• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Pregnancy Fun

“So where is purplesmart anyway?” Discord asked, looking around, munching on a cotton candy cloud. “You two are never apart anymore it seems.”

Pearl sighed as she added the Bit Staves to her High Grade Gundam Aerial to create its Bit On Form. “At the doctor. I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mom just yet.”

“It seems you won’t have a choice dear,” Twilight grumbled, as she dragged herself into the room and sat down gently in an unused chair.

Discord grinned. “Long day, queeny?”

Twilight couldn’t even muster up the energy to groan as she slumped. “Lovejoy confirmed it. I am indeed pregnant. It’s far too early to know for certain about most things, however.”

Pearl sighed. Just her luck. “Don’t suppose you saw any kitsunes while you were there?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. That would have been too easy I guess. Family or not.”

Pearl sighed as she looked down as well. “So now what? I frankly didn’t think it would work that fast.”

Twilight rubbed her temples. “Lovejoy has me on a diet and strict orders not to engage in anything strenuous. Until we can know what pony they will be, there’s not much else we can do.”

“What about Flurry?” Pearl scratched her head.

Twilight shook her own. “Flurry did not start displaying any kind of magic until right before she was born. Nor was it even known she was an alicorn until afterward.”

Now it was Pearl’s turn to slump in defeat. “Great. Not like there’s any other alicorn we can ask. They all died out a long time ago, Kohaku told me.”

Twilight was taken aback. “Really?”

Discord nodded. “Oh yes. One time, you couldn’t go five feet without meeting one. Their long lives are what eventually killed them. Why have children when you can live forever?”

Twilight’s ears fell. She could see where that might lead. “Then they found something they couldn’t fight, and with no children…”

Discord nodded. “Before you start throwing accusations around, I had nothing to do with it. If I really wanted to kill ponies, Sunbutt and Moonbutt would’ve never even found the Elements. Let alone got a chance to use them.”

Twilight glared at him. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”

Discord only smirked as he poked her snout. “Don’t play dumb, Twiggles. You and your friends barely beat me and you know it. I could have so easily snapped you all into oblivion, but that’s no fun.”

Twilight growled as she rubbed her snout, but the deadly serious look in Discord’s eyes stopped her cold. He was not joking. Perhaps for once in all the time they had known each other.

“I’ll be the first to admit in the past I may have been a bit, overzealous in my fun-making. But never once have I ever made it deadly.” Discord sighed for a moment before putting on a smile as a paw gripped his shoulders.

“And he’ll be the last to admit that he actually cried when the Alicorns were all but wiped out.” Kohaku chuckled which made Discord grimace—Twilight and Pearl giggling.

“They were all fun to tease. I enjoyed watching them run around in a panic.” Poking his friend in the chest. “And weren’t you the one who suggested turning their whole island upside down?” Discord chuckled with a closed-eyed smile along with Kohaku.

Twilight rubbed her womb. “All I can hope for is that my pregnancy is as normal as Cadance’s. It’s all we have for an alicorn. Unless either of you is hiding something that can help?”

Kohaku sighed as he produced a jade chair for himself and comfortably sat down. “An alicorn birth isn’t much different than a unicorn birth. The only difference is the amount of magical power the newborn has. So you should have the room covered with a higher degree of magical dampeners.” Rubbing the back of his neck, Kohaku snapped up a tray of mooncakes and green tea. Taking a sip he looked back to Twilight. “And I’m sure you know, a unicorn’s birth can be a little hazardous. What with your horns and all.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Mother was forced to stay in the hospital a week after my birth.”

“Say how do you know all of this?” Pearl glared at Kohaku as she popped a mooncake in her mouth.

“I’ve assisted my sister in more than one birthing. Kitsunes, ponies, alicorns. She didn’t care what species you were. If you needed her help. She was there. And it was part of my extensive education.” Sipping his tea he saw Discord’s uncomfortable shifting and silently chuckled. “I doubt anything will go wrong. Most I suspect is some tearing from the horn and an unprecedented level of magic. You being… well you. And Pearl’s own draconic magic being added to the mix. Your offspring will probably make lil Flurry look like a helpless squirrel by comparison.”

Twilight and Pearl shared a look. They didn’t even want to think about that possibility. But who knew? Maybe Kohaku would finally be wrong about something.

Pearl wished so. Just so she wouldn’t have to put up with his smugness all the time if nothing else. But the look in his eyes told Pearl he had seen this so often he couldn’t be more right.

Pearl winced at the sounds of crashing coming from Twilight’s Study. That couldn’t be a good sign, as she opened the door, and did her best not to laugh at what she saw.

Twilight was floating in mid-air, a yellow magical aura surrounding her, with an annoyed look on her face as she dodged another book aimed at her head. She groaned as she saw Pearl in the doorway. “Well just don’t stand there. Do something!”

Pearl snickered as she dodged a book herself. “Like what? This is way outta my pay grade. I was a Pegasus, remember? Mom can’t help me here.”

Twilight groaned as she floated over to her wife. “And my mother is too far away to get here in time. She still won’t at least think about getting a Teleportation Circle.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Typical, as she rubbed Twilight’s womb, feeling the baby kick in response. “Her magic’s coming along great at least.”

Twilight sighed. “Pearl. We don’t know if they will be a filly or a colt. I’ve made it clear to Lovejoy that he is forbidden from telling either of us.”

As if in response, Twilight was suddenly violently shaken, before being thrown across the room, but was stopped short of hitting anything.

It was all Pearl could take as she burst into laughter. “And I think she just told you what she thinks of that. Remember what Kohaku said about us both being mares? How could it be anything BUT a filly?” Pearl sighed knowing that it always fell on def ears. “Good thing we know alicorns are built even tougher when they’re pregnant to protect the baby.”

Twilight slumped in defeat. “I’m happy you’re having so much fun with this, Rosie. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. You are carrying next time. And I am pulling rank as your queen on this.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Where is our favorite furball anyway? He was in here last time I saw him.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “I threatened to turn him into a nice rug if he didn’t stop laughing. I think he took the hint. Also, he mentioned something about a ping pong challenge at Pinkie’s inn. Which is odd since she doesn’t own an inn.”

Pearl nodded. “Not the one we know anyway,” she whispered but Twilight turned her head and gave Pearl a look. “It’s a very long story. I barely believe it and I was there.”

Twilight rubbed her temples with a groan. “You two are going to be the death of me. I can’t ask Cadance since it would take too long, and I am not allowed to travel that far just yet.”

“I forget, doesn’t she have a Teleport Circle? Or did she not get one yet? Because Kohaku installed a new one in our castle as fast travel to his place.” Pearl focused on the table and in a flash produced a tray of tea. “Rug boy may be a pain, but some of his spells are rather handy.” she giggled.

Twilight groaned. “Now I’m starting to see what other you see in her Haku. You two are made for each other. If I didn’t know any better, you know something about this that I don’t.”

Pearl just smiled innocently as she sipped her tea, earning another groan from her fellow alicorn.

With a pop of teleportation, Pearl found herself floating in mid-air in the night sky of Ponyville. She had time to blink, and wonder aloud “What the?” Before gravity took over.

With a squawk, Pearl fell face-first into the Rose River. A moment later, she resurfaced with a splutter of curses. “GAH! I bucking hate this! Six times this week I end up wet! Last night I was in the gods damned Everfree! Mother bucking baby magic!”

“Tut tut. And you kiss your wife with that mouth?” A voice giggled as Summer surfaced next to the annoyed alicorn.

Pearl shot her a venomous look. “Oh. Quiet you. I don’t see you offering any help. If this is what one child is gonna be like, I don’t know if I want another one.”

Summer giggled. “But it will be so worth it in the end. Bringing life into the world is the greatest gift you can ever give.”

Pearl’s heat evaporated at hearing the heartbreak in her sister’s voice. Again she cursed Tiamat and that damned oath that had robbed them of so much. “I know. Gods, I am excited to be a mom. But this is so damn frustrating! Seems I’m getting the brunt of all this. Maybe if I tie Kohaku down, he can take some of this. He seems great with kids.”

Summer nodded, though it still showed pain as she smiled. “Oh, he is. I’m sure his Human World counterpart can tell you that. As can the ones who visit Pinkie’s inn. And all the orphans around Equestria can tell you tales of a nighttime guardian parent that visits them during the full moon.”

Pearl nodded. “I ripped Tiamat a new one after I got my horn, for what she did to you. Not everyone should have paid for what one bad apple did.”

Summer sighed. “I ripped her a few new ones myself. Almost literally. She felt for us. However, a mother’s rage and sorrow at her lost children knows no bounds. I pray the two of you never need to discover that yourselves.”

Pearl nodded. “If I can keep Twilight from doing something stupid with the spell, we hopefully won’t. She’s taking Lovejoy’s instructions to a crazy level. Even he thinks she’s overdoing it.”

Summer frowned. “I would hope she would know better than to mess with a spell like this. It was a risk even giving it to the two of you because you are ponies.”

Pearl wondered what she meant by that, but decided she didn’t want to know. “You’d think. But I’ve caught her eying the spell more than once. A look she only gets when she wonders what she could do to improve on it.”

Summer growled. “Then you need to make her see just how dangerous that is. You have never seen a truly mad kitsune. Riko may not have the same temperament as her sisters, but she is still someone not to cross.”

Pearl gulped. She made a note to pound it into Twily’s head when she got the chance to leave the damn spell alone. Gods knew she wasn’t going to mess with it.

Before either could say more, however, a bright flash came from the couple’s bedroom. Summer smiled as the light faded. “On the bright side, everything seems to be going well. When is our queen due?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Any day now. I’ll be happy when it’s all over too. No more waking up in your river, or the Everfree, or Sweet Apple Acres.” She giggled. “Seeing Twily float around the castle has been fun though. One day, I’ll tell her that Kohaku taught her that trick.”

The two giggled before a loud cry came from the bedroom. Summer looked up at it in worry. “Perhaps you should go to her, sis. An annoyed alicorn can be dangerous.”

Pearl nodded as Sumer disappeared back into her river, before taking flight.

Twilight was hunched over the bed as Pearl came into the room, a pained expression on her face. It made the younger mare stop dead in her tracks. “Twily?”

Twilight’s breath hitched as she looked up. “Pearl. I think my water just broke.”

It took several seconds for that to click for Pearl before she began to panic. “Buck! I’m not ready!”

Twilight tried to smile, but the pain was too much. “I don’t think we have a choice, Rosie. Find Gallus. He knows what to do.”

Pearl bounced on her hooves, torn between doing what she was told, and staying at her beloved’s side

“Pearl, Go.” a soft paw touched Pearl’s side. “I’ll handle things here. You will be around for your child’s birth.” Kohaku smiled at his friend as she nodded and ran off.

“Kohaku? What are you doing here?” Twilight groaned as the large fox came closer.

“Well a little birdy told me what was going on and I’m here to help. And to be honest. I don’t trust your doctor. So I hope you can accept me as the midwife fox.” he grinned and chuckled.

“This is no time to joke Kohaku, I’m in labor. My doctor is just fine, what don’t you trust about him?” Twilight pushed herself up slightly only for Kohaku to push her back down gently.

“Nothing Personal, he’s just never delivered an Alicorn before.” Placing his paw along Twilight’s swollen belly he muttered a few words as his paw glowed. Slowly easing her pain. “Just relax and breathe deeply. I spent a thousand years as my sister's assistant. I know what I’m doing.”

Twilight groaned as Kohaku rolled the Queen onto her back making her blush. “This is so embarrassing.”

“Relax, by the time Pearl gets back. You’ll both have a bouncing baby girl.”

Twilight nodded as she laid her head back and listened to Kohaku’s voice, guiding her through the ordeal.

Author's Note:

In case anyone was wondering what happened to the previously published chapter, I deleted it. Wasn't at all happy about the grim turn it took, and my mind wasn't in a good place when I wrote it. So I deleted it. No changes here.

But I did have an idea for a different Alternate Universe for this story. A much happier one. In this one, Tiamat's children were never murdered, hence the Omega Oath never existed. Kohaku eventually succeeded his father, and Tsunami Rose eventually succeeded Tiamat.

They in fact rule Equestria from the Everfree, with Celestia and Luna answering directly to them. But it takes a world-ending problem for them to intervene directly.

Otherwise, they watch over ponies like protective parents. And they answer directly to Lumena. But it takes a universe-ending problem for Kohaku and Summer to even think about going to her. Those are rare thankfully.

Pearl becoming Twilight's student and how it happened remains the same, as do her Gunpla adventures and how she came to the hobby. Everything from Ch. 1 of this story onwards is where things change drastically, even when the end result is the same.

Hell, I might even write that story one day. Once I finish my current stories anyway. Too many are being worked on right now.