• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 19,468 Views, 524 Comments

Ingress - Anonymous Pegasus

Lyra accidentally creates a portal to the hyooman world. Standard extra-ordinary story.

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Comments ( 132 )

(Joke) Alt. Title: But I Ingress: Lyra And Humans, Yet Again

screamed horsely

Really? :facehoof:

(Yes, I know it's a real word. Not the point.)

This should be good. Yay Fundie and extremist reactionary violence! Along with the spades of people who are going to come out and say that they were a pony in a past life, or are a pony trapped in a human body. And then the inevitable political and corporate power struggles will ensue. Hopefully the ponies will realize rather quickly that despite being made up of nice people, corporations are usually not very nice.

So many ways this can go. I look forward to the sequel(s).

I know that's the joke. The question is, why did you make that joke there? :derpytongue2:

I'm not really complaining, my previous post was just my actual reaction while reading.

There are missing text sections, such as right after this bit:

"counterpoint of. The two will link, and give Celestia a tangible thing to aim at. Get it?”"

Also, pegacorn sounds terrible and you really should use the right word. As for the actual events... I still think that Jason's initial impression of humans was pretty bad and poorly written to boot, given how out-of-nowhere and weird it was. Still not sure how I feel about the overall quality, but I'll be keeping an eye on it.

1809095 Because I found I found it hilarious and knew that someone would notice :rainbowlaugh:

Trololol. Remind me to tie up my inner grammar nazi and pun-detector with duct tape when you look like you're getting silly with a story.

I Must admit, I caught it and wasn't sure if it was a joke or just terrible grammar :twilightsmile:

“Well sometimes, with humans, violence is the only thing that’ll make them listen. Our world is just... different,”

Yeah. For starters, we evolved in an hostile enviroment not unlikely the Everfree, where only the fittest survive. No magic to control Nature, no gentle goddesses to take care of us and impart us moral lessons or social rules, no magic of friendship or love to defeat the bad guys or calm the hungry predators; only our hands, our intelect and our persistence. Violence was and is a necessity. Cosidering how little we had on the start, I would say we have accomplished a lot (maybe not as much as we should, specially on moral terms, but still a lot).
Really, Jason is an idiot :facehoof:

“And here I was hoping you’d lot murdered all your lawyers.”

Was that a Henry the VI reference?

I have a feeling the gateway on the pony side will have some major wards and over-protective spells set up. You all remember Stargate-1, at the bottom of a deep underground bunker, yes? Now picture the gate connecting to a world where the aliens are FAR, far more violent than us, most aliens going berzerk at the slightest provocation. We would probably have tanks, howitzers, and lots of other guns on permanent standby pointing at the gate.

...and if there was a gateway, I'd be next in line behind you'all for visa papers (I suspect residency papers would be a lot harder to get, if any at all were allowed).

oh look, the precursor to a conversion bureau story.

So, there's gonna be more of this, huh? I approve. :coolphoto:


:facehoof: I will hate this verse if at the end of this love connection, it ends to that. Though, it probably won't. No imposition of lands or mass, just a nice portal where everyone can go in and out. :twilightsmile:

Great story, I eagerly await the next part my friend

Fingers crossed that it wont be?


Nah. Looking at it factually, its too different to be a TCB fic. Who knows, maybe it'll turn out that way, but I won't be buying it. :twilightsmile:

So no more Jason and Lyra? To be honest, I'm a little disheartened by that news. They seem like a fun couple to follow considering how they act and the conversations they hold. I am however happy to see that you have a grand scheme that you plan on divulging in. I can see much ahead and give you all my best regards and future readings.

Plus Colin Mochrie: content.ytmnd.com/content/0/d/4/0d4091b902e314504625a954b37f2329.gif

you will reject that reaity and subsitute your own? :rainbowlaugh:


Nope. I'll just say it went off the tangent, jumped the shark and whatnot. I already have my own reality. :raritywink: And by God, its love and peace.

it's cheese slid off its cracker and other assorted sayings like that.
That sounds like a good reality to have.


Yeah, though if I'm honest, I find it a bit too idealistic. Gonna change that.

And we shouldn't be talking about it here. Ingress has been completed. Let's celebrate and cheer about that.

Lyra found love (or lust). And ponies and humans will make world-wide first contact. :pinkiehappy: Bring it on!

Equestria should be pretty sage against humans, if they try to invade just amp up the magic and they all have brain strokes.


Really depends on application, and how humans respond. Its never that easy.


To the end of Ingress, and to bigger Expansion! Cheers! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:


Hear hear!

A somewhat abrupt ending, but it was pretty alright. (Then again, sex makes everything alright....I think:derpytongue2:)

Oh and:

But I don’t go punching people left and right.

Why not? Random violence is fun!

A really sweet story! I love your version of Lyra. I was shocked at Jason's severely pessimistic view of the world though. If he knew how powerful alicorns really were, he may have had second thoughts on that portal. Though if it does go south, it's relieving to know that we won't be turned into ponies, saved by our sexual prowess. :rainbowwild:

I have to say, I enjoyed Lyra, her reactions, and her playfulness throughout the story. Jason though, could have been replaced by anonymous, and it really wouldn't have made much of a difference to me.

I'm glad you ended the story where you did. It was a cute semi-romance and I'm happy it ended before it could derail into human and equestria mixing.

"aircon" are you Japanese? Or is there another English speaking culture that calls air conditioners "aircon"?

Edit: Also it was a cute story. Little short and kind of disappointed by the wasted potential but it wasn't bad despite revolving around horse fucking.

1811131 Australian. We call em the aircon. Bon air. etc etc.


Mind = Blown.

Hey I learned something today!

I feel as though the conversation with Celestia could have gone better, but this point has already been discussed. Luna's intrusion into Jason's mind was depicted well, but his reaction seems far too insignificant. For someone to forcibly enter another's mind without permission is intrusive and could be argued that it violated certain rights. One's mind is not an open book for anyone to read, it is the culmination of all the experiences that they have obtained and it is confidential. Such an act should have elicited a far harsher response.

Awww, no more of Lyra and her sex toy?
Ah well, atleast you will be writing more "Ponys in our world" fics.

This is, however, the end of Lyra and Jason's story.

AWWW but I like Lyra! :fluttercry:

Yep. Jason's a dumbass, that's no lie, but he's the victim. Ponies are the ones in the wrong here.

1811384 He's an Aussie? Like me :D
Darn, And here I was, reading his voice in my 'Generic yank voice' (no offence you guys)

Cacophony means loud/harsh sound. A cacophony of images would mean a loud/harsh sound of images.

Oh I see so that's how the story works now. It's certainly a different type of story of building how a world of ponies and humans ended up being together instead of telling a story where they are already together.

I also feel like that the beginning was more or less the reflections of everyone's comments in the previous chapter.

hands on her hips,


against her mine and


Alright, now that this is over, lets get to the real story. Not that I didn't like it, but more story, less sex please.

Aww, it was such a cute story (Better love story then Twilight franchise), but all good things must come to an end. I'll be looking forward to other stories that takes place in your continuity. I love your characteristic of Lyra, has quite the charm.

Must be quite annoying to have people mistaken your stories as TBC, may god-forbid that you don't use the materials and do a different take of Ponies meet Humans universe huh?

Now now, we shouldn't have such low opinions on Jason, at the very least he acts like he like any of us would (if not have violent reactions) to the next person in line when faced with other-worldly creatures (that really looks like a horse as the case may be) that they can do as they please and can be quite seamlessly innocent about it (and Jason to be unbiased as to say that "OMG Real Ponies! Its like one of my closed-closet fantasies:rainbowkiss:").

At any case, he's the most realistic human I've seen up to date with such unusual circumstances coming to him, with an actual attitude as he tries to keep his cool to boot, and have no desire tell a "white lie" to other beings about Humans are overly good (if not have redeeming qualities) and tell the extent that Humans can do with their horrors. At the very least ponies are fully-aware of what humans can do and how to approach them seriously, for nothing can justify about what we done to others.

Also, how would Jason would know that Winged Unicorns are actually called Alicorns? He doesn't even know the full biology of equestrain ponies to give the pony species its correct name, wouldn't make sense for him to call them 'Alicorns' since such the terms wouldn't exist in the Human world....Oh wait....

1819274 Actually, that's EXACTLY why I described them as 'pegacorns' in the text. Because the term 'alicorn' refers to MLP ponies mostly. Before MLP, I'd never even HEARD the word before. I literally called them 'pegacorns' until I came here to fimfiction.

I just forgot to have a 'oh, she's an alicorn princess' moment with Lyra. :facehoof:

Well /shifty-eyes/, if you want to get technical they were first called Winged Unicorns (First episode not withstanding as they were stated to be Unicorns), but it was until someone from the storyboard that decided to call them "unofficially", alicorns, in which the term was never used on the show until some time into season 3.

You can call them pegacorns, winged unicorns, or even alicorns, these are correct ways to identify them for what they are. Its just the fandom and the community that has the unhealthy obsessions (like all fan communities) to say that 'they are right and you are wrong' and all of that shenanigans with such emotional attachments.

1818894 This is pron porn, you're lucky it has any story! But really, I don't know about you, but I came for Lyra... (double entendre intended)

1819390 Technically, it was only the amulet that was called such. It has never been used (officially) to reference any pony(s)...

But enough to convince people otherwise it would seemed

Yesh I will grace you with all my watches just so I can see how this whole thing goes.

“And no mention of charity or doctors, or medicine, or anything,” Lyra said sternly.

“Our ability to blow shit up always greatly outstrips our ability to heal or rebuild,” Jason pointed out with a slow shake of his head. “It’s the way of the world.”

Lyra was right and Jason was a complete asshole.

I approve of such high standards of work


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