"

Volt spoke "Under the condition we don't expose the secrets of everycreature else."

Jazz asks "What do you think Ms. Cheerilee?"

The rest of us were surprised that Ms. Cheerilee was listening!

Jazz giggles "I take after my adopted aunt for keen hearing."

Ms. Cheerilee spoke "Smart choice, Volt."

Volt spoke "I'd rather not get set on fire by my stepmothers and my adopted aunt."

Jazz spoke "Yeesh."

Lance spoke "Same here... and you're one to talk Jazz, you've got a crush on Asriel."

Jazz spoke "*Blush* HEY!!!"

A bleat was heard from Asriel.

Volt spoke "Goat boy."

Asriel spoke "Don't make me roast you hedgefox!"

Volt asks "How? With a flower?"

Lance whacks his brother with a book.

Lance spoke "Volt, you're as big an idiot as Knuckles is. You forgot that it was Jazz that revived Asriel."

Graystripe spoke "I heard a rumor that the Vulpix has a crush on Sonic."

Rusty gasps "Whoa... Really?"

Bluestar spoke "I heard that too!"

*Meanwhile with Sonic,*

Zephyr had pinned the speedy blue hedgewolf-alicorn hybrid down.

Zephyr giggles "Pinned ya!"

Sonic asks "How many more am I gonna get?"

Danyelle spoke "Well, you have five now so I predict three more. A chipmunk, a Vulpix and a Pidgeot-Mewtwo hybrid."

Zephyr snickers "*Mischievous giggle* Guess I'm in already, eh blue boy?"

Danyelle giggles "Well, Michelle's not part of the herd yet since she hasn't asked to join."

Michelle showed up in her 1,000 pound form while carrying her two babies while they were each 200 pounds. "Then I'll ask now. *Giggle* Mind if I join the party, Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "I'd have to talk to Roll about it though since she's my main wife."

A loud bang was heard since Pixie had blown up some TNT from behind Ein.

Ein screamed while being sent flying through the air before he fell onto more TNT Pixie placed as he was sent flying again.

Kim asks "What happened to Ein?"

Moeka spoke "Don't look at me Kim."

Pixie spoke "Tried to prank me with a fire stone. Again."

Tails spoke "Everstone or not, you'll still evolve if you're exposed to a fire stone. I was exposed to a thunderstone though..."

Roll then showed up. "What's going on?"

Kim spoke "Ein tried to prank Pixie with a fire stone."

Roll asks "Again?"

Pixie spoke "Yeah... Last time was with a thunderstone hence Tails' current look."

Moeka spoke "Once an idiot, always an idiot!"

Roll spoke "Anyway, you look like you want to talk to me about something, Sonic."

Danyelle spoke "He does since it concerns Sally, Pixie and Zephyr."

Sonic spoke "DANY!!!"

The two-tailed Mew sticks her tongue out at Sonic.

Roll asks "What’s all that about?"

Kim spoke "Well..."

Kim explains everything to Roll.

Roll asks "Really?"

Michelle spoke "If you don't mind."

Roll giggles "Of you can join in with your kids, Michelle."

Blaze growls "Well I mind!"

Roll asks "Who’s the main/first wife of Sonic, Blaze?"

Spitfire whacks Blaze on the head.

Spitfire spoke "That would be you Roll."

Roll spoke "Exactly."

Spitfire spoke "Yeah and hey Sally."

Sally asks "*Showing up* Hi, girls. What’s going on?"

Blaze spoke "Well... It's obvious you like Sonic though and since he's half alicorn..."

Sally was surprised.

Roll spoke "And since Hearth's Warming is coming up, folks are gonna be busy!"

Sally asks "So… You’re saying I can join in?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah but the choice is yours as far as kids are concerned."

Sally couldn’t help but have happy tears and she tackled Sonic while hugging him.

Sonic spoke "Gah! Watch the wings!"

Sally spoke "Oh! Sorry, Sonic!"

Sonic uses his wings to tickle Sally, causing a pair of brown wings to flail about.

Sally gasps "What the?!"

Sonic asks "Huh?!"

Tails spoke "Uh Sally, you've got wings..."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me Sal's gonna react the same way Surge did."

Sally asks "Wait, Tails? What happened to you?"

Tails spoke "Stupid hyena pranked me with a thunder stone..."

Sally asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "He's talking about Ein... Who's now a dragon for some reason. Oh, hey Surge! Over here!"

Surge asks "*Shows up like lightning* Yeah?"

Sonic asks "Sal, do you remember Surge?"

Sally growls "Yeah."

Danyelle snaps "Cool it Sally! Surge isn't evil anymore! I personally saw to that!"

Sonic spoke "My grandfather made Surge laugh one time."

Sally sighs "Okay."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before she shot a thunderbolt at Ankha.

Ankha yelps "GAH!"

Danyelle spoke "Remember what I said about M'Della and her sons? Leave them alone!"

Sally spoke "It’ll take some time for Ankha and her sister to warm up to them."

Danyelle spoke "Even if that means I have to shock them just to get the point across."

Sally spoke "Maybe ease up a bit."

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps I could use those enchanted beads to keep Kiri and Ankha in check."

Sally spoke "That might make it worse."

Clarity pops up with a male silver-white furred Mobian dog with gold eyes and a black furred Mobian she-cat with brown eyes.

Clarity spoke "I don't know.... My cousin's got a temper far worse than Shadow on a bad day."

Inuyasha asks "What was that Clarity?"

Clarity spoke "You heard me mutt!"

Danyelle and the others were backing off.

The black she-cat spoke "Inuyasha... SIT BOY!!!"

A loud thud was heard since Inuyasha was face down on the ground, thus scaring the cuss out of Kiri and Ankha.

Looking at the two Zaterrans, Danyelle spoke "See what happens if you two try to piss me off? You'll end up face down on the ground just like Inuyasha."

Sonic spoke "Okay, Dany. That’s enough. They get the idea, but I don’t think that means they’ll like it."

Danyelle spoke "Consider it a warning then... And whoever is touching my rear has five seconds to get his hands away before I set him on fire."

Clarity groans "*Facepaw* Miroku."

Danyelle freezes Miroku in a block of ice.

Danyelle spoke "Stars above.. Sango, control your husband!"

A coral pink Mobian vixen with brown eyes and dark brown hair in a long ponytail groans "I swear Miroku, you can't even give up on your lecherous ways..."

Ash spoke "*sweatdrop* Huh, kinda reminds me of Brock..."

Serena asks "*Deadpan* You think?"

Indigo spoke "Once a lecher, always a lecher..."

Rei spoke "Too true."

Sonic spoke "Even though I now have seven wives, that doesn't make me a lecher."

Meanwhile, the crusaders and I were working on the news.

"Remember, we can't bring out a snoozefest." I pointed out.

A howl rang clear but it wasn't Myuri's howl.

Lance asks "What was that?"

Clarity asks "Huh...? Why does that sound... familiar?"

Inuyasha's left ear twitches.

The howl was heard all the way to Canterlot.

Celestia thinks "{Was that Tama?}"

But then Celestia had a shiver shoot down her spine, realizing something.

Celestia thinks "{Yeesh... Pyre's not gonna be happy...}"

Pyre asks "Celestia, care to explain that howl?"

Celestia mentally panicked and without even knowing it, teleported.

Luna thinks "{She is SO BUSTED!!!}"

Meanwhile, Danyelle's fur stood on end.

Clarity spoke "I haven't seen my mom since I was born."

Danyelle spoke "This won't end well..."

Clarity spoke "I don't remember my mother that well since I was barely two hours old when I was taken from her."

But then Celestia suddenly appeared from teleporting, really scared and concerned.

Clarity asks "Do I know you?"

Celestia suddenly became more scared.

Clarity trots over to Celestia before sniffing the alicorn mare.

Clarity spoke "*tears in eyes* I remember this scent...."

Celestia froze, getting more and more nervous.

Twilight wingslaps her mentor on the back of the head.

Clarity cries while hugging Celestia.

Not a single dry eye was seen since most of the others were crying happy tears.

Twilight asks "You okay Celestia?"

A demonic Mobian dog male asks "Celly?"

Celestia got nervous again. "That voice... Tama?"

Tamashi spoke "I'm sorry for leaving you like that 216 years ago... I didn't want to put you or Clarity in danger so I had to take her away..."

Celestia spoke "Look, as much as I appreciate it, you need to get outta here now, before he finds you."

Tamashi spoke "I left you once before... I don't want to leave you again..."

Celestia spoke "I'm being serious this time! If he finds you, Tartarus will break loose!"

Twilight whacks Celestia.

Twilight spoke "Pyre's not that kind of stallion to lose his temper."

Celestia spoke "*Whispers to Twilight* But I don't know if Tama wants to share. He told me that demons aren't known much for sharing."

Twilight spoke "Not only that, two males might bicker over the same female. Least Sonic has it easier."

That started making Celestia hyperventilate.

Danyelle spoke "And Celestia, you better not turn into Daybreaker."

That only made Celestia panic more.

Danyelle slaps Celestia across the face, calming the alicorn down.

Danyelle spoke "Have you forgotten about Newlestia? Even though she was born a human male, she's a mare now!"

Twilight spoke "That just might work out!"


Scars of the Past

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*Celestia's POV*

I was a nervous wreck since my heart was torn between Pyre and Tama. I couldn't decide who I wanted to stay with.

But then Newlestia showed up.

I ask "What now??"

Newlestia asks "You look really tense. What's wrong?"

I spoke "It's Tama and Pyre, I can't decide who I should be with..."

Cadence spoke "*Appearing through teleportation* My magic was going crazy and to think a torn heart would be why, auntie."

Newlestia and I turned around to see Cadence.

Twilight spoke "Cadence, it's good to see you."

Cadence spoke "And it's a good thing I came here."

I spoke "I can't decide..."

Cadence spoke "It's clear you need my help."

Danyelle spoke "Given that a reverse harem isn't an option here."

Newlestia asks "Remember me?"

Pyre soon arrives.

*Gulp!* This is bad. Really bad!

Newlestia gasps "Alexa?"

Pyre asks "Do I know you?"

Twilight spoke "Hmm... Sounds like a memory-lock spell. Time to unlock them."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle and Twilight combine their magic to unlock the memories of Newlestia and Pyre.

The two alicorns suddenly held their heads in pain.

Danyelle follows up with Chaos Heal to ease off the pain.

Pyre spoke "Princess Celestia, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm not who you think I am."

That left me confused. "What do you mean?"

Pyre spoke "Though I may be a stallion on the outside, I'm actually a female... The one that now goes by Newlestia is actually male on the inside."

Okay, now I'm lost.

Pyre spoke "As you heard from Newlestia, my real name is Alexa."

"What happened?" I asked.

High Goddess Faust appears.

High Goddess Faust spoke "This was my fault, I foresaw a disaster coming for Equis that the current group of alicorns couldn't stop so I had to look elsewhere for a pair of heroes to stop the disaster. That's when I found Steve and Alexa... No, Newlestia and Pyre."

Twilight spoke "Explain."

High Goddess Faust sighs "Very well."

*One long explanation later*

Pyre asks "But why me and Newlestia?"

Cadence spoke "Yeah, I don’t think any of us here understand why."

Danyelle spoke "I think it might have something to do with Tirek."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Yes… it does."

Danyelle spoke "If Cerberus leaves his post, that will give Tirek a chance to escape. And it'll put all ponies and magic-wielding Mobians in danger."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Exactly."

Danyelle spoke "And if Tirek got his hands on me or Korra, it'll be bad news for everycreature... Even more so if he got inflicted with Oripathy or Tarkat."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Let’s not think about that last part."

Danyelle spoke "But we still have to be careful High Goddess, Oripathy and tarkat are no jokes."

Twilight spoke "Teermakus did say Tarkat isn’t easily gotten and you can’t risk close exposure. In a way, Tarkat isn’t as deadly as Oripathy."

Tails spoke "Exactly but there are scars that will never fully heal."

Dren spoke "My scars never healed..."

Pyre spoke "Celestia… I’m so sorry."

I didn’t have any negative emotions as I only hugged Pyre.

I spoke "I think we should annul the marriage since it just won't work out between us."

Pyre spoke "*Hugs me back* Yeah. It never happened."

“But you and Newlestia are still welcome to stay here. We’re friends, aren’t we?” I asked with a smile as Pyre smiled back.

Pyre spoke "Yeah and there's something I want to ask Newlestia."

Pyre knelt down on his left foreleg.

Pyre asks "Newlestia... will you marry me?"

Newlestia giggles "Of course, even though it’s supposed to be the other way around ya silly stallion."

Tama asks "And going off that note... Celestia, I know I never asked this 218 years ago but will you marry me?"

Little did the others or I know, Pixie had some rather nasty scars on her back that never healed right.

“Yes! I will marry you!” I answered while hugging Tama with happy tears.

*Sonic’s POV*

Something seemed off with Pixie.

Pixie asks "What now Sonic?"

“Pixie, you doing okay?” I asked.

Pixie spoke "It's not your concern."

Pixie zooms off through a warp ring to her house.

Danyelle places a tiny hand on my shoulder.

Danyelle spoke "Best to leave her be."

An Alolan Ninetales Poké-Mobian female spoke "She’s still afraid."

Danyelle and I jumped a bit as we saw Miyuki behind us.

Tails asks "What do you mean by that Yuki?"

Miyuki sighs "You sure you wanna know?"

Dren spoke "I suppose it's got something to do with her scars..."

Miyuki asks "So you noticed her back?"

Dren spoke "No but as you can tell, I also have a scar on my body that never healed right... And a stab wound as well..."

Miyuki spoke "Ouch…"

Dren spoke "Both scars were caused by Deep Blue... Before his reformation though."

Miyuki spoke "Oh."

Dren spoke "I'm no Danyelle but I can tell that Pixie is hurting on the inside because her ex-boyfriend had whipped her too often."

Zoey giggles "Perceptive as ever Dren."

Miyuki sighs "That’s exactly what happened."

Danyelle spoke "She's afraid of falling in love again because of her PTSD."

Miyuki spoke "Yeah. And we might need Cadence’s help."

Cadence spoke "I'm sorry but I can't help with that."

Miyuki asks "What? Why?"

Cadence spoke "love-related PTSD problems aren't my specialty."

Miyuki facepalmed at that.

Dren spoke "The scars of the past will never fully go away..."

Danyelle spoke "Chicken pox scar on the top of my nose... Another scar above my right eye from when Knuckles tripped me..."

Knuckles shouts "*From a distance* IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!"

Danyelle shouts back "YOU ARE AN IDIOT THOUGH KNUCKLES!!!"

*Sigh* I might need to help Pixie…

Pixie was sitting on a heated rock in the bathroom of her house since she was bathing.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic Maurice Ogami, you better not think of walking on her when she's taking a bath."

Tails spoke "Danyelle's got a point Sonic. I don't think your wives would appreciate it if you got flame-grilled."

But then Michelle, in her restrained form, and Roll showed up.

Michelle spoke "Maybe Roll and I can talk to her. My little wrecking balls are taking a nap."

Danyelle spoke "She might attack you two since she's on edge..."

Roll spoke "We can handle ourselves."

Danyelle spoke "I'm coming too in case she lashes out with Flamethrower."

Michelle spoke "Okay."

Danyelle heads off with the two to Miyuki's place.

Roll spoke "I should knock the door, just to be safe."

Danyelle spoke "She might not answer right away."

Michelle spoke "Yeah, but we should still try."

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter from Tails' father.

Danyelle's eyes shrank in shock.

Danyelle spoke "Roll, could you go get Tails and Miyuki? I have bad news for them..."

Roll asks "Okay…?"

Danyelle spoke "*ears droop down in sadness* It's about their paternal grandmother..."

Michelle spoke "*Realizes what it means* Of all the three siblings, Pixie will need the most help after hearing this."

Danyelle spoke "Don't forget Aqua, she's part of the Prower family too."

Michelle spoke "Right."

Danyelle spoke "We should round the Prowers up and head to Mobius..."

Michelle asks "*Knocks on front door* Um… Pixie?"

Pixie spoke "The front door's unlocked!"

Roll spoke "Um, when you’re done, could you come with us? There’s something you and your family need to know."

Pixie soon left the bathroom with a bathrobe on.

Pixie spoke "I'll be along soon."

Roll spoke "Good."

*Some time later on Mobius*

Danyelle was with Miyuki, Tails, Pixie and Aqua.

Danyelle spoke "I'm really sorry for what I'm about to tell you four, but..."

An older male Mobian fox with an eyepatch spoke "No miss, they need to hear it from me."

Danyelle spoke "...Okay, Mr. Prower."

Aqua asks "Is Grandma going to be okay Uncle Amadeus?"

Amadeus spoke "*Wince* I’m not sure, Aqua."

Danyelle spoke "We should probably check on her though..."

Amadeus spoke "Yes, indeed."

Danyelle floated into the hospital room where a wounded Mobian vixen was resting.

Danyelle checks for any injuries.

Danyelle soon floated back out.

Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry but there's a lot of internal bleeding and I don't think Chaos Heal can fix it..."

That shocked the five of them.

Tails spoke "*in tears* Tell me it's not true..."

Danyelle spoke "*ears droop down* I'm sorry Tails..."

Pixie asks "…Can we at least see her before…?"

Danyelle spoke "Of course... but I fear that she may be dead by now..."

Miyuki spoke "Look… Grandma’s always been tough. If anything, she’s trying her very hardest to stay awake to see us one more time."

Pixie spoke "Exactly but if what Danyelle said is true... We might have to attend a funeral soon..."

Miyuki grabbed Pixie as they went to the hospital room with Tails, Aqua and Amadeus, hearing a slow beeping.

Danyelle was with the five.

Danyelle spoke "Explaining this to Rusty won't be easy..."

Tails spoke "I’ll have to tell him though…"

Grandma Kikyo asks "Miles…? Is… that you?"

Pixie spoke "Miyuki, Aqua and I are here too."

Danyelle asks "Are you okay, Kikyo?"

Kikyo softly spoke "*Smile* I am now… that my family is here."

Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry but Chaos Heal can't fix internal bleeding..."

Kikyo spoke "It’s alright, Danyelle… I know you tried your hardest to help me… *Notices Pixie’s expression* Pixie… Please come here…"

The two tailed Mew floats off a bit to cry.

Pixie cries "Grandma..."

Kikyo spoke "Pixie, please let go of your fear… The past does not define your present or future…"

Pixie spoke "But... my scars..."

Kikyo spoke "Listen to me, Pixie… Scars heal, even though it is not completely for some… You are the only one who chooses your own destiny, and no one else…"

Danyelle spoke "True there..."

Kikyo spoke "I'm tired... So tired... I need to rest..."

Pixie spoke "*Voice breaking with tears flowing* Please... You can't leave us. Please don't leave me."

Kikyo spoke "*Smiles weakly* Nonsense, Pixie. There is no way I could not leave you and your family even after this."

Danyelle was crying as she looked away.

Kikyo hugged Pixie and the others before she laid onto her bad with her eyes closing while she kept smiling. And then... Flatline.

Danyelle lets out a mournful yowl which rang clear.

Two days later, the funeral was over and Pixie holed herself up in her house... I need to do something to cheer her up.

Danyelle spoke "She needs time to herself Sonic..."

"But she's been in there for a whole day." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Danyelle knocks on the door.

Danyelle spoke "Pixie! You need to come outside!"

But then Danyelle's ears twitch as she sighed. "She's depression-binging, eating food."

Danyelle unlocks the door before going inside and dragging the Vulpix out.

Ein spoke "*Suddenly shows up* Huh, she got pudgy from all that eating."

I backfisted Ein, sending him flying with a scream.

Danyelle spoke "He really oughta keep his rude comments to himself."

Pixie only whimpered.

Tails asks "You okay Pixie?"

Pixie only shook her head.

Miyuki spoke "Look Pix, Grandma wouldn't want us to be sad forever."

I gently hugged Pixie. “Look, I’m not asking you to join my herd. But I’ll make sure that you’re always happy.”

That seemed to have broke Pixie as she hugged me back while crying into my chest freely.


Pierce then leapt at us.

Danyelle sent Pierce flying with a powerful Gust attack.

Pierce yelps "GAH!!!"

The attack also caused Pierce to drop the stone onto the ground.

Danyelle picks the stone up with Psychic.

Danyelle spoke "Pixie, you should decide whether you want to become a Ninetales or stay a Vulpix."

Pixie spoke "…I… I need to become stronger… Both mentally, and physically."

Danyelle spoke "Just remember, there's no going back after you evolve."

"Whatever choice you make, I'll be there for you." I assured Pixie.

Pixie spoke "...Sometimes, we cannot go back, we can only move forward. So I believe... It's time for me to start moving forward too!"

Pixie then grabbed the Fire Stone as both she and the stone started glowing.

Pixie glows brightly as she evolves, her russet red fur sheds off as light golden yellow fur grew in while three of her tails split into six.

Pixie's brown eyes turn red as the evolution is finished.

Pixie spoke "*Slowly smiles before giggling a bit* Maybe we could wrestle sometime, Miyuki."

Miyuki spoke "Just because you have the type advantage over me doesn't mean you have the advantage against Aqua."

Pixie giggles "Oh what? You afraid that you might not be able to beat me?"

A loud scream came from Eve's place since she had recently evolved into something that was neither Espeon or Umbreon but something in between.

Pixie asks "What in the...?"

A female Daireon Poké-Mobian that had been hired by Asuna and Haru rushes past, causing the newly evolved Ninetales to spin around suddenly thus landing in my arms.

I ask "You okay?"

Pixie spoke "*Blushes while looking at me* Y-Yeah."

Danyelle was giggling.

Tails chuckles "Seems you've got it bad Pixie Stix!"

Pixie spoke "Guess I'm the final addition to your herd after all, Sonic."

I chuckle "Yeah, who would have thought a random yet unknown Eeveelution would be the cause of it?"

Michelle showed up with a smile. "Well, I hope us ladies get along."

Danyelle giggles "Something tells me Jasmine is totally gonna LOSE IT when she sees how many wives Sonic has!"

Michelle giggles "And what about Luna?"

I chuckle "Grandma Luna's gonna freak the hay out."

Sonia spoke "You're one to talk Bro, I've got two wives! One of which is a Mewtwo!"

"Who?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "My clone..."

Danytwo spoke "Hiya!"

"Oh. Right." I noted.

Adagio spoke "I've heard rumors that Twilight-two has been following Manic around..."

Danyelle asks "Wait, what?"

Danytwo's ears perked up when she felt a psychic burst before zooming off, dragging Twilight-two with her.

Adagio spoke "I stand corrected."

Sonata spoke "Dagi, you're an idiot."

Sonia spoke "She may be an idiot but she's one of my idiots."


Get-Together Party!

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*Pixie's POV*

Whew, finally worked off the weight I got from all the depression eating I did before choosing to evolve. Heehee. But I can’t believe that I’m part of a herd that has eight wives, myself included. Soon, Sonic gathered me and the rest of his wives as we found ourselves at a table with a glass of water for each of us.

Sonic spoke "So, Roll and I were talking about something and decided to have a party. And since Pinkie’s gonna throw that soon, we’re gonna have a drink here for some good luck in the future."

While in Mobian hedgehog form, Aria spoke "Not to mention, Hearth's Warming is 17 days away."

Michelle spoke "Yeah, just imagine the fun times that await."

Sally spoke "Yeah."

The nine of us clinked our glasses and drank our water.

Roll spoke "Alright everyone, let’s head to that party!"

I ask "Just one question though... Barring those who already had kids, who should have children next?"

Sonic spoke "I… honestly have no idea."

I could tell that the rest of us had no idea who’d be next either.

Blaze spoke "Well, let’s not worry about that right now."

Aria spoke "Well, Pixie wouldn't be pregnant as long as Sally would since Poké-Mobians are oviparous... Meaning they lay eggs instead of having live birth. So I think she and Zephyr should go next."

That surprised me and the hybrid.

Zephyr spoke "Okay, let’s just head to the party before we get late."

Sonic spoke "Right but first, I have something I want to give you Pixie."

“Hmm? What is it?” I asked.

Sonic chuckles "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise."

I couldn’t help but giggle.

Sonic spoke "You girls go on ahead, Pixie and I will catch up."

Roll spoke "Heehee, sure thing, sweetie."

The other girls left as Sonic and I were alone.

Sonic and I have some fun together.

*some time later*

Sonic asks "Shall we get going?"

"Sure thing, blue boy." I giggled.

Sonic chuckles "Yeah."

Sonic carries me to the party.

And wow, it was an AWESOME party!

Midnight had his head stuck in a barrel.

Opaline couldn't help but giggle.

Midnight spoke "*muffled* You're so asking for it Opaline!"

Opaline giggles "*Teasing* Oh what? Are you going to destroy me, Nighty-bear?"

Midnight spoke "I dare not say it with the kids around but I have plans for you."

Opaline spoke "*Telekinetically pulls the barrel off Midnight's head before sliding her tail up his chin* Well, I can say that I'll look forward to those plans.

Surprisingly enough, Newlestia and Pyre weren't at the party since the two alicorns were busy.

Mamoru was chasing the Crusaders about.

Mamoru spoke "Get back here!"

Diamond giggles "Not a chance Mammy!"

Michelle giggles "So cute."

Anzu pounces on Applebloom before tickling the filly.

Mamoru grabs Diamond with Psychic before tickling her.

Zephyr giggles "Heehee, no kidding, Michelle."

Sonic spoke "You're next Birdie."

Zephyr giggles "Whoa there, blue boy. Let's take it somewhere else."

Sonic was soon behind Zephyr as he grabs her by the secondary neck thing, causing her to go limp.

Sonic spoke "Sure thing, pretty bird."

Sonic dashed off while carrying Zephyr.

The other Mewtwos all sweatdrop.

Asuna spoke "I'm not gonna question it..."

Kazuto spoke "Me neither..."

We kept partying the night away.

A Latios Poké-Mobian was stuck in the wall since he had attempted to flirt with Opaline but it didn't sit well with Midnight.

Danyelle giggled.

A Latias Poké-Mobian sighs "My brother's an idiot..."

The Latios spoke "Hey!"

Tia spoke "Well, you kind of are though Tio."

Tia giggles a bit before noticing a Kantonian Raichu-Mewtwo hybrid with a very familiar hat that she had seen one time.

Looking at Ash, Tia asks "Do I know you?"

Ash asks "Huh? *Notices Tia* HUH?!?!"

Hotaru was a tad bit confused.

Danyelle asks "Uh Ash, do you know that Latias?"

Ash spoke "Yeah! I know her and her brother!"

Danyelle's eyes flash white.

Danyelle spoke "Ash, I fear there's trouble in Altomare..."

Ash asks "What is it?"

Holding an unhatched Eevee egg in her arms, Misty asks "Remember those troublemakers from Team Rocket?"

Brock spoke "You don't mean..."

Misty spoke "Yeah... Annie and Oakley..."

Ash spoke "Oh geez…"

Serena spoke "If they find out about us being Mewtwo hybrids... I fear that we could be captured..."

Rei spoke "I think you should let your friends take care of them."

Twilight spoke "But if there are small sectors of Team Rocket and Team Plasma still active, all legendary Poké-Mobians are at risk... Including Danyelle since she is part Mew."

Raptor spoke "Easy, Twilight. Let the non-legendaries handle them."

Twilight spoke "I've got two kills to my name though but they were necessary... I had killed Giovanni before he could corrupt Nyx... And then Ghetsis had to go since he nearly hurt Huey and the other children. Maxie and Archie are both in jail for their crimes... That just leaves three crime groups left along with remnants of Team Rocket and Team Plasma."

Ash spoke "Well, we know Guzma’s pretty much changed."

Twilight spoke "That still leaves Teams Galactic and Flare..."

Danyelle spoke "But from what I saw, they won’t be making any moves for a while."

Twilight spoke "Given that their leaders are still missing."

Danyelle spoke "Gira's keeping the leader of Team Plasma in the distortion world so that's one less problem and..."

Danyelle shot a Thunderbolt at a female Espeon Poké-Mobian that had blonde hair since she tried to take Pigment.


Zoey attacks Annie, shredding the female's clothes with fiery claws.

Danyelle brought out a baseball bat out of her hammerspace and tossed it to Rei, who caught it.

Rei laughs "‘Ey batta-batta-batta… *Swings bat* SWING BATTA!!!"

The attack hit Annie as she was sent flying.

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Far into the air, that ball is out of the stadium and won’t be back for a long while!"

Jessie spoke "*nervous sweatdrop* Reminds me of the amount of times James, Cash and I got blasted off by Ash..."

Rei spoke "Be glad you blasted off like rockets and not get knocked out of the park like baseballs."

Holding a Meowth egg in her arms, Meowzie asks "Wait what?"

Rei spoke "Just sayin'."

Meowzie spoke "Oh."

Michelle asks "Hmm? What's that in your arms?"

Danyelle giggles "Looks like a Meowth egg, Kantonian variant."

Michelle asks "*Smile* Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Even though I'm a mix of nekomata, Jolteon, Flareon and Mew... There is a chance that some of my kids will be either Eevee, nekomata or Mew. As well, two Poké-Mobians of the same regional variant will always result in offspring of the same variant. If Haku and his girl had kids, they'd always be Axew but never an Eevee since newly hatched Poké-Mobians will always take after the mother's species. So if a male Galarian Meowth was bred with a female Kantonian Meowth, the offspring would always be Kantonian Meowth."

Michelle spoke "Wow."

Danyelle spoke "Pichu on the other hand are a special case since their final form has two variants... Alolan hatched Pichu will always evolve into Alolan Raichu regardless of where the eggs were laid."

Michelle spoke "Whoa."

Danyelle spoke "And besides Miche, you've never seen me in my combat form yet since it's hard to manage due to the extra two legs."

Michelle spoke "Ah, I see."

We kept partying and partying.

Danyelle spoke "Ooh! A piñata!"

Danyelle dulls her psychic energies as she puts on a blindfold before taking a swing at the piñata, breaking it open.

Pinkie spoke "Wow! Nice one!"

Serena spoke "She dulled her psychic energy to a point where she wouldn't cheat."

Pinkie spoke "Heehee, I know."

The party ended later, with all of us saying our good nights as we all went home. The girls and I soon arrived back at our house.

"What a party that was. Wasn't it, girls?" I smiled.

Sally spoke "Yeah, too bad that annoying Espeon crashed the party."

Michelle spoke "But hey, at least we still had fun in the end."

The girls and I couldn't help but agree as we reached our bedroom door.

Spitfire spoke "There is a chance for Sonic's alicorn genes to be passed down to Pixie's and Zephyr's children."

That surprised me as we opened the door and went into our room, seeing Sonic and Zephyr fast asleep in our bed.

"Heehee, say, girls... Why don't we surround-cuddle our husband in our birthday suits?" Roll giggled as they rest of us snickered in agreement.

Spitfire spoke "You girls forget, I don't even wear clothes plus Aria's true form doesn't wear clothes either."

Michelle spoke "I think we know that Spitfire."

We soon got into our birthday suits, except Spitfire, as us girls went into the bed as all eight of us, including Zephyr, started surround-cuddling Sonic. But little did any of us know that tomorrow, things were gonna get weird.

Aria was back in her siren form while curled up around the other eight.


Strange Days Part 1

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*Zephyr's POV*

*Stomach growling* Well... My stomach woke me up. I got out of bed and got some clothes on before looking back at Sonic and the girls, and then I noticed Michelle was missing. I went outside of the room before smelling something good as I went to the kitchen, before seeing Michelle making breakfast. "Morning, Michelle."

Michelle asks "Morning, Zephyr. Hungry stomach woke you up too?"

Aria yawns loudly, waking the others up.

But then the stomachs of Sonic and the rest of his wives growled as well.

Michelle spoke "Wow, good timing. I was just making breakfast for all of us."

Aria yawns "You think?"

“Hunger woke you up too, Aria?” I asked.

Aria yawns "Blaze burnt me in her sleep..."

Blaze yawns "It was an accident."

Aria spoke "Then explain the burn mark on my tail."

Sonic spoke "Okay ladies, calm down. Maybe we’re a bit cranky ‘cause we’re hungry."

Roll asks "Yeah, probably. Anyone else feeling starved for some reason?"

“Same here.” Myself, Sonic and the rest of his wives answered.

Danyelle was on top of Sonic's house since she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno.

Blaze, Pixie and I were on edge for some odd reason, as if something bad was going to happen.

Michelle spoke "Well, here’s breakfast!"

Michelle brought out a feast, but none of us here had a problem with that as we dug right in and ate all of it. After eating, the nine of us were real bloated, but felt satisfied, at least for now.

Kai soon knocked on the door in a panic.

Sonic went to the door and opened it. “*Yawn* What’s up?”

Kai spoke "The weather's out of whack and none of the Pegasi can control it... Plus all of the Poké-Mobians are on edge."

The nine of us came out of the house.

Danyelle spoke "You sensed it as well too huh? It's just as I saw in my vision. Moltry, Zap and Arty have gone missing."

“What?!” Blaze, Pixie and I gasped.

Myth spoke "She's right, every Poké-Mobian is on edge because of that. And with the weather out of whack, none of the Pegasus ponies can wrangle it."

“Well, do you know what happened to them Dany?” I asked.

Danyelle growls "Moltry was just captured by someone, Zap's gone nuts and Arty's awol."

Rei spoke "*Shows up* Zapdos might be in a rage if he’s gone nuts, you can tell by the glowing red eyes."

Danyelle spoke "If that's the case, Kai or Kara would have to calm them down."

Rei spoke "We also better keep an eye out for thunderstorms, because for all we know, Zapdos could be here already."

Twilight was talking with Ash when the Electric-Psychic type felt a pull, one that was calling him to Shamouti Island.

Even Orion and the other Mewtwos felt the same pull.

Rei asks "Judging by your reactions, I’m guessing you found something?"

Twilight-two spoke "Whatever it is, it's calling all of the Mewtwos to a place called Shamouti Island..."

Rainbowtwo asks "Even the young ones?"

Danytwo spoke "Afraid so..."

Mamoru spoke "I have a bad feeling about this... It might be a trap."

Rei spoke "If so, have some backup, strength in numbers after all."

Danyelle spoke "We've got three sets of the Elements of Harmony, at least 30 Mewtwo, 4 Mews though one is also the Avatar, several combat ready Mobians in case things go south, 7 adult alicorns and a few demons... Even though Sesshomaru can be an ass at times..."

Sesshomaru spoke "Hey!"

Inuyasha snickers "You had that one coming since you tend to beat me up at times."

Danyelle giggles "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Sonic laughs "Ahahahaha! Burn!"

Asuna and the other female Mewtwos giggle.

I couldn’t help but giggle too.

Danyelle, Myth, Meau and the fluffy Mew all giggle.

Ash spoke "Hehe, well, joking aside, let’s get to that island."

Serena spoke "Someone should stay behind with the kids."

Rei spoke "I don’t know, from how they’re acting, I don’t think they’d want to stay here."

Meau spoke "Exactly since this mess concerns them too."

Twilight spoke "I can't risk putting Coal in danger!"

Coal was on Twilight’s head, eager to help out.

Twilight spoke "Coal, no. Your mother would strangle me if you got hurt or worse."

Jasmine spoke "*Showing up* I can help keep them safe."

Pigment spoke "Wada!"

Zoey was trying to keep Pigment under control.

Applejack had Winona on a leash to restrain the doglike Mewtwo.

Tank only yawned.

Fluttershy spoke "We can't put the children in danger..."

Jasmine spoke "Like I said, I can help keep them safe."

Danyelle spoke "Ugh, where are Gilda and Rainbow? I need to talk to them about that DNA test I had Redheart do."

Rainbow asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "Well Rainbow, you and Gilda aren't gonna like this according to the DNA test I asked Redheart to run on the chickub... The child is yours and hers from an alternate timeline..."

Rainbow asks "...WHAT THE-??"

Soarin dove and covered Rainbow Dash's mouth with his hoof. "Calm down, Dash."

Danyelle spoke "Last thing we need is a bunch of children swearing."

Fleetfoot spoke "Definitely."

Honeystar spoke "<Guess that's one thing that's the same on any planet, no parent wants their children to be swearing.>"

Danyelle soon burps up a letter from Sindel.

Danyelle spoke "Huh? There's strange weather happening in Outworld as well, and she might be sending one of her allies to help us."

Sonic spoke "You might want to warn her of form changes... We won't know what this ally will turn into."

But then a portal made of water appeared as a unicorn stallion, wearing purple garbs, hood and mask, holding a staff with an orb of water floating above it, came out of the portal.

But all of the Mewtwo were on edge.

Indigo spoke "You kinda caught the lot of us at a bad time..."

The male asks "That would seem to be the case, then I assume the storm here is as horrid as the one in Outworld?"

Danyelle spoke "Afraid so sir, all of the Poké-Mobians are freaking out because of it."

Twilight asks "Who are you anyway?"

The male spoke "I am Rain, the High Mage of Outworld. Rain may not be my given name, but I have earned it due to my mastery over hydromancy."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, nekomata-gryphon hybrid with Mew blood."

Rain spoke "Hmm... I see."

Danyelle spoke "I'm also Master Hand's point of contact for when a Smasher goes missing or a new one is revealed since Sonic Ogami is my adopted brother."

Rain was confused, but decided to not question it.

Ash spoke "We should get back to Mobius."

Twilight spoke "We should keep one set of the Element bearers in Equestria in case Tirek decides to attack early."

Rain asks "Pardon, but who is this Tirek?"

Danyelle growls "A trouble making centaur that wants all magic for himself, he nearly succeeded a millennium ago but Celestia and Luna stopped him and locked him away. But thanks to my ability to see past and future, I was able to warn Twilight and her friends early on."

Rain spoke "Centaurs? Sounds very similar to the Centaurian race in Outworld."

Twilight spoke "We got chakats too, they're a hermaphrodite subspecies of cat-taurs. Honeystar on the other hoof, shi's a hybrid of chakat and another alien species."

Danyelle spoke "And speaking of aliens, we've got a few others as well. And before you get mad, I had to tell a pair of Zaterrans off when they thought a Kytinn female had hurt me. There's also a small group of Black Arm refugees though I had to tell Shadow off when he got mad."

Twilight spoke "I may look like a normal alicorn right now but in truth, I'm half alien as well. Half Cyniclon to be exact. Dren, Sardon and Tarb are also Cyniclons. Anzu's half Cyniclon."

Rain spoke "*Calming sigh* Empress Sindel already informed me of that situation, as infuriating as that may be."

Twilight spoke "Regardless, we have to stop this mess."

Ash spoke "So let's get going!"

Midnight spoke "I'm coming too, I may not look it but I am a good fighter. More so than the silver haired mutts."

Inuyasha spoke "HEY!"

Midnight chuckled.

Kagome spoke "Inuyasha... SIT BOY!!!"

Inuyasha was face down on the ground, much to Rain's amusement.

Rain spoke "Rained like a dagger from the sky."

Kagome spoke "Not really, it's because of the beads he's forced to wear."

Ash: Hey guys! Come on! Let’s get moving!

Midnight got stuck in the warp ring since he was at his true size.

Opaline spoke "Heehee, you silly giant, Nighty."

Kagome sighs "Demons..."

Despite his front half being unable to hear anything, Midnight used one of his eleven tails to bop Kagome on the head.

Kagome yowls "GAH!!! What gives?!"

Clarity spoke "Smartassed foxcat."

A child sized fox Mobian that was full demon spoke "To be fair Kagome, you had that one coming."

Clarity spoke "Shippo!"

But then a thought hit me, making me laugh.

Danyelle giggles "With a half demon and a half wolf beastman next in line for Celestia and Luna's duties, it'll probably piss Blueblood off."

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" I laughed.

Danyelle spoke "And later on, Sonic and Shippo would be rulers further down the road but the only problem is... Shippo can't use magic."

Sonic asks "Say what now?"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic, you're an idiot. You keep forgetting that I have the dimensional scream."

After getting Midnight through the warp ring, Sonic and the others arrive on Mobius.

Twilight automatically took on Cyniclon form.

But when Rain stepped through, he took on a rather fit elephant mobian form with his trunk and tusks poking out of his mask.

Deep Lilac spoke "I wasn't expecting that."

To be Continued...

Strange Days Part 2

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*Twilight/Deep Lilac's POV*

After arriving on Mobius, I was on edge because of the out of control weather.

I spot a Scyther Poké-Mobian male.

Ash asks "Tracey! What is goin on with the weather?"

Tracey spoke "I don’t know! But it’s nothing good!"

To Tracey's surprise, Ash was a Kantonian Raichu-Mewtwo hybrid.

A small Fennekin-Mewtwo hybrid was on Ash's head.

I spoke "We heard it from Danyelle, the weather's out of control because Moltres has vanished."

Tracey spoke "Okay, explaining what happened to Ash can wait."

Ash spoke "Long story short Tracey, I've always been a Mewtwo hybrid."

Serena spoke "Come on! Let’s move!"

Hotaru pulls his dad's left ear.

Asuna spoke "Even with two sets of the Element bearers, it's not going to be easy."

Pixie spoke "Let’s get going!"

Sonic spoke "Oh no you don't Pixie, you've got eggs on the way and I rather not get electrocuted by Tails or iced by Miyuki if you got hurt."

Zephyr asks "What the?! Can’t I help out?"

Sonic spoke "Just be careful though Zephyr."

Zephyr spoke "Thanks."

Danyelle had stayed behind in Ponyville with the rest of the Mane Six to defend it from any danger.

Clarity was in an anthro form while wearing clothes similar to what Inuyasha wears but in a pink color.

Clarity spoke "Be careful guys, we don't know what will jump out at us."

But then we heard thunder roaring.

Clarity's horn crackles with electricity before shooting it at Zap, asking what happened to Moltry.

But then Clarity head her head in pain as we heard a thunderous screech.

Kai roars at Zap, causing the electric bird to stop.

But then a red bolt suddenly struck Zap as she screeched furiously again.

Kara opens her mouth before singing to calm the raging bird down.

Soon enough, Icy hears the song as she lands by the electric bird.

But then a being made of red lightning appeared.

Kai growls, as did the Mewtwo Poké-Mobians.

I growl "That can't be good..."

Even Tails was growling as his whole body crackled with electricity.

Rain readied for combat as the being started charging up for an attack.

Tails shot off a Thunder at the same time Ash did, causing the attack to hit the being hard.

But the being somehow absorbed the attacks as he launched a powerful attack at us before Rain used his staff and water magic to fire an enhanced water beam, causing the two attacks to collide before they canceled each other out.

Serena shot a Flamethrower at the being, inflicting a nasty burn.

Rain grabbed the water orb floating above his staff before throwing it to the ground right underneath the being, creating a whirlpool trap that sucked the enemy in before blasting it back out into the air.

I spoke "Grr! This jerk's got either Lightning Rod or Volt Absorb as their ability which puts Ash, Tails and other electric types at a major disadvantage! PYRO ARROW!!!"

Several flaming arrows get fired at the being.

That seemed to have dealt some damage.

Knuckles threw a rock at the being, dealing massive damage.

Tails spoke "Guys, we might be dealing with a Rhydon!"

Rei spoke "I'm not sure about that, look. That being is made of pure red electricity, we might be dealing with some kind of electrical djinn here."

Shahara manifests suddenly.

Shahara spoke "Hold it everyone! That's a cousin of mine!"

Sonic asks "...Say what now?"

Looking at the genie, Shahara asks "Why are you doing this Blink?"

The being suddenly turned into a genie as his face was blank before he prepared to attack again.

But a sudden punch from Shahara knocks some sense back into Blink, snapping him back to normal.

Unfortunately, that also knocked Blink out cold.

Shahara spoke "That should get him back to normal."

“Now there’s only Moltry left.” I noted.

Moltry had escaped her containment and was in pain.

Rei spoke "We need healers here."

Kara spoke "It's not that Rei... She was raped..."

What Kara had said caught everyone gathered off guard.

Rei groans "*Facepalm!* Now that's a new low."

Sonic spoke "Someone should look after her though... In case whoever raped her comes back for a round 2..."

Then I noticed black/garnet flames floating around with orange lightning running across the ground before we noticed two blue/lilac gleams.

Kara sighs "Talk about timing, then again, we could use the help. Come on out you three."

A Galarian Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres showed up.

Kara spoke "Haven't seen you boys since my trip to the Galar region."

Despite her fiery wings, Moltry hid behind Sonic since she was wary of the Galarian Moltres.

Kara spoke "These boys are from Galar. Their names are Arteyce, Zapdash, and Moltire."

Sonic spoke "I'm Prince Sonic Ogami, nice to meet you three. The fiery chicken that's hiding behind me is Moltry."

Moltry spoke "HEY!!!"

Icy sighs "He was teasing..."

A 2 year old silvery black Mobian she-cat with a kimono much like her father was chasing her two cousins about.

The she-cat whines "Towa! Give me my ribbon back!!!'

A 2 year old silver-white female Mobian dog with a small stripe of crimson red fur on her head spoke "Not a chance Moroha!"

A 2 year old black female Mobian dog with a matching stripe on her head spoke "Towa, you're an idiot..."

Towa spoke "You take that back Setsuna!"

The twin sisters were soon in a fight cloud.

Sonic asks "...Did I miss something?"

Kagome spoke "*sweatdrop* They're always like this..."

Asuna spoke "Kind of reminds me of the one time Orion bit me back when I was a baby Mew."

Orion spoke "You JUST had to bring that up!"

Soon enough, Asuna had her brother in a headlock.

Soon, the weather was back to normal before the stomachs of Sonic and his wives growled ferociously.

I spoke "Even though I have the teeth of a carnivore, I still have the digestive system of a plant eater."

I spot a large bush that smelled oddly addicting before tearing into it.

Pixie spoke "Seems like Twilight's found the catnip..."

Michelle spoke "Don't worry, I can make a MASSIVE feast!"

Zoey spoke "*Sweatdrop* Uh Michelle, I should warn you that catnip is highly addictive to Mobian and Poké-Mobian cats... And given that Deep Blue's Mobian form is a cat... He'll be as bad as Tarb on a sugar high..."

*Kagome's POV*

Michelle started making the feast as some of us decided to check on Twilight/Deep Lilac.

I wasn't gonna question why the red haired female was half Mobian cat half alicorn.

I spoke "Miroku... Get your hand away from my ass before I tell Sango on you."

Miroku spoke "Eep!"

A 5 year old light purple male Mobian fox spoke "Dad, you seriously need to stop your lecherous ways..."

Sonic asks "*As Michelle kept making food* Who's this?"

I spoke "That's Hisui, he's Sango and Miroku's son."

Pixie asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah, thank stars he didn't take after Miroku for bad habits."

I giggle "So says the tod that has a crush on Setsuna."

Myth was giggling like crazy.

Hisui's head blushed red.

Moroha spoke "Mom, you're weird."

I closed one of my eyes while sticking my tongue out with a “Nyeh!”

A tipsy Deep Lilac spoke "Real *hic* mature Kagome..."

“Says the being who’s drunk on catnip.” I fired back.

Deep Lilac asks "Do I need to *hic* roast a cat?"

Deep Lilac hiccupped again, with bubble flames coming out of her mouth a bit.

Deep Lilac mentally asks "{Did you do this to me Momo?}"

Momo mentally spoke "{It was Deep Blue.}"

Deep Lilac growls "{Can you strangle him? I'm not supposed to have more than one element.}"

Momo giggles "{Sure thing, but the bubbly flames are a side effect of being drunk or tipsy.}"

Deep Lilac spoke "{I know for a fact that cats can get high from catnip.}"

Zoey was hissing loudly since Elliot was holding a pokeball in his hand.

Rei asks "*Deadpan* Seriously, dude?"

Zoey hisses "He's the reason why I became half cat in the first place... And then after my alicorn side made itself known, it screwed up my cat DNA to the point where I became a Mobini!"

Michelle exclaims "FOOD’S READY!"

There was a ginormous table, filled with indeed a HUGE feast!

Zoey stuffs food down Elliot's throat, causing him to bloat up.

Sonic and his wives’ stomachs growled again, getting Zoey’s attention as she giggled nervously.

Zoey spoke "You are the most CRAZIEST hedgewolf-alicorn hybrid I've ever known!"

Deep Lilac growls at Indigo since he took her carrots.

A lot of funny shenanigans happened as we ate.

Zoey was munching on a taco, much to Sonata's dismay.

Sonata started eating more tacos than Zoey.

Zoey spoke "So it's a challenge then!"

After applying a rubber spell to her clothes, Zoey chows down on more tacos than Sonata.

Jasmine showed up and put a rubber spell on Sonata's clothes as she started eating as much tacos as Zoey.

Jasmine spoke "Just wanna make sure things are fair."

A spatial tear opens up before a cherry red furred Mobian she-cat with a short bladed sword strapped to her hip fell out.

The she-cat spoke "Itai..."

The Mobian fell unconscious as one of our healers finished eating.

Zoey spoke "Barring the sword, she kinda looks like my Mobian form... If I had cherry red fur instead of black..."

Zoey and Sonata were still eating tacos neck-and-neck, despite Zoey talking.

Sonata had shifted back to siren form.

That allowed Sonata to eat more tacos than Zoey as she noticed that and growled.

Zoey tags out so Midnight could continue.

Zoey spoke "*Smiles at Jasmine* If you could..."

Jasmine spoke "Done."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, transferring the weight she gained from eating to Midnight, who didn't mind, as the hybrid was eating tacos neck-and-neck with Sonata.

Midnight had a demonic appetite thus he ate thrice the amount of food.

Sonata ate more and more, catching up with Midnight.

Korra spoke "I remember the stories of how my past life often caused trouble in the Earth kingdom..."

Rei spoke "Let me guess... *Morphs face into a cabbage merchant with his voice* MY CABBAGES!!!"

Sonic and the others all burst into laughter after hearing that.

Korra laughs "Exactly!"

But then Sonic and his wives let out loud, hearty belches, having had their fill of lunch.

Indigo was on edge since he sensed a temporal crack in the sky.

Indigo asks "Does anyone else see that?"

Zoey asks "Something wrong?"

A Mobian hawk falls out of the temporal crack, causing Korra to fly at the hawk and grabbing him.

Wings flapping while holding the unconscious hawk by a leg, Korra asks "Say Rei, remember when you imitated Lau Gan-Lan's dad?"

Rei asks "Yeah, why'd ya ask?"

Korra spoke "Call it a hunch but I think this hawk is my past life..."

Danyelle arrived with her six kids along with Korra's daughter.

Rei spoke "Huh, judging by the arrows on him, makes sense."

Michelle spoke "Wow, didn't see that coming."

I looked at Sonic and his wives, and before this meal, they only had extended bellies like they had a lot of food, each being around 200 pounds, but now they looked like they each weighed 500 pounds, and none of them minded one bit.

Akoya flings a small amount of water at the hawk, jolting him awake.

Korra gasps "Danyelle! You have to keep the fact you're of the same class as me a secret!"

Danyelle spoke "That was Akoya's doing."

The hawk groans "Ugh... What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that you fell through a temporal crack in the sky."

All the hawk saw was four cat Mobians, a hedgecat Mobian, a foxcat Mobian and an echidna Mobian beside a pair of winged fox Mobians.

The hawk asks "What the? What's going on? Who are you?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari and these are my little ones. There's Irene, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien."

Korra spoke "I'm Korra and this little one is my daughter, Iris."

The hawk spoke "Wow. Well, my name's Aang, and I'm the Avatar."

Danyelle and Korra both look at each other fearfully.

Danyelle spoke "About that... Korra and I..."

Korra shuts Danyelle up.

Korra whispers "Don't tell him."

Danyelle whispers "Really?"

Korra whispers "We gotta get him back to the past."

Danyelle whispers "We'd have to talk to Dialga about that."

Korra whispers "Right."

Danyelle asks "So Aang, do you remember how you ended up in my timeline?"

Aang asks "Huh? Timeline?"

Danyelle spoke "It's a long story."

Twilight spoke "Or more correctly, this time period."

Danyelle spoke "Cork it Sparkles!"

Korra thought to herself, "Let's just hope Aang remembers nothing about this when he gets home."

Danyelle thoughtspoke "{Agreed since I did tell Dialga to erase Aang's memories of meeting us after the hawk is back in his correct time period. And until then Korra... you can't use firebending, earthbending or airbending. I can't use waterbending, earthbending or airbending in the meantime.}"

Korra thoughtspoke "{Right.}"

Danyelle growls suddenly as her tails thrash.

Rei asks "What is it?"

Danyelle growls "Someone is targeting Aang.... If he dies then Korra and I along with our kids cease to exist!"

Rei facepalmed. “Why am I not surprised?”

Danyelle growls "It's a nasty chain effect..."

But then a dust devil appeared before it formed into Geras as he fell onto his knees with wounds before they healed as he got up.

Danyelle asks "Geras! What in StarClan's name happened?"

Geras spoke "There is no time to lose, you must come with me to the Hourglass."

Akoya and her siblings all cling to Danyelle as she and Korra followed Geras to the Hourglass.

Danyelle spoke "I sensed that Dialga was going insane."

Geras spoke "Indeed, and I need your assistance to defeat and restore him."

Danyelle spoke "Only problem is, I can only use firebending and Korra can only use waterbending for the moment until Aang's back in his time period."

But then the group heard a roar.

Danyelle roars back in retaliation.

But then Primal Dialga appeared.

Five small blue gears were hovering around Danyelle in her magic, further aggravating Primal Dialga.

Danyelle spoke "Korra, take my kids and hide. I can't fight Dialga while protecting them at the same time."

*After Korra hides with the children*

Danyelle roars loud as she flew at Primal Dialga as was heard.

Geras suddenly vanished as sand formed into Geras above Primal Dialga as he did an elbow drop on the back of his head, dealing a bit of damage.

But due to Primal Dialga's steel typing, Geras' attack did little damage.

Danyelle snaps "You dunce! Dialga is a Steel-Dragon type! Normal type attacks deal very little damage!"

Danyelle shot a Flamethrower at Primal Dialga, causing some damage.

Geras spoke "I am aware of that, but I am mostly capable of physical attacks."

Danyelle teleports fast to dodge Dialga's attack before throwing Fairy Wind at the dragon.

But due to Dialga being steel type as well, that attack only did a normal amount of damage.

Danyelle dug underground while holding the time gears close to dodge another Roar of Time.

Geras raised his hand up, summoning a sandstorm from below Primal Dialga as an attack, dealing some good damage while knocking him into the air as the steel/dragon type fell to the ground after getting hit by that special attack.

A sudden Ice Beam hits Primal Dialga from underneath as Danyelle connects the Dig attack to the underside.

That combo-attack got Dialga onto his last leg.

Danyelle dug back underground before striking Dialga down with another Ice Beam-Dig combo.

That attack made Dialga faint from too much damage.

Danyelle teleports over to the altar before putting the time gears in thus restoring balance.

Dialga groans "Ugh… What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, you went berserk so I had to snap you back to your senses."

Dialga asks "Wait, did anything happen while I was crazy?"

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* Well.. Ya did... We have to get Aang back to his own time period with memories of meeting me and Korra erased from his mind."

Dialga asks "Wait... Did I cause that?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, this time period can't handle ten Avatars at the same time..."

Korra asks "Don’t you mean Avatars of the present AND past?"

Irene mewls "Mya!"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, Korra. My bad."

Irene asks "Mya?"

Danyelle spoke "I should give my little ones a bath soon."

Irene protests "MYA!"

Akoya squeals "MYA!!!"

Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

Korra giggles "Seems the six of them don't like baths."

Later, Danyelle, Korra and their kids were back as a portal back to Aang’s time appeared.

Danyelle was holding onto all of her children with magic so they didn't follow after the hawk.

Danyelle spoke "I guess this will be the only time we'll see you."

Aang spoke "Well, it was good to see you."

Danyelle spoke "Too bad you won't remember any of this when you return to your time."

Aang spoke "That’s alright. ‘Cause I think we might’ve already known each other here anyway."

Korra spoke "You could say that since I'm you in a way."

Aang chuckles "Hahaha! Yeah, I could tell you were the next me all along."

Korra asks "…Huh?"

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Aang chuckles "Gotcha. Hahaha!"

Korra and Danyelle laugh "Get going on back to your proper time you cheeky hawk!"

Aang spoke "Sure thing. Later!"

Aang jumped into the portal before it closed.

But Aang soon forgot who Danyelle and Korra were since his memories of the two were erased.

Danyelle spoke "Well, there he goes."


What happened?/ Getting used to it

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*Raptor’s POV*

Wow, I’m still surprised that happened.

Ein had his head stuck in a pipe.

Jasmine spoke "No kidding. Especially after that prank he managed to pull on Sonic and his nine wives."

“The number went up again?” I gasped.

Rainbowtwo spoke "Yeah and know what I heard? Asuna's got another babytwo on the way."

“Wow.” I gasped in surprise. “But how’d all that happen?”

Danyelle spoke "*Showing up* I can help answer that."

Kazuto was heard howling at the moon.

Danyelle giggles "Kazuto certainly is happy."

Renee spoke "You forget though Danyelle, wolves tend to howl at the moon."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah. Like you."

Renee spoke "Oh, go cough up a hairball Danyelle."

Danyelle asks "Anyway, wanna know how that happened?"

A loud draconic yelp was heard since a Mewtwo-Charizard hybrid male had crashed head first into a wall, getting his head stuck.

Zoey spoke "Someone better go get Clarity..."

Renee spoke "I’ll go."

Zoey spoke "Renee, you don't have wings or magic."

Zoey teleports to Canterlot before reappearing with Clarity.

Renee spoke "Sorry. I forgot."

Seto chuckles "You may be a dumb wolf but you're my dumb wolf."

Renee whines "*Blush* Stop it, Seto!"

Zoey snickers "Sounds like some wolf's gonna need some aloe for that BURN!!!"

Clarity spoke "What is going o-Ifrit!"

Renee spoke "He got his head stuck."

Zoey coughs up a hairball all of a sudden.

Zoey spoke "Sorry."

Clarity flew over and got Ifrit unstuck.

Danyelle spoke "Ew."

An injured female cockatrice with purple body feathers, lilac neck feathers and white head feathers alone with a red crest of feathers landed on Zoey's head.

Zoey asks "Huh?"

Renee immediately shielded her eyes with sunglasses.

Danyelle spoke "TWILIGHT!!!"

Zoey spoke "Wait! Stop! This cockatrice is hurt!"

Twilight suddenly pops up.

Twilight asks "What's going on?"

Zoey explains everything to Twilight.

Twilight asks "Whoa. Maybe Fluttershy can help?"

Elsa darts over.

Elsa spoke "Looks like the poor thing has several burns..."

Twilight asks "Got any Rawst berries?"

Elsa spoke "Ice type remember? I can create blocks of ice."

Twilight asks "So that'll help?"

Elsa spoke "A bit since cockatrices have snake-like sensitivity to cold."

Twilight spoke "kay, so not too much."

Elsa spoke "Yeah."

*Some time later*

The cockatrice was sitting on Zoey's head while chirping happily.

Zoey spoke "I'm glad you're all better."

Danyelle asks "Now, before I actually explain what happened, is there anything else?"

Twilight asks "What is it Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I was going to explain to Raptor on how all that happened to Sonic and his eight, no, NINE wives."

Twilight spoke "Oooooohhhhhh, yeah. That."

Sonic spoke "Stars above Dany! I haven't even asked Moltry that yet!"

Danyelle teases "But you've been thinking about it, haven't ya?"

That got Sonic there.

Sonic spoke "You're a dead Mew once I get my hands on you Danyelle!"

Danyelle asks "Since when did you turn into Shadow, Sonic?"

Twilight spoke "He was just joking."

Sonic chuckles "Or am I?"

Danyelle flew off fast with Sonic flying after her.

“Seriously though, how did that happen?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "I’m no Danyelle, but I’ll explain the best I can."

Aleena spoke "It's best if I explain it since I am Sonic's mother."

Twilight asks "Need a memory spell to help explain?"

Aleena spoke "Not really."

*One explanation later*

Aleena spoke "So yeah... Sonic, Manic and Sonia are half immortal since my husband is immortal."

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, but we should really explain what happened after rescuing Moltry and her sisters."

Danyelle had transformed into an anthro gryphon.

Danyelle gasps "What the?"

"Transform move on the fritz?" I asked.

Danyelle squawks "WHAT DO YOU THINK??"

The full brunt of Danyelle's Roar had sent me flying into a nearby lake.

I resurfaced and got out of the water, no problem.

Danyelle asks "You're not scared of water?"

"Why would I be?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "But ground type Poké-Mobians hate water."

"That's stereotyping, Danyelle. Not all ground-type Poké-Mobians are like that." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "I may be a Psychic type but I can't swim."

Twilight spoke "I didn't know that."

Danyelle asks "Anyway, now that I managed to get Sonic off my tails, ready to learn how all that happened?"

"Yeah!" I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "Cool."

Danyelle’s Dimensional Scream went off, showing me what happened.

*Michelle’s POV a bit before dinner on the same day as Strange Days Part 2*

I was making quite a meal for me, Sonic, his other seven wives, our kids and Moltry as the Moltres drank some water.

Moltry spoke "I hate being pregnant...."

Pixie spoke "At least the egg will turn out to be a Kantonian Moltres."

Blaze spoke "Or it could be a new breed of Moltres that we haven't discovered yet."

Roll asks "Remember what happened to Tails?"

Spitfire spoke "Yeah. No one saw that coming. Maybe it'll be a pure flying type."

Zephyr spoke "We could ask Danyelle to check when she's not busy."

A loud bang followed by Danyelle's scream was heard since Ein had the gall to prank her.


Ein was heard screaming outside.

Sonic spoke "There they go again."

"FOOD'S READY!!!" I called out as I brought out a huge meal as the stomachs of Sonic, me, his other seven wives and Moltry all growled ferociously.

Danyelle throws several shadow ball attacks at Ein, making him scream like a little girl.

Aria spoke "There's an idiot in every world..."

Moltry giggles "Definitely."

Then all of us dug in, eating our fill while I, Sonic, his other seven wives, and Moltry ate a lot. Later, we were all done as the babies wanted to be fed, especially Rekka and Bolo, my two little wrecking balls.

Blaze spoke "I heard a rumor that a counterpart of Danyelle hates being overweight."

"I'll be sure to let Jasmine know to not pull any pranks on her." I said while I was breastfeeding Rekka and Bolo.

Blaze asks "Don't you mean Jasmine's counterpart?"

"Yeah, but it's just in case she visits this universe." I added.

Later, all of the kids and babies were asleep as Sonic, I, his other seven wives and Moltry were still awake.

Moltry spoke "*Satisfied sigh* That meal definitely hit the spot."

Aria spoke "Better safe than sorry."

Sonic spoke "You said it."

Roll giggles "It just goes to show, you don't piss Danyelle off."

Sonic spoke "You’re both right about that."

Myself, Sonic, and his other seven wives were about 500 pounds before eating dinner, but after eating, it looked like we were now 1,000 pounds obese. Moltry looked like she was 1,000 pounds obese too, but none of us, even the Moltres had any problem with our situation whatsoever.

“Totally worth it.” The girls, Sonic and I smiled.

Aria was 2000 pounds obese since she was in her true form.

But then the ten of us felt strange, in a good way. This feeling was… familiar to me.

*Sonic’s POV*

So heavy…

*Roll’s POV*

So soft…

*Blaze’s POV*

So warm…

*Spitfire’s POV*

So squishy…

*Aria’s POV*

So big…

*Pixie’s POV*

So cozy…

*Sally’s POV*

So sexy…

*Zephyr’s POV*

So fulfilling…

*Moltry’s POV*

So hot…

*Michelle’s POV*

This is just like that time when I… Never mind that. I used a Warp Ring and took all ten of us to the Chuddle Hotel while booking the Infinite Suite as the feeling we had, along with our love, suddenly started to skyrocket.

*Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria, Pixie, Sally, Zephyr and Moltry’s POVs*


*The next morning, Jasmine’s POV, at 7:00 am*

Oh… my… I got a love level alert last night and kept an eye on the Infinite Suite and… I won’t go into details. I helped clean up a TON of stuff in the room as Sonic, his eight wives, excluding Aria, and Moltry were back to their 1,000 pound forms, while Aria was in her siren form, being back in her 2,000 pound form. After cleaning the room up, which helped preserve a TON of milk for all creatures, and preserve a TON of ingredients for my mom’s potions, I helped teleport the ten back to their home bed, and their grand master bed was holding up just fine. No doubt they’ll wake up, full of energy soon, as I went back to the Chuddle Hotel and investigated on what caused them to behave so lustfully like that, not to mention the love level of those ten was over 9,000, it was actually 10 Googols, which is a HUGE number. Soon, I found one of mom’s potions missing in the rarely used section of her potion cabinet. I then dusted for prints as I soon found out they there were dragon fingerprints that belonged to… “Ein.”

Now it all made sense. Yesterday morning, Ein slipped the potion into Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria, Michelle, Pixie, Sally and Zephyr’s drinks completely unnoticed before they had their drink and breakfast. And last night before dinner, Ein slipped the same potion into Moltry’s water that she drank. And it looked like that stupid dragon didn’t read the fine print, with one of the potion’s fine print features including that if at least one of the females of a harem is already pregnant, then the females of said harem that aren’t pregnant won’t get impregnated. I’m not gonna go into details about that potion. After all that, I certainly caught Ein and gave him quite a punishment, turning him into a big fat scaly boulder of an Ender Dragon that won’t be able to harm anyone for 10 full days straight.

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

*Yawn!* Well, time to get up.

Later, after me and my family ate, I headed out to see Sonic and his family before I saw Jasmine walking by while carrying a giant black boulder that somehow had scales, and she was heading to Danyelle's house.

Danyelle was in wolf form while nursing her little ones.

Danyelle spoke "Mind getting the door Ben? I kinda can't move right now since all six of our little ones are nursing."

Ben spoke "Sure thing."

Ben opened the door as he saw Jasmine. "Can I talk to Danyelle?"

Danyelle lifted her head.

Danyelle asks "Yeah Jasmine?"

Jasmine snapped her fingers as she teleported herself and the giant boulder into the same room Danyelle as the she-wolf noticed who it was.

Danyelle sighs "Ein?"

Jasmine spoke "I already called the Ultima and told her to come here to pick up the package."

Danyelle spoke "What did he do this time? *Jasmine whispered into Danyelle's ear, making her eyes widen in surprise* Well, that explains a lot from yesterday."

Bluestar spoke "He had it coming."

Gallus was on a beanbag while reading a book.

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, I basically had to fatten Ein up into a living boulder, and don't worry, I'm making she he doesn't roll away."

Danyelle spoke "*facepaw* did you forget something? Ender dragons have poison breath."

Jasmine pointed to Ein, whose maw was clamped shut.

Danyelle spoke "And strong jaws that can break iron..."

Bluestar pulled Gallus back since the 12 year old Mobian cat heard hissing.

Danyelle shields herself and the kids with Chaos Barrier.

Bluestar spoke "HE'S GONNA BLOW!!!"

Jasmine turned Ein’s muzzle into steel before he let out a large belch while none of the poison breath leaked from the muzzle.

But a loud fart was heard from Ein's rear.

Jasmine spoke "Whew. Stale air. Smelly, smelly air."

Danyelle spoke "Good thing Chaos Barrier doubles as a scentproof barrier, I don't even smell a thing."

Jasmine asks "*Wearing a gas mask* Do I need to call in a fumigation squad?"

Danyelle spoke "Airbender remember? I can remove the gas easy."

With a whirl of her tails, Danyelle blows away all of the stink with gusts of wind.

Jasmine took off her gas mask before taking in a deep breath, comically inflating her chest before letting out a relieved breath. “Fresh air. Sweet, sweet air.”

A knock on the door was then heard.

Danyelle spoke "That must be Aphmau now."

And while Aphmau came in and took care of Ein, I arrived at Sonic’s house, when to my complete surprise, Sonic, Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria in her Mobian form, Michelle, Pixie, Sally, Zephyr and Moltry were each 1,000 pounds obese, and they couldn’t even care less. And if I didn’t know any better, I’d think those ten enjoy being like that.

*end flashback*

*Raptor's POV*

Danyelle pokes her head through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

Danyelle spoke "Jasmine! Ein pulled a prank on me with one of those anti-magic collars, I'm kinda stuck in gryphon form since the key for it was thrown in lava."

Jasmine spoke "Hmm… I see. Well, it’ll take some time to make your collar’s key. In the meantime..."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as Ein was suddenly an obese immobile blob yet again.

Tails thrashing, Danyelle spoke "That stupid gold-loving dragon is dead meat once I get my claws on him."

Jasmine spoke "He won’t be hard to find now."

Danyelle spoke "that fart bomb he used caused Gallus to faint..."

Jasmine spoke "Bertha ain’t gonna be happy."

Danyelle used a warp ring to send Ein straight into the End dimension.

Danyelle spoke "Might as well let her deal with him. We might put up with Ein's bullshit but Bertha won't."

Jasmine spoke "Yep."

*Meanwhile in the End Dimension*

Ein groans "I hate that cat...."

Bertha growls "...Ein...!!!"

Ein spoke "W-w-w-w-w-wait! You got the wrong guy!"

Bertha spoke "You can’t get anywhere since you’re a blob of fat now, Ein!"

Ein spoke "I don't even know how to fly!"

Bertha spoke "*Smirk* Still, be glad that your flab will null the punches I’m gonna give you."

Ein asks "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses right?"

Bertha spoke "That trick’s not gonna work on me."

Bertha started her flurry of attacks on Ein as he screamed.

Meanwhile, I was with my two wives.

Zap was sneaking up on Manic from behind.

Danyelle was shivering in fear since she sensed a huge comet approaching Equis and no ghost type Poké-Mobian could touch it.

Manic asks "Huh?"

Sonata giggles "Don't turn around."

Manic asks "Why?"

Manic soon gets pinned by Zap.


Disaster Strikes!

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*Danyelle's POV*

Due to the recent vision I had, I had gone up to Canterlot to talk with Celestia and Tama.

I spoke "Celestia, I bring bad news. A comet is approaching Equis and none of the Ghost type Poké-Mobians can touch it... Plus Ray can't touch the rock either since it might be radioactive..."

Ray was suddenly behind me, spooking me a bit. “C’mon, you’re joking, right? I’m a dragon type, the toughest type of Poke-Mobian there is. I’m also a flying type, so you can see how I survive in space like that.”

Clarity spoke "Not against the grim comet though since according to dad, it appears once every 500 years. Plus there's a shit-ton of demons inside it."

Sonic spoke "*Shows up* You don’t remember, Dany? Us Mobians can breathe fine in space."

Tama spoke "I'm sorry grandnephew but the grim comet is far too dangerous to deal with. Both of my nephews had dealt with a fragment before, as did my brother countless times before he died."

Sonic spoke "Shadow dealt with the Black Comet, ya know."

A new voice asks "Black Comet?"

Zoey spoke "Ugh… Sorry I was gone for a while, or years, or… I don’t know how long it’s been."

I ask "Unstable magic on the fritz?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah, and you won’t believe where and when it sent me, but I’m glad that happened since I had some Blue Aqua on me."

I spoke "You dumbass cat, you do realize that you changed the course of history with one piece of blue aqua..."

Clarity spoke "Not only that, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are gonna freak the hell out..."

Zoey spoke "Hey, he told me he was going into hiding until today."

I wingslap Zoey on the back of the head.

Then Beetlo the Scarabeon showed up. "Everything alright?"

I spoke "This dumbass cat altered history..."

Beetlo spoke "Wait, I don't see any major changes, so maybe she didn't change much."

I spoke "Many thought that the guy was dead though..."

I teleport before reappearing with Sesshomaru, Rin, Towa, Setsuna, Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha.

I teleport yet again before returning with a slender demonic Mobian female dog.

Kimi asks "Tamashi! What is going on... here?"

The group noticed the new face as their jaws dropped.

Inuyasha asks "Do I know you?"

The male spoke "Yeah, but it'd be hard to remember me since you were only an infant the last time I saw you."

Kimi asks "Toga, is that really you?"

Toga spoke "You bet I am, Kimi."

Rin and Kagome both back off with their daughters since they knew how pissy Kimi can get.

Kimi starts strangling Toga.

Toga spoke "*Choking* Kimi! Please calm down!"

Tama spoke "You kinda had that one coming bro."

Sesshomaru spoke "Stop it mother."

Kimi didn't hear that.


Kimi stopped at that.

Clarity spoke "Talk about alpha behavior!"

Beetlo spoke "You’re telling me."

But then I sensed a Changeling hiding here, making me giggle.

Kagome's ears flatten since she sensed something bad coming.

“I know you’re here, Ocellus.” I smiled as a nearby chair shook with an “Eep!”

Twilight pops up suddenly.

Twilight spoke "Danyelle! We got trouble! A hostile Changeling Queen has attacked Ponyville! Chrysalis is doing what she can to hold the other queen off!"

I couldn’t help but facepalm. “First meteors, now this? Can’t I catch a break?”

Tama spoke "Let us demons deal with the comet, you should deal with the bug."

I spoke "Right, come on Twilight!"

Twilight spoke "Okay!"

Beetlo "I’m coming along too!"

I teleport with the trio back to Ponyville.

To my horror, Jessie and James were no bigger than Bluestar since Fylifa had turned them into kids.

I spoke "Twilight, you find a way to reverse what happened. I'll deal with the Changeling!"

Twilight spoke "This is gonna be tough."

I spoke "I'm tougher than I look!"

A timid voice spoke "W-Wait! I-I wanna help too."

Ocellus showed up, revealing herself.

I spoke "Sorry but Changeling queens can be dangerous if provoked."

Ocellus spoke "I know... B-But I don't wanna be useless."

I spoke "But you can help Ben protect my little ones."

Ocellus spoke "But... I can't stand on the sidelines this time."

An injured Chrysalis spoke "No means no Ocellus."

Fylifa laughs "You are such a disgrace to all Changelings Chrysalis! I'm gonna ENJOY TEARING YOU AND YOUR PATHETIC HIVE APART!!! STARTING WITH THAT PINK RAT!!!"

Amy's left eye was twitching in anger.

Amy asks "Are you talking to me?"

I spoke "Uh-oh... She called Amy a pink rat...."

I pull Ocellus back since I knew how mad Amy can get when pissed off.

Amy asks "Are you talking to me?"

I spoke "She shouldn't have said that."

Amy shouts "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!?"

I spoke "Now she's in for it!"

Amy screams "MY NAME IS AMY ROSE!!!!"

Amy and Fylifa were soon in a fight cloud.

Beetlo asks "Should we do something?"

Sonic spoke "Unless you want to be on the receiving end of Amy's hammer, it's best not to interfere."

"Yeah, this could take a while." I agreed.

I tend to Chrysalis' injuries.

Chrysalis spoke "Thank you Danyelle. I was on my way to visit Fylifa to help reform her and her hive when she all of a sudden snapped, like she was a whole different Changeling."

I spoke "My guess would be that she somehow got tarkat."

Chrysalis asks "Hold on, that makes no sense. What if something's going on inside her head?"

I spoke "If my theory is correct, Sonic should have dreamwalking magic since he is Luna's eldest grandson."

Fylifa was soon knocked out cold.

I spoke "NOW SONIC!!!"

Sonic used his magic to enter Fylifa's subconscious.

*Sonic's POV*

I look around to find what caused the Changeling queen to snap in the first place.

And yeesh, looks a dark personality was in there and took control as I ran into the real Fylifa.

Fylifa spoke "You have to help me break my mind out of Trista's control!"

I shifted to werehog form.

I growl "Who is Trista?"

Fylifa spoke "A dark personality of mine that finally took control over when I was sad that Chrysalis stopped visiting. I've been trapped in my own head for years, at least I managed to break free now. But now we gotta head to that tower."

I looked at said tower and saw Fylifa's head smirking on top of it, but her manestyle was different, more sinister.

I spoke "I wouldn't call myself the Mobian Element of Loyalty if I turned my back on someone in need."

Fylifa spoke "Thanks. I appreciate it."

I spoke "Seems like you have split personality disorder."

Fylifa asks "Know what would've been crazier than having an evil personality? Having a personality of an angry old mare when I get frustrated, a personality of a gymnastic stallion in acrobatically difficult situation, a personality of a tough and strong mafia mare when I wear a bra, and a personality of an Austallian mare whose a tracker and explorer when I wear a fedora. Wouldn't that be insane?"

I spoke "My grandmother's an alicorn though."

Fylifa spoke "Okay, that's more crazy."

I chuckle "I've also got a demonic cousin too. And she's just as bad as my great aunt is when it comes to cake."

Fylifa spoke "I'm not gonna question it. Let's go!"

I growl since I sensed powerful magic approaching.

I spoke "Since Danyelle and my fellow Element bearers can't help in this case, I have to handle this alone."

Fylifa spoke "Sorry, but since this is my mind, I’m helping you."

Okay, she does have a point.

I spoke "My adopted sister's put your body in a sleep state so that Trista can't lash out and kill someone. I'd rather not get a shadow ball to the face from Orion if Rainbowtwo or Rosebud got hurt or worse."

But then giant changelings emerged, ready to attack us.


Blades of wind magic slice the giant changelings to pieces.

I spoke "Good thing my airbending still works!"

Fylifa spoke "Be glad those were only mental projections."

I spoke "Whatever it was, it's gonna slow us down more since I don't have my speed at night."

The two of us moved forward as we later arrived at the tower, finding a push door.

Fylifa spoke "Huh, guess Trista never expected me to get this far."

I spoke "I may not have Danyelle's Dimensional Scream or Indigo's danger sense but I can tell there's a huge trap waiting for us."

Fylifa opened the door and looked inside before looking up, causing her jaw to drop. “If by trap, you mean a ridiculously high and seemingly endless spiral staircase, then yeah, you’re right about that.”

I spoke "There goes teleportation magic and Chaos Control..."

It took a real long time to get to the top, and I thought that amount of boredom would drive me crazy. We then noticed a button on a pedestal as Luna appeared.

Luna spoke "I’m glad I have a connection to my grandson."

I could help but chuckle at that.

I spoke "I just learned how to use dreamwalking magic though."

Luna spoke "Indeed. But you’ll get better."

Fylifa asks "Okay, but what’s that?"

Luna spoke "That’s your reset button. If you press it, you’re yourself again, just you, just Fylifa."

Zoey suddenly pops up since she had just unlocked dreamwalking magic.

Zoey spoke "I sense there's more to all this...."

Luna spoke "Yeah, it’ll also prevent Fylifa from getting anymore alternative personalities."

I spoke "Wow grandma, I'm surprised you're not freaking out that the catgirl's got dreamwalking magic now."

Luna asks "I’ll explain later. Well Fylifa, what’s your decision?"

Fylifa spoke "Well… thanks for helping me, guys. It really means a lot."

Fylifa pressed the button before Luna teleported us to outside the tower, away from it as the tower exploded.

Zoey asks "Who am I really?"

Before Luna could answer, Trista fell and crashed onto where the tower used to be.

Trista asks "How did this happen? Where’s my tower?!"

Fylifa spoke "It’s gone, Trista. It’s gone for good."

Trista screams "No! How did you do it?"

Fylifa spoke "I did something you’d never do."

Fylifa showed Trista what happened, making her angry.

Trista growls "You…!"

Trista charged at Fylifa, only to get blocked by a mental barrier she set up as the dark personality started becoming clear.

Trista spoke "W-Wait! I can help you! No one will ever mess with you again while I’m around! I’m a part of you!"

Fylifa spoke "Yeah, a part of me, I don’t need anymore."

Trista spoke "No! It’s my time! MIIIIIIIIIInnnnnnneeeeee…!"

That last word roared and echoed as Trista fully faded away, completely erased from Fylifa’s mind.

Zoey spoke "That was rather... anti-climatic."

Luna spoke "Not everything is about action, Zoey. But I do agree with you on that."

Zoey asks "Say Luna, do you know someone named Cherry Petals?"

Luna froze at that.

I spoke "You're obviously hiding something grandma."

Luna sighs "Why don’t we talk outside?"

Zoey spoke "Preferably at my parents' house, they deserve to know."

“Hmm… Think they should know about me and my wives?” I asked.

Zoey spoke "Not yet Sonic, my dad doesn't know you. Plus he'll think you're another boy I brought home and thus attempt to challenge you to a fight."

“You sure? Because we’ll also have to tell him about me and my wives being able to do… this.” I added as I went into my 1,000 pound form.

Zoey spoke "No Sonic! To my parents, you're just a video game character. And abnormal speed or not, my dad will try to fight you! It's bad enough I had to soften him up when Dren and I first started dating."

“If ya say so.” I shrugged before going back into my restraint form.

*Some time later*

*Tokyo City, outside Zoey's house*

*Zoey's POV*

I was back in my Mobini form while hiding my ears and wings with a long jacket.

Luna was in a human form.

Luna spoke "Being on two legs is weird..."

“You’ll learn to get used to it.” I assured Luna.

I knock on the door.

Mr Hanson spoke "Come in.

After entering with Luna, I spoke "Hi dad."

Shintaro asks "Hello, Zoey. What adventures did you have this time?"

I spoke "Well...."

I removed the jacket I was wearing thus revealing my wings, cat ears and tail to my dad.

I spoke "I need to talk to mom about something... important."

Shintaro spoke "I can't doubt that."

I spoke "It's about my alicorn half..."

Cherry asks "*Showing up* Zoey? Home already?"

I spoke "Yeah mom and I brought a friend with me. And before dad says something, it's not a guy. I refuse to cheat on Dren."

Luna then walked in, revealing herself as mom just froze.

I ask "Uh mom? You okay?"

Shintaro spoke "Oh boy."

Shintaro put on some earmuffs before giving me and Luna each a pair.

I put a soundproof barrier around my mother before she started screaming.

I spoke "Dad, I don't think earmuffs will work against the royal voice..."

Shintaro asks "The Royal… what?"

Luna spoke "Though I'm currently in human form, I'm actually an alicorn. Twilight Sparkle, her daughter, my parents, elder sister, son and adopted niece are all alicorns but we're not the only eight. There are others but they're half alicorn. My niece, Crystal Clarity is half dog demon. My two grandsons and my granddaughter are one third alicorn. My eldest grandson has several children of his own yet Lance and the others are all quarter alicorn. But them aside, I believe that Zoey Ikisatashi here is the daughter of my missing daughter."

Shintaro spoke "What?! But that would mean…"

I spoke "It's true dad, I'm half immortal..."

Shintaro was as still as a statue before he fell backwards, unconscious with his eyes open as his legs flew up a bit before coming back down.

I asks "Think we overdid it grandma?"

My phone soon rings since Wesley was calling.

I ask "Zoey speaking, what's up Wesley?"

Wesley spoke "The demon meteor's gone! And no lives were lost!"

I couldn't help but smile at that.

Elliot spoke "*in background* Wesley, you're an idiot! That was only a fragment that got destroyed! The rest is still approaching! And since Zoey's the only Mew Mew in the crashdown site, only she can stop it!"

Oh geez... It always falls to me, doesn't it?

Elliot spoke "*in background* It's worse than Wesley and I imagine. The main comet itself is indestructible but if you can get enough power, you might be able to make all of Earth intangible so that the comet passes by and nobody gets killed."

This is gonna be tougher than I thought.

Pigment soon pops up with a hugs army of ghosts following her.

Luna spoke "Seems Pigment's got a bunch of allies to help you out Zoey."

Biting back my fears, I spoke "I'm sure that many of you are already aware of the oncoming threat so I need help from all of you to stop it."

Pigment relays my message to Skulker and the other ghosts.

Pigment spoke "Wada! Wadala! {Come on! A half alicorn and a Psychic-Ghost type Mewtwo aren't enough to turn the world intangible!}"

Skulker scoffs "Tch, another half-ghost. But all the more valuable after this is over."

I punch Skulker hard with a fiery fist.

I growl "Touch my daughters and I'LL MELT YOUR ARMOR! Got that Skulker?"

Skulker spoke "Don't worry yourself, I'm not hunting her now. Hunting an unprepared infant wouldn't be sporting."

I growl "Mess with a half cat and you'll get the claws but I happen to know someone much more scarier than me when he gets pissed!"

Luna spoke "Now is not the time, Zoey."

I spoke "Right grandma and since my mom's not a fighter, I'll have to protect her."

I focused all my magic and pour it into the ground as Pigment turns with the ghosts following suit as they all worked to turn all of Earth and by extension, Mobius and Equis as well as Dren's home planet invisible thus causing the grim comet to pass harmless through the four worlds.

The Ecto-ranium comet harmlessly passed through the planets as well.

I spoke "Phew! That was freaking close!"

Luna spoke "You’re telling me."

Pigment spoke "Wada. {Yeah.}"

I ask "You okay mom?"

Cherry was silent.

Mom definitely looked guilty.

I spoke "Spit it out mom, I'm not going to wait long since I have to check on Dren's homeworld shortly."

Cherry spoke "Okay… The truth is… I’m a long-lost princess of Equestria AND Luna’s daughter."

I spoke "So THAT explains why I'm half alicorn!"

Cherry spoke "I’m really sorry I kept this from you, I just wanted to help you live a normal life."

I spoke "My life took a turn for the worst when I got cat DNA at age 16... Then I got alicorn wings and magic rather recently which messed up my cat DNA to the point I'm a Mobini now. I can't hide my ears, wings and tail anymore in Tokyo."

Cherry spoke "I’m really sorry all of that happened to you, Zoey."

I spoke "The cat DNA was Elliot's fault though but if I hadn't become a Mew Mew in the first place, I wouldn't have met Dren. Oh and you got a granddaughter now mom."

Cherry asks "I’m sorry, what?"

I spoke "I never told you though because I was scared that dad would beat Dren up, weapons or not. Anzu's 10 while Pigment's roundabout 2 in human years."

But then mom hugged me, much to my surprise, before I hugged her back.

Pigment was on my head.

Cherry asks "Is this Pigment?"

I spoke "Yeah, she's also a preemie since she's a bit smaller than most young Mewtwo."

Cherry spoke "Aww! She is so adorable!"

I giggle "I know at least 30 other Mewtwo but the only problem is... Orion and Jericho both hate people with lab coats, I had to grab Orion by the secondary neck thing when he tried to attack Elliot."

Cherry asks "Oh dear. Wait, is Pigment half-ghost?"

I giggle "Yes but she got the alicorn gene from me since she wanted to survive after the glass tube she had been in got shattered. So in a way, I was a surrogate mother but I don't mind one bit. Plus it was Pigment that helped me overcome my fear of ghosts since come on, how can such a little cutie pie be a scary ghost?"

A warp ring opens up before a wolf beastman with alicorn wings on the back steps out.

Lightning gasps "*eyes wide* Little sis?"

Cherry immediately hugged Lightning with happy tears.

My tail swishes happily.

Cherry giggles "Oh! How did you do all this, Bolt-boy?"

Lightning chuckles "Really? That old nickname?"

Pigment giggles.

I giggle "You think that's weird mom, just wait until you see the amount of nieces in law you have!"

Mom then gave me a bear hug. “Oh, I don’t care how many there is, I’m just so happy and proud!”

Lightning spoke "I freaked out after hearing that the captain of the Wonderbolts fell in love with my eldest son... As it stands now... Sonic's got a hedgefox, a half cat half Litten hybrid, two Pegasi, a siren, a chipmunk, a Kantonian Ninetales, a Pidgeot-Mewtwo and a Moltres."

Cherry spoke "*Right in Lightning’s face* I MUST MEET THEM!!! I gotta meet the rest of my family!"

Lightning chuckles "Easy there! You're as hyper as Pinkie."

"How did you expect it to go since mom was away from Equestria for a LONG time?" I pointed out to my uncle.

Lightning spoke "Faust above... It's been a thousand years since Cherry was last in Equestria."


Cherry's Return to Equestria

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*Luna's POV*

Some time after Zoey had checked on the other Cyniclons, Cherry asked me what Equestria was like now since she had been away for a thousand years.

“Well, daughter… instead of telling you about Equestria, why would we bring you back there?” I offered.

Cherry asks "Really?"

“*Giggle!* Of course. You’re much overdue for a return anyway.” I smiled.

Cherry spoke "I don't know mom, I've been living here in Tokyo for a thousand years... But something's calling me back to my true home..."

“That’s you wanting to see the rest of your family, Cherry.” I informed.

Zoey spoke "Much like Sonic, I've got a foot in two different worlds."

Cherry asks "Really?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah and dad, you probably won't be needing clothes once we go back to Equestria. Given that I don't know what you will turn into."

Shintaro asks "Okay?"

Zoey spoke "Male Mobians along with pretty much all Equians don't wear clothes."

Shintaro spoke "Oh, if you say so."

Zoey spoke "Pretty much."

Zoey brought out a warp ring.

Zoey spoke "I should warn you first. There are a few chakats that live in Ponyville but you should never refer to them as an it. The correct term is Shir, shi or hir. I had to learn that the hard way when Dren accidentally insulted Blizzardstar."

Shintaro asks "Okay?"

I spoke "She has a point though, calling a chakat an it is very insulting to the species in general. Two morons never seem to understand."

Zoey groans "*Deadpan* Such as Ein and Pierce."

I giggle "Yeah, those two idiots never learn."

Cherry excitedly asks "Well, shall we get going?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah."

After passing through the warp ring, Zoey automatically retakes her Mobian cat form.

Zoey spoke "Come on, mom and dad. It’s safe."

Cherry stepped through first, automatically retaking her original form after being in human form for a thousand years.

Balancing on her hind hooves, Cherry spoke "This feels so weird..."

Zoey whistles loud, getting Starswirl's attention.

Zoey spoke "Can't be no worse than growing fur."

Cherry "Well, guess I’ll have to get used to it."

Zoey asks "You coming dad?"

Shintaro spoke "I suppose so."

A pissed off Indigo had tail slapped Pierce, sending the Mobian sheep flying with a goofy yell.

Zoey spoke "*sweatdrop* It just goes to show... Never pull a prank on Indigo..."

“Indeed.” I nodded as Shintaro stepped through.

Zoey spoke "You think Indigo's bad when he gets pranked, Danyelle and Peach are a LOT worse!"

Indigo yells "I'm gonna KILL THAT DAMN SHEEP!!!"

Zoey bites back a giggle since Indigo's fur was dyed pink.

Shintaro spoke "Whoa! Check me out!"

Zoey spoke "Full Mobian cat, nice."

Shintaro asks "Huh?"

Cherry spoke "*facehoof* I'm the one that's half wolf though..."

Zoey asks "Hmm?"

Cherry spoke "I never said this because of the amount of hate between humans and Beastmen so I had to lock myself in human form so that I wouldn't stick out."

Zoey asks "*Feeling a bit dizzy from that much info and realizing* Whoa… I’m cat, alicorn and wolf?"

Cherry spoke "I had to lock you in human form when you were born since humans and beastmen hated each other. You've always been half alicorn half wolf beastman but your beastman blood was lost when that blonde jerk caused you to become half cat."

Zoey spoke "Darn, least I got the alicorn half though. I'm no Danyelle but something tells me that Blondie's in a LOT of trouble..."

Cherry spoke "*Sigh* Yes. But that can be dealt with later. *Pure excitement* Right now, I wanna see the rest of my WHOLE family!"

Zoey yowls loud, calling in Sonic and the rest of the Ogami family.

Cherry spoke "*Excited gasp* Look at all of you!"

Soon enough, the rest of my family arrived.

Akane was hiding behind Volt.

Sonic chuckles.

Michelle asks "Wow, so you’re my aunt-in-law, huh?"

A loud bleat was heard since Pierce got beaten up by Indigo.

Pierce spoke "HELP!!!!!"

Cherry asks "Mm-hmm! I am! *Notices Rekka and Bolo carried in Michelle’s arms* Oh! Who are those adorable little cuties?"

Sonic spoke "My step-children."

Rekka and Bolo noticed Cherry and reached out to her.

Michelle spoke "Aww, looks like my little wrecking balls wanna meet you."

Zoey spoke "I should warn you mom, they don't have full control of their unbound forms."

Cherry asks "Unbound?"

Michelle spoke "A lot to explain, but their average weight in that form is around 200 pounds."

Cherry spoke "Still, I wanna see them up close."

Lance's left ear twitches.

Lance asks "Does anyone hear barking?"

Lance zooms off to the farmhouse.

Sonic spoke "I've never seen Lance that worried."

Roll giggles "Thinks he has a crush?"

Michelle let Cherry carry Rekka and Bolo in their 200 pound forms, but she was struggling a bit.

Cherry spoke "Okay, maybe I should’ve went back to training over the last 100 years."

Danyelle pops up with her 14 kids.

Danyelle giggles "Forgetting somecat thought Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Oh right! This is Danyelle, my adopted sister."

Danyelle spoke "And these are my kids. Eldest to youngest are Bluestar, Gallus, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur, Irene, Dart, Pouncer, Ruffrunner, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien."

Sonic spoke "As for my kids... There's Lance, Volt, Jazz, Percival and Flare Blitz so far. Aria and Sally have kids on the way, Pixie's got a Vulpix egg in her arms, Zephyr's got a Pidgey-Mewtwo baby in her arms and Molty's got a Moltres egg in her arms."

Cherry spoke "Wow. *Giggle* And call me crazy, but I have a feeling our whole family will be a little more special sooner or later."

Tails whines "Hey, what about me, Sonic?"

Volt snickers "You want some cheese with that whine Uncle Tails?"

Sonic spoke "Through Pixie, I got a nephew named Rusty along with twin nieces named Kohaku and Ruri."

Rei and his four wives suddenly appeared with their kids.

Rei asks "Someone call?"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic may be an Ogami but he's got connections to the Sakurai clan which is Roll's family, the Felis family which is Blaze's family, the Prower family which is Pixie's family, Inuyasha's family since Luna is Celestia's younger sister and a future connection to the Apple and Pear clans which is Applebloom's family once Lance is older."

Sonic asks "Dimensional Scream again?"

Danyelle spoke "You know I can't turn the dang thing off... And Sesshomaru's still an ass."

Sonic spoke "Yeah."

Sesshomaru growls "What was that you blue rat?"

Danyelle spoke "uh-oh...."

Danyelle and the others immediately backed away from Sesshomaru.

Soon, Sesshomaru and Sonic were in a fight cloud.

Cherry spoke "Heehee, wow. What a family I have."

Michelle giggles "Wait until you see who’s my adoptive sister."

Danyelle spoke "You sure about that Michelle? If I know Jas, she can be rather chaotic at times."

Anzu spoke "MOM!!! TOWA BIT ME!!!"

Zoey groans "Not again…"

Cherry spoke "I’ve been leading a different life in another world, I can handle chaotic."

Sonic spoke "Just don't provoke Shadow though, he's got a hair-trigger temper. And I dare not say what can easily piss him off though."

Tails spoke "That was fast."

Sonic spoke "Pays to have an unbound form."

Danyelle spoke "On top of having a werehog form that only comes out at night."


Turtles in the Underground

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*Twilight's POV*

I was talking with Danyelle when I saw a flash of green but it wasn't Manic or Surge.

Danyelle asks "What was that?"

“No idea, and it’s night.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "It kind of looked like a turtle..."

“But how? Turtles aren’t exactly known for their speed.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Unless... they were mutated somehow."

A familiar voice asks "Mutated turtles? Where have I heard that before?"

We looked up and saw Rei on a rooftop before he jumped down to us, landing unharmed.

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake, you nearly gave me a heart attack there Rei!"

Rei spoke "Hmm… We may need to check out Manehatten and Neigh York City, specifically the sewers of those places."

I spoke "I don't think it'd be a good idea to bring Rarity along. She hates getting dirty and a sewer is far from clean."

Rei asks "Now when did I mention bringing Rarity along?"

Danyelle spoke "Neither Twilight or I can leave our little ones alone long and..."

Danyelle quickly threw up a Chaos Barrier around herself, Rei and I to block a laser beam.

Danyelle spoke "That was bloody close!"

I gasp "What was that?!?"

Rei spoke "In a simplified word, aliens."

Danyelle conks Rei on the head.

I whisper "Choose your words carefully Rei. You could have insulted Dren, Sardon, Tarb, Honeystar, M'Della, Draven, K'Dagon, Kiri, Ankha, the Black Arm refugees and I..."

Danyelle whispers "We should be careful, we know nothing about this kind of alien."

Rei whispers "Well, since that beam was purple, could be Kraang."

Danyelle whispers "Maybe but what are they after?"

Rei whispers "Either drain the magic of the place or trying to enslave the planet. Right now, they’re only setting up outposts and we got spotted."

Danyelle whispers "Twilight, go warn Celestia and Luna immediately. I fear we may be in for a war again..."

I whisper "Right."

I teleport to Canterlot fast.

Danyelle whispers "Rei, can you dismantle the outposts without getting caught?"

Rei was already gone before he came back. “Done and done.”

Danyelle whispers "Since my Chaos Barrier is unbreakable, I can taunt them into attacking me while you and the Mewtwos rip them to pieces."

Keeping Chaos Barrier active, Danyelle flew at the Kraang before taunting them.

Danyelle laughs "You freaks can't hit me!"

Danyelle gives the Kraang the stink eye, taunting them into firing at her.

Rei spoke "Alright, time to put those robo-suits outta commission. Phantom Force!"

Rei vanished before attacking the Kraang firing at Danyelle as the strikes slashed them and caused them to fall apart, revealed to be robot suits as brain-like aliens ejected out of them and ran away.

Orion grabs one with Psychic, restraining it.

Danyelle yowls "ANKHA!!!! HELP!!! THERE'S MORE COMING!!!!"

Zoey yowls "FIRE NEKO ROAR!!"

A blast of fire hits Natsu, powering him up.

Natsu spoke "Alright! FIRE DRAGON ROAR!"

Spottedleaf's fur crackles with static as she punched a Kraang's metal suit, shutting it down while keeping it fully intact.

The Kraang was about to jump ship before Rei appeared and blocked the midsection.

Holo howls loud, causing all of the Kraang to freeze in fear.

The suit faces didn’t show that, but the midsection brains did as their eyes opened as the rest of the Kraang ejected from their suits and ran away.

Holo laughs "Talk about lily-livered cowards!"

Pinkie giggles "More like, lily-brained cowards! Heehee!"

Danyelle spoke "If it wasn't for Holo, many of us would have been enslaved. She's a real hero."

Rei spoke "Not to sound overconfident, but we would’ve been able to stop them since they weren’t attacking yet. And I have a feeling we have five new allies."

Holo spoke "You might as well come out Splinter, I can smell you hiding nearby."

Splinter chuckles "Hmm… You are quite skilled to find my location by smell alone."

Holo spoke "A wolf's nose is no joke."

Shirou nods since he was a wolf in alicorn skin.

Then some kind of humanoid rat stepped out of the shadows. “And it seems that you are quite skilled in battle as well.”

Holo spoke "Some of us are, the two-tailed cat inside the barrier acted as bait to draw those aliens' attention towards her so the others could fight."

Still inside the Chaos Barrier, Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle Hikari, it's an honor to meet you sir."

Splinter asks "Pardon my curiosity, but I must ask, how do you know of me?"

Holo spoke "I've been around for 1700 years, give or take a few years. I know a lot of things."

Orion passes the Kraang that had been captured to Splinter.

Danyelle spoke "That's Orion, he's captain of the town guard since it was my idea to set one up so that the non-fighters aren't hurt or worse."

Splinter spoke "Hmm… Perhaps it is best to let Bishop handle this one."

Roll asks "What should we do with the mech suits that were left behind?"

Splinter spoke "Donatello can take care of that."

Tails was also hard at work taking the mech suits apart and revamping them into armor for the Mewtwos.

After cancelling out the barrier, Danyelle giggles "He'd get along with Tails easy since the electric-type Ninetales is also a techie."

I whine "Hey! What about me?"

Danyelle giggles "You're an egghead who's afraid of ladybugs and quesadillas!"

But then we heard laughter as we saw a humanoid turtle in a red mask rolling on his back.

The turtle with a red mask laughs "Princess Egghead's afraid of ladybugs and quesadillas!"

But then another turtle, having an orange mask, held a cockroach next to hi, scaring the turtle as he withdrew into his shell.

The turtle with an orange mask laughs "Hahaha! Just like you and cockroaches, huh, Raph?"

I soon had the tip of my weapon against Raph's neck.

I spoke "I'm not a princess yet!"

But then I felt two of Splinter's press against a spot on my neck, making me freeze.

Splinter spoke "You must learn to control your anger."

Dren spoke "Sorry about that, Twilight still can't control her anger since it mainly comes from Momo."

Splinter asks "Hmm... Are you saying that Twilight has two other spirits inside of her?"

Dren spoke "Yes, one of which I'm quite familiar with... given the scars I have. My daughter knows the other one since she took up healing."

But then a turtle with a blue mask and a turtle with a purple mask showed up.

I snicker "Well, Danyelle really loves pizza."

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Twilight! Don't make me stuff a quesadilla down your throat."

I gasp "You wouldn't!"

Then we noticed the orange masked turtle carrying a cooler box as it rattled a bit.

Being the curious Mew she was, Danyelle asks "What's in the box?"

The turtle with the orange mask asks "Oh? This?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

The turtle with the orange mask spoke "Well... If ya wanna. *Opens box* Say hello to Ice Cream Kitty!"

There was actually a living cat made out of ice cream in the cooler box.

Holo spoke "Now ya done it Mikey... The two-tailed cat is drooling since she loves strawberry ice cream."

Ice Cream Kitty then suddenly licked Danyelle on the nose, leaving some strawberry ice cream on her nose.

Danyelle wipes off the ice cream before going into a hunting position.

Holo spoke "Dude, run!"

Mikey noticed the expression on Danyelle's face before closing the cooler and threw down a smoke bomb, vanishing with the cooler.

Danyelle whips up a tornado, blowing the smoke away before pouncing on Mikey.

But Danyelle suddenly found herself a bit above ground, despite feeling something.

And since Danyelle was in Mew form, she was a bit higher off the ground.

Mikey threw down another smoke bomb before he reappeared.

Danyelle was coughing since she was in range.

Danyelle groans "Now I know how Yellowfang felt when she breathed in too much smoke..."

Mikey spoke "It's worse if ya get a smoke bomb in the eyes."

Danyelle downs a jar of honey to ease her breathing.

Danyelle spoke "My lungs are smaller in this form though..."

Mikey spoke "Sorry about that."

Danyelle shot an Ice Beam at Kiri, knocking the weapon out of the Zaterran's hands.

Danyelle growls "You're on thin ice with my temper right now Kiri!"

Splinter spoke "Enough."

Splinter pushed a finger on a pressure point on Danyelle's neck, making her freeze a bit.

Splinter asks "There will be no fighting amongst ourselves. Understood?"

Danyelle stammers "Y-Yes!"

Splinter took his finger off Danyelle's neck, letting her move and breath again.

Danyelle was shivering in fear.

Splinter spoke "Apologies if that scared you, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "It's n-not that.... Something is coming.... And a l-lot of it...."

I spoke "Danyelle's got a gift not commonly found in Mobians though, she can see things that have happened or have yet to happen."

Leo spoke "If it's more Kraang, we won't have to worry."

Danyelle spoke "We've got Holo and several fighters on standby just in case, plus we got my special ability too."

The ground shook violently.

Danyelle was hissing.

Rei spoke "Sooner than normally."

Danyelle spoke "I knew this would happen! With Cozy Glow and Chrysalis already reformed, Tirek's the last of the baddies to be reformed."

Sonic spoke "The town guard won't be enough to stop a magic stealing centaur!"

A frightened centaur female with a few broken chains on her wrists, legs and neck was near a few chakats.

Rei spoke "If that doesn’t scream abusive circus, I don’t know what does."

Swiftrunner spoke "Go easy on her, she's still traumatized after the abuse the ringmaster put her through."

It was obvious that Swiftrunner's front paws were stained red since shi had killed the ringmaster.

Splinter spoke "It must have been a hard decision."

Swiftrunner spoke "It was sir since the ringmaster was an abusive pony, one that was capturing exotic creatures and forcing them to work in his circus."

A harpy was perched on Swiftrunner's lower back since the poor thing's wings were badly mangled.

Swiftrunner spoke "Good thing I'm a plainclothes guard, I can fool others into thinking I'm just a common citizen."

A lamia had stuck shed from bad health.

Swiftrunner spoke "I was able to rescue these three from a nasty fate since the other slaves had died from shock."

Rei spoke "*Calls out in a Scottish accent* MEDIC!!!"

Spottedleaf got right to work on getting the stuck shed off the lamia's body.

Danyelle spoke "It'll take some time for the centaur to calm down since she's so afraid... More so than Ravenpaw was when he first arrived."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear! This harpy’s wings need to be bandaged, STAT!"

Danyelle spoke "I'll leave those shackles for Swiftrunner to deal with."

Swiftrunner spoke "Right."

Danyelle shot an Ice Beam at a tree not far from the group.

Holo growls "You might as well come out Tirek before I take my fangs to your neck!"

The tree became frozen solid from that attack.

Danyelle was growling.

Holo growls "Come out RIGHT NOW TIREK!!"


Rei asks "Oh boy. Should I bring him out so we don’t do anything reckless?"

Holo doesn't say a thing before darting off into the forest thus chasing a rather frail Tirek out.

Danyelle growls "Well, if it isn't Tirek."

Rei spoke "Not like he can do much harm right now."

Danyelle spoke "He better not pull anything or he'll be locked up again. Oh hold on, I'm getting a call from an unknown person via telepathy."

Danyelle goes quiet since she switched to telepathy.

Danyelle groans "{What the fuck do you want now Blitz? Can't you understand that I'm dealing with a trio of rescued slaves?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Well, weird things have been going on in Tartarus, but it’s pretty much normal.}"

Danyelle asks "{Such as an escaped centaur?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Huh, never noticed.}"

Danyelle spoke "{And since today is New Year's Eve...}"

Blitzo gasps "{Wait, what? Oh shit… Us demons down in the Pride ring better take cover and hide good, ‘cause exorcists are coming down to clean up.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Don't bother with hiding Giovanni and Ghetsis though, those two assholes were both killed by Twilight.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Hey, those two buckos are new and don’t know about the Execution at the end of each year.}"

Danyelle giggles "{Giovanni made the dick move of angering Twilight when he tried to take Nyx from her. Then Ghetsis got sliced to pieces when Huey and a bunch of children got kidnapped.}"

Blitzo laughs "{Haha! Wow! If you were already in Hell, I’d offer you to join I.M.P.!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Maybe there could be an above-ground branch!}"

Blitzo laughs "{Hehe, really? What would it be called? K.I.L.L.? HA!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Oh hardee har har. All jokes aside, I'm curious about what happened to my real parents.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Eh, who knows. But if they’re really how you remember, then maybe they’re innocent souls stuck in Hell who got fucked over by someone else.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Based on the vision I had of my real father, he was killed by assassins. But I don't remember what happened to my real mom since I was too little to remember. So if they are trapped there... Please protect them...}"

Blitzo spoke "{…*Sigh* Another bodyguard job, but I know if I don’t do this, you’ll never let me hear the fucking end of it.}"

Danyelle spoke "{I won't be making a habit of this. Plus my friends and I will do what we can to stop those damned exorcists.}"


New Year's Cleansing

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*Blitzo’s POV*

Come on, come on. Where the hell is she? It’s bad enough I didn’t notice the count on the Big Bang tower showing less than a day until the Extermination.

A warp ring opens up before Danyelle floated through.

Danyelle asks "You looking for your adopted daughter?"

“What gave that away?” I scoffed.

Danyelle spoke "Dimensional Scream remember? I got that ability from my real mom."

“Yeah, well see that giant clock tower?” I asked as I pointed at said clock tower. “That’s the countdown.”

Danyelle spoke "And since I look like a demonic Mew right now, the exorcists might mistake me for a demon and try to kill me."

“Then get the hell outta here if you wanna save your ass!” I scoffed.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not running away with my tails between my legs. Only a real coward would do that."

“Don’t you get it? They’ll fucking kill you!” I pointed out.

Danyelle tail slaps me across the face hard.

Danyelle growls "Don't be a fucking ass! I can defend myself easily since my Chaos Barrier can't be broken that easy."

“Do you even realize how overcrowded Hell’s getting?!” I pointed out!

Danyelle snaps "I'm not blind you fucking ass!"

“Well, that’s why this is happening!” I responded.

Danyelle spoke "And I don't think it can be stopped though."

“Well, yeah. Mortals are full of dark secrets, which is why a ton of ‘em end up here.” I explained.

Danyelle spoke "Same with the immortals. One big example is Celestia's love of cake."

“…I’m not gonna go into that.” I surprisingly admitted.

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not get a fireball to the tails by Celestia."

“Really? How’d she take it if you challenged her to a cake-eating contest?” I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "Go cough up a hairball you ass, I'd lose though."

Then I dashed off into one of my real good hiding spots.

Danyelle turns herself invisible before floating after me.

Danyelle whispers "I swear, those angels have no sense of real justice..."

“Ya mean the Exorcists?” I checked.

Danyelle whispers "Yeah... But if my recent vision is right, they might target all rings this year..."

“Okay, that’s just insane, in a bad way, even for me.” I responded.

Danyelle whispers "Fuck yeah it is and if those assholes decide to target the above-ground demons... It won't end well..."

“So now what?” I asked.

Danyelle stuffs an apple into my mouth to shut me up.

Danyelle whispers "Shh, I hear them coming..."

Then the clock tower went off as Exorcists appeared.

Danyelle threw up a cloaking barrier to hide me from the exorcists better.

Danyelle whispers "Keep your voice low or they'll find us."

"Whaddya think I'm doing?" I whispered back.

Danyelle whispers "We don't know they've got keen hearing or not."

“Yeah, so keep it down.” I whispered back.

Danyelle kept still so that she didn't give my location away.

Danyelle whispers "I've already alerted a friend of mine about these exorcists, she's on her way now."

“Who exactly?” I whispered back again.

Danyelle whispers "Sonic and I know her as Bayonetta."

“And who is she?” I whispered back.

Danyelle whispers "It's best you don't know."

A voice spoke "SUNDENNA!"

A giant monstrous horse demon suddenly showed up with a female bat Mobian riding it as the demon slashed a group of Exorcists with the horn-like sword on its head.

After pulling a sword out from her hammerspace, Danyelle yowls as she flew into battle.


Ten of the Exorcists got shredded.

The bat Mobian fired at Exorcists with blue guns in her hands and at the back of her feet.

Danyelle spoke "Since these robo-bastards are holy aligned, let's give 'em some Chaos!"

Danyelle launches a Chaos Scar at the exorcists, shredding dozens of them!

Danyelle spoke "*Smile* Alright!"

Danyelle whips up a hella nasty tornado, blowing away all of the exorcists.

Danyelle laughs "And boom! Outta here!"

Danyelle's left ear twitches before shooting down a stray exorcist that was chasing a pair of demons.

Danyelle asks "You two okay?"

The female demon spoke "Yes, thank you. Hmm? You somehow feel familiar."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right... I'm in Mew form right now hence why I don't look familiar."

A swirl of fire later and Danyelle was back in her nekomata-gryphon form.

The pair of demons gasped in shock.

Danyelle asks "What?"

The female demon asks "Danyelle...? Is that... truly you?"

With tears welling up in her eyes, Danyelle spoke "Mom.... Dad...."

And thus, the wall that Danyelle had built up over the past 30 years had crumbled to dust as she cried her heart out while hugging her biological parents.

I decided not to butt into this one, it would ruin the fuckin' moment.

A brown colored Mew was on Cereza's head.

Cereza spoke "Pardon my interruption, Danyelle, but one of your little ones is here."

Danyelle asks "Which one?"

Rani spoke "Mama!"

Danyelle gasps "Rani?"

The brown furred Mew was now on her mother's head.

Then fireworks went off, which means that Princess Charlie's signaling the Pride Ring that the Extermination's over as the clock tower counter reset to 365 days until it happens again.

Danyelle spoke "Thank stars that's over. It would have been worse if I hadn't come to help."

The female demon asks "Danyelle, who's that on your head?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, that's one of my daughters. Her name is Rani."

The demon couple gasp "Daughter?!"

Danyelle spoke "Not counting the ones I adopted, I have six children. Five girls and one boy."

The female demon spoke "I want to meet your whole family!"

Danyelle spoke "Including adopted children, I have 14 in total. Eldest to youngest are Bluestar, Gallus, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur, Irene, Dart, Pouncer, Ruffrunner, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien. I took Gallus in since he was an orphan. But that's just my family alone. Sonic's got nine wives."

The male demon spoke "That’s a lot."

Danyelle spoke "Irene, Rani, Akoya, Daria and Damien are blood related but Tikal isn't since she's more or less of a reincarnation of another from 4000 years ago."

The female demon asks "Do you think you can help take us back to the surface?"

Danyelle spoke "That choice would have to fall to the ruler since I'm not royalty."

Of fucking course, Lucifer gets to decide that.

Rani glares at me.

“What’s with her?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "She's too young to understand swear words."

“Not like she’ll remember.” I scoffed.

Danyelle spoke "If she does, I'll be there to remind her what's right and what's wrong."

The female demon spoke "*Smile* That’s my girl."

Danyelle's left tail swishes, causing a rubber duck to fall out since it was Rani's favorite toy.

Rani instantly leapt at the rubber duck, playing with it.

It was obvious that the toy had bite marks on it since Rani's teeth were starting to appear.

Danyelle giggles "Wow, my little lioness is growing already."

Rani mewls happily.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm… Still, I should go talk to Lucifer about it."

Picking Rani and the half chewed toy up, Danyelle took flight while dragging me along with magic.

“Hey hey hey! What’re doin’?!” I asked, not liking where this was going.

Danyelle spoke "Go cough up a hairball will you? I don't know where the dude's place is!"

“Oh.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "You know the area better than I do."

Soon, we got to Lucifer’s castle.

Rani asks "Mama?"

Danyelle spoke "It’s gonna be okay, Rani."

The squeaking of Rani's toy soon reaches Lucifer's ears.

Lucifer asks "Who are you? And what brings you here to my humble abode?"

Danyelle spoke "My name is Danyelle Hikari, the little one on my head is one of my daughters. Her name is Rani."

Lucifer spoke "Hmm… I’ve heard of the name Danyelle before."

Danyelle spoke "You probably heard it as Danyelle Doucet though but my last name is Hikari now."

Lucifer asks "Oh? You know Tina and Ken Doucet?"

Danyelle spoke "Faintly but yes."

Lucifer asks "Still, why are you here?"

Danyelle spoke "I saw the clock in my Dimensional Scream so I came to warn Blitz about the cleansing."

Lucifer spoke "Ah, guess some of the demons didn’t notice the counter on the Clock Tower being at zero."

Danyelle spoke "My quick thinking saved them."

Lucifer spoke "And I see you had help from an Umbra Witch."

Danyelle asks "You heard of them?"

A male spoke "I told him about ‘em. Seemed fair since we’re both fallen angels."

We turned around, seeing a bald male bull Mobian with sunglasses.

Danyelle was snickering since she had come up with an idea before opening a warp ring as a purple furred Mobian whippet bitch with bat wings fell out of it, landing on top of me.

Belladonna groans "Ugh… What did ya do that for?"

Danyelle was floating in the air while giggling.

Danyelle giggles "Look who you pinned down."

Belladonna asks "Huh?"

Danyelle giggles "I don't care if Cadence yells at me for this later but I just couldn't stand by and let a lonely demoness keep being lonely, now could I?"

Belladonna asks "What’re you talking about?"

Danyelle giggles "You were looking for love right? Well, there is a demon under you who is single."

Belladonna growls "*Angered blush* Is that supposed to be a joke?!"

Well, did not see this happening.

Danyelle growls "Don't make me call Annabelle down here."

*Meanwhile in Heaven*

Annabelle had flown into a fit of rage after hearing what the exorcists had tried to do.


Nothing happened before she heard something.

A voice spoke "What do you mean mortals from the living realm drove you off?! That’s impossible!"

Annabelle flew over to where she heard the conversation.

Annabelle was furious at the male.


Adam spoke "They’re in Hell, why should I care? I’m doing this to protect Heaven from Lucifer and to keep Hell’s population under control."

Annabelle snaps "For heaven's sake Adam! Overpopulation or not, it DOESN'T give you an excuse to kill them! And since Danyelle's one of nine known Avatars, she'd SHRED you to pieces if you attacked her kids! It's bad enough that the alicorn known as Twilight Sparkle had to make two kills on her own!"

Adam scoffs "Tch, you don’t realize we’ve been doing this at the end of every year."

Annabelle groans "Next thing you'll try is going after the demons that live on the surface! Especially the ones in Princess Celestia's family!"

Annabelle gasped and covered her mouth after saying that.

A voice spoke "That’s enough, you two."

Annabelle immediately knelt down.

Annabelle spoke "High Goddess Faust, this imbecile tried to kill off the demons down in Tartarus again. Among the demons were a pair of nekomatas, a male and a female."

High Goddess Faust sighs "I understand that Adam cares for Heaven, but he’s been in this for a bit too long. I think he needs a break for the year."

Annabelle spoke "High Goddess, one of the demons is a cousin of mine and if she got killed..."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Annabelle, please calm yourself. And you forget that Adam going to kill lives that are living in the middle realm is kind of illegal. I don’t want another mess like Lyle Lipton, even though it was accidental."

Annabelle spoke "Yes High Goddess, and I forgot to mention that the blue aqua is also illegal for the mortals to use."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Not much we can do about that though if they do get used."

Annabelle spoke "But the one known as Iris Cromwell should have ascended to heaven by now."

High Goddess Faust spoke "You forget about the Dragon Balls, especially the Namekian Dragon Balls."

Annabelle spoke "But High Goddess, have you forgotten that elderly vixen? She had severe internal bleeding and it couldn't be fixed."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Old age is a natural cause, but internal bleeding isn’t."

Annabelle spoke "That aside, we should keep Adam on a tighter leash next year."

High Goddess Faust spoke "That’s what I meant by a break this year."

Annabelle spoke "Perhaps I should handle the next cleansing."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Are you sure you know what you’re saying? That job is FAR from clean."

Annabelle spoke "On second thought, maybe we should leave it to the Nekomata of Redemption. She's not as cold-hearted as the racist jerk is unless her kids are threatened."

*Back in Tartarus*

Danyelle asks "So Belladonna, what will you do?"

Belladonna retorts "*Embarrassed blush* Will you please just quit it already?!"

Welp, this is getting dragged out.

Rani giggles "Maybe he dwives you batty?"

Danyelle snickers "Good one Rani."

Belladonna spoke "That’s it, Danyelle!"

Belladonna started chasing Danyelle, who flew off.

Lucifer spoke "Hmm… I thought Danyelle wanted to see me about her parents."

Rani spoke "I no think gwanpa and gwanma can live on suwface, they no have physical bodies." was heard as Danyelle flew about, dodging Belladonna's fireballs as she taunted the whippet.

Lucifer spoke "You forget that they became Sinner Demons. And since I’ve got a family myself, I’ll let them go."

Rani spoke "Mama told me that gwanpa gave his life to save hers when she was vewy little."

Lucifer spoke "And I admit, that truly touched me."

After dropkicking Belladonna at me, Danyelle spoke "I don't think the dragon balls can undo 30 years of being here to my real parents. But maybe... There is another way!"

Lucifer asks "Oh? And what’s that?"

Danyelle spoke "Back when Scootaloo's parents and aunts had Oripathy... Sonic, Newlestia, Celestia and I had used Soul Transfer to turn the four infected ponies into something else. Snap's an echidna, Mane's a hippogriff, Loftwing's a chakat and Holiday's also an echidna."

Lucifer spoke "Hmm… Interesting."

Danyelle spoke "Since my real mom is half gryphon like I am, there is a chance that she might be reborn as a Grecian sphinx since Egyptian sphinxes don't have wings."

Lucifer spoke "Now that would be quite interesting to witness."

Danyelle spoke "Only problem is, I know a Mewtwo that's terrified of ghosts."


Visiting Blobtopia Part 1

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*Danyelle's POV*

Alright, I'm working on pulling off the Soul Rebirth on my parents.

Rani asks "You sure this good idea mama?"

“Of course, Rani. I’ve done this before.” I assured my daughter.

A loud bang was heard since Ein had pranked Sardon.

Kagome spoke "I swear, that dragon is more stupid than Inuyasha."

"You think?" I deadpanned.

Kagome spoke "Stupid is as stupid does. Oh hey Koga."

Koga asks "'Sup. What's going on here?"

Kagome spoke "Not much."

Rani spoke "Except mama twying to use Soul Rebiwth."

Kagome's face paled a bit.

Kagome spoke "I don't think that's a good idea Danyelle."

“Whaddya mean? I’m trying to help my parents.” I responded.

Kagome's ears flatten.

Kagome spoke "There might a chance Naraku could cut in line."

Rei spoke "Although, he could be tied up by blessed rope, which will prevent him from using his powers to escape."

Kagome spoke "Then there's Kagura... She may have been created by Naraku but she isn't all that bad."

Rei asks "How come?"

Kagome spoke "It's a long story."

An all white Mobian female hamster with blue eyes, blue dress, a blue ribbon and a French accent was chasing after an orange and while Mobian male hamster with brown eyes since he had taken the other ribbon as a joke.

I spoke "*sweatdrop* Someone should tell Rarity to keep Opal away from the hamster Mobians..."

Rei asks "So is Opalescence a cat or a Mewtwo?"

We suddenly heard a rimshot as we saw Pinkie with a drumset.

Pinkie spoke "What? Somebody had to do it."

I spoke "Pinkie Pie, you are so random!"

Pinkie giggles "Heehee! I know."

I spoke "Regardless, we don't need a babytwo chasing after a pair of hamster Mobians."

Irene teleports suddenly before reappearing with an earth pony stallion, causing Pinkie to faint with a huge blush on her face.

Rei chuckles "Guess that surprised Pinkie a bit too much. Huh, never thought I'd say that."

I giggle "Irene, you sneaky kitten! Come here you little prankster!"

I soon had Irene in a soft headlock while giving her a noogie.

Irene giggles "Mama!"

I lick Irene's forehead.

Rei asks "Giving Irene a bath?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Cats show affection by grooming each other."

Rei spoke "Yeah."

“I’m ready to commence the Soul Rebirth.” I said.

A loud crash followed by Orion yelling was heard as a Mewtwo ran away scared.

The now scared Mewtwo was hiding behind me.

The brown colored Mewtwo spoke "He's gonna kill me!"

“What is going on?” I asked.

The brown colored Mewtwo spoke "I p-pulled a prank on that c-cerulean Mewtwo...."

“Was that the smartest idea?” I asked in concern.

The brown colored Mewtwo spoke "N-no..."

“Rainbowtwo?” I called out.

But the Pegasus-Mewtwo hybrid didn't appear.

Pixie spoke "No offense to Fluttershy but if her brother comes near me, I'll roast his sorry hindquarters to the point he won't be able to sit for a week!"

“Anyway, Mom, Dad, ready for your new bodies?” I asked.

Pixie spoke "Someone better warn Sakura..."

Sonic dashed by. “On it!”

I spoke "Thanks Sonic!"

Belladonna showed up. “Good news! Lucifer found Naraku and tied him up in blessed rope, disabling his powers, so you’re A-Okay good to go!”

Kagome spoke "That should stop that jerk."

My nose twitches.

I giggle "Something tells me you've got pups on the way Belladonna."

Belladonna giggles "Heehee, also… I’m sharing Blitzy with a Chinese Nine-Tailed Fox demoness."

Kagome spoke "Hold it! Demons only have one mate!"

Belladonna spoke "Not ALL demons are like that, Kagome."

I glare hard at Belladonna, making her cower.

I ask "You do realize that you're not an Equian, right?"

Belladonna spoke "B-But I’m telling the truth here! Look!"

Belladonna brought out a photo and showed it to me.

Belladonna spoke "Weird sight, I know."

I spoke "But you forget that Mobian laws dictate that a man is only to have one spouse."

Belladonna spoke “You do know that I’m not exactly from Mobius, right? I’m from Tartarus.”

I counter "That may be so but you're still a Mobian."

Belladonna counters “But do you have any idea how crazy it can be in the Lust Ring?”

Ooookay. Point made.

Inuyasha spoke "Don't make me cut your wings off."

“How about we just drop it and move on with the Soul Rebirth?” I said, deciding to stop the argument.

Kagome spoke "Inuyasha, sit boy!"

Inuyasha was soon face down on the ground, causing Belladonna to flinch.

“Mom, dad, you both ready?” I asked.

Both nekomatas nod.

“Alright then, let’s commence the Soul Rebirth.” I declared as I started using the spell on my parents.

Pixie spoke “This might end badly...”

I spoke “Don’t be such a downer Pixie.”

Pixie spoke “But it could backfire though...”

What Pixie had said caught me off guard.

I spoke “I hadn’t realized that.”

Pixie spoke “Exactly.”

An alicorn asks "Need help?"

Luna suddenly showed up.

Pixie spoke "But it's impossible to reincarnate someone that's been dead for 30 years."

Luna spoke "Stop being pessimistic, Pixie."

Tails spoke "But she's right Luna."

That somehow angered me. "I'm still going to try! So any alicorn either help me or get outta the way!"

Rani bonks me on the head, calming me down.

Rani spoke "Mama no be scawy!"

That calmed me down. "Sorry, Rani. I just... miss my parents too much to not attempt this."

Tails spoke "But Danyelle, you grew up an Ogami... Remember? You don't have many memories of being a Doucet."

"But I want to make new memories, with ALL my family. And that includes my parents." I pointed out.

Aphmau had thrown Ein through a warp ring to the End Dimension to get him out of my way.

Aphmau spoke "One annoying dragon out of your way Danyelle!"

A loud bang was heard at Zane's place.

I ask "Oi Zane! What in tarnation was that just now?!?"

I brought out a Warp Ring as we arrived at Zane's house, as the black cat comically coughed out smoke, despite his mouth already being covered.

I spoke "Don't tell me... You created two more Mewtwo but they're both soulless right now."

Zane spoke "Yeah, I actually blew it this time."

But then an idea popped in my head, making me smile.

Moeka asks "Soul merge?"

“This is perfect!” I cheered as I went to the two Mewtwos and saw them being the Mewtwo versions of my parents.

Moeka spoke "Something tells me that Sonic's dad is gonna freak out..."

"Time to get to work!" I said as I started working on a different spell.

Rani's tail glows bright as she used the spell as well.

The two soulless Mewtwo bodies started glowing, telling us the spell was working.

I spoke "This has to work..."

A minute later, the two Mewtwo bodies stood still, making me nervous before I saw a finger each of the two twitch.

The other adult Mewtwos had gathered around Zane's lab, curious as to what was going on.

The two Mewtwo were then suddenly engulfed in flames as they started to transform.

Purity had to be held back by two Ender Mewtwo since the water-psychic type hybrid was about to use Bubble Beam on the fire.

The fires soon burned out, revealing the two Mewtwos as they were now demonic Mewtwos.

I had automatically gone into Mew form, which had surprised all of the Mewtwos.

Then I heard the two demonic Mewtwos groan, as I knew they were coming to.

I spoke "Don't even think about it Purity, fire is weak to water."

Purity spoke "Fine."

"Mom, Dad? You two in there?" I asked as the two demonic Mewtwos opened their eyes.

The female asks "Danyelle?"

The male asks "Did you pull it off?"

I spoke "With Rani's help, I did."

Next thing I knew, the two Mewtwo hugged me, helping me know that it was actually Ken and Tina Doucet in them as I hugged them back.

I cried as I hugged the two back.

“I’m so glad you two are back.” I whimpered.

Tina asks "Us too, Dany. Now then, *Smile* care to introduce us to the rest of your family?"

That helped me smile back.

I whistle loud before the rest of my kids and my adopted family show up.

I spoke "Since you already know the names of my kids, it's time I introduced you to my adopted family. The wolfish alicorn is King Lightning Flash Ogami, he's Shirou and Luna's son. The trio of hedgewolf-alicorn hybrids are Sonic, Manic and Sonia Ogami. Then there's all of Sonic's kids. There's Lance, Volt, Jazz, Percival, Flare Blitz, a Vulpix-alicorn hybrid girl, a Pidgey-Mewtwo hybrid boy and a Moltres boy. Rekka and Bolo are Sonic's step-children since they had been from Michelle's previous marriage. Aria and Sally have yet to have kids. There's also Queen Aleena. If it wasn't for Lightning and Aleena, I wouldn't be here today."

Ken spoke "Whoa."

Tina spoke "Wow, thank you so much, Aleena."

I spoke "I was only two weeks old when they took me in."

Michelle spoke "Yep. And wait until you meet the family that took me in."

I giggle "They can be rather chaotic at times but they mean well."

Manic asks "Forgetting something Danyelle?"

I spoke "Oh right! The pale blue hedgehog is Sonata Dusk and the yellow hedgehog is Adagio Dazzle, the two of them along with Aria are sirens."

Ken asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah."

Then the Mane 6 showed up.

I spoke "Oh hey Sparklebutt."

Twilight spoke "Hey Felineflank."

I use my magic to fling Twilight at Flash.

Flash fortunately caught Twilight before the mare flung me at Ben, who caught me.

I growl "Oh you are SO asking to have a quesadilla stuffed down your throat Sparkle Butt!"

Tina spoke "Danyelle, calm down."

I spoke "But mom, she started it."

Tina spoke "But you’re friends. And it seems like they want to come along too."

Despite being in a wheelchair since he was still recovering, Finn spoke "Might as well count me in as well."

“You sure, Finn?” I asked.

Finn spoke "Despite the nasty look I'm getting from the black hedgehog, I'm in no state to even fight back."

Maria slaps Shadow on the back of the head.

"Nice one, Maria!" I giggled.

Shadow asks "What was THAT for?"

Maria spoke "Glaring at Finn."

Shadow scoffs.

Kagome spoke "Wow, he's a bigger idiot than Inuyasha."

Michelle asks "Well, everyone ready to head to where the Chuddle Hotel calls home?"

I spoke "Yeah!"

Indigo and a few other Mewtwos cheer.

Michelle spoke "Alrighty then!"

Michelle brought out a Warp Ring as we went through it, finding ourselves in a HUGE city as the ponies and Dazzlings found themselves in clothed anthro forms.

Michelle spoke "Friends and family, welcome to Blobtopia!"

The Dazzlings were in siren forms for some weird reason.

Michelle spoke "Yeah, true species forms kinda show here."

Sonic spoke "Guess that includes Beastmen too."

Lightning was in a wolf beastman form yet his wings remained.

I ask "What about hybrids like Lightning Flash for example?"

Michelle spoke "Eh, if his real form includes wings, then that’s the true form."

Lightning spoke "I take after my dad for species though."

Both Nazuna and Michiru were back in Beastman forms yet Alto remained a Mobian tanuki.

I spoke "Then there's Alto... He was born a Mobian though."

Zoey was in Mobini form yet Dren was back in Cyniclon form.

Michelle spoke "Yeah, let’s not think too much about it."

Zoey spoke "Guess natural born Mobians lack a mid form."

Michelle spoke "It’s ’cause they already have at least two arms and at least two legs."

Zoey spoke "But I'm a Mobini though, probably the only one."

Michelle asks "Hey, no need to look down. Want a tour?"

Blazedramon had an eight year old half human half Cyniclon male with brown eyes and brown hair by the legs.

Blazedramon spoke "Hey Mich, we got a runaway hybrid here."

Michelle asks "Huh? How’d this little guy get here?"

Blazedramon spoke "I think he might be an orphan."

Anzu was hiding behind her mother.

Michelle spoke "Dang…"

Zoey giggles "And it seems my eldest daughter is flustered!"

Anzu whines "*Embarrassed blush* MOM!"

Zoey giggles "It's my job to embarrass you Anzu."

Michelle asks "Anywho, ready for the tour?"

Pigment spoke "Wadala!"

Michelle giggles "Shall I take that as a yes?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah."

Michelle asks "Good, everyone else ready?"

Ash and the others spoke "Yeah!"

Michelle spoke "Then let the tour of Blobtopia… BEGIN!!!"

The others and I cheer.

Michelle spoke "Alrighty then! Up first is… the Fashion Restaurant!"

The fashion part really got Rarity’s attention.

Blizzardstar chuckles "Rarity..."

Michelle asks "Besides, what time is it right now?"

I spoke "I'm so hungry!"

Michelle asks "Hmm… Must be lunchtime. Well, can’t officially start the tour on an empty stomach, can we?"

Ravenpaw spoke "Nope!"

Michelle spoke "And a quick heads up, the building, parks and beaches are a whole bigger when you’re inside them."

Midnight chuckles "Guess they had been built with large folks in mind."

Michelle spoke "Yeah, and citizens here are kinda in their restrained forms while outside of buildings, parks and beaches. You wouldn't believe the average amount of weight for adults."

Midnight spoke "At my full size, I'm about 4000 pounds."

Michelle spoke "Well, the small mode Unbound form average for adults is 1,000 pounds."

We then noticed Michelle in her Unbound Form, Small Mode, being 1,000 pounds obese, while Rekka and Bolo were in those forms as well, being 200 pounds obese.

Midnight spoke "And I suppose large mode is 3000 pounds."

Michelle giggles "Well, the normal maximum for adults right now is 3 trillion pounds."

That caused most of us new visitors' jaws to drop.

Midnight spoke "Holy cuss..."

Michelle asks "Then again, they can always get bigger while still looking like 3 trillion pounds. Anyway, shall we grab some grub at the Fashion Restaurant?"

Midnight laughs "Last one there's a rotten egg!"

Michelle giggles "Be glad there aren’t any rotten eggs on the menu."

I spoke "He was being sarcastic."

Michelle spoke "I know, and I was adding a joke."

What appeared to be an ice-type Mewtwo was wandering around.

“Huh? Who’s that?” I noticed.

Danytwo spoke "No idea but I do believe that's an ice-type Mewtwo."

Michelle spoke "Yeah, he's been around for quite some time."

Meau spoke "He's an Ancient Mewtwo."

"Huh?" I asked.

Meau spoke "Long story short, Ancient Mew such as myself have been around for a really long time. You could say that I'm the ancestor of all Mew. I was the one who created the first generation of Poké-Mobians."

"Whoa..." I awed before my stomach growled.

Rani asks "Momma?"

"Right. Let's get some food." I said as all of us followed Michelle to the Fashion Restaurant.

Rani asks "Momma! Why do I have brown fur but Akoya and Daria have blue fur?"

"No idea." I admitted as we entered the Fashion Restaurant, before we became shocked at the MASSIVE size of the place!

Meau was flabbergasted.

To be Continued

Visiting Blobtopia Part 2

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*Sonic's POV*

Wowza! The building looks as big as a country on the inside!

Danyelle had kept her children close.

Michelle spoke "Don't worry, the place has a lot of advanced stuff, so once a table's available, we'll be there in no time flat."

Tails spoke "This place is HUGE!!!!"

Wait, now that I look again, the place is as big as the Pacific Ocean!

Michelle spoke "The buildings aren’t the only things that are big, this menu here has a TON of options."

Danyelle asks "Even pizza?"

That got the attention of the four Turtles.

Michelle spoke "All kinds and many many MANY more."

Danyelle giggles "I bet there's nachos and tacos too!"

That alone got the attentions of Aria, Sonata and Manic.

Michelle giggles "Chili dogs, ramen and cake as well."

I gasp "CHILI DOGS?!?!?!?"

Danyelle asks "Ramen?!?"

Clarity pops up suddenly with her parents, uncle and cousins.

Celestia asks "Cake?"

Michelle giggles "Of all kinds. Oh! Looks like we have a table, the biggest one yet. Everyone come this way."

We followed Michelle into some kinds of large circle on the floor that all of us fit in before we suddenly found a LONG table in front of us.

A purple dragoness with brown eyes about the same age as Splinter was sitting by herself.

Danyelle noticed the way that the dragoness was sitting so she pointed it out to Splinter.

Jasmine spoke "*Appearing* Hmm? Ah, she arrived only a few days ago, and we made sure to take good care for her since she…"

Danyelle asks "Reincarnated?"

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, along with another female dragon. Lilac scales, blue eyes and white spines."

Danyelle had gone quiet since she had seen something terrible in her vision.

Future Danyelle bristles up before flying into a Spindash, tearing the head of a human male clean off since the person was about to kill Splinter.

Future Danyelle spoke "That was close!"

But then the person simply vanished, revealed to be an illusion.

Jasmine asks "Dany, there’s no bad guys here. You sure your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you?"

Snapping back to her senses, Danyelle spoke "Regardless, that Shredder guy is dangerous.... If he gets out of the hospital, he'll murder Splinter... I saw it all in my Dimensional Scream."

“Hey, calm down, Danyelle. We’re on a tour, it’s supposed to be relaxing.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "It was just a vision of what is yet to come."

Michelle asks "Anyway, shall we sit at our table?"

Danyelle switched back to nekomata form.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah!"

All of us took our seat as we saw a HUGE menu!

Midnight spoke "I'm SO HUNGRY!!!"

Michelle spoke "Don't worry, the restaurant serves pets too, so if Kindle was here and hungry, that's okay."

Zephyr asks "*dreamily* Bird seed?"

Kindle and Philomena were on Danyelle's shoulders as six baby phoenixes were perched on the nekomata's wings.

Michelle asks "Ah, are the phoenixes hungry as well, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "All eight of them are."

Soon, a GINORMOUS waitress, being 5 quintillion pounds, showed up. "Can I have your orders?"

Danyelle spoke "I'll have a jumbo pizza and could I get some bird seed for the phoenixes? Thanks."

The rest of us placed our orders as the waitress went off.

Rarity asks "My goodness, how does one make clothing that size and so flexible?"

Michelle giggles "We'll head to the Fashion half after eating in the Restaurant half."

Glasses of water then appeared for all of us.

Danyelle sniffs her glass of water.

Danyelle spoke "Mine smells like strawberries!"

“Mine smells like chili dogs.” I noticed.

Michelle giggles "The smell and taste of the water depends on the customer."

Ben spoke "Mine smells like curry."

We drank our water, and it was delicious for all of us.

Applejack spoke "Mine tasted like apples!"

Michelle spoke "Yep. And the food should be here soon."

And by stars, there was a LOT!

It was practically a room-long smorgasbord!

Midnight snatches a chili dog off my plate before eating it.

"Hey! that was mine!" I pointed out before a plate with a pile of food on it appeared in front of Midnight.

Midnight stuck his tongue out at me.

Tails was holding the Pokédex as he scanned Rekka.

The machine spoke "Possibility of carrying DNA of a Ho-oh Poké-Mobian is 40%."

Tails then scans Bolo.

The machine spoke "Possibility of carrying DNA of a Ho-oh Poké-Mobian is 80%."

Tails asks "Michelle, was your husband a Ho-oh Poké-Mobian?"

That confused Michelle greatly. "Okay, that pokedex has gotta be on the fritz."

Tails spoke "No it's not!"

Michelle spoke "There's gotta be some bugs in it because I clearly remember my own husband!"

I spoke "Cool it Michelle, you shouldn't fight with an electric type or you'll get zapped."

Danyelle asks "Hmm... Is this a prototype?"

Tails spoke "Yeah.

Danyelle spoke "Prototypes are prone to have bugs."

Tails gasps "Huh?!

Danyelle spoke "It's true."

Tails spoke "Guess I gotta search through this pokedex I made."

Danyelle suddenly had a vision of a year ago, back before Rekka and Bolo were born.

*Danyelle's POV*

I was floating in my Mew form as I saw my nekomata self talking to a Mobian Pegasus stallion.

“I gotta get closer so I can hear what they’re talking about.” I noted as I floated closer with me being invisible and intangible.

Masking my scent as well, I listen to the conversation.

My past self asks "Parker, you wanted to talk to me about something?"

A severely wounded Parker coughs "I won't last long so I'm leaving Michelle in your care..."

My past self asks "*Turns around to see Parker’s condition* PARKER?! What happened?"

Parker spoke "I *Cough* wasn’t sure myself, but dang… *Cough* I’m surprised it managed to get through my defenses."

Knowing that I couldn't interfere, I kept watching.

Parker spoke "And tell Michelle that I’m sorry that I couldn’t live long enough to see the home she was adopted into."

My past self spoke "Giovanni will pay for his crimes, whether it be by my claws or something else. And knowing my adopted brother, he'd be willing to help look after Michelle."

Parker spoke "Well... *Smile* I just know that she'll find you."

*End flashback*

I soon snap back to my senses.

I spoke "I'm sorry Michelle, I couldn't save Parker back then. But I do know that his death was avenged."

Michelle hugged me with a gentle smile. "Thank you, Dany."

I pulled out Parker's feather that I held onto for a while.

After plucking a feather from Sonic's wing as well as one from Rekka and one from Bolo, I spoke "I'm gonna send these to Redheart so she can run a DNA test."

Michelle asks "Need a teleporter?"

I spoke "No need, I've been exposed to magic since I could crawl."

I use my magic to teleport the four feathers to Redheart.

*Back in Ponyville,*

*At the hospital*

Gingerheart spoke "Hey Red, we've got four feathers here for a DNA test. One is from Prince Sonic, one's from a Pegasus that died a year ago and two from a pair of Pegasus twins."

Redheart asks "Really?"

Gingerheart spoke "It was requested by Danyelle Hikari."

Redheart spoke "Oh."

Gingerheart spoke "Yeah."

*After the DNA test*

Gingerheart gasps "This is impossible! We have to go straight to Danyelle immediately!"

Redheart asks "How?"

Gingerheart held up a warp ring.

Gingerheart and Redheart went to our location through the Warp Ring before noticing us after we had our rather ginormous meal. Myself and all of those were as big as mountains, each of us adults, Kindle and Philomena weighed a good million pounds and the babies and six phoenix chicks weighed a good 200,000 pounds, and fortunately, Midnight was as big as us adults before we all simultaneously gave a loud building-rumbling belch, leaving Gingerheart's fur and Redheart's hair, mane and tails frazzled while all of us were full and didn't mind our situation one bit.

Gingerheart shook hir fur back into place.

Gingerheart spoke "Red and I have news about the DNA test."

"What is it *burp!* about?" I asked as all of us that finished our meals had all of our bellies completely bare.

Redheart asks "Maybe I can tell them, Gingerheart?"

Gingerheart spoke "Sure thing Red."

Redheart spoke "Well, Danyelle, what we found out was so rare, it was considered impossible."

I ask "That *burp* being?"

Redheart spoke "Somehow, we found DNA in Rekka and Bolo from Michelle, Parker and Prince Sonic, and both of them."

I spoke "But Rekka looks a bit wolfish yet Bolo doesn't."

Then I noticed Bolo having some spikes on his back and the back of his head.

Redheart spoke "Somehow while *Ahem!* Prince Sonic was having some fun with Michelle while she was still pregnant with the twins, he somehow added some of his DNA to the already two developing foals."

Gingerheart spoke "Which had also overwritten the DNA that was from Michelle's previous husband."

Redheart spoke 'Not exactly if they started out as pure Pegasi."

That’s right! They were pure Pegasus Mobians on the day they were born.

Sonic spoke "But my alicorn gene had overwritten the Pegasus gene!"

Michelle spoke "Everyone calm down. What or how happened doesn’t matter. Besides, *Gentle smile* I already feel like Parker’s still with me in my little wrecking balls."

Ash spoke "Stupid hedgehog..."

Sonic spoke "WHY YOU LITTLE...!"

Ash and Sonic were soon in a fight cloud.

Michelle asks "They don’t realize that in their current state, the place could shake a bit, right?"

Serena giggles "My mate is stupid but I wouldn't want him any other way."

Roll spoke "I could say the same about Sonic."

The rest of Sonic’s wives nodded in total agreement.

Michelle spoke "Once those two calm down, we’ll pay the bill and head to the Fashion half of the Fashion Restaurant."

I was growling since I had picked up the scent of perfume but it wasn't from Rarity.

James was cowering behind Twilight.

I growl "You better show yourself right now Jessebelle!"

But then we heard muffled yelling.

Deep Lilac was growling since she knew that if she left James alone, he'd be forced into a marriage he didn't want.

Jessie asks "Hmm?"

Jessie reached behind her before grabbing something, revealing to be an angry Jessebelle while in her normal size on Mobius since she hadn’t eaten any of the food here.

Deep Lilac growls "What should we do with this brat?"

Michelle spoke "Well, since we’re in Blobtopia, I suppose we could drop her off at a certain destination that’s on our course. In the meantime, she’ll have to get comfy."

Jessie spoke "Oho! I can take care of that."

Jessie suddenly stuffed Jessebelle into her chest until only her head was out while the rest of her body was buried and constrained by soft doughy fat.

Tama was laughing.

Celestia giggles "She had that one coming."

Deep Lilac spoke "You might want to watch out for Bite though Jessie..."

Michelle spoke "With how Jessie is right now? She won’t feel that, as it’ll be only a ripple in the water for her."

James spoke "You shouldn't underestimate Jessebelle, she won't give up until she has what she wants..."

Jessie asks "Hmm? Was that a breeze just now?"

James spoke "Jessie, there's something I want to ask you."

Jessie asks "Oh? What is it?"

Despite the flab, James knelt down on his left knee before pulling out a scarlet red colored diamond ring.

James asks "Regardless of what Jessebelle would say... Jessie, will you marry me?"

Jessie asks "*Smile* To protect the world from devastation?"

James spoke "*Smile* To unite all people within our nation."

Jasmine showed up as she cast an elasticity spell before James put the ring on Jessie’s ring finger on her left hand, and it was a perfect fit thanks to the elasticity spell.

Deep Lilac spoke "Least this will get Jessebelle off James' tail."

Jessie giggles "Well, shall we continue the tour?"

Michelle spoke "Heehee! Yep."

Jasmine spoke "And don’t worry, thanks to that proposal, this meal’s on the house."

I spoke "There's just one problem though."

Deep Lilac spoke "Something tells me that James' parents are NOT gonna be happy about this..."

James spoke with a chuckle "We can worry about them for another time."

My eyes shimmer since I saw a pair of Mobian hedgehogs that were roundabout the same color as James approaching.

I spoke "Don't look now James but your parents are here..."

But as the pair approached, the fight cloud soon faded as Ash and Sonic fell onto their bellies in exhaustion, accidentally getting James’ parents stuck in their belly fat as their voices became muffled.

Indigo chuckles "Good timing bro."

Michelle asks "Might as well let them stay comfy in their jelly-bellies for a while. Who’s ready for the Fashion half of the Fashion Restaurant?"

Rarity spoke "I am!"

Blizzardstar chuckles "Rarity, you may be a fashion nut but you're my fashion nut."

The rest of us agreed as Rarity giggled.

Michelle spoke "Well then, let’s go!"

A voice that Jessie hadn't heard since she was a child had called out.

A reddish purple female Mobian hedgehog asks "Jessie? Is that you?"

Jessie gasped as she looked down.

I snap my fingers thus transferring the weight off Jessie and onto Jasmine while trapping Jessebelle with Chaos Barrier.

The Mobian hedgehog spoke "*tears in eyes* Arceus above... It is you..."

Jessie gasps "Mom? Is that really…?"

The Mobian hedgehog spoke "*tears in eyes* Yeah, it's me..."

Jessie started crying freely as she and her mother hugged each other.

I was also crying tears of joy, knowing that Jessie found her long lost mother.

Soon, Jessie and her mother were riding on James’ right shoulder as Michelle led us to the Fashion half of the Fashion Restaurant.

I put a silencing spell on the Chaos Barrier so the others and I didn't have to deal with Jessebelle's screams.

Michelle spoke "In the fashion half, the clothes made there are not only made with cloth, but also durable and flexible minerals."

That made Rarity’s eyes sparkle.

Midnight spoke "You are NOT putting a dress on me!"

Opaline asks "*Making cute puppy eyes at Midnight* Not even for me?"

Ash and the other guys suddenly got nervous.

Li spoke "Oh cuss no... ANYTHING BUT SHOPPING!!"

The guys all hightail it.

Later, all of us girls got some good clothes as we exited the Fashion Restaurant before we suddenly got back to our normal weight as we noticed the guys back to normal too and that James’ parents were out cold before I put the two of them into another Chaos Barrier. Dang, I am getting better with Magic.

Michelle spoke "Well, our next stop is where we’ll drop off Jessebelle."

I ask "That place being?"

Michelle spoke "Follow me and you’ll find out."

We then followed Michelle to the entrance of what looked like a prison.

Michelle spoke "Even Blobtopia has criminals every now and then, but Jasmine always manage to bust ‘em and stuff ‘em into the Weight Prison."

I spoke "I see no chance of redemption for these three anyway."

Michelle spoke "Well, they’ll only get a month at the least."

I spoke "Not even a restraining order will keep Jessebelle away from James."

Deep Lilac spoke "But hey, at least this’ll teach ‘em a lesson."

A half human half phoenix Mobini male with spiky black hair and a blue lawyer's suit calls out "Hey Twilight!"

Deep Lilac asks "Phoenix?"

Phoenix chuckles "Wings and all!"

I sniff the air.

I ask "Okay, who used a fart bomb?"

Deep Lilac giggles "When something smells, it's usually the Butz. Right Phoenix?"

Phoenix chuckles "Yeah."

Michelle spoke "Anyway, let’s head inside and check Jessebelle and James’ parents in."

I spoke "Good thing we have a trustworthy lawyer on our side."

Michelle spoke "Yeah, but let’s start with Jessebelle first."

After stuffing Jessebelle into a jail cell, I growl "Okay missy, out with it! Why are you so intent on marrying James? And don't try to lie, I know a mare who can see through lies."

Jessebelle only scoffed and turned away as Jasmine showed up before all of us noticed the place being a WHOLE LOT bigger on the inside.

I growl "I said... OUT WITH IT JESSEBELLE!!!"

Even though that scared Jessebelle, she wouldn’t break.

Jasmine asks "Maybe I can help with that?"

I inflict Nightmare on Jessebelle, making her crack up in fear.

“Heh, let’s see if you can’t push Jessebelle over the edge.” I smirked at Jasmine, saying yes.

Jasmine spoke "Alright, but a heads-up, only female adults can look since I’m not sure what’ll happen."

Indigo spoke "The guys and I are gonna do some sparring."

Michelle spoke "Try sparring in the Round Wrestling Ring, it’s the giant coliseum, ya can’t miss it."

I then noticed the jail cell getting bigger as I could see where this was going.

“You’ll wanna stick around to see this, Jessie.” I snickered.

Midnight drags James off to the coliseum for a sparring match.

Tama and Toga follow their fellow demon.

Sonic went off with the kids.

Asuna went with Huey, Pigment and a currently nameless babytwo.

Tama chuckles "It's been too long since we last sparred eh brother?"

Toga spoke "I'm not gonna go easy on you bro!"

The two brothers started sparring immediately.

Meanwhile, with us women, Jasmine brought out a beverage can before approaching Jessebelle as she cracked open the can. “Ya know, no one had the nerve to come here on a vendetta on one of my visitors.”

Poison drips from my fangs as I growl.

I growl "Not to mention having the AUDACITY to force James into a wedding he didn't want!"

Jessebelle gasps "What’re you-"

Jasmine cut Jessebelle off as she made the female Delcatty chug down what was in that can as her belly and chest started bulging out before a big tear appeared, revealing a bit of her fattening belly with a tear above it, revealing a bit of her growing cleavage. The tears soon got bigger, revealing more of her belly and chest as her arms, legs, butt and head started getting fatter. She started giving out muffled moans before the upper front and both sleeves of her clothes were ripped to shreds, revealing all of her front and her arms with her wearing a magenta bra as with the can empty, Jasmine pulled it away from her as Jessebelle started panting, finding it hard to hold herself up, being at least 1,000 pounds.

I snap "SHUT IT BITCH!!"

But then we heard a stretching sound before I suddenly dodged a button that flew off Jessebelle due to the front of her pants unable to handle the stress as her pants and underwear were lowered a bit due to how big her fat butt was.

Jasmine asks "Guess you want two more?"

Jessebelle gasps "What…? No w-

Jasmine spoke "*Puts a funnel into Jessebelle’s mouth* Shh."

Jasmine brought out two more cans before cracking them open and pouring the contents into the funnel, making Jessebelle chug them down as she was still giving off muffled moans while she was getting bigger and fatter and her pants were shredded to pieces, revealing all of her underwear as she looked like 3,000 pounds, and it seemed like she wouldn’t be able to stand after one more pound as Jasmine took the funnel out of her with Jessebelle giving a gasp with a few pants, then she gave a loud burp, frazzling out our hair and fur a bit before she kept panting.

I laugh "That oughta teach the bitch not to mess with a draconequus!"

Jasmine spoke "Ya know, I think you really fit in with the inmates of the place, Jessebelle."

Jessebelle spoke "*Moans* I… I feel so full…"

Jasmine spoke "*Smirks while grabbing Jessebelle’s obese belly* Really? You don’t look full to me."

Jasmine brought out a giant beverage can before cracking it open and made Jessebelle chug down every last drop of it as she got EVEN MORE obese as her bra and panties started stretching thin and getting tighter while she fell onto her butt, becoming immobile with her high-heel shoes flying right off and socks before shredded apart. After reaching one million pounds, her bra and underwear couldn’t take anymore as they snapped and flew right off her. Later, after the giant can was empty, Jessebelle was as big and as fat as the moon, looking 5 quintillion pounds obese as she kept moaning with gurgles heard from her belly.

Jessebelle asks "Hello…? Am I as big as I feel…?"

Jessebelle was still moaning as all of us ladies, excluding Jasmine, who was proud of her handiwork, were laughing uncontrollably, especially Jessie, who was cackling like a wild hyena.

I was howling with laughter."

Jasmine asks "So, finally ready to talk?"

Jessebelle spoke "*Moaning with belly gurgling* Okay… I’ll talk… No lying…"

Applejack spoke "*Calming down from the laughing fit* Hehe, well, she ain’t fibbin’ there."

I ask "Should I call James back?"

Jasmine spoke "Not yet."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as Jessebelle was suddenly wearing a pink thongkini with orange stripes

Jasmine spoke "Now you can. As for why she's wearing that, I know where to put her here."

I spoke "At least we got the message across to James' parents."

Jasmine spoke "Ah, yes. Almost forgot."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as James’ father was in a grey prison uniform with blue stripes, and James’ mother was in a grey prison uniform with pink stripes.

Rarity spoke "A bit on the tacky side but it is what it is."

Jasmine spoke "Tacky would be orange, white and orange, and black and white."

Rarity spoke "Touché."

I spoke "Jessebelle's also unfit to be a mother as well so if she did have children, they'd be taken from her and raised in a better environment. One where a child can grow up happy. Being a mother of 14, I've got experience with kids who have had traumas."

Jasmine spoke "Let’s not jump to conclusions here, Danyelle. *Whispers to me* You never know what could happen to Jessebelle if true love strikes her. Her frozen heart could thaw and she might change for the better."

I spoke "Seriously... I have the dimensional scream for StarClan's sake..."

Jasmine spoke "Listen, just expect the unexpected."

Sakura was shaking since she saw something bad about to happen.

“Well, Sakura… We’ll get ready after the tour’s over.” I assured as Jasmine fattened James’ parents before they were as big, fat and immobile as Jessebelle before Jasmine took the Delcatty to a wing, and the two hedgehogs to a different wing.

Michelle spoke "Next stop, Round Wrestling Ring."

I spoke "Good idea Michelle. We should warn the guys about what Sakura saw in her vision."

Michelle spoke "I try."

We then left the Weight Prison as we soon arrived at Round Wrestling Ring, with the logo being an “RWR” but the first R was reversed.

I pick up on the sound of clashing swords and figured that Toga and Tama were sparring.

Michelle spoke "Huh, guess none of the guys ate any food here."

Orion spoke "Ever since I heard the news from Purity, the guys have taken to sparring in case the remnants of Team Rocket attacked."

I spoke "I fear we might be dealing with more than just remnants of Team Rocket, I heard on the telepath line from Zelda that two more crime groups are on the move."

Sakura spoke "There’s also a Team RAINBOW Rocket."

Orion spoke "I know."

I spoke "I think it's time I call in someone who has dealt with Team Snagem before."

I spoke "Go cough up a hairball Orion, Wes is on our side."

Orion spoke "You better be right."

Michelle asks "Alright, now that we’re back together, saw the whole place and the buffet table, ready for our next stop?"

Before anyone could respond, Zelda's voice was heard clear on the telepath line.

Zelda spoke "Attention citizens and visitors of Blobtopia! This is NOT a drill! Repeat, this is NOT a drill! Teams Rainbow Rocket, Snagem and Cipher have taken full control of Canterlot City and have locked up anyone who have dared to resist!"

Michelle growls "*Annoyed groan* Always during tours."

Michelle did a backhanded uppercut, knocking a dummy’s head clean off and into the sky.

Sonic spoke "Miche, calm down."

Michelle spoke "Yeah. But those grunts aren’t gonna get off easy."

I spoke "We've got three sets of the Elements of Harmony, several adult Mewtwo, three adult sirens... cuss, we got the Pillars too! We got Dragon Lord Torch and the other nations too along with Bayonetta and the other Smashers!"

To be continued

Rainbows, Snags and Ciphers?! Oh my!

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*Kazuto's POV*

We’re back in Ponyville, since we had to pause the tour.

Myth was nowhere to be seen.

“Something’s not right here.” I noticed.

Rainbow scoffs "Ya think?!?"

Danyelle spoke "This isn’t good."

Danytwo spoke "Last thing any of us need is a repeat of Orion's tantrum.... Uh, no offense Orion."

Orion spoke "None taken."

A bush rustles near the group before Zelda pokes her head out.

Zelda spoke in a quiet voice "Down here."

The others and I enter into the tunnel, only to find a huge underground base that was dug out by Erza and a few other friendly Diamond Dogs.

Zelda spoke "It's as I had said on the telepath line... Teams Rainbow Rocket, Snagem and Cipher have taken full control of Canterlot City and I fear they plan to use any Mewtwo they find for sick experiments. I had to go to the Diamond Dog kingdom to get help in digging out a hidden bunker to evacuate the non fighters."

Danyelle spoke "Smart thinking."

Zelda spoke "It's bad enough that most of the Smashers got captured. The only ones left are Bowser, Luigi, Link, the other Zelda, Banjo, Kazooie, Bayonetta..."

Sonic spoke "And myself."

But then a portal made of fire appeared as Liu Kang and Geras came out of it.

Asuna asks "But what can eight Smashers, 50 adult Mewtwo, an Ancient Mew, an Ancient Mewtwo, a nekomata-gryphon hybrid with Mew blood, five demonic dogs, two alicorns, two earth ponies, a unicorn, two Pegasi, three chakats, a cat-alicorn hybrid, a bird, a dolphin, a monkey, three wolves, two tigers, a cat with Cyniclon powers, a monkey with Cyniclon powers, a fox with Cyniclon powers and a few dozen non-fighters do against Team Rainbow Rocket?"

Danyelle spoke "SNAP OUT OF IT, ASUNA! I know we may not be much, but I know we CAN beat them!"

Rainbow spoke "So says the cat that destroyed a stupid triangle! Which was awesome by the way!"

Danyelle and Rainbow Dash fist/hoofbumped.

Serena spoke "I helped out too though."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly!"

Celestia spoke "I'm worried about my sister and my parents."

Then Splinter and the four Turtles showed up.

Clarity pops up suddenly.

Clarity spoke "Mother!"

Celestia spoke "Clarity!"

The half demonic alicorn snuggled up against Celestia.

Clarity spoke "It's just like the Espeon said, Team Rainbow Rocket has taken control of Canterlot. I was able to get out with Moonlight in tow but I couldn't get auntie Luna or cousin Lightning or my grandparents out."

Celestia started getting angry as I noticed a flame or two starting to spark on her mane and tail.

Tama spoke "Cool it Celly."

Celestia immediately calms back down.

Celestia spoke "Thanks, Tama."

Tama chuckles "I got something planned for you sunbutt."

Celestia giggles "Well, ya better bring out the fire in me when that happens, demon dog."

Tama tickles his wife.

Celestia then started tickling her husband back with her feathers and while nuzzling him.

Clarity fake-gags.

Celestia giggles "Let’s save our loving energy for when this is over, my lusty-puppy."

Danyelle spoke "Given that we can't call in backup from some other universe... We're on our own."

Liu Kang spoke "Do not lose hope, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "I may have the Roar but it alone will not be enough to stop Team Snagem or Team Cipher."

Twilight spoke "DANYELLE! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!! Don’t forget you have us!"

Danyelle growls "Right! Let's stop them once and for all! NOW WHO'S WITH ME?!?"

Liu Kang, Geras and Celestia smiled with nods as the rest of us cheered.

Danyelle laughs "I can't hear you! I said WHO'S WITH ME?!?!?!"

The rest of us cheered again, louder this time.

Kai and Kara roar loud.

Danyelle yowls loud as Raising Fighting Spirit was heard, boosting the morale of everyone gathered.

Danyelle yowls "LET'S TAKE BACK CANTERLOT!!!"

Danyelle lead the fighters out to the surface before making their way to Canterlot on foot since the trains couldn't get to the city due to Team Rainbow Rocket and the other two groups.

The non-fighters stayed behind with the children.

The orange and white Mobian hamster male asks "How are we gonna stop them?"

Sonic spoke "I don't know Hamtaro but we're gonna try!"

Midnight spoke "Exactly!"

Danyelle spoke "LET’S GO!"

Danyelle flings an air blade at a tree, forcing an Inteleon Poké-Mobian male out of hiding.

Sonic spoke "Jeeze Chameleo! You nearly gave the lot of us a heart attack! And I'd rather not get yelled at by Bijou if Hamtaro had a heart attack."

Chameleo chuckles "Excuse me for wanting to join the fun!"

The Swampert-Mewtwo hybrid groans "Oh great, the bonehead's here."

Chameleo asks "What was that, Swampsuke?!"


The brunt of Sonic's Royal Voice sent the two males skidding backwards.

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female with dried blood around the neck silently growls.

Danyelle spoke "We better get moving."

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently nods since she couldn't talk.

Zoey spoke "When this is over, we should try the blue aqua."

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently gasps with her eyes wide.

Tails spoke "What worries me the most are those chains..."

Zoey spoke "Yeah, we’ll need to get them off her while doing that so those chains don’t dig into her neck."

Tails pulls out some metal cutters from the tail on his far left.

Tails spoke "Good thing I had these on hand."

Zoey spoke "On second thought, better get those chains off now."

Tails spoke "Right, we don't want the bad guys use them against us."

After Tails had cut the chains off, Danyelle melted them with her flames.

Zoey asks "Your neck feeling looser?"

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently nods before trying to use Flamethrower but couldn't due to how damaged her vocal chords were.

The scarred Vulpix Poké-Mobian female silently coughs out weak flames.

Zoey spoke "Yeah, I don’t think you can use moves that requires the throat right now."

Danyelle spoke "Her flame sac's ruptured, it's why she can't use any fire attacks."

Zoey spoke "She can’t use any vocal attacks either, like Roar."

Tails spoke "According to the pokedex... Her moves are Sand Attack, Flame Wheel, Dig and Flamethrower. Since Danyelle said the Vulpix's flame sac is damaged, that renders Flame Wheel and Flamethrower useless."

Chameleo spoke "Dang…"

Dren spoke "Perhaps the blue aqua can fix all that!"

Zoey spoke "Yeah, better take care of that now."

Zoey dug around in her hammerspace but only pulled out one piece of the blue aqua.

Zoey spoke "Bummer, this is all I have left."

Sonic spoke "We’ll need to find more at other places."

Zoey spoke "That may be so cuz but I'd have to talk to Wesley since I can't hide my cat and alicorn features that well when in Tokyo."

Zoey uses the last piece of blue aqua on the scarred Vulpix, removing the scars and dried blood while restoring the vocal chords and flame sac back to normal.

The Vulpix spoke "*raspy* Th-thank you."

Pinkie asks "*Brings out a jar of honey* Need some?"

A brown maned unicorn stallion spoke "I don't think it'd be needed, the six-tailed fox never talked before though."

Pinkie spoke "Just offerin’."

Zoey spoke "Hold on Pinkie, something about that stallion seems familiar..."

The stallion chuckles "Surprised you don’t recognize me, Zoey."

Zoey gasps "When did YOU become a unicorn Wesley?"

Blizzardstar chuckles as shi held Rarity back.

Chameleo asks "Huh? Is she alright?"

Blizzardstar chuckles "Long story."

Zoey giggles "Basically, Wesley's the opposite of Blueblood when it comes to personality."

Danyelle spoke "Now isn't the time to dawdle!"

Chameleo spoke "Yeah! Time we got some action!"

Kai roars "YEAH!!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Keep your voice down Kai or you and Midnight will give our location away."

Kai spoke "Whoops."

Midnight used his amulet to shrink down to Big Mac's size thus reducing the volume of his voice.

Danyelle spoke "There's grunts all over the place, more than what we can handle."

There were about 80 or so Mightyena Poké-Mobian grunt guards.

Chameleo asks "Mightyenas. I hate Mightyenas. *To Danyelle, whispering* So what's your plan for gettin' past those guys?"

Danyelle spoke "Live bait."

Chameleo spoke "Good idea. *Realizing* Heeey."

Danyelle spoke "Come on, Chameleo-- you guys have to create a diversion."

Chameleo asks "*incredulous* What do you want me to do? Use my Sexy Jutsu and do the hula?

Midnight spoke "*sweatdrop* This is so not gonna end well..."

Danyelle and the others kept downwind as they snuck past the grunt guards while Midnight and Chameleo created a distraction.

“Good thing all the guards outside look like carnivorous Poké-Mobians, even though they might prefer berries.” I whispered.

Ash whispers "I agree with you on that Indigo."

A minute later, Chameleo used his Sexy Jutsu, turning into a sexy female Inteleon wearing a grass skirt, coconut bra and a hibiscus flower on his head, while Midnight was in a giant warthog outfit, smelling like cooked pig and having an apple in his mouth.

Chameleo: Luau!
If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat
Eat my buddy, Midnight, here, because he is a treat
Come on down and dine
On this tasty swine
All you have to do is get in line

Are ya achin'

Midnight: Yup, yup, yup

Chameleo: For some bacon?

Midnight: Yup, yup, yup

Chameleo: He’s a big pig

Midnight: Yup, yup

Chameleo: You can be a big pig, too

The 80 guards snarl as they chase after the two males.

Danyelle whispers "Celestia, you and the others find Luna and rally the guardsponies. *determinedly* Jessie, James and I'll look for Proton."

Celestia spoke "*Whispers back* Right."

Danyelle sneaks off with the trio of hedgehogs as Celestia went to look for Luna while the others and I look for the guardsponies.

“What about the rest of us?” I whispered.

Ash whispers "We should find the guardsponies."

“Question’s where.” I pointed out.

Ash spoke "I sense them in the caves below us."

Swampsuke spoke "Good. Let’s move."

Haru held up a hand to stop the other Mewtwos and the ponies.

Haru spoke "Hold on, I hear shouting..."

Danyelle was in her Mew form since it was small enough to fit into small spaces before using a size spell on the three hedgehogs to make them the same size as her before the four of them crawl through a vent.

Ash asks "What was that?"

Haru spoke "I may not have Danyelle's keen ears but I hear that Proton jerk barking out commands."

*Meanwhile with Danyelle and the three hedgehogs in the vents*

Danyelle whispers "Hey Jessie, James... Do you know that guy?"

Jessie groaned at that.

Danyelle whispers "*ears twitch* Hold on, I just heard him shout Luna's name."

James whispers "Really now?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I have keen hearing."

After turning around to face the three hedgehogs, Danyelle kicks the vent grate off which had hit Proton square in the face.


Luna froze at that.

Danyelle's shout echoes throughout the entire castle, scaring anyone from Team Rainbow Rocket or the other two teams into submission.

Jessie spoke "Good thing neither of the leaders are here."

Danyelle spoke "Given that Giovanni's dead anyway, Team Rainbow Rocket will be easy to crush."

Luna asks "Sorry, but did I hear that right?"

Danyelle spoke "It's all true Luna, I only just found out since my real dad had let slip about the Ransei region."

Luna asks "Does that mean you’re an heir?"

Danyelle spoke "I lost that right years ago since my real parents abandoned their kingdom. Plus warlords are the closest thing that the Ransei region has to royalty."

Luna spoke "But that kingdom could be in ruins already."

Danyelle spoke "And since my real parents aren't nekomatas anymore, they're no longer in charge of the Aurora kingdom. It's been 30 years anyway but I still worry about my homeland."

Luna spoke "Then when you have the chance, go to that homeland."

Danyelle spoke "I'm going back to my homeland with my kids and my husband but I can't take Bluestar with me, she'll revert back to a regular plushie if I did."


Visiting Blobtopia Part 3

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*Rainbow’s POV*

Whew! We beat the bad guys, rescued the others, and soon, we were back on our tour in Blobtopia.

Danyelle, Ash, Indigo and their families were absent since they had things to do in the Ransei region.

Michelle asks "Everyone ready to continue the tour?"

Sonic spoke "We're missing two families."

“Dany said she, Ash and some of the others are visiting an old home.” I pointed out.

Surprisingly enough, Peach was absent as well.

Haru spoke "I think it was something about the Ransei region."

Michelle spoke "Oh. Still, everyone ready? They’ll be souvenir pics."

Blaze and Roll giggle "Good luck keeping Sonic still for five minutes."

Michelle spoke "Well, everyone ready for sun, sand and fun? ‘Cause Super-Sized Beach is our next stop!"

Sonic bolted.

Aqua was carrying her surfboard.

Aqua spoke "Aw yeah! I can't wait to surf those wild waves!"

But then Blaze carried Sonic back.

Blaze spoke "You don’t have to go in the water, Sonic."

Michelle spoke "Heehee! And be sure to expect cannonballs."

Sonic screams before teleporting away.

Pixie spoke "I'm not going near the water since it's my weakness."

Michelle spoke "He needs to get over it."

Aleena spoke "I've tried hundreds of times over the past 30 years but I can never get Sonic to take a bath."

That grossed out Sonic’s wives a bit.

Aleena spoke "Least he takes showers though since he knows that he won't drown."

Sonic’s wives sighed in relief at that.

“What about the kiddie pool?” I quipped.

Pixie spoke "Moltry and I don't take normal baths either, we're weak to water."

Tails spoke "Given my typing, I can't swim in oceans or I'd electrocute others nearby."

Blizzardstar spoke "Guess fire types and electric types have it hard."

Korra spoke "Rock and ground types don't like water either."

Spitfire giggles "No offense to May though but Sonic's a total Torchic when it comes to water."

Michelle asks "Heehee, yeah. Everyone ready?"

Aqua was already out on the water as her nine tails whirled while surfing on the waves she made.

Aqua laughs "Cowabunga!"

We noticed all of the beachgoers here was at least 1,000 pounds or above, and they were having a ton of fun on the sand and on the water, with them doing cannonballs, which was making a lot of waves.

And Aqua made use of the giant waves as she surfed.

But then she noticed a lifeguard, a male Floatzel Poké-Mobian, making her blush before she slipped and fell into the water.

Due to her typing, Aqua swam back up to the surface and grabbing her surfboard.

Aqua thinks "{Woah... What a hottie...}"

Aqua sighed in bliss and practically melted while hanging onto her surfboard with a smitten smile.

Since he and Misty were near the Floatzel, Hydro laughs "Dude! She likes you!"

The Floatzel asks "Hmm? What happened?"

Misty giggles "You see that water-type Ninetales?"

The Floatzel asks "Hmm? *Looks through binoculars* That Ninetails suddenly looking at my direction?"

Misty spoke "That's Aqua Prower, cousin to one Tails Prower. And she's a great surfer too."

The Floatzel spoke "Huh, not bad."

Hydro chuckles "And she's single!"

That made the Floatzel accidentally inflate his float sac, sending Misty and Hydro flying.

Deep Lilac catches the two Vaporeons with her magic before setting them down safely.

Holding an Eevee egg in her arms, Nightshade spoke "Nice save there Twilight."

Deep Lilac spoke "Thanks."

Nightshade giggles "Too bad Cadence isn't here."

Deep Lilac gets an idea so she grabs the Floatzel with magic before throwing him at Aqua.

Misty giggles "Was that really necessary?"

Deep Lilac snickers "Consider it payback for when he sent you and Hydro flying. And I'd rather not get an earful from your sisters if your son got hurt."

Misty spoke "Heehee! Thanks."

Tsunami was digging in the sand when he found a Water Stone.

A bright light engulfed the young Eevee, causing him to evolve into a Vaporeon like his parents.

Much to the horrors of those on the beach, the Floatzel was freaking out as a childhood trauma had kicked in.

Deep Lilac spoke "Someone do something!!!"

Right after the Floatzel had gone under, Aqua dove underwater to grab the guy.

Carrying the Floatzel by the scruff, Aqua swam to shore.

Aqua spoke "*muffled* Hang in there, big guy! I gotcha!"

A male Serperior was among the crowd but he hated the Floatzel.

The Serperior spoke "A runt like him will never be as good as his parents."

Aqua’s ears twitched at that as she growled in anger.

Michelle spoke "*Deadpan* Oh no, not this clown again."

The Serperior spoke "A weakling like him will never be any good for someone of the Prower clan!"

I can tell that deep inside that Floatzel, he was angry and sad about what was going on.


Snakethorn taunts "*Smirk* Oh? Did Macrochelle tell ya about me?"

Aria, Roll and Blaze restrain Michelle.

Aqua growls "No she didn't, my parents knew your parents."

Spitfire asks "Yeesh, is he always like this?"

Tails spoke "Afraid so... Snakethorn's been a jerk ever since I first met him. He was just a Snivy back then."

"Hold on, you've been to Blobtopia before?" I asked in surprise.

Tails spoke "No but my aunt and uncle have."

"Hold on, how did you meet him then if he somehow went to Mobius?" I asked in confusion.

Tails spoke "Long story short, my aunt Sunny was a traveler but she went missing 12 years ago."

Michelle asks "*Having calmed down* Search party after the tour's over?"

Amiya's voice was suddenly heard on Tails' wristwatch since it had a mic and speaker feature.

Amiya spoke "Sorry for cutting in like this but I overheard you talking about a vixen. I have bad news about her... She had contracted Oripathy 12 years ago but she didn't make it..."

Tails winced as Aqua froze at that.

Amiya spoke "I'm sorry for not mentioning this back when some of you came to get the four ponies."

Aqua’s tails and ears started drooping at that.

Amiya spoke "And I got a message from the one called Luna, it's about the four former ponies... I fear they've contracted Oripathy again..."

Tails spoke "OH COME ON!!!"

Gilda wingslaps Tails.

Gilda spoke "Don't make me shave you again."

But before Snakethorn could say anything, Aqua launched Hydro Pump right down his throat, making him bloat up like a water balloon. After a minute, Snakethorn was a giant living waterbed, weighing at least 2,000 pounds and immobilizing him.

Aqua growls "Not another word out of you, you glorified garden hose."

Gilda tries to hold back a laugh but couldn't.

Gilda laughs "He had it coming!"

Tails spoke "Heh. At least this makes it more satisfying."

Aqua then started doing CPR on the Floatzel.

Danyelle soon returned with her family.

Danyelle asks "What did I miss?"

Danyelle noticed Snakethorn and snickered.

Ben chuckles "Let me guess, he insulted Aqua?"

Tails spoke "He should consider himself lucky he's a citizen of Blobtopia."

Michelle spoke "Besides, we were gonna head to the next location after Aqua wakes Riptide up."

Danyelle uses her waterbending to pull the water out of Riptide's lungs.

Aqua spoke "Thanks, Danyelle."

Danyelle giggles "It pays to be one of the Avatars."

Korra spoke "With that out of the way, let's continue the tour!"

Soon, we arrived at a gym's entrance.

Michelle spoke "Welcome to the Fat Gym!"

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors that one of my counterparts hates being overweight."

Michelle spoke "Well, better not play any weight gain, air or water inflation pranks on her then."

Danyelle sends a scroll off with her fire breath to someone in the OC-verse so that a certain nekomata isn't pranked.

Michelle asks "Good call. Now, shall we head inside?"

Orion spoke "Of course."

We went inside, see a lot of stuff happening with citizens being at least 1,000 pounds or above in the HUGE building, doing treadmills, climbing, weights, even sports and flight training, and a whole lot of other exercises while still being fat.

Michelle spoke "Here, others can do some fun here even while being overweight. There’s also a smoothie stand, a sauna and a wrestling/close combat training area."

Danyelle spoke "I've been meaning to work on my flight speed."

Michelle asks "Nice. Anyone care for a drink first?"

Gilda spoke "Pass! I got eggs on the way."

"You do realize she was only offering smoothies, right Gilda?" I pointed out.

Gilda giggles "That's Queen Gilda to you Skittles."

"Heh, I'll still call ya Gilda, Gilqueen." I quipped back.

Gilda grabs me before giving me a noogie.

Gilda spoke "Hehe, fine. Maybe one drink."

Ezekiel chuckles "Hey Gilda."

A silver crown was on Ezekiel's head as a gold colored cape rests on the Mobian gryphon's shoulders.

Gilda giggles "You seriously wearing that right now?"

Ezekiel spoke "I have to or Old Man Gruff would pluck my wings."

Gilda giggled again as we soon got to the smoothie stand.

Ezekiel chuckles "You're a silly gryphon G."

Michelle asks "How does mixed fruit smoothies sound?"

A pair of immortal Arctic wolf Beastman twins spoke "Count us in!!!"

A loud thump was heard since Shirou had fainted.

"What just happened?" I asked.

The male of the two wolf beastmen spoke "Seems like Dad freaked out at seeing us."

"Say what now?" I said in confusion.

The female of the two wolf beastmen spoke "Don't mind Kita, he can be a jerk at times."

Kita whines "NOT COOL YUU!"

Yuu spoke "Can it bro."

Kita growls but chose to stop talking.

Pinkie gasps "Ooh! Twinsies?"

Yuu spoke "Yeah but I'm three minutes older than Kita yet a year younger than my other brother who I never heard of."

Kita spoke "Heh, bet I can drink more Smoothies than you, sis."

Yuu spoke "Go cough up a furball bro, all the contests we had always ended in ties."

Kita spoke "It'll be different this time, unless you're a scared little puppy."

Yuu's ears perked up at that.

Looking at the twin wolves, Lightning asks "Do I know you?"

Yuu spoke "You're on, Kita!"

But then Yuu and Kita noticed Lightning.

Yuu and Kita gasp "BIG BRO!"

Lightning yelps "Watch it! You nearly squished Moonlight!"

The twins ask "Who?"

Lightning chuckles "My... No, our baby sister."

That made the wolf beastman twins' eyes sparkle at that.

Lightning spoke "I'm also a father of three. The green hedgehog is Manic, the purple is Sonia and the blue is Sonic. From Sonic alone, I have eleven grandkids. I got one granddaughter from Manic and no grandkids from Sonia yet since her spouses are female."

Kita asks "Hehe, know how to celebrate finding out about this?"

Yuu spoke "Heehee, yeah. Smoothie drinking contest!"

Lightning spoke "Mom doesn't know about you two."

Yuu spoke "Oh right!"

Lightning lets out a howl just before Luna pops up.

Luna asks "Yes, Lightning?- *Gasps at seeing Yuu and Kita*"

Plugging her ears, Danyelle spoke "Scream alert in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

But then suddenly, Luna gave Yuu and Kita both a bear hug.

Shirou groans "Ugh... Lulu?"

Luna spoke "*Tearfully and happily* Yuu… Kita… I thought I lost you two…"

Sonia asks "You okay grandma?"

Luna spoke "I’m just glad that your uncle and auntie are back after all this time."

Sonia asks "wait..... WHAT??????"

Manic spoke "Yeesh Sonia, calm down."

Danyelle groans "Sensed that one coming.... Ow..."

Korra asks "Can we continue the tour?"

Danyelle spoke "Wait! I didn’t get to stretch my wings!"

Sonia spoke "We don't have time for that Danyelle!"

Sonic spoke "Whoa, calm down, Sonia!"

Sonia spoke "I... *urp* don't feel too good...."

Michelle spoke "Something's odd here."

Eyes glowing blue since she was using aura, Danyelle spoke "I sense something developing inside Sonia."

Sonia asks "S-Say what?"

Ash spoke "Auras don't lie."

Sonia asks "B-But how?"

Danytwo spoke "That might have been either my fault, Adagio's fault or Sasha's fault."

The unicorn-Mew hybrid that was now known as Sasha spoke "Don't pin the blame on me ya two-tailed twerp!"

Danytwo spoke "Don't call me a twerp! You're a twerp!"

The two kept bickering.

Adagio spoke "Ugh... Not again."

Danytwo spoke "Little runt."

Sasha counters "Ramen addict!"

Sonia grabbed Danytwo and Sasha's heads before forcing their lips to touch other, much to their shock and embarrassment as they blushed.

Sonia spoke "Girls, you two, Dagi, Icy and I are all girls here. We should all love each other EQUALLY."

Adagio whispers in Sonia's ear.

Adagio whispers "Hey Sonia, should we try to add another siren to our little group?"

The sound of a siren was heard but it was far more powerful than a common siren's song.

Adagio spoke "That's no NORMAL siren! That's an ELDER Siren's song!"

Michelle spoke "Sounded like it was from SSB, Super-Sized Beach."

Aria spoke "Elder sirens are far more dangerous than normal sirens."

We held the tour on hold again, but Michelle didn't seem frustrated this time since where we were needed was still in Blobtopia.

Sonata and Operetta were both shaking.

Sonia spoke "Come on, let’s move."

Adagio spoke "Sonia, I don't think it's a good idea..."

Aria spoke "Elder sirens are known to kill common sirens..."

Michelle spoke "Hmm… Probably without meaning to during fits of rage."

Alto spoke "*ears flatten* Quit scaring Melody!"

Kita spoke "Let’s go!"

Luna spoke "Kita, SIT BOY!"

Kita immediately tensed up at his mother's tone of voice.

Yuu giggles "Good one mother."

Luna giggled back.

Shirou asks "Luna?"

Luna asks "Yes?"

Shirou asks "Who are those two wolf beastmen?"

Danyelle spoke "Freaked out wolf in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Luna spoke "These are two of our children, Yuu and Kita."

Shirou screams "WHAT???????"

Danyelle whines "OW! That was loud...."

Luna spoke "Shiry, calm down."

Danyelle roundhouse kicks Shirou in the back of the head.

Danyelle giggles "For an old guy with a stick up the ass, you are far more dense than Ash is!"

Ash spoke "I heard that Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "No wonder Jessie and James call you a twerp so much Ash, you do get into trouble a lot."

Ash spoke "Hey!"

Danyelle taunts "You want some cheese with that whine?"

Sonia spoke "*AHEM!* Angry rampaging elder siren at Super-Sized Beach."

Danyelle spoke "I'll battle you later Ash, once we calm that siren down."

Adagio spoke "Just watch out for whirlpools."

Danyelle was in her Mew form.

Danyelle spoke "As long as I stay out of the water, I should be fine. I can't swim anyway."

Danyelle floated out over the water before throwing an Aura Sphere down into the water, angering the elder siren to the point thus causing it to appear.

The Dazzlings fearfully spoke "CHARYBDIS!!!"

Operetta was cowering behind Manic while Melody tried to hide behind Alto.

Sonia asks "You know about her?"

Sonata spoke "All common sirens do."

Michelle spoke "Hm..."

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, stay back! We don't know how Charybdis will react to five common sirens!"

Danyelle looks at Charybdis.

Danyelle asks "You're mad because of what happened to Scylla correct?"

Charybdis suddenly constricted Danyelle by coiling around her. “And how do you know about my little sister?!”

After teleporting out of the constrict attack, Danyelle spoke "I can see past and future because of my dimensional scream and unless that dumb assed dragon wants to gets iced, he BETTER get that TNT away from Luna RIGHT NOW!"

Michelle suddenly force fed Ein limes before he somehow started inflating like a balloon, becoming filled with air and floating while becoming immobile as Michelle tied his tail to a rope tied to the ground.

Aphmau spoke "Uh Miche, Ein is allergic to limes."

Michelle spoke "*Deadpan* Shoulda said that sooner."

Ein spoke "*Starting to inflate bigger and bigger* Water! WATER!!!"

Danyelle waterbends the salt water at high speed into Ein's mouth, causing him to blow up more.

Soon enough, Ein was a giant black scaly immobile waterbed as there wasn’t any air inflating him anymore.

Operetta giggles "He had that one coming!"

But then roaring laughter was heard as we saw Charybdis flailing on the water with laughter, causing waves.

Adagio, Aria, Sonata and Operetta laugh as well.

Danyelle smiled at Charybdis lightening up.

Danyelle snickers "Too bad Zane's too much of a Torchic to confess his feelings to Moeka!"

Zane gasps "You take that back!"

Danyelle giggles "I don't know Zane, you tend to torchic out when you're near Moeka."

Ash asks "Did Principal Oak teach you his jokes?"

Danyelle giggles "I got a Poké-TON more where that came from!"

Ash spoke "*Bead of sweat with jaw dropping* Please tell me you didn't run into him."

Danyelle spoke "I might have heard one of his Poké-puns on the flyby once."

Ash comically fell onto his back at that.

Hotaru got squished by accident.

Hotaru spoke "Da, you're squishing me..."

Ash spoke "Oops! Sorry."

The little Fire-Psychic type Fennekin-Mewtwo pounces on his dad before tickling him.

Ash laughs "Stop!"

Serena giggles "Ash, you can be dense at times but I wouldn't want you any other way."

Danyelle spoke "Now, let me talk to her, then we'll be able to head back onto the tour and into that gym."

Sonic spoke "I hate to cut the tour short but we have to go back to Ponyville."

Michelle spoke "*Deep breath in, deep breath out, calming herself* If it’s for you, Sonic, we can finish the tour another time, again."

Deep Lilac spoke "He's right Michelle, there's still bad guys out there."

Michelle asks "*Lifts up Ein, carrying him* What about Charybdis?"

Danyelle spoke "With her raw power, she'd make a great guard for Mr Rich's mansion."

Michelle asks "Ya sure? Is there enough water for, ya know?"

Winter spoke "A pool might suffice."


Sleepover Shenanigans

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*Serena's POV*

I was busy helping Winter get things set up for a girl's only slumber party.

I spoke "I just hope that dumbass dragon doesn't crash our sleepover."

Winter spoke "Based on what I heard from the Ultima, Ein might try to."

I couldn't help but facepalm with a groan at that.

Danyelle pops up with Bluestar in tow.

Danyelle spoke "Ein won't dare show his face tonight, I dropkicked his sorry scales into the End dimension so Bertha can deal with him."

"Awesome." I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "But if Bertha joins up, Ein can't leave the End dimension. Then again, Charybdis' raw power alone can scare anyone."

"I wonder if all the girls will be able to be here." I thought aloud.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight said that she and Rainbow will be along soon, Aph's on her way. Same with Asuna once she gets a babysitter for her two children. Myth's not coming since Koji's being fussy."

"What about Sonic's wives, Manic's wives, along with the all female team, if you get my drift." I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Sal's in the hospital since she just gave birth to a boy, Aria had a girl so she won't be coming. Roll, Blaze, Pixie and Moltry should be arriving shortly."

I ask "What about Michelle?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't worry, we already got a substitute tour guide decided."

Kara spoke "I just hope the guys can keep Ein on a tight leash so he doesn't prank us gals."

I spoke "We might want to keep Pinkie out of the marshmallows or she'll have the zoomies for a week!"

Danyelle spoke "As long as she doesn't have TOO MANY mallows."

Zoey soon pops up with Anzu, Pigment, Corina, Bridget, Kiki, Renee and the cherry red cat via magic.

Zoey spoke "Hey girls! Hope the eight of us aren't too late!"

I spoke "*sweatdrop* Better keep the monkey out of the candy too..."

"Smart choice." Danyelle noted.

Zoey spoke "Just one problem though... Deep Blue's the only guy at the sleepover."

I winced at that, having that completely spaced from my head.

Winter spoke "There's nothing we can do about it Serena."

Renee spoke "She's right, Deep Blue's soulbound to Twilight."

Michelle showed up. "Hey girls!"

Twilight soon pops up.

Twilight spoke "Hey."

Michelle spoke "Well, the other ladies should be here soon."

Twilight spoke "Rarity's come down sick with something, Fluttershy's babysitting Opal, Rainbow's in bed asleep, Applejack's also asleep. I think Pinkie was busy... Kagome should be along soon."

A loud "SIT BOY!" was heard since Kagome had to stop Inuyasha from fighting with Koga.

Twilight spoke "Like I said."

Renee spoke "Stupid is as stupid does..."

Michelle asks "Still, you ladies ready for the sleepover, AKA Girls' Night?"

Danyelle spoke "We're still waiting for Asuna, Peach, Jessie, Korra and the other girls."

"Right." I agreed.

A knock was heard at the front door of the mansion.

Winter spoke "I'll go get it."

Danyelle spoke "I bet that's Kim, Mac and Moeka now."

Winter went to the door and opened it.

Kim, Mac and "Moeka" were indeed at the door.

Danyelle spoke "Called it."

The trio of females along with a female Mewtwo that was wearing a thin yellow scarf around the main neck along with a magatama walk in.

The Mewtwo with the magatama spoke "Hi there."

Winter asks "Hmm? Who're you?"

The Mewtwo with the magatama spoke "Since you don't know me, my name is.... Ugh... I forgot what my name is..."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm... Maybe I can help with that."

Bluestar asks "How mom?"

Roll spoke "I think she has amnesia and no amount of magic can reverse it."

Danyelle spoke "Dang it..."

Rainbowtwo soon arrives while dragging Twilight-two by the tail.

Rainbowtwo giggles "Something tells me Huey had called Orion "Uncle Face" again."

"Heehee, yeah." I agreed as the new Mewtwo suddenly giggled at that.

Rainbowtwo giggles "And something tells me that Orion had verbally roasted Phoenix when he had mentioned a fire extinguisher."

The female Mewtwo held her head at that. "Why does that word 'Phoenix' sound familiar?"

Rainbowtwo asks "Uh you okay?"

The Mewtwo with the magatama spoke "I'm fine, just a small headache."

Danyelle spoke "If I can recall from a vision of the past... There was a clock... blunt hit to the head... A crying Maya... I got it all figured out! I know who you are! You're Mia Fey!"

Mia asks "H-Huh?"

Twilight spoke "Danyelle's got the Dimensional Scream, she can see past and future events."

Danyelle teleported before reappearing with a female Espeon Poké-Mobian that also had a magatama on a necklace.

Maya gasps "S-sis?"

Mia asks "Hmm?"

Maya asks "D-do you remember me?"

Mia asks "Is something wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "She's asking if you remember her."

Mia suddenly held her head in pain.

Yuu uses a healing spell to ease off the Mewtwo's migraine.

Yuu spoke "Last thing we need is you dying a second time."

Mia spoke "My head..."

Yuu spoke "My brothers are with Phoenix and the other guys right now."

It looked like Mia's headache was getting worse.

Danyelle spoke "CHAOS HEAL!!!"

That definitely healed Mia's headache.

Yuu was on her back while laughing since she had sensed that her twin brother was fat.

Michelle noticed that and whispered something to me before I nodded.

Clarity soon arrives.

Clarity spoke "Sorry I'm late, I had to find a different babysitter to foalsit Moonlight. *mumbles* Even though Auntie Luna asked me to foalsit..."

Danyelle couldn’t help but gain a bead of sweat at hearing that.

Clarity spoke "Moonlight's at her bitey stage."

“Ouch.” I winced.

Maria soon pops up.

Maria asks "Am I the last one?"

"Looks like it." I noticed.

Twilight spoke "I'll have to keep Deep Blue quiet the whole time."

I spoke "We're still missing Misty, Dawn, May, Iris, Elsa, Anna and a few other girls."

Danyelle spoke "They should be here soon."

Peach soon arrives with the females in question.

Amy soon arrives despite a small bump on her stomach.

Danyelle giggles "*Smile* So, you and Thorax?"

Amy spoke "*blushing* Y-yeah..."

"Save the gossip until all of us ladies get in." I pointed out.

Peach spoke "Chrysalis has yet to arrive since she's one of the last two."

"Last two?" Danyelle, Twilight and I asked.

Chrysalis soon arrives with a purple furred Lopunny on her back.

Chrysalis spoke "Sorry for being late, I had to help Lopunata here get Galleji out of a tree since the Gallade had his head stuck."

Lopunata spoke "*Shyly* Um... Hi."

Twilight spoke "She reminds me of Fluttershy."

"Come on in, you two." I offered.

The two enter the mansion.

Lopunata spoke "W-Wow, this place is huge."

Danyelle asks "Why do I have that feeling that Ein got called an idiot?"

Twilight asks "Don't we all?"

Winter spoke "He is an idiot!"

Then Twilight noticed Lopunata's nearly featureless white eyes.

Danyelle spoke "It's rude to stare Twilight."

Twilight asks "Sorry, it's just why are Lopunata's eyes like that?"

Bluestar spoke "I don't think she's blind."

Lopunata spoke "O-Oh... Sorry if that made you think I was."

Bluestar spoke "I think your eyes are quite unique."

Lopunata spoke "It-It's my genes and because of the clan I'm in."

Danyelle spoke "I may look like a nekomata-gryphon hybrid but I'm also a Mew."

Lopunata asks "H-Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "What you see me as right now is my true form and..."

A swirl of fire later and Danyelle was in her two-tailed Mew form.

Danyelle spoke "This is my other form. I also have a combat form but it's too big to show right now."

Lopunata spoke "O-Oh."

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not get iced by Winter if I destroyed her home."

Winter spoke "Smart choice."

"But you look like you know something about Lopunata." I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "I traveled a lot with Sonic during my teen years."

Lopunata asks "E-Even hidden villages?"

Danyelle spoke "I've heard of them but I've never seen them. The eleven tailed hybrid, Midnight Storm, is from two hidden villages since he was the result of a forbidden romance."

Lopunata asks "U-Um... Who were his parents?"

Opaline spoke "He never told me. But I assume his father was a nine tailed kitsunepony while his mother was a two tailed catpony."

Lopunata asks "H-Huh?"

Opaline spoke "That aside, let's get the slumber party started!"

Sakura and Nova soon show up.

Sakura spoke "Sorry if we're late, I had to drag Nova away from a mirror."

Michelle spoke "Nice! I’ll get to work on the food!"

Danyelle, Twilight and I smiled at that.

Zoey spoke "No funny business."

Michelle asks "What’s so funny about food?"

Zoey spoke "You might try to add something in to make us all fat."

Michelle asks "So?"

Twilight spoke "Three words... Screaming unicorn fashionista."

“Rarity’s not here, remember?” I pointed out.

Twilight-two spoke "True."

Danyelle spoke "Let's just start the party!"

Korra spoke "YEAH!!!!"

The Sleepover Party was now underway.

Danyelle threw a pillow at Korra but pinned the blame on Sakura.

Korra then airbended multiple pillows.

Danyelle flung pillows with Psychic.

The pillow fight then became a bit of a pillow war.

Twilight kicks a few pillows at Peach.

All of us were having a blast as Rei’s four wives and Raptor’s two wives showed up.

I throw a pillow at Katrina.

I spoke "MISTY DID IT!!"

Katrina spoke "*Giggles while cracking her knuckles* Oh, it is on."

Misty hightails it.

Miyuki giggles "The fun started already?"

Pixie tailslaps a pillow at Miyuki.

Miyuki giggles "You really wanna go, sis?"

Pixie spoke "I could kick your frozen ass easy in battle!"

Miyuki spoke "*Picking up pillows with her nine tails* Okay, but remember, you asked for it, sis."

Pixie was bombarded by pillows from her big sister.

Pixie used Psychic to throw twice the amount of pillows back at Miyuki.

Later, the pillow war was over, but we all had fun as our stomachs rumbled while Sonic's wives giggled.

Zacia was buried by the amount of pillows.

Zoey asks "Why’d you bring Zacia along?"

Zephyr spoke "She followed me."

Michelle asks "Anyway, everyone want hot cocoa with marshmallows?"

Renee spoke "You forget that cats, dogs and wolves can't have chocolate. It's toxic to them."

Opaline asks "Why do I have that feeling that Sonia's dad called me a foal factory?"

Michelle asks "*Facepalm* Sorry about that, completely slipped my mind. Warm milk?"

Renee spoke "Sure."

Michelle spoke "Cool."

Michelle flew off to get warm milk for all of us girls.

Zoey spoke "Warm milk for me as well since I can't eat chocolate when I'm in Mobian form."

Michelle spoke "*From a different room* Thanks for the heads up!"

Renee spoke "Too bad I have a wolf's stomach while on Equis..."

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

Renee was suddenly itching her back against a wall since there were pinfeathers growing in.

Renee whines "Make it stop!!!!"

Zoey noticed what was going on with Renee's back. "Guess I won't be the only Mobian with wings on my back after all."

Danyelle wingslaps Zoey.

Danyelle spoke "I have wings too you know."

Anzu pops up suddenly with wings on her back.

Anzu spoke "MOM!!"

"Wow, a lot of things are being revealed here." I noticed.

"Moeka" spoke "True."

Moeka asks "Huh? Another me?"

Kim asks "Anyone seen Aphmau?"

Twilight spoke "Look at the two Moekas."

Kim spoke "I can't tell who's the real Moeka!"

Sonia asks "Aunt Yuu, can you tell which one is the real Moeka?"

Yuu spoke "Don't worry, my nose won't let me down."

But the false Moeka had the same scent as the real one, making it harder for Yuu to figure it out.

“Twilight? You got the gizmo?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "The idiot sheep took it from me."

I couldn't help but facepalm. "Of course. Before any of us came here for the sleepover."

Kagome yawns "Yeah..."

Michelle spoke "I'm back! And with some nice warm milk for all of us ladies!"

Kagome was curled up on a bean bag chair while asleep.

"Well, Kagome's already out. I guess the rest of us could have some milk before heading to sleep ourselves." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Kagome then started sleepwalking before she grabbed a cup of warm milk as the rest of us girls grabbed the other cups.

Danyelle snickers "Something tells me Phoenix accidentally ripped his pants."

Twilight snickers "He did."

Jasmine spoke "To us girls!"

Korra spoke "To us girls!"

Winter spoke "I'd rather not get an earful from Richy if the place breaks."


Visiting Blobtopia Part 4

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*Riptide's POV*

Whoa. Michelle and Jasmine trusted me to help finish the tour, at least for the guys. Hehe, guys night.

Sonic spoke "We might want to keep Ein on a tight leash or he'll prank the girls."

"That giant rolling water balloon?" I pointed out as the other guys snickered.

Manic snickers "Yeah, that lardball."

Knuckles spoke "Don't worry, *Lifts Ein up easily with both hands, carrying him* I'll keep an eye on him."

Sonic spoke "Just watch out for his TNT pranks though Knuckles."

Knuckles asks "How can he get any out like this?"

Finn spoke "You shouldn't underestimate that dumbass though."

Ein spoke "Help, I can’t move."

Orion spoke "Too bad dumbass, we know your tricks by now."

Ein spoke "Dang it…"

Phoenix spoke "Last thing we need is a screaming cat...."

"Well, ready to head back to the Fat Gym?" I asked.

Phoenix and the others spoke "Yeah!"

Little did Phoenix know, his former mentor was alive but she had lost her memories.

We arrived back at the Fat Gym as we went to the smoothie stand. "Anyone want a drink?"

Orion spoke "I just sensed another Mewtwo, a female this time."

Sonic asks "And is she with Danyelle and the other girls with her?"

Orion spoke "Yes but the odd thing is, she has a severe case of amnesia. Perhaps worse than the one time Phoenix got hit in the head with a fire extinguisher..."

Phoenix asks "Wait, how do you know about that?"

Huey snickers "Uncle Face and all Mewtwo are Psychic type!"

Phoenix facepalmed at that.

"Anyway, anyone want smoothies?" I offered.

Various guys spoke "Yeah!"

Shadow scoffs "I can outmatch the silver mutt."

Shirou asks "...What was that?"

Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Tama and Toga glare at the ebony hedgehog.

"Heh, be specific with your words, Edgelord." I quipped.

Sonic snickers "Shad's a real edgelord alright."

"I can tell the same's with Shirou." I added.

Lightning and Kita snicker.

Soon, we got our smoothies, and they certainly found it delicious, as I expected.

Kita spoke "I think my twin sister's laughing at me since I'm so fat right now..."

Sonic spoke "Come on, she'd have to be here for that to happen."

Manic spoke "You forget bro, most twins have a special kind of bond. Plus Danyelle has sight sharing."

"Anywho, where'd ya like to start first here?" I asked.

Inuyasha spoke "That tears it! You are a dead hog!"

Inuyasha starts fighting with Shadow.

"Should we get them to the training area?" I asked.

Sonic spoke "Unless you want a chaos blast to the face or get run through with a sword, best to leave them be."

“Be glad the place is made of real tough stuff and the fat would absorb the blows.” I said.

Sonic spoke "Just don't ask Shadow about what happened 63 years ago... He refuses to talk about it."

"Thanks for the heads up." I said.

Sonic spoke "No problem."

"Maybe while they're fighting, we could trying out some of the stuff here, maybe even the sauna." I noted.

Sonic spoke "The guys with dark fur might not be able to handle a sauna."

"How come? There's no sunlight there? Besides, it helps work up a good sweat." I asked.

Sonic spoke "Dark colors absorb heat faster than light colors."

"Well, the thing is after getting fat from eating food from Blobtopia or made by this who live/lived in Blobtopia, those who ate them gain a whole lot of heat resistance." I informed.

Thorax snickers "I heard rumors that the nekomata had sent a Gallade flying one time with Chaos Blast."

Sonic snickers "Really?"

Thorax spoke "I heard it from the green tiger."

Sonic spoke "Seto."

Seto asks "You called?"

Seto arrived, and he seemed like he was in his normal form.

Sonic spoke "It's not my fault if you're an idiot though Ein!"

Ein spoke "Hey!"

Sonic spoke "Go cough up a hairball, idiot."

Half of us went into the sauna while the other half looked around while doing some exercise.

Tama and Toga sparred.

"Ah... The steam and walls certainly feels good." I sighed in relaxation.

Graystripe was sprawled out on a heated rock, soaking in the warmth.

Graystripe spoke "Yeah..."

Sonic chuckles "Hehe, good thing we brought Ein in here, 'cause all the heat is turning that waterbed into a steam balloon."

As Sonic said, Ein was now inflated full of steam, floating against the ceiling.

Midnight chuckles "Talk about being full of hot air!"

Kita spoke "Hmm… Feeling a bit itchy."

Sonic spoke "Guess that's a side-effect for males when they enter Equestria... They don't wear much clothing."

Kita started itching his butt against the wall. “Ooh, that feels good.”

Lightning chuckles "You're an embarrassment to the Ogami family bro."

Kita didn’t hear and kept itching.

Soon enough, Sonic was itching at his skin.

Sonic spoke "Gah, I hate fleas!"

“Fleas? There’s hardly any fleas that cause itching.” I said before noticing a crack in the wall appear behind Kita. Here we go again.

Sonic was in his werehog form as he itched at a spot on his neck with his right foot.

Sonic spoke "Well it itches!!!"

Kita kept itching his butt against the wall as the crack grew bigger and bigger.

Sonic spoke "Uh Uncle Kita, you don't have a Mobian or Equian form yet..."

Kita didn’t hear as he kept going.

“3. 2. 1.” I counted down before Kita’s butt broke through the wall. “Second time this week.”

Sonic spoke "Least it's not poison joke...."

“Sorry about that. This happens in the sauna sometimes.” I informed.

Sonic spoke "Least Aunt Yuu doesn't have this problem...."

Lightning asks "Remember Michelle, one of your nine wives?"

Sonic spoke "I hate it when you're right dad..."

Lightning spoke "But hey, at least all the girls back at the mansion are having fun."

Manic snickers "Hey dad, I think we should pull a prank on the girls."

Lightning chuckles "Hehehe, tomorrow, Manic."

Manic spoke "But..."

Lightning spoke "It's Guys Night while the girls back home are having their sleepover. No need to ruin either of those."

A gray tabby colored Mewtwo with blind blue eyes and a walking stick in hand trips over Ein's tail.

The blind Mewtwo growls "You stupid lizard!"

The blind Mewtwo whacks Ein on the head repeatedly with the walking stick.

Oh boy.

Sonic asks "You good?"

The blind Mewtwo growls "Does it LOOK like I'm okay? I can't see a dang thing!"

Sonic asks "You’re a Mewtwo, being a psychic, right?"

The blind Mewtwo spoke "I don't have any psychic powers... I was a failure... a cast-out... A freak of a normal-type..."

“Hey, calm down.” I said.

The blind Mewtwo spoke "I may not be able to see which puts me at a disadvantage in battle... I can only use sound based moves like Screech, Roar, Growl and Hyper Voice..."

Sonic spoke "Sounds like you have the hearing of a bat, which is definitely a good thing."

The blind Mewtwo spoke "True but the Throat Chop move puts me in a bind during battles since I heavily rely on sound-based moves."

"What's your name?" I asked.

Jaytwo spoke "It's Jaytwo."

"Listen Jaytwo, I'm a Floatzel, a water-type Poke-Mobian, but I have a real bad case of hydrophobia, which isn't really okay if you're a water-type." I admitted to Jaytwo.

Sonic spoke "Hedgehog-alicorn-wolf mix, I also have a bad case of hydrophobia."

Tails spoke "Electric-type Ninetales, severe astraphobia."

Orion spoke "Standard Mewtwo, I don't like sweets."

Jaytwo was definitely surprised.

Sonic spoke "My adopted sister's got 14 kids total, 8 adopted and 5 blood related though one was a reincarnation."

Jaytwo's jaw dropped at that.

Sonic spoke "I got nine wives though."

Jaytwo faints from shock.

Manic spoke "Real smooth, bro."

Sonic spoke "You're one to talk bro, two of your wives are sirens while one's a Zapdos."

Manic spoke "Uh..."

Orion chuckles "I heard rumors that the Zacian has a crush on Sonic."

Sonic spoke "Oh man, if I get one more wife, I'll be going into the double digits."

Midnight chuckles "Least I have it easy, I only have one mate."

Sonic spoke "I'm surprised you don't have 100 mates."

Midnight spoke "Go cough up a hairball, idiot."

Lightning chuckles "Hehe, my son is quite a sharp one, huh? Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if Opaline wanted to be your foal factory."

Midnight spoke "Don't you start too furball."

"Welp, let's check on the others and head to our next stop." I said while picking up Jaytwo, carrying him on my shoulder.

Midnight carried the slower guys on his back.

Looked like Shadow and Inuyasha stopped fighting.

Sonic spoke "*sweatdrop* For now..."

"Well, let's move on." I said as we were head to go to our next destination.

Aaron asks "Why do I have that feeling that Aph's disguised as someone else?"

"Hmm?" I asked in confusion.

Aaron spoke "Aph's half Changeling since her dad is a Changeling."

Sonic asks "Whoa, really?"

Aaron spoke "Yeah, she's a bigger prankster than Ein and Pierce are."

Sonic spoke "Hehe, nice."

We soon arrived at the Calorie Grocery.

Aaron spoke "Yeah."

We went into the place as Sonic had some free sample chili dogs and thought they were great. Next, we went to the Chubby School, which had kindergarteners weighing at least 400 pounds having fun in the playground.

A loud rip was heard since Phoenix had accidentally ripped his pants after getting them caught on wire.

Phoenix groans "How embarrassing...."

"Yeesh, better got those looked at after our last stop on the tour." I noted.

Phoenix spoke "I'd rather not have a unicorn fashionista screaming at me."

"Fashion Restaurant on the way back for a repair job then." I noted as we headed to our last stop, Jasmine's Castle.

Sonic spoke "YEESH! That thing's GINORMOUS on the outside, I can only imagine the inside of the place!"

Shirou spoke "And here I thought Canterlot Castle was big."

We went inside as the group was simply so astonished, they though the castle went on forever as I was in my unbound form, weighing at least 2 billion pounds while Jaytwo was still resting on my shoulder.

Jaytwo groans "Ugh... Who took my stick...?"

"It's right next to your left arm." I informed. "And be careful, you're on my right shoulder at the moment."

Holding the broken stick in his hands, Jaytwo spoke "It's broken..."

"Oh boy... Better stay still on my shoulder then, don't want you to hurt yourself." I adviced.

Jaytwo snaps "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm an invalid."

"I'm just trying to look out for a friend." I assured.

Jaytwo spoke "You don't even know me."

"A pink pony once said, a stranger is just a friend you haven't made yet." I quoted.

Li pulls a prank on the Mewtwo males with a laser pointer.

Jaytwo spoke "What're you trying to do? I'm blind!"

The non-blind Mewtwo males were chasing the red dot.

Mako chuckles "He reminds me of Toph."

Bolin spoke "*Gasps with sparkly eyes* Bro, I just got the BEST idea!"

Huey asks "What is it?"

A Mega Y Mewtwo male had got trampled by the other Mewtwo.

Jaytwo snickers "Sounds like someone got trampled."

Bolin asks "What if Jaytwo trains with Toph?"

Huey spoke "That might work!"

Mako couldn't help but chuckle in agreement.

Huey yawns a bit since he was tired.

"How about we find a place to rest for the night?" I offered.

Huey spoke "Want mama..."

"Hmm... Maybe we should get the kids home first." I noted.

Sonic yawns "Yeah, since the tour's over."


Prime Time!

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*Danyelle's POV*

A loud scream was heard from Zane since Ein had blown his lab up again.


Here we go again.

Midnight asks "He at it again?"

Zane spoke "Ein, get back here, you boob!"

Pierce ran away screaming from a pissed off Orion.

Twilight spoke "Oh boy..."

I notice some rather peculiar weather patterns.

I spoke "Something's coming... I can feel it..."

I then noticed a crack forming in the very air.

I soon hear shouting as a wingless version of Sonic along with a nekomata version of Blaze fall from the sky.

The Sonic double spoke "What the? Blaze? How'd you get here? *Notices gloves and shoes being rainbow-colored* Wow, now that's colorful."

The Blaze double groans "Maurice, get off before I roast you..."

Maurice asks "*Gets off double* Why do you call me that when you know my name is Sonic?"

After getting up, the Blaze double spoke "Maybe because there's another Sonic staring at you..."

Maurice asks "Huh?"

Sonic asks "Why do you sort of look like me?"

Mia was napping on the roof of Mr Rich's mansion.

Maurice asks "Hold on, this isn't an alternate reality?"

Roll spoke "More like an alternate universe and..."

One of the Mewtwo got slammed into a wall.

Serena screams "ASH!!!!"

Maurice spoke "Phew!"

Indigo had thrown Night Slash at a robotic Amy.

Somehow, that did no damage.

The robotic Amy spoke "Resistance is futile."

Maurice gasps "What the?! How did she follow me from the No Place?"

Thorax drags Amy away to a safer place.

I shot fire from my mouth at the robotic Amy.

The robotic Amy only dodged the attack easily before her arm stretched, punching me hard.

I teleport fast to dodge the punch before flinging a Thunderbolt attack at the robot, shutting her down.

But then a portal suddenly opened as she vanished through it before it closed.

I spoke "That should buy us time before she attacks again."

Thorax asks "*looking at Maurice* Who the hay was that?"

Maurice spoke "Short answer, not the Amy I know."

Indigo growls "Whoever she is, she hurt my brother."

Maurice spoke "Hey! Whoever you are, calm down! That’s still Amy!"

I spoke "That's Indigo Ketchum, he's an Absol-Mewtwo hybrid and also an Element of Magic."

Thorax spoke "Robot or not, she looks like my girlfriend so if we can track down my counterpart... We might be able to get through to her!"

Rainbow spoke "Hold on! I should go with these guys first, ya know, to make sure it’s all good."

Soarin spoke "No Rainbow, not when you have a foal on the way. Besides, you saw what happened to Ash though. That could have been you."

"I'll go." I volunteered.

Mia yawns as she woke up.

Mia spoke "Though I'm not a fighter, I'll help."

Phoenix gasps "Hmm? What the?! Ch-Chief!?"

I was talking to Blitzo via telepathy.

I spoke "{Just as a heads up Blitz. If you happen to come across a genocidal version of Sonic, kill it on sight. I don't want that thing getting loose and killing everyone I know.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Oddly specific and weird.}"

I ask "{I'm talking Sonic.exe... I heard rumors he kills others for the fun of it... If he killed Loona without any regrets, how would that make you feel?}"

Blitzo groans "{...You seriously asking me that when you know the answer to that?}"

I growl "{Don't get snippy with me you asshole.}"

Maurice asks "Hey, ya ready to help?"

After cutting the connection, I spoke "Yeah and I'm no Cadence but even I can see that you have something you want to ask the lilac nekomata."

Maurice groans "*Blushing* Can't that wait until AFTER we get home?"

Moeru was flustered.

Moeru spoke "If we can even get back home..."

"I have warp rings, but it might take me to the Shatterverse space between realities." I noted.

Sonic spoke "But there's that robotic Amy..."

Maurice spoke "She's back at the No Place."

Tails spoke "But she could attack again."

Maurice spoke *"Finally notices Tails* Tails! Boy, am I glad to see you here, for real this time! Without you, everything's all... *Babbles*"

Moeru grabs Maurice by the ear.

Moeru spoke "That's not the Tails we know, the one we know has two tails. That one has nine tails."

Maurice asks "Wait-Nine?! No seven robot tails?"

Tails spoke "You can blame the dumbass dragon for the way I look..."

A one way portal opened before a feral version of Tails tumbles out.

I ask "What the?"

Maurice gasps "What the?! Mangey?!"

The Tails counterpart growled at everyone else except Maurice.

I float over slowly before scritching the feral fox Mobian behind the ears.

Mangey suddenly flipped onto his back and panted, like he was begging for belly rubs.

I giggle as I give the feral fox a belly rub.

I suddenly froze in fear due to a vision I had of what will happen to Nine later on.

But then I shook off my shock. "Come on, let's go."

Sonic spoke "You're gonna need all the help you can get though."

I yowl loud, calling in the Veteran Smashers.

"Still, let's not go with too much backup on the first go, so I called in the first Smashers." I said.

Sonic spoke "Basically, the first generation of Smashers. I'm classed as a third gen Smasher."

Ash asks "But Danyelle, didn't that Smash Bros Pikachu get killed?"

Sonic spoke "Ash, dude, we don't talk about that."

Serena bops Ash on the back of the head.

But then Ash was suddenly shocked, but no one threw a lightning attack at him and there wasn't any lightning storms either.

I had burped up a scroll right afterward.

I gasp "Great StarClan! We got FOUR more Smashers!"

Sonic asks "What’s up?"

I spoke "According to the scroll, there's three new smashers and a tag-team. The solo Smashers are Tails, Twilight and Ash while Mangey and myself are the tag-team."

Sonic asks "Wait a second, that last part for real?"

I bap Sonic on the head.

I spoke "If Master Hand says so, then we Smashers can't go against his word."

Tails asks "Remember the reality where the feral me came from?"

Mangey whimpers as he hid behind me.

I spoke "Not helping Tails!"

Maurice spoke "C'mon! Let's go!"

I spoke "But the veteran Smashers haven't arrived yet!"

I soon burp up a letter from Mario.

I spoke "Bad news guys, Mario said that he and the other veteran Smashers can't make it in time."

Maurice spoke "Still, we better get moving."

I yowl to get Bayonetta's attention.

I spoke "Even with two existing Smashers plus five new ones, we're too small an army to stop Nine if he turns traitor."

Tails shouts "Say WHAT?!"

Maurice and Sonic were silent at that, before they bursted out in laughter.

Mangey whimpers more.

I spoke "Watch the volume Tails! You scared Mangey!"

Sonic asks "*Laughing* A counterpart of Tails betraying a counterpart of mine?"

Maurice spoke "*Laughing* That'll be the day!"

Moeru whacks Maurice while Blaze pulls Sonic's tail.

I spoke "Watch it Sonic Ogami, I'm one scroll away from having Master Hand REVOKE your Smasher status!"

Sonic asks "*Calming down* Seriously though, a Tails betraying a Sonic? Ya sure everything's alright upstairs?"

Tails spoke "First of all, we should try to find a way to Mangey's reality to get him back home before dealing with Rust Rose."

Maurice spoke "C'mon, let's go!"

Blaze spoke "Next stop, the Boscage reality!"

I spoke "Right!"

I teleport with the two cats, two hedgehogs and the two foxes straight to the Boscage reality since I was holding onto Mangey.


Sonic hides his wings with magic.

We noticed that we were in the shade of what seemed like an endless forest.

Maurice spoke "Okay, the Green Prism Shard's gotta be around somewhere."

We then noticed Maurice's gloves and shoes being different.

Sonic notices a lunar amulet on his neck.

Sonic spoke "Sweet! This will help me access my werehog form at any time during the day!"

"This is like the Everfree Forest." I noticed.

Blaze's right ear twitches since she heard a fox growling.

"Why do I feel a familiar presence?" I noticed before I looked behind me, seeing another me, but as a fox mobian.

Blaze pounces on Boscage Danyelle before she pounced on me.

The two females fight with each other until Blaze claws Boscage Danyelle's face, causing the vixen to yelp in pain.

But then Mangey pounced on Blaze, forcing her off Boscage Danyelle.

Boscage Danyelle growls in an older sister tone at Mangey.

Mangey yipped back, explaining in his own language, helping Boscage Danyelle calm down as her expression softened.

Boscage Danyelle growls as if to say "Why did you come back? It's not safe for you to be here with that robo-Amy on the loose."

Boscage Danyelle howls loud, calling in Prim and two others.

Prim asks "Vixe? *Notices me and the others* What’s going on here?"

Vixe growls as if to say "Hedgehogs and cats not from around here."

Prim spoke "*Notices Maurice and Mangey* Sonic? Vixe, stand down."

The feral vixen gives both Maurice and Sonic the stink eye before scampering off.

I ask "What's her problem?"

Prim spoke "Apologies, but Vixe cares deeply for Mangey, her younger sibling."

Blaze asks "How come neither Vixe or Mangey can talk properly?"

Maurice spoke "Beats me, I didn’t ask ‘em."

Left ear twitching, Sonic asks "What was that sound?"

But then I noticed one of my Warp Rings sparking, like it was going haywire as Mangey went to Prim and the others.

I growl "Something's wrong with the forest! And since I can't use my flames willy-nilly, I have to resort to my earth powers."

But then the sparking warp ring opened as us that were from this reality fell through it while we spun through Shatterverse space, somehow able to breathe fine before we were hit by a giant crystal before we turned around, seeing... Shadow?

Maurice spoke "Shadow? Ugh! I don't have time to deal whoever you are. I just wanna go home."

I spoke "That can't be the Shadow I know, the one I know is married to an immortal fox Mobian named..."

Sonic spoke "Shut up Danyelle!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Home? Home doesn't exist anymore... because of you!"

That Shadow flew right at us before sending us flying into a crystal with a single punch before we started moving, dodging that Shadow's attacks before seeing ourselves slowly floating throughout the space.

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* Can't you just leave me alone."

That Shadow struck us again, sending us tumbling across crystals that we can't get a clear grip on before we landed on another crystal.

Maurice spoke "Alright, gonna get back to New Yoke City. Find Nine."

We started moving forward.

Maurice spoke "Heh, maybe Nine will pass through and we can catch a ride. *As Shatterverse Shadow flew in* Ugh, you again. Let me guess, you're Grumpy Shadow. Although that would be redundant. Shadow who needs a shower. Sheriff Shadow of floating rock world!"

We jumped off the crystal before Shatterverse Shadow attacked us again before throwing us against a crystal as he landed.

Shatterverse Shadow snaps "I'm stuck in here, and it's all your fault, Sonic!"

Sonic snarls "Watch it faker! That is also my name!"

Maurice spoke "Yeah, yeah, what else is new? Wait, how do you know my name? Unless... *Gasp!* Shadow, you're you! The real you!"

Maurice hugged Shatterverse Shadow before he pushed the blue hedgehog away.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "The only me."

He then punched the crystal, splitting it in half.

Shatterverse Shadow growls "You just don't listen. What part of "our home doesn't exist anymore" are you not understanding?"

We then landed on another crystal.

Maurice asks "What did you just say?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "What do you think I've been trying to tell you? When you broke the Paradox Prism, you broke our reality. Our home is gone. It doesn't exist anymore."

That info struck us hard.

I trap Shatterverse Shadow with Chaos Barrier.


That alone stopped the fight.

Maurice spoke "…I know I caused this. It just keeps getting worse."

Shatterverse Shadow only sighed at that. “Follow me.”

Shatterverse Shadow then flew off before Maurice jumped after him as we started to follow.

Airlifting Moeru while Sonic airlifted Blaze, I fly after Maurice and Shatterverse Shadow.

I spoke "And to make matters worse... My world's Sonic and Blaze got caught up in this mess too."

Maurice asks "How did you end up here?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I chased you up the Temple Mountain and into the cave just as you shattered the Prism. So I used the Chaos Emerald to teleport out. But when I reappeared, I was here."

Maurice spoke "Stuck between the Shatter spaces."

Moeru asks "Forgetting someone Maurice?"

Maurice asks "Wait, how did you get stuck here?"

Moeru spoke "I don't know how..."

We soon saw a giant clump of red crystals with a crack in the middle.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Yeah. The Void."

Maurice asks "So that must be the New Yoke City Gateway. Have you been able to see me this whole time?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Not exactly. When you get going fast you kick up Prism energy and it thins the veil to the Void. It's like it's opening a portal through the Gateway."

Maurice spoke "So that must be how I teleported into No Place. I was looking for Nine, I started running fast and then suddenly I portalled out of New Yoke."

Twilight suddenly pops up with Bayonetta in tow since she had tracked down both my and Sonic's magic patterns.

Twilight spoke "I finally found you Danyelle!"

I spoke "Uh Sonic, we lost our nine-tailed fox."

To be continued...

Avoid the Void

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*Twilight’s POV*

We were following Shatterverse Shadow.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I’ve tracked you as you’ve gone from Gateway to Gateway."

As we moved, we looked to our right and saw a blue Gateway.

Maurice spoke "No Place."

Soon, we saw a green Gateway.

Maurice asks "Boscage Maze. *Looks down* What’s down there?"

What was below us was pitch black.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Not sure. From what I can tell, it’s an eternity of darkness. That decays all life."

Maurice asks "*Sigh* Game over. Why didn’t you just follow me in?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "You can get into those places, but I can’t. With one exception. When you unleashed a shockwave from New Yoke it blew me to the outer reaches of the Void. And lead me here. And for reasons I haven’t figured out yet this Gateway let me in. Maybe it’s because the shatter space isn’t fully formed, or maybe it’s decaying, I’m not sure. But it’s not whole. Like a ghost."

We arrived at a yellow Gateway.

Sonic spoke "That's gotta be where our fox is though."

Danyelle asks "What will happen to Mangey and the other alternate counterparts once the prism's restored?"

“Let’s not think about that for now.” I said.

Maurice asks "So, then… what is this place?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Come see for yourself.

Shatterverse Shadow Jumped into the gateway as we followed after him, landing on ground while Maurice fell on his face while his gloves and shoes’ colors looked like 3D layout of a virtual reality game.

Maurice spoke "Whoa, this one looks like home! *Runs around* The loop de loop! Hedgehog’s Pass. Tails’ lab! Palm trees! *Hugs one of the trees* Mmm, just like home."

But the rest of us noticed the colors looking a little bleak.

I spoke "I got a bad feeling about this..."

Danyelle asks "What do you think Bayonetta?"

Bayonetta spoke "Well-"

Tails’ voice spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!"

Maurice spoke "*Spotting something on the beach* Tails!"

Maurice went to the beach as we followed him.

Tails’ voice spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!"

We then looked behind us, seeing Shatterverse Tails in the air thanks to his two tails.

Maurice spoke "Oh, Tails, you have no idea how much I’ve missed hearing that."

Amy’s voice spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

We then saw Shatterverse Amy sitting on a rock with a pink flicky flying next to her.

Maurice spoke "Amy!"

Knuckles’ voice spoke "I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash.

Then we saw Shatterverse Knuckles doing bench presses with a giant rock.

Maurice spoke "Ah! Boy, have I missed you guys! Even you, Knuckles.

Rouge’s voice: You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done."

Now we saw Shatterverse Rouge hanging upside down on a palm tree.

Maurice spoke "Nah, no complaints from me, Rouge."

Then our Tails showed up. “You guys don’t know?"

Shatterverse Tails? spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!

Maurice spoke "Huh? Yeah, you just said that. Buddy, I’m right here."

Shatterverse Amy? spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

Shatterverse Knuckles? spoke "I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash."

Shatterverse Rouge? spoke "You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done.

Shatterverse Tails? spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always…

Maurice asks "What’s wrong with them?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It’s a Shatter space, Maurice, just like the others. A cruel version to make us suffer."

Shatterverse Amy? spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

Shatterverse Knuckles?: I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash."

Shatterverse Rouge? spoke "You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done."

Shatterverse Tails? spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!"

Shatterverse Amy? spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

Shatterverse Knuckles? spoke "I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash."

Maurice spoke "*Sits on a rock while looking at his hands* It was cool the first couple of times. *Sigh*"

Sonic spoke "Look other me, nothing starts until you take action. if you have time to worry, then run!"

Blaze spoke "Our stories will only end once we stop running, so you can't give up now!"

Moeru spoke "They're right Maurice, we can't give up."

Maurice asks "*Stands up* How do I fix this?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Sigh* Come with me."

He then ran off as we followed him, passing by Big with Froggy on his head.

Shatterverse Big? spoke "No problem, Sonic. *Froggy croaks* No problem, Sonic. *Froggy croaks*"

We soon went up a mountain and found a cave at the top.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Sonic."

Maurice nervously held his right arm as we went to the mouth of the cave.

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* I guess that's a ghost, too."

We saw a Paradox Prism, but it was completely transparent, except the yellow shard as it glowed.

Maurice spoke "I would do anything to be back..."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Home. There is a chance."

We went to the prism.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Every Shatter space contains a shard, creates a distorted version of our reality. That means this one..."

Maurice and Moeru spoke "Has to be real!"

We noticed Maurice's shoes glowing and pulsating.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Exactly. *Stops Maurice from reaching out* Don't!"

Maurice spoke "I wasn't going to touch it. I was just pointing at it to tell you not to touch it."

After pulling my sword out, I notice that the blade was glowing as well.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Here's the plan. The Ghost Prism shows us how the other shards need to be placed together. If we bring them back here and connect them to this one, this real one, then maybe..."

Maurice spoke "Yeah. Yeah, that could work. It has to work! We gotta show Nine. He's, like, super smart! He knows a ton about Prism Energy. He-"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "No."

Maurice asks "No?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "No."

Maurice spoke "Why no? I just said he's, like, super smart."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "He can't be trusted."

Maurice spoke "What are you talking about? Of course he can! He's just like Tails. He's just a little, angsty, that's all."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "No. He's not Tails, he's Nine. And they're not your real friends."

Maurice spoke "Dude, he's real. This is his reality. And you know what else is real? Nine's tech on my kicks and punching sticks. So back up off Nine."

Danyelle asks "But the black hedgehog is right Maurice, I know what will happen if we hand the shards over to Nine. He'll use them to create a new reality. One that will ERASE the others! Think about Mangey though, how would you feel if he disappeared for good?"

Moeru spoke "She's right Maurice... If Nine got his hands on the shards... then our friends will be lost forever..."

Maurice spoke "You're talking crazy. *Sigh* Okay, look. What matters right now is that I get the shards. I'll bring them back here and then we-"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "That's not the plan."

Maurice: Wait, dude, not the plan? I'm totally confused. I thought a moment ago you said-"

Shatterverse Shadow growls "Sonic, you literally broke our world. Why would I trust you, any of your counterparts or their friends to do anything?"

Maurice spoke "Okay, I can see how you might think that."

I ask "But what can four hedgehogs, three cats, a bat and an alicorn-alien hybrid do?"

Zoey yowls as she landed face first into a crystal.

Zoey spoke "That meowing hurt!"

Maurice spoke "But-"

Shatterverse Shadow attacked Maurice, sending him into a wall as he started getting up.

Shatterverse Shadow growls "Your turn with your “friends” is over. I’m taking the tech and I’m going after the shards myself."

Maurice spoke "No way, Shadow! I know what you’re capable of, and that’s not gonna happen! Nine and all the rest of them are real! So the only way you’re taking my tech is over my dead-*Knocked into a wall again before giving a heavy sigh* You could’ve at least let me finish what I was going to say!"

The two hedgehogs started fighting each other as they ran outside before our Sonic stopped us.

Sonic spoke "I’ve done this enough times with our Shadow to know that we should let this Sonic and Shadow play this one out."

Danyelle spoke "This will only end in disaster, I just know it!"

Sonic spoke "Trust me, it’ll work out."

We kept an eye on the fight as Shatterverse Shadow soon got the left hand tech. We then followed their fight to the beach as the black hedgehog soon got the feet tech. They kept fighting, even when they went into the water as they came back out, with Shatterverse Shadow having the right hand tech. He was about to leave before Sonic put the feet tech back on him and gave a quip, before the two started battling again. We then followed their fight as Shatterverse Shadow got the right foot tech.

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* One left. Come at me, bro!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Nah, I’m good."

The black hedgehog turned around, revealing himself to have all four tech pieces with Maurice’s gloves and shoes back to normal.

Maurice spoke "Huh? No!"

Shatterverse Shadow: So long, Sonic. See ya back home. *Runs off*"

Maurice spoke "No, no, no, no!"

Maurice chased after Shatterverse Shadow, but seemed a little shaky as they went off the top of the mountain with a barrier forming around Shatterverse Shadow before he leapt, then suddenly vanished with an explosion. Maurice tried to follow, but started falling before he smiled and went straight down, picking up speed as a barrier started forming around him and dove nose-first to the ground, then suddenly vanished with an explosion right before he could hit the ground.

“They must be back in the Void!” I realized.

I slash open a portal while grabbing Sonic, Blaze, Moeru, Tails, Danyelle and Bayonetta with my magic before going after the two.

We saw the two hedgehogs still fighting as they dodged falling crystals. But then a bright light shined from the red Gateway.

Maurice asks "Huh?"

Shatterverse Shadow elbowed Maurice away before a giant ship emerged from it as it started moving forward with the black hedgehog going after it.

Maurice asks "The Chaos Council?"

We then saw it heading for the green Gateway.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no. They’re headed to the Boscage!"

We and Maurice chased after them as the ship went inside the Gateway as Shatterverse Shadow tried to break through, but was sent flying back with a pained yell.

Maurice spoke "Shadow!"

We then went after Shatterverse Shadow as he crashed against a giant crystal before another giant crystal smashed into it, shattering them.

Maurice spoke "No! No, no, no, no! *Lands* Shadow! Shadow!"

We then saw Shatterverse Shadow falling to the dark depths as we went after him before Maurice grabbed him as we landed on a giant crystal before jumping back up onto another crystal while Shatterverse Shadow came to.

Maurice spoke "*Panting* Whoo! I am exhausted! You’re not dead. You’re welcome. On the bright side, I’ll get to hold this over you forever."

Sonic snickered at that.

The Shadow I know soon shows up via Chaos Control and he wasn't alone, Ash and the rest of the Element Bearers were with the black hedgehog.

I ask "Why are you all here?"

Ash spoke "You can’t do this alone.

Maurice spoke "Oh, and, er, I’ll take my tech back.

Shatterverse Shadow grumbled before he noticed the tech on him was gone and back on Maurice.

Maurice spoke "Ha-ha, got ya!

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Rrr, I don’t understand. I thought the tech would get me through the Gateways. Why didn’t it work? I saw Nine give you the tech. In the lab, you kicked up the prismatic energy when you ran fast and crossed over into the Void. I just assumed it was the tech. But it’s something else… it’s you.

Maurice: I guess that makes me kinda special, right?

Shatterverse Shadow: *Grumbles* The only way to fix the reality you shattered is if we… work…

Shatterverse Shadow and Maurice spoke at the same time "Together."

Maurice spoke "*As Shatterverse Shadow groaned at that* Wow. Coming from you that’s, well, not like you at all. Man, you must really hate having to admit you need me."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "You need me.

Maurice spoke "Sure, I’m big enough to admit that. But, not as much as you need me."

Maurice jumped off the crystal and dived onto the green Gateway.

The other Bearers and I along with Shadow, Moeru, Blaze and Tails follow after Maurice.

The 23 of us soon land in a tangled pile in Boscage.

Ash spoke "Gogo, get your butt out of my face."

Indigo spoke "I’m trying!"

We soon untangled as we started moving forward across the treetop platforms while Maurice’s gloves and shoes were in their Boscage forms again as we saw the giant ship flying.

Maurice spoke "I won’t let you down, Shadow. All of us together, we’re gonna fix this."

Shatterverse Shadow was still in the Void since he couldn’t get past the Gateways as we headed on.


Battle in the Boscage

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*Akane's POV*

I sneeze, causing Applejack's tail to catch fire.

Applejack spoke "AKANE!"

I spoke "Sorry."

Orion asks "Where are we?"

Maurice spoke "We’re at Boscage Maze."

But then the giant ship left through a portal, exiting Boscage Maze while we went lower, sliding down branches as we went deeper into the forest.

Danyelle spoke "That was close..."

Asuna spoke "Uh guys, I don't think we should let our guards down just yet..."

We moved forward before was saw New Yoke bots tearing down the forest as we took cover in the leaves.

Maurice spoke "And I thought gardening was supposed to be relaxing."

Danyelle spoke "This won't sit well with Thorn..."

We then found the group of Egg bots, beating them easily.

Maurice spoke "Hey!"

Another Egg bot aimed and fired at a running Maurice before he took it out.

Maurice spoke "So if the Chaos Council’s still looking for the shard, that means they haven’t found it yet!"

Twilight was in her Deep Lilac form as she slashes a robot with her sword.

Deep Lilac spoke "Make that two shards!"

Maurice spoke "Good thing for me, I have a pretty good idea where it is. C’mon!"

Maurice ran off.

We followed Maurice only to find something shocking.

Maurice asks "The trees. What have they done?"

The Egg bots really were tearing down the whole forest.

Maurice asks "Looking for the Shards is one thing, but why all this needless destruction?"

Since she was in Mew form, Danyelle floats towards the ground before using Heal Pulse on the tree stumps to regrow the trees back to normal.

Danyelle growls "It's bad enough we have one shard already but tearing the forest down for another is just plain stupid! The smaller animals like squirrels and birds need the trees to survive. Right Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy roared in rage as we fought and beat them.

Maurice asks "I need to find the Boscage Gang. Can you guys hold ‘em off?"

I spoke "Do you even have to ask that? We'll hold them off long enough so Danyelle can repair the damages!"

Danyelle spoke "GO!!!"

Maurice ran off as we fought the bots.

Ash spoke "At least one or two of us should go after Maurice in case he needs backup!"

Moeru zooms off after Maurice.

Blaze threw an Eggbot away.

Blaze spoke "We can't afford to lose Danyelle either."

Danyelle's ears perk up when she heard the screech of a hawk-like Flicky.

Danyelle zooms off towards the sound as the others and I fended off the bots.

*Danyelle's POV*

Keeping Heal Pulse going as trees regrew, I soon come across a pink hedgehog Mobian that sort of reminded me of Amy minus the baby bump.

I ask "You okay miss?"

Then Maurice and Moeru showed up.

Maurice spoke "Thorn, wait!"

Thorn groans "Spare me."

I noticed Thorn riding the giant flicky.

Thorn spoke "I told you, I won’t give up the Shard."

I spoke "I'm working myself to the bone here just to regrow the trees that got ripped up."

Thorn asks "What?"

But then we heard an explosion up ahead as we heard manic laughter before a giant mech came down with a slam, causing a shockwave that tripped us and sent Thorn off Boscage Birdy. When the dust cleared, we heard babbling as the giant mech revealed itself.

Maurice groans "Eurgh... How can one baby be so hateable?"

I had Thorn held with Psychic as I set her back onto the Flicky's back.

I spoke "I would never hit a child though!"

The mech pressed the center of its face as a light started spinning clockwise between six colors.

Maurice spoke "Thorn, Dany, get out of there! That thing is not a toy!"

The light landed on purple as the blaster opened up, showing three holes like a revolver before it shot a red blast at us as we dodged that. Thorn tried to attack, but the mech fired at the hammer, sending it flying out of her hands before we heard chuckling, followed by egg bots dropping in.

A voice taunts "Ready to dance?"

An insignia appeared over one of the bots as we started fighting them.

I spoke "I have only one thing to say! TILL EQUIS AND MOBIUS END!!!"

The rest of the Element Bearers appear.

The Mane Six, the Mobian Bearers and the six Mewtwo spoke "HARMONY GUARD DEFEND!!!"

Thorn spoke "*Dodging* You monsters. You’re destroying my jungle! I’m gonna make you pay!"

Maurice spoke "*Dodging mech’s shots* Let’s play a game of speed tag. *Hits mech* Tag. You’re it."

Maurice dodged the mech’s punch, causing it to fall onto its back because of the overthrust while the egg bot Thorn was fighting shut down with the insignia gone.

Thorn asks "Huh?"

Then the insignia appeared on another bot before Thorn threw the bot into the other, knocking them both down.

Ash zaps a robot, shutting it down.

Orion and Asuna tag-team against a robot, crushing it with Psychic.

Sonic and Tails whip up a tornado which rips several robots apart.

Akane attacks a robot with Fire Fang.

Maurice went onto the top of the mech's as it tried to get him, but he kept dodging while Thorn tripped, cornered by a egg bot with the insignia.

The person spoke "Time for you to split."

Maurice spoke "Thorn!"

Maurice jumped off the mech and spun right towards the bot, as his blow made the bot explode with its saw flying at Thorn before she dodged it.

Maurice: Er, my bad."

Maurice backed up into another egg bot as it gained the insignia.

The person spoke "Rematch, bro."

The bot threw a beaten bot onto Maurice, trapping him underneath as we started getting in trouble before Boscage Birdie screeched as she attacked the mech when a scanner's red light on her turned green.

Scanner bot spoke "Shard energy signature detected."

Thorn spoke "No!"

Thorn whistled as she got onto Boscage Birdie as they started to escape with the mech and controlled bot chasing after them.

The person spoke "Duh."

We beat the rest of the bots before we got the bot off Maurice.

Maurice asks "Huh? Where is everybody?"

Deep Lilac shouts "PYRO SLASH!!!!"

The attack hits the two robots, causing them to explode.

Maurice asks "There was two more here?"

Deep Lilac spoke "Just showed up, but I took care of 'em."

But then one of the bots started getting up.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no, you don't!"

The bot's eyes were yellow when Maurice pinned it down before a voice came out of it. "Sonic, it's me."

Maurice spoke "Nine? I've been looking everywhere for you."

Nine spoke "I dunno how much time I have."

Maurice asks "Are you inside the Eggforcer?"

Nine spoke "I'm up on the ship with the doctors."

Maurice asks "The what-the what? You're working with them?"

Nine spoke "No! Would you just listen for a second. They captured me but I'm working them from the inside."

Maurice asks "Are you okay? Wait, does that mean they also have their Shard back?"

Nine spoke "Yes, temporarily."

Maurice spoke "Well, don't worry, I'm coming to get ya."

Nine spoke "No, you're not."

Maurice spoke "I'm not? Pretty sure I am."

Nine spoke "Don't worry about me. Focus on finding the Boscage Shard."

Maurice spoke "I think I have a good idea of where it is."

Nine spoke "Yeah, so do the Chaos Council. Now, hold still."

Maurice spoke "*As the bot was upgrading the tech* Is this some kind of secret handshake I have to learn, 'cause-"

Nine spoke "I'm reprogramming the regulators so we can communicate through them!"

Maurice spoke "Oh, score."

Nine spoke "You'll also be able to make contact with the Shards in any way without risking teleportation. Something I picked up from being here. You see? Playing prisoner has its advantages."

Maurice spoke "If you say so. I mean, we should still come up with a secret handshake, but that can probably wait."

Nine spoke "...Gotta go."

The robot shut down before falling onto its back.

I spoke "I'm getting a lot of red flag warnings in my head about this..."

Indigo spoke "Same."

Maurice spoke "Alright, let's go find Thorn and get that Shard.

Maurice ran off as we followed him. We were making it through the forest as we soon saw Thorn and Boscage Birdie surrounded.

Maurice spoke "*Touches mech* Tag. You're it."

Maurice made the giant mech lose its balance and fall onto the controlled bot as the insignia disappeared before reappearing on another one. We fight the bots before we were thrown back.

The person spoke "I can do this all day. Now!"

We were suddenly pinned down by a pile of bots before we soon burst out of them. The bots were about to get Thorn and Boscage Birdie before spears hit some of them.

Gnarly spoke "This is our home!

Prim spoke "And you are destroying it!"

The Boscage Gang roared as they charged in.

Maurice spoke "You made it! Welcome to the party."

Akane spoke "I called them with my howl!"

Mangey and Vixe howl as the siblings charge into the fray.

Thorn got on Boscage Birdie as they took flight.

Thorn asks "Change of heart?"

Prim spoke "It's our home and I'm ready to fight for it."

Thorn spoke "For Boscage Maze."

Prim spoke "For Boscage Maze!"

Gnarly spoke "*Punches a bot* For Boscage Maze!"

Mangey and Vixe screamed like they shouted, "For Boscage Maze!" as Hangry took off a bot's arm.

Hangry spoke "For Boscage Maze!"

Now the fight was in our favor!

I whistle loud, calling in the ENTIRE Boscage Changeling hive.

Boscage Thorax spoke "CHARGE!!!!"

Sonic asks "How'd you find them?"

Looking at my adopted brother, I spoke "I used the same tone for the Changeling hive of our universe."

"Huh. Whodathunk." Sonic noted.

Maurice spoke "Got to hand it to you, Thorn, pretty creative hiding spot."

Thorn asks "You know? *Whacks away a bot* When?"

Maurice spoke "*As Thorn whacked away another bot* Back at the village."

Thorn asks "Why didn't you say anything?"

Maurice spoke "It's because I wanted you to trust me."

Then more bots showed up.

Boscage Thorax grabs a bot with his front legs before throwing it like a bowling ball, knocking several others over.

I laugh "Strike!"

Maurice growled, not liking the amount of enemies. "Thorn, it's the Shard they want. Give it to me and they'll follow me out of here."

Thorn spoke "But the jungle."

Maurice spoke "We'll come back. We'll help you rebuild it. But first, we gotta get these guys out of here."

Thorn spoke "...Take the Shard. Take it and run as far and as fast as you can."

Maurice asks "Alright, where'd you stash it? Under the wing or?"

Boscage Birdie nodded before she started gagging before spewed out the Shard.

Maurice groans "Why'd I have to ask?"

The controlled bot covered its mouth while the voice started retching.

I spoke "Eww."

Thorn asks "What are you waiting for?"

Maurice nodded as he picked up the Shard. "So glad I'm always wearing gloves. *Speeds up* Hey, Chaos Clowns, follow me!"

The voice spoke "We can't let that hedgehog get away with the Shard!"

The bot was knocked back by a spear as the mech pressed the circle again before the light stopped on yellow as the right arm brought out a rattle-like club.

Deep Lilac and I use a speed spell on our slower friends as we zoom off after Maurice.

But then Maurice stopped after a while and we heard a scream. "What? The Chaos Council didn't follow me?"

We saw flashes of light in the distance.

Maurice spoke "Those eggheads! Ah, that is the most stubborn baby of all time. We gotta head back!"

I spoke "But Thorn told us to go!"

Maurice spoke "I’m not leaving my friends behind!"

Maurice ran back.

Sonic spoke "Spoken like an Element of Loyalty! Come on guys! One hedgehog alone won't be enough!"


The others spoke "HARMONY GUARD DEFEND!!!"

The rest of us charge into battle.

Maurice spoke "Thorn!"

Thorn spoke "*Notices us coming back* Sonic? No!"

Maurice spoke "We’re getting you out of here."

Maurice leapt with the Shard before piercing it on the ground, causing roots to erupt, taking out the Egg bots, leaving us shocked at what happened.

Sonic transforms to his werehog form before walloping any eggbot that got past the roots.

Ash spoke "Rainbow Dash, Sonic, Maurice and I refuse to leave our friends behind! Even if they are alternate versions of the friends we know!"

Rainbow spoke "He's right Thorn! We never leave a friend behind!"

Asuna and Haru pull an injured Hangry to a safer spot before binding the cat's injured arm.

Maurice spoke "Not bad for a-"

Then we heard an angry scream as the giant mech came back out as Maurice dodged an attack before all of us were suddenly grabbed by Egg bots, causing Maurice to drop the Shard.

Maurice spoke "No!"

We managed to take out the bots holding us, but the mech the grabbed the shard as it and the rest of the Egg bots started flying off.

The person spoke "Dr. Don’t to mothership, we’ve got the Shard. Now get us out of this dump."

Maurice spoke "*Notices a giant root poking through an opening in the jungle* I know how we can catch up to them, follow me!"

Maurice ran towards the giant root before going up on it.

I flew into a flying spindash, ramming into the mech as I grab the shard with my mouth.

Holding the shard close, I shout "FRENZY PLANT!!!"

Several vines snare the mech, stopping it from getting away.

Then a controlled bot sliced the vine before tackling me, causing the Shard to fly out of my hands as the mech caught it while landing on its ship before I destroyed the bot that tackled me. Maurice was about to reach the mech and ship before the mothership appeared as the ship’s thrusters activated, forcing Maurice and I flying back.

Maurice spoke "No, no, no!"

I stopped myself while Prim caught Maurice.

Prim spoke "You were never gonna make that jump."

Maurice asks "Prim? What are you doing?"

Prim spoke "Saving your hide."

Maurice asks "So, does that mean after this we’re even?"

Prim asks "Depends on whether or not you survive. What is that?"

Maurice asks "Our last chance. Think you can get me through it?"

Prim spoke "Not a problem."

Prim threw Maurice into the air before Boscage Birdie flew in with Thorn as Maurice rode on the giant flicky. We were heading to the mothership as it was heading into a portal.

Thorn spoke "Promise you’ll return and help me restore the jungle.

Maurice spoke "*As the mothership went through the portal* You have my word, Thorn. I’m gonna set everything right."

Maurice jumped off Boscage Birdie as he went into the portal before I teleported to the others.

“Deep Lilac, if you would?” I requested as Deep Lilac sliced open a portal to the Void.

The others and I went through the portal.

I spoke "Shad, we lost the green shard."

We then caught up with Maurice, heading towards the mothership.

Maurice spoke "Hang on, Nine. I'm coming for ya."

Nine spoke "No. Don't worry about me. I'm working on a plan to get the Shards from the inside. The best thing you can do is to get the next Shard before they do."

Maurice asks "Are you sure?"

Nine spoke "Totally. These eggheads are playing into my head. They don't know that this whole time, I've been downloading their tech. You just need to get to the Shard first then get out. I better go."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "That's the first time one of them has made any sense."

Shadow spoke "Agreed."

A voice rang clear "SACRED SWORD!!!!"

A blade of energy hits several bots before a green blur grabs the shard along with Maurice, jumping off the airship.

Maurice spoke "Nine's on our side, Shadow. And if you're not gonna help, you can-"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Oh, I can help."

Shatterverse Shadow attacked Maurice, sending him flying into the blue Gateway.

The others and I follow after Maurice thanks to Deep Lilac's portal.

But we were somehow falling onto an island.

Maurice spoke "Not again!"

Some of us landed on the island while others, including the Sonics, fell into the water near the shore.

The Mobian Virizion dove into the water to rescue the two hedgehogs, getting them to shore.


Second Wind

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*Orion's POV*

How are we on a deserted island with nothing but sea for miles?

Maurice spoke "*Gasps before coughing* I really thought I had it this time."

We noticed Maurice's gloves and shoes looking different.

Danyelle shook the water off her fur, causing it to floof up.

Danyelle spoke "Oh laugh it up Skittles..."

Maurice spoke "Okay, where do I find a band of pirates in the middle of a massive ocean world? Hmm. *Jumps up* I need to get some higher ground."

Maurice grabbed onto the top palm tree as he started looking at the distance before seeing a whole bunch of rocks.

Maurice spoke "The Devil's Lighthouse!"

Maurice jumped down and ran straight across the water.

What appeared to be a pirate version of Rainbow flew over the group before landing on a boat far away.

High Tide spoke "High Tide reporting fer duty captain. I spotted two hedgehogs, three cats, a nine tailed version of Sails, six ponies and six strange looking cats."

The pegasus then flew back to the Devil's Lighthouse as we decided to follow Maurice.

Rainbow asks "Why did that mare look just like me?"

Sonic spoke "No Place counterpart."

We followed Maurice as he went up the tallest rock, which was on an island as he saw something.

Maurice spoke "Smoke! And another Egg ship. That's gotta be Dread."

Nine spoke "Sonic! The Chaos Council have the Shard!"

Maurice asks "Nine?"

Nine spoke "I bought you and the others some time. But you gotta hurry if you're gonna get it back before The Mothership gets there."

Maurice spoke "Thanks, pal. And don't worry, hurrying is what I do best."

Maurice ran down the rock and across the water.

Maurice spoke "Wonder what happened to those pirates? Okay, if I’m gonna catch that ship, I’m gonna need to get airborne."

We saw High Tide fly to that ship as Maurice jumped onto it while I used teleport on the rest of us, transporting us to the ship.

Sails spoke "We can’t, Captain!"

Maurice spoke "Yo-ho, pirates!"

The Knuckles counterpart threw his sword at Maurice, who dodged it.

The crew asks "Sonic?"

Dread asks "You’re back?"

Maurice spoke "That’s right!"

Moeru spoke "Maurice and I got some backup from an alternate universe."

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind the grumps though, they woke up on the wrong side of the bed earlier."

Dread spoke "*Grabs and pull out sword* Those scurvy eggheads stole me beauty."

Maurice spoke "I heard. Your… beauty, huh? Hmm, well, whatever you’re calling it, we have to get it back and I need your help. Come on! We have to get this ship moving and go after them."

Sails spoke "The ship is damaged and we’re not going anywhere."

A female spoke "I can fix the Kraken."

We turned at the antenna, seeing a tied-up Rust Rose.

Maurice asks "Yeah, Rust can fix it! Wait, is she your prisoner? What about the Council?"

Batten spoke "Aye, she’s loyal to her beloved Council."

Rust spoke "That was before they deserted me. *Short circuits* I will join your crew. We will make them regret tossing me aside like scrap metal."

Maurice spoke "Seems legit!"

Tails zooms about like a bolt of lightning, getting the ship back up and running.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing we got a fleetfooted fox to help out!"

Tails soon repairs Rust, making sure her joints were well oiled for best movement.

Tails spoke "That should do it."

Dread asks "Do ye agree to follow me orders?"

Rusty spoke "Aye."

Dread asks "And do you swear to wreak vengeance on those who stole me beauty?"

Rusty spoke "I… just said that."

Maurice asks "Yes! This team’s really starting to come together! *To Rusty* Good to be back on the same side again, huh?"

Rusty spoke "It is a means to an end."

Maurice asks "Ouch. That hurts. She’ll come around. *Snicker* You two are actually a lot alike, you know that?

Rust and Black Rose spoke "*In unison* We are nothing alike!"

Batten spoke "Yeah, nothing same-y about that."

Danyelle giggles "If anything, the two females are just as stubborn as the Amy I know."

Moeru spoke "And my universe's Amy as well."

Rainbow whispers "And she's those two Amy's right now since this universe is shattered."

The ship went up and started moving forward.

Asuna spoke "Minus the subtle differences though Rainbow... Our Amy has a child on the way."

We were soon using the ship's weapons while firing at the flying ship before Egg Forcers came out of it, heading right for us as we fired at them. Then more Egg Forcers came out.

Dread spoke "Hang on to your boots! Time to get what we came for."

We then saw Rusty and Black Rose competing against each other who could shoot down more Egg Forcers.

Akane shot a robot down with Flamethrower as Ash used Thunder to shoot down a few robots.

Indigo spoke "NIGHT SLASH!!!!"

Haru spoke "EAT SWIFT!!!!"

Asuna and I used Psychic to throw robots at the other robots.

Danyelle shorts a few dozen robots out with Hydro Pump or Flamethrower.

Rainbow shot fire from her mouth at a few robots as Deep Lilac rips some apart with her sword.

A shot hit the floating ship before it somehow went underwater.

Dread spoke "Hang on te yer p'tatoes, we be goin' in!"

Black Rose asks "Are we going under the water?"

Maurice spoke "But we're still outside!"

*Sonic's POV*

Everything slowed down around Maurice and I as we nodded at each other before we got everyone inside the ship/submarine before Maurice had trouble getting Rusty.

Rusty spoke "Leave me here. I have a score to settle."

We went inside as Rusty was still outside before the submarine fully submerged.

Tails spoke "Good thing I applied a waterproof coat of paint on her."

Danyelle spoke "And I applied a bubble around her so that she doesn't turn to literal rust."

Dread: Where'd they go, where'd they go?

Maurice gasped before he headed to the front window. "Somebody hit the lights."

Sails turned on the lights as we soon saw something.

Dread asks "What is that?"

What we saw was the loop de loop from...

Maurice spoke "Green Hill..."

But then Dany's ears twitched. "I don't think we're alone down here, and we might be meeting locals."

Deep Lilac walks over to the sound system before singing into the mic as sound came out of the waterproof speakers.

"What is she doing?" I wondered.

Danyelle spoke "She's worried about Nyx, Akari and Luke."

But then Danyelle's ears twitched again.

Tails was growling since he had sensed something horrible coming.

Rust spoke "The Chaos Council craft is behind us."

Dread spoke "Me beauty calls to me."

Dread turned the ship around.

Rust spoke "Eat plasma, deserters!"

Rusty fired at the ship as it dodged while we chased the enemy ship.

Dread spoke "You’ll soon be in me grasp again, me beauty. Launch the torpedoes!"

Dread fired six torpedoes at the enemy ship before it pulled up with the projectiles headed for the loop de loop, much to Maurice’s horror as he covered his eyes, only for the torpedoes to go through the hole as Maurice looked and sighed in relief.

A battle scarred siren with gold scales and a missing right eye rams head first into the Chaos Council's ship as twenty other sirens and hundreds of seapony adults threw tridents.

Dread spoke "You won’t be getting away that easy, scoundrels. *Laughs*"

Maurice gasped again before the submarine broke the top right part of the loop de loop.

Maurice spoke "Dread!"

The enemy ship soon flew into the air as the ship we were in flew out and at them.

Dread spoke "Yes!"

Rust fired at the enemy ship before it started firing back as the ships dodged.

Maurice asks "You’re gonna turn, right, Dread? Right?"

Rust took out the enemy ship’s front left propeller before it scrapped against our ship as both ships crashed against the sea, but still held strong.

A sudden Aeroblast hits the Kraken hard.

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no... We got a MAD LUGIA!!"

Maurice went onto the surface of the Kraken as he looked at the enemy ship, seeing two men come out coughing and gasping with Egg Forcer backup.

The old man spoke "Crazy pirate nearly killed us!"

Maurice then ran onto the water and towards the ship.

The old man spoke "Huh? What’s that? Arrrh! It’s Sonic!"

the other man spoke "The Shard! Secure the Shard!"

Maurice jumped up, easily knocking the bots down as he went in before coming out with the blue Shard, fighting the bots.

the other man spoke "Stop him!"

Maurice spoke "Whoo!"

Maurice jumped onto the water before running again.

The old man spoke "*Laughs while firing at Maurice* Run, rabbit, run!

Maurice spoke "*Dodging blasts* A little help here!"

Rust turned and fired at the enemy ship’s weapons, putting them out of commission.

Maurice spoke "Ha-ha! Nice shot, Rust! *Dodges beams before running from bots*"

Rust spoke "My pleasure."

The old man spoke "Oh, my back! Argh! *Back cracks while grumbling in pain* More Eggforcers!"

More bots appeared as Rusty dodged when they fired at the weapon, taking it out before landing on the ship. The rest of us got outside, ready to help.

Dread spoke "It’s up to us now, me crew! Pirate like you’ve never pirated before!"

I whip up a hurricane and send it at the robots, sending them all flying.

Danyelle and Shadow throw Chaos Spears at the robots, destroying them.

While we were fighting the bot, Maurice ran from other bots before he was kicked into the water by the man in his battle suit. Then Maurice jumped out with a gasp before he stood, floating above the water.

Maurice spoke "Uh… oh."

The man spoke *Holding the blue Shard* Thanks, rodent. Gotta fly!"

Rust spoke "*As the man started flying away* Not a chance!"

Rusty fired another plasma cannon, hitting the man as he dropped the Shard before Batten caught it and tossed it to Dread.

Dread spoke "*Having caught it* Me beauty!"

The man spoke "*Lands with katanas drawn* Not for long!"

We kept fighting as Maurice takes out some Eggforcers.

Maurice spoke "He scores a ten from the judges!"

The man and Dread swordfought before he kicked the echidna, causing him to drop the Shard.

Dread spoke "No!"

The man spoke "*Catches Shard with a laugh* So long, Captain Loser!

Dread spoke "*As the man flew off* Come back here, you yellow-bellied barnacle!"

The Old Man spoke "Get that shard back here, you flying beatnik!"

Dread spoke "Sonic! I got it covered here. Go after the Shard!"

Maurice ran to the enemy ship to get the Shard.

A loud boom was heard as I flew at high speed before slamming into the one male, knocking the shard out of the guy's hands as the battle scarred siren leapt out of the water before grabbing the shard in her mouth and swallowing it.

But then something tackled the siren into the air while the blow launched the shard out of her stomach and mouth, with the attacker revealed to be the rampaging Lugia while the man landed and the shard landed in the old man’s hands as Maurice fought the man.

The Old Man spoke "Hee-hee, burn that blue hamster!"

Rust and Black Rose kept shooting down bots as Maurice soon knocked the man down before facing the old man as his tennis ball stick fired beams at the hedgehog while he dodged them and landed from a push before the man, having gotten back up whacked him into the door. Maurice dodged the attack and blast as the blast hit the man’s suit, much to the old man’s confusion.

Maurice spoke "*Swipes Shard* Yoink!"

Maurice then kicked the stick into the air before onto a propeller as the stick hit the old man on the head before he grabbed it back.

The Old Man spoke "Eat plasma, hedgehog!"

Maurice spoke "Aww! You got it right for once! *Wink!*

Maurice jumped as the old man fired, hitting the propeller.

Old man gasps "Oopsie pickle!"

Maurice then ran back to the Kraken and us.

Maurice spoke "And that’s the way it’s done."

For some reason though, Dread’s crew didn’t seem happy with Maurice and ready to fight him.

Dread spoke "He hung us out to dry. He’s a traitor, me crew. Can’t be trusted, *Points at enemy ship* just like them!"

Maurice spoke "But, Dread, we had a plan!"

Dread spoke "Hand it over."

Sails spoke "You abandoned us, Sonic!"

Batten spoke "Ye left us at the mercy o’ them robots."

Black Rose spoke "I’ll blast ‘im right b’tween the eyes."

Rust spoke "Just do not hit the Shard."

Maurice spoke "I… wha… ho-how could-it…"

Dread spoke "Last chance, Blue. The Shard or her life!"

What the heck just happened?!

Danyelle was looking back and forth between the two sides.

Danyelle screams "ENOUGH!!!!"

A loud boom was heard as a storm broke loose as Danyelle was floating in the air with her eyes glowing white as Chaos Chain snares Maurice and Dread's group.


The storm rages on as Avatar Mode Danyelle verbally scolds Maurice and the pirates.

Dread however was unscathed. “Don’t listen to her lies, me crew. That land-lover and his friends betrayed us all!”

Seriously, what the heck just happened?!


No Way Out

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*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

I don’t know what happened, but we’re in a bad spot right now.

Nine asks "Sonic! Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Dread spoke "He and his friends be anything but okay, me boyo."

Nine asks "Who was that?"

Maurice spoke "Sorry, little buddy, I’m gonna need you to call back in like five-"

Dread spoke "That treasure be mine."

Maurice spoke "Ten minutes. Dread, what are you doing? This wasn’t part of the plan!"

Dread spoke "The plan’s changed when you deserted us!"

Maurice dodged Dread’s attack.

Maurice spoke "Deserted you. Wait, is that why you’re all so mad? Dread, tell them! I was coming right back."

Black Rose spoke "Not how it looked to us."

Maurice spoke "You know what? That stings. Especially since I’m standing right here, proving that I did come back!"

Batten spoke "He makes a good point."

Maurice spoke "Look, I’m not a traitor, but right now, I need to take this shard and get-*Dodges Dread’s sword* Hey!"

Dread spoke "More lies!"

Maurice asks "*Dodging Dread’s crew’s attacks* Respect. My. Boundaries! I expected Dread to take this hard, but what’s with the rest of you?"

Sails spoke "You’re a lousy traitor who abandoned your crew in battle!"

Maurice spoke "I didn’t abandon you! Dread told me to get the Shard and he w-"

Dread spoke "He’s lying! *Jumps to Maurice* Now give me the treasure."

Maurice spoke "Well, when you put it that way."

Maurice was about to give Dread the Shard before he blew a raspberry before he started running on the water.

Maurice spoke "Guys! We need to move until they cool off!"

We decided to follow after Maurice, leaving the Kraken and crew to let them calm down. Later, Maurice had trouble carrying the Shard.

Maurice spoke "Ah! I’ll never hit top speed juggling this thing around! *Stops running before floating above water* All this water, it’s just not natural."

Rarity whines "All this salt water is messing up my mane and tail!"

Maurice spoke "I always feel like something’s gonna come up out of the darkness and-"

We heard a mechanical moan.

Maurice asks "What is that?"

We were then sent flying by a surfacing Kraken before we landed back on or in the water before Maurice ran once more as we followed him before stopping on a small island as we took cover.

Danyelle throws a Chaos Barrier up around the island, darkening the coloring of the barrier so the group wasn't spotted.

Danyelle spoke "That should buy us some time before they find us."

The one eyed siren soon surfaces since she had followed the group.

The one eyed siren spoke "I'm sorry mateys, Dread's not gonna stop until he gits what he wants."

Nine asks "Nine to Sonic! Are you there?"

Maurice asks "Nine?"

Nine spoke "Huh, finally? Tell me you have the Shard.""

Maurice spoke "You know it! Now all I gotta do is get this baby to the void."

Nine spoke "What are you waiting for? You have to hurry? The mothership has been stalled somehow but it's on it's way!"

Maurice spoke "Haha, I'm trying, but I've got a bit of a pirate problem at the moment."

Dread spoke "We find me treasure or ye all be walking the plank!"

Maurice spoke "Ugh, Dread's really losing it."

Nine spoke "Forget the pirates. Our reality is at stake. Stay on mission."

Maurice spoke "Copy that, stay on mission."

The one eyed siren spoke "I'll hold 'im off, you lot have to go! NOW!!"

The one eyed siren dove back into the water to stall the pirates long enough for Twilight to rip open a portal into the void.

Sonic spoke "Gah! No Twilight!"

The aftershock that Twilight had caused ended up knocking everyone but Maurice and Sonic out cold.

Maurice spoke "Other me, coming on! Let's get them into the Void, grab the Shard and run!"

Sonic's fur had turned black in anger.

Maurice spoke "Whoa! Other me, calm down! It's not anyone's fault that this happened!"

Surprisingly enough, Dark Sonic had a clear mind.

Dark Sonic spoke "Let's get out of here with the shard and the others."

Using his magic, Dark Sonic picks the rest of the Harmony Guard along with Blaze, Moeru, Tails, Shadow and the Virizion up before heading into the void with Maurice and the shard.

The one eyed siren spoke "Tough break Dread!"

But then a giant crystal knocked Dark Sonic and Maurice, with the Shard, back into the Blue Gateway, sending them back to where they were hiding.

*Sonic's POV*

A plasma blast hit the palm tree we were behind.

Maurice asks "You too, Catfish?"

The Kraken fired at us again as Maurice and I started running away again.

Dread spoke "You'll never escape with me treasure!"

Black Rose spoke "Open fire!"

We dodged the plasma blasts as Maurice started picking up speed while carrying the Shard.

Maurice spoke "This totally seemed like it was going to be easy. Get the Shard and run fast, which I'm awesome at-"

Shatterverse Shadow asks "*Through the veil* Who are are you talking to?!"

Maurice spoke "Gyah!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Through the veil* I can see you have the Shard. Run faster and get out of there!"

Maurice spoke "Turns out it's hard to get up to full speed on water. Even with these kicks. Not to mention having pirates blasting at you!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Through the veil* Then go where they can't blast you."

Maurice spoke "I need solid ground. And I know just where to get it! By the time that ship gets here, I'll be a blip on the horizon."

We noticed a laser beam pointing at Maurice.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "*Through the veil* What was that about a blip?"

Rust spoke "Target acquired. Missiles locked."

Dread spoke "You've been nicked, me hearties. And I'm coming for ye."

A torpedo missile was coming right at us.

Maurice spoke "Gulp."

We dodged the missile as we kept moving and dodging plasma blasts.

Maurice spoke "You guys are gonna feel really bad about this later when you think back and remember how awful you were treating me and my friends, when we're only trying to help!"

Dread spoke "Fire!"

Maurice spoke "Let's just we're glad we're not you guys. That guilt's going to be unbearable!"

We jumped and flew over an island, dodging the six missiles as they blew up a small deserted island before we landed.

Maurice gasps "Close one. *Looks back, seeing more missiles* Uwaaagh!"

We moved again, running and flying from the missiles.

Dread spoke "Ahhgh, hold still, you slippery eels!"

Rust spoke "The missiles are locked to Sonic's energy signature, captain. He and his friend won't be able to outrun them for long."

The missiles were closing in on us!

Maurice asks "Why does everything have to be so difficult!?"

We then turned around, trying to lure the missiles back to the Kraken.

Dread spoke "Fire again!"

Six more missiles were launched, headed right at us.

Maurice spoke "Uh-oh!"

We then jumped into the air as the missiles collided, blowing up while the Shard flew out of Maurice's hands before he caught it. We then landed once more, with the Shard still with us.

Maurice spoke "Oh, yeah!"

We then ran again.

Dread spoke "Arr! That blue treasure thief will pay for this!"

We soon reached to the Devil's Lighthouse with the Kraken still chasing after us, betting on the rocks to tip the ship over before it fired three missiles as we dodged them.

Maurice spoke "Not even close!"

The missiles hit a rock as the top started falling with us trying to dodge.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

We dodged the rock before we crashed against another one as the blue Shard flew out of Maurice's hands.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no."

Rust then grabbed the Shard and gave it back to Dread.

Dread spoke "At last."

Time we took the fight to them. We then got onto the Kraken.

Maurice spoke "I'll only ask this once. Give me back the Shard."

I growl as the invisibility spell on my wings dropped, startling the echidna and the other pirates.

But Dread only chuckled. "You'll have to do more than ask and threaten. *Jumps to our level* If ye want the Shard *Sword crackling with energy* you'll have to-"

He shot a lightning bolt at us as the two of us dodged.

Maurice asks "Fight for it?"

Dread spoke "Bring it on, Blue."

A fight was about to go down before an explosion went off, sending us back a bit as the force made Dread fall while dropping the Shard.

Dread spoke "No!"

Sails asks "What was that?"

Batten spoke "Captain! We're hit!"

The enemy ship arrived with Eggforcers and that man in the mech suit from earlier.

the male spoke "No need to fight, boys. The Shard is mine. Destroy them all, every one of them!"

Eggforcers jumped onto the ship as one of them grabbed the shard before Maurice knocked it away and grabbed the Shard.

Maurice spoke "Ha-ha!"

Dread spoke "*Punches Maurice, grabbing the Shard* Aye."

Dread shot a Eggforcer down before a piece knocked the Shard out of his hand as an Eggforcer caught before Sails slashed it. Man, the Shard was switching being between the Eggforcers and crew before it was between Dread and Maurice. They were now in a Shard tug of war before Maurice noticed Rust about to get hit and let go of the Shard before attacking the Eggforcer, saving Rust.

Maurice asks "You good?"

Rust spoke "Thank you."

Maurice asks "Uh... You're welcome?"

Maurice then tackled the man in the mech suit, saving Black Rose while knocking him onto a propeller.

The male spoke "Ouch!"

Maurice then noticed Sails, Batten, Catfish and Froggy surrounded before he took out all of the Eggforcers surrounding them.

Maurice spoke "We're overmatched."

Black Rose asks "We?"

Maurice asks "I left you all once, and I'm not making that mistake again. Where's the Shard?"

Black Rose spoke "There!"

Dread still had the Shard as he shot down Eggforcers. We kept fighting before Dread grabbed his blade with his teeth and glided off with the shard.

Black Rose asks "Dread is abandoning ship?"

The Old Man spoke "Gah! The pirate's got the Shard! Get him!"

The enemy ship took off after sending out more Eggforcers with the man in the mech suit following.

Rust spoke "The Shard must not fall into the Council's hands."

Maurice spoke "But you-"

Black Rose spoke "We'll be fine after the rock is gone. You and your friend get after him, Sonic."

A screech was heard as a battle scarred Gilda flew into the fray with a female echidna on her back.

No Place Shade spoke "Dread! Stop!!!"

Due to the roaring engines, Dread couldn't hear her.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure he hears you." I said before Maurice and I went after Dread, getting past the enemy ship and the man.

Maurice asks "Dread! Is this who you really are? A coward who abandons his crew?"

Dread spoke "A captain makes sacrifices!"

Dread shot lightning at us as we both dodged it.

"What would Eyeshade think?" I pointed out before Dread dodged some plasma blasts.

The man spoke "Time to show off my warrior pose."

The man did an action before doing some weird poses.

The old man asks "Gah! Would you just grow up and attack?"

The man spoke "I'm trying to be dramatic!"

Dread shot one of the mech suit's wings as he started flying out of control, making Maurice and I laugh before we and the ship followed a gliding Dread again.

Maurice asks "Dread! Where are you, what's your plan?"

Dread spoke "I don't need a "plan"! As long as I've got me beauty!"

Maurice and I sighed before spin attacking Dread, sending him rolling on the shore and crashed against a wall as Maurice jumped up, grabbing the shard with an awesome pose before landing.

Maurice spoke "Oh, yeah!"

Eyeshade soon has her gryphon companion land by Dread.

The scarred gryphon spoke "Ya gone and messed up big time Dread, I don' think yer crew will respect ya as captain now."

Dread gasps "W-What? How are ye-"

Maurice and I dodged some plasma blasts as we were against a wall.

Maurice spoke "Sorry, Dread, but I've got a shatter-verse to save."

The two of us started running up the mountain as we dodged more plasma blasts and beat some Eggforcers.

Maurice spoke "Land! Sweet, solid land! Finally, I can get some traction under these kicks! Time to get outta here."

Barriers formed around the two of us as we jumped into the air.

Maurice gasps "It's working! Yes! *As a portal opened* What the-?"

We then crashed against the bottom of the mothership as we started falling with the barriers gone and crashed onto the top of the mountain.

Maurice spoke "*sarcastically* Thanks for the head's up, Shadow!"

Eyeshade spoke "Those lily-livered punks are in the way! Gild, let a powerful Screech fly!"

Gild spoke "Ya got it partner!"

Gild took a deep breath before letting a loud screech out, shorting out hundreds of eggforcers as well as the airship.

I spoke "Holy shit! The Gilda I know can never screech that loud!"

But then the mothership soon lowered, revealing a shocking surprise as Dread climbed up the mountain with his fists.

Maurice asks "Nine?!"

Nine spoke "Sonic, get out of here! *Shocked by Eggforcers*"

Maurice spoke "No!"

Then we saw... Eggman?

Mr. Eggman growls "What?! You still have the Shard? Doctors, where are you? What have you been doing all this time?"

The Old man spoke "Oh, cool your jets, sonny! Deep's just cleaning up a few barnacles. We'll be there shortly!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "Do I have to do everything myself? Playtime is over. Give me the Shard."

"Make me." Maurice and I challenged before Dread showed up.

Dread spoke "No, she be mine!"

Maurice spoke "Dread!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "Shoot the pirate."

A plasma blast hit Dread in the back as he struggled to get up.

Eyeshade screams "DREAD!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "I said playtime is over."

Then the Kraken flew into the air, with Deep and a few Eggforcers having captured Dread's crew as the enemy ship rose back into the air.

Mr. Eggman spoke "Excellent work, Doctors. It's amazing what my cohorts and I can do when we work together."

That seemed to have snapped me out of my dark form.

Mr. Eggman spoke "I'll make this simple. Hand over the Shard, or say goodbye to your friends forever."

Rust spoke "Don't. I am expendable. *Shocked by a Eggforcer*"

Batten retorts "Well, I'm not! Give 'em the blasted rock!"

Mr. Eggman spoke "Well? Last chance."

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* Fine. When you put it that way."

Nine spoke "Sonic, no!"

Two Eggforcers approached us.

Maurice asks "You want the Shard?"

The two of us smirked. "You're gonna have to get it yourself!"

Maurice threw the blue Shard.

Mr. Eggman spoke "No! Get the Shard! And destroy those two!"

We then "chased" after the shard, distracting the Eggforcers long enough for Dread's crew to break themselves free before we went onto the Kraken as Black Rose and Rust fought Dr. Deep in his mecha suit. The two of us beat a few bots before going at Deep.

Dr. Deep gasps "Oh, no!"

We knocked Deep off, destroying a few bots while the one with the Shard flew up.

Maurice spoke "You two make quite the team."

Black Rose spoke "Aye, we do."

Maurice spoke "Now, if you'll excuse us, we've gotta fly."

We jumped off the Kraken as we beat an Eggforcer and held onto the one with Shard. But then the mothership opened a portal.

Maurice spoke "The mothership! It's leaving!"

But then Deep flew up and kicked the Eggforcer while swiping the Shard as he laughed before flying towards the mothership. I flew while Maurice fell before he landed on the Kraken.

Black Rose asks "Need a lift?"

Maurice spoke "You know it."

Rust spoke "You and your fellow hedgehog must stop them, Sonic. If the Council acquires all the shards, total annihilation is inevitable."

Maurice spoke "Well, doesn't that sound terrifying."

Sails spoke "Sonic, look!"

Maurice and I looked through spyglasses as we saw... Dread climbing up the mothership?!

Maurice asks "Dread?"

We were not far now as the enemy ship landed on the mothership, which was close to the portal.

Maurice spoke "Thanks for the lift!"

Maurice and I jumped, managing to get onto the ladders on the mothership before we went through the portal into the void.

"So how are the others gonna get to us?" Maurice asked.

"Twilight has her sword, she'll be able to home in on your prism energy. And I bet those eggheads are heading back to what you called New Yoke." I said that while unknown to us, Gild and Eyeshade managed to follow us through the portal.


Back to New Yoke/ A Madness To Their Methods

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*Twilight/Deep Lilac's POV*

Once the rest of the Harmony Guard and I recovered, we went after the two hedgehogs.

Blaze, Tails, Shadow, Zoey and Moeru came with us.

Rarity spoke "Ick... This city's worse than Republic City... *cough*"

But then we saw someone riding something and a red dot falling before we saw two dots falling after it before the the two blue dots threw the red one onto a roof as we saw the two dots, revealed to be Maurice and Sonic as they fell into a dumpster.

Maurice spoke "Yuck!"

Sonic groans "This will be hard to wash out of my wings..."

Sonic tried to move his wings, only to find the left one was injured.

Sonic spoke "Oh great. Well, I still have my speed to get around."

We soon saw the mothership land on a tower as everything in the city lit back on with power as there now Eggforcers moving throughout the whole city.

“Come on! Let’s go!” I said as we got onto the rooftops while noticing Maurice’s gloves and hands being different.

Maurice calls out "Dread? Dread? Dread? Where are you?"

But then we saw fighting in the distance, seeing a Rouge carrying some citizens to safety.

Maurice spoke "It’s the rebels!"

We moved to when she was headed and saved her by destroying the Eggforcers attacking her and a Knuckles.

Maurice asks "Miss me?

Rebel asks "Sonic?"

Renegade spoke "I shoulda known when everything went bad, you’d show up."

Maurice spoke "Hey, I’m here to help!"

Rebel spoke "Except you always seem to make things worse."

After getting his left wing bandaged up by Fluttershy, Sonic spoke "I didn't do anything wrong though!"

I ask "Have either of you seen a pirate version of Renegade?"

Maurice spoke "He was talking about me, bro."

Renegade asks "What are you talking about?"

But then more Eggforcers showed up as we fought them while moving throughout the city as I noticed we were heading into the “Deep District”.

To the surprise of the Harmony Guard and the rebels, Gild and Eyeshade aided in the fight with the robots.

Moeru asks "Gild? Eyeshade? What are you you two doing here?"

Eyeshade spoke "Gild and I have ta stop Dread from goin' after the rest o' the shards."

We kept beating the Eggforcers while saving civilians.

Renegade spoke "Come on, don't let Sonic get in all the good licks!"

The rebels started fighting the Eggforcers.

Maurice spoke "It's great to see you guys again, it really is, but I-"

Renegade growls *Grabs Maurice* Answers! Where did you from?"

Maurice spoke "Well..."

Yeah, Maurice explained the long and complicated story.

Renegade spoke "Pirates? I hate pirates."

Rebel asks "*Grabs Maurice in anger* You let the Council het their hands on more Shards?"

Maurice spoke "Technically, yes. But don't worry, I've got a plan. I'm on my way to fix it right now."

Rebel spoke "We've heard that before!

Maurice spoke "I'm gonna bust into the Yoke, grab the Shards and rescue Nine."

Rebel asks "The fox with the attitude? The one who stole the Shard?"

Maurice stammers "I know he's a little rough around the edges..."

Rebel spoke "It's not just the edges."

Maurice spoke "...but he saved you!"

Renegade spoke "And then he disappeared again."

Maurice spoke "Because he was captured? We can trust him."

Renegade spoke "Him? We don't even trust you or your friends!"

Danyelle growls "Can't you see we have BIGGER problems than a single pirate going after the shards? If Nine got his hands on the shards, he'll use them to command the Grim to attack the rest of us! As well as those in Boscage, No Place and everyone here in New Yoke!"

Maurice spoke "Okay, now I know you're losing it, Dany."

Sonic asks "Gotta agree with me there, Danyelle. You sure you're not letting your Dimensional Scream get to your head?"

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Sonic, can't you trust your adopted sister for once? I feel hurt by what you said..."

Tails whacks Sonic on the head.

Tails spoke "You oughta know by now that Danyelle can't turn her Dimensional Scream off."

Gild asks "Dimensional Scream?"

Danyelle spoke "Lot to explain."

Sonic spoke "Look, I do trust you, Dany. But you seriously can't expect me to just believe that Dimensional Scream. A Tails is a Sonic's best bud, and that Dimensional Scream makes me think it could be wrong just this once."

Danyelle spoke "Well don't come crying to me once Nine turns against you."

Tails spoke "Maybe you're just being paranoid Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Not you too Tails..."

Maurice spoke "Fine. I don't need you guys slowing me down anyway. I'll just-"

Rebel spoke "Quiet!"

We saw scanners coming around fast, picking up civilians.

Rebel spoke "Those machines, they've never been so fast. Or this aggressive."

Maurice spoke "*As Renegade jumped down to help the civilians* Which is exactly why I need to get into the Yoke like, yesterday. The Shards are what matters."

Rebel spoke "Go on, then. Don't let us slow you down."

Rebel flew down to help save the civilians.

A lone Changeling stallion was among the civilians as he tried to escape but was captured.

Kevin screams "HELP!!!!"

Rebel then kicked the bot holding Kevin away, freeing him.

Maurice asks "*Nervously* It's fine. They can handle it. Focus on the Shards, focus on the Shards... *Runs down* Uh, why am I running into battle?"

Maurice attacked a bot, causing it to drop a civilian before Denizen 1998 caught it with New Yoke Froggy poking out from under his hat.

Sonic throws a robot away with magic.

Sonic spoke "Maybe it's what a Sonic does, they defend the innocent."

Renegade and Rebel fought the bots before Maurice took them out.

Maurice spoke "Well, it’s been a blast, but I gotta get to the Yoke."

Rebel spoke "We’re going with you."

Maurice asks "What?"

I spoke "We're stronger as a team than we are alone."

The rest of the Harmony Guard nod in agreement.

Indigo spoke "There's a saying though. United we stand, divided we fall."

Rebel spoke "We're all heading to the Yoke."

Renegade spoke "Why would we go to the Yoke? The streets are crawling with Eggbots again!"

Rebel spoke "Now that the Council is back and more powerful than ever, we have to take the fight to them."

Renegade spoke "No one likes a good dust-up more than me, you know that, Rebel, but these grunts are green. We need to get underground."

Maurice spoke "Love that you're talking this out, but I should've been there already. I can't wait around-"

Rebel spoke "*Stops Maurice* You're gonna have to! This is bigger than you, Sonic. If you fail, and the Chaos Council keeps the Shards, we're finished. And I'm not letting that happen."

I spoke "Even with seven Poké-Mobians, we're still too small an army to stop those robots."

A crack of thunder was heard as New Yoke Danyelle shows up on the back of a Luxray-like creature.

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "Thought you'd need more help there Rebel and Renegade!"

New Yoke Danyelle whistles loud, calling in more creatures identical to her mount.

Rebel spoke "I know this isn't what we do. We stick to the shadows, we fight from the shadows, but this, there's too much at stake. We have to bring the fight right to them."

Renegade spoke "Maybe there's a way we can do both."

I spoke "I can use invisibility, it'll give us the advantage while leaving them confused."

Rebel spoke "No, they would’ve been prepared for invisibility."

Later, we were entering some kind of subway before Rebel stopped us.

Maurice asks "Oh, can we please speed this up?"

Rebel spoke "We’re moving as fast as we can."

We kept moving forward before seeing scan bits as we took cover.

Renegade asks "What’s the plan, Rebel?"

Maurice spoke "Yeah, we are kinda under a time crunch here, so…"

Rebel spoke "We need to get into the tunnels on the other side of the station. Using them, we’ll be able to get in close to the Yoke HQ with less attention than on the streets."

Renegade spoke "So we just gotta get past these chumps first? *Scoff* No sweat."

We went through tubes before fighting the scan-grab bots.

I spoke "Using my Roar will draw too much attention though."

Another version of Shade was on the back of a wolf creature that looked like a knock-off Midday Lycanroc as the two fought a robot.

We soon beat the bots while saving some teammates.

Maurice spoke "Way to put the “team” in “teamwork”, everybody! Oh, looks like you can handle yourselves, so maybe I’ll just take off."

But then we heard doors rumbling.

Danyelle, Akane and I growl.

Gild and the two strange creatures growl as well.

Gild spoke "Brace yerselves!"

The doors opened up, revealing giant Eggforcers.

Renegade spoke "Those things are huge."

Rebel asks "Okay, seriously, what’s with all the upgrades?"

The bots approached us before we took cover after dodging an attack.

Rebel asks "Knucks, we’ll handle this one. Can you clear the exit?"

Maurice saluted before running.

Rebel spoke "Let’s move."

We started fighting the two giant bots and scan bots while Maurice saved two Rebel soldiers from a train as the giant bot held it back before Maurice kicked a plasma blaster out of it.

I fired a Roar at the robots, shoving them backwards.

Rebel spoke "Let's go!"

We continued moving on before reaching the end of the tunnel, seeing tons of bots down there.

Rebel spoke "*Gasp!* I'm starting to think this was a bad idea. They've never had this many Eggforcers, and they've never been this tough."

Renegade asks "What do we got left to lose?"

Gild sarcastically asks "I dunno, maybe our lives?"

Maurice spoke "Look, this is all getting pretty intense and it's lot more than you signed up for. So I don't blame ay of you if you don't wanna go any further. But I have to go. I have a fox friend to rescue and a world to save, a few worlds, actually. I should have been doing this alone anyway."

Rebel spoke "No. The Chaos Council are not going to stop at bigger robots, and you're our best shot at any sort of victory. We're with you, Sonic."

Renegade spoke "Just tell me who to punch."

Tails spoke "If only we had more allies."

Sonic spoke "Tails, you're a GENIUS!!!"

Zoey uses telepathy to contact Purity and the rest of the Mewtwos.

Zoey spoke "Damn, I can't get through to our allies. Something is blocking my telepathy."

Danyelle burps up a letter that was from Shirou.

Danyelle spoke "About time! We got allies coming!"

A warp ring opens up before Michiru, Nazuna, Shirou, Corina, Bridget, Kiki, Renee, Honeystar and the Wonderbolts along with a huge flock of gryphons arrive.

Shirou spoke "Thought you folks would need help."

Sonic spoke "Good timing grandpa! We needed it!"

What Sonic had just said caught Rebel, Renegade, Countershade, Eyeshade and Gild off guard.

We then started fighting the bots, even causing a train to crash into two giant ones.

Shirou was in his other form as he ripped robots apart while flaming arrows were shot off by the firebenders.

Ginrou howls "PUSH THEM BACK!!!"

But then two giant metallic bots showed up as Knuckles used a plasma launcher, only for the plasma to bounce off.

Rebel spoke "Forget it, Knucks! They're too well-armored!"

Renegade spoke "We'll see about that!"

Renegade leapt and pounded a bot's head in before its eyes glowed with the head popping back up before it shot lasers from said eyes as Maurice grabbed Renegade, dodging them.

Maurice chuckles "If looks could kill, am I right? *Dodging bot's flamethrower* I think maybe I made them mad!"

Ginrou attacked one of the upgraded giant bots, only to leave a TINY dent.

Ginrou growls "This is much harder than I thought."

Nazuna shifted to her false Ginrou form, shredding her own clothes in the process.

Nazrou shot sun-hot flames from her mouth at the robots, melting them down.

Nazrou laughs "Too bad they're NOT SUN-HOT FIREPROOF!!"

Michiru spoke "Uh Nazuna..."

To the horror of the pink furred wolf, the robots didn't melt.

Nine spoke "Nine to Sonic."

Maurice asks "Nine? *Dodging eye beams*"

Nine asks "Are you there, Sonic?"

Maurice taunts "*Dodging eye beams* Can't take your eyes off me, huh? Come on, do your worst!"

Maurice ran around with the eye beams following him, destroying some giant bots before he went to between them and jumped up, with the two giant armored robots hitting each other with their eye beams, causing them to explode as Maurice landed.

Maurice spoke "Yeesh. You guys need some team spirit."

A severely underweight tanuki Mobian crawled out from one of the two robots that was destroyed before collapsing.

Michiru asks "Is that...?!"

Nazrou spoke "Minus the weight difference, she looks like you Michiru. And no, I'm saying that you're fat or anything!"

Another Nazuna soon shows up.

New Yoke Nazuna spoke "Chiru!"

Nazrou spoke "Should've seen that coming."

Michiru spoke "*ears had turned to rabbit ears* I hear something..."

We got back to the rebels as they fought more Eggbots.

Rebel spoke "Nice job. Told you he'd make it."

Maurice spoke "Make it? Uh... thanks. I can take it from here."

Rebel: No chance. We've come this far. We finish this together."

Renegade spoke "Easy to say. But we still gotta get inside. And this place is locked down."

More giant robots appeared.

Rebel spoke "Take cover!"

We did that.

Renegade spoke "More Eggforcers? *Groan* I hate to say it, but-"

Rebel spoke "We're not retreating! We make our stand, here and now!"

We made a few shots.

Renegade spoke "We can't hold them off for long. We need to get inside, now!"

Nine spoke "Sonic!"

Maurice spoke "Nine? About time!"

Nine? spoke "Bring your friends to the southwest doors."

Maurice spoke "You okay? You sound strange."

Nine? spoke "I'll get you in."

Maurice spoke "My inside fox is gonna get us in. Come on!"

Rebel asks "Bring your friends"? Why would he say that?"

Maurice spoke "Because he's a nice guy. I told you, we can trust him!"

Renegade spoke "Not like we have another option."

Rebel spoke "Rebels! Fall back!"

We retreated before getting onto the Yoke.

Maurice spoke "Yes! I knew Nine wouldn't let me down. Come on!"

We went to a door before it opened as we went inside.

Renegade spoke "Yeah, this isn't ominous at all. I don't like this."

Rebel asks "You don't like anything. Anyone got a light?"

Danyelle spoke "Hold on a minute guys, I think it could be a trap. Indigo's danger sense is on high alert."

Another door suddenly opened with steam coming out of it.

Maurice asks "Nine?"

Something stepped out in the steam.

Maurice asks "Is that you?"

But when the steam cleared, what we saw shocked us all.

Renegade spoke "No, it's... you."

We saw a robot Sonic right in front of us as his visor turned on.

Indigo growls "I knew it! That last call was hacked!"


Double Trouble

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*Sonic’s POV*

Oh boy, a New Yoke Metal Sonic.

Metal Sonic spoke "Heads up, furbag!"

Metal Sonic dashed forward and punched Maurice to a wall.

Maurice asks "Is that a… knockoff me?"

Metal Sonic spoke "*Grabs Maurice* Knockoff? Oof, that stings! From the top of my titanium reinforced head to my industrial-grade tookus!"

Maurice was thrown into the ceiling before falling down, then kicked out of the room by Chaos Sonic before stopping himself at the edge of the Yoke.

Maurice spoke "Woah, woah, woah!"

Metal Sonic spoke "The name is Chaos Sonic, like regular Sonic, but with twice the charm, and none of the failure!"

Maurice spoke "Failure? You’ve got the wrong hedgehog, pal!"

Chaos Sonic spoke “Au contraire, blue-hair! I know a fox that might disagree with you."

Renegade spoke "Another trap… I knew that fox set us up!"

“That’s a lie!” Maurice and I growled.

Chaos Sonic spoke “I was not programmed to lie!"

Chaos Sonic leapt at Maurice before fighting him as more Eggbots showed up.

Renegade spoke “Looks like your pal… set us up!"

Maurice spoke “ No! Nine wouldn’t do that! *Fights Chaos Sonic before soon headbutting him* I’ve gotta get Nine out of there!"

Renegade spoke “Forget that two-timing punk! Get in, get the shards, get out! That’s it!"

Maurice spoke “Some of us are fast enough-*Headbutted by Chaos Sonic* Ow!"

The two were soon in a grapple.

Chaos Sonic spoke Wow, looking at you is like looking in a mirror! *Mockingly* Only I’m all sad and pathetic!"

Maurice spoke “You’re gonna be sad in a minute!"

The two kept fighting before getting into another grapple with Chaos Sonic pushing Maurice.

Chaos Sonic spoke “Ugh, I can’t take it! You’re just so tragic and smelly! Here, let me help."

Maurice spoke “*Groaning* Please, stop talking."

Chaos Sonic spoke “*Pushes Maurice off before grabbing him by the wrist* Gotcha! Saved your life."

Chaos Sonic then threw Maurice into a dumpster.

Chaos Sonic spoke “Have I told you my three-step plan yet? *Closes dumpster* Oh, you’re gonna love it. Step 1, beat you to a pulp, obviously. Step 2, rebrand!"

Maurice then burst out the dumpster.

Maurice spoke “First of all, stop talking! And second-"

Chaos Sonic spoke “*Grabs Maurice before throwing him* Ah, ah, ah! You didn’t hear my step three. *Steps on Maurice* I diversify! T-shirts, pop albums, a chili dog flavored soft drink called “Chaos Sonic’s Chaos Tonic!”

The rest of us were still fighting the eggbots.

A missile hits Chaos Sonic from behind, knocking him off Maurice as a familiar tune was heard.

A familiar magenta hedgehog spoke "Prepare for trouble!"

A light blue hedgehog spoke "And make it double!"

The magenta hedgehog spoke "To protect the universe from devastation."

The light blue hedgehog spoke "To Unite all people within our nation."

The magenta hedgehog spoke "To denounce the evil of truth and love."

The light blue hedgehog spoke "To extend our reach to the stars above."

Jessie spoke “Jessie."

James spoke “And James."

Jessie spoke “Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

James spoke “Surrender now, or prepare for a fight!"

Cash spoke “*Drops in* Meowth, that's right!"

Renegade shot a eggbot.

Rebel spoke “Nice one."

Renegade asks “That the last of 'em?"

Rebel spoke “Better be. *As Maurice and Chaos Sonic fought* Sonic looks like he could use a hand."

But then giant eggbots started showing up.

Renegade spoke “Spoke too soon... *Tries to fire, but out of ammo* Classic."

Rebel spoke “Help Sonic! I'll hold them off as long as I can."

Renegade spoke “I ain't leaving you."

Rebel spoke “Yes, you are. That's an order. Go!"

Renegade jumped down as Chaos Sonic and Maurice still fought.

Chaos Sonic spoke “What's the matter? Stage fright? Don't worry. The show's almost over, and you've had a good run, but it's time to take your final bow."

Renegade crashed down, pounding Chaos Sonic into the ground with one punch.

Maurice spoke “Aw, yeah!"

Renegade spoke “Ha. I think you're getting rusty, Blue. This guy ain't so tough."

Peach and Ash electrocute a robot, shutting it down.

Ash spoke "Bout time you three showed up!"

Peach spoke "Shirou got the rest of us adult Mewtwo to help you out."

But then Chaos Sonic erupted from the ground, sending Renegade flying into a wall.

Chaos Sonic spoke “ Two-on-one? Tsk-tsk. That's cheating. Guess I'll have to even the odds.

Chaos Sonic kicked Maurice away as Renegade tried punching the robot, who dodged effortlessly.

Renegade spoke “ Stand still!

Chaos Sonic spoke “ Missed me, missed me, now here comes my fisty!

Chaos Sonic punched Renegade away.

Maurice asks “Ugh, he's tough. Maybe I can run down his battery. Hey, you want to be the new me?"

Chaos Sonic spoke “I am the new you.

Maurice asks “Well, how about a race?"

Chaos Sonic spoke “Oh, I love a race."

Maurice spoke “See if you can keep up with the original."

The two suddenly dashed off.

Asuna was in her Mega Y form as she attacks a giant robot, crushing it with Psychic.

I zoom after the two, keeping my wings furled tight so I didn't damage the left one further.

The two were soon running across rooftops.

Chaos Sonic spoke “Hello again!"

Maurice groans “Ugh!"

They then jumped across a huge gap.

Chaos Sonic spoke “Gotcha."

Maurice spoke “Stop."

Chaos Sonic spoke “Stop."

Maurice spoke “Seriously, knock it off."

Chaos Sonic spoke “Seriously, knock it off."

Maurice spoke “Stop copying me!"

Chaos Sonic spoke “Stop copying me!"

The two then ran on the road before...

Chaos Sonic spoke “*Gets ahead of Maurice* Boo!"

Chaos Sonic then tackled Maurice from ahead.

Chaos Sonic spoke “And down goes Sonic! He can taste his impending defeat, which I'm guess tastes like concrete."

Maurice spoke “Ugh. If I'm half as annoying as this guy, I really need to make some changes."

I was ready to head in before...

Chaos Sonic spoke “Let's start by changing your face!"

Maurice spoke “*Grapples with Chaos Sonic* Ugh... At least I have a face!"

Chaos Sonic spoke “ *As Maurice and I noticed a bus turning left* I got to hand it to you, you don't just lose, you lose epically!

Chaos Sonic threw Maurice to the left alley.

Chaos Sonic spoke “Face it, you'll never beat me! You're too slow."

Maurice spoke “Quit your yapping and come get me."

The two started running again before taking a left turn as they jumped, with Chaos Sonic right in the bus' crosshairs.

Chaos Sonic spoke “Oh, no."

Chaos Sonic was hit by the bus before it crashed into a wall, crushing him.

Maurice laughs “Bus-ted!"

I laugh "He SO had that one coming!"

Maurice spoke "Up top!"

I high-five my fellow hedgehog.

But then we heard blasting from on the Yoke as we started heading there, not knowing that Dread was following us. Unknown to any of us, technological buildings started to rise in Boscage Maze and in No Place.

Renegade spoke "*As the last of the eggbots fell* Finally. We're done here."

But then more giant eggbots appeared.

Renegade spoke "Oh, come on."

Then Maurice and I showed up, destroying the three giant eggbots.

Maurice spoke "Sorry we're late."

Renegade asks "Where's your evil, slightly more annoying triplet?"

Maurice spoke "He had a bus to catch."

But then we noticed the blue and green portals in the sky.

Rebel spoke "What are we supposed to do about these? That can't be good."

Renegade spoke "We ain't going to be able to punch our way out of this one."

Sonata blasts a robot with waterbending, shorting it out.

Riding on Sonata's back, Manic spoke "Watch out bro!"

Adagio whacks a robot that was about to attack me.

Riding on Adagio's back, Sonia spoke "Manic's right bro, we can't let our guards down."

Maurice gasps "What the?! Manic?! Sonia?!"

Adagio spoke "They're not the Manic and Sonia you know."

Sonia spoke "Adagio's right dude, I'm Sonia Ogami."

Sonia whistles loud thus calling in the Babylon Rogues and the main zone Eggman.

Maria flew out of a warp ring while carrying a med kit.

Swiftrunner and at least 30 other chakats follow Maria.

Maria spoke "We came to help!"

Danyelle triggers an earthquake, tearing a portal open to the underworld as several demons appeared.

Inuyasha spoke "About damn time you got here Blitz! We need all the help we can get!"

Rebel spoke "The sooner we get the Shards, the sooner we can stop this.

Maurice spoke "Great point, Rebel. Let's go!

We started fighting some giant eggbots while heading in.

Maurice spoke "Go, go, go!

A voice asks "Hey, bro. Miss me?"

Maurice was suddenly tackled from behind by Chaos Sonic.

Chaos Sonic spoke "Now, where were we? Oh, yeah."

Maurice and Chaos Sonic started fighting again as they grappled.

Chaos Sonic spoke "*Cackling* Now this, this is fun...

Chaos Sonic spun Maurice around before throwing him as they jumped around the room, still fighting.

Chaos Sonic spoke "Feel free to add this butt-kicking to your long list of failures, Sonic!

Chaos Sonic soon got Maurice pinned down.

Chaos Sonic spoke "You want to know the biggest difference between you and me?

We soon caught up.

Rebel spoke "He's got us.

Rebel punched Chaos Sonic as the machine soon landed.

Renegade spoke "And you're on your own.

Renegade was about to punch Chaos Sonic before the machine threw the echidna behind him.

Chaos Sonic spoke "Nah, friends are a weakness.

Maurice spoke "*As Rebel was knocked back by a flying Renegade* No!"

Chaos Sonic spoke "Remember, Sonic, this is all on you."

We started fighting Chaos Sonic, but he was somehow beating us easily, even me!

Maurice spoke "Leave them alone."

Chaos Sonic spoke "*While grappling with Maurice* After I'm done with you, I'm going to destroy your friends and family."

But then something hit Chaos Sonic in the head, and it was a... coconut?

A voice spoke "Avast, scurvy dog!"

Dread suddenly showed up.

Maurice asks "Dread?"

Dread slashed Chaos Sonic, sending the robot flying back.

Maurice spoke "You're okay!"

Dread spoke "I owe ye one for saving me hide. But once we're squared, it's every one for themselves when it comes to me beauty. Nya ha ha! *Runs off*"

Renegade spoke "Must have took one too many punches today."

Rebel spoke "That makes two of us... and four of you."

Maurice laughs "Don't question it. What better way to win a fight than with a trio of Knuckles? *Runs off*"

Rebel spoke "No argument there."

We fought Chaos Sonic before getting him to fall down as three Knuckles simultaneously punched him, making the robot spin before falling to the ground as his red eyes turned into X's.

Dread spoke "Shiver me timbers! Ye both be me!"

Renegade asks "Are you making fun of me?"

Knuckles spoke "Talk about seeing double."

But then the red x's went back to normal as Chaos Sonic got up and spun his legs while handstanding still, kicking all the Knuckles.

Maurice spoke "Knuckles... Woah!"

The whole place started shaking, making all of us lose our balance a bit as those who could fly and float stayed in the air. Soon, Maurice started fighting Chaos Sonic again.

Nine asks "Hey, Sonic, are you there?"

Maurice spoke "Sorry, pal, but I'm a little busy at the moment. *Dodging* Woah!"

We caught up with Maurice as we started fighting Chaos Sonic.

Nine spoke "I have a plan. Follow my directions and lead it to me."

Maurice asks "You sure?"

Nine spoke "Positive. But you got to hurry."

Maurice spoke "What else is new? *Calling out to Chaos Sonic* Hey, slowpoke!"

Maurice started walking backwards, getting Chaos Sonic's attention.

Rebel spoke "Sonic, wait!"

Maurice then ran off before Chaos Sonic shook us all off and went after Maurice.

Renegade spoke "*As Dread dusted off his hat* I'm starting to think he likes traps."

Dread spoke "*Puts his hat back on* Aye, he does."

Knuckles spoke "You're telling me."

Rebel spoke "*Looking between the Knuckles* This is too weird."

Danyelle spoke "Three versions of the same idiot is bad enough. Last thing any of us need is a gold-loving dragon in the way."

I followed the two speedsters.

Nine spoke "Quick, take a right. *As we followed Maurice while he took the directions* And a left. Take a right, then up the stairs! Exit the top floor! The lab is at the end of the hall!"

We soon got to the lab as Maurice and I saw Nine.

Nine spoke "Lead him this way!"

Maurice and I led Chaos Sonic before jumping as Nine fired a laser with the Shards before Maurice and I dodged it, while Chaos Sonic was hit dead-on, becoming destroyed, shattered, shut down and shot outside.

Maurice spoke "*Hugs Nine before spinning him around* We did it! *Lets go of Nine* Oh, sorry. I, uh... I know you're not really a hugger."

Nine spoke "No, I'm sorry. The Chaos Council used me. I didn't-"

Maurice spoke "He, I never doubted you for a second."

"Me neither." I agreed.

Maurice spoke "And that proves why. Only a true friend could pull off a save like that."

Nine asks "Friend? We're friends?"

Maurice spoke "You bet we are! Uh, quick question. How are we gonna carry them all? They seem extra Shardy right now."

Nine spoke "*Looks around before getting an idea* This will only take a moment."

Nine soon brought out two cases.

Nine spoke "This case should hold the Shards and contain their energy. The more the Shards interact, *Opens cases* the more volatile and potentially catastrophic they could become."

Maurice spoke "*As Maurice and I put the Shards in the cases before closing them* Genius. As always. *As Nine made the case float* Yay, teamwork!"

Maurice offered a high-five.

Nine spoke "Oh... High-five!"

The two did a high-five, which was awesome as we laughed.

Maurice spoke "Yes!"

I spoke "I don't know guys, this seems too easy."

A voice spoke "Aha!"

We looked at the door and froze, seeing the Chaos Council.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Stop right there, varmints!"

The old man started charging up his tennis ball walking stick plasma gun.

Maurice groans "I hate this place."

Talk about bad timing.

I shift to werehog form before roaring loud, scaring the old man to point that he shat himself.


Cracking Down Together

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*Manic’s POV*

I teleported with Sonia, Adagio and Sonata right to Maurice, Sonic and Nine as I saw the Chaos Council ahead.

Mr. Eggman spoke "Destroy them!"

Eggbots came at us as Sonic, Maurice and I sent the bots flying towards the Chaos Council before the four of them dodged it while Nine hacked into the door system.

Maurice spoke "Thanks for stopping by."

The doors then closed.

Nine spoke "I’ve locked the Chaos Council out of the system, but it won’t last long."

Maurice asks "Don’t tell me we’re trapped in here?"

Nine spoke "Are you kidding? This is all going according to my plan."

Sonata spoke "Even with four hedgehogs, two sirens and a fox... we're sitting ducks!"

But then we heard a thud and babbling as we saw Dr. Babbles in his mech before he shot his rattle club at us as we dodged it.

Maurice asks "Did you plan for that?

Nine spoke "That? No.

The mech then started shooting at us as we pushed the crates with Nine on them into another room before going down a staircase a bit.

Nine spoke "Stop! The Council thinks we’re going down… *Brings out a tech similar to the ones on Maurice* but we’re taking a different path."

Nine then dropped the tech straight down the staircase gaps.

Maurice spoke "Oh, things are finally coming together. We’ve got the Shards. We can finally fix everything!"

Nine spoke "It’s going to be perfect!"

The rest of us couldn’t help but smile at that.

Adagio spoke "And it's bad enough I dragged a pregnant hedgehog into this mess!"

What Adagio had said catches Nine off guard.

Nine spoke "All the more important we get out unnoticed. Come on, into the vents. And don't worry, there's plenty of room."

Adagio and Sonata take hedgehog forms since their siren forms were much too big to fit in the vents.

Sonic carefully unscrews the grating off with his magic, setting it down.

Sonic spoke "Manic, you got first, then Sonata, then Sonia, then Adagio, then myself, then Maurice and lastly Nine. I don't want some hedgehog sneezing if their nose was tickled."

We were in the vents with the crates before Sonic carefully screwed the grating back on as the eggbots soon flew down the staircases when Maurice realized something.

Maurice spoke "Why aren't they powering down? We have the Shards."

Nine spoke "Residual prism energy stored in the Mothership. They're not powering down any time soon."

Sonia spoke "Not now...."

But before Sonia could make a sound, Adagio covered Sonia's mouth, muffling her.

Sonic whispers "Adagio, what happened?"

Adagio whispers "Bad timing."

Nine's ears twitched before bringing out a small device before pushing a button on it, turning it into a heater before looking in the other direction.

Nine spoke "I normally use that heater on cold days, but I think it's needed elsewhere, and I have to make sure no one notices the vents."

Sonic spoke "I've put up a soundproof barrier around the seven of us so that they don't hear us."

Manic spoke "I'll keep watch up front here."

Sonata spoke "Adagio and I will handle the delivery."

Sonic spoke "I'll keep the barrier going so sound isn't heard."

Adagio asks "Nine, could you keep watch from behind us?"

Nine asks "*Deadpan* Isn't that what I'm doing right now?"

*Shortly after the birth,*

Sonia whispers "Traversing the vents with a newborn will be hard since I can't fight back."

Adagio whispers "Just stay behind us and in front of Nine."

Sonia whispers "I know Dagi, but I trust you to take my place in battle."

Sonia hands her medallion to Adagio.

Manic whispers "Hold the line folks, I smell something..."

Nine got impatient and went ahead of us on his seven robot tails and silently opened the grating ahead before getting out of the vent as we silently followed him with the crate and while the silence bubble was still around us as we saw Nine silently jump onto a ship behind two eggbots before he used two of robo-tails to shock the two eggbot guards, shutting them down as we exited the vent.

Maurice spoke "Nine, you are full of surprises."

Sonia's left ear twitches.

Sonia spoke "I think we should start running!"

Nine spoke "If you like surprises, wait 'til you see what I've got going on in the Grim. *Opens a crate before heading into the Shattercraft*"

Maurice spoke "Grim? Cool, can't wait to hear more! But right now we gotta get to Ghost Hill."

Nine asks "*Putting shard into power source* Ghost Hill?

Maurice spoke "Yeah! It's just like the real deal, plus it's got a fourth Shard and this blueprint "thingy."

Nine spoke "Blueprint? *As the crates became attached to the Shattercraft* That's the key to putting the prism back together!"

Maurice spoke "Exactly!"

Nine asks "How do we get to this Ghost Hill?"

But then we heard thudding on doors.

Twilight and Danyelle soon pop up with the rest of the allied forces.

Danyelle spoke "Oi vey, you better not leave the rest of us behind!"

But then eggbots came through the doors.

Maurice spoke "We'll clear the path, you get the Shards out of here!"

Most of us started fighting the eggbots while protecting Nine, the Shattercraft, Sonia and the newborn.

Danyelle and the other firebenders let their flames fly at the robots, melting them all.

Nine hacked into the hangar doors, opening them before Dr. Babbles dropped by in his mech.

Maurice groans "Ugh! The baby again!"

Maurice spindashed, knocking the mech back as the Shattercraft started hovering.

Sonic spindashed in place before letting a blade of air fly, slicing the mech's legs clean off.

We then started making our escape with Maurice getting into the Shattercraft as Dr. Babbles cried while his mech flailed around.

Maurice spoke "Go, go, go!"

Twilight and the others immediately got aboard the hovercraft.

Nine spoke "Next stop, prism blueprint."

We then took off on the Shattercraft as we saw the green portal having a violet outline.

Nine spoke "The portal shouldn't have been left open this long. They're decaying."

Maurice asks "Do you think we can go through them?"

Nine spoke "I don't trust them, they look unstable."

But then we heard warning beeps as we saw eggbots flying after us as Nine did evasive maneuvers before shooting the eggbots, destroying them.

Maurice spoke "Ha-ha! Mess with my best bud, and you get blasted!"

Gild spoke "Does it look like we got a choice matey? FLOOR IT!"

Twilight spoke "We gotta get those robots off our collective tails!"

But then we noticed there wasn't anymore eggbots as Nine drove up, flipped, down, then forward.

Maurice spoke "Whoo-hoo! That was epic!"

Nine spoke "Yes, it was."

The Shattercraft fired before a portal opened.

Maurice spoke "Ha, ha, ha! Nothing's gonna stop us now!"

But then the Shattercraft was hit from the right, steering us away from the portal as we missed it before it closed.

Maurice spoke "Whoa!"

Nine groans "*Restabilizing the Shattercraft* Will you stop saying stuff like that?"

Using his right wing, Sonic wingslaps Maurice upside the head.

The Yolkomotive appeared behind us.

Dr. Deep spoke "No matter how fast you are, time always catches up. Time, and the Chaos Council-

Dr. Done-It shouts "Will you just blast them already?"

The Yolkomotive fired again, hitting the right rear wing of the Shattercraft as we started descending.

Nine spoke "Ugh. We're going down!"

The Yolkomotive shot the Shattercraft again, separating it from the crates.

Nine spoke "The Shards!"

We then crash-landed and spun a bit before stopping.

Maurice asks "You guys okay?"

Twilight spoke "Ash and the other Mewtwo are a little dizzy. I'm in a foul mood, same with Shadow and Inuyasha."

Much to Nine's surprise, a battle scarred siren with an eye miss grabs the crates with her mouth before bringing them back to the Shattercraft.

Gild spoke "Good timing Dagio! We nearly lost those shards!"

Dagio spoke "Celeste sent me ta help ya lot out."

But then the Yolkomotive shot Dagio, causing her to drop the crates before shooting the crates, sending them away from the Shattercraft.

Nine spoke "Sonic, the Shatterdrive is down. Go get the Shards!"

Maurice ran towards the crates while dodging plasma blasts and started pushing them towards us while Nine picked up the blue Shard.

Maurice spoke "Nine! Get down!"

Nine spoke "*Dodging* Whoa!"

But then the Yolkomotive was suddenly shot as we saw something fly over us, shooting at the Yolkomotive. We then saw it was the Kraken.

Maurice spoke "All right, Rust and Black Rose!"

Rust laughs "Who is useless now?"

The Yolkomotive started flying away with the Kraken giving chase.

Maurice spoke "Ha-ha! *As Nine put the blue Shard back into an empty crate* I can get us to the Void. *As Eggbots were coming at us* But right now, we need to move. Come on!"

We then started running.

Nine asks How can you get us to the Void?"

Maurice spoke "Well, I don’t want to get all science-y, but basically, I run fast and boom… a portal opens."

Nine spoke "And you’ve done this lots of times? Turn right!"

We turned right, heading into an alley while taking out an Eggbot.

Maurice spoke "Not exactly lots of times…"

Nine spoke "How many? Make a left."

We turned left.

Maurice spoke "Once on purpose, and I wasn’t pushing a giant Shard case. But it was super cool!"

Nine spoke "Turn right!"

We turned back onto the street while dodging the eggbots.

Maurice spoke "Ugh, I’ll never get up to speed with all these Eggforcers on us! Sorry pal, but I think we’re gonna have to use one of those portals to escape."

Nine spoke "It’s not a good idea. They’re portals directly into another Shatterspace. They can’t be stable."

Maurice spoke "*Referring to the Kraken and the crew on it* Well, they came through and they’re okay."

Nine spoke "All right, fine."

Maurice spoke "Through the portals it is!"

We ran before Nine spun his two flesh and seven robo tails, lifting the case as we then took flight while the Eggbots crashed into each other, exploding as we got onto a ramp before running again. We soon ran off and went into the blue portal before falling out onto the ocean before landed as Maurice caught Nine with the crates while still running.

Maurice spoke "Gotcha!"

Nine spoke "Thanks."

Maurice spoke "Hey, don’t mention it, that’s what friends are for."

Sonic spoke "We’re back in No Place!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but Ash and the others are still back in New Yoke!"

Twilight groans "Oh come on!"

Maurice asks "*Notices up ahead* Buildings? Here?"

We looked ahead and indeed saw buildings coming out of the water.

Danyelle growls "Something's not right..."

But then another Yolkomotive with Dr. Babbles and Dr. Don't inside it came out of the portal before firing at us as we dodged before two eggbots came out, chasing us.

Nine asks "Two on your six. Can't you go any faster?"

Maurice spoke "Not on this water. I'll never build up enough speed like this."

Nine grabbed a lamppost, making him, the crates and Maurice turn right as the rest of us followed him while the eggbots crashed against a building, shattering themselves as we then saw a familiar ship.

Batten spoke "There be no wind in me sails! Curse these buildings."

Maurice spoke "Ahoy, guys!"

We soon stopped.

Batten spoke "Sonic! You be back! Ye got yer own boat!"

Nine spoke "This isn't a boat."

Sails spoke "Technically, anything that floats be a boat."

Sails and Nine then noticed each other, becoming confused of what's going on.

Danyelle asks "Hey Maurice, can you run on ice?"

Maurice asks "Not exactly. I won’t be able to get enough speed on them since they don’t have much friction. *To pirates* And actually, we’re just passing through. Any chance you could help us out?"

Batten asks "Helping you out only brings more trouble, but if you could sweeten the deal?"

We then noticed the Yolkomotive in the air.

Maurice asks "Wouldn’t you like another crack at these guys?"

Batten spoke "Argh! They really put the bog in me boots and I’ve been itching to use the cannons."

Catfish brought out and planted a cannon.

Maurice spoke "Thanks, Batten!"

We then took off while the pirates shot fireworks at the Yolkomotive before Nine flew again as we went into the portal, getting back to New Yolk as we landed back on the Yoke.

Maurice spoke "Having friends in all the Shatterspaces comes in handy!"

Deep Lilac spoke "I agree!"

The alicorn-Cyniclon hybrid slashes a robot in half with her sword.

Maurice spoke "Just wait ‘til you meet Tails. You’re gonna love him!"

But then someone dropped in.

Maurice asks "Dread?"

Dread spoke "I want me beauty. I know ye have it."

Nine spoke "*Sarcastically* Yeah, sure is great having friends."

Maurice spoke "Come on, dude, I thought you and I were cool now."

Dread spoke "Ye thought wrong."

But then Rebel flew in as she spun and threw Renegade.

Renegade spoke "Hyah!"

Renegade pounded the ground, sending Dread flying back a bit as he held onto a ledge.

Renegade spoke "Get outta here, Sonic. *Pounds fists* I’ll handle this."

Dread got back up.

Maurice spoke "I get why you don’t like me, but you guys should be friends!"

Renegade spoke "Not gonna happen. I already have enough friends."

Dread spoke "The only friend I need is me beauty. Argh!"

The two echidnas started fighting.

Rebel spoke "The Council’s forces are converging on you. You brought the trouble. Now take it with you."

Nine spoke "We’ve got bigger problems."

Eggbots flew in.

Nine spoke "We need to go."

Rebel spoke "I’ll buy you some time."

Rebel flew and started fighting eggbots as we started running.

Dread spoke "No! Come back!"

Dread was then punched in the face by Renegade while we kept running as we were soon on another ramp with Eggbots coming after us. We jumped into the Boscage Maze Portal as we fell into the jungle while the trees tore the Eggbots apart.

Nine spoke "That was…"

Maurice spoke "Fun, right? *As the case stopped moving* Get used to it. Once we put the prism back together, things will be nonstop awesome all the time in Green Hill."

We started moving again.

Nine asks "Green Hill?"

Deep Lilac spoke "NOW ISN'T THE TIME MAURICE!!!"

Deep Lilac's shout had gotten the attention of the Boscage group.

Meanwhile, the Mothership appeared with Eggbots coming after us.

Maurice "Man... The Chaos Council’s not playing around."

Nine: They won’t stop coming until they have the Shards. We need to get to the Void. Now.

Maurice spoke "Agreed. I just need a runway."

We started moving forward through the jungle before moving past the Boscage Gang as Nine and Mangey noticed each other in confusion while the Eggbots were still shooting at us before we soon noticed buildings from New Yoke in the jungle.

Maurice spoke "This deforestation and commercial construction is really starting to tick me off."

A voice spoke "You’re not the only one…"

We heard a screech as Thorn showed up on Boscage Birdie while two spun with the female hedgehog hitting the eggbots with her hammer, wrecking them before following us.

Thorn spoke "…and your friend looks a lot like Mangey."

Nine asks "Who’s that?"

Thorn soon jumped off Boscage Birdie as the Virizion showed up with the green Shard.

Maurice spoke "Thorn Rose, meet Tails Nine."

Nine spoke "It’s just Nine."

Danyelle used her airbending to blow several eggbots away.

Danyelle growls "We don't have time to screw around Maurice! The fate of the multiverse is at stake here!"

Thorn asks "What have you done now?

Maurice spoke "Not me. *Points at the Mothership* Them!"

Thorn spoke "I won’t let them do more damage to my jungle."

But then the place started rumbling.

Maurice asks "An earthquake! Now? Can’t Mother Nature see I’m trying to save reality?"

Nine spoke "That was no earthquake. Look!"

We looked at the case and there was a crack with red light coming through it.

Maurice spoke "That’s not good.

Nine spoke "*Welds the crack with two of his robo tails, sealing it* Their powers are intensifying because of the close proximity. The case won’t hold them much longer.

Maurice asks "*Sigh* Can you clear a runway?"

Thorn nodded as she went onto Boscage Birdie. “For Boscage Maze!"

The two then flew off towards the enemies as Boscage Birdie screeched a caw with Thorn letting out a warrior scream while the Kraken was still chasing the Yolkomotive, firing at the Eggbots before Rust and Black Rose noticed Boscage Birdie and Thorn wrecking the Eggbots.

Rust and Black Rose asks "Who is that?"

Meanwhile, we were picking up speed.

Maurice spoke "Gotta go fast!

A barrier was forming around us as we kept going faster before we suddenly found ourselves in the Void, leaving the green Gateway as Maurice panted in exhaustion.

Nine spoke "Sonic!"

Danyelle immediately used Heal Pulse on Maurice, bringing his stamina back to full power.

Shatterverse Shadow showed up before pushing the case, stopping it. "It's about time."

Maurice spoke "*Smiles while jumping across crystals* Nine, meet Shadow. Shadow, meet Nine."

Shatterverse Shadow started pushing the case.

Nine spoke "You're not another version of Sonic. But you could be twins!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Hardly, I am the ultimate life form."

Maurice spoke "Don't listen to him. Come on!"

We arrived at the yellow Gateway before entering it, falling into Ghost Hill as we landed.

Ghost Hill Tails spoke "As long as I'm around, you'll always have a wingman."

We turned around, noticing the Ghost Hill versions.

Shatterverse Shadow growls "Sycophantic wish fulfillment."

Deep Lilac spoke "*looking at Shatterverse Shadow* Jeeze dude, you're just as moody as the Shadow I know."

Nine seemed to be thinking to himself before noticing Ghost Hill Tails.

Nine spoke "This is the friend Sonic thought was like me? *Scoff* We're nothing alike."

Shatterverse Shadow nodded at that before another quake happened, causing the ghosts to glitch in and out. "What just happened?"

Nine spoke "Another reality quake. We don't have much time. We need to hurry."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Follow me."

We soon went into the mountain cave as we opened the crates, revealing the blue and red Shards as the Virizion brought out the green Shard.

Maurice spoke "It's finally over. Now we just have to rebuild the prism!"

Nine spoke "Stop! It's not that simple. The alignment must be perfect. the slightest variation could have massive repercussions. People, places, and things could be ripped from existence. One small mistake, and poof! Reality is changed forever."

Maurice spoke "Tiny details are not my thing."

Nine spoke "I can do it. I just have to make some calculations."

Maurice asks "How can we help?"

Nine spoke "I need to be left alone to work. No distractions. Too many in a tight space. I don't want anything to go wrong."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I'll take Sonic and the others outside. Best to keep him away."

Maurice spoke "Thanks for putting it together, buddy. This is why we're a great team."

Maurice and Nine high-fived before we all went outside, leaving Nine to do his work.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "How do you know you can trust him?"

Maurice spoke "Trust is an issue for you, Shadow. That's why you don't have any friends."

Danyelle spoke "Just like my universe's Shadow but it took a bit of my adopted dad's magic to give her a second chance at life. *looking at Shatterverse Shadow* Plus I can sense you lost someone special to you. But I have a bad feeling that Nine will turn on us."

Shatterverse Shadow "Agreed. Sonic, I don't think your friend wants the same thing we do."

Maurice spoke "Hey, you two cheer up! We're so close to this all being over! Once Nine rebuilds the Paradox Prism, and Green Hill reforms, everything will finally be back to normal. We did it!"

But then we heard crackling as we saw a portal open in the air, followed by the Mothership appearing out of it.

Maurice spoke "I may have spoken too soon."

Danyelle snaps "YOU THINK?!"

Deep Lilac's sword was glowing purple due to the shard that was embedded in it.


Ghost of a Chance

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*Danyelle's POV*

Great, the Mothership, Yolkomotives and Chaos Council are here.

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* Don't you just hate this part? The buildup? Shadow and Sonic versus unbeatable odds, with the fate of the world at stake. Like, let's just get on with it already! *Stretching* Hey, I'm not gonna be the one who pulls a hammy."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "What about him? *As Nine was putting the blue Shard in place* We can't just leave alone with the Prism Shards."

Maurice asks "Uh, yes we can. Seeing as how he's the only one who can put them back together, and, y'know, fix reality? You and Dany really don't trust him, do you?"

"No." Shatterverse Shadow and I answered.

Maurice spoke "Of course you don't. Neither of you trust anyone. You wanna stay here and babysit? Fine. Knock yourself out. I'm gonna go buy us some time.

Maurice dashed off to fight the eggbots and ships. Grr...! FINE! I'm fighting too! But don't blame me if I'm right! Shatterverse Shadow, myself and the others jumped down to help Maurice out.

Maurice spoke "Well, look who couldn't resist a team-up."

Shatterverse Shadow scoffs "Hardly. Have you seen what happens when you go it alone?"

Maurice spoke "You mean landslide victory? Someone sounds jealous!"

We then started fighting the eggbots.

Deep Lilac slashes a robot in half with her sword since it wouldn't work for anyone else due to it being a part of her soul.

I trip up the robots with Frenzy Plant since I had absorbed a bit of the energy from the green shard.

I laugh "Oh they'll have to GLUE YOU BACK TOGETHER!!! IN HELL!!!"

As we faced more Eggbots, electricity crackled around them as their eyes turned orange before they fired as we dodged them, seeing that they powered up as they managed to stop our attacks and counterattack, knocking us down before we dodged missiles as Shatterverse Shadow saved Maurice.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Ugh. Probably gonna regret that."

Maurice chuckles "Heh. I heart you too, Shadow."

Shatterverse Shadow rolled his eyes at that in annoyance before we saw Yolkomotives coming at us.

Maurice spoke "Split up!"

We ran before splitting into two groups at a fork in the road. But soon, we saw smoke behind us.

Maurice spoke "Shadow!"

Moeru spoke "Not good!"

We then ran the other way, escaping from Dr. Deep and Dr. Done-It. We soon got onto a hill, finding a crated and a hole through a hill.

Maurice spoke "No… There’s no Shadow and the others would go down that easy…"

Ghost Tails spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wing-man."

We looked left, seeing the Ghost versions before an energy blast pulsed from the mountain, reverting all of Ghost Hill back to Green Hill color.

Maurice spoke "It’s… Home!"

Shatterverse Amy asks "The forest is the most beautiful-Ugh! What’s happening?"

Maurice spoke "Amy. Knuckles. Tails! Guys!"

Maurice started running towards the group before another blast pulsed, reverting Green Hill back to Ghost Hill.

Maurice asks "They’re all ghostly again. Everything was back. Just for a second. This is gonna work! Nine? You okay?"

Nine spoke "Yeah, this is a little trickier than I thought."

Maurice spoke "What happened? Reality was flippin’ out over here!"

Nine spoke "Like I said, this is a challenge. You’re gonna have to buy me some more time."

Maurice spoke "No problem, buddy!"

We then noticed a Yolkomotive in the air as it shot at us before we dodged, running again. Eggbots were ahead of us as we dodged the plasma blasts, hitting the Eggbots instead, destroying them as we saw the other Yolkomotive.

Maurice spoke "Now your turn!"

Missiles flew at us as we ran with them chasing us before we tricked the missiles into the Yolkomotive Dr. Don’t and Dr. Babbles were in as it then crash-landed. We swung off palm trees, excited as we ran before seeing the other group fighting Eggbots.

Maurice spoke "See, I know Shadow and the others would be fine."

We helped the other group as we beat some Eggbots.

Maurice spoke "Hey, these things aren’t so tough when we work together."

Midnight shot blue fire from his mouth at several eggbots, melting them.

Deep Lilac, Tama, Toga, Sesshomaru, Clarity and Inuyasha fought back against the eggbots with swords.

But then we heard angry babbling as Dr. Babbles came out in his mech when Dr. Deep in his mech suit jumped out of the other airborne Yolkomotive and landed beside Dr. Babbles. But then the two started pulsating with electricity crackling around them. Something tells me that they just became supercharged!

Dr. Deep spoke "*Shades glowing yellow* Yes! Yes! *Draws katana* Now we’re talking!"

Dr. Babbles let out a battle cry as he and Dr. Deep came at us. Maurice and half of us were fighting Dr. Babbles before he punched us into a wall as we went back to them. Meanwhile, Shatterverse Shadow and the other half of us were fighting Dr. Deep as the black hedgehog kicked away a katana. Dr. Babbles tried to slam us, but we dodged before my ears and Maurice’s ears twitched as we looked left, seeing the Yolkomotive heading straight to the mountain.

Maurice spoke "Nine!"

We were then hit far by Dr. Babbles’ rattler club.

Nine spoke "Sonic!"

Maurice asks "Nine! You okay?"

Nine spoke "No! The Eggforcers have breached the temple."

Maurice spoke "Hang on, I’m coming."

We dodged Dr. Babbles before Shatterverse Shadow kicked his mech.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Go! Protect the Prism!"

Sonic spoke "We need to run there fast!"

I spoke "CHAOS CONTROL!!!"

I teleport with Maurice straight to Nine's location fast.

Deep Lilac shouts "NOW JASMINE!!!!"

But before Jasmine could do it, something hit the entrance of the cave, sending me and Maurice flying as we saw Nine fighting the Eggbots as he beat them.

Maurice asks "You okay?"

Nine spoke "I’m fine."

Maurice spoke "You’re nearly done! Nine, I saw it. Green Hill was back! So were my friends! Can you-"

Nine spoke "The Prism is only partially complete. I need you to buy me more time."

But then the blocked-off entrance was being bombarded by plasma blasts and missiles before Jasmine went into her 5,000 pound form, tanking the blasts while some bounced off her.

Maurice spoke "Nine… we’re losing. The Chaos Council is using Shard energy to make themselves tougher than ever. Maybe I can do the same."

That gave me an idea before I teleported to Deep Lilac, then teleported both of us to Nine and Maurice.

Nine spoke "Uh…"

Maurice spoke "You said it before, I’m full of Shard energy. Just gimme a boost!"

“Deep Lilac! You’re gonna need a boost too!” I added.

Nine spoke "In theory, it’s possible. But given the myriad configurations and the commensurate spectrum of transmutational possibilities-"

Maurice spoke "*As Jasmine was starting to feel the pain* Uh. Same stuff less words!"

Nine spoke "It’s dangerous. Too little energy, you’ll lose. Too much-"

Maurice spoke "And I pop off like a firework. I get it, but this is it. It’s the only option. ‘Cause unless I can be more, y’know, me, we lose."

Nine nodded at that before his robo tails started absorbing Shard energy.

Maurice spoke "*As Jasmine was sent flying into other eggbots* Uhh, any time now!"

Nine spoke "Almost there. Whatever you do, just don’t move."

Maurice asks "Don’t move?!"

Nine then shot the energy at Maurice and Deep Lilac’s sword, supercharging them as they and I dodged the plasma blasts before taking out the eggbots with Maurice doing it faster than my Sonic and Deep Lilac slashing right through a large group in one slice!

Maurice spoke "Whoa. Now this is speed! Nine, you’ve really outdone yourself.

More Eggbots came in before Maurice and Deep Lilac took them out with ease.

Maurice spoke "We should probably check on Shadow. Great idea!

Wow, he’s so fast, it’s like he can be in two places at once. The three of us then headed out, easily beating eggbots.

Maurice taunts "Ha-ha! Now that’s how it’s done! Meh. Not bad. Oh, like you could do better?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Dodge this, marmot."

We dodged plasma blasts.

Maurice spoke "Rude."

Maurice ran up a twister, sending eggbots onto the Yolkomotive’s windshield, making Dr. Done-It lose sight and the vehicle go down.

Maurice laughs "Ha! I knew that would work. No, you didn’t. Did so! Whatever. Race you to Shadow and the others? Way ahead of you-Me-Us?!"

We then took off to get to the others as we saw them about to lose against Dr. Babbles and Dr. Deep.

Maurice spoke "Hey, Shadow! Sorry to keep you waiting!"

We attacked the two doctors rapidly as Maurice high-fived himself before we sent Dr. Babbles flying.

Dr. Deep spoke "Ugh. Don’t you know it’s rude to-Agh!"

We then sent Dr. Deep flying.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "How-"

Maurice spoke "Deep Lilac’s sword and I got a power up to save yer butt and the others. You’re welcome.

“Now that… WAS AWESOME!!!” I cheered in excitement.

Though I was in my Mew form, I had a big sword in my tiny hands.

I shout at the same time as Inuyasha spoke "WIND SCAR!!!"

A double barreled Wind Scar rips through many eggbots while shredding the mechs.

But then we saw the Mothership's weapons pointing upwards.

Maurice spoke "It's aiming away from us?! That doesn't make any sense. Maybe they know when they're beat. These guys? Please. If you believe that you're dumber than you look."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Finally a Sonic I can agree with."

The weapons fired before what formed was... A GIANT EGGMAN?!

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Behold, the pinnacle of all creation!"

Maurice and Sonic spoke "It's official. I've seen it all."

The titan Eggman landed before walking.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It's heading for the Temple!"

We ran towards the titan.

Maurice spoke "Hey! Bring it on, big, tall, and ugly!"

Maurice jumped towards the titan before he was swatted away as the titan destroyed the loop de loop.

Maurice spoke "No!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Sonic, don't! You can't save anything unless you protect the shards!"

Maurice and Deep Lilac ran before jumping up and attacking the titan, but they had no effect.

Maurice asks "Why won't you go down?!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Huh? Look out!"

Maurice and Deep Lilac were both flicked away as the rest of us jumped into the air and charged.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Get to the Shards, now!"

But then the titan shot a mouth beam at us, sending the others flying far while I dodged.

Maurice spoke "Shadow!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Guys!"

Maurice spoke "Nine!"

The three of us moved towards the cave as we got to Nine.

Maurice spoke "Nine! Our power-ups, they're not enough! There's a giant-"

The place started rumbling as the titan was climbing the mountain before it started reaching in.

Nine spoke "A prismatic Titan..."

The titan was pulling out rocks to make a bigger opening.

Maurice asks "How do we beat it?"

Nine spoke "Uh... *Scans titan* You, Deep Lilac's sword and the Titan should operate within the same spectral frequency. If I offset both your frequencies-"

Maurice asks "Nine! What do we do? What do we do?"

Nine spoke "I don't know exactly! But, if you hit him where it hurts, I think we can make him go boom!"

Maurice asks "And if he doesn't?"

Nine spoke "Well, it's been a slice. A slice of reality, that is."

Nine absorbed more energy with his robo tails before using them to power up Maurice and Deep Lilac's sword more as Maurice's gloves and shoes glowed sky-blue flames with his head having purple highlights and Deep Lilac's sword having lilac flames before Maurice opened his eyes, now being magenta. We turned towards the titan as it made a big enough opening with his eye-glasses glowing sky-blue as he prepared another mouth beam while we readied to attack.

Nine spoke "*As the titan charged up a beam* Now!"

The three of us then charged forward, dodging the mouth beam before we jumped and simultaneously attacked the titan's glowing mouth and went down his gullet while making the titan fall off the mountain. The three of us were really pushing ourselves as Nine came outside before the titan crashed on the ground, causing an energy pulse shockwave as it was then gone, as only Maurice, Deep Lilac and I were left. My two friends' power-ups faded as the three of us smiled before Shatterverse Shadow and the others showed up.

Sonic spoke "Wow, now THAT was amazing."

I laugh "The bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

Maurice, Deep Lilac and I went back up, meeting with Nine.

Nine spoke "Sonic! You guys did it!"

Maurice asks "We did it. Did you complete the Prism?"

We looked around, only for nothing to have changed.

Maurice asks "Then why hasn't it worked?"

We went inside the cave with Nine.

Maurice spoke "I don't get it. I thought this would work!"

Nine spoke "There's still one Shard missing."

Maurice asks "What?"

Nine spoke "Of course. The last Shard would've been in the Grim, but after a while, it ended up somewhere else."

Maurice spoke "Okay... Probably could've mentioned that earlier and saved us the trip there and back."

Nine spoke "And back? The only we're here at all is because I needed to use the Prism's impression as a blueprint. To see which pieces went where. Now that all but that last one is in place, we can rebuild it to make the grim into what we've always wanted."

Maurice spoke "Yeah... to rebuild Green Hill."

Nine spoke "Green Hill? We're not remaking your old world. We're building a better one. The perfect world in Grim. Our clean slate."

Maurice spoke "Why does the slate have to be clean? I liked the old one! It was our home!"

Nine spoke "It was never my home. Plus, it's gone."

Maurice spoke "I think you can get it back."

Nine spoke "You're wrong about that. We need to build a new home."

Maurice spoke "Come on, little buddy-"

Nine snaps "*Swats hand away* Stop calling me that! *Standing on his robo tails* You just assumed I'd go along with you no matter what. Did you even consider what I wanted?!"

Maurice spoke "I assumed that after everything we've been through, you'd see things the way I do. Just like the real Tails would."

Nine snaps "I am real! *Stands back on his legs before turning away* Just not your real friend. What did you think would happen to me when you brought your friends back?"

Maurice spoke "We're all in this together, and I really think you'd grow to love them as much as I do!"

Nine spoke "*Turns back to us* And that's exactly your problem! You just jump into situations with no idea about the outcome. And don't think I didn't know about this!"

Nine brought out a purple shard.

Deep Lilac gasps "What the?! How did you-"

Nine spoke "While I powered your sword up, I found the Shard and brought it back out before hiding it in my two real tails. And thanks to how long it's been infused with your sword, your weapon still has prism energy."

Nine aimed his seven robo tails at the other Prism Shards.

Maurice spoke "Wait!"

Nine fired, causing another energy burst shockwave, knocking us back before we soon got up, seeing Nine carrying all the Shards towards a purple portal before looking at us as Shatterverse Shadow and the others showed up.

Maurice spoke "*Coughs* We can make this work Nine. Trust me!"

Nine spoke "*Scoff* Trust you? The only person I can trust is myself."

Nine walked into the portal with all the Shards before it closed, leaving all of us behind in Ghost Hill.

After slapping Maurice on the head, I spoke "I hate to say I told you so but I TOLD YOU SO!!"


Grim Tidings

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*Twilight/Deep Lilac's POV*

I growl "That two-timing fox! HE TRICKED ALL OF US!!!"

Danyelle spoke "I can't believe my vision was right!"

But it looked Sonic and Maurice took it the worst, having faces of sadness. But then most of us noticed what was happening outside the cave; palm trees flying up into the sky with crystals, cracks and rifts in the air.

Maurice asks "Any chance at bring Green Hill back is gone. How could Nine betray us?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It's destabilizing. *Gets to us* Sonic, I told you Nine couldn't trusted. Whatever he's up to, it's causing this world to fracture."

Maurice asks "I don't understand. Why would he-?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Pull yourself together! This mountain is decaying, and it's going to take us along with it. We have to run!"

All of us got out of the cave and were running down the mountain before it started turning into crystals as it shattered while going up into the air.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Jump!

Shatterverse Shadow threw Maurice as all of us jumped off the mountain before landing on the ground as we saw the mountain completely turn into crystals.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "We need to leave this world.

Maurice spoke "You don't have to tell me twice.

We started running fast as the Mothership vanished, having teleported out.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "If we can gain enough speed, we should be able to teleport out. To higher ground.

We went higher as the trail started turning to crystal as I put a speed spell on all of us to catch up with the speedsters.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Faster!

We tried to get fast enough before the rising crystals knocked us off onto the ground. We then saw the Ghost Shade versions.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I thought we went over this. They're not real."

Maurice spoke "Maybe I can save them. I have to try."

Maurice walked over before Shatterverse Shadow stopped him.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "No! They can't be saved. Think about your real friends, the ones who still have a chance. If you want to help them, we need to get out of here."

Maurice shoved Shatterverse Shadow aside as he kept moving, but stopped himself.

Maurice spoke "Tails... I'll see you again, little buddy. Let's get out of here."

We then started running again as we went to higher ground once more with the trail behind us turning into crystals.

Maurice asks "We're never gonna hit speed. How are we gonna get out of here?"

But then we noticed the cracks and rifts.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "That's our exit."

Maurice spoke "Right. We need to get vertical!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Jump!"

We then started jumping on and off of crystals, getting higher and higher to the cracks and rifts as we soon got out of into the void and landed onto a crystal as we saw the yellow Gateway suddenly explode before a crystal shattered the one we were standing on, sending us flying onto another crystal, making it spin as we held on.

Maurice spoke "Hang on!"

We soon crashed onto another crystal as we got up.

Maurice spoke "It's gone."

The yellow Gateway exploded, along with Ghost Hill's destruction, definitely left us shocked.

Danyelle asks "Anyone seen Sonia?"

Sonic asks "Wait, what?"

Adagio spoke "The Mew's right Sonic, I don't see Sonia anywhere!"

Danyelle spoke "She must have teleported after Nine to get her daughter back!"

Maurice: If this can happen to the Ghost Hill, it can happen to the other Shatterspaces."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Nine betrayed you, left us to die, and now took one of our own, and he will pay for it."

Maurice spoke "Ghost Hill is gone, the Shards are gone."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "If knowing you has taught me anything, there’s always another way.

Maurice asks "Wait, was that a compliment?"

Gild growls "That backstabbin' fox is gonna pay!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm gonna call in the rest of the Smashers since I sense we may be in for a nasty fight soon."

Tails was talking to one of his other cousins via comm device.

Tails spoke "And that's the basic gist of it Fox, the Allied Forces need every available Smasher to help stop my corrupted counterpart before ALL of reality is erased for good!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Nine is out there… hiding in one of the Shatterspaces."

Maurice spoke "Hmm… The Grim! Of course! There’s another gateway and a fifth Shard."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "That explains why he wasn’t able to rebuild the Prism."

We dodged a passing crystal.

Maurice spoke "Whoa!"

Shatterverse Shadow asks "Can you remember where the gateway is?"

Maurice spoke "Of course. Nine brought me there in his Shattercraft. It’s, uh, this way. Wait. No, no. Uh, right. It’s totally this way. Come on!"

Maurice jumped away as we followed him while dodging crystals.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Watch out!"

Shatterverse Shadow Tackled Maurice onto another crystal before the one he was standing on before was hit by another crystal.

Maurice spoke "Phew! Thanks, buddy! *Jumps away*"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Don’t get used to it."

Maurice spoke "I wouldn’t dream of it."

We then arrived at a purple Gateway.

Maurice spoke "We’re here. The Grim."

Maria tosses a tranquilizer gun to Shatterverse Shadow.

Maria spoke "You're gonna need this."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "But I can’t pass through gateways."

Maurice noticed the cracks on the other sides of the Gateway. “There’s always another way.”

We jumped into the cracks as we landed in the Grim.

Maurice spoke "Whoa. So that’s what he’s doing with all the energy."

We saw a giant crystal castle as we approached it before we saw Nine on the top of it.

Nine spoke "That’s far enough."

Maurice spoke "Nine, what are you doing? We had a plan."

Nine spoke "That was your plan. It was never mine."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "So it was always about power."

Maurice spoke "No, that’s not-"

Nine spoke "Exactly. With the Paradox Prism, I’ll be able to turn this world into a paradise, my paradise!"

Nine shot with his seven robo tails down as a forcefield then appeared, trapping us in.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Let’s destroy this traitor."

Maurice spoke "Wait. Maybe I can reason with him."

Shatterverse Shadow asks "Reason with him?"

Maurice spoke "Just let me try. If that doesn’t work-"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Then he’s mine."

Maurice spoke "No. He’s ours."

Wings spread wide, Sonic spoke "I will not lie to you any longer! Equestria... No, the whole multiverse is in grave danger. But when I look at you all, I don't just see subjects. I see friends, family... Strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before! As one of your royals, your friend and as a brother in arms. I ask you to fight one more time! For Equestria!"

Danyelle and Haru yowl "FOR THE MULTIVERSE!!!!"

The gryphons all screech "For Equestria!"

Nine: Any moment now, Your Highness
Believe me I know, I've sunk pretty low
But whatever I've done, you deserved
Sonia: (Tails!)
Nine: (Quiet!)
I'm the bad guy, that's fine
It's no fault of mine and some justice at last will be served
Sonia: (Please, listen)

Nine: Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
And I'll stand up and fight 'cause I know that I'm right
And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be

Clarity: Now it's time to rise up or it's time to stand down
And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the claws and sword if you're in, get on board
Are you ready?
Manic and Sonata: I'm ready
Tails, Babylon Rogues, Mane Six, Natsu, Lucy: We're ready (we're ready)
Clarity: Ready as I'll ever be

Danytwo: Are you quite sure we can do this?
Adagio: Together we will guarantee

Nine: I'll make them hear me
Allied Forces: (now it's time to redeem or it's time to resolve)
Clarity: Prove they can trust me
Allied Forces: (and the outcome will hardly come free)
Adagio: I'll save my home and family
Allied Forces: Now the line's in the sand and our moment's at hand

Nine: And I'm ready
Clarity: I'm ready
Adagio and Danytwo: I'm ready
Nine: Ready as I'll ever be

Maurice spoke "This isn’t you, Nine. We’re friends. We can still figure out how to bring back Green Hill and stabilize the Shatterspaces, together!"

Nine spoke "You were only using me to get what you wanted!"

Maurice spoke "That’s not true."

Nine: Sorry, old friend. You’ve been replaced."

Then something appeared.

Maurice asks "Whoa. Who or what is that?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It’s you."

Maurice spoke "Yeah, but if you squint and tilt your head to the side, it’s also kind of you."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Whatever it is, it’s in our way."

Maurice spoke "Not for long."

The robot jumped into the air and landed on the ground before dashing right past us, sending all of us flying back a bit before it stopped.

Maurice asks "Again? I already beat one of these things. In New Yoke, remember?"

Nine spoke "I saved you from the one in New Yoke. This time you’re on your own."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "He’s not on his own."

Nine spoke "We’re all on our own."

All of us started fighting Alpha Grim Sonic as we later beat the robot, even though it was still whole.

Maurice spoke "It’s over, Nine."

Nine spoke "I’ll decide when it’s over."

Four more beings came out before them.

Maurice asks "Rouge? Knucks? Amy? What have you done to my friends?"

Nine spoke "Oh, they’re my friends now. Take them."

We started fighting the Grim robots, as we later saw Alpha Grim Sonic back up and flick two pebbles off his left shoulder before he charged at us as we dodged him.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Go for the Prism."

Maurice asks "And leave you guys alone with them?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "We’ll be fine. Go!"

Luna spoke "I'll deal with the fox! I know what it's like to be corrupted by power because I was once corrupted myself!"

Luna flies off to talk to Nine.

Luna shouts "Hey Foxface!"

But Nine threw crystals at Luna as she dodged while Maurice was running towards the castle.

Nine spoke "So quick to rush into when you have no idea what you’re up against.

Crystals were thrown at Maurice while he dodged before he started running up.

Nine spoke "See if you two can dodge these."

Crystals flew up before they hit Luna and Maurice, knocking them away.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Sonic!"

Sonic spoke "Grandma!"

We got to the two before we were soon cornered as Nine came down.

Nine spoke "Impressive, isn’t it? With the power of the Prism, there’s nothing I can’t do."

Maurice asks "Is this what you want, to spend the rest of your life alone with robots for friends?"

Nine spoke "At least I can trust them."

Maurice spoke "Look around you! The Grim is starting to decay."

Nine spoke "You’re right, it is. But once I finish the Paradox Prism, I’ll have all the power I need to fix everything."

Maurice asks "Wait, you haven’t rebuilt the Prism yet?"

Nine spoke "Oh, I’ve rebuilt it. But it turns out there’s some Prism energy missing."

Maurice and Sonic were thinking about while the rest of us realized what Nine meant before the fox flew back to the castle.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Sonic, you and Deep Lilac have to get out of here!"

Maurice asks "What?"

We dodged the robots.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It’s you and Deep Lilac’s sword. He’s after yours and its energy.

We dodged the robots again before we were starting to get beaten when Shatterverse Shadow and our Shadow ran around us, catching us in a twister.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "You guys have to go! Now!"

Maurice asks "Hey! What are you two doing?"

Nine spoke "What? Shadow thinks he can take Sonic and Deep Lilac’s sword away from me? Heh. Not a chance.

Nine fired, creating a chasm as Shatterverse Shadow grabbed Maurice.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "This is for your own good!"

Shatterverse Shadow threw Maurice as our Shadow sent us flying to the same crack Maurice was thrown to.

Maurice spoke "Shadow!"

We got into the crack before the forcefield came back up, escaping the Grim.

*Sonia’s POV*

I saw what was going on. Good thinking, Shadows.

Nine spoke "No! Grim Birdie, I have a mission for you."

Grim Birdie flew to Nine before he fired at the robot, creating two Grimion clones of Alpha Grim Birdie as the two Shadows were getting beaten by the other Grims as the Grim Birdies flew at the crack with the forcefield down.

Nine spoke "Now to deal with you."

The Shadows were knocked down.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "Is that all you’ve got?"

Shadow spoke "Because we’re not even close to finished."

But then Alpha Grim Sonic punched the two Shadows right into the chasm as the Grim Birdies got through the cracks before the forcefield came back on.


Deep Lilac teleports the black hedgehogs out of the chasm before blasting the robo-birds away with a Roar.

I pounce on Nine with high speed since I recently got it before pounding the fox.

But somehow, Nine completely blocked the attack as I escaped before I saw that the Grim Birdies completely unaffected by the roar as I got to the others before I saw both Shadows forcefully teleported back into the chasm.


Dome Sweet Dome

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*Gild's POV*

First thing was we be fighting Nine, next thing, both Shadows threw us out of Grim as we landed on crystals.

Maurice spoke "I don't care what Shadow says. If he thinks I'm about to run from a fight, he has another thing..."

Then we be hearing screeches.

Maurice asks "...coming?"

Alpha Grim Birdie along with its Grimions came out and headed for us.

Maurice spoke "We'll stop you eventually, Nine."

We then be making our escape, kicking crystals at the Grim Birdies, only for them to be unaffected as we soon got a bit hurt.

Maurice spoke "Need... solid... ground!"

We were then sent flying into another crystal before we started running and flying while fighting Alpha Grim Birdie.

Maurice spoke "You want to play rough? Fine by me."

We dodged as the Grim robot as it crashed into a crystal.

Maurice spoke "Eat rock, you hunk of junk!"

We then kicked a large crystal at Alpha Grim Birdie, taking out one of its eyes as its Grimions chased us while sending us flying into a crystal. Maurice and Sonic made a twister before we vanished, confusing the mechanical birds as we hid.

Maurice spoke "That's right. Move along, nothing to see here."

The Grim Birdies looked, but couldn't find us as we hid farther.

Maurice spoke "Sorry, Shadow. We're going to need some help to stop Nine."

We then saw the red Gateway.

Maurice spoke "And we know just the place to find it."

We then jumped into the red Gatway, entering New Yoke as Maurice crashed on a dumpster lid.

Maurice spoke "Ugh, never thought I'd be glad to be back in New Yoke."

A nine-tailed version of Deep Lilac spots Maurice.

New Yoke Twilight growls "Who are you?"

Maurice spoke "No time, we gotta see what’s going on."

We went up of a roof into the air, seeing what was going on.

Maurice spoke "Whoa."

We then landed on the roof as New York Twilight went to us.

Maurice spoke "Everything is collapsing. This is terrible."

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Is it? That seems odd coming from you. As far as I can tell, you only care about your own home."

Maurice asks "Nine, we were supposed to fix this together. Are you doing this?"

Nine (Hologram) spoke "No. this disruption was inevitable once the Chaos Council opened these portals. I’m just taking what I need to keep my world safe. And now I just need the finishing touch.

Maurice spoke "Then you’re going to have to catch me and Deep Lilac."

We then started running on the streets.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Don’t you realize the power I have in my fingertips? None of you can run away from me."

We soon stopped as we fell onto a wall before standing on it.

A civilian spoke "Ah! Oh, no. *Hanging onto a lamppost* What’s happening? Agh!"

The civilian slipped off before we caught him, saving the civilian.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "I know you’re fast enough to save them all. That’s the hero you are."

We then started saving falling civilians before we fell onto the buildings on the other side.

Maurice spoke "Oh, not again."

We then kept saving civilians before seeing New Yoke Big and Froggy hanging on.

Maurice spoke "Hang on, we’re coming."

Nine (Hologram) spoke "You and your so-called friends can’t do this forever, Sonic. You and Deep Lilac are all alone now. Help me, and all of this stops."

Maurice spoke "No, that’s not true. We can save-"

We were then knocked up by a building as New Yoke Big and Froggy fell.

Maurice spoke "No!"

But then someone saved them and brought the two up, revealed to be… Prim?

Then we heard a screech as we saw Boscage Birdie and Thorn before they grabbed us while Rust Rose grabbed some civilians and we noticed the Kraken and the rest of the Boscage Gang as Gnarly and Mangey saved some civilians as well before we all got on the Kraken.

Maurice taunts "What was that about us being all alone?"

Nine (Hologram) spoke "You’ll never-"

The hologram was cut off as New Yoke’s gravity returned to normal.

Hangry spoke "Who was that? He looks like Mangey."

The two Bigs and Froggies noticed each other as Mangey growled.

Rust spoke "The fox has betrayed us."

Maurice spoke "It’s kind of a long story."

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, Nine betrayed us."

New Yoke Twilight teleports before reappearing with a white furred Mobian vixen with green eyes.

New Yoke Twilight spoke "You're gonna need all the help you can get."

Eyeshade spoke "Aye, we do."

New Yoke Twilight whistles loud, calling in New Yoke Danyelle and the rest of the New Yoke Mane Six.

Renegade glided in as Rebel carried another civilian.

Renegade spoke "*Landing on the Kraken* Sonic. Should have known you'd be here. Nine finally showed his true colors. I tried to warn you."

Rebel spoke "She's the last one. Move towards the Yoke.

That last bit caught Maurice, Moeru and those not from this universe by surprise.

Maurice spoke "Weird. It sounded like you just said, "Move towards the Yoke".

Renegade spoke "She did. It's the safest place to keep us away from those giant tears that are growing by the second."

Maurice spoke "Yeah, I know that's a problem, but it's the Yoke, hideous eyesore, monument of tyranny, home of the Chaos Council. That can't be safe."

Rebel asks "Look around, Sonic. Nowhere is safe. Where else would you have us go?

Maurice was about to say something before we heard screeches.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no."

I spoke "Argh, we don't have time ta argue!! We have ta warn tha Council about what that backstabbin' fox is doing ta all the realities!"

Danyelle spoke "If we don't do something then all hope is lost... forever."

Sonic spoke "Move it other me!"

Then Alpha Grim Birdie appeared with the two Grimions as the Nine hologram appeared again. "I'm tired of waiting for you and Deep Lilac to accept your future, Sonic. Bring those two to me alive.

Rebel asks "Are those...?"

Maurice spoke "Angry metal death birds? Yep. Worst petting zoo attraction ever. These birds are after me and Deep Lilac. We need to move. We'll see you back at the Yoke in a jiffy."

Maurice and Deep Lilac ran/flew off as I followed them with the Grim birds chasing the two.

Maurice spoke "Here, birdie, birdie, birdie!"

The two ran before running from the Grimions and dodging attacks before the two crashed into a way, finding the Grimions cornering them on both sides, readying to fire. Maurice and Deep Lilac lured the two into firing at each other as they jumped into the air.

Maurice spoke "*Chuckle* Works every time."

But then the two were grabbed by Grim Alpha Birdie before being thrown to the ground as they got hit by the Grimions.

Maurice spoke "Ugh... I probably shouldn't have made them angry."

The two started running/flying again as they dodged the Grimion's attacks before stopping as they landed with the Grim Alpha Birdie right behind Maurice and Dee Lilac. The two dodged the Grimions' attacks before knocking them away and started running again before hologram Nine appeared again. "You and Deep Lilac can run as fast as you want. It doesn't matter. I know where you're both going, Grim Birdie Alpha, head for the Yoke."

Alpha Grim Birdie flew ahead.

Maurice spoke "We won't let you hurt anyone else."

We chased after the Alpha Grim Birdie as the three of us attacked it onto the Yoke as Maurice and Deep Lilac panted.

Maurice asks "Had enough?"

But then Alpha Grim Birdie and the two Grimions surrounded us.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Poor Sonic and Deep Lilac. So brave. So powerless. Bring them to me! *Vanishes*"

A voice spoke "Hey bird brains. Get off my lawn!"

We turned around, seeing Dr. Done-It as he revved up his tennis ball walking stick plasma blaster before Mr. Dr. Eggman and Dr. Babbles in their mech, and Dr. Deep in his mech suit showed up as the old man fired at the Grim birds before the other three charged at them.

Dr. Done-It spoke "This is where you thank us, you miserable animals. *Fires at Grim Birdies*

Maurice asks "You're helping us?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Helping? More like using. We need your energy."

Maurice asks "For what?"

Dr. Deep spoke "We'll talk later. Plus, if we don't stop this crazy fox, *As a building turned into crystals and shattered* New Yoke City and us won't be around for much longer."

New Yoke Inari spoke "We have to stop Nine before we all disappear for good!"

We fought the Grim Birdies before the hologram Nine appeared again. "You're only drawing things out. There's nothing you can do to stop me."

Mr. Dr. Eggman scoffs "*As Alpha Grim Birdie screeched* Oh, really?"

Maurice spoke "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Eggmen, let's go bash some birds."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Behind me, simpletons. I'm the leader here."

Dr. Deep spoke "Au contraire, Mr. Doctor. I clearly lead this multitude."

Maurice spoke "Alright, let's speed this up, Eggmen. We have belligerent bird bots to bash."

We started fighting the Grim Birdies as Dr. Deep threw explosive shurikens at a Grimion, only for it to dodge. "Hold still, you confounded cockatoo."

Maurice, Deep Lilac and I held the Grimion still as Dr. Deep threw more shurikens, hitting the enemy as it was smoking and crashed on the ground before it shut down.

Maurice spoke "Nice shot."

Dr. Deep spoke "Indeed, it was. And now for another."

Maurice asks "We're on the same side right now, remember?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Old habits."

The three of us joined Mr. Dr. Eggman and Dr. Babbles in a combo attack on a Grimion as the baby in the mech knocked it down before pounding it, knocking it apart and shutting it down.

Dr. Done-It spoke "*Aims weapon* Age before baby."

Alpha Grim Birdie screeched, knocking the old man out of his seat by spooking him before jumping onto Babbles' mech before pecking it, before Maurice, Deep Lilac and I attacked it, knocking the metal bird off before Mr. Dr. Eggman, Dr. Done-It and Dr. Deep started firing at Alpha Grim Birdie, with the onslaught make the metal bird fall down.

Dr. Done-It spoke "That one was mine. I saw my shot. Hit it first."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Oh, please. With your eyes? You couldn't hit the ground if it weren't for gravity."

Alpha Grim Birdie got up before flying away threw a crack in the sky.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "*Frustrated groan* No. Not yet. Not again."

The hologram vanished.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Come back, coward. We are not done."

Maurice spoke "It looked to me like he didn't want to go. I think his powers are on the fritz."

Dr. Deep spoke "How? If he's managed to complete the prism, he should have nearly unlimited power."

Maurice spoke "He still needs something. Me and Deep Lilac's sword."

Deep Lilac spoke "He can't have my sword since it's a part of my soul! Well, mine and Deep Blue's souls but you know what I mean."

Later, we were inside the Yoke.

Dr. Deep spoke "This is preposterous. Just having these things in our home is an affront to everything we hold dear.

Renegade spoke "You know what? *Cracks knuckles* You keep talking, Doc, and my fist will be an affront to your face."

Dr. Babbles babbled.

Maurice spoke "Enough. Stop."

Renegade spoke "They started it."

Rust spoke "They started all of this."

Dr. Deep spoke "And we'll gladly finish it. You ungrateful-"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, for the love of, *Pulls Deep's right ear* put a sock in it, Deep, and let the hedgehog speak."

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* I made a deal with the Chaos Council."

Okay, that pretty much shocked all of us.

Black Rose asks "You made a deal with these egg-omaniacs?"

Maurice spoke "*As Mangey walked off* Nine is using the Paradox Prism to siphon energy into the Grim. He's created this protective dome to keep his world safe, which has accelerated the decay of the Shatterverse *To Chaos Council* started by your portals. *Mr. Dr. Eggman smiled nervously* We're running out of time. We can't escape him anymore, not while he's got the prism. But if we use my energy, Deep Lilac's sword's energy and the Council's Shatter Drive, we can protect ourselves without doing any damage to the Shatterverse. At least until we can figure out how to stop him. So the deal is, Deep Lilac and I charge their drive, and they give us sanctuary inside the dome."

Rebel spoke "I want to hear it from them."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Ugh, the hedgehog speaks the truth. Once the dome is up, we'll let most-"

Maurice spoke "*Ahem!*"

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "All who wish will be allowed inside."

Deep Lilac pulls the prism energy out of her sword before putting it into New Yoke Inari.

Deep Lilac spoke "Nine thinks that I still have the prism energy. But with this, he won't come after me."

Dr. Don't pushed a button, showing the energy extractor before we saw Mangey in there, looking at the controls.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Hey, what's he doing with the energy extractor? *As Mangey messed with the controls* Stop him. Heel, you beast.

Dr. Don't spoke "Oh, hey, look. Efficiency just increased by 38%."

Renegade asks "So you're going to let them drain your energy?"

Rebel spoke "There has to be another way."

Maurice spoke "I don't think there is. You've all seen it. The worlds are falling apart. This dome is our only hope."

Prim asks "How much energy are we talking about?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Heh, nothing the hedgehog and sword can't spare, I assure you."

Rust spoke "Sonic, you realize that you cannot trust the council."

Maurice spoke "I know, but I don't have a choice. Look, I know you don't trust each other, and you probably shouldn't. But right now, we all have bigger problems."

Renegade spoke "Told you we couldn't trust that fox."

Rebel spoke "As much as it pains me to admit it, Sonic's right. For once, everyone in New Yoke is on the same side. We're all just trying to survive. Once this is over, we'll go back to freeing the city."

Thorn spoke "And protecting our forest."

Black Rose spoke "And saving our seas.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "And we'll go back to crushing you under our heel. Uh, but only after we've saved New Yoke.

Since Danyelle still had communications with Amiya open, the rabbitgirl spoke "I hate to break it to you lot but things are getting worse in my world!"

Deep Lilac spoke "I don't even have the prism energy in my sword anymore."

Danyelle spoke "Don't be such a pain in the neck Twilight, we only have one shot at this!"

Soon, Maurice and New Yoke Inari were in the energy extractor.

Maurice spoke "See you on the other side."

The two started running very fast before lightning made of prism energy struck the dome, making the place rumble a bit.

Dr. Don't spoke "Structural integrity of the yoke is at 67%. Guy's got game."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Another blast like that and this whole building will collapse on top of us."

Prim and Rebel flew outside as they saw the hologram of Nine above the dome.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "You're only delaying the inevitable. Nothing will stop me from getting Sonic and the rest of that prism energy."

Two more Birdie Grimions showed up.

Prim and Rebel spoke "We need that shield up, now!"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Faster! Faster, you fools!"

Maurice and New Yoke Inari started going faster before the shield soon covered the Yoke, shielding the dome from the Grimions and prism lightning as one of the Grimions exploded from crashing onto the shield. Prism lightning struck, but no effect.

Renegade asks "So, it worked?"

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Of course it worked, you insipid fool!"

Renegade spoke "Oh, that's it. Time to crack some eggs."

Soon, Mangey and Danyelle helped Maurice and New Yoke Inari come out of the energy extractor as the latter two were tired while Gnarly helped Mangey carry Maurice.

Rust asks "Are you able to function?"

Maurice spoke "Who, me? Sure. Never better."

New Yoke Inari spoke "I'm all good."

Nine yelled in frustration before his hologram vanished.

Deep Lilac grabs Renegade with magic, restraining the echidna.

Deep Lilac spoke "Cool it will you? You're as short tempered as Shadow is."

Deep Lilac shoves a bowl of grapes into Renegade's hands.

Deep Lilac spoke "Shut up and eat your grapes."


No Escape

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*Tails' POV*

Maurice came back with more civilians as more Birdie Grimions appeared, attacking the dome.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "The dome will only hold so long. And given the rate we're burning through our reserves of Shard power, that won't be long at all."

Rebel spoke "Bogies at 11:00."

Renegade spoke "Another flock of robo roosters."

Rebel spoke "Nine's watching."

Renegade asks "Ain't that a treat?"

Black Rose spoke "Batten down the hatches, buckos. Soon as that thar shield gives, we're as good as gull food."

Thorn spoke "Speak for yourself."

Rust spoke "The last batch was overwhelmed by the three of us. We will handle them."

Dr. Done-It spoke "Balderdash! Nobody will be handling anything if we're all disintegrated."

Prim sarcastically asks "Should we thank you for destroying our homes, too?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Ungrateful little pest. First, we invite you into the safety of our citadel, then you track mud all over our clean floors, now this!"

Renegade asks "Hey, ain't you the ones that caused this mess in the first place? Huh? Opening the portals in the sky?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, that tears it!"

The old man was about to fire before Maurice came in, stopping them.

Maurice spoke "We're all friends here, mostly. And there's more than enough mutually assured destruction to go around. No need to double down now, given all the sweat and tears we put into saving each other's skins. Speaking of which, this way, folks. Despite what it looks like, you're safe here."

Four civilians were escorted inside and to another room.

Maurice asks "Wait a minute. Black Rose, where's the rest of your crew? Batten? Sails? Catfish?"

Black Rose was confused as well. "Figured they were somewhere in this cursed place. Has no one seen them? Dread?"

Dread only shrugged.

Maurice spoke "They're still in No Place."

Dr. Don't spoke "Not for long. That place is shattering at the seams. If your friends are there, it's game over."

Danyelle, Deep Lilac and New Yoke Twilight were overworking their magic to keep the others safe.

Danyelle spoke "*throwing a Chaos Barrier up* The two Twilights and I are doing all we can to keep this place stable!"

Shira spoke "I have to talk to Nine..."

Maurice spoke "I have to try."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "There's no time."

Maurice spoke "I'm not leaving anyone behind. I can't."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "You have no choice."

Dr. Done-It spoke "*Shoves Mr. Dr. Eggman away with cane* We all know what'll happen if the fox gets his paws on you two. And I'll be double dog darned if I sit back and twiddle my thumbs while you both give away the store."

Dr. Don't spoke "Samesies."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "*Pushes Dr. Done-It away* Agreed. And let the record show that this has nothing to do with our concern for your wellbeings."

Maurice spoke "Noted. Now that we've got that cleared up, back in a jiff."

Rebel spoke "*Stops Maurice* Sonic, I hate to admit it, but they've got a point. It's too dangerous. You can't risk yourselves."

Maurice spoke "I'm sorry, Rebel, but I can't risk the lives of my friends."

Rebel spoke "You're risking them either way."

Renegade spoke "You and Shira can't let Nine get a hold on you both, Blue."

Maurice spoke "But I'd do the same for any of you. Besides, what part of "back in a jiff" do you guys not get? I'm fast. It's my thing."

Maurice was about to run off before Black Rose's scabbard got into the door in front of him.

Maurice asks "You, too?"

Black Rose asks "I'm afraid you've mistaken our intentions. You'll be needing a ship to bring him back in, won't 'che?"

That helped us smile that Black Rose was willing to help.

Luna spoke "But we can't be reckless either. If that fox get his hands on the rest of the prism energy, it's game over for ALL of us."

New Yoke Danyelle whistles loud before her entire pack of direhowls arrive with the other civilians that had gotten missed by Maurice.

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "Like the two-tailed cat said, we're stronger together."

Black Rose spoke "Ah'll be your captain, former captain."

Maurice asks "How about it, Dread? Care to hit the high seas again?"

Dread asks "If there be no treasure, what's in it for me?"

Black Rose spoke "Some legend ye are. *Brings back out her scabbard* Come on. Time's a wasting."

Deep Lilac spoke "*bringing out her sword* Let's do it to it everyone! Let's stop Nine and save the world!"

Midnight and the direhowls howl loud.

New Yoke Danyelle spoke "YEAH!!!"

The slower of the fighters were on the backs of the direhowls as Deep Lilac leads the group aboard the Shattercraft since I had repaired the damages.

Those of us who volunteered went after Maurice and the Amys and Boscage Birdie as we took off into the blue portal, going into No Place.

Black Rose spoke "I've sailed these seas my whole life, seen weather fair and foul, tides high and low. But cross me heart, ain't never seen nothing like this."

Rust Rose scanned the city ahead before lowering back down. "I have detected multiple heat signatures. 800 meters south-southwest."

Black Rose spoke "*Looking through spyglass* It's the Angel's Voyage. She's in trouble."

Maurice spoke "Punch it!"

The Kraken accelerated before we dodged some plasma blasts, seeing Grimion Birdie before Boscage Birdie and Thorn attacked one while Rusty fired at another.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Grim Birds, attack the pirates!"

The Grimion Birdies flew ahead as prism lightning struck ahead of us, causing a giant rock to rise out of the water to block the way.

Black Rose spoke "Hold steady."

The Kraken started going up and over the rock before it bumped into it a bit, causing Maurice to fall off before he landed on the water and started running on it while dodging prism lightning bolts before the hologram faded. We soon reached the Angel's Voyage as Maurice readied to help.

Maurice spoke "Chew on this!"

Maurice attacked a Grimion, sending it into the water before he dodged another.

Maurice spoke "Whoa, whoa! *Dodges another* Yikes! *As another Grimion appeared* Oh, no."

But then Maurice was grabbed by another Grimion and thrown onto deck before he was pinned down.

Maurice spoke "Whoa... that... tickles."

But then the Grimion pinning him was sent into the sea by a plasma blast.

Batten spoke "The Kraken!"

Maurice got into the Crow's Nest with the pirate crew members while Catfish hanged onto the mast as Batten and Sails were flying. The Kraken then turned around and lowered it's drawbridge on the back as Maurice, Sails and Batten got the other crewmates onto the Kraken as Batten was about to get Catfish before she was being chased by a Grimion.

Maurice spoke "Come on, Catfish, jump!"

Catfish was about to jump before Batten and the Grimion chasing her flew by. No Place Froggy jumped on as he turned back towards Catfish.

Maurice spoke "You got this Catfish, come on!"

Maurice soon attacked a Grimion heading for the mast as Catfish jumped into the Kracken. Maurice then dodged a blast.

Maurice spoke "Bad bird."

Then Boscage Birdie flew in with Thorn whacking the Grimion before another Grimion was behind Maurice with a screech as he turned around, seeing the enemy before jumping onto Boscage Birdie as the three dodged the Grimion and flew into the Kracken as it was heading straight for us.

Rust spoke "Target acquired."

Rust fired at the Grimion, hitting it multiple times before it exploded as Rust smiled at that before we started taking off.

Midnight leaps high before clamping his fangs into a Grimion Birdie, crushing it.

Maurice spoke "Boy, you guys sure pack a punch."

Midnight spoke "Just goes to show, you don't mess with a demon!"

A draconic roar that reminded me of a Night Fury was heard before a Grimion Rouge was shot down with a fire attack.

A purple dragon spoke "Sorry I'm late Tails, I had to get help from Dragon Lord Torch and the other dragons!"

"Wait... was that?" I gasped in surprise.

Natsu spoke "My other brother, Spyro."

Deep Lilac spoke "Wow, Spike is gonna lose it when he finds out about this."

Since he was on Spyro's back due to not having his wings yet, Spike spoke "I heard that Twilight!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Oh! Uh... *Embarrassed blush* Sorry about that."

Spyro chuckles "So, you're the alicorn that my brothers have been talking about."

Deep Lilac spoke "*Nervous giggle* That's me."

Black Rose spoke "Best start packing another."

We went outside onto deck as we saw more Birdie Grimions heading for us.

Maurice spoke "What's that old saying? Out of the frying pan..."

Batten spoke "And into your gullet."

Spyro chuckles "That's "and into the fire."

Batten spoke "Arr, pirates have their own sayings."

Maurice spoke "Hang on."

But then the leading Grimion was shot before it exploded.

Korra laughs "AND IT'S OUT OF HERE!!!!"

Several firebending Pegasi charge into battle, zapping the Grimions with lightning.

Lightning Dust was among the Pegasi as she fought back.

Adagio laughs "If ya can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

But then we heard laughter as we saw a Yolkomotive showed up, having destroyed that leading Grimion.

Batten asks "Is that?"

Maurice spoke "Yeah, still getting used to it myself."

Dr. Done-It spoke "Told you I wasn't going to twiddle my thumbs. If the blue and fox bothers go down, we all go down.

Dr. Deep spoke "Here, here."

Sonic and I spoke "We resent that remark!"

Jet spoke "The fate of the multiverse is on our shoulders. We DON'T have time to bicker with each other!"

Applejack spoke "He's right ya know? Everyone is countin' on us."

Rust started firing at more Grimions.

Black Rose spoke "Show them scallywags."

Thorn Rose and Boscage fought two Grimions as Thorn got onto one while the giant Birdie grabbed the other. Thorn then made the one she was on crash into the one Boscage Birdie held in her talons as the hedgehog hugged her.

Dr. Done-It spoke "*As two Grimions were pecking on the windshield* Get these blasted pigeons out of my way!"

Blasters came out and destroyed the two Grimions.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Finally."

The Yolkomotive then dodged the Kracken.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Go, dang nabbit! We'll cover ya!"

Black Rose spoke "Hold fast!"

The Kracken then went super fast as we were sent a bit back while the two ships headed right for the portal.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "I'll never let you escape, Sonic. I need you and the rest of the Prism Energy to finish the Grim."

Then prism lightning struck, taking out the Kracken's front right propeller as a crewmate was about to fall overboard.

Maurice spoke "Hey! *Grabs crewmate before bringing him back on board* Got you, little buddy."

The Kracken grinded against a building, taking out its front left propeller as Catfish fell on Rust and Sails.

Sails spoke "Hold on to something."

Clinging to the side of the airship, Maurice spoke "If I didn't hate water, this would make a great amusement park ride!"

Black Rose spoke "We're going down!"

Maurice spoke "No!"

But then the Kracken stopped falling.

Midnight grabs Maurice with one of his tails and pulling the blue hedgehog up onto the boat.

Shira shouts "Looks like I'm going to have to punish you for all of this mess once we stop you!"

Nine was unfazed by that threat as we noticed the Yolkomotive below the Kracken, lifting it up.

Dr. Done-It: What are you waiting for? Get moving. *Sigh* Youths these days.

Black Rose: Arr!

All four of the Kracken's propellers were back online as we took off again.

Maurice: We're almost home free!

But then prism lightning struck again, making the Kracken tilt as Maurice almost fell off despite the fact that Midnight had a tail wrapped around the hedgehog's waist.

Maurice: Why do I keep saying stuff like that?

A Grimion tried to pull Maurice off.

Maurice spoke "Hey, *Kicks Grimion off him* watch the kicks!"

The Grimion was still on as it was about to fire before a scabbard stabbed into its head, causing the Grimion's head to spark as it fell off the Kracken and back into the water with Batten chuckling as she did the deed before the ladder pulled Maurice back up.

Black Rose spoke "Fair thee well, sweet salty seas of yesteryear."

We went into the red portal, getting back to New Yoke as we went back into the dome before the shields went up.

Shira spoke "Ugh, I'm starting to hate that fox's attitude. He doesn't give a damn about what happens to us all!"

Shira started shouting profanities that even a pirate would be ashamed to say.

Soon, we went inside the Yoke as Maurice shook off any water on him.

Dr. Deep spoke "Hey, watch it! This is my last pressed jacket."

Maurice spoke "Sorry. Nice moves back there. You know, for an evil egg-o-maniac. I guess thanks are in order."

Rebel asks "*Confused* What are you, buddies now?"

Maurice spoke "What do you want me to say? They helped us."

Dr. Deep spoke "We did more than help. If it weren't for us, you'd be six fathoms under by now."

Rust spoke "Do not forget who piloted the getaway vehicle."

Dr. Done-It asks "You mean the one you almost sunk?"

Renegade scoffs "Awful quick to brag about a bad idea, ain't ya?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Easy for you to say, coward."

Renegade spoke "Come say that to my face, egghead."

Maurice spoke "Guys, please. This was a win for all of us."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Was it? Your little friends are safe, but at what cost? The fox can conjure up more minions with the snap of his fingers."

Rebel spoke "Says the guy who built Eggforcers by the dozens."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Whereas our fleet is damaged, our troops are spent, and we're almost out of time! Should have let them go down with their ship and their world."

Maurice spoke "Sorry, but losing anyone is not an option. *Sees more buildings turning to crystals and shattering* Nine is the only one who can stop this. The only way he'll do that is if Shira and I give ourselves up."

That shocked all of us as we gasped at that.

Deep Lilac spoke "Hold on a minute Maurice, Nine thinks that my sword still has the prism energy."

Dagio spoke "Arr, the hybrid be right Blue. That there backstabber don' know that the white vixen has the prism energy. We be able ta use that ta our advantage."

Maurice spoke "No. Nine clearly knows about Shira having prism energy, he’s not stupid."

Danyelle spoke "Stars above! Can you two not argue? There's still a bit of prism energy left in Twilight's sword. But it's not enough to get her captured."

Shira had a faint blush on her face.

Renegade asks "How about instead of letting Blue and the other two take the fall, we take the fight to Nine?"

Dagio spoke "Aye, I was thinkin' the same thing meself."

Danyelle asks "What do you think Black?"

The others cheered, ready to do that.

Dr. Deep spoke "I’ll say this much. In the Fox’s position, we’d double cross you without a second thought."

Maurice spoke "Nine isn’t like you."

Dr. Done-It spoke "There are only two kinds of folks in this world, those who’ve got power, and those who want it. Face it. Your fox has changed."

Tails growls "I'd never double cross my friends though."

Danyelle spoke "*looking at Dr. Done-It* You might want to choose your words carefully sir, there is a Tails with us."

Maurice sighs "First the shards, then Shadow, now this. I gotta admit, this whole losing thing is not my cup of chili. How do you do it?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Ha. We never lose.

Dr. Deep spoke "We learn from our setback.

Dr. Don’t spoke "We make tweaks.

Dr. Babbles spoke gibberish.

Mr. Dr. Eggman sTpoke "hen take the next step towards our inevitable victory.

Renegade spoke "Real inspirational stuff coming from the likes of them.

Maurice spoke "Actually, it kind of is. Say what you will about these guys, but they never quit. I’ve had my share of setbacks, I’ve made some tweaks, and I think I’m ready to take that next step. *Sigh* This is my mess, and I’m going to fix it. Whatever happens, it’s been an honor."

I spoke "It may have been your mess Maurice but it's a mess you dragged the rest of us into. So don't you DARE think for a moment you have to do this alone."

Danyelle and the others all nod in agreement.

Sonic spoke "Exactly other me, we got involved when you ended up in Equestria. And by my great aunt's mane, we're seeing this through to the end!"

But Maurice ran while grabbing me and Shira, heading outside.

Maurice spoke "Nine!"

Nine *Hologram* asks "So, you three finally come to your senses?"

Maurice spoke "Hardly. But we’re ready to give ourselves up."

Nine *Hologram* spoke "Finally."

Maurice spoke "But, we want some assurances first."

Nine *Hologram* asks "Like what?"

Maurice spoke "You’ll agree to spare our friends."

Nine *Hologram* spoke " Agreed."

Maurice spoke "And you’ll promise to rebuild their worlds back to the way they were."

Nine *Hologram* spoke "Deal."

Maurice spoke "Alright, then. Let’s go."

The hologram vanished as a portal to the Grim appeared before Maurice grabbed me and Shira and started running.

Rebel spoke "Sonic, stop!"

Renegade spoke "Get back here with the others, Blue."

Black Rose spoke "Don’t be a fool."

The three of us broke out of the dome and went right into the portal while I signaled Danyelle to initiate plan B.

The three of us landed in the Grim as we walked forward before encountering the Grim Alphas, seeing robo versions of me, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.

Nine spoke "Don’t worry. *Walks past the Grim Alphas* Beneath the surface, my new friends are far simpler than the flawed creatures you knew and loved. And all the more loyal for it."

Maurice asks "Ever wonder where we’d be if things had gone differently between us?"

Nine spoke "*Crosses arms* Not anymore."

Maurice spoke "I do. All the time."

Nine spoke "You and those two had their chance."

Maurice asks "Right back at you, bud. *Sigh* Should we get this over with?"

Nine spoke "*Smirk* You know, after all this time, I think I finally understand you, Sonic."

Maurice asks "I’m fast, funny, and love a good chili dog. What’s not to get?"

Nine spoke "*Stands on his robo tails* You want to save everyone. Friends, foes, total strangers. You say it’s because you’re a hero, and that’s what heroes do, but deep down, after what you did, destroying your own home, it’s the only way you can ever live with yourself. Even if that means you won’t live at all."

Maurice spoke "There’s a good chance none of us walks away from this."

Nine spoke "*Stands back on his feet* I’m aware of the risks, thank you."

Maurice asks "If we don’t make it and you do, how do we know you’ll keep your promise?"

Nine spoke "Don’t worry. Your “friends” are safe. Once I add your energies, I can restore everything. They can have their silly lives and their silly spaces as long as they leave me alone."

Maurice spoke "Fair enough. *Nine aims his robo tails at us* And for what it’s worth, we, especially I, would have done the same for you."

Nine spoke "Don’t lie to me."

Maurice spoke "We’re not-"

Nine spoke "Don’t."

Maurice spoke "Think whatever you want. But it’s true. Even after everything you’ve done, everything we’ve been through, together, against each other, you’re still my friend, Nine."

That caught Nine off guard as he withdrew his robo tails before my sword, Shira’s tail and Maurice’s shoes started pulsating.

Nine asks "What’s happening?"

Maurice spoke "Wha-I don’t know."

Nine asks "What are you three doing?"

Maurice spoke "We’re not doing anything."

But then energy from my sword, Shira’s tail and Maurice’s shoes shot out into a spot in the sky, opening a portal as the Yolkomotives and Mothership came out.

Dr. Deep spoke "Holding frequency… the dome is breached."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Egg-cellent! Now don’t land on the hedgehog, vixen and hybrid!"

Nine was shocked and even a bit scared, but the shock and fear turned into angry and fury.


Nine's Lives

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*Twilight/Deep Lilac's POV*

Danyelle calls out "It's OVER NINE! We got you surrounded!"

Well, the others showed up, but Maurice was confused. “What? How?”

Nine spoke "They triangulated your positions and used your energy signatures to breach the dome. Clever. That’s what I would’ve done.

We saw the Kracken as Boscage Birdie flew in with Thorn on her.

Maurice spoke "Thorn! Uh, be right back!"

Maurice grabbed me and Shira before running to the backup.

Nine spoke "Predictable."

We got to the others as Boscage Birdie, the Kracken and the Yolkomotive landed.

Thorn asks "Sonic?"

Dr. Deep was in his mech suit, Dr. Babbles was in his mech and Dr. Don’t was in his seat while virtually controlling a Eggforcer.

Dr. Deep spoke "For the Chaos Council!"

Those on the Yolkomotive jumped off onto the battlefield as Renegade, Rebel and the other rebel members jumped off the Kracken.

Maurice asks "What are you all doing here?"

Renegade asks "It’s call saving your butts. What do you think we’re doing?"

Maurice spoke "No, that’s not the deal. Deep Lilac, Shira and I are gonna give ourselves up, you guys are spared."

A rebel member spoke "And let that villain Nine do whatever he wants with you three? Not an option."

Rebel spoke "No one believes that fox will keep his word. You fought at our side, all of us, often enough. Doing the same is the least we can do."

Batten spoke "Actually, the least we could do would be nothing."

A crack in the airspace opens as six familiar Mewtwo lead an army of Poké-Mobians out and to Tails' surprise, Miyuki and Pixie were among the army.

Ash spoke "We got even MORE backup!"

Miyuki spoke "Pixie and I heard it from Orion that an alternate version of our brother is being a bad boy."

Renegade spoke "Can we move this along? I got places to be, and they’re disappearing as we speak."

Nine asks "*Deadpan* This was your plan, to catch me off guard?"

Maurice asks "Hey, I’m as surprised as you are. Who knew I had so many friends?"

Nine spoke "You’ve betrayed me for the last time. The deal is off!"

Maurice spoke "How about a new deal? Hand over the Prism, join us. We’ll save the Shatterverse together, and then we can laugh about this over a couple chili dogs."

Nine spoke "I hate chili dogs. *As Sonic and Maurice gasped* You think you can come here and make demands? *Flies up* This is my world!"

The Grim Alphas stood guard as even more Grim Alpha counterparts showed up.

Gnarly spoke "I told you coming here was a bad idea."

Maurice spoke "Don’t do this! Look around, you’re outnumbered. Give us the Prism and we can save everything."

Nine spoke "You won’t even be able to save yourselves."

Nine then caused the castle to rise higher with crystals emerging from the ground, with a ring of crystals surrounding the ground level of the castle. Nine then made thousands of Grimions to match our numbers.

Renegade spoke "So much for Nine surrendering."

Dr. Deep spoke "Robotic Sonics? The nerve, he stole our idea!"

Maurice spoke "It didn’t have to be like this."

Rebel spoke "Sonic, think, Nine brought you, Deep Lilac and Shira here so he could drain your Prism energy. You can’t just go rushing off."

Maurice spoke "You’re right. It’s too late to fix this by myself. Let’s teach Nine that if he messes with one of us, he messes with all of us."


The Harmony Guard and I shout "HARMONY GUARD DEFEND!!!!"

New Yoke Twilight roars "ATTACK!!!!!"

Nine spoke "Argh! Enough is enough, attack!"

Maurice spoke "Charge!"

We went into battle as the vehicles went airborne.

Pixie ran on her flames as she took to the sky while Miyuki froze several Grimions in ice.

Sunset was throwing flames at the Grimions, melting them.

We were fighting the Grimions.

Dread spoke "Avast, ye flying abomination!"

Dread jumped and slashed a Rouge Grimion, causing it to crash and explode against a crystal as Dr. Done-It fired at a Birdie Grimion, destroying it.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Take that, bird brain!"

Dr. Babbles whacked a Grimion Amy and a Grimion Knuckles with his rattler club before jumping into the air and knocked down a Grimion Rouge. Grimion Rouges were going after the Kracken as Black Rose was fighting them off.

Black Rose spoke "Get off, ye winged devils!"

A Grimion Rouge tackled Rust, causing the Kracken to hit the Yolkomotive a bit.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Dagnabbit! Watch where you're going, you lousy kids!"

Black Rose spoke "*Fighting Rouge Grimions* You watch where you're going, you squid-faced eel!"

Dr. Don't spoke "*As his controlled Eggbots fought Grimion Rouges* That all you got? Eat plasma, noobs!"

Renegade spoke "*Dodging some stray plasma shots* Watch it!"

Dr. Don't spoke "Don't hate the player, hate the game."

Maurice spoke "Oh, no. *Dodges an enemy sent flying and a Eggforcer*"

A Grimion Amy knocked Renegade into Dr. Deep, knocking him down.

Dr. Deep spoke "Get off me, you crimson porcupine!"

Renegade spoke "Say please, you hipster cyborg."

Uh-oh, Nine's already winning.

Maurice spoke "Why can't we work together? The fight's just started and we're already losing."

Wave spoke "Listen up guys! You can let some coldhearted fox ruin our worlds or you can be awesome as a team!!"

I spoke "Wave, this isn't a good time for a song!"

Wave spoke "We don't have a choice Twilight, morale is at a low for us all!"

Wave started singing thus boosting everyone's morale back up.

Midnight roars loud as he shot blue flames from his mouth at the Grimions, downing as many as he could hit.

Nine spoke "Look at them, so dysfunctional. They won't last long. What are you, Deep Lilac and Shira waiting for, Sonic? I'm right here. *Notices Tails, Mangey and Sails beating a Sonic Grimion* There is only one me. Time to give those three a little push. Grim Troopers, go after the foxes!"

The Grimions suddenly stopped.

Renegade asks "Why are stopping?"

Dr. Deep spoke "*As the Grimions started going somewhere else* Perhaps they've concluded that they're beaten."

Maurice spoke "Oh, no. Tails, Mangey, Sails!"

The three Tails were working on something as they noticed the Grimions heading for them.

Tails spoke "Talk about timing.

Sails spoke "Let's hope this works!

Sails threw a device at one of the Grimions before it exploded, wiping out a LOT of Grimions.

Maurice spoke "No!"

Maurice was knocked back by the wind force before he got back up.

Maurice spoke "No!"

The explosion faded, leaving behind a crater, but none of the three Tails were there.

Nine spoke "Fools. They sacrificed themselves for a minor victory on the battlefield. Remaining forces, pull back and let Sonic, Deep Lilac and Shira come to me."

The rest of the Grimions retreated.

Rebel spoke "Mangey, Sails, are they..."

Maurice spoke "I wasn't fast enough."

Renegade spoke "It ain't your fault."

Maurice spoke "Yes, it is. All of it is. You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for me."

Dr. Deep spoke "Which is exactly why you need to lead us to that blasted fox. Once the Chaos Council controls the Prism-"

Rebel spoke "If you think we're gonna let you anywhere near the Prism, you're even dumber than you look."

Renegade spoke "We gotta draw Nine out of his hole and take the fight to him."

Rebel spoke "Sonic should use his speed to get the Prism and cut off Nine's power."

Dr. Deep spoke "So the hedgehog will wield the power? Preposterous!"

Rebel spoke "Better him than you!"

Dr. Deep spoke "In case you haven't noticed, we are losing."

Maurice clenched his fists.

Rebel asks "Sonic, what are you going to do?"

Maurice asks "I wanna take the fight to Nine so bad it hurts, but if Nine gets his tails on me, Deep Lilac and Shira, it's game over for all of us. The only way we win this is by working as a team, to save everything together. Rebel, what do we do?"

Dr. Deep asks "You're asking her for advice? We're geniuses. Do you know how many years I spent in college?"

Maurice spoke "Even though they've been out-manned and out-gunned at every turn, Rebel's been leading a revolution against you for ages. That takes strategy."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Patience, Doctors, our time will come soon enough. Let the fools have their moment."

Dr. Don't asks "Uh, you know you're on speakerphone, right?"

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "*As a phone beeping was heard* Oh, no. Uh-oh. Sorry. *Static buzzing*"

Maurice spoke "So any ideas? Because the mustache is right, we're getting destroyed out here."

Rebel spoke "Nine is the key. We need to get him off balance and unfocused. I propose a three-pronged assault. First prong of the plan is a flanking maneuver. We'll split into teams that are used to operating together. The Pirates heading to one side of the Citadel, the Scavengers assaulting the other. Their objective, avoid combat wherever possible, breach the top of the Citadel, and find a way to plug that hole, stopping the energy beam and cutting Nine off from the Prism. Second prong, the airships, each of which will provide support for the ground forces. Keep Nine's assets looking over their shoulders. The more they're focused on you, the less they'll be on the rest of us. The New Yoke City groups will go right up the middle. We're the most experience fighters and we'll have the Chaos Council mechs with us. We'll draw the most attention from the Grim-bots."

Dr. Deep spoke "You're using us as common foot soldiers? How dare you? We are your betters!"

A rebel member spoke "Then you'd better get with the program or you're gonna find out how much worse things can get.

Dr. Deep spoke "Uh, who are you? Seriously, I have no idea who you are."

Thorn asks "What about his robots?"

Rebel spoke "We don't have to defeat all of them, we just need to hold the line long enough for someone to cut Nine off form the Prism."

Maurice asks "It all makes sense, but what about me, Shira and Deep Lilac?"

Rebel spoke "Remember, Sonic, Nine's only got eyes on you three. Hang back and keep his focus. This will allow the Pirates and Scavengers to sneak to the top of the tower."

Maurice: So you're keeping us out of the fight?"

Rebel spoke "Not out of the fight. You three will be scouting, coordinating, and relaying messages."

Maurice asks "And bashing a few bots along the way, right?"

Rebel spoke "I'm counting on it, we all are. Once Nine doesn't have the power at his fingertips, you guys'll have your window to take him out. Until then, bide your time.

Maurice spoke "Never really been one to bide my time, but makes sense. Okay, everyone, you heard Rebel. Let's go win this together!"

I spoke "No Maurice, it's TOO risky! If he gets that energy, it's game over for ALL of us! I'll never see my kids again!"

Danyelle pulls out the prism energy from Maurice, Shira and I.

Danyelle spoke "We need a better plan than blindly rushing in and losing our lives!"

Sonic spoke "If Nine lays the hurt on MY brother in-law, I'll KILL HIM!"

Rebel spoke "Danyelle, you don't get it. This is the only way the plan will work."

New Yoke Danyelle sighs "Rebel's right about that. She always thinks her plans through and I trust her on this."

Shira spoke "Exactly. We have to see the plan through."

Danyelle was infuriated.

Sonic spoke "Let it go Danyelle, you won't be able to focus properly in battle if you're blinded by rage. Think about your kids for once!"

That seemed to calm Danyelle down as she put the Prism Energy back in us.

Rarity spoke "Hold the line everyone! I hear something!"

A faint scream was heard.

Danyelle spoke "Tch… Just a decoy."

Rarity asks "But what if it was really Rani's scream?"

Danyelle spoke "No. Just a Birdie Grimion trying to lure us into a trap."

The plan was soon underway as the Mothership, Yolkomotive fired, destroying the front outer wall. Nine made more Grimions as those of New Yoke and half of us readied to fight the army.

Renegade spoke "Here they come."

Danyelle spoke "Dragons! On my mark! FIRE!!!"

Danyelle shot Ice Beam at a birdie Grimion as the dragons let their flames fly, downing the grimions!

Danyelle sang as the Allied Forces pushed through the Grimion army.

They started fighting the army as Dr. Don't, controlling a Eggforcer, fought a Grimion Amy. "Alright, let's do this!"

Two Grimion Birdies started pecking on the Yolkomotive's windshields.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Get off, you wretched creatures!"

Rust, from the Kracken, fired at the two Grimions, destroying them.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Well, don't expect a thank you."

Rust spoke "Don't expect a you're welcome."

Black Rose spoke "That there be some fine blasting. Let's go find some more trouble."

They were still fighting the army.

Renegade spoke "Yeah."

But then he was knocked down by a Grimion Knuckles before he blocked it's attacks when...

Dr. Deep spoke "Hi-ya!"

Dr. Deep slashed the Grimion with a buzzsaw, destroying it.

Renegade spoke "Thanks."

Dr. Deep spoke "It was easy. I was fighting your robotic double, obviously the weakest of the lot."

Renegade spoke "At least I have a double!"

Meanwhile, the Scavengers were moving stealthily.

Prim spoke "Okay, we're getting close."

Hangry tripped over a rock. "Who put that rock there?"

Prim and Gnarly spoke "Shh!"

Prim spoke "Keep low and out of sight."

But then a Grimion Amy attacked.

Prim spoke "Look out!"

Prim was then chased by a Grimion Birdie as Hangry picked up the rock.

Gnarly spoke "It's just one, we can take it. *Two more Amy Grimions appear* Ah, coconuts! Charge!"

The two Scavengers and Boscage Froggy fought the Grimions while taking one out before Boscage Birdie tackled the Grimion Birdie as Thorn jumped off and clashed with one of the two Grimions. The Scavengers soon beat the group of Grimions.

Thorn spoke "Go, we've got this!"

Prim spoke "*Nod* Keep moving, Thorn Rose can take care of herself."

Prim, Gnarly, Hangry and Boscage Froggy kept moving.

Thorn spoke "*As she and Boscage Birdie faced off against two Grimion pairs of them* Bring it!"

And that's our cue as I, Shira and Maurice showed up to help Thorn and Boscage Birdie.

Maurice spoke "Yoo-hoo, *Smacking his own butt tauntingly* over here!"

I give a Grimion the stink eye before flying off fast while carrying Shira on my back.

I spoke "Catch me if you can!"

Maurice ran with us as the pairs of Grimion Amys and Grimion Birdies chased us while we were heading for Dr. Babbles.

Maurice spoke "Incoming!"

Shira spoke "Special delivery!"

Dr. Babbles managed to wreck a Grimion Amy and a Grimion Birdie with his rattler club while the other pair were still chasing us before the Eggforcer Dr. Don't was controlling shot the Grimion Birdie down as the Grimion Amy jumped right for us before it was punched by Renegade, becoming destroyed and wrecked!

I spot Danyelle and Inuyasha launching a few dozen Grimions into the air with a Wind Scar.

Meanwhile, the Pirates were sneaking in through the other side as they moved towards the Citadel before they were attacked by Grimion Birdie, Sonic and Rouge with the robo bat pinning Batten.

Maurice spoke "Hey, Ro-Bat!

The three of us showed up as Maurice punched the Grimion Rouge, freeing Batten before he started fighting the Grimion Sonic as Shira and I helped him.

A crewmate spoke "We needs to go!

The crewmate, Catfish, No Place Froggy and Batten started moving as we then started fighting the Grimion Bat while pinning her against some crystals.

Maurice spoke "Keep moving!"

They did that before No Place Froggy warned Catfish about something. Catfish jumped to our left before he was knocked back by the Grimion Sonic, taking the hit for us while he and No Place Froggy were knocked unconscious.

Maurice spoke "*As we got to the duo* No! Hang on, pal, we got you."

Dread spoke "Incoming!"

Dread crashed the Grimion Birdie against the Grimion Rouge, causing both two explode as he knocked away the Grimion Sonic.

Dread asks "Argh, these metal chickens be a pain in me backside. *Notices Catfish and No Place Froggy* How's the lad?"

The four of us helped Catfish up.

Maurice asks "Catfish, you okay?"

Catfish asks "*Lifts up eyepatch while putting his hat back on with No Place Froggy waking back up* Never better, my good lad. But who is this Catfish you speak of?"

The four of us knew that wasn't good.

I used a healing spell on Catfish, reversing the amnesia.

Catfish spoke "Oh... Me head..."

I ask "You okay Catfish?"

Catfish spoke "Gonna be bit woozy for awhile.

Nine saw what happened from atop the tower. "They're sacrificing themselves for Sonic? Why? Hmm, time for a new strategy. Something bigger."

Nine started using his robo tails to absorb the energy, glitching the shield while causing the Grimions' lights to dim, weaken and slow down as our friends started getting an advantage.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "What, his forces are getting weaker? *Gasp* It appears he's redirecting power to the Citadel!"

We and Dread helped carry Catfish before setting him down.

Maurice spoke "He took a hit that was meant for me, Deep Lilac and Shira. *As the Pirates, except Catfish who was staying with us due to being woozy from the healing spell, moved on forward* This isn't working. We should've gone straight to Nine when we had the chance."

Renegade spoke "Cheer up, Sonic, we're doing all right out here."

The tide of battle was starting to turn for us as Dr. Babbles giggled while his mech swung a Grimion Amy up and down against the ground with his mech's only hand, that being the left hand.

Maurice spoke "Yeah, we are. We're holding our own."

Inuyasha spoke "But it could be a trap."

Danyelle spoke "I sense that Nine is hurting deep inside."

Dr. Don't spoke "*As his controlled Eggforcer destroyed a Grimion Rouge* Don't get comfy. *Connects controllers together, turning off the Eggforcer with his glasses not lighting up* This isn't even close to done. The Mothership is reporting a surge of Prism Energy at the Citadel."

Nine finished charging up before he shot at the area in front of the front door, causing a green glow.

Dr. Don't spoke "Missed by a mile, what a noob."

Maurice spoke "Nine doesn't miss."

Nine lowered back down to the top of the tower in exhaustion before he suddenly gained a crazed smile. The Scavengers kept moving before noticing a green glow, stopping right in front of it before moving up on the right side as the green glow turned purple. The ground rumbled as something started appearing out of the purple glow before all of us, including the Scavengers noticed it. What appeared out of it was... shocking as it started moving forward.

Dr. Deep spoke "No!"

Dr. Babbles giggled while clapping his hands.

Gnarly spoke "I told you that giant cat zombies were real!"

Maurice asks "Not Big, anyone but Big! How could you, Nine?"

Nine spoke "You left me no choice, Sonic."

Alpha Grim Big's head lifted up from its front, opening up before it roared with a yell. But then a missile fired out of that opening and headed right for us when we realized that the missile looked...

Maurice and Sonic ask "Froggy?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh this is bad..."


Home Sick Home

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*Maurice's POV*

Ugh... can't see... ears ringing...

Squad Commander Red spoke "Hold your positions."

Renegade asks "What is happening?"

Squad Commander Red spoke "Reinforcements are coming."

Dr. Deep spoke "Im getting destroyed out here."

Rebel, Moeru, Deep Lilac and Shira spoke "Get up, Sonic! Get up!"

I woke up and was instantly on my feet, gasping and panting before seeing Grim Big. "Oh, no. No, no, no." I dreaded before Grim Big fired dozens of missiles at all of us. "Scatter!"

We started running to avoid the Froggy Missiles.

Squad Commander Red spoke "Coming in hot. Take cover!"

But then Grim Big's head opened up again, this time with his upper chest as hundreds of Froggy Missiles headed for us.

Torch and several hundred adult dragons ram into the giant robot, knocking it down.

But then it got back up instantly before firing dozens of missiles at the Mothership as they hit it dead on, wrecking its cannons.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "The Mothership cannons are down. I need some assistance."

Birdie Grimions started heading straight for the Mothership.

Dr. Done-It spoke "One bucket of fried robo-chicken coming up."

The Yolkomotive fired at three Grimions, shooting them down.

Rust spoke "We too are on our way."

Nine spoke "Stop the ships!"

Rouge and Birdie Grimions came out, heading right for the Kracken and Yolkomotive as Rusty was shooting plasma at the enemies.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Huh? *Notices a Grimion Birdie on the left back engine* Wah!"

Spyro spoke "Dragons!"

Ember tackles the Grimion off the engine and into the water.

Wendy shouts "SIS!!!"

Meanwhile, Dr. Babbles in his mech and Dr. Deep in his mech suit were flying towards Grim Big as Dr. Babbles babbled.

Dr. Deep spoke "Indeed. And like all kitty cats, it's evil to the core. Prepare to flank on my mark."

But then the two were sent flying by the swipe of Grim Big's tail.

A crewmate spoke "Flee! Flee for your lives!"

Deep Lilac, Shira and I were fighting Grimions, not knowing that Grim Big was closing in on us.

A rebel spoke "it's focused on Sonic, Deep Lilac and Shira."

Dr. Don't spoke "Which means it won't see me coming. *Glasses light up* Boss battle."

A controlled Eggforcer took off with a few other eggbots as they flew at Grim Big before the bots were soon wrecked as Dr. Don't's glasses went back to normal. The giant Grim-bot then turned at the teen doc.

Dr. Don't asks "Can I get a restart? *Runs away on his floating chair while throwing away his controllers* What the?"

Grim Big then fired more Froggy missiles as Dr. Don't was sent flying into the air with a yell as Batten flew up, allowing a Amy Grimion to get sent flying by Grim Big's tail. We ran before the giant bot thrashed its tail against the ground, sending us flying forward.

"That's it, your nine evil robo-lives just ran out." I declared as Deep Lilac, Shira and I ran towards it.

Rebel spoke "Sonic wait, hang back. Stick to the plan!"

Nine spoke "Predictable."

We got past some Grimions before we were sent flying by Grim Big's tail as we crashed on the ground.

Nine spoke "After them."

Then more Sonic, Twilight and Inari Grimions appeared, surrounding the three of us.

"Right, stick to the plan." I remembered as we started fighting our Grimion counterparts.

Danyelle flew past as a Nekomata Grimion crashes into a Twilight Grimion, causing both to explode.

"Nine!" I called out. "You want us?" I noted while knocking away some Sonic Grimions. "Come catch us."

Deep Lilac, Danyelle, Shira and I ran as our Grimion counterparts chased after us while the Scavengers were still climbing.

Prim spoke "They're buying us time. Let's use it. Keep moving."

Nine kept his eyes on me, Deep Lilac, Danyelle and Shira as we kept running.

Nine asks "Where are you going?"

Nine started absorbing Prism Energy again as Grim Big powered down while the shield glitched again.

Rebel spoke "Its power is draining."

Renegade spoke "Now's our chance! *Punched right above Grim Big's tail, leaving a dent* Ha, that's more like it. Finally making a dent in this thing."

Nine finished charging before he fired a green beam in front of us, creating a chasm as we tried to stop ourselves.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." I yelped before we stopped right at the edge. "Whoa."

But then our Grimion counterparts tackled us into the chasm as they attacked us and threw us into junk piles. Nine powered Grim Big back up as Dr. Babbles was knocked away by its tail as the bot spun around. Renegade was sent flying off the tail before Thorn, riding on Boscage Birdie, caught him as Grim Big fired more Froggy missiles at the army.

A Crewmate spoke "Run!"

Rebel spoke "Look out!"

Rebel grabbed the crewmate as they dodged a missile before it exploded.

Dr. Deep spoke "Ugh! Enough of this. I'm no one's sacrificial lamb. Mr. Doctor, we need the Mothership!"

Eggforcers tried to lift one of the Mothership's cannons, but were knocked away by plasma shots from Grimion Birdies as Rusty was firing at the airborne enemies while Black Rose fought a Rouge Grimion before two Birdie Grimions latched onto the Yolkomotive's windshields.

Dr. Done-It spoke "One order of extra crispy wings coming up."

Dr. Done-It shot the two Grimions, shattering them as Eggforcers tried to lift the cannon again, but where attacked by Rouge Grimions. The four of us were really struggling against our Grimion counterparts before they we destroyed by... Shadow and Redux Shadow!

"Shadow, you're both alive!" I cheered. "Help a brother and some friends up?"

Shatterverse Shadow: *Lifts me up while the other Shadow helped the girls up* We are not related.

"*Sigh* Never mind. You okay?" I asked.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "My counterpart and I survived. Nine's Alphas deployed a massive army to keep us down here."

"Alphas? You mean the ones that can duplicate themselves?" I noticed.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "If I still had that Chaos Emerald, I could have teleported the both of us out of here, but it's lost to the void and my counterpart doesn't have one either. And, smashing hoards of Sonics isn't the worst thing in the world."

We then saw some pebbles come down as we looked up, seeing more Grimion counterparts of us.

"Up for smashing a few more mes?" I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Control!"

The Mew teleports with the three hedgehogs, Shira and Deep Lilac out of the chasm before reappearing next to Rust.

Meanwhile, the Scavengers were still sneaking as they stayed out of Alpha Grim Birdie's sight.

Prim asks "We're gonna need to sneak past that thing if we wanna cut off Nine from the Prism, ideas?"

Gnarly spoke "I've got one, but I'll need four rocks, 80 feet of vine and a time machine."

Prim's ears drooped, deadpanning at that as the Scavengers continued sneaking and climbing. Meanwhile, we kept fighting the Sonic Grimions as Shadow soon knocked a Grimion Sonic into the chasm as I soon did the same to another before we then knocked plenty of Grimion counterparts down there.

"*Chuckle* Hello teamwork!" I smiled. "Up top."

Danyelle had two chaos emeralds floating around her neck.

Danyelle spoke "Look what I found!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Perfect!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*As he and his Redux counterpart grabbed the Chaos Emeralds* These troopers are one thing, but the Alphas can generate an endless army. They are the real threat."

I sighed as I high-fived myself. "Rebel's plan is working. The Scavengers are through to the Citadel. They're gonna cut Nine off from the Prism."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Which is in Nine's lab, guarded by the Alphas. They'll never reach it."

"So how do we destroy them?" I asked.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "We don't. We're going after Nine."

I stopped the Shadows. "No, we're not. You said it yourself. If we don't go after the Alphas, we're cooked. And the only way we win this thing is if we work together. We need the others."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It's the end of the universe, and you're still thinking about your friends."

"Of course I am. They're all here, fighting, sacrificing themselves for me." I pointed out.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "All the more reason to go after Nine while he's distracted."

"And let my friends get pummeled when Nine only wants me, Deep Lilac, Shira and maybe Danyelle? *Sighs before gasping* Nine only wants us. I have an idea." I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "My piece of the prism is much too small to be bothered with."

Meanwhile, Birdie Grimions took out the Kracken's propellers.

Black Rose spoke "Get those flying beasts off of us!

Rust spoke "*Fires before going back to Black Rose* There are too many. Ship damage is critical.

Black Rose spoke "I hate to say it, but we're going down. Abandon ship!

The two Amys jumped off the Kraken as it went down before Rust got grabbed by a Grimion Birdie as Black Rose jumped off flying Grimions, attempting to get Rusty, but failed and started falling.

Rust spoke "No!

Rust punched the Grimion, freeing herself as she dived after Black Rose before she was attacked by a Grimion Birdie. She grabbed said Grimion and spun it around before crashing it against another while Black Rose was attacked by a Grimion Rouge when Rusty grabbed on and retracted up before punching the Grimion, releasing Black Rose as Rusty grabbed onto her before they were attacked by another Grimion Birdie. The two flew the Grimion into the line of fire of another Grimion Birdie, causing it to blow up as Rust and Black Rose started falling again before Thorn saw them.

Thorn spoke "Birdie, fly!

Boscage Birdie started flying towards the two.

Black Rose spoke "It's been an honor to know you, friend.

Rust spoke "The honor has been all mine, friend.

Boscage Birdie caught the two at the last second.

Thorn spoke "Got you!

The Kraken then crashed and exploded.

Black Rose spoke "Ha! By Poseidon's soggy beard! *Chuckles*

Boscage Birdie then landed as the three Amys got off.

Rust spoke "Thank you, Thorn. We owe you our lives.

Thorn spoke "You would do the same for me, *Wink!* sisters.

Rust spoke "Sister. I have never had a sister.

Black Rose spoke "Now you got two.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "In case you've forgotten, we're under attack. Get up here!

Thorn spoke "Let's show them what these sisters can do.

The three Amys flew up with Boscage Birdie as Rust and Black Rose landed aboard and started fighting Rouge Grimions as Thorn and Boscage Birdie fought Birdie Grimions. The three and Boscage Birdie soon left the Mothership as the Yolkomotive shot the last airborne Grimions.

Dr. Done-It spoke "You're all clear, Mr. Doctor.

Eggforcers started lifting a cannon as Grim Big sent some crystals flying with his tail, trapping a crewmate underneath the pile as the rebel member tried to help him get out.

Dr. Deep spoke "We're getting destroyed out here.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Keep your mustache on, Doctor. The cannons are almost repaired.

The Mothership's cannons were back online as they powered up.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "At last!

A pair of cannons charged up as the rebel member got the crewmate out.

Nine spoke "The Mothership! Take out the Mothership!

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "So long, you colossal waste.

The cannons fired at Grim Big, hitting it dead-on as that caused an explosion. When it faded, the upper chest was open with its head open, but the visors were definitely broken as it started shutting down.

Nine spoke "No, no, no!

The upper chest and head closed as it crashed onto the ground as we noticed that while heading to the others as the others cheered, Dr. Deep and Dr. Don't chuckled.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Hoo-hoo-hoo!

We then got to the others. "You did it, you took out that behemoth!"

Rebel spoke "Sonic, you and the others are okay!

"Gang, this is Shadow. Shadow, meet, well, everyone, I guess." I introduced.

Danyelle spoke "If things backfire on us, I have a backup plan just in case."

Deep Lilac spoke "Good idea Danyelle, it never hurts to have a second plan if the first one fails."

But then we heard a crazed and angered roar from Nine as he was in the air, absorbing more prism energy.

“Well, that’s terrifying.” I nervously said before Nine fired a beam at the Mothership, hitting it dead-on as explosions started going off with it going down.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, my egg!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman flew out of it in his mech before the Mothership completely exploded, totally destroyed.

Dr. Babbles cries.

Dr. Done-It spoke "My butterscotch candies!"

Dr. Don’t spoke "My video games!"

Dr. Deep spoke "My essential oils!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman in his mech bounced on and off the ground before stopping after his mech slid on its face.

Dr. Deep spoke "Mr. Doctor, are you alive? Say something."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "*Pokes his head out the top of his mech’s head* Mark my words, we’re going to melt that fox.

Nine soon held his head in pain on the tower as the prism shield started decaying while closing in.

“Every time he diverts power, the dome shrinks. He needs our energy to stabilize it.” I noticed as Nine saw the Scavengers as he sent the three flying into the air.

Rebel spoke "Prim!"

Prim soon caught Gnarly, Hangry and Boscage Froggy as they came back to us.

Rebel spoke "The plan, it failed."

“We’re running out of time. I need you, all of you, to listen to me.” I requested.

Dr. Deep asks "Why should anyone listen to you?"

“Because I know how we can win.” I answered as Nine started absorbing more prism energy with his robo-tails.

Nine spoke "No, the dome… *Finishes absorbing*"

“You’ll never catch us, Nine. We’re too fast. Hit us with everything you’ve got!” I challenged.

Nine spoke "No more waiting."

The Alphas started heading for us.

“Rebel.” I said before the Alphas landed before Nine made more Grimions as they charged at us. “Here they come.” I pointed out as we started fighting the army before I noticed my friends in danger. “No!”

I threw Alpha Grim Sonic away before running to my friends before Alpha Grim Sonic got up when it was punched by Shadow.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Finally. Prove your worth, machine."

I tried getting to my friends, but tackled by an Alpha Grim Birdie as the Pirates were getting beaten badly.

A crewmate spoke "It’s hopeless, run!"

The crewmate and rebel member started to run before they were knocked into the air as I was knocked onto the ground by the Alpha Grim Birdie.

A rebel member spoke "Back, back I say."

The rebel member was knocked back before falling unconscious as the Yolkomotive’s propellers were torn off.

Dr. Done-It spoke "I’m going down!"

The Yolkomotive crashed, destroying some outer walls as Dr. Babbles was sent flying onto Dr. Deep. The Shadows were getting pummeled.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "Is that all you got?"

Then the Sonic Grimions all attacked both Shadows at once making a huge dust cloud come up.

“Shadow!” I yelled as everyone was getting beaten unconscious. We were losing, again!

Nine spoke "*Flying into the air* Come to me, Sonic."

That tears it, no more running!

“Nine!” Danyelle, Deep Lilac, Shira and I growled as we ran, breaking through the army.

Nine spoke "Finally."

We went up the Citadel as we got onto the tower top before jumping at Nine with him flying at us.


Danyelle's shout had reached Dr. Don't's ears.


The Devil is in the Tails

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*Shira's POV*

When we clashed, an energy pulse wave was sent out as we landed on the tower.

Maurice spoke "Nine, enough. We can still end this. Whoa!"

We dodged the plasma blasts from Nine.

Maurice spoke "Together."

We kept dodging.

Nine scoffs "Together? You only care about getting back to your precious Green Hill."

Maurice spoke "*Still dodging* I care about all of this. You, the Shatterverse, and everyone inside of it. I know you do too. And that Prism power-"

Nine spoke "Is my ticket to protecting my new world. Once I take the remaining Prism energy that’s in you four, the Grim will be saved. Look around. You’ve already lost and you don’t even know it. Your so-called friends won’t be doing anymore fighting. Meanwhile, my army has one purpose: to get your energies."

Five Birdie Grimions appeared as they started firing while we dodged them before destroying one of them.

Maurice spoke "It’s gonna take more than just a few knockoff robots to slow me and the rest of us down."

A Grimion fired at the Grimion Birdie we were on before jumping off, destroying it as we wrecked the other three Grimions.

Nine spoke "*Absorbing more energy* Need more power!"

We looked at what was going on the ground, seeing the Grim bots’ lights dim.

Maurice spoke "It’s working. They’re losing power."

Danyelle spoke "This plan might actually work."

The dome was closing in.

Maurice asks "Sure you can handle all that juice, pal?"

Nine started firing high-energy plasma blasts at us as we jumped off the tower, falling.

Nine spoke "Let them fall, but catch them before they this the spire. I need that energy."

Danyelle started flying as Deep Lilac carries me before Maurice was suddenly standing on purple hexagonal platforms that appeared right under his shoes’ soles.

Maurice spoke "Huh? I was wondering what these puppies do in this place."

Looks like Maurice is able to make midair platforms and run in the air.

Maurice spoke "Get ready for some fancy footwork."

Us girls started going up with Maurice running up and around while we dodged and wrecked some Birdie Grimions as we then reached the top, airborne.

Nine spoke "I never should have given you those regulators."

Nine started shooting at us as we dodged the blasts before he started absorbing more energy.

Nine spoke "More power!"

Nine started firing at us more frequently and powerfully before Maurice suddenly blocked the attacks with a hexagonal shield, which was totally undamaged after that.

Maurice spoke "Huh? *Chuckles* Even better!"

Nine spoke "No!"

Nine kept firing at us as we dodged and shielded the attacks before he fired a beam as us as we fell, screaming, but we were actually not far behind Nine.

“Splat.” Maurice, Danyelle, Deep Lilac and I quipped as we started knocking Nine around before he fired at us with Maurice shielding us and pushing the beams back before the attack stopped as Nine fell into the tower in exhaustion while Maurice slipped onto the tower as we got to him.

Maurice asks "You’re looking pretty tired. Sure you’re not ready to give up?"

Nine spoke "*Moans in exhaustion while getting up* Give up? I can’t. *Starts flying* You’re the four who put me in this position."

Nine started absorbing more energy as Grim Bots were losing more power, so much power they even drooped a bit.

Rebe spoke "Now!"

Everyone else got up, pretending to be knocked out as they were fighting the Alphas and Grimions easily.

Dread spoke "Ha ha har, yeah!"

Renegade punched some Grimions as both Shadows knocked Alpha Grim Knuckles into Alpha Grim Birdie while Thorn whacked away a Grimion Amy before riding Boscage Birdie. We saw what was going on with smiles.

Maurice spoke "It worked. The plan worked!"

Kita spoke "But it's NOT OVER YET!!!"

Danyelle shouts "CHAOS BARRIER!!!"

A barrier traps Nine, cutting him off from the prism.

But somehow the prism energy inside his robo tails allowed him to shatter the barrier completely, knocking Danyelle out cold as Deep Lilac caught her while he charged up once more.

Nine spoke "Fully charged."

13 angry children gang up on Nine, pinning the fox down.

Gallus growls "Mess with our mother..."

Bluestar hisses "You mess with US!"

But then Nine sent out an energy blast, sending the kids flying as Maurice caught them.

Maurice spoke "You kids, grab your mom and go! There's no time!"

Nine spoke "Now you will feel the full force of my-"

There was rumbling as Nine saw what was going on.

Nine asks "What?"

Maurice lunged at Nine as the lasers clashed against his shield while pinning the fox down.

Nine asks "You tricked me. Clever. But betrayal comes easy to you. How did you do it?"

Maurice spoke "One, sneaky great plan. Two, 'cause they trusted me."


Maurice spoke "We’re running out of time. I need you, all of you, to listen to me."

Dr. Deep asks "Why should anyone listen to you?"

Maurice spoke "Because I know how we can win."

Rebel asks "And how do you propose we do that?"

Maurice spoke "By letting him think he's won."


Maurice spoke "You can't protect your world, fight us and power your army."

Nine yelled as he sent Maurice rising on his shield.

Maurice spoke "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. *Jumps off* Ah!"

Meanwhile, the others knocked down the Alpha Grim bots as Maurice landed back on the tower.

Nine spoke "No!"

Rebel spoke "We did it."

Nine asks "*Sigh* You think this is over, don't you?"

Maurice spoke "It is over. Now let's save the world... together."

Nine spoke "I didn't start the decay, the Chaos Council did. Then you betray me and bring everyone here to fight me. *Sigh* You forget who controls the Prism."

Nine suddenly gained a electric aura as his robo tails shot lasers into the sky.

Maurice asks "What are you doing?"

Nine spoke "I'm accelerating the decay. Soon, you four will have no choice."

The dome started closing in more as Nine shot the Alphas, bringing them back online and fully powered up, same with the Grimions.

Gnarly asks "What is happening?"

Rebel spoke "Huh? No!"

Maurice spoke "Nine, this isn't you. You'll destroy everything."

Nine growled before shooting at us while yelling as we dodged into the air. The others were starting to lose again.

Dr. Deep spoke "Oh, no."

Dr. Deep tried to fly off but was kicked onto the ground by Alpha Grim Rouge.

Nine kept firing at us while simultaneously charging himself as Maurice shielded us.

Maurice spoke "You're not just destroying your home. You're destroying yourself."

Nine spoke "I'm protecting my home!"

Nine fired a giant beam, knocking Maurice back a bit since he shielded us.

Nine spoke "My Grims will eliminate your friends and families, and my Alphas will be by my side as I do the same to the lot of you. All Alphas attack Sonic, Deep Lilac, Shira, Danyelle and her kids... now!"

The Grim Alphas started moving back to the Citadel.

Rebel spoke "Hold them back!"

A rebel member spoke "Eat plasma, metal scum!"

Our friends were breaking through the Grimion Army as Rusty grabbed Alpha Grim Amy before throwing it up as Renegade punched the robot down. Alpha Grim Sonic and Alpha Grim Knuckles were then stopped by Dr. Deep.

Dr. Deep spoke "Prepare to be amazed, then deceased by the one and only Doc-"

He was then knocked away by Alpha Grim Knuckles and Alpha Grim Applejack before Mr. Dr. Eggman dropped in.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Eat fist, brute!"

His mech punched the Grim Alpha.

Rebel spoke "Take her!"

Rebel kicked Alpha Grim Rouge to the Scavengers as Hangry pinned the bot down while Boscage Birdie flew with Thorn at Alpha Grim Birdie while dodging plasma blasts. Thorn jumped and pounded the Alpha's head with her hammer before Dr. Babbles flew in and knocked it up with his rattler club.

Alpha Grims Sonic, Danyelle, Twilight and Inari were running up the Citadel before both Shadows stopped them.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "The four of you aren't going anywhere."

The two fought the four as Nine yelled in rage as he fired beams, repairing and powering up the Grim Alphas.

Rebel spoke "It's not over. His power supply is endless."

Maurice spoke "Nine. *As we walked/flew over to the tower* We both dreamed of a better place, a better way of life. But your world is falling apart."

Nine spoke "A small sacrifice which I'll fix soon enough with your energies."

Nine fired at us as Renegade saw the trouble we were in.

Renegade spoke "Captain, lead this group. I got places to be! *Runs off*"

Dread spoke "You heard 'em, me hearties! Button yer blowholes and drive 'em back! Full Force!"

The army fought the Grimion Army as the Eggforcers Dr. Don't controlled beat a Grimion Knuckles.

Dr. Don't spoke "Yes!"

Our friends were fighting the army before the ground rumbled as Alpha Grim Big somehow got back up and started floating towards them.

Rebel spoke "Oh, no... Big is back!"

We were dodging and shielding Nine's plasma blasts as we got onto the tower. Maurice and the rest of us were panting before we noticed Renegade climbing up behind him.

Maurice spoke "This is gonna hurt me a lot more than it's gonna hurt you."

Nine asks "What?"

Renegade punched Nine from the right, sending him to the ground of the tower as he landed next to us.

Renegade spoke "I've been waiting a long time for this, traitor."

Nine spoke "*As Sonic, Knuckles, Twilight, Danyelle and Inari Grimions appeared* Destroy the red one and bring me Sonic, Deep Lilac, Shira and Danyelle. *Flying* I need their energy."

We started fighting the grimions as Renegade was knocked off the tower from a clash before Maurice threw him back onto the tower as he punched the group fo Grimions. Nine shot at Renegade, but Maurice shielded him. He kept shielding Nine's attack, allowing us to beat the Grimions.

Meanwhile, the army and Alpha Grim Big were approaching the others.

A crewmate asks "What do we do?"

Rebel spoke "We do what we always do. We fight to the last one standing!"

But then some of the Grimions were sent flying from a tail swipe from Grim Big.

Rebel asks "Huh?"

Grim Big then fired Froggy missiles at the grimions, destroying them while wrecking them with tail swipes. Alpha Grim Big let out a mechanical roar before its broken visor lit up, revealing Tails, Mangey and Sails.

Sails spoke "Ahoy!"

Tails asks "Missed us?

Mangey growled with a smile that sounded like "Hey."

Rebel spoke "Sails! Mangey! Tails! You're alive!"

Tails spoke "So is Rani."

Rebel asks "But... how?"

Sails asks "There was an explosion to be sure but twas nothing we couldn't fly away from. Mostly. *As he, Mangey and Tails spun their tails* Orders?"

Rebel spoke "Stay on top of the Grim-bots and stay safe. The rest of you, remember the plan. Take out the Alphas and the others fall."

Tails spoke "You heard her, boys. Let the fireworks fly!"

The trio of foxes started firing Froggy Missiles as they hit the Grimions.

Sails spoke "*Sniff* Ah, I love the smell of froggy bombs in the morning."

Gallus screeches as he attacks with Wind Cutter, shredding the Alpha Rainbow Dash thus shutting the other Rouge-bots down for good.

Twilight-two crushes the Alpha Applejack with Psychic.

A crewmate spoke "Hold up, Captain. With everyone distracted down here, we could make a serious run at that rock. And with that kind of treasure? We wouldn’t just be legends, we would be pirate kings. *Runs towards the citadel*"

Dread spoke "Me beauty."

We were still fighting the Grimions as we destroyed them.

Nine spoke "No! I have to have that energy."

Nine charged up before he fired beams at us.

Maurice spoke "Look out!"

Maurice shielded us while Grim Big fired plasma shots at Birdie Grimions before the Alpha Grim Birdie was coming in hot at the giant grim-bot. The foxes tried to fire, but the plasma guns ran out of power.

Sails spoke "Argh. That’s not good."

The foxes were mashing buttons, but nothing was work before Sails and Tails pounded the missile fire button, launching missiles as they hit the Alpha Grim dead-on, destroying it, causing the Birdie Grimions to disappear from existence.

Rebel spoke "It’s working. The Grim Birdies, Rainbow Dashes and Applejacks are out! Press the attack!"

The Scavengers fought Alpha Grim Rouge before Thorn destroyed it with her hammer, causing the Rouge Grimions to fade away while the others destroyed Grim Alpha Rarity, making the Rarity Grimions vanish.

Rebel spoke "The Grime Rouges and Raritys are down! Don’t stop! Keep going!"

Orion and Asuna rip an Alpha Twilight in half, erasing the other Twilight Grimions.

Midnight destroyed Alpha Grim Fluttershy, erasing the Fluttershy Grimions while Maurice was shielding us from Nine's lasers before he fell to the ground in exhaustion, ceasing his onslaught before Renegade lunged at him. Nine covered himself in an impenetrable prism energy barrier as Renegade kept punching him while we noticed the dome closing in faster.

Maurice spoke "Knucks, stop! Look! We'll lose everything. I gotta get through to him."

Nine then sent out another energy blast, knocking us back as more Sonic, Danyelle and Inari Grimions appeared.

Dr. Deep was fighting Alpha Grim Knuckles before he grabbed a part of his mech suit.

Dr. Deep spoke "Oh, no. *Thrown by Grim Alpha* Ah!"

Dr. Babbles lunged and pounded the ground while Alpha Grim Knuckles dodged before pushing up Catfish who tried to belly flop it and kicked him away. But then Rebel shot the ground around the Alpha Grim, causing a smokescreen of dust before Catfish approached from behind and shredded Alpha Grim Knuckles with a chainsaw, destroying him. Gnarly lunged at a group of Knuckles Grimions before he punched the ground right as they faded from existence. Rusty looked around and scanned, finding Black Rose and Batten fighting Amy Grimions.

Black Rose spoke "*Sigh* Keep fightin' Batten! We can do this!"

Batten spoke "Aye aye, Capt-*Knocked away by Alpha Grim Amy* Oh!"

Black Rose started fighting the Alpha Grim as Eyeshade came in to help, but then started struggling as Dread and his crewmate were climbing the citadel.

Dread spoke "So much beauty."

Crewmate spoke "Instead of dying in this desolate wasteland like the rest of these sea dogs, we'll be living like kings.

But then Dread heard Black Rose and Eyeshade straining against Alpha Grim Amy.

A crewmate spoke "*Climbing* Forget them, Captain. We have to keep climbing. Come on, Captain!

But then Dread grinned, knowing what to do as Black Rose and Eyeshade were disarmed and grabbed by Alpha Grim Rose before they heard a growl, seeing... Dread gliding toward them with his scabbard!

Dread spoke "Leave them be!

Black Rose and Eyeshade ask "Dread?

Dread then knocked Alpha Grim Amy away, releasing its two captives before he started fighting the grim-bot, only for his scabbard to be swiped from him as he was knocked away. The enemy was about to attack before Black Rose and Eyeshade tackled it as Rusty Rose grabbed the scabbard and threw it down, stabbing the ground before she landed.

Rust spoke "Leave this one to me."

Rust then punched Alpha Grim Amy before she started fighting it.

Black Rose spoke "*As she and Eyeshade offered their hands* You came for us."

Dread asks "*As he took them with the two lifting him up* I finally realized there are things more important than a shiny rock. But you both already knew that, didn't ye?"

Black Rose spoke "I suppose we did."

Dread spoke "*Takes off his hat* For now and forever. *Places hat on Black Rose's head* You'll always have me loyalty. Captain Rose. *Gold tooth glimmers*"

Black Rose asks "*As Eyeshade gasped in surprise* Did you just call me "Captain"?"

Dread asks "Aye. *Stands at the ready* Now, what are your orders?"

Black Rose spoke "Grab yer sword and let's dole out some pirate justice."

Supported by Ravenpaw and Flintfur, Danyelle spoke "FRENZY PLANT!!!"

Wild vines snare the Alpha Pinkie before ripping it in half, erasing the Pinkie Grimions.

Even Nine was tangled in the vines but he couldn't cut himself free.

But then Nine surrounded himself in the barrier again, slicing himself free from the vines as he sent out another energy blast.

Meanwhile, Rust was ready to fight Grim Alpha Amy.

Rust spoke "You don't feel anything, but I do. And that's what makes us different. My masters had me believe that Birdie gave me my inner strength and power. *Opens chest compartment as she brings out New Yoke Birdie* But I know now it was another lie. Told to keep me under their control. Symbolic of my oppression. *As New Yoke Birdie flew away while chirping* But I don't need this little bird for power. And this little bird needs to be free. The only thing I need is me!"

Rust battled Grim Alpha Amy as she was later backed against the dome, pinned down by the Grim-bot before she slipped behind it while swiping its hammer as Rust whacked the enemy right into the dome, destroying it, causing the Amy Grimions to vanish while New Yoke Birdie perched on Rust's new hammer as she smiled gently. Meanwhile both Shadows were still fighting Alpha Grims Sonic, Danyelle and Inari before the two were knocked down as the three ran back to the tower.

Danyelle was exhausted after using that attack, and couldn't believe that Nine completely broke free as more Grimions appeared.

Nine spoke "It doesn't have to end like this, Sonic. I just need your energies."

We were cornered as the last three Grim Alphas showed up.

Nine spoke "Take them down."

But then both Shadows jumped up to the tower.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "We are not finished!"

Both Shadows then attacked the three Grim Alphas, causing an explosion as they were totally destroyed, erasing any last Grimions.

Nine shouts "No! How?"

Shadow and Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I am the ultimate life form."

Maurice spoke "Modest too!"

Nine charged up while shocking all of us with prism electricity while Maurice shielded himself, Deep Lilac, Danyelle and me before we noticed the dome closing in.

Black Rose spoke "We're losing ground. Get to the Citadel!"

All of our friends and families were running, escaping from the dome.

Maurice spoke "He's not gonna stop."

The four of us then charged and jumped before tackling Nine as we five fell down the tower through the middle, stopping the electric attack as Maurice shielded all five of us from the surging prism energy from below while we were fighting against Nine as I had a feeling we're gonna reach the bottom soon!

Gallus had to restrain Irene and the other young kids from going after Danyelle.


From the Top

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*Danyelle's POV*

We fell away from Nine as we landed in front of a rail as Maurice, Deep Lilac, Shira, Ravenpaw, Flintfur and I saw the Paradox Prism before Nine flew up and let out a battle cry while firing at us before Maurice shielded us with the lasers pushing us. But then we crashed against a wall behind us before we fell to the ground as we then got up and turned around, seeing a hammock attached to two palm trees, surprising us.

Maurice asks "You planned this for me?"

Nine let out another battle cry as he leapt at us.

Maurice spoke "Nine, *As Nine started attacking us while we were dodging* listen! I didn't understand what you were doing. *Still dodging* Whoa!"

Nine spoke "Stop talking!"

Maurice spoke "*As we kept dodging* You just wanted a better life! Like Green Hill, but for both of us!"

Nine spoke "Stand still and fight me!"

But then the wall to our right exploded, sending us flying a bit before the dust cleared.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It's over, Nine."

The Chaos Council, all of our friends and family showed up.

Nine spoke "*Gasps as he got up while the rest of us got up* Get back! Don't make me destroy you all!"

Maurice spoke "Is that what you want? More destruction? Look outside!"

Nine saw what was going on as his expression started to soften.

Maurice spoke "I'm sorry for everything, Nine. I missed my home so much and was so focused on getting it back that I didn't listen to what you wanted or appreciate what you were trying to do. I never meant to hurt you."

Nine spoke "But you did."

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* I lost my home and all my friends and family. But friends and families talk it out. They don't turn their backs on each other and fight to the death."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Enough talk! Light this fox up, full volley!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman in his mech fired at Nine before Maurice and Shira shielded him form the Chaos Council's attacks.

Maurice spoke "Stop! Everyone stop! This isn't the solution!"

The attacks stopped.

Rust asks "You two would protect him?"

Shira spoke "Yes."

Maurice spoke "I would."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "This blue rodent and white vixen have finally lost it. Very well: destroy the three of them!"

Maurice spoke "Stop, all of you! In a few minutes, there won't be anything left to fight over."

Dr. Deep spoke "The hedgehog makes a good point."

Maurice asks "*To Nine, who was nervously holding his left arm* I need you to understand. Their worlds have been shattered, their homes destroyed. The same thing is happening here. How do we stop this?"

Nine looked around and then looked and felt extremely guilty. "I pushed it too far. This wasn't supposed to happen. I... I'm sorry, Sonic. Without a great sacrifice, reality as we know it will be over."

Mangey whimpered and whines as Gnarly consoled him.

Rust spoke "*Grabbing Thorn and Black Rose's hands* It has been an honor, sisters."

Dr. Don't sniffled a bit while Dr. Done-It was snoring before Dr. Deep hugged them both while sobbing as Dr. Babbles giggled while clapping. But then Maurice, Deep Lilac, Shira and I realized something.

Maurice spoke "Not yet."

The four of us got onto what looked like an energy transferrer.

Nine asks "Sonic, what are you, Deep Lilac, Danyelle and Shira doing?"

"Giving you some sacrifices." The four of us answered.

Nine spoke "You four would do that after everything I..."

Maurice asks "What are friends for?"

Both Shadows nodded at what we were doing, agreeing that it was the only way.

I spoke "A wise friend once said... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Gilda spoke "I was hurting on the inside since I thought I had lost my best friend and I reacted the wrong way."

Chrysalis spoke "Try being hungry all the time and not understanding the true meaning of friendship."

Adagio spoke "My sisters and I were banished a long time ago but Danyelle gave us a second chance. Heck, she even calmed a raging elder siren down."

Deep Lilac spoke "I killed two bad guys."

Midnight spoke "Outcast for being what I am. Winter Frost killed a mare."

Zoey spoke "Inadvertedly resurrected a powerful demon dog with a bit of blue aqua."

Renee spoke "I blew Pierce up with TNT one time when he pranked my husband."

Sunset spoke "Human turned unicorn against my will by a stupid platypus but I strangled said platypus with my own hands."

I spoke "Celestia and Newlestia both scared the cuss out of Neighsay."

Pinkie spoke "We're a really forgiving group."

Maurice spoke "If we do this, you must all promise to leave Nine alone! Let him live peacefully in his new home in the Grim.

Mr. Dr. Eggman asks "Sure, certainly. Invade? Us? *Chuckles* What do you mean?"

Maurice spoke "Same goes for you, Nine. Promise that you won't cause any more trouble in the other Shatterspaces."

Renegade asks "How can we trust him?"

Nine spoke "You can trust me."

Rebel spoke "We have no choice. It all ends here if we don't."

Nine spoke "You have my word."

Dr. Done-It spoke "Hurry up already!"

Nine spoke "If I can extract the remaining Prism energy and shards inside of them and Deep Lilac's sword, I can fully reform the Paradox Prism."

Dr. Deep spoke "And then? Spit it out!"

Nine spoke "And then the Prism will finally be fully stable. I can save everything."

Maurice spoke "You heard him. We have a plan. Let's move this along."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "For once, I agree with the blue rat. Do it already!"

Nine spoke "There's a risk. Even though Danyelle and Shira are guaranteed to be perfectly fine after the extraction, if I remove the energy from Sonic and Deep Lilac's sword, they might fall apart."

Rebel asks "What about Shadow and the others?"

Maurice spoke "Those of the Redux-Verse weren't there for the Shatter Event. They blipped into this reality. But I shattered the Prism while Deep Lilac had that shard in her sword for who knows how long.

Nine spoke "And without the Prism energy binding him, I'm not sure if Sonic and the sword will make it."

Maurice spoke "We're ready."

Deep Lilac placed her sword down as she then got off before she, Shira and I nodded in agreement with Maurice.

Maurice spoke "It's the only way, Nine."

Nine started up the machine, ready to activate it.

Maurice spoke "Do it."

Nine activated the machine as it started extracting the Prism energy and shards from Maurice, Shira, myself and Deep Lilac's sword. The regulators on Maurice's gloves and shoes vanished as a bright light erupted from the Paradox Prism, covering the room. When the light faded, Shira and I were okay before Maurice fell to the floor on the extractor.

Nine asks "Sonic, are you and the sword...""

Maurice slowly got up with Deep Lilac's sword in his hand. "Me? Never better."

Rebel spoke "He's still alive. He and the sword didn't shatter!"

Maurice got up and tossed the sword to Deep Lilac before energy crackled with him and the weapon glitching a bit.

Maurice spoke "Whoa..."

Maurice fell off the extractor before Renegade caught him as we noticed the blue hedgehog and the sword's dimmed colors.

Nine spoke "Their Prismatic energies and shards have been extracted. The Prism is whole. Sonic's body and the sword are holding together, but I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before..."

Maurice and the sword glitched again.

Renegade spoke "Easy, blue. I got ya."

Deep Lilac was glitching back and forth between full alicorn form and hybrid form due to how unstable her weapon was.

I spoke "I can't use Frenzy Plant anymore!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "And we've got this!"

The Chaos Council and some Eggforcers covered the Paradox Prism. Why am I not surprised? Nine tried to get to the computer before Dr. Babble grabbed the fox away from it before Dr. Deep pointed his katana at Shatterverse Shadow, stopping him.

Dr. Deep spoke "Stand down, Edge Lord. I don't trust one hedgehog, let alone four. Especially one that has wings."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Dr. Don't! Triangulate whatever is left of New Yoke City."

Dr. Don't spoke "Once I calibrate to New Yoke City, we're outta here."

Nine readied to fight the Chaos Council as Dr. Done-It aimed his weapon at the fox.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Ah-ah-ah! Careful! Look at two of your friends. They're in no shape to fight."

Deep Lilac/Twilight spoke "With me glitching?! Of course not!"

Maurice spoke "He's right. I'm gassed. But if Nine could barely handle the power of the Prism, you clowns have no hope."

Dr. Deep spoke "Now, now. We must all accept when our time is over. But who knows? Perhaps when I wield the power of the Prism, I'll create a version of you that's more agreeable."

Dr. Don't spoke "When you wield it? *Scoff* Wait until you see the VR world I've been planning. I'll call it the "Egg-a-verse."

Dr. Done-It spoke "In your dreams, you no good whippersnapper!"

Dr. Don't asks "What's a whippersnapper?"

Dr. Babble muttered.

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, cram it with walnuts, ya big baby, or I'll give you a permanent timeout!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman asks "Enough, you fools! *Pops head out of the top of his mech's head* We stand at the precipice of a new world, and you would ruin my moment?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Your moment? Why, you sanctimonious-"

Dr. Babble yelled while slamming down his rattler club before the Chaos Council started fighting each other. Shatterverse Shadow was about to intervene before Rebel stopped him.

Rebel spoke "Hold on, Shadow. Let's see how this plays out."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Stop! Stop, you morons!"

Dread asks "Argh! Should we do something?"

Renegade spoke "Not yet. This is like candy to me."

Maurice then winked at Nine, signaling him to do some work before he glitched again. Nine nodded with a smile as he went to his computer and opened a portal into the Void. Dr. Babbles soon whacked Dr. Deep away, sending him crashing into Dr. Done-It as both flew into the Void.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Babble, no! Bad baby! Bad!"

Dr. Babble muttered something, making Mr. Dr. Eggman gasp.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "That is it. You're getting a timeout!"

Mr. Dr. Eggman started firing at Dr. Babble as the baby in mech blocked the attacks while New Yoke Big dodged one.

Shatterverse Shadow asks "How about now?"

Rebel spoke "Knock yourself out."

Shatterverse Shadow jumped and performed a spin attack, knocking Dr. Babble into the Void as the baby yelled while Rusty, Rebel and Renegade stepped forward.

Dr. Don't spoke "Okay, that's it. I'm out!"

Dr. Don't flew into the Void before he started playing a video game.

Renegade spoke "Now we do something."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Now! This belongs to me! *As Rust, Rebel, Renegade, Shira and Nine approached him* I'll defeat all of you! I'll-"

The five attacked Mr. Dr. Eggman, sending him into the Void with the rest of the Chaos Council.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "You haven't heard the last of us! You just wait! We will amass an even greater army and destroy-"

Nine then closed the portal. "Good riddance."

Miyuki hugs Nine in a gentle embrace, causing the Mobian fox to cry freely.

Inari spoke "*looking at Shira* I wonder what it's like to have a sister."

Shira spoke "*As Nine hugged Miyuki back* A bit awkward."

But then Maurice and the sword glitched again.

Nine asks "S-Sonic?"

Maurice spoke "You were right, buddy. *Grunt* Guess without the Prism energy… *Grunt* the sword and I can’t exist in the Shatterspaces."

Nine spoke "*Wipes eyes before going back on his computer* With the Prism whole again, if I start the reformation process, theoretically, there’s still a chance I can bring back Green Hill! And it may also positively affect other places as well!"

Maurice asks "*Grunt* Green Hill?"

Nine spoke "Here goes."

Energy whirred in the Paradox Prism before it sent out a blinding burst of energy. When it faded, the Paradox Prism…

Rebel asks "Huh?"

…was gone.

Batten spoke "The Prism! It be-"

Rusty spoke "Gone. And nothing has changed. Our attempt has failed."

Nine spoke "*Points outside* Look!"

We went outside and looked, seeing the Void and three Gateways reforming themselves.

Maurice spoke "The gateways are reforming."

Black Rose spoke "No Place!"

Prim spoke "The Boscage Maze!"

But then Amiya called me. “*Speaking loudly and real quickly in pure excitement* DANY!DANY!DANY!IT’SAMIYA!!!”

I yelp "StarClan's sake Amiya! Give a Mew a freaking heart-attack why don't you? Calm down and speak slowly!"

Midnight spoke "Hey look!! The portal back to Equis is restored!"

Moeru was supporting Maurice.

Moeru spoke "Where you go, I go too since I love you Maurice."

Amiya spoke "Sorry! It’s just, the entire planet! The disasters and catastrophes suddenly stopped all together, all Originium in existence are turning pure white and aren’t hazardous anymore, and every being infected of Oripathy is somehow 100% cured! *Voice breaking with tears of joy* I don’t know if what’s happening is a dream or reality, but… it’s finally over!"

I spoke "It's no dream Amiya, it's really real."

Amiya started bawling freely through the call from pure joy.

Nearl spoke "*voice in background* Sorry about Amiya, she's overly excited that everyone's been cured... Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals has been trying to find a cure for years but to no avail and then you guys pull off a freaking miracle, we can't thank you enough."

“You should thank Maurice, AKA Shatterverse Sonic.” I said before Boscage Birdie and Thorn noticed something.

Thorn spoke "I don’t know what that is, Birdie."

We looked up and saw a white light in the distance.

Maurice spoke "It’s Green Hill. You did it, Nine. *Grunt* I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to outrun this."

Deep Lilac/Twilight spoke "Oh geez, that’s where the portal to Equis is too."

Nine spoke "Yes, you both can, if you leave now."

Rebel spoke "Nine’s right. You get to your home, we’ll get to ours."

Maurice spoke "Even if I wanted to, I can’t. I’m outta juice."

Renegade spoke "You’re not doing it alone. Not when you got friends here to help."

Nine then hugged Maurice as the hedgehog hugged him back.

Nine spoke "Now hurry. *Sniffles while wiping an eye* That Gateway and portal won’t be there forever."

Maurice nodded as Thorn jumped onto Boscage Birdie.

Thorn asks "Need a ride?"

Maurice tried to walk over, but glitched and nearly fell before Dread caught him.

Dread spoke "Easy there, lad. I got ya."

Rust spoke "Let me give you both a… hand."

Rusty grabbed Maurice and Deep Lilac/Twilight before putting them on Boscage Birdie.

Maurice spoke "Well, my friends, I just wanna say-"

Dread spoke "You got no time for speeches, boyo. Fly! And know we’ll be rooting for ya."

Maurice asks "Right. Take care of each other, okay?"

Thorn spoke "Hold tight, friends. Let’s go, Birdie. Fly!"

Dread spoke "*As Boscage Birdie took flight* Goodbye, Sonic and Deep Lilac!"

Black Rose spoke "Farewell!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Ahem!*"

Black Rose asks "*Notices Shatterverse Shadow, Moeru and the rest of us from the Redux-Verse* Oh, I suppose you all need a ride too?"

Thorn spoke "You got this, Birdie!"

Boscage Birdie was flying great through the debris of crystals before she clipped a wing on one of them.

Thorn spoke "Birdie, your wing!"

Maurice spoke "It doesn’t look good. We’re not gonna make it."

Thorn spoke "*As Boscage Birdie started falling* No!"

But they landed on the remains of the Yolkomotive as it was still flying with Rust Rose, Black Rose, Moeru, Shatterverse Shadow and the rest of us from the Redux-Verse on board.

Maurice asks "Black Rose?"

Black Rose spoke "Happy to lend a hand! Now hold on to your backsides. We’re gonna pick up the pace!"

The Yolkomotive started going faster through the crystal debris as Maurice started looking black and white and a bit see-through, same with Deep Lilac/Twilight’s sword.

Thorn spoke "Hurry! They’re not gonna make it!"

Black Rose spoke "*Groan* I’m doing me best! But this bucket of bolts is barely holding together!"

Rust spoke "Keep it steady. I will clear a path."

Rust got onto a cannon and started firing at crystals before one of the crystals took out the front right propeller.

Black Rose spoke "I’m losing speed!"

Shatterverse Shadow threw and kicked some crystals away as the Yolkomotive came to a stop.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Black Rose, you’ve brought us far enough. We’ll take it from here."

Shatterverse Shadow helped carry Maurice as those of us from the Redux-Verse helped carry Deep Lilac/Twilight.

Maurice spoke "Goodbye, Roses."

We then took off, jumping, flying and running towards the Gateway and portal while Sonic used a speed spell on all of us that aren’t speedsters.

Maurice spoke "I never knew you were a hugger."

Shatterverse Shadow asks "Do you want me to save you or not?"

Maurice started going limp as we leapt and flew toward the portal before we somehow simultaneously pulled off a triple sonic boom, rocketing right for the Gateway and portal.

Shatterverse Shadow and Moeru spoke "Hang on, Sonic!"

Shatterverse Shadow, Moeru and Maurice went right into the gateway as those of us from the Redux-Verse went right into the portal, landing in Equestria as Twilight stopped twitching and her sword was fully colored and not see-through anymore.

Miyuki asks "But what about Nine and Shira?"

“Knowing them, especially Nine, they’ll find a way here. But for now, how about we see what Maurice is up to through a window?” I suggested.

Sonic snaps his fingers thus opening a communications window to Maurice's world.

Sonic spoke "Hey other me, glad to see you made it back safely!"

Maurice opened his eyes and groaned as he was somehow already standing up. “Oh, other me? Where am I? *Gasp!*”

We saw the cave with Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Rouge fight Dr. Eggman’s mech minions while the doctor in his giant mech suit was reaching for the Paradox Prism, but everything seemed to be going south speed.

Maurice spoke "It worked! *Runs to Knuckles* Knuckles! *Fistbumps Knuckles before running and jumped to Rouge* Fly high, Rouge! *Runs to Amy* Nobody protects nature better than you, sweet Amy. *Runs up to Tails* Hi, buddy. I can’t tell you how much I missed you… or how much I can’t wait for you to say, “Sonic, wait!” In less than 20 seconds."

Maurice started running as the world speed went back to normal as Shatterverse Eggman grabbed the Paradox Prism while laughing as he was trying to pull it out.

Maurice spoke "Step away from the rock, egghead!"

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "Not this time, you fool!"

Maurice soon jumped into a spin attack, flying at Shatterverse Eggman.

Shatterverse Tails spoke "Sonic, wait!"

Uh-oh! It might happen all over again!

Shatterverse Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails spoke "Sonic, no!"

But then Maurice hugged the glass of Shatterverse Eggman’s egg capsule.

Shatterverse Eggman asks "Whuh?

Shatterverse Amy, Knuckles, Rouge and Tails ask "Huh?"

Shatterverse Eggman asks "What do you think you’re doing?"

Maurice spoke "I’m just happy to see everyone. Even you, Eggy."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "What? *Opens glass and punches Maurice away* Stop that! *Mech punches Maurice into the air* I can’t stand you, *Mech suit kicks Maurice away* you blue buffoon!"

Maurice landed, sliding back on the ground as he cracked his neck. “Okay, crew. There are two things that are gonna happen here. One, we protect that big shiny rock. And two, we stick together no matter what it takes! Now let’s go crack that rotten egg.”

Shatterverse Amy spoke "Huh! *Spins piko hammer* I guess he finally heard the “stick together” part."

The five started fighting the bots as they beat them.

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "Say goodbye to your trees and beaches! My time has finally come! *Grabs Paradox Prism*"

Maurice spoke "Take the shot, Tails!"

Shatterverse Tails pressed a button on a switch of his, causing a flying drone of his to fire at Shatterverse Eggman’s mech suit while Shatterverse Amy was behind him and whacked him with her hammer as Shatterverse Rouge delivered a good kick.

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "Why, you little…"

Shatterverse Tails lifted Maurice and flew him up as he jumped and spin dropped, attacking Shatterverse Eggman before Shatterverse Knuckles punched him, sending the bad guy flying back before getting back up.

Shatterverse Amy spoke "Gotta admit, Sonic, *Spins hammer again* this “stick together” plan might be our best one yet."

Maurice spoke "If I’ve learned anything, it’s that we are a team, and together, we’re unstoppable!"

Shatterverse Knuckles asks "What’s the matter with you, Sonic? Did you eat another one of those truck stop chili dogs on your way over?"

Maurice laughs "Something like that."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "You and your furry friends are adorable when you try this hard, hedgehog! But the result is inevitable."

We and Maurice saw Shatterverse Shadow at the mouth of the cave as he brought out the green Chaos Emerald.

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "This world is mine!"

Shatterverse Shadow then teleported onto the Paradox Prism as everyone in the cave noticed him.

Shatterverse Eggman asks "Huh? Shadow? What the heck are you doing here?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I am the ultimate life form. I go wherever I want."

Shatterverse Eggman asks "Whuh?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Chaos Control!"

Shatterverse Shadow then teleported away with the Paradox Prism.

Shatterverse Eggman asks "No! What have you done?

Maurice spoke "*Jumps to where the Prism used to be* Sorry, Eggman. But when you’ve got a crew like mine, there’s nothing that can stop you."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "You haven’t heard the last of me, Sonic!"

Maurice spoke "You will pay for this in ways you’d never imagine. Yeah, yeah, I heard it a million times, Eggy. And I can’t wait for a million and one."

Shatterverse Eggman spoke "*Grabs Shatterverse Orbot and Shatterverse Cubot* Cubot! Orbot! We’re gonna need a bigger fleet!"

Shatterverse Orbot spoke "Sir, yes, sir!"

Shatterverse Cubot spoke "Oh, I’ve always wanted a bigger fleet!"

The mad scientist fled in his mech and with his two henchmen as the five in the cave cheered with Shatterverse Tails high-fiving Maurice.

Sonic chuckles "Guess the Baldy McNosehair of your world still hasn't changed a bit."

The other four saw the window and got greatly confused as Maurice smiled.

Shatterverse Knuckles spoke "Okay, maybe I got one too many punches to the head."

Knuckles spoke "That's my line!"

Maurice spoke "Don't worry, I'll tell 'em about you guys later."

Sitting on Thorax's back since her stomach was swollen, Amy asks "So, that pink hedgehog is my counterpart huh?"

Shatterverse Amy stammers "Huh?! But that's-How would-Why am-*Groans faintly before fainting*"

Sonic chuckles "Thorax's a Changeling, meaning he can take on other forms."

Tails chuckles "Too bad my counterpart hasn't noticed the fact I have seven extra tails."

Shatterverse Tails asks "Wait, what?"

Tails spoke "Long story short, I was pranked by a spotted hyena."

Shatterverse Rouge spoke "This is quite a surprise."

I giggle "Whatever you do Maurice, don't look behind you."

Maurice was soon pounced on by Shatterverse Blaze.

Maurice spoke "Moeru? Should've seen that coming.

Blaze was snickering since her counterpart was being silly.

Sonic chuckles "Just be lucky you only have one girlfriend Maurice, I've got nine wives."

But then Blaze snickered again, having quite the surprise for Sonic.

Sonic asks "Uh Blaze, you okay?"

Blaze spoke "Oh, nothing wrong. *Giggle*"

Applejack spoke "Even Orion, Shirou and Ah can tell that was a lie."

Blaze spoke "You haven't been to the sleepover, AJ, so of course you don't know."

Applejack spoke "Ah heard about it from Twilight."

Blaze asks "*Whispers to Applejack* And did she tell you about what happened and what we talked about?"

Applejack spoke "Only the part about Zacia havin' a crush on Sonic. Though Ah think the blue blur oughta run. Ah think Zenta's in a pissy mood."

I spoke "*Looks in the distance* He's in his Crowned Form and is charging with Behemoth Bash."

Zacia spoke "SIT BOY!!!!"

Zenta was soon face down on the ground as he skidded across the soil thus getting a mouthful of dirt.

Inuyasha spoke "You kinda had that one coming."

Sonic asks "*Surprised* How'd that happen?"

Kagome spoke "She asked me about the beads that Inuyasha has."

Blaze giggles "Couldn't resist, huh?"

Zacia spoke "He's got to learn by now that I'm not a helpless little pup anymore."


Games Ponies Play/ Just for Sidekicks

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*Sonic's POV*

After being informed by Twilight about the Equestria Games, I got quite curious about it when Danyelle had burped up a letter from Mario.

Danyelle spoke "Whoa. He and some of the others in his world are joining too."

I spoke "Hold on Dany, this is probably the selection as to what city will be hosting the Games this year."

Twilight spoke "He's right Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Oh, right."

Opaline asks "What's the Equestria Games?"

Twilight asks "You don't know?"

Midnight spoke "We don't since it wasn't a thing back in Skyros."

Danyelle spoke "We Mobians and Poké-Mobians had the Olympic Games which had a larger variety of sports, including horseback riding."

The ponies were weirded out by that.

Danyelle spoke "And given that the 2024 Olympics are held in France, I think it would cause problems for the Equestria Games."

I spoke "I hadn't thought about that... I'll talk to my grandparents, Great Aunt Celestia as well as Great Uncles Tama and Toga about it."

I teleported off to Canterlot as the others got aboard the train to the Crystal Empire.

*Canterlot Castle*

I waved to the guards on duty as I headed to the throne room.

I just hope all goes well. I then got into the throne room.

Soarin spoke "Oh hey boss, I was just talking about you."

“Hey, Soarin.” I smiled.

Luna was giggling.

I spoke "Soarin, you don't have to call me boss though."

Soarin spoke "Hey, you're the one who married Spitfire so you just have to deal with it."

Couldn’t help but facepalm at that.

Flare was suddenly on my head since she had teleported via Chaos Control.

Soarin asks "Hey boss, who's that on your head?"

"Flare, one of my daughters." I answered.

Flare spoke "Daddy!"

"Hehe, maybe you could be like an uncle to her, Soarin." I noted.

Soarin asks "You sure about that Boss?"

I playfully punched Soarin's shoulder at that with a chuckle. "C'mon, Clipper. You're one of the best pegasi I know."

Soarin chuckles "Then there's Rainbow Dash, she's only a Wonderbolt because she married me."

"Yep. She's like a sister to me." I added.

Soarin chuckles "Not to mention your rival since she's the fastest mare alive."

"Heh, how many rivals does that make for me again?" I wondered.

Soarin spoke "In speed alone, there's Rainbow and Shadow."

Then Celestia showed up.


Celestia sigh "Here we go again."

I ask "Does this happen often?"

Celestia spoke "Having a big family can get chaotic, even without Discord interfering."

I spoke "Don't remind me Celestia... Especially with the amount of wives AND kids I have.... But worries me right now is the Equestria Games. Given that the 2024 Olympics are happening in France back in my world, I fear both events might overlap."

Luna spoke "Least I have it easy sister, my husband would never take another mare."


Danyelle was talking to Blitz via telepathy.

Danyelle asks "{Do you know anything about an orphaned demon fox named Shippo?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Huh? Kid just up and vanished, so people thought he was dead.}"

Danyelle spoke "{No, Shippo's still alive since he's an above-ground demon. I meant his parents. From what I know, his father was killed by demons but I know nothing about the little guy's mother.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Hey, no one talks about it, so it's not like I'm gonna find anything.}"

Danyelle spoke "{I got it! Maybe you could ask Shippo's dad about it since he's now in Tartarus.}"

Blitzo spoke "{He'll be lucky if I find him and he wasn't already exterminated.}"

A male demon fox barks "{WATCH IT YOU ASS!!!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Talk about timing.}"

A new mental connection latches onto the active one.

Clarity asks "{Is this a bad time?}"

Danyelle spoke "{No.}"

Clarity spoke "{I was talking to Blitz, not you Danyelle.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Sorry.}"

Clarity spoke "{Stupid Mew.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Stupid mare-bitch!}"

Blitzo spoke "{You two calm the fuck down!}"

Danyelle and Clarity snap "{STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS BLITZ!!!}"

The two cut the connection after a new one latched on.

I spoke "{Sorry about my cousin and my adopted sister. They bicker a lot.}"

Blitzo scoffs "{*Sarcastically* Oh, that was your first clue, bucko?}"

I sigh "{Don't make me go Darkspine on your sorry ass. That aside, how did your nine-tailed wife end up in Tartarus anyway?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Hey, I don't know how a demon died for real in the living world and ended up down here when said demon's already one in the first place.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Sorry, but killing demons in the living world isn't a part of I.M.P's business.}"

I spoke "{Well, there are demon hunters on the surface though but they only go after dangerous demons.}"

Blitzo asks "{Lemme guess, they're humans and Mobians?}"

I spoke "{Well, Sango's a Mobian fox but sadly her father, her brother and fellow demon slayers were killed... Miroku's father died because of a curse. I heard rumors that Kagome lost her dad when she was little and Inuyasha's mother died of unknown reasons. As for my great uncle Toga, many lesser demons thought he had died of serious wounds but his death was averted by Zoey.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Ya coulda just said yes or no.}"

I spoke "{Oh, most of the new generation of demon slayers are Mobians. Some are Poké-Mobians though.}"

But then a strange ninja approached me. "Pardon me, but are you Sonic Ogami?"

I spoke "{I'll talk to you later Blitz, someone's talking to me.}"

After cutting the connection, I turn to face the male.

I spoke "I am."

Flare asks "Who you?"

The delivery ninja spoke "My name is 762-38."

Roll soon shows up with Lance, Jazz and Volt.

Roll gasps "Brother Robert? Is that you?"

The delivery ninja was so caught off guard he comically fell onto his back.

Jazz and her brothers burst into a fit of laughter.

But then smoke erupted from the ninja before it faded, revealing him to be a hedgefox Mobian just like Roll.

Roll giggles "You never change bro."

Robert spoke "Why must you say my real name like that? I'm a delivery ninja now."

Roll soon has her twin brother in a headlock while giving him a noogie.

Roll spoke "I'm your older twin sister for Amaterasu's sake! I know my younger twin's name!"

"Wait, you're a kunoichi?" I asked in confusion.

Roll spoke "*sigh* Guess the cat's out of the bag now... I am indeed a kunoichi since the Sakurai clan are ninjas."

Robert spoke "*Ahem!* Anyway, I have a letter from the Hidden Mist Village and the Hidden Leaf Village."

Roll asks "Is it about the Sakurai clan?"

Robert spoke "Actually, it's about the upcoming events."

I spoke "Oh right, the Equestria Games and the Olympics."

Robert spoke "Yes, I was informed of them before being handed these letters, and do not worry, I haven't looked inside them."

I spoke "Abut that, the Equestria Games and the Olympics happen in the same month so it might be a problem. And since I'm royalty, I have to sit with my family throughout the Equestria Games."

Robert asks "*While giving me the letters* Who says they can't be combined?"

I spoke "I kinda weirded Twilight and the other ponies out when I mentioned horseback riding."

Roll asks "They're equines, whaddya expect?"

I spoke "That aside, these four are some of my kids. The triplets are Lance, Jazz and Volt while the foal on my head is Flare Blitz."

Robert asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "Guess you haven't heard the news about me yet. Including Roll, I have nine wives in total."

Roll spoke "*Teasing* Soon to be ten."

I spoke "Knock it off Roll! It's bad enough Moltry and Zephyr are legendary Poké-Mobians."

Roll giggles "And your grandparents are legends themselves. Quite fitting if you ask me, blue boy. *Purr!*"

I spoke "Not in front of the kids..."

Roll giggles "Sorry. You know how the ladies and I just love to mess with you, baby."

I chuckle "Good thing none of the chakats have taken an interest in me."

Jazz spoke "Don't jinx it dad."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Roll giggles "I heard from Spitfire that Swiftrunner's got a crush on you dear."

Couldn’t help but facepalm. “Me and my big mouth.”

Roll spoke "Yep, number’s going up to double one."

Soarin chuckles "Wow boss, you are such a ladies man!"

“If I somehow get to 20, then lightning strike me.” I sighed.

Soarin was on his back while laughing.

“Yeah yeah, yak it up, Soarin.” I groaned.

Jazz giggles "Well Swiftrunner is quite fast though but shi's nowhere near as fast as you are dad."

I notice something digging underground since the tiles were getting shuffled about.

I spoke "You might as well show yourself Bugs Bunny."

A cartoony hole appeared as a rabbit came out. “Meh, what’s up, doc?”

I chuckle "Not much. I heard rumors on the grapevine that you and Lola got married."

Bugs spoke "Yeah, and she has a job at the place I’m working at. Also, school at where I work will start back up next season."

Bugs somehow winked at nothing.

I spoke "*sweatdrop* You're just as looney as Pinkie and Deadpool."

Bugs chuckles "I’m a cartoon, whaddya expect? George Burns?"

I spoke "Just, watch out for Ein and Pierce. They're a pair of idiots."

Bugs spoke "Bet they have tapioca for brains."

I chuckle "Good one!"

Soarin chuckles "Last week there, Ein got a fiery uppercut to the face from Rainbow."

“Did she learn that from Ken since he can do a fiery shoryuken?” I asked.

Roll spoke "I heard she learned how from May."

“Oh.” I noted.

Soarin spoke "I swear by Celestia's mane, that dragon never learns!"

“Wouldn’t be surprised if he almost said THAT before Aph and the others piled him to stop him from saying it.” I noted.

Bugs spoke "Hmm, I can see why that saying shouldn’t be said here, doc."

I spoke "It's an insult to all ponies, including those that are mixed breeds."

Bugs asks "Mixed breeds? *Brings out box* Ya mean like this?"

I slightly opened the box before a Dino head roared while stretching out of it. But then it went back in as Bugs closed the box.

Soarin was up on the ceiling in fear.

Soarin asks "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?"

Bugs Bunny spoke "*Stuffs box* Just a reference."

I spoke "I'm one third alicorn though."

Soarin soon came down.

I ask "You okay Clipper?"

Soarin spoke "Yeah, just have to get used to it."

I spoke "I swear Clipper, you're a bigger scaredy Skitty than Indigo is."

Bugs brought out a napkin before laying it over his right hand, then pulled it up with his left hand, suddenly revealing a pie.

Bugs asks "Blackberry pie, anyone?"

The pie was suddenly gone from the rabbit's hands since Soarin loved pie.

Soarin chows down on the pie.

A brown Mew Poké-Mobian with the same headband as Lan suddenly pops up.

The Mew spoke "Sonic! Ya gotta hide me!!!"

“What now?” I asked.

The brown Mew spoke "Maylu's on a freaking RAMPAGE!!!"

“From what?” I asked.

The brown Mew spoke "She's freaking hormonal!"

“How’d that happen… Lan?” I asked.

Lan spoke "YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!"


Magical Mystery Cure

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*Twilight’s POV*

Wow, there’s actually hidden ninja villages?

Danyelle spoke "Now you've done it Sparklebutt, you got the attention of the Turtles."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion before I heard something.

Mikey gasps "WHAT?! How’d she find us?!"

Danyelle spoke "Nothing can escape my sense of smell. Plus I heard the bush you four were hiding in rustle."

Donnie asks "Ya didn’t smell any sewer?"

Danyelle spoke "Not really and..."

Danyelle was suddenly clinging to me since Rarity had screamed due to the fact her cutie mark was actually Rainbow's cutie mark.

“What the?” I gasped.

Danyelle asks "Twilight, did you get any odd books last night?"

“It was Starswirl’s book.” I answered. “There was an unfinished spell, which is odd.”

Sonata asks "Did you say Starswirl?"

“Yeah.” I confirmed.

Danyelle spoke "I have a bad feeling about this."

Adagio asks "*Deadpan* You think?"

Danyelle spoke "Go cough up a hairball Adagio."

“We should check Fluttershy’s cottage.” I noted.

*At Fluttershy's Cottage*

To my surprise, Rainbow was in the cottage as she tried to deal with the various critters.

A reddish pink Mew spoke "Oh boy…"

Rainbow spoke "Guys, I think something’s wrong with me."

It was obvious that Rainbow had Fluttershy's cutie mark.

Maylu spoke "I think it could be happening to the others."

“You mean they’re all mixed up?” I asked in shock.

Maylu spoke "And to make it worse, I'm stuck in Mew form!"

I tried my best not to laugh.

Maylu spoke "Don't you dare laugh at me. And the same goes for you as well Spike!"

Rainbow spoke "I need some serious help here."

Maylu asks "But what can an alicorn and a pregnant Mew do?"

“Help others find their true purpose.” I answered.

Maylu spoke "But we don't know who has the blue-gray cat's mark and uh... Twilight, you might want to look at your mark..."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion before I looked at my flank, and…

It was a pale blue star and pink music note instead of my usual one.

“Oh no…” I dreaded.

A white furred male Mew Poké-Mobian with blue eyes and black markings was heard yelling at someone.

Maylu spoke "*sweatdrop* Sounds like Chaud blew a a gasket again..."

“Him too?” I asked.

Maylu spoke "Him and Lan tend to argue a lot..."

And speak of the devil, Chaud was arguing with Lan.

A blue colored Energy Ball hits Chaud in the back.

Megaman spoke "Take a chill pill will you Chaud? Now isn't the time to pick on Lan!"

“This is getting too weird for me.” I noted.

Blazell spoke "Agreed..."

A pinkish lavender female Mew Poké-Mobian with jade green eyes, a green ribbon on the tail and a simple white dress was floating in the air beside Maylu.

Maylu asks "But how can we fix this mess?"

A male spoke "Sorry if I’m late for my first visit, but I heard Chameleo came around here as of late."

We turned around, seeing a male Crawdaunt Poke-Mobian with spiky silver hair that had a ninja mask over his mouth and nose along a headband that covered his left eye with a symbol on the metal plate suddenly appears out of nowhere while reading a book.

The two Mews were hiding behind me.

I spoke "You're Crawkashi right? I heard of you from Chameleo."

I whistle loud, getting Chameleo and Swampsuke's attention.

Chameleo asks "Huh?! Crawkashi Sensei?!"

I spoke "He just got here."

Swampsuke asks "*Sigh* Why am I not surprised?"

But then a huge dust cloud erupted, followed by a familiar scream.

Then we saw Ein with a HUGE steaming lump on his head.

A female spoke "CHA!!! Ever pull a stunt like that again and you're really gonna get it!"

I sigh "Wow Primakura, you're madder than a cat in a hissy fit."

Primakura asks "Huh? How do you know about me?"

I spoke "I heard of you from Chameleo. *giggle* Especially your little crush on Swampsuke."

A loud scream was heard since Knuckles got turned into a Mew by accident.

Knuckles screams "*high pitched* I'M GONNA SKIN THAT SHEEP!!!!"

"...Please don't tell me the same's for Sonic and Tails." I hoped.

Danyelle spoke "Well, Tails hasn't been changed since he's still a Ninetales. Sonic zoomed off before the prank happened."

I couldn't help but sigh in relief.

Danyelle giggles "But the way Knuckles sounds right now, it's as though he ate helium!"

"Better keep him away from any helium balloons then." I snickered.

Danyelle laughs "Pinkie too!"

But that made me realize something. “We better check Sweet Apple Acres.”

Danyelle teleports with the two Mews, Spike and I to Sweet Apple Acres since I had the wrong cutie mark.

Danyelle asks "Pear Butter! What in High Goddess Faust's name is going on here?"

Pear Butter spoke "Applejack’s somehow not here, and Pinkie’s trying to help out. But she has Applejack’s Cutie Mark!"

Danyelle spoke "That can't be good.... Rarity's got Rainbow's cutie mark, Rainbow has Fluttershy's cutie mark, Twilight's got Bluestar's cutie mark, Pinkie's got Applejack's cutie mark... That would mean Applejack has Rarity's cutie mark while Fluttershy has Pinkie's cutie mark! But we don't know who has Twilight's cutie mark."

“Did you check Bluestar?” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "I haven't seen her lately since she's been having magical sneezing fits thus teleporting all over the place."

“And why do you think that is?” I pointed out again.

Danyelle spoke "She might have teleported back to Mobius by accident."

Jet was carrying a blue-gray cat plushie in his arms.

Jet asks "Did someone lose a toy?"

I noticed my cutie mark on that plushie.

Danyelle spoke "We can't fix this unless we go back to Mobius and take back the stolen magic."

Blaze facepalmed. “I think I know who, since he’s from my dimension.”

Sonic spoke "As do I."

"Wait, shouldn't we gather the Dragon Balls and summon Shenron?" Danyelle asked.

Jet asks "Wasn't there a Stand that could turn inanimate objects into living beings?"

I spoke "Jet might be onto something here Dany!"

Danyelle spoke "I'll have to ask my OC-verse counterpart about that."

Jet spoke "You furbrain! I was talking about Giorno!"

"But he's only a high schooler right now, trying to make ends meet." Danyelle pointed out.

Jet spoke "We can't fully fix this cutie mark conundrum until Bluestar's back to normal!"

A voice spoke "Well, in Naples, vigilance is a prized virtue."

We turned around, seeing Giorno suddenly here.

Crawkashi chuckles "Hmm... Not bad."

Danyelle spoke "Stars above Giorno! you nearly gave me, Maylu and Blazell a heart attack."

Giorno spoke "Apologies for that."

It was clear to Giorno that Bluestar wasn't moving at all.

Giorno spoke "This plushie, I can sense life energy inside it."

Danyelle spoke "Blue's a pseudo-Mobian since she started out as a plushie."

Giorno spoke "My ability, Golden Wind, can give life to inanimate objects, turning them into living organisms. But turning a simple plushie into a Mobian won't be easy, even if it does sound easy."

Danyelle asks "Easier said than done right?"

Giorno spoke "Indeed. The most this could take is 24 hours once the life energy has been given."

Danyelle asks "I bet it could take less time if you had help right?"

Giorno asks "Is there anyone familiar with life energy?"

Danyelle spoke "Two actually! There's Meau and Xernea."

Giorno asks "Think they'll be able to help?"

Meau asks "Why wouldn't I help out?"

Giorno spoke "*Smile* True enough."

Much to Giorno's surprise, the Ancient Mew was holding a bowl of octopus salad in her Psychic thus causing him to drool.

Giorno noticed that and wiped the drool away. "Sorry about that, but how did you know?"

Meau giggles "I may look 17 but I'm a LOT older than I seem to be. Plus I've been to a lot of places over my long lifespan."

Meau moves the bowl about as Giorno's eyes follow it.

Giorno asks "*Soft chuckle* Are you trying to lure me in with that meal?"

Danyelle whispers in Giorno's ear "She's extremely antsy from not getting any special cuddles if you know what I mean."

Giorno spoke "Hmm? That time already? But I’m not exactly of age yet."

Danyelle spoke "I'm twice your age yet I have kids of my own."

But then Danyelle's eyes when white before they went back to normal, surprised by what her Dimensional Scream showed her.

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars... I had no idea you had such a troubled childhood..."

Gallus spoke "You know dude, I'm the same way. I lost my parents in a rock slide."

After popping up, Anzu spoke "Same with my dad, he was only six when his parents died."

Giorno spoke "Hmm... Interessante. It seems I'm not really alone."

Danyelle spoke "I was only two weeks old when my real parents died. It took me 30 freaking years to find them again."

But then a frog jumped onto Giorno's leg.

Giorno asks "Oh? It came back?"

Danyelle's eyes flash white, causing a dimensional scream of the future to happen.

Danyelle thinks "{Oh StarClan no! Not them again!}"

What Danyelle had seen was also seen by Giorno, Maylu, Blazell and I.

Danyelle immediately took on her Mobian fox form thus hiding her wings.

Dany-Tails spoke "Th-that's the same mafia that killed my mother 30 years ago... They're still after me..."

But then the frog jumps into Giorno's hands before it turned into a toad-shaped wallet.

Giorno spoke "*Tosses wallet to Chameleo* I believe this is yours."

Chameleo spoke "*Catches wallet* Froggy!"

I ask "Can we focus on restoring Bluestar?"

Giorno spoke "Of course."

Giorno laid his right hand on the plushie before it gained a golden aura as it started shifting and transforming slowly.

Bluestar groans "Ugh... What happened meow?"

Meau spoke "Hold still, Bluestar. It's not done yet."

Dany-Tails spoke "I hope this works."

A female Xerneas Poké-Mobian appeared.

Dany-Tails spoke "Good timing Xernea."

Xernea asks "Did I miss anything?"

I explained everything to the fairy deer.

Xernea spoke "I see. *Goes into her Active Mode* Geomancy."

Dany-Tails spoke "Chaos Heal!"

A steady stream of chaos energy flows from Dany-Tails' hands into Bluestar's body.

Dany-Tails flings a blade of air at a tree behind her with one of her tails, forcing someone out of hiding.

A voice yelps "Gyah!"

Dany-Tails growls "Who are you?"

The goon spoke "To think you're still alive and able to shapeshift, just wait until the boss hears about this!"

Dany-Tails slices the goon's head clean off with Chaos Blade, killing the guy.

Dany-Tails groans "Just BUCKING great!! I've brought trouble into Equestria!"

Giorno spoke "He was only a scout. I could tell, but once his cohorts and boss find out he's been offed, they'll be coming here."

Dany-Tails spoke "But I've been off their hitlist for 30 years since my real dad left me with Sonic's parents."

Giorno spoke "Something tells me they didn't exactly give up looking."

Dany-Tails spoke "And now... I've dragged all of Equestria into my problems..."

Giorno spoke "You don't have to do this alone though."

Dany-Tails spoke "It's me they're after though!"

A warp ring opens up before a lone nekomata-gryphon hybrid steps out.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Perhaps I can help."

Dany-Tails asks "Huh?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You mentioned me a few times before."

Dany-Tails spoke "Oh, right."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "*noticing Tails* Is that Tails?"

Tails spoke "Yep. Tails the Ninetales."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "The Tails I know is a two-tailed fox."

Knuckles was heard screaming in a high pitched tone at Pierce.

OC-verse Danyelle was on her back while laughing.

OC-verse Danyelle laughs "Tell me that's not Knuckles!"

Dany-Tails giggles "That’s Knuckles alright."

“*AHEM!* Cutie Mark emergency, remember?” I pointed out.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Given that this happened in my universe already, you could try helping your friends remember who they really are."

“I clearly remember who I am, but…” I said, pointing to my flank.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "*facepalm* For the love of... I was talking about Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy."

“I know that!” I responded.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up and sit..."

OC-verse Twilight was heard shouting in OC-verse Danyelle's mind.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "{Oh my god Sparkles! Shut up!}"

I snicker a bit.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, my universe's Twilight was yelling at me."

"I can tell. Shall we start with Rainbow Dash first?" I asked.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "We need Fluttershy's help for that though since only she can calm animals down."

Giorno spoke "I can help calm the animals though."

Dany-Tails teleports before reappearing with Fluttershy.

Dany-Tails spoke "No Gio, Fluttershy has to do this since she's not who she's meant to be."

Giorno spoke "If you're certain."

Dany-Tails spoke "I know so."

Right after I got Fluttershy back to her true self, I exclaim "It worked! It worked! Oh, I'm so happy you're back to normal! Now we need your help!"

*No POV*

Twilight, Dany-tails, Maylu and Blazell: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see

Twilight, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Fluttershy: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Rainbow asks "Um, hello? Friend trapped inside, remember?"

Twilight: Rarity needs your help
She's trying hard, doing what she can

Fluttershy: Would you try, just give it a chance
You might find that you'll start to understand

Twilight, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Fluttershy: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help you see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Rainbow asks "Uh, what just happened?"

Twilight spoke "There's no time to explain, but we need your help. Applejack's trying to make dresses!"

Rainbow: Say no more! Applejack needs your help
She's trying hard, doing what she can
Would you try, just give it a chance
You might find that you'll start to understand

Twilight, Fluttershy, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Rainbow Dash: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Rarity gasps "Oh my, what a terrible dream I had. Or, maybe I'm still having it."

Twilight spoke "Rarity, Pinkie Pie is about to lose the apple farm. We need Applejack's help!"

Rarity: Lose the apple farm? Well we can't let that happen, now can we?
Pinkie Pie is in trouble
We need to get there by her side
We can try to do what we can now
For together we can be her guide

Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Dany-tails, Maylu, Blazell and Rarity: A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light that shines from a true, true friend

Applejack asks "Yee-haw! Now that's more like it! What's next?"

Twilight spoke "The townspeople are furious. We need the old Pinkie Pie back."

Applejack: Ah'm on it. Ah know just the thing. The townspeople need you
They've been sad for a while
They march around, face a-frown
And never seem to smile
And if you feel like helpin'
We'd appreciate a lot
If you'd get up there and spread some cheer
From here to Canterlot

Pinkie exclaims "Come on everyone, I wanna see you SMILE!"

The crowd cheers "PINKIE!"

[Main cast and crowd]

A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light! (To see the light!)
That shines! (That shines!)
From a true, true friend!

*Twilight's POV*

I gasp "My cutie mark! It's back to what it should be!"

Bluestar spoke "Same for mine, thank StarClan!"

I spoke "*gasp* I know how to fix the spell! Come on!"

*At the library*

While writing the completed spell into the book, I spoke "From all of us together, together we're friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end!"

As soon as I finish the spell, all three sets of the Elements of Harmony lit up as strands of raw magic engulf Rainbow thus causing her to disappear into thin air.

Asuna asks "Where did she go?"

Haru and Akane ask "What happened?"

Dany-Tails spoke "I think I know where she went and what happened, since Twi's still here."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I didn't see this one coming."

*In an unknown location*

*Rainbow's POV*

I groan "This better not be one of Ein's stupid pranks..."

A calm voice spoke "Don't worry, this is not a prank from anyone."

I spoke "Oh hey Princess Celestia."

Princess Celestia asks "*Giggle* Since when are you so aware of your surroundings?"

I spoke "Hang around Danyelle long enough and you get used to it."

Princess Celestia spoke "Well, Twilight has already proven herself, and now you have proven that you are ready."

I spoke "No offense Princess but Twilight got her wings by accident."

Princess Celestia spoke "Maybe, but solving the spell has proved herself."

I spoke "Right and Danyelle... Oh, this universe's Danyelle, that is... well, she killed a mafia goon."

Princess Celestia spoke "I saw."

I ask "But what do you mean that I'm ready?"

Celestia: You've come such a long, long way
And I've watched you all from that very first day
To see how you might grow
To see what you might do
To see what you've been through
And all the ways you've made me proud of you

It's time now for a new change to come
You've grown up and your new live has begun
To go where you will go
To see what you will see
To find what you will be
For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny

A swirl of flames engulf me as I float in the air, causing incredible changes to both me and my unborn foal.

*Back in Ponyville*

Lan spoke "Look guys!"

I float down to the ground.

To everyone's surprise, I had a horn on my head.

Jaytwo asks "What just happened?"

"You didn't notice my awesome rainbow-colored lightning bolt entrance?" I asked.

Jaytwo growls "Hello? I'm blind!"

Dany-Tails giggles "Wow, Jaytwo's kinda like Toph."

Twilight giggles "Talk about moody."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" I squeaked in excitement, unable to believe I became a FREAKIN' ALICORN!

A kick from inside my stomach snaps me back to my senses.

Dany-Tails spoke "You know Rainbow, your parents are going to freak out when they hear that you're an alicorn now."

"Heehee, yeah..." I responded, kinda nervous about that.

But all of a sudden, a sharp pain shot up my back.

Twilight spoke "Oh jeeze, talk about bad timing."

"Wow, talking about a real go-getter." I weakly laughed before I screamed in pain again.

Spottedleaf pulls me inside the library before focusing on the delivery.

Bluestar spoke "Talk about timing, guess the little one wanted out."

It wasn’t long before Soarin and Fleetfoot showed up.

Honeystar asks "<What's going on in there?>"

Spottedleaf spoke "Dash’s water broke."

As if on cue, Fleetfoot's water also breaks.

Fleetfoot spoke "Speaking of..."

Soarin spoke "Oh boy..."

OC-verse Danyelle carried Fleetfoot into the library to handle the delivery.

Dany-Tails spoke "I sense that Celestia will be arriving soon."

Twilight asks "*GASP!* Really?"

Dany-Tails spoke "Cool it Sparkles before I ice your flanks."

A loud BOOM was heard near Trixie's caravan.

Trixie spoke "*cough* That's the last time Trixie mixes fireworks together!"

Twilight snickers "*Smirk* Are you sure about that?"

Dany-Tails pinches Twilight's left ear, causing the alicorn to yelp.

Dany-Tails spoke "That wasn't very nice Twilight."

Pinkie giggles "Wow! Twily found a friend/rival already?"

Dany-Tails spoke "Uh Pinkie? You're still a Pegasus..."

Pinkie spoke "Oh! Right!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Good news everyone! Princess Rainbow has a healthy baby colt! And Fleetfoot's got a little Pegasus ponykat!"

Honeystar spoke "<Well, this is a surprise...>"

Celestia spoke "Indeed it is, never before we've had an alicorn colt born in Equestria."

Then my colt suddenly started flying in the air.

I spoke "Wow, not even an hour old and he's already flying."

A nearby mirror shimmers before a familiar fox with seven robo-tails steps out.

Twilight spoke "Hey Nine!"

Nine spoke "Looks like it works."

Tails chuckles "I'll say."

Nine was soon bowled over by Shira.

Nine asks "Ugh... What are my tails and I, bowling pins?"

Knuckles chuckles "*high pitched tone* Don't look at me dude."

Nine snickers "*Smirk* Don't tell me, you've been transformed into something else, making your voice pitch higher."

Maylu spoke "It happened to me, Lan, Chaud, Blazell, Megaman and Protoman too."

Sonic laughs "By my grandmother's mane! Maurice and his friends have GOT TO SEE THIS!!!"

Sonic uses his magic to open a communication window to Maurice's world.

Sonic snickers "Hey Maurice, could you get your world's Knuckles? I got a little surprise for him!"

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched tone* DON'T YOU DARE SONIC!!!!"

Sonic smirked.

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched tone* I WILL HIT YOU!!!"

Sonic chuckles "How? You're tiny."

Shade grabs Knuckles by the tail.

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched tone* LET ME AT HIM! LET ME AT HIM!!"

Then we heard an amused giggled.

Dany-Tails spoke "Not you too Rouge..."

To the surprise of the others, Rouge looked like a Mew yet her wings remained.

Rouge spoke "Eh, I can get used to it. Besides, I think we know who can help."

Maylu spoke "Easy for you to say batgirl, I've got a kitten on the way... And it's all Lan's fault."

Lan spoke "MY fault?! You went crazy hormonal!"

Rouge spoke "Then again, there is that transform move."

Rouge glowed before she was back to normal.

Maylu snaps "I told you I wasn't ready for a kitten! PLUS YOUR MOM IS GONNA KILL YOU IF SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS MESS!"

Lan counters "YOU kept urging me to do it!"

Maylu grabs Lan by the chest fur before kissing him to shut him up.

*The next day in Canterlot,*

Keeping Bold in a foal harness, I spoke "I'm kinda nervous about this guys."

Twilight spoke "Believe me, I know how you feel, Dash."

I spoke "You had it easier Sparkle Butt, you got your wings earlier than normal because of Deep Blue."

Soarin spoke "Don't forget we're ALL with you, Dash."

Sonic spoke "It's enough I get to boss the 'Bolts about since none of the other Pegasi can keep up with me."

I ask "Wait... What do you mean Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Remember? The Wonderbolts are the only ones who can keep up with me."

"Oh. Wanna split?" I asked.

Twilight spoke "Oh no you don't Rainbow Dash! You're a princess now."

"You didn't get what I meant by that, do ya?" I deadpanned.

Sonic spoke "Yeah, maybe I can take the male Wonderbolts while you take the female Wonderbolts, Dash."

"Right." I agreed.

Fleetfoot asks "But what about Spitfire?"

That question caught me and Sonic off guard.

I spoke "I hadn't thought about that."

Soarin spoke "Don’t worry, I’m stay with Dash."

Spitfire spoke "And I’ll stay with Sonic."

I giggle "Oh Clipper, you are such a tease!"

Sonic spoke "The others are waiting for us Skittles."

“Got it.” I nodded.

*After the coronation,*

Twilight was carrying Coal and Tank on her back.

Twilight asks "Guess we're both princesses now huh Rainbow?"

“Yeah. I wonder if anyone else is next.” I noted.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "It's bad enough I stopped aging..."

Twilight asks "...What?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I was over in the Warrior-verse when that Twilight pulled off a mass ascension, causing half of MeadowClan to become immortal. Some became alicorns, some didn't."

Twilight asks "...How?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Same spell but different outcome."

Twilight's jaw dropped before she fainted.

Coal spoke "Twi-mama, you're squishing me..."

That woke Twilight right up as she got off Coal. "Oh! Sorry, Coal! I'm so sorry!"

The young Mewtwo pounces on Twilight, tickling her.

Tank rubs his head against my chest.

Twilight and I both spoke "Yes! Everything is just gonna be fine!"

Dany-Tails soon pops up while restraining a unicorn mare with Psychic.

Dany-Tails asks "Celestia, what should we do with this one?"

But before Celestia could answer, Twi and I noticed something around Sunset's neck before she suddenly vanished, using a teleportation spell and reappeared as she swiped Twilight's crown.

Sunset spoke "Heh, better luck next time."

Sunset vanished in a red flash with the crown.


Chasing Sunset

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*Nine's POV*

Did NOT see that coming.

Indigo spoke "My bracelet's gone!"

Dany-Tails spoke "So is my collar!"

"Sunset must've swiped them too." I wondered.

I got a wingslap to the back of the head.

Sunset spoke "I would never resort to stealing."

Dany-Tails spoke "I thought I had that mare but what I didn't account for was that alicorn Amulet."

Rainbow asks "What's the alicorn amulet?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "From what I was told by the Zecora of my world, the alicorn amulet can boost one's magic but it has a nasty side effect... It can corrupt the user... But it can only be taken off by the one who wears it. But getting the Elements of Magic back is a tricky challenge, the portal to the human world only opens once every thirty months for three days."

Celestia spoke "Exactly and since Princess Twilight is too close to having her second foal, she can't go after the other Sunset. But the ones I can send are Indigo Ketchum, Danyelle Hikari and Nine."

A voice spoke "*Sigh* This is gonna be a drag, but I’m coming along as squad captain if you don’t mind."

We turned around to see a male Gengar Poke-Mobian who seemed pretty lazy.

Zoey was up on the ceiling in fear since she got jumpscared.

Celestia spoke "I'm afraid I can't send too many of you into this other world because it could upset the balance."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'll go too since I've been to the human world before."

Dany-Tails asks "You’re Gengamaru, right?"

Gengamaru asks "Tch. Yeah, what gave that away?"

Dany-Tails spoke "Chameleo."

Gengamaru spoke "*Sigh* Can’t say I’m surprised, what a drag."

Celestia spoke "Which is why I'm sending the other Danyelle with the trio I spoke of, she knows what to do."

Dany-Tails spoke "Then again, Gengamaru can come along since some backup won't hurt."

Sunset spoke "What about me? I want to go home!"

Dany-Tails spoke "Okay, 6 is the maximum, so you can come along, Sunset."

Celestia spoke "No Danyelle, five is the most I can send though."

Zoey spoke "Like me, Sunset will take on a Mobini form if she goes."

Dany-Tails spoke "*Sigh* Okay."

Celestia spoke "So the fifth one that is going will be... Spottedleaf."

Dany-Tails spoke "Hold on, I don't think sending a Mewtwo through the portal is a good idea."

Maylu asks "Where's Lan?!?"

Chaud groans "That incompetent boob! He's gone through the portal alone! Maylu, you have to go after him."

Maylu snaps "HELLO?! I'm pregnant!"

Dany-Tails groans "For StarClan's sake... I'll go after him and get the Elements of Magic back."

Spottedleaf spoke "Let's go!"

Dany-Tails spoke "Hold on Spots, we can't take too large a group. Indigo and I have to do this ourselves."

Indigo asks "Wait! What about Nine?"

Dany-Tails asks "What do you think Nine?"

I spoke "If you think I need to come along, that's okay."

Dany-Tails spoke "Let's go."

*One wacked out ride later*

Indigo was in human form yet Danyelle and I were normal foxes.

Danyelle spoke "Ugh... even with the fur, I feel naked..."

"You'll get used to it." I assured.

Danyelle growls "You're one to talk, you don't have your robo-tails!"

OC-verse Danyelle soon tumbles out but unlike Danyelle and I, the nekomata-gryphon was in her original form.

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "Okay, should've seen that coming."

Danyelle's left ear twitches before jumping out of the way as a white furred vixen crashes into me.

"What the?!" I gasped before realizing it was Shira!

And much like Danyelle, Shira also felt a bit exposed without clothes.

“Calm down. We just have to get what Sunset stolen back and trick her into taking that Alicorn Amulet off.” I said.

Shira spoke "I feel weird..."

“What’re you-“ I was about to ask before a scent just pierced my nose. “Sorry, Danyelles, but Shira and I have to hide for a bit.”

OC-verse Danyelle snickers "{Mating frenzy...}"

Dany-Tails spoke "Hmm… Maybe try that bush over there. Seems like a real good hiding spot."

Shira drags me over into the bush before digging out a tunnel that had connected to an old rabbit warren.

Indigo groans "Ugh, what hit me?"

*Indigo's POV*

Danyelle's left ear twitches since she heard Sunset yelling at another female.

But then I noticed my tail was gone!

OC-verse Danyelle clamps my mouth shut.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke in a hushed tone "Don't you dare start screaming."

“S-Sorry.” I muffled.

Danyelle spoke "Not to mention, I have to pretend to be a dumb fox..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Let me handle this."

Danyelle shoots a weak ball of air at the back of Sunset's head.

Danyelle giggles "Good to know my powers are intact, despite being weakened."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Shh."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle whispers "Oh no... look at her neck... That's the Alicorn amulet..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I know, but the other people think it’s just a normal necklace."

Danyelle whispers "You and I both know the dangers that this can bring..."

Danyelle uses Grass Knot to trip Sunset up.

Sunset growls "What the-?!"

A yellow vixen glares at Sunset.

Danyelle growls as if to say "Where is my collar?"

Sunset scoffs "Oh, I see, Klutztershy, you brought in another one of your animal friends in here."

I grab Danyelle by the neck fur, stopping her.

I spoke "You shouldn't talk about my friend's pet like that."

Danyelle glares at me for that insult.

I ask "Have you seen a brown cat with a blue headband anywhere?"

Sunset spoke "Tch! Why would I know anything about a lazy furball. *Forces me away from her* You’re gonna regret this!"

Sunset then walked away.

The pastel pink haired girl spoke "I can’t believe you just did that!"

I spoke "I don't like bullies though."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "What's her problem?"

The pastel pink haired girl spoke "It's just… no one stands up to Sunset Shimmer."

I spoke "My guess would be because they're too scared to stand up to a bully like her."

Fluttershy spoke "You don’t know what she does to those who cross her or compete against her. Oh, my name is Fluttershy."

I spoke "I'm Indigo Ketchum, the brown haired female is Paula and the yellow fox is Danyelle. There are two other foxes around but they're busy. My friends and I are looking for a brown tomcat with a blue headband."

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Have you seen him?"

Fluttershy asks "Brown tomcat?"

I spoke "yeah, he's uh... My pet."

Fluttershy took off her backpack and opened it before bringing out a brown tomcat.

I spoke "I don't think that's my cat. He's got brown eyes."

Fluttershy spoke "Huh? But I thought..."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "That cat has green eyes, not brown."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh... I... I'm so sorry..."

OC-verse Danyelle picks up a cat-sized blue headband up off the ground.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I found a headband."

The cat started moving and meowing, trying to reach the headband.

Danyelle yips.

I spoke "That can't be the cat I'm looking for. Paula, try moving the headband around."

OC-verse Danyelle did that as the cat's eyes followed the headband.

I ask via telepathy "{Lan, is that really you buddy?}"

Lan spoke via telepathy "{Please help me! Sunset somehow changed the colors of my eyes with a spell!}"

Danyelle spoke via telepathy "{Maylu is worried about you but we will find a way to get that amulet off Sunset's neck.}"

OC-verse Danyelle asks "Has Sunset been acting more aggressive than normal?"

Fluttershy spoke "*Sadly* It's like she's a whole new person, and not in a good way..."

I spoke "That's because of the amulet she is wearing, it's corrupting her."

Fluttershy asks "Amulet? What do you mean?"

OC-verse Danyelle asks "What're you doing?"

I spoke "telling the truth about the amulet. But I think we should tell the principal about this."

Danyelle spoke via telepathy "{He's right other me, we can't let Sunset use the elements of Magic and the Alicorn amulet to wreak havoc on innocent people.}"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "But that would throw the entire school into panic."

Danyelle asks via telepathy "{Think about it other me, would you rather deal with a bunch of mind controlled students or a bunch of freaked out students?}"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "But students in a panic will make them much easier for her to control them."

I spoke "we could try talking to the hyper pink one."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Then let's head to the gym."

A voice spoke "I wouldn't go that way if I were you."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

The rainbow haired girl spoke "I saw you two stand up for Fluttershy earlier, which was awesome by the way! I'm Rainbow Dash."

“Maybe I can tell since you have rainbow hair and you’re fast.” I noted.

Rainbow spoke "So, I heard you two are trying to knock Sunset off her throne. I can help you with that. You won't find a more loyal friend than me."

Fluttershy spoke "I'll help in any way I can since it was kind of you to help me."

“What about AJ, Pinkie and Rarity?” I asked before the two didn’t seem any happy about them.

Rainbow spoke "Applejack bailed on me!"

Fluttershy spoke "Pinkie Pie scared off all the animals…"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I think Sunset's the reason why you two aren't friends with Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity anymore."

I ask "Have you tried talking to them?"

The two froze at that before looking a bit guilty.

I spoke "Real friendships come from generosity, honesty, laughter, loyalty and kindness."

A voice spoke "I couldn't agree more, I was only thinking about myself when I should be more generous to others."

Dany-Tails yipped with a jump.

Nine and Shira soon return.

Nine barks in confusion.

Fluttershy spoke "Oh my! One of them has two tails."

I spoke "Genetic mutation."

A voice asks "Ya sure about that?"

We then saw what looked like an human version of Applejack.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "He's telling the honest truth Applejack."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer since a student had fallen off the roof due to getting pushed by Sunset.

My hands glow as I catch the person with psychic.

The girl giggles as I set her down safely.

I spoke "That was a close one!"

Pinkie giggles "Wow! Sunset’s getting more loco by the minute!"

Danyelle yips "That would be because of that amulet she has."

Pinkie asks "The necklace?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Unfortunately yes but the more it gets used, the more corrupted Sunset gets. If we can't get it away from her after she takes it off, she'll be too far gone to be saved."

Fluttershy asks "B-But how?"

Danyelle spoke "If what I saw in my vision is right, Sunset will likely try to use the amulet along with my collar and Indigo's bracelet to mind control the other students in attempt to over another world."

I spoke "Exactly and with my world's Twilight's crown, Sunset will be impossible to beat."

Danyelle spoke "Don’t say that! *Covers muzzle with paws*"

Nine yips "*deadpan* Danyelle, you're an idiot."

Rainbow asks "You foxes can talk?!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm actually a two tailed cat, Lan's supposed to be a fox but something cause him to turn into a cat. You don't want to know what Indigo is though."

Fluttershy asks "This is so amazing! Tell me, what are you three thinking right now?!"

Shira hides behind Nine.

Danyelle tail slaps a master ball back at Sunset, causing the female to be pulled inside the ball.

Danyelle spoke "That was freaking close!"

I ask "What was that just now?"

Danyelle spoke "A master ball, and I know nothing can escape it, but that alicorn amulet worries me."

Nine spoke "Even with the amulet, she can't escape a ball with that high a catch rate."

But then I noticed storm clouds forming.

A ding was heard since Sunset was unable to escape.

I pick the ball up before letting Sunset back out and much to the surprise of the five humans, Sunset was back in her original form.

But then Sunset fired a red beam, hitting the Master Ball and sending it flying right out of my hand and into the sky.

Sunset spoke "You only made it that much easier for me to destroy you all and control everyone here!"

I chuckle "Nobody would even take you seriously while you're in your original form!"

Danyelle teleports before reappearing with the ball.

Danyelle spoke "Sunset! Return!"

A red light hits Sunset, forcing her back into the master ball.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not going let you back out until we go back."

I ask "Which reminds me! Do you girls know what happened to the Sunset that was supposed to be in this world?"

The girls froze at that.

Rainbow spoke "This world? She just up and vanished."

Applejack spoke "Her parents suspect a kidnapping but the police haven't been able to find her."

Danyelle spoke "Well, she's alive but unfortunately... She's unable to come back. If she did, she'd be either on the run for the rest of her life or locked up in a facility to be experimented on."

Though inside the ball, Sunset thought "{Oh jeeze... I hadn't realized that... If I'm out and about in my true form in this world, I'd be sent to a farm or locked up and experimented on... *crying* I don't want to be treated badly...}"

Pinkie spoke "Yeesh, government officials are CRAZY these days."

Danyelle spoke "And don't get me started on beastmen..."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh... I really wish there's something we can do to help protect them..."

Danyelle spoke "Well, my adopted dad is half beastman. Wolf beastman to be exact."

I ask "Maybe there could be a Beastman-safe city?"

A gentle voice spoke "I believe that can be arranged."

I ask "Celestia?!?"

But what I saw was a human Celestia.

Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie spoke "*Surprised* Principal Celestia!"

I notice a box that had three items inside it.

I spoke "I should take that back with me since the items inside are important to me and two others."

Nine spoke "Don’t forget the rest of us."

Danyelle lets out a wolflike howl before five other howls were heard, one of which was familiar to Principal Celestia.

Then a human version of Luna came out. “Was that…?”

A trio of wolf beastmen tackle hug Vice-Principal Luna.

A silver haired male chuckles while carrying a little alicorn beastgirl in his arms.

The male chuckles "Okay Lightning, Yuu, Kita. That's quite enough."

Rainbow asks "Uh… What’s going on?"

Celestia spoke "Guess the secret’s out."

Looking at the five students, Danyelle spoke "Long story short, your principal and vice-principal are alicorn Beastmen."

Luna asks "Wha-?! How did you know?!"

Danyelle giggles "I've got a keen nose but it's not as keen as a wolf's nose."

Lightning spoke "Oh! Right! Almost forgot!"

Danyelle asks "nya?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "As a warning, just don't put too many different species in the same area or it'll trigger Nirvasyl Syndrome."

Celestia, Luna and the male winced at that.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I heard about it from my universe's Michiru."

Lightning spoke "Anyway, I'm gonna get the rest of my family here."

Danyelle snickers "Let me guess, your wife and children are hedgehog Beastmen. Your eldest son's got a fox beastman girlfriend."

Lightning asks "How did you...?"

Danyelle spoke "My adopted dad's half wolf beastman half alicorn."

Lightning asks "And who’s that?"

Danyelle spoke "Well, his name is..."

Danyelle was immediately shut up by me.

I spoke "Sorry about this but I should get the foxes and cat back home."

I was carrying the box with one arm.

Danyelle was carrying the ball with her tails.

I spoke "Good luck with setting up a haven for beastmen."

I went back through the portal with Lan, Nine, Shira and both Danyelles along with the box and ball right before the portal closed.

*Back in Equestria*

Danyelle was back in her Mobian nekomata form.

Danyelle spoke "It's good to be back home."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Glad I could help."

Danyelle spoke "I just hope Principal Celestia can get that beastman safe city going."

Celestia asks "Danyelle, what is that?"

I spoke "A master ball, Sunset tried to use it on me but Danyelle sent it back at her with a tail slap."

Celestia asks "And what happened next?"

Danyelle spoke "It's best if you see for yourself..."

After OC-verse Danyelle went back to her universe, Danyelle lets the pony Sunset out of the ball.

Celestia sent a glare at Danyelle.

Tama spoke "Celly, calm down. Danyelle was only protecting her fellow element of harmony."

I spoke "Exactly! If Danyelle hadn't tail slapped that master ball away from me, I would've been captured for sure."

Celestia spoke "*Sigh* Very well, but please release her."

Danyelle spoke "I don't know how to since pokeballs are banned among all Poké-Mobians."

Nine spoke "It might take me time but I'll figure it out."

I spoke "On the bright side, we got the elements of magic back!"

Danyelle giggles "Hehe, good point."

Jaytwo whacks Pony Sunset on the head with a stick.

Pony Sunset asks "OW!!! What was that for?"

Jaytwo chuckles "It doesn't matter! It's in the past!"

Pony Sunset spoke "Yeah but it still hurts!"

Jaytwo chuckles "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I sense it, you can either run from it or, learn from it. Now, what are you gonna do?"

Pony Sunset spoke "First... I'm gonna take your stick!"

Pony Sunset grabs the stick and throws it away a bit.

Jaytwo gasps "No, no, no, no! Not the stick! Hey! Where are you going?"

Pony Sunset spoke "I'm going to talk with my former mentor!"

Jaytwo spoke "Go on, then! Get!! *Laughs and lets out a yowl*" was heard as Pony Sunset gallops through the castle hallways.

Pony Sunset thinks "*Mentally to herself* I can do this!"

Danyelle was talking with Celestia.

Then Sunset showed up, panting.

Danyelle was in her Mew form.

Danyelle asks "You okay?"

Celestia asks "Is something wrong?"

Sunset cries "Princess Celestia... I'm so sorry!"

Danyelle spoke "Seems like she got some sense smacked into her."

Jaytwo was also out of breath since he had gotten lost quite a few times.

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

I snicker "Oh, this is golden! It appears the blind one has a crush on the unicorn!"

Lan spoke "Indigo, you're an idiot."

Danyelle teleports before reappearing with Cadence.

Cadence asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle giggles "I think Jaytwo's found love."

Cadence giggles "Whoa, really?"

Lan snickers "Yeah and it's the Sunset that just came back from a different world."

A blush was on Jaytwo's face.

Jaytwo spoke "Don't make me hit you, you stupid Mew."


Plundervine Problems

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*Sonic's POV*

I woke from my cuddle pile before shaking the sleep off my body.

I spoke "Okay ladies, up and at it. We're needed up in Canterlot."

I looked at my wives before chuckling, seeing them in their 1,000 pound forms. No wonder I felt so warm and toasty, along with being surrounded by comfortable softness. I’m glad we strengthened the place to hold our weight without cracking at all.

Roll sleep-spoke "Whoever doesn't get her foot out of my face in the next five seconds will get bitten..."

I can only imagine how big the family could get.

Lance yawns "Morning dad."

“Hey Lance.” I smiled.

Lance spoke "Rekka bit me in her sleep..."

“She must be hungry.” I noted.

A small chunk of Lance's tail fur was missing.

“Real hungry.” I added as Michelle woke up with a yawn.

Michelle spoke "Don’t worry, I’ll feed my wrecking balls until they’re full."

A bite mark was on Michelle's foot.

Roll spoke "That's what you get for putting your foot near my mouth Michelle."

Michelle spoke "Eh, I’ve had worse."

Michelle went over and came back, carrying Rekka and Bolo while breastfeeding them both.

Blaze asks "Uh guys? Is it nighttime or daytime?"

“Say what now?” I asked.

Clarity pops up in a panic.

Clarity spoke "My mom and auntie have gone missing!"

“What?!” I gasped.

Clarity spoke "I hate to say this cousin but something isn't right. And for once, it's not Ein's fault."

Ein spoke "*From the distance* THANK YOU!"


I couldn't help but snicker at that.

Clarity spoke "Stupid gold-loving dragon."

“Well, we should get outside and find out what’s going on.” I noted.

Clarity spoke "Agreed before some alicorn blows a fuse and pins this mess on the idiot."

We then went outside as Rekka and Bolo became full in their 200 pound forms before Michelle patted their backs, causing them to burp really loud and even shake Ponyville a bit.

Spitfire yawns "What in Faust's name is going on here?"

Vines started coming out of the ground.

Danyelle was trying to wrangle the vines with her magic but she failed every time.

Roll carried Rekka and Bolo as Michelle jumped and went into her 10,000 pound form, pinning a group of vines down.

Michelle spoke "The ladies and I can hold them back, but I dunno for how long though."

Tails yelps "This has Discord's work written all over it!"

The electric type Ninetales was tangled in vines.

Discord asks "*Appearing* Whatever do you mean?"


Discord spoke "Even if I wanted to, I can't do anything about them now. It's like their power level suddenly surged out of control."

An air blast hits Discord.

Danyelle spoke "You caused this to happen a thousand years ago!"

Discord spoke "They should've surfaced ages ago though."

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that the Tree of Harmony still had some strength left to keep the vines at bay long enough to.... I got it!!! Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Sonic, Roll, Shirou, Michiru, Maria, Indigo, Ash, Haru, Akane, Orion, Asuna! Follow me! I know what we have to do!"

Twilight asks "Okay?"

Michelle spoke "Don't worry! We'll hold them off!"

Danyelle teleported with the other 16 and I straight to the Tree of Harmony.

Danyelle spoke "It shouldn't look this bad plus I sense it's getting weaker by the minute. I hate to say this guys and gals but we have to give up the Elements."

Rainbow gasps "What?!"

Twilight asks "She's right Rainbow, what would you rather have? A dying magical tree or all of Equestria covered in thorny vines?"

Applejack spoke "Ah'd rather have neither."

Rainbow Dash spoke "I'm not going for either of them, either. It's just..."

Danyelle groans "Just look at Sonic, he's halfway between his normal hedgehog form and his werehog form because Celestia and Luna are both missing!"

"Ya don't say?" I deadpanned.

Shirou chuckles "The two tailed Mew's got a point Sonic, you are rather fluffy right now."

"Grandpa!" I pouted.

Shirou chuckles "Don't look now but Zacia's staring at you."

Am I some kind of chick magnet?

Rainbow spoke "You are royalty after all though Sonic, many females would be envious of how popular you are and if Danyelle's dimensional scream has anything to say about it... She would say that you might have an Ornithian wife someday."

"I just hope I don't get a 100." I sighed.

Twilight spoke "Can we focus on saving the freaking tree? All of Equestria is counting on the 18 of us."

“Right.” I nodded.

Orion spoke "As much as I don't like this idea, Equestria's safety comes first."

Rainbow asks "It's just... are we still gonna be friends after this?"

Applejack spoke "Of course Rainbow, the elements may have brought the 18 of us together but we're also the Harmony Guard. We protect those that can't protect themselves."

Twilight spoke "AJ's right about that, Rainbow Dash."

Maria spoke "Our friendships with each other will withstand the tests of time... Despite the fact that the Mewtwos and I are immortal, Sonic's half immortal and the rest of the Guard is mortal."

Rainbow asks "*Deadpan* Seriously Maria?"

Maria spoke "Sorry, I can be a bit blunt at times."

Pinkie spoke "And ya might've jinxed something that might happen in the future."

Danyelle spoke "And given that February 6th is Orion and Asuna's birthday..."

Pinkie gasped in absolute shock at that.

"Come on, we got a kingdom to save." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "And a pair of alicorns to find!"

But then the vines lunged at us.

Danyelle used Razor Wind to slice the vines up.

Orion spoke "I thought Mew couldn't learn Razor Wind."

Danyelle spoke "Normal Mews can't but I'm not normal."

Orion spoke "Fair enough."

Asuna spoke "You are the weirdest cat I have ever known."

Danyelle giggles "I try."

After the elements were placed back on the tree, all of the vines disappear.

Danyelle spoke "Well, that crisis was averted... and look! Celestia and Luna are okay!"

Luna was carrying a small furball carefully with her mouth.

Celestia spoke "Danyelle, I think you'd be the best option aside from Myth to raise this little fluffball."

Danyelle asks "Who's this?"

Celestia spoke "He doesn't have a name yet but his parents are missing."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Myth pops up with a pair of Mews.

Myth spoke "I found them!!!"

Rainbow spoke "Huh, they look prideful."

Myth spoke "There have been rumors of an aggressive female Mew Poké-Mobian floating around... And one of those rumors has her with a huge group of female Mew Poké-Mobians... All of which are aggressive."

Danyelle growls "I bet it's Zira..."

Twilight asks "Who?"

The orangish colored Mew spoke "She was a devout follower of my uncle but I exiled her after Scar died."

Applejack spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle spoke "I sense a small chance of redemption for her."

Yeesh, I can tell by the orangish Mew’s expression that he highly doubted that.

The tan Mew spoke "What other choice do we have Simba? You know Zira might attack us again... Considering we lost Kopa because of her."

Simba growled at that.

Danyelle spoke "You need to chill out Simba, remember what your caretakers said? Hakuna Matata."

Simba spoke "*Sigh* I know. I know. But still…"

A light gray hand flicks Simba in the head.

Jaytwo spoke "You need to calm down."

Simba asks "Jaytwo?"

A unicorn mare was beside the blind Mewtwo.

"Who's that?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "That's the Sunset Shimmer I had brought back from a different world since she tried to use a master ball on Indigo."

Sunset spoke "Please tell me you're finding a way to help me break free."

Danyelle spoke "Nine's working on that as I speak."

Sunset spoke "*Phew* Thank you."

Danyelle giggles "I bet it felt extremely comfortable inside that ball."

Sunset spoke "*Deadpan* Try encountering a purple majin inside there while being completely black, gray and white."

Indigo growls "You tried to catch me though! You only brought it upon yourself."

Pinkie spoke "Time to make a party!"

Michiru spoke "Yeah!"

We couldn’t help but chuckle and giggle.

I chuckle "And Knuckles is still an idiot."

Knuckles spoke "*high pitched voice* Hey!"

Danyelle giggles "It's not my fault if you're an idiot!"

I chuckle "So says the knucklehead that ate helium."


Zira's Rage

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*Danyelle's POV*

Well, a lot has happened yesterday.

Asuna and the other Mewtwos were on edge after hearing about Zira.

Knuckles managed to figure out how to transform back to normal.

Shade spoke "Mew or echidna, you're still the same knucklehead I fell in love with."

Knuckles spoke "*High-pitched* Thanks-*Clears throat until his voice was back to normal* Thanks, Shade."

I snicker while holding a bowl of grapes with my psychic.

I laugh "Hey Knux! You want these grapes?"

Knuckles sighs "*Facepalm* Again?"

Shade's clothes were soon stained since Ein had knocked the bowl of grapes onto her head.

Shade yelps "I feel sticky!!!"

Knuckles did a backhanded uppercut, sending Ein flying and screaming into the air as I heard a bell ring like in a boxing match.

I laugh "It's not my fault if he's an idiot!"

Knuckles seemed to be mentally fighting an urge as Shade noticed and smirked lustfully.

I used a warp ring to send the two to the Chuddle hotel.

To Shade's surprise, Knuckles was back in Mew form.

Knuckles spoke "*Normal voice* Oh come on!"

Shade giggles "Oh you are SO CUTE in that form!"

Shade grabs Knuckles and hugs him closely.

But that made me wonder if Knuckles had a hybrid form before I shrugged.

Shade carried Knuckles off as I closed the warp ring.

I ask "Hey Nala, could you explain why Zira turned cruel?"

Nala spoke "It's a long story though..."

I spoke "By all means."

Twilight was ripping a Furby apart.

Twilight spoke "Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby? I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us. I also want to softhack his circuits."

Jet spoke "I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again."

I ask "*sweatdrop* Is Twilight being weird again?"

Jet scoffs "What do you think?!?"

Pinkie asks "More than me?"

I spoke "It's bad enough my OC-verse counterpart has Furby-phobia."

Twilight asks "*Snaps herself out of it* Are you sure that’s a real name?"

I spoke "I heard about it from OC-verse Lillian. *sweatdrop* And Amy's drunk on cider..."

Amy unknowingly had her hammer out.

A clearly drunk Amy spoke "Applejack, hit me another drink… wooOO HOOoo…"

Applejack spoke "Ah think you need a therapist and not a bottle."

Amy spoke "I think yooOOoou need to shuUT YOUR MOUTH!"

Applejack spoke "Amy, for the love of Faust! Put that hammer back where it came from or so help me!"

But then we heard laughter as we saw Sora in his Pegasus form.

I spoke "No offense Thorax but I swear your wife gets drunk easily."

Thorax spoke "If you think that's bad, wait until you meet her drunk because of me."

Estelle was on Thorax's head.

Thorax chuckles "There you are, Estelle."

I was growling suddenly as I switched to Mew form.

I growl "You might as well come out Zira, I can smell you hiding."

But then something lunged out as I was suddenly in a fight cloud.

I bite and claw at my attacker.

My attacker clawed and bit back.

I soon get my teeth into the Mew's neck.

But then my attacker had her fangs in my neck as well.

I punch the Mew in the head, forcing the fangs off my neck.

I slam the Mew hard on the ground.

Then we saw the Mew out cold.

I spoke "Guess I don't know my own strength."

Nala sighs "You think?"

Tails spoke "You're about level 50 in Pokemon terms though Dany."

I spoke "Makes sense."

Applejack tied the Mew to a tree.

Applejack spoke "Ah think someone oughta un-faint that Mew."

Aqua showed up. "I can handle that."

Nala spoke "Zira's got a lot of pent up anger."

I groan "I know."

Zira slowly up due to a nasty headache.

Zira asks "Where am I and why am I tied to a tree?"

I spoke "‘Bout time you woke up."

A young dark brown male Mew Poké-Mobian with red eyes and a scruffy black crest of a mane pokes his head out from a bush while two smaller Mew Poké-Mobians were clinging to his back.

The dark brown Mew spoke "Leave my mother alone!"

Bluestar spoke "She attacked my mother first!"

I spoke "Calm down, Bluestar."

Myth spoke "Look Simba, she's not so different than you or I. It doesn't matter what we look like on the outside, it's who we are on the inside. We are one."

Simba spoke "But..."

Myth asks "Them, us... Look at them, they are us. What differences do you see?"

Most of the female Mew Poké-Mobians side with Myth since they were sick of Zira's anger.

Twilight asks "Wow... Are you sure you're not a leader, Myth?"

Myth spoke "Not really, I prefer to keep the peace."

Twilight spoke "Oh."

I ask "Twilight, would you condemn an innocent child to death?"

Twilight spoke "OF COURSE NOT!"

Myth started to sing to quell the fighting, calming Zira down to the point she lost her anger.

I spoke "It doesn't matter if we're ponies, gryphons, zebras, centaurs, harpies, Ornithians, lamias, Mobians, Poké-Mobians, Abyssinians, chakats, dragons, hippogriffs, Changelings, yaks, buffalo, Zaterrans, Black Arms, Kytinns, humans, Cyniclons, Beastmen, Andalites or whatever... We all have the same emotions. We laugh, we cry, we get mad, we love. It goes to show that we are one, regardless of what we look like on the outside. It's what on the inside that really matters."

Zira seemed rather silent, even though she was still awake. But she was looking down as I noticed the ground below her having a few wet spots.

Rainbow spoke "Hold on, it's not supposed to be raining."

I spoke "Shut it Skittles, she's crying."

Now that I think about it, Zira was keeping herself from crying, but her tears tell me plenty. But then I noticed a fire vortex behind me before it faded, revealing Liu Kang as an alicorn stallion, with his cutie mark being a yin-yang symbol made of dragons made of fire, one being made of red flames, and the other being made of blue flames.

Liu Kang spoke "Despite the dark forces that put Scar on the path he led, his death was his own doing."

Simba spoke "Scar couldn't let go of his hate and in the end, it destroyed him."

"I think Zira needs some time to calm down." I noticed.

Jaytwo spoke "Like I told Sunset... The past can hurt but the way I sense it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

What Jaytwo had said really got into Zira's mind.

Sunset spoke "Zira was it? I know what it was like to go down the path of darkness, but getting back on the right path was hard for me. But I had friends that I could count on. You don't have to be that Mew, think about your children though. They are influenced by your actions."

Zira froze completely at that.

I spoke "I speak for the other mothers who have children as well when I say that the choices you make will have an effect on your children. Look at Twilight, she fights to keep her daughters and adopted sons safe. As do I and the rest of the Harmony Guard. We fight to protect the folks who can't fight."

But then I sensed something while in my Mew form, and the only clue I got was that I was sensing something that's in a cave.

Myth asks "You sensed that too Danyelle?"

“Yeah, but it’s calm and weak, like something sleeping.” I described.

Sasha spoke "I sensed it too."

Soon, those of us who sensed it went to the cave, but sensing that something deeper inside.

Simba spoke "I got a bad feeling about this..."

Jaytwo was carrying a regular stick instead of his Bakora staff since he also had a bad feeling that if Twilight had used the Roar, it could cause problems.

We went inside as Twilight used a light spell to help us see.

Sunset stayed by Jaytwo's side.

Later, we found ourselves in an area with a glowing light only a few feet away.

Akoya was on my head.

We slowly approached the light, before I noticed something inside it. And from what it looked like, it was a male lion-like mew hibernating inside.

Twilight asks "You see something?"

Despite his blindness, Jaytwo spoke "I sense that one's lifeforce is fading fast..."

Twilight spoke "What?! We better heal him pronto!"

I threw out a warp ring before bringing Josuke through.

Josuke asks "Hey! What gives?!"

I point a tail at the dying Mew.

Josuke spoke "Well, you got the right guy."

Josuke gained a pink aura before laying both hands on the Mew.

Josuke spoke "Good as new."

Jaytwo spoke "Hmm... He's sleeping and breathing quite well now."

The Mew mumbles "Mmm..."

The Mew started waking up.

I teleport fast before reappearing with Zira and her children.

The Mew groans "Ugh... Zira...?"

Zira gasps "V-V-Vithu...?!"

Zira then fainted.

I giggle "Saw that one coming."

Vithu groans "Ugh... Where am I...?"

I spoke "Easy does it sir, you're still recovering after being near death."

Vithu groans "That makes it twice…"

I spoke "Uh, you've always been a Mew."

Twilight spoke "Dany, he meant that as an expression."

Sasha sighs "I want kids..."

Sasha soon notices the same flower that Asuna had seen.

Sasha asks "Huh? What’s that?"

I ask "Isn't that the same flower that caused me to have Rani?"

Sasha spoke "Whoa."

Little did Sasha know, a baby Mew was developing inside her.

Vithu asks "And is that Zira?"

Since I was unaware of another baby Mew growing, I spoke "Yeah, she was hurting deep down because she thought you were dead."

Vithu spoke "Oh…"

But then Vithu was tackled by Nuka.

I was holding the younger Mews in my arms since they had got knocked off when my Dimensional Scream kicked in.

I spoke "Twilight, I had a bad vision..."

Twilight asks "What?"

“I just really hope it doesn’t happen.” I worried.

Nala asks "What was it?"

I started feeling panicked as I began hyperventilating.

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf pokes her head through a portal.

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf asks "Is this a bad time?"

Twilight asks "You think?!"

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf throws a book at my head, snapping me back to my senses.

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf asks "What was that all about?"

I spoke "Ein pranked me earlier."

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf squinted her eyes at me, making me nervously sweat.

I giggle nervously.



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*Danyelle's POV (still)*

A scream was heard since Lucy had been pranked by Pierce.

Though in Gray's body, Lucy screams "I'M GONNA RIP THAT DAMN SHEEP TO SHREDS!!!"

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf sighs "We’ll talk later."

I spoke "Something tells me that a strange spell was used, causing folks to switch bodies..."

Since she had Asuna's body, Erza was tripping over things.

Asuna (Erza) spoke "Not… again…"

Since he had Sonic's body, Natsu was pinned down by a pile of flab.

Sonic (Natsu) asks "*Muffled* What the?! What’s going on?!"

Natsu (Sonic) was constantly sneezing out fire.

Gray (Lucy) was shivering nonstop.

Natsu (Sonic) spoke "I need to run!"

The ears of Sonic’s wives perked up at that.

Zacia was in Roll's body while Blaze was in Spitfire's body.

Spitfire (Blaze) spoke "I feel NAKED!!!"

Blaze (Spitfire) asks "You’re in my body, Blaze?"

Spitfire (Blaze) spoke "I honestly don't know HOW you can handle being naked all the time!"

Moltry (Zap) spoke "I can't stand being on fire all the time!"

Zap (Moltry) asks "How can you stand being spiky all the time?"

Orion (Zoey) was hiding in a bush since she was naked.

Orion (Zoey) groans "Ugh... Who's got my body?"

Haru (Michelle) spoke "Wait a second, everyone back up."

Sonic’s wives got off of Sonic (Natsu) as Haru (Michelle) called in Jasmine (Serena).

Haru (Michelle) spoke "I’m gonna try something and if what I think is gonna happen does happen, you know what to do."

Jasmine (Serena) spoke "Uh..."

Tails (Mia) had covered up with the tails since she had no clothes on.

Jet (Discord) spoke "I can't feel my powers!"

But then Discord’s head rolled by.

Discord (Jet) spoke "At least you can’t lose your head!"

Jet (Discord) spoke "Shut it Feather Duster."

Tails (Mia) asks "Who the heck has my body?"

Mia (Asuna) spoke "Here…"

Jasmine (Serena) spoke "Oh boy… This is gonna be hard."

Orion (Zoey) spoke "Someone get me a freaking shirt!"

Jet (Discord) spoke "Last I checked, this kind of spell only lasts 30 minutes!"

Tails (Mia) asks "How much time do we have to fix this mess?"

“29.” I answered.

Natsu (Sonic) asks "How come you're not affected Danyelle?"

I spoke "I wasn't in range when it happened."

Haru (Michelle) spoke "No, there’s a completely different reason."

Thorax (Ben) spoke "Oh shut up Michelle."

A portal suddenly opened as an Inteleon popped out. “That spell again?”

“Chameleo?” I noticed.

The Inteleon spoke "Not the Chameleo you know."

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf spoke "Must be from a different universe."

Chameleo? spoke "Close enough. Anyway… Hey, Discord!"

Then another Discord popped out of the portal.

Discord? asks "Yes?"

Chameleo? asks "Since you’re here this time, think you could?"

Discord spoke "Of course!"

Finn (Tails) spoke "This has the idiot's claw-work all over it."

Amy (Korra) spoke "I'm gonna kill that dragon!"

Discord? spoke "Alright, here we go!"

Discord? snapped his fingers as a bright light covered all around us before it faded.

Natsu? spoke "*Gasp!* Yes! I'm back in my own body!"

Thorax (Ben) spoke "Uh guys... I'm still in the wrong body!"

Discord spoke "Hold on, let me try again."

That Discord snapped his fingers again.

"Huzzah! Back in my own body!" Our Discord cheered as Jet sighed in relief, who was in his own body too.

But suddenly, I was in Sasha's body.


Chameleo? spoke "Ooh boy..."

Applejack (Rainbow) spoke "I'm gonna turn that dragon into stew!"

I spoke "And before Applejack and Rainbow get any stupid ideas about a drinking contest, Rainbow oughta remember that Bold's still in diapers."

Applejack (Rainbow Dash) couldn't help but facehoof at that.

Chameleo?'s Discord snapped his fingers again as Applejack and Rainbow Dash were back in their own bodies. "Hmm... This could take some time."

I spoke "Without my actual body, I can't use Chaos Reversal."

But then Chameleo?'s Discord snapped his fingers as I was back in my own body, along with Sasha in her own.


Everyone was back in their original body.

I spoke "That Ein is still dead meat."

Sonic asks "Why didn’t you do that earlier?"

I spoke "StarClan's sakes Sonic, I've got another mitten on the way! Blame that stupid flower."

Sasha asks "Wait… doesn’t that mean?!"

I spoke "This is my second flower-baby though my seventh by blood. As for you, you've got your first mitten on the way."

One of the female Mew Poké-Mobians from Zira's group zips past Sasha and I while carrying towels in her Psychic.

Dotty spoke "Twin Tail!! Hurry! It's a Code Blue!!!"

I follow after Dotty as the others followed me.

“Who’re the parents?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "Jeeze Danyelle, don't be an Ein."

“I’m only curious.” I pointed out.

Dotty spoke "Reddish pink Mew's gone into labor, I overheard it from rainbow mane clone."

"Maylu!" I gasped.

*At Lan and Malyu's house,*

Lan was pacing about since he was back in Mobian fox form as he worried about Maylu.

Lan spoke "About time you got here Danyelle!"

I spoke "Sorry Lan, I got distracted with something."

I got right to work on the delivery.

I then saw Maylu, who was definitely moaning in pain.

I spoke "I'm here Maylu."

Maylu groans "*Pant!* I don't know if I should *Moan!* keep getting children or not *Groan!* when I'm older!"

I spoke "First time is always the worst... I've been through the pain 6 times already."

Maylu spoke "*Panting, moaning and groaning* It's just... I've never felt so... hot while I was pregnant."

I get a cold cloth and drape it across Maylu's back, cooling her down.

Maylu spoke "I... I didn't mean it like that. I felt so... So mature while being pregnant."

I giggle "Any female or herm would say that while they're pregnant."

Maylu asks "*Moaning while smiling* Haven't you ever felt like you wanted to keep having children while being pregnant?"

I spoke "This is gonna be my last one since barring the school aged kids, my kids are either teething or still nursing."

Maylu giggles "That look in your eyes say otherwise."

*Blush!* Okay, she got me there. "*Shaking my head, making my blush go away* But wanna know what I heard?"

A high pitched mewl was soon heard.

I call Lan in.

Lan asks "Is Maylu okay?"

I spoke "Come have a look."

I scoot over, revealing a baby Mew by Maylu's belly.

Lan spoke "Wow. He looks so cute."

Maylu asks "How about Patch?"

Lan asks "Really?"

A light tan male Mew with a brown stripe down the back spoke "Hey Lan!"

A golden yellow female Mew with two tails spoke "Cool it Dex, you're scaring the baby."

Lan asks "Dex? Yai?"

Dex spoke "Yai and I saw a bunch of Mews heading to your place so we had to follow."

Lan spoke "Wow."

I spoke "And since tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves day... I sense that Cadence is absolutely giddy."

Maylu spoke "*Smile* I wouldn't be surprised if there was a special suite in the Chuddle Hotel for that holiday."

I spoke with Jasmine via telepathy.

I spoke "{Hey Jas! We might need to get that suite ready for tomorrow!}"

Jasmine spoke "{Don't worry, finishing it with my counterparts.}"

I giggle "{Knowing OC-verse Knuckles, he might freak the fuck out once he sees the Knuckles that we know!}"

Jasmine spoke "{*Giggle* Or laugh nonstop.}"

I suddenly had a nasty vision.

I ask "{D-did you see that monster though Jas?}"

Jasmine spoke "{*Shudder!* Yeah. And I have a feeling it won't be alone. Might need to get some help from the Sumo Amazon Village.}"

I spoke "{I'm gonna put the call out to all the other Smashers. This is one threat that has everyone on edge.}"

Jasmine spoke "{Good.}"

I snicker "{And I bet Chronile's got plans for you.}"

Jasmine spoke "{*Lustful growling and purring* You have no idea, Dany-dame.}"

I spoke "{I should talk to Blitz about that thing.}"

I opened a warp ring to Hell as I jumped through, only to find out I leapt before I looked, seeing myself at a hotel called “Hazbin Hotel”.

I noticed that my claws were a bit sharper since I was in demonic Mew form.

“Wonder what brought me here…” I noted, not knowing what’s going on down here.

To be continued...

Radio Killed the Video Star

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*Danyelle's POV (still)*

I knocked on the door, only for no response. So I just opened the door and saw myself in the hotel.

I call out "Anyone here?"

A voice spoke "Well, this is new."

I jumped up, scared as I turned around, seeing a Wendigo Mobian sinner demon.

The male spoke "You are in Hell, and yet you haven't died once."

I spoke "Give a pregnant Mew a fucking heart attack why don't you? I hate being snuck up on from behind! Fuck!"

But then I heard a female voice. "Okay. So the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year. No big deal. Just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle. Just angels cutting our timetable in half. But who needs a who year to save souls? *Maniacally* Am I right? And next time, when they cut the time in half again and again, we'll just handle it, right?!"

A second female voice spoke "Yes, we will."

A strange cat came up to me and nuzzled against my legs before my brain processed what I heard.

I think "{six months? What the fuck??}"

A demonic female Mobian fox with scarlet red fur spoke "How many times has Blitz told you not to sneak up on a pregnant female though Alistor? It could cause a miscarriage."

Alastor spoke "I assure, that was truly unintentional, Ashley."

But then I heard a male voice. "Oh please, ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now... Ain't no silver lining this time toots."

Female Voice #1 spoke "Sure there is. We just have to look a little harder for it."

Then Alastor walked off.

Ashley spoke "Don't mind him, he's probably getting some coffee."

I ask "But what's with the six month crap?"

Ashley "The name's Ashley. Anyway, Charlie had a meeting with the Angels, more specifically, the leader of the Exorcists, Adam, a week after the last Extermination to help out with this hotel, and after that, the extermination is now happening twice per year, which means every six months."

A male voice spoke "Well, while you're lookin, the rest of Hell is going nuts. People are still freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District."

One female asks "Err, what is a "donkey show"?"

A male voice spoke "*Nervously* Aah, heh, nothing. *Calmly* My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news, too. Like I said, everyone's losing their shit."

I spoke "Guess Adam's still cheesed that a bat and a Mew drove off his army."

Ashley spoke "Maybe, but I heard rumors that a demon from Pentagram City managed to kill an exorcist."

A second female asks "Yeah, that’s true. Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?"

The first female spoke "*Gasp!* This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!"

The male asks "Cute idea and all, but you really going to go out in all this?"

The first female spoke "Well, it’s not like people are just going to show up on our doorstep."

But then an explosion went off, taking out part of a wall as the first female voice and I screamed in surprise before I noticed the hole in the wall.

I ask "Oi Charlie! What the FUCK was that?"

But then I heard a second male voice. "*Dramatically* Show yourself, Alastor! Come and face-"

I went outside, seeing Alastor on a balcony drinking coffee from a cup that said "Oh Deer!" *Snicker!* That's a bit funny as I looked up, seeing a giant mechanical weaponized blimp.

The male spoke "Oh, there you are... *Shouts* Face my wrath!"

Alastor asks "Who are you?

The male spoke "Who am I? Who am I? I am the great Sir Pentious! Inventor, architect of destruction, *As Alastor morphed into shadows before re-emerging next to me as the others came out* villain extraordinaire!"

But then a female dog Mobian sinner demon having a maid apron popped out behind Alastor.

The female spoke "*Gasp!* Ooh, he's a bad boy."

I don't know why, but something tells me that girl's got problems.

Alastor spoke "*Placing the dog down* Huh, well if all that's true, you'd think I'd have heard of you."

Sir Pentious spoke "I attacked you literally last week. We've done battle, like... 20 times."

Alastor spoke "Well, you must have been really bad at this."

OOH!!! Burn!

I snarl as fire swirled around me since most demons hated water.

I growl "You got some nerve attacking us though mister!"

Sir Pentious snaps "Silence! Now cower! *Hisses* For when I've slain you, the almighty Vees will finally acknowledge me as their equal!"

Dog maid asks "Ooh! Wait, who are the Vees?"

Alastor spoke "Oh, nobody important."

Later, Alastor was completely destroying the blimp with eldritch tentacles grabbing and punching it as I noticed a drone flying in the air while watching the battle.

Sir Pentious whines "Arrgh! Oh! Please! Stop!"

Charlie spoke "*As Alastor laughed* Um, Alastor? I think he's had enough."

I then noticed a spider mobian sinner demon with four arms as I noticed him being the first male voice.

The spider spoke "Nah, he's got a few more hits in him!"

Sir Pentious then fell out of the blimp and to the ground flat on his face.

Alastor spoke "Thanks for another forgettable experience."

I couldn't help but laugh at how easily Alastor beat him.

I snicker "That reminds me of the times Inuyasha got the sit command from Kagome... Boom! Face down on the ground!"

An egg demon suddenly went splat against the ground.

Sir Pentious spoke "Thank... you... for letting your guard down! *Tears off a piece of Alastor's coat* Haha! Yah! *As Alastor's shadow crept over him, making his smile drop* Oh, shit."

A green explosion then went off, courtesy of Alastor, sending Sir Pentious blasting off with a scream deeper into the city.

Alastor spoke "Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor."

I pull out some fabric the same color as Alastor's coat along with red thread, scissors and a sewing needle before patching the tear up fast with my magic.

I spoke "It's good as new."

Alastor spoke "Hmm… Why thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me, it seems I have matters to attend to."

Alastor looked at what appeared to be a radio station at the top right of the tower as he went into the hotel before I looked at the flying camera drone again before my dimensional scream went off, allowing me to see what screen it was connected to.

I think "{What the fuck am I looking at?}"

I soon saw a direwolf Mobian sinner demon only that his head was a flat-screen television with direwolf ears on the top corners, the monitor projecting eyes with red sclera, small cyan pupils and different-colored outlines, black for his right and cyan for his left with the screen also showing a mouth full of sharp, cyan-colored teeth.

TV Direwolf growls "That fucker is back!"

An unknown creature spoke "Yeah, I thought he was gone for good too."

TV Direwolf spoke "It’s been seven years!"

The creature asks "You still pissed he almost beat you that time?"

TV Direwolf spoke "Uh, fuck you."

The creature spoke "Just saying."

TV Direwolf spoke "Things have changed a lot since he left town."

The creature spoke "That’s for sure."

TV Direwolf spoke "I gotta send a message of who’s really in charge of things now. *Left pupil statics with black rings rippling from it*"

I then saw the TV Direwolf go into a room.

TV Direwolf: Welcome home
I’m gonna make you wish
That you’d stayed gone.
Say hello
To a new status quo
*Presses a button, connecting cables into the back of his head* Everyone knows that there’s a brand new dawn
Turn the TV on

The Director spoke "Camera, speeds. Rolling in 3, 2."

TV Direwolf (And chorus): (Welcome to the show)[i/i]

*Rapping* Top of the hour and we're discussing a certain has-been
Who has been spotted cavorting around town (Welcome to the show)
After a seven year absence
Did anybody miss him? (Welcome to the show)
Did anybody notice?
More on tonight's program!

So, the Radio Demon is back in town
Why's he hangin' around?
What does that mean for your family?

Well handily, I've got good news
He's a loser, a fossil
And, I don't mean to sound hostile
But the demon is a coward! (But the demon is a coward!)

You can take that as gospel
Pulling my viewers? Impossible!
I'm visual, he's barely audible

Stop giving him the time of day
Don't listen to a word he'd say
I hope he had a nice vacay
But he should've stayed away! (But he should’ve stayed away)

*Singing* While he hid in radio
We pivoted to video
Now his medium is getting bloody rare!

Hell's been better since he split
Where's he been?
Who gives a shit!

Alastor (And Vox): *Rapping on radio* Salutations
Good to be back on the air

Yes I know it’s been a while since someone with style
Treated Hell to a broadcast
Sinners rejoice (What a dated voice!)

Instead of a clout chasing video podcast (Come on!)

Is Vox insecure pursuing allure?
Flitting between this fad and that
Is nothing working? (Ignore his chirping)

Every day he’s got a new format

TV Direwolf (And chorus): You’re looking at the future
He’s the shit that comes before that (He’s the shit that comes before that)

Alastor (And TV Direwolf): Is Vox as strong as he purports
Or is it based on his supports?
He’d be powerless without the other Vees (Oh please.)

And here’s the sugar on the cream
He asked me to join his team (Hold on!)
I said no and now he’s pissy, that’s the tea

TV Direwolf (And Alastor): *Glitches* You old timey prick
I’ll show you suffer-er-er-er-er-ering (Uh oh, the TV is buffering)
*Signal breaks up* I’ll destroy yoo-o-u-u you little— (I’m afraid you’ve lost your signal.)

The city was now in a blackout as only the hotel still had power.

Alastor: Let's begin...
*Starting to morph into his full demon form* I'm gonna make you wish
That I'd stayed gone
Tune on in

When I'm done
Your status quo
Will know its race is run
Oh, this will be fun! (Laughs)

TV Direwolf screams "Fuuuuuck!"

Then I found myself back at the hotel when that song ended.

I think "{As Shadow would say... Damn.}"

I noticed the hole in the wall and fixed it before heading inside as I saw Charlie faceplant into a couch in exhaustion.

I ask "You okay miss?"

The Spider asks "So how’d it go?"

Female #2 spoke *Sigh* Not a single new recruit."

I noticed the second female having an X over the eyepatch on her left eye.

The Spider asks "Yeah. Well, who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting?"

I growl "Am I invisible or something?"

Charlie spoke "Oh! Sorry! I’m Charlie Morningstar."

I spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, I met your dad back on the last cleansing."

Charlie was surprised at the before she shook her head. “Oh! Forgot to introduce the others. *Pointing to female with eyepatch* This is Vaggie, my girlfriend.”

Vaggie glared at me, yep, she’s definitely protective of Charlie.

I spoke "I'm not into females though, I'm a married Mew. 14 kids plus another one on the way. I adopted Gallus since his parents are dead."

Charlie spoke "Sorry, but I don’t know about them. Anyway, the spider is our guest, Angel Dust. The dog is Nifty, our maid, and the winged cat is Husk, our bartender."

I spoke "I haven't asked Gruff how the two died but I assume they were crushed by rocks or something."

I soon spot a demonic gryphon male that was the same color as Gallus.

I ask "Who is that?"

Charlie spoke "Huh? I don’t know him."

I then saw the male gryphon demon fly to the hotel bar.

Husk spoke "Somehow, I shouldn’t be surprised you’re here, Grimcrest."

Grimcrest growls "Just shut up and pour me a drink, Husk. I don’t know why you ended up here."

Husk spoke "Tch, you think I wouldn’t be here if Alastor hadn’t made me stay here."

I float over to the bar.

I spoke "Strawberry juice, non-alcoholic please Husk. I can't have any alcohol since my younger kids are still in diapers, plus I've got a child on the way."

The feather I carried in my hair was somehow familiar to Grimcrest.

Grimcrest asks "Where’d you get that feather?"

I spoke "Oh this? It's from my eldest adopted son's wing."

But then I heard banging on the front door.

I used Psychic to open the door.

But to my shock, the snake guy was there as Vaggie went to the door.

Sir Pentious spoke "Why, hello, my dear-*Vaggie punches him in the face before bringing out a spear* Wait wait wait! *Backs up on the ground* I come in peace."

Vaggie asks "What are you doing here?"

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, what’s the problem? *Gasp!* Oh, hello again."

I growl at the snake demon.

Sir Pentious asks "I didn't come here looking for a fight. I uhh... I heard that you're helping people. People who want to be better?"

Charlie spoke "*Gasp!* You heard right. Welcome to our home of healing. Our resort of restoration. Our-

Angel snaps "Are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying to kill us, like, literally 6 hours ago. And now you want to bring him in here to live with us?"

Charlie spoke "Absolutely! This place is about second chances. And who deserves one more than this... slithery... slippery... special little man."

Angel asks Aren't you supposed to protect this place?"

Charlie made puppy dog eyes with puppy dog noises at Vaggie.

Vaggie spoke "*Sigh* I... guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine or even with the war machine."

OOH!!! Burn!

I spoke "One of my counterparts is known as the Nekomata of Redemption since I heard she was able to reform her universe's Gilda."

Charlie hugged me and Vaggie. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Sir Pentious! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!"

Sir Pentious spoke "Oh, no darling, thank you. You won't regret this."

Angel spoke "Eh, I give you a week tops."

We went back inside the hotel.

Charlie spoke "So... this is the bar and the bartender. This is the curtain, and this is the new wall after you broke the last one, heh, and, oh, this, this is-"

Vaggie spoke "Babe, you don't have to show him every detail."

Charlie spoke "Sorry, I'm just so excited to have our first real guest!"

Angel asks "Uh, what the hell am I then?"

Charlie spoke "Well, you're an important part of our family here, Angel. But you, um, uh..."

Vaggie asks :Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve?"

Charlie spoke "What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once."

I spoke "Watch it Charlie, I'm more breakable in this form since I'm smaller than my nekomata form!"

Charlie spoke "Sorry about that. Anyway, over here we have our maid Niffty.

Niffty spoke "*Gasp!* The bad boy is back. *Jumps onto Sir Pentious before whispering creepily* Never leave me again."

Sir Pentious definitely looked a bit scared and uncomfortable.

Charlie spoke "We're about eighty percent sure she's harmless."

I spoke "*sweatdrop* I'm 20% sure she might be loco in the coco."

Charlie spoke "And over here we have-*Notices Alastor in front of her* Oh, uh Alastor, our gracious facility manager! You've met our newest guest, Sir Pentious... *Nervously* Heh heh."

Alastor spoke "Ah, yes. You're the one who ruined my coat. *Sinisterly* I definitely remember you now."

Sir Pentious nervously gulped as I made a mental note not to mess with Alastor.

Charlie asks "Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson: *Ahem!* "How to apologize". The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong. Why don't you give it a try?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Yes, um... Mr, um, Radio Demon, sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat... *Brings out piece* Um, here..."

Alastor spoke "*Grabs piece* Oh-ho, not many people have been able to take even this much off me. It must have meant quite a lot to you."

Alastor smiled as the piece ignited in green flames. Something tells me this is gonna be a long day.

I spoke "I should get going."

I left the hotel before running across a female gryphon demon.

I ask "Uh, who are you?"

I had Gallus' feather tucked into my ponytail since I usually wore my hair that way.

The hen spoke "Duskfeather, but I'm usually called Grimbeak around here."

I spoke "I'm Danyelle, I took in a gryphon boy that lost his parents a while ago."

Duskfeather asks "Huh? Who?"

I spoke "His name is Gallus. According to the messenger gryphon, Gallus lost his parents. I assume they were killed by Diamond Dogs."

Duskfeather suddenly froze at that.

I ask "Let me guess... You want to see him again?"

But then I found myself raised into the air with the female griffon demon grabbing me by the neck with both claws in anger. "AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY SON?! I SWEAR, IF YOU DID ANYTHING TO MY LITTLE GRYPHON...!"

*Terrified* I'll admit, I thought I was gonna cry out of fear.

I used Vine Whip to restrain the mad hen, getting her claws off my neck.

I snap "WILL YOU CALM THE FUCK DOWN?!? FIRST OF ALL, YOU SHOULD NEVER GRAB A PREGNANT FEMALE!!! SECOND, GALLUS IS DOING OKAY!!! I took him in when he had no home to go back to after you and Grimcrest died!"

Duskfeather froze again at that as I calmed down, taking deep breaths.

Duskfeather asks "*Voice breaking with tears threatening to fall* R-Really...? Is my little baby actually okay?"

I open a warp ring before Gallus stepped out with a pair of baby Mews on his back since he was looking after them.

Gallus spoke "Danyelle, can you get your mittens off my back? The brown one's biting my tail."

Duskfeather gasped in completely shock.

Gallus asks "Who are you?"

Rani and Akoya were soon clinging to my back.

Rani teleported to the hotel before teleporting back with Grimcrest.

Grimcrest asks "Alright, what's the big idea?! I was in the *Notices Gallus* middle... of... Is that...?"

Akoya spoke "Mya! {I thought it was time for a family reunion!}"

I couldn't help but giggle in agreement. "Gallus, meet Grimcrest and Duskfeather, your birth parents."

Gallus asks "W-Wha?!"

Duskfeather then sobbed freely while hugging Gallus.

Duskfeather spoke "I am SO sorry I left you all alone out there, my sweet little baby!"

Gallus spoke "Mom, cut it out! You're embarrassing me in front of my adopted mother and adopted sisters!"

Grimcrest asks "*Chuckles with happy tears before grabbing Gallus and giving him a noogie* So you already know its really us, huh?"

I giggle "Gilda's gonna so lose it once she see you two. Plus her and Ezekiel are rulers of Griffonstone now."

Grimcrest and Duskfeather ask "Huh?"

I open a comm window after saying Gilda's name.

Gilda asks "What's up Danyelle?"

I spoke "You're not gonna believe this but I found the long lost king of Griffonstone!"

Ezekiel groans "*voice in background* Bummer.... Guess I'll have to step down..."

Grimcrest asks "Seriously though, what happened?"

Gilda spoke "I'll answer that one, Ezee was the one who found the Idol of Boreas."

Grimcrest spoke "Really? But I thought it was lost for good…"

Ezekiel spoke "As did Gruff and everygriff else but I found it."

Grimcrest held his head in pain a bit. "Ugh... That voice..."

Gallus asks "Uh, you okay?"

Grimcrest asks "Why does it sound so familiar?"

Ezekiel spoke "Still, I miss my big bro, Arthur."

Grimcrest froze at that name.

I spoke "Ezee, you're an idiot."

Ezekiel asks "What?"

Grimcrest asks "Zeke...? Is that you?"

Gilda spoke "Out with it featherbrain."

Grimcrest spoke "Zeke... It's me, Arthur, your big brother."

Ezekiel and Gilda froze at that, same with Gallus and Duskfeather.

I spoke "Well, ya broke 'im."

But then my ears twitched as my kids went back onto Gallus. "Hold on, I just gotta check on something."

I flew into the hotel as I saw Angel Dust looking, as if following something. I followed him before he and I peaked through a crack in the door, seeing Sir Pentious hiding a camera.

Angel spoke "*Pushes doors open* You slippery little shit! *As the snake was caught off guard* You're woking for the Vees? I fucking knew there was something shitty about you."

"Ooh, now you're so gonna get it." I growled.

Sir Pentious spoke "I don't know what you're both talking about... Whorebug and Bitchcat!

The two of us then fought Sir Pentious before pinning him.

Sir Pentious spoke "Get your aggressively average and floating small bodies, *Looks at up both with rippling eyes* off of me!

Angel spoke "Fuck!"

Our eyes were rippling too, leaving us hypnotized while Sir Pentious got up before we snapped out of it and fought him again when Charlie and Vaggie groggily came in, with the blonde's hair being a mess.

Charlie asks "What's going on?"

Angel spoke "This little bitch is a traitor! Not you and no offense, Danyelle."

"None taken." I shrugged off.

Sir Pentious spoke "Preposterous, I would never betray you. You... *Hugs Charlie and Vaggie* are my best friends!"

"Uh-huh, then explain this." Angel and I deadpanned as we revealed the camera.

Sir Pentious spoke "Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S. Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!!"

TV Direwolf spoke "*On wrist camera* Pentious? ...Wait... You were caught?! *Laughing* It hasn't even been a day!"

Sir Pentious spoke "Please, you've got to get me out of here!"

TV Direwolf spoke "*On wrist camera* I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple. Do us a favor, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure."

Sir Pentious spoke "I... I... *Tears falling while taking the wrist camera off* Just make it quick, I guess. *Lies onto the ground while closing eyes* Not that I deserve it."

Wait... He's actually... gonna let himself get killed?

Vaggie spoke "Gladly."

Charlie asks "Wait... *Offers a hand* Pentious?"

I offered a hand as well as Sir Pentious opened his eyes and looked at us.

Song - It starts with sorry

But then I noticed Niffty. "I hated that song! Why are you so lame? *Kicks Sir Pentious' snake lower half* Not a bad boy.

Charlie spoke "*Sigh* Good first day. Let's get some rest."

"Yeah, I gotta get back to the others." I agreed.

I throw a Fire Punch at Pentious' face, knocking him down.

I growl "That's for calling me a bitchcat."

Sir Pentious spoke "*Weakly* Fair... enough..."

I spoke "I'll let it slide this time but NEVER call me that word again!"

After getting Gallus, Rani and Akoya, I head home.


Flight to the Finish

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*Mamoru's POV*

I was throwing punches at a sandbag since I was practicing my routine.

I spoke "Oh hey Scootaloo."

Scootaloo sighs "Hey."

I ask "You okay?"

Scootaloo spoke "It's... It's my wings."

I spoke "There's nothing wrong with your wings. You're just a late bloomer, that's all."

Scootaloo asks "Like you?"

"Y-Yeah..." I nervously admitted.

Diamond spoke "I didn't know that."

"Hi, Diamond." I smiled.

Diamond giggles "how are you doing puffball?"

"Hehe, great, Jewelcrown." I chuckled.

Diamond giggles "Puffball."

Then I tackled Diamond Tiara before we tussled/rolled before she pinned me.

Diamond Tiara giggles "Pinned ya."

I chuckle "Hey, let me up."

Diamond giggles as she walked away before I pounced on her, only to get pinned down again.

Diamond giggles "Pinned ya again!"

I then heard chuckles and giggles as I saw Simba and Nala here, them having seen what happened.

I used my tails to tickle Diamond.

But then Diamond Tiara used her tail to tickle me back.

Since I had the tail advantage, I used all nine of mine to tickle Diamond.

Scootaloo snickers "Really?"

“One of the perks of being half Ninetales.” I answered.

An air blast had sent Pierce flying.

A Ninetales that had the same voice as Rusty spoke "I hate that sheep!"

Dusk chuckles "Nice one Rusty!"

I chuckle "And Scootaloo is out cold!"

And like I said, Scootaloo was out cold, especially with her wings flared out.

Rusty asks "Was it something I said?"

Wow, talk about dense.

Rusty growls "Go cough up a hairball Mamoru."

“Oh, so you do know?” I smirked.

Dusk spoke "Guys, can you save the bickering for later? We have to practice!"

Scootaloo instantly woke up a that.

A barn owl colored Mew chuckles "You lot remind me of Digger. He's a hoot to be around."

"Who?" I asked, somehow sounding like an owl.

The barn owl Mew spoke "He's a burrowing Mew but he's really funny."

Then I noticed something burrowing from underground.

The barn owl Mew spoke "I know that's you Digger."

A head poked out of the ground before shaking the dirt off.

Digger spoke "Soren!"

Soren chuckles "Good Glaux, you nearly scared the kids. And for a moment there, I thought you were Metal Beak."

Digger spoke "Ya sure? 'Cause last I checked, you sent him 6 feet under by stabbing him with a burning branch."

Soren asks "How did you know that?"

Digger asks "You told me, remember?"

Soren spoke "*Facepalm!* Oh, right. Sorry about that."

A smaller than normal Mew Poké-Mobian with the markings of an elf owl spoke "No wonder you're a scatterbrain at times Digger."

Scootaloo asks "Huh? Who're you?"

Soren spoke "That's Gylfie, she's small for a Mew since she's a pygmy."

Scootaloo asks "Pygmy?"

Gylfie spoke "I'm smaller than a normal Mew though."

Sweetie asks "Oh, so you're like an elf owl?"

Gylfie spoke "color and size wise, yes."

Scootaloo spoke "Anyway, we should get to practice."

A purple colored female Mew screams "PIERCE!!!!!!"

"Ugh... Not again." I groaned in annoyance.

Danyelle soon shows up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey kids."

"You heard that scream, right?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, Aphmau got pranked by Pierce."

"Big time too since she's a Mew now." I added.

Danyelle spoke "It's not my fault if Pierce is an idiot."

I couldn’t help but snicker in agreement with that.

A gray Mew spoke "Great Glaux, you left me behind AGAIN Digger!"

Digger spoke "Oh come on, Twilight!"

Say what now?

The gray mew conks Digger on the head.

Cassius spoke "I thought I told you to call me Cassius."

Digger chuckles "Hey, old habits die hard, ya know."

Danyelle spoke "He's got a point there."

Scootaloo spoke "Still, let's get to practice."

Rusty spoke "Right."

We then headed back to the treehouse.

Bluestar was out cold due to fever.

“What happened?” I asked.

Anzu spoke "No idea what happened but my back is itchy!"

Anzu had a few pinfeathers under her shirt since she was part alicorn as well.

Scootaloo spoke "Whoa. You’re growing wings."

Anzu spoke "I shouldn't be! I'm not an alicorn!"

Sweetie Belle asks "Remember your mom?"

Anzu spoke "Her ascension was caused by a jumpscare!"

Applebloom spoke "Come on, y’all. Let’s git practicin’."

Rusty spoke "Yeah!"

Silverstorm spoke "YEAH!! We got this!"

We then started practicing.

Danyelle spoke "Keep this up Scootaloo and you'll be flying for real."

Scootaloo asks "R-Really?"

Danyelle checks Scootaloo's wings.

Danyelle spoke "It seems your innate magic is more pooled in your hooves which explains why your wings can't get you off the ground."

Scootaloo asks "So you’re saying I gotta switch things up?"

Danyelle spoke "The routine's good already, I see no reason to... Aw Shinx! We have to get to the Crystal Empire now!"

*One warp ring to the Crystal Empire later,*

Danyelle spoke "Hello Harshwinny."

Harshwinny asks "I see you’re here. Was there a problem?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no, I just realized that the Crusaders had to be here. So I brought them."

Harshwinny spoke "Good."

Danyelle spoke "I also look after Scootaloo when her parents are out exploring. Okay Crusaders, show me what you have."

Scootaloo spoke "Let’s do this!"

Rusty and I toss Scootaloo up into the air as she took flight all of a sudden.

Lance spoke "Ponyville forever!"

Danyelle gasps "Scootaloo! You're flying!!"

Scootaloo spoke "Huh? I'm flying? *Gasp!* I'm flying!"

If she can do it, maybe I can...

Rusty spoke "That's great Scoots! Your parents will be thrilled!"

Scootaloo flew over and tackle-hugged Rusty.

Rusty tussles with Scootaloo, pinning her down.

Rusty chuckles "Pinned ya!"

Scootaloo whines "*Pout* No fair!"

But then Scootaloo did something totally surprising, she nibbled the tip of one of Rusty's ears while simultaneously licking it, making the fox blush big time with his tails standing straight out while his eyes dilated before they returned to normal, becoming half-lidded with Rusty becoming putty with a dopey smile.

Danyelle spoke "You might want to wait another 12 years though Rusty."

Rusty didn't hear that as he was still on the ground motionless with that goofy grin on his face.

Scootaloo spoke "Hehe, I bet he thinks it'll be totally worth it."

A temporal warp ring had opened before a pair of three-tailed foxponies tumble out.

The pink maned foxpony spoke "Polished Nii-san, get your butt out of my face!"

Polished spoke "I would if you got your tails off my neck Cherry!"

Scootaloo asks "What the...?"

Polished spoke "Sorry about my idiot sister."

Danyelle took a sniff before her eyes opened up in absolute shock.

Sonic clamps a hand over Danyelle's mouth, stopping the nekomata.

Sonic spoke "We can't say anything about them yet. it's too soon to tell anyone."

Danyelle spoke "*Muffled* Sorry."

Sonic spoke "We don't know where or when they came from but we can't reveal too much about this... And the same goes for you as well Silver."

Silver spoke "Given how I might actually know them, it's for the best."

Sonic spoke "It could lead to irreversible trouble down the road."


Rarity takes Manehattan

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*Rarity’s POV*

*Excited squeal* I’m going to Manehattan!

Blizzardstar chuckles "Rarity, you're such a goofball but you're my goofball. And there's something I want to ask you."

“Hmm?” I asked curiously.

Danyelle giggles "I think shi wants to propose to you Rarity."

Blizzardstar stammers "Y-yeah, what Danyelle said... Rarity, will you marry me?"

*Gasp!* I… I couldn’t believe what I heard. *Happy whimpering*

Blizzardstar asks "Is that a yes?"

I calmed myself down. “How is THIS for an answer?” I smirked before tackle-hugging Blizzardstar before kissing hir right on the lips.

Blizzardstar returns the kiss with just as much passion.

Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at what was happening.

Fluttershy spoke "Aww, that's adorable. It reminds me of when Flowerstep proposed to me."

A voice spoke "Aw, so cute."

I remembered that Team Rose was coming along.

Thorax and Estelle were with Amy.

Thorax spoke "I've been hearing rumors of a hive here in Manehattan."

A rabbit Mobian known as Cream asked. "Really?"

Amy spoke "Yes but they could be dangerous."

We then heard a croak as we saw a big purple cat Mobian with a frog on his head. "Huh? How?"

Amy spoke "Think back to how dangerous Chrysalis was before her reformation."

Cream spoke "O-Oh dear!"

Amy spoke "Oh, right. Forgot to introduce my friends. The rabbit is Cream, and the heroic chao is Cheese. The purple cat's Big and the green frog's Froggy."

Danyelle's ears flatten since she heard a terrible singing voice.

Danyelle groans "Great StarClan! That sounds like bagpipes in a wood chipper!"

Amy spoke "Oh, she's here."

Danyelle asks "Who?"

A wild battle cry was heard before a female badger mobian swung in.

Amy spoke "Sticks."

Danyelle asks "Why must folks sneak up behind me or try to scare me?"

Danyelle's tail fur fluffed up suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "I have a bad feeling Metal Beak will return..."

Amy asks "But didn't Digger say that Soren killed him?"

Danyelle spoke "That was the original Metal Beak..."

Sticks spoke "I knew it! It's a conspiracy! The robot clone apocalypse is nigh!"

Digger asks "Can I tailslap her Soren?"

Soren didn't answer as his face was practically screaming dread.

Gylfie asks "And didn't you say Kludd was still out there?"

Soren spoke "I said he was never found, but... No... No, no, no... It can't be!"

Myth spoke "The other Mews and I never found his body so we fear he's still alive."

Soren was now a hyperventilating mess.

A speckled tail whack Soren on the head, calming him down.

A speckled female Mew spoke "You need to take a chill pill Soren."

Soren gasps "O-Otulissa?"

Digger chuckles "Real smooth move Soren."

Then I giggled.

Danyelle flings Soren at Otulissa with a bit of magic, causing the two Mews to kiss.

"You sly cat!" I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "Better a sly cat than a dumb dragon."

But then Amy suddenly giggled. "I just remembered something. Sonic and Knuckles sometimes share a braincell."

Twilight spoke "Uh Amy, I wouldn't say that around Roll and the rest of Sonic's wives if I were you."

Amy spoke "I know."

Michiru spoke "I heard rumors that one of my counterparts is dating a cat beastman."

"Really? Do tell!" I answered, eager to hear some gossip as we weren't far from Manehatten now.

Twilight spoke "According to what I had heard from Heartsverse Twilight, a counterpart of Michiru had reunited with her boyfriend."

"Tell me more!" I smiled.

Twilight spoke "Honestly Rarity, I don't know the guy's name. But based on what I heard from Warrior-verse Spottedleaf, the cat looks like an anthro version of Bramblestar."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Twilight spoke "Yeah plus I heard from Sonic that a pair of foxpony hybrids showed out nowhere a while ago. A male with pale yellow fur and blue eyes along with a female with white fur and magenta eyes."

"Really? That's odd." I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic had to shut me up though since I can't turn my dimensional scream off."

"Why?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I can't reveal too much about the distant future."

Twilight spoke "I fully understand that."

Akari was on Twilight's back.

Akari giggles "Momma!"

Twilight giggled while nuzzling her daughter.

Danyelle giggles "Babies of any species are adorable."

Applejack: *Giggle* "Ya think?"

Danyelle snickers "So says the country mare that has a foal on the way."

Applejack spoke "*Chuckling* Hey!"

Crosswind chuckles "She got you good there Jay-Jay."

Applejack giggles "Hehe, I ain’t Jaytwo, ya crazy chakat."

Crosswind chuckles "Ah may be crazy but Ah'm yer crazy chakat AJ."

Applejack tackled Crosswind as the two playfully tussled.

Tails was soon bowled over by a yellow furred female Mobian fox.

Inari asks "Tails? Sweetie? You okay?"

Tails spoke "Just peachy 'Nari."

The vixen spoke "Hi Tails.

Tails spoke "Huh? Wh-Oh yeah, I was gonna say hi, but then *His tails spinning on their own, taking him into the air* uh… See you later."

Sonic chuckles "Ohoho, *Pulls Tails down* I see what’s going on here."

Sticks asks "Tails has been hypnotized by man-eating tomato people?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah… That or our pal Tails has a crush on that girl."

Tails spoke "What? Who, Madison? No, Sticks was right. Definitely the tomato thing."

Amy spoke "Oh my gosh, Tails is in love, again. That is so adorable. You are so adorable."

Tails spoke "I am not adorable! I-I’m serious and formidable."

“Aww!” The girls, chakats and I gushed.

Tails spoke "I just… don’t know how to talk to her is all."

Inari asks "*Giggle* Like you didn’t know how to talk to me, Tails?"

Asuna spoke "Don't be such a scaredy Skitty though Tails."

Amiya's voice was heard laughing through the comm device Danyelle wore on her wrist.

Danyelle giggles "Were you listening in?"

Amiya giggles "You left communications open though."

Danyelle asks "Heehee, anyway, how's your day going?"

Amiya spoke "Nearl and the others are still getting used to the fact that Oripathy is gone for good."

Danyelle spoke "Hold on, I got a call incoming."

Danyelle changes the frequency to the one she uses for talking to Blitzo.

Danyelle asks "Is something the matter Blitz?"

Blitzo asks "Why are you assuming something's wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "I know it's only been a week since I last visited down there, but I'm worried."

Twilight spoke "Something is not right... Even Deep Blue senses it."

Blitzo spoke "Besides, I'm in the middle of a job right now."

Twilight's eyes turn ice blue as she lets Deep Blue talk.

Deep Blue spoke "I should have gone to hell when I first died yet I didn't. I have no idea why I didn't."

Danyelle spoke "Still, best not to overthink about the past."

Deep Blue spoke "Regardless, I should've been dead."

Danyelle spoke "Well, maybe after our visit in Manehatten, I’ll go down there and check up on things."

Rainbow spoke "Not alone you’re not."

Danyelle spoke "No Rainbow, I can manage on my own. I'm one of the Avatars remember? I can hold my own in battle."

Deep Blue spoke "Still, it'd be a bit safer if you brought at least one along with you just to be sure. I'm only suggesting that as a friend."

Danyelle spoke "I can't bring Twilight along since it would have a negative impact on Deep Blue's soul. I can't bring Rainbow because Bold's too young to be left alone for more than a minute. Applejack's got a foal on the way thus I can't bring her along. Fluttershy's a no-go since Tartarus is too scary of a place for her. Blizzardstar would have my hide if Rarity was hurt. I don't think I can bring Pinkie along since she's as wild as Sticks, no offense though."

Sticks spoke "None taken."

A sword was strapped to Danyelle's back.

Danyelle spoke "I'll take Tails with me then, provided he's not being a scaredy Skitty."

Tails asks "What's that supposed to mean?"

Orion spoke "Well, you're nervous around the yellow vixen."

That seemed to anger Tails. “Y-You know what? I’m gonna ask Madison out right now!”

Sakura was on her back while laughing.

Li chuckles "Real smooth foxboy, Madison's already blushing because of what you said."

A very flustered Madison asks "You sure about this Tails?"

Tails spoke "*Mentally panicking before calming himself* That's right."

Inari spoke "Well, you are a Poké-Mobian though Tails. And I don't mind if you take a second wife."

Danyelle spoke "That was really brave of you Tails and for that, you're now part of the Mobian Guard alongside me, Sonic, Knuckles and Ben."

Danyelle places a hand on Tails' right shoulder before the image of a roaring lion head was seen on the Ninetales' shoulder.

Tails asks "Wha-Really?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm the keenest, Ben's the fiercest, Sonic's the fastest and Knuckles' the strongest so it was only a matter of time before the bravest revealed himself."

Sonic spoke "Way to go buddy."

Tails blushed shyly as he rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment. "OH, please stop."

Inari and Madison pounce on Tails before tickling him.

Tails spoke "*Laughing* You're asking for it now!"

Tails soon overpowered the two vixens with his namesakes.

Danyelle opens a warp ring under the trio, sending them to the Chuddle Hotel.

Danyelle spoke "On second thought, I should go alone."

Sonic spoke "Hey, don't think you're gettin' off that easy, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Sonic, you can barely control your werehog form at night! I can control my Mew form better."

Sonic spoke "Still doesn't mean you go off alone."

Danyelle spoke "Blitz doesn't know any of you though so it's best if I go alone."

"Come on, everyone! Let's go!" I declared.

Danyelle floated off through a warp ring alone into Tartarus.

Twilight spoke "Agreed and Rarity, you're growing wings."

"Pardon?" I asked in confusion.

A pair of wings were growing from my back.

"Oh my!" I gasped."

Rainbow spoke "I didn't ask for a horn yet I got one anyway."

Sunset spoke "Lucky... I haven't found a way to escape that stupid ball yet..."

Applejack asks "Anyway, ain't there somethin' you wanted to tell us?"

"Heehee! I have tickets for Hinny of the Hills!" I smiled as I brought out tickets for all of us.

Twilight asks "*Gasp!* Tickets for that have been sold out for months, there's no way you would get tickets. Or could you?"

"I would. I do." I smiled.

Sunset asks "Hinny of the Hills?"

"Oh! You have missed so much while you were away, Darling." I said.

Sunset spoke "I'm still a bit mad at Danyelle though but she only did that to protect a friend."

"Calm down, Sunset." I noted.

Sunset spoke "Easy for you to say, I hate being confined."

Rainbow spoke "I hear that."

Indigo spoke "I sense something bad is going to happen."

Ash spoke "Bro, you're being paranoid again."

Indigo spoke "No, I'm not being paranoid Ash!"

Ash asks "Really? How?"

Indigo spoke "*Pointing at Sticks* That’s being paranoid."

Sticks spoke "*At her shadow* Stop following me!"

Peach spoke "You're one to talk Mr Danger Sense."

Indigo spoke "Hey!"

Ash chuckles "She's got a point bro, you are half Absol after all."

Sonictwo calls out "We got a dead pony over here!!!"

"What?!" I gasped in shock as we came over, seeing what Sonictwo saw.

Fluttershy spoke "There's a lot of wounds, but they all seem like hesitation wounds. And it's not this pony's own."

A small Pegasus foal was by the mare.

Twilight spoke "The poor thing..."

Fluttershy spoke "Whoever did this seemed to be holding back."

Picking the foal up with magic, Twilight spoke "A foal this age won't last long on their own."

Ash asks "But who should adopt the foal?"

Twilight spoke "I will."

Rainbow asks "*Surprised* Say what now?"

Twilight spoke "I've got three little ones to care for, a fourth wouldn't hurt."

Applejack spoke "If ya say so."

Twilight spoke "It's what her mother would have wanted."

Fluttershy nodded.

Twilight spoke "I think I'll name the foal after her mother. You know, keep the memory alive."

Rainbow asks "But what is her name?"

Twilight spoke "According to the census from last month, the mare's name was Snowy Twirl."

Rainbow spoke "Oh."

Twilight uses her flames to incinerate the original Snowy's body, leaving no trace behind.

Twilight spoke "May she rest in peace."

Rainbow spoke "Okay, if there's a tarkatan pony around here, it could mean trouble."

Sonic spoke "Since we don't have Danyelle's keen eyes, we should be careful."

Sonic notices an earth pony mare.

Sonic spoke "Hey Rarity, we should ask her what happened."

"If she's willing." I answered.

Indigo spoke "I see something... A tarkatan pony, earth variant, female..."

A voice spoke "U-Um... Excuse me."

Sonic asks "Yes?"

The mare spoke "M-My name is Coco Pommel. If what's happening to Suri is this tarkat thing, please help her."

Sonic contacts Sindel via telepathy.

Sonic asks "{Hey Sindel, sorry to bother you but is there a cure for tarkat?}"

Sindel spoke "{No, there is not.}"

Sonic spoke "{Amiya said the said thing about Oripathy back before the paradox prism got shattered.}"

Coco spoke "Suri was acting strange for the last few days, like she was struggling against herself, even suddenly craving for meat. Fortunately there weren’t any disappearances when she gained that craving."

Twilight spoke "Up until Indigo found a dead mare... I had to incinerate the body before some other creature got at the body. And the previous case where someone had gotten tarkat got herself killed by a demon."

Coco spoke "Yeah, she got worse over time. Her eyes changed, her teeth sharpened, and some kind of blades came out of her front legs."

Applejack spoke "That's exactly what happened ta Braeburn and Spoiled though. Braeburn was cured but Spoiled got herself killed by Winter Frost."

Hmm… Suri… Where have I heard that name before?

Blizzardstar asks "Rarity?"

“Sorry, it’s just Suri sounds so familiar.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "Perhaps a memory recall spell might shed some light on what happened."

"Really?" I asked.

Twilight spoke "I may not have the dimensional scream like Danyelle does but I can try."

"Very well." I said.

Tails soon returns with Madison and Inari.

Rainbow spoke "Whoa. That was fast."

Tails chuckles "No no no, fast would be you and Sonic though Rainbow."

Sonic spoke "Actually, we thought you three would be in there longer."

A Mewtwo in the same colors as Moeka crashes into Akane.

Ash asks "Twilight.... Did you do that?"

Twilight nervously giggled.

Moeka spoke "Zane screamed earlier..."

I couldn't help but facehoof.

Rainbow spoke "Twilight, you're an idiot."

I spoke "Girls, can you not fight right now? We need to stop Suri before some other innocent pony is killed."

Fluttershy spoke "Or worse... eaten."

Jaytwo spoke "The shy one is right Sparkle Butt."

To be Continued...

Scrambled Eggs/ Metal Beak's Warning

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*Danyelle's POV*

Shortly after splitting off from the group in Manehattan, I was jumpscared by movement in the shadows.

I growl "You don't scare me Metal Beak!"

A scarred yet half blind male Mew Poké-Mobian spoke from the shadows "So, you're that troublesome Mew that drove off them damned exorcists one time."

"And for some reason, no one knows it, not that I mind." I said.

Surtr spoke "I was once feared by all the other Mews but now, I'm nothing more that a ghost of my former self... And I go by Surtr now since it was my original name."

"Well, if you try anything to me or any of my friends down here, you'll regret it." I snarled as Metal Beak glared.

Surtr asks "How could I when I'm just a ghost?"

I only growled, not trusting at that.

Surtr heard a loud shout from someone.

"What now?" I asked.

Knowing that he doesn't want to piss a hormonal female off, Surtr spoke in a low tone "This way."

Surtr leads me over to where Blitzo was.

Blitzo was definitely walking around in anger, much to my confusion.

Surtr spoke "He's been upset since the last time you saw him."

"Something tells me he has a few anger issues." I noted.

Surtr chuckles "More so than I did when I was alive."

That chuckle caught me off guard.

Surtr asks "What?"

"Nothing." I answered shrugging it off before a male white mew with black tips and red markings showed up.

The Mew asks "I assume you're Blitz?"

Blitzo spoke "Ah! You must be the client! M&M, get over here!"

Two demons showed up.

I whisper "That has got to be Grimble, I heard about him from Soren."

But then Surtr quietly chuckled, confusing me more.

I ask "What's so funny?"

Surtr spoke "Nothing important."

I spoke "I'm no Shirou, Orion or Applejack but even I can tell that was a lie."

Blitzo asks "So, who do you want us to kill and send down here?"

Grimble spoke "Before I answer that, this isn't personal or revenge. *Brings out picture* But you can guess who this is."

Millie asks "Yer killer?"

Grimble nodded.

Moxxie spoke "Well, that really does zero it down."

I spoke "oh stars, they're planning on killing Nyra."

Surtr glared at that.

I fling a blade of air past Blitzo.

I growl "BLITZO! I heard everything you had said about Nyra and how you had hired demons to kill her! And since I have Surtr with me, I don't think it would sit well with me or Charlie if a pregnant female was killed."

Grimble spoke "Calm yourself, I hadn't known. Besides, I was hiring those of I.M.P.. Blitz, that target is called off."

Blitzo growls "Grr...! I really wanted to let out some fuckin' steam."

Grimble asks "Then perhaps two other mews who helped send me here could suffice?"

I spoke "With an unborn child's life on the line, I had to speak out. But there's also Kludd, he's out there somewhere... Plotting his revenge..."

Blitzo spoke "Two targets instead of one? Definitely better."

I spoke "But we don't know where Kludd is."

Then I noticed a female hellhound at the receptionist’s desk.

I spoke "Hey Loona."

Loona said nothing as she kept looking at her phone. Yep, she's definitely a goth girl.

A recently deceased mare was talking to Blitzo.

The mare spoke "I'm worried about my foal."

Blitzo spoke "Not even a shit's length of time in Hell and already plotting revenge? I can respect a client with that sort of passion."

I spoke "I sense that she was killed by someone infected by tarkat."

The mare spoke "My name is Snowy Twirl, but killing me wasn't the mare's fault. It looked like she tried to control herself, but started losing it."

I spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, keenest of the Mobian Guard."

Snowy spoke "Oh, nice to meet you."

But then my comm rang as I brought it up, seeing that Charlie was calling me.

I put the comm screen up.

I ask "Danyelle speaking, what's up Charlie?"

Charlie asks "We're throwing a party to celebrate Sir Pentious' first week at the hotel! And since you're in Hell right now, think you can make it?"

I spoke "Under the condition that I can't have any alcohol, I have a child on the way and I rather not risk giving them a mental disability."

Charlie spoke "Sure thing."

I spoke "I'll be there soon with guests."

I end the call.

Looking at Snowy, I spoke "You don't have to worry about your foal. Twilight adopted her."

Snowy asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah, plus your foal inherited your name to keep the memory alive."

Snowy couldn't help but cry as she hugged me.

I comfort Snowy.

"Wanna visit a party?" I offered.

Snowy spoke "*Sniffle!* Yeah..."

Surtr spoke "I've never been to a party before."

That surprised me so much I thought my eyes were gonna burst outta my head. "Say what?!"

Surtr spoke "It's obvious you don't trust me but I can't even hurt you if I wanted to."

...I think my brain overheated.

A blonde dragoness whacks me on the head with her tail.

“Gyah! What the?!” I gasped.

The blonde dragoness spoke "You had that coming."

“Sorry, who are you?” I apologized with a question.

The blonde dragoness spoke "think about it, you know my daughter."

“Layla?” I gasped in surprise.

Layla spoke "Yep! Charlie sent me to pick you and Snowy up."

“You know Charlie?” I asked, even more surprised.

Layla spoke "Yeah, I work at the hotel since I had no place of my own round here."

“Really?” I asked again.

Layla spoke "Yep, and I’ve lived there rent-free since."

Soon, Layla, Snowy, Surtr and I arrived at the hotel as we heard hammers banging, seeing two goats hanging up a banner saying “Happy First Week, Sir Pentious”.

Charlie spoke "*On ladder* That looks perfect! Aagh! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel."

Vaggie spoke "Um… Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago."

Charlie spoke "Well, I haven’t seen him try to pull any of that stuff here."

Layla spoke "I can vouch for that."

I spoke "Something is very fishy about that guy... I'm getting a red flag warning in my mind."

But then we saw Sir Pentious slither in, pushing some kind of steampunk weaponry with five of his egg bois on it.

Vaggie asks "What the hell is that?

Sir Pentious spoke "Oh, hello, purple female. *Bows with hat* It's my new invention, the "Skin Flayer 11,000". I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents.

...It took all of my strength to keep myself from facepalming.

Charlie asks "What? Why?

Sir Pentious spoke "Everyone is being too nice. Obviously, it must be a lie. I can sense they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared!"

Okay, so he's got trust issues.

Sir Pentious spoke "Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here."

Two female eagle sinner demon mobians showed up, with one, being white, carrying a sign list and the other, being brown, pushing in packages.

Layla spoke "Odette and Clara."

Odette spoke "Sign, please. *Sir Pentious signs before she and Clara started leaving* Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase."

Vaggie asks "Carmine? As in Carmilla Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Err, of course. She's the top weapons dealer in Hell."

Vaggie spoke "Okay, well, that stops right now. *Pushes packages away*"

Sir Pentious spoke "Hey."

Vaggie spoke "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome."

Sir Pentious seemed skeptical as Husk flipped the bird while drinking, Angel Dust also flipped the bird while looking at his phone, and Niffty gave a quiet heinous laugh while dusting with a bit of a crazy look in her eye.

Sir Pentious spoke "Hmm. I have my doubts."

Vaggie spoke "Well, it's true. You have to trust us."

Sir Pentious spoke "But I don't."

Surtr was growling but Layla held him back by the tail.

I spoke "ENOUGH!!! Can you guys NOT fight for five seconds? This hotel is supposed to be for folks wanting to change their ways! Not a DAMNED WARZONE!!!"

Charlie asks "Well, why don't we focus on trust for today's activites?"

Vaggie spoke "Not before we lay some ground rules. No more building weapons, no more plotting against other guests. And you need to get rid of these things."

Two of the egg bois were playing tug of war with a weapon piece before the piece accidentally shot a laser into the ceiling, making a hole on the ceiling and next floor ground.

Vaggie groans Ugh! What did I just say? What did I just say?"

Sir Pentious spoke "What? Not my little egg bois. *Hugs the five of them* They do my evil bidding for me."

Vaggie asks "Do you want to stay and redeem yourself?"

Sir Pentious spoke "*Slowly* Yes."

Vaggie spoke "Then no more eggs."

Sir Pentious spoke "*With tears in eyes while letting go of the five egg bois* Alright, eggies. You've got to go. I... *Sobs* Can't keep you anymore."

Egg Boi spoke "*With him and the other egg bois saluting* Okay, boss."

Sir Pentious spoke "*As the egg bois walked off with me, Layla, Surtr and Vaggie with her pushing the packages away* No, don't resist. This is how it has to be."

The two of us left as Sir Pentious sobbed into Charlie's shoulder. We soon put the packages away as we went into a room that seemed like half of a room, and half of a bayou.

Vaggie spoke "Alastor!"

We then saw Alastor, and he was eating a fresh venison corpse with a fork and knife on the bayou half.

Alastor spoke "Do you mind? I'm in the middle of breakfast."

I spoke "I don't trust that slippery snake though..."

Vaggie spoke "Pentious' eggs are all over the place, and I need you to get rid of them."

Alastor spoke "*Throwing away fork and knife before summoning his radio staff* Oh, well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!"

Vaggie spoke "Humanely!"

Alastor spoke "Hm. Well, that's a lot less hot, but I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today."

Vaggie spoke "Great."

Layla spoke "Ashley and I will come along for company."

Vaggie spoke "*Notices venison corpse* That looks disgusting."

I spoke "Venison is just deer meat though Vaggie."

Vaggie spoke "Alastor is a Wendigo though, so he’s probably a bit of a cannibal."

I spoke "I eat meat too but it doesn't mean I'm a cannibal."

Soon, we were back with Charlie.

Charlie spoke "Hi, guys. Thanks for coming. It’s been brought to our attention that there may be a little… tension in the hotel."

Vaggie spoke "*Takes away Sir Pentious’ ray gun* Tension that can be counterproductive to what we’re trying to do here."

Charlie spoke "We think that this group could really benefit from… *Jumps* Trust exercises!"

Vaggie spoke "*A little late* Trust exercises! Ah shit!"

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, we rehearsed this. *Sigh* We’re doing trust exercises."

I ask "You sure about this?"

Charlie spoke "Absolutely."

*Ashley’s POV*

Sirens were heard blaring through the city as Layla and I were on the outing with Alastor.

Layla spoke "That can't be good!"

“That’s how it usually is in Pentagram City, Layla. Not much we can do about it.” I pointed out.

Egg Boiz spoke "(Frank) Oh, boy. What’s the plan, boss? I like your suit. (#2) What are the antlers for? (#3) Can I touch your staff thing? (#4) *As Alastor’s right eye twitched* Are those your ears? Or is it your hair? I can’t tell."

A voice asks "Hark, Alastor and Ashley. How fare thee both this day?

A tall male spider sinner demon Mobian appeared in front of us. Old man Zestial.

Frank asks "Who’s that, boss? Want me to rough him up for you?"

Alastor spoke "Follow in silence if you value your shell. Greetings Zestial!"

A sinner demon passed by before noticing Zestial, Alastor and myself. “*Jumping in shock* Oh holy shit! *Falls onto his back*”

Zestial spoke "Ah, the weather doth become this fine day.

A second passing-by demon screams in fear "Ho! Oh-oh! *Hides in the trash*"

Alastor spoke "*As the first passing-by demon ran away* Indeed. Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon."

“Better bring out a strong umbrella of that’s the case.” I quipped as another demon noticed us before screaming as he poured gasoline on himself and set himself on fire while running away.

Zestial spoke "If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou? *As we kept walking* It has been an age since thou both hath graced us with thy presence."

Another demon was taking a selfie before noticing us in the picture, making him fumble his phone. “Oh, fuck!”

Zestial spoke "Some hath spun wild tales of you two falling to… holy arm."

Alastor and I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

Alastor spoke "Oh, I just took a well earned sabbatical. Nothing serious. Though it’s fun to keep everyone on their toes. *Chuckles*"

Layla spoke "Talk about weird... Then again, the guild that my daughter's in is crazy all the time."

"Yeah? Wait until you meet the rest of the overlords." I added.

Zestial chuckles "There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. *Briefly opens his cloak and opens his eyes fully* Tell me, how does thou both fall in such folly?"

"Eh, doing what I wanna do." I shrugged off.

Alastor spoke "That is for me to know. But please do guess. I'd love to know the theories."

Zestial chuckles "T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm."

"Yeah, Alastor is a total mystery." I agreed while telling that to Layla.

Alastor spoke "Coming from someone as ancient as you, Zestial, I take that as quite the compliment."

Layla asks "Ancient? What does he mean by that?"

"Zestial is the oldest overlord in Hell." I answered as we arrived at a building with the entrance doors being elevators.

*back at the hotel*

Danyelle was restraining Surtr by the scruff of the neck.

Surtr asks "Where are we heading now?"

Danyelle spoke "No idea, but I hope Angel Dust knows what he's doing."

*Back with us...*

Zestial, Alastor, Layla and I were in the building as we encountered the other overlords and entered a meeting room as we took our seats before a female eagle sinner demon mobian showed up while walking on the tip of what seemed to be blade slippers with them giving off a metallic clink. It was Carmilla Carmine.

Carmilla spoke "Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. *As her two daughters showed up* I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new extermination schedule. *Pounds fist onto the table* We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact of our interest. *As Zestial took a seat and summoned a cup of tea* Zestial, so good to see you, my friend.

Zestial spoke "Enchanted as always Carmilla. *Sips some tea*"

I can tell by the looked on Layla's face that she was shocked what was going on, but calmed herself down as Carmilla smiled, happy to see Zestial and me again, since I'm good friends with her two daughters, Odette and Clara.

Carmilla spoke "I suppose your parents asked you to fill in for them again."

"Well, you know how they are in the mortal world since they're keeping tabs on stuff there." I replied with a shrug.

Carmilla asks "Alastor?"

Alastor spoke "Yes, I know I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering."

Carmilla spoke "Not really. But welcome back in any case. *Snaps fingers as she grabbed a info list* This year's extermination was *Spanish accent* brutal, *As her daughters took their seats* far more than years past. We have assessed that about *As Odette pressed a button, showing the info on a board* 16% of the population was lost. With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly I think it prudent we-"

But then the door slammed open, revealing a red and black vixen sinner demon mobian with her hair in pigtails while wearing skull earrings and a fashionable outfit. *Sigh* It's Velvette, one of the Vees.

Velvette spoke "*On phone* Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought. *Laughs* Yes, I know. They're all a joke. *Laughs* Thank you, Vee. See you soon. *Kisses* Kisses, darling. *Takes a seat while ending the call*"

Carmilla asks "Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your... colleagues be joining?"

Velvette spoke "*On phone* No. They have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who think she's tough shit. *As Carmilla's eyes narrowed* I'm here to represent."

Carmilla spoke "Charming.

Ugh... Velvette is so annoying.

Layla bit back a snarl since she didn't like Velvette.

Carmilla asks "So, as I was saying, we need to discuss-*Notices Velvette raising her hand* Yes?"

Velvette spoke "On the subject of discussion..."

Velvette suddenly threw a decapitated head of an exorcist onto the table, still bleeding light golden yellow blood, surprising most of us here. Danyelle told me that she and her two friends left no traces of the exorcists they killed last extermination."

Carmilla asks "Where did you get this?"

Velvette spoke "We found it during extermination day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan."

Then we heard slurping noises as Zestial was still drinking his tea before he put the cup back on the saucer.

Zestial spoke "If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war, with such meager proof. *As Carmilla took a seat* Thou art far more foolish than I be thought."

Velvette scoffs "Meager proof? It's a dead fucking exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?"

Zestial asks "We know not how this perished, mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. *As Alastor tasted some of the angel's blood, smiling at that* If we rush to war without knowing mightn't they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?"

The rest of us talked in agreement with Zestial at that.

Velvette spoke "Oh, I get it. So Grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right? *Notices Zestial slightly narrow his eyes* Oh. What's the matter, Fossil? To senile to make a real power grab for-"

Song - Respectless

Most of us were silent at that.

Alastor spoke "That was a productive meeting."

Velvette spoke "*Turning away and walking off* Hmmph, fine. Safe travels back to the nursing home, fuckers. *Flips the bird while exiting the door* Kiss my ass. *Laughs*"

Zeezi spoke "What the hell? We literally just got here."

Odette asks "Mother?"

Most of us were leaving as Layla and I followed Zestial, Carmilla and her daughters to another room.

*Danyelle's POV*

I... *Stammering* I... Don't know what to say right now.

Vaggie asks "Angel! What the actual fuck?"

Angel spoke "*Showing fuzzy handcuffs* No activity requires more trust than BDSM, baby. No bond stronger than those formed through bondage. That's their motto."

There was... actually and literally a flyer for that. *Urp!* I think I'm gonna hurl.

Charlie spoke "Angel, love the enthusiasm. But umm, uh... Hmmmm..."

Vaggie asks "What makes you think anyone would be into this?"

Husk spoke "*Purrs while being massaged* Ya know, I... I don't hate this. *Chuckles*"

Niffty spoke "*Shows up in a dominatrix outfit while wielding a horse whip* I'm ready to punish some bad boys. *Giggle*"

Husk spoke "*Gets up* Never mind, I-I'm out."

Charlie spoke "Okay, hello, there. Hi. Um. Hm..."

Vaggie spoke "*Grabs Charlie* Ugh, I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here Angel."

"Neither can I believe I let us get dragged here, Vaggie. Neither can I." I agreed.

Vaggie spoke "This is disgusting."

Charlie spoke "It's no big deal, Vaggie. You know, maybe I can just help, uh-"

Vaggie spoke "No. I told you, you could trust me. And I'm not gonna let you down. I just need to teach them *Smile* the way I was taught."

Later, we were at the top of a roof, looking down over a battlefield.

Charlie asks "*As a demon screamed* This is how you learned to trust people?!"

"Looks like it." I noted, definitely feeling better.

Surtr spoke "You lot are yoicks!"

Vaggie spoke "*Drill sergeant tone* There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades-in-arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men. *Smirks with her hair blown in the wind from an explosion before looking at Sir Pentious* You..."

Sir Pentious spoke "*Backing up* Wait, wait! *Picked up by Vaggie* I can't fight without my minions-"

Vaggie spoke "*Throws Sir Pentious onto the battlefield* Are going to survive together. *To Angel Dust as Sir Pentious screamed* And you..."

Angel Dust spoke "D-Don't you even think about it-"

Vaggie spoke "*Picks up Angel Dust as Husk sneaked away* Are going to make this hotel work! *Throws Angel Dust onto the battlefield as he screamed*

Niffty spoke "*Excitedly as Vaggie smirked* My turn, my turn!"

Vaggie picked up Niffty before Charlie grabbed the demon dog sinner Mobian.

Charlie spoke "Vaggie! No!"

Vaggie spoke "This is the only way they'll learn, Charlie."

Charlie spoke "No, it's not. *Puts Niffty down* There are other ways. It just takes time."

Vaggie asks "*As Niffty purposely fell off the roof* Time we don't have. How many exterminations will have gone by before these idiots get their shit together? How many times do we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway?

Charlie spoke "Vaggie..."

Vaggie spoke "I took charge today and it all went sideways. I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality. I'm supposed to protect you. I'm supposed to never fail you."

Angel spoke "*From the battlefield* I blame you for this you crazy bitch!"

Charlie spoke "You didn't fail me, Vaggie... You're not-"

Vaggie asks "If I can't help you, what's the point of me?"

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, don't say that! You do so much! It's-"

Vaggie spoke "I'm sorry. I'd like to be alone for a minute."

Angel Dust came back up while carrying Sir Pentious before dropping him. "Made it."

Charlie spoke "Let's go home, guys."

Angel spoke "Ugh! I just walked up all those stairs. *Dragging Sir Pentious by the tail*"

I spoke "Good thing I didn't get yeeted off, I can float though."

The rest of us left, giving Vaggie some time alone.

*Ashley's POV*

Carmilla muttered in Spanish as she pour herself a glass before drinking the bottle.

Zestial spoke "Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing thy composure is unlike thee."

Layla sighs.

Carmilla spoke "*Sigh* It's nothing, Zestial. Really."

Zestial asks "The felled angel... 'twas by thy hand, was it not?"

That info surprised me. "Wait, Carmilla killed an exorcist?"

Carmilla spoke "Let's not talk about it."

Clara spoke "Mom... Maybe these guys should know."

Carmilla spoke "Nobody should know. I did what I had to do. I am not discussing this."

Song - Whatever it Takes

Layla and I soon went back to the Hazbin Hotel, catching up with Danyelle, Surtr, Vaggie and Charlie.

Vaggie spoke "Hey."

Charlie spoke "Hey."

Vaggie spoke "*Sigh* I'm sorry I got so crazy today."

Charlie spoke "*Places hand on Vaggie's* No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put pressure on you. We work as a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier. But we'll figure it out... together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them."

Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Niffty and Husk were having a good laugh at the lobby/living room.

Angel Dust spoke "And then when that buff guy started beating the shit outta you."

Sir Pentious spoke "Ha ha! Yes, with the dismembered arm. Yes, that was particularly unpleasant."

Niffty spoke "*Giggles* I liked that part."

Husk spoke "Well hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ. You did okay, new kid. *Drinks bottle*"

Sir Pentious spoke "Really? Oh, well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumble today. *Laughs* And thank you for pulling me out of there."

Angel Dust gave a hard pat on the back as the four laughed and giggled.

Vaggie: Well, how about that?"

Alastor returned with the five Egg Boiz.

Vaggie spoke "Alastor... *Smile* Failed to get rid of the eggs, I see."

Alastor spoke "Yes, well, the little monsters proved to be rather useful."

Vaggie asks "While don't you give them back to Pentious?"

Sir Pentious asks "Really?"

Vaggie spoke "Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them. But seriously, no more weapons."

Sir Pentious spoke "*Emotionally while hugging the five egg boiz* Ahhhh! My eggs! Yeah. Oh it's so good to have you back. *Shouts while putting them down* Now go clean my quarters this instant!"

Danyelle giggled a bit.

Charlie spoke "Maybe things will move faster than you think."

Danyelle's eyes flash white suddenly as a vision kicked in.

Danyelle spoke "Guys, I got a bad feeling..."

"Whaddya mean?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I just hope it doesn't come to pass."

Surtr spoke "I've been having recurring nightmares about orange eyes..."

Danyelle asks "Wait, orange eyes?"

Surtr spoke "Barring those who were born with orange eyes, I've been seeing that eye color on others..."

Danyelle asks "Did they look slitted?"

Surtr spoke "Yeah... Along with saber teeth too...."

Danyelle facepalmed. "I need to get back to my friends."

Surtr spoke "I'm worried about Nyra but I can't leave Tartarus."

Danyelle spoke "Well, I got a lot to think about right now."

Looking at Charlie, Surtr asks "Would your dad even allow me to go up to the surface?"

Charlie spoke "I... I don't know. Maybe for a limited time, but I'm not sure."

Danyelle spoke "If my parents were able to gain new bodies when I used Soul Rebirth, it could work for Surtr."

Surtr asks "Remember young Kludd?"

Danyelle spoke "From what I heard from Soren, Kludd wanted power at a young age. He went as far as moonblinking his own sister."

Surtr spoke "I may have been partially to blame for him going down that path."

Danyelle spoke "He was already going corrupt at a young age."

Danyelle opened a Warp Ring.

Danyelle asks "You coming Ashley?"

“Really?” I asked.

Danyelle giggles "I can tell you want to see Cam right?"

Okay, that made me blush a little.

Danyelle spoke "Let's go!"


Rarity Takes Manehatten Part 2

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*Rarity's POV (still)*

This is going to be challenging.

Twilight spoke "We need Danyelle back."

Rainbow spoke "Let’s hope she gets here soon."

Danyelle soon arrives with a demonic fox Mobian and a demonic Mew Poké-Mobian.

Danyelle spoke "Hey guys!"

“Hmm? Who are they?” I asked, though some of the Mews immediately took defensive positions at the demonic Mew.


Danyelle spoke "*Facepalm!* Should’ve seen this coming."

The demonic Mew spoke "Expected as much."

A Mobian gryphon hen with the looks of a cheetah and peregrine falcon crashes into Sonic.

Swiftrunner snickers "That's what, 13 now?"

Sonic spoke "*Dread and somehow excited at the same time* At this rate, 20 might become inevitable…"

Blaze giggles "If this keeps up, the Ogami clan will be as big as the Apple Family!"

Applejack asks "*Ears perk up* Sorry, whut was that?"

Sonic spoke "Think about it Applejack, I've got at least 12 kids. Lance is dating Applebloom. Swifty's the only chakat in the Ogami clan so far since none of the other chakats are interested. Aunt Yuu and Uncle Kita have yet to find love, Aunt Moonlight's too young for love."

Applejack’s eye twitched slightly at that. “Oh really? You think yer family’s gonna be bigger than the Apples?”

Sonic spoke "Don't test me Applesmack. I can run circles around you!"

Applejack spoke "And Ah'm way stronger than y'all!"

Sonic and Applejack started butting heads.

Sonic spoke "You're a bigger bonehead than Knuckles and Ein combined!"

Applejack spoke "Ya have a bigger ego than Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust put together!"

Sonic was soon in werehog despite it being daytime before grabbing Applejack and giving her a noogie.

Applejack started tickling him with her tail.

Sonic spoke "Nice try Applejack, I'm not that ticklish."

A white furred pregnant Mew Poké-Mobian with some red markings tackled Surtr with a hug, crying into his fur.

That put Soren and his friends on guard even more.

Danyelle growls "Back off Soren, you shouldn't attack a pregnant female."

That made Soren flinch a bit, bit still remained on guard in case him or any of his friends get attacked.

Twilight spoke "She's got a point Soren. As things are now, your brother is a bigger threat than a pregnant Mew."

Soren now seemed to be struggling with himself.

Rainbow spoke "Call me crazy, but I think Soren needs a talk with Celestia AND Luna."

A low growl catches the others and I off guard.

Akane was shaking in fear.

“I suppose we didn’t need to search, because the tarkatan pony came to us.” I noted.

Danyelle growls "Oh StarClan no... It's worse! Suri found a way around the blessing and infected others!"

I couldn’t help but facehoof at that.

Danyelle yowls loudly, calling upon High Goddess Faust.

High Goddess Faust asks "Hmm? What’s wrong?"

Danyelle spoke "Suri found a way around the blessing you had given to everyone."

High Goddess Faust spoke "*Facehoof!* Guess those fighting instincts Tarkat can give really are nothing to sneeze at."

Pinkie did a rimshot on a drum set.

Danyelle groans "It was just as bad with the Oripathy disease..."

High Goddess Faust asks "Hey! It’s not easy to get, ‘member?"

Twilight spoke "One pony has already died because of this mess."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Looks like we’ll have to beat the infected unconscious. And before you say anything, a single battle with a Tarkatan won’t infect you."

Danyelle opens a warp ring before Teermakus tumbles out.

Danyelle spoke "This guy has Tarkat though but I'm afraid there is no cure for tarkat."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Yet, at least. But Teermakus should be able to help teach the infected to control themselves after we calm them down."

Ears flatten, Twilight spoke "That still doesn't explain the murder. This little one lost her mother because of Suri."

Teermakus spoke "She must have been fighting the bloodlust in her."

Danyelle spoke "If only there was a way to fully purge the virus.... I got it! I think I can attempt Chaos Purge!"

Danyelle uses Chaos Purge on Teermakus, fully removing the virus from the hippogriff.

Teermakus spoke "That only treated the symptoms, it will come back."

Twilight uses her magic to scan Teermakus.

Twilight gasps "It's not there anymore! It's fully gone!"

But Teermakus only shook his head at that. “That’s merely what you think, but I can still feel Tarkat inside me.”

Danyelle spoke "But it's not tethered to your soul though. If I can use Soul Transfer on you to move your soul to a new body, it might give you a fresh new body that isn't infected."

Teermakus spoke "I’m sorry, but no."

Danyelle growls "I don't take no for an answer."

Teermakus spoke "Listen, I know this may sound insane, but if I can control my bloodlust, I may be able to use the abilities Tarkat gave me for a good cause."

Sonic spoke "Dude, you don't say no to a hormonal female. Especially if she's a Psychic type."

Teermakus spoke "We don’t have time to fight amongst ourselves right now. We need to stop the other Tarkatans."

Tails spoke "Sonic gotten a bucket thrown at him one time since Zelda was hormonal."

Sonic spoke "You just HAD to bring that up Tails!"

Danyelle shook her head, calming herself down. “Come on, we can talk later. Right now we gotta stop the infected.”

Sardon pops up suddenly with heavy duty rubber gloves on.

Sardon spoke "I think I could study some of the victims to get a better understanding of the virus so Zane and I can work on the cure."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Doesn’t mean it’ll be easy though, I’ve searched and I found no clues."

Sardon spoke "I'm not that type of fox to give up, I'll keep trying until a cure is found!"

Danyelle asks "Even if it takes years?"

Sardon spoke "Yes!"

Danyelle spoke "Then I trust you."

Sonic spoke "Just watch out for Ein."

Sardon spoke "Yeah, I know the drill."

Rainbow spoke "Once an ass, always an ass! No offense to the donkeys and mules though."

A nearby mule spoke "None taken.

Sonic asks "What the-How did…?"

“Don’t question it.” I and the other members of the Mane 6 said.

The mule spoke "We mules tend to be the butt end of jokes or puns a lot."

Sonic spoke "Anyway, let’s get moving!"

The mule spoke "Right!"

Fluttershy asks "Um, what’s your name?"

Flo spoke "I'm Flo."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh."

Flo spoke "And before anyone asks, I can't have children the natural way."

Rainbow spoke "We can worry about that later. Right now, we gotta knock the infected out cold before things get worse."

Roll spoke "About that, I've knocked them all out already."

“So fast!” The rest of us, except Sonic and his other wives, gasped in shock.

Roll giggles "I am a ninja after all."

Roll then moved aside, revealing the unconscious pile of infected bodies, surprising us more.

Moonfang spoke "Ya cheeky hedgefox."

Roll jumped up in shock. “Gyah! Moonfang, where did you come from?!”

Crosswind laughs "Ah think shi followed Manic."

Danyelle giggles "It takes a lot to scare a ninja though."

Sonic asks "Ya know what would be weird?"

Danyelle spoke "I remember this one time where Discord got tangled in a thorn bush when he was chasing Mamoru and Diamond."


Jasmine and Pandora were both laughing at Discord.

Discord was limping funnily since he was covered with thorns.

Pandora spoke "Hey-- There they go! There they go!

Discord spoke "*Removing thorns* So go get 'em."

Pandora asks "There ain't no way I'm going in there. What, you want me to come out looking like you? Cactus Butt?"

Discord spits a few thorns into Jasmine's muzzle, making her yelp in pain.

Discord spoke "That wasn't funny dear..."

*end flashback*

Surtr was laughing though not in an evil way.

That caught Soren and his friends completely off guard.

Danyelle spoke "I scared him senseless before coming back here."

*Danyelle’s POV*

Despite not showing that in the slightest.

*Rarity’s POV*

“Are you certain?” I asked.

Surtr spoke "I learned the HARD way not to piss a pregnant female off."

I can tell it’ll take time for Soren and the others to warm up to him.

Danyelle whispers in Soren's ear.

Danyelle whispers "He's rather funny when drunk."

Soren asks "Huh?"

Danyelle pulls out a bottle of cider before pouring it down Surtr's throat, causing the scarred Mew to become drunk.

Surtr spoke "Hey *hic* Soren... I'm *hic* sorry for *hic* trying to kill *hic* you."

Soren was now confused.

Applejack spoke "*Bead of sweat* Was that really necessary, Dany? That was hard apple cider."

Danyelle spoke "He's more honest when drunk though and...."

A sharp pain shot up Danyelle's back.

Danyelle spoke "I need a hospital... now..."

“Talk about timing!” I noted as Fluttershy escorted Danyelle to a hospital.

Sonic spoke "Since Danyelle grew up an Ogami, she will always be part of the clan."

Then I noticed Coco looking at one of the infected mares in the pile.

Moonfang asks "Ya okay?"

Coco spoke "Suri Polomare."

That’s it! That’s why she seemed so familiar!

Moonfang asks "Wasn't she yer former employer?"

Coco asks "…How do you know?"

Moonfang spoke "Danyelle's Dimensional Scream."

Coco spoke "But… She lost control of herself when I quit. She was trying so hard to keep herself from going berserk."

Twilight spoke "But it doesn't excuse her for what she had done to the original Snowy Twirl."

Sonic spoke "And since Danyelle is immune to tarkat, she can never be infected by it."

Teermakus spoke "It was not her fault Twilight. You know that as much as I do that Tarkat caused her to do this."

Twilight spoke "Sure am glad about that."

Moonfang spoke "In the end, she was just another victim."

Teermakus spoke "Still, it’d be wise to help them control their bloodlust."

Twilight spoke "Which I think you should handle that Teermakus."

Teermakus spoke "I accept that, Princess Twilight."

Twilight spoke "You don't have to call me Princess though Teermakus, we're friends after all."

Teermakus spoke "Understood."

My eyes shimmer.

I spoke "Uh guys, there's a tarkat-infected dragon heading to the hospital! Red scales but it's not Natsu or Igneel!"

Twilight spoke "OH COME ON!"

Deep Blue spoke "We have to stop that dragon before it hurts Danyelle since she's at her most vulnerable stage!"

Rainbow spoke "Let’s go!"

Rainbow flew off right after that dragon.

The others and I run after Rainbow.

We made it to the hospital, finding Rainbow Dash holding off the dragon.

Twilight fired a roar at the dragon as she went into her Deep Lilac form.

Deep Lilac yells "LEAVE THE HOSPITAL ALONE!!!"

Rainbow spoke "Talk about timing."

Deep Lilac spoke "We have to identify the dragon as well!"

A dragoness with white scales and blue eyes rams headfirst into the dragon, pinning him down.

The dragoness spoke "That's far enough Garble!"

“Say what?!” Most of us gasped in complete shock.

Surtr spoke "I didn't *hic* see that *hic* one coming..."

Roll spoke "If you need me to, I can make him go to sleep for a while."

Deep Lilac asks "Which brings up a strange question.... Hey Teermakus, are tarkat-infected folks able to have kids with non-infected folks?"

Teermakus spoke "That question doesn’t have an answer, because that has never happened before."

Deep Lilac spoke "Its probably not a good idea though. There is a risk of the children getting the disease from one of their parents."

Pinkie spoke "Call me silly, but maybe the baby might get Tarkatan abilities without getting sick at all if that happens."

Sonic spoke "But such a theory hasn't been tested yet."

Well, this is peachy.

Spitfire had a bit of a problem with one of her front hooves.

Spitfire asks "Does anyone know how to deal with hooves?"

Sonic spoke "Dany knows, but is kinda busy with giving birth at the moment."

Spitfire spoke "Oh."

Sonic spoke "Sorry about that."

Deep Lilac spoke "We could go check on her."

Rainbow spoke "Right."

*In one of the delivery rooms*

Danyelle was resting on a bed with a wing covering her chest.

Danyelle spoke "Oh hey guys."

Sonic asks "Hey Dany, think you can help Spitfire with something?"

Danyelle spoke "I will once I regain my strength..."

It was obvious that Danyelle was getting weaker.

Sonic spoke "Easy Dany. You should use some Zs."

Zoey pops up suddenly.

Zoey spoke "Her vitals are getting weaker!"

Deep Lilac spoke "Oh, for the love of…!"

Sonic spoke "Dany! You can't die now!"

A warp ring opens up as Ben and all 14 of Danyelle's other children arrive.

Gallus spoke "Mom!"

Another warp ring opened as Josuke came out.

Maria had followed Josuke.

Maria spoke "I had sensed something was off about Danyelle so I alerted Josuke."

Starlight pops up.

Starlight spoke "If it wasn't for Danyelle, I would have caused trouble later on. She reunited me with Sunburst."

Josuke gained a pink aura before a yellow aura appeared around Danyelle as her vitals were definitely getting better.

Maria uses Chaos Heal on Danyelle.

Zoey spoke "This has to work... "

Deep Lilac scanned Danyelle with magic. “Her vitals are returning to normal, same with her insides as well. No damage.”

Spitfire and the others sigh with relief.

Maria asks "But what about the little one?"

We heard mewling as Danyelle gently smiled.

Ben asks "Is it a boy or girl?"

Danyelle giggles "It’s a beautiful baby girl."

Danyelle moves her wing out of the way, revealing a baby piebald Mew.

Gallus spoke "Huh, a piebald."

Ben spoke "Aww! She’s adorable."

Danyelle spoke "I didn't expect her to be a piebald Mew."

Deep Lilac spoke "Take it easy, Dany. You’ve earned it."

Bluestar asks "what's her name?"

Danyelle spoke "…Bella."

The Mitten mewls in protest.

Ben chuckles "I don't think she likes that name."

Danyelle spoke "Oops… Sorry."

Starlight asks "How about Aurora?"

To the surprise of the others, the piebald Mew mewls happily.

Danyelle snickers "*Teasing smirk* Now how did you know, Starlight?"

Starlight giggles "I overheard the Nightlight Mewtwos talking about it."

Danyelle giggles "Didn’t know you were so good at spying."

Starlight spoke "I'm not."

Rainbow spoke "Uh girls, Suri's here and she's mad!"

Teermakus sighs "Her bloodlust might have gained a jumpstart."

A blue blur that wasn't Sonic slams into Suri, knocking her out cold.

Sonictwo spoke "That was bloody close!"

Sonic spoke "Glad you’re getting better Sonictwo."

Sonictwo chuckles "I still have the signs of tarkat but I don't feel as sick in the head as I did back on Nightmare Night."

Teermakus spoke "It seems you have trained yourself well."

Sonictwo spoke "Well, I kinda have you to thank for that, teach."

Orion spoke "I hate to say this but we have to kill Suri before she kills one of us."

Teermakus: Don’t not assume that the second this happens. Battle can help drain anger.

Sonic spoke "That was not the case with Spoiled though."

“Remember what Coco told us?” I reminded.

Danyelle soon gets a call from Blitzo so she puts him on speakerphone.

Danyelle asks "What's up Blitz?"

Blitzo: You got someone headed your way, and fast.

Clarity showed up. “Hey guys.”

A male demonic dog-alicorn hybrid with white fur and gold eyes along with clothes similar to Sesshomaru's clothes soon arrives.

The male spoke "Hey sis!"

To be Continued

Rarity Takes Manehatten Part 3

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*Clarity’s POV*

Wait, is that…?

The male chuckles "Wow sis, you're more dense than Inuyasha is."

I tackle-hugged my brother. “I was just making sure, ya doofus!”

Ryōta soon has me in a headlock while giving me a noogie thus mssing up my mane.

The two of us then tussled and wrestled for good fun.

Ryōta pins me down.

Ryōta chuckles "Pinned ya sis!"

“No fair!” I pouted.

Ryōta chuckles "I'm about as strong as Inuyasha is."

Rarity asks "Pardon me, but what’s going on?"

Sonic spoke "Seems Grand Auntie Celestia forgot about her other child."

Ryōta spoke "Hey, I’ve been away training."

I scoff "You're an idiot."

Ryōta chuckles "Hehe, and who’s gotcha pinned down?"

I spoke "Hey, let me up!"

Ryōta spoke "*Smirk* Then tell me who you have your eyes on."

I spoke "As if I'd tell you! And you're one to talk bro, I heard rumors that you have a crush on a hellhound!"

Ryōta blushed at that before smirking. “You asked for this. *Licks his finger* Wet willy!”

Ryōta twisted his wet finger into one of my ears.

I yank Ryōta's tail with magic.

The two of us were now in a comical fight cloud.

Danyelle used her magic to teleport Ryōta and I to different places.

*Ryōta's POV*

I wound up in Loona's room by mistake.

I spoke "Uh... hi."

Loona growled at the sudden arrival.

I spoke "Blame the two-tailed cat, she sent me here by mistake."

But when I looked down, my entire head turned hellfire red.

I spoke "Well, this was a fine mess I got myself into..."

But then a bullet whooshed by me as I saw Blitz in the room, pointing a gun at me, not happy.

“I better scram.” I told myself as I jumped out the window.

I was clipped on the right wing.

I yelp "OW!! SON OF A BITCH!!"

An extremely pissed off Daybreaker shows up at Blitzo's front door.


I spoke "Mom, calm down. I’m alright."

Daybreaker spoke "That hole in your right wing says otherwise."

I spoke "It’ll get better."

Daybreaker spoke "I keep forgetting that demons heal faster than most."

Daybreaker immediately calmed down after that.

Daybreaker spoke "Huh, I'm still in my dark form."

“Not surprising, given where you are right now, Mom.” I pointed out.

Daybreaker spoke "I'm still mad at that asswipe for what he did to your wing, he should have known that it was just a prank from Danyelle."

I sigh "I shouldn't have been there in the first place..."

Daybreaker spoke "Perhaps I oughta clear things up with him."

Daybreaker grabs Blitzo with magic, dragging him outside.

And hoo boy, did he have a menacing scowl.

Daybreaker spoke "Look dumbass, it was just a harmless prank from Danyelle. Ryōta had nothing to do with where he ended up."

Loona came out, clearly angry and embarrassed about what happened.

I spoke "Look miss, it wasn't my fault. it was the blue fuzzball's doing."

Loona spoke "If that happens again, it won’t be pretty. For either of you."

I spoke "First off, the nekomata wasn't in the right mind at the time when she teleported me. And second... I think you're hot and that's not because of the flames or anything!"

I shut my mouth right after I had said that.

The next thing I knew, before Blitz could do anything, I found myself pinned against the wall by the female hellhound.

Loona growls "If you’re lying right to my face, you’re in for a hell of pain."

I spoke "I swear by my Uncle Shirou's name that I would never lie to you!"

The hellhound kept growling as she was right in my face with her eyes glaring into mine like her dagger eyes were piercing my soul. But then she softened and stopped before letting me go as I fell from my inner emotional whirlwind.

Loona spoke "I’ll give ya one shot. Tomorrow, 6 o’clock sunset. If ya blow it… Well, sure you get the clue by now."

I spoke "Girl, you're more scarier than Kagome is when she's in a pissy mood."

The hellhound then walked off while only my mom noticed her having a slight smirk, making Daybreaker smile as the hellhound went into the house.

“But man… What a woman.” I sighed, head over heels as my legs felt like wet noodles.

Daybreaker titters "Boy, you have it bad."

I didn’t hear any of that however as mom came over to me.

Daybreaker giggles "*Whispers into my ear* Maybe your father can help give you some advice."

Now THAT got my attention.

I spoke "But mom, you know by now that dad's not that good at giving advice. I could ask Cadence instead."

Daybreaker giggles "Well the choice is yours."

I ask "How did you and dad meet anyway?"

Daybreaker spoke "*Blushing madly* Um… Maybe we should get back to your father before answering that."

I spoke "It's enough that Kagome's from the future, 500 years into the future in fact..."

Daybreaker spoke "Please? Because this may need to be discussed privately."

I snicker "What's the matter mom? Too chicken to confess in front of someone else?"

I then noticed Blitz giving an interested smirk.

I spoke "Seems someone else wants to know!"

My mom definitely seemed nervous before she broke. “Alright! Alright! I’ll tell you. But please, don’t tell anyone else, because only your father and I truly know what happened. Also Luna since she wouldn’t stop asking.”

I ask "But wasn't auntie Luna sealed away in the moon 220 years ago?"

Daybreaker spoke "I always felt like she was still watching my dreams from the moon."

I chuckle "I bet grandma blew a gasket back then!"

Daybreaker spoke "Don’t remind me. My mom was on the tipping point of losing it."

I chuckle "And I bet you got a bit jealous of Auntie Luna long ago because she had foals before you did."

Mom blushed hellfire red at that before she slowly curved a smirk. “I’ll definitely need to see my husband after this.”

Tama soon arrives, courtesy of a warp ring by Danyelle.

Tama chuckles "You were saying Celly?"

Daybreaker spoke, "*Mischievous giggle* Well, I certainly don’t want to fall behind my own little sister in the amount of children, now do I, you handsome devil you."

Tama asks "Two kids isn't enough for you?"

Daybreaker teases "*As her tail and mane of flames gently wrapped around Tama without burning him* Come on, my little demon. Why don’t we have some fun midnight tonight, or at high noon tomorrow?"

My mom nuzzled my dad, making him blush madly.

Clarity spoke "Eww! Get a hotel room!"

“When did you show up?” I asked my sis.

Clarity spoke "Idiot, I came here with dad."

"Oh." I noted.

Clarity spoke "And mom, I don't want any more siblings. One pain in the ass brother is enough."

Daybreaker whispered into Clarity's ear, "Then maybe a sister will be better."

Clarity spoke "...Okay mom."

I spoke "I don't want another mare-bitch of a sister! One is more than enough!"

Daybreaker: ...Perhaps the story can wait for another time.

Clarity and I spoke "No fair mom!"

But then someone showed up while covering Clarity's eyes with his paws.

An Entei chuckles "Guess who, Claire."

Clarity giggles "Hey Ifrit."

Ifrit asks "How’s my she-demon doing?"

Clarity giggles "You sly Entei!"

Ifrit chuckles "Better a sly Entei than a dumbass dragon."

But then Ifrit licked and nibbled one of Clarity’s ears while gently pulling it, making her wings flair out with her eyes dilating wide open and a huge blush showing up on her face before she gained half-lidded eyes and a dopey smile with her ears drooping while she felt like putty.

Clarity spoke "I'm so fucking horny right now..."

Ifrit spoke "Don’t worry, baby. I know where to go down here."

Clarity drags the Entei off somewhere.

I sigh "I should apologize to Blitz..."

Daybreaker spoke "He’s already here, Ryōta."

I sigh "Look Blitz, I didn't mean to walk in on Loona when she was getting dressed. It was just a prank that the nekomata had pulled."

Blitzo raised an eyebrow at that while squinting his eyes.

Daybreaker spoke "He's telling the truth, Danyelle was the one who had pulled the prank on him."

Blitzo spoke "Well it better not happen again, ‘cause I already have enough trouble with the wall shit at I.M.P. I mean we HAVE a door!"

I ask "What the fuck happened anyway?"

Blitzo spoke "Blown up, crashed through, filled with holes, pulled out and apart at times."

Daybreaker spoke "And here I thought that dumbass dragon was bad enough... He has this habit of blowing shit up for the fun of it and I heard from my OC-verse counterpart that a spotted hyena Mobian nearly killed the Rarity of that universe."

"Yeesh." I winced at that.

Daybreaker spoke "It would have ended badly if the Lillian and Lucy of that universe hadn't interfered."

Tama chuckles "Ya think?"

Daybreaker soon gets a letter from Danyelle, stating that an emergency has arisen.

Daybreaker sighs "No time for rest."

I read the scroll.

Ears flatten, I spoke "Oh no.... Metal Sonic is planning something hella nasty!"

*Back in Manehatten,*

*Danyelle's POV*

I was in a cage with my younger children and I couldn't get out since the cage had no lock and it was immune to all forms of attack.

I tried my best to keep my kids calm.

I look to the night sky and prayed.

*Back in Manehatten,*

*Twilight's POV*

Ben was pacing about in anger since Danyelle and her young kids were taken hostage.

I spoke "Ben, calm down before I hit you."

Sonic spoke "*Sigh* Here we go again, Organic Versus Metal."

Rainbow spoke "And it's a lot worse than before so new teams will have to be formed."

Tails spoke "Wouldn’t be surprised if Metal Sonic made Metal copies of us, so that’s a good plan."

Orion scoffs "Remember Metal Tigerclaw?"

Surtr spoke "We just CAN'T sit on our collective tails and do nothing!"

Rainbow spoke "What’re we waiting for then? Let’s go!"

Soarin soon flew in.

Soarin spoke "Rainbow! I have bad news! That robotic cat took Bold and Tank!"


Heroes Versus Villains

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*Sonic’s POV*

*Sigh* Fighting Metal never gets old.

Twilight spoke "We're treading dangerous waters here though Sonic."

Lan spoke "I can't find Maylu or Patch!"

“Sounds like Metal took ‘em. He really is all machine.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "And cold hearted too, literally."

“If he had a heart.” I joked.

Deep Blue chuckles "You know, I was once cold hearted but I learned the meaning of friendship because of Sparkle Butt."

Corina spoke "We have to stop Metal Sonic!"

“Again, he might have metal counterparts of us ready.” I reminded.

Jet spoke "We know that Sonic but robots can't copy our emotions and our powers."

A female Mobian mink-caracal hybrid teen spoke "The green hawk's right though."

Michiru spoke "Ugh... Something about her rubs my fur the wrong way."

Nazuna asks "What do you mean Michiru?"

Michiru spoke "She reminds me of a weasel I..."

Michiru got a whack in the head.

A mink Mobian spoke "I'M NOT A WEASEL!!!"

I couldn't help but snicker.

Michiru spoke "*angry mark on forehead* Oh shut up Slownic..."

...What? "What was that?"

Twilight and the others back off.

Nazuna had used her gorilla strength to restrain all of my wives from lashing out at the tanuki.

Michiru spoke "You heard me hedgehog!"

"Ohohoho, don't even start with me, Trash Panda!" I fired back.

Alto and Michiru both gang up on me, beating the crap out of me.

Nazuna spoke "Bad move Sonic, you insulted Alto as well."

My wives started getting bigger and fatter in order to break out of Nazuna's grasp.

Nazuna spoke "Roll, Blaze, Spitfire, Aria, Michelle, Pixie, Sally, Zephyr, Moltry, Swiftrunner, Charybdis, Quicktalon, Zacia! CALM DOWN! This isn't your fight!"

My wives didn't listen as they kept growing and growing.

Swiftrunner whacks the other 12 on the head hard, knocking them out cold.

Swiftrunner groans "I may be the twelfth mate to you Sonic but I know when the other 10 go overboard."

Nazuna spoke "Everyone, please calm down."

Swiftrunner spoke "The other 12 are knocked out cold though."

But then Swiftrunner sat down before rolling onto hir back with a smile. "*Giggle* But I'm certain that myself and your wives could use some belly rubs, Sonic."

Twilight spoke "*deadpan* I don't think ponies like belly rubs..."

But what Swiftrunner said definitely made me chuckle. "Let's not worry about that now, everyone. We still got a metal double, or doubles, to send to the scrapyard."

Simba spoke "I'll help you out!"

Surtr spoke "As will I!"

Chameleo spoke "I’ll help out too! Believe it!"

Midnight spoke "As will I!"

Winter, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha spoke "Count us in too!"

Twilight spoke "You can count me and Deep Blue in as well!"

Raptor spoke "Don’t count me out just yet!"

A warp pipe appears before Mario and his fellow Mushroom Kingdom Smashers arrive.

Jet spoke "Looks like the other Smashers are worried about Danyelle."

Natsu spoke "Agreed."

Twilight asks "No offense the beaver mobians and beaver beastmen but what's the problem with lumber mills?"

Michiru spoke "Twilight! You did NOT just say that!"

Shirou showed up and explained it to Twilight, making her face turn sickly green.

Warrior-verse Twilight spoke "*poking her head through a portal* Oh my StarClan... That's terrible... And downright nasty... All those kids..."

“Let’s just be glad Mayor Rose managed to survive that.” I said.

Warrior-verse Twilight spoke "Oh my StarClan... She was a victim of that mess? That's DISGUSTING!"

“Let’s not worry about that and get ready to fight Metal.” I pointed out.

Warrior-verse Twilight asks "Is there any way I can help?"

Swiftrunner asks "What do you think Sonic?"

That’s kind of a hard question to answer.

Twilight spoke "Look Sonic, we need all the help we can get since we're unable to call in all the other Smashers without Danyelle's help."

Okay, fair point.

Twilight calls Bayonetta over.

Twilight spoke "We have to make do with the Smashers we have."

Again, fair enough.

Warrior-verse Twilight asks "Have you tried contacting the folks in the OC-verse yet?"

I spoke "No we haven't yet."

Midnight was growling at something in the bushes.

All of a sudden, a howl rang clear but it wasn't from Shirou.

I ask "Was that your howl grandpa?"

Shirou spoke "No."

Renee spoke "It wasn't me!"

Ben spoke "I think... I think I recognize it."

The howl was heard once more.

Ben's ears perked up at that.

Renee spoke "I don't think that was Danyelle. She's not a wolf."

Ben asks "Then what about Danyelle's stand?"

Zoey spoke "We don't know that Renee."

"Still, we better get ready." I said.

A sun-hot fireball hits the ground near the others and I.

Tails yelps "GAH! She's been robotized!"

Eggman ran by. "Don't look at me! How was I suppose to know Metal Sonic brought that back?!"

Twilight-two growls "You built the damn robot in the first place!"

Maria spoke "Now's not the time to argue!"

Swiftrunner spoke "She's right guys, a robotic Mew is NO JOKE!!"

Maria spoke "We have to restrain her so I can use Chaos Heal to restore her to normal!"

Tails spoke "Good thing I kept the blueprints for the de-robotizer in case this happened, I even made a portable one."

I chuckle "You sly Ninetales."

Tails spoke "But Maria's right, we have to restrain Danyelle if we want the de-roboticizer to hit her."

Mecha Danyelle spoke "*monotone* You lot don't stand a chance."

Warrior-verse Twilight spoke "I already alerted OC-verse Danyelle via telepathy."

Chameleo spoke "Heh, better get ready."

Even the Celestial Gods stand had been turned into robots.

Mecha Gekigami roars loud at the others.

But then we noticed a cluster of electricity before it looked like someone was appearing out of camoflauge mode. "*Sigh* I kept ya waitin', huh?"

I spoke "Good timing Snake!"

Snake spoke "Somehow I'm not surprised I'm like this in this world. Best to blend in."

I chuckle "Well, Bayonetta's a bat though since she is an Umbra Witch after all."

Tails spoke "*Bead of sweat* That's just Bayonetta's Mobian form, Sonic."

I spoke "I know that Tails."

A second tail suddenly splits off from Nazuna's original tail.

Nazuna gasps "What the?!?"

Tails spoke "Huh, talk about timing."

Nazuna spoke "This wasn't even supposed to happen! I'm not a true Mobian!"

Tails spoke "Let's wonder about that later."

Shira spoke "And the raccoon is out cold with a nosebleed..."

Tails asks "Shira? When did you get here?"

Shira spoke "Just now."

Inari and Madison pounce on Tails, tickling him.

Shira spoke "Huh, so that’s the other me."

Nazuna spoke "Yeah, that's Inari."

Then Nine suddenly showed up.

Sunset was back in the master ball since she was sick to her stomach for some odd reason.

Nine spoke "What happened this time."

Orion scoffs "Ask the blind idiot."

A slight giggle was heard from Mecha Danyelle.

Tails spoke "Now’s our chance!"

Twilight asks "Last week, Spitfire tried to flush a live lobster down the toilet "because it worked for Nemo".... Seriously, what the hay is wrong with her?"

Mecha Danyelle burst into laughter.

Tails and Nine spoke "NOW!!!"

Midnight and Opaline restrain Mecha Danyelle with magic.

Tails brought out the portable de-roboticizer and placed it both above end below Mecha Danyelle.

Mecha Amaterasu bites Tails on the ass, making the fox scream.

But Tails didn’t stop as he activated the machine, covering Mecha Danyelle in a rainbow beam of light.

But Mecha Danyelle teleported at the last second, switching places with Metal Sonic thus causing the robot to be turned into a flesh and blood hedgehog.

But right after that, he fell unconscious.

Tails asks "What the?! How could?! Metal Sonic wasn’t roboticized to begin with! How did this happen??"

I spoke "I'm just as confused as you are buddy."

But then Sticks charged in before wrapping Metal up in rope, completely restraining him.

Indigo spoke "Good god... You're being paranoid again Sticks."

Soren spoke "Not to mention yoicks..."

Amy spoke "Eh, that's what makes Sticks unique."

Indigo chuckles "It's no wonder why she doesn't have a boyfriend yet."

Next thing we knew, Sticks was suddenly behind Indigo while holding a pair of underwear, more specifically pink thongs, before she got them on Indigo and gave him a wedgie, making him yelp out in pain as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie tried to keep in their laughter.

Nova tail slaps Sticks, sending the crazy badger flying.

Nova growls "Nobody messes with my man!"

Indigo still had the pink thongs on him as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie fell onto their backs, clutching their stomachs in laughter.

Nova glares at the two mares, shutting them up.

Nova spoke "Unless you two want the same treatment as the badger, stop laughing."

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie remained quiet as Nova helped get the pink thongs off Indigo.

Nova spoke "Thongs are just not meant for us Mewtwos."

Meau spoke "Or Mews."

Well, we better find Danyelle, and fast.

Ears flatten, Meau spoke "It's bad enough non-Mobian animals are being poached every year..."

Fluttershy growls "*Furiously* WHAT?!"

Flowerstep spoke "Flutters, calm down. You're scaring Hawkbreeze."

Fluttershy took some deep breaths and calmed down.

Holding a tracking device, Tails spoke "I have Danyelle's location!"

"Nice! Now let's go get her back to normal for real this time!" I said.

Tails spoke "She can't get away as long as that tracking chip is in her body."

Swiftrunner asks "Sonic, what should I do with the rest of your wives?"

Applebloom spoke "I can't find Lance!"

Oh come on!!!

*Hidden location on Mobius*

*Lance's POV*

I groan as I woke up in pain, not realizing I was in a cage.

"Ugh... What happened?" I groaned.

Mecha Danyelle spoke "About time you woke up Lance."

That voice… “Danyelle?”

Mecha Danyelle glares at me with a cold stare.

Mecha Danyelle asks "What are you doing here?"

“Didn’t you bring me here?” I asked, confused.

Mecha Danyelle yells at Metal Twilight for the screw up.

Metal Twilight spoke "*Monotone* We cannot take any chances, fool."

I spoke "You dumb robots made the mistake of kidnapping a member of the Royal Family."

Mecha Danyelle spoke "Let them come. They won’t win anyway."

I scoff "You're one to talk Danyelle, Ben and the rest of your children are worried about you!"

Mecha Danyelle asks "You mean these children?"

I then saw the rest of Mecha Danyelle’s kids locked up, just like I am.

I spoke "Gallus is still out there!"

Mecha Danyelle spoke "Not for long."

A Fire Alicorn Roar knocks down a wall, revealing Deep Lilac and the others.

Deep Lilac spoke "Thought you could get away from us Danyelle? Well, you were SO WRONG!"

Mecha Danyelle asks "How did you get here?"

Opaline scoffs "As if we'd tell you!"

Mecha Danyelle spoke "No matter."

Mecha Danyelle pressed a button, revealing an army of Metal Counterparts.

Aurora was crying in fear as her older siblings try to calm her down.

Mecha Danyelle’s ears twitched as words like “Error” and “Malfunction” appeared on her eyes. “Error. E-E-Error.”

Rani whimpers "Momma..."

Mecha Danyelle’s head started twitching with sparks.

Tails spoke "Look guys! She's starting to lose control of her programming!"

But then Mecha Danyelle’s head spun out of control with sparks coming out all over her body.

Sonic spoke "Tails! Nine! NOW!!"

But then Mecha Danyelle stopped as smoke came out her ears with “Rebooting” on her eyes, leaving her wide open.

Tails reprograms Mecha Danyelle, restoring her original emotions.

Mecha Danyelle groans "Ugh… What happened?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, the love you had for your children overcame your programming."

Mecha Danyelle spoke "Programming? What do you-*Dread* Oh no… Don’t tell me that…!"

Ben spoke "Babe, calm down!"

Mecha Danyelle spoke "But I…!"

Ben spoke "Babe, look at me."

Even there there wasn’t any tears, Danyelle definitely looked super sad.

Tails uses the de-robotizer to turn Danyelle back to normal.

Danyelle asks "T-Tails? How did you…?"

Tails spoke "Midnight was the one who put that tracking chip in your body."

Danyelle asks "Uh... Is it still in me?"

Tails spoke "Not anymore."

Danyelle sighs "Phew..."

Deep Lilac spoke "Right now, we have Metal counterparts to beat."

Danyelle spoke "They all shorted out when I had gotten turned back to normal."

Rainbow spoke "Say what now? And I wanted to fight a robo-me."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe Tails and Nine could get them up and running again for training purposes so we aren't sitting around on our collective tails."

Rainbow asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah plus I'll set up a portal straight to this lab so that you can spar whenever but the robots will be staying here so that everyone else doesn't freak out."

Deep Lilac "Good call."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm, maybe I should choose one to be in charge of the other robots."

Sonic asks "That really the best idea, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Stuff a chili dog in it Sonic."

Tails and the others laugh.

Danyelle snickers "*Smirk* But how many wives do you have now?"

Sonic spoke "13 total, no kids from Swiftrunner or Quicktalon yet."

Danyelle asks "What about Zacia?"

Sonic spoke "Go cough up a hairball Danyelle, I haven't asked Zacia yet!"

*Meanwhile with Ryōta*

The silvery-white hybrid was taking a quick shower when he picked up the scent of his sister.


Clarity giggles "Make me!"

Ryōta spoke "DON'T MAKE ME CALL IFRIT!!"

Clarity spoke "I dare ya!"

Ryōta flings Clarity out of the washroom with magic, locking the door afterwards and putting up an anti-teleport barrier around the washroom so he could finish his shower.

Ryōta groans "One mare-bitch is bad enough... I just hope mom doesn't decide to have more."


Visiting Morioh

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*Midnight’s POV*

Welp, I’m gonna be heading off to Morioh in Japan soon.

Meau spoke "I've been hearing rumors of a crazy cop that's after rare animals. She doesn't care what species they are."

"Did you have to bring that up?" I groaned.

Meau spoke "Think about it fuzzball. An eleven tailed foxcat-alicorn hybrid is pretty rare, as are Ancient Mew since I'm the only one of my kind."

Danyelle spoke "I just hope she doesn't go to Africa and find Alex and the others since they're still waiting for the penguins."

Twilight spoke "If that crazy woman does find her way to Ponyville, that could put Meau in bigger danger than the rest of us."

"Let's just be glad she's still in Monte Carlo." I said. "Okay, who else wants to come along to Morioh?"

Danyelle pulls up DuBois' file.

Danyelle spoke "According to this file, she strangled a parrot beastman when she was 7 years old... Flushed a still living goldfish down the toilet... And to make matters worse, her sense of smell is like that of a bloodhound."

"Can we just NOT talk about it?! Now is anyone else coming to Morioh?" I asked again.

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough and..."

Danyelle's fur had bristled up in shock due to her vision.

Danyelle spoke "Some of us should head to Europe while the others go to Japan."

"What?" I responded.

Danyelle spoke "Alex got tired of waiting, so he, Marty, Gloria and Melman are going to Monte Carlo to get the penguins. And for some reason, Julien, Maurice and Mort are going with them."

Sonic spoke "And since alicorn law doesn't work that well on Mobius, the Mobian Guard is going after them before they cause trouble."

Sonia spoke "And if what Danyelle said is true, we have to help Alex!"

Manic spoke "Yeah, before he finds his head mounted on a wall."

Adagio spoke "But Manic, you forget... Sirens are so few in number so if the last one dies out, there will never be another siren again."

“EVERYONE COOL IT!!!” I shouted as there was then silence. “Thank you.”

A meep was heard from Fluttershy.

“Worrying about every single thing, will make nothing better. So stop overthinking.” I informed.

Danyelle spoke "Regardless! Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Ben, Manic, Sonia and I will be going after Alex and his friends."

Roll spoke "You guys be careful."

Sonic spoke "We will Roll."

“I’ll ask one more time, who wants to come along to Morioh?” I asked.

Opaline spoke "Where you go, I go Middy."

Rarity spoke "Ooh! I’d like to come along too!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Oh no you don't Rarity, you have a foal on the way and I can't risk losing you and our child."

Rarity gave Blizzardstar the cute begging eyes.

Blizzardstar spoke "No Rarity, Sweetie Belle might get the wrong idea."

Sweetie Belle spoke "Actually, she got that idea from me."

Blizzardstar spoke "My answer is still no."

Rarity pouted.

Rainbow asks "Think I'm good to go?"

Pinkie asks "Ooh! What about me?"

I spoke "Sorry Rainbow but your foal still needs you. The ones who are going with me are Zoey, Renee, Dren, Opaline, Josuke, Giorno, Meau and myself."

Twilight spoke "Midnight, in case you'd forgotten, Josuke is already in Morioh since it's his hometown, and Giorno's back in Naples, still studying and living in Naples Middle-High School, which is a high school."

I growl in annoyance.

I spoke "but this is important! Gah... Bruno, Rouge, Nara! You three and Wave are coming with me."

Rainbow spoke "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll run into Josuke in Morioh."

That did help me feel better.

Twilight spoke "I'm going with you Danyelle."

“Is that everyone?” I asked.

Opaline spoke "I don't see the batgirl anywhere, nor the batty Mewtwo."

Pinkie giggles "Ooh! Maybe they’re having fun with each other?"

Rainbow spoke "Pinkie! NOT in front of the kids!"

Pinkie spoke "I meant fun like going to an amusement park."

Polished spoke "Even I can tell that was a total lie."

Pinkie spoke "Hey! There's more than one kind of fun, ya know!

Danyelle spoke "They might be at the hotel though."

Pinkie spoke "Who knows where they could be."

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me hit you with an Ice Beam though Pinkie, Nara told me he had something planned for Rouge but I can't say what it is in front of young ears."

Pinkie spoke "It’s not like I know everything."

“Everyone ready?” I asked.

Opaline spoke "Yeah."

Everyone else nodded.

“Then let’s go.” I said as me and my group went through a Warp Ring to Morioh while Danyelle and her group went through a Warp Ring to Monte Carlo. I couldn’t help but take a deep breath, smelling the fresh nearby salty sea air. “Ah, this would be a good visit if there wasn’t odd business going on here. Good grief.” I sighed as I took a quick look at the photos Joseph gave me before pocketing them.

Ifrit spoke "Something isn't right here..."

I pulled out a map as we started moving forward before I accidentally bumped into a freshman high-school male Chespin Poke-Mobian, making him fall over with stuff falling out of his bag. But I used Star Platinum to instantly set him back upright with him holding holding his bag and all his stuff in it.

The male asks "Wha? But didn’t I just…? And I thought all my stuff went flying everywhere. What the heck’s going on?"

“Sorry, didn’t mean to bump into you.” I apologized as I could guess he thought I was a giant, over 190cm to boot, which I can’t really blame him for.

Another warp ring opens before Ash and Serena step through.

Ash asks "Was that Clemont?"

Serena spoke "I don't think so Ash, Clemont's a Bunnelby Poké-Mobian."

“Anywho, know where the Higashikata family live?” I asked.

The male spoke "Higashikata? Let’s see…"

“How’s about an address? Jozenji, 1-6.” I clarified.

The male spoke "You guys can get to Jozenji pretty easily by taking the No. 3 bus. It won’t be long before another one comes around."

“Thanks for the info. Guess we’ll wait then.” I said in gratitude.

One bully asks "Hey. You another freshman, little man? Aren’t you gonna introduce yourself?"

The male spoke "Right, yes sir. *Bows respectfully* I’m Koichi Hirose. A freshman. Good morning, sir. Nice to meet you."

A second bully spoke "Yeah, that’s more like it, runt."

The bullies started walking away.

Koichi spoke "Man, that was a close one. You guys don’t have to worry about them. I’m sure they’ll find a different bus and go about their business."

At least he’s looking out for us.

I spoke "I could have scared them off with my true size but I'd rather not go down the same path Diamond Tiara nearly went down."

The first bully asks "Whaddya think you're doing, dickface?"

The second bully asks "Who do you think you are?"

The other two bullies agreed as we saw Josuke squatting near a town fountain, with the turtle on the ledge.

Josuke spoke "Well, if you really must know... It seems this little turtle I found just woke up from hibernation. *Reaching out for it* But turtles give me the willies. It takes all my courage to even touch their shells. So I thought today would be a good day to finally conquer my fears."

The first bully asks "Buddy, does it look like I give a shit?"

The second bully spoke "Get up, you weirdo."

Josuke stood up.

The first bully asks "Well now, you've got some height for a pathetic freshman. But here's the deal, you can dress like a pompous prick if you want to. *Grabs turtle* But first, you have to pay your respects to us, got it?

Josuke spoke "*Nervously* Can you not do that, please? Reptiles really freak me out, they're all so creepy."

The first bully asks "*Bitch slap* Just who do you think you're smirking at, pretty boy?

That blow caused a tiny bit of blood to fly from Josuke's mouth.

Josuke spoke "*Bows respectfully* Forgive me, sir. I didn't know how things were done.

The first bully spoke "That's kinda funny, 'cause I put a lot of guys in the hospital whose last words were the exact same as yours. You need to learn some respect, dumbass, *Throws turtle to a pillar, wounding it* unless you wanna end up like this stupid turtle."

Okay, I'm glad Fluttershy isn't here. She'd go ballistic.

Koichi spoke "Man, this guy is heartless."

The first bully spoke "But hey, I'm feeling merciful. Leave your jacket and pants with us and you get to walk away."

The second bully spoke "The cash too."

Josuke spoke "Right. Sorry for the trouble."

"I'm glad Fluttershy's not here, but all the same, I hate that he did that to a turtle." I scoffed.

The first bully asks "I got an idea, pussy. Why don't you tell us your name?"

Josuke spoke "Right. Class 1B, I'm Josuke Higashikata."

The second bully spoke "*Reading student license* It says Jo and Jo."

a third bully spoke "Josuke? Well, if you ask me, Jojo has a much better ring to it."

Josuke spoke Oh, uh, thanks. *As the bus arrived* That's very kind of you to say."

The first bully spoke "Shut your trap and take off the damn jacket. Or didn't you notice the bus is here? If you don't hurry up, I swear to god I'll chop off that fugly cowlick. *As Josuke froze at that* Did you hear what I said? Hurry it up!"

Oh boy, he just dug his own grave.

Josuke spoke "Sure, but first... Question; Could you repeat what you just said about my hair, sir? *Gains a purple aura before Shining Diamond's right arm appeared and punched the bully right in the kisser, sending him flying at the other bullies and knocking them down*"

The first bully spoke "My nose! My teeth!"

Josuke asks "Talk shit about my hair, and you'll see a different side of me, a side that'll make you feel pain like never before. So what was that about my hair looking like a motley toupee?"

The first bully spoke "Huh? What are you talking about? No one said-"

Josuke spoke *Stomps on first bully's head* I know what I heard, dammit."

Koichi spoke "What happened? That punk flying through the air."

Josuke picked up the turtle and healed it to if it had no injuries to begin with.

Koichi spoke "What? It's like the turtle's cuts were never there."

Josuke placed the turtle back into the fountain as the bully's face started fixing itself.

The second bully spoke "What the hell's going on? Your nose and teeth are healing themselves."

the third bully spoke "*As the first bully's nose and mouth started changing* Whoa, look at that! He's fixed!"

The fourth bully asks "Yeah, I guess. But why is his face all weird?"

The second bully spoke "He looks totally different now."

Hehe, the first bully's face looked similar to a pig now.

The first bully asks "*Nasally* Huh? What is it? What happened to my face? Well, what?

Josuke asks "You've really done it now, you made me touch something that I didn't wanna lay a finger on. So how exactly do you plan on making it up to me?

The three bullies ran away with their leader following them.

The first bully spoke "Hey, come back here! You can't leave! What happened to my nose? Guys, wait!"

"Those guys were annoying, that's for sure." I noted.

I had a scary aura about my whole body since I was furious at the four bullies.

I placed a paw on Josuke's shoulder, calming him back down.

I spoke "They shouldn't have harassed you in the first place."

Courtersy of a warp ring from Maria, a pissed off Fluttershy flew after the bullies before verbally chewing them out for beating up a defenseless turtle.

Josuke looked back at me before the turtle came out of the water and onto the ledge with a splash, jumpscaring Josuke from behind.

Josuke spoke "GYAH! Holy shit! *Turns around before giving a calming sigh* It’s just that turtle again."

I chuckle "That's nothing compared to the fact that one of Danyelle's counterparts is terrified of furbies."

“Anyway, let’s walk and talk.” I said.

Later, I explained the situation.

“And that’s it, you might find yourself inheriting a third of your dad’s assets. That’s the message I was supposed to tell you, and sorry to make it sound worse, but this affair is making a real mess of the Joestar family.” I informed.

Josuke asks "*Nervously* A-A real mess? Are you serious?"

“You bet. Ya shoulda seen Suzi Q, I’ve never seen her that angry before in their entire marriage, but fortunately, they haven’t divorced.” I said.

Josuke spoke "*Bows* Please forgive me. This is all my fault."

“Whoa, no need to get all bent outta shape. Why are you apologizing anyway?” I asked.

Josuke spoke "Well, I… I’d hate to be the cause of the family falling apart. Whenever the subject came up, mom told me she was deeply in love. Knowing she had that is enough for me. Could you tell my dad, I mean, Mr. Joestar? He doesn’t need to concern himself with us. Thank you."

Huh, and here I thought I was the one who had to apologize. Definitely an odd kid.

I ask "Look Josuke, I was no older than you are now when I had gotten Star Platinum and I'm a freaking demon... And I'm also the first Joestar. Sorry, I'm getting a bit off track, there's one more reason we're here. See this picture or what's on it?"

I brought out the picture I looked at earlier, showing mist with a menacing face on it.

As Josuke grabbed the picture and looked at it, I explained. "There's something dark hidden in Morioh, and the danger it poses is getting closer even right now. *Brings out another picture of that mist, accompanied by a blonde payara mobian* Joseph used his Hermit Purple's abilities with photos to get a picture of you, *Brings out another* only to find these. We have no clue on who the guy is, but we can guess he's a Stand user. I know this is new to you, but I needed to show them to you. *As I took the pictures back* Keep your guard up, and Koichi, if you run into the guy, run as far away and as fast as you can. Calling the police won't do anyone good, so just run for your life. And Josuke, stay calm and don't get involved if you run into him, cause you won't be able to beat him as you are now."

Koichi spoke "*Gasp!* Our orientation!"

Josuke gasps "*Checks watch* You're right! It started! No no no no no no no no. My mom is gonna kill me if I show up late for my first day of school. *Grabs bag* Hey, I need to get going, but I promise to listen to whatever you have to say after school, okay? You're Koichi, right? Come on, let's take off."

Koichi asks "Huh?"

Josuke spoke "*Runs off with Koichi following him* Put some pep in your step!"

Koichi spoke "Right!"

Josuke and Koichi left, hurrying off to school.

Zoey asks "But what is Josuke's stand ability?"

"My guess? Being able to destroy and fix stuff. But if he punched anyone, he could easily rearrange their face, literally. Glad he's on our side, and strong too, despite his odd personality. Still, I hope this mess doesn't involve him." I said.

Corina spoke "We should alert Danyelle just in case."

“Yeah.” I agreed as I later called Danyelle and let her know while I searched up the guy and found out his name. “Anjuro Katagiri, also known as Angelo. He was born 35 years ago in Morioh with him right now having an IQ of 160. He was sent to juvie at 12 for robbery, assault and rape, starting his descent. He became known as being the more violent and abominable criminal in Japan. Most of his life was in jail, so he spent 20 years in prison by the time he became 34. But the last crime he pulled was so vile it would make a sewer rat vomit. Eventually he was arrested and then sentenced to death on the noose. But unfortunately, the execution didn’t do him in and no one knew how. He escaped from jail after that, and something tells me he became a Stand User before his execution. I don’t know how though, but now he’s in the shadows of this town of Morioh, somewhere.”

Renee spoke "We should be careful since this jerk is dangerous."

“Yeah, which is why I think some of us should watch Josuke to make sure he’s safe while the rest of us keep looking.” I added.

Serena spoke "The Tokyo Five can since four of them can hide their animal features, Zoey can't though."

Renee was sniffing the air.

Renee spoke "I got the jerk's scent!"

“Don’t attack yet, we don’t know what his stand’s capable of. For now, you four keep an eye on Josuke.” I advised.

Zoey spoke "I can turn invisible though since I've been practicing my magic."

The cat Mobini turns herself plus her clothes invisible.

Zoey spoke "This way, I can keep an eye on Josuke while you guys track that jerk down."

“Still, be careful. We don’t know what we’re dealing with here. He could get us to lose track of him.” I pointed out.

Zoey spoke "By my grandma's mane... You have a keener nose than my grandpa does."

“That doesn’t mean we should underestimate him.” I reminded.

Zoey spoke "So says the foxcat that doesn't know what a groupie is."

"Not the time, Zoey." I said as we split up.

*Zoey's POV*

I watched Josuke leave the school as he met up with Koichi.

Josuke asks "Oh, hey Koichi. You headed home?"

Koichi spoke "Uh, yeah. Guess so."

Josuke spoke "So, we're classmates."

Koichi spoke "Yeah, what a coincidence."

Josuke spoke "Welp, I'll catch you tomorrow. Have a good evening."

Koichi asks "Hey, uh, Josuke. Can you wait a moment?"

Josuke asks "Huh?"

Later, the two were walking home together as Koichi explained.

Josuke asks "I see. You wanna hear what Midnight has to say, dontcha?"

Koichi spoke "I can't get it outta my mind. It's happening in our backyard."

Josuke spoke "Admirable, if you even care. But I'll pass."

Koichi asks "But why?"

Josuke spoke "Hmm... Not gonna lie, I was curious about the whole thing at first. But when I thought about it, I figured it'd be best to keep clear of this whole love child fiasco."

Koichi asks "Huh? How come?"

Josuke asks "Well, things are fine the way they are. So in my opinion, why try to fix what ain't broke?"

Koichi spoke "Yeah, I get it."

I spoke "I don't think that would be a wise idea."

Since I was invisible, Koichi and Josuke thought I was a ghost.

But before either of them say anything, sirens were heard as we saw two police cars drive by.

Koichi asks "What's going on?"

Josuke asks "Maybe it's some kinda accident. You wanna go and check it out?"

Koichi spoke "Mm-hmm."

"I guess there's no stopping you two, huh?" I noticed as the three of us ran after the cars before we arrived at a grocery store, seeing a crowd blocked by two policemen. I had to drop the invisiblity spell.

One policeman spoke "This area's not safe, you need to get back right now."

Koichi spoke "It's absolute chaos over here."

After dropping the invisibility, I spoke "It's alright officer, I'm a Princess so I request you to let me through."

Looking at his comrade, the other officer spoke "That's Chief Officer Eric's niece... We should let her and her two friends through."

Koichi asks "But what's going on?"

An old woman spoke "Some man went to rob the convenience store and he's taken the female employee hostage.

A man spoke "Look, he's comin' out!"

The door opened as a burglar came while, holding a knife at the hostage.

The first policeman spoke "Freeze! Put down the knife!"

The second policeman spoke "Just let the girl go."

Burglar spoke "Shut up and get the hell back! All of you!"

Koichi spoke "Hey, I recognize that lady. She's been my cashier a couple of times."

Josuke spoke "Judging by his eyes, if he actually snaps, he'll kill her without any hesitation."

The burglar spoke "Last chance, get outta my way! I'm taking the car and leaving!"

Koichi spoke "This isn't good, we have to get outta here before things get worse."

Josuke spoke "Yeah, you're probably right."

The burglar spoke "You over there, with the dumbshit hairdo. *As Josuke froze at that* I told your ass to get away from the car! Or do you want me to kill you?

Koichi spoke "I have a bad feeling, this is gonna get ugly.

"Same here, Koichi." I dreaded.

Josuke asks "*Angrily* Huh?"

That burglar just went and insulted his hair. Josuke stepped forward with a purple aura.

Koichi asks "Oh no, here it comes. Why in the world did it have to happen right here right now? Especially after Mr. Midnight warned him?"

I spoke "This is gonna end badly for the burglar."

The first policeman asks "Who the devil is that?"

The second policeman spoke "*To Josuke* Stand down and back away!"

Josuke growls "*taking on his direwolf Beastman form* What the hell did you just say about my hair?"

The burglar spoke "I don't know who you think you are, but if you don't start walking, *Readies his knife* I'm gonna gut her like a fish."

The second policeman spoke "Get back, idiot!"

The first policeman spoke "If that guy snaps, you're a dead man!"

The burglar spoke "That goes for you too, now get away. *As Josuke took a step forward* I've had all I'm gonna take! You're all driving me crazy! I'm gonna freakin' do it! I'm gonna slaughter this bitch!

The burglar was about to stab the knife into the employee.

Josuke asks "Oh, is that a fact?"

Shining Diamond spoke "*Appears before throwing a punch* Dora!"

Shining Diamond punched right through the burglar and employee, holding the knife.

Koichi spoke "What the?! Those two have a hole through their bodies!"

Guess Koichi and everyone else here aren't Stand users. Shining Diamond pulled his arm back as the knife was suddenly gone before he vanished.

Josuke spoke "I didn't piss you off, did I? Because I should be the one who's ticked off."

Josuke pulled the woman away as the employee was perfectly fine without a wound anywhere, same with the burglar.

The employee spoke "But how? There's not a mark on me."

Koichi spoke "She's back to normal. Like before."

But then the burglar screamed in horror as the knife was somehow in the burglar's midsection under.

The burglar stammers "My knife's inside my body! How did my knife get inside?! W-W-What did you do?!"

Josuke spoke "I suggest finding a surgeon to that at the prison hospital."

The burglar then fell to his knees and elbows as the policemen went in.

The first Policeman spoke "Quickly, let's cuff this guy!"

The second Policeman asks "What's going on around here?"

Koichi spoke "Josuke."

Josuke asks "What's up, Koichi?"

Koichi asks "Are you okay?"

Josuke spoke "Yeah."

I throw a vial of Sleep Powder at the burglar's face, putting him to sleep thus making it easier for the police to arrest him.

Koichi: But Josuke, what you did was-"

But then the burglar sounded like he was starting to vomit as some kind of weird water came out of his mouth.

The first Policeman asks "Wha... What the hell is happening?"

Looks like no one but Josuke and I could see the water as it formed its upper half like a man.

The being spoke "Well, what a surprise. It appears two more annoying beastmen have joined the fray. And I was having so much fun using that meat puppet for my armed robbery. But of course, you had to get in my way."

Josuke spoke "Hang on, he's from the picture."

Koichi asks "Huh?"

The water stand started going into the sewers.

The being spoke "So you know, I'm gonna keep a close eye on you both. Wherever you are, whatever you do, I'll be nearby watching and waiting. *Goes into sewers*"

Josuke asks "What'd you say, water boy?"

But then the stand retreated further into the sewers, escaping.

But since I had melted the gratings, the stand couldn't escape into the sewer.

I hiss as flames swirl around me. "YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!"

Chains of magic snare the Stand, trapping it in place.

But then the Stand melted into water, slipping past and out the chains as he crawled away really quickly, escaping.

I chant "Hostile Stand of Water, I bind you to a magic lamp, never to return!"

The watery stand was suddenly vaccuumed up by powerful winds and into a lamp, never to escape again.

I put the lamp into my hammerspace, preventing anyone from stealing or breaking it.

*The Next Day...*

But somehow, I still felt uneasy as I returned to the others.

Midnight was calling Josuke via telepathy.

Josuke asks "*From phone* Hello?"

Midnight spoke "It's Midnight."

Josuke spoke "Oh, hi."

Midnight spoke "We didn't talk enough yesterday. We need to talk more about the crook hiding in town."

The stand user is a slippery one if the others didn't manage to find him.

Josuke asks "Um, I wanted to talk about that too, we should meet. You and the others staying somewhere in town?"

Midnight asks "Morioh Grand Hotel right now. What's on your mind?"

Josuke spoke "Well, to be honest..."

I brought the lamp out of my hammerspace, checking on it, having a bad feeling about this.


Escaping DuBois Part 1

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*Twilight's POV*

This is gonna be quite an adventure.

Danyelle was on edge since she knew that DuBois was on the move.

But then we saw a black armored truck drive by before noticing some poke-mobians in there.

Danyelle spoke "Looks like we found our friends."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer since she spotted a human female on a red motor bike.

Danyelle spoke "Aw shit... That's DuBois!"

Danyelle teleported with Sonia, Manic, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Ben, Michiru, Nazuna and I to inside the truck, catching the Zoosters off guard.

Alex asks "Dany?! How did you-?!"

Skipper spoke "Kowalski, signal the chimps to meet us at the rendezvous point with the super-plane. Hotel ambassador, let’s move it!"

That made the zoosters cheer.

Melman asks "Whoo! Yeah! *Hits head against a sign* Ow! *Notices something* Huh?"

I looked out the back, seeing the human female on the red motorbike followed by four male humans on red motorbikes.

DuBois spoke "Voila. Farigiraf at twelve o’clock."

Melman spoke "Guys, we got a tail."

Julien spoke "Paparazzi!"

Skipper spoke "Peddle to the metal, Private!"

Sonia took over the driving, swerving around the other cars to throw DuBois off the trail.

Sonia spoke "Dany! Give'er some Ice Beam!"

After knocking Julien out cold, Danyelle smashes a window before throwing ice beam at the ground under Dubois' bike thus causing it the careen offroad and into a building.

Skipper asks "ETA for rendezvous point?"

Kowalski spoke "Two minutes, 37 seconds sir."

Skipper spoke "Man your battle stations!"

Private and Rico went to their battle stations as DuBois drove out of a building unharmed as she growled.

Maurice spoke "Crazy woman gaining!"

Skipper spoke "Our Omega 3 Slick will take ‘em down. Private, activate!"

Private pressed the third button as the back bumper let out fish oil and oily fish as DuBois slid across while carrying her motorbike while one of her men slipped and another bumped off a car hood. DuBois and her other two men were still on our tail.

Skipper spoke "She’s good. Kowalski, intel."

Kowalski spoke "Sir, we have a serious problem. Capitán Chantel DuBois, Monaco Animal Control, perfect case record."

Dubois’ last two men crashed against a ledge, sending them and their motorbikes flying as she still drove after us from the left before she was standing on her motorbike at the driver window, aiming her tranq gun.

Danyelle spoke "But with three hedgewolf-alicorn hybrids, we can't shake her!"

I charged up my magic, teleporting the truck and everyone inside it straight to the hotel in question thus losing DuBois totally!

I spoke "That should buy us time!"

As we were on the roof, we later heard blades whirring and wings flapping as we saw the super-plane.

Marty spoke "That’s our ticket outta here!"

Melman spoke "Yeah, baby!"

A monkey chain started lowering before we heard some kind of clattering.

Sonic spoke "Oh shit! That better not be..."

Knuckles spoke "Sonic, Manic, Sonia, you three help the others! I'll hold her off!"

The clattering got louder as we heard an engine roaring before the rooftop door on the building not far behind the hotel bursted open with DuBois on her motorbike riding out before jumping off. It didn't look like she was gonna make it before she jumped off the motorbike.

Alex spoke "Everybody, on the monkey chain!

DuBois landed with a roll before standing up and bringing out her leash pole, then started charging at us.

Skipper spoke "Deploy banana gun!"

A turret popped out under the head of the super-plane, revealing a chimpanzee piloting the turret as DuBois stopped before it started firing bananas like bullets with the peels as the bullet casings. DuBois was fending off the projectiles flawlessly as Knuckles added his attacks to the onslaught.

Alex spoke "Grab the little guys, toss 'em up! Let's go, go go go! Go!"

Knuckles fights with DuBois, buying time for the others.

A brown and white doglike kobold was on the super-plane as she aided the rescue.

But then the banana guns got jammed with mushy bananas while some squirted in the chimp gunner before DuBois kicked Knuckles away as Sonic caught him before taking him up while Melman was the only one left.

Alex spoke "Come on, Melman!

Melman spoke "*Jumps onto the monkey chain* Hoo, yeah! *Grabbed by a leash pole* Gyah!"

Gloria spoke "Melman!"

Alex fell off and grabbed Melman's leg while the bottom of the monkey chain grabbed Alex by his right leg.

Melman spoke "Gah! My neck!"

The Super-plane started taking off before it stopped with DuBois pressed her feet against the ledge.

Skipper spoke "Put your backs into it! Double banana overtime!"

The chimp pilot pulled a switch, causing dangling bananas to drop on strings, motivating the other chimps to fly faster as DuBois broke through the ledge allowing the Super-Plane as the Piplups got onto the plane with the two Pansages, Girrafarig, Sentret and Passimian.

Skipper spoke "Serpentine! Serpentine!"

The super-plane started flying serpentine before Alex saw a nearby building and sway toward it, putting DuBois in its collision course before she jumped into it and ran, crashing through the windows and walls before jumped through a glass window and grabbed back onto the pole, starting to choke Melman.

Julien spoke "Hey, this lady's really starting to freak me out. *As DuBois started climbing up* Fix it, Mort."

Julien kicked Mort off as he rolled down the monkey ladder and crashed on DuBois before squirming around her, slowing her down as Alex gave Melman's leg to the bottom chimp of the monkey chain.

Alex spoke "Hold this. *Starts climbing down as the chimp did that*"

Marty spoke "Alex, be careful! She's crazy!"

Alex scoffs "You think, Marty?"

DuBois started climbing up as Alex climbed to Melman's head before Mort jumped off the woman and onto the Farigiraf's head before the Pyroar brought a claw out, lining it against the wire of the leash pole. Alex then used cut, severing the leash pole and sending DuBois falling into a pool.

Alex spoke "That's right, home-free, baby!"

Melman spoke "I can breath!"

Alex spoke "Au revoir, DuBois!"

We then escaped into the sky on the Super-Plane.

Danyelle froze the pool surface with thick ice, trapping DuBois underwater.

The Kobold spoke "We have to get that mad woman off our tails."

Later, it was sunset as we were flying through the air.

Alex spoke "*Dancing* ~New York, New York! It's a heck of a town!~"

Melman spoke "~The Bronx is off~"

Gloria spoke "~But the battery's down~"

Marty scatted while sliding forward on his knees.

Zoo Squad spoke "~New York, New York! It's a heck of a town!~"

The Mobian Guard and I couldn't help but giggle and chuckle.

Skipper spoke "Kowalski, status report."

Kowalski spoke "So the good news is, the song is almost over."

Skipper asks "Well, that's music to my ears. And the bad news?"

Kowalski spoke "The gear assembly is badly damaged, sir."

A gear popped right off and bounced around before bonking Alex on the head, knocking him out cold.

"WHAT?!" The Mobian Guard and I gasped in shock.

Kowalski spoke "It's only a matter of time before..."

The super-plane just froze midair.

"Uh-oh...!" The Mobian Guard and I dreaded before the super-plane then dropped as most of us screamed, holding onto dear life as we soon crash-landed with the super-plane totally wrecked in a new area. A wheel bounced and rolled off as fortunately, no one was hurt or killed during the plane crash.

Melman asks "Why can't we ever just make a... a normal landing?"

Danyelle spoke "There's a train over there!"

"Danyelle... None of us are in the condition to rush right now." I pointed out while getting up.

Alex groans "*Gets up* Oh man..."

Gloria spoke "Hold on, Melman. *Pushed up by Mason and Phil* Okay, I'll get you down, sweetie."

Mort spoke "*In smoke stack piece* Oh, where is he? Must find King Julien. *Notices * King Julien!"

Julien spoke "*Dizzily dancing on sparkling wire* ~It's getting hot in here, so take off all your fur. I am-a getting so hot, I wanna take my fur off.~"

Alex asks "Skipper, what about the plane?"

Skipper spoke "Well, the chimps will work through the night. No breaks, no safety restrictions-*Notices chimps running off while hooting* Hey, where are you going? Get back here, we have a contract!"

Mason spoke "Yes well, I'm afraid labor laws are slightly more lenient in France. You see, they'll only have to work two weeks a year.

Skipper spoke "Well, someone else has the Canadian work ethic."

Tails spoke "I hate to say this to you guys but even I can't repair the plane, it's totally kaput."

Nazuna spoke "Tails has a point though guys, but then again... DuBois is still after us."

But then we heard sirens.

Marty gasps "It’s the fuzz!"

We ran, escaping the area.

Marty spoke "What’re we gonna do? We can’t hide forever."

Gloria spoke "And we can’t just blend! You know this ain’t Africa."

Melman spoke "Oh, what’s the point? Tell me one conceivable way that extra large mobians like us are gonna move through Europe without attracting unwanted attention."

Michiru asks "How about a circus?"

Melman asks "But where would we find one?"

Then Alex noticed a train cart that said “Circus Zaragoza”. “Hey…”

But then the doors opened, revealing an angry male tiger Mobian, scaring us a bit.

The tiger asks "Where are you coming from?"

Alex spoke "Please, ya gotta hide us. Just until the heat dies down."

The tiger spoke "Absolute no outsiders. So wipe that smell off your face and pop off."

Alex spoke "Oh, come on, man. You gotta do one cat a solid, cat-to-cat, do a solid here, buddy. Come on. Still-"

The tiger spoke "Nyet! This train is for circus Mobians only. *Shuts doors*"

A Popplio spoke "They sounded like they’re in trouble."

The tiger spoke "Stefano, we do not invite trouble into our circus. And I don’t trust lion. Hair too big and glossy."

Stefano spoke "Ah, come on, Vitaly. You being-a mean."

Vitaly laughs "He’s not lion, a lioness with a beehive. Hahahaha."

Alex spoke "This is awkward. You can hear everything they’re saying."

The train whistled as it started moving.

Vitaly spoke "Not our problem."

Alex spoke "No no no no no, wait wait wait!"

A male Popplio Mobian poked out. “Just-a give us a minute. He is on the phone and uh, can’t get him off. *Tries to close door, accidentally closes it on his nose* Ah! *Closes door with nose inside* We cannot leave them there."

Vitaly spoke "Only circus mobians on this train."

The kobold spoke "We're totally circus animals!"

Alex spoke "Wait, listen! We are circus Mobians! Ya gotta let us in!"

The doors opened, this time by a female Liepard Mobian.

The Liepard asks "You are really circus?"

The sirens started getting closer.

Alex spoke "Yes! Full circus! Totally circus!"

Vitaly spoke "Gia! Shut the door!"

Gloria spoke "Please."

The sirens and policemen were getting closer now.

Gia spoke "They are circus. Circus stick together."

The Zoo squad were pulled into the car as the rest of us went into different train cars and closing the doors with all of us escaping successfully.

Sicily spoke "we owe you one for saving our hides back there. Th-that crazy woman is the reason why my species is near extinct... I'm the last kobold in existence... Oh, my name is Sicily."

Not all of us were with the others on the same car, so I looked through a hole and listened in as Stefano lit up a lamp.

Stefano spoke "*Ahem* Wow, circus americano. You must all be-a very famous-a."

Alex spoke "Yeah, we uh…"

Gloria spoke "Absolutely."

Alex spoke "We’re uh… relatively well-known."

Marty spoke "But Alex is really the star."

Alex spoke "Well, I’m not-I wouldn’t really say star, m-more like, like… well, star."

Stefano asks "What is your act, Alice?"

Alex spoke "Well, I uh… I basically… I jump up on my rock."

Gia asks "Rock?"

Alex spoke "Yeah, say it’s a very high rock."

Melman spoke "A really high rock."

Stefano asks "And then?"

Alex spoke "And then, well, I roar. Like really, like a serious, like “Roar!”

Stefano asks "And then?"

Alex spoke "And then, I jump off the rock."

Stefano asks "And then?"

Alex asks "And then… then what?"

Gia asks "That is all?"

Gloria spoke "Into a pool!

Marty spoke "Full of water!

Melman spoke "Full of cobras!

Alex spoke "Actually appears like I’m jumping into a pool-"

Melman spoke "With cobras."

Alex spoke "Aquatic cobras, for a fact, but I actually pull up at the last second."

Stefano asks "Pull up?"

Alex spoke "Yeah."

Stefano asks "*Excited* How do you do that?!"

Melman spoke "Wire harness!"

Gloria spoke "Balloons!"

Marty spoke "Jetpack!"

Alex spoke "Well… *Stutters a bit* I flip off the wire harness, ignite my jetpack and then toss balloons to the children, of the world. Kids love that, kids always love that."

Vitaly scoffs "Hmph!"

Stefano asks "Is-a this like-a the trapeze?"

Alex spoke "Yes! Trapeze! Exactly!"

Stefano asks "Wow! Trapezo americano. Hey, I have a great idea! Maybe you come-a with us to Roma?"

But then a knife stabbed the wall right in front of Stefano’s eyes, a near miss, making those of us newcomers who saw that gasp.

Stefano chuckles "Eh, Vitaly is-a just playing around. Is he good, no?"

Michiru spoke "That could have killed someone...."

Nazuna spoke "Michiru, cool it."

Alex spoke "Yeah, thanks. Thanks, but you know, we’re gonna get off the next stop so we can get back to America."

Stefano spoke "*Gasp!* That is such a coincidence! Because we’re going- *Knife near-misses him* going to A- *Another one* Let me finish! *Leans left arm on knife handle* We’re going to America as-a well! *And another knife*"

Marty spoke "What?! No way!"

Alex asks "America?"

Gloria asks "Going to America?!?"

Melman asks "Wh-Wh-Wha?"

Stefano spoke "Si!"

Alex asks "Wow, when?"

Stefano spoke "After Roma, we go to London, and then the big-time promoter will see us and then send us to New York-a!

Alex spoke "We’re going to New York!"

Gia spoke "Well, only if he likes what he sees."

Alex spoke "New York? Seriously? That’s our home! That’s where we live!"

Stefano asks "Itn’t that fun?"

Marty asks "Will we go with you?"

Stefano spoke "Sure, you can bunk with Vitaly! *Cleaver stabs the wall in front of his face*"

A dagger stabbed the wall right above Gloria, a two-pronged dagger knife trapped Melman by the neck, two double-bladed axes stabbed the wall on both sides of Marty’s head, two javelins stabbed the wall on both of Sicily’s midsection sides as Alex dodged a low spear. All of the weapons were near-misses.

Alex spoke "Whoa."

Stefano spoke "Or not."

Vitaly spoke "Nyet. *Steps forward*"

Stefano asks "Uh-oh. I don’t-a think Vitaly likes that idea. What’s he gonna do?"

Vitaly asks "Which one of you is leader?"

Marty politely pointed towards Alex.

Vitaly spoke "*In Alex’s face* Tell your comrades, there is one rule we do not break."

Alex asks "*Stepping onto spear handle* Thou shall say it, and not spray it?"

Vitaly spoke "*Rises taller than Alex* Nyet! Circus owner don’t allow stowaways. Hehehehe."

But then a chainsaw cut through the roof, causing Vitaly to back off before the circle fell, revealing the four Piplups with Private listening through a glass cup and Rico having cut through the roof.

Skipper spoke "I hear ya, roosky. Although the circus owner may allow stowaways, if the stowaways just happen to be the owners. Riddle me that."

Vitaly asks "What is sharply-dressed little birdie talking about?"

Skipper spoke "Show ‘em, boys."

Mason and Phil were on the roof as the former had a bag of jewelry.

Michiru spoke "Try and top that tiger boy. Plus Nazuna and I happen to have connections with royalty."

What Michiru said catches Vitaly and Stefano off guard.

Stefano asks "You know royalty?"

Michiru spoke "Yes and in fact, four of them are travelling with us right now. I bet Princess Twilight could buy the entire circus and the animals if she wanted to."

The next morning, I unloaded the purse the simisages gave me, revealing jewelry, diamonds and gold, much to the circus master's surprise. "So?"

Circus Master spoke "*Smiles as the clowns started laughing while he took off his hat, bringing out the deed for the circus* You have a deal, mi amiga. *Gives me the deed while the clowns crowded into a car* I am sure this circus will bring you great success. Shh! I guess this is *Tips hat* goodbye, and *Gets into car with clowns before closing the door* good luck!"

The car drove off with the circus master and clowns laughing as the Zoosters opened door before I turned towards them with the deed. "We did it."

Melman asks "What do we know about owning a circus?"

Alex spoke "Nothing, but it's our only shot at getting home."

Skipper spoke "Oh, you better know what you're doing. You're risking Private's community colleague fund."

Private whimpers "I'll never be president."

I spoke "Look at it this way, we're saving our hides while keeping the last kobold alive and out of DuBois' grasp since Danyelle knows what can happen if Sicily is killed... It'll be bye-bye kobolds for good."

What I had just said had frightened the circus animals.

Gia asks "Is that true?"

Sicily spoke "Afraid so..."


DuBois had escaped the frozen pool and was now at the crash site.

DuBois found kobold footprints. “Kobold. *Licks tracks* Twelve hours old. *Smacks lips* 250 kilograms. *Takes a string of pony mane out her mouth* What's this? alicorn pony? *Hears gunshot* Estupid bozos. *Walks on all fours to a train track while smelling* Ah. Hello animals. Hehehehehe. So, run away with the circus? *Brings out lipstick while a train was coming behind her* What a cliche.

DuBois applied the lipstick and smacked her lips before falling onto her back, going under the train before she rolls out from under and stood up before jumping into a train car, with the train headed to Rome.

To be continued...

Escaping DuBois Part 2

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*Sicily's POV*

Danyelle asks "Hey Alex, what did you do to cause that mad woman to go after you in the first place?"

Alex spoke "I have no idea, she’s just crazy."

We were now at the Colosseum in Rome, where the circus is with people and mobians buying tickets.

Alex spoke "But look at this. The Colosseum, guys. The original theater in the round. You know, my ancestors used to perform here."

Marty asks "No kiddin’?"

Alex spoke "Every show had a captive audience. Apparently, they killed."

Marty spoke "Sounds like a great gig."

Danyelle spoke "I just hope Ein stays out of sight.. Knowing that dumbass, he might do something that could get him and Bertha exposed."

Twilight spoke "Chill out Danyelle, Bertha's keeping Ein on a tight leash for their own safety."

Michiru was in harpy mode as she balanced on the tight rope, using her wings for balance.

Nazuna spoke "Guess the circus mobians are gonna show us what they got first."

Marty spoke "This is so exciting."

Alex spoke "Yeah, but just lay low, stay out of the way, let them do their thing."

Marty spoke "*Notices six dog mobians in dresses* Aw, would you look at this. You gotta go back to your mama’s belly ‘cause you’re too cute to be out here in the real world."

But then the six brought out a switchblade and a broken bottle.

Marty gasps "Whoa! What the?! *Hides behind Alex*"

Alex spoke "Marty, they’re professionals. Come on."

Marty spoke "*Notices a trio of female Galarian Rapidash poke-mobians* Whoo! You look gorgeous."

Alex asks "Alright, animals. Twilight may be the new owner, but we don’t wanna reinvent the circus wheel here, so go out and do what you do. Think this as a fun warmup for that promoter in London. Right, Marty? M-Marty?"

Marty spoke "I wanna be a circus horse."

Esmeralda spoke "We could paint you white…"

Esperanza spoke "And then paint you pink!"

Marty spoke "Awesome!"

Alex chuckles "Not laying very low, are we Marty?"

Danyelle giggles "Wow, seems like some Zebstrika's got it bad!"

Twilight spoke "He’s not exactly denying it."

Stefano spoke "*Holding horn stand* Sonya! Where’s the Ursaring? Sonya! *Runs off* We’re about to start!"

Alex spoke "Hey, Vitaly! Get your game face on."

Vitaly was eating Borscht before he roared/growled at Alex.

Alex spoke "Great. *Nervous laugh* Good game face. *Walks off* What is that cat’s problem? *Mimicking Vitaly* I am a mean Russian cat that isn’t nice to anybody."

Melman spoke "*Trying to juggle pins while Gloria danced* Hey honey, look, I’m doing it. *Drops pins*"

Alex spoke "Guys, stop fooling around."

Melman spoke "We’re just havin’ a little fun."

Alex spoke "Just let these animals do their show."

Marty spoke "Ta-da! *Blue, white and red with red, blue and yellow polka dots* ~Da da da da da da da da Circus
Da da da da da da da da
Afro Circus, Afro Circus, Afro
Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, Afro!~"

Alex asks "*deadpan* …Really?"

Stefano asks "Sonya! Where’s Sonya the Ursaring?"

Danyelle spoke "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Julien either."

A little later, we heard Gia commentating while covered by paper blinds and curtains. “Ladies and gentlemen, presenting-a Gia! The trapeze flying Liepard! And there she go, the triple flip roll with a double leap and-a…”

Alex fell through the paper covers, spooking Gia a bit.

Gia asks "What are you doing?"

Alex spoke "That’s just paper. *Gets up with a nervous chuckle*"

Gia asks "Were you spying on me?"

Alex spoke "No no no, I just came by to say that I-I don’t want you to- *Falls through paper blinds again before getting up* I-I don’t want you to think of me or my friends as some sort of authority figures. *Falls again, knocking down hoops*"

Gia spoke "Don’t worry. I don’t."

Alex asks "*Gets up with hoops* You don’t?"

Gia spoke "Not at all."

Alex spoke "Well, the other circus animals might find me and some of the others a bit intimidating."

Gia spoke "No, nobody is intimidated at all by any of you."

Alex spoke "Oh, good stuff. Good, good news."

Gia spoke "In fact, I do not think they’re giving any of you any second thoughts since you all showed up."

Alex spoke "*Putting hoops away* That’s good to hear."

Gia spoke "If anything, they’re starting to feel sorry for some of you."

Alex spoke "Okay, I get it. *Accidentally drops a hoop before accidentally bumps head with Gia*"

Gia asks "Is there more? *Picks up hoop*"

Alex spoke "I just wanted to thank you for letting us get on the train back there. I know the big cat with the accent, wasn’t so excited about us gettin-*Grabbed by hoop and brought to Gia’s face*"

Gia asks "Look, lion guy. This circus means everything to us, and if you or any of your friends do anything that threatens this circus, you will all have to answer to me. Capiche?"

Alex spoke "Uh, capiche. Cool. *Leans on lever* Trust me, we’re cool."

Alex accidentally pushed the lever down and fell before being pulled up by the ankle by a rope before he fell again when Gia caught him, causing the curtain to fall, revealing what was going on as Gia dropped Alex.

Marty asks "You call this layin’ low?

Danyelle spoke "Awkward…"

Nazuna snickers "Looks like you have it bad for the Liepard girl, don't you Alex?"

*Later that night…*

Stefano spoke "Okay, strike up-a the band-a!"

Marty asks "You have a band?"

One of the dogs pressed the play button on a jukebox.

Stefano spoke "*Carrying balls while balancing on a ball* Prepare to be blown away!"

“Blow us away!” Alex, Danyelle, Twilight and I said as Stefano rolled forward on the ball.

Stefano spoke "Here we go! Ha-ha! *As the other circus animals came out with us newcomers cheering them on* Look at this! *Juggling* Whoa! Hey! It’s nice-a to be ho-Ah! *Slips and bounces off* Wah!"

Our cheering soon turned into confusion. The show started getting bad as the crowd looked bored and booed.

Alex spoke "Uh-oh."

There was even a… I don’t even know how to describe it.

Skipper spoke "Well, that was worth the price of admission. *Gulps down a popcorn*"

The show was only getting worse.

Stefano spoke "Who’s-a from Cincinelli-"

Alex pulled Stefano towards us with a crook before grabbing him.

Alex asks "Stefano, you know blown away means good, right? *Lets go of Stefano*"

Stefano spoke "Don’t-a worry. The big finale is-a comin’ up. Give me a down beat. *Honking horns* Look at this."

The crowd then started leaving.

Alex spoke "Oh no, no, this is not happening."

Stefano spoke "Yes, go out, get-a food and come back."

The crowd was gone as Stefano hiccuped another ball out. Later, Alex was hyperventilating, breathing in and out.

Marty spoke "Deep breaths, Alex. It’s all good."

Nazuna spoke "I hate to say this but that last performance totally sucked... What we need is something fresh."

The Simisages returned, disguised as a ticket-giver while carrying two bags of money.

Mason spoke "There is an angry mob outside and they’re demanding their money back!"

Skipper spoke "I think we all know the right thing to do."

Twilight asks "What?"

The next thing we knew, we were running towards the next train leaving, running from the angry mob.


We started getting on the train from the back.

Alex spoke "Come on! Come on, come on!"

Marty spoke "Hurry up!"

Stefano accidentally dropped his horn stack before the mob stomped all over it. Alex grabbed Stefano and ran back to the train before he grabbed onto Melman’s neck and swung forward before jumping onto the roof while putting Stefano down.

Stefano spoke "Grazie, Alice."

Julien spoke "Just throw us the money."

The Simisages threw the bags up, causing it to rain dollars, distracting the angry mob enough for Mason and Phil to get on the train as Julien facepalmed while all of us escaped on the train.

I spoke "The foxgirl's got a point guys, we need something fresh!"

Danyelle spoke "I have a gut feeling that when Vitaly's fur grew back, he lost everything important to him... His wife, his passion..."

*Later, while the train was on a mountain track…*

Alex spoke "Ugh… This is a disaster."

Gloria spoke "We blew all our money on a bad circus and we’re not any closer to New York."

Melman spoke "If anything, we’re further away."

Good things us newcomers were in a different car.

Marty spoke "We could have least bought a circus that knew how to circ."

Skipper spoke "I don’t even know why we bought a circus in the first place. We had enough dough for a plane.

Melman asks "Are you kidding me?"

Gloria spoke "You must have some money leftover."

Skipper spoke "I used it to buy teeth and then have them capped in gold, now I can eat apples way easier. Sadly, I discovered I… I don’t like apples."

Danyelle spoke "Alex, I might have a plan."

Marty spoke "No promoter is sending this show to America. It’s toe up."

Gloria spoke "Now it all makes sense. Now wonder that circus ringmaster was so happy to sell the circus to us."

Alex, Twilight, Danyelle and I noticed Stefano at our window, telling us to follow him up top."

Marty spoke "Happy alright, happy about ripping us off."

The four of us tried to go outside, but flew right out the door as it closed. Those of us who couldn’t fly were screaming while holding on as Alex and I climbed up to the roof while Twilight and Danyelle flew to the roof before we saw Stefano running back.

Stefano spoke "Come on, this-a way-a!"

Alex spoke "No no no, you come this way!"

Stefano spoke "Hey! Everyone, watch-a your heads."

That confused us before we saw a tunnel coming up, trying to run back before Alex ran up and off the mountain, back flipping into a gap between cars while the rest of us got to Stefano.

Stefano spoke "Alice-a!"

We went down before going through car after car as Stefano carried a lamp.

Stefano spoke "*Looks down* Alice-a! *Gasp!*"

Alex spoke "I’m fine!"

We looked up, seeing Alex hanging on upside down.

Stefano asks "Aha! Fantastic! *As the train left the tunnel* Was that trapezo americano?"

Alex spoke "Uh, yeah. Sort of. *Pulls hand claws off*"

Stefano spoke "Incredible!"

Alex spoke "I hope this is important."

Stefano spoke "Come-a this-a way, everyone."

The four of us went into the car behind us as Stefano followed.

Alex spoke "By the way, it’s “ex” not “ice”, “Alex” like New York Knicks."

Stefano spoke "I know, New York Knice. It’s-a not-a hard."

We looked around, starting to become awed as Stefano turned on the lights, showing posters and good news about this circus.

Alex asks "What is this place?"

Stefano spoke "*Turning on lights* I know you guys think we ate a stinky poopy circus, but there is something you all must-a know. There was a time, when Circus Zaragoza, *Shines lights on trophies* we were a great-a circus, numero uno in all of the Europe. And Vitaly, he was the biggest star of us all."

That surprised and confused us.

Danyelle spoke "It's just like I said earlier... Vitaly isn't his usual self after getting set on fire because olive oil is flammable. He lost everything... His wife ran off with a musician.. And his fur is brittle...""

I ask "How do you know all this?"

Danyelle spoke "I can see past and future since I have a gift not commonly found in Mobians."

Stefano spoke "Indeed, he was fearless, taking-a risks, always-a new, he jump-a through the hoop like he could fly! It had never been done-a before, because it was physically impossible, and the people, they loved it. And the hoop, she got-a smaller, like the ring, and the finger of the tiniest lady with the slimmest of fingers. He would not stop-a pushing, and one fateful day... he push-a too far. He flied too close into the sun, and he got-a burned. Literally. The extra virgin olive oil is-a extra flammable, and he really had lost everything. His wife, as Danyelle said, she ran off with a musician. He lost his dignity, his fame, his passion, and his fur. And when it grew-a back, it was a less soft, more like a prickly beard. His only passion now is the borscht."

Stefano had the very ring hoop in his fingers.

Alex spoke "Whoa."

Twilight spoke "You're telling me."

Stefano spoke "He was our inspiration, so when he lost his passion, well... *Puts ring hoop away* If Vitaly goes, so goes the circus. This is why we need your help."

Alex asks "What sort of help?"

Stefano spoke "You all can teach us to do new circus, americano style. We find a new passion, make a new show, *Jumps onto spinning chair* and we go all the way to the US and the A-a! *Turns back towards us* A-a! *Notices our silence* I know... It is stupido idea. We are a lost-a cause-a... *Turns off lamp*"

Alex spoke "No no no, this isn't stupido, this could work."

Stefano asks "*Turns lamp back on* What?"

Alex spoke "What you just said."

Stefano asks "*Gasp!* What?"

Alex spoke "The idea you just said. Two seconds ago."

Stefano asks "What?"

Alex spoke "Your stupido idea!"

Stefano asks "It could?"

Danyelle spoke "Yep, that's what Nazuna and I have been trying to say the whole time."

Alex spoke "Stefano, you, Danyelle and Nazuna are geniuses!"

Stefano spoke "No no no no no, I am only average intelligence. But some say I'm even slightly below."

Alex spoke "We are gonna rethink everything anybody's known about the circus."

A familiar voice asks "Well, have room for two more?"

We turned around, seeing Rouge and Narancia, much to our confusion.

Danyelle spoke "If we can talk Vitaly into jumping through hoops again, it might be possible for us to make it to the top. And I have a plan."

Danyelle explains her plan to the group.

Alex spoke "We call it Phase 4-7B, we're in! In order to get home, we will come up with something fresh, something amazing, something brand new! Fresh, never before seen, of the chain!"

*In the morning at rehearsal grounds...*

Alex, Twilight and Danyelle spoke "Something that'll blow that circus promoter away!"

But then knives and daggers hit the wagon behind them, being near misses.

Vitaly spoke "*Wielding double-bladed axe* I missed."

The rest of the circus mobians didn't seem happy about the idea.

Vitaly spoke "Circus has been same for generations! We make good classic family entertainment."

Stefano spoke "Aha! But last few generations, family's not so entertained. *Nervous chuckle and clears throat*"

Alex spoke "That's right, family's not so entertained because you're just going through the motions out there. It's missing passion!"

Vitaly asks "How can one claim to have passion for stool poked in face?"

Marty asks "Exactly! And by stool, you mean chair, right?"

Alex spoke "Fact is, you guys, you got stuck in a rut, you stopped pushing, you stopped taking risks. But those days are over, because now we're gonna completely change the show."

Freddie asks "Then it wouldn't be a circus, would it?"

Alex spoke "Circus is not about the acts you do, circus *Points to heart* is in here."

Jonesy asks "How come Freddie gets all the circus? *Backfisted by Freddie*"

Alex spoke "Circus is about following your passions, wherever they take you."

Vitaly spoke "Tch! You cannot change circus, there is long tradition."

Alex spoke "That's what everybody thought, Vitaly, until those French Canadian humans came along, drunk off of their maple syrup, cheap pharmaceuticals, and completely flipped the paradigm."

Marty spoke "Now they play Vegas, 50 shows a day, and 52 separate venues, and one of them completely in the nude."

Alex asks "Yeah, that's right! And you know how they did it?"

Stefano asks "Take off-a their clothes?"

Alex spoke "...No, they got rid of the animals."

That caught the circus members completely off guard.

Marty spoke "Say it ain't so!"

Alex spoke "You know what I say to that? I say they can take the animals out of the circus, but they cannot take the animals out of the circus. I mean they cannot. *Ahem!* I think you're understand what I'm saying. *The circus members starting to agree* We don't need humans, because we've got passion! What's a human say when he's passionate? He says, "I'm an animal!" Well, we are animals! We'll make an all-animal circus! Because if we follow our passion, we can go anywhere."

Marty spoke "Anywhere!"

Alex spoke "We can do anything!"

Marty spoke "Anything!"

Alex spoke "If we do it... together!"

Marty spoke "All of us!"

Most of the circus members cheered in full agreement at that.

Marty asks "Can I hear you say "Fur Power"?"

The circus members started cheering "Fur Power".

Gloria spoke "You and me, baby! What, an act together!"

Melman spoke "I love it!"

Gloria spoke "We can do that funky groove dance thing!"

Melman asks "D-Dance?"

Gloria spoke "This thing right here! *Hums while dancing* Me and you! We got this! *Runs off*"

Melman spoke "But I-I-I-I can't dance..."

Stefano spoke "Chanting is fun! Chanting is fun!"

Gia laughed as Vitaly threw the axe down on the ground, making it stick.

Vitaly spoke "Bah! I do not trust this Pyroar or his friends."

Gia spoke "Vitaly, I may not trust them either, but I am tired of sitting and standing and rolling over."

Vitaly spoke "There is great tradition in sitting, standing, rolling over."

Gia spoke "You know our circus is in trouble. This could be our last chance, but we will not do this without you."

Stefano spoke "Circus always stay together."

Vitaly spoke "...*Sigh* Okay, I do one hoop."

Gia was happy as she hugged Vitaly before Stefano popped in.

Stefano spoke "I want a hug-a too!"

The trio laughed as Vitaly hugged his friends while picking them up and spinning them around.

Twilight spoke "We can do this!"

Danyelle spoke "Rouge, Nara, I have an assignment for you two. I want you two to keep a lookout for a red haired female named Chantelle DuBois. Warn me via telepathy if you see her."

Narancia spoke "I'll do you one better, I'll signal ya with Lil' Bomber."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough."

Later, everyone was practicing their stuff before I noticed Marty talking to Stefano.

Marty asks "Now you really gonna shoot yourself outta that thing?"

I then saw a cannon filled with dynamite.

Stefano spoke "*Putting helmet on* I've always dreamed of doing this, from a time I was a little pup, to be a human cannonball. Except, you know, a Popplio cannonball."

Marty asks "Is it dangerous?"

Stefano spoke "Is it dangerous? Yes, of course it's-a dangerous! *Rico puts a dynamite stick in Stefano's mouth*"

Danyelle pulls Alex aside for a moment.

Danyelle spoke "*holding a pokeball with one hand* Look Alex, this might be the only way to stop DuBois from going after you but you have to trust me on this one."

Alex spoke "Whoa whoa whoa whoa, this is full on crazy! If anything, that lady won’t care a thing about this and still come after us!"

Danyelle spoke "I know but stealing someone else's pokemon is illegal and can land the thief in jail."

Alex spoke "Knowing her, she’ll find a way around that!"

Danyelle spoke "Not if the most strongest ball was used."

Danyelle pulls out a master ball before letting Sunset out.

Danyelle spoke "This mare tried to use a master ball against a friend of mine but I used it against her."

Alex spoke "Still, don’t. Those things will only put us at more risk."

Sunset spoke "I heard everything though and I want to help you out."

Back with me, I was a bit worried about the cannonball act.

Marty asks "Are you sure about this?"

Stefano spoke "*Muffled* I’m-a sure."

Marty asks "‘Cause if blowin’ up is your thing, then you in the right place?"

Stefano spoke "*Muffled* Si, that means-a yes."

Skipper asks "Ready for launch?"

Stefano spoke "*Muffled* Ready for launch."

Skipper spoke "*As Rico coughed out a match before Kowalski stroked it on Skipper’s butt, lighting the match* Fire in the hole!"

Stefano spoke "*Spits out dynamite as the fuse was lit* Wait!"

Stefano was blasted off as the cannon fire sounded faint to Danyelle and Sunset with Stefano flew through the air while screaming before he crashed into a mountain.

Stefano spoke "Oi… *Looks down, paling* Mama mia… *Starts to slip before struggling to hang on* HELP-A ME-A!"

Marty spoke "Rico! Get the cannon ready! *Puts on helmet* Same charge!"

Skipper spoke "Fire in the hole!"

Marty was blasted into the air as he screamed at first before he flew while laughing while the blast was still faint to Sunset and Danyelle. He even flew through a rainbow, leaving behind a rainbow trail while making holes on clouds. Marty whooped before he crashed into the mountain, a bit above Stefano.

Stefano spoke "Marty! I’m so glad you’re-a here!"

Marty spoke "Whoo! I was flyin’! I was F an’ L Y in’!"

Stefano spoke "*Straining* I’m proud of you, but… Uh… I don’t… think I can hold on much longer!"

Marty spoke "O-O-O-Oh right, sorry about my enthusiasm. *Locks left foot/hoof in while leaning back and lowering down a rope* Here, wrap this around you. *As Stefano grabbed the noose and hanged on by his barrel while being lowered* Alright, I gotcha. I gotcha."

Stefano landed on ground safely as Marty whooped, running and jumping down the mountain while holding the rope as he flipped forward, landing on the ground.

Marty spoke "Ha ha! Forget about being part of the herd, I’m gonna be part of the flock! I’m gonna fly, baby!"

Stefano spoke "Oh yes! What a triumph!"

Danyelle, Sunset and Alex noticed five of the six dogs fighting each other.

Alex spoke "Whoa whoa whoa, calm down. I know being cute and cuddly is not your guys’ thing."

Danyelle spoke "If Rarity was here, she'd be able to whip up new costumes for you six."

Alex spoke "Actually, I have a better idea. Show 'em, Rico."

Rico pressed a button as the rocket roller skates on Jonesy's feet suddenly ignited as he blasted off into a wall before poking out.

Jonesy spoke "Whoa! That was great! Whoa!"

But then Jonesy blasted off, intriguing the other five dogs as they chased after him.

Danyelle and Sunset work on costumes for the perfomers.

But when Alex got up, he noticed Gia.

Alex spoke "Hey! Hi."

Gia spoke "I admire on how you inspired the performers."

Alex spoke "Oh, thanks."

Gia spoke "And what you said about passion, it was like poetry."

Alex spoke "I love passion and poetry, they go together, really. I mean, I know they don't rhyme."

Gia spoke "Trapeze is my passion."

Alex spoke "Terrific, I look forward to seeing you up there."

Gia spoke "You can teach me."

Alex asks "What?"

Gia spoke "Teach me."

Alex spoke "Oh, well, you know, I've always been kind of a solo act. So that kinda, rules that out."

Gia spoke "I wonder if you actually do trapeze."

Alex spoke "Oh, I actually do do trapeze."

Gia spoke "Show me."

Alex asks "Show me? What are we? Five?"

Danyelle spoke "Dude, you did not just say that..."

As if luck would have it, Sunset goes into labor.

Danyelle spoke "MEDIC!!!"

Featherwhisker spoke "Here!"

Twilight puts up a barrier around Sunset and Featherwhisker, darkening the tint so the others couldn't see what was happening.

Twilight asks "Where the heck is that blind twit?"

A warp ring opened up before Spottedleaf fell out, landing on top of Vitaly thus kissing him on the lips by accident.

Jaytwo chuckles "What an idiot."

Spottedleaf spoke "S-sorry!"

Vitaly only scoffed as Spottedleaf got off, embarrassed about that happening while Vitaly simply got up and left.

Spottedleaf spoke "Ugh... I'm so gonna get Cadence back for this."

Danyelle giggles "But did you like your first kiss?"

Spottedleaf growls "You knew, didn't you?"

Danyelle spoke "Except for Jaytwo, we all saw it."

Spottedleaf spoke "No, I'm asking if Cadence told you about her plan."

Danyelle spoke "Via telepathy, yes."

Twilight asks "Uh, why is Melman up on the tightrope?"

We saw Melman climbing a ladder. "Dancing? This is all you do is moving and not getting anywhere. I mean, the music totally throws off my timing. *Reaching the top* You want-You want excitement? Haha. *Walks onto a tightrope* Who's on a tightrope? Huh? Huh? Who's on a t... *SCREAM!* I'M ON A TIGHTROPE! I'M ON A TIGHTROPE!"

Gloria spoke "*Looks back and up* Melman! Oh my gosh!

Melman spoke "Help me!"

Gloria spoke "Baby, hold on! *Climbs up ladder* Hold on, I'm comin' right now!"

Melman struggled to balance before he started swinging on the tightrope by his foot.

Gloria asks "Melman?!"

Melman then started swinging by the top of his neck under the chin.

Gloria spoke "*Walks onto tightrope* Calm down, Melman."

Melman spoke "*Swings back onto tightrope. I'm gonna fall and break all of my neck!"

Gloria spoke "Just look at me. Look at me! All eyes on me."

Melman spoke "Okay."

Gloria spoke "Come to me."

Melman spoke "I ca-I can't."

Gloria spoke "It's just like dancing, Melman. Two steps forward, one step back."

Melman spoke "I can't dance, okay? Okay, there. I said it."

Gloria spoke "Maybe because you've never tried."

Melman spoke "No, I HAVE tried. I-*Sigh* I practiced in private because you dance so well."

Gloria asks "You practiced? For me?"

Melman spoke "Yes, but it's no use. I never know what to do with my arms. *Gets wobbly and starts to panic*"

Gloria spoke "Hold it. Okay. *Grabs Melman's arms* That part is so easy, Melman, okay? 'Cause all you have to do is put 'em around your partner. *Puts Melman's arms around her* See? Two steps forward, one step back."

Melman spoke "*Starting to get better* Hoo, I'm dancing."

Gloria spoke "Two steps forward, one step back."

Melman spoke "Ha, I'm dancing! We're dancing on a tightrope!"

Gloria spoke "You're great."

Melman spoke "*As he and Gloria spun once* Whoo-hoo! I'm dancin'!"

Stefano was fired again as he laughed.

Twilight and Danyelle were up on the trapeze set with Gia and Alex.

Alex spoke "*Holding trapeze bar* Okay, *Sigh* hoo, alright."

Gia asks "So when do we get the jetpacks and aquatic cobras?"

Alex spoke "Uh, well this is a beginner's class, and that's a pretty advanced maneuver."

Gia asks "Okay, how do we begin?"

Alex spoke "Well, it's a bit complicated unless you understand the whole pitch and yaw, arch, and gravity... All that stuff which I won't, bore your with. Okay. *Sigh*"

Gia asks "You need a push?"

Alex spoke "No. *As Gia laughs before she gave him a push* Just watch and lear-Whoa!

Alex swung off a bar before catching on another with his legs as he grabbed the other platform with his teeth before Gia did the same thing.

Gia asks "*Muffled* Like that?"

Alex spoke "*Muffled* That's one way of doing it. Sure-*Slips off the platform* Oh!"

Alex swung off the bar before accidentally bonked the back of his head against the first one before he fell onto the net, bouncing back up before he hung back onto the trapeze back using his tail.

Gia spoke "*Muffled* Wow! You used the net!"

Alex spoke "Yes, trapeze americano. We use the net."

Gia let go of the platform before swinging into the air before diving towards the net and bounced up and grabbed onto another bar with her tail. "Trapeze americano!"

Danyelle gets shoved off by Twilight, bouncing off the net and into the sky before spinning around as gusts of wind swirl around her.

Twilight spoke "Show off... "

Alex and Gia were improving on trapeze as their practice was attracting quite a crowd. Alex swung off a bar laughing, before he yelped realizing he was gonna miss the net before Gia caught him and threw him onto a platform while jumping off as Alex caught her.

Gia giggles "Wow."

But when Marty was blasted out of a cannon, he pushed Alex and Gia as the three of them were bouncing on the net as they laugh.

Stefano asks Bravissima! Hey Vitaly, maybe even do-a two hoops-a, no?"

Skipper spoke "Psst! Senorita Bellbottoms, tenemos una problema grande."

Alex asks "Que? Que grande problema?"

Danyelle saw something the air.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Later, Alex and I were with Narancia, Rouge and the four Piplups as we used a pair of binoculars, seeing DuBois sniffing in the distance.

Alex gasps "Oh no, she’s onto us!"

Skipper spoke "Shh! You’ll make it even easier on the psycho."

Alex asks "What’re we gonna do?"

Skipper spoke "We better vamoose, pronto."

Alex spoke "But we’re not ready, we’re in the middle of rehearsals."

Skipper retorts "Well then, why don’t you tilt over, grab your peduncle and kiss New York and Sicily’s species goodbye?"

I whisper "But Skipper, we can't move Sunset right yet. She hasn't recovered from childbirth."

Skipper spoke "The more we wait, the closer she’ll get."

After recalling Sunset back into the master ball so she could recover safely, I used my magic to pack everything up on the train.

I spoke "Alright everyone, we have to skedaddle now!"

Stefano asks "Are you sure we are-a ready?"

Alex spoke "Course we’re ready! Born ready, ready steady! Come on, let’s go! Let’s go go go go go!"

Everyone was getting onto the train cars as Marty guided Jaytwo, who was carrying a newborn child with the train having been redecorated.

Skipper spoke "Alright, you heard the cats. Move it! Come on, all aboard! Grab your luggage and drain your bladders, it’s gonna be a long ride."

Alex brought Gia aboard.

Tails gets the train going.

Tails spoke "Next stop, London!"

Alex spoke "Alright everybody, let’s blow that promoter away!"

Our friends cheered at that as Vitaly was the last to get on.

*No POV*

When Vitaly entered his car, he saw a drawer and let the car doors close as he approached it and grabbed the handles before opening the drawer, seeing many hoops of various sizes. But then fear began to enter his mind as he heard the crowd cheering his names as the hoops got bigger and bigger, then became lit aflame while still increasing in size. He couldn’t take the pressure as he closed the drawer and pushed his back against the doors, panting heavily, fearing that he couldn’t do it anymore.

Danyelle thinks "{I think I might have to talk to Vitaly, something is definitely bothering him.}"

To be continued...

Escaping DuBois Part 3

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*Danyelle's POV*

I sensed that something was bothering Vitaly so I go to check on him.

I fling a knife at him, missing him on purpose.

Vitaly spoke "You missed."

I spoke "What's the matter with you? The circus needs you."

But then Alex showed up behind me since we were already at London. “You’re leaving? You’re just gonna walk out on everybody?”

Vitaly spoke "*Packing up* They have good show without me."

Alex spoke "Look, I got a good left foot, but without my right foot, I can’t walk."

Vitaly spoke "You get fake foot, then you walk."

Alex asks "I don’t want fake foot, okay? *As Vitaly sighed* What happened to “Circus stick together”, huh? “Show must go on”?"

Vitaly spoke "Cliches."

Alex spoke "Come on, man. Stop being this guy. Be the other guy."

Vitaly asks "What other guy?

Alex asks "The guy who was all circus! The guy who jumped through hoops! The guy everybody looked up to! Come on, where’s that Vitaly?

Vitaly spoke "That Vitaly… is no more."

Alex spoke "Listen, man, you may have given up on yourself, but your friends haven’t given up on you."

I growl "So you're gonna turn your back on your friends, and just eat Borscht for the rest of your life? Or are you going to get out there and jump through that tiny hoop?"

Vitaly spoke "…It is impossible."

Alex spoke "*Sigh* It was always impossible, Vitaly. That’s why the people loved it."

Alex started leaving, much to my confusion before…

Vitaly chuckles "…That is why I loved it. Because I did… the impossible. *Turns towards us both* I was once a brave tiger. And if go down in flames, hehehe, so be it!"

That helped me smile.

Alex spoke "You know, I think we might have an idea for you."

I pulled out a bottle of hair conditioner and gave it to Vitaly.

I spoke "Try using this stuff instead of olive oil."

Later, at the show, Vitaly opened the bottle of hair conditioner and applied some while rubbing it in. “Light the hoop on fire!”

Stefano nervously lit a match and ignited the ring as Vitaly readied himself.

I spoke "You got this Vitaly."

Vitaly growled before he ran forward, before downing cartwheels and backflips before jumping towards the burning ring. Stefano was praying in Italian as Vitaly popped a claw out and started spinning clockwise.

Alex spoke "*As the spinning got faster* Come on, you got it."

Vitaly went right for the ring as a pop was heard. Silence in the audience with a single gasp, followed by wild cheering as Vitaly found himself having landed through the ring, back in shape and unscathed, much to his surprise.

Stefano spoke "*Laughs* Yes!"

Vitaly smiled and took a bow before grabbing the hoop pole, blowing the flame off the ring.

Song: Firework (Madagascar version)

Twilight spoke "Alright! What’re we waitin’ for? We got a show to put on! Let’s go! Go go go go go!"

Nazuna and Michiru were up on the tightrope with Gloria and Melman while I was preparing to perform on the trapeze with Alex and Gia.

Rouge, Jaytwo and Narancia were keeping watch since DuBois could strike any moment.

After the performance, the promoter met up with Twilight before bringing out a American Tour Contract as his pet bald eagle brought out a pen before Twilight grabbed the pen and signed the contract.

Jaytwo senses a red aura before alerting Narancia.

Jaytwo whispers to Nara "Crazy woman approaching. Alert Danyelle now."

Narancia spoke "Right."

Back with us, we were celebrating the acceptance of the American Tour.

Twlight spoke "We're going to America!"

Alex spoke "Whoo! Today!"

Marty spoke "Now that's what I call crack-a-lackin' to the max-a-lackin'!

Stefano spoke "*Flips to Alex before they hugged* Hoo! We did it, Alice! Maybe I am average intelligence after all.

Alex spoke "Perhaps even slightly above.

Stefano spoke "...No, I don't think so.

"Humble much?" I giggled before Vitaly hugged me and Alex with a hearty laugh.

Vitaly chuckles "Ha! Hair conditioner, great idea, my friends! Feel! Ha! Go ahead! *As Stefano felt Vitaly's fur* Soft like kitten, no?"

Alex spoke "*As Stefano took a smell* Slippery, but not flammable."

Stefano spoke "Ah. You smell like-a peaches and herb!"

Gia rushed at Alex as the two hugged and spun.

Gia: spoke "Gia and Alex, the trapeze cats-a!"

Alex spoke "We did pretty good!"

Gia spoke "You will flip, and I will catch! And sometimes I will flip, and you will catch. And then we will both flip and travel the whole-a world!"

Alex noticed his Zooster friends celebrating, making him a bit sad. "Uh, you know, the thing is... I-I may not always... be around."

Gia asks "Where are you going?"

Alex spoke "Well, I'm-I'm-I'm... I'm..."

But then Narancia arrived heading for me.

Twilight was growling for some reason.

I ask "Nara, what's the matter?"

Narancia spoke "Jaytwo found someone heading here! I think it's-"

But then we heard beeping as DuBois rode in on her motorbike with her henchmen.

DuBois spoke "*To Twilight* Bravo, bravo. What a heartwarming performance, madame circusmaster. It brought tears to my eyes. Hehe, no, not really."

Alex secretly pressed a button on the phone, contacting the Piplups.

DuBois spoke "*Through phone* Madame, we both know ze Pyroar and Kobold do not belong to you."

Private spoke "*Gasp!* It's that horrid woman!"

DuBois spoke "*Shows Twilight a newspaper page* They are fugitives from justice. You will turn ze Pyroar and Kobold to me, so that I may put them where they belong. *Drives forward, catching Alex and Sicily with leash poles, making them yelp* On my wall."

Rouge, Kowalski, Rico and Private slipped down before delivering a swift karate chop to the back of her henchmen's necks.

DuBois asks "What? *Looks behind her*"

Skipper spoke "Incoming!

Skipper swung in on a 100 KG bag of weight, knocking DuBois back as Twilight grabbed the page and stuffed it into the back of the cannon while DuBois was knocked into said cannon that had been filled with dynamite before the Piplups tied her leg while attaching the rope to her henchmen as Rico put a stick of dynamite in DuBois' mouth.

Skipper spoke "*As Twilight took a deep breath* Outgoing!"

DuBois spoke "*Spits out dynamite* Wait!"

Twilight spoke "FIRE ALICORN ROAR!!!"

The attack fired the cannon, sending DuBois and her henchmen blasting off while burning the page until not even ashes remained.

Skipper spoke "*As the Piplups did a secret high-five* Up-high! Hoo-ha! Down low! Too slow! *Slaps Private in the face* Well done, Private."

Private asks "Did I do good?"

Skipper spoke "*High fives Rico* Eh, not really."

Melman spoke "Phew, man. That was close."

Twilight spoke "Least that's one secret that will remain hidden."

The next day, we were at New York, not far from the Central Park Zoo.

Sicily spoke "I'll keep an eye on that Julien and the Zoosters."

Spottedleaf blurted out "You know what? I have a crush on Vitaly!"

*Giggle!* Good thing for Spottedleaf that only Twilight, Sicily and I heard that as us three girls giggled.

Spottedleaf spoke "I'm serious here!"

"We know." I assured.

Twilight spoke "You should tell him though Spots."

Spottedleaf was definitely nervous as Sicily headed out.

I push Spottedleaf over to where Vitaly was with my magic, causing the dark tortoiseshell Abyssinian to trip over Jaytwo's tail and falling into Vitaly's strong arms.

*Sicily's POV*

I kept downwind of the five so they didn't see me as I followed them to the zoo gate.

Gloria spoke "Well… We’re here."

Marty spoke "Home."

Alex spoke "Huh, that rock looks smaller than I remember it."

Marty asks "Look at the mural. Ha. Doesn’t actually capture the real thing, does it?"

Gloria spoke "Wow. I forget about that wall in between us, Melman."

Melman spoke "Mm-hmm."

Gloria asks "Was that always there?"

Marty spoke "Guys… I’m sorry I ever left the zoo in the first place."

Alex asks "What do you mean?"

Marty spoke "I mean, if I had just stayed put, we wouldn’t have anything to be sad about right now."

Alex spoke "…Leaving the zoo, was the best thing that ever happened to us."

Marty asks "Really?

Alex spoke "Yeah, out there, in the world, we were really living."

Julian spoke "Yeah."

Alex spoke "It was exciting!"

Gloria spoke "*As Julien laughed in agreement* It was romantic."

Melman spoke "It was dangerous."

Marty spoke "I’ve never felt so alive!"

Alex spoke "When we were with the circus, we were already home. I wish we’d realized that sooner."

My left ear perked up before I dodge a tranq dart as it hits Alex in the forehead, making him woozy.

But then tranq darts hit Marty, Gloria and Melman as one hit Julien at the tip of his tail.

Melman asks "*Dazedly* Is my neck getting longer?"

Alex spoke "*Dazedly* Feel at my fur, it’s so soft."

Gloria spoke "*Dazedly* It is soft."

Marty spoke "*Dazedly* Hehe, I look like a candy cane, *Hugs Melman and Gloria* in a black and white movie and…"

The three fell asleep on their backs as Alex dazedly took the dart off his forehead. “Oh no… DuBois… *Falls asleep*”

That revelation shocked me before I felt something prick the top of my head as I pulled something out, revealed to be a tranq dart, making me sleepy. “Oh come on…! You have gotta be… kidding… me…”

I was about to fall asleep as I saw Julien dazedly walking off.

Julien spoke "Sonya, I miss ya baby! I miss my stinky bear! Kisses. I miss my fishy kisses."

I managed to stay awake long enough to escape.

*Twilight’s POV*

We were with a concerned Sonya.

A male voice spoke "Sonya, where are you? Sonya! *Bumps into a crate* Excuse me."

I looked and saw Julien, and he was sleepy for some reason.

Julien chuckles "*Runs towards Sonya* Sonya, baby! *Throws crown away* I don’t to be king anymore! I was so hung up with who I was, what you was, what you smelled like. When all that really matters is what we smell like, together. Baby, forgive me. *Head placed in Sonya’s mouth* Oh, hello?"

Kowalski spoke "*Grabs something off Julien’s tail* Gasp! It’s DuBois!"

That something was a tranq dart!

Skipper asks "Mama pooey! *Grabs Julien* Where did you get this?"

Julien spoke "Got it from the zoo."

Skipper spoke "*Puts Julien back* The hippies got ambushed!"

Gia spoke "What?! We have to help them!"

Sonic spoke "We NEVER leave our friends behind!"

Danyelle spoke "Till Mobius and Equis end..."

The rest of the Mobian Guard spoke "Mobian Guard defend!"

Twilight spoke "Now let's go save our friends!"

But then we heard a thud.

I spoke "Oh no! Sicily!"

Sicily spoke "*Sleeptalking* Managed to… slip past…"

Featherwhisker uses a smelling salt underneath Sicily's nose, jolting her back awake.

Sicily spoke "Thanks. *Whew!* Still, we better get ready."

Orchid spoke "We need a plan though."

Sonic spoke "We don't have the time Orchid."

I spoke "*Smile* I think it’s time for a one-time only special performance like no other tonight from Afro Circus at the Central Park Zoo."

Sonia spoke "I'm pretty good at dancing though! I want to help!"

Danyelle spoke "Let's do it to it y'all!"

Later, during the night, we were on a giant hot air balloon, approaching Central Park Zoo.

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "I see them! They're locked up in cages and DuBois has a gun pointed at Alex!"

Spottedleaf's nose twitched. "That isn't sedative, it's poison!"

Gia jumped onto a trapeze, hanging by her legs as DuBois fired before the Liepard grabbed Alex, helping him dodge the poison dart as it crashed into a lamp.

Alex asks "Gia?"

Gia spoke "Circus stick together."

We then made ourselves known as about half of us were wearing rainbow afros.

A random girl spoke "Look! A flying circus!"

DuBois spoke "No!"

Skipper spoke "Operation Afro Circus Rescue, engage!"

Private spoke "Aye aye, Skipper!"

The two elephant mobians breathed out fire through their trunks, pushing the hot air balloon.

Skipper spoke "Unleash the Seel!"

Stefano spoke "I am a Popplio."

Skipper spoke "Whatever."

Sonia played a note on the keytar, firing the cannon and launched Stefano while shooting a green line before it tightened, creating a tightrope.

Skipper spoke "Two-tons of fun! Dive! Dive! Dive!"

The elephant couple jumped off, attached to ribbons as Manu tackled a henchman while Maya tackled another before DuBois growled while dodging.

Melman spoke "Let’s rock."

Gloria spoke "You and me, baby!"

Melman jumped onto the tightrope and spun by his neck, picking Gloria up before they landed on the tightrope. Meanwhile, Sonya came rolling in on her motorcycle while Julien ran on top. They then rode forward as Sonya drifted before DuBois jumped, dodging the attack as Sonya whacked one of the henchmen with a backwheel swing and sent the last one flying with a spinning backwheel before the two elephant mobians whammies DuBois with a double butt smash, dazing her a bit as she dropped her pistol.

Vitaly landed not far from Marty’s gate before he jumped and spun through the keyhole.

Marty spoke "Wow."

DuBois snapped herself out of her daze before Sonya roared in her face before slapping her with back tires before delivering a smack with it, sending the woman into a wall.

Vitaly spoke "*Carrying Marty* Suck in that gut.

Marty took a deep breath, doing that before Vitaly leapt through the keyhole again, now with the afro on Marty’s head.

Marty spoke "I’m impressed.

After nearly everyone was back on the hot air balloon, Danyelle spoke "Now let's get out of here!"

Danyelle's ears perk up when she heard Stefano's voice.

Stefano spoke "Wait-a! Wait-a for me!"

Alex spoke "Stefano!"

Stefano spoke "*Running on all fours* Don't-a leave without-a me!"

We saw snakes coming out of the hole in the brick wall before DuBois got up, grabbing one while through another away before punching it, knocking the snake out cold.

Alex spoke "Oh no!"

Stefano yelped as DuBois ran before jumping across a hot dog stand and kid's head while grabbing an umbrella before Stefano fell on his back when a knife stabbed the wall, piercing his afro wig. "Whoa-a!"

Gia spoke "*As Vitaly threw more daggers, making a path* Go, Stefano! Climb!"

DuBois pole-vaulted with the umbrella before opening it mid-air, flying forward as Stefano swung across the dagger handles before DuBois brought out her leash pole.

Vitaly spoke "*Reaching out when Stefano jumped off the last one* Come on, my friend! *Stefano suddenly yanked down* Stefano!"

DuBois caught Stefano with her leash pole.

Stefano spoke "HELP ME!"

DuBois spoke "*Noticing her pistol behind her before going back while pulling the pole* I will have your head for this!"

Stefano spoke "*Grabs onto a lamppost* Oh no! Help me!"

Gia spoke "Alex!"

Danyelle calls forth Tachigami to slice the pole, freeing Stefano.

Danyelle throws a warp ring under Stefano, saving his hide from DuBois.

I spoke "Nice save there Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "I never go anywhere without at least one warp ring."

Alex looked around before grabbing a trapeze bar, making Danyelle, Sicily and I gasp at what Alex was about to do. "Marty! Shoot me a line!"

Marty spoke "You got it! *Flips into cannon as it aimed* Afro, don't fail me now! *As Phil played a note on his keytar, firing the cannon* VOLT TACKLE!!! WHOO!!!"

Marty flew like a lightning bolt through the giant hoop with two yellow lines attached to his feet/hooves.

Gia asks "What are you doing?"

Alex spoke "We are doing Trapeze Americano."

Gia spoke "Let's do it-a!"

Sicily spoke "Purple pony! Shoot me a line as well!"

I spoke "Frankie, Jonesy, be ready!"

Jonesy spoke "You got it boss!"

Alex and Gia jumped as Gia caught the bar and Alex while they swung down. Mort swiped the pistol as Alex grabbed DuBois while swinging into the air.

Danyelle and Sicily followed suit.

Sicily and Alex fight with DuBois.

Gia spoke "Alex!"

Sicily, Alex and DuBois started falling down, heading right for a pool of cobras.

Stefano spoke "*Gasp!* Aquatic-a cobras! *drops onto the balloon with Vitaly catching him as the Popplio yelped*

DuBois spoke "If I am going down, *Brings out saw* your heads are coming with me!"

Alex spoke "*As Sicily grabbed DuBois' arms* We don't think so! *Whistles!*

Jonesy spoke "'Aight, let's go!"

The two dogs blasted off for the two.

Danyelle dove after the two dogs.

Alex spoke "*As Sicily threw the saw away* You're going down, but not with our heads."

The two dogs grabbed Alex while Danyelle grabbed Sicily with the two grabbing DuBois as they pulled up at the last second, dodging the cobras.

Stefano spoke "Jetpack! He pull-a up-a!"

Danyelle growls "Your days of chasing us Mobians and Poké-Mobians is over DuBois because you just messed with the Nekomata of Redemption and the King of New York!"

Sicily and Alex thros DuBois into the pen.

Wings flapping as she carried Sicily, Danyelle spoke "This is where animals like you belong! Now sit!"

DuBois was forced to her knees due to the tranq dart in her butt.

Mort giggles "Naughty me!"

Alex spoke "Lie down."

DuBois did just that.

Sicily spoke "Now, roll over."

DuBois rolls off the rock.

Alex spoke "Good DuBois, now stay."

Danyelle flew off while airlifting Sicily as she followed Alex and Gia, knocking the balloons to the ground below much to the excitement of the children.

Gia spoke "Oh, we did it-a! *Laughs*"

Stefano spoke "Balloons-a to the children of the world! *Grabs balloon* Trapeze Americano!"

Vitaly spoke "*Smile* It is real."

Stefano spoke "*With tears of joy* It's-a real!"

Those flying soon landed on the hot air balloon.

Maurice spoke "That's how you do it! Haha! *As he and Mort were lifted into the air by Frankie and Jonesy* Whoa!"

Mort spoke "Yippee!"

Stefano asks "So you-a want to run away with the circus-a?"

Alex asks "Live a life of adventure?"

Gloria asks "Full of romance?"

Melman asks "And danger?"

Marty spoke "Really livin'!"

Stefano asks "Whaddya say?"

I spoke "But the Mobian Guard and I can't stay though, we have families back home."

Danyelle spoke "Come on, Twi. Don't tell me you forgot."

I spoke "I'd have to talk to Celestia and Luna about it first... Then Mayor Mare..."

Marty breaks into song as the others sang along.

I ask "Hey Skipper, what did you end up doing with the crazy lady anyway?"

A tied up DuBois was in a box crate headed to Madagascar.

Julien spoke "Don't worry, if she is going where I think she's going, well... Let's just say Amelia won't be the only skeleton anymore."

Alex chuckles "Not if the fossas have anything to say about it."

I spoke "Danyelle, Sonic, if you both please."

The two open warp rings to Ponyville as they help the circus animals carry the boxes and other things to Ponyville.

With a flick of a finger and some magic, Sonic had flung Spottedleaf at Vitaly again.

Spottedleaf asks "*Embarrassed* Really?!"

Featherwhisker chuckles "Don't be such a chicken though Spottedleaf, you aren't bound by medicine cat law anymore."

Then Discord popped up, laughing and wheezing in a strange poster with the word "Wheeze" over his head.

Sicily yelped a bit in surprise.

"Discord..." I sighed.

Danyelle and Ben were dogpiled by all 15 of their kids.

Sonic chuckles "Hehe, that's a lot."

Sonia giggles "So says the hedgewolf that has 13 wives!"

Sonic spoke "You're one to talk sis! You're a lesbian!"

Sonia spoke "*gasp* You DID NOT just say that!"

The two hedgewolf-alicorn hybrids were soon in a fight cloud, dragging Manic into it.

Manic spoke "Oh come on!"

Sonic chuckles "You're just jealous that I have more wives than you do bro."

Manic spoke "Oh, that's it!"

Manic joined in as the fight cloud got bigger.

Michelle asks "*Sigh* Should any of us stop them?"

Sonata spoke "Sonia started it though."

Danytwo asks "Think the spouses should finish it though?"

Roll giggles "You have to admit that it is a little bit funny."

Adagio asks "So we'll only intervene if it gets too far?"

Charybdis snickers "Yeah but only if it gets out of control."

Blaze spoke "Well, those of us who are Sonic's wives know how to stop it."

Quicktalon spoke "You set me on fire one time though Blaze and you just can't leave well enough alone!"

Roll and Michelle spoke "Ladies, please don't start fighting too."

Swiftrunner spoke "And Michelle, take your spawn back or they're going outside."

Both of Michelle's kids were chewing on Swiftrunner's tail.

Michelle asks "Oh, *Picks up Rekka and Bolo* are my little wrecking balls hungry?"

Swiftrunner spoke "Hungry? More like teething!"

Michelle spoke "*carrying Rekka and Bolo, even while they're each 200 pounds obese easily* Still, I love my little babies."

"...How are you able to carry them without breaking a sweat?" I asked.

Michelle spoke "Oh you know, Jasmine helped me get better."

Bluestar used a spirit summon spell, getting Parker's spirit on the first try thus surprising Michelle.

Michelle gasps "P-Parker?"

Parker's spirit spoke "Michelle, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone like that..."

Michelle started whimpering with her belly starting to gurgle and tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Parker's spirit spoke "I'm happy that you found love again after I had died. That alone makes me happy."

Rekka and Bolo noticed Parker's spirit and started reaching out toward him as Michelle's whimpering increased with her entire body starting to shake.

Roll and three of Sonic's other wives comfort Michelle.

Bluestar spoke "Gah... I can't hold this spell long!"

Parker's Spirit spoke "Michelle... Just know that I love you, our little wrecking balls, and all of our families."

That broke the emotional dam for Michelle as she fell onto her butt while going into her 1,000 pound unbound form, bawling waterfalls while the sudden rebound sent Roll and three of Sonic's other wives sliding back a bit. Rekka and Bolo, who were still in their mother's arms, hugged Michelle.

Swiftrunner shook the water off, causing hir fur to go all poofy.


Beware the Rain/ Pinkie Pride

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*Pinkie's POV*

WOW!!! A circus is actually staying at Ponyville?! I'm so excited I think I'll pop!

Myth giggles "And to think! Twilight is the owner of said circus!"

"WHAT?!" I gasped in total shock.

Twilight's voice was heard since she was talking to a male Pyroar Poké-Mobian.

Ooh! I gotta hear in on this!

Myth spoke "Bad idea Pinkie."

Mamoru was chasing after Diamond since she had pulled one of his tails.

"Please? I wanna know!” I asked.

A thud followed by a scream was heard since a Mew with the exact same colors as Starlight Glimmer crashed into a tree.

Myth asks "What the…?"

Starlight groans "I hate that stupid sheep..."

“Starlight?” I asked.

Starlight groans "I'm fine Pinkie."

"You from another universe?" I guessed.

Starlight spoke "Don't be an Ein."

Sunset was also a Mew Poké-Mobian for some reason.

Sunset gasps "What the?!"

Danyelle giggles "You look cool as a Mew though Sunset."

Sunset pouted with puffy cheeks as Danyelle's phone rang.

Danyelle started sniffing the air.

Danyelle spoke "*ears flatten* Something isn't right."

Danyelle opened a Warp Ring to Morioh.

"Ooh! I wanna come along!" I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Pinkie, I do believe that a certain stallion is coming to Ponyville today. One who was inspired by you to become a party pony."

"Really?" I tilted my head.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah and I believe his name is Cheese Sandwich."

That confused me.

Danyelle spoke "Think Pinkie, you gave him a rubber chicken that one day when you first met him. And I have a feeling that he'd be your husband later on down the road."

Hmm… Rings a bell, but… Ooh… My head hurts.

Amy spoke "I can't find Estellise!"

But then I saw a rock shaking, like it had a high-pitched giggle.

Amy hears the giggling before picking the rock up and tickling it, causing Estelle to drop the disguise.

Amy spoke "You sly nymph, you're as sly as your dad and your uncle."

“Wait, has Estelle met Pharynx?” I noticed.

Amy spoke "Mr Grumpy Bug? I don't think he's even aware that has a niece."

That made me gasp as I grabbed Amy’s face. “But he’s your brother-in-law!”

Amy spoke "Let go will you? You're more paranoid than Sticks is."

“But this is family we’re talking about!” I urged.

Amy giggles "I have an idea. You got a sister that's tough as nails right?"

A pink alicorn mare giggles "I know what you’re planning, Amy Rose. Don’t leave me out of it."

Amy and I turned around, seeing Cadence as Danyelle went through the warp ring.

Myth, Sasha, Starlight and Sunset follow after Danyelle.

*Myth’s POV*

We got to Morioh and were at Josuke’s house, meeting up with Midnight outside as he explained what happened. It was all hard to believe. Zoey met up early with Josuke a few days ago and made sure the lamp was see-through so they could actually check on Aqua Necklace. Then Midnight and the others showed up as Josuke and Zoey were about to bring the lamp back in, only to find it open and killed body of Josuke’s grandfather, Ryohei Higashikata, having not know what the liquid truly was while opening it and taking a drink as Aqua Necklace taunted them for taking their eyes off him and Ryohei before he escaped. Josuke managed to heal his grandfather with Shining Diamond, but was too late as he already passed on, before Josuke declared to carry his grandfather’s baton and protect Morioh and his mother in his place. A day passed as the funeral happened before Josuke suggested to his mother, Tomoko Higashikata, to visit some relatives as Midnight and his group came back to the house with bottles and canned water and drinks after she left. It’s now three days since Tomoko headed out.

Midnight asks "That said, we still couldn’t find Angelo, even though he’s been spying around here while we didn’t know. But he hasn’t made a move for three days, so what’s he waiting for?"

It started raining.

Midnight spoke "*Sigh* Rain. *Begins to walk towards the house before realizing something* Rain? Hold on…"

Danyelle spoke "This isn't normal rain, that's for sure."

Midnight spoke "It’s not the rain I’m worried about, it’s…!"

But then I saw a small weird being of water, which I identified as Aqua Necklace as he about to go in Midnight through the mouth before Star Platinum appeared and punched the enemy stand onto a wall.

Aqua Necklace laughs "Ugh! Interesting. I knew you were a weird one, but I didn’t think you’d be a stand user. Haha, no matter. My moment is finally arrived, ‘cause this house belongs to me now. And thanks to this rain, none of you are going anywhere."

Aqua Necklace slipped in through a window as Midnight’s left cheek had a tiny handprint that bled a bit before we rushed into the house as Zoey and Josuke rushed down the stairs and we met up with the others of Midnight’s group.

Midnight spoke "Josuke! Zoey!"

We went into the kitchen, seeing the furnace on and making the water in there boil piping hot, along with the sink.

Renee spoke "Damn it Zoey, I thought you had that prick sealed away in the lamp!"

Zoey spoke "He tricked Josuke’s grandpa into opening it up!"

Josuke spoke "By the looks of things, he must’ve gotten all this water boiling. He even turned on the hot water faucets too."

Midnight growls "What’s worse is that Aqua Necklace is in the house. He wasn’t waiting for us to drink the water. He was waiting for it to rain. The stand can go anywhere while raining-No. He can shift between liquid and gas."

But then a strange face and hands appeared in the steam.

Midnight spoke "Josuke! Get away from the furnace! He turned into vapor!"

Shining Diamond grabbed a bottle and broke it while attacking the steam before fixing the bottle, only to catch nothing.

Josuke spoke "Things just got a lot more difficult. We can’t catch him with the bottle or the lamp anymore."

Zoey hisses "You think?"

Danyelle growls "Ammy, flush that stand out!"

The solar wolf howls loud, causing everything to be shut off before clamping her fangs down on Aqua Necklace's neck and slamming it on the ground several times to inflict massive amounts of damage.

But then Aqua Necklace morphed into steam, vanishing and escaping Amaterasu.

Midnight spoke "Right now, stay away from any vapors that have water and keep your lungs safe. We need to leave the kitchen."

Josuke spoke "Easier said than done, I’m not sure we have much of a choice as far as leaving’s concerned."

We then noticed water leaks from the ceiling.

Josuke groans "Of course. Angelo’s already put a bunch of holes in the roof to make his job easier. Upstairs is no good, and we’ll be sitting ducks if we go outside. Ugh, this is just great."

We left the kitchen as Midnight saw the bathroom sink and went to the shower room before seeing steam Aqua Necklace coming at him. Midnight shut the door, preventing the attack as Josuke turned off the bathroom sink.

Midnight spoke "Truthfully, this water-shifting stand is a lot more dangerous than any of us thought, not to mention creepy. This monster’s got cunning."

But then we heard Josuke chuckling.

Danyelle spoke "Um, mind to tell me why you’re laughing, Josuke? ‘Cause it looks like we’re surrounded."

Josuke asks "It’s fine, Mrs. Danyelle. My grandpa’s murderer has been kind enough to turn himself in. It’s pretty great, don’t ya think?"

Then steam headed for Midnight before Star Platinum punched it to the wall as Aqua Necklace turned into liquid, narrowly dodging blows and getting into Midnight’s face before Star Platinum punched the enemy stand into the ceiling before it vanished.

Midnight asks "Okay, what’s the plan, Josuke? How to we get out?"

Josuke spoke "Get out, huh? Getting out isn’t exactly what I had in mind."

Shining Diamond spoke "*Punches a hole in the wall* DORA!!!"

Josuke spoke "*Heading to the other side of the wall* Breaking out works better. Come on, this way, everyone. The wall’s gonna repair itself."

Midnight spoke "*Smile* Good grief."

All of us went into the room Josuke was in as he fixed the wall.

Josuke spoke "Well, we blocked the steam at least-*Gasp!*"

We turned around, and to our shock, what we saw was…

Midnight spoke "A humidifier! *Kicks machine away*"

But then we saw Aqua Necklace going into Josuke’s mouth.

“Josuke!” The rest of us called out.

Aqua Necklace laughs "I’m the winner! I predicted that you’d break through the wall and flee into this room seeking shelter. *Goes down Josuke's mouth*"

Midnight spoke "Damn!"

Aqua Necklace laughs "*Chuckle* I guess it’s like picking all the right answers, or maybe I should compare it to winning in the races. Either way, you can’t help but let out a little giggle when you end up being the victor. That euphoria is one of the best feelings in the world! *Laughs as Josuke leaned against a couch*"

Midnight spoke "Josuke."

Josuke spoke "Angelo thinks he’s won, but he’s got it wrong, Mr. Midnight. *Gains a purple aura*"

Midnight asks "What do you mean?"

Josuke spoke "When this battle goes the way I know it will, I can promise you I won’t feel like laughing in the least, not when I’m fighting a horrible person like Angelo."

Josuke opened his mouth as Shining Diamond pulled something out of his mouth, revealing to be a rubber glove covered in saliva as it moved oddly with a scream, revealing Aqua Necklace to be trapped inside with the only exit tied shut.

Zoey asks "Did you…?"

Josuke spoke "You bet it is, since you showed me that trick with rubber, Zoey. *Picks up glove* It’s kinda gross through, sorry about that. I cut a rubber glove into little pieces and swallowed them earlier."

Renee spoke "You sly direwolf! Not even Danyelle saw that one coming!"

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Renee."

Josuke opened the window before Shining Diamond appeared with the glove before swinging it around and upward, causing Angelo to fly right out of the tree he was hiding in.

Midnight spoke Smart, now Angelo’s flushed out."

Angelo was on the ground as we went to him.

Josuke spoke "Well, whaddya know."

Midnight growls "Angelo."

Angelo spoke "*Running away* Screw the lot of you!"

Josuke swung the glove down, causing Angelo to slide on the ground with his face before we approached while he has his back against a giant rock.

Angelo spoke "E-Easy now! I dunno what ya thinkin’, but you can’t be serious about killing me. Okay, I admit it. I escaped that hellhole called Death Row, and sure, I may have been found guilty under Japanese law, but you guys have no right to do anything to me! Josuke, let’s be frank, yeah, I murdered your grandpa, but that doesn’t mean you can put me to death too. If you kill me, you’ll end up cursed, just like yours truly. So back off if you know what’s good for you!"

Angelo chuckled before Shining Diamond punched his right hand, which smashed against a rock as he held said hand in pain.

Josuke asks "It’s rude to point your finger at people, didn’t your mother ever teach you that?"

Angelo asks "What the hell… did you do to my hand?!"

Angelo’s right hand was fused with stone, leaving only the fingers poking out.

Josuke spoke "You should take solace in the fact no one’s gonna execute you. Not me, not Zoey, not Danyelle, *Points to Midnight* and not this guy either. We won’t be killing you, nor will we be turning you in to the police."

Midnight spoke "Alright, Josuke. We’ll let you take care of this."

Angelo asks "What the hell are you psychotic bastards planning to do?!"

Josuke spoke "Enjoy your eternal penance, Angelo. Reflect on the life you stole, from my grandpa and all the others!"

Shining Diamond appeared and delivered a flurry of punches on Angelo. “DORARARARARARARARRARARARARARARARARARARARA!”

When the storm of blows was finished, Angelo was fused with the giant rock behind him, leaving only his face and fingers poking out.

Josuke spoke "Here, you’ll remain for all eternity, in the town my grandpa loved."

Heh, maybe that giant stone could be called Angelo’s Rock. But yeesh, Josuke’s a real eccentric.

Danyelle spoke "I saw no chance of redemption for that jerk."

*Pinkie’s POV*

Heehee! Rainbow Dash’s Birthiversary is today!

Ryōta was heard chuckling since he was talking with a wolf Moblan bitch.

Rei then showed up with Miyuki, Rena, Jennifer and Jessika.

Rainbow spoke "Hey Pinkie!"

"Hi Dashie!" I smiled.

Rena had a sad look on her face.

Ryōta asks "What happened to her?"

Rei spoke "Shh! Zip it! We don’t talk about that."

Ryōta spoke "As one of your royals, I'm asking you to tell me what happened. And I'm not taking no for an answer."

Rei spoke "*Facepalm* If you're really using that card, you're not gonna like what you'll hear."

Ryōta spoke "My girlfriend is a literal demon. I can handle it."

Rei spoke "Two of Rena's kids... Well... *Whispers into Ryōta's ear* They were killed by a timber wolf."

Ryōta whispers "I'm sorry for the loss..."

Oof... Maybe a party'll help Rena cheer up!

Kestrel whispers in my ear "Sorry Pinkie, but I don't think a party can heal a broken heart..."

Bayonetta suddenly showed up.

Kestrel yelps in shock.

Kestrel spoke "gyah! Don't scare me like that!"

Bayonetta spoke "No wonder the two little ones in Purgatorio wanted me to come here."

Rainbow spoke "Now isn't a good time Bayonetta, Rena's suffering from depression and heartache."

Bayonetta spoke "Well, that just won’t do."

Bayonetta twirled her her right pointer finger in the air, causing a black and purple circle to surround those of us here right now before it rose above us and vanished, causing everyone outside of it to turn completely clear and see-through.

Nine spoke "There's no cure for depression."

But then I noticed two baby Renamon/Zoroark hybrids tugging on Rena’s legs for attention.

Bayonetta asks "Then pray tell, who are those two?

Ryōta spoke "My mom had depression twice... The first time was after auntie Luna was sealed in the moon. The second time was after Clarity and I were newborns."

“Uh, Ryōta? I think Bayonetta’s talking about those two.” I pointed out with a hoof, seeing the two baby girls, clear as day, as the Renamon/Zoroark hybrid girls that Rei was carrying noticed the two.

Pigment was on Bayonetta's head.

Rei noticed the two hybrid babies and was surprised. "Whoa, you're not the only one seeing this, Tabitha."

"Hmm?" I wondered as I looked behind me, only to see nothing before I felt a hoof tap my shoulder again.

I spoke "Whoever is tapping me on the shoulder, knock it off."

A stallion chuckles "Where's that fun-loving partying mare I know?"

Cherry Leaves asks "Is it just me or does that stallion's voice remind me of Weird Al Yankovich?"

Rena gloomily looked down before her eyes shot wide open at seeing the two baby hybrids as they stopped tugging her legs and looked up at her.

Pigment talks to the two spirits.

As the two children listened, they climbed up Rena and hugged their mother as she started whimpering with tears threatening to leak.

Pigment spoke "They both want you to be happy."

Rena spoke "*Her emotional dam getting close to breaking* B-But... It's all my fault that they-"

Pigment spoke "It not your fault."

Pigment growls suddenly before throwing a shadow ball at an angelic monster that appeared, causing it to explode.

But then more angelic monsters appeared as Bayonetta brought out her hand guns.

Bayonetta spoke "So the little one has potential. Then let's dance, boys!"

Twilight switched to her combat form before slashing the angel monsters with her sword.

Inuyasha shouts "WIND SCAR!!!"

Blades of demonic energy shred the monsters.

Ryōta spoke "Flame Claw Slash!"

Ryōta rips an angel monster to shreds.

A yowl was heard "CHAOS SCAR!"

Danyelle soon pops up while holding Hisaiga in her hands.

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan! Did I pick a good time to check on Ponyville!"

Orion and the other Mewtwo were fighting the angels.

But then giant angelic monsters appeared.

A dark tortoiseshell and white blur slammed into one of the monsters, decapitating the head clean off!

But then we heard an engine rev as we saw someone drive in on a motorcycle, hitting an angelic monster with it. That someone looked like a white-furred/feathered Lynx/Owl hybrid female mobian with her hair thigh-length and a bang covering her right eye, while her outfit was a red skin-tight biker suit with angular shoulders and a vertical stripe design, while she had a silver watch near her left breast, she was also wearing gloves and thigh-high boots, sporting the stripe design, while her head had a pair of silver and orange goggles which appear to have a cat/mask like design, as well as golden feather-like earrings with red jewels. She was wielding four guns like Bayonetta, but they had feline musketeer charms on them.

Danyelle yowls "Til Equis ends!"

Sonic and the rest of the Harmony Guard call out "Harmony Guard defend!"

The entire Harmony Guard fought hard against the monsters.

Bayonetta and the Lynx were shooting the angelic monsters and fighting them while summoning giant arms and legs to assist them in punching and kicking them.

A flash of brown fur and a flash of shining silver fur slam into a monster, ripping it apart!

Sonic spoke "Good timing grandpa!"

What Sonic said had caught Bayonetta off guard.

The lynx spoke "Cereza!"

The lynx mobian summoned a giant fist, punching it away from Bayonetta.

Sudden infernos engulfs all of the monsters, incinerating them all as a fire type Mew with a flaming tail tip shows up.

The fire type Mew asks "Are you lads and lasses okay?"

"Who're you?" I wondered.

Danyelle spoke "That's Mr Match, he and one other used to work for Wily but he treated them like garbage."

But then a group of Angelic Monsters were hit with Psyshock.

Match spoke "Aye, good timin' Maddy."

Maddy giggles "You didn't think I'd let you have ALL the fun, did ya, Match?"

Sonic flew into a spindash, ripping an angel monster in half since Lan had gotten hurt.

Rena shredded a large group of angelic monsters with Night Slash. "I lost my children before... I WON'T LOSE THEM AGAIN!"

Fluttershy pulled Lan from the fight since he was hurt.

Fluttershy spoke "Medic!"

Bayonetta spoke "AVAVAGO!!!"

Bayonetta moved and posed with her hair twirling around and covering her, stretching out into the air before piercing into the ground, opening a portal as an Infernal Demon emerged from it with a roar.

Danyelle yowls loudly "CHAOS SCAR!!"

Inuyasha shouts "Wind Scar!"

The two attacks merge into one as it rips several angel monsters to ribbons.

Midnight was his true size as he ripped the head of an angel monster clean off with his fangs.

The Infernal Demon grabbed one of the giant angelic monsters in its maw before thrashing it around while chewing it rapidly before delivering the finishing chomp, making the angelic monster explode as the demon ate it and roared.

Midnight roars loudly, scaring off the other angel monsters.

After its meal, the Infernal Demon faded away back into the portal before it closed.

Rainbow sat down in exhaustion.

Rainbow spoke "Let's never mention this to anyone."


The Nijimura Brothers Part 1

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*Zoey's POV*

It was a day since Cheese Sandwich stopped by and Rena started cheering up as her two children in Purgatorio wanted to stay for a while to help her feel better. Rena and Rei named the other two daughters Zora and Arkana.

Danyelle spoke "Uh Rainbow, Bold teleported again."

Rainbow spoke "Oh come on!"

Meanwhile, Renee was on the phone with the Speedwagon Foundation. "Don't worry, Angelo's out of commission permanently. But there's still work to be done. Remember that other photo we're investigating? Send it to me right now, yeah, the one from Egypt 10 years ago. I think this case has been blown wide open. Cool."

Renee then ended the call before turning towards me and my friends. "The funny thing is, we figured this out thanks to Angelo."

Yeah, how could we forget?

I spoke "oh hi Simba."

Simba spoke "Hey Zoey."

I ask "How are you?"

Simba spoke "Good."

Danyelle got dogpiled by her kids.

Rei spoke "I'm glad Rena is getting better."

Danyelle suddenly burped out a letter from Sindel.

Danyelle spoke "Huh, looks like she's got some champions chosen already. The top two being her eldest daughter, Mileena, and the general of her army, Shao."

A second letter arrived and it was from Master Hand, indicating which Smashers were taking part.

Danyelle spoke "Good."

"Still, remember what Angelo told us?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Definitely."

*Flashback to yesterday after Josuke sealed Angelo into stone...*

Angelo snaps "Damn you bastards all to hell! I wouldn't get cocky, you little shitheads! You think you've won, but he'll be here to butcher you into bloody pieces soon enough!"

Josuke asks "What? Who is he?"

Angelo spoke "Oh, you'll find out. He wears a school uniform, and he's the one who gave me this power!"

Midnight: Wait, what? Don't tell me... There's someone out there who can give others Stands?

Angelo chuckles "Scared? Hehehe."

Josuke asks "Yeah, nice try pal. What's so scary about that?"

Midnight spoke "Wait, he was being honest about not being born a Stand User. Think about it, how Angelo got his stand is unknown. So that means there might be someone who can make others Stand Users."

Angelo asks "Petrifying thought, isn't it? Hehehehe... Do you wanna know more?"

Renee snarls at Angelo.

Twilight spoke "SPILL IT!!!"

Angelo spoke "It happened last year, about a month before my execution was to be carried out. I remember that night well.

Danyelle's Dimensional Scream went off, showing us that night with Angelo alone in his solitary confinement cell.

Angelo spoke "It was cloudy, and I couldn't sleep worth a damn. So I just sat there, staring off into the darkness. It was quiet... dead quiet."

But then we saw a shadow creep across the outer side of the bars.

Angelo spoke "Then all of a sudden, it happened. In that shitty excuse for a solitary cell, there he was."

Suddenly a male blonde-haired bearded dragon mobian was in the cell.

Angelo spoke "The guy in the school uniform."

Past Angelo asks "What the hell?! Who let you in here?! Where'd you come from?!"

We then saw the shadowed mobian wielding a bow and a single arrow.

Angelo spoke "He was holding an ancient bow and arrow. From the looks of 'em, they must've been hundreds of years old."

Past Angelo asks "What're you doing?! What the hell?!"

The figure pulled the arrow back and aimed right at Past Angelo.

Angelo spoke "I was scared shitless, it was like my balls crawled into my stomach. But before I could let out a scream..."

The arrowtip glowed green before the figure fired it at Past Angelo at point-blank range, skewering him through the back of his mouth before causing a burst of green light with Past Angelo going limp, eyes rolled up. But after the clouds' shadows passed, Past Angelo coughed with his eyes rolling back to normal.

The mysterious Mobian spoke "Congratulations, you survived. And what's more, you have talent. Otherwise, you'd be dead right now. *Grabs Past Angelo's head before starting to pull the arrow out of him* As of this moment, you've acquired a special ability. Or perhaps I should simply say that I extracted it from your soul. The more wicked the criminal, the more talent he holds. It's a talent that a man named DIO once referred to as a stand."

The figure pulled the arrow out of Past Angelo, causing Aqua Necklace to emerge for the first time as we found ourselves back at the rock.

Midnight gasps "No way... Did you just say DIO?"

Renee spoke "That can't be good..."

Josuke asks "Is something the matter, you two?"

But then we heard a cry for help as we saw a boy struggling to keep the glove out of his mouth.

Josuke asks "What the?!"

Angelo spoke "You idiots! You were so captivated by my story you completely forgot about my Aqua Necklace!"

Midnight spoke "Angelo... You dirty little...!"

Angelo spoke "Josuke! You've lost so get me the hell outta this rock!"

Josuke only took out a comb and started combing his hair calmly. "I might have considered it... If this pathetic show of yours was actually making me mad."

Angelo spoke "What are you doing?! I told you to get me outta this stupid rock! If you don't get a move on, you and your prissy-ass hair are getting ripped apart!"

Uh-oh... That did it.

Josuke growls *Gaining a purple aura* You wanna repeat that?"

Midnight spoke "Josuke, stay calm!"

Josuke asks "*As Shining Diamond appeared* What did you call my hair?"

Angelo spoke "If you kill me, the guy in the school uniform is just gonna hunt you down and do the same to you! I didn't say earlier, but he lives in this town too!"

Midnight spoke "He's what?! Josuke, stop!"

Shining Diamond shouts "*Delivering a flurry of punches* DORARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARA!!!"

The rock was split apart with Angelo before they fused back together more while the rubber glove flew off the boy and suddenly dropped limp.

Josuke spoke "I'll give him this, he managed to piss me off. So I thought it was only fair to repay the dickwad by turning him into a great work of art."

I can tell Angelo's still alive, but it seemed like he doesn't have anymore strength to use Aqua Necklace.

Midnight spoke "*Sighs as the boy ran away* Good grief, Josuke. We needed more info from him."

Josuke spoke "Huh? Please don't tell me any of you guys believed any of that crap."

I spoke "I may not be my grandfather but I can tell that was a load of bullshit."

Midnight spoke "He wasn't lying. He said DIO."

Josuke asks "Yeah, I heard him. Who is he?"

Midnight asks "The Joestar's and my greatest enemy. The Joestar Family and I fought him for over 100 years, My friends and I managed to finish him 10 years ago. But there was one question that plagued us. For as long as I'd known DIO, he never had a stand while Jonathan Joestar was around, so how in Mobius did he get a Stand like The World?"

Josuke asks "I see. You think he got it from the same guy?"

Midnight spoke "Probably, which means there's a new foe with that being that school uniform person. Or maybe this bow and arrow are the cause of this mess."

*End Flashback*

Midnight spoke "If he was telling the truth, then the guy's hiding somewhere in Morioh. Something tells me that Angelo was just the beginning of something bigger. Good grief..."

I spoke "I've been hearing rumors of an asshole named Pucci... Maybe he's got something to do with that stand arrow..."

Midnight spoke "Don't jump the gun, Zoey. We don't know enough about the enemy yet. As far as we know, he could be completely unrelated."

I spoke "So says the foxcat demon that created the very first stand arrow."

My left ear twitched suddenly since I heard rustling in the bushes.

But then I heard fangirl screams as six groupie mares showed up.

Opaline spoke "Well, shit..."

Oh boy...

Midnight asks "Sonic? Are these the groupies you told me about?"

Sonic spoke "Not exactly my first time, thanks to Amy."

Opaline spoke "They better scram before I roast them, Midnight is mine!"

Sonic spoke "*Bead of sweat* If they were after me, my wives would go bonkers."

I giggle "Dren also has groupies but they all backed the hell off when he married me."

Later, the rest of the Mane 6 showed up.

Twilight roars loud at the groupies, scaring them shitless.

The groupies then ran away.

I groan "No matter WHAT world it is, groupies are all the same!"

Twilight spoke "Yeesh."

I spoke "Least that solves the groupie problem and..."

My right ear twitches since I had heard two male voices.

I turned around, seeing that Sonic opened another Warp Ring to Morioh, seeing Josuke and Koichi talking while walking on the other side as I knew those were the two male voices I heard.

I use a long-sound spell on my ears to listen in on the conversation.

To be continued...

The Nijimura Brothers Part 2

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*Corina's POV*

Zoey was itching at her neck fur due to something.

Zoey spoke "Gah! I hate fleas!"

“Rather than catching fleas myself, I think I should go through the warp ring.” I said.

Opaline spoke "You're not going by yourself Birdie."

"And why's that?" I asked.

Opaline spoke "I'd rather not get whipped by your wolf friend if you got hurt or worse."

"Or are you afraid that your hubby will punish you if you don't help out?" I smirked, making Opaline blush with her wings flaring out.

Opaline spoke "Don't make me throw you at that green hawk!"

Twilight spoke "Girls."

That caught our attention.

Twilight spoke "Get going."

Opaline and I went through the warp ring as Opaline went into her Mobian form with clothes that actually suited her.

Opaline soon falls flat on her face since she wasb't used to walking on two legs.

I was back in my human form.

"First time being a mobian, huh?" I said.

Opaline spoke "Shut it featherbrain."

But then Josuke and Koichi ran into us.

Josuke asks "Huh? Corina? What're you doin' here?"

I explained everything to the two males.

Josuke spoke "Still find it hard to believe."

Koichi spoke "*Sees something* Huh? I think that's a... Hey guys."

We turned towards Koichi.

Josuke asks "Yeah, what?"

Koichi asks "I could be wrong, but hasn't this house been abandoned for a few years?"

We looked at an empty window with boards across it.

Josuke spoke "Yeah, I doubt anyone would buy this eyesore. They'd be better off bulldozing it and starting over."

Danyelle soon pops up.

Danyelle spoke "I got a bad feeling about this..."

Koichi spoke "Well, maybe they just moved in. When I looked up at the window, I could've sworn I saw someone."

Josuke spoke "Huh? But that's impossible. Did you forget where I live? I'd have noticed if someone moved in. And besides, I always see real estates guys patrolling the area, looking for squatters."

Koichi spoke "Hmm... I guess that makes sense. How peculiar. *Approaches gate* I hate to say it, but maybe I saw a ghost. *Pokes head through open gate* Freaky."

Josuke spoke "Come on, dude. Knock it off with crap like that. Ghosts give me the willies, not to mention I live right there."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Koichi, never mention ghosts around Zoey either or she'll freak the fuck out."

The cherry red furred cat had crashed into Josuke.

The she-cat spoke "Itai..."

"Zoey?" I noticed.

"What the?! Whaddya think you're doing?" Josuke asked.

Danyelle spoke "Corina... Have you forgotten? Zoey has black fur in Mobian form."

The red furred Mobian cat was shaking in fear since she was all alone in a timeline not her own.

Danyelle spoke "Josuke, you should go easy on her. She's frightened badly..."

But then Koichi started groaning and gasping as he was constrained by his neck with the gate being pushed against him by someone new, a male black-scaled bearded dragon mobian with two fine lines crossing his face in semicircles while passing the inner corners of his eyes, having a dark flat-top boogie, with the hair at his sides being gray and slicked back, with two lightning bolt-shaped strands at the back of the D.A., meaning the Ducktail. He was also wearing a school uniform.

The bearded dragon asks "Try keeping your nose out of other people's business, little brat. *As Koichi kept gasping* Nothing to say?

Josuke asks "Koichi! No! Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?

The bearded dragon spoke "What? I should be the one asking you that question. You and your friends are on my property.

Josuke spoke "Have you completely lost your frickin' mind? Let him go."

The bearded dragon asks "Let me make something real clear, my Pop bought this house, which means I'm not gonna let you snoop around here. Get what I'm saying?"

Josuke spoke "I think you're the one who's not getting it. I'm telling you to let go of our friend, punk. You really don't wanna tick me off."

The bearded dragon asks "Hey, it's not nice to call people names. Especially when the person you're insulting just happens to own the property you're trespassin' on. Geez, don't you know how to be polite?

Josuke spoke "I know that I'm gonna smash your face in if you don't shut your goddamn mouth.

The mobian smirked, making my anger tip as I started charging.

"That tears it! I'm gonna beat you up mysel-" I was about to say before two somethings flew out of a window, one nailing Koichi in the through and the other hitting me in my chest before everything suddenly went black.

*Danyelle's POV*

"What?" Josuke and I gasped as Koichi and Corina coughed out blood.

The bearded dragon asks "Hey, bro?"

We looked up at a window, seeing a shadowed figure.

A person spoke "Interested as to why I shot those two with the arrow? Because that goon and woman are Josuke Higashikata and Danyelle Ogami."

The bearded dragon spoke "Really? *Gains a blue aura* So it's you two.

The person spoke "Given that he defeated Angelo and Danyelle gave assistance in that matter, their Stand Abilities will likely pose a nuisance to us as well."

Josuke gasps "You know about Stands too? Out with it, are you Stand Users?"

The person spoke "Okuyasu. Make Josuke Higashikata and Danyelle Ogami disappear."

The gate opened as Koichi fell, twitching and wheezing as Corina kept coughing out blood.

The person spoke "It seems the woman may become a Stand User, while I had high hopes for the boy would turn into a Stand User, and a useful one at that. But alas, it was all for naught. Those two are goners."

Josuke spoke "He can't...!"

We were about to head in before "Okuyasu" blocked out path while still having his blue aura as Josuke gained his purple aura.

Josuke spoke "Hey, move it! There's still time for me to heal his injury using Shining Diamond's power!"

Okuyasu spoke "Too bad."

We readied ourselves as a Stand emerged from Okuyasu.

Okuyasu spoke "Josuke Higashikata! Danyelle Ogami! I, Okuyasu Nijimura, will make you both and your friends vanish, so behold, The Hand! Get ready."

The Hand lunged before Shining Diamond and one part of my Stand landed a blow on his face, making it turn right.

Josuke spoke "Out of the way, or I'll make good on my promise to smash your face in.

Okuyasu spoke "*With a bit of blood from his mouth* Wow, gotta admit you're both pretty fast. *Wipes away blood*

The person spoke "Hey, Okuyasu. It appears manipulating a Stand is a lot like driving a car or motorcycle. Any bumbling halfwit can get in the driver's seat of a muscle machine. But with only air between his ears, he'll still be too scared to drive."

Okuyasu spoke "*As the four of us walked by* Hey bro, why the heck did you have to go and say all of that mean stuff for? These bastards are just a little faster than I thought they were gonna be."

The person spoke "Let me remind you this isn't a game, Okuyasu! There was a time when the mere thought of your Stand, The Hand, sent horrific chills straight in down my spine. Pull yourself together. It's time for you to kill Angelo's murderers, Josuke Higashikata and Danyelle Ogami. If you don't end them now, they'll prove troublesome in the future."

Okuyasu spoke "Yeah, I know-*Notices us gone before turning around* Hey, I was talking to my bro back there! That's not fair at all!"

Josuke laughs "Oh man, you're not too bright, are you?"

Okuyasu spoke "What? Not bright? Why do you-"

Shining Diamond punched Okuyasu, sending him back.

Josuke spoke "I told you to move it. Koichi! Corina! *As Koichi wheezed* Oh thank god, you're still with me. I can save you before it's too-"

But then Okuyasu charged at us. "I have had enough! You are not getting away!"

Josuke spoke "I am not gonna tell you again! If you wanna piss me off, keep running!"

Okuyasu spoke "Alright, I will! Let's see if you got the guts!"

Shining Diamond and one part of my Stand were about to attack before we both felt something wrong, grabbing The Hand's right arm instead. Something tells me that there's more to this right hand than we know. But then The Hand kneed our Stands, making Josuke and I cough out blood.

Okuyasu spoke "Let go of my hand!"

Josuke spoke "It is his right hand!"

The Hand attacked our stands enough to free his right arm before he thrusted it with his hand glowing green before Josuke and I grabbed Ichigo and Opaline before sliding around, dodging the attack.

Okuyasu spoke "You bastards. Stay right where you are, Josuke and Danyelle! You wouldn't wanna leave your friends behind!"

Josuke spoke "Something is definitely up with your right hand. My gut is telling me that there's more to it than you're letting on."

Okuyasu spoke "*Scoff* You guys can think about my hand once you're all worm food! This is it for you guys!"

Koichi was through the gate as the right gate closed, yet it was shorter and its sign was a bit different. 'No Passing'? We backed up to the wall as Okuyasu stepped forward.

Okuyasu taunts "If I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to back up, you flimsy pricks. Or don't you care about moving away from your friends? *As The Hand's right arm came out with the hand glowing green* Why don't you come a little closer?"

Of course, the sign's missing 'tre'.

Josuke asks "Now I get it, you didn't make part of that sign disappear. It cuts out space in midair! That's your Stand's ability, isn't it?"

Okuyasu smirked, confirming that as The Hand fully emerged. "Bingo, Josuke Higashikata! My Stand's right hand can make whatever it grabs disappear. But the void that's left behind, *Claps hands together once* closes and pulls together the space as if it never happened. But as for the part my Hand takes away, once my unlucky target is sucked into the void, I don't have a frickin' clue where it goes! Even if you try to run, it wouldn't matter 'cause I can still do this. *As The Hand scrapes away the space in front of it* I just have to grab some space. And then..."

All of a sudden, the four of us were right in front of Okuyasu.

Okuyasu spoke "Hey, you four came right to me. It's like teleporting, isn't it? *Punches us away while The Hand pulls us back before he punched us again* Hehehehehe, in case you guys didn't get the memo, you're up against The Hand, a Stand that even my bro fears. Try as you might, you can't run now, Josuke and Danyelle! *Punches us away and pulling us back* No matter where any of you try to hide, you're always within my reach. So go ahead, punks, make my day."

The four of us were then uppercutted back to the wall.

Okuyasu spoke "Weaklings. How are pieces of dog shit like you two able to take down Angelo.

Josuke and I got up before walking a bit and looked at Okuyasu.

Okuyasu growls "Guess you haven't figured out how worthless you guys are. So which one of us wasn't bright again?! *Pulls Josuke and I to him* Now hurry up and die, Josuke and Danyelle!"

"All according to plan." I calmly smiled.

Josuke spoke "That proves it. You, sir, are truly an idiot."

Okuyasu asks "Say what?"

Three pots were suddenly sent flying, pulled in as Josuke and I ducked, with the first two knocking Okuyasu up the chin before the third whacked him right in the moneymaker, knocking the bearded dragon out cold, making me, Ichigo and Opaline giggle at how that turned out.

I spoke "I had NO hand in Angelo's death damn it!"

Josuke spoke *Sigh* That was a close one. Okuyasu Nijimura, I’d say his Stand was pretty great, but I’m not one to lie. He’s gonna be a pain in the ass when he wakes up and tries to attack us. I guess I better draw in his nap with some gentle asphyxiation. *Grabs Okuyasu’s neck with both hands* This’ll definitely put the sting of defeat in his soul. Here we-

We heard a creak before seeing Koichi’s body were gone.

Josuke: K-Koichi!

We then saw him being dragged inside the house.

Josuke spoke *Gains purple aura* Now you’ve gone too far. I’ll kill you.

We stepped up and into the house, seeing Koichi in front of a blonde male bearded dragon mobian with long, light hair, with a curl at his forehead and a length/ponytail at the back, also folded onto itself above his head in the sculpture of a flat-top. He was wearing earrings shaped as downward arrows as well as a school uniform.

The person spoke "This Arrow is irreplaceable. There’s only one, you know. It is essential to my mission. *Reveals his face* And losing it is not an option.

The Mobian started pulling the arrow out.

Josuke spoke "Hey, leave the Arrow alone. He’ll bleed out if you keep it up.

The person spoke "Because the failings of my blockhead brother, I have no other choice but to kill you. Nothing personal, but I can’t let anything happen to the Arrow. It wouldn’t do for it to break or catch the eye of some old crone. Given my meticulous nature, I feel somewhat compelled to return it to its proper place. I mean, what should one do when one is finished listening to a CD? You should put the first in its case before listening to the next. That’s how everyone does it, and it’s how I did things."

The Mobian pulled the arrow out, making Koichi cough as Josuke charged in before a yowl split the air, followed by a cat Mobini flew at high speed, ramming headfirst into the person's stomach hard thus knocking them out cold.

Zoey growls "Good thing I had a tracking spell on Corina."

But then the guy got back up instantly while gaining a blue aura. “Now what’s this? So you’ve all decided to enter our abode.”

That was as obvious as day, bub!

Okuyasu spoke "*Behind us* Brother, don’t count me out just yet! Wait for me to help before you attack him."


Okuyasu spoke "I hope you’re ready, it’s just getting started!"

But then something shined in the darkness.

Josuke asks "There’s something moving up there in the dark. *As something fired* What the hell?!"

Josuke and I tackled Corina, Opaline and Ichigo, getting them out of the way before Okuyasu was suddenly filled with tiny holes. Then Okuyasu fell onto his back.

Josuke asks "Okuyasu?"

The person spoke "Your stupidity is truly astounding. If you hadn’t stumbled in here like a bumbling idiot, Worse Company would’ve already destroyed Josuke and his friends. And what’s more, walked right into the line of fire."

Okuyasu spoke "But bro, I…"

The person spoke "Your Stand, The Hand, may be menacing, but you, little brother, are a fool. The incompetent will hinder the capable without fail. I’ve told you over and over since we were kids. And life is only worth living when it has growth. You’ve heard that before too."

Those wounds, they look like bullet wounds, but leaves you as a pincushion. How? I’ll find out, one way or another.

The person spoke "Poor little brother, it’s always idiots like you, who deserve to die like a miserable roach on its back."

We dodged more mini gunshots.

Josuke spoke "He’s filling the place with tiny holes! What is he doing? Shining Diamond!"

Shining Diamond punched open a hole as gunshots fired again.

Josuke growls "What kind of monster attacks his own frickin’ brother?!"

Josuke grabbed Okuyasu, but his right hand got hit as all of us got outside with Okuyasu before the wall fixed itself when tiny holes from mini bullets appeared on it.

“That was close. Good timing, Zoey.” I smiled.

Zoey gasps "Thanks, I’m just glad I could help. But I should’ve expected Okuyasu’s big bro would be tougher to knock ou-*Notices Ichigo* Whaaaaa?"

Zoey and Ichigo spoke "You’re me! And I’m you!/Anata wa watashidesu! Soshite watashi wa anatadesu!"

Josuke spoke "*Winces* Now then, I think it’s way past time you tell me about your brother’s Stand. *Grabs Okuyasu* What kind of power does his Stand have? Spill it and I’ll get rid of these holes in your face."

Okuyasu asks "Like I’d tell. I’ll never rat my bro out. Understand, fools?"

Corina spoke "Grr! You’re really starting to annoy me!"

Josuke spoke "Have it your way. *Pushes Okuyasu down onto the ground while summoning Shining Diamond* I suppose, that’s just how it’s gonna be."

Shining Diamond was about to attack Okuyasu, but instead healed him completely, much to our shock and confusion as Josuke started heading back inside.

Josuke spoke "Alright, we’re going in. Since you’re not gonna help, just stay out of our way, Okuyasu. Koichi doesn’t have much time so we have to move quickly."

We started heading back in. No attack so far.

Okuyasu asks "Where are you six going? I gotta know Josuke. Why the hell’d you heal my injuries?"

Josuke spoke "Be quiet. Let us focus."

Okuyasu spoke "Didn’t it cross your mind that I might attack you? I am your enemy after all."

“Are you serious?” Josuke, Zoey, Corina, Opaline and I deadpanned.

Okuyasu asks "That depends on how you answer my question. Why the hell did you heal me? I’m having a hard time piecing things together, so hurry up and tell me, dammit. Also, what the hell happened to your hand? Did my bro do that to you when you were pulling me out here? None of this is making any sense. Why’d you go through so much trouble to try and save me?

Josuke spoke "Well, it’s not complicated. I didn’t think anyone needed to die today. Truth be told, it’s as simple as that."

My ear twitched as I heard Ichigo’s heart thump with her face blushing, making me giggle.

Corina stayed behind with Koichi as she used the blue aqua that was brought in by Zoey to heal the guy.

To be concluded

The Nijimura Brothers Part 3

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*Danyelle's POV*

We moved in as Josuke wrapped up the wound on his hand. If I didn't manage to swipe Koichi, that guy would've dragged him upstairs. So we started to quietly go up the stairs before...

Okuyasu spoke "I'm not finished asking questions, Josuke!"

That spooked me a bit.

Josuke spoke "Have you lost your goddamn mind? We're trying to-"

Okuyasu spoke "I wanna know why. Why didn't you use your Stand's healing power to patch up those holes in your hand? Instead of wrapping it like that, you could just make it all better, like you did my face."

Josuke spoke "Unfortunately, that's not how it works, Shining Diamond can't heal my own wounds. The fact of the matter is, life isn't always as easy as we want it to be. While we're on the subject, I can't bring back the dead, no matter how hard I try."

We continued moving up before stopping at a doorway.

Okuyasu spoke "I'm not the smartest guy in the world, and I think with my heart instead of my head. I'll find a way to repay you just this once. That'll be where my gratitude ends. I won't help you guys out, but I won't help my bro either. *Walks away*"

We couldn't help but smile at that as Okuyasu left.

Josuke spoke "Well that's great to hear, Okuyasu."

Corina spoke "Koichi! Stop!"

We suddenly found Koichi and Corina catching up with us. But then we heard footsteps as Josuke brought out a light as he and I saw something walked across a beam.

Koichi asks "Josuke. What's going on here?"

Josuke spoke "Koichi, I know you just woke up and none of this makes sense, but for now I need you and Corina to keep quiet and stay close to us."

Getting a look at the Stand was actually a relief. Then that something poked out.

Josuke spoke "*Sending Shining Diamond to attack* There you are. *But then more popped out* What? There's a ton of those things. They're in some kind of uniform...

The soldiers fired, hitting Josuke's hand and the lighter.

Koichi asks "What the?"

But then the soldiers jumped and parachuted down.

Josuke spoke "Looks like we're being ambushed by a bunch of toy paratroopers. This is the power of Okuyasu's brother's Stand."

But then a soldier fired, hitting Josuke a bit on the left.

Josuke spoke "Dammit. Son of a..."

Shining Diamond delivered a flurry of punches, killing two soldiers.

Josuke spoke "Got a few, but taking out two or three isn't gonna be enough. They leave tiny wounds, but the damage definitely packs a wallop. If we don't play this smart, we're gonna be in major trouble."

The soldiers lined up before marching forward.

The person spoke "Since Danyelle was clever enough to swipe Koichi to keep me from implementing my trap, my plan has gone off the rails somewhat. But in the grand scheme, it's of little consequence. You'll never escape this house, for the domination of my perfectly synchronized Stand, Worse Company!

Josuke asks "So his Stand is called Worse Company?"

Koichi asks "H-Hey Josuke, what's going on?"

Josuke spoke "Ask me later, I know it's crazy, but Danyelle and I need you, Ichigo, Zoey, Corina and Opaline to stay back. They're up to something.

Worse Company spoke "All units! Halt! Ready! Aim! Fire! *As we dodged while heading into a room* Left face! Fire!"

All of us burst into the room while dodging.

Josuke spoke "Head-on, these little bastards have the firepower to blow us to smithereens. Luckily, we got windows. I know we're on the second floor, but we've gotta break through the windows and jump to safety! *Runs but stops as we heard helicopters* So much for that idea."

Josuke and I then saw mini helicopters flying out of the shadows.

"Are you kidding me?!" I groaned.

Jsouke asks "That's just great... They've even got helicopters? But how's his Stand taking the form of US Army Apache Choppers?"

Koichi spoke "Watch you backs! They've got a tank!"

Koichi pulled us as Shining Diamond punched a tank shell ammo, making it exploded before he and my Stand attacked incoming shells and missiles, destroying them.

"Close one." I sighed in relief.

Josuke spoke "You're right, those are definitely tanks. Koichi, everyone else, carefu-"

Wait, tanks?

Josuke asks "Wait! Do you wanna run that by me one more time? Can you actually see the enemy? Soldiers, tanks, helicopters, all of 'em?"

Koichi spoke "*Somehow having a green aura* Mm-hmm. I don't understand what's going on, but I can see them."

Josuke: spoke "The Arrow. Since it didn't kill you, it must've given you a Stand."

That took me by surprise.

Zoey hisses "A princess never backs down!"

A sudden energy blast destroyed all of the helicopters.

Twilight spoke "Thought you guys could use my help!"

It was clear that Deep Blue was furious at the guy.

The person spoke "Oh. So the shrimp has one as well."

We turned around, seeing the guy with his soldiers, tanks and more helicopters.

The person spoke "He's got the power to finally use a Stand. This certainly is a surprise."

Josuke spoke "It's the man of the hour, Okuyasu's bro. This is a pretty ballsy move. Showing off your Stand like that!"

Shining Diamond threw two nails at the guy, only for the soldiers to fire them to ashes.

The person asks "You can think of my Stand, Worse Company, as a cast-iron defense. It renders all attacks and intruders incapable of penetrating its protective shield. I must admit, that surprise attack was impressive. I know you're itching to put me out of commission, hehe, but sadly, it's a pipe dream that will never come to fruition, as you all and your Stands' attacks will never get anywhere close to me! Feast your eyes on this, the perfect symmetry of my army's formation is simply stunning, isn't it?"

Worse Company spoke "All units! Maintain battle formation! At ease!"

The attack stopped, going on standby now.

The person spoke "There's just nothing quite like having everything beautifully in place. Though you did destroy a few of my foot soldiers and obliterated my helicopters with your attacks, so my troops' formation is irritatingly asymmetrical now."

Josuke asks "Heh, well you did say you were meticulous. But did you really need to come out of your hiding spot to tell us all that?"

The person spoke "Now what on Mobius would give you that idea? I came out here to observe the little troublemaker."

Koichi asks "You mean me?"

The person spoke "Indeed I do. If I recall, Koichi was your name. Ironic that you appear to have the innate ability to utilize a Stand. Manifest your Stand right now, and show me the extent of its power. If today's my lucky day, you may just possess the ability I've spent so long trying to uncover. Show me your power, and I'll allow you to live."

Koichi spoke "But, I don't know."

Josuke spoke "And what ability would that be? It's about time you told us the endgame here."

The person spoke "I'll be asking the questions around here! Do I make myself clear, Josuke? Keep in mind, I still have you and Danyelle in my crosshairs. You should be thanking me for letting you as long as I have."

Josuke spoke "That's just great..."

The person spoke "Let's go. Get a move on. Manifest your Stand!"

Koichi spoke "What's a Stand? Sorry, I have no clue what you mean."

The person spoke "Huh? It's your first time? Well, I'll be. Very well, Josuke, Danyelle, be a sport and show him how to manifest his Stand."

"What?" Josuke and I asked in confusion.

The person spoke "The striking range of your Shining Diamond is only a measly one meter, while Danyelle's Stand varies on what part she uses. It's a long shot, but if this wimp's Stand can compensate for the weakness of Shining Diamond's, you might have a real chance at escaping my company."

At least he's giving us a fair chance.

Josuke spoke "Good point. A Stand that can kick your ass would be an awesome addition to the party."

Zoey growls "That is FAR ENOUGH KEICHO!"

All 18 pieces of my stand appear.

Tachigami was on my head since he was the smallest in size.

A fiery red aura was seen on Ichigo as a lionlike stand suddenly manifests.

Bast roars loud.

Zoey spoke "Talk about luck!"

Josuke spoke "Whoa! Pretty badass! *To Koichi* Okay, materializing your Stand is easy, Koichi. Ramp up the urge to protect yourself, or maybe think about pummeling this guy until he’s black and blue. The rest broils down to instinct. A Stand unique to your spiritual energy should reveal itself."

Koichi spoke "Hold on! Say what? You can’t just bring that on me and expect me to know what to do!"

Keicho spoke "You don’t know what to do? Then please allow me to help you out. Here’s some inspiration. *As a soldier with a green beret and a knife roped down onto Koichi’s left shoulder* Do it, Green Beret."

Green Beret attacked as Koichi yelled out in pain before he gained a green aura, followed by an egg appearing.

“What?/Nani?” Josuke, Ichigo, Twilight and I noticed in confusion.

Keicho asks "That’s it?"

The egg landed without an injury.

Josuke spoke "Hey, Koichi. You have to try moving it."

Koichi asks "What are you talking about?

Josuke spoke "The Stand, now open your eyes."

Koichi asks "What Stand? *Notices egg* Are you saying I made this thing?"

Josuke spoke "Yeah, we’ll congratulate you later. First, we need to find out what this egg-shaped thing can do."

Koichi spoke "What it can do? I don’t know what you think is supposed to happen, but I don’t have any energy left. That was the best I could do."

Josuke asks "You’re kidding. That’s it?"

I heard a crack as Keicho and I saw a tiny hole on the egg with small cracks from it with them getting slightly bigger.

Keicho spoke "Enough! I’ve seen everything that I need to. All units! Get in battle formation!"

Josuke spoke "Koichi, withdraw your Stand. If they destroy this egg, you’ll die too."

Koichi spoke "What do you mean? I don’t know how to do that."

Keicho spoke "Light ‘em up, men!"

Shining Diamond knocked the egg away, sending Koichi flying as the rest of us got the non-Stand Users away from the spot we’re at before Worse Company fired, with our Stands attacking the projectiles, making them shatter the wall behind us as we Stand-Users were blown into the room behind us.

Koichi spoke "J-Josuke!"

Josuke spoke "Word to the wise, sergeant bro, if you’re trying to bring the roof of this dump down on our heads in a fiery inferno, then do it and stop playing around."

Keicho spoke "Hmm. *Steps forward*"

“Ready yourself, Keicho Nijimura.” I warned.

Josuke spoke "This is great. Yeah, I’m in the mood for a brawl."

Keicho asks "Josuke Higashikata. Is it true that you strongly disapprove of disparaging remarks related to your hair?"

Josuke spoke "Why don’t you find out for yourself? Go on, I dare you."

Keicho spoke "Thanks, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary. Instead, I’ll blow your head right off from underneath that prized hair of yours. Consider yourself forewarned. But, first, Worse Company will fired bullets into your legs. That will keep you from running away. Next, we’ll focus on taking out your arms. Once that’s done, you’ll have no means of defending yourselves, giving me cart blanche to blow your brains and hair into oblivion."

Josuke chuckles "Well, that sounds like a bullet-proof plan if I ever heard one. If you overlook the fact that it’s completely impossible."

Keicho spoke "I’ve already told you how meticulous I am. When I declare something, I stick to it, thus, the warning."

But then Koichi gained a green aura before Keicho turned back at him.

Keicho spoke "Remember the only reason I’m letting you draw breath is because your Stand intrigues me. *Back-hand punches Koichi away*

Josuke spoke "Bastard!"

Us Stand-Users charged forward.

Keicho spoke "All units aim! Fire at will!"

Our Stands attacked. The projectiles, causing an explosion at a window.

Josuke spoke "Hey, sergeant bro, have you ever heard the story where Moses parts the waters of the Red Sea right down the middle? Because that’s what we’re about to do to your pathetic army, then we’re gonna beat you down!"

Keicho spoke "My plan is proceeding exactly as I forewarned, but you and your friends are all too big of fools to see it! Josuke Higashikata."

But then we heard four clicks before something exploded beneath our feet. That looked like… a mini landmine!

Keicho spoke "First, your legs will go. Now, Apaches, release your firepower and disable them!"

Missiles were fired as Shining Diamond knocked away two, shattering them but the rest of them got past our Stands and hit us at least one of our arms each.

Josuke groans "He got our arms."

Keicho spoke "*Chuckle* First the legs, then the arms, exactly as I predicted. Hellfire is going to rain down on you with a flurry of bullets! Can those wounded arms of yours save all of you? Or will Worse Company tear you all apart? Let’s find out as they fire every missile, shell and round!"

Us Stand-Users were now surrounded.

Keicho spoke "You and your friends lose, Josuke Higashikata! All units! Ready… aim…"

But to our surprise, Josuke just sat up.

Keicho spoke "Hmm? And what exactly do you think you’re doing? Could it be that you’re accepting your fate? *Chuckles* Or is it that you’re asking me to show you and your friends mercy? Hmph. Well, no can do. All units, take them out!"

All of Worse Company fired at us.

Josuke spoke "You think you’ve got us cornered, but I’ve already implemented my tactics."

The two missiles Shining Diamond wrecked repaired themselves.

Keicho gasps "What?! *As the two missiles launched at him* I’m sure those are two of the missiles I shot at Josuke’s arm. He turned them against me!"

KABOOM!!! Keicho was hit by his own missiles as every projectile shot at us vanished without a trace, leaving us Stand-Users completely unharmed.

Josuke spoke "What, did you forget? My Shining Diamond’s special ability is to repair almost anything that’s been broken. Really, if you’re that forgetful, you might wanna take some notes. Make sure you’re meticulous."

The battle was won as Keicho was knocked out cold for sure this time with wounds, blood and smoke.

Zoey uses her magic to pull the bullets out of Josuke's legs before using a healing spell to seal the wounds shut.

Zoey asks "What should we do with the guy?"

Josuke spoke "*Stands up and sighs while healing the other Stand-Users* I really hate to say this, but Okuyasu’s brother just about took us out for good. Guys, I think it’s high-time we got the hell outta here."

Koichi asks "Huh? But… what about the Bow and Arrow he had? Where did it go?"

None of us saw it on him, and we all know none of us have it.

Josuke spoke "Good memory. Bastard must’ve hid it somewhere after he went up the stairs. Don’t tell me you wanna…"

Koichi spoke "Yeah."

Josuke spoke "Hold off on looking for it. If their dad bought this place, he may still be around. Plus, we’ve done enough damage for today. Let’s just leave it be for now."

Koichi asks "No, we can’t just do nothing. Look, the only reason I’m alive right now is because Corina healed my wounds with that weird stone. But think about it, if somebody else gets shot with that bow and arrow, let’s face it, they’re probably gonna die. Is that what you want? You guys can stay here and rest up, don’t worry about me. I’ll find it by myself. *Approaches stairs* And, truth be told, I’m not so sure if their dad even lives in this house anymore. I mean, if he was living here, he would’ve come out by now, right?"

Koichi went up the stairs. That Chespin may not look like much, but he sure is brave when push comes to shove.

Getting a crazy idea, Zoey punts Ichigo in the rear, causing the cherry red furred Mobian cat to crash into Josuke thus kissing him.

Twilight giggles "Real smooth Zoey."

Zoey giggles "Nyeh. I try."

A few seconds later, the two split up with blushes before we went upstairs as Josuke went up to Koichi. “Hey.”

Koichi asks "Oh! It’s you guys. What? You trying to stop me?"

Josuke spoke "Not a chance. *Smile* We’re gonna snap that bow and arrow in two, then say goodbye to this hellhole. Together."

Koichi smiled as we soon reached a door.

Koichi spoke "There’s an attic. The Bow and Arrow’s probably up here. *Approaches a door before seeing the Bow and Arrow hung up through an opening* There it is. The Bow and Arrow, and it’s just hanging on the wall."

But then we heard inhumane growls, sending chills down our spines.

Josuke spoke "That doesn’t sound good. Something must be in there."

We then heard chains rattling.

Josuke spoke "Well, at least it’s chained up, whatever it is."

Koichi spoke "Y-you think it could be a dog? ‘Cause it’s definitely not a person. But if it is, it sure isn’t happy."

Koichi slowly opened the door as we saw chains before they were pulled into the shadows.

Koichi spoke "What are we supposed to do? I’m too scared to think."

Josuke spoke "You asking me? I voted to leave this house of horrors."

Koichi spoke "I know, but…"

Josuke asks "We can’t just turn back now. Alright Koichi, on the count of three, I want you to bust the door open with everything you’ve got. That should scare it, then I’ll run over as fast as I can and break that Bow and Arrow in half. Got it?"

Koichi spoke "Yeah."

Josuke spoke "Let’s go. One. Two. Three."

Koichi was about to kick the door open, when a green arm suddenly emerged behind the door and grabbed the Chespin by the right ankle, making him panic.

Josuke gasps "What the hell?!"

The arm then pulled in as we dived and grabbed Koichi.

Josuke spoke "Koichi!"

Koichi cries "Help me!"

Josuke spoke "Wait a minute, that thing is no Stand, it’s a real hand attached to a real funky-looking arm."

Koichi spoke "Help me please!"

Shining Diamond punched the arm at the wrist, severing the hand while it sprayed moss-green goop as Koichi was freed.

Koichi spoke "Yuck…"

Josuke spoke "I wasn’t trying to sever it."

The severed hand let go of Koichi’s ankle as something scurried in the shadows as it groaned in pain before its right arm somehow regenerated, much to our shock. The creature looked at us before it came into the light, revealing its face and really creeping us out.

“What are we looking at?!” I yelped as it grabbed its hand and scurried away before eating its severed hand.

Josuke spoke "Hey Koichi, what the hell is that thing? I can’t believe something like that was living right under our noses."

Koichi groans "Ugh… gross…"

I yowl "Chaos Heal!"

Purifying flames wash over the mutated male, turning him back to a normal human.

I spoke "That explains everything! There have been reports of people going missing but there have been no ransoms."

But the Bearded Dragon Mobian mutated back into the creep from before.

A voice spoke "So you’ve found him. That was never supposed to happen.

We looked left, seeing Keicho at another door to the room, panting.

Josuke spoke "You again.

Keicho spoke "It’s a long story, but… *Walking against the wall* he’s our father, if you can believe it. Right now, he needs these more than you. *Grabs Bow and Arrow*

Koichi: Why is he grabbing the Bow and Arrow?

Keicho spoke "It’s imperative that I find more Stand Users for my father, so no one is getting these. Come at me with all your might if you must, I’ll protect them until the bitter end."

Josuke: So did a disease do this to your dad?"

Keicho spoke "A disease? You’re joking. Dad is in excellent health, minus the warts. He even has a hearty appetite, even all he does is moan. It’s safe to say he has no idea I’m his son."

Josuke spoke "So you’ve been searching for a Stand-user with the power to cure your father."

Keicho spoke "To cure him? *Chuckles* What? Are you offering? ‘Cause you and Danyelle are not needed. *Keeps chuckling until he starts whimpering with a tear or two falling onto his right hand* You’re wrong, I’ve been searching for a Stand-User who can kill my father. But at this point, I doubt it’ll ever happen. No matter what I do, dad won’t die. I could bash his head in, chop his body into a million tiny pieces, even slicing him into ribbons won’t kill him. I even trained myself in Chaos abilities, and they were useless against him. *As his father clawed at a closed chest* I just want to end his suffering. As a kid, I swore to do everything in my power to make that happen. But I need the Bow and Arrow to make good on my promise to him. If I hand these over to you, dad will be a freak for all eternity. Suffering, all because some bastard named DIO decided to implant cells in his skull and make my dad a monster!"

That caught those of us who heard the name before completely off guard.

Josuke spoke "Hold on! Did you say DIO? The guy from Midnight’s story."

I spoke "My Chaos Heal is rather powerful in its own right. I can help you Keicho."

Zoey spoke "But I thought Midnight ripped DIO to shreds long ago!"

Twilight spoke "He did, ten years ago.

Keicho spoke "*Opens the chest and searches* Indulge me, by listening how things used to be. Josuke Higashikata, although what I’m about to tell you is related to your life as well. Everything began eleven years ago, the beginning of the end. I was seven back then, and my brother, Okuyasu, was just four. We were living in Tokyo during that time. It was in the middle of bubble economy and spirits were high. Well, the spirits of everyone, except my father. Mom fell sick and died, and dad’s business went under. He was buried under a mountain of debt. He’d often beat us for no reason. He was the walking definition of a loser. That’s when everything changed. Out of the blue, a seemingly endless supply of cash started rolling in. And on top of that, there were jewels and precious metals. And dad didn’t have a job to speak of. After some research, I found out the truth. My father had made a dark deal, he sold his own soul to a Mobian by the name of DIO. He became DIO’s lackey for monetary gain. Based on what I found out, DIO’s goal was to scour the globe in search of potential Stand-Users. And somehow, he discovered my dad had the capacity to manifest a Stand. However to this day, I have no idea what the nature of his Stand is. And then things changed again. It’s been ten years, but I remember it like yesterday. It was two in in the afternoon, I’d just come home from a long day at school."

My Dimensional Scream suddenly activated, showing me what happened.

To be concluded

The Nijimura Brothers Part 4

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*Danyelle's POV (still)*

*Ten Years ago…*

Young Keicho saw Young Okuyasu crying.

Young Keicho asks "Okuyasu! Did that bastard hit you again? What’s wrong with him?"

Young Okuyasu spoke "*Still crying* No, he didn’t."

Young Keicho and Young Okuyasu looked in the kitchen, seeing their father on the ground on his knees and left hand with his right one holding his head as something was happening.

Mr. Nijimura spoke "DIO… DIO is dead. *Groaning* That must be the reason…"

Young Keicho asks "Dad?"

Mr. Nijimura showed his face, which was getting disfigured with his body as he screamed in pain.

Young Keicho spoke "Dad, I’ll call an ambulance."

Mr. Nijimura spoke "It’s no use. I’m not sick. The flesh bud is ravaging my body. *Runs out* This is the end!"

Young Keicho spoke "Dad!

Keicho spoke "After a year, he didn’t know who we were. The man had forgotten all about his own children, and become a muttering glob of flesh. *As Mr. Nijimura fell over with the chest* DIO used to implant his own cells into the minds of those he distrusted, so he can manipulate his victims in whatever way he saw fit. As you can guess, he implanted one of those things in dad. For ten years, I threw myself into research, I studied Stands, I researched Project: SHADOW and Project: PHOENIX, I learned about Midnight, in my studies I learned of Enyaba the hag and obtained possession of the Bow and Arrow. But in the process, I slowly resigned myself to the fact that dad would never recover from the curse that plagued him. My father had already become one with the immortal cells of DIO. *As Mr. Nijimura searched through the chest* Now he spends his days doing nothing but this. It’s infuriating to watch, every moment of every day for the past ten years, he scratched around that stupid box of rubbish. If I confiscate it, he wails and groans for days on end. I’m sick of dealing with it. Look at his putrid face, makes me disgusted with the very idea of life itself. *Yanks the chain, pulling his father up to his face* I’ve told you over and over! Stop making a mess! *Punches Mr. Nijimura* Though I’ve noticed when I discipline the bastard, he seems to hear me! *Stomps on Mr. Nijimura’s face* And he keeps rummaging in his own filth! The useless swine can’t help it!"

Josuke asks "Enough! You’re the one who needs to stop. He’s still your father, isn’t he?

Keicho spoke "*Finishes kicking and stomping* Yeah, you’re right. This man is my father, but in blood only. The detestable thing I see before isn’t the father I used to know. *As Mr. Nijimura regenerated* This Mobian sold his soul to DIO, and is living the life he created. But I’m not totally without a heart, seeing my one and only father like this is unbearable. You don’t know how it feels. All I want to do is end his life and finally free him from the suffering. *As Mr. Nijimura crawled towards the box* And by I put him out of his misery, I’ll be able to live my life again.

Josuke and I noticed Mr. Nijimura piecing something together like a puzzle.

Keicho spoke "What did I say? I’ve had just about enough of you! Get out of the box right now! *Kicks Mr. Nijimura*"

Josuke spoke "Hey! You’ve more than made your point. *Runs forward*"

Keicho spoke "Sorry, but I just can’t let you have this Bow and Arrow! Not now or ever!"

Josuke spoke "That works for me, I’ll just take that Bow and Arrow later. But right now, my sights are set on that box."

Shining Diamond attacked the chest, shattering it.

Koichi asks "Wait, the box?"

The chest repaired itself as the pieces reunited, forming a picture of the Nijimura family of Keicho and Okuyasu when they were kids and were with both their parents.

Josuke spoke "It was clear from the way he was clutching those scraps of paper that there was something important about them. *As Mr. Nijimura held the photo in his hands* Now it makes sense."

Mr. Nijimura whimpered before he started crying with tears.

Koichi spoke "A family photo. Then he knew what he was doing. He hasn’t been mindlessly rummaging through that box for ten years, he had a purpose. He was looking for the photo of his sons when they were young. It’s true he’s not completely aware of his surroundings, but deep down, his memories are still intact. Memories of better days."

Keicho couldn’t believe what happened, as he was so shocked, he let the chain drop.

Twilight spoke "Deep down, he's hurting because of the flesh bud."

I pull Keicho over with psychic before hugging him, causing him to break down into tears.

Josuke spoke "Give up on looking for a Stand that kills. Because if you focus on using one that heals instead, then I’m willing to help you.

That caught Keicho and an eavesdropping Okuyasu by surprise as Koichi smiled.

Josuke spoke "But first, you’ll have to hand over that Bow and Arrow, ‘cause they’re history."

But then Keicho took a step away from us.

Josuke asks "You’re not planning to run, are you?"

Keicho growled at that.

Okuyasu spoke "Bro, please. Enough is enough."

Keicho spoke "*Looks right* Okuyasu."

Okuyasu asks "Come on, let’s end this already. There’s no point in fighting them, right?"

Josuke spoke "So you stuck around."

Okuyasu asks "*Steps forward* Whaddya say? There’s a chance Dad could get better, couldn’t he? So what if he doesn’t look like the way he used to? That stuff doesn’t really matter, the important thing is he has his memories and soul. *Grabs bow* Right?"

Keicho asks "*Freezes before showing anger* Okuyasu, the hell do you think you’re doing?"

Okuyasu spoke "Bro."

Keicho spoke "Move it, Okuyasu. Don’t you see, it’s far too late for me to just turn my back on the mission. I’ve already slaughtered countless people in this town with the very Bow and Arrow you’re gripping. Besides, as far as I’m concerned, you’re no longer my brother. As such, I have no qualms about killing you where you stand."

This could get ugly-*Ear twitches* Huh? Josuke and I looked up, seeing an unknown figure looking through a rooftop window.

Josuke asks "Question. Is there anyone else living here besides you two and your dad?"

Okuyasu spoke "Others? No, it’s just the three of us."

The figure was suddenly gone before an outlet behind Okuyasu started sparking, followed by something emerging from the electricity inside.

A voice spoke "HA! *Leaps at Okuyasu*"

Keicho spoke "Okuyasu, pull your head out of your ass, you idiot!

Keicho punched Okuyasu away before the being punched with his right fist piercing through the elder brother’s chest.

Okuyasu spoke "No! Big bro!

???: I’ll be relieving you of this Bow and Arrow, Keicho Nijimura. You do still remember me, don’t you, since you awakened my Stand when you shot me with this Arrow!"

Keicho spoke "I do, and you are an idiot. You can’t handle the Bow and Arrow."

A voice spoke "Keicho Nijimura, Stands are a manifestation of the soul. I’ve matured since you told me that. Well let me guess, you weren’t expecting my Stand, Chili Pepper, to evolve to this degree."

Keicho spoke "Worse Company, atta-"

Chili Pepper spoke "*Surges electricity* No more words."

Josuke asks "*As Keicho screamed in pain* Hey, is that…?"

Koichi spoke "Electricty! Okuyasu’s brother is turning into it, and so is the Bow and Arrow!"

Okuyasu spoke "*As Chili Pepper pulled in Keicho, and the Bow and Arrow* Big bro!"

Keicho spoke "No! Get back! Don’t touch me, you’ll get sucked in too."

Okuyasu spoke "Big bro…"

Keicho spoke "This isn’t good. All that work, and he’s stealing the Bow and Arrow! Okuyasu, I knew you’d find a way to screw me over ever since we were kids. You’ve always held me back."

Okuyasu spoke "Big bro!"

Keicho was sucked into the outlet as Josuke started jumping.

Koichi spoke "Josuke!"

Josuke jumped high enough that he broke through the rooftop window and got up top as we followed him up there while Mr. Nijimura was still down there. But we didn’t see anyone else but us.

Josuke asks "Did you recognize that Stand back there, Okuyasu?"

Okuyasu spoke "I didn’t, bro was the one who found the Stand-Users, and when he did, he didn’t tell me a lot about them. *Sees something that makes him freeze* G-Guys. Look. It’s…

We turned around, only to see a horrifying sight. It was Keicho atop electrical wires and burnt severally, electrocuted to death.

Josuke spoke "Okuyasu…"

Okuyasu asks "Bro, I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened. I knew all the bad things he did in this life would catch up to him one day. But still… in the end, my brother… My brother used his dying moments to save my life, didn’t he? Everyone, you saw it, right?"

Josuke spoke "Yeah, I couldn’t have said it better. Whatever his faults, your brother saved your life."

Zoey spoke "Hold on, he can be brought back! I still have plenty of blue aqua on hand!"

After pulling the charred body over to her, Zoey pushes one of the blue aqua orbs into Keicho's body thus revive him.

But then Keicho closed his eyes, falling unconscious.

Zoey spoke "*Bead of sweat* Oh, should've considered this may happen. Given all that happened to him, he'll need to rest for a bit."

I chase after Chili Pepper, shooting fire at the stand.

But the Stand was fully gone, having escaped completely. I hiss in anger.

I growl "That peckerface got away with the bow and arrow."

Josuke spoke "Danyelle, calm down. At least no one died today, so at least be happy about that."

Using the breathing exercises Cadence taught me, I calmed down, admitting that Josuke was right about that. But then Corina whacked that back of my head.

Corina spoke "Don't say that, got it, Danyelle? It's an insult to birds everywhere."

Zoey spoke "Not just birds though, gryphons and hippogriffs too."

I bashfully rubbed the back of my head at that. "Ehehe... Sorry about that."

Zoey giggles "Plus you insulted yourself too Dany since you're half gryphon."

Twilight spoke "That Stand is going to be trouble but it has a weakness. It can't stand large amounts of water."

"Hmm... We'll keep that in mind if we run into that Stand again." I noted.


Visiting Amiya’s World

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*Sonic’s POV*

Wow, I have a HUGE family!

Roll giggles "And in time, we'll have a family as big as Applejack's family!"

Blaze giggles "That might happen faster if Sonic gets any more wives."

Swiftrunner spoke "Not to mention, I'm the only chakat in this messed up family."

Michelle spoke "And we have unbound and restraint forms."

Swiftrunner spoke "True enough."

Nightshade had gotten thrown by Haku, causing the female Umbreon Poké-Mobian to crash into me.

Nightshade stammers "*Blush* S-Sorry!"

I ask "Let me guess, Haku threw you?"

Nightshade spoke "Yeah, and I'll get him back for that."

I whisper in Nightshade's ear "Why not prank him with an eel?"

Nightshade spoke "Ooh! Nice!"

Danyelle pops up with Aurora on her head and Akoya on her back while one of her tails was wrapped around Rani's tail.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that! I had to give Rani a bath earlier."

"No biggie, I shrugged.

Rarity and Blizzardstar were having a talk about Ein.

Rarity spoke "Would you slap Ein-"

Blizzardstar spoke "Yes."

Rarity spoke "I didn't even finish!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Sorry, continue."

Rarity asks "Would you slap Ein for 10 bits?"

Blizzardstar spoke "I would do it for free and at any time."

*Back with my family,*

Danyelle spoke "That reminds me, I was going to go check up on Amiya and I need a babysitter... Preferably someone who doesn't have an unbound form yet."

Tails spoke "I can help with that."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks Tails."

Tails spoke "No prob."

Danyelle giggles "That makes what, 14 now?"

Nightshade blushed at the idea.

Spittfire spoke "I can't imagine what Dren is planning with that dynamite. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal."

But then Pandora appeared next to Discord. “Dissy, save your crazy bet proposal for when Sonic’s kids have more control over their powers.”

Discord spoke "But-"

Pandora spoke "Next time."

Pandora snapped her fingers, causing her and Discord to vanish.

Danyelle spoke "Anyways... I was just about to go check up on Amiya. She's been quiet for some time."

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Maybe she’s planning a surprise party!"

Danyelle and Blaze were both up on the ceiling in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan... QUIT DOING THAT PINKIE!"

Pinkie spoke "Oops, sorry."

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan... You're as bad as Ein is when it comes to pranks..."

After leaving the mittens in Tails' care, Danyelle heads off through a warp ring to Amiya's world.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Okay, now to find Amiya. I looked around, but I couldn’t find her. Soon I was at a location that was dark, I was starting to get worried when suddenly…

An excitable voice spoke "SURPRISE!!!"

Lights flashed on as the place was revealed to be a party zone, hosted by Amiya.

I was up on the ceiling yet again.

I groan "Twice in one day..."

Amiya spoke "Oh, sorry about that. We just wanted to through a surprise party as thanks for helping this world."

I spoke "It wasn't my doing though, Nine and Shatterverse Sonic were the ones who purified the Originium and got rid of Oripathy."

Nearl spoke "Amiya, you're an idiot."

Amiya spoke "Well, they weren't exactly alone in helping us."

Zoey and Dren soon pop up with Pigment and Anzu. Zoey was in Mobini form, Dren was back in Cyniclon form and Anzu was in Mobini-Cyniclon form.

Zoey spoke "Hey Danyelle."

I spoke "Hey guys."

Dren spoke "I just hope you don't have anything banana related here, I'm allergic to bananas."

"I'll be sure to let DK and Diddy know." I responded.

Zoey spoke "Danyelle, you're an idiot. Those two didn't help you deal with the Originium cleansing."

"I was talking to Dren, Zoey." I pointed out.

Dren spoke "I just hope I'm not picked to be a Smasher, I'd rather not get yelled at by Sardon."

As dumb luck would have it, I burped up a scroll from Master Hand.

I spoke "Uh Dren, you just jinxed yourself."

Dren asks "*Pale* Huh?"

I give the scroll to Dren.

Dren read it as he then facepalmed.

Zoey spoke "Seems a new tag team was announced though Dren. And it's both of us!"

Dren asks "So we work together?"

Zoey spoke "Of course Dren dear, we're stronger together."

Dren asks "Nice. *Remembers something* Oh! What about Megan and Mimi?"

As if on cue, a pair of wolf Mobini pop up.

Megan asks "Did someone call?"

Zoey spoke "Megan! Mimi! *Hugs them both* It’s so good to see you again!"

Mimi giggles "And look at you Zoey, you're one third cat one third alicorn one third human!"

Zoey spoke "Dunno if the one-third cat’s either that, wolf, or quarter all four."

Dren spoke "Zoey, I think your mom's hiding a rather big secret."

Zoey asks "Hmm?"

Mimi spoke "Ya know, if I was a cat, I’d be a Bengal Tiger."

Megan spoke "And I’d be an African Lioness."

Zoey asks "Megan, Mimi, have either of you felt like something was missing in your life?"

Mimi asks "Huh?"

Megan asks "Wha?"

Anzu asks "Mom?"

Megan and Mimi were surprised at what the cat Mobini-Cyniclon hybrid had called Zoey.

Zoey contacts her mom via telepathy.

Zoey spoke "That's Anzu, she's one of my daughters. The Mewtwo is Pigment, she's also part alicorn and part wolf beastman."

Megan and Mimi spoke "*Big-eyed with smiles and droopy ears* AWW!!!"

Cherry soon arrives via magic, taking on her human form.

Cherry spoke "Hey Zoey."

Zoey spoke "Hi mom."

Both wolf Mobini spoke "There's something about you we just can't quite put our finger on..."

Zoey asks "Huh?"

Cherry spoke "Zoey, there's something I should have told you back when you were 8... You have two sisters..."

Zoey shouts "WHAT?!"

Mimi and Megan ask "*Excited about the gossip* Who?! Who?!"

Cherry spoke "Think about it Zoey sweetie. When I was about 988 years of age, I had three girls. You looked more like me though Zoey but the other two didn't and since I couldn't handle raising three children, I had erased your memories of your sisters... I'm sorry..."

That left Megan and Mimi confused.

Dren spoke "Oh for the love of.... Zoey, what your mom is trying to say that Megan and Mimi are your sisters."

Zoey, Mimi and Megan scream "...WHAAAAAAAAATTTTT?!?!?!?!?"

Dren plugs his ears.

Dren spoke "God... Kitten, watch the royal voice will you? I nearly went deaf."

"Yeah, be careful." I warned.

Zoey spoke "I keep forgetting that cat ears and Cyniclon ears are sensitive to loud noise."

Megan spoke "Wow... Just wow..."

Mimi spoke "I never saw that coming..."

I giggle "I did though."

Nearl laughs "Enough about that, let's party!!!"

And the party continued as we all had fun.

Due to a prank pulled by Lance, Volt had fallen out of a warp ring and landed on top of Amiya thus kissing her by accident.

Volt spoke "S-sorry!"

Amiya blushed madly at that as I giggled.

Nearl giggles "Well, this was unexpected."

Zoey teases "*Smirk* Hmm… Speaking of crushes, how’re your high school crushes, Mimi and Megan?"

Zoey’s sisters blushed at that.

Cherry giggles.

“Oh? What happened?” I asked, intrigued.

Zoey giggles "I'm picking on my sisters."

“Come on, tell me. I’m dying to know.” I insisted with a smirk.

Zoey spoke "Sorry Dany, I'm not telling!"

I then started playfully tussling with Zoey. “C’mon! Tell me!”

Zoey soon has me by the tails.

Zoey spoke "No Danyelle."

Mimi and Megan giggled at what Zoey and I were doing.

Dren spoke "Last thing Sonic needs is one of his cousins developing a crush on him since it's just wrong."

I spoke "Enough about that, I'm rather curious about the state of your world though Amiya."

Amiya spoke "*Smile* Without the Originium, it’s getting a whole lot better. Everything’s more peaceful now."

Nearl spoke "If if weren't for you guys pulling off that freaking miracle, it would have been harder for us. *snicker* And Amiya wouldn't have gotten her first kiss either, if you know what I mean."

Amiya spoke "*Blush!* Nearl!"

Volt had curled into a ball from embarrassment.

But then an unknown person showed up.

Nearl spoke "Oh hey Doctor Asuma."

Doctor Asuma asks "What's going on here?"

Zoey explained to the Doctor that one of her cousins had kissed Amiya on accident.

Doctor Asuma asks "Oh?"

Volt whines "Zoey!"

Doctor Asuma giggled.

Nearl spoke "In the length of time I've known you Doctor Asuma, I've never heard you laugh once."

My nose twitches.

I spoke "Smells like fox..."

Doctor Asuma spoke "Aren't you intuitive."

I giggle "I've got keen ears, eyes and sense of smell."

Zoey spoke "Anyway, Mimi and Megan, you would not believe how big my family's getting."

I giggle "Sonic's got 14 wives, Manic's got 2 and Sonia has four since she's a lesbian."

Mimi and Megan ask "...Wait-what?"

Zoey spoke "Mom's mother is a Princess."

Zoey's sisters became more shocked.

Volt spoke "My dad's one third alicorn."

That last bit of info was too much for Mimi and Megan as they fainted.

Zoey laughs "Oh wow, I didn't see that one coming."

"Guess that was too much info to take in at once." I giggled.

Zoey spoke "At least there's no more Oripathy."

Doctor Asuma spoke "You're telling me."

Zoey spoke "It wasn't just the Harmony Guard that put a stop to it, three others helped out."

Doctor Asuma asks "Who?"

I spoke "There's myself, Sonic, Roll, Shirou, Michiru, Maria, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Asuna, Orion, Ash, Indigo, Akane and Haru. The eighteen of us along with Nine, Shira, Shatterverse Sonic and a few others, we were able to purify the crystals and get rid of the Oripathy."

Doctor Asuma spoke "…Wow."

Zoey giggles "I remember the one time where one of Sonic's in-laws got a mouth full of dirt!"

But then Dren realized something.

Anzu asks "Dad, you okay?"

Dren asks "If Zoey is a princess, wouldn’t that make me…?"

Zoey spoke "A prince."

My dimensional scream kicks in suddenly, revealing a vision from when Dren was 5 years old. And to my surprise, Zoey and the others had seen the vision as well.

*Cynnth, 25 years ago,*

A five year old Dren was playing with his most favorite toy when one of the guards had approached his parents.

The guard spoke "King Higashi, Queen Anzu, you two have to take Dren and run. there have been reports of rogue guards that were recruited by Deep Blue and they want you three dead."

Young Dren was confused on what was going on.

Higashi knelt down in front of his two children

Higashi spoke "Son, I want you and Naoko to run as fast as you both can to Hayako's place and don't look back."

Naoko spoke "No daddy!"

Higashi spoke "Go now!"

Naoko grabs her brother's wrist and started running as fast as her legs could handle to Hayako's house.

One of the rogue guards spoke "There they go! GET THOSE LITTLE ROYAL SHITS!!"

Naoko yelped as she tried to run faster with young Dren.

Since this was a vision of the past, I couldn't do anything to help.

Dren was taking this the worst.

Zoey places a hand on her husband's shoulder, causing him to bury his face in her chest as he cried.

Naoko spoke "Keep going brother! I'll try to hold them off somehow!"

Young Dren asks "N-Naoko...?"

Naoko spoke "GO!!!"

Young Dren was scared out of his mind as he ran like hell.

I soon snap back to my senses, ending the memory.

I spoke "I'm so sorry you had to relive that memory Dren."

Dren was silent.

Zoey teleports back to Mobius before reappearing with a Mobian she-cat that had black fur, brown eyes and a plain pink dress.

The she-cat looks up at Dren.

The cat asks "Do I know you?"

Dren asks "H-Huh...?"

But then the she-cat held her head in pain.

Zoey spoke "Her memories are returning..."

But then the she-cat gasped, looking up at Dren.

Dren gasps "N-Naoko?"


Meeting the Family

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*Volt's POV*

I was talking with Amiya.

Amiya asks "Are you sure it’s okay for me to come along?"

I spoke "You'll have to meet my parents and all 13 of my stepmothers sooner or later."

Amiya asks "What?"

I spoke "Long story short, my dad's part alicorn."

Amiya started getting nervous, assuming my dad's a prince or king.

I spoke "Amiya, calm down. My dad's a prince but he doesn't wear a crown."

Amiya asks "R-Really?"

I spoke "Yeah but he's a really chill guy, friendly as well."

Amiya asks "*Calming down* You sure?"

I spoke "I swear on my great grandmother's name."

Amiya gave out a sigh of relief.

“Oh, and heads up, some of my family have big appetites, so don’t be surprised if there’s a huge layout if you’re staying for a meal.” I advised.

Danyelle spoke "Volt, I think you should warn her about the chakats now before she makes the mistake of using the wrong term."

“Good point.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "I get enough complaints from Blizzardstar and the other chakats because of the dumb dragon."

Dren spoke "I think we should head back."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

After the Ikisatashis along with Danyelle pass through a warp ring, I followed them with Amiya.

To my surprise, Amiya was a Mobian rabbit.

I spoke "*holding back a nosebleed* Woah, you look like a Mobian..."

Amiya asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle pulls a mirror over with magic so Amiya could look at herself.

Amiya spoke "Wow…"

We were soon at my house, which was big, given how much family I have.

I spoke "Like auntie Danyelle said, you should never call a chakat an it though."

Amiya spoke "Okay."

Danyelle sighs "Ein never seems to learn..."

Amiya asks "Who?"

Danyelle growls "He's a pain in the tail dragon that has a bad habit of pulling dangerous pranks on others. Plus he screams like a girl when his pranks blow up in his face."

Amiya stifled a giggle at that as Danyelle knocked on the door.

Swiftrunner answers the door.

Swiftrunner spoke "There you are, you little troublemaker."

"Hey." I greeted.

Swiftrunner snickers "So, who's your girlfriend?"

“S-Swiftrunner!” I pouted with a blush while Danyelle and Swiftrunner giggled as Amiya blushed too.

Roll was heard shouting at Moltry.

Swiftrunner sighs "Here we go again."

What seemed to be a Suicune-Zoroark fusion howled in pain since one of her paws was caught in a snare trap.

Swiftrunner spoke "We better help her out since Roll and Moltry are arguing right now, and I wouldn't be surprised if those two started wrestling while in their 1,000 pound unbound forms soon."

Danyelle spoke "Hold it Swifty, a scared pokemon could lash out in fear."

Swiftrunner spoke "Oh, right."

Danyelle spoke "exactly... And Rei heard the noise."

Amiya asks "Who?"

Swiftrunner spoke "He's one of the Poké-Mobians, I'm a chakat."

Amiya spoke "Oh."

"Wait, but that looks more like a Pokémon than a Poké-Mobian." I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "I agree."

Swiftrunner spoke "Oh, I never introduced the others and myself yet. The hedgefox is Roll, the Mewtwo-Pidgeot hybrid is Zephyr, the Pegasus is Spitfire. the two sirens are Aria and Charybdis, the gryphon is Quicktalon, the chipmunk is Sally, the half Litten is Blaze, the Moltres is Moltry, the anthro Pegasus is Michelle, the Zacian is Zacia, the Umbreon is Nightshade, the Kantonian Ninetales is Pixie, the winged hedgehog is Sonic and I'm Swiftrunner."

Amiya spoke "...Wow."

But then Michelle came to the door and gave Amiya some carrots and biscuits, making her eyes sparkle and mouth water.

Danyelle spoke "That's just the adults though."

I ask "Are those grilled flavor biscuits?"

Amiya's ears were up on end in surprise since I had mentioned her favorite snack.

Michelle spoke "*Giggle* Yeah. Did some travels after Oripathy and Originium were completely erased and found some good recipes."

Danyelle giggles "You sly mare!"

Michelle brought out a plate of grilled flavor biscuits as Amiya ate the carrots and biscuits in her hands, gaining a pot belly before dashing on over and chowing down on her favorite food.

I groan "Michelle... Are you TRYING to make her obese?"

Michelle spoke "Sorry. Old habits."

Michelle brought out a glass of water and gave it to Amiya, who was absolutely stuffed. Amiya drank the water before she reverted back to normal.

Amiya spoke "Wow! That was definitely satisfying!"

Danyelle's right eye was twitching a bit.

"Auntie. Deep breaths. Calm down." I said as Danyelle breathed deeply, calming down.

Danyelle spoke "Just don't let it happen if I'm nearby."

Michelle spoke "Message received."

Danyelle spoke "And Jasmine should heed my warning as well, I can sense that she's hiding nearby."

Jasmine spoke "And here I was, gonna visit Sonic and his family."

Danyelle growls "Do I make myself clear Jasmine?"

Jasmine spoke "Crystal."

Danyelle spoke "Good."

Danyelle then headed off, probably to hang out with her family.

I spoke "That was awkward."

Amiya spoke "Sorry."

Jasmine teases "Oh! Who’s this, Volt? Your girlfriend?"

I spoke "You shut up, I just met her."

Jasmine giggles "*Teasing* Then why are you blushing?"

I groan "By my great grandma's mane... You're as bad as Cadence is!"

Cadence came by and did a fistbump/hoofbump with Jasmine.

Jasmine giggles "I know."

Cadence giggles "Boy has it bad!"

I had curled into a ball from embarrassment.

Michelle popped out the front door with a giggle. "You should see him curled into a ball while in his 1,000 pound unbound form. He's like a big soft pillow-like teddie bear."

It took all of my willpower not to go into any pound of my unbound form out of pure embarrassment before I felt something tickling me at the base of my tail.

Cadence spoke "Remember what Danyelle said about the unbound forms? She might be nearby."

Michelle spoke "I was only mentioning it."

The tickling was getting harder on me as I stifled a snicker.

Lance laughs "Sibling pile!"

Jazz and the rest of Sonic's kids gang up on me and Amiya, tickling us.

Swiftrunner spoke "Hehe, those crazy kids."

Sonic chuckles "You're one to talk Swifty, you seem to be a bit on the plump side there."

Swiftrunner spoke "Well, I'm just glad Michelle can make enough food for ALL of us."

Blaze spoke "Despite the fact that Moltry and I get into a lot of fights at times."

Spitfire spoke "That, and you two sometimes wrestle each other on your 1,000 pound unbound forms."

Blaze spoke "That plus neither of us can get burned."

Sonic sighs "Can't believe that prank Ein pulled on Danyelle gave her that trigger. Gonna have to ask Tails to make a Danyelle-Detector."

A loud bang followed by a screaming Ein was heard since Danyelle had used Chaos Blast.

Sonic spoke "Yep, Dany's getting that payback personally, despite what Jasmine did to him for that prank he pulled."

Blaze spoke "No offense to the female canids but payback is a bitch."

Zacia spoke "Agreed."

Michelle asks "How's the Umbreon doing?"

Nightshade was hanging upside down for some reason.

Sonic asks "Uh... how'd that happen?"

Nightshade spoke "Knuckles...."

Sonic spoke "Heh, he never changes."

Amiya asks "How many kids do you have?"

Sonic spoke "Three from Roll, one from Blaze, one from Spitfire, one from Pixie, two from Michelle, one from Sally, one from Zephyr, one on the way with Swiftrunner, none from Nightshade yet, none from Aria or Charybdis yet, none from Quicktalon yet and none from Zacia yet. So overall, I've got nine so far with a tenth on the way."

Amiya asks "*Jaw drop* That's a lot. How many more wives are ya planning to get?"

Sonic spoke "I have no idea. But if I get to at least a hundred... *Shiver* Yeesh!"

Aria yawns loudly since she was in her true form.

Amiya spoke "In a way, your family are like rabbits. I wouldn't be surprised if you get 50 or a hundred kids."

Sonic spoke "Like Volt told you, I'm part alicorn."

Aria groans "I hate having a low fertility rate...."

Charybdis spoke "Here we go again."

Aria spoke "Oh shut up Charybdis, your fertility rate is lower than mine!"

Charybdis spoke "Hey! Watch it!"

Michelle asks "*Brings out a meal big enough for a whole house* Anyone hungry?"

That immediately caught our attention.

I spoke "So yeah... My family is crazy."


Zeus and Mnemosyne

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*Danyelle's POV*

*Sigh* I might need anger management therapy.

Ben spoke "Babe, you need to relax."

"I know. I really gotta control my trigger." I admitted.

Mecha Twilight soon arrives with a message for me.

"Did something come up?" I asked.

Mecha Twilight spoke "*monotone* It's best you see for yourself, Mecha Rainbow said that two supposed lifeforms had appeared in the computer."

"Say what?" I asked in surprised before heading over to said computer.

On the screen were a Mewtwo and a Mew.

My jaw dropped in complete and utter shock. "How in the world..."

The digital Mew gasps "Dany!"

"Huh?" I asked, caught off guard as the Mew somehow knew my name.

The digital Mew spoke "Honestly! How could you forget two of your own creations? Shame on you missy."

"What's going on?" I asked.

The digital Mewtwo spoke "I can tell that this'll be a LONG story."

The digital Mew spoke "Don't be like that Zeus."

Zeus spoke "Calm down, Nemo."

Mnemosyne whines "But Zuzu... I'm sick of being just data! I want to eat real food like the other Mews and Mewtwos do!"

Zeus spoke "But then you'd feel real physical pain. And I can't allow that."

I giggle "But Zeus, you know Nemo's got a point. Just think about it, I happen to know a colony of Mewtwos, a few Mews and even an ancient Mew."

A swirl of fire engulfs me as I switched to my Mew form, surprising Mnemosyne and Zeus.

Mnemosyne spoke "WHOA!!!"

Huey and Rosebud pop up suddenly with their parents, surprising Zeus.

Huey spoke "Oh my Arceus, nobody told me about this!"

Zeus asks "What is going on here?!?"

I spoke "The shiny Mewtwo is Huey and the half Pegasus is Rosebud, both of them are natural born Mewtwo while Orion, Rainbowtwo, Asuna and Kazuto along with the other Mewtwo were all created."

Zeus spoke "Huh? *Short circuits* Buh…"

Orion spoke "You know that if you had a real body, you wouldn't glitch out so much."

Nemo giggles "Nah, he just had too much info."

Meau, Myth and Koji soon pop up.

Meau asks "What the...?"

“Hi.” I casually greeted.

Mnemosyne was speechless at seeing a larger than normal Mew.

I spoke "That's Meau."

Meau had teleported off to bother Giorno.

“And there she goes.” I giggled.

Mnemosyne spoke "Zuzu... I still want a real body...."

“Hmm…” I wondered, thinking if there is a way.

I notice a few intact testing tubes along with a DNA donor machine.

I spoke "That might work..."

Mnemosyne asks "What? You got an idea?"

I spoke "I sort of got an idea. But I don't know who should go first since the incubation period is 30 days."

Mnemosyne spoke "Oh! Mememe!"

Zeus spoke "No Nemo, I will go first."

I spoke "Zeus is right Nemo, we don't know how it could turn out. Plus using Meau's DNA could cause you to become an ancient Mew as well."

Meau suddenly popped back up. "You're using WHAT?!"

I spoke "StarClan's sake Meau! You gave me a freaking scare! I said that it was a possibility!"

Meau growls "But why are you using MY DNA?"

I spoke "CALM DOWN MEAU! I said I wasn't going to! Good freaking grief!"

Meau spoke "Oh. Okay."

I spoke "I swear to Arceus... You have a shorter fuse than Donald Duck does..."

Meau scoffs "Wow, rude much?"

I growl "You want to take this fight outside missy?"

Meau spoke "*Shrug* Only if you wanna."

Ben spoke "Danyelle, calm down. You oughta know better than to provoke someone far older than you."

I had used a warp ring under Meau, causing her to fall on top on Giorno thus causing the two to kiss.

The two disconnected as Meau was blushing in embarrassment while Giorno was shocked.

Giorno spoke "Apologies."

I was howling with laughter.

I laugh "Regardless of what Cadence says, only I can tease the other Mobians and Poké-Mobians like this!"

Cadence suddenly appeared via teleportation, and she was steamed. "Wanna bet?"

I spoke "Oh trample off Cadence, you know that you shouldn't interfere in Mobian love lives."

Meau was flustered.

Meau stammers "Do you uh... wanna go on a date with me sometime Giorno?"

Giorno spoke "*Clears throat* I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try."

Meau spoke "If it doesn't work out, I understand that it wasn't meant to be."

The two left as Cadence and I glared each other in the eyes.

I spoke "*ahem* I'll deal with you in a bit Cadence."

I snip a small amount of tail fur from Orion's tail before putting it into the DNA machine.

I spoke "While we wait for the next 30 days for Zeus's memories to transfer to his new body, you and I can sort this mess out Cadence."

Cadence spoke "Gladly."

Chrysalis popped in. “Is something going on?”

I spoke "Just so you know Cadence, give me two months from now and I'll accept any challenge you give me."

Cadence spoke "Okay."

Chrysalis asks "*Smirk* Challenge? Why don’t I join in?"

Mothball was pulling on his mother's tail.

Chrysalis asks "Hmm?"

I giggle "He's hungry."

Chrysalis spoke "Oh, okay, give me a moment."

I spoke "Good thing my lab's off grid so that nobody can hack into the system. I rather not risk hackers getting past the firewall."

Cadence spoke "*As Chyrsalis fed her child* Don't forget about Ein."

I spoke "Only I know the password for the computer."

Cadence spoke "Cool."

I spoke "Now we have to wait 30 days before Zeus is up and about."

Cadence asks "What then during that time though?"

I spoke "I have to remain here during the thirty days."

Cadence asks "Won't you get bored?"

I spoke "I've got books to read or I can spar with the robots."

Cadence spoke "Okay."

I spoke "I hope nothing serious happens."

"If I need something checked on, I'll ask my friends to do that. But if I personally want to check on down below, Ben will have to keep an eye on Zeus for me." I explained.

As fate would have it, my comm was going off like crazy.

I spoke "Danyelle Hikari speaking. Woah! Slow the heck down Ashley! I can't understand what you're saying!"

Ashley asks "Charlie needs your help for something, and don't worry, it's not THAT. There's only two months left. Seriously though, can ya please come down here?"

I groan "Ashley, you forgot that it's now the month of May which means the next cleansing is next month."

Ashley spoke "Just get down here!"

I spoke "On my way!!"

Leaving the lab in Ben's care, I teleported straight to Charlie's location just as Ryōta pops up.



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*Danyelle's POV (still)*

I arrived in Tartarus/Hell as I went into the Hazbin Hotel and meeting up with Ryōta before we heard Husk talking to Angel Dust.

Husk spoke "That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender. I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point. *Refers to Sir Pentious* That one. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watch you idiots sleep! *Refers to Charlie* Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own."

Charlie spoke "What?! No. I-What? Pffff, no, no."

Okay, I could tell that's a lie.

Husk spoke "*Refers to Vaggie* This one judges everyone and everything because she hates herself. *Refers to Niffty as Vaggie groaned* And Niffty. Hehhh... You don't even wanna know what her deal is."

Angel Dust spoke "*Laughs as Husk slurps down booze* You weren't kidding! Haha, wow! Kitten's got claws! *Sexily* Meow!"

Husk spoke "*To Angel Dust* And you! Tch! Don't get me started. I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are."

Angel Dust spoke "Oho, me? Fake? *Sarcastically* Wow. I had no idea. Guess that's why I'm an actor. Dumbass. And- *Phone plays music while vibrating* Hold that thought. *Answers* Hello? Uh, yeah I'm-I'm... No, no, I just, I... *Nervously* No, I-I'm not... But, uh... Yeah, I'll be right there. *Ends call*"

Ryōta asks "What the fuck is going on?"

Charlie spoke "*Gasps happily* Dany! Ryōta!"

“Hey, Charlie.” I smiled back.

Angel Dust spoke "Well, uh, looks like Val needs me for an… uh-emergency shoot."

Husk spoke "*Sarcastically* Uh-huh, sure."

Angel Dust spoke "You know what? Fuck you! I don’t give a shit what some drunk ass bartender thinks a’ me. *Brings out sunglasses* So why don’t you craw back to whatever cave you came from, *Puts on sunglasses while flipping the bird* porn critic."

Angel Dust started to leave.

Ryōta barks "HOLD IT ASSHOLE!"

Charlie spoke "Angel! You can’t leave yet. We haven’t finished our exercises for the day."

Angel Dust spoke "I’m sure you’ll manage without me."

Charlie spoke "There isn’t much time left for the hotel to prove itself."

Angel Dust spoke "Dollface, it’s my job. I know you wanna fix everything, but unless you can fix my boss, there’s nothing you can do."

Angel Dust left the hotel.

“Isn’t there a hellhound you wanna meet up with?” I asked Ryōta.

Ryōta flew off to find Loona.

I spoke "Something tells me that the hotel's about to go under since you're having trouble."

Charlie groans "*Slides down door on back* Uuugh, why is this so haaaard? What am I doing wrong?"

Vaggie spoke "Well, I mean… you’re the princess of Hell."

Charlie asks "So?"

Vaggie spoke " So, you don’t really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you, but maybe you can… I don’t know, command a little more… authority."

Charlie spoke "But that’s so mean."

Wow, she’s like a combo of Twilight and Fluttershy.

I spoke "I didn't ask to be part Mew but yet I am."

Vaggie spoke "It’s not mean, exactly. It’s… uh, aggressive kindness."

Charlie spoke "Okay… *Gets up* I could be so aggressively kind to Angel’s boss… that I could convince him to let Angel spend more time at the hotel!"

Vaggie spoke "Sure. Whatever gets you there, babe."

I spoke "Charlie, let me talk to Dust though."

Charlie spoke "I can't let you do that by yourself."

From Charlie's perspective, I had a really powerful aura.

"Okay, I'll let you come along." I admitted.

Charlie spoke "*Smile* Thanks."

I spoke "Plus I'd rather not have your father yelling at me if you got hurt."

My eyes shimmer, narrowing the line of sight to the clock tower.

I ask "Is it just me or is the time on that clock wrong?"

Charlie spoke "Dany, calm down. You're overreacting."

I did that as we were soon at some kind of studio.

Charlie spoke "Oh, so this is where the magic happens."

But then we saw a female canine demon take off her bra.

Charlie spoke "*Blush* Oh, wow, that is-"

We then saw two female demons applying oil on a male minotaur demon.

Charlie spoke "*Surprised gasp* That is a lot."

But then Angel Dust grabbed both me and Charlie.

Angel Dust asks "*Concerned* What in the ever-loving fuck are you two doing here?!?"

Charlie asks "*Authoritative tone* I am the Princess of Hell, Angel. And I go where I please. *Normal tone softly* We're here to get you some more time off for the hotel. Now, where's your boss?"

Angel Dust spoke "*Pulls us back* Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You both are going nowhere near Val-"

A voice asks "Angel! What is the fucking hold up?"

Angel spoke "I'm coming."

The voice spoke "*As Angel pushed us to the door* Not off camera, you're not."

Angel spoke "*Opens door while trying to get us out* Please, please, just wait, wait until I'm done working and we will talk about this, I promise. But first, you've both gotta go."

I growl "Like fuck we are! Charlie, tell him what you really need!"

But before Charlie could say anything...

The voice spoke "Aaaah, Your Majesty. And you've brought a friend."

Angel Dust spoke "Oh, shit."

I saw a moth mobian demon in his Overlord form approach us.

The moth spoke "Welcome to my humble sex dungeon. *Pushes Angel aside a bit* What can I do for such-"

The weirdo licked one of Charlie's arms and one of mine, making me gag a bit.

Charlie spoke "Uh, no, thank you."

The moth spoke "Mm! Lovely specimens! You both don't want roles, do you? Because I can make you stars. Make us all richer than, well, your papito, princesa-"

Charlie spoke "Fuck no! Uh, I-I'm sorry. I have come to aggressively, kindly speak with you about Angel. *Angel Dust signalling no* Later, of course. I wouldn't wanna stand in the way of your work."

The guy sent a glare to Angel, who flinched before turning back towards us with a smile.

The moth spoke "Well then, you and your bodyguard make yourselves comfortable, Your Majesty, and enjoy the show. *Walks towards his seat* Well, let's take this shit from the top."

Something tells me I don't wanna see this.

I whisper in Charlie's ear "{Let's get the fuck out of here.}"

Charlie spoke "If you wanna wait outside, that's okay. I'm just gonna wait here until I can talk to him."

"Okay..." I sighed as I teleported myself to outside the door.

Due to my keen hearing, I was hearing... stuff, before I heard electricity crackling before I stepped back inside, seeing the crew and actors screaming and running.

Angel Dust spoke "*Dread* Oh shit...

Charlie spoke "*Trying to help put out the fire* Oh, god. Okay. Uh, do you have any-Can I get a fire extinguisher? I am so sorry. I ruined your movie. I ruined your movie. Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm s-s-s-s-s-sorry! Noooooo!

But then the Overlord growled as he unfurled his wings while sending out a gust of red pollen, completely putting out the flames.

Angel spoke "*Putting robe back on* Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Charlie! You alright?" I asked, despite Charlie being perfectly unharmed and not burned.

Charlie spoke "Oh, my gosh. I am so, so, so, so sorry. I-I can clean this up, I-I can-"

The moth spoke "Don't you and your bodyguard worry your pretty heads about it. We have people for that.

I use my airbending to gather up the dust and destroyed debris before bagging it up.

I spoke "You forget sir, I'm no normal cat."

The moth asks "Understandable since you’re the Princesa’s bodyguard. Angel, can I see you in your dressing room for a moment?"

Angel and the guy went into said dressing room as I used my keen hearing to listen in.

Angel spoke "*As the door slammed* Val, I didn’t know that-"

I heard a backhanded slap.

Angel spoke "Val, I-"

The moth asks "You really think you can have Lucifer’s little bitch and her guard hellcat fight your battles for you?"

Angel spoke "Arrgh! Val, please… I’m sorry, they-"

The moth asks "*Growls* You bring them here to protect you? To fuck with me?"

Angel spoke "Ow! Val, stop!"

The moth asks "You think they can get you out of work?

Angel spoke "No! No, that’s not what I’m trying to do. No-"

The moth asks "*As Angel gasped* You know they can’t do anything. I own you. Or have you forgotten that?"

Why do I get the feeling that this douchebag pulled an Ursula on Angel Dust?

Angel whimpers "No."

The moth asks "When I say “come”, you say?"

Angel spoke "Yes, Valentino."

Valentino asks "When I say “you are fucking 20 guys before lunch,” you say?

Angel spoke "Yes, Valentino.

Valentino asks "When I say “you better get those fucking cunts out of my studio.” You say?"

Angel spoke "I…"

Valentino asks "*Aggressively* You say?"

Angel spoke "Look, Val, they just get involved in everything. I’ll-I’ll tell them to leave. Just don’t hurt them."

Valentino asks "I have killed bitches for less than this attitude you’re giving me. You’re lucky you make me money. Now, you’re going to get rid of them, and then you’re filming all night. Get me?"

Angel spoke "Yes, Val."

Valentino spoke "Good."

The door opened as Valentino dragged Angel out before I heard a mirror shatter in the dressing room.

Valentino spoke "*Loudly* Alright. *Throws Angel onto set* Get your asses back on set, and we are taking this from the top."

Charlie growls "*Angrily with eyes changing, hair flaring and a pair of horns growing* What makes you think you can treat him like that?"

I was about to help Charlie beat Valentino up with him smiling smugly before Angel blocked us with a right black eye.

Angel spoke "Charlie! Danyelle! Just stop!"

Charlie spoke "Angel, what are you talking ab-"

Angel spoke "Charlie, you and Danyelle leave!"

Charlie spoke "*As Angel pushed us to the door* But…"

Angel spoke "I didn’t want either of you ta come here. I already asked you both to leave and you two didn’t listen. You both made things worse."

Charlie spoke "We just wanted to help you."

Angel spoke "Well, you ain’t! you actually want to help me? Get the fuck out of here! Right now, and let me finish my work."

Charlie spoke "I… I didn’t… *As Angel glared at her, making her sob a bit* mean to! I… *As Valentino smirked smugly* I’m… I’m so sorry."

Charlie silently sobbed while running out the door as I glared at Angel Dust.

“I hope you’re happy.” I scoffed as I followed Charlie outside. I helped comforted Charlie as we headed back to the Hotel before I heard a song going in my head with Angel Dust singing it.

Later, after the song in my head ended, Charlie and I were back at the Hotel, with Vaggie and myself helping comfort her.

I spoke "That fucking moth has corrupted Angel Dust. I just hope that fucker likes the little gift I left behind in the form of a time bomb spell only I can deactivate."

But then Angel Dust came in, swinging the doors open as he groaned while rubbing his head before he took a seat at the bar. “Eugh, I need a drink. The hardest you can make.”

Husk spoke "*Brings out a glass* Hmm. You look like shit.

Angel spoke "*Takes a deep breath* Pfft. Not possible. Just a long shoot, *As Husk poured some liquor* nothin’ new. *Gulps down booze* Eugh, I said a strong one.

Husk spoke "Excuse me. *Pours another round* Didn’t realize this was a “drinking to forget” kind of night.

Angel spoke "*Sarcastically* Oh, I forgot. You’re the wise old bartender who’s seen in it all. Get the fuck over yourself and pour me a real drink. *Tips over glass spilling booze onto counter*

Husk spoke "Look, if you got a problem, *Picks up glass and cleans up puddle of booze* you’re not gonna find the solution at the bottom of a bottle. I should know, I’ve been looking there a long time.

A loud explosion was heard at the studio.

I ask *playing dumb* What the fuck was that?"

Vaggie spoke "*Quietly to me* I know you did that, Danyelle. And even though it’s a nuke, he’ll be back."

Angel spoke *To Husk* Oh sure. And where should I look? Hmm? *Sexily* In your bedroom, maybe? Under the covers? Maybe we can go and look together."

Husk spoke "Don’t even start."

Angel spoke "Oh, c’mon, I bet I can make those wings flap!"

Husk spoke "*Pushes Angel away* Stop! *As a bottle of booze shattered* Fucking Christ! You can cut the act already. It’s never gonna work on. So all you’re doing is makin’ an ass out of yourself with this fake bullshit."

Angel spoke "*Angrily with eyes glowing magenta and freckles under his eyes becoming eyes* Call me fake one more time, mother fucker! I dare you!"

Husk spoke "*Pokes Angel’s chest floof* Fake."

Angel spoke "Fuckin’ asshole! *Bonks head against bar counter ceiling* Arrgh! *Falls off stool* God!"

Husk asks "Ya done?"

Angel spoke "*Growls angrily* Ya know what? You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me! *Throws bottle as Husk effortlessly dodged it with arms crossed* Ya know how much I’m worth? Ya know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them? Fuck you! *Walks away* Have fun being a lonely piece of shit."

Vaggie asks "Whoa, the hell? Angel, where are you going?"

Angel spoke "Out! *Leaves and slams door*"

Vaggie asks "Husk, what did you do?

Husk spoke "Made him a drink."

I spoke "I didn't do that! Ryōta did it!"

Vaggie spoke "*Quietly at me* We’ll talk about this later."

Charlie spoke "Oh, no. He looked really upset."

Husk spoke "It’s just Angel. He’ll be fine."

Charlie asks "I’m not so sure. I really messed up at the studio today and he got… Ugh… it was… it wasn’t good, okay?"

Vaggie spoke "Gee, sounds like someone should go after him… Someone named Husk”.

Husk asks "Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me. Why don’t you go if you’re so worried?"

Vaggie spoke "Because I’m not the one who sent him storming out. You caused it. You drag him back."

Charlie spoke "No! No… Don’t force him back. Just make sure he’s safe. I pushed too hard earlier and… I only made things worse. Look, he’ll come back when he’s ready. I just don’t want anything to happen to him until then. *As Husk growled in annoyance at that* Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go write 100 apology letters and a lesson plan for tomorrow about… boundaries."

A Cyniclon male with black hair and gold eyes was sitting on a stool not far from where I was, a female with dark emerald green hair and brown eyes was with him.

The black haired male spoke "Let me go talk to him then, I know how to phrase a conversation the right way.

The black haired Cyniclon got up to go talk to Angel Dust.

The dark emerald green haired Cyniclon female spoke "It's best to let Higashi handle it, he and I overheard what happened."

But then I noticed Husk was gone. *Sigh* Probably went after them.

*Higashi’s POV*

Hehe, can’t believe Husk actually came along. Anywho, we found Angel Dust at a restaurant/bar called “The Black Dot”, so we went inside and went to a counter as we heard the spider laughing.

Angel spoke "I’m so fucked up!"

Husk spoke "*Laying down some money* Gimme a whiskey… *As the bartender started pouring a cup before Husk grabbed the bottle* I meant the whole bottle, jackass."

We saw Angel with some shark demon sinner goons.

Angel asks "Haha, ya, ya, so I said “You couldn’t afford me in a million afterlives!” I got better options, right boys?"

The gangsters laughed in agreement as Husk snarled.

Angel spoke "Hey, baby, be a doll and bring me another one? Daddy’s outta juice!"

The sawtooth shark demon brought over two martini glasses as the bartender poured liquor in both of them. But then Husk and I noticed the shark bring a bottle of pink liquid before pouring it in one of the martinis, telling us it was now spiked.

Husk spoke "*Huff!* Sonuva…"

Husk got up, and I knew why as I stood up too.

Sawtooth spoke "Here you go, darling. Just for you-*As Husk and I pulled the gangster back, making him drop the martinis* Woah!"

Husk spoke "Nice try, fuckhead."

“Beat it, dicknose.” I growled as Husk and I threw him into a jukebox, playing up tempo music as the other gangsters brought out firearms.

Husk spoke "*Pulls Angel Dusk towards us with his left hand while holding a hand of cards in his right* Let’s go."

Angel spoke "What the? Hey!"

Husk threw the cards, slicing up the firearms and some of the ceiling nets, trapping the gangsters.

Angel spoke "*As the three of us ran out* H-h-hey, hey!"

We were then outside.

Angel spoke "Husk! What the actual fuck are you and your pal doing here? Let go of me."

Husk spoke "No, we’re takin’ you back to the hotel."

Angel spoke "Get off!"

Husk spoke "That fucker put somethin’ in your drink."

I knock Angel out cold by pinching the back of the guy's neck.

But then I woke Angel back up while covering his mouth. "Can you not shout? We can't draw attention to ourselves and my ears are sensitive."

Angel spoke "You both don't think I can tell if someone spikes my drink? I do this all the fuckin' time."

"You just let people drug you all the time?" Husk and I asked, appalled at that.

Angel spoke "You think I ask for it? I don't ask for any of this shit! I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't ask for Charlie or Danyelle to save me. I didn't ask you two to save me. I can handle myself."

Husk spoke "Really? Because I just saw someone self-destructing. It seems like, I don't know. Ya might need a bartender to talk to."

Angel spoke "*Incredulously* Oh, so now you're going to act like you give a shit about me? You think after how you treated me, I'm gonna open up to you? Please."

Husk spoke "*As Angel walked away* Maybe I'd treat you better if you were real, and not some bullshit version of yourself. Always pushin' my boundaries. Lemme tell ya, nobody in the hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot. So you might as well just cut the act.

Angel spoke "*Turns towards us with tears* It's not an act! *Sobbing* It's who I need to be. And this... This is my escape! Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... *With tears* everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... if I can ruin myself enough in the process, if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore. *Sits down on sidewalk edge* And maybe he'll let me go."

Husk and I sat down next to Angel.

I spoke "My wife and I wound up in this hellhole 25 years ago because of a few rogue guards. We never got the chance to see our son and daughter grow up."

Husk spoke "*Sigh* I was an Overlord once, you know."

"Wait, what?" I asked, completely shocked.

Husk spoke "Yeah, and uh... It was nice to have that power. But when you're dealing in souls, while also being a gambler, the stakes are pretty high. And losing a few hands can be more than a little dangerous. So when you're down on your luck, you turn to anything to... keep you afloat, even making deals yourself. So I know what it's like to... regret the choices made and... knowin' ya can't take it back."

I spoke "But even though the past hurts, we can't let it affect our future."

Husk smiled at that, knowing it was true enough.

Husk: So things look bad and your back's against the wall
Your whole existence seems fucking hopeless
*Picking up umbrella that suits him while blocking a vomit stream from a demon* You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall
Can't face world sober and dopeless
You've lost your way
Ya think your life is wrecked
Well, let me just say you're correct

Angel: Wait. What?

I decided to sing along. "You're a loser baby
A loser goddamn baby
You're a ducked up little whiny bitch"

Angel: Hey!-

"You're a loser just like me" Husk and I sang.

Angel: Thanks, asshole.

Husk: You're a screw's loose boozer
An only one-star reviews-er

"You're a power bottom at rock bottom" I sang.

"But you got company" Husk and I sang.

Angel: This supposed to make me feel better?

Husk: There was a time I thought that no one could relate
To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged
*Breaks a window and walks away with a demon in hazmat suit running before a green explosion went off behind him* But lettin' walls down it can sometimes set you straight
We're all living in the same shit sandwich

Angel Dust: I sold my sold
To a psychopathic freak

That made Husk and I laugh. "And you think that makes you unique
Get outta here man
We're all loser baby
We're losers it's okay to be a"

Angel: Coked-up dick suckin' ho?

"Baby that's fine by me" Husk and I sang.

Angel: I'm a loser honey
A schmoozer and a dummy
But at least I know I'm not alone

"You're a loser *With Angel and Husk* just like me" I sang.

Husk: I got an appetite for gamblin'

Angel: I got an appetite for samplin'
Every drug and sex toy I can find

"Go ahead, baby, sing that song, c'mon" I sang.

Angel: I got no holes left to deflower

Husk: I sold my soul to soul to save my power
Now I'm on that demon's leash

Husk and Angel: I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour

Angel: You're a loser baby

Husk: A loser but just maybe if we

"Eat shit together things will end up differently" The three of us sang.

Husk: *As Angel vocalized* It's time to lose your self-loathing
Excuse yourself let hope in

"Baby play your card be who you are" I sang.

"A loser
Just... Like-" The three of us were about to finish singing before we heard a gangster.

A short Shark spoke "There they are! They're fucking singing? Get 'em!"

The gangsters started firing as we took cover behind a car.

Husk spoke "Shit! Stay down, we'll deal with this."

I brought out a loaded revolver and cocked it, ready to fire.

A rock drops down on one gangster.


I shot a gangster in the forehead.

A Gangster spoke "Haha! You’re fuckin’ dead!

Husk threw the cards, nailing some gangsters as he chuckled with a pair of dice in his right hand before he jumped onto the ground. A shark ran towards Husk as the winged cat dodged while throwing the dice into the gangster’s mouth before his head exploded, revealing that pair of dice to have been bombs. Husk then dodged a knife-wielding gangster before slicing his throat open with a hand of cards as I fought some gangsters and beat them too before the small one got onto Husk’s back.

The Small shark spoke "*Maniacal laughing* We got you now!

Husk struggled to get him off. “You mother fuck-“

But then the small shark was shot off Husk, as we saw that Angel Dusk did the deed with a tommy gun.

Angel spoke "Eat lead, sucker! Hahahahahaha!

Angel kept firing at the small shark gangster until he blew up.

Angel spoke "I told ya, *Helps Husk up* I can handle myself, baby. *Laughs maniacally while bringing out five more firearms and four more arms*

All four of us attacked the gang with Husk throwing another pair of dice bombs.

Danyelle was in the middle of the gangster group before using Chaos Blast to send them all flying in different directions, one had got stuck in a trash can.

Hammerhead Shark spoke "This did not go as planned."

All four of us had some scratches and blood splattered on us.

Husk spoke "Heh. *As Angel and I withdrew our firearms* Well, that was somethin’ I didn’t expect to see."

Angel spoke "Like I said, *Strokes up hair* you don’t know me. Sex ain’t the only thing I’m good at."

Husk spoke "Good to know, ‘cause this guy ain’t half bad."

Danyelle and I smiled, glad that those two are getting along well now.

Danyelle spoke "They'll think twice before pissing me off."

Later, the four of us returned to the hotel while laughing.

Angel spoke "He had, like, three bills, and it took him, like, 30 minutes to count it. His eyes are so shit."

Husk chuckles "And this is the guy you gotta take orders from?"

Angel laughs "I know. What a fucking joke, right?"

I chuckle "True there! And did you see that blast?"

Husk spoke "You bet."

Angel laughs "I still can’t believe ya did that, Dany. You’ll wanna steer clear of Val for a while if ya don’t wanna be under contract."

Danyelle spoke "He may be still alive, but I definitely hit Valentino’s pride right where it hurts. Bet that masochist didn’t enjoy that."

Charlie spoke "*Hugs Angel tightly with a squeak* I’m so sorry, Angel. I promise I won’t ever, *With tears* ever, ever, ever-"

Angel spoke "Charlie. It’s fine. I get it. Thanks… *Places hand on Charlie’s head* for carin’ about me.

Charlie whimpered before she started sobbing freely before Angel grabbed her and held her away from him, feeling a bit awkward. “*To Vaggie* Ehhhhh… I think this is yours.”

Vaggie spoke "*Carries Charlie in her arms* Okay missy, let’s get you to bed."

Charlie spoke "*With tears while still sobbing* He-He said he for-forgave meee! *As Vaggie carried her off* Oh, it’s so beautiful Vaggie!"

Danyelle spoke "Aww! That is so adorable!"

Looking at Danyelle, I ask "Which reminds me, how is Dren doing?"

Danyelle spoke "He’s doing great. He has a good family."

Husk chuckles "Hey, how about that drink."

Angel spoke "You read my mind."

Looking at Angel, Danyelle whispered to me, “I’ll work on finding a chakat down here.”

An adult Mew with the same colors as Kovu was heard shouting at some random demon.

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* I'm not gonna ask..."

“Wait, what do you mean by family?” I asked.

Danyelle giggles "He's got a wife and two daughters now."

That… made me more excited than ever. “Who?! Can I meet them?!”

Danyelle spoke "About that... You don't have a physical body anymore. And the last thing my friends need is a screaming Mewtwo...."

“But…” I whimpered.

Danyelle spoke "What I meant was that I don't have blank bodies available to use Soul Rebirth."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Give me a moment. I need to contact a friend of mine about something."

Danyelle closes her eyes before contacting Zane.

Danyelle spoke via telepathy "{Hey Zane, i got a task for you and Sardon.}"

Zane asks "{What is it?}"

Danyelle spoke "{I need your help, I kinda need two Mobian cat bodies created. One male with black fur and one female with dark emerald green fur.}"

Zane spoke "{Okay, the black one's easy, but the dark emerald green one... Honestly, it'll be tough.}"

Sardon spoke "{Given that we can't let Dren know about it.}"

Zane spoke "{*Gasp!* I got it! A hair salon when Dren needs to get a haircut!}"

Sardon asks "{But you sure this will work though?}"

Zane: {Just act casual and normal. You've worked at a salon from time to time, right?}

Sardon spoke "{*deadpan* I'm a scientist and a healer, not a hair stylist.}"

Zane spoke "{*groan* Oh come on!}"

Sardon spoke "{You could ask your girlfriend though.}"

Danyelle held back a snicker since Sardon trolled Zane.

Zane spoke "{*Stammers and stutters* Sh-Shut up!}"

Danyelle giggles "{He got you good Zane!}"

Zane spoke "{B-But I'll ask her.}"

Danyelle giggles "{Wow Zane... For a smart cat, you're as dense as Ash and Lan are.}"

Zane spoke "{What the-How dare you! I am not dense at all!}"

Zoey's voice was heard via telepathy.

Zoey spoke "{Denial!}"

Zane spoke "{I am not in denial!}"

Since Zoey was using a mind link spell, Moeka had heard the conversation.

Moeka asks "{Is it true? You like me Zane?}"

Zane: {GYAH! M-M-M-Moeka! D-Did you really hear all that?!}

Zoey was laughing.

Zoey giggles "{Mind link spell.}"

A very flustered Moeka spoke "{Y-yes... I d-did...}"

Zoey laughs "{By my grandmother's mane! I'm so gonna tell Cadence!}"

Zane spoke "{*Stammering* This is too embarrassing!}"

Zoey laughs "{You forgot that Danyelle, Sardon and I are using telepathy. We can still hear you.}"

Zane mentally screamed before cutting off.

Sardon spoke "{Well, that was weird.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Yeah and I'll be back soon.}"

The connection was soon cut.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, Zoey ended up freaking someone out."

"Who?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Let's just say that his help as well as Sardon's help will be vital in giving you and your wife new bodies."

“You’re serious?” I checked.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not joking around though. Thanks to Zane, I was able to reunite with my real parents."

I then hugged Danyelle, who hugged me back.


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*Danyelle's POV*

*Yawn!* I got up for the morning and went back to Tartarus before coming across Vaggie, who got out of bed herself. "Morning Vaggie..."

Vaggie spoke "Hey Danyelle..."

We soon got dressed and went downstairs before hearing Charlie muttering. "I don't understand why it's not working. Think Charlie, think. Think, think, think, think, think, think. *Mutters* ...Trust falls, every single morning, we could do... *Gasp!*"

We saw the others watching Charlie going over something like a stringed noteboard, stressing out like Twilight. I also noticed Husk having a mug that said "Fuck Mondays".

Angel spoke "Yikes."

Charlie spoke "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, Charlie!"

Vaggie asks "Charlie? ...Sweetie, you, uh... You good?"

Charlie spoke "*With messy hair and bloodshot eyes* Nope, no! Not really! Haha! I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. *Crushes paper* We've done trust falls. We've tried sharing our feelings. We only have a couple months left before the angels come. *Manic laughed with flared hair and a pair of horns* And at this rate...."

Vaggie spoke "Maybe it's time..."

Charlie spoke "No."

Vaggie spoke "To ask..."

Charlie spoke "*Grabs Vaggie* Don't say it."

Vaggie spoke "Your dad."

Charlie groaned at that.

I hit Charlie in the head with a half chewed toy.

I spoke "You need to buck up and act like a proper princess!"

Vaggie asks "Where did you get that?"

“A daughter of mine, Rani was too rough.” I simply answered.

Vaggie spoke "Anyway, Charlie, I know you don’t want to, but we need every advantage we can get."

Charlie spoke "He let the extermination happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said, “Go ahead and kill everyone!” *Gasp!* Wait. That’s it."

Vaggie asks "Kill everyone?"

Charlie spoke "No. He could get me a meeting with Heaven."

Vaggie asks "Didn’t we already try that?"

Charlie spoke "Well, yeah, with Adam, he was an asshole. But he isn’t in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top! There’s sure to be some angels who will listen."

Husk asks "*Notices Charlie hesitating* What’s the hold up? You got daddy issues?"

Charlie spoke "No, we just have never been close. After he and Mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls… sometimes, but only if he’s bored or like, needs me to do something."

Husk spoke "*Smirk* Daddy issues."

I spoke "I could get in contact with Belladonna's cousin, she might be able to help. And so will High Goddess Faust."

Angel spoke "Well, I’d like to meet the big dick in charge."

Niffty spoke "*Holding knife* The ultimate bad boy. *Giggles like a gremlin while Angel silently swiped the knife and threw it away* I bet he’s scary."

I groan "I swear Angel... you can be such a colt-cuddler at times."

Charlie called Lucifer as it took a while before he answered. Probably because he wanted to greet her daughter perfectly.

Lucifer spoke "Hey, bitch!"

…That made me face-fault at that. “WHAT THE?!”

Charlie spoke "Hi, Dad."

Lucifer asks "Hey! How are you? *Chuckles* Wh-Wh-Where are you these days?"

Charlie spoke "You know where I am, Dad. I’ve told you before."

Lucifer spoke "You have? Oh yeah, uh? Well, you know I um, uh…"

Charlie asks "I told you when you called me five months ago. Or did you not listen?"

Lucifer spoke "No, no, no, no. Just, you know, just forgot. I’ve just been really busy! Ya know with um… important things."

Charlie spoke "Well, I’m actually running a hotel to rehabilitate sinners. Maybe you saw our commercial."

Lucifer spoke "Oh… sadly I missed it. Heheh, you know I haven’t been watching much TV lately. Scrambles the brain. *Laughs* But, hey, a hotel! Fun!"

Charlie spoke "*Sigh* Listen, Dad, I’ve got… kind of a big ask."

Lucifer spoke "*Coughs* Yeah, of course. Anything in my power is yours for the asking. You just name it."

Charlie spoke "I need to speak to Heaven. Well, whoever’s in charge up there, above Adam, above anybody. I need to go to the top."

Lucifer spoke "Oh no! Nooooo, no, no, no, no, Charlie no, no, no, that’s, uh… No."

Charlie: *Frustrated* Look, Dad. I don’t ask you for much. I never have, but this, this is really important to me. It’s the most important thing I’ve ever done. And… I need you. I need your help."

Lucifer spoke "*Stammers* I don’t know, Charlie."

Charlie spoke "Please, just come see what I’m trying to do. You’ll see why it’s a really good idea. And Heaven is bound to agree if I get the chance to talk to them. Please, Dad."

Lucifer spoke "Wait. You’re inviting me over? *Excited* Absolutely! Hoh! I’ll be there in an hour! *Ends call*"

I used telepathy to let High Goddess Faust know that I wanted arrange a meeting with her.

I spoke "Oh and Charlie, I've already contacted High Goddess Faust. She'll have the Grand Council ready soon."

Charlie spoke "Well, we have an hour until he gets here."

Vaggie spoke "Okay, people, Lucifer is on his way. So we are going to get this place presentable, and we are going to make an amazing impression! Vamonos!"

We were getting the place ready as I helped with the “Welcome” banner so it wasn’t misspelled. Soon, everything was ready.

Charlie spoke "*Deep breath* Okay everyone, it’s showtime! *Opens door, revealing Lucifer*"

Lucifer spoke "Chaaaarlie!!"

Charlie spoke "Hey, Da-"

Lucifer spoke "*Squeezes Charlie with a bear hug* Oh, it’s so good to see you! Haha!"

Charlie spoke "Uh… It’s great to see you, too, Dad. *As Lucifer let her go, letting Charlie gasp for air before she clears her throat* Welcome! To the Hazbin Hotel!"

Some Egg Bois set off party poppers as Keekee approached Lucifer and rubbed against his right leg.

Lucifer spoke "*Crouches down and pets Keekee* Oh, hewwo, Keekee! *As Razzle and Dazzle flew to him* Razzle, Dazzle! *Plays with the two for a bit* Oh, look how much you haven’t grown! Still fun sized. You taking care of my little girl? *Ominously* You better be… *Laughs*"

Wow, what a family Charlie has, with a pet and two bodyguards.

I spoke "It's good to see you again Lucifer."

Lucifer asks "*Chuckle* Good to see you too, Dany. *Walks and looks around* Wow, this place sure looks, uh… Uh-huh. Yeah. Uh-huh. It’s got a lot of character. *Notices bar* Oh, what in the unholy hell is that?!"

Alastor asks "Just some of the renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color, don’t you think?"

Lucifer asks "And you are?"

Alastor spoke "*Rises from shadows behind him* Alastor! *Shakes Lucifer’s apple staff* Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. *As Lucifer fixed his hat and suit* Quite a pleasure! It’s nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life."

Lucifer asks "Who is this? Who’s this now? Are you the bellhop?"

Alastor spoke "Haha! No! I am the host of the hotel. You might have heard my from my radio broadcast."

Lucifer spoke "Hmm. Nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the ‘Hazbin’ Hotel! Hahaha."

Alastor spoke "Ha ha ha! It was actually my idea."

Lucifer spoke "Ha ha ha! Well, it’s not very clever!"

Alastor spoke "Ha ha, fuck you."

Charlie spoke "*Splits the two up* Okay! Okay. Anyway. Dad, look at this lovely parlor, where people can get to know each other and share secrets and stories and intimate feelings! Without Alastor, we wouldn’t have been able to pretty it up this much!"

Alastor spoke "Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests. *Places hand on Charlie’s left shoulder*"

Charlie spoke "Oh, thank you, Alastor."

Lucifer silently growled as I could tell he’s jealous.

Alastor spoke "Quite an impressive young lady. We’re all very proud of her.

Lucifer asks "*Clears throat* Charlie, dear. Why don’t you and Dany introduce to your other friends?

Charlie spoke "Oh, yes, of course. This is Vaggie. She’s my girlfriend!

Lucifer spoke "Oh ho my golly ! You like girls? So do I, we have so much in common! Put ‘er there, Maggie! *Hugs Vaggie* She’s so pretty.

Vaggie spoke "Uh, lovely to meet you, uh, sir!

Layla spoke "I'm Layla Heartfilla, the gay asswipe over there is Angel Dust."

I spoke "The gryphons are Grimcrest and Duskfeather, their son is under my care."

Charlie spoke "And this is Sir Pentious, he and Angel Dust along with a few others are our guests!"

Sir Pentious spoke "*Salutes* Your Majesty! *Bows and faceplants on the a tray of cookies*"

Angel Dust spoke "*Sleazily* Heya, short king."

Charlie spoke "*As Husk gave a two-finger salute* Husk is our bartender, and Niffty is our housekeeper!"

Husk spoke "Nice to meet you."

Niffty spoke "*Jumps onto Lucifer* Hello. I clean. Hehehehe."

But then a chandelier crashed on the floor. Place is still a fixer-upper.

Layla spoke "*sigh* I shouldn't be here though..."

Husk spoke "Probably bad luck on your end."

Lucifer spoke "Ha ha ha, alright then."

Then a song suddenly started.

Later, after the song ended, we saw a short and plump female peacock mobian sinner demon with a pale-lilac beak and platinum-blonde feathers, with a 1920s-style bob cut on her head, having eyes with cerise-colored pupils, black sclera, and thick lashes colored in a very dark shade of magenta while sharp pale yellow teeth inside her beak and dark magenta lips, as well as darker-colored blush. The female demon was wearing a bright pink 1920s-style flapper dress with pale yellow and black detailing, resembling film tape, alongside a pair of maroon heels, with her attire accessorized with a set of magenta opera gloves, a black pearl-necklace with a cerise gem in the middle, and a maroon headband held by an oval-shaped cerise gem, which has a pair of feathers in two shades of maroon with yellow dots, and on the back of her right shoulder was a cerise tattoo of some kind.

Lucifer asks "Who?"

And as she said during her song interruption, her name is Mimzy. "Didn't you just hear me? Why is everybody gawkin'? Is it, cuz I'm adorable?"

Alastor spoke "Mimzy!"

Mimzy spoke "Alastooorr, sweetie, doll face! So good to see you. How you been? Good? Good."

The two hugged and squeezed each other.

Mimzy spoke "Listen, I was in the neighborhood. I heard you were staying at this ritzy slob factory, and I figured I'd stop by, say hi for old times sake."

Alastor spoke "Of course, sweetheart! Everyone is welcome here."

Charlie asks "Oh, how nice! So you two know each other?"

Mimzy spoke "Oh, yeah. We go way back, ran in the same circles when we were alive. You know, this one used to frequent the club where I used to perform. He's the only one I knew who could pound whiskey like a sailor then keep up with me on the dance floor."

Alastor spoke "Oh, quite a talent, this gal. Ho, ho, you should have seen her in her heyday."

Mimzy spoke "Hey, watch it tall, dark and creepy. *Straightens dress* I'm still in my prime!"

Ryōta pops up with Loona in tow as his tail wagged happily.

"Ryōta? What's got you so canine crazy?" I punned with a smirk.

Ryōta spoke "I finally popped the question to Loona!"

I noticed Loona blushing with a smile with her tail wagging and her pointing fingers nervously against each other, making my smirk grow bigger.

I giggle "If I know Bee and Pinkie, they'd be planning the wedding."

Mimzy spoke "*Notices Lucifer* Oh, oh my stars! *Gasp!* Is that Lucifer* Pushes Sir Pentious aside* Move it! Pleased to meetcha, Your Highness. Alstor, you gotta warn a girl when she's in mixed company."

Lucifer spoke "Charmed, I'm sure."

Alastor spoke "As much as I'd love to catch up, Charlie and I have a tour to continue."

Lucifer spoke "I'm sure Charlie can handle showing me around."

Alastor asks "Nonsense! We started the hotel together, and we'll show it off together. Right, Charlie?"

Charlie spoke "Oh, right."

Alastor spoke "*As Vaggie and I followed Charlie and Lucifer* Why don't you let the others help you settle in, and I'll be back before you know it."

*Ryōta's POV*

Mimzy asks "*Approaches the bar as Alastor followed the four of us* So, where can a girl get a drink around here? *Notices Husk as he grunted* My, my, is that Husker? Alastor still has you slinging hooch for him, I see. *Chuckles* Classic! How ya been, furball?"

Husk spoke "Good until five minutes ago."

Mimzy asks "Oh, don't tell me you're not happy to see me. You might hurt my feelins. *Giggles* Hey Niffty, whatcha' been up to, girlie?"

Niffty spoke "Fighting bugs."

Mimzy asks "*As a bug was scuttling by* And uh, how's that going for you?"

Niffty spoke "They're winning. *Darkly smiles with a knife in her left hand* But not for long."

Mimzy spoke "Uh-huh... *As a glass of liquor stops in front of her* Thanks, pussy cat!"

Husk spoke "Oh, fuck you."

Danyelle flew off to Bee's place.

Danyelle calls out "Hey ya foxy bitch! I got news!!!"

Beelzebub's bedroom door opened as she and a male hellhound came out.

Beelzebub asks "Yeah?"

Danyelle exclaims "Prince Ryōta is going to marry Loona!"

Vortex asks "...You serious?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm not fucking joking here!"

Vortex chuckles "Guess Loona forgot to tell him where Bee’s place is."

Danyelle spoke "Ya know Bee, you'd get along with Pinkie easy. She's a total party anmal, just like you are."


Dad beat Dad part 2

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*Last time on Dead Beat Dad,*

Mimzy asked while approaching the bar as Alastor followed the four Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer. “So, where can a girl get a drink around here? *Notices Husk as he grunted* My, my, is that Husker? Alastor still has you slinging hooch for him, I see. *Chuckles* Classic! How ya been, furball?"

Husk spoke "Good until five minutes ago."

Mimzy asks "Oh, don't tell me you're not happy to see me. You might hurt my feelins. *Giggles* Hey Niffty, whatcha' been up to, girlie?"

Niffty spoke "Fighting bugs."

Mimzy asks "*As a bug was scuttling by* And uh, how's that going for you?"

Niffty spoke "They're winning. *Darkly smiles with a knife in her left hand* But not for long."

Mimzy spoke "Uh-huh... *As a glass of liquor stops in front of her* Thanks, pussy cat!"

Husk spoke "Oh, fuck you."

Angel asks "*As Mindy drank some liquor* So uh, you and Alastor are like what? Friends?"

Mimzy giggles "Well, that’s your word, not mine, but I think it fits. *As Angel drank some booze* Why so surprised?"

Danyelle had told Beezelbub about the upcoming wedding.

Danyelle spoke "I've yet to tell Blitzo but I don't think he'd take the news that well."

Beelzebub asks "He’s a bit of a mess?"

Danyelle spoke "Worse... He's overprotective of Loona. Good freaking grief, she's 18."

Vortex spoke "I know, but I can tell he means well."

Danyelle spoke "She needs to set some boundaries..."

*back at the hotel*

Angel asks "Well, just didn't know he had any of those. He's been here a while and is still a big, creepy mystery. What's his deal?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda curious about it too." I admitted.

Loona spoke "Same here."

Mimzy spoke "Well, you probably heard the stories. He appeared in Hell suddenly, making a splash quicker than anyone had ever seen. At first, people wanted to dismiss him, but soon overlords started goin' missing, and not small ones neither. We're talking heavy hitters. No one knew what happened to 'em until these strange radio broadcasts started going out. All you could hear was screams. Every time an overlord went missing, there'd be a new voice screaming in the broadcast. That's when Alastor revealed himself as the Radio Demon, and anyone that would mess with him... *Laughs* Well, let's just say his broadcast never lacked new voices."

Loona clutched onto me as both of our fur and hair stood on end in fear and horror after hearing that.

Layla spoke "M-maybe we should stay on his good side...."

Mimzy asks "That's the story most people know, but underneath it all... He's a total sweetie. Put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye, and he becomes a kitten. *Notices our silence with some of us blinking once* Stop with the looks. He hasn't done any of that in a while. *Raises glass* Can I get another one of these? *Notices Husk gone* Oh, what the fuck?"

Duskfeather spoke "Alastor's one helluva scary guy when he gets really mad."

*Danyelle's POV*

After telling Bee and Tex about the wedding, I teleported back to the Hazbin Hotel, catching up with Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer and Alastor.

Charlie spoke "So, once we have the proof that redemption is possible, this whole hotel will be full of demons wanting to check out into Heaven. We just need a little more time to prove it. The sharing circles haven't been working as fast as I hoped.

But due to my hearing, I heard Husk approach Alastor. "Ey, Boss? Can I have a word?"

As we kept walking with Charlie talking, Alastor staying behind, turning his head a full 180 before turning his whole body around before asking, "What is it?"

Husk asks "You and I both know Mimzy only shows up when she needs somethin'. That bitch is trouble, and who knows what kinda demon she fucked with to come running to you this time?"

Alastor asks "It's nothing I can't handle. Don't worry Husker. *Starts to walk away* Who in their right mind would cross me?"

Husk spoke "I mean... you've been gone a while and it's not like anybody knows why."

Alastor spoke "They don't need to know. *Pets Husk's left ear* And don't you worry your fuzzy head about it."

Husk spoke "*Growls* You may own my soul, but I ain't your fucking pet!"

Alastor spoke "Hmhm! *Spins head* But you are! *Starts walking off again* Haha!"

Husk spoke "Big talk for someone who's also on a leash."

I then noticed the lights flickering.

Alastor asks "Aha, *Buffers with radio dial eyes* what did you say?"

I then heard chains clanking.

Husk spoke "Oh, fuck! *Thud!* Nothing I, um- *Chokes*"

Alastor spoke "If you ever say that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for every other disrespectful wretch *With lights flickering red and green* who dares to question me."

Husk spoke "Understood."

I then noticed the lights were glowing normally again.

Alastor spoke "Lovely. *Chuckles* Good talk, my good man! Always nice to catch up. *Walks off*"

After hearing that, every single fur and hair on me were standing on end in horror, as I found myself unable to speak temporarily out of instinctual fear.

I spoke via telepathy "{That was fucking nuts Husk!}"

I got bowled over by a familiar Mobian vixen.

I gasp "Get the fuck off me!"

The vixen spoke "S-Sorry!"

I ask "Kikyo? Is that really you?"

Kikyo asks "Dany?"

I spoke "No fucking way! It is you!"

Kikyo hugged me as I hugged her back while we were on the balcony with Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer.

Vaggie spoke "And we've almost been able to find all of Angel's drug stashes... Almost."

Charlie spoke "So once that's out of the way it should be much smoother sailing."

Lucifer spoke "Well, that certainly is, uh... is-is something."

Charlie asks "So... What do you think?"

Lucifer asks "About what?"

Charlie spoke "The hotel."

Lucifer spoke "Oh yes, it does... it does look much better now, doesn't it? *Chuckles* Ya know, but I'm thinking this railing needs work, one good push and you'd just go right over the edge. Whoopie, bye-bye. *Laughs*"

Charlie asks "What? No, no, the plan, Dad! What do you think about using the hotel to help sinners?"

Lucifer spoke "Ahh. Alright, I mean, look... I love that you want to see the best in people, but these sinners... You know, they're just the worst. I, I don't know how much you can realistically expect from them in Heaven. Hohooo boy, Heaven is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules. Lots of rules. And they aren't very open-minded as you'd hope."

Faust contacted me before hearing all of that as I heard her innocently whistling in my head.

I was snickering for some odd reason, which was confusing for Lucifer and Charlie.

Charlie spoke "These are our people Dad, I... I have to try."

Lucifer spoke "Our "people", Charlie, are awful! They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible! *Wheeze!* I just don't want you to put yourself on the line for people like-"

But then a loud thud was heard as we stumbled a bit with the place slightly shaking.

Vaggie asks "Geez! What now?!"

Lucifer spoke "*Looks down* Well, like that!"

I looked down, seeing a mob of loan shark demons, who are literally sharks.

One Loan Shark spoke "Mimzy, we know you're in there you lousy bitch!"

The loan sharks were trying to ram into the restaurant.

Mimzy spoke "*Nervously* Oh, shit."

I teleported us back to the main floor.

Vaggie asks "Que carajo?"

Charlie asks "What's going on?"

Mimzy spoke "I maaaaaaaay be in some trouble with some loan shark's I may or may not have borrowed fifty grand from-*Another thud heard, making her hid behind the bar counter* Eep!"

Loan Shark spoke "You better come out."

Mimzy spoke "*As the thuds kept happening* And I may have stolen a car... and crashed it... into the loan shark's girlfriend. But that bitch had it coming!"

I storm out while in Avatar Mode, causing pillars of fire to erupt and the ground was shaking violently.


But then burning stones came bursting in, crashing through windows.

Niffty spoke "My windows!"

Sir Pentious spoke "Ah! We're under siege! Ah! Take cover!

Angel asks "Look out! What the fuck?!"

Lucifer spoke "Ya see, this is exaaactly what I'm talking about Charlie. You build something nice, you invite people in and offer them everything and they just bring violence and chaos to your doorstep. It doesn't matter how well-intentioned you are, they're always going to disappoint you."

Sir Pentious spoke "*Grabs Niffty* Niffty, come along! *Swipes her from falling debris*"

Vaggie spoke "All of you, get a safe distance. I'll take care of this."

Alastor spoke "No, my dear, leave it to me. It's time I remind everyone why I am here. *Smiles darkly with radio dial eyes*"

Mimzy spoke "Oh, finally. Took ya long enough!"

I then started getting ready to help Alastor.

Alastor spoke "A reminder to all, not to mess *Glows green with the hotel while his antlers grew longer and tentacles emerging from his back with him having radio dial eyes* with the Radio Demon."

Alastor laughed evilly as his tentacles skewered some loan sharks, wrecked some devices of theirs and tore one loan shark apart.

Mimzy spoke "Yeah!"

Alastor came out of the hotel in his full demon form, which was really unnerving as the loan sharks screamed in fear while running in horror. "I will devour each and *With eyes and teeth glowing while speaking without moving his mouth* every one of you!"

Lucifer spoke "Mhm, ya see? What I tell ya? Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths, hellbent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There's really no point in trying."

Charlie asks "Dad, stop! He's defending this hotel. *As Alastor ate a loan shark* It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped. But he's doing it for me! How can he have faith in me, but my own father can't?"

Angel spoke "Ooh, *Brings out a tub of popcorn as Husk ate one* drama."

I rip the head of a loan shark clean of the shoulders before ripping a scrawny one in half.

Soon, all of the loan sharks here were dead. Even though they'll come back, I hope that taught them not to make me mad.

Alastor spoke "*Shifting back to normal* Oh, I missed getting to let off steam."

Mimzy spoke "Oh, Alastor! What a fantastic show. *Claps hands while coming out* Bravo, as always. Thanks for helpin' lil' old me outta a tough spot, you're always such a pal. *As a pole crashed* Oops. Heheheh, sorry about the mess, but I'm sure the lil' bug can take care of it for ya."

Alastor spoke "I think you should go, Mimzy. Now."

Why is this reminding me of Rainbow Dash and Gilda?

Mimzy spoke "Oh pff, Alastor, you're such a kidder you! Haha, you are so funny..."

Alastor spoke "I mean it. You deliberately brought danger to this place just to have me clean up your mess. I can't have that here."

Mimzy spoke "But you love takin' care a' me! What? You don't actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya? Come on. I know you. You heartless son of a bitch."

Alastor spoke "You are welcome if you actually want to give redemption a shot. But I think we both know that's not really your style. So you need to leave."

Mimzy spoke "*Splutters* Fine! Who needs ya? Have fun with ya lil' princess and ya lil' hotel. *Leaves while flipping the bird* See if I care."

Mimzy stomped off in a rage as Husk smiled at that before turning back around, having a tub of popcorn while Sir Pentious was reading a book.

Angel spoke "*Eating popcorn* This is really getting good."

I ask "Hey Ryōta, when is the wedding?"

Ryōta spoke "*Blushes* July."

"Smart." I smiled.

Charlie spoke "Dad... just... help me."

Lucifer spoke "I... I can't."

Charlie asks "Why can't you?"

A song started playing in my head.

Lucifer spoke "Charlie! *Gasp!* You don't understand, Heaven never listens. They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you."

Charlie spoke "You don't know that!"

Charlie spoke "*With tears* I do!"

The two returned while hugging each other before the portal vanished with Lucifer withdrawing his wings.

That... That really warmed my heart.

Sir Pentious spoke "*With big and teary eyes, same with his hat* Aww, that was sweet.

A portal opens up before High Goddess Faust steps out.

High Goddess Faust spoke "It's been too long Lucifer."

Lucifer asks "Oh, hey Faust. *Turns to Charlie* Okay, I can help get you the meeting, but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be okay?"

Charlie spoke "*Grabs Lucifer's staff hand with both of hers* I'll be fine."

Lucifer spoke "*Places his other hand on hers* That's my girl. *Sigh* Good luck kiddo."

I spoke "I'll go with her just in case that asshole tries anything."

Vaggie asks "This next part is gonna be scary. You ready, Charlie?"

Charlie spoke "I'm ready. *Hugs Vaggie as she hugged her back* 'Cause you'll be with me."

Vaggie asks "In spirit, right?"

Charlie spoke "In Heaven."

Vaggie spoke "*Nervously* Yay!"

I noticed that nervous expression, which made me curious.


Welcome To Heaven

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*Danyelle's POV*

Charlie was packing some stuff for Heaven. "Okay. I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket and rain jacket. Wait. Does it rain in Heaven?"

Vaggie spoke "Charlie, you're only going to Heaven for a few hours."

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, we are only going to Heaven for a day. And I just wanna be prepared! It's our last chance to convince Heaven a soul can be redeemed."

I spoke "Fuck it Charlie, you remind me of Rarity..."

Vaggie spoke "Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that thing."

Charlie asks "What thing?"

Vaggie spoke "The thing with the... thing, um, fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar."

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, you're my partner. I need you there with me."

Vaggie spoke "*Sigh* Fine."

Charlie spoke "Yes! *Kisses Vaggie's forehead*"

Meanwhile on the main floor, Angel Dust came through the door, and he was a wreck. "*Huff!* Oh, fuck."

Niffty asks "*Pops out of a flower pot before climbing down* You look messy! What happened to you?"

Angel Dust spoke "It's who happened to me. And the answer is everyone. Twice! Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. *Straightens back as Niffty dusted it* The absolute dick bag."

Angel Dust crashed onto the couch as Danyelle, Charlie and I came down before an explosion went off outside, blasting a hole through the wall.

"You gotta be kidding me! Again?!" I groaned.

Angel asks "Arghh! What the fuck is with that wall?"

A voice laughs "What up, hoes?"

The red dust cleared, revealing a slender yet curvy-figured, white-skinned, strawberry blonde-pink-furred cyclops-like rabbit mobian sinner demon with a singular eye which has an X-shaped light yellow pupil and a Sunkist-coral sclera, sporting freckle-like spots on her skin and long, strawberry blonde-pink hair on her head with platinum blonde accents, kept in a high half-ponytail by a black ponytail-holder. Her mouth featured black lips and sharp pale yellow teeth inside, her makeup including a large amount of mascara and eyeliner, and having several Sunkist coral designs of bombs, explosions and swirled-lines, tattooed on her right arm. She was wearing a one-shouldered black bra under a similarly-designed pinkish-red torn crop-top with four pale yellow spots around the black X located on the left, a set of severely ripped black leggings under a torn miniskirt that sported the same color and style as her top, shoes that are both colored in a pinkish-red but differing in type; on her right is a simple-pointed flat, while on her left is heeled cowboy-like boot with a multi-pointed off-white star on it and two different sets of fingerless Sunkist coral gloves; a regular-length glove on her right hand and an arm-length black-trimmed glove on her left hand.

Angel Dust spoke "*Smiles while getting up* Ho-Holy shit, Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!"

Cherri spoke "*Jumps in while holding a bomb in her right hand* Angie, ya bitch! You been texting me depressing shit all day, figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fuckin' forever! *To Charlie before tossing the bomb to her* Here hold this."

Charlie spoke "*Catches it* Ah! Oh my God, oh my God."

Vaggie spoke "*Grabs bomb* Nope, gimme that. *Throws bomb outside in the distance*"

Angel spoke "I love seeing ya Cherri, *As a loud explosion went off outside, blowing wind and red dust in* but I'm too tired. I need to pass out."

Cherri spoke "*Catches Angel, keeping him from falling onto the couch* Oho, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge, a reinvigoration, a re-"

Charlie spoke "Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea. Hi, *Shakes Cherri's hand* Charlie. That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. Aagh, he never brings anyone around!"

Cherri asks "*Snorts!* Wonder why?"

Charlie spoke "Yeah, me too."

Amaterasu leapt out of my shadow before snarling at Cherri.

“Easy girl!” I said as Amaterasu went back into my shadow.

Charlie spoke "Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard. I think they deserve to have a little fun."

Cherri asks "W-W-Wait, they?"

Charlie spoke "Yeah. Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!"

Cherri spoke "Wait, I am only here for Ang- *Handed a stack of paper money from Charlie* Ooh! Never mind. Let’s go!"

Charlie spoke "Make sure they have the best time tonight."

I spoke "You sly bitch!"

Charlie spoke "Thanks. Anyway the portal to Heaven should be opening right about… *As said portal appeared, making her scream in delight* now!"

Charlie grabbed Vaggie and I before throwing us into the portal.

Charlie spoke "Bye!

Charlie jumped in after us before the portal closed.

*Ryōta's POV*

Sir Pentious noticed Cherri, making him spit out and spill his booze. “Well, *As Cherri counted the money* if it isn’t my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb? *Trips over suitcase left behind*"

Cherri spoke "Apparently, I’m going out with Angel *Brings out a packet of bubble gum from her cleavage* and got to drag your sorry asses along. *Takes bubble gum out of wrapper before chewing it*"

Sir Pentious asks "Oh, oh, you and me *As Cherri Bomb blew a bubble* are going out back for fun? I, I didn’t think this would ever happen. What? *As the bubble popped* What do I do? What do I wear?"

Cherri spoke "*Grips Sir Pentious’ hand* Don’t fucking touch me, you munted dickhead!"

Cherri walked off as I noticed a blush on Sir Pentious’ face.

*Danyelle’s POV*

“Can you please not throw me next time?” I asked.

Charlie spoke "Sorry, got excited in the moment.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Pleas try to behave, the Grand Council will not tolerate swearing."

We found ourselves at a gate.

Charlie asks "Girls, look at this place. It’s soooo clean! Isn’t that amazing?"

Vaggie spoke "*Sarcastically* Yep. Super cool. Heaven. Wow."

Then an angel appeared at the gate.

The male asks "Hiya! Welcome to Heaven. Can I get your name please?"

Faust giggled.

Charlie spoke "Oh! Uhhh, uh, uh, Charlie Morningstar!"

The male spoke "Charlie Morningstar. Hmm. *Reads through list* I’m not seeing you on my list here. That’s so odd."

Charlie spoke "Uh, um, my Dad and High Goddess Faust got me this meeting, so maybe-"

The male spoke "Oh, Dad! Okay!"

Charlie spoke "Try Lucifer Morning… star."

The male spoke "*Shocked* Oh, fuck! *Getting nervous* Yeah. Hoooo, he he he. Yikes. Am I right? *Flies down to us* Are you sure you’re in the right place? Because I think you might be a little lost."

Vaggie spoke "Oh, here we go."

Faust spoke "St. Peter, calm down."

Charlie spoke "No, uh… we’re, we’re here for a meeting."

A female spoke "Saint Peter."

We looked up, seeing two odd beings.

One female spoke "We can take it from here."

The two suddenly took humanoid forms.

One female spoke "*As Saint Peter bowed and backed off* Greetings, daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the High Seraphim of Heaven. *As the younger female squealed in excitement* You are gifted to be here. And it is good to see you again, Faust."

The second female spoke "Hi, I’m Emily, the other Seraphim. Though you can call me Em! Emmy, E, whatever you want. I go by whatever. *Laughs* Welcome to Heaven."

Faust giggled, glad to see Emily.

Arcee soon arrives with Dia and Kia.

Arcee spoke "Sorry for being late, Dia got into a little fight with Gira earlier."

St. Peter spoke "Dearly beloved, it is my pleasure to say unto thee."

A song started as the gates opened, showing us a beautiful city with great folks in there.

After the song ended, I noticed a female spider angel that couldn’t help but remind me of Angel Dust.

I ask the angelic spider if she knew someone named Angel Dust.

The female asks "You know my twin brother?"

That left me surprised.

I spoke "Of course I do but Princess Charlie here knows him better."

The female spoke "Really? I’m Molly."

As we walked forward, I noticed us walking by Adam, who was drinking some soda, and Lute, who didn’t have her helmet-mask on, who both then noticed us as I used my hearing to listen in.

Adam asks "Holy fucking shit balls. Am I seeing who I think I’m seeing?"

Lute asks "What are they doing here? How did they even get up here?"

Adam spoke "Who cares? I’m handling this shit right now."

Lute asks "*Stops Adam* Wait, you want to start a fight on the promenade in front of everyone?"

Adam spoke "Better than waiting for the fucking extermination."

Fortunately, no one was hearing them.

Lute asks "Ssshhh! Sir, what was the Seraphim’s one rule?"

Adam spoke "Uuuuuuugg, “no one but the exorcists can know about the exterminations.” I know, fine. *Slurps up soda* Don’t fucking shush me, bitch."

Sera spoke "*Appears behind Adam and Lute, making them jump* You should listen to your lieutenant, Adam."

I could then sense the three were in a private building.

Adam spoke "Fuck, Sera! You can’t sneak up on a guy like that. Jeez."

Lute asks "Your Highness, forgive me, but what are the hell-spawn and mortal doing here?"

Sera spoke "Well, you failed to control the demons unrest and now Lucifer and Faust are involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter and with the nice feline. I never would have agreed to your… *As Adam slurped up some soda* yearly activities if I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep. Keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it."

Adam spoke "What do you want from me? I’m just one guy."

Sera asks "I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse. Are we clear?"

Adam spoke "*Sighs* Yeah. Got it."

Later, Molly was with Vaggie, Charlie and I in our hotel room as I could sense Sera was a good person, but her heart was in the wrong place.

Charlie spoke "Okay. I love Heaven. Vaggie, Danyelle did you both see the ice cream shop? *Excitedly* They had sprinkles made of rainbows!"

Vaggie spoke "Those are just rainbow sprinkles."

Charlie asks "Emily’s going to take us to a zoo where all the animals are actually soft! You coming?"

Vaggie spoke "Uh, I need a break. But hug a koala for me."

Charlie spoke "O. M. G. Can you imagine an actual koala? Ahh, see you later."

Charlie left the room with Molly, leaving me alone with Vaggie. Probably for the best as Vaggie laid on the bed.

Vaggie spoke "Huh."

A sudden pillar of fire erupts before fading away, revealing Blaze in a different outfit than the one I'm used to seeing.

Blaze spoke "Hey Danyelle!"

I gasp "What the actual fuck? What are you doing here Blaze?"

Blaze spoke "Long story."

But then a knock was heard as I instinctively used an invisibility spell on myself and Blaze as Vaggie got up and towards the door before opening it, revealing Adam.

Adam spoke "Hey there Vag-asaurus!"

Vaggie spoke "Charlie and the others will be back soon. You need to get out now."

Adam spoke "*As he came in with Lute* I’m not looking for the blonde or any of her pals, babe. I’m looking for you."

Vaggie asks "Why?"

Adam spoke "Maybe ‘cause you left the band. You tried for a solo career. Or I guess it’s more of a… duet!"

Vaggie spoke "I don’t know what you’re talking about."

Adam asks "Do you really think I wouldn’t recognize one of my top girls just ‘cause you’re out of uniform?"

That shocked Blaze and I as my Dimensional Scream showed the two of us a previous extermination.

Adam spoke "You were on the front lines. I wouldn’t forget a bad bitch like you. It’s why I named you after the best thing ever… *As an Exorcist took off her helmet/mask, revealing past Vaggie with shorter hair and both eyes* Vaggie"

Vaggie spoke "Actually, it’s pronounced Vaggie."

Adam asks "Mmmmm no! Anyway, you sure fucked up, didn’t you?"

Blaze and I saw Past Vaggie chase a child sinner cannibal demon and cornered him before she noticed the tears of fear on his face while he cowered in horror, making her hesitant.

Past Vaggie spoke "*Quietly* Go, run, now!"

The demon fled while Past Lute unfortunately saw that as Past Vaggie dropped her spear in shock before Past Lute grabbed her and slashed her across the face, making her scream while her left eye was cut out with both that and her left eye socket bleeding golden blood as Past Lute stabbed said eyes.

Past Lute spoke "*Kicks eye away* Sinful filth like you has no place in Heaven."

Past Lute tore off Past Vaggie’s wings as Past Adam showed up and grabbed her halo, confiscating it before he and Past Lute left. Later, Blaze and I saw Past Vaggie walking with the bleeding having stopped before she sat against a dumpster with a left empty eye socket before Past Charlie found her.

Adam spoke "To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith’s little hottie. *As past Charlie bandaged up Past Vaggie’s left eye* ‘Grats on that, I guess."

Blaze and I then found ourselves back in reality, still invisible.

Lute spoke "Their love is vile and blasphemous.

Adam asks "Hot as fuck though. But I wonder what your bitch would think if she found out you are actually one of us. Hmmm?"

Vaggie asks "What do you want?"

Adam spoke "Simple. You work for me again and at the hearing you’re going to help me shut this kindergarten snowflake bullshit down for good."

Vaggie spoke "Never."

Adam spoke "Oh, yeah. You know, that’s totally cool. I guess I’ll just tell little miss butterflies and rainbows that she’s been fucking someone who’s killed thousands of her people. I’m sure your relationship will be fine. *Happily while leaving with Lute* See you in court!"

The two left as Blaze and I saw the horror on Vaggie’s face before I closed the door and canceled out the invisibility spell.

Holding Blaze back, I ask "Okay Vaggie, out with it. Were you an exorcist at one point?"

Vaggie asks "You-You heard all that?"

I spoke "Keen hearing plus I have the dimensional scream which I inherited from my mother."

I pull Vaggie in for a hug, causing her to cry.

Vaggie spoke "*Sniffing* I-I was…"

I spoke "I swear on my powers, I won't tell Charlie about this."

Blaze spoke "And neither will I."

Vaggie spoke "*Sniffs* Thank you."

Later, we, along with Charlie were in the courthouse before Adam showed up.

Charlie spoke "*Strained* Oh no, not him again!"

Adam spoke "*Flies up into a private balcony with Lute* What up, baby? Saw that you went to my manager. Low blow Karen."

Blaze and I held Charlie from attacking Adam.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Order in the courthouse."

Arcee was sitting beside High Goddess Faust as Dia and Kia kept a watchful eye on Adam.

Sera and Emily were also sitting next to High Goddess Faust.

Sera asks "We are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into the heavenly realm by means of this Hazbin Hotel. Princess Morningstar?"

Charlie spoke "*Sorts description cards* Thank you, Seraphim. *Ahem!* Webster’s Dictionary defines redemption as-"

Adam spoke "Objection, lame and unoriginal."

Sera spoke "Sustained. No further dictionary references please."

Charlie spoke "Right, okay. *Looks through cards* Uh, uh… Uhhhh. Mmmm."

Adam spoke "If you have actual evidence, then show it already."

Twilight, Honeystar, Zoey and Orion appeared via teleportation next to me.

Charlie spoke "We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress."

Adam asks "Who?"

Charlie spoke "Angel Dust."

Adam spoke "Oh, yeah. The porn demon. *Sarcastically* He’s totally worth being redeemed *Blows raspberry*"

Charlie asks "Well, if you know so much, what do you think it takes to get into Heaven?

Nice one, Charlie!

Adam spoke "Ummm, w-w-well… Uhhhh."

Sera asks "Is everything okay, Adam?"

Adam asks "Give me a minute, okay? *Writes one thing down while muttering before finishes and teleports paper to Vaggie*"

Vaggie asks "*Reads paper* “Act selfless, don’t steal, stick it to the man.” *Deadpan* Are you serious?"

Adam asks "Uh, yeah, sure got me here, didn’t it? *Laughs* Right, Sera?"

Sera spoke "He was the first human soul in Heaven."

Faust spoke "*Sigh* Can’t argue with that."

Charlie spoke "Well, I bet Angel is doing all of those things right now!"

Adam spoke "Then let’s see it, brah! *Snaps fingers, making wind howl before a glowing white orb appeared*"

Charlie spoke "Your Honors, may I present exhibit A."

The orb showed a party in Hell. I just hope things go alright down there.

*Ryōta’s POV*

Whoo! What a party!

Loona asks "*Giggle* How you feeling, Ryo?"

I chuckle "great since I have you with me."

Cherri asks "Woo! Isn’t the place the fucking best?"

Husk spoke "I’ll admit, “Consent” is a good name for a sex club."

Sir Pentious asks "*Notices Niffty sweeping rapidly* Niffty, dear, what are you doing?"

Niffty spoke "I’m sweeping! Urgh, look how icky it is in here!"

Sir Pentious spoke "That’s because we’re at a club, dear."

Niffty spoke "Oh! I thought the hotel looked different! *Giggles!*"

Sir Pentious spoke "Ms. Bomb, I-I-I’d like to buy you a drink."

Cherri asks "Why? Didn’t you say we’re arch-rivals?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Um… uh… because I’m buying everyone a drink!"

The crowd cheered.

A Patron spoke "Free drinks! I love alcohol!"

Angel spoke "Good, I need a drink after today. You know Val, he’s into this waterboarding shit now, I don’t know, it’s a kink."

Cherri spoke "Angel, enough with the Val talk. He already ruined your whole day. Don’t let him ruin your night, too. *Holds three pills with one different than the other two* Here, take one of these and you won’t be worrying about nothing."

Husk spoke "Here we go."

Cherri spoke "Oh, look, the drunk sobered up long enough to judge us."

Husk spoke "I ain’t the one trying to get into Heaven. Look, you wanna fuck up all your progress? Be my guest. I just… *Sigh* I just thought you were better than that."

Cherri spoke "Thanks, Captain Buzzkill. Come on Angie, let’s get fucked up! It’s been too long."

Angel spoke "I, uhh, I don’t know, it’s been a long night, and I don’t need to go too wild."

Husk spoke "*Smiles* Hmmm. *Takes a swig*"

I dropkick Pentious at Cherri, causing the two to kiss.

The two disconnected before the next thing I knew, Cherri kicked me right where it hurts, making me whimper on my knees.

Cherri asks "*Calms down* Come on, bitch. If you’ve really been working that hard, you deserve a little R and R… and some THC, or maybe PCP with DMT. Aw fuck it, let’s see where the night takes us, huh?

Angel spoke "I… I guess."

Sir Pentious spoke "*Shaking off shock* Cherri, I bought you a shot. B-Because I bought everyone another shot! Hooray! *Laughs*"

A Club goer spoke "Yeah, another drink! I love alcohol!"

Angel and Cherri gulped down the shots of liquor.

Angel spoke "Aah… fuck it, let’s do it!"

Husk huffed at that.

Later, we were each drinking a shot as Cherri brought out more. “Round twelve, mother fuckers! Heels are coming off!”

Angel spoke "Haha. Oh yeah, *As Cherri gave Husk a shot* keep ‘em comin’! *Given one from Cherri* Come on, right here, right to Daddy."

Sir Pentious spoke "Oh, it’s wonderful to have friends! *Laughs*"

The pain from that kick went away, so that’s good.

A drunk Layla laughs "Hey snakeboy! Give me the hardest shit you can buy!"

Niffty spoke "Everything’s spinny, hehe."

Angel spoke "*Takes shots* Ha, I think you and Layla are done, tiny."

Niffty spoke "No! Gimme gimme gimme!"

Layla spoke "*Drunk* Come on, Angel, ya bastard!"

Cherri spoke "Oh, come on, bitch, *As Angel gave the two shots to Husk before he gulped them down with his* they can handle a little more."

Angel asks "Niffty’s like ten pounds soaking wet, Layla’s totally wasted, and-oh shit, where’d she go?"

Niffty swatted glasses of booze into a bag, much to a trio of party goer’s annoyance.

Niffty spoke "Dirty, dirty, make it clean!"

Angel spoke "Dammit, Niffty. Sorry fellas, *Brings out money* here, next one’s on me. *Throws money to the trio as he chuckled before noticing Niffty gone* Niffty? *Sees her* Shit!"

Niffty was looting cleaning stuff. “Chlorine… Bleach…"

Cherri spoke "Angie… the fuck are you doing? You’re supposed to be relaxing, not playing nanny."

Angel spoke "Look, she ain’t used to this scene. I just don’t want her to end up in the gutter like I used to."

Cherri spoke "Pfft, whatever, nerd. Just catch up when you’re done. *Heads back into party*

Angel asks "*Grabs Niffty and picks her up* Stop! You can’t take that. God, Niff, why are you bein’ such a mess?!"

Niffty asks "*Starting to tear up* I’m the mess? *Starts bawling waterfalls*"

Angel asks "Oh, oh shit! Hey, hey, hey… calm down, ya ain’t a mess. It’s fine… Ssshhh, hey, you wanna play with the kitty?"

Niffty spoke "*Bawling stops* Yeah."

Husk asks "*As Angel placed Niffty on his head* The fuck is this?"

Angel spoke "She’s wasted too. Just go with it."

Husk spoke "*As Niffty played with his eyebrows, cheeks and ears* Re-Really?! *As Niffty started playing with his wings, to his annoyance* Ugh, get the…"

Layla laughs "She's not in the right mind... Not to mention, Niffty's got a huge crush on you Husk."

Okay, now I know Layla’s totally drunk.

Niffty spoke "*Laughs* That’s crazy talk."

Husk spoke "Pfft, now I know you’re wasted, Layla."

The party went on as I helped Sir Pentious from saying something that’ll make him bite off more than he could chew.

Cherri spoke "*To Angel* You know, we can do this fucking shit every fucking night. You don’t have to spend all your off hours “working on yourself,” you little bitch."

Husk spoke "The hotel isn’t a problem in his life, it’s-"

Angel spoke "*Notices something* Valentino."

Husk spoke "Exactly. So why don’t you-"

Angel spoke "No… Valentino."

We then noticed Valentino with some female demons at a lounge.

Valentino spoke "Yeah, I’m here all the time, they know me. You’re gorgeous… do you need a job? How many dicks can you suck? Ooh, I could make you a star."

Angel asks "Let’s get the fuck outta here. Okay. Come on-*Notices something wrong* Where’s Niffty?"

Valentino spoke "Yeah, a star. Porn star. Okay, yup, bring me another drink or I’ll fucking kill you."

We then noticed Niffty running towards said lounge.

Niffty spoke "Bad boy. Hehehehe."

Angel chased after her.

Valentino spoke "I said I’ll fucking kill you! And I will."

Angel spoke "*Getting through crowd* Excuse me. Pardon me. Get out of my way. *Grabs Niffty*"

Valentino asks "Holy shit. Angel Dust? What are you doing here, baby? You didn’t get enough dick today?"

Angel spoke "Funny."

Valentino spoke "Who’s this chiquita? You bringing me fresh meat? *As Niffty snapped her fangs, making him back away* Oi!"

Niffty spoke "I just want a taste."

Valentino spoke "Ehh, weird, but there’s a kink for that, I’m sure!"

Angel spoke "Fuck off, Val."

Valentino asks "Excuse me?"

Angel spoke "I said fuck off! I may have to put up with your bullshit, but you ain’t fucking with any of my friends."

Valentino spoke "You forget who you’re talking to? *Makes a red smoke chain as it strapped on Angel’s upper left wrist* I own you, bitch."

Angel spoke "Yeah, you do, in the studio, and you can do anything you want to me there, just like our deal says. But out here, I get to do what I want. *Pulls chained arm back* So once again, fuck off!"

Valentino: *Backslaps Angel, sending onto the ground coughing and splutters blood* Enjoy the rest of your night, bitch, *As Angel breathed deeply while glaring at him* because I’m going to enjoy making you pay for it tomorrow."

Cherri spoke "Fucking dickhead."

Angel spoke "*Gets up while wiping away blood* Fuck it. It was worth it."

Husk spoke "Way to go, kid."

Valentino yelps "*After Niffty tore off some of his fluff* Ow! What the fuck?!"

Niffty spoke "*Chuckles* For my collection. Hehe. Wait up, guys!"

Cherri spoke "*As Niffty returned to us* Did you just call these cunts your friends? Thought that was my job."

Angel spoke "There’s room for everyone, and ya know… you could come crash with us too."

Despite being drunk, Layla shot a Celestial Dragon Roar at Valentino causing him to go flying out of the bar.


Cherri asks "Okay, look, Angie, I’m glad this hotel shit is workin’ for you, but you know me, bitch, I’m doin’ just fine. In fact, I’m gonna fuck the next guy I see, okay? But, if you need me, you know where to find me, yeah?"

*Danyelle’s POV*

WHOO-HOO!!! Awesome job, Angel!

Charlie: See! He did everything on your checklist! He was selfless, he stopped Niffty from stealing, and he stuck it to that moth man!"

Adam asks "Yhhh… Well, uh… Then, then why isn’t he here then? Hm?"

Emily asks "*Notices that too* Yeah, why isn’t he here?"

There were murmurs among the court. Welp, that took the wind out of my sails.

Charlie asks "Wait, none of you know what gets someone into Heaven?"

Sera spoke "This questioning stops now. We know when a soul arrives. We know when they past divine judgement. *As Emily looked at the checklist* It is our job to ensure these souls are safe."

Then a song started playing in my head.

A shadow grew over Charlie as I saw the horror on her face. The shadows faded away as Charlie fell onto her knees.

Sera spoke "*Sighs and breath deeply as Emily went back onto the balcony* I’m sorry… but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in Hell can be redeemed."

Faust and Arcee gained shocked expressions at that.

Adam spoke "Oh, fuck yes! I win. *Flips both birds at us* Suck it, bitches. You better save the date cunts, ‘cause we’re coming to your hotel… first!"

Adam snapped his fingers, opening a portal to Hell behind us.

Charlie: *Gasp!* What? No, no, you can’t-

Vaggie spoke "Oh, you motherfu-

The portal sucked Charlie, Vaggie, Blaze, Twilight, Honeystar, Zoey, Orion and I in as we screamed before the portal closed as we found ourselves back at the hotel.

*Faust’s POV*

Emily spoke "Charlie! Dany! Don’t give up on this! I’ll figure something out. I promise."

Sera spoke "That was uncalled for, Adam."

Adam spoke "Yeah, but did you see the looks on their fucking faces? It was… *Notices our scowls* Ahem… sorry."

Everyone in the courthouse left, leaving Arcee and I alone with Sera and Emily.

Emily spoke "Extermination… *Partially transformed* of living souls. Demon or not, there is no reason to be doing this.

Sera spoke "*Partially transformed* They were uprising, Emily. It is my position as the Head Seraphim to protect our people at all costs, *Back in humanoid form* and it’s your position to keep them happy and joyful."

Emily asks "*Back in humanoid form* How can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands of innocent people?"

Sera spoke "Heaven needs us, Emily. Everyone looks to us and we can’t doubt ourselves or worry about the fates of demons when have our own souls to protect. Please, if you start to question, you could end up like Lucifer: Fallen. *Gently grabs Emily’s hands* I couldn’t bear to see you suffer that fate. So please, let me worry about this, okay? *Kisses Emily’s forehead lightly* I’m sorry."

Emily grasped the paper before flying off, leaving Arcee and I alone with Sera as I sighed at that.

I spoke "The celestial dragon known as Layla Heartfilla doesn't deserve to be locked up in that terrible place, nor does the mare known as Snowy Twirl."

Sera spoke "Faust, you and Arcee know as well as I do that even though souls in Hell are completely innocent, it is impossible to bring them to Heaven. The fates were simply against those two, and I'm sorry."

Sera then left. *Sigh* That went as poorly as I could've hoped.

Dia spoke "High Goddess, I have reports that the nekomata who was here earlier today was breaking a law of nature. At least six times. The first four times involved two Pegasi and two earth ponies, the other two times were because of her own parents."

I shout "SHE DID WHAT?!?"


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*Zoey's POV*

I groan "Get off me Sparkles..."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Honeystar scrambles off of Twilight in embarrassment.

Honeystar spoke "<Sorry!>"

But then we noticed everyone was back with Vaggie leaning against a wall while Charlie wasn’t here.

Niffty asks "So, like, where are your wings?"

Vaggie spoke "Niffty, I don’t have-"

Angel asks "Did you ever think she’s sensitive about her lack of wings, just like her lack of tits?"

Niffty asks "Yeah. Where are your tits?"

Vaggie asks "*Sighs as she grabbed Niffty away from her* Any other questions?"

Husk asks "I got one. How come every time Charlie talks to Heaven, we get in deeper and deeper shit?"

Vaggie spoke "It’s not her fault. Angels are just-"

Angel asks "Liars?"

Vaggie spoke "…Difficult. But Charlie’s trying her best."

Husk spoke "Yeah, well, her best is turning out real well so far."

Danyelle spoke "Shut the fuck up Husk, it's bad enough I'm in deep shit because of what I've done."

I spoke "S-same..."

Angel asks "And where is miss fearless leader anyway? Isn't it about time for another "doomed-to-fail" plan?

Vaggie spoke "She's upstairs. Coming up with something, I'm sure, in our room. Alone."

Alastor spoke "*Intrigued* Hmm."

I was unnerved at that as I jumped onto him right before he turned into shadows, dragging me along for the ride before the two of us were in said room as I saw Charlie crying softly while wrapped up in a bed sheet with Razzle and Dazzle offering tissues.

Alastor spoke "Oh, Charlie, you look an absolute mess."

I spoke "Not helping Al!"

Charlie spoke "Ugh, go away, Alastor."

Alastor asks "*Sits in bed* Now, now, is that any way to act after picking a fight with all of Heaven and dooming everyone you love?"

Charlie spoke "I have enough on my mind without hearing your sadistic idea of a joke, asshole."

Alastor asks "*Suddenly laying on the other side of the bed* Who’s joking?"

Charlie yelped as she jumped and fell off the bed with some of her sheets. “Aaagh!”

Alastor spoke "You have a captive audience downstairs waiting to hear what kind of inspiring performance you have planned next."

I spoke "If push comes to shove, you've got the Harmony Guard and my team to back you up Charlie."

Charlie spoke "Ugh, I can’t. How can I face them after failing them all so hard? *As Alastor laid on his front with his legs kicking in the air like a schoolgirl* They came to be saved and all I gave them was more pain. *With tears* I’m just as bad as the cruelest Overlord in Hell. And maybe worse. *Gets up* At least they don’t go around giving false hope."

Alastor spoke "Well, I never expected to see such a miserable display of self-loathing from you."

Charlie spoke "Oh, fuck you, Alastor. All you do is stand there, smiling while you watch us struggle and fail. I don’t know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much."

Alastor was suddenly behind Charlie as he chuckled. “Just because you see a smile, don’t think you know what’s going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you’re the one in control.”

Charlie spoke "But I’m not. I’m the farthest thing from in control. The person I trust most has been lying to me for years. Heaven refuses to listen. Even if they did, I can’t prove the hotel works. Adam has an invincible exorcist army pointed right at my doorstep and there’s nothing I can do about any of it."

But then Alastor smirked darkly before saying in sing-song, “~I know something you don’t know.~”

“Huh?” Charlie and I asked in confusion.

Alasto spoke "Those big, scary angels are not quite as indestructible as they seem."

Charlie asks "What are you talking about?"

“Spill it!” I hissed.

Alastor spoke "Just that you and your little bands of misfits might stand more of a chance than you think."

Charlie spoke "*Desperately* How? I’ll do anything."

Alastor spoke "Anything? Then… *Offers hand* let’s make a deal."

*Gasp!* Don’t tell me…

Charlie asks "You… You want my soul?"

Alastor asks "*Sinisterly* Your soul? *Eyes, teeth and claws glow lime yellow with green marking suddenly appearing in the room before they stopped with him speaking brightly* Heavens, no. All I need from you is one itty bitty favor. What’s a favor between friends?"

Charlie spoke "I won’t hurt anyone for you."

Alastor asks "Who’s asking! One favor, at a time of my choosing, where you harm no one. In return, I tell you what I know. Do we have a deal? *Overs a glowing hand*"

Razzle and Dazzle growled before Charlie’s eyes turned red with her gaining a pair of horns as she brought her hand out. “Deal.”

Charlie grabbed Alastor’s hand, with the connection glowing green, causing yellow stitchings to appear on his clothes and mouth with his irises becoming yellow with them and his pupils becoming radio dials as grann markings to appear all over the room before energy surged with souls swirling around, cracking the ground. Something tells me those markings can be seen from downstairs on the ceiling before Vaggie bursted through the door with her spear as the glow and markings faded.

Alastor spoke "Right on cue!"

Vaggie spoke "What did you do? Let her go! *As Alastor let go of Charlie’s hand*"

Charlie spoke "Vaggie, stop!"

Vaggie spoke "What? *Realizes something as she dropped her spear* No, Charlie, please tell me you didn’t-"

Charlie spoke "I made a deal with Alastor."

Vaggie spoke "*Pleadingly* Charlie."

Alastor spoke "*Walking towards the door* Oh, calm down. She still owns her soul."

Higashi was talking with his wife.

Twilight spoke "Alright everyone! Listen up! I've come up with a plan to stop those fuckers for good!"

Danyelle stood beside Twilight as she told what the plan was.

Twilight spoke "If we can take the lead exorcist down, that should slow if not halt the cleansing!"

Charlie spoke "He gave me info that can save the hotel, but we’re going to need help. The angels can be defeated, and Carmilla is the key."

Vaggie asks "What? Carmilla Carmine?"

Charlie spoke "She killed an exorcist in the last extermination. She knows how they can be harmed."

Vaggie spoke "But… I-I didn’t even know that was possible."

Charlie asks "If you did, would you have told me?"

Vaggie spoke "Charlie, I-"

Charlie spoke "I need you and Danyelle to go to her, convince her to teach us. If she can, we might have a chance."

Vaggie asks "With just those of us in the hotel?"

Charlie spoke "No, we’re-ugh, we’re going to need numbers too."

Alastor spoke "And I know just who can help. As long as Charlie can be her normal, *Pinches Charlie’s right cheek* charming self."

Charlie asks "What’s that you said about smiles?"

Alastor spoke "*Pats Charlie’s head* Good girl."

Vaggie spoke "Charlie, can we talk about this-"

Charlie asks "We can talk later. Right now, we have a job to do. Zoey, you’re with me and Alastor. *To Vaggie* You with us?"

Vaggie spoke "*Sigh* Ugh."

Alastor, Charlie and I then ran downstairs and out of the hotel, no doubt the others saw us.

*Danyelle’s POV*

What the…? Vaggie came down the stairs.

Angel asks "So, uh, Alastor, Charlie and Zoey just left like they were runnin’ away from their responsibilities. Should we be alarmed?"

Vaggie spoke "No. We have a plan, but it includes defending ourselves against the angels."

Husk asks "Uh! Are you and star-ass fucking high?"

Twilight blasted Husk through a wall with magic.

Twilight growls "Call me star ass again and I will rip your wings off and shove them down your throat!"

Honeystar spoke "<It's gotten to the point that the folks on the surface have to step in and help fight.>"

Blaze spoke "Shi's got a point though guys. The more fighters you have, the less likely we'd lose."

Orion spoke "I agree!"

Vaggie spoke "They can be killed-"

Egg Boi Frank spoke "Yeah. That knife lady, Camaro Carfight, killed one!"

Vaggie asks "Wait. You knew about this?"

Frank spoke "Oh, yeah. I told boss about it months ago."

Vaggie asks "He what?"

Sir Pentious asks "What? They say insane shit all the time. How was I supposed to know this one was true?"

Egg Boi spoke "Bank accounts are a scam created by the shadow government."

…And Sticks has been replaced as the craziest being by the Egg Bois.

Sir Pentious spoke "See!"

Orion spoke "But if we can convince Gira to help, then Arcee won't have a choice but to listen."

Vaggie spoke "*Sigh* What's important now is that we're gonna have a fight on our hands. Look, this hotel's about to become the most dangerous place in Hell, and we-I... can't guarantee your safety anymore. I still believe in Charlie's dream. I know this place can work... but none of you signed up for this. *Walks to door and opens it* Danyelle and I are going to go learn how we can fight back. But when we come home... Well I'll understand if none of you are here."

Vaggie left the hotel, waiting for me as Angel sighed heavily.

Sir Pentious spoke "Well, this is awkward."

Niffty spoke "'Kay!"

I follow after Vaggie.

I spoke "Hey Vag, I got an idea that could help. We could call in help from the OC-verse."

Vaggie spoke "We can't worry about that now. We need to find Carmilla Carmine."

I spoke "Right, I got her scent!"

I airlift Vaggie as I flew past Blitzo, causing him to spin around fast.

I spoke "Sorry Blitz!"

Blitz asks "The fuck?"

*Zoey's POV*

We were in a place called Cannibal Town.

Charlie asks "Three years. Three years I've been sharing my life with her. And I tell her everything. My hopes, my dreams, my insecurities, my embarrassing habits. *As Alastor cleaned his monocle glass* What fucking deodorant I like. And she keeps something like this from me. Why would she lie for so long? Does she think I wouldn't accept her? What about me, ME, says un understanding... misunderstanding? Disunder-Wait, w-where are we?"

Alastor spoke "Cannibal Town! There's a friend of mine I think you should meet."

Charlie spoke "In Cannibal Town? But it's- It's... *Looks around* surprisingly nice here."

We saw an adult male cannibal sinner demon give a young girl cannibal sinner demon a black balloon, who gladly accepted with a smile.

Alastor spoke "Isn't it, though? And it's all thanks to a very special someone."

Alastor led Charlie and I into a building.

A voice spoke "Well, who hasn't thought about eating their first husband? I certainly would have if he didn't taste so bad!"

We saw a very tall female orchid mantis cannibal demon with pale gray skin, and a wide mouth with black lips, sharp light pink teeth inside, and dusty-pink cheeks with her eyes being pitch-black with no irises or pupils and her hair being colored white-and-gray. She was wearing clothing that suggested high-class fashion of the Victorian era, which consisted of a large, pimped-out sun hat that was colored in a shade of maroon, with two skulls that are colored in a grayish-pink and red-pink, three dark burgundy flower-like decorations located at the brim, and large plumes which are black and pink-red respectively, with the hat also including pink frilled-trim around it, along with black lining inside. Meanwhile, she was wearing a pale-maroon and pale-burgundy dress which includes puffed shoulders, thin pale-maroon swirly-like stripes on the high black collar, black-trimming around the waist and on the long sleeves' ruffled cuffs, and three black stripes and black trim located on the hem, and if I had to guess, she wears a pair of black kitten-heeled shoes under the dress.

The mantis spoke "Haha! I tell you what. You bring old, tall, dark and armless to me, and I'll straighten him right out, okay sweetie? *Gives an adult female cannibal demon her card* Here's my card and-*Notices Alastor as the cannibal walked away before becoming gleeful* Oh my stars. Do my eyes deceive me? Alastor? *Comes to us* Alastor! Where have you been? These halls really have lost some of their sparkle without your lively presence and-*Notices Charlie and I* Oh. Who're these you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, they're much too young for you. Oh, I'm just kidding. I know you're an ace in the hole."

Alastor asks "A what now?"

The mantis asks "But where are your manners Mister? Introduce us, why don't you?"

Alastor spoke "Ah, yes, Charlie and Zoey. This is Rosie. The most darling, *As Rosie did a curtsy* delightful and dangerous Overlord this side of the pentagram."

Rosie spoke "Oh, always such a charmer."

Alastor spoke "And, Rosie. It's my pleasure to introduce you to Princess Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer and heir to the throne of Hell, and Princess Zoey Ikisatashi, granddaughter of Princess Luna of the Moon of Equestria."

Charlie asks "*Waves a bit* How do you do? *Laughs awkwardly*"

I spoke "It's nice to meet you Miss Rosie."

Rosie asks "Well, well, isn’t this a regal surprise? *Pushes Charlie and I along* Come in, come in. Can I offer you two something to eat? I’m sure I have a leg or two around here or something. Oh, what am I thinking? Small things, *Pokes our bellies* like you both. You’re probably watching your figures. How about some nice pinky fingers instead?"

Rosie brought out a box and opened it, revealing disembodied pinky fingers, which was unnerving for me.

I spoke "I must politely decline, I don't like eating other people since I'm part human myself."

Charlie spoke "Ummmm, no, no. Thank you, though. *Laughs awkwardly*

Rosie spoke "*Puts box away* Oh, look at you two, *Rubs our heads, making me purr a tiny but* so polite! Alastor, you could learn a thing or two. *Leads both of us to seats* Well, sit down. Sit down. Tell Auntie Rosie what she can do for you. You know, Alastor, I got a primo connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickings for a deal to be made, my friend.

Alastor spoke "I appreciate the offer, but we’re on business of another kind.

Rosie spoke "Well, don’t keep me in suspense. *Picks up tea cup and tea plate* I’m a very busy woman.

Charlie spoke "Well, as you know, *Frantically* the extermination is coming early. It’ll be here in a month. And now they’re coming for my hotel and my friends first, and I, I, I, I, I-

Alastor spoke "We need your help. Well, your cannibals’ help at least, to fend off the attack.

Rosie asks "Wow! When you ask a favor, you don’t start small, do you, Your Highnesses?

I spoke "Shir Honeystar and a few of my friends are discussing a plan to drive off the exorcists. Princess Twilight suggested that we go for the main force behind the attack."

Rosie spoke "Oh, now, don’t fret. I didn’t say I wouldn’t help, but I assume there’s more to this plan than that and a punch of unarmed cannibals."

Alastor spoke "Oh, your people will be far from helpless when we’re done with them. And by the end, they will be able to eat *Menacingly* their fill!"

Rosie asks "Well, in that case, sure. Why not?"

Charlie asks "Really?

“Just like that?” I asked in confusion.

Rosie spoke "What can I say? I like your moxie, girls. And old Alastor has never done me wrong before."

Charlie spoke "Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Well, things are getting along well.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Vaggie was banging against Carmilla’s door.

Vaggie spoke "Carmine! Carmine, we need to speak. We know what you did on extermination day. We can talk about it inside or we can yell about it out here."

The door raised open. “That worked?” I asked in surprise.

Vaggie spoke "Fuckin’ right you open that door."

The two of us went inside before the door slammed shut.

Vaggie asks "Hello?"

I listen for a voice.

Carmilla spoke "*Voice echoes* You both have 2 minutes to convince me not to silence you for good."

Lights came on as we turned around, seeing Carmilla on the balcony above.

Vaggie spoke "Miss Carmine, we’re here on appointment from the princess to enlist your aid in the defense of Hell from the angelic extermination. We know an angel fell at your hands and we need to know how."

Carmilla spoke "No!"


Vaggie spoke "What do you mean, no? The princess of Hell-"

Carmilla spoke "Means nothing to me. You two have to do better than that. 90 seconds."

Vaggie spoke "With your knowledge, we wouldn’t have to helplessly stand by while-"

Carmilla spoke "Clearly I am not the helpless one here. *Starts walking* 80 seconds."

Vaggie asks "Well, then why? Why wouldn’t you use what you know to fight?"

Carmilla spoke "To avoid the very problem you and your little friends are facing right now. I will not invite destruction into my house, on my people."

Vaggie spoke "You think we asked for this? All Charlie had ever done is try to make things better to help her people who, news flash, include your people too."

Carmilla spoke "And how exactly has that worked out for her? 45 seconds."

Vaggie asks "We didn’t pick this fight, but it’s here now. And they aren’t going to stop with us. You didn’t see the look on their leader’s face. With us out of the way, it’s only a matter of time before they come for the rest of you. They won’t stop until all of Hell is wiped out, so you can help us make a stand here together *As Carmilla stopped walking* or you can stand alone tomorrow. And what do you think your chances will be then?"

Carmilla spoke "*Opens eyes* You’re both out of time."

Carmilla leapt at us with her bladed ballet slippers before she kneed us both, knocking Vaggie and I onto our backs, despite me having blocked it.

Carmilla spoke "Angels attack quickly, viciously, and without mercy. You’ll both need to defend better than that."

I shot white fire out of my mouth, forcing Carmilla to back off.

I growl "How you forgotten? I was the Mew that fought against the exorcists back on New Year's Day! For fuck's sake, we... No, Hazbin Hotel needs your help! High Goddess Faust as well as Arcee, Dia and Kia can't help us though!"

To be Continued...

Hello Rosie Part 2

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*Zoey’s POV*

Rosie spoke "*Through megaphone* Cannibals and Cannibettes, assemble in the square. *To Charlie and I* Now, darings, you both know I would do anything, anything for my clients, but I can’t exactly command all of Cannibal Town to follow someone else into battle. Now, don’t get me wrong, they love carnage and bloodshed, but to get this group in line, you got to win ‘em over. *Through megaphone* Settle in! Settle in! Important meeting.

Charlie asks "But how do we-"

Rosie spoke "With sparkle! Razzmatazz and that oh so appealing moxie of yours. *Pokes our noses*

Alastor spoke "Shoulders be a problem. It’s not like either of you’ve ever failed to inspire before."

Charlie groaned at that as we started walking up into the gazebo.

Rosie spoke "Now, fair warning. This group sticks together. So in order to convince any of them, you’ll need to convince all of them. And there’s one in particular-"

Alastor spoke "Uuuugh, Susan."

Rosie spoke "Susan, who’s a bit of an… uh-"

Alastor asks "Ornery old bitch?"

Rosie asks "That! She’s tough, but win her over and the rest’ll be easy as pie. Ready?"

“Yep.” I nodded.

Charlie spoke "I guess."

Rosie spoke "Everyone we have two very special, very royal guests this evening! Please put your bloody hands together for Princess Charlie and Princess Zoey!"

But then we heard a voice shouting from the crowd. “Booooo! Bring Rosie back!”

We saw an elderly female cannibal demon.

“Susan?” Charlie and I asked.

Rosie and Alastor spoke "Susan."

Using a mild tone of the Royal Canterlot Voice so everyone could hear, I spoke "*ahem* As some of you might not be aware, the exorcists are going to be attacking nest month but to make matters worse... The first place they'll be attacking is Hazbin Hotel. As one of the royals of Equestria, I need help from all of you to drive off the fucking exorcists! And the best part for you guys is that you can go nuts on the dead bodies of the exorcists! And yes, that includes you as well Susan. I see you trying to walk out on the meeting! As I speak, my friends are discussing a plane to STOP THE DAMNED EXORCISTS FOR GOOD!!!"

Charlie: *Screams to Susan in rage while flipping the bird* Fuck You! You old bitch!

The crowd gasped as I facepalmed.

Rosie: Okay! *Escorts us to somewhere else with Charlie fuming* We’ll be right after a brief intermission.

Probably for the best.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Vaggie and I kept fighting Carmilla, but she was totally overwhelming the fallen angel while I was holding up okay.

Vaggie asks "Come on, what is this?"

Carmilla spoke "You want me to teach you two how to beat angels? That’s what I’m doing."

Vaggie spoke "By beating the shit out of us? I’m not used to fighting with long hair."

Carmilla spoke "*Letting her hair fall out of its braids while still overwhelming Vaggie* By showing you your flaws in your own fighting style. Yours and all your sisters’."

Vaggie asks "Wait… you know I’m an exorcist? How?"

Carmilla spoke "You have a giant X over your eye and wield an angelic spear. It’s not rocket science."

*Facepalm!* How did I not notice that sooner?!

I spoke "Fuck... I never told anyone about this. But Vaggie, you're not as savage as the other exorcists are."

Carmilla asks "Before you found out about me, did you know angels could be harmed?"

Vaggie spoke "No."

Then we dodged a kick before we tried to attack, only to get kneed away as I didn’t go as far as Vaggie due to me guarding.

Carmilla spoke "That shows in how you fight. *Kicks spear towards Vaggie as she picked it up*You leave yourself open with every swing. You fight like someone unafraid of harm, and this is what you’ll take advantage of. Angels wield no shields, little armor and fight with reckless abandon. *Kicks Vaggie in three spots, with the third one sending her onto her back* Strike them here, here, and here."

Vaggie asks "With what? *Gets up* Some secret weapon of yours?"

“Spill it.” I hissed.

Carmilla asks "Stupid girls, are you really so dense you don’t realize you’re holding the answer?"

Wait… Vaggie’s spear?

Vaggie spoke "Angelic weapons? It’s that simple? *Huff* How has no one else figured this out!"

Carmilla spoke "Angelic steel isn’t common…"

My dimensional scream went off, showing me and Vaggie the last extermination.

Carmilla spoke "…and those who have it aren’t exactly rushing off to test against exorcists."

We saw Carmilla’s past self and her daughters running before an exorcist stopped them.

Carmilla spoke "When my daughters and I were cornered in that last extermination *As more exorcists appeared* I tried to buy time for my girls to flee, and well… you don’t become an angelic arms dealer without arming yourself first."

We saw Past Carmilla leap over a divebombing exorcist before decapitating it with a kick from her angelic steel blades ballet slippers before Vaggie and I found ourselves back in reality.

I heard Latino Spanish upbeat music with a Spanish guitar as Carmilla walked on the balcony before she jumped onto the ground.

Vaggie then flew down.

Carmilla spoke "*Smile* Well, look at that. You two might just survive this."

I spoke "I understand why you did all this Carmilla, we have to stand up for what we believe in."

Carmilla spoke "Hmm. You catch on quick."

Vaggie spoke "*Smile* We’re gonna need more weapons."

*Zoey’s POV*

Charlie and I entered a room with Rosie.

Rosie spoke "Alright, what has you so out of sorts, darlin’? *Closes curtains* You clearly got more on your mind than angels."

I spoke "I may be a princess but that's just because of my lineage..."

Charlie spoke "*Sigh* What do you do when someone you love lies to you about who they are."

Oh. Vaggie.

Rosie spoke "Romance? My specialty. C’mon, dearie, details, details!"

Charlie spoke "My girlfriend is an exorcist angel… and she never told me."

Rosie asks "Oh, shit. Quite a secret. How does that make you feel?"

Charlie asks "*Whimpers* Just… angry… because we share everything! Because she always supported me and my ideas, and now I don’t know whether or not that was just more of the lies… *Gasp!* Oh, no, that’s a horrible thing to think! Do I think that? Yes!… N-No? Kinda? *Sighs and sobs while sitting down on a couch*"

Rosie asks "You said you love this girl?"

Charlie spoke "Yes… Or, well, I… Yes."

Rosie asks "Aw. *As she and I sat beside Charlie* Have you ever once doubted that she loves you in return? *As Charlie thought about it before shaking her head “No”* Well, then what’s the problem?"

Charlie spoke "he took part in the very thing we’ve been working so hard to end."

Rosie asks "Well… Isn’t that silly hotel of yours all about redemption?"

Charlie asks "…Yes?"

Rosie asks "Perhaps this girl was trying to redeem herself too?"

Charlie asks "She knows better than anyone that I believe in second chances. Why not tell me?"

Rosie asks "It can be difficult to admit to things you’re not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love. She fucked up, sure. She’s flawed, but hey, *Places a hand on Charlie’s left shoulder* who down here isn’t? If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that words are cheap, but actions, they speak the truth. So, what have her actions said?"

Charlie spoke "That she believes in me and what we’re doing. Right now she and Danyelle are off learning how to protect everything we’ve worked for… and I can’t even pitch my hotel right."

Rosie asks "Well, how do you normally explain your hotel?"

Charlie spoke "By singing… but that never works."

Rosie spoke "It will work here. Trust me."

I spoke "Exorcist or not, Vaggie will always be your angel though Charlie."

Charlie spoke "Thanks, you two."

We returned outside to the gazebo as Alastor gave Charlie his mic staff while I assured her that I’d back her up.

Susan asks "You mean like human flesh?"

“Um, kinda.” I shrugged.

*As Charlie and I walked down the stairs* Have you ever felt like you’re willing to die to save the people of your city

Susan asks "By die, do you mean use my teeth to rip flesh apart?"

“It’s a good start!” I answered.

The song soon ended.

I ask "Now, who's ready to RIP THE EXORCISTS APART?!?"

The cannibal crowd cheered as we soon returned to the gates of the hotel, meeting up with Vaggie, who suddenly had wings, and Danyelle, along with Odette, Clara and a female goon of Carmilla bringing in boxes of weapons.

Vaggie spoke "Looks like you had a busy day."

Charlie spoke "You too."

Vaggie spoke "Charlie, I-"

Charlie spoke "Hold that thought. Err... Ah! *Brings out a shrunken head keychain* I brought you a souvenir form Cannibal Town."

Vaggie spoke "*Gasp with a watery eye before hugging Charlie* Oh, Charlie."

Charlie spoke "The wings are new. They look nice. Come on, let's go home."

Vaggie withdrew her wings as we went to the front door of the hotel and opened it, only to be surprised by what was going on.

Sir Pentious spoke "Come along, let's put some effort into these fortifications."

Angel spoke "Yeah, fortify that... *Notices us with a smile* Well, look who decided to show up. *Hugs Husk and Sir Pentious* We thought we were fightin' by ourselves."

Vaggie asks "*As Charlie smiled with big and teary eyes* You're... *Smiles* You're still here?"

Sir Pentious asks "What? Do you think we're a bunch of pusssssies?"

Husk spoke "*Smile* I just got used to you guys. *Scoff* I ain't finding no new drinking buddies."

Twilight asks "Find any info on how to stop the exorcists?"

Danyelle had magical beads floating around her neck.

Ryōta spoke "It's enough we've got a cat with divine weapons, perhaps that could help us demons out!"

Vaggie spoke "It's the angelic weapons."

Niffty spoke "I've named all the stains on the carpet. *Giggles* That one's Fred."

Okay, Niffty is a bit... crazy.

Charlie spoke "Well, *As she and Vaggie held hands* looks like we have a lot of work to do."


The Show Must go On Part 1

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*Vaggie's POV*

Cherri Bomb came around and helped all of us with our training for the last month while Danyelle went back to her lab temporarily during the that time as it wasn't long now.

Charlie spoke "*Sigh* Oh, I wish my mom was here to see this."

"The cannibals seem ready to fight. Are we?" I asked.

Sir Pentious spoke "*Bursts out of the door while wearing a napoleon-like outfit* Fear not, damsels. *As Charlie's eyes sparkled* I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!

"What in the hell are you supposed to be?" I deadpanned.

Sir Pentious spoke "*Salutes* General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all."

Charlie spoke "Thank you, Pen."

Niffty asks "*Holding two dead demon rats* What can I do to help?"

Sir Pentious spoke "I'm glad you asked, soldier. The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall. Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault."

Yep, Niffty was lost at that.

Charlie spoke "How about this? If you see an angel, *Gives angelic knife* stab it."

Niffty spoke "Oooohh... *Evil chuckle while eyeing Angel Dust* Stab! Stab! Stab!"

Angel spoke "8As Niffty charged towards him* Hey, hey, hey, hey. *Jumps onto pole*"

Charlie spoke "Not him!"

Niffty giggled as she charged in a different direction.

"*In a drill sergeant manner* Listen up, sinners! We got twenty four hours before the extermination begins. Let's get to work."

We got to work and trained before it was soon night.

Charlie spoke "*Into Alastor's mic staff* Hello? I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet... Cherri."

Cherri spoke "Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? *Refers to Angel before side-hugging him* Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead."

Charlie spoke "Tomorrow, the exorcist angels will face a Hell reaedy to defend itself and win."

"Yeah! Yeah, we will! Tell 'em, baby!" I cheered.

Charlie spoke "Yes. And we are-we are going to win! But in case we don't, I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's... I-I'm just...*Gushes* I love you all... so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-"

Niffty spoke "We're all gonna die! Hahahah!"

"Alright, let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying!" I said while clapping before I cleared my throat. "Drinks?"

Later, we were back in the hotel, having quite a party.

"I mean, personally, I'm excited. It's been a long time since I stabbed anyone and really meant it, you know what I mean?" I admitted.

Cherri spoke "Cheers. bitches!"

Husk spoke "Yeah!"

Angel spoke "Here's to us!"

Sir Pentious spoke "Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow."

All of us at the bar clinked our glasses.

Cherri spoke "Chug, chug, chug!"

Danyelle soon arrived with a few Mewtwos, one of which was Zeus since Mnemosyne was busy transferring her memories to her new body.

Meau, Myth, Adagio, Aria, Nazuna, Shirou, Michiru, Shadow, Sonic and Bayonetta were with Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "I called in Bayonetta since we might need her help again."

*Danyelle's POV*

My keen ears heard Alastor talking to Niffty. "Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh Niffty?"

Niffty spoke "I really like them, Alastor. they let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!"

Alastor spoke "Ahh, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed."

Niffty spoke "*Puts a roach crown on Alastor* I dub thee King Roach."

Alastor spoke "Oh, to understand your twisted little mind. Hahaha."

Alastor and Niffty laughed.

Husk asks "Last day of afterlife, and you're not snorting a line off some hunk's abs?"

Angel spoke "Ehh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all."

Husk spoke "I guess you have changed."

Angel spoke "Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted, so pour me a fresh one and let's get to living. *Chuckles*

I really gotta find Angel a chakat.

Honeystar spots a demonic chakat sitting by hirself.

Honeystar grabs Angel and throws him at the chakat, causing the two to kiss.

The chakat spoke "Oi! What the fuck? Get offa me!"

Angel did that and glared at Honeystar. I earlier heard Sir Pentious telling Charlie his feelings about Cherri, surprising the princess in excitement.

Sir Pentious asks "*Takes off hat* Miss Bomb...? Cherri?"

Cherri asks "Yeah?"

Sir Pentious spoke "*As Charlie eagerly watched before Vaggie started pushing her* I want to tell you that I... I love... *Blush* I love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead."

Cherri spoke "*Shakes his hand* Okay."

Sir Pentious spoke "You are... Have always been a worthy opponent. With the most... *Short blush* brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen."

Cherri asks "*Confused* Uh... Thanks?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Anyway, I guess-*Blushes before speaking quickly while putting hat back on and slithering off* Please don't die tomorrow. Okay. Bye."

Hehe, shy snake.

Angel spoke "*Gives Cherri a shot while taking a seat next to her* Ya know, you could totally tap that.

Cherri spoke "*Clinks glass with Angel* Tss, don't be gross. *Slurps down drink with Angel drinking his*

Angel spoke "Cuz, ya know, I hear he's got two dicks."

Cherri spoke "*Squint* ...Huh! *Gains an interested smile*"

Hehe, that sly spider, being Pentious' wingman. I went upstairs, seeing Charlie at a door before she sobbed with tears.

Vaggie asks "Charlie?"

Charlie spoke "Um, I'm sorry... I'm... I'm just so scared. What if we lose.

But then I heard some kind of reprise playing in my head.

As the song ended, Charlie and Vaggie kissed, moaning softly as seeing it brought a tear to my eye.

Honeystar spoke "<We will help you out!>"

Zeus has a grossed out look on his face since he wasn't used to alcohol yet.

The next morning, all of us were ready for battle, with Charlie, Vaggie, Angel and Cherri wearing battle outfits as the princess of Hell had a shield.

I was holding a divine sword in my right hand and the divine reflector was floating by my left arm.

Then we all saw a portal from Heaven opening.

Vaggie spoke "Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together!"

Cherri spoke "*As Niffty giggled* Come on, let’s go!"

Vaggie spoke "NOW! FOR YOUR SOULS!"

Everyone let out war cries as exorcist angels flew out of the portal.

Charlie spoke "Let’s fuck them up!"

We all started fighting exorcist angels.

Alastor spoke "*Menacingly* Let the slaughter begin."

Alastor then laughed while a barrier suddenly wrapped around the entire area with the hotel, trapping any angels fighting us while Adam and Lute were outside said barrier with outside exorcists crashing against it. Cherri jumped and threw a bomb at a trapped exorcist before it detonated, obliterating her while splattering the angel’s golden blood.

I sang I flew into battle with Zoey and Deep Lilac, slicing the Exorcists to pieces.

Zoey grabs a spear from a dead exorcist before stabbing another with the weapon.

Adam gasps "The fuck?!"

Lute spoke "They appear to have some kind of shield, sir!"

Adam spoke "*Sarcastically* Oh, really? I didn't see this giant fucking shield in front of me, you dumb bitch. No shit!"

But then exorcists outside started getting killed by tentacles on the shield wielding their own weapons.

Adam spoke "That's how they can kill us?! With our own weapons!? Fucking weak, dude."

Lute roared as she charged.

Meanwhile, Angel was shooting down angels. "Come'n get some!"

Cherri spoke "*Throwing three bombs* Eat shrapnel, fuckers! *Laughs as the bombs exploded*"

Sir Pentious spoke "All angelic weapons fire at will!"

Husk spoke "*Fighting while cannons fired* Hey, yelling while fighting doesn't help."

Niffty was stabbing downed exorcist angels until they were fully dead.

Charlie spoke "Alastor's shield is working!"

Vaggie spoke "*Fighting* Trying to focus, sweetie!"

Charlie: We might actually have a chance."

Vaggie spoke "*Throws her spear, killing an exorcist behind Charlie* Love the optimism. *Pulls out spear* Still trying to focus."

Vaggie then decapitated another exorcist.

A few Chaos Spears strike some exorcists down.

Shadow spoke "EAT LEAD YA DAMN FREAKS!!"

A lot of gunfire was heard since Shadow was shooting down dozens of exorcists.

Adam spoke "*Glare* I’m fucking over this."

Adam dove down and punched the shield, cracking and disintegrating it.

Angel Dust spoke "*Gasp!* Fuck!"

Charlie spoke "Oh no!"

Adam panted and coughed before giving a satisfied laugh as he saw Alastor before approaching him.

Alastor spoke "Adam. First man, next to die."

Adam asks "Who the fuck are you?"

Alastor spoke "Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you. Quite a pleasure. I’m about to end *Stabs staff on the roof, summoning eldritch tentacles* your fucking life."

Adam scoffs "Nice voice. *Summons guitar axe* Don’t you know jazz is for pussies?"

The tentacles lunged as Adam dodged and shredded them before he was about to attack Alastor.

Alastor spoke "*Wags finger* Nah ah ah!"

Alastor dodged the attack effortlessly before making more tentacle lunge at Adam.

Adam spoke "*Slicing tentacle* You really think you can take me on? *Dodges and slices more tentacles* A mortal soul is no match for me, edge-lord."

Alastor spoke "You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish *As his shadow crept forward* when they take charge of their own fate."

Adam asks "*Attacked by something* Arrgh! *As that something was revealed as a shadow minion before it ran at him* Ohohoho, you think you’re tough shit, huh? *Slashes minion*"

Alastor spoke "*To Adam’s right* Tougher than you! *Dodges attacks* Hahahaha! You lack discipline, control, and worst, *Menacingly in partial demon form with tentacles more minions* you’re sloppy!"

Adam spoke "And you’re… *As minions jumped on him with Adam slashing them* fuck-*Flies up with them still on him* fuck you… you red piece of f-too much fucking red.. fuck… *Throws them off* Shut up!"

Alastor spoke "*Grabs Adam with a tentacle before swinging and throwing him into the Hazbin Hotel sign* Hahaha! Poetry."

Adam spoke "Grr, I’m gonna wipe that shit eating grin off your face ‘cause radio is *Enlarges guitar axe* fuckin’ dead!"

Adam sent out an energy slash as Alastor blocked it.

Alastor spoke "*Without radio effects in his voice* What just happened? *Sees his mic cane snapped in half* Ffffuck. *Slashed by Adam, sent flying into a ledge* Arrgh! *Slowly gets up while holding his staff’s halves, sitting against the ledge* Have to disagree with you there. Radio’s not dead, but it is ending this broadcast."

Alastor melted into shadows as he retreated while Adam laughed.

Adam spoke "Bye, bitch. *Withdraws guitar axe*"

Sir Pentious spoke "Right flank advance! Left flank, watch your six. Ladies! There are more coming up on your right. Get ready for them Vagatha and Danyelle!"

Vaggie spoke "Not my name! But, got it."

Deep LIlac roars as she launches herself at Adam, slashing him on the back.

But Adam dodged the attack and punched Deep Lilac, sending her flying to the ground.

Charlie spoke "*Whacks an exorcist with her shield* Sorry! *Throws dust at another* Sorry. *Blocks another with her shield, knocking it down* Sorry-Sorry, *Blocks weapons* sorry!"

Vaggie spoke "*Clashes with an exorcist* Now’s not the time for that babe!"

Charlie spoke "Oh, right. *Launching fireworks at an airborne group of exorcists flying in* Die motherfuckers!"

Husk spoke "*Fighting* These fuckin’ angels won’t stop comin’."

Angel spoke "Hah!"

Husk spoke "Okay, I walked right into that one."

Angel spoke "*Notices something* Hold that thought."

Frank whimpered as an exorcist was about to kill him before Angel jumped in, blocking with one of his firearms and grew two more arms, filling the exorcist with holes, killing her while laughing.

Angel asks "You alright squirt?"

Frank spoke "I nearly scrambled myself."

Angel spoke "Get somewhere safe. *As a beam of light hit a wall, causing an explosion that pushed him away* Arrgh!"

Adam spoke "*Firing light beams* Suck my holy light, fuckers! Yeah!"

The rain of beams knocked us off our feet.

Charlie spoke "What? Alastor was supposed to handle him. Oh, no, he must be-"

Vaggie suddenly tackled Charlie as they both dodged incoming blasts.

Vaggie spoke "We aren’t going to last long unless we do something about him."

Sir Pentious looked up, seeing his ship, getting an idea. “Of course.”

He then saw Cherri heading up before grabbing her.

Cherri growls "*Holding a lit bomb* I’m trying to fight here! You out of your fucking mind?"

Sir Pentious spoke "Yes. *Kisses Cherri right on the lips, shocking her as she dropped the bomb before it fell and exploded on the battlefield* Miss Cherri Bomb, I love you. *Slithers off* Remember meeee!"

Cherri sighs "*Blushes a bit* That was kind of hot."

I saw that with a smirk.

Deep Lilac spits out a tooth before flying at supersonic speed, slashing Adam's left wing clean off.

Deep Lilac spoke "DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!"

I threw up Chaos Barrier around the entire hotel, trapping Adam inside it thus cutting him off from the other exorcists.


Ryota killed an Exorcist as Loona did it too while protecting each other.

Ryōta spoke "Thanks, Zoey!"

Sir Pentious spoke "*Arrives in his ship with Egg Bois, excluding Frank, awaiting orders while Layla and Snowy took to the skies* Eggs, activate thrusters, and charge the death ray."

Egg Boi spoke "Yes, sir!"

Charlie asks "*Notices ship moving* Pentious? Layla? Snowy?"

Angel spoke "Those crazy motherfuckers."

Egg Boi spoke "*As Layla charged up her breath blast with Snowflake pulling her fist back* Target in range."

Sir Pentious spoke "Fire."

Adam spoke "*Notices the ship, Layla and Snowy coming his way* Oh, whoop! *Blasts them, completely wiping them out in one shot before chuckling* That coulda been ugly."

He… He DID NOT just do that!

Charlie screams "Noooo!"

Cherri spoke "No!"

Angel spoke "Fuck…"

Charlie spoke "*Sobs* No."

Angel spoke "You did good, buddies."

Charlie spoke "No, no, no. *Falls to her knees while covering her eyes with her hands*"

Vaggie spoke "Charlie, I’m so sorry."

Charlie growled in anger. “Razzle! Dazzle!”

The two bodyguards showed up and flew around Charlie as the three of them became engulfed in a fire vortex before it faded, with her eyes red, hair unfurled, having horns and wielding a trident as Razzle and Dazzle were suddenly dragons with them roaring.

A loud roar was heard from Lucy as she screamed.

Lucy screams "MOM!!!!! NO!!!!!"

Charlie got onto Razzle with Vaggie getting onto Dazzle.

Charlie spoke "Let’s ride."

Charlie, Razzle, Vaggie, Dazzle, Lucy, Deep Lilac and I took flight while charging towards Adam and Lute.

Husk spoke "Yeah! Get ‘em!

Charlie spoke "Forward! Go, Razzle, go!"

Adam spoke "*Notices us* Oh, look who thinks they’re badass now.

Lute spoke "*Chuckles* The traitor came to die.

Lute was about to slash Dazzle before I blocked it, taking the hit as it sent me flying down while pushing Dazzle and Vaggie down with me.

Vaggie spoke "No!!"

Lute then dived as she knocked us crashing into the hotel with Dazzle knocked unconscious fortunately as Lute’s attention was on me and Vaggie.

Lute spoke "Before I take your life, I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face."

Vaggie spoke "*As she and I got up* Try it, bitch."

Vaggie and I started fighting Lute before she started getting the edge over us.

To be Continued

The Show Must go On Part 2

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*Lucy’s POV*

Charlie spoke "Vaggie!"

We dove down to help before Adam popped up, stopping us.

Adam spoke "Surprise, bitches! *Bitch-slaps Charlie, Deep Lilac and I as we screamed crashing through the hotel sign* Risking your immortal life for sinners? That’s some crazy shit, even for Lucifer’s brat!"

Charlie spoke "*As the three of us started getting up* These sinners are my family."

Adam spoke "*Mockingly* “These sinners are my famwy.” Do you even hear yourself? You and your friends shoulda stayed in your places, girlie-*As Charlie, Deep Lilac and I stabbed Adam in the right shoulder with us roaring* Arrgh! Shit!"

We then swung Adam around before throwing him against the rooftop window, cracking the glass with a smash.

Charlie spoke "That’s Princess of Hell to you, pig!"

“I’ll kill you!” I growled as Adam placed his left hand on his right shoulder and saw his blood.

Adam spoke "The fuck? That hurt. *As the three of us glared at him before he gets up* Heh hahaha, okay."

Adam charged at us.

*Danyelle’s POV*

Lute knocked Vaggie and I down, making us drop our weapons.

Lute spoke "*Chuckles while grabbing Vaggie’s head* You always were weak."

Lute swiped the spear as she stabbed it in the back of Vaggie’s right hand, making her yelp in pain.

“You bitch…!” I hissed.

Lute spoke "So I’ll spare you the pain of seeing your demon bitch die."

Vaggie noticed something before she swiped her spear back and threw Lute to the living room. She then sprouted her wings and flew up before slicing a railing, freeing debris as they fell on Lute while she screamed with one of the debris knocking off her mask, making it glitch with her pinned down by the left arm.

Lute spoke "Do it, then. Correct your mistake."

Vaggie spoke "Seriously, you’re pathetic, you know that? Ready to die rather than accepting mercy? No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you… The failure."

But then we heard Charlie, Lucy and Deep Lilac scream in the distance, making the two of us gasp before taking flight to the roof, not knowing that Lute was freeing herself.

Lute screams "*Tearing off her left arm* EeeaaaaaUUUUAAGGHHH!!!"

*Lucy’s POV*

Adam was beating us badly as he had Charlie held up in his hand by the neck.

Charlie spoke "Let… me… go!"

Adam spoke "This fight was cute n’ all, but it’s *Mask glitches a bit* time to die with the rest of them."

Charlie was choking as Vaggie and Danyelle showed up, only to get pinned down by Lute, who was missing her left arm.

Vaggie spoke "Charlie!"

Danyelle spoke "Girls!"

Adam laughed evilly before he was suddenly punched, sent flying into the sign while screaming as her crashed through the rooftop window before Charlie landed in the arms of… Lucifer?

Charlie asks "Dad?"

Lucifer spoke "Sorry I wasn’t here sooner, sweetie. *Lands before setting Charlie down*"

Adam got back up with half of his mask broken off from that punch. “Huh? Okay, seriously? How many of you freaks do I have to fight?!”

Lucifer spoke "*Rolling up sleeves* Oh, I’m the only one that matters. See, you messed with my daughter and her friends, and now I am going to fuck you!"

…What? Everything froze in confusion at that while only Angel smirked with an eyebrow raise at that.

Charlie spoke "It’s fuck you “up”… Dad."

Lucifer asks "*Casually* Wait, what did I say?"

Since her wings were injured, Danyelle revved up her tails before taking flight as her fur turned stark white while her eyes turned gold.

Danyelle spoke "You mangled my wings, you made Charlie AND Lucy cry, you attacked MY FRIENDS, AN ASSHOLE LIKE YOU DOESN'T DESERVE MERCY!! EAT ELEMENTAL NEKO ROAR!!!!!!!!"

A quad-elemental roar hits Adam hard, ripping his wings clean off!

Danyelle spoke "A fucker like you DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE FORGIVEN!!!"

But then his wings flew right back onto Adam as he tackled me and Lucifer before I got out of his grasp with Lucifer shapeshifting while laughing.

Lucifer spoke "*Dodging attacks with ease while shapeshifting* So, this is what you’ve been up to since Eden? Gotta say, you really let yourself go buddy."

Adam spoke "*Fighting Lucifer as he kept shapeshifting* Ohoho! You judgin’ me? You’re the most hated being in all of creation!"

Stolas shot a fired spell that hit Adam with some bullets from I.M.P hitting him too.

Lucifer laughs "*Still dodging* Well, your first wife didn’t seem to hate what I had to offer, or the second. Bow-chicka-bow-wow."

OOH!!! Burn!

Adam spoke "*Grabs Lucifer* I’ll fuckin’ end you!!"

Lucifer spoke "*Transforms into a horse and back kicks Adam away while whinnying* Woah, missed me! *Shapeshifts back while flying and dodging still* Hoohoo, not even close. Heheheheb nice try, douchebag!"

Adam spoke "Hold still, you slippery fucker!"

Adam threw Lucifer as the demon shifted back again from a snake before he fired a giant beam that destroyed the hotel but we avoided it, but Charlie fell.

Charlie screams "Ahhh!!"

But then Lucifer flew down and caught her. “I got you!"

Charlie spoke "*Eyes turn red with horns and tail growing as Adam laughed* Dad! Look out!"

Lucifer asks "*As Adam charged in* Huh?"

Charlie’s right arm turned into a demon arm as she stopped his punch.

Adam asks "Woah, wait, what the fuck?!"

Lucifer than spun around before he bitch-slapped Adam, sending him crashing and yelling against the ground, making a crater and shattering his mask/helmet.

Lucifer spoke "*Demonically with red eyes, horns, halo, a flame between the horns, and a demon tail* You come at me… and my daughter… don’t forget *Pummels Adam rapidly with fiery punches* you’re in my house bitch! Hahahaha!"

Lucifer was about to threw a giant fireball before Charlie stopped him.

Charlie spoke "Whoa, whoa, Dad. *Gently* He’s had enough."

Lucifer asks "*Pants* Alright. *Flies back* How’s mercy taste, you little bitch?

Adam spoke "No… *Starts getting up* You don’t get to end this. *Pants while getting out of the crater* I’m fucking Adam! I’m the fucking man and you’re just some fucking clown or something. I started everything on Earth. All of mankind came from these fucking nuts. You all should be worshipping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers!"

But then a squelch was heard with Adam giving out a wail of pain as all of us saw something poking out of his chest.

Vaggie spoke *Smiles* Woah!"

Lucifer spoke "Hey, you got something… sticking out of your… Your thing there."

Adam fell onto his front as we saw… Niffty stabbed through his back?!

Charlie asks "Niffty?!"

Niffty laughs "*Stabbing Adam in the back rapidly* Stab! Stab! Stab! *Maniacal laughter* Blood! Ha ha ha!"

Danyelle spoke "That's enough Niffty! Down girl!"

“Holy shit!” I gasped.

Lute spoke "Noooo! *Flies to Adam as Niffty skipped away* Sir?! Sir?! *Turns Adam over, who saw Lute and gently smiled* Stay with me, sir. *Shouts with tears* Adam!"

Charlie spoke It’s over."

Lucifer spoke Take your little friends *Evil shout* and go home! *Pleasantly* Please."

Lute spoke "*Grabs Adam’s fallen halo* Retreat. All exorcists fall back."

The remaining exorcists and Lute flew up and back into the portal before it closed.

Lucifer asks "So… who’s up for pancakes? *Niffty raises hand*"

Danyelle groans "How can you think of pancakes at a time like this? We lost snakeboy, Snowy Twirl and even Lucy's mother..."

The demonic chakat shoves a pile of dead exorcists off a cliff before limping over to the group.

We then scoured the damages of the hotel before we found Keekee.

Charlie spoke "Oh, *Picks up Keekee* there, there. *Hugs Keekee* It’s… *Sighs, seeing the damages* It’s okay.

Lucifer had his coat off as Angel Dust ran towards a demon pig and hugged it as it squealed happily.

Danyelle asks "Who’s this?"

Angel spoke "This is my pet pig, Fat Nuggets."

But then Charlie looked down, noticing the banner saying “Happy First Week, Sir Pentious”.

Soon enough, the hotel was rebuilt.

I was depressed.

Danyelle and Orion were carrying Honeystar's body.

Danyelle spoke "uh guys, we lost Honeystar... Hir tailblade is also broken..."

Zoey spoke "*Bringing out blue aqua* Not for long!"

Zoey applied the blue aqua to Honeystar's wounds and tailblade, reviving hir and fully healing hir tailblade.

Honeystar spoke "<Oh fuck... That was painful...>"

Zoey spoke "Sorry we let that happen to you, Honeystar."

Honeystar spoke "<Don't be, I knew what I was getting myself into when I chased that fucking exorcist.>"

Danyelle then noticed me.

I sigh "What do you want furball?"

Danyelle asks "Are you doing okay?"

I growl "What the fuck do you think? My mom is gone for good!"

Danyelle spoke "How can we actually know for sure? Adam wasn't using an angelic weapon."

Sonic spoke "Then there is a possibility that the snake dude isn't dead either!"

Deep Lilac: Snowflake too!

*Layla's POV*

"Ugh... I have a splitting headache..." I groaned.

Snowy spoke "You're telling me... *Groan*"

Sir Pentious asks "What-? Where?... Where am I?!"

Snowy and I slowly opened our eyes to found ourselves in a bright building before looking at Sir Pentious, who seemed somehow different. His body color's predominantly blue, with his eyes now having yellow sclera with cerise pupils while he still has his mouth full of sharp yellow teeth with two long fangs, since he's a cobra mobian. His tail was light grey with a lighter shade of grey underneath, but the eyes on his tail were completely gone while his cobra hood was now white, having its front colored yellow with six jagged points and white tips that have eye-like markings. He was now wearing a predominantly white jacket that retains its yellow pinstripes, along with a black bow tie with a cerise heart in the center, with a long-sleeved yellow undershirt with a single white eye at the center beneath said jacket. He still has his fingerless gloves, albeit now in blue, and sharp cerise claws. To top it all off, he has a large white top hat on his head, having a sizeable yellow eye in the center of it, as well as a pair of yellow heart shaped glasses with cerise pupils, and a white halo floating above. Now that Snowflake and I looked at ourselves, we also had more angelic, heavenly and light-colored appearances.

"We're angels now?!" Snowy and I gasped in both shock and joy as Sir Pentious noticed two others.

Sir Pentious spoke "Oh, hello."

The smaller female squeaked with a smile of happiness while the bigger female's eyes shrank as she gained an expression of pure shock.

I noticed that my wings were pure white instead of the yellow-blonde I was used to.

*Unknown POV*

Ah… Relaxing at the beach is quite satisfying. Sure, I’m still a demon on vacation in Heaven and I have to return home sooner or later, but I can get used to being on the beach, hearing the waves splash with my hair blowing in the wind, wearing my sun hat, sunglasses, necklace and in my bikini, though I could do without the golden lounge chair but then Lute approached me with blood, wounds, ruffled wings, messy hair and her left arm missing as she threw a bloodied halo down.

Lute snaps "Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I’m in charge now. Your brat is threatening the very foundation of Heaven. And if you want to stay here, you’re going down there and stopping that bitch. You understand me, Lilith?"

So, my daughter has finally done it. At least one sinner ascended into Heaven. I didn’t show it on my face so Lute wouldn’t find me suspicious, but Charlie, I am so proud of you.


A Hellish Wedding Part 1

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*Ash’s POV*

Wow, a lot’s going on.

Serena spoke "What'd you expect Ash, it is a royal wedding after all."

But then all of a sudden, an Ultra Wormhole opened up.

Danyelle asks "What in StarClan's name is that?"

"It’s an Ultra Wormhole!” I answered before hearing a familiar voice.

A voice spoke "ASH!!!"

A familiar purple blur tackle-hugged me when I saw it was… A Naganadel?!

Hotaru spoke "Daddy!"

The Naganadel asks "Hmm?"

“It’s okay, Hotaru. She’s a friend.” I assured.

The young Fennekin-Mewtwo hybrid was wary of the stranger.

Serena asks "You know her?"

“It’s a long story.” I admitted as I started explaining one of my adventures in Alola.

Serena asks "Wasn't there a Vulpix?"

“You mean Lillie?” I asked.

A shadow ball narrowly missed me before I noticed an Umbreon male and an Alolan Vulpix female.

Serena giggles "Talk about timing."

“Hehe, up for another battle Gladion?” I chuckled.

Gladion spoke "*Smirk* Had a feeling you’d wanna battle me again, Ash."

Lillie spoke "But Gladion, he's got a kid with him."

Hotaru was on my head.

Gladion spoke "I suppose that was bad timing."

A small rock hits me on the back of the head.

I turned around to see Goh the Cinderace.

I chuckle "You sly rabbit."

Goh spoke "But man, I never woulda thought you’re half Mewtwo."

I spoke "That blue fuzzball is part Mew."

Danyelle spoke "SHUT UP ASH!"

Hmm… I wonder where the others are.

Serena spoke "Never mind that Ash, we got a wedding to prepare for!"

“Oh yeah!” I smiled.

A Blastoise Poké-Mobian spoke "Not just that, it's a royal wedding!"

"Gary?!" I gasped in shock.

Gary chuckles "It's been quite a while Ashy-boy."

Grr! That guy!

Serena spoke "Cool it Ash, he only does that to tease you."

But then the Naganadel growled at Gary.

Hotaru spoke "Bad dwagon!"

Naga spoke "H-Huh? But I was just..."

Serena spoke "Like I told Ash, Gary was only teasing him."

Twilight was looking for her bridesmare dress since she needed it.

Twilight asks "Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?"

Flash asks "You okay babe?"

Twilight spoke "*Panicking* I’m the bridesmare of this wedding and I can’t find my dress!"

Flash spoke "Calm down Twily, the wedding isn't for a while since there's a pre-wedding party."

Twilight spoke "I know but… *Nervous whimper*"

Flash spoke "Ryōta is nervous as cuss though."

Flash wrapped a wing around one of Twilight's sides, making her shiver with a blush.

Flash spoke "Twilight, calm down."

Twilight asks "*Voice getting a bit shaky with excitement* B-But how?..."

Flash smirked before he nibbled on one of Twilight's ears and lightly tugged it, making the alicorn blush harder as she started feeling weak in the legs with a dopey smile on her face.

Akari spoke "Mama! Luke bit me!"

Twilight asks "*Snaps out of it* Aw geez… Can you find my dress while I handle this?"

Flash spoke "Rarity's making a new one since you have wings now."

Rainbow soon got her head stuck in a wall.

Rainbow spoke "SOARIN!!!"

Soarin spoke "Oh boy..."

Honeystar asks "<Need a helping hand there Clipper?>"

Soarin asks "Hmm?"

Honeystar spoke "<I'm a bit stronger than most chakats are since I'm not like the others.>"

Honeystar pulled the cerulean alicorn out of the wall, freeing her.

Rainbow spoke "Thanks."

Honeystar spoke "<No problem.>"

“We better be getting ready.” I noted.

Serena spoke "But the wedding's not for a while though Ash."

That fell onto my back at that.

A crack in time opened up before a light blue furred fluffy Mewtwo holding a scared Mew in her arms shot out of the portal, crashing onto the ground.

The fluffy Mewtwo was wary of the others around her and the scared Mew.

“What the?” I asked in confusion.

The fluffy Mewtwo held the scared Mew close.

Serena spoke "Ash, we should back off. It's obvious that the two are scared."

“Okay.” I shrugged as did that.

The scared Mew whimpers "I d-don't want to go back to that awful timeline Sapphire..."

Sapphire spoke "We're not going back Garnet... Not after what happened..."

Garnet whimpers "I've lost so much...."

But then a dust devil suddenly blew it before it formed into Geras.

Geras asks "This… is impossible. How did this happen?"

I spoke "Even I have no idea Geras but the two are clearly scared..."

Geras spoke "These two are not of this timeline."

Danyelle pops up with five Mews on her.

Danyelle spoke "But we can't send them back Geras, just look at how scared they are."

Geras spoke "Hmm… Very well, they can stay for now."

Garnet spoke "I refuse to go back though, I lost too much already... My boyfriend was killed and I lost half of my powers. Sapphy's all I have now."

Danyelle spoke "I oughta talk to Vetur about it first."

The blue furred nekomata teleported to the Chuddle Hotel with her kids to speak to Jasmine and Vetur.

Yikes. This just got complicated.

Blizzardstar spoke "Hey guys! The train's about to leave!"

“Oh! Right!” I remembered.

Garnet asks "C-C-Canterlot? Why there?"

Twilight soon arrives with Nyx and Akari on her back.

Twilight spoke "It's okay, nothing will happen to you two."

Sapphire asks "You sure?"

Twilight spoke "Alicorn's honor."

Garnet seemed to have calmed down at that.

Twilight spoke "And besides, Vetur made some surprising potions."

Starlight pops up suddenly before tail slapping Twilight on the back of the head.

Starlight spoke "Twilight, you shouldn't mention her name to the two newcomers. They don't know what you're talking about."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Starlight spoke "We oughta haul tail! The wedding is in three hours and we need to get ready."

Twilight spoke "*Gasp!* You’re right!!!"

Sapphire asks "B-but is it a good idea for Garnet and I to come along?"

Twilight asks "Is something bothering you?"

Starlight whispers in Twilight's ear.

Starlight whispers "They're scared of meeting Princess Luna though since to them, she wasn't purified by the elements of harmony."

Twilight spoke "Oh… Right."

Starlight whispers "And they're close to freaking out since Nyx was once a part of Luna."

Twilight facehoofed.

Nyx burps a bit, causing the others to giggle.

Even Garnet and Sapphire giggled.

Starlight giggles "How much damage can a foal do anyways?"

But then Nyx looked like she was about to sneeze.

A gunshot sneeze was heard from Myth.

Garnet and Sapphire yelped.

An unknown yet powerful voice spoke "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED, FAREWELL."

Sapphire and Garnet glow suddenly before the light faded away but the two didn't vanish.

Garnet asks "What just happened?"

Danyelle soon pops up with her kids.

Danyelle spoke "That was my fault, I was talking with a friend when I heard the voice of a powerful dragon."

Pinkie spoke "*Shows up while holding an odd clock* And for some weird reason my year clock started moving again when I thought it was broken."

*one train ride later,*

Ryōta was talking with some of the male Wonderbolts.

Ryōta spoke "I'm so freaking nervous!"

Soarin spoke "Kinda obvious, man."

Ryōta spoke "You're one to talk Clipper! Your wife's the freaking owner of the Wonderbolts now!"

Soarin spoke "Heh, you should’ve seen how nervous I was."

Ryōta spoke "What worries me the most is Blitzo, he might not agree to letting his adopted daughter go."

Flash trots into the room with the other males.

Flash spoke "Danyelle's already gone to fetch the bride to be. And a few others as well."

Soarin spoke "Something tells me she’s more freaked out than you."


*In Tartarus,*

Danyelle soon spots Charlie and Vaggie.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Charlie! Vaggie! I got invites for you!"

Charlie asks "Huh?"

Danyelle asks "Didn't Loona tell you that she was getting married?"

Charlie asks "*Excited* What?!"

Rani chirps "It true!"

Danyelle spoke "My kids and I were just about to go pick the bride to be up."

Vaggie asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, you two haven't met all my kids yets. The white one is Irene, the brown is Rani, the blue is Akoya, the twins are Daria and Damien, the piebald is Aurora. I have others as well but they're adopted. There's Bluestar, Gallus, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur, Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner. Then there's Tikal, she's the only echidna of the batch. I'm quite sure you know Gallus' parents though."

Vaggie asks "You sure it’s safe to bring Gallus down here to meet them?"

Danyelle spoke "He and the rest of my adopted children are in Canterlot right now with Prince Ryōta since the wedding is about to happen. and Oh shoot! I gotta get Loona! And then get Bee!"

Danyelle flew off with her five kids to Blitzo's place to get Loona.

But when Danyelle went into the apartment and found Loona’s room, it was warning “Keep Out!” “Danger: Beware of Dog” and “Must Remain Locked At All Times”.

Danyelle giggles "Huh, Loona’s truly a goth girl."

Rani asks "Mama, should we knock on the door?"

Danyelle spoke "Actually, you should let me handle it."

Irene spoke "I'll contact that foxgirl."

Irene uses telepathy to contact Beezelbub, letting her know about the wedding.

Danyelle's right ear twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Oh jeeze, she's swearing up a storm in there! Damien, you and your sisters wait out here. I'll deal with this myself."

The six Mews waited in a small group huddle as Danyelle teleported into Loona's room before putting up a soundproof barrier so the kids didn't hear the noise.

Danyelle spoke "Damn it Loona, calm the fuck down!"

Loona was hiding under her bed, whimpering up a storm out of fear.

Danyelle crouches down on the floor to face Loona.

Danyelle asks "What's the matter with you, don't you want to marry Ryōta?"

Loona spoke "Y-Y-Yes…"

Danyelle spoke "For fuck's sake Loona, you're more nervous than when you got your hellbies s-h-o-t...."

Loona stared at Danyelle with pinprick eyes.

Danyelle spoke "For fuck sake Loona! Don't make me drag your sorry tail all the way to Canterlot!"

But then Danyelle thought of an idea, gaining a devious smirk. “*Singsong* Hey Loona…”

But then Loona leapt out from under the bed and rushed out of her room and the apartment, clearly running from Danyelle.

Danyelle and her kids zoom after Loona.

Danyelle soon managed to catch up with Loona before whispering into her ear. “You want it, don’t ya?”

That made Loona’s head blush with her tail straightened, knowing exactly what she meant.

Irene spoke "And speaking of, there's the fox now!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh hey Bee."

Beelzebub spoke "‘Sup!"

Danyelle spoke "My six kids and I were picking Loona up since she's getting married soon."

Beelzebub spoke "Hehe, still can’t believe it’s happening."

Irene giggles "After today, she be royalty."

Danyelle spoke "Come on Loona, Ryōta's waiting for you."

To be Continued

A Hellish Wedding Part 2

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*Loona’s POV*

*Flustered whimpering* Oh man…. A lot’s going through my head about this…

I get a tail slap to the face from the brown Mew.

Danyelle spoke "Snap out of it Loonie, this is the most important day of your life!"

“Yeah, no shit.” I muttered.

I get a nasty glare from Irene.

Danyelle spoke "Watch your mouth around my kids."

“Sorry.” I sweated a bit.

Danyelle spoke "Consider it your first lesson for when you and Ryōta have kids of your own."

Twilight spoke "Phew! Found my dress!"

Nyx giggles "Silly mommy!"

"Uh, hello? You know that’s easier said than done since I’m from down there, right?” I pointed out.

Twilight spoke "Still, I wonder what’ll happen during this wedding."

Danyelle spoke "That may be so but kids are easily influenced by their parents."

Nyx sneezes, causing Twilight to get drenched with water.

Twilight spoke "Aw man..."

Blaze spoke "Looks like you got a waterbender."

Twilight spoke "Given how the moon controls the tides‘ ebb and flow, it makes sense."

Blaze spoke "Not only that, Nyx was once a part of Luna."

Beelzebub spoke "Welp, everything’ll be ready soon."

Danyelle spoke "Oh shoot, I gotta get Loona to Canterlot right now so she can be fitted for her wedding dress!"

Danyelle teleported with her kids, Beelzebub and I to Hazbin Hotel thus meeting up with Charlie and Vaggie before heading to Canterlot via portal with the nine.


Rarity and Blizzardstar pull me into a dressing room so they could get me ready.

“Is this really necessary?” I asked with a bead of sweat.

Rarity spoke "Of course it is dear."

“This is… embarrassing.” I admitted while now only in my bra and underwear.

Blizzardstar brings over a red kimono for me to try on.

Blizzardstar spoke "This would look good on you dear."

"You sure?" I asked.

Rarity spoke "Of course dear, Ryōta's of Neighponese origin since his dad is a demon."

"Wait-what?!” I gasped, totally shocked by that.

Blizzardstar chuckles "It's true, Ryōta's mom may be a pony but she married a demon. Even Mr. Rich's current wife is a demon."

"What’s his name?” I asked.

Rarity spoke "I believe his name is Tama, he's a demon dog."

“TAMA?!” I gasped, completely caught off guard.

While brushing the knots out of my tail, Kagome asks "How do you know my uncle in law?"


Kagome spoke "I guess they'd know about my father in-law as well, his name's Toga."

“Ya think?!” I deadpanned.

Kagome giggles "Well, it'll be a BIG shocker for every demon in Tartarus once they find out that you'll gain Tama as a father in law!"

Shit… That got me really sweating now.

Kagome pulled at a rather tough knot of fur, making me yelp.

“GYAH! What the hell?!” I growled at that sudden tightening.

Kagome growls "You love Ryōta right?"

“Y-Yeah?” I stammered.

Kagome spoke "Famous demon or not, you get your sorry ass out there and marry the man you love!"

“B-But… What if I’m not good enough…?” I whimpered, sitting against a wall.

Kagome spoke "Bullshit, Ryōta doesn't care about that. He loves you just the way you are, flaws and all. And I'll even let you in on a secret, Ryōta hates needles too."

“Wait, really?” I asked, making me giggle a tiny bit.

Kagome giggles "Yeah, he freaked the hell out the last time he got his shots."

That made me giggle so much that worrying I wasn’t good enough was completely gone from my head.

Soon enough, I was dressed and was now walking towards the reception hall with Kagome and Rarity since Blizzardstar had gone on ahead.

I heard being played by one of the chakats as I entered the reception hall.

Danyelle had Blitzo's mouth clamped shut with magic.

Ryōta was wearing a Japanese tuxedo while waiting with three other males.

Inuyasha asks "You okay Ryōta?"

Ryōta spoke "Shut it Inuyasha or your wife will use the word on you."

Inuyasha immediately shuts up.

Ryōta was smiling when he saw me in my wedding kimono.

With Tama beside her, Celestia spoke "*ahem* We are gathered here today to join these two demons in matrimony, never before have I seen a love forged by a bond during the exorcists' attack. It almost brings tears to my eyes that we are to witness a union."

Tama spoke "And it wasn't that long ago that I reaffirmed my love for my mare but now, our eldest son is getting married and we couldn't be more prouder of the man he has grown into."

Celestia asks "Ryōta, do you take this hellhound woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

Ryōta spoke "I do."

Tama asks "Do you Loona take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

Danyelle glares at Blitzo, stopping him from speaking out in objection.

And since Blitzo was magically tied to his seat, he couldn’t struggle much or at all.

Danyelle giggles since she was the one who had tied Blitzo to the chair with magic.

I spoke with tears in my eyes "I do."

Celestia spoke "Ryōta and Loona will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment."

Ryōta slides the wedding ring onto my ring finger as I did the same.

Tama and Celestia spoke "By the authority vested in us by Equestrian Marriage Ministries and the City of Canterlot, we now pronounce you husband and wife!"

Ryōta pulls me in for a kiss as the others cheer.

Rainbow flew high into the sky as she pulls off a Rainboom.

Rainbow spoke "BEST WEDDING EVER!!!"

*That night,*

The after-wedding party was underway as Ryōta and I had cut the cake with a knife.

Twilight was singing as Ryōta and I got into the carriage that was headed for the Chuddle Hotel.

Ryōta asks "Ready to go?"

I spoke "I almost forgot!"

Right after I threw the bouquet, Sonic used a bit of airbending to make it land in Charlie's hands thus causing her and Vaggie to blush like crazy.

Ryōta chuckles "Hehe, that crazy hedgehog. He never changes.

I giggle "My adopted father nearly spat his coffee when he found out how many wives that hedgehog has. But I know you would never take another wife, right honey?"

Ryōta chuckles "Heh, you’re the only one for me, LooLoo."

I nibble at my husband's ears, causing his wings to fluff up.

“I promise you this, Ryōta, when we come back, we’ll both have changed.” I smirked.

Ryōta chuckles "And I have special plans for you Loonie."

“Who knows where our adventures in the Hotel and Blobtopia wait for us. And ya know, as much as I’m glad it’s just the two of us, I’d think it’d be a lot more fun if Bee and Tex was there with us.” I giggled as Ryōta smiled at that.

Ryōta chuckles "You naughty hellhound bitch, maybe I should punish you once we get our room."

My ears lowered with a smirk and half-lidded eyes as I crawled onto my husband’s lap while looking at him right in the eyes. “We’ll see who’ll be punishing who, my devious demon dog bastard.”

Ryōta chuckles "and in a year from now, our parents will have a grandchild or two to spoil."

I then started gyrating my hips on Ryota’s lap, making both of us blush as I giggled “Who saw we can have one or two. You and I both know we can have so much more.”

Ryōta chuckles "You naughty bitch, you think you can handle satyr kids?"

“I know I can, you devious bastard. Question is can you handle me during our fun, ‘cause we Hellhounds are absolute beasts when it comes to that.” I giggled as our foreheads and noses touched each other.

Ryōta playfully growls "I may be half alicorn but I have demon stamina."

I playfully growled too as our tails intertwined. “Then save the lust for after we eat and get to our rooms, Ryōta.”

Ryōta growls "With pleasure, Loona."

Ryōta and I then kissed, making out while hugging each other.

We soon arrived at the Chuddle Hotel.

Ryōta spoke "I heard that the Hellfire Suite is only reserved for the most hardcore demons."

“Is that a challenge?” I asked with a smirk.

Ryōta spoke "Don't make me laugh Loonie, my uncle Toga's one of the most hardcore demons I know."

The two of us playfully glared at each other before our stomachs growled like hell.

Ryōta asks "So you wanna check in?"

“Hehe, fuck yeah.” I smiled.

Ryōta laughs "Race ya!"

Ryōta flew off towards the check in desk, causing me to chase after him.

The two of us raced before arriving at the desk at the exact same time.

Ryōta chuckles "You're fast though nowhere near as fast as my cousin Sonic."

“Oh yeah? I could take him on.” I said.

Ryōta laughs "Oh please! Sonic's the fastest Mobian alive, not many can keep up with his speed!"

A female asks "Hello, you two checking in?

“Hmm?” Ryōta and I noticed before seeing a Mewtwo that was wearing a thin yellow scarf around the main neck along with a magatama.

Kita was heard howling as he got launched by his twin sister before he crashed into Mia, accidentally kissing the female Mewtwo.

Yuu laughs "Consider that payback for the shaving prank you pulled on me!"

Ryōta and I noticed that Yuu's tail had no fur on it.

Ryōta spoke "Those two are Yuu and Kita Ogami, they're my maternal cousins."

Kita got off of Mia. “Sorry!"

Kita then flew off with a blush on his face, leaving a shocked Mia blushing.

“Um, yeah, we’re checking in.” I answered, snapping Mia outta it.

Mia asks "Which room or where to?"

Ryōta spoke "We'll take the Hellfire Suite."

Mia spoke "*Bead of sweat* Are you sure? I heard it’s dangerously hot in there. But at least the food brought in are unaffected."

Ryōta spoke "My mom's the alicorn of the sun and my dad's a powerful demon, I can handle it. And so can my wife since she's a hellhound."

Mia spoke "Okay."

But then our stomachs growled again.

Mia spoke "And you’re in luck, there’s a perfectly functional food summoner in there."

Ryōta thanks Mia before carrying me bridal style to the hellfire suite.

“Think we should change for our meal?” I giggled.

Ryōta teases "Or we could go commando since it'll be just us in there."

That made me blush before I sighed with a smile. “And I was hoping for some suspense, but hey, commando’s alright for the first time. But you should know, demons would kill to lay a hand on my ass.”

Ryōta chuckles "Well sucks to be them though because your ass is mine now."

But then our stomachs growled again.

“Save it for after we eat, bad boy.” I teased.

Ryōta chuckles "Fair enough plus I have a fast metabolism, given who my mom is."

“Hehe, don’t get too cocky, smartass. Eating the food from here might do us some good, like making my ass bigger.” I pointed out while rubbing Ryota between the legs, making him blush harder.

Ryōta laughs "You're such a horny bitch but I love you all the more!"

Our stomachs growled once more.

“Well, time to strip down and eat some food, lusty bastard.” I smirked.

Ryōta ditches the clothes he was wearing, revealing that he was dog Mobian from the waist up but his legs were pony legs. And his flanks were blank since he didn't have a cutie mark.

“Hot damn…” I awed before smirking, stripping down too as I grabbed the food summoner while noticing a table.

Ryōta spoke "And no, I don't have a cutie mark since I can't figure out what the heck I'm good at."

I brought out a meal from the food summoner big enough to feed an army as I turned towards Ryōta with a slice of spicy cake while raising it to his mouth. “Well, perhaps you’ll need a… little help. *Lustful and hungry growl*”

Ryōta wipes the drool from his mouth.

Ryōta spoke "Curse my love of cake... I got that from my mom as well... And I forgot to mention that by marrying me, you're a princess now."

He… He’s right! But something in me is telling me to not worry about that. “Oh, I can freak out about that later. Down the hatch!”

I shoved the cake into my hubby’s mouth before he chewed and swallowed it, instantly gaining a pot belly. But then Ryōta shoved a piece of steak into my mouth as I gnawed and gulped it down, gaining a pot belly too with my breasts and ass looking a tad bigger.

Ryōta chuckles "Despite my high metabolism, looks like this fat isn’t going anywhere."

“Come on, chubby hubby, we have a feast to eat.” I giggled as we dug in, getting bigger and fatter as both of us couldn’t stop eating. After an hour, we were completely stuffed and each as big as the sun, each weighing nine nonillion pounds, and yet the room looked exactly the same, not cramped at all.

Ryōta spoke "Can’t believe we ate all that. *Belch!*"

“Yeah, but… *Burp!* I’m liking what I’m seeing.” I added, eyeing his assets as everything about him was big with him eyeing me and my assets. “You look goddamn fuckin’ hot like that, Ryōta.”

Ryōta asks "Really?"

“No shit.” I confirmed as I walked over to my husband with all of my body jiggling before I hugged him.

Ryōta spoke "Then I must admit you look like the most beautiful goddess like this, Loona."

“Thanks, now how about we have some REAL fun.” I challenged as I bit Ryōta in the neck, leaving a mark.

Ryōta gnaws at my neck, leaving a bite mark there.

*Some time later*

Ryōta was on his back with his wings spread wide while I was on his belly.

Ryōta chuckles "That was fun, we should go a second round."

“Hehehehe… Like you had to fuckin’ ask!” I said with a big smile before we started making out again with our tails twirling around each other while we were in a big fat hug.

But then we looked dead into each other’s eyes, seeing everything we needed and wanted to see, bringing dark smiles onto our faces. “Let’s fuck each other up!!!”

*Nine hours later*

*Panting* Okay… that… was… THE FUCKING BEST!!! We were both now on our backs right next to each other.

Ryōta asks "You outta gas?"

“Yeah… You?” I asked back.

Ryōta spoke "Tapped out. But wow… what a supernova of fun that was."

“Yeah. We should go all-out like this more often.” I agreed as we rolled onto our sides towards each other, our bellies smooching with my boobs kissing Ryōta's moobs. “Wanna sleep while still connected?”

Ryōta spoke "Hehe, that’d be perfect before we rest."

We then started making out slowly and gently this time, before falling asleep with both of us feeling only pure pleasure. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…


Helluva Honeymoon

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*Ryōta’s POV*

Mmm… Another beautiful morning, and my first morning on my Honeymoon with my beautiful wife, Loona. I woke up and saw ourselves the same as last night. *Chuckle* The food from this dimension really is something else. I also noticed us hugging each other while we were asleep.

Loona spoke "*Sleeptalking* Mmm… So good… So big…"

Hehe, maybe Loona’s right. Maybe the both of us will have changed by the time we come back from our honeymoon. I then kissed Loona on the lips as she kissed me back, slowly waking up as both of us moaned softly from the kiss.

I spoke "Hey puppy."

Loona giggles "Mmm… Morning, ya scorching stallion."

I nibble on Loona's ear, causing her tail to wag.

But then Loona nibbled my ear back, causing my tail to wag and my wings to flare up.

A chakat that had the exact same fur color as Honeystar gallops past the room while screaming Jasmine's name.

Honeystar screams "JASMINE!!!"

“Hmm?” Loona and I noticed before our stomachs growled.

I ask "Wasn't that the hybrid?"

Loona spoke "*Bringing out some food for us* Yeah."

I spoke "I wonder what happened to hir."

Honeystar calls out for Jasmine.

Honeystar groans "Where is that stupid draconequus?"

Jasmine asks "*Pops up behind hir* You called?"

Honeystar spoke "As you can see, I got a problem... I can't retake my original form since I was in chakat morph for more than two hours."

Jasmine spoke "Hmm… That’s a tough one. I got a potion made by my mom that could help, but it’s experimental and I don’t know if it’s permanent or not. If you wanna use it it’s your call, I mean we could try another way."

Honeystar spoke "I'm what a purebred Andalite would call a nothlit. Meaning I can't retake my original form ever again and not even alicorn magic can fix it."

Jasmine spoke "Calm down, Honeystar. For Draconequui, the impossible is quite possible, even by a small margin."

Arcana spoke "Jasmine! I thought I told you this already. Once an Andalite goes past the two hour time limit for a morph, they can never go back to their original form ever again. And the same goes for Honeystar, shi will remain a chakat for the rest of hir life."

Jasmine spoke "Calm down, grandma. I know I’m not a certain Ketran, but I’m still gonna try."

Honeystar spoke "I'm going to have to stop you there Jasmine, your grandma is right though. I did this to myself and there's no way to fix it. The other Andalites refuse to help me since I was banished."

Jasmine spoke "Hey! I’m not just gonna do nothing while a friend suffer! I know there’s a way to fix it! I know you can be an exception, Honeystar!"

Honeystar spoke "Seerow's sake! Even if I did get my morphing ability back, my current form will be my default form for life!"

Jasmine spoke "So? At least you’ll be able to transform into half-Andalite again!"

Honeystar spoke "Yeah but like I said, I can't stay in a morph for more than two hours at a time and..."

A warning alarm went off suddenly.

Honeystar spoke "Oh hell no... I was afraid this would happen!"

Mia spoke "*over the intercom* Attention all Cuddle Hotel staff and guests! We have a code gray! Repeat, we have a code gray!"

Honeystar snarls "Oh shit! We got Yeerk trouble!"

Jasmine spoke "*Tick mark* Oh for the love of… These butterfly alien ripoffs are really starting to tick me off."

Honeystar spoke "We don't know what planet they're targeting though."

Jasmine spoke "*Looking through submarine scope* especially since they’re small."

Danyelle pops up suddenly.

Danyelle spoke "They attacked the Mushroom Kingdom! Princess Peach had to issue an evacuation but that only made things worse!"

Jasmine growls "Of all the…! If only there was an Ant-Man or a Wasp with us."

Danyelle spoke "Do you WANT to deal with a screaming wolf and a screaming Vaporeon? Don't mention bugs with either of them nearby!"

Jasmine spoke "I didn’t say we needed bugs. I’m saying we need smaller help to deal with this."

Danyelle spoke "Wait… Stand Users can shrink their Stands to go inside others! Joseph told me about when he was attacked by a Stand called the Lovers!"

Jasmine asks "*Bead of sweat* As in the Tarot Card?"

Midnight pops up but he wasn't himself.

Danyelle spoke "SHIT! Something's wrong with Midnight!"

I nip at Loona's neck, causing her to moan.

Loona was rubbing my fat belly as I rubbed hers.

Loona asks "How was breakfast?"

“Delicious, just like you, LooLoo.” I smiled.

Loona asks "Thanks, RyōRyō. I enjoyed it myself. Whaddya say we go places in the hotel and in Blobtopia?"

I chuckle "Sure thing puppy."

Loona and I then got dressed in our normal clothes and went outside of our suite, now finding ourselves back to normal.

“Maybe we learned something new.” I smiled.

Loona giggles "Maybe."

Jasmine then approached us, a little roughed up. “So, I guess you two want a tour?”

Loona spoke "Hehe, yeah."

Danyelle had gone off to the Mushroom Kingdom to get rid of the controlled Toads since they could be replaced anyways.

Midnight spoke "Sorry about that mess Jas, I wasn't myself!"

Jasmine asks "No biggie. But the Mushroom Kingdom suffered quite a blow. I just hope there won’t be any madness from that. Anyway, you two ready?"

“You bet.” Loona and I answered.

Jasmine took Loona and I on a tour throughout the hotel and across Blobtopia as we were leaving the Fashion Restaurant, having had ourselves some lunch, leaving Loona and I 1,000 pounds since we didn’t seem to mind it.

Jasmine asks "How was the food?"

Loona spoke "Hehe, real good."

I spoke "With Danyelle off in the Mushroom Kingdom, she won't be seeing how fat Loona and I are."

Jasmine soon led Loona and I to the Weight Prison as we looked around before seeing a cell having a female 5 quintillion pound Decatty wearing a pink thongkini with orange stripes as she simply sat on her butt.

Jasmine spoke "Okay, Jessebelle, time for your appointment again."

Jessebelle spoke "*Sniffle!* Okay…"

Jessebelle struggled to get up onto her feet before scooting her back against the wall and used it to stand up, though barely. Seemed like she went through a lot.

I ask "Isn't she the brat that tried to...?"

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, but ever since she was thrown in here and fattened up, she’s been down in the dumps. So for inmates like her, psychiatrist appointment are scheduled."

Loona asks "Hmm… I noticed a forest outside the city, can we explore there?"

Jasmine spoke "The Tri-Matter Forest? I guess so, *Gives Loona and I two potions* but I recommend drinking these potions before either of you do. Also, there’s a village on the other side of it. Two others headed for the forest as I gave them the same potions as I gave to you both not too long ago."

“Thanks, we will.” I said as Loona and I started heading out while somehow reverting back to normal in case Danyelle came by all of a sudden.

Jasmine spoke "Oh! I should warn you! *As we headed out* Avoid the Airwood Pumppeckers! Don’t provoke the Liquid Slimes! And keep your eyes peeled for Food Flowers!"

Loona and I left the Weight Prison as Jasmine donned a psychiatrist outfit and glasses.

Jasmine asks "*With a German accent* Now, let us go to my office now, ja?

Later, Loona and I were at the entrance of the Tri-Matter Forest.

Loona asks "So, you ready, Ryōta?"

I chuckle "Of course Puppy."

The two of us brought out the potions Jasmine gave us and gulped them down.

“Then let’s go.” I declared as we started walking into the Tri-Matter Forest.

I drape a wing over Loona's shoulders, making her giggle.

Loona spoke "I wonder why it’s called the Tri-Matter Forest."

“Beats me.” I shrugged before getting spooky dramatic with a shadow over my face. “Maybe because this forest is composed of gas, liquid and solid, with the dangers living in there each based on those three.”

Loona giggled as I chuckled.

Loona spoke "I didn’t know you had a sense of humor, comedy boy."

I chuckle "I have my aunt's sense of humor."

After a little while, we saw a woodpecker-like bird, except its beak was a hand air pump for balloons.

“A woodpecker?” Loona and I wondered as the odd bird poked its beak into the hole of a tree before pulling its head back while leaving the tip of its beak in the hole with a small tube connected between the beak and its tip. It then pushed, blowing air into the tree as it inflated a bit. After a few more pumps, it disconnected from the hole before the tree deflated back to normal, blowing out berries and nuts for it to eat as the bird caught them before flying off.

I whisper "No, that was an Airwood Pumppecker... Jasmine warned us about them."

We noticed two more Pumppeckers as they spotted us with a gleam in their eyes before they suddenly vanished while flying. They must be good at flying silently and stealthily.

Loona spoke "Right, avoid the Airwood Pumppeckers."

We were about to try and sneak past them before Loona suddenly yelped.

“You okay?” I asked before I yelped too. We looked down behind, seeing the two birds poking their beaks in our buttholes and pumping air into us. We tried getting them off us as our bellies were the first to start inflating, but their grip strength was better than we thought. Other parts of us started inflating too before soon all parts of the two of us started inflating as we started feeling a bit hot with us blushing. But then Loona grabbed me by the shoulders, panting and tail wagging.

Loona spoke "Please… Kiss me!"

I somehow instinctively took in a deep breath, with Loona doing the same thing before the two of us kissed while blowing air into each other, inflating ourselves even faster as our clothes started getting small and tight. Loona and I kept puffkissing each other while embracing, but it wasn’t long before our clothes snapped off of us.

*One Hour Later…*

Well… That happened. But at least the two birds flew off and away from us now.

Loona spoke "Damn… Those potions really did help."

“Yeah, not to mention our clothes are back on us, fully repaired.” I agreed before the two of us blushed, still remembering what we did with each other while being inflated like that.

Loona asks "What happens in this forest, stays in this forest. Agreed?"

I spoke "Agreed..."

I soon had a magic barrier up around Loona and myself to prevent more attacks by the pumppeckers.

We then moved forward, before we later saw a lake with all kinds and colors of slimes partying around it, both big and small.

I whisper "Liquid slimes.... Jasmine told us not to provoke them... Let's take the long way around the lake."

Loona spoke "Right. Don’t provoke the Liquid Slimes."

We slowly snuck around, making sure we didn’t trip over anything. But for some reason, I couldn’t help but feel like we’d still be okay even if I hadn’t casted the barrier. We soon got past the lake.

I ask "Hungry?"

Loona spoke "A little."

“Same here.” I admitted.

We soon found ourselves moving across a flower field.

Loona spoke "And keep our eyes peeled for-"

But then pollen was sprayed at us, making us feel a little sleepy.

Loona spoke "*Yawn!* Food Flowers…"

But the barrier had shielded Loona and I from the pollen.

“We better keep moving.” I said as we kept moving forward as we soon got past the area.

Loona spoke "Okay, the village isn’t far now."

I spoke "Good thing I had that barrier up the whole time since the pumppecker problem."

A glow was seen under my pants.

“What the?!” I gasped in surprise.

Loona giggles "seems like someone got his cutie mark."

“Awesome!!!” I cheered before Loona and I noticed the village entrance up ahead.

I spoke "Well, we made it without any problems."

Loona spoke "Yeah."

But when we got past the gate, a group of four 1,000 pound sumo women confronted me. One of them looks like a Snorlax Poke-Mobian, another looked like a walrus Mobian, the third looked like a Kori Bustard Ornithian, and the last one looked like a baphomet from Hell/Tartarus. As they were about to attack, Loona got in front to protect me.

I ask "Loona, what is going on here?"

Loona asks "How should I know?!"

A familiar voice asks "Wait! Loona and Prince Ryōta?"

The four stopped as Applejack showed up, though wearing farmer/sumo wrestler clothing while looking like a 1,000 pound sumo wrestler.

Applejack spoke "Girls, take it easy! They’re friends! *As the four backed off* Sorry about that. Crosswind an’ Ah got here yesterday, havin’ a run in with those Airwood Pumppeckers, Liquid Slimes and Food Flowers, but Jasmine’s potions really helped save our hides. We then got ta this village, before we found out it was a Sumo Amazon Village, but they don’t seem ta mind herms. Funny story was Crosswind an’ I were sent here on a Friendship Mission."

I ask "But weren't you called to the Mushroom Kingdom though Applejack?"

Applejack spoke "That was Twilight."

I spoke "Danyelle called her via telepathy."

Applejack spoke "Anywho, Crosswind and Ah think we figured out the Friendship Problem. Ya see, the residents of the village don’t take to kindly to males, this bein’ an Amazon Village an’ all. They git along well with females, an’ like Ah said before, they don’t mind herms. Jasmine asked Crosswind an’ Ah ta help."

Crosswind spoke "Hence the nasty looks they're giving to the Prince of the Sun."

“Well, this’ll be tough.” I admitted.

But then mine and Loona’s stomachs growled.

Crosswind chuckles "Sounds like yer hungry again."

“Yeah, really hungry.” I admitted.

Crosswind spoke "Ah doubt the leader would let a guy into the village."

Loona asks "I can at least try to convince her to let Ryōta stay for a while. What does this leader look like?"

Applejack spoke "Well, she’s a real glutton, that’s fer sure."

Now that I notice, Crosswind was wearing a crop top while she looked like a 1,000 pound sumo wrestler.

I spoke "I hope it works out..."

To be Continued...

Afungus Among Us

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*Danyelle's POV*

After getting rid of the parasite in Midnight's brain, I had gone to the Mushroom Kingdom to get rid of the controlled Toads.

I soon spot Mario and Luigi.

I spoke "Hey guys!"

Mario and Luigi spoke "You’re here!"

Luigi spoke "I’m starting to hope that this invasion was from Bowser instead, not alien slugs!"

I spoke "Master Hand alerted me about it though plus Sonic should be along soon."

Sonic soon pops up via magic.

Sonic spoke "Hey Mario, Luigi."

I spoke "It was NOT easy getting the one out of Midnight though!"

Mario gasps "Mama Mia! When did you get wings?!"

Luigi was also shocked.

Sonic chuckles "I've always had them but I've always kept them hidden with magic during Smash tournaments or the Olympics."

Luigi asks "Why?"

Sonic spoke "I'm half alicorn."

Mario and Luigi gasp "What?!"

I spoke "Sonic's dad is a wolfish alicorn."

Sonic spoke "But we can worry about that later."

I growl since I sensed at least ten controlled Toads.

“We got trouble.” I warned.

Sonic growls "if those nasty things take control of Princess Peach, then it'll be a lot harder!"

“No time to waste!” I agreed.

Sonic spoke "I hate to say this to you guys but we need DK's help."

I then noticed a barrel saying DK, making me smirk. “I know a way to summon him.”

I picked up the barrel before smashing it, summoning Donkey Kong, much to his confusion as of why he’s here.

Sonic chuckles "Holy cuss Dany, are you sure you're the keenest?"

“Whaddya mean?” I asked.

Sonic spoke "You could put the Knucklehead to shame with that strength of yours!"

“It’s only because of my Stand.” I pointed out.

A psychic ping was felt in my mind.

I ask "Hey Sonic, did you feel that?"

Sonic asks "What was that?"

Twilight suddenly pops up with Zoey, Dren and Bayonetta.

Twilight spoke "The four of us felt some sort of message in our minds, stating that we were needed here."

“Good timing.” I said.

Sonic chuckles "You know Mario, I heard that Bowser got his scaly butt kicked by a lion."

“Save now, gossip later.” I pointed out.

Sonic, Zoey and Dren spoke "Right!"

Twilight spoke "Let’s move!"

Zoey, Sonic and I took flight at the same time as Dren and Twilight.

Airlifting Mario, Sonic spoke "Let's fly!"

Airlifting Luigi, I spoke "Right behind you Sonic!"

The group and I head to Princess Peach's castle so we could discuss a way to free the controlled Toads.

Zoey and Dren tag-team to airlift DK.

Soon, we arrived.

I spoke "Hold on, I hear something..."

Signaling the others to land, I land as well before using a long distance hearing spell on my ears to listen in on the conversation.

Peach spoke "Daisy, we gotta do something to snap them out of it!"

Daisy spoke "But how? We can’t even see what’s making them like that!"

I soon arrive with the group.

I spoke "Ladies, I believe I have a general idea."

Peach asks "Really? What’s the idea?"

Sonic spoke "Danyelle and I know someone that knows what we're dealing with."

Daisy asks "Who?"

I spoke "Hir name is Honeystar-Ferris-Clement but most call hir Honeystar."

As if on cue, a warp ring opens up before Honeystar steps out but shi was no longer a chakat-Andalite hybrid.

Honeystar spoke "Hello."

Sonic asks "What the…?"

Honeystar spoke "I chose to become a chakat nothlit, meaning I no longer have the morphing ability. And as to what we're dealing with... It's Yeerks, slug-like aliens that want nothing more than to destroy everything thing in their path."

"And that’s pretty annoying.” I added.

Honeystar spoke "Not only that but the only way to get rid of the Yeerk is to kill the host."

"I was afraid of that.” I admitted.

Daisy spoke "Oh geez…"

Peach asks "WHAT?! Isn’t there a way to take them down from the inside?"

Honeystar spoke "I'm afraid not..."

“I already did that once, but it was only on one person. Not sure if I can go multiple.” I said.

Sonic spoke "Not to mention... We don't know if the Toads even have ears."

Mario asks "Wait, what else do we not know about you, Sonic?"

Zoey giggles "Well... He's got 14 wives... I'm one of his cousins... And our grandmother is the princess of the moon."

Mario gasps "…WHAT?!?!"

Luigi spoke "Mama Mia…! *Faints*"

Zoey spoke "Guess it was a bit too much for them to handle."

I giggle "You think?"

Mario stuffed a green mushroom down Luigi’s mouth and throat, waking him up.

I spoke "I could have just zapped him though."

Luigi spoke "That’d hurt!"

I giggle "I can control the voltage though, Ash can't."

Sonic spoke "Don’t let him hear you say that."

I ask "Is that a challenge bro?"

Sonic asks "And what’s that supposed to mean?"

Honeystar spoke "Focus guys!"

“Right!” Sonic and I responded.

Twilight spoke "First off, we should isolate the controlled Toads. Gah... If only Applejack were here, she'd be able to corral them better than I could."

“What happened?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "The Cutie Map sent her and Crosswind to a place in Jasmine’s dimension."

I groan "StarClan's sake.... Applejack's skills are needed here though Twilight!"

Sonic asks "on’t you have your magic, Twi?"

Honeystar spoke "Hold on Sonic, magic won't work against the Yeerks."

Sonic asks "What? Why?"

Honeystar spoke "They're immune to magic."

Twilight spoke "*Gasp!* I have an idea, but it might seem crazy, even to me."

I spoke "Twilight...."

Twilight asks "Listen, remember what activated the Element of Magic?"

I spoke "I know Twi but we don't have the rest of the Harmony Guard with us."

Twilight asks "Listen to me! What if I can somehow use a spell that’ll help me temporarily use Applejack’s skills as my own?"

Sonic spoke "Girls! We don't have time to discuss this!"

Twilight spoke "Right! Hope this works."

Twilight started concentrating her magic with her horn glowing magenta before it started glowing orange.

My right ear twitches before I started snarling.

Tails shows up via warp ring.

Tails spoke "Guys! Another attack was launched! This time it's the Pokemon world!"

Twilight heard that as she canceled the spell. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

I spoke "We need to kill the Yeerks at the source! And no offense Twilight but I don't think you have a long range fire blast spell... But I think I might know somepony who does!"

I contact the OC-verse counterpart of Jasmine via telepathy.

I spoke "{Sorry to interrupt you but I need your universe's Twilight to help out.}"

Sumarda giggles "{One Twirama comin' up!}"

I spoke "{My universe's Twilight is half alien though.}"

A larger than normal Ninetales tumbles out of the portal that Sumarda had opened.

Twirama growls "{I FUCKING HATE YOU SUMARDA!!!}"

Sumarda spoke "{Sorry! Still working out the side effects!}"

Twirama spoke "{Consider yourself lucky I wasn't pregnant or I could have had a miscarriage.}"

Twilight asks "Can we please focus?"

Twirama spoke "Sorry, just tell me what to shoot then!"

"Our targets are the Yeerks." I answered.

Twirama tilted her snout towards the sky as she locked onto the Yeerk homeworld before blasting it with the long range flame blast spell, killing off all of the yeerks in one strike.

I spoke "Great StarClan.... That was powerful!"

One by one, the Toads started regaining control of themselves.

Twirama spoke "Well, I'm gonna go beat the crap out of Sumarda for that shit she pulled."

Twirama returned to the OC-verse via warp ring before attacking Sumarda.

But as we saw, not all of them broke free.

I spoke "Shit! CHAOS HEAL!!!"

A wave of healing energy washed over the still controlled Toads, keeling the yeerks inside their heads.

Sonic asks "Couldn’t you have used that earlier?"

I spoke "Shut up Sonic."

Twilight spoke "Well, we did it."

I spoke "Thanks to OC-verse Twilight, a major crisis was avoided."

I soon burp up a scroll from Sindel, stating that the tournament was about to begin.

“Whoa! Talk about timing! We better get ready!” I noticed.

Honeystar spoke "Yeah but we don't have a representative for the Andalites now that I'm a nothlit... Plus Cinderstar's too young."

Rei then showed up. “Actually, there may be another Andalite.”

I read the scroll over.

I spoke "The folks that are taking part in the tournament are as follows. From Equis, we have Prince Ryōta. From Mobius, we have Prince Sonic and Princess Zoey. From the Mushroom Kingdom, we have Mario. From Spiral Mountain, we have the tag team duo of Banjo and Kazooie. We also have Popo and Nana as a tag team since they're never seen apart. From Hyrule, we have Link. From Inkopolis, we have Meggy the Inkling. We also have Bayonetta, Orion, Blaze, Pit and Michiru. Oh? Hold on, we got a Sunset Shimmer on the list but it's not the one from Equis! It's the one from the EG world!"

Twilight spoke "Wow, I bet you didn’t expect that."

I spoke "We also got Dren on the list too since he's one of the strongest Cyniclons on Cynnth."

Sonic asks "Anyone else?"

I spoke "From Chakona, we have TWO representatives. Honeystar and Blizzardstar!"

Sonic spoke "Okay."

Twilight asks "Wait, are spectators from other worlds allowed?"

I looked over it. “Yeah, it seems so, but let’s not bring too many.”

My ears droop down since my name wasn't on the list.

I spoke "I'm not on the fighter list..."

Sonic spoke "Given how crazy skilled and strong you are, probably for the best."

I spoke "True..."


Helluva Honeymoon Part 2

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*Loona’s POV*

Well, Applejack and Crosswind were making Ryōta and I lunch.

Ryōta pulled out a bottle of special wine that was made by his aunt.

Ryōta asks "Hey Loonie, have you ever tried Moonshine wine?"

“No.” I asked, confused.

Ryōta spoke "The shit is really strong, given that my aunt made it from pure moonlight."

Now that caught my interest. “Oh really? Is it as strong as Beelzejuice?”

Ryōta spoke "Given that my aunt Luna doesn't make the stuff often, this bottle's got some powerful tasting wine."

“So is this her gift?” I assumed.

Ryōta spoke "Heck yeah and I smell a storm coming."

Crosswind spoke "Oh, that happens at least once a week. Ya never know what storm it could be though, given the dimension we’re in."

Ryōta spoke "Unless it was being caused on purpose."

Applejack spoke "Whoa there, simmer down. Everyone in the village managed to make through every storm without any problem."

Danyelle pops up suddenly with Li and Sakura in tow.

Danyelle spoke "But he might have a point, even I sense it."

Li spoke "I have to agree with Danyelle on this one."

Ryōta asks "Um, Danyelle, why are you here?"

Danyelle spoke "It's about the upcoming tournament in Outworld, you're one of the chosen fighters."

Ryōta asks "What?!?"

Sakura spoke "It's true."

Ryōta spoke "But I'm on my honeymoon right now!"

Danyelle spoke "it's not for another week though, it'll be plenty of time to finish your honeymoon. This was merely a selection."

Ryõta spoke "Oh, phew!"

Danyelle notices two more names on the scroll.

Danyelle spoke "Seems like we got another tag-team, this time it's... Great StarClan! It's Volt and Amiya!"

Ryōta spoke "Yikes."

Danyelle spoke "It was Sindel's decision."

Ryōta spoke "That’s odd."

Danyelle spoke "She couldn't pick someone from Amiya's world back before Rainbow became an alicorn."

“So Asuma made the choice?” I guessed.

Danyelle spoke "No, it was Sindel who made the choice."

Li asks "So Danyelle, Sakura, shouldn’t we head back now?"

Applejack spoke "But y'all just got here."

Danyelle spoke "Well… Being in a place like this can make me uncomfortable."

Applejack spoke "Don't make me tie ya up Dany."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, I still haven’t gotten over that prank Ein pulled on me."

Applejack spoke "Ah swear, yer just like yer OC-verse counterpart..."

Danyelle spoke "Look, I’m trying to improve, okay? I was fine with it before Ein’s prank."

Danyelle's stomach growled, as did Li's stomach and Sakura's stomach.

Applejack spoke "Well, sounds like yer stomach wants to help ya get over it already."

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Applesmack."

Applejack spoke "An’ speakin’ of, food's just about ready!"

Garnet and Sapphire soon pop up though Garnet was in a foul mood.

Li asks "What happened?"

Sapphire spoke "That stupid dragon happened..."

Danyelle spoke "Boy… Do I know that feeling."

Garnet sighs "Might as well eat my problems away."

Sapphire sighs "Garnet... What am I going to do with you?"

Applejack and Crosswind spoke "Order up!"

The two brought out a huge meal.

Danyelle spoke "Screw it, I'm going all out!"

Garnet spoke "Same!"

After Danyelle switched to her Mew form, she and Garnet tore into the buffet.

Not wanting to be left out, Ryōta, Li, Sakura, Sapphire and I dug in too. After a few minutes, every plate and bowl on the table was licked clean, with each of us seven being 1,000 pounds fat before we all let out a huge belch.

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan... I ate like a pig..."

Garnet spoke "I think all seven of us did… But somehow… That felt satisfying."

Sapphire spoke "Yeah, me too."

Li spoke "Same here."

Sakura spoke "Uh-huh."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, the rest of us know how good that feels."

Then Ryõta was pouring himself and I a cup of that wine.

Garnet spoke "Oh... I feel like a meatball..."

Sapphire spoke "So do I…"

But then Sapphire and Garnet’s tails wrapped around each other.

The Mew and Mewtwo blushed at that before Garnet unintentionally started floating before Sakura noticed the wine Ryōta and I were having.

Li pulls his girlfriend's tail.

Sakura yelps "Gyah! *BURP!*"

Li spoke "Sakura, I want to ask you something."

Sakura asks "Hmm?"

Li approached Sakura enough for the two’s bellies to rub against each other, making them blush before Li brought out a box and opened it, revealing a ring.

With tears in her eyes, Sakura spoke "Y-you dummy... Of course I will marry you!"

Sakura belly-tackled Li before she kissed him.

“Hey, Ryō. Ya think we could…?” I asked.

Ryōta spoke "Hmm… Eh, why not."

Ryōta poured two more cups before passing them to Li and Sakura.

Sapphire sighs softly while looking at a now drunk Garnet.

Li and Sakura noticed their glasses of wine before drinking them.

Garnet had the bottle in her tails since she drank too much of it.

Sapphire sighs "Garnet, you're drunk."

Garnet spoke "*hic* N-no I'm not. *hic*"

Sapphire giggles "Okay, you chubby baby. Let’s get you to bed."

Danyelle dodged the thrown bottle before it shatters against a random tree.

Danyelle spoke "She's definitely drunk."

A vacuum suddenly appeared before sucking up the shattered pieces, then disappeared with them.

Garnet whines "*Hic!* Can’t I have a little *Hic!* a little fun?"

Sapphire spoke "*Picks up Garnet* Come on, meatball. Let’s go get some rest."

Garnet spoke "*hic* I'm not *hic* your meatball...*hic*"

Sapphire giggles "Yeah, you kinda are right now."

Sapphire headed to a guest house while carrying Garnet before Li and Sakura finished drinking their Moonshine Wine.

Garnet whines "I want a kid..."

Sapphire spoke "*Stutters with a blush!* Yeah, Garnet’s totally drunk! See ya tomorrow!"

Sapphire took Garnet into a guest house as Li and Sakura were madly blushing.

Applejack and Crosswind were on their backs while laughing.

Danyelle giggles "I know, totally funny. BTW, you and Crosswind are jiggling like jell-o while laughing on your backs like that."

Crosswind spoke "Yer one ta talk Danyelle, yer also laughing."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, but I’m more like a balloon."

Applejack spoke "*Pokes Danyelle’s fat belly* More like a stuffed balloon."

Danyelle spoke "Whatever you say Appleflab."

Applejack asks "Oh really, Danybelly?"

Danyelle spoke "You're fatter than a potbelly pig!"

Applejack spoke "Oh yeah? Yer more flabby than a stuffed turkey!"

Danyelle growls "That BUCKING tears it! You and I are gonna have a challenge!"

Applejack asks "Ya serious right now, Dany?"

Danyelle growls "Sumo match, right here and now! I won't even use my wings!"

That caught the attention of every outdoor amazonian villager.

Crosswind spoke "Ooh boy. Now you did it."

Danyelle taunts "I doubt Applejack can handle it, provided if she's not a scaredy Skitty!"

Applejack spoke "*GASP!* Ah, that tears it! Yer on!"

There were murmurs, especially getting the chief.

But soon, a Gigantamax female Alcremie wearing an orange sarashi and a green fundoshi showed up.

The Alcremie asks "So, is it true that I heard of a sumo wrestling match coming on?"

Crosswind spoke "Yes ma'am, Danyelle declared the match."

The Alcremie asks "Interesting. Would both of you want the pre-match filling?"

Danyelle spoke "No thank you, too much sugar can make me hyper... More so than a certain monkeygirl I know."

The Alcremie spoke "Fair enough."

Danyelle then noticed some kind of wristband on the Alcremie's right arm.

A crystalline sheen was covering Danyelle's body.

Danyelle asks "Is this some sort of gimmick from the Paldea region?"

The Alcremie spoke "Well this is new. Terrestrialization."

Applejack whines "That's not fair! Dany's got the Tera Orb?"

Danyelle spoke "But I don’t remember getting one!"

Kara pokes her head through a warp ring.

Kara spoke "That was my fault, I might have picked one up when Kai and I were on our honeymoon in the Paldea region. And then that stupid dragon probably stuffed it down your throat."

Danyelle shouts "WHAT?!"

Danyelle started heimliching herself.

Kara spoke "I don't think that's gonna work Danyelle, the tera orb's powers have already merged with your own powers."

Danyelle asks "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!! Is there a way to deactivate it?"

Applejack spoke "Think of it like how crystal ponies take on a sparkling form when they're in a good mood."

Danyelle spoke "*Gasp!* That’s it! If I can’t deactivate it now, maybe we can even the odds!"

Kara spoke "You don't mean..."

Danyelle spoke "Oh, I mean."

Bem shows up with six cying Mews in his arms.

Ben spoke "Dany.... Help..."

To Be Continued...

Helluva Honeymoon Part 3

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*Ryōta’s POV*

Well, no one could’ve expected this.

As if fate would have it, my cutie mark was glowing and so was Applejack's cutie mark.

Applejack groans "Smack dab in the middle of the one Ah’m on right now?"

I pull up a hologram of the cutie mark map.

I spoke "Well shave my tail and call me crazy but it seems like the mission you have here AJ is also my first mission."

Applejack spoke "Huh, talk abogut luck."

Li and Sakura were making out, despite being a bit drunk from the Moonshine Wine, as their bodies were jiggling like water balloons.

I chuckle "Never before have I seen such a strange couple."

Loona giggles "There are stranger, ya know. Like us."

Crosswind spoke "Ya forgot about Applejack and I."

Loona giggles "Yeah."

Danyelle asks "What’re they hungry for, Ben?"

Ben spoke "Aurora wants milk, the other five want oran berries."

Applejack spoke "Swirlie can help with the milk part, but the Oran Berries are in the garden."

Danyelle asks "Swirlie?"

The Alcremie spoke "That’s my name, Prisma Swirls, but my friends call me Swirlie."

Aurora was climbing on her mother's chest.

Ben spoke "About that Applejack, Aurora isn't weaned off yet."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah. So it’ll take some time."

Applejack asks "Say Danyelle, who is yer best friend?"

Danyelle spoke "Hmm…"

Crosswind spoke "Ah bet it's Sonic and Tails. Think about it Jay-Jay, Danyelle practically grew up with the two."

Danyelle giggles "Yeah, but they aren’t the only best friends. I mean Rei could also be one of them."

Applejack spoke "Ah guess Ah didn't specify clearly."

A voice that was very familiar to Applejack was heard screaming for help.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes shimmer* Oh StarClan no... That's Coloratura!"

Coloratura was hanging onto the edge of a cliff.

Applejack ran as fast as she could before grabbing Coloratura, saving her.

Applejack spoke "Hoowee! Am Ah glad ta have hands right now!"

Applejack then pulled her friend up.

But Applejack's weight was too much for the cliffside to handle and it broke, causing the two earth ponies to fall.

Danyelle spoke "I can't watch!"

*Applejack’s POV*

I managed to use my bulk to protect Rara as I bounced on the ground while holding her before landing, leaving us both okay.

Rara asks "Applejack?"

Ryōta attacks an earth stallion, strangling the guy.

Ryōta snarls "You are under arrest for attempted murder!"

Jasmine suddenly pops up. “Ugh! This always happens when stray portals to my dimension suddenly pop up and suck in creatures from out of nowhere!”

Jasmine snapped her fingers, turning Rara and the stallion into anthro ponies with Rara wearing clothes that were just her style.

Ryōta spoke "This stallion tried to murder Coloratura, I think he should be locked up."

Glancing at the amazonian women, Danyelle snickers "I have a better idea on what we should do with him."

Danyelle giggles as she whispered her plan in Jasmine's ear.

Jasmine snickers "*Smirk* I see."

Danyelle snickers "We could turn him over to the women here and let them do whatever they want to the stallion."

I laugh "By Faust's holy mane! You are such a prankster Danyelle!"

Danyelle giggles "I know that I'm a nekomata-gryphon hybrid with Mew blood but I feel like such a little weasel!"

Jasmine giggles "Knowing them and how that guy acted, he might be no more than a feeding pig for them."

Ryōta chuckles "Or they might use him for breeding purposes."

Crosswind chuckles "As funny as that is, Ah don’t think the mission’s done yet."

Ryōta spoke "Oh right."

Swirlie spoke "For now, we keep him in the feed cell. Berry Galette, if you would."

The female Snorlax walked over and picked the stallion up before walking away with him.

Zoey asks "Mind giving us a tour of your village?"

Swirlie spoke "*Sigh* I suppose."

Danyelle spoke "Right. After I feed my kids, we can have our match then, AJ, fair and square."

Dren asks "How come there aren't any males in the village?"

Courtesy of a warp ring by Tails, Cadence soon arrives.

Cadence spoke "Hello everyone."

Twilight spoke "Cadence!"

The two alicorn mares do their special hoofshake.

Twilight and Cadence giggle "Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!"

The two share a hug.

Jasmine spoke "Well, it’s a lot to explain."

Swirlie asks "Hmm… *To Loona* Your name is Loona, right? *To Ryōta* And your name is Ryōta, yes?"

Ryōta spoke "Yes, my name is Ryōta Taisho. I'm the eldest son of Princess Celestia Taisho and Prince Tama Taisho."

Loona asks "Yeah, and the name is Loona Taisho. Why’re you asking?"

Jasmine asks "*Gasp!* Swirlie, are you…?"

Swirlie spoke "Yes, I am willing to try connecting this village to Blobtopia. However! They must win against Piper and Pancake in a Sumo Wrestling match."

The Kori Bustard Ornithian and Baphomet stepped forward.

Swirlie spoke "Ryōta, you will be up against Piper, and Loona, you will be up against Pancake. But that will be after the exhibition match between Danyelle and Applejack."

Ryōta spoke "I spar with my cousins on a regular basis, I'm almost as strong as my uncle Toga is."

Loona spoke "Demon against demon, huh? *Smirks* I can get behind that."

Danyelle was soon done breastfeeding Aurora.

Zoey spoke "As part of the Ogami family, I will be overseeing the matches."

*Coloratura’s POV*

Danyelle spoke "Welp, I’m back to normal now, so ya better be ready, AJ."

Applejack spoke "Hehe, back at ya."

Zoey spoke "Just to be fair, Danyelle is limited to one element bending since she's one of the Avatars."

Danyelle spoke "I'll stick to earthbending since I know that's what Applejack has."

Applejack spoke "Heh, smart."

Jasmine asks "*Whispers to Cadence* Think it’ll be a tie?"

Cadence spoke "*Whispers back* Probably."

Danyelle spoke "I won't go easy on ya Applejack!"

Applejack spoke "Same here, Danyelle!"

The two were now at opposite edges in a large circle as crowds cheered for the upcoming fight.

Zoey asks "Alright, are both of you ready?"

Danyelle's wings were bound to her back to prevent cheating, even her tails were tied up.

Danyelle spoke "Ready!!!"

Applejack spoke "Ready fer this rodeo!"

Danyelle stomped twice, once with each of her legs, followed by Applejack, who did the same, both of them causing shockwaves from said stomps.

Zoey spoke "Okay! Exhibition match… BEGIN!!!"

Danyelle and Applejack charged as they clashed, wrestling each other in the center of the circle.

Zoey took flight to watch from above in case rocks got sent flying.

A few Beastmen from Anima City were among the crowd while cheering.

The deadlock seemed to be equal both sides before Applejack started gaining ground.

While on his tanuki mother's shoulders spoke, Alto spoke "YOU GOT THIS DANY!!!"

The other Beastmen started cheering Danyelle on.

Danyelle pushes back against Applejack.

The Equines started cheering on Applejack as it was a deadlock again.

Danyelle pulls a german suplex on Applejack, causing the earth mare land on her back outside the ring.

Zoey spoke "Enough! The winner of the exhibition match is Danyelle Hikari!"

An exhausted Danyelle spoke "I’ll admit, you almost got me, charging in like a bull."

Applejack asks "Ya noticed?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, that was pretty good trying to be aerodynamic to get more speed and force."

Applejack spoke "Hehe, thanks."

Danyelle spoke "No problem."

To be concluded

Helluva Honeymoon Part 4

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*Ryōta’s POV*

Just finished getting dressed for my match after Loona’s. I came outside before I saw… something… hot as hell…

I fainted with one helluva huge nosebleed.

*Loona’s POV*

Hehe, if Ryōta thinks that’s sexy, wait until the match. Though it took everything I had not to gush out and faint over how sexy my husband looked. I was walking towards Swirlie and Pancake as I noticed Li and Sakura still making out while rolling around, hugging each other being a bit drunk from the Moonshine Wine.

Zoey asks "Are the contestants ready?"

An unknown roar was heard, scaring the heck out of the ponies.

Twilight stammers "Wh-what was th-that?"

Jasmine spoke "*Nonchalantly* Probably one of the survivors living in my dimension."

To the shock of the ponies, a 65 million year old yet still fit Tyrannosaurus Rex roars before charging at the group.

A 65 million year old male brontosaurus rams into the tyrannosaurus.

The brontosaurus spoke "Cool it Chomper!"

The brontosaurus sounded like a young adult.

Chomper spoke "No fair Littlefoot! You know that I can't help it, I'm a meat-eater!"

Jasmine spoke "I got this."

Jasmine summoned a giant juicy steak that immediately caught Chomper’s attention.

Littlefoot spoke "Sorry about that, Chomper couldn't help himself."

A grumpy female Triceratops scoffs "You're too soft in the head Littlefoot!"

Jasmine teases "*Giggle* Scolding your boyfriend, Cera?"


Jasmine spoke "Kidding aside, looks like you and your friends have gotten used to your anthro forms, despite you being in your feral forms."

The trio of ancients were confused.

Jasmine spoke "Sorry, it’s a lot to explain."

Littlefoot spoke "Given that the three of us are really old."

Cera spoke "You can thank the portal that sent us here, making us ageless."

Zoey spoke "Immortal would be an easier term to say."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm… We should talk about bringing them back later."

Zoey spoke "But every Mobian, human, Poké-Mobian and Beastman thinks the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago."

Danyelle asks "I know, but remember the Fossil Pokemon?"

Zoey spoke "Don't remind me!"

Sonic asks "One thing still bugs me... Just what was Scourge trying to warn us about?"

Now that I look at the baphomet, her underbelly, eyes, wing claws and horns are light tan yellow, her face, insides of her ears, body fur, wings, snake tail’s head and some of its scales are golden brown, her head fur, head candle, claws, hooves, wing membranes, pupils, snake tail’s eyes and some of its scales are very dark, her clothes are blue and the flame on her head was red.

Swirlie asks "Do you both want the pre-match filling?"

“Heh, might as well cut loose a bit.” I smirked.

Pancake spoke "Heehee, if she says it’s fine, then I’m okay too!"

Swirlie spoke "Very well then. Then please open your mouths."

Both Pancake and I did that as Swirlie then placed a hand in each of our open mouths before cream started sliding down our throats, making us bigger and fatter as our clothes grew with us. After two minutes, Swirlie was done as the circle size was increased.

Danyelle spoke "WHOA!!! You two are each as big as a Wailord!"

Zoey asks "O-Okay! Are both contestants ready?"

Pancake and I went to the inner edges of the circle and stomped twice, raring to go.

Sonic was now hovering in the air.

Sonic spoke "BEGIN!!"

Pancake and I charged and pushed each other, making our bodies jiggle with the slightest motion. The amazons of the village cheered Pancake on as Ryōta woke up earlier since he saw my pre-match fattening.

The trio of dinosaurs roar loud since they were cheering me on to my surprise.

Both of us started pushing each other harder with Pancake’s flame burning brighter and stronger while I started snarling.

Ryōta spoke "YOU CAN DO IT, LOONA!!!"

That was the push I needed before I pushed lower, getting Pancake a bit off balance before I lifted her up. I then threw her behind me, ringing her out as I howled.

Ryōta spoke "Nice one Loonie!"

Danyelle teleported since she had sensed that Shira had gone into labor.

*Ryōta’s POV*

Alright, I’m up next. I walked up to Piper and Swirlie as I readied myself.

Swirlie asks "Would both of you want the pre-match filling?"

“Might as well go big or go home.” I accepted.

Piper spoke "Then I’ll take the filling too."

Swirlie spoke "Very well, tilt your heads up and open your mouths."

We did that as Swirlie’s Dynamax band glowed before she grew in size and gigantamaxed.

Swirlie spoke "G-Max Finale!"

Three giant cream projectiles fell from the sky as two of them hit me and Piper right in the mouths as we gulped them down, growing fatter and bigger with our sumo clothes growing with us, until we were both gigantic.

Sonic gasps "WHOA!!! They’re as big as a Gigantamaxed Centiskorch!"

Applejack asks "What’s goin’ on?"

Zoey asks "Did they Dynamax or Gigantamax?!"

Jasmine spoke "Nope. It’s neither of those, they just got big from eating all that cream, for you see, Ryota and Piper Feastamaxed!

Crosswind asks "HUH?!"

Swirlie asks "Now then, are both wrestlers ready?"

Piper and I confirmed by stomping the ground twice, causing it to shake a bit.

Zoey and Sonic spoke "BEGIN!!"

Piper and I charged at each other, grappling and clashing at the center.

Loona and Cadence cheer "You got this Ryōta!!!!"

The villagers were cheering Piper as I looked at Loona, who was somehow as big and fat as me, with her clothes looking real snug. I then noticed a bit cream hanging out of Loona’s mouth, telling me she saw one heading for her and ate it earlier. Piper and I pushed at the same time, sending us to the edges before we lunged at each other, clashing bellies, then heads. But then both of us leapt higher and higher into the air at the center of the circle as we started wrestling again. Piper started gaining the edge before I noticed Loona cheering me on even harder, with a wink no less. That gave me enough motivation to gain the upper hand and grabbed fully onto Piper before I started spinning us forward like a giant meteor.

“Here it comes! Demon Dog Scorching Solar… STEAMROLL SMUSH!!!” I howled as the moment we crash at the center of the ring, I pushed Piper down with all my might in my belly, with the pincer attack making her dazed long enough for me to spin forward again and throw her out the ring as I howled in victory with fire in my eyes.

Zoey spoke "Enough! Ryōta wins the match, bringing the score to 2-0 for the Taisho team!"

Swirlie spoke "Well, this was quite an event. Ryōta wins this match!"

I was soon on my back because of Loona.

Loona spoke "That was amazing, Ryōta!"

“Hehe, well I try, Loona.” I chuckled.

Swirlie spoke ""Oh well. Alright Jasmine, I suppose the Sumo Amazon Village can connect with Blobtopia. And yes, you can make a gateway to transport to here to avoid the dangers of the Tri-Matter Forest."

Pancake spoke "I’ll admit, all of us were a bit skeptical of AJ when she told us of her male friends, but after seeing that display of strength, I think we can give it a shot."

Jasmine spoke "Thanks, girls. Oh, and the female walrus Mobian guard is “Icicle” Iva."

Iva spoke "Hi.

Loona and I noticed Sakura and Li rolling around like a boulder while still making out and a bit drunk.

Swirlie spoke "Congratulations, you two. You both have won, so as a job well done, you can stay at my place for the night."

I spoke "I'm sorry but Loona and I have to go back to Canterlot."

Loona spoke "Oh come on, Ryōta. *Lustful growl with a smirk as she dragged a finger up my multi-chins* One night in the village couldn’t possibly hurt."

I spoke "But Loona, my parents are expecting me to return soon since I got a message that your adopted dad is causing problems."

Loona spoke "*Caressing my belly with one hand* Please, Ryōta. For me. Let’s have the night of our lives and drink that Moonshine Wine."

Ooh, that woman knows how to press the right buttons.

Danyelle pops up suddenly with a excited look on her face.

Danyelle spoke "Loona! I got news, Belladonna and that kyubi both had kids!"

Loona spoke "*Giggle* I guess we can see them before coming back here for some real fun."

Danyelle spoke "Let's go."

*One warp ring to Blitzo's place later*

I knock on the door.

Blitzo growls "What?!"

I spoke "Loona and I heard from Danyelle that your wives have had children."

Loona and I were here in our normal forms again, planning to go back into our “feastamaxed” forms when we head back to the village for the night.

Blitzo spoke "*Opens door with a scowl at me* Get it."

I spoke "Loona, I think it would be best if I wait outside. It's fucking obvious that your adopted dad still hates me."

Loona spoke "Fair enough. *Nuzzles my nose with hers* Maybe while I'm saying hi to my new little sibs, maybe you can convince your aunt Luna to let us have one more bottle or a few in case one isn't enough."

I spoke "And risk getting Li and Sakura even more drunk? You oughta know by now that my aunt Luna doesn't make the stuff often."

Loona giggles "Silly puppy, I'm asking more for the two of us. I wanna know how far we can go. *Itches my sweet spot behind the ears, making one of my legs throttle* I want a taste of it all, baby."

*Dark chuckle* That hellhound really is good, not to mention she has a point since Luna did tell me that Moonshine Wine isn't harmful to developing children.

I chuckle "I'll ask her."

*Loona's POV*

As Ryōta headed out, I headed inside to see my new baby sibs.

Belladonna spoke "Oh hi Princess Loona."

"You know you can just call me Loona, right?" I pointed out.

Belladonna spoke "Sorry but I wasn't at your wedding so I didn't know."

“No biggie.” I just shrugged off.

Belladonna spoke "I guess it hasn't fully sunk in yet."

“Whaddya mean?” I asked before I heard baby cooing.

Belladonna spoke "You being royalty."

“Believe me, it already did.” I pointed out before the nine-tailed fox demon showed up with three babies.

Belladonna spoke "Oh hey Kimiko."

"Who're the little tykes?" I asked.

Belladonna spoke "That's my daughter, Pyrachop."

Kimiko spoke "This is my daughter, Huli Jing, and my son, Huīyàn."

Placing a hand on my stomach, I spoke "It'll be nine months before I have my kids."

Belladonna asks "Ooh! Really?"

Kimiko asks "How many?"

That made me giggle. "I dunno. Maybe Ryōta and I will have a whole pack of kids." I shrugged before I heard Blitz coming right up. "Hold on a sec."

I went outside before catching Blitz and dragging him outside the building out of earshot while he fired randomly, definitely pissed off.

I spoke "Shut the fuck up dad!"

Blitzo spoke "Don't you get it, Loona?! That royal prick is just gonna break your heart just because you're a Hellhound! I don't want you to go through that!"

I spoke "Honestly dad, I'm 22 now! I can make my own choices without you breathing down my neck! Now I see why my cousin in law had the same fucking problem with her dad! Zoey's dad is a lot like you in terms of behavior!"

Blitzo spoke "Listen to me! Those blueblood fuckers think they can do this shit every time, playing with our feelings just because we're small or not as important!"

Ryōta soon pops up.

Ryōta asks "Am I interrupting something?"

"It's clear that Blitz needs time to calm down." I scoffed.

Ryōta spoke "He seriously needs therapy... Or someone that will listen to his complaints."

Ryōta teleports before reappearing with Moxxie since he was the only one Blitzo would trust.

Moxxie spoke "Oh... I see."

"So, how'd it go?" I asked.

Ryōta chuckles "Let's head back to the village for that answer, since I have a surprise for you."

Danyelle soon opens a warp ring, allowing Ryōta and I to pass through.

We were back in the Sumo Amazon Village, with both of us back in our “feastamax forms”.

Danyelle giggles "I still can’t believe you’re both each as big as a Gigantamaxed Centiskorch! It’s surprising actually."

Ryōta spoke "Blitzo seriously needs to trample off, Loona's not a child anymore."

Zoey spoke "I had to set boundaries with my dad."

Pancake then showed up. “‘Sup, Loona.”

“‘Sup, Pancake.” I smiled.

A sickly feeling rose up my throat.

I spoke "I need a bucket!"

Danyelle gave me a bucket.

I immediately threw up into the bucket.

It didn’t take long for me to stop and feel better.

Danyelle and Zoey spoke "We know that sign all too well... Barring most of the female Poke-Mobians, it's an issue that all females go through for at least three months."

"Well, I've had worse pukes." I simply responded.

Pancake asks "Well, you two ready to head to Swirlie's place?"

"You bet." Ryōta and I responded as we started moving.

Ryōta spoke "Loona, there's something that's been on my mind since marrying you and it's bothering me."

"What is it?" I asked as we kept walking with our bodies jiggling with every move.

Ryōta spoke "Demon or not, I'm honestly scared that I would break your heart."

I... I couldn't help but giggle at that. "You and Blitz might be more alike then we think."

Ryōta asks "What do you mean?"

"Blitz was worried that you would break my heart. But that means you really do care, pup." I smiled.

Ryōta spoke "And in a way, you and Zoey are alike. You both have overprotective fathers."

“Heehee, yeah.” I giggled as we soon arrived.

Pancake spoke "We’re here! And don’t worry, a guest room with a balcony’s all ready for you two."

Ryōta chuckles "hey Loonie, wanna have some fun in the bathtub?"

“Is that where your surprise is?” I smirked.

Ryōta chuckles "*Smile* Maaaaaybe."

I giggle "You sly hybrid!"

Ryōta and I then went into the house, which was bigger than we thought, as we soon arrived in our guest room.

Ryōta spoke "I talked to Aunt Luna about more Moonshine Wine, and she told me she thought that might happen, so the bottle we got was upgraded to… These!"

We arrived in the bathroom as we saw a gigantic drawn bathtub that was like a pool, with the bottle of Moonshine Wine next two two big glasses as I grabbed one of the two, figuring out that it was big enough for one of our hands to grasp halfway around it.

“So, we’ll be drinking a whole lot while skinny dipping in a pool-sized bathtub?” I noticed with half-lidded eyes.

Ryōta spoke "Absolutely."

I spoke "But I thought your aunt said that the process was forgotten long ago."

Ryōta spoke "She actually hid this last bottle before you-know-what. And knowing Li and Sakura, they're probably shamelessly and drunkenly having fun butt naked."

Ryōta then lightly grabbed the bottle before filling up the two glasses.

Ryōta spoke "You forget, male Mobians don't wear much clothing aside from socks, shoes, gloves and the occasional vest. Females have to wear clothes. It's sort of an unwritten rule since the last thing anyone needs is a female Mobian wandering around butt naked."

I then got undressed as Ryōta grabbed the two full glasses before giving me one.

Ryōta spoke "oh fuck, I feel horny again."

"So do I, Ryo. But let's make sure this is a night for remember." I giggled as we stepped into the bath while holding our glasses.

"To us." Me and Ryōta declared while clinking our glasses as we wrapped our arms holding our glasses around each other while sipping all of the Moonshine Wine down in one drink. After that, I saw his whole head blushing madly with my head feeling so goddamn woozy, but in such a good fuckin' way.

Ryōta chuckles as he nibbled on my neck.

A drunk Ryōta spoke "I'm gonna be your *Hic!* your master tonight, Loona."

"And I'll be your mistress *Hic!* for this night, Ryōta." I smiled as both of us could tell we were as drunk as hell, but didn't care about that on bit as I nibbled on Ryōta's neck back.

*2 hours later*

Ryōta was snoring while sleeping on a rock.

It was midnight and the moon was full. That was an awesome time. I couldn't help but sigh to myself, rubbing my belly.

Ryōta howls in his sleep.

I howled along with him as I can guess it was heard for miles. I was smiling before I felt Ryota hug me from behind while still asleep.

Ryōta spoke "*Sleeptalking* Looloo... I love you so fuckin' much."

The sound of howling wolves was heard in the distance.

"I love ya so fuckin' much too, Ryōta." I growled lustfully with a smile.

Ryōta asks "*Still sleeptalking* Sounds like we have an an audience, Loona. Why don't we give 'em a show?"

That... That sounded... So... Hot! "Alright then, let's do it."

Ryōta chuckles "*Still sleeptalking* I'll fill ya past the limit and make sure you'll walk funny for a while year."

Wow... He's like a true hellhound. Well, who am I to refuse him. "Then claim me for only yourself and hold nothing back."

*7 o'clock, next morning...*

*Panting nonstop* Wow... That was so... good...! We did all that and he was still fast asleep! I wouldn't have chosen anyone less to become my husband if he could dominate me like that.

Ryōta spoke *Starts waking up with a yawn* Morning, Loona."

"Morning Ryōta. You sure did a number on me last night, big bad boy." I smiled with the sun shining into the guest room and over the building as Ryōta and I were on the roof just above our room.

Ryōta chuckles "We might have to hire a few Daireons in case you have more than two kids."

"That, or we can find out if Vera has a potion that can make me have more than two tits." I giggled with a tease.

Ryōta chuckles "You're such a sexy bitch but you're mine."

I then hugged Ryōta with our fat bodies jiggling. "And you're my hellfire scorching hot bastard."

I then kissed Ryōta with him kissing me back as we started making out, french kissing each other, moaning endlessly in pleasure without a care.

*Ryōta's POV*

After 30 minutes of making out, tongue dancing, hugging, petting, feeling and groping, Loona fell asleep with her lips still connected with mine and her tongue still wrapped around mine with our tails still intertwined with each other.

I spoke "I'm so lucky I married you Loonie."

Loona sighs "*Pleased sleepmoaning* And I you... Ryōta..."

I chuckle "Good thing I have demon and alicorn stamina."

She won't be as hungry for me the next time she's horny, but she'll be horny nonetheless. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to our bed and laid her down. Loona kept moaning as I was sure she was having impossibly lewd dreams about me while I got dressed before a Warp Ring soon appeared, but I had a smile on my face, knowing that this honeymoon was one that I will never forget. Ever.


Chosen Ones/ Sivith's Arrival

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*Rei's POV*

Okay, all of the contestants and those who wanted to watch the Tournament personally were gathered.

"For those new participating in the tournament and those watching, Outworld can be alien and intoxicating for those of other realms. Don't let its beauty distract you and stay focused. If we win, Outworlders who are more war-hungry will back off, but if we lose, our rival can become our enemy." I informed as I brought out a Warp Ring.

Blizzardstar spoke "Too bad none of the Mews or Mewtwos are taking part."

Orion cleared his throat, getting Blizzardstar's attention.

Rainbowtwo brushes her tail under Orion's chin, making him purr.

Blizzardstar spoke "Oh, sorry. I didn't know."

Asuna spoke "No wonder the other chakats call you a dumbass though Blizzardstar."

Blizzardstar spoke "Hey!"

"Okay, is everyone ready?" I asked.

Rarity spoke "That may be so Blizzy but you're my dumbass."

I cleared my throat, catching everyone's attention. "My question?"

Danyelle spoke "Dren and Zoey are off doing something but I dare not say what it is. so we need a substitute for the catgirl."

Ichigo spoke "I'll sub in!"

Danyelle asks "You sure?"

Ichigo spoke "I'm good with swords since my weapon originally belonged to Kish. Like I said, these swords are all I have to remember him by."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Your scent has changed."

Ichigo spoke "*Embarrassed and ashamed blush* That's all my fault, actually."

Twilight pops up with Josuke.

Twilight growls "You got a lot of explaining to do Josuke, as do you Ichigo."

Josuke spoke "Hey! It isn't my fault! I tried my best to get Ichigo to back up and cool off!"

Anzu pops up suddenly.

Anzu spoke "Let me guess, she got totally plastered about three months ago. One thing led to another and now, she's got a kid on the way."

Ichigo asks "H-how did you know?"

Anzu spoke "My nose can pick up on scents faster than Danyelle's nose can."

Danyelle pouted at that.

Twilight spoke "Don't make me call Ben."

Anzu giggles "It's okay, Dany's just jealous of my sense of smell."

Danyelle sticks her tongue out at Anzu.

I cleared my throat again, louder this time. "Is everyone ready? Tick tock."

Twilight spoke "Since we're down two she-cats, we need another substitute."

Anzu spoke "I'm in."

Twilight spoke "No Anzu, you're not old enough to take part. Plus your mom would set me on fire if you got hurt."

Danyelle asks "What about Vitaly?"

Twilight's right ear twitches before she jumped out of the way, dodging a thrown knife.

Twilight laughs "Wow Vitaly, you nearly chopped my tail off that time."

Vitaly scoffs "Hmph."

Spottedeaf spoke "Don't be a sourpuss 'Taly. You keep forgetting that if it weren't for Princess Twilight, we wouldn't have improved on our acts. And if it wasn't for Prince Sonic, your heart wouldn't have softened."

Spottedleaf kisses Vitaly on the cheek, much to Twilight's surprise.

Twilight gasps "What the?!"

Spottedleaf giggles "Remember when Cadence, Tails and Sonic pulled that prank on me?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Jericho zips past in a panic as a moody pregnant female Mewtwo Poke-Mobian with a few scars chases after him.

Danyelle asks "What the...?"

Orion spoke "Well, don't look at me."

Haru flings a Swift at the pregnant Mewtwo, diverting her attention away from Jericho.

Haru spoke "You need to take a chill pill Sivith!"

Sivith asks "H-Haru?"

Haru spoke "You might have remembered me as a human but I'm not human anymore... I blame Giovanni for that mess... I can't go back to my original form..."

Sivith spoke "Oh…"

Danyelle spoke "Can we get going please? We should have arrived on Outworld by now."

“That’s what I was trying to say.” I pointed out. “Everyone ready?”

The Harmony Guard spoke "Ready!"

Jericho spoke "Same here."

Everyone else coming along nodded.

“Then let’s go.” I declared as all of us went through. After we did, we saw a tall gateway as Liu Kang came through with four men and Wu Shi Academy students.

Man looking around with his phone spoke "Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore."

A crow was perched on Haru's left shoulder.

A creamy white furred Mobian cat with a brown ear chuckles "Wow, you insulted the feather duster."

Toto squawks in annoyance before he started pecking the Mobian cat on the head repeatedly.

"Good to see you again, Liu Kang.” I greeted.

Liu Kang spoke "And it good to see you too, Rei."

Twilight spoke "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, leader of the Harmony Guard. The others are Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Sonic, Roll, Michiru, Maria, Danyelle, Indigo, Ash, Asuna, Orion, Haru and Akane."

Nazuna spoke "I'm Nazuna Kagetashi."

Blizzardstar spoke "I'm Blizzardstar, ice dragon slayer. The other chakat is Honeystar."

Natsu spoke "I'm Natsu."

Haru spoke "The lardball is Muta. The crow is Toto."

Orion spoke "Then there's Jericho and Sivith."

Liu Kang spoke "I am Liu Kang, god of fire. *Refers to man in the straw hat* This is Earthrealm’s champion, Raiden. *Refers to man with the bladed hat* This is Kung Lao. *Refers to swordsman* This is Kenshi Takahashi. *Refers to man with the phone* And this is Johnny Cage."

Danyelle spoke "Nice to meet you four."

We saw Tanya a bit of ahead, before seeing Mileena and Kitana descending some stairs to approach us.

Johnny asks "Oh my. Are those…?"

Liu Kang spoke "Empress Sindel’s daughters, yes."

Johnny spoke "*Pockets away his phone* They do not disappoint.

Raiden spoke "We are Earthrealm’s ambassadors, Johnny. We’ll show them respect, not unwanted attention."

Twilight spoke "Mileena, Kitana, it's good to meet you both."

Mileena spoke "Thank you, Princess Twilight."

Liu Kang, Raiden, Kung Lao, Kenshi and Johnny bowed in respect.

Mileena spoke "And lord Liu Kang, welcome."

Liu Kang spoke "Thank you, Princess Mileena."

Mileena asks "You remember my sister?"

Liu Kang spoke "Of course. Princess Kitana."

Kitana bowed her head in respect.

Liu Kang spoke "May I introduce Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kenshi Takahashi, and Earthrealm’s champion, Raiden."

Raiden bowed his head in greeting and respect.

Sonic spoke "I'm Prince Sonic Ogami, grandson of the legendary silver wolf."

The others introduce themselves.

Danyelle spoke "I do apologize, Princess Zoey is not able to take part in the tournament and her substitution is unable to take part either due to being pregnant."

Vitaly was seen twirling a knife.

Twilight spoke "That's Vitaly, he's the back-up substitute for Princess Zoey."

Danyelle pulls out the scroll she had gotten.

Danyelle spoke "According to the scroll I have, the fighters are as follows. From the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario. From Mobius, Prince Sonic Ogami. From Inkopolis, Meggy. From Spiral Mountain, Banjo and Kazooie. From Chakona, Blizzardstar and Honeystar. From Equis, Prince Ryōta Taisho. From the Pokemon world, Orion. Also from Mobius, Michiru Kagetashi. From the frozen tundra, Popo and Nana. From Earth, Bayonetta. And from Cynnth, Prince Dren Ikisatashi."

Kitana spoke "Hope you're prepared, champions. Ours are determined to win."

Mileena spoke "None more so than me. It's been too long since we've known victory."

Danyelle spoke "Oh! I almost forgot about Princess Blaze Ogami, she represents the entire Sol dimension."

Sonic chuckles "Forgetting about a certain rabbitgirl though Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "I almost forgot about Amiya."

Volt spoke "Don't forget about me!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh! Right!"

Tanya spoke "Princess Mileena... We should be on our way. Empress Sindel awaits."

Mileena spoke "Thank you, Tanya. Follow me, please."

We started moving forward before we were soon in beast-drawn carriages with female warriors accompanying us as protection as we were in a parade with villagers of many kinds celebrating and cheering.

Ryōta asks "Are those Centaurs?"

"Close, but no. These are the Outworld counterparts of Centaurs, the Centaurians." I informed.

A slime was on Danyelle's head since it was the mystery fighter.

*Danyelle's POV*

I've heard interesting species names as I listened to another carriage.

Liu Kang spoke "I see that Her Majesty once again spares no expense on the festival."

Mileena spoke "Should she not? It commemorates my late father."

Liu Kang spoke "I admire, Princess. I do not judge. As did all of Outworld, I valued greatly Jerrod's fellowship."

Dren soon pops up with the rest of Zoey's friends along with his two sisters in law.

Megan spoke "Mimi and I are filling in for our sister."

Sonic spoke "I need to run...."

But before Sonic could started running, we noticed cuffed Outworlders being escorted by officers before Mileena knocked on the carriage she was in thrice, causing it to stop as she got off and approached a female officer.

Mileena spoke "First Constable!"

The called officer turned towards Mileena to face her.

Mileena asks "Our route was to be cleared. This couldn't wait?"

The First Constable spoke "Should I allow Tarkatans to infect the city, Your Highness? Those arrested were harboring some here, rather than report them for quarantine."

Mileena spoke "The otherrealmers cannot be privy into our secrets, Li Mei. As Sun Do's First Constable, you must show better judgement. Perhaps that's too much to expect."

Mileena walked back to the carriage as I kept listening in with my keen hearing.

Raiden spoke "Princess Mileena doesn't seem to like her very much."

Liu Kang spoke "Li Mei used to lead the Umgadi, the palace guard. It was on her watch that the Princess's father was murdered."

I couldn't help but feel bad for Li Mei, Sindel and her daughters as we were soon in the castle at the great hall.

Liu Kang spoke "Worry expends energy for no purpose, Raiden."

Raiden spoke "But the tournament. If I lose..."

Liu Kang spoke "Focus on your actions, not the outcome. It is all you can control."

I think "{Now I see why Teermakus chose to stay behind in Equis... He's still a tarkatan.}"

But then some kind of draconic humanoid man showed up.

Johnny spoke "Red alert. Incoming stock villain."

Ryōta asks "Why are you saying that?"

Johnny spoke "When you're a Hollywood Martial Arts Mega Star, you can tell what people could be by lookin' at 'em."

Liu Kang spoke "General Shao. Do not let him goad you."

Shao laughs "Is it me, or is Earthrealm's champion scrawnier than usual?"

Kung Lao spoke "Would you care to test his strength?! Raiden will-"

Liu Kang spoke "*Calmly* Will prove himself soon enough."

Shao asks "Have you still not told most Earthrealmers that Outworld exists?"

Liu Kang spoke "It is safer that way, General."

Shao spoke "I suppose so. Your people's frail minds couldn't handle the truth.

Liu Kang asks "You presume them frail, General? Should you, given how frequently they win this tournament?"

Shao spoke "We will destroy your champion, Liu Kang. He and the otherrealmers' champions will taste no victory."

General Shao then walked off.

Orion had to restrain Twilight to stop her from attacking the guy.

Rei spoke "Calm down, Twilight."

Twilight spoke "But..."

Rei spoke "He’s not worth the anger."

Twilight spoke "Momo said that guy has a 50 foot pole up his ass."

Rei snickers "Be glad you only whispered that.

But then a trumpeting fanfare was heard as Sindel and her two daughters arrived and took their seats on their respective thrones; Sindel at the middle, Mileena on the right and Kitana on the left.

Sindel spoke "Welcome, members of the royal house. Welcome, our esteemed Earthrealm and otherrealm guests. We gather once again to honor my late husband’s legacy. To continue the tournament that he founded with Lord Liu Kang in hopes that it would foster peace among realms. May Jerrod’s soul watch over us with pride from its resting place in the Living Forest. Lord Liu Kang."

Liu Kang spoke "Empress Sindel. It pleases me to once again be your guest. *Bows in respect*"

Sindel spoke "Here, you are always welcome. Now. Let us meet your champion, along with the champions of the otherrealms."

Liu Kang spoke "Earthrealm’s champion is Raiden, Your Majesty. He has earned his place by embodying the very best qualities of Earthrealm’s people."

I spoke "From the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario. From Mobius, Prince Sonic Ogami. From Inkopolis, Meggy Spletzer. From Spiral Mountain, Banjo and Kazooie. From Chakona, Blizzardstar and Honeystar. From Equis, Prince Ryōta Taisho. From the Pokemon world, Orion the Mewtwo. Also from Mobius, Michiru Kagetashi. From the frozen tundra, Popo and Nana. From Earth, Bayonetta. From Cynnth, Prince Dren Ikisatashi. From Terra, Amiya. And the lord of all monsters, Demon lord Rimuru Tempest. Due to pregnancy, Princess Zoey is not able to take part in the tournament. And her substitution, Ichigo, is also unable to take part. But the two terrors, Megan and Mimi Hanson, are filling in their sister. And Prince Volt Ogami has teamed up with Amiya."

Sindel spoke "*To Raiden* You and some others seem nervous, young man."

Raiden spoke "We are strangers in an unfamiliar land. Here to compete against its greatest fighters. Yes, I am nervous."

Twilight spoke "With all due respect Empress Sindel, I believe it would be best if Orion faces off against Rimuru."

"As an exhibition match of course." I added as Sindel gave it some thought.

Sindel spoke "...Very well. I will allow it."

Jericho spoke "It makes sense that Orion faces off against the slime in an exhibition match since the two are clearly the strongest fighters among the visitors. Though with Prince Sonic, I do believe he has a score to settle with the plumber."

Later, Rimuru won, though it was a close call with both the slime and Mewtwo having won a round before Rimuru won the third and final round.

Orion coughs out a bit of smoke since he got electrocuted by Rimuru's black lightning attack.

Huey snickers "Uncle Face get zapped!"

Sivith was staring at Huey since he looked almost like the babytwo she had lost.

Sivith suddenly ran off.

Haru spoke "*Whispers to me* I got this, Dany."

I whisper "Better take Jericho too."

Haru spoke "Good call."

Haru grabbed Jericho and teleported off to find Sivith.

I ask "Excuse me Empress Sindel, have you or any of your subjects seen a shiny baby Mewtwo with leopard spots?"

Sindel spoke "I do not think so."

I spoke "Based on Sivith's reaction to Huey, I believe that her first baby was stolen."

Later, Mario and Sonic had their match, both rounds being double KOs, with the second one extending the second and final round as Sonic managed to win by a hair.

Sonic spoke "Whew! You really haven't changed, Mario."

Mario chuckles "You're faster than I remember."

Sonic chuckles "Well, you always were more adaptable."

Raiden spoke "Still, I cannot help but feel nervous."

Sindel spoke "As you should be. You and the other champions have a difficult path ahead. *Stands up* It has begun! *As Li Mei showed up* As tradition requires, Outworld's initial competitor will be Sun Do's First Constable... Li Mei. May she defend our realm's glory as well as she preserves our capital's order."

Li Mei spoke "Your Majesty, I will honor both the royal house, and all of Outworld, with my kombat."

Sindel spoke "If so, you will vastly exceed my expectations. *Whispers to Li Mei* Remember. Were it not for Jerrod's tradition, you would not be here."

Liu Kang spoke "*As Li Mei readied herself for the match* All you need do is your best. The rest will take care of itself."

Raiden spoke "Yes, Lord Liu Kang."

Li Mei asks "Shall we see what you can do?"

Raiden spoke "Hopefully, this will be the first of many victories."

Li Mei spoke "I will prevail, Earthrealmer. This fight is more important to me than you can ever know."

Sindel spoke "*With both kombatants ready* Fight!"

The match started as Raiden and Li Mei fought. The Earthrealm Champion fought with lightning and a lightning elemental as the First Constable battled with energy that exploded like fireworks, explosive sky lanterns made of said energy, and with attacks accompanied by energy forming a Shisa, also known as a Okinawan lion. Soon, Li Mei won the first round as energy lion danced up and around her.

Li Mei spoke "You fight honorably, Earthrealmer. But not nearly well enough."

The two fought with round 2 starting as Raiden soon won that round.

Raiden spoke "I will admit it, that tested me."

Round 3 began as the two fought. Both of them showed exemplary skills, but Raiden soon won the match.

Raiden spoke "Thank you for the match, First Constable."

Li Mei got up as she and Raiden bowed to each other in respect before the First Constable walked away.

*Meanwhile with Sivith, Haru and Jericho*

Haru asks "Siv, you okay?"

Sivith whimpers "N-no.... I'm not... I just can't look at that shiny Mewtwo and not see the baby I had lost..."

Haru spoke "Oh..."

Sivith whimpers "I just can't go through that pain again..."

Haru spoke "Sivith, calm down!"

Jericho slaps his sister across the face, snapping her out of the panic attack.

Jericho spoke "Look Siv, I may not understand what's going on with you right now but you need to relax."

Sivith stammers "B-But how?! I-I-I don't even know how to relax?!"

Haru drags Sivith off through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

*Back at the tournament*

Sindel spoke "My compliments, Raiden, on a well-fought match. We'll see how you fare in the next."

I ask "Who's up next?"

Sindel asks "General Shao. Whom have you chosen as our next competitor?"

Shao spoke "Your Majesty, I have chosen Reiko, my second-in-command.

A male Outworlder arrived.

Shao spoke "As a bot, Reiko was orphaned during the Kafallah War. Though captured, his spirit remained unbroken. He scratched, clawed, and survived. After the war, I took him in. Molded him into the perfect soldier. Few others are as well versed in the ways of war.

Reiko demonstrated his attacks as he then faced Raiden.

Reiko asks "In whose army have you served? In what wars have you fought?"

Raiden spoke "I have done neither."

Reiko spoke "Then you are woefully unprepared, Earthrealmer. This will be your final battlefield."

Sindel spoke "*As both fighters were ready* Fight!"

The two men fought as Reiko used some attacks with a red aura on either his body or limb(s) as if he was increasing his blood flow and strengthening his attacks. Soon, Raiden won the first round.

Raiden spoke "I may not have faced war, but I am a warrior."

Round 2 started as it soon almost looked like Reiko was about to win before Raiden managed to beat him and win the match.

Raiden spoke "Felled by a simple farmer."

Shao scoffs "Hmph."

Shao then left the great hall again.

Twilight spoke "Gah... My Cyniclon half is itching for a fight..."

Raiden asks "I am ready for my next opponent, Your Majesty. Whom shall I face?"

Sindel spoke "Patience, young man.'

Dren spoke "I’ll take him on, Twi."

Twilight engulfs herselr in flames, switching to her Deep Lilaic form.

Deep Lilac spoke "To make it a fair fight Dren, I won't use the Roar on you. Nor will I use my firebending."

Dren spoke "Alright."

I ask "Are both ready?"

Deep Lilac spoke "Yeah!"

Dren spoke "Ready!"

“Fight!” I declared as Deep Lilac and Dren started battling.

Deep Lilac clashes blades with Dren.

It looked like they were evenly-matched.

Deep Lilac wrenches one of Dren's swords out of his hands.

But then Dren did a judo throw, flipping Deep Lilac over his shoulder.

Deep Lilac flew at Dren, holding her sword in the exact same style as Deep Blue had.

I spoke "STOP!"

Deep Lilac froze in midair, causing the sword to drop.

Dren spoke "Looks like you're getting carried away."

Deep Lilac spoke "I'm so sorry for that stunt I pulled on you Dren."

Dren spoke "It's okay, you were in the moment."

After switching back to alicorn form, Twilight spoke "I'll have a little chat with Deep Blue about this."

"Dren wins by default." I said.

Later, the rest of the outside competitors had their first two matches.

Sindel spoke "We are adjourned until first light. I hope to see you all at this evening's banquet."

*That evening*

Rimuru was in his human form while talking with Raiden.

Some of Rimuru's subordinates had brought in food for everyone.

Shion had to be banned from the kitchen since she wasn't a good cook.

We were all having a great meal while some of us had conversations as Shion was sulking.

Johnny spoke "*To Kitana* I'm sorry. You're ten thousand years old? *Chuckles* Talk about aging gracefully."

Raiden asks "*To Liu Kang* What do you see in him?"

Liu Kang asks "He is a hero, Raiden... Though he may not yet know it. Do you recognize everyone here?"

Raiden spoke "Most, yes. from your descriptions. *Refers to Rain* Except for him."

Liu Kang spoke "That is Rain, the High Mage of Outworld. Not his given name, but one earned due to his mastery of water magic."

Holding a bulldeer carcass between his paws, Midnight chuckles "I'm 9000 years old but I look 25."

Tanya asks "*Checks on Mileena while whispering* Are you unwell, Princess?"

Mileena spoke "I am fine, Tanya."

Raiden asks "I know I'm to fight Mileena... but will I also face Tanya?"

Liu Kang spoke "By tradition, you should not. If you did, you would be tested."

Raiden asks "Why?"

Liu Kang spoke "Umgadi, like Tanya, are warrior priestesses... Selected from the first born daughters of Outworld. From infancy, they are trained to defend the royal family."

Raiden spoke "Outworld must see much conflict, if the Empress needs such protection."

Liu Kang spoke "Its past has been difficult. Though the last thousand years of Empress Sindel's reign have been a true golden age, the memories of that strife still linger."

Ryōta chuckles "That's nothing compared to what Loona, Twilight and I saw a while ago!"

Twilight spoke "Most of you aren't gonna believe me but I saw DINOSAURS! Three of them!"

To be continued....

Chosen Ones part 2

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*Rei's POV*

But before anyone could react to what Ryōta and Twilight said, Sindel stood up with her glass. "My husband Jerrod believed that the future of our realms lay together. Let us move forward in open dialogue, letting no secrets tear our bonds asunder."

The rest of us stood up with our glasses.

Raiden spoke "Your Majesty. It's an honor to be here and to meet your people. I can already see there's more that joins us than divides us."

Danyelle spoke "Let this newfound bond be as strong as ever as we look to the future!"

Sonic and the other Mobians cheer.

Shao spoke "*Snarling laugh while standing up* Our peoples could not be more different, champion and princess."

Raiden asks "*Confusion* Excuse me?"

Shao spoke "You heard me. Earthrealmers and otherrealmers are devoid of all-"

Sindel spoke "That's enough, General."

Shao spoke "My apologies, Your Majesty. Perhaps I've enjoyed too much of this excellent wine. With your permission..."

Sindel spoke "You may go."

Shao then left as Reiko followed him.

Danyelle had to hold Twilight and Dren back with magic before the two attacked Shao.

Danyelle spoke "Princess Twilight, Prince Dren! Cool your jets right now!"

The two royals sat back down.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that Empress Sindel, my fellow royals nearly got riled up after hearing that insult."

Sindel spoke "Do not worry, Princess Danyelle. I will converse with him about this tonight alone."

If things go as I think, there could be a change tomorrow.

*Danyelle's POV*

Later, us visitors were in guest rooms, sleeping peacefully. But my Dimensional Scream had other plans for me as it showed me something in Sindel's meeting room.

Sindel spoke "It is bad enough we may lose to the Earthrealmers and otherrealmers. But then you go and drunkenly insult them?! You needlessly stain my honor and your family's proud military tradition!"

Shao asks "*As Sindel stood up and started walking around* May I speak freely, Your Majesty?"

Sindel spoke "*Exasperated sigh* Again with this? If you must."

Shao spoke "We must act on the sorcerer's prophecy. He warns that Liu Kang and the Otherrealmers will conquer Outworld."

Sindel spoke "And his predictions are usually impeccable. But I've no proof of Liu Kang's ill intent. And there is no ill intent from the Otherrealmers either. Liu Kang's interventions have kept Outworld at peace for centuries."

Shao spoke "He herds us into compromises, shackles our independence. If we could meet our enemies in battle... We'd..."

Sindel spoke "You would consign us to endless war!"

Shao spoke "Better that than be Liu Kang's lapdog."

Sindel asks "If I see evidence of the prophecy's accuracy, we will act. But only then, and only at my command. Did not your illustrious father teach you that war is the last resort, not the first?"

Shao spoke "He did, Your Majesty."

Sindel spoke "Do not forget that, General."

Then a knock on the door was heard.

Sindel spoke "Come."

The doors opened, revealing Mileena and Kitana as they came in with Shao leaving.

Mileena spoke "You asked to see us."

Sindel spoke "I saw what happened this evening."

Mileena spoke "Uh, that was nothing. Something I ate."

Sindel spoke "Was it? I can't chance it, can I? If you fight tomorrow, the symptoms of your disease could manifest. Kitana will take your place."

Mileena spoke "What?! *Stammering* There are already whispers she should replace me as your heir. This will make them scream!"

Sindel spoke "Your illness is your fault. Why you left the palace that night unattended is still beyond me."

Mileena spoke "I just needed some time alone, away from all this. I never thought that-"

Sindel spoke "That's your problem, Mileena. You never think."

Kitana spoke "*Stammering* Mother is only trying to protect you, sister. If your disease becomes known, you will be banished to the Wastes. For you to hold the throne, we must keep your secret."

Mileena left the room in frustration before my Dimensional Scream ended, waking me up in my room, leaving me confused on what was going on. But there was one thing I knew for certain, what I learned from that I will need to keep to myself.

I think "{Oh jeeze... I fear Mileena has tarkat but I can't tell anyone about it.}"

*The Next Day...*

We were outside at the Hanging Gardens.

Sindel asks "You and the other champions continue to surprise, Raiden. Among others, you all have defeated Kotal, Motaro, and Sheeva. Only two fights remain. Are you and the others ready, Earthrealmer?"

Raiden spoke "I am, Your Majesty."

The others nodded in agreement.

Sindel spoke "Then next, Raiden, you face my daughter... Kitana."

Kitana arrived, wearing a mask and wielding bladed war fans.

Liu Kang spoke "Your Majesty, this is unprecedented. Raiden's next opponent should be your heir.

I can tell Liu Kang's concerned.

Sindel spoke "Mileena is unavailable. She's away on pressing imperial business."

I saw Applejack looking skeptical, but I silently told her that it wasn't worth it.

Liu Kang spoke "But I have not prepared him to battle Kitana."

Sindel asks "He and the others have already demonstrated great skill. Can they not improvise?"

Raiden spoke "Do not worry. I can do this."

Liu Kang spoke "Very well."

Kitana spoke "I will be no easier to fight than my sister, Earthrealmer."

Raiden spoke "I suffer under no such delusion, Your Highness."

Kitana spoke "I will win this fight. For her, my Empress, and all of Outworld."

Sindel spoke "*With both fighters ready* Fight!"

Raiden and Kitana then battled as Kitana fought with wind magic, throwing her fans to help create whirlwinds while using wind to help launch attacks as Raiden soon won the first round.

Kitana spoke "*Gets up* This isn't done yet. Face me."

The second round began as it was a close call for the second round before Raiden soon defeated Kitana, winning the match.

Raiden spoke "You fight well, Princess."

Kitana spoke "*Gets up* As do you, Earthrealmer. Surprisingly so."

Raiden spoke "I hope we meet again. Under different circumstances."

I spoke via telepathy with Sindel since the news about Mileena having tarkat could spread like wildfire.

I spoke "{Now I understand why Mileena isn't here, you don't want the others to find out that she has tarkat.}"

Sindel didn’t show it, but she heard me. “{How did you know?}”

I spoke via telepathy "{I know a few folks back in Equis that have the illness as well. One pony that had it ended up getting killed by a demonic foxpony mare.}"

Sindel asks "{Who else?}"

I spoke via telepathy "{So far... There's been a hippogriff, two earth ponies, a cloned hedgehog, a buffalo and a chakat. I was able to stop the cloned hedgehog by purging the virus from his body with my blood. After that, High Goddess Faust gave a divine blessing to every Equian and Equestrian-born Mobian to prevent the virus from spreading.}"

Sindel seemed skeptical at that, but then paid attention back to the tournament. "It's time for Raiden's final match. *As Kitana took her seat* It's a testament to your abilities that you've made it thus far. But now you must face General Shao."

Shao appeared, wielding a battle axe and wearing a helmet.

Sindel spoke "Victor of the Tervarian War. Conqueror of the Kuatan Plains. Defender of the Navala Coast. As has his family for generations, General Shao defends us with zeal and tenacity. All of Outworld is grateful for his service."

Raiden spoke "That's a notable list of accomplishments, General."

Shao spoke "It is a mere fraction of them. A full recitation would take days."

Sindel spoke "*With both combatants ready* Fight!"

The two fighters began the match as Shao fought with physical attacks and his axe, with some of his blows and strikes empowered with dark red energy that felt wild to me before Raiden soon won the first round.

Shao spoke "*Getting up* Liu Kang's trained you well. But not well enough to win."

The second round began as the battle was becoming intense and close now. Blows were traded as strikes were landed before Raiden soon defeated Shao, winning the match.

Raiden spoke "It's over. I have done it!"

Sindel spoke "Congratulations, Raiden."

I spoke "Impressive."

Raiden approached Shao and offered his hand.

Raiden asks "May I assist you?"

Shao spoke "*Swats hand away* Stay away, Earthrealmer. *Gets up and leave*"

Later, the tournament was over and Outworld was defeated.

Liu Kang spoke "Well done. You have exceeded my greatest expectations."

Raiden spoke "Thank you, Lord Liu Kang."

Liu Kang spoke "Because of you and the other champions from other realms, the Outworlders who would disturb the peace will once again be held at bay."

An anger mark was on my forehead.

I ask "Wait, WHAT?"

Sonic spoke "Oh this is bad..."

I spoke "I thought this was a show of strength, not to keep the Outworlders at bay!"

Sonic spoke "Danyelle, calm down will you? I'm sure Liu Kang has a good explanation for that!"

Liu Kang spoke "As I have told Johnny Cage, Outworld is gaining strength. Should it have won, its more militant factions would have been emboldened."

Sonic asks "But don't you admire Outworld?"

Liu Kang spoke "Outworld is a place of great knowledge, wealth and beauty. But our realms do not share goals and beliefs. We coexist peacefully because Outworld respects our strength. Should we have shown weakness, our rival would have become our enemy."

I scoff "Barring M'Della and her two sons, I can't say the same about the Kytinns and Vaeternians since they're blood-thirsty races that just want to destroy everything in their path."

Liu Kang spoke "Calm yourself, Princess Danyelle. The other Kytinn and the vampires of Vaeternians are held at bay because of Outworld's strength. Now come, everyone. Let us bid our hosts farewell and return to our homes."

I calmed down as I couldn't argue with that.

Johnny spoke "Alright, yeah!"

Kenshi spoke "You did it!"

Kung Lao spoke "That was fantastic, Raiden. You really showed those Outworlders how it's done."

Johnny spoke "That was great."

Kenshi spoke "Very impressive!"

I spoke "I'm itching for a fight but I realize that I have kids that need me more."

Twilight spoke "Okay, so let's say goodbye and get back home."

But then I felt my stomach gurgling.

Twilight pulls my tails with magic, causing me to burp out a scroll that was from Master Hand.

"What now?" I asked.

Sonic spoke "Seems like another Smasher was chosen but I think Empress Sindel should read it."

"You don't think...?" I realized.

Sonic spoke "Most likely, either Princess Kitana or Princess Mileena was chosen to be a Smasher."

I gave the scroll to Sindel as she read it.

Sindel spoke "Hmm... It seems to mention both Mileena and Kitana."

"Wait... What?" I gasped as I read the scroll, seeing that both of Sindel's daughters were chosen to be smashers as I saw a symbol.

I thought to myself "{Oh fuck! Aside from Sonic, none of the other Smashers got the divine immunity blessing! If they come in contact with Mileena too many times, they'll get tarkat!}"

Sindel spoke "But Mileena is still away on imperial matters, so she will be unavailable."

I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I had.

I spoke "Since the other Smashers don't have the same divine blessing I have, they could run the risk of getting sick."

Twilight spoke "Let's go Danyelle."

“Right.” I nodded as we said goodbye to Sindel and Kitana before heading home.

*Rei’s POV*

That afternoon, I was gonna have a friendly chat with Liu Kang before Danyelle approached me, wanting to come along.

Sonic and the others headed back to Equis.

Danyelle spoke "I wanna apologize to Liu Kang for getting angry like that earlier."

"Okay." I nodded before Rena, Miyuki, Jennifer and Jessika, as well as all of my kids tackled me into a foxpile, making Danyelle giggle.

Danyelle was soon tackled by all 15 of her kids.

Danyelle laughs "Kids! I'm so glad to see you all!"


Relaxing at the Chuddle Hotel

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*Haru’s POV*

Sivith needs to chill.

A pair of male Charizard Poke-Mobians were having a laugh since they had punted Gray through a wall.

The shiny Charizard laughs "Nice one Zardos!"

Zardos chuckles "Now I see why fire and ice don't mix!"

Why do I feel like I’ve heard of these guys before?

Sivith spoke "Probably from the half Litten."

“Blaze?” I noted.

Sivith spoke "She's the only half Litten you know."

Both Charizards ask "Hmm?"

I spoke "Don't even think about it boys, she's got a baby on the way."

Sivith spoke "*still in denial* No I don't!"

Zardos spoke "Whoa! Calm down! We weren’t looking for a fight. Jacob and I are on vacation."

I spoke "I do apologize for my fellow Mewtwo, she's a bit moody. Plus I need to talk to Jasmine about something."

A balloon floated by before it popped, revealing Jasmine looking like a clown. “You called?”

Sivith was suddenly up on the ceiling.

I spoke "I need to talk to you about something but not here."

Jasmine spoke "Okay."

I head off to the main office with Jasmine since I didn't want Sivith to hear the discussion.

Sitting on a stool, I spoke "Okay, I'm worried about Sivith... She's still in denial because of what happened to her first baby."

Jasmine asks "Oh. Got a description?"

I spoke "It's not much but the Mewtwo in question looks a lot like Huey in color but there's also leopard spots."

Jasmine spoke "Hmm… I’ll look."

Jasmine’s head turned into a sonar dish as it spun around going *Ping! Ping!*

I spoke "If that doesn't work, we'll have to call in every single shiny Mewtwo there is. Regardless if they have spots or not."

But then the pinging started going fast.

I ask "Find anything?"

The missing Mewtwo disguised their energy, going completely off the radar.

Jasmine spoke "Gyah! Managed to find them before they started hiding!"

I spoke "It's obvious that they don't want to be found. But though they can hide from you, they can't hide from a bugbear's radar."

Jasmine spoke "Although… *Rubs head, trying to remember*"

I spoke "Since that plan didn't work, how do you suggest we lure them out? I got nothing."

Jasmine spoke "Hold on! I’m trying to remember something…"

I ask "Huh?"

Jasmine ponders "Mikey told me something… But what?"

30 adult shiny Mewtwo pop up suddenly but only ten of them had markings.

Asuna pops up with her two children, Huey and a shiny wolfish female named Penny.

Asuna asks "Did you call in every shiny Mewtwo there was?"

“Yeah.” I nodded.

Asuna spoke "Aside from my two, the other 30 Mewtwo are adults."

But then I facepalmed, realizing I forgot something important.

Asuna spoke "Let me guess, you didn't specify the age."

“Unfortunately.” I admitted. “Based on what Sivith told me, it’s been four years.”

Huey spoke "I'm only three though."

“Okay, so the baby’s about your age, Huey. Perhaps a year older.” I noted.

The adult shiny Mewtwo murmur among themselves before four of them teleported off, returning with a group of about 15 young Mewtwo that were shiny. Two or three had markings.

“…Do any of them have parents?” I asked.

The striped Mewtwo spoke "My sister and I are both orphans..."

The female spotted Mewtwo was hiding behind her striped brother.

The other spotted Mewtwo remained quiet.

“Hmm? Is he alright?” I asked.

The striped Mewtwo spoke "Oh him? He's not much of a talker."

“Why’s that?” I asked again.

The striped Mewtwo spoke "He doesn't want to talk about it."

Jasmine whispers "Could be a trauma."

I whisper "From what Siv told me, her first baby was stolen."

Jasmine looked like she had an idea. “Maybe mention the name.”

I whisper "Are you joking? Siv never had the chance to name her first baby."

Jasmine spoke "I didn’t mean the kid’s name. I meant Sivith herself."

the male spotted Mewtwo ran off.

Jasmine spoke "Welp, that confirms it. Better set up some stress-eating bait."

I spoke "I don't think he's going to find Sivith."

*Meanwhile with Sivith,*

The Mewtwo was relaxing in a hotspring.

Sivith spoke "*Relaxed sigh* I wonder when food’s gonna get here…"

A kick was felt from inside Sivith's belly.

Sivith’s stomach then growled.

Sivith spoke "*Absentmindedly* I guess we’re both hungry, huh? I’ll get some food. *Grabs food summoner before snapping out of it* What am I saying or thinking? I’m just extra hungry today, that’s all."

A stripped shiny Mewtwo female shows up.

The Mewtwo spoke "Seems like you're still in denial about the whole pregnancy thing."

Sivith spoke "*Brings out gigantamax curry* Shut up."

The Mewtwo spoke "Well, I found your missing baby."

Sivith froze at that, shock and anger rising. “This better not be some kind of sick joke, Eva, or so help me…”

Eva grabs Sivith by the secondary neck, causing the pregnant Mewtwo to got limp.

Eva spoke "I'm not joking around. I saw him."

But then Sivith’s belly moved with her stomach growling.

Eva spoke "Still in denial huh? Try explaining that baby bump then."

Sivith spoke "No! I just have a bloated belly from eating a lot, but I’m still hungry!"

Eva spoke "For the love of Arcee, that unborn baby will end up fat before it's even born!"

Sivith spoke "Just leave me alone! I’m supposed to be relaxing in here!"

Eva spoke "Sorry for annoying you, but I too lost two babies a while ago... I never found them..."

Eva broke down into tears as she cried.

Sivith notices a baby bump on Eva's stomach.

Eva spoke "I never wanted to have another baby... Not after what happened to my first two babies."

Sivith spoke "…You can come in. I’ll just bring out another gigantamax curry."

Eva spoke "Guess we have something in common, we're both scared of what happened."

Eva hugs Sivith, causing the Mewtwo to break down into tears.

Eva cried a bit too before they both calmed down.

Sivith asks "Hungry?"

Eva’s stomach rumbled with her belly moving at that.

Eva giggles "No offense to the wolf Mobians and wolf Poké-Mobians but I'm as hungry as a wolf."

Sivith spoke "*Giggles while bringing out another gigantamax curry* That makes two of us."

Eva giggles "That dumbass dragon got his head stuck in an obsidian wall two hours ago."

Sivith giggles "Really?"

Eva spoke "He had the gall to call me fat so I flung him into the wall."

Sivith giggles "Wow, he was that thoughtless, huh?"

Eva spoke "Definitely."

The two Mewtwo then dug into their curry, eating without a care, not worrying about how big and fat they were getting. When they finished eating, they were as big and weighed as much as a gigantamaxed Alcremie before the two let out a simultaneous belch before rubbing their bellies with relaxed and satisfied sighs as they were still in the hot springs since it grew with them.

Sivith laughs "No wonder my brother and the other Mewtwos call that dragon an idiot!"

Eva giggles "It's not our fault if he's an idiot!"

It wasn’t long until Eva and Sivith started getting lightheaded.

Eva asks "*Blushing from the heat* You know something, Sivith?"

Sivith asks "*Also blushing from the heat* What?"

Eva spoke "You look incredibly hot like that."

That caught Sivith off guard.

Sivith spoke "Don't tell me, you're a lesbian."

Eva spoke "Sorry… I don’t know why I just said that."

Sivith spoke "I think we're a little light headed."

Eva spoke "Maybe, but…"

Eva leaned onto Sivith and rubbed her belly while groping her tenderly, making both of them blush harder.

Eva teases "You look so plump and beautiful…"

Sivith giggles "No more wine for you missy."

But then Eva reached into the food summoner and brought out two bottles of milk.

Eva giggles "How’s about these, then, Sivi?"

Sivith got out of the water since she was lightheaded.

Sivith spoke "You should get out of the water."

Eva spoke "*Getting out* Okay, but then we each drink a whole bottle in one gulp."

Sivith spoke "Something cold will help cool us gals off."

Sivith grabbed her bottle of milk as she and Eva opened their bottles and gulped them down.

Sivith spoke "Ah, that was refreshing. Now let’s find a relaxing bed."

A shiny Mew with a fluffy tail zips past.

Mnemosyne laughs "Can't catch me Zuzu!"

A male mewtwo followed her. “Get back here, Nemo!”

Eva and Sivith soon found a comfortable bed as Sivith laid on it with her back with Eva laying down on her right side to her left.

Eva giggles "Still a bit thirsty? I am."

Sivith spoke "But Eva, we just had a drink."

Eva giggles "Come on, Sivi. Can't we have some fun?"

Sivith spoke "But-"

But then Eva kissed Sivith right on the lips, catching her completely off guard with their sweaty fat bodies rubbing against each other while they both blushed madly.

Sivith spoke "My brother might freak out though."

Sivith notices a mirror as she saw that most of her scars had fully healed.

Sivith spoke "Most of my scars are gone!"

Eva giggles "About time you noticed that, baby."

Sivith spoke "Jeo will spit his tea once he finds out about us."

Eva nuzzled Sivith before she nuzzled back.

Eva sighs "If only we could transform like the Mew can."

Sivith spoke "I heard rumors that the blue nekomata can use Transform despite not being 100% Mew."

Eva asks "What?"

A darker blue furred Mew with two tails was chasing Mnemosyne about the hotel.

Danyelle shouts "GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK!!!"

Mnemosyne spoke "Make me!"


Sivith and Eva were surprised at that, but then they went back to paying attention to each other as Sivith and Eva started rubbing each other's pregnant bellies.

Sivith spoke "I just can't go through the pain of losing another baby..."

Eva spoke "I can understand that. But hey, with the two of us together, that'll never happen again."

Sivith spoke "We also have the colony."

Eva spoke "Mmm... Starting to feel hungry for you."

Sivith giggles "That's just your hormones talking."

Eva asks "Oh, and you don’t feel the same, babe?"

Eva wrapped her tail around Sivith’s while she rubbed her belly against Sivith’s as she groped one of her breasts and one of her butts, making Sivith shiver in delight.

Sivith giggles "Looks like I'm gonna have to punish you."
