A Twilight Rose Love

by Mystic Sunrise

First published

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

After breaking up with her longtime girlfriend, Pearl Rose does what she's always done when she's down and needs comforting: She goes to her mentor and teacher, Twilight Sparkle.

What began as Twilight comforting her former student will soon grow into something that neither of them expected.

Ch. 1

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The moment Pearl stormed into her Council Chamber, Twilight knew something was wrong. The pair of guards stationed outside the doors also bore worried looks. Both of them had standing orders to let only certain individuals inside this room.

And Pearl Rose wasn’t one to abuse the privilege. But right now, she couldn’t have cared less about the massive stack of papers on Twilight’s desk, or how late in the day it was. “Twilight. Can we talk?” She looked back toward the door and frowned. “Alone?”

Twilight frowned. Pearl was never like this. Not without a good reason at least. Something told her, though, that this was meant for her ears only. “Of course, Pearl.” She closed the door to the room with a push of magic. “What’s wrong?”

Pearl sniffed, her body shaking from unshed tears. ”Me and Lotus broke up.”

Twilight’s ears dropped, as did her heart. “Oh, Pearl. I’m so sorry. Come here sweetie,” she said, opening her legs.

That was all it took. Pearl let her tears flow freely now, as she ran over and buried her head in her mentor’s shoulders. Twilight wrapped her wings around the young Pegasus, rubbing her back in a comforting way as she cried.

“Why? Where did we go wrong?” Pearl sobbed. “I loved her, and she loved me. I was good to her. We trusted each other with things we haven’t told anypony else. She treated me better than I deserved. I put her first all the time. So why?”

Twilight shook her head sadly. “I don’t know, Pearl. Love is a strange thing to me, even to me. What happened? Did you two fight? Was she with someone else?”

Pearl shook her head. “No. And we didn’t fight. It felt like the spark we had was dying before this, now that I think about it. Cloud Dancer told me that it seemed we were falling apart last week, and Lotus said that Red Light mentioned the same thing to her.”

Twilight smiled a little. She had rarely seen a tighter group of best friends than these four. Red Light and Cloud Dancer had been quick to make friends with Pearl at the School of Friendship when she and her family had moved to Ponyville a decade earlier. Not long after her own coronation as Sole Ruler of Equestria in fact. Lotus had come along not long after, and while it wasn’t as quick, she was soon part of the group as well.

Twilight had known of Pearl’s rough life before she had moved to Ponyville, and her friends’ comments from the classes she had with them only added to her worry. It was after Pearl had been sent to see Starlight after breaking up a fight, that Twilight had seen how much help Pearl had needed.

Her announcement of her taking the young Pegasus as her Personal Student had caused an outcry from Canterlot. On top of Princess Twilight’s removal of her Seat and Throne to Ponyville, there had been not so subtle threats made against her. None of which had ever come to pass thankfully.

She had been taken by surprise when Pearl and Lotus had started dating. She had known both of them preferred girls over boys, but it had never occurred to her that they might see something in each other. Of course, she was happy for both of them.

Let it never be said that Princess Twilight Sparkle stood in the way of love.

Twilight shook her head, pushing the memories away for the moment. “I’m sorry, Pearl. I wish there was a way that I could help the two of you. But I would never hear the end of it from Cadance if I did. Shipping is not my thing. Look at my own love life. Or lack thereof."

Pearl snorted, grinning even though she really shouldn't have. “Probably just as well then. I remember the lecture she gave Professor Rarity when she tried to set up Applejack and Rainbow Dash and the miserable failure that turned out to be.” She paused. “Or was it the one she gave after Rarity tried to set up Discord and Professor Fluttershy, and the even bigger mess that turned out to be?”

Twilight giggle snorted, even though she knew she shouldn’t have. But she couldn't help it. How her fashionista friend had ever thought those would work was beyond her. “I might have something that might make you feel better, Pearl,” she said, as she reached out with her magic to a nearby shelf.

Pearl gave her a look as they pulled apart. “Unless you can get me a week or two with Dragon Lord Ember, or better yet, Tiamat, I doubt it’ll help much."

Twilight chuckled. Pearl’s love of dragons was well known. It was her goal to be the world’s foremost Dragon Scholar. A plan that was well on its way to being a reality one day. “I can probably get you one with Lord Ember. Tiamat might be harder to do. But she does seem to like you.” She pulled an item off a nearby shelf. “But in the meantime. I know you’ve been reading up on the history of the Far East. Fluttershy found this in the Everfree Forest, and thought you might be interested.”

Pearl took the skull in her hooves. At first, it looked like an ordinary fox skull, if much bigger than any she had ever seen. But no fox she knew of could get this big. Unless. “Is this a Kitsune skull?”

Twilight nodded. “A male Kitsune to be exact. From the little I’ve been able to find out it, he would have been the same age as you, or slightly younger.”

Pearl looked it over carefully. She was no expert on this kind of thing, so she would have to take her teacher’s word for it. Some of the bones had amber markings on them. For some strange reason though, she felt like she should know who this was. That the two of them should have been the best of friends even. Or even more. Weird. “How did he end up here though? Kitsunes died out entirely in the Dragon Wars. Unless those stories of some becoming nature spirits were true.”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m not sure. I do know that whoever he was, he’s been dead for a very long time.” She too had the strangest feeling of deja vu. As if she should know who this had once been, and known him rather well too.

Pearl sighed. “That’s too bad. Might’ve been cool to meet one. If he wasn’t a constant pain in my flank anyway.”

Twilight giggled. “I don’t think Ponyville would survive two pranksters. We just barely put up with Discord.’

Pearl rolled her eyes, as she placed the skull on her mentor’s desk. Neither one of them noticed the slight glow in the eye sockets for a moment, before they winked out.

Pearl sighed. “I just wish that I could do something about this. We were perfect. We still are.”

Twilight shook her head. “Are you and Lotus still friends?” Pearl nodded. “I wish I could help, Pearl. But this is something that I can’t teach as the Princess of Friendship. It will be awkward for some time. But if your bond is as strong as I believe it is, then I believe you and Lotus can move past this.”

Pearl smiled. It was times like this that she missed her time as the princess's student. While it had officially ended sometime before, she still held onto that bond. Twilight was like a second mother to her.

It was a feeling that Twilight shared as well. Pearl was like the daughter she never had, and while she would never ever think of trying to take her away from her parents, she still missed having the Pegasus around the castle, even though she had a new Personal Student now in Luster Dawn.

Pearl wasn’t sure how she felt about that. While she wasn’t insensitive enough to think that she should be the only student Twilight ever had, she and the unicorn did not get along all that well. It had nothing to do with Pearl being a Pegasus though. Far from it actually.

It was Luster's views on friendship that made Pearl's blood boil. More than once, Pearl had called Luster out on her feelings about friendship. To no avail. The unicorn had her head firmly shoved up her flank about how friendship was a waste of time, and other nonsense Pearl didn’t bother to remember.

Why Twilight hadn't done anything about it was beyond her. There was no way their teacher didn't know of how Luster viewed friendship.

But that was beside the point, as she looked at the huge stack of papers awaiting Twilight’s signature. It never seemed to shrink. “Do you need to sign all of those now?”

Twilight shook her head. “Well, no. But I would rather get ahead and get these done as soon as possible.” She gave her former student a look. “Why?”

Pearl just smiled and pulled Twilight out of her chair and toward the doorway. “Good. Cause I could go for some “I Just Got Dumped” cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner. And I could use a friend or two right now."

Twilight groaned. “That’s not a thing, Pearl.”

Pearl stuck her tongue out at her. “Says you. Knowing Pinkie Pie, she’s already making some. I saw her rush off when I was coming over here. Red and Cloud are trying to help Lotus, and I think she and I need to stay apart for a while."

Twilight wanted to ask more about that. But then remembered that it was Pinkie Pie she was thinking of, and she had long ago given up trying to figure out her party-loving friend. She sighed in defeat, but she was smiling all the same. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Pearl. Otherwise, I would have said no.”

Pearl just smirked, as Twilight opened the door. “I know. And don't you forget it."

The two shared a laugh, as the Door Guards fell in beside the two of them, as they headed for Sugarcube Corner, Twilight quietly closing the door behind them.

Unseen, the eye sockets of the Kitsune skull glowed for a moment, before fading away. And if one listened hard enough, they could hear what sounded like the faint sounds of laughter coming from it.

Pearl sighed in content as she munched on a cupcake. She had never thought that vanilla and strawberry could go together so well. Pinkie really did know her stuff if she could make this work. “Maybe I should get dumped more often. These are just so good."

Twilight giggled as she took a bite of her own. “I know the feeling. After Flash and I stopped seeing each other, Pinkie knew exactly what I needed. It did me a lot of good then. Even if it was a different flavor for me. She always seems to know just what a pony needs when they're down. Always has."

Pearl nodded. A part of her was still surprised the two of them had broken up. They had seemed so happy together. All of Ponyville had been happy for the two of them. And then it had seemingly ended out of the blue. And it had nothing to do with the Human World. That Pearl knew for a fact.

A small part of the young Pegasus, a part of her she had been trying to suppress for years, had been glad when it had happened. It meant that Pearl now had a chance to sweep Twilight off her hooves herself.

Pearl shook her head. No. She was not going there. That had been nothing but a schoolyard crush she’d had on the princess. Nothing more. One that she had long ago grown out of.

She certainly hadn’t followed Twilight’s flanks as she walked, admiring how her coat shimmered in the sun and moon, how beautiful they were. And most definitely she didn’t admire the sparkles that now occasionally danced and shimmered in her mane and tail.

Oh no. Pearl didn’t want to get closer to the goddess that Twilight was growing into, and be the rose at the center of her garden.

She shook her head vigorously. “Shut up, brain,” she grumbled quietly to herself.

Twilight’s ears flicked as she caught what her former student said. She wasn’t sure what it was about, but she could take a guess from the blush that now colored Pearl’s cheeks.

She knew of Pearl’s crush on her. It was a feeling that she knew well, for she too once had a crush on her teacher and mentor. One that she had come to terms with would never work out a long time ago, even though her ascension to alicornhood had reawakened those feelings for a time.

It also didn’t help that Celestia didn’t even like mares like that.

As Twilight took another cupcake, though, her thoughts went in a different direction. Maybe it was a lack of sleep, but she couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Pearl was.

She stopped that train of thought before it could go any further. That wasn’t right of her. Pearl was her student. But more than that. She was like the daughter Twilight never had. She couldn’t count the number of times the Pegasus had stayed over at the castle while her parents were away on business, had tucked her in for the night, and read her a bedtime story.

But, another part of her screamed back, Pearl was no longer her student. She had graduated the year before, and while nowhere near as much of an emotional rollercoaster as Starlight’s had been, plenty of tears had been shed by all.

Besides, Pearl was more of an adult than some actual adults Twilight knew were. She was old enough now that age was no longer an issue. Yes, there was an age gap between them. But that would forever be the case for her past a certain point in the future.

And if Twilight was being honest, she sighed, she was lonely. Spike was spending more and more time away from Ponyville. While it was mostly in his role as Friendship Ambassador for Equestria, she couldn’t help but notice he spent a lot of time in the Dragon Lands.

She didn’t need to be the Princess of Friendship to see why that might be. And Starlight was spending more and more time with Sunset Shimmer in the Crystal Empire. So much so that Trixie was starting to complain of being left out.

Not that Twilight really cared what Trixie thought. The show mare was even more insufferable now than she had been when she had returned to Ponyville after the Alicorn Amulet incident.

Sunset, at least, hadn’t changed much in the years since. She and Twilight still kept in touch with their friends from Canterlot High through her Journal, now being kept by Twilight’s human counterpart.

“Say!” You two look down in the dumps! And we can't have that now can we?” Pinkie said, hopping over with another batch of cupcakes. “Do you not like em?”

Pearl giggled. “I love them, Pinkie. Just got too much on my mind.”

Pinkie nodded. “Being dumped blues? Lotus was in here earlier. She said the same thing. They picked her right back up!”.

Pearl rolled her eyes. At least she wasn’t alone in this. “Did she say anything else?”

Pinkie nodded. “Something about going out of town for a while to clear her head. She didn’t really say why. She had this weird look in her eyes, though.”

Twilight frowned. “What kind of weird look, Pinkie?”

Her friend shrugged. “Don’t know. It almost sounded like that idea was put in her. Or maybe I’m not getting enough sleep lately! Little Cheese has been keeping me up a lot.”

Twilight could hear the newborn cooing in one of the back rooms. She was still surprised that Pinkie, out of all of them, had started a family first. But she couldn’t be happier for her friend.

Pinkie tapped her chin as she seemed to remember something. “Now that I think about it, Lotus had some kind of strange flower on her. It looked like an orchid. But when I asked Rose, she said she had seen it too, and it was no orchid. Or any kind of flower she had ever seen.”

Twilight thought of it. If one of the Flower Trio didn’t know, that severely limited who she could ask. She didn’t think there was anything to it. But Lotus did not have that flower this morning when Twilight had last seen her, and now she decided that she needed to get away from Ponyville for a while?

Something was up.

Discord chuckled as he watched the scene unfold. “Oh, I forgot how much fun this can be.” He looked over to what seemed like an empty space. “I still don’t know what you see in Pearl. She’s got spunk and a mouth on her, I’ll give you that.”

He paused for a moment, almost like someone was talking back to him. “Oh, so that’s why, is it? Well, I have to agree, she does bear a striking resemblance to Kade. The two of you were always so close.” Discord listened closer and broke out laughing. “So you saw something special in her. A glimpse into another reality? I wouldn’t put that past you, your mother being who she is. But whatever you are there. Here. You're nothing but something lost to history to her.”

Discord turned and gazed into the spectral amber eyes which sparkled. “Okay, so she’s hot for history. But you still haven’t said why you're doing this? Or why you had to drag me into it?” Discord folded his arms and leaned back on his cloud. “I see, you saw the relationships you had with her. And all the feelings that went with it. Mmhmm. Okay then. I believe I understand. You're not doing this for Pearl, you're doing this for Twilight!”

The amber eyes blinked in acknowledgment.

“For all she has ever done for you in every reality. AH, now it makes sense. A debt to be paid of course I’ll help you discharge it, old friend.”

Another pause. “Yes, of course, I’ll give her the flowers. But you're going to have to give them that push. Bookhorse over there wouldn’t know how to confess her feelings if the fate of the multiverse depended on it.”

Discord watched as his old friend stood on the cloud. His ethereal vestige growing more as the sun moved closer to the horizon. “You certainly are your mother's child, playing with lives like this. You might as well be a god.” Discord saw the amber eyes shift in his direction and narrow, making him jump back for a moment. “So how do you intend to get things started? I’m sure Twilight getting a flower or two isn’t just going to spark her romantic feelings.” Nodding slowly he listened to the plan. “That book? Of course, I know where it is. And you're saying I just need to place it where Twilight will find it?” The amber eyes nodded slowly as the ghostly mouth moved with words only Discord heard.

“Oh, that’s just genius. A plan worthy of your mother indeed. Brilliant and frot with Chaos. Let's get started,” Discord grinned as he produced another Forestsong flower.

Ch. 2

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Twilight hummed to herself as she scanned over her shelves. Each one was filled with various objects both old and new. She was taking the time that morning to catalog all the new and interesting objects that she had to study.

Stopping as she reached the kitsune skull, the princess lifted it with her magic and stared at it intently. She had the odd feeling that it was still looking back at her.

“If only you could tell me your history,” Twilight hummed and went to replace the skull but found a book lying in its place. Lifting the book she replaced the skull and quirked an eyebrow. She was certain the book hadn’t been there before. Walking over to her desk she set it down and sat in her chair.

The book was the size and shape of a loose cover journal, covered with what she assumed was leather. She knew some creatures used the skins and hides of animals they killed as book covers. A shiver went through her body but ran her hoof over it anyway. The leather was cracked yet smooth and had a pleasant odor coming from it. On the cover was the silhouette of a Kitsune and some kind of serpentine creature above it. A shape she quickly recognized as an Eastern Dragon.

After untying the book she flipped it open and found the first page littered with nothing but lines pressed close together. Flipping through the rest of the forty pages she found the same thing. “Now why would anyone just place lines down each page with no writing?” Looking closer her eyes sparkled a bit and quickly brought out a magnifying glass.

Looking closer, Twilight found that these were not lines, but very tiny script symbols. Leaning back, the princess closed her eyes and rubbed the bridge between them. She knew she had seen that style of script before.

“Kanji!” She shouted out and breathed a little heavier, her excitement growing. “The lost written language of the Kitsune. This book belongs too…” A sudden knocking at the door brought her to her senses.

“I’m sorry, princess.” Flash Sentry smiled as he entered the throne room. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

Smiling, Twilight shook her head. “Of course not Flash, please come in. And I told you, you're welcome to call me Twilight.”

“Maybe when I'm off duty.” Flash chuckled as he walked up to her desk. “I brought you something. I thought you looked a little down lately,” and swung a wing around and brought out a bouquet of amber-colored orchids. He watched Twilight smirk and giggle, shaking her head which made him almost trip backwards.

“Flash, they're beautiful. You didn’t have to. You know I’m not upset about us parting ways,” Twilight said, taking the bouquet and inhaling. Each flower was filled with the heavy scent of petrichor. “They smell beautiful. Thank you.” Leaning in Twilight kissed Flash’s cheek. “And I have been a little down. My old student just broke up with her longtime girlfriend. So I’m a little worried for her.”

“Maybe she might like a flower or two herself,” Flash grinned.

“Maybe. Where did you get these? I’ve never seen orchids like this before.” Twilight stared at the flowers and could have sworn she saw the flowers shimmer in the light.

“Just on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest.” Backing up Flash heard coughing from behind. Looking over his shoulders he saw the other guards. “I’ll show you sometime, I have to get back to my duties. Take care Prin… Twilight.” Bowing, Flash showed himself out.

Twilight just shook her head. Flash was still just as silly as he was the day she met him.

“He seems nice,” an unseen voice said beside Twilight, who only nodded.

“He is, and very romantic,” Twilight replied as she turned and moved back to her desk and placing the flowers in a vase. “But he and I have different responsibilities. Different Ideas.”

“Is that why you two aren’t together anymore?” Twilight heard the voice move closer up from behind and move up onto her desk.

“Partly, but mostly we just drifted apart. That happens sometimes.” Moving to her seat Twilight turned her attention to the journal again. “But he’s not what’s on my mind. I’m trying to figure out this journal.”

“Well, you’ll figure it out. You always do. You're the smartest princess there ever was.”

“Thanks,” Twilight muttered as she flipped through each page carefully.

Lifting her head up Twilight blinked. She felt as if a cold stream of water was running down her spine. Looking around she found the room was completely empty. The door was closed, since Flash had left and she hadn’t heard anypony enter or leave. So who had she been talking to?

Shaking her head she brushed it off as a figment of her imagination when she felt something warm against her leg. Turning to the side, what she found made her feathers stand on end. Curled up in a small ball was a young fox, barely out of his teenage years. Nine tails slowly curled about him like a blanket. But what shocked her the most was that the markings on his body were the same as the skull on the shelves.

Opening her mouth to scream, she felt the kitsune roll over onto his back. And lightly kicked one of his hind legs playfully. Reaching down she lightly touched his warm body.

“What was I so scared of? So silly to be frightened of my precious little apprentice,” Twilight muttered. An amber light flickered in her eyes as well as those in the skull. “Rest well little one. We’ll continue your lesson’s tomorrow,” Twilight purred out caressing his soft fur with a hoof.

Flash Sentry waved at the castle guards as he flew away to get home. As he reached the cloud level, he dropped all pretense and regained his original form.

Discord laid out on a pink cotton candy cloud and stretched. “Well. it’s all up to you now kid.”

That kid could be convincing when he wanted to be. And no matter how much she hated him, Discord did want this to work for Twilight. It wouldn’t put him back in her good graces if she found out how much he helped. But it was the least he could do.

Pearl groaned as she awoke. “I really need to lay off the sweets before bed,” she grumbled. “I’m dreaming weird stuff.”

It was true. A haunted graveyard on Nightmare Night, a fight with something that came straight from a nightmare in a living hellscape, and the persistent itch that someone was there that she couldn’t see in all of them.

Shaking her head, Pearl tossed aside the covers. “If this is Luna’s idea of an early Nightmare Night joke, I’m not laughing,” she grumbled as she turned to get out of bed.

And stopped dead in her tracks at what she saw around her room. “What?!”

Scattered around her room were her Gunpla collection. Someone had taken them out of their display cabinets without her hearing any of it. Looking closely at them, she could also see that someone had repositioned them into different action poses, none of which she had left them in.

But what really boiled her blood, was that the soon-to-be-dead twerp had managed to lose the Mace for her Master Grade Barbatos. It wasn’t even stored on the backpack alongside the Katana and the 300mm Smoothbore Gun.

Pearl growled. “Oh, that tears it now. Nobody touches these but me or Twilight. They’re not even meant to be taken out of their cabinets unless she does it! How did I not hear this?!”

“Awwww but they’re such fun,” a soft voice came from the corner of her room.

Pearl spun around and blinked in the direction of a potted plant. Looking about she could have sworn something was there. After all, voices don’t just come from nowhere. Looking down at the base of the plant she found her Strike Freedom Gundam was poised in an attack position along with her Infinite Justice.

“Who's there? You must have a death wish to touch my stuff like this.” Slipping from her bed, Pearl kept her sharp eyes for any sign of movement. “These aren't toys, they are model kits.”

“You sure? They seem like toys to me,” the voice said, once again behind her. Spinning around on her hooves she glanced at an empty wall.

“Fast one, aren’t ya?” She grumbled looking at all four corners, her eyes also scanning the ceiling. “Well, you can’t hide forever, whoever you are. And once I find you I'm going to tear you apart. Piece by piece.”

“Who’s hiding? I’m right here.” A cold shiver ran down her spine as the voice was right up next to her. Turning around, Pearl looked at the window at her reflection.

There in the mirror was the same feeling as she had from her nightmare. Reflected in the glass was a set of bright, glittering, amber eyes. Eyes that were next to her head with no visible body. Out of reflex she swung her front leg hard to the side and let out an ear-piercing scream.

Slipping on the missing hammer from her model, Pearl looked about as she fell flat on her back. For a brief moment, she felt what might have been a set of tails cushioning her fall. Along with preventing her from falling atop her Gunpla.

This was too much too fast for the young mare. Getting up, Pearl threw open her window and shot off into the night sky toward Twilight’s castle.

Twilight looked up in surprise as someone pounded like crazy on the doors to her Personal Chambers. Who could be up this late?

“Couldn’t this have waited till morning?” She grumbled as she sat aside her latest read and opened the doors with her magic.

Only to be bowled over as something fast came rushing in a blur of white and red. One that the princess recognized.

“Pearl? What is it? You know I’m always happy to see you. But couldn’t you have waited till morning?” Twilight groaned as she got up from the floor.

Pearl shook her head. “Can I stay here tonight? I don’t want to go back home. I think it’s haunted.”

Twilight rolled her eyes a little. “You know there’s no such thing as ghosts, right? Maybe you had a bad dream?”

The Pegasus nodded. “I did have a nightmare. But that’s not all.”

Twilight shook her head. “Pearl. You know I cannot help you in the Dream Realm. Luna can’t pass that power to anypony else.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. And if it was just that, I’d just ask her. But that wasn’t the only thing. Someone broke in and was playing with my Gunpla. They were scattered all over my room. I tripped on Barbatos’ Mace because someone was playing with it, and moved every model into a different pose.”

Twilight frowned. She knew how much Pearl hated anyone touching her models. It was a pain when you didn’t have fingers or magic, which was why no one but her was allowed to mess with them. And Twilight only took them out of their display cabinets when she needed to renew the magic that allowed them to exist on clouds without fear of them falling through.

Pearl tried to calm down. “Someone else was in my room with me. They talked to me. But there was no one there. When it was right in my ear, I looked out my window. And there was a pair of amber eyes standing right next to me. With no body attached.”

Twilight thought about that for a moment. It sounded like something that Discord might do. But he would usually make it clear that it was him, not hide like that. Lifting a hoof to her temple she rubbed it slowly while letting out a deep sigh.

“Okay Pearl, you can stay here tonight. Tomorrow we’ll head to your house and sort out your ghost problem. Does that sound okay?” Twilight smiled at her student. Pearl always had a sound head on her shoulders but even a nightmare can shake up the sturdiest of ponies. Best to just give in at the moment.

“Yes thank you Twilight.” Pearl breathed out a sigh of relief. She watched as Twilight moved back to the doors.

“Forestsong! Will you come here please!” Twilight yelled down the hallway, knowing her apprentice would have been awakened by the noise.

Pearl blinked and tilted her head at Twilight who moved aside as if welcoming somepony into the room. But there was nothing there.

“Thank you, I’m sorry if we woke you up. But will you please show Pearl to the guest room? She’ll be staying the night.” Turning back to Pearl, Twilight smiled. “If you need anything, just ring for Forestsong here, he’ll help you out.”

Pearl looked between Twilight and the empty space before the two of them. “Um, Twilight? There’s nobody there. Who are you talking to?”

Twilight seemed hurt at that. “What do you mean? Forestsong has been here the whole time. He’s been my apprentice for years.”

Pearl’s nose scrunched. “Um. No. There was Starlight, then me, and now Luster. Neither of them has said anything about anyone else, and there’s no way one of us wouldn’t know if you had another.”

Now Twilight was mad. “Pearl Rose. I am very disappointed in you. Apologize to Forestsong right now, young lady.”

Pearl threw up her hooves in annoyance. “For what?! And apologize to who? There’s nobody there! We're the only ones here.”

“I’m always here Pearl. You know that,” the bodiless voice whispered in her ear.

Twilight took a step toward Pearl only to feel the soft touch of a paw on her front leg. Pearl watched Twilight turn and look down.

“You're right,” Looking up, Twilight faced her student. “I’m sorry Pearl. You’ve had a rough night and you're probably just not seeing things clearly. Just follow him to the guest room. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

Pearl could have been mistaken, but she saw a flicker of amber in Twilight’s eyes for a split second. But she was too annoyed to ask about it. “Fine. Lead on then, invisible whatever.”

Pearl walked out of Twilight’s room as the door closed behind her. Taking a few steps forward she heard the soft steps of something with paws. Stopping dead she watched as a door slowly opened by itself.

“I’ll see you again in the morning,” was the last thing she heard before the hallway became as quiet as a graveyard.

Deciding enough was enough for the night, Pearl threw herself under the covers as quickly as she could, not really caring if anyone saw her.

Ch. 3

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Pearl groaned as she pushed her head out of the sheets and glanced about the room. It was quiet and empty save for a large potted ficus tree on either side of the eastern-facing window. Slipping out from under the sheets, Pearl took a deep breath.

“Hello?” Her gaze shifted left and right. Waiting for a few minutes she let out a relaxing sigh. She had never been so relieved to be alone. Moving into the attached bathroom Pearl turned on the shower.

Quickly the room filled with steam and was completely unaware of a shaded form watching her from the corner.

“Twilight must think I’m going crazy. She’s right there’s no such thing as ghosts.” Pearl muttered to herself as she washed her mane. “That nightmare must have shaken me up more than I realized. Twilight herself must have been half asleep. How else could she have seen something that wasn’t there.”

Pushing her head under the showerhead, Pearl felt the water run down her neck and back “Mmmmm that feels so good.” Turning off the water she reached around the corner for a towel.

“Towel, towel. Where are you?”

“Here ya go.” A shapeless mass in the steam said as it handed her the fluffiest towel.

“Thanks.” While drying herself off she paused again and lowered the fluffy terrycloth down from her face. Her eyes scanned across the bathroom when she saw it. A shapeless mass just sitting there looking at her. Dashing back to the bedroom area, Pearl quickly closed and locked the door.

“Okay, that didn’t just happen. Maybe I just need some breakfast. Yeah, that’s it. Breakfast. Just the thing I need to clear my mind.”

“Ooo. Breakfast sounds wonderful. I wonder what they’ll have. Pancakes? Waffles?” The voice returned, Pearl could hear it move back and forth in front of her. “Oo oo. Maybe super fluffy pancakes. Oh, we'll definitely need fresh fruit, syrup definitely ....”

Pearl leaned into the bed and just listened to the insane ramblings about breakfast and various toppings that could be put on them. Her eyelid started to twitch uncontrollably until she couldn’t take it any longer. Zeroing in on the voice, Pearl grabbed a pillow and launched it at the annoying voice.

“Will you please for the love of Celestia just shut up already! You're driving me insane!” Pearl shouted. She had heard the pillow hit the vanity across the room so she knew it didn’t hit any creature. Not that she waited around for the results.

Pearl threw open the door and ran out as fast as she could only to barrel into Twilight for the second time in less than a day. Blinking, she looked down into Twilight’s eyes and felt her heart start to beat faster.

Twilight stretched out and sat up in her bed. Leaning into the headboard she thought about what had occurred only a few hours earlier. Pearl was as scared, nay terrified. It had been years since she had seen her old student like that.

What caused her to question her student’s state of mind was that she didn’t know anything about her apprentice. Blinking a few times she let her blankets fall down.

“Apprentice? When did I have an apprentice?” Twilight's voice quivered. Lately, her guards had been looking at her funny. Getting up from her bed she moved to her vanity. A gift from Rarity when she moved back to Ponyville. “My head hurts, am I thinking too much? Imagining things? No, that's not me. Maybe I’m just working too hard.” Levitating her crown up to her newly brushed mane, she placed it on her head. She liked how the amber orchids worked with it.

“I think you are working too hard,” Forestsong said as he walked up next to her. “Maybe you can take the day off.”

“But what about my subjects? I can’t ignore my duties.” Twilight turned in her seat and looked Forestsong in the eyes.

“Yeah, but you would be doing them a disservice if you're overly stressed.” Forestsong moved behind his mentor and wrapped a gown over her shoulders.

Twilight wanted to argue, but she couldn’t. A part of her knew he was right. Some part of her believed that her so-called Lesson Zero meltdown had been a result of stress brought about by dealing with Discord only recently before it.

“Pearl looked rather stressed out too. Maybe the two of you could make a day of it.” Forestsong stretched and placed a paw on her shoulder. “After all, when was the last time you two spent any time together that wasn’t brought on by some trouble?” He chuckled into her ear.

“You’re right. And I felt bad for yelling at her last night. I mean how could she forget you?”

“I’m not upset about that, she’s had a rough couple of days.” Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Again you’re right. Okay, I’ll do it. I don’t want another day like that Miss Smarty Pants incident.” Twilight chuckled. “And a day with just me and Pearl. Nopony else. You don’t mind holding things down here right?”

“Nope, not at all. Just leave your crown behind. Today you're just Twilight, not Princess Twilight” Forestsong walked the length of the room and opened her door. “You two go have fun.”

Removing her crown, Twilight felt as if a weight had been lifted. Walking down the hallway, she just reached Pearl's room when the door burst open. The next thing she knew, Twilight was looking up into the most beautiful set of eyes she had seen in years.

A part of her knew this feeling was wrong, but for the first time in a long time, Twilight didn’t care. She could look into those eyes all day.

And then the spell was broken, and the two mares both burst into roaring blushes and scrambled to free themselves from the awkward position.

Pearl wouldn’t have minded staying in it though, but like Tartarus was she going to say that. And for ponies to see? No way. “Um…” was all she could stammer out as she looked away sheepishly.

Twilight coughed. “Let’s pretend that never happened, shall we?”

“Deal,” Pearl mumbled. “So where are you going? Where’s your crown? You rarely ever take it off except on the weekends.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m not Princess Twilight today, Pearl. And I was looking for you. We’ve both had a couple of stressful days, and I decided that we both need a day off. Just the two of us.”

Pearl blinked. That did sound like something she needed, and maybe she was stressed. “But what about your duties?”

Twilight smirked. “Let me ask you something, Pearl. Who is going to tell me no? Not if they know what’s good for them.”

Pearl giggled a little and nodded. “You're right. Nobody will.”

“How about going to that new water park the neighbors talk about.” The voice beside Pearl whispered. Her eye twitched but thought it was a good idea so she kept her knee-jerk reaction to herself.

“How about we go to the new water park. It’s just on the outskirts of Ponyville. I heard they have a lot of fun things to do,” she smiled.

Twilight’s own smile grew. “That sounds wonderful, Pearl. I’ve been wanting to visit it for a while now. This is the perfect day for it.”

Pearl bowed in a grand gesture, but her smile said how she really felt. “Lead on then, oh princess.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help but giggle as she led them toward the front door.

Pearl happily skipped like a filly as she exited the water park dressing room. Her crimson one-piece swimsuit shimmered in the sun. Looking behind her, Pearl watched as Twilight almost skipped as much as she did. Dressed in a similar one piece that was dark midnight blue in color.

“We’re all so pleased you decided to visit us, Princess.” The park’s administrator bowed a bit while backing up. “I do hope you and your guest will enjoy yourselves.”

“Thank you very much, Ms. Falls. Pearl and I will most certainly enjoy ourselves. And please. You don’t have to address me as princess today. Just Twilight will do.” Twilight let out a pleasant sigh. Even leaving her responsibilities behind, she was still a princess to every other pony.

“If you insist Pri... Twilight.” Crystal Falls half stammered. “Oh yes, I also made sure you and your guest have the VIP Pavilion for the day. Anything you need or want. Food or drink. Just ask the attendant. And everything will be charged to your castle account.”

Twilight half-rolled her eyes and sighed. Despite wanting to be just a regular mare again for once, she had to admit it felt good for these perks. “If you insist.”

Turning around Twilight looked at Pearl, who was like a little filly in a candy store again. She hadn’t seen her old student so excited since the last time they went to the human world. If only to get a new model to assemble.

As she looked at her student, Twilight’s eyes focused on that firm shapely flank. Blushing, the princess couldn’t help but lick her lips slowly. Wondering just how nice it would be to see Pearl lit up by candlelight. Blinking, she quickly shook her head and groaned. Why was she having these thoughts about Pearl? And most of all, what brought it all about?

Pearl smiled as the chlorine-filled air hit her nose. She hadn’t had this much excitement since her last Gunpla shopping spree. Looking out over the park she found massive slides and tubes going everywhere for miles. She did have to admit that this was the largest, and only, water park in Equestria.

“Not a bad place for a first date huh?” the voice in her ear whispered.

“Indeed. To think I'm out on a date with the mare of my...” Blinking, she looked around and found only Twilight talking to the administrator. It might have been her imagination but she swore Twilight had been staring at her flank. “I don’t know who you are. But shut up.. Don't ruin this for me,” Pearl whispered back. While she was still nervous about the voice, it had started to become annoying rather than scary. Turning her head to the mirror by the changing station, she looked at herself. Her eyes trailing up to the amber orchid attached to her headband. She still questioned where the voice was coming from. But was determined not to let it ruin her chances today.

“Everything okay Pearl?” Twilight tilted her head as she moved up next to Pearl, having heard her talking to herself.

“OH, I’m fine, just excited,” Pearl smirked and ran a hoof over her own mane. “So what would you like to do first, Twilight?”

“Let's hit those pipes up there. And take it by instinct after that.” Twilight chuckled and ran off, pushing into the sky toward the Pegasus entry.

Pearl smirked and followed in suit. For hours on end, the pair moved from one exciting ride to another. Even taking part in the two pony rides. Pearl had to admit, it felt amazing with Twilight’s front legs around her body. She had to stress to herself not to get too excited or her wings would have sprung out.

During that same ride, Twilight had to restrain herself from letting her hooves roam about Pearl’s well-developed body. She wanted to put those thoughts far from her mind, but being so close, it was rather difficult.

Nearing mid-afternoon, Twilight and Pearl walked along the edges of a shallow pool where many couples and older ponies liked to lounge about. From the shadows of a row of thick hedge bushes, a set of amber eyes watched the pair.

Pearl, for the first time in days, had forgotten all of her problems. Being with Twilight was like bliss. Even the new voice in her head no longer concerned her. After all, why should it when you're with someone you feel completely safe around? But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched all the time. It only felt odd when she was in the changing room.

Taking a few steps away from the edge of the pool Pearl leaned upon the hedges. “Twilight, can I tell you something?”

“Pearl, you can tell me anything.” Twilight chuckled.

“The last few days. I don’t know, have felt rather. Chaotic.” Twilight nodded in agreement but sat down and kept listening. “My breakup with Lotus, my slight psychotic idea that I'm being haunted. The insanity that you have a secret apprentice that I can’t see.” Lowering her head she flipped her hoof across an odd branch atop the otherwise clean hedge. “I could be wrong, you may indeed have a student I haven't met. I mean I’ve been hearing voice….” Pearl’s voice was cut off when she heard Twilight yell out. Turning around she saw her old teacher fall backward. Having tripped over a strange root, and landed on her back in the shallow pool.

“Twilight!” Pearl dashed out, only to feel something slam into her backside, causing her to trip over the same looped root. What happened Pearl could only see in slow motion.

The water was splashing higher and higher as she felt herself falling. Looking out of the corner of her eye she glanced at a set of amber eyes before looking back in front of her. Twilight was getting closer and closer. Landing in the water atop Twilight, Pearl felt those large wings around her. She would have been glad if it had stopped there, but she moved forward more. Her fall was so perfectly aimed that her lips landed directly on Twilights.

For a moment, neither moved. Twilight’s eyes had widened in surprise at the contact but made no move to break the kiss. Pearl was just as surprised, but right now. She didn’t care. Nothing was more beautiful than the mare before her was at the moment.

After a time, the two finally broke apart, even if a part of both mares didn’t want it to end just yet. Twilight almost had a goofy look to her eyes as she looked over at Pearl. Pearl, meanwhile, was running a gamut of emotions. But one was at the forefront of her mind.

Maybe this was a bad idea, and maybe this wasn’t the best time or place to ask. But right now, she didn’t care. “Twilight. Can I ask you something?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course, Pearl. You know you can ask me anything.”

Pearl nodded. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she looked Twilight directly in the eyes. “Twilight Sparkle. Will you go out with me?”

Twilight was stunned. Of all the things she had expected, that hadn’t been one of them.

Pearl didn’t seem to notice. “Maybe this isn’t the best place to ask this, and maybe I’m losing my mind. But right now, I don’t care. You’re the most beautiful mare I’ve ever met. Anyone who says otherwise can kiss my flank.”

She paused for a moment. “I’ve felt like this for years. I never said anything because I didn’t think it was right. You didn’t like mares as I do, and maybe you still don’t. But I don’t care.”

For a moment, Twilight didn’t say anything. Pearl’s ears fell as the seconds ticked by. Had she blown this? Would this destroy their friendship? Why did she have to go and open her big mouth like this?

Finally, though, Twilight smiled, as she lifted Pearl’s head with a hoof. “Pearl Rose. I would be delighted to.”

She sighed. “You’re right. I didn’t like mares as you do. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about love, and having it lectured into me by Cadance and Flurry Heart. It’s that love doesn’t always make sense.” Her smile grew. “But I want to give this a try.”

Pearl’s grin would have made Pinkie proud as she squeed and threw her hooves around Twilight, who only giggled and returned the hug.

From the bushes, a set of Amber eyes watched the scene before them. With a smile and a soft rustling of leaves, Forestsong left the ignited spark to flicker into a flame.

Ch. 4

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Pearl groaned as she walked into her home. She was thankful her house was so close to her parents. Yes, it was small, only one story, but it was all hers.

“I knew I shouldn’t have eaten so much.” Tossing her saddlebags onto the sofa Pearl gripped the leg rest. She had thought about the last few days. Just four nights ago, in this very house, she had gotten the worst fright of her life. Thinking on it now, though, it had brought her to the best day of her life.

“Let's see. Shower now, or in the morning?” Closing her eyes she bowed her head. “Oh screw it, I’ll shower in the morning. I’m too full and too tired.” Walking to her bedroom she threw open the door.

Everything was just as she had left it four nights ago, save for one thing. All her Gunpla were now back in their cases. But still in different configurations. “Oh great. Whatever ghost is in here I’m so not in the mood. I had a rough day in study and I’m very tired. So can we not continue to drive me crazy?”

The silence in the room was almost deafening. With a drawn-out sigh, she pulled off her shirt and laid out on her bed. “Thank you for at least putting my Gunpla back.”

“You're welcome.” A soft voice from the corner of the room whispered to her.

“Oh, Celestia… why am I being driven insane like this.” Pearl covered her face with both front hooves. “I hear your damn voice in my house, at the Palace, all around Ponyville.” Her breathing growing heavier, Pearl rolled onto her side and looked in the direction of her ficus. “Do you know what it’s like to have pony’s look at you like you're crazy! I can’t take it anymore. Why are you doing this to me!” Taking a pillow she put it over her head.

For minutes the room was silent. It wasn't until she heard a rustling sound from her potted ficus tree that a shiver ran down her spine. Feeling a weight against the side of her bed, Pearl took a few deep breaths before peaking out from under the pillow.

She didn’t know if she wanted to scream or play twenty questions. Before her was a creature no larger than herself. It was shaped very much like a fox with nine long tails spread out along her floor. A set of amber eyes looked into her own. But what was chilling her, was that this fox was made of nothing but branches and leaves from her ficus.

“Gomenasai,” the leaf fox said as it bowed its head. She could almost see small tears running down the leaves. “I don’t mean you any harm, you know. It’s just.. Been so long without company. When you touched me, I just… I thought I found the friend I was looking for.” Turning away the leaf fox slumped down. The fox’s body arched down a little more, its head lowering before sniffling a bit. “I was just…”

“Lonely.” Pearl finished the sentence. She watched its head nod slowly. Biting back a few choice curse words for herself, Pearl scooted closer to the edge of the bed. Sighing deeply she opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it. She understood the feeling of being lonely. But how does a pony comfort a creature like this?

Gah this is so annoying! This creature, whatever he is, is a first-class pain in the flank! First, he drives me to the brink of insanity and now he’s here being all sad. Pearl screamed in her head. She watched as the leaf fox turned its head up and looked at her. Feeling a slight pain of guilt for being so upset at such a sad-looking creature.

“What do I even call you? Do you have a name?” Pearl huffed as she folded her front legs. What was putting her off more than anything was not the fact that he was here. But he didn’t talk the way others did. She heard him, but it was like a voice in her mind now.

“Yeah. Just not one I’ve used in so long. But since it no longer really holds meaning, you can just call me Forestsong.”

Pearl blinked and looked at Forestsong. That was the name Twilight had used when naming her apprentice. “Okay, Forestsong.” Reaching out she touched the leaves, which felt warmer than they should. “This is too strange.” Rolling onto her back, Pearl stared up at the ceiling. She felt his eyes on hers. Not unlike that day when she was shown that fox skull.

Her eyes widening she sat up and turned her head. There was Forestsong looking at her kindly. “You said I touched you?” Forestsong nodded slowly. “Are you… were you..”

“I was wondering when you’d make that connection,” Forestsong smirked with a little chuckle. He saw her tremble but reached up with a soft leaf paw and touched her side.

“I’m... well, I. I'm..”

“Sorry?” Pearl nodded slowly “You don’t have to be. No reason for you to be. So just put it from your mind. I’d rather know how things are between you and Twilight.”

Blinking, she sat up. “How do you know about that? Nopony knows about it yet.” Looking off to the side she sucked in her breath, her face glowing slightly red. “You were there. Did you happen to see who pushed me? While I'm thankful for that, I’m pissed that they made me look a fool.”

Pearl could only watch as Forestsong just shifted his gaze off to the side.

Slamming her front hooves down on her bed she leaned in quickly. Stopping only when she was nose to nose with the fox. “That was you!” Pearl growled loudly. “Did you really have to butt into my love life you… You.” Swinging her hoof she felt it connect to Forestong’s face only to pass through. The leaves scattered for a moment before flying back and reforming.

“So I gave you a little push. If I had left it in your hooves, you might have been an old grey mare before you worked up the courage to ask her out,” Forestsong smirked.

Taking a long deep breath Pearl leaped out to tackle this annoying pain in the flank. To show him who was the boss in this house. She felt herself connect, only to fly through him and roll herself into the wall.

“Well, that was smart. Tackle the spirit beast.” Forestsong said as he looked down at Pearl. As he now stood just over her head. “In case you forgot already, I have no physical body.”

“Physical enough to mess with my Gunpla,” Pearl grumbled as she rubbed her head and sat up. Pushing her back against the bedroom wall. She felt his leafy paw press against her forehead. She had to stifle a scream when she saw it ignite an emerald flame. Within an instant, the newly formed bruise and bump vanished.

“I can manipulate some things, small things. But nothing big.”

Sighing again, Pearl looked up at him. “Why me?”

“I like you. You're funny, smart, pretty, and you have a mouth on you that reminds me a lot of my big sister Firestorm.” Forestsong chuckled warmly. “And you did kinda call me.”

Blinking Pearl shook her head. “I did have a feeling when I touched your skull. Like I should know you. But why didn’t I see you then? I mean you haven't started annoying me until I..,” Her mouth holding open she reached up and took off her bandana. There mingled in the cloth was the amber orchid.

It was the same flower she saw in Twilight’s room. A bouquet in a vase. And a pair of them attached to her crown. She even remembered the description that Pinkie Pie had given her and Twilight days ago. Lotus had the same flower.

“What is this flower?” Pearl’s voice took a long dangerous edge as she looked at Forestsong.

“That flower is called the Forestsong. And it can be found in only one place.”


“In what you call the Everfree Forest. My Forest. My home.”

“So if I throw this away? I won’t see you anymore?” Pearl held the beautiful orchid in her hooves.

“At the start, you would have been able to. Not now. We’re connected now.” Forestsong saw Pearl drop her head.

“Great, I’m going to have a permanent imaginary friend as an adult.” Getting a hold of her faculties Pearl looked up at him. “Fine, I guess I can handle that. Just try not to annoy me when ponies are around.” Getting up Pearl walked herself to the bed. “I don’t have a spare room so you sleep on the floor.” Pearl couldn’t think her life could get any crazier. Closing her eyes she thought of Twilight.

The feel of those soft legs around her body. The plush floof she wanted to snuggle. And the warmth of those large wings. Within moments Pearl was asleep.

Forestsong sat there looking at Pearl and moved in closer. A thunderclap erupted outside. He felt the cool breeze from the open window. Smiling, he watched as a mix of rain, wind and cloud took the form of a larger fox, her form so large her head touched the ceiling.

A thunderclap struck around the house again as glimmering grey eyes looked at him.

“Yes, I know. It’s almost time. I’ll come home soon. I just have a few things to clear up.” Leaning in, Forestsong placed a soft kiss against Pearl’s cheek. No lighter than the brush of a soft leaf against the mare’s coat.

Walking to the window, his leaf form dissolved leaving the ficus tree now sitting in front of the window which quietly closed.

As she lowered the sun and moved the moon into position for the night, Twilight sighed. No matter how many times she did it, she was still surprised at how easily they seemed to respond to her.

It helped her to focus on something at least, as her insides were doing flip flops at the moment. A part of her still couldn’t believe it. She had an honest-to-goodness date. With Pearl! She almost stopped herself from doing a little happy dance right then and there.

But that was the problem, as her ears fell as she turned away from the balcony she was on.

Forestsong seemed to catch onto her mood as he turned to look at her. “I thought you would be happy? Isn’t this something that both of you wanted?”

Twilight nodded. “It is, and I am. I know Pearl has felt this way about me for a long time now. I never said anything about it because I know what it’s like to have a crush on your teacher and mentor.”

“But?” Forsetsong prompted, knowing there was more to it than that.

Twilight sighed. “I’m afraid this will destroy what we have. What if I end up breaking Pearl’s heart? I can’t do that to her. Not again. She’s lost so much already. I won’t take that away.”

“Is that all?” Sighing deeply, Forestsong tossed a small green ball up and down in his paws. “So what are you going to do? Run away from Pearl like you did with Celestia?”

“I did not run away from my mentor!” Twilight almost yelled out in the Canterlot Voice.

“Not physically.” Forestsong tossed his ball which bounced off Twilight’s forehead and back to his paws. “But you put her so high on a pedestal. You would have had an easier time romantically reaching the Mare in the Moon.”

Twilight closed her eyes and narrowed her eyebrows. Her apprentice was walking a very thin line with her right now. Who was he to question her choices?

“You just want to play it safe. After all, if you don’t jump off the cliff, you’ll never know if you’ll survive the landing.” Smirking, Forestsong licked his lips. “Pearl did the one thing you never could. She’d risked everything just to jump off that cliff and is swan diving toward the canyon bottom.”

Twilight looked at her apprentice, her voice failing her.

“You just have to answer two questions. Are you willing to risk everything to catch the mare of your dreams? Or will you put her on the same pedestal as Celestia and play things safe once again?”

As Forestsong caught the shimmering green sphere again, it vanished. “Look, just start small. You really don’t have to do anything outrageous.”

Twilight watched him silently.

“You're still having problems with that journal right?” Twilight nodded. “Why not get a set of outside eyes? I’m sure Pearl would love to help you. And I’m sure she could use the distraction right now. Studying so hard.”

Twilight felt herself starting to perk right up again.

“It would accomplish two things. You get help with something you both have interest in, and you two can spend time together in a less stressful environment.” Curling up at the foot of Twilight’s bed, Forestsong closed his eyes. “And you two can just take things slow, no need to rush things. You're an immortal now, and thanks to the Dragon Queen’s gift she has an extended lifespan. ”

“So take it from another immortal, don’t go stressing over something that takes time. When you two have all the time in the world to make it work.”

Twilight spun around to face her bed only to find that her apprentice had fallen asleep. His light snoring, sounding like leaves rustling in the wind.

Taking off her crown, Twilight moved to her empty bed. Looking at it she sighed.

It would be nice to fall asleep with somepony. I still remember the nights when she would stay over. She would sleep all curled up right here. Twilight thought as she ran her hoof down on the spot Forestsong had been only seconds earlier.

“Maybe one day. You're right of course.” Twilight said to her invisible apprentice. Over the last few days, she had grown to understand that he was only around when she had her crown on. And whenever she removed it he was like a dream she could just barely hold on to.

“I’ll take things slow, she and I have both been hurt. So, why rush? But first, there’s something I need to do and that’s to remove the pedestal once and for all. To break these chains.” Throwing off her nightgown, “That way I can never put anypony else on it. And I’ll never be able to move on if I don’t.” Twilight slipped on a travel cloak and secured it with a broach. Puffing up her pillows, Twilight vanished into the night via teleport.

Over the last few years, Celestia had grown rather used to being able to stay up as late as she liked and not have to worry about getting up in the morning. Luna was still the night owl, but Celestia was starting to make up for lost time.

Having watched the sunset, and admiring how much more spunk Twilight had added to something that had long grown dull and boring for her, Celestia was more than happy to curl up with a good book for the night. Luna was off on one of her “Secret missions” she seemed to be doing a lot of recently.

Celestia suspected it was nothing but an excuse to stuff her face with sweets. But if it brought her little sister joy, then who was Celestia to try and stop her?

She had just settled down with a nice cup of tea, when she heard the faint pop of a teleport spell on the front porch, along with a distinct smell she had long known.

“At least you remembered to knock this time, Twilight,” Celestia smirked as she opened the door to reveal her former student and friend.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Sorry. How was I supposed to know you were right behind the door? You’re the one who told me that I didn’t need to knock.”

Celestia chuckled, as she let the Ruler of Equestria inside. “To what do I owe the pleasure? That you are not surrounded by guards or hyperventilating tells me that this is just a friendly visit, I hope?”

Twilight nodded, a little annoyed that some of her more eccentric quirks were still being talked about. She had never been that bad. Had she? “It is. This is something that I should have done a long time ago.”

Before Celestia could ask what she meant, Twilight leaned forward and locked lips with the elder alicorn, catching the immortal off guard as her eyes widened in shock.

Twilight managed to hold the kiss for a few moments before Celestia was able to pull away, a look of shock on her face. “Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight’s ears fell, but she couldn’t stop now. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that? I love you, Celestia. I have loved you since that first Summer Sun Celebration. You inspired me. Beautiful, valiant, and a magic-user without peer. You were perfect to me. I wanted a sun of my own, and if I couldn’t. I wanted to bask in your own. The more I studied with you, the more perfect you became. I worshiped you. Even after I learned that alicorns are not gods, I didn’t care. You were my sun, and if I could spend the rest of my days in your glow. I would die content.”

Celestia was taken aback. She had long suspected Twilight had a crush on her. But she had never thought it had gone this deep. “Twilight. You know that I do not like mares that way. I never have. And even if I did, that would have been wrong of me.”

Twilight nodded. “I know. It crushed me when I first learned of it. Spike can tell you how many tubs of ice cream I drowned my sorrows in that day.”

That got a giggle out of both mares at least. “Once I learned that my fantasy was never going to be what I wanted it to be, I became more determined to make you proud of me. No matter what it took or how long. If I couldn’t have your love. Then I could at least have that.” Twilight sniffed. “You know of the things I’ve done because of that ideal.”

Celestia nodded sadly. “Twilight. I never once blamed you for any of those. I bear as much blame as you do.” She smiled as she lifted the younger alicorn’s head. “But the day you became an alicorn? I was never more proud of you. And the day Luna and I stepped down? I knew that no matter your quirks or eccentricities, you were better than any of us. I am proud to call you, not just my ruler. But my friend. And never forget that I will always be proud of you.”

Twilight’s own smile grew, as she pulled her old mentor into a hug, one that Celestia happily returned. They stood there like that for what seemed like hours before they broke apart.

“But did you have to put it that way?” Celestia asked. “Why wait until now to tell me all of this?”

Twilight sighed. “Because I can never love anypony else. Not as I should. Not until I removed the pedestal I put you on.”

Celestia nodded, beginning to understand. “You found someone? Then she must be worth it.”

Twilight grinned. “She is. I didn’t realize it until a few days ago. And anyone who says otherwise is a big ol’ poopy head. I am making it a Royal Order as well.”

Celestia giggle snorted. Maybe it wasn’t the best use of a Royal Order. But who was she to argue with the princess? “So when should I expect an invite to the wedding?”

Twilight’s face burst into a burning blush so bright it could have been mistaken for the sun itself. “Celestia! We haven’t even gone on our first official date yet! It’s way too early to be thinking about a wedding.”

Celestia only smirked. “Well then, don’t waste your time talking to an old nag like me, Twilight. Go sweep that mare off of her hooves.”

Twilight only groaned as Celestia giggled.

Twilight returned to her room a few hours later. It always felt good to visit her old mentor, and though it had started off awkwardly, it had soon become just another visit for the two of them.

With a sigh, she returned her traveling cloak to the closet, before picking up the letter that sat on her bedside table, one that was close to her heart.

Flurry Heart’s acceptance letter to study at the School of Friendship. She and Cadance had fought long and hard about this. Cadence wanted her daughter to stay in the Crystal Empire and attend one of its schools. Twilight could respect that, for she had nothing but good things to say about the empire’s schools.

All but one that is. Crystal Prep Academy was the premier center of learning in the empire, with ponies from every level of society attending. Which sounded fine on paper.

But alarm bells and red flags almost ten years old had begun going off in Twilight’s head the moment she had met the principal. While Cinch was as civil and polite as could be, Twilight didn’t need to be a princess to see it was nothing but a lie and a mask. Somepony who only cared what having a princess attending her school would do for its reputation and prestige, and her own image of course.

Twilight and Cadance had butted heads more often than she cared to count, with Flurry caught in the middle. They had finally agreed to compromise. Let Flurry herself decide where she wanted to go, and they would respect her choice.

The letter was Flurry’s answer, and while Twilight was happy for sure. She was sure she would be getting an earful from Cadance about this.

Sighing, she put it from her mind for the moment and picked up the journal she had found recently. She was still no closer to learning what was said in it. Kanji didn’t have a translation guide, and only two races knew of it. The Kitsunes and Eastern Dragons. One was lost to time, and the other was so elusive they too might as well be lost.

Shaking her head, Twilight opened the journal, hoping she might get lucky and understand what was in it this time. But no luck. “Why did this come to me? I love reading new things. But if I can’t even read this stupid thing. What’s the point?!” Twilight tossed the book aside in frustration, only to hear a small clink bounce on the floor.

Turning her head she found the light shimmering off a clear piece of crystal. Twelve inches long and as thin as the rachis of a feather. Not unlike how the Kanji was aligned in the journal. Blinking, she moved over and lifted the thin gem in her magic and examined it. She found it was triangular with writing on one side. Squinting her eyes she focused on what was there.

“Hon’yaku” Blinking she had heard words like that before. But where? Shaking her head, she turned her head back to the journal, the crystal floating before her with the light of her magic shining through it.

What happened next was something Twilight never expected.

The moment the light filtered through the crystal hit the pages, the words on the pages were projected into the air as thousands upon thousands of scrolls. Reaching out she touched one and opened it, inside the words were translated into perfect Ponish.

Twilight’s jaw dropped as she started to read. “How. What kind of magic can do that? And where can I learn it?!”

Giggling at the idea of what all of this meant, she took a few moments to read from the very beginning. What she gleaned from just a cursory look through made her grin like a school filly on the very last day of school.

“Oooh. Pearl is going to flip when I show her this!” She squeed, doing a happy dance in mid-air as she giggled.

Twilight looked at the cover of the book and quirked an eyebrow. Taking a chance she placed the crystal down on the line that was written there.

‘To my sons, may this forever lead you through your lessons. And know that with knowledge, we abolish hatred. ~Katsuko Everfree’

Twilight smiled. She could appreciate and respect what Katsuko meant. He sounded wise. And this confirmed a long-held thought of hers, and several other scholars as well.

At least some Kitsunes had come this far west. Maybe even an entire family if this was anything to go by. That also meant that the skull Fluttershy had found wasn’t just there by accident. Someone had put it there.

But that didn’t feel right. It was too well preserved, and the last Kitsune had been lost to history millennia before Equestria was even founded. There should be some sign that it had been out in the wild for that long. Yet, there was no sign at all.

Something wasn’t right, and Twilight wasn’t sure what to make of it.

For now, though. She would concentrate on what she could discover. But not all of it. Oh no, This was something to be shared, and over a long period of time.

And Twilight knew just the pony she wanted to share it with.

Ch. 5

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Pearl yawned as she made her way to the Castle of Friendship. All around her, Ponyville was still waking up with only a few ponies out and about this early in the morning. “I don’t care if she does raise the sun. This had better be important because I miss my bed already. I hate early mornings, hence why all my classes are in the afternoon. I should be laying in bed sound asleep. I just didn’t think I would have you as an alarm clock.”

“Yeah sorry about that. I’m not much of an early riser either,” Forestsong replied with a smile.

Pearl shot him a look, earning more than a few odd looks herself. Just perfect. “Then why the bloody hell did you do that this morning and wake me up in the process.”

“Because I forgot that as a spirit, I don’t sleep.” Forestsong had long since abandoned his plant body. Stretching out on his back he floated along on a cloud made of morning dew. “And when the sun rises, the plants become more lively so much that they want to sing.”

Pearl grumbled as she walked along, picking up her pace as ponies looked and quirked an eyebrow or two at her. “That doesn’t mean you have to sing along with them.”

“But then you wouldn’t have gotten up in time to get Twilight’s message,” Forestsong grinned and chuckled.

“Don’t push it, spirit boy. We are a long way from being friends. Maybe I can’t get rid of you. But that doesn’t mean I have to listen to you,” Pearl growled.

That seemed to strike harder than intended, for he didn’t respond. A part of Pearl felt bad for that, but she was not really in the mood right now. And she was nowhere near ready to call him anything but a pain in her flank.

Their talk the night before had helped somewhat. But if he wanted to genuinely be friends with her, he needed to stop acting like they had been at this for years and had known each other for that long.

“Humph. She may look like her but sure as hell don’t act like her. I wonder if she needs a super dose of caffeine before the stick comes out?” Pearl’s ears perked at the spirit fox’s whispers but didn’t turn around. Sucking in through her nose she held her breath tightly. That last comment almost got a laugh out of her.

But whom was he talking about? No doubt some creature from his past that he was close to. No doubt someone he missed. Holding her hoof on the door to Twilight’s castle, Pearl stopped. “Look, I’m sorry I snapped at you. But I meant what I said. Right now, no matter who you think I am or might be, we aren't friends. At the moment you're just a painfully annoying housemate. If you want to be my friend then it’s something you have to work on.” Turning her head she smiled as nobody was around to hear her talk.

“And right now, following me around like a lost puppy dog is no way to win my friendship. For the last few days, you have been driving me crazy. Ponies are already starting to think that I actually am crazy for talking to thin air, or a bush, or a tree. So please. Just for today. Go away, give me some space.”

Forestong sighed and looked at her, his eyes showing defeat. Yet another spear into Pearl’s already tired heart.

Leaning her back up against the door, Pearl closed her eyes. “Look, if you want to talk we can talk. But, we do it behind closed doors when we’re alone. I don’t want others thinking I've gone insane. So do you think that is too much to ask?” Forestsong just shook his head and smiled.

“Thank you. Is there any chance I can get you to wait back at my home?”

“Would if I could but I can’t. I can explore the castle here. I’m sure there’s a thing or two that I can amuse myself with.” Forestsong chuckled.

“Sure thing, just don’t break anything.” Pearl rolled her eyes. He was worse than a younger sibling. because at least then they have a reason to be a pain. Looking about, Pearl noticed that Forestsong had completely vanished from view. Even that eversweet scent was gone. “Thank you for listening,” she whispered and pushed open the door to Twilight’s castle.

Twilight stifled a yawn as settled down behind her desk. She had cleared her schedule for the day, much to the annoyance of the Canterlot Elite and their constant demands for her time.

Some days, she wondered how and why Celestia and Luna hadn’t vaporized the lot of them a long time ago. Sure, there were a few good examples who only came to her if and when they needed help with something big that would benefit all. But most were nothing more than whiny teenagers at the best of times.

But that was beside the point. Today was a free day for her. Just what she had needed. After the revelations of last night, she couldn’t wait to share them with Pearl. So much so that she’d had to stop herself from dragging the Pegasus here last night. She hated to pull Pearl away from bed so early in the morning, but Twilight knew the reward was worth the inconvenience. With a knock on the door and grinned.

“Come on in Pearl.” Twilight happily called out. As her new marefriend entered, Twilight felt her heartbeat increase. She was thankful her hooves were resting on the book in her lap. “You know you don’t have to knock. A privilege that only you have.”

“Thanks but I don’t like to intrude,” Pearl yawned again and closed the door behind her. “First things first. Do you have any coffee? I’d rather not have my morning temper flare up any more than it has.”

Chuckling to herself, Twilight gestured to the tray next to her. “Of course.” With a playful roll of her eyes, She watched Pearl dash to the tray and eagerly drink the cup already prepared.

Forestsong danced lightly about the stone floors in the hallways below the Castle of Friendship. For the first time in days, he didn’t feel the need to be near the two mares. They were together and seemed happy with each other. As far as he cared, his job was done, his debt was paid.

Stopping dead, Forestsong listened to the crystal roots. The sound was identical to the cursed tree that once bound his forest. A harmonious tone that was a mimicry of the song true plantlife sing.

He despised that sound, hated it with a passion that rivaled all others. Ever since the day it sprouted, Forestsong wanted that tree destroyed. He would have long ago done the job himself, But even a destroyed tree can regrow itself over time. So how to get it out of his forest? Thankfully Princess Twilight herself was the solution. The tree was so intuned with her soul that its avatar took Twilight’s form.

A form that convinced six young children to forge a treehouse out of its remains. Now that treehouse is contained in the old castle of the two sisters. He knew there wasn’t much magic in that old castle, but it was enough to contain the new tree’s power. And now his forest was free to grow once again.

He wanted to go home. To be with his family again. His job was done, his debt was paid. Yet why was he still here? Kicking through an odd rock, he continued on down the hallway. Forestsong was lost in his own thoughts so he was unaware of how much time that had passed. It wasn’t until he bumped into something that he was brought back to reality.

Blinking, Forestsong looked at what he had bumped into. Something that shouldn’t have been possible. Looking up he sighed. Lifting his paw up he ran it down slowly over the wooden body of a timberwolf cub.

By the dust that had accumulated, it had been down here for ages. A few years no doubt. Looking at the clipboard he smirked.

‘A Study on Timberwolf Evolution, by Starlight Glimmer.’

Looking over the cub, Forestsong was curious himself. These creatures were not natural. But they did protect his forest so he let them be. Reaching down, his paw drifted toward the wooden heart. A quick spark caused him to pull his paw back quickly.

“Chaos, I should have known. Who else could think up such creatures?” Shrugging he turned back to the door and moved on. Halting, he looked over his shoulder. “Now that I think of it. You might be of some use to me, little one.” A mischievous grin crossed his lips.

Pearl couldn’t stop herself from squeeing as she zipped from page to page. She didn’t even know where to begin, there was so much here. “I don’t even know where to start!”

Twilight giggled. “I figured you would love it, Pearl.”

Pearl looked down at her marefriend. “How did they even manage to learn this much? This blows everything I’ve learned out of the water. And then some. Hay. No one’s seen an Eastern Dragon for centuries. If I hadn’t heard it from Tiamat herself, I wouldn’t even think they still exist.”

Twilight nodded. “I don’t know, Pearl. It’s possible that this was written long before the Dragon Wars. If my hunch is correct, this was written by a Kitsune. They were known to have dealings with both kinds.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she landed and looked at the nearby skull. “Yeah. Before the Western drove them to extinction. Those that didn’t become nature spirits anyway.”

Twilight nodded sadly. The wars had only ended when the last living Kitsune had been killed and the Eastern Dragons had been driven into hiding. The Badlands far to the south were the legacy of the conflict. She also saw how Pearl looked at it. “And that leads me to another thing, Pearl.”

Pearl gave her a look. “What’s that?”

Twilight shook her head. “That shouldn’t be here. Not like this anyway. You’ve seen other skulls before. Even old ones. What stands out about them?”

Pearl tapped her chin a moment. “They look really grimy and dirty. Like…” She paused, even as Twilight nodded.

“Like they’ve been lying about for any length of time. Even the newest ones show some sign of this.” She picked it up. “This doesn’t show any of that. Kitsunes have been dead for millennia. Yet this doesn’t show a single sign of that. Not even a little bit of grime. Fluttershy didn’t do anything to it.”

Pearl looked at it closer. Now that she really looked at it, she could see how new it looked. Like its owner had just died. But that wasn’t possible. “How? That doesn’t make any sense.”

Twilight sighed. “I don’t know. But I don’t like this. Something is very wrong with all of this. I feel bad enough messing with it as it is. Knowing this? It doesn’t feel right.”

Pearl groaned as she massaged her forehead. “So what? We put it back with the rest of his body? Good luck finding it in the Everfree. That’s even assuming that’s where he died. His body could be anywhere for all we know.”

Twilight nodded as she lay the skull back on the shelf. “I know, Pearl. But I still don’t like holding onto it like this. If I can find a way to return it to where it belongs. Then I will.”

Pearl sighed. She just had to fall in love with somepony with a heart of gold. But she still smiled. “Fine. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky and the rest of him isn’t too far away from where Fluttershy found this.”

Twilight giggled as placed a wing around her friend. “That’s the spirit. But that can wait for now. I know how much you love this kind of thing. Let’s focus on that for now.” pointing a wing to the book.

Pearl nodded happily, and as the two lay down together and began to read, she felt herself relaxing completely and felt herself wiggling as close as she could under Twilight’s wing, earning an eye roll from the alicorn, but she didn’t mind either way.

By the time mid-day had rolled by, Twilight had almost jumped as a loud knocking to her chamber doors.

“What the hell?” Pearl groaned.

“They better have a good excuse for this.” Twilight half growled. “I did leave specific instructions to be left alone today. ENTER!”

Pushing the door open a lone guard walked into the room. His breathing was heavy and looked to be on his last legs. Screams from the house staff echoed down the halls.

“Forgive the intrusion princess. But we have a, well, slight problem,” the guard muttered with a shaken voice.

“Is it something you can handle on your own?” The guard just shook his head. “Fine, what's the problem? And why is everyone in a panic out there?”

“This may sound silly, or scary. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”

“Just spit it out already!” Pearl slammed her hoof down then blinked and looked at Twilight. “Oops. Sorry, your guards.”

“Hehe, that’s okay. Please answer. What is it? I’m sure whatever it is. It’s not the oddest thing to have happened in my life.”

“There’s a timberwolf inside your castle.”

Twilight and Pearl just blinked.

“I stand corrected. How could a timberwolf break into my castle?!” Twilight stood up and walked over to the guard. She didn’t mean to sound or look intimidating. But being an alicorn with magical hair did have that effect. She heard the guard whimper.

“It didn’t break into the castle. It walked up a flight of stairs. Came up to me and asked where the kitchen was.”

Pearl felt like her head was about to explode as she sat there, her mouth slowly opening and closing.

Twilight blinked and felt just like her marefriend. A timberwolf, of all creatures, can talk now. “And what did you say?”

“I… I couldn’t say anything. I just pointed.” The guard dropped to his belly and tried to catch his breath. “It thanked me and sauntered off. The next thing I know, I’m hearing screams from the kitchen staff. So I tried to do what I could. But the cook is in complete hysterics, swinging an iron skillet at the beast who kept asking where to find a wok.”

Slumping lower the guard took a few long deep breaths. “This was half an hour ago, Finally the cook just kept screaming to get you, princess. The only thing I can think of is that I don’t get paid enough for this weirdness.”

“Don’t worry, with how well you’ve handled things you're getting a bonus this week. And a permanent ten percent raise.” Turning to Pearl, Twilight smiled. “Come on Pearl. Being my marefriend means you have to help with the madness inside a castle.”

“I knew there were going to be strings attached,” Pearl chuckled and shook her head.

The pair quickly galloped to the castle kitchens only to find the place a complete and utter mess. Twilight found her personal chef, Sweet Delights, crying hysterically in the corner of her own kitchen. A cast-iron skillet on the ground in front of her. And no sign of a Timberwolf in sight.

“Delights, I thought there was a timberwolf in here. You by chance didn’t see where it went, did you?” Twilight calmly asked the sweet pink and blue earth pony who shook her head and just pointed to the open window.

“The adventure continues,” Twilight sighed. Turning to Pearl she smiled. “Not how I planned our afternoon.”

“I’m not complaining, let's hunt down that Timberwolf.” Pearl grinned as she leaped out the open window and flew off. With Twilight right behind her.

Twilight stood at the front of her castle, her wings half dragging along the ground as her horn was lit. the sun slowly setting as she raised the moon in turn.

“Five hours and we just keep missing it by moments,” Pearl grumbled as she kicked a stone across a field. “First the market, then Barnyard Bargains. I doubt Diamond will ever be the same again. Rarity isn’t going to be much happier when she finds out that her boutique was trashed.”

“It wasn’t trashed, just broken into. And the only thing missing was a skein of silk.” Twilight shook her head as the pair stood there. “That timberwolf took us all through Ponyville today. Things were taken, ponies were scared. But no harm was really done. Which baffles me completely.”

“Yeah, Timberwolves aren't this smart. They just go on attacking things.” Pearl took a few long deep breaths. “Why wasn’t this one?”

“I guess we’ll never know.” Pushing open her door, Twilight wrapped a wing around Pearl. “Let's get back to that book, I’ll send one of the kitchen staff out for dinner and give them all the night… Do you smell something?” Sniffing the air inside the castle, Twilight turned about.

“Yeah. I guess your cooks got the kitchen up in order. But I've never smelled anything this good from them.” Taking a long deep breath Pearl practically cooed. “It’s. Do your cooks know anything about eastern food?”

“No, not any of them.”

“Then who’s cooking it?” Pearl looked about. The castle didn’t change but something was definitely off. It was eerily quiet. No guards, no maids. Just them and the aroma of eastern cuisine.

The pair quickly ran to the kitchen, inside were sacks of groceries that were taken from the marketplace. On the stove sat a large steel wok that had been acquired at Barnyard Bargains. Pushing to the double door to the royal dining room. The large table was set with a beautiful silken table cloth. On it were dozens of various dishes. Dumplings, rice, stirfried vegetables, noodles, and half a dozen sauces.

Walking up to two chairs, the only two chairs. There was a letter folded neatly. Pearl opened it and coughed a bit.

“I’m sorry again if I caused you any trouble, Pearl. I never meant to. You're right, we aren't friends. You just remind me so much of her, it hurts sometimes. I hope this will make up for all the grief I caused you. And a good first step for a friendship. Please enjoy. ~KF” Pearl blinked and shook her head, re-reading the letter several times. “Who the buck is KF?”

“I have no idea,” Twilight said as she sniffed all the food. “You by chance didn’t hurt the feelings of a timberwolf today did you?”

“No. I came here straight from home. The only soul I yelled at was…” Pearl blinked and staggered. “Oh buck.”

“Pearl. Are you okay?” Pearl just shook her head.

“I’m not sure what the K stands for, but I'm almost positive the F stands for Forestsong.” Twilight held onto Pearl and helped her into the chair at the table.

“Forestsong, Forestsong… That name sounds familiar,” Twilight put a hoof to her forehead. “Oh. this Forestsong. Is he about your height, green fur, and nine tails?” Pearl only nodded.

“He’s been haunting me for days now. It started with those flowers. Now it’s all the damn time,” Pearl sighed and dropped her head. “He’s been all super friendly towards me. Behaving like we’ve been friends for years. I finally snapped at him this morning when he started singing moments before your letter arrived.”

Twilight sat back and looked at Pearl. She understood how frustrating some friendship problems were. Especially when one tries too hard. “I can understand. He’s been alone for so long and now he has you. Can you blame him for being overly friendly?”

“Twilight, I love you. But can we not do the Princess of Friendship thing tonight?” Pearl groaned and popped a dumpling into her mouth. Causing her to groan in pleasure. “Oh my gawd. These are delicious.”

“Alright Pearl. But I want you to at least think about his feelings in this.” Popping one of the same dumplings into her mouth Twilight understood Pearl’s moan. If food was love, this was it. “And you have to admit. This is one hell of a friendship gesture.”

“You know what this means, don’t you?”

Swallowing Twilight nodded. “This timberwolf we’ve been chasing is our ghost boy. How he’s pulling it off I have no Idea. But as long as it’s only a few ponies being scared and no harm being done. I think we can let him run loose for a time. I’ll send compensation to everyone he visited tomorrow. I doubt he had any bits on him.”

Pearl giggled, and the rest of the meal passed in relative quiet, both just happy to be together.

Ch. 6

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Pearl awoke to the sound of pages fluttering all around. Groaning, she opened her eyes and looked about. The morning sun shone through an open window. “What time is it?” She grumbled.

“Half-past noon,” Twilight’s voice came from somewhere off to the side. “I let you sleep in. After yesterday you looked like you needed it.”

Pearl rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looked about. She was in Twilight’s Private Chambers, laid out on the massive bed Twilight usually slept alone. Her face flushed red. She hadn’t slept like this since she had been a filly.

Twilight giggled as she appeared from behind a curtain of pages. “And no, you didn’t miss anything. Spike is keeping the court away for the day so we can focus on this.”

Pearl gave her a look. “Yeah? And what’s that? What are you looking for anyway?”

Twilight sighed. “Burial practices. Kitsunes supposedly had the same ones as Eastern Dragons. But there are so many scrolls in this! Goddess above knows how many.”

Pearl giggled as she stretched. “But I thought you liked reading new things?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I do. But this is ridiculous. Even if I spent all my time on this alone, it could take me several lifetimes to go through it all. And there’s nofox I can ask for help on this.”

Pearl leaned into Twilight and closed her eyes half groaning.

“You okay there?” Pearl nodded slowly.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Lifting a hoof up to rub the side of her temple Pearl closed her eyes. “There’s a fox we can ask, or rather I can ask. I’m just not sure if he’ll talk to me after how I treated him yesterday.”

“You're talking about Forestsong aren't you?” Twilight smiled as she pulled Pearl in closer. Her large purple wings folded around the smaller pony. Pearl only nodded and closed her eyes, pushing her head up under Twilights.

“He’s been pulling a lot of strings lately. And pushing all my buttons. He completely manipulated both of us, orchestrated our little trip to the water park. And even tripped us into kissing.”

“Then I have a lot to thank him for.” Twilight caressed along Pearl’s wing with her own. “I can see how you might think he was manipulating us. But no more than my friends would have done. I think he was being a good friend to us both.”

“I appreciate your friendship skills hun, but he could have done it without being such a pain.” Twilight started to chuckle slightly which got Pearl to feel lighter and laugh as well.

“And if he is in that timberwolf. He made one amazing dinner for us. And hasn’t so much as shown himself to interrupt our time together.”

“You're right, I have an idea of where he is. I’m just worried I might have to have a two-course brunch of crow.” Pearl took a deep breath and slowly got up. Instantly regretting leaving the warmth of Twilight’s wings. “I’ll see if he knows anything about this journal.” Pearl pushed it a little with her hoof. “I’ll be back later, it’s best I do it now.”

Twilight nodded as she just watched as Pearl left the room. Turning back to the journal she flipped through a few pages, once she got past the first few sections the writing seemed sharper. As if some other fox had written it. Quirking an eyebrow she turned to the pages that seemed newer than the others. Holding the crystal over a few scripts she spoke the translation spell.

‘To my son Akahiko, to follow along in our pawsteps. Let our knowledge guide your way.’ ~ Keisuki Sunrunner

“A generational journal. Wow.” Twilight whispered as she started to read through the newest section of scrolls.

Pearl pushed open the door to her house. She blinked and looked about, she found it strange that it was unlocked. She was positive that it had been locked. Taking precautions she silently walked through her home and widened her eyes at seeing the state of it.

“I know I'm not the best at keeping house, but I have never seen my home look so clean before,” Pearl whispered to herself. Everything almost sparkled from her china to the floors. Moving upstairs she found her room cleaned to within an inch of its life. Even her Gunpla was dusted and in place.

Moving from her room to her living room she halted. There in front of her sofa was a pony-sized Timberwolf cub with nine tails made of leaves.

“Welcome home, did you enjoy dinner?” Forestsong said as he opened his eyes and lifted his head up.

“Did I wake you?” Forestsong just shook his head slowly.

“Nope, still can’t sleep. But I do enjoy laying about with my eyes closed.”

“Well, I’m sorry regardless. And yes I did enjoy the dinner.” Pearl smiled and sat down in front of him.

“Okay, so we aren't going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Pearl giggled at his comment.

“I thought it might be a bit rude, but since you brought it up you seem to have put on a bit of flesh since last I saw you.”

Forestsong chuckled as he sat up. “Well, these things are basically plants, just animated via chaos magic. Most of which had dissipated so I was able to slip inside.”

“Well you gave half of Ponyville a fright they won’t soon forget.”

Chuckling Forestsong grinned wide. “I know, that was the best part. Of course, the guard was fun, he didn’t know what the buck was going on.”

“Well Twilight and I had to do a lot to pacify everypony.” Pearl sat up and crossed both front legs in front of her chest. “But more on that later. I want to ask you something. You by chance wouldn’t happen to know anything about that journal Twilight got. Would you?”

“You mean the one that belonged to my Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather?” Pearl nodded slowly. “Not a thing, I never even opened it. Dragons aren’t my favorite subject.”

“Well there goes that idea,” Pearl grumbled.

“Which Idea is that?” Forestsong stretched, trying hard to loosen up all the stiff wooden limbs.

“Finding out about eastern burial rites,” Pearl replied, her eyes focusing on Forestsong who looked rather impassive.

“Hmmm, well I know Grandfather talked a lot about burial rites, But then again he was always the dark sheep of our clan.” Forestsong shrugged.

“And what were you? The clown?” Pearl brought her hooves up to her lips, her mouth speaking before her brain had processed. “I…” her words were caught in her throat as she found Forestsong doubled over laughing.

“I’ve been called a lot, but never a clown. That’s a good one.” Once his laughter died down he laid out on his side. “But back to what you want. You could have just asked directly. If you're looking for burial rites, anything my grandfather wrote in his research journals would have a section on death. Look for the Shi symbol on the scrolls. Every scroll has a symbol on it that can’t be translated. It tells what is inside that particular scroll. And if the symbol has a number, then it’s part of a series.”

“Shi symbol? What does it look like?” Pearl’s eyebrows raised. “And I thought you didn’t look into the journal.”

Drawing with a wooden claw, he etched a mark on her wooden floor. “It looks like that. It’ll be black or red. And I didn’t have to look. It’s how my family marks our scrolls. I even used it in my own journals.”

“Great, that will help Twilight out a lot, and…” Pearl blinked and looked almost excited. “You know the magic that makes that journal possible.” She felt her heartbeat faster as Pearl watched Forestsong nod. “You have to teach us. Think of everything ponies can do with that magic.”

“Not possible. No pony can cast the spells that need to be cast.” Forestsong watched as Pearl looked skeptical. “The magic requires many different spells to be cast at the same time. You need to be fully aware of what space needs to be filled, how to transfer physical items into magical transcripts as well as writing the spell down in only one symbol that must be drawn perfectly. Any mistake, no matter how small, can be catastrophic.”

“I find that hard to believe,” Pearl huffed. “Nopony is greater at magic than Twilight Sparkle. And Starlight Glimmer can make any spell work.”

“Tell that to the last archmage of the alicorns. He convinced my father to teach him that spell. Let's just say it didn’t go well. For him or his daughter.”

“What happened to his daughter?” Pearl half shook feeling uncomfortable.

“We were never really sure, but it took both my father and grandfather a week to pull her out of that book. She seemed okay, but she never spoke again and couldn’t stand to look at anything related to books, scrolls. Even a flyer on a wall sent her into hysterics.” Forestsong looked back to Pearl who was sitting there, her mouth opening and closing several times with a blank look.

Pearl managed to get her mouth to finally stop after a moment as she bit her lip. While Twilight probably wouldn't mind getting stuck in a book for a week, there would be no way to get her out. And even if they somehow could, would it be worth the price she might pay?

She sighed sadly, her ears drooping. No. No, it wouldn’t. “Damn it all.”

Forestsong gave her a concerned look. “Why are you so interested in burial rites? You will come to them eventually as it is. Yet you seem to want to get to them now. Why?”

Pearl hesitated, but this was the only one who might be able to help them. “Because, supposedly, Eastern Dragons and Kitsunes share similar burial rites. I can’t ask a dragon about it. Nopony’s seen one in centuries. So I’m asking you.”

Forestsong smiled. “That doesn’t explain why though. As I said, you will come to them in time anyway. What’s the rush?”

Pearl’s eye twitched. Was he being a pain on purpose? Or was it just her? “Because there’s something in the castle that shouldn’t be there. Twilight says we have to put it back where it belongs, and I’m inclined to believe her. And you’re the only fox we can turn to for help in doing that.”

His smile dropped. “And why is that? There are plenty of foxes around.”

Pearl growled. He was managing to push all of her buttons even more now. “Because it’s a Kitsune skull, you pain! There’s no one else we can ask. So you tell me. Would they ever leave out in the open like that? Your kind died out millennia ago, and yet we’ve never once found a body. That skull, though, looks brand new. Like its owner just died.”

She marched over and poked him in the chest. “We’ll never know everything about your kind. But even a newbie like me can tell you that isn’t right. So I’ll ask again, Forestsong. Help us. If not for us, then your own kind. Otherwise, that skull will never find its way back to where it belongs.”

For a moment, Forestsong didn’t say anything. Eventually, he sighed. “That skull is mine. And you will never find where I’m buried. Not unless I lead you there myself.”

Pearl’s frown fell away. “Can’t you return it then? If it’s yours.”

“That’s why I can’t. It’s mine. Could you return your own skull?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “No. But if you won’t take us there, then it’s going to stay in the castle forever. Twilight won’t be happy about this, and neither am I.”

Forestsong sighed as he turned and sat in front of Pearl’s ficus tree. His paw lightly brushed along the leaves. “The place you're asking me to take you is sacred to my family. Only members of my clan are allowed and know the secrets to finding it.”

“So you just won’t help us.” Pearl stomped her hoof down.

“it’s not that I won’t, it’s that I can’t.”

“I don’t understand, what do you mean you can’t?” Pearl inched closer.

“Do you think I like being here in this pony-filled town? I want to be at home, surrounded by the living forest I helped create at the very heart.” Forestsong grumbled. “I’ve tried to leave, many times. But I can’t move past the borders of this town. And something just feels broken.” Turning around Forestsong stared Pearl directly in the eyes. “If you want to find my home, then you need to find its heart, it's beginning. That’s all I can tell you.” Turning back around he stared lovingly at the Everfree Forest.

Pearl didn’t miss that look. “The Everfree Forest. You want us to find the heart of the Everfree. Ponies have tried for years, and most of those didn’t come back out. I don’t think even Zecora has been there, and she lives in it.”

All she got was a nod. She sighed as she turned back to the front door. “Look. I can’t promise we can do any of this. But damn it all if we won’t try. If nothing else, so you aren’t a constant pain in my flank.”

That at least got a chuckle out of him. “But I rather enjoy being that pain in your flank.”

Pearl fought back a grin but didn’t reply as she left her house and returned to the castle.

Forestsong watched her leave from her living room window and smiled. “I’ve given you all I can, Pearl. I know you’ll find the answers.” Moving to her sofa he laid out on it and turned on her television, flipping through the channels he came to the Gardening channel and smiled.

Twilight looked up as Pearl returned. The look on her face didn’t fill her with confidence. “Any luck?” She asked.

Pearl sighed. “Well. I’ve got good news and bad. The good news is that I did get an answer as to what to look for in the journal. Do you have some ink?”

Twilight nodded and floated a bottle and quill over to the Pegasus, who sketched out the Shi symbol. “We need to look for that symbol. It’ll be black or red. Those should be the death rituals.”

Twilight looked at the symbol, committing it to memory. “And the bad news?”

Pearl sighed. “That skull belongs to Forestsong. It’s his own. And it’s why he can’t help us more. He’s stuck in Ponyville for some reason, and the only way we can find his grave is if he leads us there himself. But he refuses to tell me how we could find it on our own. Says it’s sacred to his family, and only members of his clan know the secrets to finding it.”

Twilight groaned. “Darn it. Can’t we ever catch a break? I refuse to keep a part of him here. Did he say anything else? Do we even know where this place might be?”

Pearl nodded. “Yeah. He said to find his home, we need to find its heart. It's beginning. And you might not like where that might be, Twily.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I doubt it could be that bad, Pearl. Where should we start looking then?”

Pearl sighed. “The Everfree Forest.”

Twilight blinked, waiting for the punchline. When Pearl didn’t add anything else, her ears drooped. “The Everfree Forest. He wants us to find the heart of the Everfree? Doesn’t he know how dangerous it is?”

Pearl nodded. “I think he knows it even better than we do, Twilight. You didn’t see the way he looked at it, though. Whatever it is for us. To him, it’s his home. Something he helped create. He deserves that. To be home and with his family.”

Twilight’s ears fell even more. “Pearl. You know how many ponies have tried to find the Everfree’s heart. None ever have. Or lived long enough to tell the story if they did.”

Pearl nodded. It wasn’t something she liked to think about. “What about Starswirl? He seems crazy enough to have tried and lived through it.”

Twilight giggle snorted. It was true though. “You know how crotchety he gets about his past before joining the Unicorn Royal Family as their Court Mage. If Celestia and Luna couldn’t get him to open up, I don’t think we would have better luck. And you know how much he hates talking about the Everfree in particular.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. It was true though. “So what? Do we do nothing? No thanks. I’d rather not have a possessed Timberwolf as a houseguest, thank you very much. Though Forestsong did clean my house to a crazy degree earlier, so I’ll give him that.”

Twilight sighed as she wrapped a wing around her marefriend. “No. You’re right. It’s not fair to Forestsong to keep him stuck here. We will find a way to get him home. I don’t know how long it will take. But I promise him that we will. And damn anything that tries to stop us!”

Pearl giggled as she leaned into the embrace. “That’s the spirit. Here I thought I loved a desk pony. So where do we start?”

Twilight smiled as she picked up the journal. “Here is a good place. Now that we know what to look for, it should help considerably. You might like this, Pearl. But this is a generational journal. More than one Kitsune wrote this, passing it from father to son if I read it correctly.”

Pearl tapped her chin. “Well. Forestong said his grandfather talked about burial rites a lot. Something about being the black sheep of the family.”

Twilight giggled as she opened the journal and began flipping the pages, careful to make sure the magic in them wasn’t activated just yet. “It’s a start. I have seen a change in style, right after you left. So now, we just need to find the first style change.”

Pearl sighed, leaning her head on Twilight’s shoulders, and prepared herself for a long search, doubting this would be that easy.

Ch. 7

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Hours later, Pearl yawned as her head slumped on Twilight’s writing desk. “This is crazy. I never thought I’d lose interest in reading about dragons. But this is like looking for a needle in a field of haystacks.”

Twilight rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake. “I understand how you feel, dear. Keisuki and Katsuko were very thorough in their research. I’m just disappointed I’ll never be able to meet them.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. If they were anything like Forestsong, then she was fine with not meeting them. One Kitsune pain in her flank was enough. “So have you had any luck? I’ve got nothing that might help us. I just hope this isn’t a wild goose chase.”

Twilight nodded. “I don’t see why he would lead us wrong. If there is something in here that will help us in some way, then we just need to keep looking.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Guess it was asking for too much to ask for a table of contents for this thing? Would save us a lot of time and effort.”

“But not nearly as much fun.” A voice came from the double doors before they opened. Walking in Forestsong closed them behind him before flopping down in front of the fireplace. “Besides, having a table of contents wasn’t really my grandfather or great grandfather’s style. We just had to look at the symbols and we knew what the content was.”

“And what are you doing here?” Pearl huffed as she watched him.

“I got lonely, happens on occasion,” Forestsong smirked but kept his eyes closed, his nine tails lightly rising and falling with his breathing. “And you two have been a barrel of laughs. Don’t worry I won’t get in your way. I just want the company.” Opening one eye he glanced at the scroll Twilight had in front of her. “You may want to skip ahead a bit. By a few hundred scrolls. Try starting from scroll five thousand.”

Twilight blinked and looked at Foressong, then looked at all the scrolls in front of her. “Five thousand? I only see up to two thousand.”

“Wave your paw… hoof, down in a swift motion.”

Twilight looked skeptical but did as she was told, the scrolls instantly started to flip downward at great speed. The ones she had in front of her vanished into the floor while new ones came down from the tall ceiling. “Oh wow. How… I have to learn this.”

Looking up at Pearl, Forestsong smirked. “I guess you didn’t tell her?”

“Nope,” Pearl smirked back as Twilight looked confused looking between them.

“Tell me what?”

“He knows how the Journal is made. But won’t teach you.” Pearl picked up a new scroll in the mid-five thousands and started to read through it. Keeping her gaze from Twilight.

Moving over to stand in front of Forestsong, the princess looked down at him with a raised eyebrow. “And why not?”

“Because I don’t want to contribute to your inevitable destruction if and when you ever make a mistake casting it.”

“I don’t get it, what could go wrong if I make a mistake?”

Pearl bit down on her lower lip. “Best case scenario, you lose all interest in books and reading.”

“And worst case?” Twilight watched a shadow fall over Pearl’s face.

“You become trapped in a book for all eternity, possibly losing your life in the process.” Pearl sighed out. “He told me what happened to the last alicorn who tried. He almost lost his daughter and it took two kitsune a week to pull her out again.”

That stopped Twilight in her tracks. Getting stuck in a book didn’t sound too bad. But neither of those scenarios were things she wanted. And if it took two kitsunes to pull somepony back out, then she was trapped since she only knew of one.

“And I’m nowhere near as talented as my father or grandfather as a magus. Never had the skill for it. My power lies in druidic talents,” Forestsong half purred out as the warmth from the fire spread through his wooden body.

Twilight sighed. “Fine. Maybe I can get something from the human world. They have things that can store so much information as this journal can.”

“I thought they were still living in caves worshiping fire.” Forestsong chuckled.

Twilight snorted. “Hardly. Time flows differently between our worlds. But humans haven’t been like that in thousands of years. They evolved differently from ponies in so many different ways aside from the obvious. Equestria is far behind in so many ways that it would take centuries to catch up.”

Pearl paid little mind to what the two were talking about as she read from where Forestsong suggested. It was interesting, to say the least. As she continued, though, something began to take shape in her mind, and she didn’t like what it could mean.

Twilight caught sight of the look in her marefriend’s eyes and grew concerned. “Pearl. What is it?”

Pearl looked at her, her ears drooping. “I think I found something that might explain what’s going on. But Goddess above, I hope I’m wrong.”

Twilight walked over and looked at where Pearl was pointing at. The section was on grave shrines and why they were there. Pearl lowered her hoof down to the section on ruined shrines, particularly on those that were desecrated.

Twilight’s ears fell as she read. “Oh, no. Who would do that? Why would they do that?”

Forestsong’s ears perked up. “Hmm. What is it?”

Twilight bit her lip, but she knew she couldn’t hide this. “Forestsong. Would your grave have a shrine placed over it?”

He nodded. “Yes. All of my kind would. It’s traditional, and a very great sin to desecrate it in some way.”

Pearl gulped back her fear. She didn’t think this would end well. “Then someone did something to yours. It might explain why you can’t leave Ponyville.”

Forestsong growled. “Someone did what?

Twilight gulped as well, backing up as she did. “Whoever took your skull didn’t just take it. They desecrated your shrine in some way.”

Pearl nodded, backing up as well. “And since no one but your clan or someone in it knows where the grave is, it was someone you know. Probably someone who knew what they were doing and what it meant. And didn’t care about the consequences.”

Forestsong sat up and slowly walked to a window, looking out toward the Everfree. “There were only two outsiders, two individuals who knew and cared about my clan. And who might be able to do what you say. One was Starswirl, a bumbling rambling hopeless case of a pony who was very beloved by my eldest sister. He would never, ever hurt us. He was as much a part of our clan as any Kitsune.” His head slowly lowered the timberwolf body he was in shivering.

“NO, I refuse to believe it. They wouldn’t. Starswirl was family, and he was my best and closest friend.” Forestsong’s claws slowly dug into the windowsill. “There has to be some other option. He’s been aiding me all this time, giving you two the flowers. Delivering the journal so you’d find it.” His voice slowly went silent and bowed his head.

Pearl came closer. “Who was he? If there were only two outsiders, then we’re kinda limited on who it might have been. Fluttershy would never do it and then lie about finding your skull someplace else. She’s not that kind of pony.”

Turning his head, an amber tear streamed down his cheek. “Fluttershy found my skull. Not you two?”

Twilight nodded. “She said it was on a path she uses quite a lot when she helps the animals. Like someone had left it there on purpose knowing she would find it.”

Keeping silent, Forestsong just looked at the two of them. His whispers slowly moved into mindless ramblings. “No, he was my friend. He never shuts up about her. Always Fluttershy this, and Fluttershy that. I always wanted to meet her. She seemed like a pony I would enjoy being around. But… no, he knows not to do that. He knows what would happen.”

“Forestsong. Who are you talking about?” Twilight spoke firmly. She already knew in her heart. There was only one creature he could have been talking about, but she hoped against all hope that she was wrong.

Forestsong's eyes looked deep into hers.


Twilight’s eyes began twitching uncontrollably.

Ch. 8

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Pearl just sat on Twilight’s throne, the pegasus girl watching as Forestsong rambled on as he paced back and forth for the last several hours. For five days in a row, she sat there, questioning why she was doing it. But the truth was she knew he was her friend even if she hadn’t admitted it yet to herself.

This annoying, irritating pain in the flank shook up her life. He had pulled her out of her sad boring routine and helped her achieve one of her heart's most desperate desires. He even gave her the keys to her greatest ambition before all she could do is look at the locks. Taught her that what she knew before was only the tip of the iceberg that was larger than Equis.

Looking up at the glass windows overhead, Pearl thought about Twilight. Five days ago she and her friends all set out to the Everfree Forest. Pearl looked at the scroll she had received from Starswirl. It had taken a lot of prodding and a reminder of all the favors she did for him to reveal what he did. For the hundredth time, she read the letter and sighed.

The deeper you go into the Everfree Forest, it shall grow darker and more dangerous. Many ponies are driven mad by the shadows that prey on their fears.

To find the heart you must steel your own and let your fear guide you. If you feel safe, you're going the wrong way. Deny instinct you have to run away because if you do, you die. The magic in the forest will ensure that.

I’m giving you this knowledge as a favor Princess. But I advise against going. I refuse to have your blood on my conscience.

~Starswirl The Bearded

Tossing the scroll onto the floor Pearl almost jumped as the castle’s double doors burst open. In walked a shadowy form she could recognize in her sleep. Her heart let out a long drawn-out sigh of relief. She had come back alive.

Pearl watched as Twilight walked past Forestsong who stopped just long enough for Twilight to pass. The princess had turned her head back and watched the boy walk.

“He’s still at it?”

“He hasn’t stopped. Every day it’s the same thing. He starts pacing and rambling on, at night he follows me up to your bedchambers and lays at the foot of the bed staring at the fireplace. He doesn’t say anything but I can tell he’s still rambling in his head.” Pearl sighed, resting her body up against her marefriend. “Then every morning we come down here, have a light breakfast and then he starts up again. I’m doing my best to keep calm but this is driving me crazy.”

“Well, it’s not going to get any easier. Not after what I saw.”

Pearl’s eyes widened. “You actually found it?” Twilight nodded sadly.

“The place was a disaster. You could see the outline of a town but only the skeleton of buildings remained. And the largest tree in all of Equestria. The thing had to be several thousand hooves high.” Twilight sat on her throne next to Pearl and sighed. “Then I saw them, the shrines. Five of them lined up in a row, each of a different color. The last one was tipped over and broken clean in half.”

Pearl shivered noticeably at hearing that.

“I peered inside and saw the body. I have to say, even for a skeleton, he was very well dressed. A silk robe Rarity would go gaga over.”

“Was it his?” Pointing her wing at Forestsong she watched as Twilight nodded.

“Yes, the body had no skull. And was in perfect condition.” Bringing up her hoof to the bridge between her eyes, Twilight just shook her head. “I cast a reveal spell and found the traces of Chaos Magic.”

Pearl shook her head, She had known Discord was capable of doing something so cruel. But she had hoped that he at least would never have done it to someone who had once been his friend. Maybe his only friend until Fluttershy. “You have to tell him. You know you have to. If we’re lucky, maybe he’ll just take it out on Discord?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t think it will be that simple. I am more afraid of what his family might do. The other shrines must belong to them. It would be why they were together as they are.”

Pearl gulped. “How bad could they be? I mean. My parents can be scary when they’re mad. But.”

Twilight chuckled. “That’s true. But we don’t know how this applies to kitsunes. Even just being near the other shrines, I could feel something from each of them. Something I do not wish to see on full display if I can help it.”

Pearl bit her lip. There was one thing that might possibly prevent it from becoming an apocalyptic scenario if Forestong’s family was anything like him. “There’s always-”

Twilight cut her off with a wing to the lips. “Pearl. I refuse to even think about that until there is literally no other option. No one comes out a winner in that if I invoke it.”

“I can hear you two,” Forestsong said as he walked over, giving Twilight a look over. “I assume that since you have returned that you found it?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. After seeing and enduring things that I will not speak of, we found your home. Or what’s left of it.”

He chuckled. “Then you’re some of the very few who have ever made it that far. Most don’t make it halfway before they fail.”

Twilight smiled slightly. She could well believe it. “We found the shrines. Four remained intact, and we avoided getting too close to them. One had an aura that doing so would be the last thing we ever did.”

Forestong chuckled. “My sister, Stormbringer. She always had that effect on others. And that was when she was in a good mood. She was downright terrifying when she was angry. I feared her anger more than I did anything else.”

Twilight chuckled. If the aura was anything to go by, she could well believe it. Her ears fell as she bowed her head. “But the fifth shrine… I am so sorry, Forestsong. It was tipped over and broken clean in half. It was yours. There were traces of Chaos magic all over it.”

Forestsong didn’t reply for a moment, but Pearl could feel the anger in him, rising by the second. “You are sure?” He finally asked in a dangerous tone.

Twilight nodded, backing up as far she could. “I am. Whatever the two of you once were, Discord desecrated your shrine, and he knew very well what he was doing and what it meant when he did so. And didn’t care.”

However brave Twilight and Pearl were, they felt the rage building in Forestsong. Like this humid air filling the room. They watched as his wooden claws scraped at the floor, splintering and cracking. The two mares slowly backed up as the cracks spread up through the timberwolf body. Bright emerald flames spread outward from those cracks engulfing Forestsong in pure fire.

Pearl shivered as she felt cold air leave her breath. The flames burned so hotly that everything around felt as if it was below freezing. The mares lifted their wings and shielded their eyes as they heard the wooden form burst apart at the seams. When the heat finally began to die down they finally lowered their wings.

Looking over the feathers of their wings both Pearl and Twilight felt their hearts skip a beat. Gone was the timberwolf cub. And what stood there wasn't even the pony-sized kitsune Pearl had gotten to know.

Standing twelve hooves high, was the largest fox either of them had ever seen. His body, while thin, was brimmed with muscle. Pearl was certain he could flatten anything given the size of his paws. Thick silk-like fur circled his shoulders and down his back. Flames flickering from the tips of the semi-waving fur. His nine tails fanned out behind him, each one sporting a sphere of pure emerald fire above them.

Twilight’s eyes widened, all throughout this kitsune's body, the markings glowed bright amber. Not even the sun itself burned that brightly. But what got her shaking was Forestsong’s eyes. No longer wide and innocent. They were sharper, angled. And burned with amber light.

Oh sweet Celestia what have I done? Twilight thought as she tried to get her body to stop trembling. She looked over and felt her heart sink. The stark look of fear on Pearl’s face said everything.

Pearl shook hard. She didn’t understand why she was so afraid. She stood before Tiamat herself without fear. She even felt the waves of anger the dragon queen could emit. However the waves she felt now made Tiamat look like a ripple compared to the tidal wave before her. But despite it all, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his. She watched as he looked down at her, his eyes blazing and half bowed herself to the ground.

With a loud pain-filled cry, Forestsong slammed his front paw on the ground. The crystal tree that held Twilight’s castle shook with his fury. Pillars tumbled and cracked as thick vines spread out from under him and climbed the walls. The crystal tree hummed painfully, loud enough for even ponies to hear as Forestsong gripped the tree harder.

The sky from outside slowly turned black as night before a sound breaking crack of thunder split the sky. Heavy rains poured down around the castle as tears fell from Forestsong’s eyes. With another cry, a lightning bolt struck the ground by the tree shaking it.

“Please tell me you have it ready to invoke at a moment's notice?” Pearl whispered as she came up to Twilight’s side.

“I didn’t think… who could have known. Is this what they were?” Twilight muttered softly. Catching sight of Pearl Twilight put up her strongest shield just as a piece of her second-floor came crashing down around them. “This, yes I have it ready. But this aura, it’s even larger than Stormbringer’s at the gravesite. Celestia once cautioned me about nature spirits. How strong their power was. I was certain however strong it was, it would be something manageable. If Discord was anything to go by.”

“Are you saying?” Twilight nodded slowly.

“Yes Pearl, and I feel this is merely the tip of the iceberg. Nature at its worst. Unbridled, unchained.” Twilight turned her gaze to Pearl and hugged her close. “Unstoppable.”

“DISCORD!!!” Forestsong’s voice roared like thunder as he stood tall, his body poised to strike at any moment.

“Yes? Did someone call for me?” a pointed laugh echoed as the draconiquis popped into the room. As his eyes met Forestsong’s all color drained from the spirit’s body. “Oh, buck…” a massive paw swiftly gripped discord in a grip like iron.

Swinging around, Forestsong slammed his paw up against the side of the tree and bared his fangs. “You… how could you!” pulling his paw back he slammed discord into the tree again.

“Please just… Ko…” Discord felt the grip tighten about his body. The razor-sharp claws digging into his body. Black blood dripped down onto the floor as thick amber-streaked vines slowly climbed around Forestsong’s limb. Their pointed tips slowly pushed into Discord’s frame, for the first time in pony history, making him scream in true pain.

“I am going to rend you apart at the seams.” Forestsong’s breathing came heavy as he guided the vines deeper into Discord's body.

“P.. please... I..” Discord weakly muttered as black blood trickled down the sides of his mouth. The sound of bones cracking echoed through the hall of the palace.

“You should feel lucky, it’s me.” Looking deep into the terror-filled eyes, Forestsong grinned. “No, I'm not going to kill you. If I did I wouldn’t feel half as satisfied. Although I’m sure my sisters would love to get their claws into you.” Throwing Discord over the Map of Harmony Forestsong quickly formed nine symbols with his paws. Slamming his paws down on the ground chains of amber light grabbed Discord by his limbs.

“This world has been plagued by your chaos too long, Father was right. We should have dealt with you long ago. It was only out of friendship, your friendship with me that stayed their paws.” Forestsong growled and walked closer and closer to Discord who struggled effortlessly. “That friendship no longer exists to save you.” Looking down at the map Forstsong muttered several chants in quick succession. As he did so he reached out and slashed at Discord’s throat, silencing him as he tried to speak.

The Map of Harmony glowed in response as a circle of emerald flame lifted from it. “Your voice always did give you power, no longer. You want to know what I'm going to do. I can’t destroy chaos, but I can scatter it to the four winds. Spread you so thin it will take eons for you to reform yourself.”

Discord’s eyes widened as Forestsong sat there cross legend and pushed his two front paws together.

“Rin, Pyo, Toh, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen.” pushing his two front paws out, nine spears split through Discord like knives through butter. Slamming his two front paws down. Discord fell through the flames and vanished without a trace.

Falling forward Forestsong screamed and roared as the storm around the castle grew larger and larger. Tears falling heavily from his eyes. The Front door to the palace burst open as heavy winds blew Rainbow Dash and an armored guard into the room

“Princess. This storm. It’s spreading through Ponyville!” The guard cried out as he tried to push Rainbow off of him.

Twilight bit her lip. She knew she had to stop this somehow, but there was every chance that Forestsong would turn on them as well in his anger and grief.

There was… one thing that could stop this. But Goddess above, she had never thought she would ever have to think about it, let alone possibly invoke it. She gulped as she approached the heartbroken kitsune. “Forestsong, please. I can’t imagine what you are feeling right now. But it's over. Don’t take it out on your friends.”

Forestsong slowly turned his head toward Twilight and Pearl. The amber light that ran through his body flickered. “Friends…”

Pearl bit her lip and stood up, stepping over an unconscious Rainbow Dash she spread her wings and flew up to him. “Yes Forestsong, Please. You lost one friend, it hurts, I know. But you have us. I’ve called you a pain. But I wouldn’t trade these last few days for anything else. You're my friend Forestsong.”

Twilight flew up and joined Pearl.

“She’s right, we’re both your friends. You're not alone Forestsong. So please. Stop your power. Don't let it destroy our home.” Twilight reached out and touched Forestsong’s paw with Pearls. The pair watched as his eyes shimmered, the rage in them dissipating.

Before either Pearl or Twilight could catch their breath. A large gust of wind from around Forestsong blew toward Pearl. Causing her to backward somersault. Twilight having caught herself quickly enough by pushing against the wall with her hooves.

“Pearl!” Twilight called out spreading her wings. As she was about to launch herself to the other side of the room. However, she stopped when Pearl bounced off something small and green that rolled about in the mini gusts of wind in the castle. The two of them tumbling to the ground.

Pearl groaned as she looked up and saw the small body of a young fox. Feeling the wind in the castle she flung herself over the boy and looked about. While the storm outside raged on, Forestsong was gone. The massive kitsune vanished as easily as shadows in daylight. “Where?”

“Uh, Pearl.” Blinking herself she stared in disbelief at the small boy. The wind around everypony swirling rapidly before taking a shape the same size as Twilight. Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing. A walking lightning storm with nine tails. One look from the creature's eyes brought Twilight to her knees in awe.

Pearl blinked and looked at the storm walking towards her. She watched as it tilted its head and almost smiled. With a flick of its paws, Pearl rolled backward.

Foolish little brother. Why do I always have to clean up after you? A thundering voice echoed in the minds of all those present. The storm leaned down and kissed the cheek of the small boy Pearl had flung herself over. Afterward, the storm looked at Pearl and grinned. He’s your problem now. Treat him well. Or you’ll see me again.

The storm stamped its paw and its form blew away. Through the upper windows, the two mares and the guard saw the clouds clear.

Pearl looked down at the semi-transparent form of a kitsune. Sleeping as if he didn‘t have a care in the world, all nine tails twitching.

“Hard to believe that only seconds ago, he was all rage and fury.” Pearl slumped down on one side of the small version of Forestsong.

Twilight sighed. “Agreed. But it appears we have dodged a disaster. That was the same aura I felt at the gravesite. If that was Stormbringer in a benign mood, I fear what she is like when she’s in a foul one.”

Pearl nodded and looked at Forestsong then back to Twilight. “She didn’t even touch me and with one flick of her paw, sent me flying backward. I never want to face that vixen again.” A quick shiver ran down Pearl’s back.

Twilight nodded. She smirked as a thought came to her. “So, Pearl. What will you do now? You seem rather attached to Forestsong there. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you have a crush on him.”

Pearl shot her a glare. “What?! Me. Like him like that? You’re out of your mind, Twilight.”

Twilight giggled. “I don’t know. You protected him rather well up until his big sister came along. And she said ‘Treat him well’ to you, not to me.”

Pearl just groaned as Twilight giggled some more. “So what. But what about you? It’s not like I didn’t catch you eyeing those muscles of his.” Pearl smirked as Twilight stepped back and blushed.

“I… I..” Twilight stammered and chuckled. “Well, you did too.”

“Hehe.” Getting up Pearl wrapped her forelegs around Twilight’s shoulder. “Mmm. Oh, don’t worry. It’s not like finding an exotic creature like that attractive means anything right?”

Wrapping her wings around Pearl, Twilight moved in closer. “Right. He’s our friend, nothing more.” Leaning in Twilight kissed Pearl lovingly on the lips.

Both girls leaned back and smiled before blinking as they felt something between them. Looking down they saw that the younger Forestsong was looking up at them. By his expression he had no recollection of what he had recently done, his nine tails swishing side to side.

“Is there anything to eat around here nee-chan?” He said with a yawn. Much to their confusion.

Ch. 9

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Pearl yawned as she flipped down another scroll. “I don’t think I’ll ever get to read all of this. Your family makes Twilight’s note-taking look normal by comparison. And she’s basically the Empress of Note Taking.”

Forestong chuckled, as he lay off to the side. “Great grandfather and grandfather would have made your scholars look like newborns. It took a great deal of back and forth before Tiamat would even consider letting them learn anything about Western Dragons.”

Pearl gave him a look. “Have you ever met her? If your family had some dealings with her.”

He nodded, smiling at a long-ago memory. “I did once. With my father. I honked her nose and called her a big rainbow lizard straight to her faces.”

Pearl’s jaw dropped in horror. “You what?!”

Forestsong laughed. “Oh yes. I was three and didn’t know any better. Don’t tell me you never said anything like that when you were young?”

Pearl blushed and looked away, not dining to respond, which told Forestsong all he needed to know which made him laugh harder.

Pearl’s cheeks puffed out in indignation. “So how come she didn’t have you as a light snack?”

He shrugged. “Mother was one of the few the Chromatic Dragon ever truly respected, and to be honest I think Tiamat was slightly afraid of her. And being as young as I was, she let it slide.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she looked back at a scroll. “Remind me to not get on your mom’s bad side, then. I think I’m on thin ice as it is with your sister.”

“Yeah, even father was terrified of mom,” Forestsong rolled over onto his back and slowly examined the small bits of plastic in his paws before shaving the sides smooth and connecting them. “Say thanks for letting me do this lil puzzle, it’s been ages since I had any kind of puzzle game.”

“Meh, I had three of those.” Pearl eyed him assembling a Master Grade Barbatos. “Personally I’m still waiting for Virtue and Nadleeh in a few months. About time we get all the Season 1 00 Celestial Being Gundams.” Pearl looked at Forestsong who was staring at her with a blank expression on his face. His mouth agape and upside down. “Oh, right. There is so much I need to explain about the series these are all based on. I don’t even know where to start.”

“Is this one of those things that would take a long time to explain properly?” He asked.

Pearl sighed. She could hear the unasked question behind that. “Yes. Even longer to watch all that there is for the franchise. I’m sorry. It’s just that whenever I get going on Gunpla or Gundam, I forget that not everyone will know what I’m talking about.”

“Not even Twilight?” Forestsong smiled.

Pearl giggled. “Especially Twilight. She’s been there since I started, and she still doesn’t get all of it. And I’ve tried explaining it to her. We can start from the very beginning. But…”

Forestsong’s smile grew slightly. “But you don’t know how long I will be here? How long it will take before I can go home?”

Pearl nodded. Darn it. He was good.

Forestsong chuckled. “You don’t need to hide it. I know you and Twilight will do everything possible to get me home. I trust you. You’re my friends. You proved that when I was at my worst.”

“It could go faster if you helped us. I’m sure you know the rituals and rites that need to be performed.” Pearl smiled and leaned in a bit.

“Pearl, we’ve been through this before. Yes, I know them but I can’t tell you.” Forestsong just laid there on his back. “Any knowledge that deals with magic and death have to be earned. It can’t just be handed out on a whim to a race that’s not prepared for it.”

Pearled huffed and sat back in her chair and closed her eyes. Her front legs crossed over her chest. It was the same response over and over. He had explained it to Twilight. How such magics can devastate a race if used improperly.

“Are you really that eager to get rid of me Pearl?”

Pearl opened her eyes and looked into his amber ones. She let out a soft sigh and shook her head. “No, I’m just worried about you. It’s not right that you should be separated from your family.”

“I’m not worried, as I said. You and Twilight will do everything you can to get me home.” Leaning in, he kissed her cheek. “Until then, I can spend time with my two new big sisters.”

That got a smile out of her. She had always wanted to be a big sister. This hadn’t been quite what she had in mind. But Pearl would take it, For however long it might be. “Fine. You’re less of a pain in my backside now, so I guess I can learn to live with it.”

He chuckled. “Do you always need to be the tough girl?”

Pearl grinned. “It’s just how I am. It’s how I survived for years on the docks of Baltimare. You were either tough, or they would chew you up and spit you out. Mom and dad didn’t want that to be my life, so we moved to Ponyville.

“And you never outgrew it completely,” Forestsong added with a smirk. One that Pearl returned.

“I don’t know. Did you ever completely grow up? Or were you even worse than you are now?” She asked.

Chuckling he slipped down onto the ground and leaned back against the chair. “Oh, I was a lot worse. My sisters always said I was both the greatest joy, and bane, of their existence.” Letting out a sigh he looked out the overhead window. “Of course they were always like father, stern. Unyielding. But caring. And myself, well I am my mother's child. She and I always balanced them out.”

Pearl smiled. “I never had that. My friends were just as bad as me. We never hung around with the worst kids. But I can’t count the number of stupid things we did and got in trouble for.”

“I never had a lot of friends growing up.” Forestsong set down the semi-completed Barbatos and crossed his front legs together. “Our clan was large, there were plenty of others my age. But being part of the ruling cast I never had the time to spend with them. I was constantly with father and my sisters. Meeting with other races, overseeing the pony tribes. Keeping the land from erupting into chaos. I had to learn all of that.”

Pearl gagged. “Glad I never had to learn any of that. I’d think I’d go crazy. Some days, I wonder how Twilight does it and doesn’t go insane.”

“Well, it’s a lot nicer now than it was back then,” Forestsong chuckled. “If things got out of hand. Groups had two choices. You either get with the program, or you end up under the ground. And while father hated to rule with fear. Sometimes it was necessary to show them who was in charge of these lands.”

“Maybe Twilight can take some lessons then. She will never admit it, but there have been so many threats on her life since she came to the throne, that she finally had to have the Royal Guard posted to her castle. Friendship might be magic. But that won’t stop the knife of an assassin if somepony is dumb enough to try,” Pearl shivered.

“Sounds like you would enjoy it if she dropped being a princess and became a true empress,” he grinned up at her. “But, after learning a bit about today’s world, ruling the way we used to wouldn’t be right.”

Pearl shook her head. “A little fear never hurts. Ponies feared Celestia and Luna as much as they loved them. The same goes with Twilight, Cadence, and Flurry Heart.”

“Yeah but it’s not in her nature.” Getting up, Forestsong looked over his shoulder. “But it is in yours. Everyone needs someone to be the yin to their yang. If she can’t show them the fear they need to see, somepony else has to.” Walking to the door he opened it. “I’m going to get a snack. I’ll be back.” with that the door swung behind him.

Pearl sighed. He was right of course. But darn it all if she would ever let him hear her say that. Her pride wouldn’t allow it.

And he was also right about something else. Twilight needed that balance. Yin to her yang. In her heart, Pearl knew what she wanted to do about that.

But she wasn’t sure if she was ready to take that step or not. It could ruin everything if she did, and she didn’t want that. Her ear perked up and turned around and looked at Forestsong walking in, munching on a few baked goods.

“I have to ask, did you have a yin to your yang?”

Sitting back amongst the scattered parts of the model Forestsong sighed and nodded. “I did. She was a beauty like no other. Alabaster fur. Flaming red mane. Not everyone in our clans approved of us of course. Thinking that what we were doing was unnatural. Even father voiced his concerns. Thankfully mother shut him up quick enough.”

Pearl blinked at the description and looked at herself before looking at the back of his head. “Was she a pony?”

His head shook side to side which let out a sigh of relief from Pearl.

“No, She wasn’t a pony. But she wasn’t a fox either. Her clan had moved to these lands for the same reason ours did. To remove ourselves from the endless wars in the east.” Leaning back on his front legs, Forestsong looked at the sun as he popped another brownie into his mouth. “I still miss her, my darling Snow Rose.”

Pearl almost choked on air hearing the second part of that name. “So, if she wasn’t a fox, what was she?”

Smiling, he turned his head toward her. “A river spirit dragon.”

Pearl’s eyes widened. For a split second, she felt something inside of her respond to the words as if an old flame had reignited at an unseen spark. The next it was gone, and she shook her head. “Is that why you seem so attached to me? Because I look like her?”

Forestsong didn’t respond for a moment. “I would be lying if I said it wasn’t part of the reason at first. But you’re not her. I won’t act like you are, or treat you as I did her. It wouldn’t be fair to you or to her memory.”

Pearl sighed in relief. “Thank you. Maybe it’s just dumb luck that I look like her. She must have been worth it. I don’t understand how all of it worked, but I can’t see that being normal. No matter what the other might be.”

With a quick chuckle, he nodded. “Oh, she was worth it. But despite most of the clan’s reservations, not to mention the council of elders. My sisters and mother said as long as I was happy. They approved of her.”

“And I take it she did make you happy,” Pearl smirked at him.

“Yeah, she did.” Closing his eyes he folded his front legs behind his head and laid out on his back again. “But her being limber enough to make a slinky jealous was kinda odd at times. Enjoyable but odd.”

Pearl heaved. “Oh. Eww. Don’t think I needed to know that.”

“Then you might want to skip the sections on dragon mating. Some of it is rather descriptive. Thankfully she wasn’t a western dragon. Now I'm daring, but I still can’t see how any creature can be in the mood when you're dropping to the earth at terminal velocity.” Forestsong did catch her heaving motion but chuckled. Glad he was fulfilling his brotherly duty to gross out a sister at least once a day.

Pearl shot him a glare. “Now I can see why your sisters called you a bane for them. Damn it all. This love of dragons is going to drive me crazy one of these days.

“Just be grateful you're getting the water down version of how I was a bane to them.” Forestsong opened one eye and grinned up at her. “If I did half of the stuff I did to them to you, the next place Twilight would see you is in the psych ward of Ponyville General.”

Pearl could well believe it. “I know I almost put her in it when I first asked to go with her to see Tiamat. I hadn’t been her student that long. Call it being young and brash.”

“Father always called it fun. He said if your student doesn’t drive you crazy. Then the teacher is doing something wrong. He drove his father crazy. And Starswirl… well let’s just say he didn’t help put unicorns in a good light as my father’s apprentice. Four hooves, all thumbs.” spreading his paw out he looked at it softly. “Which is quite the accomplishment, since ponies don’t have fingers. It was twenty years before he actually got his act together as a spellcaster. I think sis helped him out a lot though.”

Rolling over onto his belly he stood up. “Kinda hard to imagine he’s one of your greatest living sorcerers. Considering father always said he didn’t have the mind to boil water”. Moving over across the library he looked up at the portrait of Starswirl. “I think Father would be proud overall. At seeing the skinny unicorn grow into something as great as he is. I know I am.” Looking over his shoulder, Forestsong looked at Pearl. “Sorry, I tend to ramble on at times. Of course, the only things that used to listen to me were the squirrels in the trees. I miss my forest and everything in it. You know before I showed up here, there was this lovely maiden who always came into my forest and sang with the birds. I never learned who she was. But it always reminded me of my mother when she sang. I would sit there in the shadows unseen and listen for hours.”

“She had this amazing yellow coat and brilliant pink hair.” Sighing softly, Forestsong closed his eyes and bowed his head.

Pearl smiled. “Well. You’re in luck. I happen to know the Pegasus in question. That sounds like Fluttershy to anyone who knows her.” She smiled sheepishly. “If we can keep her from freaking out when she meets you anyway. I get the feeling you two would get along great.”

Nodding softly, Forestsong took a long deep breath. “Yeah. Shame it won’t happen though. Not that I don’t want to meet her. It's just I know how skittish this Fluttershy is. From observing her in my forest. And I don’t want her to be scared to ever enter it again. It’s enough to know she cares about my woods, and as a thankyou, I keep her cottage safe from the dark things that roam around. And I’m not just talking about Timberwolves.”

Pearl almost asked what those could be. But a part of her knew she was better off never knowing. Ponies still feared the dark for a reason.

“You can still tell her about me if you like. I am after all the embodiment of that forest. Both the good and the bad. And sadly you and Twilight have seen both, and I'm deeply sorry for it. When I'm back home, I’ll do my best to repay you somehow.” Forestsong kept his eyes closed. “We spirits aren't meant to mingle with ponies, but we can do little things.”

Pearl smiled. “Thanks. I don’t blame you for what happened. Discord deserved what he got. For everything he’s done, and then some. Maybe this time he’ll learn his lesson. Probably not. But I’ll be long gone by the time he comes back.”

Turning his head he looked at Pearl and smiled. Leaning in he sniffed her a bit and smirked. “Maybe. I’m getting tired. I’m going to go lay down.” Walking past Pearl he left the library feeling as if the weight of the forest was bearing down on his shoulders.

Ch. 10

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Twilight pinched her nose in frustration. “I appreciate the concern, Gallus. But Pearl and I had everything under control. There is no need to worry about a little storm.”

Gallus shook his head. His Royal Guard training had managed to instill discipline and obedience to the Crown, but some of his old habits had never gone away. “With all due respect, Twilight. That was not just a little storm. It literally came out of nowhere, dead center on your castle. Harmony wouldn’t have gathered me and my friends together if it was just a “Little storm.” ”

Twilight smiled. That was true, and past experience had taught her to trust Harmony’s judgment on something like this. Not today, however. “With all due respect to Harmony, this was not something the six of you could have handled. I do not doubt that you all would have tried. But this was something Pearl and I had to do ourselves.”

Gallus frowned. He could tell that Twilight was hiding something. Something important. “What is so important that you won’t tell us, Twilight? The Map Room looks like a warzone. There’s blood spots against one wall. What happened in there?”

Twilight frowned. He was towing a very thin line. She liked that Gallus would speak to her like this normally. But not today. “Justice long overdue. Discord finally paid for all he has ever done. And that, Captain. Is all I will say on the matter.”

Gallus snapped to attention, his training overcoming his need to know more. No matter how much he didn’t like it.

Twilight hated to have to say that. But the fewer who knew of what had really gone on in the Map Room, the better. “Tell Harmony this as well. Stay out of this. I don’t want the six of you hurt. And if she still insists on getting you involved?”

She paused for a moment before her frown grew. “Tell her Forestsong sends his regards.”

Twilight rubbed her snout as Gallus left. She hated having to keep him and his friends out of this, but it was better that they didn’t know. She made a note to make it up to him later.

Right now, however, there were other ponies she needed to meet with. And she was not looking forward to this. One in particular.

Her thoughts were interrupted when one of the Door Guards stuck his head inside. “Your highness? Your friends are here.”

Twilight sighed. Better to get this over with as soon as possible. “Send them in.”

The guard nodded, before ushering the rest of the Elements of Harmony and Starlight Glimmer into the Council Chambers. Rainbow looked a little worse for wear after being thrown around in the storm, and the others didn’t look much happier.

Twilight gulped. “Thank you for coming on such short notice, girls. I know Ponyville needs all hooves on deck. But this can’t wait.”

Applejack shook her head. “Land sakes, Twi. That damn storm almost flattened the whole town. Ain’t counting whatever happened to your castle.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah. What was up with that storm anyway? We couldn’t get anywhere near it. It almost looked like it was alive.”

Rarity shot her a look. “Come now, Rainbow. Don’t you think you’re exaggerating just a little? Ponyville has had wild storms before.’

Rainbow shook her head. “Not like this one, we haven’t. Since when did a storm hover over one spot and not move at all? Even the other storms moved. This one didn’t move at all, and then it just vanished? That isn’t normal. Even for Everfree storms.”

Fluttershy nodded, a distant look in her eyes. “It’s true. And then there was that all the animals were worried sick. I’ve never seen them so afraid.”

Twilight nodded. She had been afraid of that. “That was not a normal storm. Not even a wild storm.”

“So do you know what it was all about?” Starlight asked.

Twilight nodded sadly. “Yes. Do you remember the kitsune skull I have had for some time now?”

“That old thing? What about it?” Applejack asked.

“Does it have something to do with that gravesite we found?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes. That broken into grave we found? That skull belongs to it. I’ve met its owner.”

Fluttershy felt her heart drop. “That is so sad. What is it doing outside of it? That doesn’t feel right. Um. At least I don’t think so anyway. I don’t understand kitsune burials.”

Twilight smiled a little. “It’s okay Fluttershy. And you’re right. It isn’t right. That grave was desecrated. Forestsong is the name of its owner.”

“And you’ve met him? How?” Starlight asked.

Twilight chuckled. “He’s a spirit, Starlight. The literal embodiment of the Everfree Forest. It’s his home. My castle shows the sign of nature’s wrath, unleashed. Unrestrained and unstoppable.”

The girls shared a look. “But what did you do? We only just found the place. Unless you never told us something?” Rainbow asked with an annoyed look.

Twilight shook her head. “I didn’t do anything. But I knew who had, and Pearl and I told Forestsong about it. He was not pleased, to say the least.”

“So who did it then? That is something I can’t believe anyone would ever do,” Fluttershy replied.

Twilight’s ears fell as she looked at her friend. “It was Discord. He willfully desecrated and destroyed Forestsong’s shrine, and he damn well knew what he was doing when he did it.”

The girls gasped, while Fluttershy looked disappointed. “I cannot believe you, Twilight. He would never do such a thing.”

Twilight gave her a look. “Would he? What about Sombra? What about the Legion of Doom?” Her frown grew. “Tirek? Discord was never one to think about what his actions would cause or cost.”

Fluttershy shrunk back a little, but she came back quickly. “But he learned his lesson. I know he has.”

Twilight laughed, but there was no mirth behind it. “Has he? Did you ever wonder why you found Forestsong’s skull as you did? Like it was placed there on purpose.”

Fluttershy couldn’t argue with that. It had seemed too convenient that she had been the one to find it. “It did seem too convenient. And it did look too new since you said kitsunes died out a long time ago.”

Twilight nodded. Her frown melted a little at the look her friends were giving her. “Fluttershy. For as long as I knew him, Discord and I never got along. At best, he was a constant pain in my flank. At worst… Well. You all remember the first time we met him.”

The group nodded, even if Starlight hadn’t been present at the time. “Hard to forget about that, darling,” Rarity shuddered.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “In all that time, no matter how much he drove me insane, I never said a thing about it. Do you really think I would lie about this? What would be the point?”

Nopony said anything for a moment. “Silverstream came to me that day. She said the Tree of Harmony had asked to get her friends together. You know she wouldn’t do that unless something was very wrong,” Starlight said.

Twilight nodded, her head falling. “I was at ground zero. Pearl and I saw things that we will carry for the rest of our lives. My castle looks like a warzone. Do you really think I would do it myself?”

Nopony could argue with that. As long as it had taken, Twilight had always taken good care of her home. No matter if it had been the Golden Oaks Library, or the Castle of Friendship.

“Alright. Just for the sake of argument, let's say Discord did all you said he did, Twilight. Where did that storm come from?” Rainbow asked. “Even he couldn’t make the weather do that.”

Twilight gulped. “I do know. Remember the grave and shrine I said we should avoid even more than the others? That it would probably be the last thing we ever did if we got too close?”

“Ah still think you were overreacting, Twi,” Applejack rolled her eyes. “What could they do? Being dead and all.”

Twilight looked out a nearby window. It was a rather cloudy day. “I can tell you, Applejack, what one of them did. That storm was Forestsong’s sister, Stormbringer. If I understood what he told us correctly, she is the literal embodiment of the storm and weather.” She shuddered. “I have never felt such power in something so beautiful, and yet so terrifying at the same time.”

“What did she do?” Pinkie asked.

“Well for starters with the flick of her wrist, and not even touching her, she blew Pearl aside as if she was nothing more than a wayward leaf. Standing before me the aura was so intense all I could do was bow before her.” All of her friends were wide-eyed in shock. Twilight rarely if ever bowed before Celestia.

Twilight smiled slightly. “She then calmed Forestsong down and grounded him. Whatever else, he is still her baby brother.” She looked at AJ, Rarity, and Rainbow. “I know you girls know what that is like?”

The trio in question nodded, smiling at the memories of their own younger siblings. Even Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile.

“So what then? We just put his skull back in his grave and fix his shrine? Doesn’t sound too hard,” Starlight shrugged.

Twilight slumped in her chair. “It’s not that simple, Starlight. Returning Forestsong’s skull is just one part of what we need to do. We need to reconsecrate his shrine, and who knows what else, and I don’t know how I can.”

“Can’t he tell you?” Fluttershy asked. Whatever else she was feeling at the moment, she didn’t like the idea of this not being made right.

“He can, but he won’t,” Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose with her hoof. “He said magic such as this has to be earned, and I believe him. I’ve been reading scroll after scroll. And in one was mentioned what might happen if a reconsecration goes wrong. Not only would his soul be lost. But mine as well.”

The group blanched at the thought. “Guess we can’t ask the rest of his family for help then, either?” Rarity asked with a forced smile.

Twilight snorted. “Rarity. I want to avoid the rest of his family if I can. If Stormbringer is any indication, we were lucky to get away with what we did. And I think that was her in a good mood. Besides, they have less tolerance for ponies than Forestsong does.”

Fluttershy sighed and moved herself to the door. “I’m... I’m sorry Twilight, I have animals to feed right now.” Her voice was low as her shoulders slumped a bit as she left the room.

Twilight winced. She hated having to be the one to have said all of this. But it was out now, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She just hoped that one day, Fluttershy would forgive her for what she had done.

Fluttershy strolled through Ponyville. Looking about she watched as various ponies cleaned up after the sudden storm. She couldn’t believe what had been said about Discord. Reaching the bridge to her home she stopped and looked at the Forest.

“Why would he, why do that and leave me to find it?” She said to herself. With a long-drawn-out sigh, Fluttershy walked toward her cabin when a rustling came from behind her.

Turning around she stood defensively. Her wings clung tightly to her body as her eyes scanned the road, moving over toward her valley. Blinking she noticed something dash past the hills. From the shape, she saw it was a fox. “Oh my, I hope I didn’t frighten the poor dear.” Spreading her wings Fluttershy took to the sky and soared a few feet above the ground to her valley.

Landing on a small hill she looked around. Nothing but a large pile of leaves at her hooves and trees from the Everfree that bordered it. “Hello? Any little fox out here? You don’t have to be scared, come on out.” Slowly turning around she looked everywhere for what she had seen.

Sighing she sat down and lowered her head. “Great, nothing. I must have just imagined it.”

“You didn’t” a soft voice reached Fluttershy’s ears. Startling her so much that she jumped several feet into the air and spread her wings to hover.

Looking down she saw the pile of leaves shift as a small fox no larger than a colt lifted its head from the pile. With a shake the leaves vanished and sitting there was the fox she had seen.

“Sorry, I was tailing you. You seemed rather depressed.” Forestsong stretched and patted the ground beside him. “I was going to keep my silence, I wanted to avoid frightening you. But you sounded so defeated. I guess I just felt sorry is all.”

“W… who...” Fluttershy half stammered as she slowly floated down.

“Who am I?” Fluttershy nodded. “Well my name, my actual name hasn't been used in ages. Not even Twilight and Pearl know it. But you can call me Forestsong.” Forestsong smiled pleasantly. His nine tails fanned out on the ground behind him.

“Forestsong? The same one Twilight was talking about. The same one I… I..”

“Yes, you're the one who found my skull after Discord placed it in your path.” Forestsong kept perfectly still, the sunlight slightly filtering through him making the ground in front glitter a brighter green. “You needn't worry, I don’t bite. At least not without permission first.”

A soft giggle escaped Fluttershy’s lips as she landed beside the fox. Reaching out she lightly touched his shoulder and pulled back slightly. “Your. um. Are you?”

“Yeah, it’s hard to explain. But to answer your questions, yes. I am a spirit. Not actually dead, but not actually living either. What you and Twilight found at the gravesite is the remains of my physical form. One I shredded a very long time ago when I ascended. Becoming a true spirit of nature.”

Fluttershy just looked at Forestsong. Blinking just to keep her eyes from spinning any more than they were. “Twilight said that you, well we saw the aftermath at her castle.”

“Yeah, not exactly my best moment.” Keeping his still form he steadied his eyes on hers. “But I was upset. Having a childhood friend betray me and damn me by keeping me from my home and trapped in this pony purgatory. No offense.”

“None taken,” was all she could say as she looked into his eyes. She knew this tactic. She used it often with frightened animals. Whatever he was, he knew just what to do. “This friend, Was he? I mean was it.”

“Discord?” Fluttershy nervously nodded. “Yes. it was. I’m sorry to say it. I know he was your friend too. I don’t know why, but the reason never justifies the action. He betrayed me, my family. Our entire friendship the moment he shattered my shrine.”

“Couldn’t you have found a way to forgive him? A second chance?” Fluttershy felt sick to her stomach. She then found a soft paw on her front leg.

“If only it was so simple. I’d known him my entire life. Even back when I was just a baby.” Running his paw up he sat next to Fluttershy. “I know how you feel, you’re in disbelief. So was I. But if I didn’t do something, I would be betraying my own heart.”

“What did you do?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Fluttershy wanted to run away. Frightened of the answer before it was even given.

“I tore his essence apart, scattered it all over the world.” He looked away, but Fluttershy saw the sudden flash of deep-seated anger behind them. “Being an immortal he didn’t die. But, it will take him eons to reform. Maybe during that time, he can find redemption, but I'm not holding my breath. Our friendship is dead now.”

“I’m sorry.” Fluttershy wrapped her front legs around the small boy. She didn’t know why she did it. Only that she had to.

“I’ve always liked you.” Forestsong leaned back and rested the back of his head against her ample floor. “I’ve watched you many times in my forest. You would stroll its paths, helping every little animal you found. You even sang to the birds for hours. And I would listen to you as you did so.”

“I like doing that. I’m just grateful and lucky nothing ever happened to me. I know how dangerous the place is.”

“That wasn’t luck, that was me.” Pushing away slightly he moved behind Fluttershy.

Turning around she was going to ask what he had meant only to be met by the largest set of paws she had ever seen. Lifting her head up, her eyes met large amber ones. “I’m sure Twilight told you I was the embodiment of the forest?”

Fluttershy nodded slowly. “Big…”

“Hmm?” Looking down he blinked and then chuckled as a flurry of leaves circled about him and he retook the small form he had earlier. “Sorry, being this close to my home and my body just acted of its own accord.”

“Well, um that’s okay. You can be that large if you want.” Fluttershy gave a little cough. “I don’t mind. I like your forest. It’s beautiful. A bit wild, but I guess that’s how it should be. Thank you, for keeping me safe that is. And I'm so sorry Discord did that to you. He should have just left you alone.”

Sighing softly, she hugged Forestsong again. “After the whole Grogar incident, I found it difficult to forgive him. Even now I haven't. He hurt us all and his actions almost destroyed us. But being part of chaos is his nature. But when I heard what he had done to you, I never thought he could do something so evil.”

Forestsong felt the soft drops of tears on his back as he lifted his paw up and lightly held her hoof. He felt her collapse to her belly. Shifting slightly he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and let her cry.

Twilight sighed as she and Starlight left the room behind. The rest of the girls had already found their rooms for the night. Right now, Twilight needed all the companionship she could get, “Well that could have gone better,” she grumbled.

Starlight chuckled. “If it had come from anypony else, I’d say they were lying. I’m still having a hard time believing it myself.”

Twilight smiled a little. “I understand the feeling, Starlight. But I have the proof to show it. Whether I want it or not.”

Starlight rolled her eyes before they dropped. “Were you truly ready to invoke it though? You know better than I do what it would mean if you had.’

Twilight nodded firmly. “Yes, Starlight. I was. I think that was why Stormbringer came as she did. Aside from helping her family, she knew what I was about to do, and what it would mean for them even if the Judgement had gone their way. I don’t know how she knew. But she did.”

Starlight could see the gleam in her mentor’s eyes. She meant every word of it. And if there was one thing Starlight Glimmer knew, it was that Twilight Sparkle was never one to use something like this unless there was no other choice. “Good thing we dodged a bullet then, huh?”

Before Twilight could reply, however, someone else butted. “Dodged what bullet?”

The duo stopped and turned. The young pink unicorn that had come up behind them bore a curious look as she looked between the two older mares.

Twilight smiled. “Hello, Luster. Shouldn’t you be in class? I know we do not have any lessons planned for today.”

Luster gave her teacher a look. “It’s Lunch. I finished early so I could find you. One of your friends said which way you were going.”

Twilight looked at a nearby clock. She smiled sheepishly as she saw what time it was. Oh. Was she really that out of the loop today? Apparently so as Starlight smirked at her out of the corner of her eyes. “So it is. Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?”

Luster nodded happily. “There is. But I hope I’m not taking too much of your time, Your Majesty.”

Twilight giggled as she placed a hoof on her student’s shoulder. “Luster, I may be the Ruler of Equestria, but I’m still your teacher.”

Luster smiled. “And you’ve been wonderful. I’ve enjoyed every moment at the School of Magic. But I’m just not sure it’s the right place for me.”

Twilight’s smile faded somewhat. “I see.”

Luster caught on to the change and tried to change tack. “And it’s not the work. I could spend weeks in the library doing research. It’s just there’s a lot of focus on making friends.”

Starlight smiled. “If that’s your problem, you’ve come to the right place.”

Luster shook her head. “That’s just it, though. I don’t want to make friends.”

Twilight blinked in surprise. “So you’d rather leave the School of Magic than make friends?”

Luster smiled. “Actually, I was hoping to set up an independent course of study. Perhaps ask Miss. Rose if I can go with her on one of her trips to the Dragon Lands. I can learn so much.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “It’ll be hard to do without friends. Pearl doesn’t take just anypony with her on those trips. Her friends can tell you that.”

Luster shook her head. “I’m not so sure. Friendship looks like more of a distraction and ultimately a waste of time.”

Starlight’s jaw dropped in horror. “What?!”

Luster looked at Twilight hopefully. “I know you and your friends accomplished so much. I do. But that was so long ago, and you rule by yourself.”

Twilight’s frown grew. “I see. So just because I rule by myself, and that my friends and I don’t see each other as much as we used to, that friendship is a waste of time?”

Luster nodded happily, glad her teacher was finally seeing sense. “I mean, yes. Plus if friendships ultimately fade, why even make them in the first place?”

Something finally snapped behind Twilight’s eyes as she heard those words. Starlight saw it and quickly backed away from the explosion she knew was coming.

Twilight’s frown grew as she lifted Luster’s head with a hoof. “I see. Tell me, my little pony. What kind of stupid way of thinking is that?!”

Luster gulped and tried to back away, but her teacher’s hold was firm. “What do you mean?”

Twilight’s eyes twitched. “You presume to tell me, the Princess of Friendship herself, that friendship is a waste of time and not even worth it?! Where did you even get that idea?”

Luster’s lack of response told Twilight all she needed to know, as Luster's ears fell. She knew the unicorn’s parents would not have put the idea in her head. Cozy Glow was too good for that, and she knew that her classmates had tried to make friends with her for years without success. “I see then. You made this up yourself, based on what you thought you saw around you?”

Luster bit her lip as her head fell. It only confirmed Twilight’s suspicions, sighing sadly as her head fell as well.

“Pearl will not take you, Luster. Not with this attitude. I know the two of you have not always gotten along, but I had hoped she had exaggerated this. I see I was wrong.”

Luster sniffed, long-held tears finally flowing, a long seated fear finally confirmed. “Do you even care about me? What does she have that I don’t? I'm a unicorn, and she's just a Pegasus. But you've always favored that airheaded fea-”

Twilight’s hoof on her lips shut her up as Twilight leaned in with an angry scowl. “I suggest you think very hard about how you plan to finish that sentence, Luster Dawn. I know your mother taught you better than that. Pearl deserves your respect as much as I or Starlight does. She has never spoken about you in such terms. No matter how much you two fought. She has tried to be friends with you. Yet you blow her off constantly. Why?”

Luster wilted under the stern look she was getting from both mares. This was not how this was supposed to go. Where had she gone wrong? She'd had this planned out months ago. What did she miss?

Twilight saw this, and it broke her heart. She wanted to take Luster in her wings and tell her everything would be alright. But that would be a lie. There was one thing she could do, as she turned to look at Starlight. “Starlight. I hate to do this to you, but the classes at the school will need to be reworked.”

Starlight blinked in confusion. “Why? What do you have in mind?”

Twilight smiled a little. “You will be having a new student soon.” She looked back at Luster, who was just as confused as Starlight was. “You’re right about one thing, Luster. The School of Magic isn’t the right fit for you. So I am transferring you to the School of Friendship.”

Luster gasped in shock and horror. “You can’t do that! Can you?”

Twilight giggled. “In fact, I can, Luster. Your mother told me recently that she was worried about you. That you weren’t fitting in at the school. And once again, Cozy was right. She told me that if I felt it was needed, I should do this.”

Luster pouted. Her mother was always good at this kind of thing. It was why she was a chess Grandmaster. But the look in her mentor’s eyes said there would be no argument about this. She let her tears gather, her heart breaking at the thought of what this meant. “Does this mean I’m no longer your student, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight’s heart shattered, remembering when she had once asked that same question. “Right now Luster? I don’t know. Your magic is beyond compare to your classmates. But you are sorely lacking in other areas. Prove me wrong, however. Prove to me that I am wrong about this. Show me you can learn to embrace friendship and make friends.”

She smirked, earning another gulp from the unicorn. “And I will know if you are faking it just to make me happy. I’ve gotten very good at seeing this type of thing. Am I understood?”

Luster nodded, but Twilight could see her heart wasn’t in it, however, She turned back to Starlight. “I will leave the rest up to you, Starlight.”

Starlight nodded numbly, as the alicorn turned and walked away, leaving behind two very confused and lost unicorns.

Only once she was sure nopony would see her, did Twilight allow herself to drop the mask and let her own tears flow.

ch. 11

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Pearl looked up as Twilight stomped into the room. She didn’t look very good. “What happened to you? You look like crap.”

Twilight shot her a bloodshot look. “Pearl Rose. I love you. But do not test me right now. I am not in the mood.”

Pearl glared right back. “Who pissed in your coffee?” Sitting back in her chair she crossed her front legs.”So I take it the girls did not take it so well?”

Twilight shook her head. “They took it as well as could be expected. Fluttershy wasn’t happy, to say the least, and I’m afraid of what this might do to our friendship.”

Pearl’s ears fell as she moved over and pulled her marefriend into a hug. “We knew she might react like this. Forestsong left a while ago looking like the weight of the forest was on his shoulders. I don’t want to think what might happen if they meet.”

Twilight lightly stiffened in the embrace but leaned back nevertheless.

“So what has your nerves in such a bunch. I doubt it was your friends given how you snapped at me.” Pearl rested her head behind Twilight’s, lightly kissing the back of her princess’s neck.

“It’s Luster.” Twilight sighed, bowing her head. “That girl, she's… she..”

“She’s you. As you used to be. If what you told me about your youth is to be believed.”

Twilight nodded sadly. “She is. Maybe I’m biased, but I believe she might be worse than even I was. She called friendship a waste of time, and that if friendships fade, then what’s the point?”

Pearl pinched her snout. “Oh for the love of… Where did she get that idea? I know her parents would never teach her that.”

Twilight nodded. “She made it up herself, based on the fact that I rule alone and that the girls and I don’t see each other as much as we used to.”

Pearl pounded her head on her chair. “That filly ... If I’d known it was this bad, I would have said something sooner. Us students of yours need to stick together. I’ve tried. Goddess above knows I’ve tried to be friends with her. And for a bit, I thought we were.”

Twilight sighed. “I think she’s jealous of you. That I give you more attention than I do to her because you’re a Pegasus. I saw it in her eyes. She’s afraid she’s been replaced in my heart with you. But she still wanted to get together with you on something. She wanted to go with you on your trips to the Dragon Lands.”

Pearl smiled. “Well if she got that stick shoved up her flank removed, I’d consider it at least. I don’t know why she’d think that. I’m not mad you have her as a student.”

Twilight chuckled. “I know. But her feelings aren’t telling her that. She sees you, and she sees someone taking me away from her. Someone who shouldn’t be doing that in her eyes.” She sighed. “Luster called you an air-headed featherbrain.”

Pearl jolted upright, scowling. “She what?! Doesn’t she know those are the worst insults you can call a Pegasus?!”

Twilight nodded gloomily. “She knows. I don’t think she cared. That was all I could take. I can just about take her views on friendship. But nopony calls any student of mine that. I transferred her from the School of Magic to the School of Friendship.”

Pearl nodded. Finally. “Is she still your student after all of that?”

Twilight slumped in defeat. “I don’t know, Pearl. Where did I go wrong? I haven’t held anything back from her. But it’s like looking in a mirror. I see everything I used to be. And there’s no convenient returning evil to help Luster change her views either.”

Pearl smirked. “You sure? Celestia and Luna have to have something left over they forgot to tell you about.”

Twilight giggled. “They don’t. I asked them not long after I came to the throne. We have faced and defeated almost everything they once did. The rest are either dead or are permanently banished to the Outer Dark.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she lay her head on Twilight’s neck. “You sure about that? Those two are so senile that I wouldn’t be shocked if they forgot about something.”

Twilight sighed. “Pearl. Can you please be nice to them? I would normally not say anything, since I know you do love them. But I am not in the mood today.”

Pearl leaned in and rested her head next to Twilight’s. “Did Luster’s rant really unsettle you that much? If I meant half the stupid stuff I said when I was her age, I wouldn’t have been your student very long.”

That managed to get a smile out of the alicorn. “But that is what worries me. Luster meant every word of what she said. I know she did. Her magical skill is unparalleled amongst her class. Yet she blatantly ignores anything and everything that has to do with friendship. And I don’t know why.”

Pearl’s ears fell. “Maybe if me and Starlight talk to her…”

Twilight shook her head sadly. “She won’t listen. At most she might listen to Starlight. But therein lies the problem. You’re a Pegasus.”

Pearl blinked, before unfurling her wings. “Um. Yeah? Always have been, and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon.”

Twilight giggle snorted. “That’s not what I mean, Pearl. You being a Pegasus is a problem for her. It’s not tribalism, that I am sure of. It’s what you did for the position of Personal Student to the Princess.”

Pearl blinked. “What did I do?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Think about it. For over a thousand years, the position was held exclusively by a unicorn, since the very foundation of the School of Magic. Even with me, I continued that tradition with Starlight. And then you came along.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. She’d heard it all before. “Like I could care what those idiots think of me. I didn’t then, and I still don’t.”

Twilight nodded, as she kissed her cheek. “And that is why I love you. But there are things about that time that you don’t know. There were genuine threats on your life because you weren’t a unicorn. Not all of the conspirators were caught.”

Pearl gave her mentor a look. “You think Luster would buy into any of that?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. Not when she is thinking clearly. But she sees me spending more and more time with you, somepony different from her. Somepony that can’t use the same magic like her. She sees you stealing me away from her, and she can’t help but think the worse.”

Pearl’s heart dropped like a rock, as her ears fell. It was a feeling she knew well, long ago it may have been. “I’ll talk to her. I don’t care if she doesn’t respect me, or won’t listen. Luster needs to hear it from someone who's been in her shoes before.”

Twilight smiled as she kissed her forehead. “Thank you. I know it wasn’t easy for you back then. I won’t give up on Luster. I know she has a good heart. She only needs to find it.”

Pearl nodded and sighed. “But if we’re talking about worries, I’m worried about Forestsong. He hasn’t said anything. But I can see it.”

Twilight looked at her marefriend in concern as she heard the hesitation in her voice. “See what?”

Pearl shook her head. “Being here. Trapped as he is? It’s hell for him. Oh, he hasn’t said anything. But I can see it in his eyes. Maybe it’s that stupid racial attitude towards other species of his. We’ve helped tone it down. But it’s still there.”

Twilight shook her head. “Pearl. It’s how he was raised, as was all of his family. We can’t hope to change that.”

Pearl nodded. “I know, and I’m trying to understand it. But he doesn’t make it easy. Sometimes I think it was better that they lost the wars. Even Discord was better at his attitude towards everyone else.”

“Yes but Discord watched ponies grow and evolve. He was here through the centuries and millennia, Forestsong wasn’t.” Twilight sat down beside Pearl and wrapped a wing around her. “Imagine you're wandering through the forest, and you suddenly are plucked up and dropped tens of thousands of years in the future. You’re parted from everything you knew and loved, and the individuals you loved. How would you react, how would you see the other races? Would it be so different from how he’s behaving?”

Pearl thought for a moment, before shaking her head and sighed. “No. I’d probably be the same way. It was hard enough for me when we moved to Ponyville. I can’t even imagine something like what he’s going through.”

Nodding softly, Twilight rested her head atop Pearls. “It’s also not like he hates the other races. He just sees us differently. He sees us as less advanced, I'm not too sure he’s wrong. And that’s something I can understand. Even after becoming an Alicorn, I've seen the other races differently. How far above them I am now, it’s difficult. But I do my best to not let it interfere with how I treat others. ”

“Huh?” Pearl smirked.

“Well, he’s talked about it. He is from a very aristocratic family. One that ruled over these lands for who knows how long. And when they disappeared they didn’t just die, they took to a higher plane of existence.” Twilight rubbed her hooves together slowly. “When I see him, I can’t help but wonder what it would have been like if his family survived. What kind of knowledge they could have taught us. How much of all that history has been lost to us. All that culture, not to mention all that magic.”

Giggling softly, Pearl leaned into Twilight. “Leave it to you to wonder about all the magic that’s been lost to history.”

Twilight ruffled her mane. “What can I say? It’s my thing. I was into magic long before I was into anything else. Reading of course came number one, and I can’t help but wonder what was lost during that time.”

“You know, something’s kinda burning in my mind right now. If the other Kitsunes were destroyed. How is it that his family ascended?” Pearl looked at her hooves. “I’ve read a few texts in the Dragon Lands, at least the ones I could lift. And they mention a purge. How is it that one family survived while the others didn’t?”

“I guess we’ll never know.” Twilight sighed and looked out the window.

“It was because of my okaasan.” Forestsong yawned as he walked into the room and flopped himself down into a nearby chair. “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt. But you were wondering how my clan ascended when the others didn’t?” Both Pearl and Twilight nodded.

“Well, it goes back to the day Tiamat was about to initiate an oath that would have wiped us all out.” Looking down at his paws, Forestsong closed his eyes. “But because she and mother had a longstanding relationship they were able to talk to each other on a level no other had. Tiamat told mother that she would give our clan a chance to ascend past our physical bodies. As a last favor for all the advice and help that she had formerly received. I can’t recall much. I was kinda busy chewing on her tail at the time.”

Both Twilight and Pearl looked at each other rather nervously.

“Mother argued for the time needed for me to reach an age of ascension. Meaning I had a thousand years before she would invoke the oath and kill all of our kind. Tiamat did keep to her promise, but that didn’t stop her children from seeking out the other clans. Thankfully our valley was so well hidden. A dragon could have been dead center in our throne room and seen nothing but forest. After I got my ninth tail, ascending was rather easy. Rosey didn’t care for it since she couldn’t ascend. But since her river ran through my forest, our souls still had each other.”

Twilight leaned over at Pearl. “Rosie?”

Pearl leaned up to Twilight's ear. “A river dragon spirit that he was mated to. Apparently, she looked a lot like me in terms of coloring.”

“Ah,” Twilight nodded before feeling as if a hammer had struck her head and turned back to Pearl. “He was mated to a dragon! How… that makes little sense after just hearing that.”

“An eastern dragon whose family moved out this way to escape the wars out there. He told me about it a few days ago. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.”

Twilight’s mouth opened and closed several times, looking for all the world like a fish out of water, her brain apparently unable to process what she had just been told.

Pearl giggled helplessly at the sight. “And that right there? Totally worth it,” she said, grinning at Forestsong, getting a chuckle in return.

Twilight finally got her brain to reconnect and shook her head in disbelief. “But what could cause Tiamat to order the extermination of an entire race? It doesn’t seem like something she would do on a whim.”

Pearl shrugged. “Who knows? They only called it something beneath a race such as them. And that’s it.”

Forestsong didn’t say anything. Some things were best left forgotten.

Pearl smirked as she remembered something from a few days earlier. “So whose tail were you chewing on? Seems kinda rude to do that to your mom. Especially at a time like that. And, well. I can’t see Tiamat putting up with it. Not in the mood she must have been in.”

He only smiled. “Oh, no. I was chewing on Tiamat’s tail. She would never have admitted it, but she had a soft spot for, as she called me, “That annoying puffball.” Her relationship with mother also worked in my favor. So she did her best to ignore it.”

Pearl’s eyes began twitching, while Twilight just looked horrified. “You chewed on Tiamat’s tail?!”

Forestsong just nodded happily. “Oh, yes, Don’t tell me you never did anything when you were younger that was dangerous? I once honked her on the nose and called her a big rainbow lizard.”

Strands of Twilight’s mane began popping up uncontrollably. “You what?!”

Forestong just smiled wider. “I was three and didn’t know any better. This was long before that second time, however, so I had more leeway.”

Pearl watched as Twilight’s brain came to a screeching halt, her eyes twitching uncontrollably. She giggled as she patted the alicorn’s head. “I think we’ve officially broken her now.”

Chuckling Forestsong leaned back. “Then my job today is officially done.”

Twilight groaned as the two broke into laughter. “You two are made for each other, you know that? If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’ve been doing this for years.”

Pearl just smiled as she placed a kiss on the alicorn’s lips. “But you love me anyway.”

Twilight only pouted, getting another giggle from the Pegasus.

Pearl, though, finally decided enough was enough for now. “So did this help loosen you up after dealing with Luster?”

Twilight smiled after a moment. “As much as I want to say no, you’re right. I needed this. I just hope that I haven’t made a mistake in doing this.”

“Then you need to talk to her, Twilight,” Starlight said as she entered the room. “I’ve given Luster a room to stay in tonight. But right now? She’s not in a good way.”

She was going to say more, but her eyes finally fell on the semi-solid form of Forestsong, who just smiled up at her. “... Am I missing something? Do you two see the fox in here? Or is it just me?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Starlight, this is Forestsong. Forestsong, this is Starlight Glimmer. Please play nice with each other.”

Starlight looked back and forth between her teacher and the fox in question, who only smiled wider. “How are you so calm about this, teach? I’d be a little more freaked out.”

Twilight only shrugged. “What can I say? I guess I’m just used to things like this. Have you not seen what happens in Ponyville? This barely qualifies as one of the top twenty weirdest things I’ve seen.”

Starlight wanted to ask about that but decided it probably wasn’t worth it. “Well, Forestsong. You’re a lot shorter than I thought you’d be.”

Smirking a little Forestsong sat up straight as a flurry of leaves circled all around him for a split second. As the leaves vanished he was there in all twelve hooves high. Lowering his head down he looked Starlight in the eyes. “Was this more to what you were expecting?” Despite his size, his voice hadn’t changed at all. Being younger than what his size depicted. The kitsune’s nine tails swishing behind him.

Starlight gulped, as she smiled sheepishly. “Um… Yes?” as she blinked she noticed Forestsong had returned to his smaller size.

“You can see why I don’t stay that size, rather unsettling for some ponies.”

Starlight could only nod. This was way out of her paygrade, but he was being nice, so she tried to relax. “How many ponies even know you, though? I would think Ponyville wouldn’t stop talking about it if they knew.”

“That is why I try to not let many know about me. The fewer that know, the less chance of panic. Only those in this room and Fluttershy have seen me.”

Pearl tapped her chin. “How did she take seeing you? And what happened to Discord?”

His head bowed. “She was not happy of course, at first. But I believe she came to accept it in the end. And she reacted about the same way you did, Starlight.”

That managed to get a smile out of the unicorn. “Fluttershy deals with a lot of creatures that come from the Everfree. You might take the cake as one of the more unique ones for sure. But she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.”

Twilight smiled, slipping out the door as the trio continued to talk. As much as she wanted to stay, she knew there was somepony else who needed her far more right now.

Ch. 12

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“I appreciate the concern, Harmony. But Pearl and I are handling this just fine on our own,” Twilight huffed as she walked down one of the side corridors of her castle.

Floating alongside her was an ethereal and much younger version of herself. Why the Tree of Harmony chose to keep this form was beyond the princess. But it was good to see a familiar face.

“I do not think you truly understand what you are dealing with, princess. He is not what he seems. Ponyville is at great risk now that he is here,” Harmony said, getting in Twilight’s face.

Twilight frowned. “You’re right. I don’t fully understand Forestsong. I doubt I ever will. But I understand enough. I saw things that day that I will carry for the rest of my life. Things that I wish I could forget, but I will never be able to.”

She smiled, earning a confused look from Harmony. “But we also saw something else. Something you can’t seem to see. You see Nature’s Wrath given form. I saw a child lashing out in anger and sorrow at his oldest friend’s betrayal.”

Harmony winced. Even she could not believe that Discord had been so cruel as to violate a kitsune’s shrine as he had. Let alone that of a close friend.

Twilight’s ears fell. “Pearl saw it better than I did. She gave him the friend he needs the most right now. I feel there is a connection there. One neither knows of.”

Harmony wasn’t sure of that, but it was not her place to say. “And what of his family? You do not want to see their wrath.”

Twilight nodded. She had thought the same thing. “Stormbringer could have flattened Pearl and me if she wished to. She pushed Pearl around like a leaf. But she didn’t, and I do not think it was just for Forestsong’s sake.”

Harmony’s head fell. “She understands what invoking the Oath would mean. All of his family does. It is the one thing they fear, for they understand what will happen to the world and themselves should it be invoked. Even his mother, who feared nothing, could not escape this.”

Twilight found this hard to believe, but there was little else she could base this on. “Then I will repeat what I told Gallus. Stay out of this. Keep them out of this. I do not wish them hurt.”

Harmony wanted to argue. But the look in Twilight’s eyes told her that it would do her no good. She had learned much in her time in this form. This was another lesson it seemed.

Once her mind was made up, very little could make Twilight Sparkle change it.

Twilight smiled as they came around a bend. “Now. As much as I love talking to you, Harmony. There is a pony who needs me far more at the moment.”

Harmony nodded, for she could feel the sorrow in Twilight’s heart. She bowed her head before fading away.

Sighing, Twilight shook her head before she came to a stop before one door in particular. It showed signs of being opened recently. And there was only one reason it would be.

Luster slumped on her bed, letting her tears flow, not caring if anyone saw her like this.

Where had she gone wrong? Princess Twilight had never snapped at her like that. She knew what she had almost said about Miss Rose was the worst thing you could ever say about a Pegasus. For Celestia’s sake, her mother was a Pegasus herself. She should have known better.

If there was one thing Luster feared more than anything else, it was her mother’s wrath. She had been overjoyed when Luster had gotten into the School of Magic. Even more so when Princess Twilight had made her, her Personal Student.

For years now, her mom had been trying to instill all the same things she had learned into her daughter’s head. But Luster had tuned them out. And she didn’t know why,

Was it because Cozy Glow was a Pegasus, therefore she couldn’t know a darn thing about magic? No. Even her father, himself a unicorn, had tried to teach her the same things.

And then there was Princess Twilight herself, the literal embodiment of friendship herself. Luster had heard the stories from the teachers at the school. About how the princess had once been like her before moving to Ponyville.

Luster sniffed. The more she thought about it, nothing about this made any sense to her.

A sudden knocking on the door startled her, and she quickly dried her eyes. “Who is it?” She croaked.

“It’s me, Luster. Can I come in?”

Luster dragged herself from the bed and pulled open the door, revealing Princess Twilight with a worried expression, one that fell even more when she saw the tears in the unicorn’s eyes.

Luster could only nod glumly as she let the alicorn inside. Twilight didn’t need to see the tear-streaked bed covers to know what had gone on. It was all she could take as she pulled the unicorn into a hug.

“Luster. I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier. You didn’t deserve that. I have just had so much thrust on me recently that I finally snapped at you. That wasn’t fair of me.”

Luster tried to smile but it came out forced. “Did it have something to do with that wild storm a few days ago?”

Twilight nodded. “Among other things, yes.” She smiled slightly. “I asked Pearl. She is willing to think about taking you with her on one of her trips. But not like this. I won’t lie. She was hurt. Badly, by what you called her. Not as a Pegasus. But as your fellow student.”

Luster was confused. “Why does she care about me? I’ve never been nice to her, no matter how hard she tries. She’s tried being friends with me for years, even when I didn’t want to.”

Twilight’s smile grew as she wrapped a wing around the unicorn. “Because Pearl does care for you, Luster. No matter what, she does. Even now. I won’t speak for her, but you should stop fighting her for a place in my heart. I love both of you dearly. That will never change.”

Luster smiled a little at that. She could hear the sincerity in the princess’s words. “Does this mean I’m still your student?”

Twilight smiled as she fixed Luster’s mane. “You will always be my student, Luster. Just as Starlight and Pearl will always be. But I stand by what I said earlier. You will never advance if you continue to think this way about friendship.”

Luster’s ears dropped. She had been afraid of that. “But what if I don’t fit in? At least in Canterlot, I knew the other students. I don’t know anyone here.”

Twilight shook her head. “That is why I have faith in Ponyville. This is the friendliest town in Equestria. I dare say even on Equus. Just because you are new, that does not mean other creatures will shun you. They may even try and help you move in.”

Luster smiled a bit more. That did sound nice. “Would they know I’m your student?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not unless you told them. And I highly doubt most would care. My friends would not care in the slightest. They didn’t for me when I was Princess Celestia’s student, nor did they for Starlight or Pearl.”

Luster tried to feel upbeat, but it was easier said than done. Twilight could see this, and her ears fell.

“Luster. I don’t know how or where you got the ideas about friendship that you have. But I remember those feelings well myself, for I once had them.”

Luster shot her teacher a shocked look. “Really? But you’re basically the Goddess of Friendship.”

Twilight giggled. “Well, I wouldn’t go that far. But yes. I too once thought that friendship was a waste of time, even though I had ponies who genuinely tried to be friends with me. I only discovered later how horribly I had treated them.”

Luster tapped her chin. “How did they take it?”

Twilight chuckled. “Rather well actually. All but one that is. My friend Moondancer took it the hardest and became a shut-in recluse for several years until we were able to help out of her funk. As I learned long ago, friendship isn’t easy. But it is worth fighting for.”

Luster rolled her eyes. “Sounds kinda cheesy to me.”

Twilight giggled. “Maybe it is. But it is the truth.” She sighed. “I don’t expect you to do what I did, Luster. You must follow your own heart. Not some old wisdom of mine.”

“But what if I fail?” The unicorn asked. “I don’t know anyone here aside from you, Starlight, and Pearl. And I don’t think she’s very happy with me.”

Twilight nodded. “Pearl isn’t happy, yes. But she still does care. You already have a friend in her. If you’re willing. And I say this not because she’s my marefriend, but I think it would do the both of you so much good.”

Luster wasn’t much convinced, but she nodded all the same. “I will try.”

Twilight smiled, as she kissed her forehead. “That’s all I can ask for, Luster. I will have your things sent down from Canterlot immediately. You can have this room if you wish. Or we can find you a dorm room at the school.”

That got a smile out of the unicorn. “Well, um. I don’t know my way around here. So I think I’ll stay here for now. But I could use something to read.”

Twilight chuckled as she stood up. “That can be fixed. Pearl wants to talk to you. I’m sure she can recommend a few books that are worth it.”

Luster’s smile grew, but as her mentor turned to leave, she suddenly remembered something. “Princess, wait.”

Twilight turned back, confused. “What is it, Luster?”

Luster pawed the ground with a hoof. “Just a little while ago, I heard someone come by the door. They sounded like they were walking on paws.”

Twilight blinked. “Could it have been a griffon? I know Gallus is not the only one in the castle.”

Luster shook her head. “There were no sounds of claws on the floor though. Whoever or whatever it was, they were really silent as well. But I could still hear them.”

Twilight thought of that for a moment. She had a good idea of who it might have been. But now was not the time to bring that up. “You can tell me more about this mystery person later, my Faithful Student. For now, though, get some rest.”

Before she could ask more, the alicorn had closed the door behind her and was gone. Leaving a very confused unicorn wondering if the castle was haunted.

Luster slowly blinked her eyes open, the sound of soft paw pads across the floor of the silent room roused her from a pleasant dream. Lifting her head a little she looked about and couldn’t see anything but shadows. Shrugging she closed her eyes and pressed her face into her pillow.

“Shhhh, it's okay. I know” A soft whisper brushing across her ears sent a cold shiver down her spine. Lifting her head up she looked around.

“I know, okay I'll make sure she understands.” The mysterious voice filled the dark room. She half reached for the light switch, but swiftly thought better of it. Her hoof slowly moved back under her covers.

What the buck is going on!? There's nopony in the room. So where is this voice coming from? And who the buck is it talking to?

“Hmm? Oh, sure I can do that for you. It is a clear night. You should enjoy it.” The sound of ceramic scraping along the marble floor forced the young mare to flatten her ears. As her breathing increased she saw the plant from the corner slowly moving toward the open window. Her hooves gripped the blankets as she trembled.

The plant moved slowly across the floor, past her bed, and up against the windowed wall, the light from the full moon illuminating the blossoms.

“There. How's that?” the voice asked again. “Yes, as I told you earlier, I’ll tell her. You just enjoy the night sky.'' The sound of paw pads across the floor dried her throat quicker than salt. She watched as the door handle turned and the door opened.

It was then she saw them. Those twin amber spheres as the light from the hallway hit them. They turned in her direction and stared at her. “Could you please water the plants in your room before going to bed? They get thirsty too,” the voice stated, sounding rather annoyed that it hadn’t been done that night. Before Luster could utter a response the door closed.

The young unicorn’s eyes kept a firm watch at the door. Reaching over she grabbed a tennis racket and held it in both hooves. Pulling her blankets up tight she nervously kept a silent vigil all night long, her young body trembling at what she just witnessed.

Next morning, Twilight kept a watchful eye on the door to the Dining Room, even as she dug into breakfast as if she’d never eaten before in her life.

Pearl rolled her eyes as she took another bite of pancake. “Think she’ll come down? Spike made more than enough for everypony.”

Twilight nodded, sipping on her morning coffee. “She will. Luster would never miss a chance to have breakfast with me. And I told her we would save her a spot. She’s usually up by now though.”

As if waiting for that moment, Luster Dawn slowly dragged herself into the kitchen with a groan, earning worried looks from everypony. She was a white as a sheet of paper, her eyes darting to and from every shadow and corner as if afraid something would attack her.

But what worried Twilight the most was the tennis racket in Luster’s magic, held like a club or sword. Her eyes had bags under the bags, and her mane went every which way.

Pearl gave the unicorn a perplexed look. “What happened to you?”

“Didn’t sleep at all last night,” Luster yawned. “I think this place is haunted.”

Twilight chuckled. “Oh don’t be ridiculous, Luster. There are no such things as ghosts. Especially in Ponyville.”

Luster shot her mentor a bloodshot glare. “Then you tell me what came into my room last night and lectured me on proper plant care? Neither of you did.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. That last part was true at least. “So what did this mystery “ghost” look like?”

Luster shrugged as she sat down at the table, and began to dig in. “I don’t know. All I saw was a pair of amber eyes before it left me alone.”

Pearl choked on her food for a moment, before taking a sip of soda. “Sorry. Something stuck in my throat. Did you say amber eyes?”

Luster nodded. “Yes. And he was talking to the plants as if they could hear him, and they talked back to him. Earth pony magic doesn’t work like that, and I’ve never heard of a unicorn or Pegasus who could.”

Pearl and Twilight shared a look. There was someone who they knew could do this. But was it right to tell Luster about him?

Luster, though, didn’t see the look that was exchanged, too tired and hungry to care. Whoever made these pancakes, however, knew how to make them. She needed this recipe.

At that moment, Forestsong trotted into the room. “I’ve taken care of the garden, Twilight. You really should take better care of it, though. I know a few things that will help.”

Twilight nodded. “Thank you, Forestsong. To be fair, I’ve never had enough time for it. I really do need to change that.”

Luster was perplexed as to who her teacher was talking to. Turning around in the direction of the first voice, she came face to face with a semi-solid nine-tailed fox, who only grinned at her. “Hi.”

Luster screamed, jumping in fright all the way to the ceiling. “If this place isn’t haunted, then what the hay is that?!” She shrieked, pointing her tennis racket at the fox below her.

Twilight sighed. Great. So much for possibly doing this slowly. “Luster, this is Forestsong. Forestsong, this is my student, Luster Dawn. Can you please not scare her half to death in the middle of the night from now on?

“It wasn’t my intention.” Forestsong sat up next to Pearl and grabbed a large cantaloupe with both paws. “Her plant was just begging for water. I had to do something.” licking his lips he cut open a section and started to dig into it.

“I just got that room yesterday. How was I supposed to know I needed to water it?” Luster groaned, before blinking. “Wait. Why am I arguing with a ghost?”

“Spirit, not ghost. There is a difference.” Forestsong looked over at Luster and quirked his eyebrow. “But still, the plant told me it hadn’t been watered in a week. And likes a bit of moonlight.” His eyes focused from Luster over to Twilight.

Twilight gulped. “I can’t get to every plant in the castle. This place seems to get bigger every damn week. Even I can’t keep track of every room with a plant, or when they need to be watered.”

“Ya know when I was father's apprentice. I had so many duties. Besides my lessons I had to do every job he told me to do.” munching on his cantaloupe he continued to talk, “you’ve had three students. Delegate. I swear for herbivores you should really know better.”

Twilight’s eyes twitched. Was she being lectured like a little filly all over again? Pearl’s and Luster's snickering didn’t help. “Laugh it up you two. I might just make you water all of the plants in the castle.”

“Why don’t you? They are your apprentices. Or students. Whatever you call them.” Setting down his empty cantaloupe half he picked up the other one. “What didn’t your teacher do that to you?”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Not after I blew up the Potion Lab for the third time. Plants and I don’t mix. Even when I lived at home, I could never get one to live. I don’t have a green thumb. Most of the plants we have were bought by the staff to spruce the place up.”

Forestsong quirked an eyebrow as Luster dropped down next to Pearl. “You have a hundred books on plant identification and care. And you're telling me you're incapable of keeping a plant alive.” Pushing aside his cantaloupe his body shifted to full-size status. Both Pearl and Luster froze in place.

“From this moment on you’re taking care of your plants. Learn quickly.”

“Or?” Twilight trembled, fearing even asking that much.

“You might find your bed littered with poison oak. They grow fast and you have a few bits of it growing under your window.” Forestsong's eyes narrowed. After a moment he shifted back to his smaller form. “Don’t test me on the care of plants. To me they are closer to life than ponies are.” huffing he grabbed a personal seedless watermelon and started to cut into it.

Twilight made a mental note to start reading up on all of this as soon as she was done with breakfast. She had a feeling it would get a lot worse past the first time.

But she also noted another thing. She only hoped she wouldn’t have to ever bring it up.

Without even looking up he nodded softly. “Sorry, I get a bit passionate about plants. And I forget just how young you all are. I miss my forest, I miss my family. Even your garden can keep me occupied only for so long. And me being grounded like this won’t last forever. I know what you were just thinking, and yes I know what it would do. I won’t push things that far. So put it from your mind right now princess. A filly like yourself shouldn’t have to resort to it.” Closing his eyes he felt Pearl’s wing about his shoulder as he sighed.

Luster blinked and just sat there. “Just what the hay is going on here?”

Pearl just shook her head. “It’s a very long story. I’ll be happy to tell you. But after we talk. Once we’re done in here. This is something we should have done a long time ago.”

Luster wasn’t sure what she meant. But she had a feeling that this wouldn’t be pleasant.

Twilight nodded softly as she got up and moved over to Forestsong. “I’m sorry too. You're right, I shouldn't neglect my plants. I’ll start doing better and reading up on them. It’s long overdue. Speaking of that. Starting today Luster, in addition to your studies under me you are going to be responsible for all the plants here inside the castle.”

“What?” Luster groaned as Pearl giggled.

“And Pearl, you still are my student in a way as well as my marefriend, I’m sure you’ll love handling the courtyard plants.” Twilight smiled as she walked out the door, both girls half glaring at Forestsong. Twilight giggled to herself as she heard the slap of a wing upside Forestsong’s head.

Ch. 13

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“How did we get stuck with this again?” Luster grumbled as Pearl showed her around the castle, making a point to show all the rooms she knew had plants in them.

Pearl shook her head. “I think we laughed at Twilight one too many times. Or maybe Forestsong got to her more than he meant to. He has that effect sometimes.”

Luster gave her a look. “What exactly is he? No fox has nine tails. And the only ones who ever did were kitsunes, and they’re extinct.”

Pearl nodded. “He is a kitsune. An ascended one, if I understand it right. His family was the only ones who survived the end of their race. And he’s stuck here in Ponyville until Twilight and I can properly restore his shrine. Cut off from his home and family? I don’t blame his attitude.”

Luster’s ears fell. That was so sad. As much as she wasn’t into friendship yet, even she felt her heart ache for him. That was something she wouldn’t wish on anyone.

Pearl whirled on the unicorn, all traces of good humor gone from her expression. “Now, I think we’ve put this off for long enough. We need to talk.”

Luster gulped. “About what?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “What do you think? Twilight can give you the proper lecture on friendship, but that’s not the problem. What did I ever do to you? You never talk about Starlight like you do me.”

Luster wilted under her gaze. She couldn’t run from this forever it seemed. “You’re taking her away from me. The princess spends more time with you than she has with me for months now. What does she see in you?”

Pearl’s own ears wilted. And there it was. “I’ve asked myself that same question for ten years, Luster. What made me so special? Why pick me?”

Luster blinked in surprise. “What? But you two always seemed so close. Even before all of this.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “No matter what it looks like, I bumbled my way through being her student. I was ready to just quit altogether within the first month. But Twilight helped me see it through. For good and bad. Looking at you? I’m kinda jealous.”

Luster’s eyes widened in shock. “Jealous. Of me? Why?”

Pearl’s smile softened as she wrapped a wing around the unicorn. “Because you two share a bond that me and her will never have. Your love of magic. I don’t have that. Not like you do.”

Luster couldn’t believe it. “But you’ve been to the Dragon Lands. You’ve met Tiamat face to face. She’s probably taught you things I’ll never be able to know.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “To tell you the truth, Luster. I was scared half to death the first time I met her. Quaking in my feathers the whole time. I was lucky she didn’t eat me.”

Luster’s jaw dropped. “What?! She wouldn’t have done that. Would she?”

Pearl nodded glumly. “I wasn’t really supposed to be there that first time. I basically drove Twilight up a wall by begging her to let me go with her until she said yes. So I had nothing protecting me. Lucky, Tiamat seemed to like me, and let me live.”

Luster tapped her chin. “Is that why you won’t let me go with you?”

Pearl nodded. “I just can’t take anypony with me. Not even Lotus, Cloud, or Red, have gone with me. And they’ve wanted to so many times. I don’t have anything to protect you with. The best I can do is hope Tiamat doesn’t feel I’m overstepping my boundaries if I ever do. I won’t take that risk.”

Luster’s ears fell. She had been afraid of that.

Pearl saw the look of disappointment, and her heart sank as she sighed. “Look. I’ll ask if you can come the next time I go. But I can’t guarantee anything.”

“Well, you can always say she’s a friend of mine who wanted to meet her.” Forestsong’s voice hovered over the pair. As Pearl and Lotus looked up they saw the fox hanging upside down from a chandelier. “Rainbow Lizard was always more bark than bite some days.”

Pearl’s eyes twitched. She would never get used to that, or that he got away with it. “That might work. I’m supposed to go there in a few months. No one’s said why, but it must be important. Even Twilight is more high strung than usual.”

Luster couldn’t help but giggle at this. Her mentor had seemed more high-strung even before the storm, and she didn’t think it had anything to do with Forestsong.

“OH and while you're there, can you thank her for the seeds she gave me when I was five.” Forestsong’s tails let go of the chandelier and he backflipped down to the ground, landing as elegantly as a feline. “My forest really benefited from them.”

Pearl nodded. Show off. “I will. Not sure how she’ll react to me knowing you. But I’ll remember to.

“Oh just tell her what Discord did to me. She’ll be pissed as hell.” Forestsong lightly scratched behind his ear with his right hind leg. “Like I said before, she was rather fond of me when I was younger. Partly because I was cute. And greatly because of mom. How else would she have given me the thousand years to grow and eventually ascend.”

Pearl and Luster shared a look. Cute was hardly the word that came to mind with him. But maybe things had been different then. “This town is weird,” Luster muttered.

Pearl giggled as she pulled the unicorn close. “Tell me about it. I’m still trying to make sense of this place. Easier said than done. But with friends, it’s totally worth it.”

Luster’s ears fell. “But I don’t have any friends. I don’t even know where to start. For so long, I’ve thought friendship was a waste of time. I flat out insulted you, miss Rose. Why are you being so nice to me?”

Pearl’s smile grew. “Because I know you don’t mean it, Luster. If I meant even a quarter of the stuff I’ve said over the years, I wouldn’t have been Twilight’s student very long. Let alone her marefriend.”

Forestsong chuckled at the thought, earning a glare from the Pegasus. “And don’t say you don’t have any friends. You already have one in Twilight. Don’t always see her as your teacher. She already sees you as a friend, not just her student. I know she does.”

Luster found that hard to believe. But the sincerity in Pearl’s words was hard to miss.

Pearl’s smile softened as she tightened her hug. “And you have me. I know we don’t always get along. But that doesn’t matter. I’ll tell you the same thing Starlight told me once.”

“What’s that?” Luster asked.

“Us students of Twilight need to stick together. She never had that when she was Celestia’s student, and I think she suffered for it. I won't let you go through the same thing she did."

“And until I’m reunited with my forest. You can consider me a friend too,” Forestsong smiled and wrapped his front legs around the shoulders of both girls. “And you won’t have to have everypony thinking you're crazy. So bonus,” he chuckled with a wide grin.

Pearl just shook her head and with a swift jab backward, pushed her elbow into his midsection. “Go play with your plants. Us girls have work to do.”

As Pearl and Luster walked away from the now bent-over fox, Luster leaned in. “What was he talking about ponies and being crazy?”

Pearl groaned. “That’s a long story involving flowers, talking bushes, and a timberwolf.”

Luster’s eyes twitched. “Everypony in this town is crazy. I swear it.”

Pearl giggled. “Welcome to Ponyville. You have just learned your friendship lesson. Everyone in this town is crazy or being driven crazy.”

Luster was starting to miss her bed in Canterlot. At least there, she could ignore the crazy. Now she was stuck in it.

As Pearl walked into the bedroom she set her saddlebag down and looked over at Twilight. Asleep at her writing desk. Spread out across the room was an unrolled scroll, most of it translated but several parts were still written in kanji. Quirking an eyebrow she moved over and slowly lifted Twilight’s head off the scroll, wiping off a bit of drool in the process.

You are too adorable like this. Pearl thought to herself before slipping on an empty ink bottle and falling onto her back. “Gah!”

“Huh?” Twilight mumbled as her head hit the desk. Sitting up she looked down. “OH, you're done? What time is it?”

“A little after sunset,” Pearl groaned as she pushed herself up and rotated her shoulder to loosen it. “I’m surprised, you never nap like this. Or if you do, you never miss lowering the sun.” Pearl saw Twilight’s eyes widen but Pearl just held up a hoof. “Don’t worry, between me and Luster we got that sorted out. We had to use that device of yours. But we figured it out. So what has you so entranced that you skip a sunset.”

“I found it,” Twilight sighed deeply. Leaning back in her chair and closed her eyes. “I found the grave shrine restoration spell.”

“That’s wonderful!. Now we can get Forestsong home.” Pearl practically jumped up and down with glee. But the look on Twilight’s face wasn’t of joy, but defeat. “What’s wrong?”

“Pearl, The spell is written in kanji. Not even the crystal is translating it. And if everything I’ve been reading is right, and I know it is, this spell is very advanced. The most advanced pony spell doesn’t even come close to this. Just now I'm beginning to truly understand the consequences of screwing this up.”

“So where does that leave us?” Pearl looked at the scroll.

“Well, the hill we were climbing to find this spell is nothing compared to the mountain I have to scale just to prepare for climbing it. To say nothing of actually casting it.” Twilight looked at and pressed her hoof against her love’s lips. “And before you say it, I’ve already asked Forestsong. He’s agreed to school me in the basics of Kanji and his language, but nothing else. I’ll have to master both basic scrolls prior to casting this spell.”

“Well, how hard can that be?” Pearl lightly chuckled as Twilight pointed out a scroll almost as large as her barrel. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“And that’s just the beginner’s scroll,” Twilight sighed out, dropping her head to the desk again.

Pearl tried to put a brave face on as she wrapped a wing around her princess’s sides. “Well. It’s a good thing you’ve always liked learning new things.”

Twilight smiled ruefully. “True. And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to learn all of this. Even if I only ever use it once. But I have the feeling that it will not be as pleasant as my lessons with Celestia.”

Pearl smirked. “Good thing then I don’t have to learn this. I hope. I’m already going to be busy keeping the garden outside healthy. Thanks for that by the way.”

Twilight only smiled as she kissed her. “That’s what you get for laughing at me one too many times. Forestsong is right. I really do need to learn to delegate better. It’s much more fun this way.”

Pearl groaned. “You’re horrible, you know that? Luster was right. Everyone in this town is too crazy. And that was her first friendship lesson I think.”

Twilight nodded proudly. “A very important lesson to learn. I take it the two of you are friends then?”

Pearl’s smile slipped a little. “Maybe. I’ll look out for her. But she’s still having trouble. There’s only so much I can help her with.”

Twilight pulled her close. “Then she’s got the best pony for the job. I can’t be there for her all of the time. I won’t ask you to take my place. But she might start coming to you now.”

Pearl sighed. “Well. I lent her some of my Conan books. Luster needs something other than stuffy old magic books. Remember what happened to me?”

Twilight giggled. “I remember you got a brand new hobby out of it. But I hope you have a good way to explain where those come from. The World Mirror is kept hidden for a reason.”

Pearl smiled sheepishly. “I’ll think of something. I always do.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “And how many of those ideas didn’t blow up in your face? I seem to remember a few.”

Pearl stuck her tongue out. “You’re just jealous that I can think of anything on the fly, Twily. Even if they don’t always work out.”

“So you think I can’t just come up with a plan on the spot like you can?” Twilight smirked.

“Nope, you take an hour and four checklists just for simple ones,” Pearl playfully poked at Twilight’s chest with her wing.

“Really. I know one plan I can think of on the fly.”

“And what might that be?” Pearl matched Twilight’s smirk only seconds before she was tackled head-on. After a playful roll, Pearl found herself under and lip-locked with the princess.

After a moment's kiss Twilight leaned up. “See. One foolproof plan that worked.”

Pearl laughed along with Twilight as she just relaxed there on the floor. “Okay, one plan. And it only works because I love you.”

“I love you too Pearl.” Closing her eyes she pulled the blankets from off the bed and snuggled up with Pearl on the plush carpet.

Ch. 14

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“Watashinochichi wa kyabetsu kara no gasu o motte imasu." Twilight spoke aloud, reading from the large scroll that floated in her magic.

Off to the side, Forestsong turned the page on one of Pearl’s manga before replying. “Hmmm. Just give him a bicarbonate and to stay off his hooves for a while.”

Twilight groaned. “What did I say?”

“That your father has gas from eating too much cabbage,” he replied with a chuckle.

Twilight blinked. “Oh. Then it has to be Watashi no gasu no ōi chichi wa ninshin shite imasu?” She smiled hopefully.

“Now I’m really sorry to hear that,” Forestsong replied, fighting back a grin. He was positive that Cloudsdale could now hear Twilight’s groan of frustration.

“What now?” She grumbled.

“Well, your father with the gas? Is now pregnant,” he replied, chuckling and looking up at her with a wide grin.

Twilight pounded her head on the table with an annoyed sigh. “Sci Twi made this look so easy when she had to learn another language. What am I missing?!”

This had been going on for several days now, and she didn’t feel as if she had made any progress. Sometimes it felt like she was taking a step backward. Twilight also made a note to never, ever, let her dad hear about this. She would never hear the end of it he did. Never. Her parents always took the chance to make a joke at her expense.

Forestsong chuckled as he turned back to his manga. “I never thought Pearl would be reading something like Naruto. I must thank her for pointing this out.”

Twilight smiled. “Oh yes. She’s read quite a bit of that series. Both it and its sequels. Gundam will always be her favorite kind of manga. But this comes a close second.”

She paused as she remembered a certain plot point of the manga. “Pearl wasn’t sure how you would react to. Well…”

He smiled, knowing what she was talking about. “The Nine-Tailed Fox?” Twilight nodded. “It’s semi-accurate if that is what you mean. Though it is cool all the same.”

“How accurate?” Twilight asked before she could stop herself.

“About ninety percent.” Forestsong closed the manga and laid it down atop the others. “But that was a long time ago. If we were about now. These would be marked ancient history. We would have probably kept to our forests. Not bothering others lest they bother us.” Closing his eyes he let out a soft growl of remembrance. “Well back to the issue at hand. You have all that you need. You're not missing anything Twilight. You’re just not seeing the harmony in the words you're using.”

Getting up he stretched. “You're tackling things like a Pony. Try seeing the world through the eyes of a fox.” As he fell silent, Kohaku walked to the door.

“Was your father just as cryptic as you are?”

“No, he was a lot worse.” With that Forestsong left the room as Pearl entered.

Pearl watched the semi-see-through fox leave before turning to Twilight. “How are the lessons going?”

Twilight sighed. “Slowly. I should see the world through the eyes of a fox, is what he said. I still know the spell that turned me and the girls into breezies. But it can’t be that simple. Nothing like this ever is that simple.”

“Yeah, and I’m not sure how you’d look as a fox. I mean he’s the only reference you have.” Pearl brushed her wing against Twilight’s cheek as she moved up to the window. Already she saw Forestsong amidst the castle gardens. Folding her front legs on the sil she just watched him. “Say Twilight, come here for a moment.”

“What’s up? Is there trouble outside?” Twilight chuckled as she stood next to Pearl. Outside she saw Forestsong softly caressing various flowers. His mouth moved constantly. “He’s talking to plants again.”

“Yeah, not too surprising if you think about it. He is the spirit of a forest.” Twilight nodded along with Pearl. “He told me one night that even before he ascended he could hear plants and trees.”

“What are you digging at sweetie?” Twilight half tilted her head.

“Well, I guess it just shows he could have been a spirit of nature long before he ascended. Like his sister is like the storm. They have that kind of connection they see through nature’s eyes.”

Twilight blinked as she watched Forestsong. “It can’t be that simple, can it?” Leaning in, she practically pushed her head out the window.


“He doesn’t have to see through nature’s eyes, he is nature. Talking to it comes naturally because it talks back to him. I’m trying to learn this language by memorizing, not unlike how you would with a spell. I’m acting when I should be interacting.” Slapping her forehead with her hoof. “No wonder Sci-Twi learned it so quickly, she had someone to talk to who knew the language. If I want to learn this language I need to talk to him in that language. Not just memorize words and speak phrases. How could I have been such a silly filly.”

Smirking, Pearl leaned in and kissed Twilight’s cheek. “You just got hung up on how vast this is. You turned a river into an ocean.”

“How did you get so smart, love?”

“Dunno, maybe you were just that good of a teacher.” Pearl chuckled. “Now get back over there, you have homework to do.”

Twilight giggled, before returning to her scroll, while Pearl remained at the window, unable to turn away from what she was watching.

Pearl had to admit, as she watered the Front Garden, there was something relaxing about taking care of plants like this. It beat out homework for sure.

She had never been much of a gardener before. Her ficus had been the most she had ever been comfortable with. But that might change in the future, and Pearl made a note to talk to the Flower Trio about it when she got a chance.

“Keep this up, and you’ll be a pro in no time,” Forestsong said as he dropped in front of her, his tails holding onto a window sill above them.

Pearl’s eyes twitched. “Can’t you do this like most creatures? You’re going to give me a heart attack one of these days.”

He only smiled wider. “But where’s the fun in that? Plus you’re so much fun to tease.”

“You’re a nine-tailed pain in the ass, you know that?” She grumbled as she set the watering can down.

Forestsong nodded happily. “Oh yes. My sisters told me that all the time. Hourly some days. Rosie was rather fond of it.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Go figure he could find someone who actually liked it. “Is she still alive? I mean, it was so long ago, and…”

He nodded. “She is, like myself, she is a spirit now. Her river runs right through my forest. It’s not the same as it was when we were mortal, and there is something to be said about two souls holding each other. I think you two would get along great.”

Pearl sighed. “Maybe. But I’m not going to walk an entire river just to try and meet her. Especially in the Everfree. Unless she can come out here. Ponyville wouldn’t like it though. Ponies still panic at the stupidest things.”

“Even with the School of Friendship?”

“Even with the School. Some ponies just can’t get with the times,” Pearl sighed. “Give it a few more decades, and either they’ll have learned to deal with it. Or killed themselves from stress. That one seems more likely.”

“Well, you don’t need to worry. She’s bound to her river like I am to my forest. And even though she can look fearsome, she’s as soft as a powder puff and twice as gentle.” Forestsong looked out toward the Everfree and sighed. “Her voice could call the meekest finch from the nest and into her open claw. It’s what first attracted me to her.”

Pearl watched as his look became more and more wistful.

“Before her, I never cared much about any kind of dragon. Given what Tiamat was doing. But after a hundred-year courtship. Rosie became my mate.”

Pearl’s mouth dropped. “A hundred years… I don’t know if I could wait that long. And I have that kind of time.”

Forestsong looked over at Pearl and smirked a little before nodding. “A hundred years isn’t long to us. That’s considered a whirlwind courtship. Mother and Father’s courtship lasted a thousand years.”

Pearl’s brain crashed to a halt. A thousand-year courtship… She couldn’t even imagine that. She’d heard of couples taking their time. But not like this.

Without noticing Pearl he started to caress a white rose. “Rosie and I shared seven hundred years happy years together prior to our ascension. We spent about two thousand years apart between it. But once our spirits touched again. These last twenty thousand years just flew by.”

Pearl could only wish she and Twilight could last that long. Maybe it was still early, but a part of her knew what she wanted to do with the alicorn. Damn anypony who said otherwise.

“If you want my advice about it. Don’t think too much about the future or what others might think of you both. Live your life with her in the now. The two of you have centuries to look forward to. I can’t promise you they’ll all be good, but you’ll face them together.” Leaning back, Forestsong pressed his shoulders against the wall of the castle and closed his eyes.

Pearl sighed. And now she was getting romance advice. Because of course, she was. But she would take it from one who knew what he was talking about over most others. “Any regrets?”

Taking a deep breath, Forestsong looked up and watched the clouds. “Only one, and it’s the one thing Tiamat robbed us of. I’ll never forgive her for that, or the foolish fox who destroyed everything for our kind here. By robbing the Dragon Queen of her clutch.”

Pearl’s blood ran cold. “No. Please. Someone, anyone, cannot have been that stupid. Please tell me that this is your idea of a really, really, bad joke?”

Forestsong only looked deeply into Pearl’s eyes. His amber orbs shimmered but held no deceit of any kind.

Pearl’s ears fell as did her heart. “Then by the Armor of Eternity, you’re lucky she gave your family anything. Even if they had nothing to do with it.

“It wasn’t luck, it was mother. Tiamat long held my mother in high regard. Father would have fought to the death to keep our clan and family safe. But Mother knew that wouldn’t solve anything.” Forestsong’s own ears fell slightly. “It had only been two years since I was born. And she asked the Dragon Queen for some leniency for their past dealings.”

With a soft chuckle, Forestsong pulled one knee up to his chest and wrapped his forelegs about it. “I’m not sure if it was the threat of war with my father, the respect she had for mother. Or it could have been the fact I was wrestling with her tail. She had to have been annoyed because she sent this wave of fear across the room. Father and Mother shivered. Her mates coward. And I sneezed. About ten seconds later I went back to chewing and fighting with her tail.”

Pearl couldn’t help but snicker at the thought. She had been in Tiamat’s Dragon Fear aura before. It was a feeling she would never forget. But nothing like this. “Did she ever get the fox who did it?”

Forestsong shook his head. “She never had the opportunity. The clan heads came together and apprehended him. Even I don’t know what happened, but from what I gathered. It was far worse than anything Tiamat would have done, even worse than what I did to Discord. Every time I asked father about it, he got this haunted look and changed the subject.”

Pearl shivered. She couldn’t imagine anything worse than what Discord got. But a part of her was glad justice, of a kind, had been done.

Forestsong, though, gave her a cold look. “Do you understand what you say when you swear like that?”

Pearl shrugged. “What? You want me to swear on the Slayer of Eternities? Cause I can. They’ve been around longer than I’ve been alive.”

She didn’t miss his growl, and it told her all she needed to know. “I get the feeling you know more about it than we ever will.”

He nodded. “It is a part of my kind’s past. A past that was ancient history even when I was born.”

Pearl winced. A part of her was unsurprised by this bit of news. “Then make sure you remember that as much as Twilight values you, she values pony lives far more. Maybe it’s time your family was reminded of that and that being spirits doesn’t put them above this.”

Her ears wilted as Forestsong shrunk back. She hated to say it like that. But she could only take his attitude so much. “Look. I’m sorry about what you and Summer Rose never had. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Not even my worst enemy.”

She turned away to hide her own sorrow. “But your attitude and how you view other species? Makes me think your kind deserved to lose the war. Maybe it is how you were raised and how your family was raised.”

Pearl didn’t finish her thought, but Forestsong knew what she would have said, as she stalked off.

Ch. 15

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Pearl sighed as she flopped onto her bed. “I shouldn’t have snapped at him like that. He doesn’t mean anything. I know he doesn’t. He just wants to go home and be with his family.”

Knowing that, and making herself give him slack, were two different things, however. Gods above, Forestsong just made it so damn hard to be his friend some days.

“How did she put up with him?” She wondered aloud. “Maybe being a dragon helped. They have to be patient.”

And again, there was a tug on her soul. Like she should know Summer Rose. That there was something there between them. But that didn’t make any sense. Pearl had never met the dragoness. It didn’t seem likely she would either.

She groaned as she pulled her blanket over her head. She was too annoyed to have gone back to the Castle of Friendship and so slept in her own bed tonight. “I’ll make it up to him in the morning. Promise. Maybe I’ll be in a better mood.”

The next morning, Pearl awoke to a delicious smell wafting throughout her house. “That smells so good,” she moaned, rubbing her eyes and stretching.

After a moment, she blinked. “Wait. Who the buck is cooking?”

Zipping down to the kitchen, Pearl stopped in her tracks at the sight that greeted her.

On her table were steamed rice, some glazed tofu, and a bowl of what she thought might have been miso soup, with some rolled egg omelets to the side.

But what really threw Pearl for a loop was Forestsong who stood by with a forlorn expression on his face.

Pearl blinked. “You made all of this? For me? Why?”

Forestsong sighed deeply, bowing his head low. “Gomenasai.” his words a soft whisper. “I was wrong, Pearl. Father taught me better than that. Your oaths are your own and I had no right. I’ve just been so frustrated. Being about as I’m capable of now, I’ve seen first paw just how others are treating my creation. I’ve even heard ponies say the princess should just put the torch to it.”

Forestsong sat on his haunches but kept his head low. “Even some of the creatures in that school. Muttering how their Treehouse isn’t able to keep the forest away. It’s hard for me to keep my anger in check. But it’s no excuse, not how I spoke to you. My first living friend in so long.” Bowing himself down completely he pushed his forehead to the ground. “Please forgive me.”

Pearl’s ears wilted. She knew the six he spoke of. They were the only ones who ever went out to that treehouse. Why Harmony seemed so fixated on them was beyond her, but that wasn’t the point. “I forgive you. And you’re right. It isn’t fair what they say about the Everfree. But it’s all we’ve ever known about the forest.”

She lifted his head with a smile. “And you can be sure that Twilight will not get rid of it. Even if we didn’t know you and what it means to you, I don’t think she could or would bring herself to try.”

That seemed to work, for Forestsong brightened up a little. “And I’m sorry I snapped at you yesterday. You just make it so darn hard some days. I sometimes wonder how Summer Rose put up with it,” Pearl sighed.

Chuckling Forestsong sat up and took a long deep breath. “I sometimes wonder that myself. But she had a very calming presence about her. No matter how angry or frustrated I was, just feeling her claw on my chest or shoulder. Seemed to take it all away. I know I pushed her patience to the limit, but never once did she snap at me. And I asked myself what I did, what I said. What was it that made me so deserving of her love?”

Pearl smirked. “Did she ever say why? You’re not that adorable.”

“I did actually ask her, several times. But she just smiled and kissed my cheek. And despite that last comment, she always told me how adorable I was.” He chuckled back at Pearl, matching her smirk with his own.

Pearl chuckled as she sat down. “I’ll just have to take her word for it. I don’t see it myself. But she was your mate. I wasn’t. Maybe she had a thing for annoying puffballs.”

Nodding softly, he took a seat across from her. “Perhaps. But I do question sometimes what Twilight sees in you. But I guess she just has a thing for mouthy lil redheads.” Grinning, he picked up a bowl of rice. “But then you're her chosen future mate. Not mine.”

Pearl nearly choked on an omelet. “Woah, Woah, Woah. We are so not ready for that kind of commitment. Not yet. Weren’t you the one who said we should take our time?”

Nodding as he took a few bites of his rice. “Yeah, but neither of you is that subtle. I’ve been mated for tens of thousands of years. And while yes you're at the start of your relationship. I know the look of a creature who has mateship in its eyes. You have it when you look at her, and I can see it in Twilight’s when she looks at your flank every time you turn away.”

Pearl didn’t respond, but her roaring blush said all that was needed.

Pointing his chopsticks at Pearl, Forestsong smiled. “And that says everything. You wouldn’t be blushing if you didn’t think about being her mate, or at least, what it would be like.”

Pearl groaned. “Okay, fine. I do. I’d be lying if I said it never crossed my mind. It’s been a thing in my head for years now. For a while, I thought I had put it behind me. These last few months show that I didn’t. But it’s not as simple as marrying her. I don’t know what it was like for you. But a princess getting married is always a big deal. And to a commoner, as some still see me.”

With a slight scoff, Forestsong popped an egg roll slice into his mouth. “I swear. Someponies can be such prudes. You come from a good family, one that’s very well off and has a good background. And trust me there is nothing common about you.” Swallowing, he set his chopsticks down. “My family was a ruling caste. My status was no less than Twilight’s. My Rosie was just a simple river dragon, who was far more a commoner than you. She had nothing to her name. Neither did her family.”

Folding his claws together Forestsong’s eyes stared into Pearls. “The higher-ups in the clan thought us an abomination. An affront to everything. But I didn’t care, I loved her for who she was. And she loved me for who I was, not what I was. So against everyone, I told them to buck off and mated with her. Yes, they were angry, but it’s not like they had a choice in our decision.”

Pearl snickered. “I know Twilight doesn’t give a single buck about status. It’s not a power she likes to use, but there is no one who can tell her what to do if she sets her mind to it. But she also cares about what this might do to Equestria. Most probably wouldn’t care, but some would. And extended lifespan doesn’t make me invincible. Neither does it to Twilight. Or any alicorn.”

Forestsong nodded slowly. “I know how that is. Rosie and I had to fend off a few attempts on our lives a few times. No creature ever tried to poison us as I can just create an antidote or just grow one.” twisting his claw he held one of the Amber Orchids in his claw. “Amazing little flower this is. It started to grow wild at my passing. Full of nutrients and capable of neutralizing any toxin.”

Pearl had to admit that it was beautiful. “Good thing most poisons or toxins don’t work on her. You’d have to give them by the gallon to get a reaction. Something about being connected to the sun and moon I think. Most just try the good ol’ fashioned stab you in your sleep. Luckily none ever got the chance. But many have tried.”

Nodding he placed the flower down in front of Pearl. “Then it’s a good thing you have my great-grandfather’s scroll. Dragons back then knew some amazing spells for preventing entry to a cave of any size and shape. I think they might be quite useful. It’s one of the most useful things they forgot about.”

Pearl made a note to tell Twilight about this. It would come in handy for sure. And maybe she could even get it for her room as well.

“Well, I'm going to take off. Please enjoy the meal, there’s more in the kitchen as well. I forget sometimes how much ponies can eat. Fluttershy said she’d sing for me today. It’s one of the things I miss the most. Oh yeah, if you're going to plant that flower. It grows best with water from the Rose River. Guess who that was named after.” He chuckled with a grin before walking out her front door.

Pearl chuckled before digging in. She didn’t need to guess too hard where the name of the river came from. But she would be sure to go there later.

Pearl had to admit, as she dunked a watering can into the river, that this was a beautiful scene. She could see why a river dragon would come here.

Looking around, she half expected to see Summer Rose at any moment, but nothing appeared, earning a sigh from the Pegasus.

“Maybe it was hoping too much for it to be that easy. Why would she want to see me anyway? I’m nothing special to her. Just another Pegasus to her probably.”

A part of her wanted to argue against that, but Pearl knew it was true. The river’s spirit had no reason at all to show herself. Least of all to her.

Pearl sighed as she looked deeper into the water rushing past. “Look. I don’t know if you can hear me. But we are trying as hard as we can to get Forestsong back home. It’s not fair that you two are separated like this. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

Nothing responded, earning an eye roll from the mare. “Great. Now I’m talking to myself,” she grumbled.

Turning around Pearl came face to face with a set of sea-green eyes. Letting out a sudden scream she fell backward into the river. A light giggle reached her ears. “Oh my, I didn’t scare you did I?” the youthful voice said

Water dripping down her face, Pearl squinted at the sunlight beaming from behind a shadowy head. Looking down she saw an outstretched hoof. Taking it, Pearl pulled herself up. “Uh, no. You just startled me is all.”

Another giggle escaped the girl's mouth. As the light moved behind the clouds Pearl saw that she was face to face with another pegasus girl with grey fur and light pink hair. “I’m sorry. So, who were you talking to? Or were you talking to the river? I do that sometimes. It's a lotta fun. Say does the river speak back to you? And since you were talking to the river, who’s Forestsong? Is it something the river lost?” The young girl almost bounced when she spoke.

Pearl blinked several times as she felt her brain start to heat up from the rapid-fire of questions from this young girl. Young teenager more likely as the girl was only slightly smaller than herself and not yet fully grown. “Ah….” Pearl opened her mouth but found it pointless as more questions flooded her ears.

“Say why were you getting water from the river? You know there’s plumbing in Ponyville. Or is yours broken? Ooo you aren't poor, are you? Oh, I'm sorry was that rude of me to ask. I shouldn’t have. Should I? You must have a really good reason for the water.” The Pegasus girl slowly took a long deep breath, not noticing Pearl’s twitching eyebrow. “Oh I’m so sorry I haven't introduced myself, I’m River Run.” River grind holding out her hoof. Which was polished like smooth river rocks.

Pearl’s brain took a moment to stop spinning before she shook her head and took River’s hoof. “Pearl Rose. And, no, my plumbing is fine. I’m getting water for a flower I’ve planted. A friend said that the water from this river is the best for Amber Orchids.”

“Oooo well he’s right you know. This river is wonderful for flowers. My boyfriend always loved planting flowers along the riverbank for me.” River said as she hopped up on a nearby rock, one Pearl could have sworn wasn’t there a few seconds ago. “He loved plants. Every year he would surprise me with a single Amber Orchid. Well, not much of a surprise since I always knew it was coming. But it made my Haku smile when he gave it to me. So tell me, is this friend of yours your boyfriend?” River hmmed as she leaned in with a wide smile.

Pearl’s face turned green at the thought. “Oh, eew. NO! Forestsong and I are just friends. Nothing more. He has a girlfriend anyway. I don’t even like boys like that.”

River giggled and rocked back and forth on the rock. “Just teasing, I’ve seen you in the wings of that lovely lavender Alicorn. Princess Twilight.” Looking out along the river, River smiled. “Gotta say you're a lucky mare. So you were saying something about bringing him back to the river? Why doesn’t he just come himself? Is he hurt? Or disabled? I take it he’s a pain to deal with by how you’re talking about him.”

Pearl nodded. “You have no idea. And no, he’s fine as can be. Why he doesn’t come here himself, I don’t know. He’s in love with the river dragon spirit who lives in this river. It’s partly why I’m out here. I was kinda hoping I could meet her. But all I’ve met so far is you.”

River blinked and tilted her head before scoffing, “Why would you want to meet a dragon, they can be quite fearsome.” looking over Pearl, River smirked. “Unless you have a connection to them? I can say I haven't seen any kind of dragon by this river. And I live very nearby. Besides, what would you say to her?”

Pearl sighed. “I don’t know. It was a stupid idea anyway. She has no reason to see me. Why would she care? And I’ve loved dragons for as long as I can remember.” Pointing to her flank and the sleeping red dragon therein, she smiled. “It’s how I got my cutie mark. When I first met Tiamat. Once I stopped quaking in my feathers anyway.”

“I see. Well, I don’t think it’s a stupid idea. I think it’s stupid of her for not showing.” River gave a quick nod to Pearl. “But you have my curiosity peaked. What would you say if she sat in front of you? It has to be important for you to come all this way past Ponyville’s border.”

Pearl smiled sheepishly. “I, um. Didn’t plan that far ahead.”

Leaning forward, River grinned. “So with no plan, no idea of what to say. You were going to face down a dragon you’ve never seen before? Girl, I like your style. You’ve got a lotta guts to do that. I hope she does show up for you. But here’s a bit of advice. Speak from your heart. And speak honestly. River Dragon’s don’t suffer those who do otherwise.”

Pearl blinked and opened her mouth before hearing her name being shouted from behind her. Twisting around Pearl saw Cloud and Red waving from atop a hill before moving along. Turning back, Pearl found that the Pegasus girl and the rock she was sitting on had vanished completely.

Blinking, she looked around, but there was no sign of River anywhere to be seen, and there wasn’t even any sign that there had been a rock there either. “What the hay? Where the hell did she go? She was right there.” As Pearl looked, a light sparkle struck the corner of her eye. Walking up to where the rock was, Pearl looked down and saw an alabaster scale twenty times larger than any fish could produce.

Pearl grinned. There was only one creature that had scales this big. But how did it get here? She hadn’t seen any dragons. Unless…

“Could River have been? … Na. She couldn’t have been. Maybe I just wasn’t paying close enough attention before,” she said, grabbing the scale and the water can, before joining her friends.

From further down the river, River watched Pearl join her friends, sharing a laugh at some joke one of them told. Her smile only widened as the trio passed out of sight.

“I was wondering when you would finally come, little one,” she whispered before slipping into the river with a giggle.

Ch. 16

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Pearl looked up in surprise as Luster entered her room, a certain book floating in her magic. “What’s wrong? Not a fan?”

Luster shook her head. “I’m not sure yet. But that’s not the reason I’m here. Where did this come from? None of this is from Equus, or Equestria.”

Pearl shook her head. “No, they’re not. It’s not from any known or unknown part of the world. But…”

“But?” Luster prompted, confused at the pause.

Pearl sighed as she flopped onto her bed. “I don’t know if I should be telling you more about where they came from. Princess Twilight would have my head if I did.”

Luster blinked in surprise. That had been the first time she had ever heard Miss. Rose use the princess’s title like that. Usually, it was her first name or some variation of it. “Why? Is it bad?”

Pearl shook her head. “No. But I got in a lot of trouble reading the series. Not because the princess didn’t want me reading those kinds of stories. But because I wasn’t even supposed to know about them. Spike got in more trouble for showing it to me.”

Luster looked at the book with a critical eye. “Is that when you were still new to being her student? They talk about you at the School.”

Pearl nodded. “Yeah. Only a month in, and I was already ready to just quit entirely. I don’t know what they say about me at the school. But I was ready to go back.”

Luster bit her lip, wondering how much was too much. “You were expelled. The only student who has ever been expelled from the School. Mom says you were her roommate.”

Pearl nodded, smiling at the memory. “I was. Best roommate I ever had. And yeah, I was. For standing up for my friends. I don’t know what they say about what happened, but I saved Red from something I don’t even wanna think about, and Cloud was next. I made sure it never happened.”

Her smile grew as she looked at a picture of the three of them on her nightstand, taken not long after the incident. “I made two lifelong best friends that day. And I was expelled for it. Starlight had already called my parents to come get me and to clean out my dorm room.”

Luster’s ears fell. That wasn’t right. “Did you really talk back to the professors? Even Professor Fluttershy?”

Pearl snorted. “Yep. More than once. I called them out on a lot of the crap they did back then. Ask most ponies, and they’ll say I haven’t changed at all in that regard.”

Now that, Luster thought with a chuckle, was something she could believe. She’d been on the receiving end of some of it herself. She looked back at the book again. “But what about this?”

Pearl’s ears fell. “That’s outta my hooves, Luster. Princess Twilight can tell you more. But I haven’t seen her in days. She’s locked me out of her bedroom upstairs. Nopony goes in.”

Luster was worried. “Did you two have a fight?”

Pearl shook her head. “No. Least I don’t think we did. I know she wants to learn Kanji, but this is a bit much. I can’t ask Forestsong. He doesn’t know either.”

Luster rubbed her chin. “Isn’t Kanji the language of kitsunes? Can’t he help? It’s still wrong he’s stuck here as he is.”

Pearl nodded wearily. “He’s been teaching her as much as possible. But Twilight has to learn much of it herself. And that’s not including the Shrine Restoration spell. She has to prove she’s worthy of learning that kind of magic.”

“How bad can it be? The princess is too good,” Luster replied.

Pearl chuckled. “I know, and that’s what I said. But if something goes wrong. It’s not just Forestsong we lose. We lose Twilight as well. And if this is bungled that badly, then I fear what his family will do.”

Luster’s ears fell. “Then why kick us all out? Even if I don’t need to learn the language myself, it isn’t right that she does this by herself.”

Pearl sighed. “I know. I don’t need to know it either. But we can at least be her moral support. The sun and moon still move, so Twily’s fine enough for that. But this isn’t right.”

Luster nodded sadly, before noticing the bags beside Pearl’s bed. “Are you going somewhere?”

The Pegasus nodded happily. “Yeah. Going to the Dragon Lands for a week. Tiamat asked for me specifically. She rarely ever does that. So it has to be important.”

She shot a glare up through the roof of her room. “I was hoping to get a goodbye kiss or something. But I guess not.” Pearl giggled as she saw the hopeful look in Luster’s eyes. “And I’ll be sure to ask if you can come next time. With what Forestsong said, I say your chances have gone up.”

Luster wasn’t able to hold back a happy squee, earning an eye roll from Pearl. “What about the plants outside?”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she picked up her bags. “Unless Twily ever decides to come out of her room, it looks like you’ll have to handle them.”

Luster pouted. She’d been afraid of that.

Pearl giggled as she wrapped a wing around the unicorn. “On the bright side, I haven’t had to listen to Forestsong complain about how we’re treating the plants around the castle. So we’re doing something right.”

Luster nodded as they headed for the door. “Well, he hasn’t come into my room in the middle of the night since that first night. I’ll never be a proper plant pony. It’s not my thing.”

Pearl chuckled as she closed the door behind them. “Join the club. My ficus is the most I’ve ever done outside doing the plants outside.”

“Oh come now, Pearl. You’re not that bad,” Princess Twilight said as she came up behind them with a smile.

Pearl, though, wasn’t smiling as she looked at the alicorn. “Well, look what the cat dragged out. Finally remembered there’s life down here?”

Twilight’s smile dropped somewhat. “Pearl. You know I’m trying to help Forestsong get home. I know you want the same.”

Pearl poked the alicorn with more force than maybe she’d intended, but she didn’t care. “Then what is so damn important that you cut all of us out? I tried asking him. He doesn’t know either. Don’t you trust us?”

Twilight’s eyes fell. “Of course I trust all of you, Pearl,” she said, reaching out a hoof. One that was smacked away by the Pegasus, earning a gasp from Luster.

Pearl pushed her snout against the alicorns. “Do you remember what today is? Or are you so caught up in that damn scroll you forgot?!”

Twilight looked down, her eyes widening at the saddlebags around Pearl’s midriff. “That was today?! Oh, Pearl. I’m so-”

The hope died in Pearl’s eyes, and the look of betrayal was a knife to Twilight’s heart, as the Pegasus turned away with a disgusted snort. “Save it, Sparkle. I don’t want to miss my train.”

Twilight watched her go with a sorrowful look, as she reached out. “Pearl, wai-”

Pearl slapped her tail across the alicorn’s face, earning a startled gasp from Twilight. While there was no pain, there was no denying what that slap meant, and her heart dropped in sorrow.

“Save it, princess. I don’t want to hear whatever excuses you’ve got,” Pearl growled as she stopped a moment. “I need to get away from Ponyville for a while. Away from you, before I do something not even you can forgive me for.”

Luster watched all of this in mounting horror. Nopony ever did that to the princess and got away with it. Yet Princess Twilight did nothing as Pearl walked away, giving one last disdainful look at the alicorn before turning a corner and was lost to sight.

Luster placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, earning a pain-filled look from the alicorn. “Are you alright, princess?”

Twilight sniffed, letting her tears fall now, “No, Luster. I’m not. Where did I go wrong? I just lost the pony I love. The pony I wanted to spend my life with. Possibly forever, and I don’t know what to do.”

Luster didn’t know what to say, and so could only hug her mentor, letting the alicorn let out her sorrow for however long she needed.

Twilight sighed as she walked into her office, the sting on her cheek still fresh.

Forestsong looked up from his place by the fire and watched as the princess hung her head low. “Problems? I thought you were going to see her off?”

“That you knew was today?” Twilight replied in his language. Forestsong nodded slowly.

“You didn’t?” Twilight shook her head. “And check your word placement.”

Twilight blinked and slapped her forehead with her hoof. “Sorry. Well, It seems in my desire to help you, I misplaced the date.”

“That happens when you stay awake for a few days straight. On the plus side, your skill with my language is growing.” Forestsong chuckled but watched as Twilight moved to the window and rested her head down on the sil. Rolling his eyes he got up and walked behind her.

Twilight sighed again, deeper than before. Her ears perked at hearing those soft paw pads move up behind her. Turning around she screeched and fell back onto her rump, back pressed up against the wall as she looked up into eyes almost as large as her head. Clutching her heart with her hoof she let out a deep breath. “Warn somepony when you change sizes. You have no idea how fierce you look like that.”

Forestsong just shook his head and rested on his belly. His front legs folded and his head and neck straight up. Looking quite imposing. “Sorry, I forget that a sudden change results in a mild heart attack.”

“So why the change?”

“Because you need a more adult conversation, and even I can’t hold a straight face in my child form.”

“I appreciate it.” Bowing her head down, Twilight looked at the floor. “Pearl hates right now.”

“She’ll get over it.” Forestsong looked out the window, even from here he could spot Pearl out of the crowd at the train station. “No relationship is without arguments. And she knows what you’re like when studying.”

“I still should have known, I’m sure I can meet her at the train station, it doesn’t leave till sunset.” Twilight got up only to be pushed down by a large paw. “Hey!”

“I’m doing this for you, she needs time to cool off.”

“She won’t forgive me for this. I know it.”

“You ponies, such short lives. And you jump to such conclusions for the most of it.” Twilight looked up at Forestsong’s face. Which was almost as impassive as a grown oak. “In a week or two, she’ll be back. And you two will be back to semi-normal.”

Pushing the large paw from her back she looked out the window toward the station. “You seem sure of yourself.”

“Having spent the last few months with you both. And the longest she’s ever given me the silent treatment was two weeks. As if that counts as the silent treatment.” A deep chuckle escaped his lips.

“I take it your beloved mate did that to you?” Twilight smirked and tilted her head.

“You forgot a single unimportant day. I, on the other hand, forgot the anniversary of the day I planted the first amber orchid on the banks of my Summer’s river on the eve of our engagement.” His chuckle continued and rubbed the side of his face with his large paw.

“Was she upset?” Twilight blinked.

“Upset? She flooded her river, half the valley, and sank a quarter of my forest into a vast lake. Which is still there today.” He grimaced. “On top of that, she gave me the silent treatment and wouldn’t let me touch her until I earned her forgiveness.”

“How long did that take?”

“Seventy-five years.”

Twilight felt her brain explode. Her eyes widened and felt as if she had ‘out to lunch’ hanging from them. “Seventy-five years?” Forestsong just nodded.

“And that was her being understanding. I was after all helping my sister with a problem with her mountains. She didn’t care for how my forests were growing on them and wanted to change the layout.” Placing his paw gently on Twilight’s shoulder he smiled at her. “And never once did I ever doubt her love for me during that time. She just wanted to remind me not to forget her while I go about other duties.”

“Couldn’t she have just said that?” Twilight bit down on her lip and looked away.

“Yes, but would it have ever taught me anything?” Twilight looked back up at him. “Will you take any lesson away from this?”

“Yeah, keep better track of important dates. You’d think I would have learned this as a filly.”

“Sometimes we need to re-learn such lessons. No matter how old we are. We’re just lucky enough to have the loved ones who do that. My Summer, and your Pearl.”

“How did you get this wise?”

Shrugging his shoulder he popped as his large form dissipated in leaves before landing on all fours in his smaller form. “When you’ve been alive as long as I have, then you can answer that question yourself.” Looking out the window he flicked his tail up against it, shooting it open.

“Go to her if you like. Or take my advice and just let her fiery blood the time it needs to cool off. I’ve said what I wanted to say.” Moving to the fireplace he laid back down. “And now back to space robots with lil apes in them,” he chuckled, picking up the second issue of Gundam OO.

Twilight chuckled before looking back toward the station. A part of her wanted to drop everything and rush over and pick up Pearl in her wings and tell her how sorry she was, and beg for forgiveness.

But she didn’t. Twilight knew Pearl’s blood was hot right now. So hot that she would more than likely lash out at her in a way that could destroy everything they had and everything they wanted to be. Pearl’s blood could run as red hot as her mane, hot enough to rival the Broken Lands around the Altar of Khaine on the Blighted Isle.

So Twilight would give her all the space she needed, as her head settled on the window sill with a sigh. Hopefully, when she got back, she could make this up to the Pegasus.

Pearl growled as she sat down on her seat, ponies and other creatures giving her space, which was fine with her. She wasn’t in the mood at the moment to talk to anyone.

“I don’t care if this isn’t as important as some dates. Would it kill her to get her head out of that damn scroll once and a while?” She grumbled. “Does she care more about him than she does me?! What does he have that I don’t?!”

Pearl punched her seat in anger, not caring who saw her. “He can have her then. They’re made for each other.”

Maybe she was being ridiculous, as the train began to pull away, but she didn’t care as she sniffed. “If she can’t remember when I come back? Then this whole thing was a mistake and she can spend eternity by herself. I don’t care.”

Pearl knew that she was being ridiculous. But as the train passed by the Rose River, she couldn’t help but feel that this was the beginning of the end.

“I swear you ponies are ever so temperamental,” a childlike voice from beside Pearl caught her attention. “Always jumping to the worst possible conclusion.”

Pearl blinked as sitting next to her was River Run. An ivory file in one hoof while she examined the other which was highly polished. “Fancy meeting you here.” Pearl blinked as the conductor came by.

“Tickets,” he said in an emotionalist tone. Pearl flashed her ticket as it was punched and looked between River and the conductor as he just walked on to the next few seats. Pearl just looked back at River with her mouth open.

“No dear, he couldn’t see me. Ponies only see what they want to see. And some are so blind to the reality of the world around them. They can’t see what’s directly in front of them.” Flipping the file up it vanished like mist in sunlight. “How are you doing Pearl. You seem like you need a friend to talk to.”

“H… How?”

“Check your saddlebag.”

Pearl quickly opened her bag and looked around. There certainly wasn’t anything unusual in it. A few mangas, a book, a picture of Twilight, and a soft silky dragon scale that shimmered despite no sunlight hitting it. “Y.. you’re.”

“Finally catching on huh. I learned this little trick from my Haku, only he does it with flowers.” River grinned and giggled. “It does come in handy from time to time. Of course, I rarely do it myself. And I'm not as annoying as he is with it.”

“You sure about that?” Pearl closed her bag and looked around. She found she was alone in the car. Where every other pony had gone was a mystery. Shaking her head, Pearl sat back and looked up at the ceiling. “Why do all these spirits come to me? Of all the ponies in the world, why ME.”

“Well, I can’t say for other spirits. But ever since you first made contact with Haku I’ve been wanting to meet you. But being bound to my river I couldn’t come to you without a medium.” With a drawn-out sigh, River leaned back and looked at Pearl. “Which is why I was so glad when he directed you towards my river. Later than I wanted but he did it. Best thing about being the spirit of a river, you have an eternity of patience. Even if he pushes me to its limit.”

Pearl couldn’t help but giggle at that.

“Now that is a pleasant sound. Scowling doesn’t suit you at all. So, what’s gotten your feathers in a ruffle? She forgot your birthday or something?”

“She forgot that today was the day I go to the Dragon Lands. She’s had her nose so far up that scroll and been spending so much time with Forestsong I’m surprised she even remembered I exist.” Huffing hard, Pearl crossed her front legs.

“That’s what’s gotten you so out of sorts. Sheesh and here I thought it was something serious.” Pulling out her file again, River took hold of one of Pearl's front legs and pulled it closer. After a soft examination, started to file it slowly. “Besides, even if she wanted him, Haku wouldn’t go to anyone else. If nothing else my foxie is quite loyal.”

Pearl frowned. “I don’t know any fox with that name. Neither does Twilight. If Forestsong ever had a proper name, he hasn’t told us. Something about it not being important anymore.”

“I forget sometimes names don’t really have many meanings for us. My Haku and your Forestsong are the same fox. I’ve been calling him Haku for centuries. Kind of a derivative of his actual name. But ponies ever knew him as Forestsong. Ponies only ever knew me as Summer Rose, River Run is just something I made up on the spot. I didn’t want to fright you away so quickly. But feel free to call me anything you like.” Leaning in she blew the dust from Pearl’s hoof and with a twist of her wrist turned the file to a buffer and started to brush it across the hoof with the smoothness of water across stone. “I have to say, you definitely have some nice hooves. You should take better care of them. I mean seriously, when was the last time you buffed and polished?”

Pearl blushed. “I. Um. Don’t remember. I’ve been so busy helping Twilight with the scroll that I haven’t been to the spa in months.”

“You mean you two don’t do each other’s hooves at night before bed? That’s something so basic that can bring a couple closer together.” River humphed. “No wonder she forgot. No matter how hard or difficult our days were. Some of my best nights were when my Haku filed and polished each one of my claws. Then I would neatly sharpen and polish his. If we did it right, it usually led to hours of tender kisses and caressing.” Rose watched as Pearl practically gagged. “And we’ve had some of our best conversations while we groomed each other. So why haven’t you ever offered to do her hooves, or even file her horn? Brush her tail and mane? I mean there are so many intimate options? Or have you two not moved to that stage of the relationship?”

Pearl nodded. “I’ve tried. But you try to get alicorn hair to do what you want. And my hair just seems to be naturally messy no matter what. She won’t let me near her horn, though. I think someone did it too rough once, and she won’t go through that again and does it herself.”

River quirked an eyebrow. Her hooves stopped polishing as she looked at Pearl. “And you just accepted that answer? A girl with your fiery personality. From everything I've seen you haven't taken no for an answer out of anyone. Why accept it from her?” Sighing, she went back to polishing Pearl’s hooves. “When I first started doing Haku’s paws. He protested with language that would make his fire born sister proud. And just bopped his nose and told him to shut up and did it anyway. And asked that he let me know if I was doing it wrong.” Sitting back she made a soft gesture as Pearl’s hooves were now like polished stones. “He made sure I filled the right areas and not go too deep.”

Reaching out she placed a hoof on Pearl’s shoulder. “It’s also a practice in good communication and trust. Two things that are necessary in a successful relationship. Something I guess you and her could really use. Or am I wrong?”

Pearl’s ears wilted. “No. You’re right. I trust Twilight. Maybe more than I do anypony else, and I know she does the same for me. But when she gets something stuck in her head, it’s like talking to a brick wall. Maybe I can’t do as much as she can. But I can be her moral support. Why cut me out of that? Why not tell me at least why she is?”

Leaning back, River supported herself on her front legs and crossed her lower ones. “You want to be her support? Why are you waiting for her to ask you for that? Why not just do it. You see how busy she is. Make her meals, or better yet. Buy her meals. I’ve seen the results of your cooking, I’m still not sure that maid has recovered from your soup. Well, make sure she has something to eat. Enough to drink. Clean her office while she works. Find something that will lessen the pressure on her shoulders.” River let out a soft sigh. “I lost count of how many times Haku passed out while studying under his father's tutelage. There were days he forgot to eat. So I chose that every day he would have a meal on the desk. His drinks never emptied. And if he was getting overworked. I physically dragged his multi-tailed ass to bed.”

Looking back down at Pearl, River smiled. “You're upset at Twilight for being who she is. She forgot one little day that really had no meaning. My Haku once forgot a special anniversary of ours. I was so upset. I refused to talk or touch him, for seventy-five years. But he was being who he was, and when he forgot he was aiding his sister. Yes, I was angry, but I couldn’t fault him for being himself.”

Pearl sighed. “Then you have more patience than I do. Maybe it comes with being a spirit, and I know Twilight doesn’t mean anything. It’s part of why I love her. But it’s just so damn hard some days. You’ve always had that kind of time, and Twilight’s grown used to what it means to be immortal. Me? I still remember what it’s like being mortal, knowing I’ll die long before she does. I still will. Maybe a part of me hates her for that. I don’t know.”

Tiamat you timeless bitch, putting this little girl through this. River raged in her thoughts at the mother of dragons. “Well, I pity her. Mortality is a treasure far greater than you realize. And not something to ever give up on a whim. Just remember that. If you ever get the chance for immortality, think about what it means. And I do remember what it means to be mortal. Both Haku and I do. Would someone offer it to us again, we would take it. You give up so much for living so long.” Shaking her head, River slapped both sides of her cheeks. “But back to the subject. You don’t hate her. If you did, you wouldn’t be so angry with her.”

Watching out the window, River watched as the evening sun glittered along the tops of the trees. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I won’t be able to hold myself here much longer. But before I go. Take some advice from a girl who had to spend two thousand years away from the one she loved. Forgive her, whatever wrong she does. Whatever she forgets. Forgive her. Just don’t make it easy on her. Try and be her support before she needs one. And don’t invite jealousy into your heart. Because it's one houseguest that refuses to leave.”

“Easy for you to say.” Pearl sighed and turned to the window. As the was setting on the horizon she saw the vibrant purples and pinks that made up her Princess’s mane. In the reflection of the mirror, she saw a large furred body had filled the cabin she was in. An almost wolf-like face lined with small iridescent scales along the nose smiled at her. Spinning around she found that she was alone save for a few pony couples that she had noticed prior to River’s visit.

She shook her head with a sigh and settled back down. “Show off. She’s definitely his mate.” But she was thankful. River had given her a lot to think about. And one thing in particular.

Why was the spirit so interested in her? Pearl had a feeling there was far more to it than just her connection to Forestsong. Way more. But what?

Ch. 17

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Twilight frowned as Forestsong finished. “Are you sure there’s no other way?”

He gave her a lidded stare. “Unless you are better with languages than you have let on, then yes. There is no other way.”

Twilight sighed, as Starlight entered the room. “What did I miss?” She asked.

Twilight gave her a sad look. “You know how I have been learning Kanji?”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “It’s the only thing on your mind it seems like anymore. Why? Did you suddenly change your mind and want to stay?” She asked Forestsong.

He shook his head. “No. But there is another thing about learning the Shrine Restoration spell. I felt it was time that Twilight learned it.”

Twilight nodded. “Assuming I can learn it at all, and nothing goes catastrophically wrong, the spell will also make me forget all of it. I can still speak it. But I won’t be able to read it.”

Starlight blinked in surprise. “Isn’t that a bit extreme?”

Forestsong shook his head. “In a way, but. This was laid out by the gods long before my grandfather’s time. Think of it this way. It’s a way of keeping her and everypony else safe from accidental misuse of power.”

Twilight nodded. “I will never master the language. Even if I had all the time in the world. If I mispronounce the wrong thing… I don’t want to think of what could happen.”

Starlight thought about it for a moment. The longer she thought, the more it made sense. If Forestsong was an example, one word or sentence said the wrong way could unleash gods’ know what. “Well, when you put it that way…”

Twilight nodded. “I understand why it’s in place. I just wish there was a way for me to keep it all. Even if I never use it again. I can’t exactly ask an eastern dragon for help. No one’s seen one in centuries.”

Starlight smiled as she levitated a letter over to her mentor. “Well, this might help. This came in earlier from Pearl. From what I hear, she’s raising absolute hell over there.”

Twilight giggled as she took the letter in her magic. That sounded like Pearl alright, as she read her marefriend’s letter. As she did though, her face grew redder and redder, soon looking like the Pegasus’ mane.

Forestsong smiled. “I assume that all is well then?”

Twilight nodded. “Oooh. I forgot how raunchy Pearl can be when she’s in the mood. I don’t know what happened. But I haven’t seen her this fiery in quite some time.”

Chuckling Forestsong leaned back and twirled a soft shimmering scale as Twilight continued to view the letter. “I guess she inherited a lot more than just the personality,” he softly whispered.

“Hmm?” Twilight looked up and turned her head quirking an eyebrow at the scale.

“Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself.” Leaning forward he kissed the scale and with a flip of his wrist, it vanished. “I think my presence is kinda hindering you at this point. I’m going to go lay out in the garden for a time. It has this beautiful view of the river.”

Twilight blinked as she saw the shimmer in his eyes, not unlike how she gets when looking at Pearl. She was about to ask the questions in her head about it but closed her mouth and shook her head smiling. “Thank you, for your lessons. I’ll let you know when we’re ready.”

“Of course. Just don’t forget to mark down when Pearl gets back. And spend some quality time with her alone. River said she needs it and I always trust her judgment.” Closing the door behind him he half skipped his way down the hall.

Twilight nodded to herself as she went to her calendar only to stop and blinked… “who the hay is River?” Her eyes locked on the door Forestsong just left from.

Starlight could only shrug. “And there’s something about Luster as well. I thought you should know.”

Twilight frowned. “What is it? Is she not fitting in? Others not trying to make friends with her? Come on, Starlight. Don't keep me waiting."

Starlight shook her head. “Hardly. Most of the students don’t care that she's your student or new in town. She has a small group that she hangs out with quite a bit in fact..”

Twilight blinked before her frown grew. “Wait. Are you saying that there’s nothing wrong with her?”

Starlight only smirked. “Gotcha.”

Twilight’s eyes twitched. Oooh. There was that damn smirk of Starlight’s that always got under her fur like a bad itch. “Did you have to put it that way?” She groaned, shaking her head.

Starlight chuckled. “You need to lighten up, Twilight. At this rate, you’re going to crash and burn hard. Relax. Didn’t Pearl ever teach you to do that?”

Twilight sighed, but she was smiling all the same. “She has. Usually when we’re snuggling. She always knows the right places to make me melt in her wings.”

Starlight could see the wistful look in her mentor’s eyes as she spoke. She had an idea of what it might mean. “Have you thought of… ?”

Twilight nodded. “A lot lately. But there is no way I can go looking for one, and not make a massive scene about it. And what would Equestria think about it? A princess abandoning her duties for love?”

Starlight snorted. “What does it matter what someponies think of it? All that matters is what you and Pearl want. All of us can see you both want it. Why not take that final step?”

Twilight shot her a scathing look. “Because it’s not that simple. Starlight. If I do this, this changes everything. You know that there are ponies who still want her dead. That wants me dead.”

Starlight rolled her eyes as she turned to leave with a huff. “I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill here, princess. Go back to studying then. Maybe Pearl is thinking more clearly than you..”

Twilight winced as the door slammed shut behind the unicorn. Damn it. Why did she always have to be this way? She knew what she wanted. What her heart was yelling at her to do.

But she couldn’t. Not yet. It wasn’t the right time. And Twilight was beginning to wonder if it ever would be the right time.

Twilight studied the scroll in front of her intently. She had given express orders that she was not to be disturbed. This was too important. Too much rested on her getting this right.

As a foreigner (or Gaikokujin), it had taken far longer than she had thought to learn even this much of the language. But after some time, she had begun to see things that had helped her learn. Even more so with Forestsong’s help.

There were two ways to write this language. Hiragana and Katakana. While both could be read the same way, since the letters would always have the same pronunciation, Hiragana was used for more easy reading and was used for clarity and understanding.

Katakana, on the other hoof, was used for emphasis and onomatopoeia. Twilight had noticed it on several sections of the journal Forestsong’s great-grandfather, grandfather, and father had kept. Now she understood why and it only increased her respect for them.

She tapped her chin. Maybe it was her talk with Starlight or the thought of how much progress Luster Dawn seemed to be making, but Twilight was feeling inspired at the moment. “I know I’ve seen the words before. At least one eastern dragon needed it to be used. What was it again? Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu?”

Nothing happened.

She sighed. That would’ve been too easy. “I don’t think I pronounced it right. I can’t ask Forestsong. He wouldn’t make it that easy. But why did I feel something? It almost felt like magic. But not like I have ever heard of or felt.”

Something about it, though, felt more natural. Like a part of the natural order of things. Why? Twilight knew that there was more than one kind of magic. Light and Dark, Arcane and Primal. But there was another, one few knew of.

Elder Magic, what some called the Words of Creation or Deep Magic, combined all forms of magic into one single whole. If the old creation myths were to be believed, the multiverse itself sprang into existence at the beginning of time by this magic. Whether that was true or not was another story.

Was there another kind of magic out there? One only kitsune and eastern dragons had known of? It wasn’t impossible, she supposed. Picking up the latest scroll she had been studying she leaned back into her chair and started reading again.

The passage she read noted the various differences between kitsune and eastern dragons. Many younger species attributed them both to gods or godly guardians. Both had the power to bring anything into existence by the use of words and written symbols. Closing the scroll she tossed it aside and got up moving to the windows.

Twilight looked down on the garden. She smiled at how wonderful her beloved had taken care of it. Forestsong was a good influence on her, even if the two were at odds some days. Shifting her gaze to the overlook to the river she saw a large hoof trimmed hedge in the shape of a nine-tailed kitsune. The hedge was laid out on its belly gazing down toward the river that led from the Everfree Forest.

Rubbing her eyes she swore there was a set of finely shaped river stones that leaned out of the river onto the bank. The water flowing over them took the shape of what she could only describe as a far eastern dragon. As she watched the hedge and water she thought of Pearl. Twilight wanted to run out and grasp her sweet fiery redhead and tell her how much she missed her. Perhaps it was the same with Forestsong. He talked about his mate before but not much beyond his feelings for her.

Tracing her hoof along the edge of the window sill she started to mouth the words again. Over and over she repeated them. As her hoof dug into the soft wood she spoke aloud.

“Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu.” The sudden explosion in front of her kicked Twilight back through her library’s crystal wall and slid on her back into her throne room. Much to the shock of Starlight.

“Twilight? What the hay was that?!”

Twilight shook her head, trying to stop the ringing in her ears. “I don’t know. It’s never done that before.”

Starlight blinked. “What hasn’t? Does it have something to do with the scroll?”

Twilight nodded as she stood. “I’ve been practicing one line in particular. Something about it feels important. I know I felt something the first time I said it.”

Starlight looked at the scroll with a raised brow. “Which one? Maybe I can help. Say it slowly this time. That might be what went wrong.”

Twilight nodded, before slowing her breathing and relaxing. “Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu.”

This time there was no explosion. But Twilight definitely felt something stirring within her. A different kind of magic from any she knew.

Even Starlight felt it, and her eyes widened in shock. “What was that? Tell me you felt that too?”

Twilight nodded. “I felt it. I’ve never felt anything like it before, and I thought I knew most magic. But this? This is something else entirely.”

Starlight gave her a hopeful look as a thought came to her. “Do you think… ?”

Twilight nodded happily, her smile growing. “I think we’ve found the spell. Nothing else has had this effect. What else could it be?”

Starlight nodded. “So why didn’t anything happen? All I felt was the magic? Shouldn’t it have done something?”

Twilight tapped her chin. “Maybe I have to be at the grave and shrine for it to work? Perhaps it wouldn’t work even then if we don’t return Forestsong’s skull as well.”

Starlight scratched her chin. That made sense, as she walked over to a nearby window and looked down at the kitsune-shaped hedgerow. “What is he doing? He really seems into the river.”

Twilight joined her. He hadn’t moved since last she looked. This time, she could definitely see two finely shaped river stones leaning out onto the bank, and the water flowing over them was in the shape of an eastern dragon. “She’s his mate. The spirit of the river. I think they’re talking to each other. Look at the stones on the bank and the water flowing over them. Tell me you don’t see an eastern dragon?”

Starlight squinted. Now that her mentor mentioned it, she could see what Twilight saw. Her ears fell. “It’s so sad that this is the only way they can do this. It isn’t right.”

Twilight’s ears fell as well as she sighed. “No, it’s not. Which is why I want to fix this as soon as possible. As much as I love having him here, and all I’ve learned, this isn’t right. And I’m worried.”

Starlight gave her a concerned look. “About what?

Twilight sighed. “How much longer can this go on before the balance tips too much toward one side. Towards Chaos. Or worse.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “Come off it, Twilight. I think you’re just overthinking it. You need to relax. Go to the spa. Take the day off. Do something other than work for once.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but Starlight did have a point. Again. Maybe she did need to relax. It would help clear her head at least. And right now? She needed it.

Ch. 18

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Pearl sighed as Ponyville came into sight. The sight of the small town always improved her mood, and at the moment she needed it as she looked again at the letter in her bags.

“Why? Oh, why did I have to be the one to do this? I’d love to meet them. But I don’t know a damn thing about their language and customs. Not enough to do this right,” she grumbled.

Maybe she could ask Forestsong for help. Reading the journal was one thing, but learning the language was another thing. Twily was the one learning all of this. Not her.

Thinking of the alicorn brought a smile to her face. Her talk with Summer Rose had done a lot of good for Pearl’s mood, and raising absolute hell in the Dragon Lands also helped. How she was going to explain her meeting the dragon she was still working out.

But that was beside the point. Right now, Pearl just wanted to snuggle her princess, feel those soft feathers hold her close, and caress her. She had overreacted when she had left. No more.

She was going to be Twilight’s support, no matter what that meant. If she had to physically drag the alicorn to bed, she would. She loved her too much. Loved her enough that a new thought had begun to creep into her mind. Something that would take their love to a new level.

The question was, was she ready for that kind of commitment? And how the hay would she do it and not have all of Ponyville know about it? Nothing stayed hidden for long in the town.

Especially from Pinkie Pie. New mother or not, she had only barely slowed down. Pearl envied the mare somedays in that regard.

“I’m glad to see you're a little more relaxed than when you were heading out.”

Pearl sighed and nodded as the melodic tone of water over river rocks filled her ears.

“That’s always a beautiful sight, coming home I mean.”

Pearl blinked as she quickly turned her head and came face to face with the Summer Rose in her mare form. “Oh great you again.” Pearl sighed and leaned back and rubbed her temples.

“Hello Pearl, so how is the ol’ uzai doing?"

After a moment Pearl opened her eyes and looked at the familiar mare again. “She’s good. Remembers you fondly enough.” Pearl watched as Summer just nodded slowly.

“And I'm hardly relaxed. I’m stressed over a lot. But I have decided to take the advice you gave me.” Pearl looked at Summer as she nodded as if she already knew. The Pegasus wondered just how her and Forestsong knew these things. Pushing that aside Pearl slumped back into her seat. “I’m also worried about meeting with a delegate of your kind coming to Equestria.”

Summer raised an eyebrow but kept silent.

“Tiamat wants me of all ponies to welcome them here. I know nothing of their customs and language.” Pearl groaned and leaned forward when she felt a soft paw on her shoulder. Looking up the whole train was gone and everything around her had a watery shimmer.

Looking to Summer the mare had taken on her true form. Her serpentine form coiled about Pearl several times while leaving the mare adequate space to move. Her front limbs crossed about what Pearl assumed was her chest. Summer’s whole body was covered in thin silk fur-covered scales the size of teacup saucers.

Looking up, Pearl gazed at the dragoness’s face which wasn’t unlike that of a she wolf. Twin short antlers grew up just beside her ears. And a coral pink tuft of fur ran from her crown all the way down the dragoness’s spine to her tail tip.

“Wow, just wow. Tiamat showed me images of eastern dragons but nothing like you.” Pearl blinked and ran her paw over the dragoness’s long body. Stopping only when the mare heard her giggle.

“Careful, I’m ticklish.” Summer grinned as Pearl blushed. “And don’t be too worried about meeting my kind. I can teach you all you need to know.”

“You will? I was just going to ask Forestsong.” Pearl leaned back into Summers coils.

“HA. I love him but he is his father’s son when it comes to teaching others.” Summer laughed aloud. “I’m a little more paws on, when is this meeting of yours?”

“About a year from now.”

“Plenty of time. I can’t promise you’ll be fluent, but I can make you good enough to earn a pass from even the harshest of eastern critics.” Summer watched as Pearl grinned.

“That’s good. I’ve been worried because I’ve seen how hard it’s been for Twilight to learn it.”

“Well to be fair she’s learning the more magical side. You’ll just be striking conversation.” Stretching a bit, Summer smiled. “Just come down to the river by a set of stones, you’ll know which ones. But be sure to tell the hedge you’ll be taking lessons with the river before you do. I’d hate to have you walk in on us unannounced. Not that Haku would mind but even from a distance our time together is precious.”

Pearl blinked and stared at her. “With all the oddity my last few months have been with him and now you. The idea of telling a plant I'm going to take lessons from a river sounds normal.”

“Great. And if you can bring some teacakes with you that would be wonderful.”

Pearl double blinked as she heard the train whistle as she sat up and looked about.

“Next stop Ponyville!” the conductor called out as he strolled down the aisle.

Summer had vanished, leaving Pearl to wonder if she could learn to do the same. It might’ve helped in the past a few times. Shaking her head, she grabbed her saddlebags and stretched as the train began to slow.

Looking out the window, she didn’t notice anypony there to greet her. Granted, she hadn’t said exactly when she would come back, so it didn’t surprise her too much. “Good. Maybe I can surprise her for once.”

Giggling as the train finally came to a stop and passengers began to disembark, Pearl step out onto the platform. She almost expected to see Forestsong there to greet her, seeing as how Summer kept popping up as she did, but there was no one there.

She rolled her eyes as she made her way into Ponyville. “Maybe that would’ve been a bit much. He sticks out like a sore wing. No way he could blend in that easily.”

“Pearl!!” a highly excited familiar voice called out.

Pearl turned around and saw Twilight galloping as hard as she could toward the station. The pegasus smiled as her princess sid to a stop and hung her head down panting heavily. “Twilight?”

Panting and breathing heavily, Twilight smiled and looked up “Oh thank heavens I’m not that late. I almost forgot you were arriving.”

“Oh.” Pearl smiled and blushed before blinking. “Um, Twilight. I never told you what day I was coming back. How did you know?”

“Well, I’m not sure I thought I forgot it. So I checked my planner and found this small river stone on today’s date at this time.” Twilight sat down and stretched a bit, her breathing coming a little easier. “After lifting it I found your name with a heart on it. I put two and two together and here we are.”

Pearl blinked again.

“The thing is I can't explain it. It wasn’t my writing, so I thought you might have jotted it down before you left.”

Pearl’s eyes twitched. Oh, she would be having words with a certain dragon about this. “I didn’t because I wasn’t really sure when I’d get back. But I think I know who did, and she’s going to be hearing about this.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Who? It wasn’t a secret you were leaving for a while. But no one that I know of has touched my planner aside from me.”

Pearl nodded. “Summer Rose. She’s a river dragon spirit from around here. I’ve met her. Or more accurately, she found me. She’s also Forestsong’s mate. She seems really interested in me. More so than just because I’m friends with him.”

“I’ve seen her.” Twilight smiled and sat up. “Well not so much in the way that one would see a dragon. It’s hard to explain. Not a physical dragon but more like a set of river rocks and flowing water in the shape of a dragon.” On seeing Pearl’s confused gaze Twilight smiled. “I’ll show you. You have to see it to believe it. Her and Forestsong have been sitting gazing at each other for weeks now.”

Pearl sighed. “Well considering they can’t do it the way they used to, I don’t blame them. Please tell me you’ve got something from the scroll?”

“OH yeah, and almost blew myself up in the process.” Twilight wrapped her wing around Pearl. “I’ll tell you all about it as we head back to the castle.”

Pearl all but melted into the embrace. “Sounds good. Because I’ve got something I need to tell you about too. I just hope I don’t screw this up.”

Twilight gave her a concerned look. “Screw what up, Pearl?”

The Pegasus sighed as she pulled the letter out of her bag. “This,” she grumbled as Twilight took it in her magic and began to read.

As she did, her eyes widened in shock and her mouth dropped, before finally giving her marefriend a shocked look. “Tiamat wants you to do what?!”

Pearl nodded. “She wants me to meet a delegation of eastern dragons. Here in Equestria. They want to form a colony here. Open trade with us even.”

Twilight had been afraid of that as she groaned. “Pearl. No offense, but you are not a diplomat. Nor are you actually qualified to do something like this.”

Pearl threw her hooves up in exasperation. “That’s what I told Tiamat! I would love to meet them. They’ve been in hiding since the end of the wars. But not like this. This is something for you, Cadence, and Flurry Heart. Hell. Throw in Celestia and Luna too.”

Twilight nodded. This did feel like something they all needed to be here for. “So what do you plan to do? Tiamat doesn’t take no for an answer very often.”

Pearl nodded, resting her head on Twilight’s shoulders. “You know me. Of course, I said yes. And I don’t think she expects me to do everything. Probably just help to smooth the start. I have a year to learn their language and customs so I don’t ruin everything.”

Twilight tapped her chin. That made more sense. “How are you going to learn all of this though? I’ve had enough trouble as it is learning the language, and I don’t know how much Forestsong can teach you before we send him home.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. Summer said that she’ll teach me. Something about I’ll be learning the easier stuff compared to you. Magical doodads compared to just customs and conversation.”

Twilight pouted a bit at that, earning a giggle from her marefriend. “So what’s this about something blowing up in your face?” Pearl asked. “You haven’t done that in years.”

Twilight’s pout morphed into a wide smile at this. “We found the spell. To restore Forestsong’s shrine. And it blew up in my face.”

Pearl blinked, waiting for the punchline, but as the seconds passed and nothing else was said, her smile grew wider and wider. “You found it?! How? When? And how are you still here?”

Twilight giggled. “I found it by accident several weeks ago. As for why I’m still here? Our best guess is that it’s because I wasn’t attempting to use it on the shrine itself. I know I mispronounced it at some point, hence the explosion.”

Pearl all but bounced in place in glee. “Does he know yet?”

Twilight giggled. “I’m not sure. He’s been down by the river this whole time. Knowing who is there, I don’t blame him. I don’t want to interrupt their time together.”

Pearl couldn’t blame Forestsong, as she saw the kitsune-shaped hedgerow by the castle and the dragon shape that it faced. She could almost feel their love from here. “Is Luster still using the same room?”

Twilight nodded, confused by this. “Yes. Though she has been talking about getting a dorm room at the School recently. Why?”

Pearl just smirked. “You’ll see. She’s been waiting for this for months now.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as she suddenly remembered something. “Do you mean?”

Pearl just tickled her princess’s nose with a wing with a knowing look. “That’s for me to know and everypony else to find out. I won’t pull her out of class. Even for this.”

Twilight pouted. But the look in the Pegasus’s eyes told her she wasn’t going to get any answers at the moment. So for now she could only wait.

Luster Dawn all but pranced into the Dining Room, earning a chuckle from the ponies already there. “Sompony’s in a good mood,” Pearl giggled.

Luster nodded happily, before finally seeing who had spoken. “Miss Rose! You’re back.”

Pearl nodded. “Yep. Got back earlier today.” Her smile grew. “And I’ve got good news and bad news.”

Luster’s ears fell. She had an idea of what it might be about and tried to prepare for the worst. Maybe it had been hoping too much that she could go with Miss Rose.

Pearl, though, laid a wing around her with a grin. “I talked with Tiamat. She said that you can come with me next time I go to the Dragon Lands. Lord Ember isn’t happy about it. But no one argues with the Chromatic Dragon on this.”

Luster almost stopped herself from bouncing in place and squeeing in delight. Almost, as she hugged Pearl as tight as she could. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

Pearl chuckled as she returned the hug. “You’re welcome. And from what Twily’s told me about what you’ve been doing at the School of Friendship, you’ve earned it. There’s a catch though.”

Luster blinked, as did everypony else. “What do you mean?”

Pearl sighed. “You’re under my protection while we’re there, but that only goes so far. If you want to see what I’ve seen, then you have to earn it. I didn’t see it all my first time.”

Twilight nodded gravely. “It is true. Only after several visits, and going through a lot of hoops, did Pearl earn as much as she has.”

Pearl nodded. “Which means you do exactly what I tell you and when I tell you. Tiamat made this a one-time thing. Don’t give her a reason to not consider letting you visit more often.”

Luster nodded firmly. She had expected as much. “You can count on me.”

Pearl nodded, as Forestsong entered the room, giving Pearl a knowing look, one the Pegasus returned. “Well look what the kit drug in. Summer finally let you go?”

He chuckled. “What can I say? It’s hard being apart like this. I see the two of you got along.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “No thanks to you, methinks. The only reason I can think of how she knew where I was.”

Forestsong only smiled wider, while everypony else was confused by what they were talking about. “Who is Summer?” Starlight asked.

Pearl shook her head as she took a sip of her drink. “She’s the spirit of the river. I finally met her. Or more likely, she came looking for me. I don’t know why, but she seems really interested in me.”

Forestsong nodded, “And no, it has nothing to do with me if any of you are thinking this. The two of you share something. Far more than you know, Pearl. But I will not say more.”

“Why not?” Twilight asked, as confused as everyone else was.

Forestsong just shook his head. “Rosie will tan my hide if I say too much. That is all I can say.” He smiled up at Twilight. “And I see you have found the spell?”

Twilight nodded, smiling sheepishly. “Yes, and almost blew myself up in the process. All of Ponyville heard it I think.”

Luster shook her head. “Princess. It’s the only thing some of the students talk about at the School. Your friends seemed to know. But they haven’t said anything about it.”

Twilight sighed. “They do know what happened and why. I didn’t want this to get out.”

Pearl wrapped a wing around her princess’s shoulders. “So why didn’t it do anything then? You had to screw something up for that to happen. How come it wasn’t worse?”

Forestsong shook his head. “The spell must be used on my shrine for it to have that kind of effect. From what was released, you mispronounced several words. But I also felt the swell of magic several moments later. It means you have discovered it. What happens when you finally cast it remains to be seen.”

Twilight nodded a weight off of her shoulders at last. “Thank you. I believe I can find the way back to the graves. I hope.”

Forestsong just smiled. “That you and your friends found them at all speaks to your integrity. Only one other pony knows where they are, and he knows better than to speak of all of this too much. You will find them, though they will be different this time.”

Pearl gave him a look. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He just shook his head, smirking. “You will know when you see it. Do not rush into this, Princess Twilight. You will do something wrong if you do. Take some time, relax, and focus. It will help when the time comes.”

Twilight wanted to argue this, but a part of her knew he was right.

He gave the couple a knowing smile. “And if the two of you are as close as I know you are, then you will do this together.” He looked directly at Pearl. “Be there for her. Especially now. The Everfree is still dangerous for ponies. And be sure to watch out for the Wild Storms. They can come up unexpectedly and without warning.”

Twilight and Pearl shared a confused look. Why did it sound like there was more to it than he was saying? But he was right, as Pearl leaned on Twilight. “Damn right, Twily. You’re not doing this without me. Not after everything we’ve done. Good and bad.”

Twilight kissed her. “I wouldn’t dream of it, honey.”

Starlight and Luster dry heaved off to the side, earning an eye roll from the couple, while Forestsong only chuckled.

“I hope you know what you are doing, Rosie,” he thought.

Ch. 19

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Twilight and Pearl walked side by side through the thickest part of the Everfree Forest. Despite the known dangers, this part of the forest was completely devoid of all hazards. Even a set of Timberwolves that were pursuing them refused to follow any deeper. That did little to ease their fears.

“We’ve been walking for hours. If the plants here weren't so overgrown I’d fly,” Pearl groaned and kicked aside a massive sunflower.

“I agree, Pearl. But we promised. It shouldn’t be too long now. I only wish I knew what we were looking for.” Shaking her head, Twilight kept a fierce lookout. It had been a year to the day since Fluttershy brought her the skull. One year since the events that brought her and Pearl together.

“I can see a clearing up ahead. Let's stop there and rest for a bit Twilight,” Pearl called out from atop a small hill.

Twilight agreed readily. As they reached the clearing they found a massive tree. Clearly the largest in all of Equestria. Let out a soft whistle, the princess sat down and pressed her back up against the cool wood. “Oh, that’s better. I know he said we wouldn’t have a problem finding the place. I just wish he had described it better.”

Pearl snuggled up close to Twilight and rested her head down on Twilight’s shoulder. The warmth of that large wing gave her the comfort to let out a small moan. “I agree, I ju…” Blinking Pearl lifted her head up. “Do you hear something?”

Turning her head, Twilight nodded. “Definitely. It sounds like. Music. But who’s signing?” Getting up Twilight trotted around the base of the tree. Looking about to find the source and stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes wide.

Pearl caught up to Twilight and chuckled. “Of course, who else?” Standing atop a set of broken stairs leading to an old temple door was Forestsong. She recognized the song instantly. Meteor.

Pearl and Twilight observed their friend. No longer was he partially see-through. Now he appeared to be made of real flesh and blood. His slim body shifted back and forth along the foliage, all of it responding to his song. Together they understood his name, Forestsong. As he sang the forest grew larger around him. Parting with each step of his massive paws.

Pearl watched Forestsong. She watched as he danced about like a newborn. Picking up bunnies and flipping them in the air before catching them on his back. Pearl shook her head as he leaped up to a tree half his size. Hugging it fiercely.

“Oh boy…” Pearl blushed out of embarrassment.

Twilight turned to her love and giggled. “You okay hun?”

“Yeah, it’s just the heat of this place, it’s getting to me.”

“No, it’s him. He’s happy to be home. And I think you’re going to miss him more than you’re letting on.” Pearl could only nod in reply. “I’ll miss him too.”

With laughter in his eyes, Forestsong’s nine tails affectionately touched every large flower and tree, his voice bringing them all to life. The Trees, the flowers, all moved aside. Making a clear path for his guests. Turning his head toward Pearl and Twilight he bowed to them both. Spinning on his paws he led the pair up to a set of double doors so large they made even him seem small.

The pair watched as he stopped behind a set of seven gravestones at the top of a small hill leading to a broken-down temple. Each shrine was made with a different color of marble. Looking left they found Gold, Red, and Blue while turning right was Silver, Grey, and Black. But it was the one in the center that caught their attention. Made what looked to be the color of jade, was the marker Forestsong stood behind. His head bowed sorrowfully.

The Gravestone was cracked down the center and pushed off a small stone box. The kanji on the gravestone was still intact. Pearl leaned in to read it.

“Here Lies Kohaku Forestsong. Beloved Son and Little Brother. May his spirit forever rule this forest.”

“At least now we know your true name.” Pearl smiled up at Kohaku who only smiled.

Twilight and Pearl looked inside. Up to the edge it was filled with crystal clear water that shimmered, even in the shade of the giant oak tree. There at the bottom was the curled skeleton of a young fox. The only thing missing? The skull.

“The rain must have done this. Should we try to empty it first?” Pearl looked up at Twilight and Kohaku.

“No, that water was always there.” Kohaku sighed deeply as he looked at the liquid.

“I still can’t believe Discord did this.” Reaching into her saddlebags, Twilight levitated Kohaku’s skull and lovingly placed it into the grave. “I hope we never see him again.”

“I doubt we ever will, you remember what Fo… Kohaku here did to him.” Pearl gripped one-half of the gravestone and pulled it up over the stone box.

“True. Who knew his race could be so, fierce?” Twilight levitated the other half of the stone monument and placed it over Pearl’s.

Pearl shook her head. “He got Lotus to leave Ponyville right before we got together. I mean. I wouldn’t change it for the world. But if that was him being vindictive for something so small, then I can believe what he did to Discord.” She sighed, putting the unpleasant thought from her mind. “You have the spell ready?”

“I do. I practiced it for days. I just hope I have the right pronunciation.” Raising her right hoof Twilight took a long deep breath. Casting a spell not meant for ponies was always a challenge. Giving a small prayer she began to speak. Her magical aura shimmered around her whole body. “Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu.” As she spoke the final words, the aura left her body and surrounded the grave. The cracks began to heal and mend together.

While it took only seconds, Twilight felt as if she had been standing there for years. Falling to her belly, the princess breathed heavily. “That was an experience.”

Pearl chuckled and sat next to Twilight, her hoof softly brushing along Twilight’s back. “I’ll say. But we did it. Look.”

Twilight lifted her head and nodded. The Jade-colored grave had been fully restored. And as they looked up, Kohaku had vanished from sight.

Pearl and Twilight looked around as they heard laughter along the garden path they were on. Watching in surprise as the ruins became whole again to reveal an opulent palace, one that could have easily fit the Castle of Friendship inside of it, and still had plenty of room left over.

Pearl’s breath hitched as she watched a young fox playing with who had to be sisters. He laughed and jumped atop each of them as they affectionately wrapped their tails about his body. A part of her just knew who he was, but she had to ask. “Is that?”

Twilight nodded, her smile softening. “It’s Kohaku. When he was still bound to a mortal frame.” She looked around at the other gravestones. “He was so young, and these, all of them? They’re his family. This isn’t just some fancy graveyard, it’s their home.”

Pearl’s ears fell as Kohaku and his sisters vanished, everything becoming ruins yet again. “I don’t think we should be here, Twily.”

Twilight put a wing around her love. “Pearl. Kohaku invited us here. We restored his shrine and returned what was stolen from him. I don’t think we need to worry.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. But it just doesn’t feel right. Maybe I’m being paranoid. But I really don’t want to meet an annoyed Kitsune. If what happened to Discord was Kohaku being mad, I really don’t want to think what his sisters are like. Let alone his parents.”

Overhead a loud thunderclap echoed in the valley as dark clouds covered the sky.

“Oh great, and we have a wild storm brewing.” Pearl huffed as she leaned up against the massive double doors. “Do you think we can make it to the Castle of The Two Sisters before it’s impossible to leave?”

“Possibly if we leave now.” Twilight was about to take a step past the grave shrines when a raindrop the size of an apple struck the ground with an audible snap on the stone tiles. “On second thought. Run. that way. To the doors over there.”

Twilight and Pearl reached the decrepit doors of the old temple only to find them sealed shut. Looking over her shoulder, Twilight saw the rain inching closer. Together with Pearl, they pushed against the doors harder, only to have a section of it give way bringing both mares spiraling along a marble floor. Groaning, Twilight stood up and looked about, the dark cavern-like building half-lit by the partly open door. “OH wow. I didn’t think we were going to make it.”

Sitting up, Pearl brushed broken wood off of her coat. “Well I'm glad we did, that rain was no joke.” Looking around she found the shadows in the room rather creepy. “Is it just me, or do you find this place just a little too unsettling.”

“What are you thinking, love? Are you that uncomfortable here?” Pearl only nodded slowly.

“Get back here you three-tailed pain in the ass!” an echoing shout came from a long staircase. Both mares looked up to see two nude kitsunes dashing about. One they recognized as Kohaku and the other was a crimson vixen with five tails. Kohaku had a red towel in his tails and waved it about as water dripped from their fur. Both kitsunes dashed about various shocked noble ponies and other important-looking individuals from parts unknown.

Twilight stepped forward only to have the red vixen vanish as she came into contact with her. “Oh boy…” she whispered.

“Forget feeling comfortable? This place is haunted!” Pearl huffed as she looked about. “We should NOT be here.” A thunderclap erupted outside causing both mares to jump as heavy rain began to pour outside. The rainfall echoed in the now silent room. “I think the storm feels the same way.”

“Oh my, we haven't had visitors here in ages.” A soft elderly voice half echoed through the halls. As Twilight shined her horn to the shadows of the room. Pearl noticed an elderly earth pony mare step into the light. The mare's grey fur shimmered slightly in the light of Twilight’s horn. A rich pink mane cascaded down her neck and shoulders. Despite being old, she walked with a confident grace of a young maiden. “These storms are quite dangerous, my dears. I'm glad you found some shelter.”

“Thank you, I’m sorry if we’re intruding.” Twilight bowed her head slightly, which the elderly mare repeated. “Who are you by the way? I thought this place was abandoned.”

“Oh, I’m just the caretaker here. Been watching over the lands here for as long as I can remember. I was just making my rounds when the storm hit. So don’t mind me.” The elder mare smiled and kept walking. “Please make yourselves at home. There’s a comfortable living space just past that archway and up the stairs. But nobody has been there in several thousand years. Even I don’t go into that room. I’d offer you a place in my room, but there’s only enough room for myself.”

“Thank you. We’ll just stay until the storm passes.” Twilight watched as the older mare just waved a hoof and melted into the shadows of another hallway. Looking at the door she saw it flex and push against the heavy winds that battered against it. “Now that I think about it, we aren't going anywhere tonight.” Walking onward, Twilight made her way through the arch to a set of steps leading up.

“This had to be some kind of meeting area.” Stopping dead Twilight found several large thrones. And one smaller one set between the largest on the highest level. “Definitely a meeting area. I think Kohaku’s family were royals of sorts.” Moving to the closest throne. Made of solid marble with a silken red pillow. Running her hoof about it she blinked.

“That is not possible.”

“What now?” Pearl frowned. She had to fall in love with a mare with a super scientific mind. But despite her initial annoyance, she smiled.

“These pillows have been here for who knows how long, and they are perfect. No sign of deterioration anywhere.” Twilight caressed the soft silk. Looking up she found on the back of the chair was a small burning stormcloud. “Firestorm. Wow, these thrones are just like mine back at the castle.”

Half rolling her eyes, Pearl walked onward leaving Twilight to muse over pillows and stone. Step after step till she reached the top, her wing touching the small throne with a jade pillow. Walking around more she found a pristine silken curtain, Pushing it aside Pearl found another set of stairs. Not as grand as the current ones, but still in good condition. Moving on up the sounds of the storm grew louder but less threatening. As she reached the top, Pearl stopped and blinked. “Oh wow.”

The living quarters were amazing. The main floor alone was larger than Twilight’s throne room. Along one wall was a set of Asian armoires holding everything from weapons to fine china. Along the opposite wall, was possibly the largest family tree she had ever seen. Setting her eyes in the center of the room, were piles of pillows, all arranged for comfort. And like Twilight had said earlier. No sign of decay anywhere.

“Wow. This room is amazing.” Twilight said as she came through the curtains. “I was wondering where you went off too. Looks like we found a place to roost for the night.”

“Gods help me, she's insane!” a loud male voice from the upper floors. Bursting from a double door was a male stallion with a thick black mane and just the slightest hint of a beard. Both mares blushed as he was slightly excited.

“That's…” Pearl couldn’t help but pause while Twilight nodded.


Behind the stallion, a large grey vixen gripped the stallion’s tail. “You promised to make me howl for a week, now get back in here and fulfill your mately duties.” And began to pull him back with ease.

“I take it back, I take it back!!” His hooves marked the floor with a screeching sound as he was thrown back into the room. As the doors closed the room fell silent yet again.

“What the hell went on in this place?” Pearl breathed out as she collapsed on a pillow. “And was that really Starswirl up there?”

“Or a distant ancestor?” Twilight sat next to Pearl. The storm outside rattled the windows without breaking them.

“OH don’t mind that my dear girls. Old memories drift through this place like the wind.” The Caretaker smiled as she stepped out from behind the staircase.

“I thought you didn’t come this way?” Pearl asked, rubbing her head, still trying to shake the image of Starswirl out of her mind.

“Oh that, I don’t go through the throne room, there’s a service stairwell just under here that the servants used.”

“Makes sense. A caretaker would go that way.” Twilight smiled. “You seem to know a lot about this place.

“More than you’ll ever know my dear. This was the home of a wonderful family. Wise, Loving, highly mischievous. You would have liked them I think.” The caretaker sat down on a light pink cushion.

“Well, we did have the pleasure of meeting one of them. Forestsong.” Laying back, Twilight closed her eyes.

“Oh yes. The most mischievous one of them all. He was always getting into trouble that one.”

“So you’ve met?” Pearl nodded in agreement with what the caretaker had said.

“Once, a long time ago when I was much younger.” The elderly mare leaned back and looked at her hoof

Twilight quirked an eyebrow at the mare's actions when a warm welcome scent filled her nose. “What is that amazing scent?”

“I know, it’s delicious.” Pearl looked about and found a double door just off to the right of the central staircase. “It’s coming from there.” Getting up, Pearl trotted to the door. She glanced over her shoulder about to say something to the Caretaker. But all she found was an empty room. With only Twilight and herself there. For an elderly mare, she is certainly quiet and fast.

As Twilight and Pearl entered they were greeted by a red mare in a maids outfit. “Your dinner has been prepared, mistress’s,” the maid bowed and lowered her gaze. On the table were various meals and desserts. Every one of their favorites was there.

As Twilight moved in to examine the table, Pearl shrieked out. Turning around, the maid had vanished without a trace.

“I told you, this place is haunted,” Pearl grumbled. “If this is their idea of a joke, it’s not very funny.”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t think this is a joke, Pearl. It’s almost like someone wants us here. That storm seems… Far more different than any normal storm. Even for the Everfree.”

Pearl didn’t give voice to her feelings that Twilight was exactly right. That storm wasn’t normal. She had been in Ponyville long enough and seen enough storms come in from the Everfree, to know there was something far more to it, and she really didn’t want to go back out and face it. Her mouth was watering at the sight of all the food before them. “Well. Doesn’t feel right to let all of this go to waste. And that storm isn’t going anywhere by the sounds of it. I say we wait it out. Who knows? Maybe there’s more around here to see.”

Twilight nodded. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious as to what else they might find around here. Assuming the family who had lived here let them. For now, it was rude to leave all of this food alone, so she ignited her horn and grabbed what looked to be a hayburger. With the first bite, she moaned as she swallowed. It certainly was NOT a hayburger, but the best vegetable patty she had ever tasted. Beating out the Burger Queen in Ponyville by a long stretch.

Pearl herself had to agree that the food was exquisite. Better than anything Ponyville or even Canterlot could produce. After helping herself to a second course of the vegetable wraps, Pearl heard whistling past the doors they entered. After excusing herself Pearl walked about the main house. The whistling got louder as she climbed the central staircase. Coming to a door marked with a grand tree with a treble clef in the leaves. Pushing it open she found the room lit by candles.

Her own room could fill this one almost three times over. One wall was lined with various scrolls and plants, the other filled with model kits. In its center was a large circular bed with two large shapes writhing under it. Grimacing a little with a blush, Pearl wanted to leave but found herself inching closer.

“Oh, you hopeless romantic.” Pearl froze as the voice was identical to her own coming from under the sheets. Freezing in place all she could do was watch. The sheets half kicked off revealing Kohaku, dressed only in his kimono shorts, out on his back. Laying on top of him was an alabaster dragoness. Her long body took up most of the bed. Pearl noted that the hairstyle was identical to her own. Pearl recognized Summer Rose. Only now she seemed younger.

“You really know how to treat a girl?” The dragoness teased as her claw traced hearts over Kohaku’s chest.

“Hey, you're not too bad either.” Kohaku chuckled.

“I should hope not. After seven hundred years I know how to make my fox happy.” Pearl watched as Summer rolled her body over and rested her head on his chest. Which was rewarded with Kohaku’s arms wrapped about her. Before it was covered, Pearl saw a large crescent-shaped red scar on her neck. Even he didn’t miss the quick change on her face.

“You're still upset aren't you?”

“Of course I am. In a month’s time, you're going to ascend and I'll be left here alone.” The dragoness sniffled a little. “Why can’t we find a way around this? You could stay behind in secret. We could talk to the Dragon Queen. We…” her words were silenced by a tail tip on her lips.

“Rosie.” Kohaku sighed. “I’ve talked to her. She feels for our situation, applauded my decision to mate a dragon. Even though her mates think we’re freaks for this. But her decision was made long ago. She will not relent.”

Pearl felt her heart drop. Why was she seeing this? Pearl felt their love in their voices and almost wept that she knew the outcome.

“If I stay behind, It would mean these last thousand years were in vain. I’ll cease to exist like the rest of my kind who can’t or have chosen not to ascend.” Pearl watched as Kohaku tenderly caressed Rosie’s hair.

“I could just kill that bitch.” Rosie’s claw griped Kohaku’s tuft hard. Harder then intended as Pearl watched him wince in pain, but said nothing. “Robbing us of our love, our future… children.” her last word in a low whisper that rang in Pearl’s ear.

“Oh Sumie,” Kohaku let out a long-drawn-out sigh as the dragoness blushed. Pearl thought he hadn’t used that name in ages by her reaction. “I’m none too happy with her myself. But the spell and dice were cast when I was two. At least when I ascend we’ll still be together. Remember your river runs through my forest. When I ascend, I’ll be every tree, every leaf, every soft breeze caressing your cheek. I’ll always be around you. On that note, I have something for you.”

“Another gift?” Sumie quickly pushed herself up and looked like a child at Christmas. Pearl stood there in shock, it was almost identical to how she reacted.

“Just something I made, to keep us close no matter how distant we are.” With that Kohaku produced a delicately carved box and opened it. Pearl leaned in trying to see but all she saw was the emerald shine from the box.

“Oh, Kohaku. It’s beautiful.” Wrapping her arms around Kohaku, Sumie cried and clung to him with a smile.

As Pearl blinked, the image in front of her faded. Sighing she rubbed her eyes. After composing herself, Pearl looked about the room.

Pearl had to admire Kohaku’s tastes. She gazed at the wall with the model kits, not unlike her Gunpla.

“I see you found the saddest memory in this place.”

Pearl whipped around and found her staring eye to eye with the Caretaker. “How? Um… you saw that too?”

The caretaker just shook her head softly with a smile. “I didn’t have to see it, I lived it.”

Pearl trembled as she took a step back, one blink was all that it took. Instead of an elderly pony, she found herself looking up at the same dragoness who graced the bed behind her only seconds ago. “Y.. you... You’re…”

“Yes Pearl, I am Sumie.” Pearl had to rub her ears as she found herself listening to an older version of her own voice. “I’m not too surprised you found this place. Your soul must have been longing to return.” Sumi’s tone was soft and sad. Like she was longing to go somewhere but couldn’t.

“What do you mean? I’ve never been here before.” Pearl took a few steps forward, keeping her eyes steady on the dragoness. It was time to stop beating around this bush. "And I want an answer. Why me? You're not doing this for Kohaku. What makes me so special to you? We've only met twice. and you've never given me a straight answer." She poked the dragoness. "You said you're not like he is when it comes to this. I don't see it."

Summer didn't respond for a moment. At one time, Pearl might have worried she was overstepping her bounds. But she was done dealing with their crap. “I said your soul was eager to return. Or should I say our soul?” Pearl tilted her head and half scrunched her face. “Did you think it merely coincidence how alike we are?”

Pearl blinked a few times as she did note how similar she was to this dragoness. “You're not saying I'm a reborn version of you are you?”

“Oh no dear, but we do share twin souls. It’s a rare phenomenon occurring in only twenty percent of the population of the entire world throughout its history. Have you ever had this feeling that you should know someone or swear you’ve been in someplace before, but can never place where, when, or how?” Pearl simply nodded.

“Like how comfortable I am in this room when the rest of the castle gives me the creeps. Or how I felt I should have known Kohaku the moment I saw him?”

“I couldn’t have put it better myself, dear. Yes, that's exactly what I mean.” Sumie practically purred. “It’s because you have known him, and you have been here. A soul’s twin can be born centuries apart and yet still connect to each other. You and I are twin soul sisters.”

Taking a deep breath, Pearl let out a long-drawn-out sigh. “Okay, so I have a twin dragon sister. Great. Like my life can’t get any weirder.” Sitting on the bed leaning back on her front legs. “So why tell me this now? Why not tell me this when we first met?"

“Because I wanted you here, to give you something.”

“Wait, YOU wanted us here? Then that storm out there is…” Pearl blinked and looked out the window at the storm, raging furiously about the temple. Rubbing her eyes she swore for a split second she saw the form of a massive nine tail fox.

“My sister in law, Kazumi Stormbringer. She’s doing this as a favor for me.” Sumi chuckled and sat next to Pearl. “She can be quite fearsome. But once you get to know her, she’s as gentle as a summer shower. You've met her before. She intervened when Twilight almost spoke an oath that should never be invoked."

Pearl blinked. So that's who that had been. “Okay, you said you wanted to give me something?”

“OH yes. Silly me.” Sumi reached back and grabbed from the headboard a small wooden box, the same wood box she had seen in the vision.

Pearl took the box with her hooves and opened it. Gasping, Pearl found an amazing platinum, gold-wrapped ring. At the center was what looked to be a diamond but was the same color as an emerald.

Reaching out she hesitated. Biting down on her lower lip, Pearl wanted to take the ring. But something in her was questioning if she should.

“It’s okay little sister, it was made for a purpose. Kohaku crafted it especially for me. As a way for us to be connected while we were apart.” Sumi softly looked at the ring.

Pearl just couldn’t help but stare at that ring. It was definitely made for a dragon’s claw finger, but the diameter was perfect for an alicorn’s horn.

“Is it okay for me to have this? It was made for you to be close to Kohaku.” Pearl’s voice trembled.

“Oh it’s okay dear, he and I are together again. Later our souls will dance and frolic amidst the trees and along the river.” Sumi placed her claw on Pearl’s hoof. “And you have a greater need for this ring. I know what you have been thinking of these last few months. And now you have both the time and means to make it happen.”

And that had been the stumbling block for her, Pearl had known for some time that she wanted to be more than just Twilight’s marefriend. Damn what someponies thought of it, but Pearl wanted to spend the rest of her life with the alicorn.

She wanted to buy Twilight a ring so exquisite that the answer couldn’t be anything but yes. But she also knew she could never get one as beautiful as this ring (and there was no way in Tartarus that she could go looking for one, and not have Twilight or one of their friends know about it). And here it was, being offered to her on a silver platter by a dragon sister she never knew she had.

“Kohaku and I caught a lot of strife when we became mated. Not everyone in the clan accepted us. But we didn’t care. We loved each other, and even now that love burns with the same intensity as it did back then. We also had the love and support of our friends and family, and that’s all we needed.”

Pearl smiled. This was the second time she had received love advice from a creature from the past. Without a second thought, she swept the ring box up with her wing and dashed to the door. Looking back to thank the dragoness, Pearl found that she had vanished without a trace. Mouthing a thank you, Pearl went to find Twilight.

“Pearl in here, you have to see this room,” Twilight called out from the large double doors. One marked with the sun, that looked to be made of gold. While the other was silver, marked with the moon. Upon entering her eyes widened. It was huge, Twilight’s room could have fit in here three times over and still have room to spare.


“I know right, I checked and the bathroom is the same size.” Twilight smiled. “Complete with an indoor waterfall and almost natural-looking pond.”

“We’ll have to try those out.” Pearl chuckled as she shifted a bit, the ring box heavy in her wing. Darn it all. Maybe she should’ve asked her parents how they did this. The butterflies in her stomach had grown into dragons.

Twilight seemed to notice, for she gave her a worried look. “Pearl. What is it? You know you can tell me anything.”

Pearl bit her lip, before growling. “Oh, buck it all to hell!” Gulping down her worries, she looked Twilight dead in the eyes, before going down to one hoof. “Twilight. This last year has been the best year of my life. I love you. I’ve never loved anypony else as I do you. I can’t imagine my life with anypony else.”

Twilight brought a hoof to her mouth, her eyes widening in shock as Pearl brought a green wooden box out from under her wing. Inside was a beautiful platinum, gold-wrapped ring with a diamond that was almost emerald-colored. “Pearl. Are you asking?”

Pearl smiled. “Twilight Sparkle. Will you marry me?”

Twilight took all of two seconds before she threw her hooves around Pearl, and pulled her into the biggest kiss she could. “Yes! A thousand times, yes!”

Pearl’s grin put Pinkie’s on her best day to rest, returning the kiss as she slipped the ring around Twilight’s horn. Ghosts of the past be damned. This day had turned out perfect.

Ch. 20

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As the train pulled to a stop in the Crystal Empire, Twilight almost was able to stop herself from grinning like a school filly and prancing off the train.


Pulling her saddlebags onto her shoulders, Twilight made her way off the train and out into the empire. Several ponies gawked at the princess acting in such a way. But a quick look at the ring around her horn seemed to work.

And even that was going to raise a ton of questions, and even now she could hear the whispers behind her back about what it meant. At one time, she might have worried about ponies talking behind her back about her. Now? She was in too good of a mood to care.

She shook her head and thought of why she was in the Crystal Empire, to begin with. She had a meeting scheduled with Cadance this afternoon on several subjects. Not least of which was Flurry’s acceptance into the School of Friendship

But this was also the perfect chance for Twilight to ask her favorite sister-in-law a huge favor. One that made her prance even more as she came to the base of the Crystal Spire. The Crystal Heart seemed to glow a bit brighter as Twilight paused a moment to enjoy the view.

A blur tackle hugged her to the ground with a cry of “Auntie Twilight!”

Twilight rolled her eyes even as the wind was knocked out of her, but she still happily returned the hug. “Flurry. What have I said about tackle hugging me?”

Flurry Heart rolled her eyes. “That I should only do it indoors or that I’m too old to be doing it. Well, I say phooey to both of those. And since I’m the Crystal Princess, I say I can do it wherever I want. So there.” To emphasize her point, Flurry struck a regal pose, though her grin said how she really felt.

Twilight giggled, but who was she to argue with that logic? As the two stood up once more, Flurry let out a huge gasp as she pointed at the ring around with an excited grin. “Aunty. Is that?”

Twilight nodded. “Not out here, Flurry.”

Flurry gave her a look of shock and horror. “Why not?! We should be celebrating.”

Twilight nodded. “Because we haven’t even announced it yet. It’s partially why I’m here, though. Where’s your mother?”

Flurry sighed. “She should be out of the Royal Council meeting any minute now. I don’t know how she can stand it.”

Twilight sighed, as she put a wing around her niece and began walking toward the entrance. “I understand the feeling. There are some days I wonder why I ever agreed to take Celestia and Luna’s roles and positions. Cadence is doing her best.”

Flurry sighed. “But even she can’t keep up with everything, I know, auntie. Dad says she’s been more tired than usual lately. We haven’t gone on a girls’ day out in months.”

Twilight nodded, “I wish that I could help, Flurry. I really do. But I can’t force your mother to do anything that she doesn’t want to.”

Flurry nodded but quickly decided to change the subject as she again looked at the ring Twilight wore. “So who's the lucky mare? That thing must have cost a fortune.”

Twilight giggled as she looked up. “Not quite. Forestsong helped her get it. Or was it one of his sisters?” Twilight tapped her chin in thought.

Flurry groaned. “There’s that name again. One of these days, aunty, you’re going to have to tell me who that is and introduce us.”

Twilight chuckled. “That is easier said than done, Flurry. Even more so, I would think, after what Pearl and I did.”

“Did what, Twilight?” Cadence asked as she walked out to meet them. Her smirk grew as she saw what was around Twilight’s horn. “And it’s about time you two took that next step.”

Twilight blushed. “Cadance! Not outside. We haven’t announced it to everyone yet. And I want this to be something both me and Pearl do together.”

Cadence giggled. “Of course, Twilight. Just don’t make the same mistakes Shining and I did. But where did you get the ring? I can’t think of any place that wouldn’t make a huge deal of a princess coming in to look for one.”

Twilight nodded. “There’s a reason for that. Pearl was the one who proposed. Remember what happened to Discord? We fixed what he ruined.”

Cadence and Flurry shared a look. “If this is about what he did as Grogar, Twilight. You know-”

“This isn’t about that, Cadence!” Twilight turned on her fellow alicorn with a stern glare. “I could almost forgive him for that after this. You remember the Kitsune skull Fluttershy found?”

Flurry nodded. “I thought he seemed out of place.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s because he was. Discord desecrated his grave and shrine to put it there. He set this up, and Kohaku made him pay the price for it.”

“Kohaku?” Cadence asked.

Twilight smiled, her anger receding for the moment. “That was his name. Pearl and I restored his shrine in what was his family’s home deep in the Everfree. A wild storm forced us to stay there for the night. Pearl hasn’t really said where she found this. But she said that it was given to her. And after what we saw, I’m inclined to believe whatever she says happened.”

Flurry and Cadance shared a look. They felt there was more to it than that. But decided to hold off on it for now. “So when is the wedding?” Flurry asked, even more excited now.

Twilight giggled. “We don’t know. We still need to do so much before then. It’s partly why I’m here,” she said looking at Cadance. “I want to ask you something, Cadence.”

Cadence’s grin grew as she leaned forward. “Yes, Twilight?”

Twilight’s smile grew as well. “Will you do me the honor of presiding over the ceremony? I can’t think of anypony better suited for the role.”

Cadence squeed before pulling Twilight into a huge hug. “I would be honored to, Twilight. Take it from someone who knows love best. I think this will be even better than my own.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I don’t know about that, Cadence. But thank you. That’s one less thing I need to worry about.”

Flurry looked around, finally noticing something odd. “Where is Pearl anyway? You two barely go anywhere without the other anymore.”

Twilight shook her head. “She’s taking lessons with a friend of hers. I trust her to take care of herself though.”

“Oh yes I wanted to tell you, you timed your visit here perfectly. Because guess who is currently visiting our castle?” Cadence grinned and almost giggled.

“You don’t mean?” Cadence nodded as Twilight almost squealed with delight. “Starswirl. Oh my. This trip is going to be even more fun than I thought. I have a feeling he’s going to just freak out when he sees this.” Twilight grinned pointing to her ring.

“Why? Does he know anything about it?” Flurry asked.

Twilight giggled. “Possibly.” She slipped the ring off her horn and hid it under her wing. “But now that I think about it. I think I’m going to keep this hidden when I see him. He owes me for all the grief I had to put up with during the Pony of Shadows mess.”

“Does he know something about the ring?” Flurry asked as they came to the Throne Room.

Twilight shrugged. “Possibly. I’m not sure if what we saw was really him or not though. I’m still trying to wrap my head around all we saw.”

Cadence and Flurry shared a confused look. They felt there was a lot Twilight wasn’t telling them, but for now, they could wait. “So what is Pearl studying, auntie? Isn’t she a little old to be taking lessons from you?” Flurry asked.

Twilight giggled. “She isn’t taking lessons from me, Flurry. Pearl is learning all she can about eastern dragons, their language, and customs. Tiamat wants her to meet a delegation of their kind who want to start a colony in Equestria and possibly open trade with us.”

Now Cadance sighed irritably, rubbing her forehead. “Twilight. I mean no offense to Pearl, but she cannot do that. She is not a diplomat, nor even qualified to be one. You know how her temper can be.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. I said the same thing. But Tiamat will not take no for an answer, and I have no power to change her mind. I can only hope she is only meant to get things started on the right hoof, and we will work out the rest.”

Cadence nodded. She felt that this was something all the princesses needed to be together for. Even aunt Celestia and Luna. They had far more experience in this type of thing than either she or Twilight did.

Flurry tapped her chin. “How is she going to learn all that though, auntie? I’ve read that journal you and Pearl have about them and kitsunes. I don’t think that’s gonna help much. One's extinct, and good luck trying to find the other."

Twilight nodded. “She will be learning from the best possible source about eastern dragons.”

Cadence gave her a flat look. “Twilight. Nopony has seen one since the end of the Dragon Wars. If I hadn’t heard it from the Dragon Queen herself, I wouldn’t believe any still live.”

Twilight grinned. “Well. Good thing one of them seems really interested in Pearl for some reason. Her name is Summer Rose. She is the spirit of the river that runs close to Ponyville.”

“Now that is a name I have not heard in a very long time,” Starswirl said as he joined them from a side corridor.

Cadence gave him a confused look. “You know who she is?”

He nodded. “Yes. Once upon a time long ago. Not as well as her mate did. Why she would appear like this now, I do not know.”

Twilight held back a grin. This gave more weight to the idea that it had been Starswirl they had seen in the memory. “Well. You’ll be happy to note that my friends and I did find the Heart of the Everfree.”

Starswirl couldn’t hide his surprise at this bit of news. Impressive, for one so young. “And what did you find there?”

Twilight only smiled wider. “Some things that should never be disturbed. Things none of us were insane enough to disturb of course. I have far more love for the Everfree now, and he who rules it. More ponies should I feel.”

Starswirl almost choked at that, earning a concerned look from Cadance and Flurry. He?! That wasn’t possible. Princess Twilight could not know that. But if she and her friends had indeed made it to the Heart and seen what was there, then…

Twilight fought to contain her giggles at the sight. This was only confirming what she and Pearl had thought. Wait until her fiance heard about this. But that could wait as she pulled a certain letter out of her saddlebags and handed it to Flurry Heart. “And I know you’ve been waiting for this, honey.”

Flurry squeed as she saw the seal on the letter and ripped it open, quickly reading it. “I got in!”

Cadance looked as though someone had just punched her in the gut. “Twilight…”

Her fellow alicorn frowned, afraid this was going to happen. “Cadance. We have talked about this. I thought we agreed this was the best way? I had nothing to do with the School’s decision.”

Cadence didn’t seem to buy it, though. “Because I didn’t think the School would take Flurry. Why would they? Crystal Prep has so much to offer her.”

Twilight’s frown grew, as Flurry wilted under the glares they were giving each other. “Is that you talking, Cadence. Or is that Principal Cinch talking for you?”

Cadence flinched before Flurry finally interjected. “Mom. What are you talking about?”

Twilight rubbed her snout irritably. “Your mother and I agreed that if you were accepted into the School of Friendship, or chose to go to Crystal Prep Academy, we would respect whatever you chose. As much as I would love to see you more often, I will respect whichever you choose, Flurry.”

Cadance nodded. “I have full confidence in your aunt and her friends. But Ponyville is a long way away. Crystal Prep is so much closer, and you know some of the students already.”

Flurry frowned. So that’s what this was really about then? “You’re right, mom. Ponyville is a long way away, and I wouldn’t know any of the students. But at least I’ll be away from you!”

Twilight’s jaw dropped in horror, and even Starswirl couldn’t believe what had just been said. Cadence, meanwhile, looked as though her heart had been ripped out.

But Flurry didn’t care as she poked her mother in the chest. “All my life, you’ve treated me like a glass vase, too precious to be let out of your sight. I’m sick of it! At least dad doesn’t treat me like a little filly anymore.”

Cadence wilted under her daughter’s verbal assault. “Honey. You’re the Crystal Princess. You need to learn all you can about the empire.”

Flurry snorted. “My title doesn’t mean anything, mom. The only way I’ll ever rule is if something happens to you.” Her frown melted, as she hugged her mother. “I don’t want that. Don’t force this on me.”

Cadence’s heart sank like a rock as she heard the despondency in her daughter’s voice as she returned the hug. Twilight soon joined.

Starswirl quietly let himself out. It wasn’t his place, and this had awakened memories he had thought long buried. Of his own family, and that of his wife, both now many millennia gone.

Cadance looked helplessly at Twilight. “When did we become like this, Twilight?”

Twilight could only shake her head. “I don’t know, Cadance. Things used to make sense. Now, look at us. But Flurry is right. You need to stop treating her like something precious you can never take your eyes off of. You know we would watch out for her.”

Cadence nodded, while Flurry gave her a hopeful smile. “Mom. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, and that I wouldn’t miss the Crystal Empire. I would. But I want to see the world. Live a little. I’ll never do that here.”

Cadance smiled as she kissed Flurry’s forehead. “I know, sweetie, and I would miss you too. I know your auntie and her friends would take care of you.” She snorted. “Gods. I’m turning into Aunt Celestia.”

Flurry and Twilight giggled. “When do you need an answer?” Flurry asked, giving Twilight her best pout face. One that worked every time.

Twilight giggled. “I plan to stay for a few days. If you truly want to attend the School of Friendship, then you can come back with me. If not? Then I’ll see you at our next Girls Day Out.”

Flurry and Cadance both giggled, and Twilight felt relief that things seemed back to normal.

Ch. 21

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Pearl sighed as she flipped another page of the journal. “I hope Summer can explain this better than this thing can. I’ll never learn what I need to at this rate.”

Starlight rolled her eyes as she looked at another scroll. “Look on the bright side, Pearl. Who better to learn it from than an eastern dragon?”

Pearl shrugged. “I guess. I just hope she’s a better teacher than Kohaku was for Twily. I don’t think I could take it like she did.”

Starlight sighed. “Pearl. Do you have to use that name?”

Pearl shot her a look. “Why not? It’s his name. Do you want me to start calling you Glimmer? What’s Kohaku gonna do? Come back here and annoy me to death? Yeah right. He’s probably feeling up Rosie this second.”

Starlight only smirked as she poked the Pegasus. “But you miss him anyway. Come on. I can see it in your eyes. Don’t deny it.”

Pearl fought it for a moment before she too smiled. “Yeah. I do miss him. I know he’s home and with his family. But I guess I was so used to seeing him around, that it’s weird to know I won’t. Hay. I’m almost expecting Kohaku to drop in any second now with a witty remark, or to hear his paws on the floor.”

The two paused for a few moments, listening for any sound of paws or claws on the crystal floors. But the only sound was their breathing and the wind from an open window.

Starlight shook her head with a chuckle. “Well, it’s not like you’ll never see Forestsong ever again, right? Every time you go into the Everfree, he’s there with you.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. And if something ever happens to me in there, I will find a way to haunt his nine-tailed ass. I don’t know how, but I will.”

Starlight giggled as she returned to her reading, while Pearl sat at a nearby window and looked out towards the Everfree, sighing as she watched the trees sway in the wind.

It had been three days since she and Twilight had returned from the temple, the wild storm having blown itself out by morning. No one had greeted them as they had left, and even as they watched, the temple had vanished, leaving only the graves and shrines behind.

Pearl had been more than happy to get back to Ponyville. Knowing what she did now about the forest, it still creeped her out, even though nothing had tried to come close to them.

Now Twily was off in the Crystal Empire on some kind of princess business, and to ask Princess Cadance a huge favor for their wedding.

Just that thought alone made Pearl squee in delight. She and Twilight. Married. It was a fillyhood dream come true. And as bumpy as the road had been so far, it had been worth it.

Sighing, Pearl watched the trees, her mind seemingly a million miles away for a time, before she blinked, and rubbed her eyes. But it was still there. “Starlight. Come here for a second.”

Starlight gave her a confused look before joining her at the window. “What is it?”

Pearl pointed towards the Everfree. “Please tell me I’m seeing things. Does the Everfree look closer to the castle, or is it just me?”

Starlight stared at the forest for a time, trying to see what the Pegasus apparently had. Finally, after several minutes, her mouth dropped. “That can’t be right. It is closer now than it was. Not by much, but it has grown towards the castle.” She looked down, and her confusion only deepened. “And look at the river.”

Pearl did as he was asked and looked downwards, and her own mouth dropped in shock. Now even the Rose River had shifted course towards the castle a little, and if she squinted, she swore she could see a dragon’s smirking face in the water. “But why?” She whispered.

Starlight looked at her. “What do you mean?”

Pearl shook her head. “Think about it. There’s only one way they can be moving like this. What I don’t understand is why would they do that?”

Starlight could only shake her head. “Maybe Summer just wants to be closer to her sister? Are you really going to argue with a couple of spirits about it?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “No. It’s not worth the hassle. If this keeps up though, I don’t know how we’re going to explain it to Ponyville. We kept Kohaku a secret. There's no way we can hide this."

“Then talk to them,” Harmony said, appearing before the two startled mares. “Make them see that this is not a good idea.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “No wonder Twilight is stressed after meeting you. I already have a headache.”

Pearl nodded. “What do you expect me to do? March into the Everfree and ask Kohaku nicely to stop moving his forest this way?”

Harmony nodded. “If that is what it takes, then yes. He will listen to you."

Pearl snorted. “And if that doesn’t work? Friendship Laser of Death the entire forest? Good luck with that. Assuming you survive his retaliation that is. Twilight won't do it. And I doubt your six would all agree to it."

That shut Harmony up for a moment. Pearl hated to have to say it like that. But she was not getting suckered into picking a side between these two.

“What did you ever do to Forestsong that has him treating you like this anyway?” Starlight. “I never asked him since it seemed like a sore spot for him.”

Harmony shook her head. “He sees my very existence as an insult to how plant life should be. My harmonics are not the same as true plants sing. He has hated me ever since I first sprouted.”

Starlight and Pearl shared a surprised look. With how he had berated them for how they treated their own plants, it made sense. “So what do you want me to do? Kohaku won’t listen to us, and I respect him too much to try and force him,” Pearl snorted.

Harmony gave her a pleading look. “He is your friend though.”

Pearl nodded, before poking the mare. “You're right. He is my friend. And friends don’t do this to each other.” She saw the defiance in Harmony’s eyes and frowned. “Let me put it this way then. Your beloved six still go out to the Treehouse, right?”

Harmony nodded, not sure why this was relevant.

Pearl’s frown grew. “Don’t antagonize the one who can guarantee their safety as they travel through his forest. Whatever he may think of you, Kohaku has once never taken that out on them. Don’t give him a reason to start now.”

Harmony huffed, but she knew that Pearl was right. “I see now why Twilight loves you so much. A fire to rival any dragon. She will need it in the years to come.”

Pearl’s temper cooled. “Well. My twin soul sister is a dragon. So maybe that has something to do with it?”

Harmony chuckled. “Indeed,” before she faded away.

Starlight shook her head with a smile. “I still can’t believe you are one, Pearl. I thought twin souls were a myth.”

Pearl chuckled as she returned to her scroll. “At least you knew what they were at all. What did Summer say? Twenty percent of the world’s population throughout history have been one?”

Starlight nodded. That sounded about right if all she had ever heard about twin souls were correct. “So what about your lessons with Summer?”

Pearl sighed. “I want to try this for now before I go ask her. I know she said I can come down to a certain spot on the river, and just tell the hedge I’ll be taking lessons with the river.”

Starlight giggle-snorted and even Pearl couldn’t keep a straight face. “Yeah, I know. This time last year, if you’d told me I’d say that, and I was being serious, I’d call you insane. Now? Well…”

Starlight nodded, her smile softening. “But you don’t want to interrupt their time together? Even knowing that as spirits, they have all the time in the world and have been together for so long.”

Pearl nodded. “Yeah. Call me a sucker for it, I can’t help it. And I still have questions for Kohaku. There is no way he didn’t know about me and Summer. I just know it. Among other things.”

Starlight could well believe it. Before she could say more, however, an old dog-eared journal began vibrating on one of the shelves.

Pearl’s ears picked up as she rushed over and flipped to the newest page. “Been a while since Sci Twi’s said anything. Hopefully, it’s something good.”

Starlight rubbed her snout irritably. “Must you call her that, Pearl?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “What? It’s the only way I can know which Twilight I’m talking about some days. She doesn’t seem to mind.” She skimmed over what the girl had written, and her smile only grew by the second. “Oh yeah. Now we’re talking.”

Starlight gave her a curious look. “What is it?”

Pearl looked up with a huge. “So Bandai just had a big online event showing off a lot of the new stuff coming out next yearr. No idea why they didn’t do it in person, but whatever. And I just found two I’m already sold on.”

Starlight chuckled. While she wasn’t super into this thing as Pearl was, she liked a lot of what went into it all. “So which ones? I know you’re waiting for that Master Grade kit you were over the moon about when it was announced.”

Pearl nodded. “A new Iron-Blooded Orphans Gundam High Grade. Asmoday.”

Starlight tapped her chin. “That wasn’t one that’s ever come up before. Has it? I don’t remember you saying anything about it.”

Pearl nodded. “That’s because it wasn’t. But not all twenty-six that survived the end of the Calamity War have been named, so it kinda makes sense I guess. Seere was the last Gundam Frame that was named before this, and it’s only in Gecko and doesn’t have a kit yet.”

Starlight smiled. It was rare for Pearl to get this excited about anything. But when it came to Gundam or Gunpla, she could go on and on for hours about so much about the franchise. To such an extent that Twilight herself was kinda jealous about Pearl’s ability to lecture. “And the other one?”

Pearl blinked, before looking back down at the journal. “And there’s a new Real Grade too. The God Gundam from G Gundam. It’s actually nice they’re using the proper name too. Burning Gundam is kinda lame.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. She would have to take Pearl’s word on that. “So what now then?”

Pearl tapped her chin. “They’ve gone up for Pre-order on some sites already. Twi’s wondering if or when I want either of them and how we’ll pay for them.” She picked up a nearby enchanted quill and began to write. Darn right I want them both. Twilight is gone for a few days, and I want her to come with me this time.

There was a pause for a moment before Twi wrote back. Why? Did something happen? Aren’t you a little old to need her supervision?

Pearl snickered before replying. I am. But we’ve got big news that I think we should both be there to share. Can you get all the girls together? I think they’ll love this.

No promises, Pearl. But I will try. Knowing Pinkie, though, she’ll find a way. She always does.

Pearl giggled as the magic faded for now. That was true. No matter what universe or world it was, Pinkie always seemed to know about this kind of thing and how to make it work.

Starlight though was concerned. “I don’t think this is a good idea, Pearl. Something strange has been happening to the Mirror lately. It’s almost like it's reacting to something.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Come on, Starlight. I’ve done this for years, and nothing’s happened. Why would that change now? I think you’re just seeing things.”

The unicorn gave her a flat look. “Who is the unicorn around here? Me or you? Maybe I am seeing things, but it could also mean something is wrong.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Alright then, smarty pants. You tell me who or what could get around the Universal Barrier. It’s there for a reason. That mirror is probably the only way to other worlds.”

Starlight nodded. “I know, Pearl. Gods know what could get around it. Which is what I’m worried about. Only one thing or being I know of can.”

Pearl’s ears fell. She would be lying if that hadn’t crossed her mind as well. “Look. I’m not going through it now anyway. Me and Twily have to do this together. And who knows when she’ll get back.”

Starlight sighed. Arguing with Pearl was like arguing with a mountain some days. But the Pegasus was right of course. Who knew? Maybe it was nothing and she was being paranoid.

In the back of her mind, however, Starlight Glimmer doubted it.

Ch. 22

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When Twilight and Pearl came to their senses, they found themselves back in the Side Library of the Friendship Castle. They were the only ones there, however.

“Remind me to pound Kohaku the next time we see him for making us go through all of that,” Pearl grumbled.

Twilight rubbed her forehead with a wing irritably. “Only after I have words with him about what happened to Thunder. No matter how much he might have deserved it.”

“Be glad he lived at all, Twilight. The other me was ready to rip him apart. Among other things,” a familiar voice said with amusement. One that sent both mare’s eyes twitching as they turned around.

Lounging on Twilight’s favorite chair, his nine tails swishing behind him, sat Kohaku reading one of Pearl’s manga. His smile grew as he looked up. “Welcome back. Enjoy the Void?”

Twilight frowned, her headache growing. “I can see why Lumena sees you as an annoying pest.”

He nodded. “Oh, she was really mad then. She doesn’t use that name much unless she is. Not that I blame her for what was at stake.”

Pearl shook her head. “How does she put up with you again? If she was so flippant about Twily almost using a certain oath…”

Kohaku chuckled as he set the manga down. “Because as much as I love pushing her buttons, I also know when to stop and not cross certain lines. Some of my kind made that mistake. There is a reason we do not like hearing swearing on the Slayer of Eternities."

Pearl wanted to ask more about that. But the haunted and pained look in her friend’s eyes stopped her cold. Some things were better left unknown it seemed. And this time, she knew better than to press the issue.

Twilight saw it as well and wondered just how bad it had gotten. For now, though, she had other things on her mind. “Putting all of that aside, we must talk, Kohaku.”

Kohaku nodded. He had expected as much. “You seem rather fine with using my name like that.”

Twilight smiled. “I had to put up with a younger you for a month. I think I can deal with this. But I will remind you of something.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Do tell.”

Twilight’s smile evaporated into a frown. One that even Pearl backed up from. “Need I remind you that your authority does not extend beyond the borders of the Everfree? I admit that Thunder was in your domain. But do not test me on this again. Am I understood?”

Kohaku frowned. “Do you know what he did to others? What he wanted to do to Pearl? He not only wanted you deposed. He wanted you dead, and had plans in place to make this happen.”

He shifted into his more adult form and stepped toward the alicorn, who did not flinch. “And you do not want to know what he planned to do with Pearl once you were gone. It sickens me to even think of it.”

Pearl was half curious to know herself what that might have been. But thought better of speaking up at a time like this.

Twilight’s frown grew. “We have known for years about Thunder’s… activities. But we could never prove them. This goes beyond that, however. If this happens again? Then we will see how well she likes you.”

Kohaku frowned. “Is that a threat, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight only smiled. “Oh no. Threats are for the weak. That is a promise. I care about you too much as my friend. Do not make me cross that line, Kohaku. Please.”

For several moments, neither said anything. Pearl wondered if now was a good time to make a run for it. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.

Finally, Kohaku smiled and shrunk back down to a smaller form. “There is the empress that we all know you deserve to be. Equestria would prosper for it. You know it would be so.”

Twilight smiled as well, giggling. “Well. I don’t know about using that title specifically. But you are right. It is time I stop playing nice when it comes to certain things. Like those I love.”

Pearl blushed as Twily wrapped a wing around her, but she leaned into it anyway. “So here is my question, Kohaku. How long have you known about me and Summer?”

Kohaku just smiled innocently. “I don’t know what you mean. What about the two of you?”

Pearl’s eyes twitched again. Ooh, he was really pushing her buttons today. “Don’t play dumb with me. She’s your mate. How long have you known that me and her are Twin Souls?”

Twilight’s eyes bulged in shock. “The two of you are what?!”

Pearl nodded. “That’s what I said when she explained it to me in the Temple. Maybe this is why I’m into dragons like I am.”

Kohaku nodded. “I knew the second I first saw you when you first moved to Ponyville, and Rosie reacted as she did.” Turning back to Twilight he smiled. “You two won’t need to worry about me so much. I know where my border lies, and where my authority ends. I give you my solemn oath, I will not violate it so long as you rule. But like you, I’m fiercely protective of those I love. Those who I consider family. And will do everything in my power to protect them, even if it means going against what you desire. For that, I will never apologize. I hope you understand and know I always mean well.”

With a wave of his paw, he shifted the chair aside and reproduced it. “As for Thunder. The ability was mine but the force behind it was his. There is no cure for kitsune-induced insanity. And you would be foolish to try.”

“And your forest that is coming closer to my castle?” Twilight sucked her breath in tightly. A throbbing in her temples increased when she heard a whistling much like Discord’s.


“We only want to be closer to our family.” A watery voice said from the window. Outside hovered a hundred-foot-long dragoness, her head barely able to fit inside the window. “Kohaku darling, be a dear and go tend to your forest. You’ve given our future empress enough headaches.”


Summer’s eyebrows narrowed sharply as both Twilight and Pearl saw Kohaku actually start to sweat and nervously back up.

“Yes, dear.” His voice quickened as he dashed to the window and vanished in a light shower of leaves.

Turning to Pearl, Summer smiled. “Advice for you dear sister, never let your mate forget who’s in charge.” As Kohaku had left Summer shifted to a much smaller ten-foot length and placed herself on the chair her mate was on. “Mmmm, still warm and cozy.”

Twilight gulped as Pearl just smiled at her. When did it get so hot in here? Or was it just her? “You must be Summer Rose then?”

Summer smiled. “The one and only. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Twilight. I see you’ve taken good care of my little sister.”

Pearl’s cheeks puffed out in indignation. “Hey! Who are you calling little?”

Twilight giggled. “I don’t think Pearl needs to be taken care of. Some days, she’s the one taking care of me.”

Pearl smirked and poked her with a wing. “And don’t you forget it, Sparkle. Somepony has to keep you sane. Might as well be me. Spike’s tried, but you don’t listen to him.”

Twilight pouted, earning a giggle from her fiance. “What family did you mean? There are no eastern dragons or kitsunes in Ponyville,” Pearl asked.

Summer’s smile only grew. “Ours of course. You are my sister of course, and therefore you are part of Haku’s family as well. And you intend to make Princess Twilight your mate as well.”

Both mares blushed, earning a giggle from the dragoness. “We aren’t there yet, though,” Twilight mumbled, pawing the ground.

Summer shook her head. “So? It is never too early to have this mindset. Take it from one who has done this before. Haku’s family inducted me as part of them before we mated. And you both have been brought into our clan, why else would we have allowed you into our ancestral home, or that my sister-in-law would have agreed to hold you there for the night.”

“How?” Twilight blinked as her brain finally caught up with her. “You were there, you were the caretaker pony.” Twilight sighed as she flopped into the duplicate of her chair. Turning her look to Pearl she smirked. “And you knew it didn’t you?”

“Not until she revealed herself to me in their room, after witnessing a very touching scene between her and him.” Pearl smiled leaning against the armrest of her love’s chair. “How else could I have gotten that ring?” Leaning up, Pearl kissed just above the ring on Twilight’s horn, making the alicorn shiver.

“And I do say you wear it well. It looks as much at home on your horn as it did my claw.” Summer smiled.

“Kohaku proposed to you with this ring?” Twilight bit on her lower lip. Her eyes glanced upward at her horn.

“Oh no, he proposed to me by giving me this.” Lifting back a small layer of fur, the pair gazed at a large crescent-shaped bite mark that was slightly purple in color. “He gave me that ring, before he left this world, to keep me close to him till it was my time.”

Twilight and Pearl both winced at seeing just how deep that scar was. They both imagined Kohaku’s mouth clamped on to her, fangs in deep. Looking at each other they felt grateful that was one tradition pony’s don’t share.

“Oh relax, it wasn't that bad. I barely felt when it happened and I only lost a small amount of blood before his foxfire cauterized it. And sorry, I forget how squeamish non-carnivores get.” A chuckle escaped her lips. “Hopefully that other Pearl won’t freak out too much when it happens to her. I would have loved to talk to her myself but unlike my risk-happy mate, I’d rather not do anything that would shatter universal barriers.”

Twilight tried not to think about what had been at stake. This was something that she could never forget, no matter how much she wanted to. But something stuck out for her. “Is there a god named Shenlong that we don’t know about? He took the form of an eastern dragon for a time, and now I can get the question out of my mind.”

Summer blinked and leaned back. “You met Shenlong?” Both Twilight and Pearl nodded slowly. “Oh wow. Yeah, he’s a dragon god. Revered by all eastern races for his wisdom. And he showed himself to you both? I haven't even met him. Do you know how rare it is he ever shows himself?” Pulling out a notepad, Summer grinned like Pearl when she got a new Gundam. “You have to describe everything that happened. How did he look? How did he sound? Was he as cool as I thought he would be? Or was he like this super old guy that radiated ageless wisdom!”

Twilight blinked and smirked. “Okay, now I believe she’s your sister.”

Pearl stuck her tongue out at the alicorn. “Well, I don’t know how cool you think he is. But he managed to talk down someone named Lumena from killing us. And I think we’re lucky she listened. She did not sound happy at all.”

Summer blinks repeatedly as her notebook dropped to the ground. “Oh whoa. I had no idea it was that serious. For the universe’s, or rather this multiverse’ supreme goddess to show up. If any of us had known…” Leaning back she looked out the window, remaining silent for several moments until a thunderclap erupted from the Everfree Forest. “You two are luckier than you will ever know. For her to show up is a big deal. And for her to be talked down by another multiverse' god just as powerful. Our whole existence could have been wiped out and restarted. I’ve seen that happen before but recently. Thankfully those that remained were welcomed at a safe haven. I know the alicorn proprietor there. She’s, well let's face it she’s Pinkie Pie. A little crazier than yours, but makes one hell of a chocolate sundae.”

Twilight somehow doubted anypony could be crazier than Pinkie Pie. Even another version of her. And she knew the Human World's Pinkie was just as strange as Equestria's. “As for Shenlong. He kind of looked like you, and then he changed himself into a small boy. I guess for our sake. I still cannot wrap my head around what form Lumena took.”

Summer gave her a look. “What form did she take? She has an infinite number of forms, as well as names. None can pronounce her actual name. Not even one of us. Many have tried. But none retained their sanity afterwards. The same for her actual true form."

Pearl gulped. “She looked like Tiamat. But way bigger. I remember how scared I was when I first met her. That was nothing compared to this though. But that’s not what I don’t get. It’s what was on her heads.”

“What were they?” Summer asked.

Twilight shook her head, unable to make herself believe. “It was us. Me, Pearl, Pumpkin, River, and Lavender. One of us on each of her five heads. Pearl was on the crimson, I was on the black, Pumpkin was on the white, Lavender was on the blue, and River was on the green. How?”

Summer stifled back a loud chuckle which made her face scrunch up like Pearl’s. After a few moments, she burst out laughing. “Oh, my goodness. She took the form of the individuals she saved.” She wiped away a few tears. “Sorry sorry, I just thought it a bit silly. Seeing her in Tiamat’s body, with the heads of you ponies on top of those heads. However, it does sound like what she would do. Honoring those who have passed through her universes. She isn’t all bad. She does have a softer side at times.” Summer smiled as she looked out the window at the forest.

Twilight and Pearl shared a look. That didn’t seem possible, not after what they had gone through. But who knew? This was beyond much of what they had thought they knew.

Summer looked over at the pair and shook her head. “Put away from your minds. Yes, there is a wealth of knowledge out there but you are not ready for it. There will be a day when you are, but that is not today. Just be content with the knowledge of this world, and I guess the human one too since you’re both frequent visitors there.” Stretching a bit the dragoness smiled at the river, the waters slowly inching closer as the tree line shifted as well.

“I am actually glad your counterpart showed up, Pearl. You were certainly not ready to meet those dragons. Your language was okay but you still had not mastered the tea ceremony.” Summer smirked at Pearl huffed and stuck her tongue out. “Granted she wasn’t much better but at least she didn’t break the pot or spill tea over everyone. Thankfully none of the dragons seemed to care. They were more impressed with the dialect that Pearl used in the greeting.”

Pearl kept her composure for another moment before she smiled. “Well. She had one of the best sources to learn from. I still don’t totally see how she puts up with her Kohaku. But love does that to ponies. And I learned she really loved him as I do Twilight.”

“Did you practice the tea ceremony over there?”

“Once,” Pearl groaned, remembering the incident.

“How often did you spill the tea on him?” Twilight chuckled as she leaned in, almost touching Pearl’s snout with her own.

“Five times.” Pearl blushed. “But the last one was on purpose. He kept laughing at how silly I was holding the teapot.”

Twilight held her laughter for a moment longer, before she burst into helpless giggles, earning an annoyed glare from the Pegasus. “Laugh it up Sparklebutt. See if I do anything nice for you ever again,” she huffed.

“I’m sorry sweetie.” Twilight wrapped her front legs around Pearl’s shoulders and pulled her in close. “But it was funny. I’m also sure you got a laugh when you dumped that tea on him.”

Pearl smirked and nuzzled close as she nodded. “Yeah, I did. He laughed it up too. Say, sis, you don’t mind if we…” Pearl looked over at Summer who was gazing out at the forest tenderly. Her eyes shimmered like the surface of her waters. “I guess we’ll just leave her here. Common Sparkle. You may be the soon-to-be Queen of Equestria. But there’s one place where I wear the crown.”

Twilight grinned and blushed, bowing her head. “You're going to make me work for it aren't you?”

Pearl walked to the double doors of the office and as she looked over her shoulder, the Pegasus winked, earning an excited squee from Twilight, who felt her wings puff out in delight.

Ch. 23

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Luster watched with awe as the mirror before her power to life, the glass shimmering with swirls of magic. “So, this leads to another world?”

Pearl nodded, adjusting her saddlebags. “Yep. And it’s as weird as it sounds. Trust me. You asked where my Conan of Cimmeria books come from. This is it.”

Luster tapped her chin. That was true. While she wouldn’t call them her favorite stories, she would be lying if she said she didn’t like them. “But who created it?”

Twilight shook her head. “We are not sure. No record of the mirror exists as far as anyone knows. Kohaku was tight lipped about this when I asked him about it. And after what we learned in the Void, I have even more questions about it.”

Luster looked out toward the rapidly encroaching Everfree Forest. The forest was now so close to the castle that it was visible from every window. “What about Forestsong?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “This is the one thing, no matter what I try, he refuses to talk about. Not even Summer talks about it, though they both know something. Knowing Lumena just barely puts up with him, and how she talked, I get the feeling it involves her in some way.”

Twilight nodded, before holding up a hoof as she saw the question in her student’s eyes. “I am sorry, my Faithful Student, but you cannot come with us. At least not now.”

Luster’s ears folded. Darn it. “Is this like me going to the Dragon Lands with Miss. Rose?”

Pearl smirked. She rather liked that title. Twilight rolled her eyes, before wrapping a wing around the unicorn. “No, Luster. But it is too dangerous for all of us to go. Knowledge of the other world is restricted for a reason. The Human World is dangerous in a way the Dragon Lands are not, and magic will not protect you.”

Pearl nodded, wrapping a wing around her as well. “Even I try to limit what I do when I’m over there. I have great friends I can stay with. But it’s still dangerous no matter what.”

Luster sighed as the two pulled apart and stepped up to the portal. They were right of course. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t mope about it. “Just. Make sure you come back. I don’t know how I would explain any of this.”

Twilight smiled as Pearl stepped through. “We will be fine, Luster. You won’t even know we’re gone.”

Luster somehow doubted that as her mentor stepped through as well.

It had taken longer than she would have cared to admit, but Pearl had finally learned to come out the other end of the World Mirror, and not end up on her face. She was rather proud of that as she looked around.

Canterlot High had not changed all that much in the years she had known it. Only the faces of the students coming and going said how much time had passed. None paid her or Twilight any mind as they looked around, and didn’t see who they wanted to.

“Are you sure other me said they would be here?” Twilight asked.

Pearl nodded. “She and other me know we were coming today. So where are they? They’re never late. For your sanity’s sake more than anything I think.”

Twilight pouted, before a car horn from behind the Wondercolt statue caused them to look behind them, to spot the native Pearl and Twilight Sparkle waving to them from a Ferrari.

Twilight smiled as they walked up. “I’m glad to see you did remember we were coming today.”

Sci Twi rolled her eyes. “Traffic. You know how my wife is.” H. Pearl just shook her head with a knowing smirk. “I hope you didn’t have to wait too long?”

P. Pearl shook her head. “Nope.” She saw another vehicle pull up behind her counterparts, but she couldn’t make out who it might be in it. “Who’s that? I thought it was just you two?”

Twi shook her head. “It was going to be. But Kohaku insisted on coming with us for some reason. And it was his turn to babysit the girls today.”

Pearl’s eyes began twitching, sharing a confused look with her Twilight. That was impossible. But as a certain boy smirked as he opened the door to his Maserati MC20 parked behind Pearl’s Ferrari and stepped out. Dressed in a loose pair of carpenter pants, high-top sneakers, and a black Metallica tank top. Pearl blinked as she saw the teenage boy. His lean athletic body and sharp features made him the heartthrob of most of the cheerleaders in Canterlot High.

Kohaku’s tails blissfully swung behind him as two little girls clung to two of them, enjoying the playful motions their ‘uncle’ Kohaku were putting them through.

H. Pearl sighed and shook her head. “Must you do that with them? It’s dangerous!”

“So is your driving,” Pearl shot her wife Sci-Twi a glare as she giggled. “Chill out Pearl. You know I’d never let anything happen to these angels.” Kohaku rested a hand on her shoulder. His fox ears twitched lightly. That ever-present smirk slowly broke down her anger till she just chuckled and shook her head. Pearl knew he was highly protective of her two daughters. His amber eyes locked onto P. Pearl's.

That was all it took, as P. Pearl clutched her head as everything came rushing back. That second time in this world from that unforgettable weekend, what she had seen from her counterpart’s balcony. It all clicked. Something that she had felt had been missing came back with a vengeance. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me! All these years, and it almost took the end of two universes to finally get it!”

“OH, so that’s what it was I felt. I was sick for a week after I felt that shiver. I knew something was happening but not that extreme.” Kohaku rubbed his head as little Winter climbed up onto his back and wrapped her tiny arms around her uncle’s neck. Little Summer swinging back and forth between all three of his tails like a female Tarzan. “Glad to see your memories are back, I hope you understand why sis did that to you.”

Twilight rubbed her forehead irritably. “What are you talking about?”

P. Pearl shook her head. “His sister, Kazumi, modified my memories when I came back from my first solo visit here. I only remembered Kohaku here as an oddball boy other me knew. But I saw his kitsune form that weekend. By accident in all fairness. It’s been an itch since we got back from the Temple. More than my connection with Summer. Now I know why.”

Nodding Kohaku sighed a bit. “I’ve kept my distance every time you’ve been around. Except at moments when our meeting was inevitable. Seeing me always triggered your memory, so I had to constantly reset the spell my sister put on you.” A tug on his shirt caused him to look down. “What’s up kiddo?”

“Ice cweam..” Summer grinned. Kohaku chuckled and produced a frozen banana and held it out for her. “No banna, ice cweam.”

“Sorry, you know better, no sweets till after dinner. You can have the banana though.”

“No banna.. Ice cweam.” Summer pushed away the frozen banana as Kohaku pushed it forward.

“No, you get this.”

“No I want ice cweam.” Summer puffed her cheeks out and stomped her foot.

Kohaku leaned in and gave a low base-filled growl and held out the frozen treat.

Summer blinked and looked away a bit. “Banna. Tank you.” she said as she started to savor her new treat.

“Kohaku!!” A loud scream came from a crystal-studded car. Behind the driver's seat, he already saw Shining shaking his head, giving Kohaku an ‘I tried to stop her’ look. Stomping her way over, Flurry Heart stopped only inches away from Kohaku and put both hands on her hips. “So this is where you’ve been hiding. You were supposed to treat me to lunch. Why did you blow off our date today.”

“Ah, Flurry dear. I mixed up my days. I had babysitting duty.” He used two of his tails to point to the two girls hanging off of him. One half drooling on his shoulder as she tried to stay awake, and the other making his shirt all sticky from the banana she was eating. “And I told you I was meeting an old friend today.”

“And just who is this…” Flury blinked as she looked at both pairs of Twilights and Pearls. Taking a step back the teenage girl shook her head before looking up at her boyfriend. “Did I take a volleyball to the head one too many times yesterday at practice? Because I’m seeing double.”

“No, you took two hits to the shoulder and one to the chest, but not the head.” Kohaku rolled his eyes.

“Is this one of your tricks? Another illusion like the one you used to get out of watching the Twilight saga with me?”

A deep shiver ran down his back as Kohaku heard the name of that series. “No. this is all too real, There from a different world.”

“I need to sit down.Take me back to daddy.” Flurry Heart sighed as Kohaku lifted the girl into his arms as effortlessly as he would a kitten. Flurry responded by placing her head on his shoulder, the one Winter wasn’t drooling on.

“As you wish,” Kohaku kissed her forehead before looking over his shoulder. “I’ll be back. You three chitchat all you want.” With that, he took steady strides to Shining Armor’s Rolls Royce taking all three of ‘his girls’ with him.

“He’s with Flurry?!” Twilight shook her head as she finally found her voice.

“Yeah, He seemed down one day so I introduced him to her.” Sci-Twi chuckled. “She was new at school and didn’t have any friends. And since Kohaku was finally able to hold his appearance for school hours, and now attends Canterlot High under his sister's supervision. An easy task as Kazumi’s now the new Headmistress, Luna and Celestia retired not long after me and my friends graduated. Kohaku was able to help her adjust. The two got really close, I’m happy for him, and her.”

“I’m not thrilled about it.” H Pearl sighed. “Gods forbid if he marries her, I’ll be related to that pain in the ass.” Folding her arms she looked over her shoulder, ignoring the grins her wife made.

“She’s even learning a few of his secrets. She knows his ears and tail are real, he can produce magic, and a few other things too.” Sci looked at her counterpart. “He’s very loyal to her, and she keeps him on a short leash. Much to the relief of most of the town police. His pranks have been cut in half.”

Twilight watched them go with concern. Shining could only smile helplessly at her before they drove off. “I thought she knew most of this?”

Twi nodded. “She does. But I don’t think Flurry fully believed Equestria was real until now.” She smiled as she saw the ring on her counterpart’s finger. Almost the same as her own. “And I was able to get the girls to meet us at Sugarcube Corner. Sunset didn’t want to come?”

Twilight pinched her nose with a sigh. “She said she has something going on today in the Crystal Empire. I don’t know what it could be since Cadance hasn’t said anything.”

H. Pearl shook her head, also noticing the ring on the princess’s finger. “Took you two long enough. Was it as exciting as those stories made it out to be?”

P. Pearl nodded. “Yeah. Not something I’d want to do again though. And after the last couple of months? I need a long break from all the insanity. Please tell me everything came in?”

H. Pearl giggled as she reached into the backseat and pulled out a rather large box. “Yep. There was a bit of a delay in Japan. Something about shipping prices going up I think.”

P. Pearl rolled her eyes as she took the box. She would wait to open it till later, but going by the weight, it was everything. “Can we get going then? It’s too damn hot out here.”

Twi giggled as they all got in. “I agree. And please don’t drive like you usually do, dear. This isn’t Formula One.”

H. Pearl just smirked. “Hey. I’ve been a fan since the Michael Schumacher days. Why do you think I got a Ferrari? I can’t help it. The girls love it.”

Twi pinched her nose with an annoyed sigh. “I know. You’re a bad influence on them some days. I swear you and Kohaku are of like minds when it comes to that. At least he drives his Maserati at a decent speed.”

Pinkie was waiting for them by the time the group arrived, and soon after Fluttershy and Applejack pulled up as well.

Pinkie could barely contain her excitement as she saw the ring on the princess’s finger. “Is that what I think it is?!”

Twilight help a warning hand before this went off the rails. “Not until everyone’s here, Pinkie. It’s not fair to them.”

Applejack shook her head with a bemused grin. “Land sakes, princess. You've been beatin around this bush for years. Was starting to think ya’d never pop the question.”

Fluttershy nodded happily. “But we are happy for the two of you.”

“Happy about what?” Rainbow asked, all but dragging Rarity as she zoomed up.

Twilight shook her head. “Inside would be easier. It is too hot. I forgot how bad this time of year could be in this world.”

Pinkie rushed off to fill the group’s orders as they sat down, already knowing what they wanted before they asked. “So spill, darlings. What was so important we couldn’t talk over the Journal?” Rarity asked.

Twilight smiled as she pulled her Pearl close and held up her hand, showing the ring. “This. Pearl and I are getting married. It was quite the adventure to get to this point. But it was worth it.”

Rarity gasped dramatically, swooning before Twi’s magic caught her. The others were in various states of surprise and joy. “Took you two long enough,” Rainbow grinned. “Lot longer than these two that’s for sure,” she said, pointing at the native Twilight and Pearl.

“I know! And we didn’t even need to do anything with you either!” Pinkie squeed, sliding everyone’s sweets over to them, getting an annoyed look from H. Pearl at the reminder.

“Did you have to make such a big scene about it? Half of Canterlot probably saw it,” she grumbled, Twi nodding at her side.

Pinkie only smiled wider. “You think that was bad? Kohaku had to talk me down when I planned your baby showers to be even bigger!”

P. Pearl rolled her eyes. That sounded like Pinkie. “Well, it was just me and Twily here for our proposal. Granted it was in an old temple, but still.” Looking across the shop she noticed Kohaku seated across from Flury. The two of them enjoyed a Sunday together while the two little girls made a mess from their lunches. “I had help from Kohaku’s counterpart, and his mate there.” Reaching over P. Pearl ran a finger over the emerald on Twilight’s finger. “That’s how I got this ring for her.”

Sci-Twi and H. Pearl blinked and looked at each other. Holding up her ring they looked at the diamond shape emerald. “Kohaku helped us get our ring too. He never said where it came from. Or how he procured it. And no jeweler has ever seen a gem like it before.”

“I guess Kohaku is always going to be a mystery regardless of what world he’s in.” Twilight sighed and siped on her drink. All the girls nodded in agreement. Unaware that Kohaku just grinned in their direction before looking back to his date.

“So. When’s the big day?” Rainbow asked with a grin, earning an annoyed look from Rarity.

Twilight smiled. “We’re not sure just yet. But it’s part of why we’re here. I know you girls hated to miss out on my coronation, even though I made sure to invite you.”

“They might have a chance to attend the day you announce yourself as empress of Equestria.” P. Pearl giggled and playfully nudged her fiance

Twilight sighed deeply shaking her head. “I still hate that title,” before turning back to their human friends. “Anyway, So I am asking you all once more. Will you do us the honor of being there on our special day?”

It took the girls all of ten seconds to make up their minds. “Darlings. It would be our honor. Come hell or high water, or magical disasters,” Rarity said proudly, the others nodding along.

Applejack though had one question. “What’s this about you being empress?”

Twilight groaned, earning a giggle from P. Pearl. “Recent events have shown me that, perhaps, I am being too nice and lenient in some regards. Especially to certain ponies in my Canterlot. Maybe it is time to retire the title of Princess of Equestria and take a title that is befitting a true ruler. But I am not calling myself empress! That was brought up by our Kohaku. Pearl likes it and has been teasing me with it.”

P. Pearl poked her with a knowing smile. “Oh come on. You know you deserve it. All of our friends agree. Ponies tried to get you to take the title of queen once, and you blew them off. Stop being a stick in the mud. You know full well that he won’t fix the next Thunder that comes around.”

H. Pearl’s eyes shrunk, hearing a name she never wanted to hear again. Twi saw it and pulled her close. Their counterparts saw it as well but did not push the issue. It wasn’t until she felt Kohaku’s soft touch on her shoulder that her eyes came back to normal. Looking up into his amber eyes she silently reminded herself to thank the gods he was there that day.

“I’m going to take the girls home, they need their nap.” Looking over at Rarity the teenager smiled. Holding up a small bag. “Say Rarity, mind helping me out with this. I’m still not that good at getting mustard stains out.”

Shaking her head from the conversation between P. Pearl and her Twilight, Rarity took the bag. “Of course darling. I do have a full steam cleaning system in my shop.”

Nodding to her, Kohaku kissed the top of Pearl’s head and nodded to Sci-Twi. Before walking out with both girls held up against his back by his tails and Flury by his side.

P. Pearl watched them go, a wistful look in her eyes. The girls had reignited a question she had thought long buried, even after she and the princess got together. “How? I know there are a few things that could allow two girls to have children. But this feels like…”

“Magic,” Twilight sighed, thinking the same thing. “Perhaps I need more sleep. But it feels like their conception wasn’t as simple as some of the things I’ve read about for this world.”

“And you would be right.” Sci-Twi watched as her children left with their ‘uncle’. A smile crossed her lips. Turning back to the princess she folded her hands together. “Even I’m still working out how this came about. There are ways women here in this world can have children without the benefit of male involvement. But Pearl being who she is wanted something that was ours and ours alone.”

“That’s true enough.” Pearl leaned into her wife and smiled.

“And like always, she confides in the one constant friend she had since long before we became a thing.” Twi kissed the top of her wife's hair. “Well, I’m not sure what they discussed. But the next day Dr. Riko shows up at our doorstep. And after a few months of talking and clinical tests. She offered her services with a spell that would allow us to become pregnant from each other.”

Twilight and P. Pearl blinked and looked at the two of them. Twilight had barely opened her mouth when Twi stopped her.

“No, I don't know the spell. I don’t even know the language they spoke. It was something beyond Japanese. But she took a single egg from me. And in a way melded it with Pearls.” Twi took her glasses off and slowly cleaned them. “Here I’m stuped in science and magic, we had this happen to us and I’m still dumbfounded by how it was possible. But the next morning, Pearl was pregnant.”

Affixing her glasses back on her face, Twi smiled. “Even though everything I was taught said this shouldn’t work. Nine months later we were gifted with our first daughter. We wanted a big family so we went through the process again. Only this time I was caring. Even feeling that magic work on me, I still couldn’t grasp it. But nine months later, our youngest was born. I know there are options open for you there in your world. Similar to this one, but if you want something that’s yours without the taint of any other individual. I suggest you seek out your Kohaku. He might be able to help. Assuming he knows the spell or if his sister is around.”

P. Pearl tapped her chin. That could work. There was just one, teeny, tiny, hiccup she could see in this. “Even if our Kohaku doesn’t know it, bringing a spirit to Ponyville nearly flattened the town last time. And Kazumi was trying to calm him down at the time. I don’t wanna think about what Riko might be like.”

Twilight nodded. “And I do not want to take the risk of going back to the temple. Three times was more than enough.”

Twi’s smile grew. “If she is anything like the Riko we know, you will be fine. Kazumi is actually really nice once you get past her exterior.”

P. Pearl and Twilight shared a confused look. They somehow doubted that. But this was still a good start. “Honestly? After staring down a being that could’ve easily squashed all of creation if she wanted to, without lifting a finger, I’ll take my chances with them,” P. Pearl shivered.

Their friends wondered what she meant by that. But the haunted look in her eyes, as well as the princess's, told them that maybe it was better they never knew.

Ch. 24

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“Are you sure about this, Twilight? Looks like every newspaper and radio station in Equestria and the Crystal Empire are here. Heck. I think I ever see one from Mount Aris,” Spike said, coming backstage one last time.

From back here, Twilight and Pearl could hear the murmur from the crowd outside. That was to be expected. When the Princess of Equestria announced she had a major announcement, ponies everywhere began talking about what it might mean.

Twilight nodded. “I am, Spike. If ponies can’t accept who I love? Then it is their problem, not mine.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “That’s not what I meant, Twilight, and you know it. Honestly, I was wondering if you two would ever tie the not. All of Ponyville is behind you. Heck. Probably most of the Crystal Empire too. It’s what else you’re planning.”

Pearl wrapped a wing around the alicorn. “Come on, Spike, you know ponies have been talking about this for years. It’s about time Twily stopped beating around this bush.”

Twilight nodded, a fire burning in her eyes. “Indeed. It is time I put my hooves down on this. The next Thunder will find a very different pony to what the council did.”

Spike winced at the reminder. “And what about what Kohaku keeps saying? You know how pushy he’s getting.”

Twilight just smiled. “Well then. That’s for me to know, and everyone else to find out. And I think we’ve made them wait long enough. Come along Pearl.”

Spike gave the Pegasus a pleading look. But Pearl could shrug helplessly as she followed after her fiance.

The crowd hushed as the princess and her fiance came to the podium. Few were shocked to see them together. Over the past year, tongues had wagged about what it meant for the two of them to be spending so much time together again.

Pearl’s family was well known all across Equestria and was well respected. All knew she had been Princess Twilight’s Personal Student once, but this felt like more.

In the back, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Pearl’s friends and family all sat. Only they knew what was to come, but not all.

Twilight cleared her throat as she came to the podium. “Everyone, thank you for coming today. I have two very important announcements I wish to make. Two that will affect us all.”

That caused quite a stir, and even Celestia was taken aback by this.

Twilight steadied herself, before pushing forward. “Effective immediately, I am retiring my title. Henceforth, there will be no Princess of Equestria.”

There wasn’t a sound at this, everyone was too shocked and stunned to say a word. Even those closest to the pair could not believe what they had just heard. Rarity fainted right away.

Twilight held up a hoof before the storm of questions began. “But that does mean that I am retiring from ruling this fair land. I have no plans to do so now. Or anytime soon. Recent events have shown me, however, that I have been too lenient in some regards. Especially protecting those I love. No more.”

There were muffled words at this. Some had heard rumors there had been a plot to remove the princess from power. Was this true? Could this be the result?

Twilight let this continue for a moment before holding up a hoof for silence. “A day may come in the far future when a successor may change this. But that is for them to decide.”

A young reporter, from the Manehatten Daily Bugle by his badge, couldn’t take it any longer and held up a hoof. “Your highness. If you’re no longer a princess. Then what are you?”

Twilight smiled. She liked the colt. He was much nicer than his Editor that was for sure. “I am glad you asked, Parker.” She stood to her full height and spread her wings. “From now, until such a time as I feel I can no longer do so, I will rule as Queen Twilight Sparkle. The Royal Proclamation has already been promulgated and will be despatched later today.”

The collective jaw drops almost made Twilight lose her composure and burst into giggles, but she held it together for the moment. “And I will not rule alone.”

Everyone was even more confused at this. Only her friends and family shared knowing looks, putting their shock aside for the moment.

Pearl blushed as Twilight pulled her alongside her. “Today. I am happily announcing my engagement to the love of my life, Pearl Rose. This past year has shown me that I cannot do this alone, and I cannot think of anyone better to rule at my side than her.”

This came as an even bigger shock. It was common knowledge that the former princess preferred mares. But no one had expected this.

Pearl took more satisfaction than she probably should have at the looks she was getting. But at the moment, she didn’t really care.

Twilight allowed all of that to sink in for a moment before her smile grew. “Now. I will take any questions you all may have.”

It took only a moment before the entire room burst into a torrent of questions.

“That went much better than I expected,” Twilight said happily, the last of the reporters finally satisfied with her answers to all of their questions.

Celestia shook her head. “Are you truly sure of this, Twilight? Luna and I were offered the title of queen when we took the thrones. Yet we felt it was not right of us to do so.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed. There is a reason why the title died with Unicornia. Platinum was even worse than her father if it can be believed. The other Founders were not much better to be fair.”

Twilight nodded, pulling Pearl close as she did. “I mean it. You know what Thunder was planning to do. The Canterlot Elite Council was too easy for him to buy or coerce. No more.”

The group all shared concerned looks. Ever since she had returned from the Void Between Worlds, Twilight had been different.

“I need to better protect the ones I love. The home I love.” Twilight looked out the window at the forest growing toward her castle. “I can’t afford to fail because if I do…” Closing her eyes Twilight sighed. “I have his assurance he’ll stick to his borders and I trust him. But if something does happen, I’m afraid he’ll sweep through Equestria like wildfire. The oath aside, I don’t want to be on Kohaku’s bad side. He’s put more into this land than all of us combined. I want to make him just as proud as I do all of you.”

Turning around she stood tall and smiled at everypony there. Gone was the bookish and studious mare they knew. In her place was a ruler sure of herself, a mare who walked with surety and purpose, and gods help anyone who stood in her way, for Twilight would not bow to anyone. In this world or the next.

A mare who radiated what it meant to be Queen of Equestria.

The sight made Celestia smile. “Then I know you will be a far better ruler than we could have ever hoped to have been, Queen Twilight. Equestria will prosper for it. I know so.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she made for the exit. “You guys have fun. Me? Luster and I have a date in the Dragon Lands. I postponed it once. Not this time.”

Twilight’s face fell. “What? Now? Why can’t it wait a bit longer? There’s so much we need to do before the wedding.”

Pearl nodded. “Yeah, I know. But all the nonsense with the other world messed everything up. There was no way in hell other me could’ve fooled Tiamat, or even known what I do. Luster couldn’t have taught her enough to make her being younger look convincing either. She may have pulled off the meeting with the eastern dragon delegates. But she can’t pull me off on everything.”

Twilight rubbed her temples. That was true. “And how did you manage to fake being her in her world?”

Pearl smirked. “Who says I did? Their Twilight, Kohaku, and Princess Sunset already knew. I just made it clear to everyone else who I really was eventually. Much easier than faking it.”

Sunset still wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Other universe (or multiverse if she understood it correctly) or not, her being an alicorn and a princess was still something she couldn’t understand.

Twilight pouted, but she knew it was pointless to argue with Pearl when it came to dragons. “Then you be sure you bring her back, Pearl Rose. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to either of you.”

Pearl’s smirk melted into a gentle smile as he kissed the alicorn. “Relax, Twily. She’ll be fine. As long as Luster does everything I say, she’ll be fine. I seriously don’t think Luster is that hard-headed.”

Twilight giggled. “She can be when she puts her mind to it. But I trust nopony else but you to keep her safe.”

Pearl nodded, before heading for the door, being sure to put an extra sway in her hips, tickling Twilight’s nose with her tail as she did, earning a moan from the alicorn, before disappearing.

Rarity clapped her hooves in excitement, finally able to stop hiding her glee at the idea of the upcoming wedding. “Come now, darling. There are a few things we can do while Pearl and Luster are away that does not require you both.”

Cadance nodded. “I’m assuming Pearl knows what you asked me sometime back?”

Twilight nodded, relaxing now that everything was back on track it seemed. “She does. It was a weight off of her shoulders as well.”

Rarity nodded. “Then we are already off to a good start. Oh, I need to get started on your wedding dress! I’m not doing it for a princess anymore. But a queen! That demands I give it my all!”

Twilight groaned. “Rarity. You don’t need to do all of that for me.”

But Rarity would hear none of it. “Pish posh, darling. Of course, I do. I will have to wait until Pearl gets back before I can do anything for her of course.”

Twilight sighed, but her smile said how she really felt as her unicorn friend ran off. But something came to mind as her friends began to talk about everything they needed to do. “Celestia, Luna. Has Starswirl ever talked about his life past a certain point?”

The sisters shared a confused look. “No. He was always very secretive about where he came from and what he did before he became Court Mage for the Unicorn Royal Family,” Celestia replied.

Luna nodded. “Not even about his family. Only that they were long gone. But he never said what he meant by that, and would get very testy if we pressed him for more.”

Twilight considered this. It did not surprise her if she was being honest. Kohaku had always had good things to say about the unicorn however. This would make things fun.

“Why do you ask?” Spike asked.

Twilight only smiled widely. “Because Pearl and I saw something that night in the Temple. Something I am sure Starswirl never wanted anypony else to see. He is going to have the shock of his life come our wedding day.”

Everyone shared confused looks, but Twilight would say no more on the matter, only giggling at something only she knew.

Ch. 25

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Pearl watched as Luster all but bounced excitedly in place. A sight that got more than a few odd looks from other passengers on the train. “Are you sure you’re not related to Pinkie?”

Luster only shook her head. “I still can’t believe we did all that— so many books. From worlds, I still can’t pronounce! Tiamat’s makes Queen Twilight’s library looks small.”

Pearl giggled. “Yeah. I had to drag her away the first time we went there literally. I don’t think she ever would have left if I hadn't.”

Luster chuckled. It was a feeling she knew well. “Do you think I can go back, miss Rose?”

Pearl’s ears fell. “I don’t know, Luster. Tiamat didn’t invite you back.” Her heart dropped at the look of heartbreak in the unicorn’s eyes and wrapped a wing around her. “She didn’t forbid you from ever coming with me again, though. So there’s still hope.”

Luster tried to smile. But Pearl saw that it was forced as the train slowed as Ponyville came into view. Even from here, she could see the frenetic activity around the Castle of Friendship.

Luster saw it as well and rolled her eyes. “We’ve been gone a month. Your wedding isn’t for another few months. Isn’t this a little early?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Have you met Twily when she’s in this kind of mood? Nothing will stop her when she’s in it. Not even me.”

Luster giggled. “So what will you do now, Miss Rose? Queen Twilight has a head start on you for the wedding.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. First stop for me is Rarity. She’s already started working on Twilight’s dress. Mine will never be ready if I wait. Mom offered her own. But I wanted something for me.”

Luster could understand that feeling. She was far too young to be thinking of stuff like this. But she already had a few ideas if she ever did find that special someone. “And the rest?”

Pearl shrugged as the train pulled to a stop at Ponyville station. “We had a few ideas before the whole mess with the other world started. Applejack is in charge of catering, and Pinkie and the Cake twins are handling the cake.”

Luster nodded as she pulled down her saddlebags and stood, stretching her legs for all they were worth. “What about other you and Kohaku? You both wanted them to be here.”

Pearl shook her head sadly. “They can’t be here. Not in person. If Lumena and Shenlong keep their end of this, they’ll be here in spirit at least. Don’t know how exactly. But they will.”

Luster could only hope as well, as the passengers began to disembark. She liked them too much. As annoying as Kohaku had been. Almost a younger Forestsong in fact.

Looking around though, she was surprised at what she saw. Or what she didn’t see.

Pearl saw it as well and frowned. “Oh now, this is just rude. Twily knows we were coming home today. Being here herself was asking for too much. But nopony? Really?”

Luster was surprised as well. “Maybe she’s just busy? She did just cause a huge shakeup in Equestria’s government.”

Pearl harumphed. “She better be. Or she’s sleeping on the couch tonight. Pinkie Promise.”

Luster had the sense to not comment on this. But as they began to make their way out into Ponyville proper, a timid voice called out to them. “Pearl?”

Pearl stopped dead in her tracks. She knew that voice. Had known it intimately for a long time. And even now. months later, she knew it, as she turned around with a shocked look. “Lotus?”

“Pearl it is you!” Lotus leaped up and hugged Pearl tight around the shoulders laughing aloud. Pearl while confused wrapped her legs around her old girlfriend. “Oh my, I didn’t think to see you again.”

“Lotus.. I.. when did you get back to Ponyville?” Pearl gulped and took a slight step back. Her emotions all in a flurry.

“This morning, I missed this old place. And I thought it would be perfect to set up my new shop. I was hoping to get the mayor and Princess… I mean Queen Twilight’s permission but I haven't seen them at all today.” Lotus smiled sitting down.

“Yeah. Well, things have been rather hectic with the wedding coming up.” Pearl nervously rubbed the back of her head a bit.

“OH yeah, I heard about that. Congratulations. I always thought you two might end up together one day.” Lotus sighed and looked down a bit. Raising her eyes slightly. “Your not mad at me for leaving the way I did. I know we had just broken up. But something told me you needed your space. I know I should have said something but. Well for some reason I couldn’t.”

Pearl looked at her. The amber orchid nested behind the girl’s left ear. It had wilted slightly but was still just as vibrant. “Yeah, I want to talk to you about that. You see.” Pearl bit her lip as she saw the sad look in her old friend’s eyes. The slight tearing and quivering lower lip. With a sigh she shook her head, silently cursing her friend for bringing this about. “It’s okay. Really. I was worried you might not want anything more to do with me is all.”

“OH parish the thought, you see…”

“Lotus!! Where are you?” a husky female voice called out from a row of shops. Both Pearl and Lotus looked over and watched as a broad-shouldered, blue earth pony came running up. Pearl noticed the look over Lotus’s face, the same one she herself gets when Twilight calls out to her.

“There you are silly. I’ve been looking all over for you.” The large mare chuckled. “I found this sweet little vacant shop just next to the boutique you told me about. And it’s in our price range.” the mare squeed loudly almost jumping up and down.

“That’s awesome babe. No doubt you worked out a reasonable payment plan.” Lotus blushed. Pearl just rolled her eyes knowing just how lousy lotus was with finances.

“You know it. Say who’s your friend here?” Pearl leaned back as the mare, who stood head and shoulders above her, looked the girl up and down. “OH my... Is this?” Lotus nodded slowly

“Yes sweetie, this is Pearl, the girl I told you about.” Lotus blushingly chuckled as she was pulled into the larger mare's embrace. “Pearl. This is Water Daisy. My fiance.” Lotus blushed a deep crimson.

Pearl and Luster stood there with their mouths open. Pearl hadn’t expected that of all things. But the look in Lotus’ eyes showed how much she loved Water Daisey, the same look Twilight gave her every time they saw each other. “Well… Didn’t see that coming.”

Lotus nodded. “We met while I was in Baltimare. You know how I’ve always wanted to start my own hobby shop ever since you first showed us your…”

Pearl nodded. It was a Royal Order that her Gunpla collection remained known to only a very few.

“Right well you know that same little voice that told me that you needed space. Mentioned I should take a trip out to the far east. Well, I did. You’ll never guess what I discovered.” Turning over to her beloved, Lotus reached into her bag and pulled out a few items. One was a set of hoof grips. “These hoof gloves are amazing. You can grip and maneuver items just as easily as a unicorn. It uses a ponies own magical power and it’s calibrated so you can’t pick up anything huge. A coffee cup is an absolute limit. I tried for something bigger and blew myself into the hotel room next door to me.” Lotus chuckled. “But I thought it would be perfect for those who want to test their hooves at model making."

Water shook her head and pulled out another box. Which looked similar to Pearl’s own Gunpla. “They even carry model kits. I figure I can import and sell them here. Kind of corner a market nobody has access to. And there are so many!”

Pearl looked at the model kit and blinked. It was identical to several models she saw on the shelves that belonged to Kohaku while she was in his world. Not Gunpla but still just as intricate. “Okay. You have me sold already. I can put in a good word with Twilight if you need it. You wouldn’t by chance happen to have more of those, would you? Just so I can convince her that it works.” Pearl smiled and tried to keep a straight face but Lotus just smirked and pulled out a second pair of the grips.

“You still have the world’s worst poker face, here. Product test all you like no charge. On the condition, if we get the okay, you help us endorse it.”

Pearl’s eyes went as wide as her smile as she snatched up the grips almost drooling over them. “Deal!” Her mind already thinking of the unfinished and unopened Gunpla she has in storage.

Water saw all of this, and harumphed. “You two aren’t telling me something. I just know it.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to love. I’m just under strict Royal Command to not tell anypony,” Lotus apologized with a small smile.

Pearl nodded. “And this is one Royal Command even I won’t break. One day, I hope I won’t have to hide it, and all of Equestria can know. But too much can go wrong at the moment.”

Water could see that these two were dead set on this, and even she knew not to test Queen Twilight’s patience. Especially here in Ponyville. “Fine. But this better happen soon. I want in on it.”

“They're talking about a set of models that come from another world.” A voice cheerfully came from behind an oak tree. Pearl, Lotus and Luster all gasped and turned around to see a six-hoof-high fox with nine tails swish all about.

“Forestsong….” Pearl’s voice tightened.

“What? I’m not under that command. And honestly, what can she do to me that wouldn’t hurt her more?” Forestsong lightly taped Pearl’s nose and chuckled. “Relax. Nopony else is around but us. And if she’s going to be in business with her love here in Ponyville. And is providing tools to work with the only things that make you go gaga other than Twilight. I see no reason for her to not know about that.”

“But what about…” A paw quickly silenced Pearl as she growled loudly.

“I see no reason to tell about it.” Answering Pearl's silent worry. “The model kits and knowledge of the other world is the only real secret being held here. And I’m fairly sure she won’t tell anypony.” His eyes focused on the mare who only shrugged and shook her head. “See. Plus if I’m right, you’ll find a way to have a supply train of those kits shipped here from there.”

Pulling herself away from Forestsong Pearl groaned. “Isn’t there a dragoness you should be fawning over right now?”

“No, she’s visiting family. I’m just here looking in on a few creatures at the sanctuary.”

“Okay… wait. How can you manifest here? I thought your..” Looking over at the castle, even from the distance she could see it was butted right up against the crystal tree trunk, the river running almost under it. Looking over she saw him wink. “OH, you have to be kidding me. You spead up the growth that much!”

“Of course, you should have known me better by now.” Forestsong chuckled.

“Pearl? Who or what is that?” Lotus looked at the giant fox as if she had seen him before but couldn’t place where.

“A pain in my flank is what he is. A constant, never-ending, headache-inducing pain,” Pearl grumbled.

Forestsong leaned in and pressed his nose up against hers and grinned. “But you love me anyway don’t you.”

Pearl groaned but remained silent. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of actually admitting to that. But knew he saw it in her eyes. “I’ll never understand how other me puts up with you.”

Luster was lost now. “But she doesn’t. Unless…”

Pearl rubbed her temples. Now was as good a time as any to say this. “She does in fact. Kohaku is a much younger version of Forestsong here. Plus a few more differences. But Kohaku is his name. Most ponies just knew him as Forestsong.”

“And it will stay that way. Earn it if you insist on knowing,” Forestsong shot back. “Few ponies knew my name long ago as it was. Those that did earned it in some way.”

Pearl frowned. “Then, by the Slayer of Eternities, maybe Twily will just spill the beans on why the Everfree has moved so much and a bunch of other things. I’m sure that will go over well.”

Forestsong sighed as she stepped up to Pearl, looking down at his friend softly. “Pearl we’ve talked about those oaths. I personally don’t care if others know why my forest has spread. Or why the river has increased. But Tsumi and I save our true names for those we love and trust without reservation.” Placing a paw on her shoulders his eyes remained firm yet caring. “You and Twily are a part of our clan now. So we don’t mind you using our true names. It shows a level of trust.”

Pearl’s eyes twitched. Twilight damn it all. There was that absolutely infuriating habit he had of knowing exactly what to say to cool her off. Even his counterpart had that. “I don’t suppose you know where Twily is then, do you?” She looked back over at Lotus and Water Daisey, who bore very confused looks at all of this. “If I have to drag her kicking and screaming out for this, I will.”

“Check at the boutique. Rarity has had her there for the last seven hours taking measurements to things I didn’t know you could measure.” Forestsong chuckled.

Pearl rolled her eyes as she pulled the two mares along with her. “Of course she does. Come on you two. I’m sure I can drag our queen away long enough.” She looked down at Luster, whose head was spinning from all she had just learned. “Go ahead, Luster. This is gonna take a while.”

Luster nodded before running off, holding off the torrent of questions for later.

Lotus finally found her voice as she followed the Pegasus. “I feel like I’m missing so much here.”

Pearl sighed. “It’s a very long story, Lotus. It goes back to when we broke up, and all kinds of insane things since.”

Water Daisey watched Forestsong for a moment. “Why does he hate that oath so much? Ponies have used it for centuries.”

Pearl rubbed her snout. “He doesn’t just hate it, Daisey. He fears it. Not so much for himself, not even Twilight knows that part. But for what those oaths could bring about to others. Or rather to nature itself. He’s a spirit of nature after all and he doesn't want it to go away. I try to keep from using them around him, but there are moments he gets a bit too worked up. And I forget myself and use it haphazardly.”

Lotus tapped her chin. She had been reading some of the more obscure eastern literature, so recognized Forestsong as a kitsune. “There’s more to it I feel.”

Pearl nodded. “That oath is sworn on the only weapon in the multiverse that can and will kill a spirit. No amount of magic will save them from it. The backlash to what they're tied to if they are killed?” She shivered. “As I said he’s a spirit of nature, he’s tied to it as much as it is to him. The pair are almost interchangeable. If that oath destroys him… well. He told me and I don’t want to relate it. But I’m sure you can imagine life without nature.”

Luster shivered. “That’s why he fears it… he fears what would happen to us?”

Pearl nodded slowly. Watching as Daisey and Lotus were walked up front. “For… Kohaku and Tsunami. That oath deprived them both of a full life and marriage. And worst of all, children. So the pair have almost entirely adopted us ponies here in these lands. They never said as much but from talking to them for so long. I picked it up. I still haven't told Twilight about all that. So if you could.”

“Keep my mouth shut. You got it.” Luster nodded. “Us students of Twilight have to stick together.”

Pearl nodded proudly. “You are learning. There’s still hope.”

Luster pouted, while Pearl giggled.

Twilight listened with interest as Lotus and Daisey explained what they had in mind. “I admit that I have been interested since Pearl first started herself. But I never got into it myself. Far too much to do.”

Pearl nodded as Rarity fussed over her, taking measurements in places she didn’t think the unicorn needed to know about. “I’m willing to put my name behind this, Twily. We’ve been holding this back for years. Maybe it’s time you lighten it up a little.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. That was true.

Daisy gulped. She hadn’t thought this would be so nerve-wracking. “Then. Can we move forward, your highness?”

Twilight took several seconds before she smiled and nodded. “You can, my little ponies. If Pearl is behind this. Who am I to argue with her?” She smirked as the two mares beamed. “And I will do one better. I’m lifting the restriction on who knows about your collection, Pearl. If this truly takes off, then who knows what might come from it.” She smirked. “But keep it between us until your store is up and running. At least for the moment. I will not give ponies false confidence right from the start.”

Pearl’s smile grew as Lotus and Daisey hugged each other tightly, happy tears coming in rivers now from both. Now came her final part. “And Lotus. Would you do me the honor of being my maid of honor at our wedding?”

Lotus’ eyes lit up, as Rarity chuckled. “Pearl. It would be my honor.”

Final Countdown

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Everypony in Ponyville seemed to be out and about this day. All of them happily jostled about as they put the final touches on in the castle’s main hall. Excited for the moment when Queen Twilight married the mare of her dreams.

Some were all for the wedding, and others were against it. But none were more excited than the princess’s five closest friends, each one fulfilling their duties admirably.

Pinkie Pie was happily bouncing about arranging all the food and drink that she herself lovingly prepared. A saddle bag hung on her back with a small pink head with bouncing curls poking out, sucking peacefully on a pacifier.

Applejack continued her work making sure the band stage was all ready and every seating arrangement was in place.

Rainbow Dash constantly looked up at the sky. She knew there was supposed to be a huge thunderstorm scheduled for the day. But every time a cloud was pulled over Ponyville, it dissipated as soon as a Pegasus let it go. It was the oddest thing to happen to the weather, but at least her friends could have the outdoor reception as they wanted to.

With her usual skill, Rainbow directed just where all the decorations would be hung. Shooting up in the air, Rainbow Dash took a long look at the pavilion. All the tables were aligned just right to Twilight’s specifications.

“Hey Rainbow, get down here for a moment, I have to ask you something.” The loud farmgirl voice rained out toward the Wonderbolt wonder.

Within a second Rainbow stood in front of her friend. “What’s up AJ?”

“Something just doesn’t seem right about this here seating arrangement.” Rainbow looked over her friend’s shoulder and shrugged.

“Looks okay to me.”

“Well, have you any Idea who this pony is? We’ve met everyone who’s coming, but I don’t think I've met this individual. But that name sure does sound familiar.”

Applejack and Rainbow both looked at it carefully. Off to the side of the wedding table, which listed Twilight Sparkle and Pearl Rose. was a lone chair with the family colored green. Written in fine calligraphy, between Twilight and Pearl’s parents, was the name Kohaku Forestsong.


Starswirl stood in the center of the grand hallway of the Castle of Friendship. He felt honored that his long-time admirer and friendship teacher Twilight asked him to help with her wedding preparations. When he first asked why she just giggled and said it would be a good lesson for him.

He wasn’t all too sure what she had meant. This wasn’t the first wedding he had attended. But regardless, Starswirl wasn’t about to say no. Lifting a hoof to his shoulder he rubbed the base of his neck. It had been stinging him for weeks now and he didn’t know why.

“Starswirl darling, is everything okay?” Rarity asked as she walked down the grand staircase. “You seem a bit out of sorts.”

“Oh, nothing like that my dear, I’m just fine.” Unhooking his cloak, Starswirl slung it over one of the chairs and sat down, His hoof rubbed along the crescent-shaped blood-red scar that was there.

“Oh my. That looks positively inflamed. It really should be looked at.”

“No need,” Starswirl chuckled. “It’s a very old wound. And a special one at that. It’s just been giving me issues lately. First time in several thousand years to be exact.”

Rarity shrugged. It was certainly hard to believe Starswirl had been alive thousands upon thousands of years now. But if history was to be believed, he was that old. “Well don’t overwork yourself.”

Starswirl nodded as he got back up and worked his way around. Double checking everything as Rarity continued on her way out the door. No doubt to collect a few more things from her shop. Given the number of items she had brought with her already, he assumed her whole shop was now in the castle.

Standing in place under the arch, the old wizard looked about till his eyes caught sight of a set of chairs mingled with the family. While every other chair sported a white cushion made of cotton. This one had a green cushion made of the finest silk fabric. Walking over to them he ran his hoof along the green silk fabric. With a groan, he fought back several painful memories.

He was about to do his exercise to put those memories back in place until he saw the name on the seat with the green cushion. His hoofs trembled before staggering back.

“No... no it’s not possible.” His voice was a trembling whisper only to himself. “This has to be a mistake.” Turning from the chair he galloped hard up the staircase and into Twilight’s chambers.

“Twilight!” Starswirl called out. “Twilight are you here?”

Twilight came out of her bathroom. The edges of her mane were in curlers and the rest of her was in a plush purple bathrobe.

“Starswirl, calm down. Is everything okay downstairs?”

“That depends on your definition of okay. If everything is in place, then yes. If you have a seat dedicated to a creature who passed from this world a very long time ago, then no.”

Twilight chuckled internally. She was expecting this reaction. Tomorrow was sure to be interesting when he got the full experience. “I take it this is about Kohaku?”

“Yes, it is,” Starswirl blinked and looked at Twilight. “How is it possible you even know that name? It shouldn’t be. He’s gone, dead. I should know. I buried him myself. With my own two hooves. His mate helped of course.”

“Set deep in the Everfree Forest where no pony can possibly find it. Unless they are led there by someone who does know. Remember you aided us in finding them.” Twilight watched Starswirl's face contort into fear and confusion. “I’ve seen the graves. And the shrines dedicated to them. Pearl and I had to do a little repair work on his, seeing as how Discord destroyed it and desecrated the grave by robbing it of Kohaku’s skull.”

A pony could have sworn someone had just sliced Starswirl’s jugular vein. As all the blood suddenly drained from his face, leaving him pale and swaying side to side. So much so he gripped the post on Twilight’s bed to steady himself. “He…. what?”

“You heard right, Discord did that.”

“Kohaku will NOT be pleased. His soul is equal to his mother and all her mothers before her.” Starswirl slumped down and looked out at the Everfree which by now was almost touching the castle. Being one of the only ponies who knew its origin and who kept it alive, he feared what would happen now.

“OH, he wasn’t. Pearl and I watched him lash out at Discord. We haven’t seen the Lord of Chaos since.”

“I doubt you ever will. Desecrating the shrine of a fox spirit is a serious offense. He could lose more than his life.” Twilight nodded in agreement. “But that doesn't explain why his name is on a chair at your wedding.”

“Well, we wanted to be sure he had a spot should he want to come.” Twilight smirked and giggled. Much to the odd look Starswirl gave her. “The pillow next to his is for his mate. Given her connection to Pearl, it seemed right.

Starswirl staggered and fell back onto his rump at hearing that.

“Like I said, it’s there if he wants to use it. If not, then that’s his choice. If not for him and the storm that raged that day. Pearl and I wouldn’t have had the most interesting proposal ever.”

“What storm?” Starswirl’s voice almost cracked.

“A wild storm raged after we finished restoring the shrine. Driving us into the temple itself.” Twilight watched as his eyes widened even more. She was certain they might explode if they got any larger.

“She... pushed you into the temple… but it was sealed.” His voice trailed off into a whisper.

“Yeah. Speaking of her, who was she really? I know her name is Kazumi, and I’m certain she was someone special to you. If you made a promise to make her howl for a week,” Twilight smirked, thoroughly enjoying this.

If Starswirl could have died on the spot, he would have. There was no possible way any pony could have known that. Unless they saw the wild memory that roamed the old temple. Gulping hard he thanked the fact he was already seated.

“Yes her name was Kazumi. Ponies just called her Stormbringer. And she was my mate.” Twilight’s eyes widened as she smiled.

“That was you we saw on the balcony trying to escape that room. I thought so. Did you ever complete what you promised her?”

Blushing deeply, Starswirl groaned. “Yes, it was the longest seven days of my existence. I prayed and begged for death long before it was over. And vowed never again to promise such a thing to a vixen in heat.”

“What happened afterward?” Twilight giggled. She couldn’t wait to share this with Pearl.

“I had to be treated for extreme dehydration. It lasted two weeks. I had plans to vacation in Tartarus when my recovery was complete. That’s how horrible I felt.”

Twilight giggled hopelessly. She floated a ring from inside its box on her bedside table. If it was possible, Starswirl became even paler. “I’m sure you recognize this then? Pearl said it was given to her in what I can only assume was Kohaku’s bedroom. She could never say who gave it to her. But now I must thank Kazumi for letting us use it.”

Starswirl didn’t think he could possibly get any dizzier. The emerald diamond sparkled as bright as any flame. His breathing became so slow it almost stopped. “Th… The Forestheart Diamond? She found the Forestheart Diamond in Kohaku’s room?” Turning around the old wizard closed his eyes. A visible tremor raced down Starswirl’s body.

“Yeah, if that’s what this is. Was she not supposed to take it?”

“It’s not that, there’s no chance she could have. The spell on the box is so strong, it can’t be taken, only given. How could she? Unless she met Kohaku’s mate Tsunami.” Starswirl turned and looked at Twilight.

“Pearl has had quite a lot of contact with Summer. They even share a connection I thought impossible.”

“Oh please… They’re a Twin Soul aren’t they?” Starswirl placed a hoof on his temple while Twilight nodded.

Twilight looked at the ring lovingly. “Pearl said she had seen the most tender and heartbreaking of memories that old temple had just before she was given the ring. She still won’t divulge all of what she saw, but I think that’s because she doesn’t want to relive it.”

His eyes widened, Starswirl looked at every plant in the room. Suddenly feeling very scared. “I would be extremely surprised if she did. They were denied so much. A long life together, even children.” Twilight’s head snapped up when she heard that. Looking at Starswirl she saw him take out a small silver ring with a storm gray gemstone with bright blue streaks of lightning flashing inside of it.

Bowing his head, Starswirl took long deep breaths. “If Pearl was given ring in his bedroom. Then she must be truly special to the two of them. These rings or I should say gemstones, are more precious than you can know.”

Twilight looked at the Diamond again. “So it’s more than just an engagement ring then?”

Coughing a bit, Starswirl sat up and rubbed his shoulder, slowly regaining his composure. “Handing out a ring like these wouldn’t have to mean a romantic relationship. After all, Kitusnes and other Yokai species don't propose, the same way ponies do.”

Tilting her head, Twilight blinked. “I don’t get it.”

Chuckling a bit, Starswirl tilted his neck and pointed to the red crescent-shaped scar. “This is what a Kitsune does when he, or she, claims their mate. Giving of a soul gem is done when they wish to be together, even when they are separated by distance or design.”

Twilight looked at the gem and hummed softly.

“I see. That scar. How long ago did you get it? I would have thought any injury like that might have healed long ago.” Twilight looked at the marking. She had seen similar marks in her books. However, she had paid little attention to them.

“Believe it or not, it was well over twenty thousand years ago. So long that even I forgot exactly.” Starswirl chuckled when Twilight’s eyes widened. “And it will never fade. Kitsunes mate for life, so the marking isn’t just a physical one. It cuts deep to the soul. Kazumi shared with me her lifespan and much of her own power with me.”

Twilight rubbed the same spot on her own neck. She wasn’t sure if she would have ever allowed the same anywhere near her neck if she had been in the same position. One wrong move...

“I’d never be brave enough to get one.” Twilight continued to rub her neck.

“Well, be thankful. They aren't handed down to many non-kitsunes. Mating outside the species is somewhat frowned upon.” Starswirl chuckled. “And you have to be sure you want one too. Because they are given during a very passionate moment.”

“You mean during…” Twilight squeaked. Starswirl nodded slowly

“Exactly,” Starswirl sighed. “At the very height of passion when you feel like your melting into your own lover. Something about the exchange of essences, both magical and physical, that’s what makes it work. I’ve studied it for thousands of years and it still confuses me.” Walking to the window, Starswirl looked out over Ponyville. “So I gave up and accepted it for what it is. A constant reminder that I’m a taken stallion. Ever since her passing, even after all these years, I still feel that she’s my mate and wife. And the thought of another, well is not appealing to me.”

Twilight sat there listening. She never would have guessed anything like this about her idol.

“It’s why I have never taken another lover or wife I still feel like I belong only to her. And I still love her deeply to the point it hurts. There are days I do tend to walk out into wild storms and just lay out in an open field. You might think I’m crazy but I can feel her next to me during those times.”

Turning back to Twilight he walked toward her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Take it from me. Immortal life is not something you want to spend alone. I’m glad you and Pearl are getting married. But as an immortal yourself, you’ll one day have to come to terms with outliving everyone you know and love.”

“We’ve thought about it. Talked about it even. Both of us are prepared for whatever may come,” Twilight replied, trying to sound more confident than she truly felt.

Starswirl did not seem convinced. “Are you? Celestia and Luna can tell you what this is like. Princess Cadance does not truly understand either. Young Flurry Heart is too young to.”

Twilight’s ears fell. She had known all of this since the day she had become an alicorn. For a time, she had been able to put it to the back of her mind. But now…

Starswirl seemed to guess her thoughts for his smile softened. “You have proven me wrong before, Twilight. All of you have. Perhaps it is just my old age talking. I too remember what it was like when we were young and in love. Kazumi was even more beautiful then if possible. Especially when she was in a good mood.”

Twilight giggled a little at the idea. “She has good moods? She threw Pearl around like a leaf in the wind, and scared me more than I ever thought possible.”

Starswirl chuckled. “Indeed she does. Very few ever saw this side of her, and it took much to get to it. Kazumi will most likely tan my hide for telling you this. But it is a fate that I accept. What you experienced is normal. Pearl was most likely just in her way, but not in a way to anger her.”

Twilight nodded, remembering the day well. “She was protecting Kohaku. We didn’t know any of this at the time. He had broken down after tearing Discord to pieces. Pearl was being the friend he needed at that moment.” She rolled her eyes. “And he’s been a constant pain in her flank since. But she still loves him.”

Starswirl nodded. “Then the two of you had nothing to fear. Family is everything for Kazumi and she will go to great lengths to protect her family. As much as Kohaku was a serious pain in her flank as much as he is for Pearl.”

Starswirl started to chuckle openly. “I remember when her and me were called on to negotiate with a dragon who had taken up residency on a mountain nearby. You know it now as Canterlot.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Things went smoothly at first. Kazumi and I were in peaceful talks. Kohaku was being, well himself. He was five and started playing explorer. Well one young dragon didn’t like that. He took a snap at Kohaku. That’s all it took.”

“What happened?” Twilight wished she had a bowl of popcorn now as exciting as these stories were.

“Negotiations were over, and with one bolt of lightning the cavern was cleared of everything but us.” Starswirl rubbed his nose. “She picked up her baby brother and we left.”

“I wonder where that could have been? I’ve never seen evidence of dragon habitation.”

“Have you not visited the Canterlot Caves? How else do you think they were formed.” Starswirl smirked seeing her shocked expression.

“That was with ONE lightning bolt?” Starswirl nodded.

“After that we spent some time at large lake. You never would have guessed she wiped out an entire dragon nest. She was laughing and enjoying everything for days.”

“I think that’s equal part brutal and marvelous.” Twilight sighed.

“Well some good did come out of it all. She discovered a dragon egg, probably laid centuries before. A rare one too. Violet with dark purple spots. Markings of a mage dragon. Most of their kind went extinct long ago.”

“What happened to the egg?”

“You call him your little brother now.” Starswirl smiled. “Despite her fury, Kazumi always had a side that was as gentle as summer rains. Most of her family was like that. They may seem fierce. But once you get to know them. You understand just how gentle, loving and compassionate they can be. And Kohaku is no different. After all it was his sisters who taught him that compassion. I’m proud to be a part of that family and clan.”

Twilight sighed. That was a weight off of her shoulders at last, if she was being honest with herself. Ever since seeing Kohaku’s fury, she was wary of the rest of his family. “Kohaku and his mate named us as part of them as well.”

“Then you both have been afforded an honor few ponies will ever get or know of. And you never need fear for your lives, for that family will always protect its own.” Looking at his gemstone ring Starswirl shook his head as he turned to go. “One more bit of advice from someone who has lived longer than anyone knows. Hold tight onto Pearl, Twilight. Hold onto her for as long as you can. No matter what may come. Eternity is too long to hold onto every petty argument and fight you will have.”

Twilight did not say anything as the unicorn left. Leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Wedding of the Millennium

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Twilight listened with mounting annoyance as Gallus finished his report. “Gallus. If this is your idea of a joke, I am not laughing. And gods forbid if this is you and Smolder’s idea of a prank. On my wedding day of all days. I will demote you to permanent latrine duty if so. With a toothbrush!”

Gallus looked horrified at the thought but kept his composure all the same. “This is no joke or prank, your highness. Ponies keep saying they saw two ghosts come out of that mirror you have in the Side Library. One of them looked like Pearl as well.”

Twilight’s frown grew. “Impossible. Pearl is at home right now. She’s banished everyone but her mother from helping her get ready. Including me. You know how she is with this.”

Gallus nodded. He liked the Pegasus. Had for as long as she had been Twilight’s student and soon-to-be wife. “Well, something is going on. Once can be brushed off. But not this many.”

Twilight’s frown melted a little. That was true. But the mirror shouldn’t be doing anything at the moment. Her Canterlot High friends had just arrived and would be staying the night.

Gallus looked out at the nearby Everfree Forest. “Could it have something to do with the forest being so close? I still don’t like it. It isn’t right it grew so damn fast, and moved as it did.”

Twilight bit back an annoyed sigh. “This seems outside anything it would do. And why would it? It’s had plenty of time before now. Why do anything today?”

“I was wondering if it might do with that fox-like creature I’ve seen on occasion in your throne room.” Gallus looked at the Forest a little more. Before turning to the princess. “Come to think of it, the other ghost was reported to be a fox. One of my lieutenants tried to stop it from going into a library but it just ignored him and walked through him.” Looking up Gallus could have sworn he had just hit Twilight over the head with a sledgehammer.

Twilight’s eyes began twitching. “Oooh. Damn it all. This means…”

“Hey Twilight, LOVE the decore you have up. It seems this is going to be a wedding for the ages.” Pearl smiled as she stepped into the room. “I hope we aren’t too early.”

Twilight groaned. And there it was. “No. You are not early, Pearl. But how are you here?”

“What’s wrong? We were invited to watch the wedding.” Pearl quirked an eyebrow.

“Well yes, you are. But I was going to have the mirror moved to the throne room just before the ceremony. What did you two do to get back across the Void?” Twilight reached out and tried to place a hoof on Pearl’s shoulder only to fall face first onto the ground. Twilight turned around and went wide-eyed. Pearl was literally standing inside of her, all she could see was from the upper thighs up.

Pearl giggled and walked over and stood next to the Queen’s desk. “Yeah sorry about that. Even I’m not sure of how this came about. All I know was when that mirror turned on, there was another, much older Kohaku looking at us. He smiled at my Haku and they both nodded before exchanging a few words that gave me a headache. Placed their paws on the mirror and in a flash of light, here we are. All this walking through walls and ponies takes some getting used to.”

Twilight rubbed her snout irritably. “Ooh. I’m going to have words with Forestsong about this later. You’re not physically here, Pearl. Neither is your Haku. I’m not sure what the proper word is. But you’re both in this universe and your own at the same time. It seems our Kohakus pulled this off somehow. But now I’m worried what this might mean for what Lumena and Shenlong said.”

“OH, I wouldn’t worry too much about them.” Pearl, Twilight, and Gallus turned their heads to see Kohaku standing there in the doorway, his four tails swishing about. “It’s called Illusionary Dream Walking. Used by many seers and oracles to visit other worlds and view events unfold without actually leaving their own universe.” Walking in, he lovingly nuzzled his girlfriend before turning to Twilight.

Twilight blinked as this Kohaku seemed a bit older as did his Pearl. The two were almost perfect mirror images of their counterparts here. How much time had passed in their world? And when did Kohaku get a fourth tail?

“Anyone with seer blood can do it, I just couldn’t do it alone. I haven't reached that level so I needed a bit of help.” Kohaku smiled sitting up. Already he was a head taller than his Pearl as his four tails wrapped around her. Pearl’s head rested down on his shoulder. “I asked Pearl here to not do anything rash and keep a low profile for now. But you know Pearl. She’s not one to do as told.”

Pearl just huffed and stuck her tongue out at Kohaku while Twilight laughed. Gallus just watched this while getting dizzy trying to comprehend what was going on.

Twilight felt a weight lift from her shoulders. “Well. Try to listen this time, Pearl. I am pulling rank as your teacher in both worlds. I doubt other me would say otherwise. Seeing you in two places at once could be too much for most guests. And please, for the sake of my captain there, try not to walk through walls or… other creatures.”

Pearl wilted under the look she was getting. The same look her Twilight still used on occasion. “Fine. It was fun while it lasted at least.”

Kohaku chuckled a bit. “Don’t look so down love. How about after we wake up from all this I…” leaning in he softly whispered into Pearl’s ear.

Twilight quirked an eyebrow as suddenly Gallus’s whole body turned red and Pearl’s wings puffed out stiff as a board as a flush came across her cheeks. Twilight knew of only one thing that could make any Pearl’s wings do that. The thought of it caused a blush on her own cheeks as well. A look Kohaku didn’t fail to catch.

“I take it your Pearl loves that too huh?” Kohaku smiled as the Queen nodded. The pair shared a chuckle.

Coughing, Gallus tried his hardest to compose himself. “I’m just.. Going to withdraw my petitions here and, try to find an iceberg.” with a quick bow he dashed out of the room.

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Griffons.” She looked around a moment. “Where is other me anyway?”

Twilight chuckled. “She is at her home at the moment, getting ready. Only her mother is allowed inside. And she’s promised unholy retribution on anyone who comes in. Especially me. Even though all this seeing the bride before the ceremony is nonsense.” Twilight huffed. “But maybe you can go. If you want to. I doubt she would turn away her own daughter, even if you are another version of her.”

Twilight watched as Pearl got excited only to have Kohaku place a paw between Pearl’s wings and shake his head.

“No can do love. Remember we can’t leave the borders of the castle or its courtyard. We can go anywhere within them. But not outside.” Kohaku sighed.

Pearl huffed and crossed her two front legs across her chest. “Damn it. I forgot you mentioned that.”

Twilight was confused. “What happens if you leave them?”

“These bodies fade away, and we wake up in our own world. Unable to watch the wedding at all.” Kohaku continued to caress his Pearl’s back as she almost cooed at the attention.

Twilight’s ears wilted. She didn’t want that. “Well. I would get you two some chairs. But I don’t think you could sit on them. And the two chairs that might fit are for our Kohaku and his mate. If they come.”

“OH, chairs can work. We can sit on them no problem.” Kohaku chuckled at Twilight’s confused look. “Normal physics works a little different in a dream-type scenario. It’s why we aren’t falling through the floor right now. And my counterpart did say that they were going to attend but have their own seating arrangement they want to use. Whatever that means.” Kohaku shrugged. “So if those two chairs will work for us, we’ll use them.”

Twilight nodded. “Please do. It would be a waste to let them go empty.” She smirked. “And technically, they are for you. Unless you haven’t crossed that line yet? But I don’t see why not.”

“Yeah, she’s not my mate yet. But it has been a subject of conversation. But as we’re still so young, no need to rush it.” Stretching and yawning Kohaku scratched his ear with a hind leg. “Love I’m going to the courtyard. I need some open air right now.” Kohaku smiled as Pearl just nodded and whispered something into his ear. With a grin, he backflipped before leaping out the window. Earning a gasp from Twilight and an eye roll from Pearl.

Twilight ran to the window only to see Kohaku land on all four paws as gracefully as a feline before walking over to the largest grove of trees bordering the Everfree. Turning to Pearl she smiled. “I don’t mean to pry but you two look a lot older now than when I last saw you.”

Pearl smiled watching her beloved curl up under an aspen tree. “Well, it has been two years. I was beginning to wonder how long you were going to wait for your wedding. But as you don’t look older I’m guessing time works differently here.”

Twilight nodded a bit. Having experienced this when she goes into the human world. “I guess so. I also notice he’s sporting an extra tail. How did THAT come about?”

Pearl giggled. “I’d rather not say. But it did involve a riot, a flood, a lost circus monkey, and a donut.”

Twilight felt her eye twitch again. She didn’t want to know how all of that led to Kohaku getting his fourth tail now. It made her brain hurt just to try and imagine it. “I believe I need a drink after just hearing that.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Join the club. Our Twilight emptied her whole drinks cabinet afterward. And then drank Ponyville’s bar dry, and still was just slightly buzzed afterward. Kohaku did offer her some of his homebrewed sake but after the last time. She outright refused it.”

“I’m afraid to ask…”

“She downed one bottle, a small one at that. Woke up five days later, naked in Canterlot’s castle moat.” Pearl groaned at the memory. “All while proclaiming she was the Lizard Queen.”

Twilight made a mental note to never take sake her Kohaku offered, and just politely decline any offers. “Well. I am Queen of Equestria now. So I’m sorta on the way I guess?”

“As long as you don’t try to cause an uprising with an army of baby alligators and crocodiles I think you’ll be just fine.” Pearl giggled. “And what’s best is I didn’t even have to punish Kohaku for it. As her apprentice, he was the one who had to take over her duties while she was away and the time she took to sobered up which was about another week.”

Twilight smirked. “And how did that go?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Equestria is still standing at least. We almost lost two princesses when Luna and Celestia burst into a five-hour laughter marathon at the sight of you trying to command all those baby lizards.”

The two shared a laugh before a maid entered. Casting a very confused look at Pearl, she whispered something in Twilight’s ears, who nodded as she turned to follow her. “I am sorry, Pearl. I have to get ready myself but please make yourself at home. This has used up the leeway I worked into the schedule.”

Pearl blinked in surprise. “You built time in for something like this?”

Twilight scoffed, holding a hoof over her heart. “Pearl Rose. I thought I taught you better than that. I am offended that you think I wouldn’t.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as Twilight and the maid left. Point. No matter what universe, some things about Twilight Sparkle would never change.

Lumena coughed and spit out her drink as she saw the events unfold around her. Watching as the two younger pains appeared in her universe. "Th.. that is against the rules...I'm ending this right now!"

Shenlong's small human hand rested on his counterpart's shoulder. "They have broken no rules or barriers." Producing a mirror of his own he showed Lumena that the young pair were sleeping peacefully together in front of the crystal mirror.

Lumena narrowed her eyes and harrumphed. "You knew they'd do this, didn't you? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because your reaction is just too hilarious my dear. Come now let's enjoy. It's not every day we watch the wedding of a pony queen."

"I hate you," Lumena sighed.

Leaning in, Shenlong whispered and grinned. "No, you don't."

Cirrus smiled as Pearl finally came out of her room. “Oh, honey. You’re beautiful. I know it’s said all the time. But I think Rarity has truly outdone herself this time.”

Pearl blushed. “Thanks, mom. Still can’t believe today’s the day.”

Cirrus chuckled. “I understand the feeling well, dear. When I married your father, I couldn’t believe it myself. Not until we finally kissed did it feel real to me.”

Pearl giggled as she spun around, getting a good look at herself now that she was in her dress and was ready for the ceremony. “Think this’ll knock Twily dead? I feel bad for keeping her out.”

Cirrus rolled her eyes. “Pearl. If this doesn’t knock her socks off, I will personally slap her silly. Queen of Equestria or not. This will turn heads no matter what. Mares and stallions.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as they headed for the front door. “Too bad for them that I’m a taken mare then.” She looked towards the Everfree Forest and bit her lip. “Think they’ll come?”

Cirrus sighed. She knew the two her daughter meant. Or four, as it could be. “I don’t know, honey. But even if they don’t, they’ll be here in spirit. And that is more than we can hope for.”

Pearl nodded glumly. It wasn’t what she wanted to hear. But as they opened the door Pearl and her parents gasped loudly. Where she assumed would have been a royal guard and carriage. Was something completely different? While there was a carriage, it looked to be made of soft carved river stone. Adorned with white lilies. Inside were two benches of orient design with bright red silk cushions.

But it was at the front that was the most shocking. Instead of ponies, there were four massive timberwolves. Each one looked to have been fashioned from a sakura tree. Their pink eyes all looked at Pearl as if awaiting her command.

“Leave it to him to give me something like this.” Pearl smiled at the gesture her friend had made for her.

Velvet smiled as Twilight stepped out of her room, now fully done up for the ceremony. “Honey. You look beautiful. If this doesn’t knock Pearl’s socks off, then she needs to be re-educated.”

Twilight giggled. “Thanks, mom.” Twilight stood straight and blinked to herself. Looking forward and then behind her she shook her head quickly. “Mom? Did someone redecorate?”

Velvet blinked herself as she looked about. “Now that you mention it…” She whispered.

Gone was the hallway of her castle and in its place was something out of the Everfree Forest. The floor was a softly flowing river with white lily pads outlining their walking path. Where her walls once were, was a canopy of cherry blossoms. Lightly showering them with petals.

Looking forward Twilight saw that this new hallway lead directly to the wedding hall. Waiting at the end was a large statue-like pony adorned with silver scales and brilliant river blue eyes. When it nodded to her, the river stone statue bowed and held its position as if awaiting her command.

“Those two.”

“Who?” Velvet tilted her head.

“Forestsong and Summer, I think this is their way of showing me off in style.” Twilight warmly sighed.

“Well, I like it. At least the lily pads are high enough that your dress won’t get wet.” Velvet giggled as she teased her daughter, before lightly poking her. “And I expect lots of grandchildren.”

Twilight’s face burst into a roaring blush. “Mom!”

Velvet only smirked. “Don’t ‘Mom!’ me young filly. I’m not getting any younger, and good luck getting your brother to do anything. I love Flurry. But I don’t want her to be the only one.”

Twilight groaned. “I can’t promise anything, mom. All I have is obscure research, and I won’t risk a child’s life unless I know for sure it would work.”

Velvet’s smirk slipped as she saw the sadness in her daughter’s eyes. “I know, dear. And I would hate that you would do so just to please me. You might be Queen of Equestria. But I am still your mother, and I can still permanently ground you.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but she was still smiling all the same.

Cirrus and Pearl smiled as they stepped out of their carriage at the entrance to the castle courtyard. Looking up at the decorated castle, Pearl’s heart beat harder. It was really happening, her dream come true.

“Thank you very much.” Pearl turned to the timberwolves who all nodded and slowly took off back to the Everfree Forest. “I’ll give Forestsong credit. He knows how to impress me.”

“You don’t know the half of it.” A familiar voice came from the castle entrance. “Sometimes I think Haku likes to show off, regardless of the universe.”

Both mares blinked and looked over, Standing nearly just as tall as Pearl, was her counterpart in a white kimono with pink cherry blossoms.

“Hi, mom. Pearl.” Pearl politely bowed and giggled taking a few steps forward.

“Pearl!” Cirrus smiled and dashed forward only to slide right through her ‘daughter’. “Huh?”

The older Pearl just blinked and shook her head before looking at her counterpart. “Okay, what?”

“Yeah sorry bout that. At least you didn’t fall face forward as Twilight did.” Both Pearls and Cirrus giggled at the thought.

“How?” The older Pearl waved her hoof lightly through her younger counterpart a few times. “I thought you were just going to watch the wedding via the mirror.”

“Yeah but Haku had other ideas. My pain in the flank, with help from yours, concocted this little trip. So now I can be here and talk to others, while we remain in our own universe,” the younger Pearl smirked.

“Well, regardless I’m so glad to see you again. Having both my daughters about is wonderful.” Cirrus smiled and stepped up after brushing herself off. “You are going to be sitting with your family while your sister gets married?”

Both Pearls rolled their eyes together and smiled at their mom. “Yes Mom,” the two Pearls answered in unison before laughing together. “Wait.. what if Summer shows up? That cushion was for her.”

“Oh don’t worry, she’ll be here and has her own seating arrangement. At least that’s what Haku said.” the younger Pearl smiled. “Oh yeah, father’s waiting for you in the room off to the side. He sent me out to collect mom.”

Cirrus and the older Pearl smiled nodding. “Then I know she’s in good hooves.”

“Come on mom I have so much to catch you up on.” The younger pearl giggled as she and Cirius walked almost shoulder to shoulder, Cirrus asking countless questions while Pearl did her best to answer them.

Pearl watched the two walk off as she moved up and greeted her father.

Stratos’ grin would have made Pinkie Pie proud as they hugged. “Oh, my little girl. I never thought I’d see the day!”

Pearl groaned. “Dad! I am not that bad.”

Stratos only shook his head. “You’re right. You’re worse. You beat around this bush for years. Say all you want otherwise, but I know you’ve wanted this for as long as you’ve known Twilight. Even when you and Lotus got together.”

Pearl sighed in exasperation but smiled all the same. “So. Got any advice? I’m still so nervous something can go wrong. Look what happened at the last royal wedding.”

Stratos’ smirk dropped. “Nothing that you haven’t heard already, Pearl. Only that, yes, there will be little disasters. But you will get overcome them. Together. Never think that Twilight doesn’t love you. The moment you do? Have her slap you silly.”

Pearl snorted but was smiling all the same. “Thanks, daddy.”

Stratos's smile grew as he kissed his daughter’s forehead. “You are very welcome, Pearl.”

At that moment, the wedding march began, causing Pearl to jump. Stratos chuckled as he locked hooved with her. “That’s our cue.”

Pearl did her best to stifle the butterflies in her stomach, but it was a lost cause.

Twilight smiled as she stood next to her sister-in-law Cadence. Her own belly was filled with butterflies, which all halted the second she heard the start of the wedding march and she saw Pearl step into the grand hall.

Oh my…. She’s so beautiful her thoughts all silenced to that one. Everything in Twilights world ceased to be but her as Pearl walked slowly with her father.

“Who gives this mare to be wedded today?” Cadence asked with a smile.

Stratos stood tall and smiled. “I and her mother do. We consent and gladly give.” with a bow he slowly handed Pearl’s hoof to Twilight.

Twilight lovingly pulled her beloved up onto the alter and stood staring into her eyes.

“My Little Ponies, today…” Cadence smiled but was silenced when a crash of thunder shook the castle. All lights went out as the sky turned dark.

Whispers around the room echoed in the hall as Twilight moved closer to Pearl. With a second clash of thunder, a flash of lightning illuminated the part of the river that flowed through a special opening Twilight had made so that it would feed through her castle and down into Ponyville. The river itself splashed upward as a second flash of lightning illuminated the floral canopy that the happy couple was under.

Pearl blinked and internally groaned. Can they be any less showy? As the last crash of thunder erupted and the sky again cleared. Two massive forms stood against the back wall.

From the river stood a nine-hoof-tall dragoness, her scales glistening like brilliant pink gemstones. Her near twenty-hoof length circled along the wall as she stood next to her mate. From the floral decorations came a twelve-hoof-high fox. His emerald fur glistened in the light as his amber markings shimmered in the light of the sun. His nine tails fanned out behind him. Each one sporting an emerald flame in the shape of twin hearts.

Twilight sighed with relief that it was only these two. Looking about half of her guests who had never experienced them were looking on almost terrified while the rest were in awe at how large they truly were.

“From the forests to the planes, I the guardian of nature Forestsong greet you all and bless this union today.” Forestsong politely bowed.

“From the rivers to the seas, I Summer Rose, the guardian of water, send greetings and bless this union today.” Summer too bowed.

Twilight smirked and cocked an eyebrow at the pair who produced a set of thrones. Forestsong’s was made of pure jade behind Pearl while Summers was made of white marble set behind Twilight. The pair smiled down and placed a paw and a claw next to Cadence in their palms were a set of hoof rings. One fused with maple leaves the other with seashells.

“Please continue Princess of Love,” Summer said tenderly.

“And apologies for interrupting you,” Forestsong nodded to the princess as the pair set the rings down on the designated pillows.

Cadence looked at Twilight, who smiled and nodded. She had known something like this might happen. But nothing like this. She shook her head and smiled once more. “Every creature. I welcome you all to the wedding of Twilight Sparkle and Pearl Rose. We are here to recognize and celebrate the love between these two mares as they unite into a beautiful marriage.”

Twilight and Pearl barely listened as Cadance did the reading. For them, the whole world consisted solely of the mare before them, the butterflies in their stomachs forgotten.

Cadence smirked as she came to the end, and saw neither had paid the slightest mind to her. “Let’s begin with the exchanging of vows. Pearl. You may go ahead and say your vows now.”

Pearl gulped. “I, Pearl Rose, take you, Twilight Sparkle, as you are, and promise to love you as you are now and who you will become in the future. I promise to intently listen to you, continually support you and be accepting of the support you give me. I will always love you and not lose the faith in the love that you have for me for the rest of our lives that we have together.” She smirked. “And I will drag you from your throne and desk if and when I need to. I love you too much to watch you work yourself to death.”

This got a giggle from all in attendance, knowing the queen’s habits quite well, even those who were not especially close to her.

Cadence smirked. “Twilight Sparkle, now it is your turn to profess your vows to Pearl Rose.”

Twilight’s smile grew. “I, Twilight Sparkle, take you, Pearl Rose, as you are, and promise to love you as you are now and who you will become in the future. I promise to intently listen to you, continually support you and be accepting of the support you give me. I will always love you and not lose the faith in the love that you have for me for the rest of our lives that we have together.”

Cadence’s smile grew as she took the pillows containing the rings in her magic. “Now comes the exchanging of rings, as the symbolism of your love for each other.”

Pearl took the ring with the maple leaves and slid it over Twilight’s horn. “With this ring, I promise that I will love, appreciate, cherish, and defend you for the rest of our lives. Until time itself is unmade.”

Twilight’s smile softened as she took the seashell ring and slid it lovingly around Pearl’s hoof. “With this ring, I promise that I will love, appreciate, cherish, and defend you for all time. Until the universe itself is unmade.”

Forestsong looked at Summer who was so moved by the moment took his paw with her claw. While at the same time Kohaku looked at his Pearl as he wrapped his paw around her hoof. Looking into each other's eyes and silently repeated vows to each other.

Cadence’s smile threatened to burst off of her face as the pair took each other’s hooves. “Twilight Sparkle. Do you take Pearl Rose to be your lawfully wedded wife? From now until the end of time?”

Twilight nodded. “I do.”

Cadence just barely held back a squee. “And Pearl Rose. Do you take Twilight Sparkle as your lawfully wedded wife? From now until the end of time?”

Pearl just barely held in her excitement as she squeezed Twily’s hoof. “I do.”

Cadence began to squee now. “Then by the power invested in me as a Princess of Equestria and the Crystal Empire, and by the power invested by the Mother of Life in the Silent Years before the Forging, I now pronounce you wife and wife.” She smirked. “You may now kiss.”

Twilight didn’t need to be told twice as she pulled Pearl into the deepest and most passionate kiss she could. Pearl was more than happy to return it in full force.

Cadence silently snorted as she spread her wings to the crowd. “I present to you, for the very first time, Queen Twilight Sparkle and Princess Pearl Rose! Let their union be as unbreakable and eternal as the Armor of Eternity itself.”

The crowd cheered as Twilight swept Pearl off her hooves and into her own, earning a happy giggle from her wife as they began the walk back down the aisle.

Party Of the Year

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Cadence smiled as she watched Twilight carry Pearl down the carpeted walkway to the timberwolf-driven river stone carriage. Followed quickly by their parents. She had never been so proud of the little mare she once foal sat for.

“I see nothing but good things for their future.” Forestsong sighed contently as he shifted down to pony size, standing to Cadence’s right.

“We both do.” Summer joined suit next to her mate at Cadence’s left.

The Princess nearly jumped out of her horseshoes at how swiftly those two moved. “Any chance you two cannot give a pony a heart attack today?” Cadence huffed as the pair chuckled. “Those two told me a lot about you both, but I never expected what I've seen today. Thank you for blessing them as you both did.”

“We were glad to do so. They mean as much to us as they do to you.” Summer purred moving up to her mate. Off to the side, Kohaku carried a semi-limp Pearl on his back.

Cadence smiled as she looked at the younger pair walking up to her. “I saw you two, hooking hooves. Paws.. whatever. So when can we expect a wedding from you two?” the Princess giggled as Forestsong and Kohaku both rolled their eyes to the laughter of Summer and a half-sleepy Pearl.

“Oh, not for a long while I can assure you of that,” Kohaku smirked.

“After all we Kitsunes do like to take our time,” Forestsong humphed a bit as he looked to his mate.

“After all why rush things when you don’t have to?” Cadence blinked as she shifted her attention back to the smaller fox.

“Ponies, you all do things so quickly.”

“It’s amazing how any marriage here lasts as long as it does.”

“After all, my parents didn’t marry till after a thousand years had passed. Just to be sure they were compatible,” the two foxes quickly finished together.

“Stop. Stop you two are making me dizzy.” Cadence staggered as Kohaku and Forestsong just looked at each other.

Summer swiftly slapped a claw around her mate's mussel as Pearl shoved her hoof into Kohaku’s mouth as it opened.

“So sorry,” Summer bowed her head as Forestsong muffled something and shrugged.

“They promised to behave themselves but we should have known they’d sync together.” Pearl shook her head before yawning, Kohaku’s voice muffled by her hoof.

“Oh, no need to explain. You get Twilight and her brother together and it’s like they’re both children again.” Cadence chuckled with the two.

“Let’s go you two, before you give anypony else a headache,” Pearl slapped Kohaku’s rump with her hind leg and pointed toward the courtyard. “Now get moving or I won’t…” Pearl whispered into his ear.

Cadence and Summer didn’t have to guess what she said. But whatever it was caused Kohaku to dash outside leaving the younger Pearl to squee happily.

“Ah to be young and in love,” Forestsong muttered, finally removing his mate's claw from his lips. “Let's go, my love.” Forestsong held out his paw which Summer lovingly took. And in a splash of water and a flurry of leaves, the pair had vanished from everypony’s sight.

Cadence smirked as her own husband came up curious as to what was going on. “Don’t ask love. Let’s go enjoy the afternoon before my headache gets worse.”

Shining shrugged and just followed his wife.

“Are you sure about this, Sunset? I hate hiding this from them. Especially now,” Sci Twi frowned as she took a sip of her drink, the reception now in full swing.

Sunset nodded, sitting with the rest of her old Canterlot High friends. It felt just like old times. “You better believe it, Twi. Even more so now with the hoof cuffs Daisey and Lotus have.”

Rainbow looked over at a little surprise by the stage, right now occupied by Vinyl Scratch. “So…” She asked with a smirk.

Sunset smirked right back. “We’re getting the band back together. If we’re lucky, I can get queeny to join us. We haven’t had the whole group since graduation.”

Twi sighed, as she watched a ghostly version of Pearl talking with a ghostly version of what she could only guess was Kohaku. To see them like this was weird in so many ways for her.

Fluttershy saw it and lay a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”

Twi nodded with a sigh. “I know they’re from a different universe, therefore not everything would be as I know it. But to see them like this? It’s…”

Sunset picked up the unfinished thought with a smile. “It’s weird to see any version of your wife with anyone else? Especially a boy?”

Twi nodded glumly.

“I”m not sure why it would be so weird.” a soft voice came from beside the pair. Twi and Sunset almost jumped out of their seats as they saw the ghostly Kohkau sitting next to them. “But then again I’m not a pony or a human.”

Twi pinched her snout. “Well, you have that in common with our Kohaku. Giving people and ponies heart attacks.”

The sound of a swift wingslap upside Kohaku’s head got both girls giggling as the Ghostly Pearl sat next to Kohaku. “What did I tell you about doing that?” Pearl huffed narrowing her eyes at him.

“Oh come on, how many opportunities like this am I going to get.” Kohaku smiled but seeing Pearl make a face he shrunk down and huffed crossing his front legs together.

“Sorry about that Twi, so. How are you and My counterpart doing?” Pearl smiled lightly petting Kohaku’s back. “Last I saw you from our human world, you two just had your third anniversary.”

Twi smiled, glad that some things were the same at least. “Quite well actually. My Pearl keeps going on about having another child, but two are enough for the moment. Riko thinks we should slow down. Too much magic too soon can…”

“Cause irreparable damage” Kohaku finished with a sigh. Lifting his head he looked at Twi. “My family… they're alive in your world?” The young fox’s eye slowly began to twitch.

Twi and Sunset blinked and looked at Kohaku before nodding. Pearl looked at her fox who got a dark look on his face. “Haku.” The young Pegasus placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“I’m going to… I need some air.” Kohaku stepped up on the table and walked on before jumping off and off toward the forest.

“Did we say something wrong?” Twi looked about as they were out in the open.

“No, he’s going through a few things after seeing Starswirl off in the distance earlier.” Pearl sighed. “Unlike your Kohaku, and the Forestsong here. He hasn't had the most pleasant of pasts. So if you want someone to blame, blame the wizard. As down as he is, he’s not one to ruin today. And I think he’s getting a bit tired. It’s his magic that’s sustaining us being here.”

“Really? Well, tell him I'm sorry.” Sunset smiled while Pearl nodded.

“So. How about you Sunset? You getting laid yet?” Pearl smirked as Sunset spat out her drink in shock making the young girl and Twi laugh.

“Well, you certainly haven’t changed. Still quick to jab.” Twi laughed.

Sunset’s blush soon matched her mane as her friends joined in the laughter at her expense.

Kohaku took long deep breaths as he sat on a tree stump alone in the deep forest just off the courtyard. Small animals each poked their heads around before running about the teen’s body. It wasn’t until a bunny rolled down his snout that he started to laugh.

“Needed a place to cool off huh?” His counterpart stepped out of the trees and sat in front of the young fox who merely nodded.

“The things we do for love and those we care about.” Kohaku leaned back looking up at the sky.

“You didn’t want to show up did you?” Forestsong watched as Kohaku shook his head slowly.

“It meant the world to Pearl, to be here and watch the wedding. It also doesn’t help that Twi was right. Seeing any version of your mate with another can be painful.” Looking up at Forestsong, Kohaku shivered at how much he resembled their father. “And it doesn’t help when Cirrus and Stratos are pressuring me about when I’m going to put a ring on the hoof of their daughter.”

Forestsong chuckled nodding. “Well, we’ve never been known for short engagements. Then again, my own was only a hundred years.”

“How did you know?” Kohaku closed his eyes.

“One look into her eyes, that’s all it took for me.” Waving a hoof the bushes parted and showed the table with Sunset, Twi, and Pearl all chatting away. “Look at her. What does she make you feel.”

“Like I’m home.” Kohaku chuckled.

“Can you live without her?” a soft voice came from behind him.

Looking behind he saw the Dragoness that was his counterpart’s mate. Looking back at Pearl he smiled and shook his head.

“Then what are you waiting for!” Forestsong and Summer asked in unison. Looking behind them he saw the faded outline of six kitsunes, their eyes nodding in response.

Wiping a tear from his eye Kohaku smiled then nodded in return. He had what he needed. Their approval. With a deep breath. Kohaku walked out of the grove with a new resolve.

“Does he know our Pearl asked you to talk to him?” Summer rested her head down on her mate's shoulder.

“Not a clue.” Forestsong shook his head slowly. “I remember being that young and clueless.”

“Wasn’t it just yesterday?” Summer poked his shoulder. Earning a chuckle from Forestsong as he stuck his tongue out at her.

Twilight watched with a smile as Kohaku rejoined the party with a new spring in his step. “Do you think he will listen?”

“I’m not sure, but I hope he will.” Pearl nuzzled up close to her new wife. “Hopefully he won’t be dragging his tail with sis anymore. They may be in their late teens but they have been together longer than you and I.” Pearl chuckled. “I’m glad his Pearl and I came up with this. Just a swift kick in the tails.”

Twilight giggled. “Well between the two of you, hun, you’re capable of giving him that kick regardless if he needs if not. Literally in your case.”

Pearl just stuck her tongue out at her wife, which only made her giggle harder. She eyed the cases beside the stage. “Do you know what they’re planning? I know they’re up to something.”

Twilight shook her head with a sigh. “Sunset made them Pinkie Promise not to talk about it until it was the right time at least. Whatever that might mean. And I’m not going to force it.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Damn those promises.

Twilight gave her new wife a pointed look. “Now. I’ve been holding this back for a while now. But I’m noticing that you don’t use certain curses you used to. Especially around Forestsong.”

Pearl nodded. “Yeah. I got an earful about it right after you set me and Luster to tending the castle’s gardens.”

Twilight nodded. She had heard about that little talk the two had and what was said. “That’s not the only reason I feel. You know the real reason why he hates them. Why he stops me using the oath.”

Pearl’s ears wilted. It was time she stopped holding this in, as she nodded. “We’ve met the reason why. The Slayer of Eternities is the only weapon that will kill a spirit. No amount of their magic will save them. Think of what would happen to the elements they’re tied to if they die.”

Twilight did, and her heart clenched in horror. “And the Omega Oath?”

Pearl shook her head. “Kitsunes are the reason it exists. One pushed Lumena’s buttons one too many times. Another made the mistake of flat-out attacking her. She permanently scarred their deaths on the entire race. The Dragon Wars were the final straw.”

Twilight’s ears fell, as the implications began to sink in. “Then…”

Pearl nodded. “If Tiamat hadn’t done so, Lumena would have done so herself, and no amount of his family’s influence would have mattered. With interest.”

Twilight shook her head in sorrow. She made a mental note to watch her words and thoughts from now on. It would not be right of her.

“She’s right of course. Every word.” Forestsong mumbled as he popped a fork full of cake into his mouth. “Kind of a shame but those of us who didn’t have our brains in our rears, accept it. And there are a few safeguards now. Why do you think it hasn’t been used since the Dragon Wars?”

Pearl rolled her eyes and took a bite out of her cake as Twilight blinked then looked at Pearl. “You know?” Pearl nodded slowly smirking pointing her hoof at Forestsong.

“Someone had to take responsibility. How do you think I was bound to nature the way I am? There’s only ONE being capable of doing so.”

“Why you?” Twilight looked at Forestsong quirking an eyebrow.

“I think she liked me. I was never rude, I held her in awe and with deep respect. Still do, even though she’s a pain in my tails at times.” Forestsong looked over at his counterpart as he talked to the Rainbooms who all started to look excited. “I know how to push her buttons but stop before going too far. I’m also not stupid enough to challenge her, unlike that swelled-head moron who started the whole thing back then. She has one of us in every world she creates. Sort of a failsafe in case something should go wrong and the secret of that Oath falls into the wrong hooves, paws, or talons.”

“Really?” Forestsong nodded slowly.

“Why do you think Alicorn Pinkie owns a multi-universal inn between universes? She too was a guardian like myself, the first of us to be exact. I think it’s because she made the maker laugh.”

“So why did she choose you? If what you said can be believed.”

“I think she’s waiting to erase him on the day when she finally beats him at Ping Pong.” Pearl chimed in groaning. “But honestly, I think she just likes playing that silly game with him. I’ve seen it in her eyes.”

“When was this? I don’t remember you going anywhere.”

“About a few months back or so ago. Longest two days of my life especially since they were crammed into eight hours here. And that was just one round.” Pearl shivered at the memory. “But, I did see her smile as they played. Though that might have had something to do with the pony that was with her.”

“Who could be with her? Not sure if anyone could put up with her.” Twilight rubbed her head a little with a wing, her mind running in circles

Pearl shrugged. “Don’t really know for sure. Said her name was Crystal Dawn, and that she was Lumena’s soul mate. Though she knew her under the name of Cosmos.”

Twilight held her head trying to imagine that sight.

Pearl saw this and kissed Twilight tenderly. “Hey. This is supposed to be the best day of our lives. Let’s not ruin it with stuff like this. I’m going to teach you to dance if it kills me.”

Twilight giggled as she returned the kiss tenderly. “You’re right. And my dancing is not that bad.”

Pearl and Forestsong only giggled, earning an annoyed pout from the alicorn as Pearl dragged her across the yard and out to the dance floor.

“Who the hell taught you to dance? A dying manticore trapped in a tar pit?” Pearl grumbled as everything but the mare in front of them was tuned out.

Twilight huffed. “Excuse me? Nopony has ever said anything about this before now.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Maybe because they weren’t about to insult a princess and a national hero? Lucky for you mom and dad made me take lessons when I was a filly.”

Twilight blinked. “When was this? I don’t remember you ever taking any here in Ponyville.”

Pearl nodded. “That’s because I didn’t. I was ten and still living in Baltimare. Mom thought it would make me more ladylike.”

Twilight smirked as she stole a quick kiss. “Well, that obviously did not work. You make most sailors seem tame by comparison.”

Pearl smirked as well. “Yet you love me anyway. So who’s the weird one here? Now, put your wing on my barrel, the other wing on mine, and let ME lead this time. And let's try to not have four left hooves.”

Twilight pouted once more but did as she was told.

Forestsong sat comfortably next to his mate watching the pair dance, almost bursting out laughing as Twilight’s hoof scraped up Pearl's front leg for the fourth time.

“She is getting better.” Summer rested her head on her mate's shoulder. “At least she didn’t fall down this time.”

“I’m not sure if this is so funny it’s painful, or it’s so painful it’s funny.” Forestsong watched as the two tried to master a simple box step. His eyes scanning saw everypony snicker slightly as Pearl cursed for the fourth time in ten minutes. “Okay, I can’t watch this anymore. Someone has to do something.”

“And what do you think you can do love?” Summer smirked then caught the glimpse in his eyes. “Oh no. Please don’t do this. Remember the last time?” the dragoness groaned but watched as Pearl tried to spin Twilight only for the pair to fall and tumble into a speaker. “Never mind. Just do it. Before our ‘Queen’ kills my sister. Or Pearl blows her top.”

Forestsong chuckled as he lifted his paw and pointed at Twilight. “From sun to moon, ponies play and prance. For the next few hours. Twilight can dance.” with a light spark of light from his finger he grinned. Watching as Twilight suddenly started to spin and twirl Pearl around like an expert.

From the corner of her eyes, Pearl caught the light spark from her friend’s finger, and it didn’t take long for it to click. But at this point, she couldn’t have cared less.

Twilight wasn’t sure why she suddenly knew everything Pearl had been trying to teach her as if she had been doing this her entire life. But it was much better than making a fool out of herself as she had been. The snickers were not as quiet as ponies thought, but in this instance, she didn’t care. As now all those snickering ponies were wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the skill she was displaying on the dance floor.

The royal couple matched the skill shared by the only other couple on the floor. Another Pearl and a smaller version of the fox. The two doing moves some thought were only reserved for the bedroom, the younger Pearl grinning as the fox held a single rose in his teeth. The pair danced on only their hind legs.

Sunset rubbed her snout with a sigh. “Okay. They’ve had way too much practice doing that. I didn’t even think ponies could stand like that for long.” Sunset quirked an eyebrow as Kohaku leaped from the stage and continued to dance to the edge of the floor, only to return leading a group of heated mares toward Pearl who stood there shaking her hips lightly keeping her eyes focused only on his before running out and leaping into his paws. The young fox held her up with no effort at all. “Way too much practice.”

AJ, though, had another thought as she listened to the music that had changed as soon as the couples had started. “When the heck did ponies even know that song?”

Twi sighed. “They shouldn’t. But I’m past that point of questioning anything about Equestria.”

Sunset blushed and bit her lips. “I may have had a hand in that. I was requested to bring that tape with me. And Kohaku there asked me to give it to Vinyl. I just didn’t know they’d be doing the exact scene from the movie.”

Rarity watched as most of the couples soon joined the pair on the dance floor as well. “Well, it is much better than it was, darling. I had hoped her highness had improved since the Fall Formal. Apparently not.”

Everyone but Twi winced at the reminder. How Flash hadn’t got a black eye was beyond them.

“You want me to what?!” Twilight asked, finally allowing herself a break, even as most couples were still out on the dance floor.

Sunset smirked, in a way that she knew would get under her feathers. “We want you up on stage with us. We haven’t jammed in too long. Especially when it’s all of us.”

Twilight sighed. She had been afraid of that. “I do miss those days. But how exactly do you plan for everyone to play? Hooves aren’t the best for some of our instruments.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Kohaku has a plan for that. If hooves won’t work…”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh, no. It’s too risky.”

“Why not? Isn’t there a store in town that sells models that require a bit more than hooves can give? ” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes. But it is still a quite small community. Only Daisey and Lotus know about Pearl’s collection at the moment. I am waiting for it to grow some more before I unveil the truth.”

Sunset nodded softly but smiled regardless. “True, but they do say, no guts no glory. Let’s give everypony here a concert to remember, and deal with the aftermath later. Who knows when we’ll ever get another opportunity like this again? All of us together up on stage.”

Twilight sighed looking at her friends who all smiled back at her. She knew she was defeated. There was no argument to be made here. Sunset was right. After today she would be so busy being a queen and a wife there may never be a time like this again. “Alright girls. Let's do it. Equestria has dealt with a lot these last few months. What’s one more thing.”

After a quick cheer, the eight of them all walked up onto the stage. As all eight mares stepped up off the final step, they shifted up into their human forms.

Twilight kept her eyes closed as she picked up the microphone and turned to the crowd. She was surprised to see that nopony was looking at them any differently. Had this once again been a case of her overthinking things too much? “I guess I was worried over nothing.” Looking out over the crowd again she saw her beloved wife seated next to Forestsong and his mate on one side, while on the other was Kohaku and his Pearl. With a nod, she opened her mouth to start when she heard her name from the side.

“OH Twilight wait.” Luster smiled as she galloped up onto the stage rummaging through her saddle bag. Luster giggled and pulled out a specially designed microphone that matched Twilight's crown. “I thought you’d be singing today, what with the other Twi here, so I got you thi…wha?” But as the young mare turned she blinked at seeing Twilight and the others. Taking a few steps back she looked at the front of the stage then moved back up. Repeating this a few times Luster shook her head.

“I have NO idea how you're pulling this off. But it’s amazing. You HAVE to teach this spell to me.” Luster grinned as all the girls looked at each other confused. “Anyway, break a leg.”

After catching the new microphone in her hand, Twilight looked out into the crowd and saw Forestsong wink at her. Much to the confusion of both Pearls and Summer, while Kohaku just chuckled.

“Why is no one freaking out? Humans aren’t known to most ponies,” Twi whispered.

Twilight shook her head with a smile. “I don’t know, but let’s not waste this.”

Everyone was confused as Twilight stepped forward. “Thank you. Everyone. This day has been more wonderful than I could ever have imagined. My bad dancing and all,” she giggled.

The crowd chuckled as well, and even her Ponyville friends couldn’t keep a straight face.

Twilight’s smile grew as she looked at her friends beside her. “Now. I want to give something back. We all do. Things change, but friendship is forever.”

Pearl blushed as Twilight looked at her, as she began to sing.

‘I spent so much time searchin'
Lookin' for somethin' more
Diggin' holes too deep
And opening every door
And when you stand too close
Yeah, the picture's never clear
And when you look too far away
It all but disappear’

The girls soon joined in.

‘And it was right (right) there in front of me

Just too close for me to see

Sometimes the things you want

Are not the things you need

And it was right there in front of me’

Sunset’s smile grew as she looked towards Princess Celestia, who smiled as well.

‘There was a time before

I didn't know where I belonged

I thought I needed more

And that I couldn't get along’

Twi’s smile grew, as she and Sunset locked eyes.

‘But who I am
Was all I ever needed
And when I faced that test
I finally succeeded’

Twilight smiled as she and Twi stood back to back.

‘And it's all I'll ever need’

Pearl’s blush grew by the second, trying to contain her excitement.

Twilight’s smile softened, earning a knowing smile from Twi.

‘And it was right there in front of me
And it's all I'll ever need
And it was right there in front of me-ee-ee
All this time
It was in front of me.’

Everyone cheered. It made Twilight gitty, remembering this same feeling the night of the Battle of the Bands and during graduation. “I forgot how much fun this is,” she whispered.

Rainbow chuckled. “You know it, queeney. I say we give them a show to remember.”

Twilight nodded, and she had a song in mind to start. “You remember Songbird Serenade?”

The girls nodded.

“Only for one song,” Rarity replied.

“Rainbow.” All of them spoke in unison.

Twilight smirked. “That’s what I’m thinking, and we go from there.”

It was all the girls needed to hear, as they began.

‘I know you, you're a special one
Some see crazy where I see love
You fall so low but soar so high
Big dreamers shoot for open sky

So much life in those open eyes
So much depth, you look for the light
But when your wounds open, you will cry
You'll cry out now and you'll question why

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

I am here and I see your pain
Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain
I'm telling you you can not escape
You can do it, just feel, baby

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

Here comes the sun smiling down
Here comes the sun smiling down
Here comes the sun smiling down
Smiling down

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

I can see a rainbow (Here comes the sun)
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow (Here comes the sun)
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow (Here comes the sun)
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out’

“You’re definitely a better singer than a dancer,” Pearl giggled, as the Rainbooms finally called it curtains, having performed for most of the afternoon.

Twilight smirked, stealing a quick kiss. “Says the mare who can’t hold a tune. Nails on a chalkboard sound better than when you try.”

“Kohaku says the same about my signing too.” the ghostly Pearl huffed as she sat back and crossed her front legs.

“Where is he anyway. Wasn’t he just here?” Twilight asked looking about.

“No clue. He walked away just as you girls left the stage.” Pearl shook her head.

The sound of a microphone echoed through the room as Applejack taped it with her hoof and positioned the pole to Kohaku’s height. With a grin and nod he stood in front of it as Applejack walked off stage yet again.

“Uh sorry for interrupting the party. But I thought now would be a good time to do what I should have done a while back.” Kohaku looked at his pearl who blushed a deeper red than her hair. “But I hope that the one mare I care for deeply feels the same. And wants nothing more than to be Together Forever!” the wave of his paw every instrument lifted as music filled the whole room.

“Oh no…” Pearl blushed and shrunk down into her seat but smiled at being called to attention.

Twilight and her Pearl blinked as magic seemed to fill the room. Pearl looked behind her as she saw Forestsong and Summer grinning with their paw and claw gripped together. A paw was outstretched.

Kohaku spun and sang as he stood on his hind legs. A green trench coat hung from his shoulders as his song continued. At the words “Heaven and Earth” his paws stretched up as the sky itself parted showing the night sky. Stars streaked across the heavens forming a pegasus and fox.

Pearl wouldn’t have said it but her heart was beating faster as she watch her fox. Barely calling into question how he looked more solid with another two tails swishing behind him. As he jumped off the stage as he continually repeated the chorus. Kohaku knelt before his Pearl and took her hoof in paw. He didn’t need to say the words. She knew them in his heart. Leaping forward Pearl locked lips with Kohaku and sent him tumbling to the ground. The crowd watching cheating.

“I guess that’s a yes.” Pearl chuckled as she leaned into Twilight, the sky returning to normal slowly as the magic around them died out. “And about damn time too.”

Celestia and Luna chuckled as they walked up to the royal couple, the party slowly dying down as everyone was leaving. “Love takes time. Just look at the two of you,” Luna grinned.

Celestia nodded. “Your chariot awaits, your highnesses. I have it on good authority that you will not soon forget your honeymoon.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but this brought forward something that needed to be taken care of. “Celestia, Luna. I hate to have to do this. But…”

Luna’s grin grew. “You wish us to take back the sun and moon while you are away?”

Twilight nodded sheepishly.

“Fear not, you needed have asked us. Sister and I have already done so.” Luna bowed her head as Celestia nodded.

“Thank you all.” Twilight hugged her friends and former mentor as she turned to Pearl. “Shall we go my love?”

“Let's.” Walking together they stopped at the door to their carriage only to find it blocked by Kohaku and his Pearl.

“I guess this is goodbye huh?” Pearl frowned as she looked at the two of them.

“Sadly yes. The spell holding us here is fading and we’ll soon wake up. But we wanted to give our one last goodbye and well wishes.” Kohaku bowed his head slowly.

“I’m going to miss you two.” Pearl leaped out and hugged Twilight and Pearl, both shocked she had substance now. “Oh don’t look like that. Sense Forestsong and Summer did whatever they did to him, I can at least hug goodbye. Why they couldn’t do it earlier…”

“Now Pearl.” Kohaku placed a paw on his future mate’s back to calm her. “I hope you two have a good life together. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll meet again at the crossroads.”

“Then we’ll look forward to that day.” Twilight smiled and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“Be sure to treat her right!” Pearl smirked and lightly punched Kohaku in the shoulder.

“I will.” The two young lovers stepped aside as they opened the door to the covered pegasus-drawn carriage. After he did the pair waved one last time before vanishing completely.

Pearl smiled as she watched the lands under them grow smaller as they were carted to their honeymoon. “You think they’ll be okay?”

“As well as we will be.” Twilight smiled wrapping a wing around Pearl and pulling her in close. “Like them, we have nothing but a universe of possibilities.” Leaning in Twilight kissed Pearl deeply.

As Pearl sank into the kiss, she felt elation at the fulfillment of her greatest heart’s desire. Best. Day. Ever!

Betrayal of Trust

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Pearl sighed in relief as the chariot landed. “Glad to see Ponyville is still standing. We went away for a month, and I was worried.”

Twilight giggled as she directed the unloading of their luggage. “Oh come on, Rosie. Ponyville isn’t that bad. I’ve been gone for longer than this, and nothing has ever happened.”

Pearl snorted as they headed for the main door. “Yeah. But last time, we didn’t have a certain nine-tailed pain in my ass and his mate to worry about. They’ve been up to something. I know it.”

Twilight sighed. She would be lying if the thought hadn’t crossed her mind as well. But she trusted Kohaku and Summer to behave themselves.

I mean, she thought as they headed for the throne room, what’s the worst they can do? But as Twilight pushed open the doors to her throne room she stopped dead. Seeing the one thing she could never have guessed in a million years.

Kohaku happily floated in the air, cushioned by a pink cloud. His mate lay against his side reading an old beat-up copy of Daring Do with a purple bookmark ribbon reading ‘Property of Twilight’ on it in pink script. In Kohaku’s paws was a set of cards, flipping through them he looked up and over at his opponent. Laying down his cards Kohaku proudly announced. “Jin.”

“Dangnamit” Kohaku’s opponent growled slamming his lion fist into the pink cloud. Shaking it slightly as the trio hovered over Twilight’s empty throne.

“So when did you say those two would be returning?” Kohaku’s friend snarked.

“Hmmm sometime today, so you might not want to stick around.” Kohaku sighed. “I am glad you came, though. The last few months have been boring as hell after I sent you to the Void Between Worlds.”

“Yeah about that, did you have to be so rough?” A gray eyebrow lifted as the equine face smiled.

“Did you have to be so clumsy with my grave shrine?” Kohaku lifted his back in return. After a moment of silence, the pair shared a laugh.

“Okay I get it, I should have told you. But where would have been the fun in that?”

“True. And it did leave an extra avenue for me to stir things up a bit.” Kohaku continued to chuckle as he shuffled the deck again. “And I did have a lot of fun tearing you up like that. But you really didn’t have to ham it up that much.”

The trio were so busy with the game and taking snide remarks at each other they failed to notice the throne room doors open and a pair of ponies enter.

“Seriously you two still going on about that?” Tsumi chuckled as she shook her head at her mate and their long-standing friend. “I swear. If I have to hear another bad joke about Discord’s lousy acting I’m going to scream.” Her claw ideally circled around Kohaku’s tail base as he dealt out the next hand.

“OH common, my acting isn’t that…” Discord laughed before looking directly into the blazing eyes of Queen Twilight Sparkle. “Oh, horseapples.”

Kohaku blinked and sniffed the air before grimacing. Looking over his shoulder he saw Twilight fuming at the ears while Pearl was looking at the trio like she just got slammed over the head with something heavy. The only sound coming from the room, apart from Twilight’s huffing and puffing was his mate giggling. “You knew they were coming up.” Tsunami only giggled louder, nodding.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Discord groaned as Tsunami shook her head

“And where would be the fun in that.” She mockingly returned his words to him. Slipping from the cloud the dragoness swooped in and gave her little sister a hug. “Come on, you have got to tell me everything you did on your honeymoon. I want every dirty detail.”

“But.” Pearl gasped as she pointed to the drama-filling throne room.

“Oh no worries, I’ll tell you the whole story. I promise it’s a good one.” Tsumi smiled leading Pearl out of the danger zone.

“Say cordy, why don’t you head back to your place? I’ll smooth things over here.” Kohaku placed his paw on his friend's shoulder.

“If you say so, but you better have one hell of a silver tongue.” Discord grinned.

“If my mates’ screams are anything to go by, I do.” Kohaku watched as Discord chuckled louder and poofed before the fox landed on all four paws. “So how was the Honeymoon?”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she was looking at. Her own mind struggled at processing what she just saw. “What the buck Kohaku? I saw you rip him apart. How is he still here? You said your friendship with him was over, and now you're all buddy buddy again. After what he did to your shrine!” Twilight felt herself getting winded, not having breathed that heavily since the first night of her honeymoon. “Care to tell me what’s going on!”

“Hmm?” Kohaku smirked as he lead a swaying Twilight to her throne. “Oh yeah. I was planning on waiting another few hundred years. But I guess now is as good a time as any. The reports of my friend’s betrayal and desecration of my shrine were slightly… exaggerated.”

“He broke your shrine and stole your skull. Then placed it in the Everfree Forest for Fluttershy to find. How is that exaggerating?!” Twilight rubbed her temples with her hooves slowly as she closed her eyes.

“Well, he did take my skull but did so with my permission. I was just unaware of him breaking the shrine.” Kohaku produced an identical throne made of marble with a jade pillow next to Twilights. “I can only do so much outside of the Everfree Forest and I needed a solid medium.”

“Okay, assuming this isn’t some sick cosmic joke. Why don’t you tell me why you asked him to do that? It makes zero sense.”

“Not to you maybe. But okay, I’ll tell you everything. It goes back a few years when Pearl was still your student.” Kohaku produced a small bucket of popcorn and ideally munched on it as he spoke.

“Back then Tsumi and I would take turns, watching over her. We wanted to make sure that her beloved sister was well protected and cared for. I from my forest and her from the river. Pearl and her friends always like to camp out near both back then.” Leaning back he smiled at the memories. “Well, she would often talk about her crush. Never mentioning you per se, but it wasn’t hard for anyone with a lick of sense to know whom she was referring to.”

Twilight nodded slowly, now more familiar with Pearl’s past and the girl’s crush on her.

“Her friends would always tease her about it. While on the outside, she was all brave, my mate and I knew how she really felt. Even we thought it eventually would pass. Just a schoolgirl crush.”

“So what changed your mind on that?” Twilight brought a bit of the popcorn to her mouth.

“We watched her for years, seeing her look at you when you looked away. How she cried when she saw you and Flash together as a couple for the first time. That was too much for Tsumi. She wanted to do something then and there to get you two together, but I knew this wasn’t a simple fix. Romance and true love never are.”

Blinking Twilight tilted her head a bit. “Did you have anything to do with Flash and I breaking up?” Not that she cared now, she had her soulmate now, and Flash was happy with Sunset.

“Like it was hard. Two whispers were all it took one in his ear and one in yours.” Kohaku brushed it aside, reclining his throne. “Besides, if you and he were really destined for each other. You never would have heard them. I have to say it was a bit tougher with Pearl and Lotus.” That caught Twilight’s attention, her neck turned so quickly it cracked. “But my mate was adamant. She didn’t give up on that one. Thankfully she was able to save a friendship despite separating them. But I still thought it necessary to get her out of the picture. Hence my orchid and a few subliminal messages to get her out of Ponyville.”

“Let me get this straight, you and your mate…”

“And Discord,” Kohaku raised a finger.

“And Discord, have been playing with pony emotions for over a year now?!” Twilight felt her anger rise. She felt like it was the Grogar situation all over again. Playing with others’ lives like this. It wasn’t until she felt a paw finger on her lips that she settled down a bit.

“Twilight, I know you're upset right now, but let’s not do anything you’ll honestly live to regret.” Kohaku’s eyes were stern and caring. Twilight saw he didn’t fear what she was about to say but was afraid of what it would do to her and those she loved. She nodded slowly as his finger was removed. “We didn’t play with your emotions, even we don’t have that power. We just played the events and gambled on your emotions leading you to the right path. The three of us owed you a debt. A large one. Yes, it was caused by Discord, but his efforts in this were one of redemption. One I hope you’ll take to heart. He misses his friends.” Kohaku’s paw softly touched Twilight’s shoulder.

“He wanted to see you happy, my mate wanted to see Pearl happy. And I had the power to make all this happen. Altering perceptions and events to suit my needs is kinda what Kitsune’s do. Usually, we do this as a laugh and a joke. But this time. We did this to bring two souls who belong together, well together.”

“So all of this? You being trapped here when you could have left at any time?”

“Oh no, I was trapped here, that wasn’t a lie. I knew what would happen. And it made my job easier. I was able to form a lasting friendship with you and Pearl. And guide you two together.”

“Okay, I think I understand. But I’m still a little hazy on it.” Twilight sighed, rubbing her temples again.

“So you let yourself be trapped here for months on end. While I struggled to learn your language and the spell needed to restore your shrine? That seems a bit much.” Twilight looked at Kohaku as he looked up and whistled slightly. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me!”

“Yeah, I might have exaggerated that too. There is no spell for shrine restoration. Hell, I fixed it with a simple snap of my fingers while you and Pearl were dazzled by a light show that spell created.

“All those months I spend learning all of that? For what?” Twilight growled as she saw him smile.

“To put a strain on you and Pearl’s relationship. Which it did beautifully. Getting Luster in on the mix too wasn’t easy. That girl has a great mind, quite resistant to most forms of subliminal whispers. Thankfully Discord was able to sneak a few things in there.”

Twilight felt her head spin. “Speaking of Discord? What did you really do to him? All that anger had to come from somewhere or was that just a show?”

“Most of it was a special effect. But I wasn’t happy when you told me he actually broke my shrine. He said he was going to be careful. But ol butterclaws had to buck it up.” Kohaku huffed a bit. “And hide it from me to boot. I enjoyed ripping him apart. But rather than scatter his essence. I just tossed him into the cellar of Pinkie’s Inn Between Realities.” Smiling, he saw her mind slowly breaking down on that one.

“Sis knew what was going on with my temper and put a stop to it. She always knew how to calm me down. Plus being grounded kinda helped me stretch things out even more.”

“Stretch what out?”

“The time it took to actually learn what you ‘needed’,” his paws making quotations in the air. “Shifting your perspective. Altering words and images making them less readable. Normally with your mind, you would have learned it all in the ballpark of a week. I had to do something to stretch it out and increase the tension between you and Pearl.”

“Okay, why would you want to put tension between me and Pearl when you all were so adamant about us being together?” Twilight huffed.

“It’s an old family tradition. Over the course of a thousand years. The family on both sides tests a couple to see just how far they are willing to overcome the differences in each other before they become mated. Pushing both individuals to their breaking points while at the same time offering kind and sage relationship advice. Teaching them that no matter the hardship. Facing life together is worth the pain you feel as you walk it.” Kohaku sighed remembering all his family and his mates did to them. “I and Sumi had a trimmed-down version of it. It only lasted a hundred years. I had to trim it down even further. Especially after I learned about the eastern dragons coming to Equestria. Tiamat’s growing interest in Pearl. And my counterpart showing up. Thankfully that one did more to bring you and her together faster than anything Tsumi and I did.”

“Is that why our lives got easier after that? You two backed off?” Twilight watched as Kohaku nodded.

“You’re part of our family now Twilight. All of the stress Pearl was feeling was from Tsumi. Since they are spiritually family. For you. I took personal responsibility for putting and aiding you through all of this. You stopped the Legion of Doom from draining magic from Equestria, saving all our lives. All this is your just reward. The throne of a queen and the one soul in the universe fit to sit next to you for all eternity.” Kohaku smiled placing a paw on her shoulders.

“Hardly, Pearl may live longer now, but she’s not immortal. She’s not an Alicorn.” Twilight blinked as she saw Kohaku didn’t meet her gaze. “Do you know something I don’t?”

Raising his eyebrow Kohaku smiled. “What you don’t know could fill a forest. But about this, you’ll just have to wait and see. The two of you are going to be receiving a draconic visitor soon with her own wedding present.” Producing a scroll with a heart on it, Kohaku handed it to Twilight. “This is my way of repaying all the pain I put you two through. I personally copied and translated this for you from my sister Riko’s library. I think you and Pearl will enjoy its content for the future.” Kohaku smiled as Twilight opened the scroll and started to Read it.

As Twilight scanned the scroll she shook with delight. She knew there were avenues for children available to her, but nothing like this. “So, am I forgiven?” Kohaku’s voice brought her back to her senses.

Twilight looked at the twelve-hoof high fox. His tails lightly fanned behind him as she saw the child-like look on his face. How could she truly be mad at him? Yes, he had interfered with her life. In Pearl’s life. Their whole relationship from start to end was nothing but manipulation by three powerful spirits. She wanted to be done with them all. She dug her hoof into the ground and gritted her teeth.

Thoughts of Pearl flashed in her mind. They had brought her the one soul who made her feel special. They had taught her what being a true ruler meant and the sacrifices it required. Looking at Kohaku she saw a shadow of Discord behind him. The two were so alike. Tricky and manipulative. Thrived on chaos and protective of those they loved. Everything they had done made sense. They had taught her lesions she would always remember. Even if she didn’t like the outcome. And they were both willing to accept that they would be hated for it.

Letting out a sigh Twilight dropped and shook her head. “No mas…” with another sigh she looked up and smiled. “Yes, I forgive you. Both of you.” Twilight soon found herself in a three-way hug between her, Kohaku, and Discord.

“But you two troublemakers still have a lot to answer for. And a lot of trust to rebuild.” Twilight sat firmly in her seat. Gone were the days of the old Princess, now she was facing them down as Queen. Her eyes set firm as she met theirs. Inside she trembled in fear. How could she not with such powerful beings in front of her? With a word, they could end her existence. But this was her kingdom, not theirs. And she would not back down, ever. A smile came to her face when they both bowed down in unison.

“We promise,” the pair’s voice reverberated with a promise only gods would make. And one they would keep.

Pearl sighed as she sat there on the edge of her wedding bed. Her hoof lightly brushed along the new shape it had. A perfect circle with pillows bunched together in the center. She could lay anywhere and enjoy the view. All around her, she watched the birds dance in the sky. Kohaku and Summer had given her and Twilight something her counterpart enjoyed all the time.

Feather-filled mattress and pillows. And a spell that changed the upper half of the room to a reflection of the outside. Making her feel all the heavy winds without it so much as shifting a piece of paper. A wedding present her sister called it.


“Relax, you're forgiven. Kohaku too.” The whole truth laid bare for her by her sister’s own volition. How could she be angry with them? Not when she was the happiest she had ever been in her life. Married to the mare of her childhood dreams and fantasies. “Not sure if I want to forgive Discord or not. He should have been more careful with that shrine.”

“I know, I put a beatdown on him a little worse than what Kohaku did. After all, I worked hard on crafting that piece of jade. It wasn’t easy either.”

Pearl nodded softly and nuzzled against her dragon sister. “Thanks. I never would have gotten this far without all of you.”

“Oh sure you would, we just wanted to see it happen now rather than a few centuries from now when your family isn’t around. After all, they should enjoy the memories you’ll give them while they are here to have them.”

Pearl couldn’t argue with that. “I’m still going to give him the beatdown of his life. I’ll make yours look tame by comparison. And then I’m going to do the same to Kohaku. I’ve been using him as my punching bag for a year now. Time to step it up a notch. Not like I can hurt him anyway.”

Summer sighed. “The things he does for family.”

Pearl giggled. “Hey. At least now my fox plushie can retire and finally rest from being my punching bag. This is more fun.”

Summer looked over at the plushie in question. For being as old as it was, it looked brand new, but she could also see where repair work had been done. Lovingly and with care.

Pearl saw the look and sighed. “As much abuse as I dished out, I always made sure never to ruin him. I took lessons from the mare who made him so I could always fix any damage I did.”

Summer smirked. “Aren’t you a little old for a plushie? No matter how cute he is and well-loved you've been with him."

Pearl smirked right back. “I don’t know. Aren’t you a little old to still be seeing an immature teenager?”

Summer stuck out her tongue, “Only mentally. It was much worse when he WAS a teenager.” Which only got another giggle from her sister, and a moment later, they were both laughing up a storm.

Gifts of the Dragon Queen

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“Are you sure this is a good idea, Twilight?” Sunset asked, as Luster gingerly stepped through the Mirror Portal. “We all know what that first step is like.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s why I trust our friends to look after her. And it’s why I am sending you with her, Sunset. You got out of this last time. Not this time.”

Sunset rolled her eyes as she stepped up to the portal as well. Point. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t complain about it anyway.

Pearl watched them go with a huff. “And I can’t go, why? The Witch from Mercury premier is this weekend. I loved the Prologue. I haven’t been this hyped since Iron-Blooded Orphans ended.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Because, dear, I am expecting someone any day now. And I want us both here for this. I am not sure who or what Forestsong meant.”

Pearl’s ears fell, for she could hear the venom in her wife’s voice. “You still don’t fully trust them, even knowing all of that?”

Twilight snorted. “Trust is the last thing I feel right now. Discord is well within his usual self to do all of this. Perhaps I was expecting too much from them.”

Pearl sighed as she kissed Twily, earning a moan from the alicorn. “Hey. It’s probably why they’re making themselves scarce at the moment. Even if you don’t use a certain thing.”

Twilight melted into the kiss. “Maybe. I know Flurry was over the moon to meet them at the reception. If I didn’t know better, I would be worried about that.”

Pearl giggled. “Please. Kitsunes mate for life. Even if the age difference wasn’t so huge, it’s insanely rare for them to have more than one mate. Plus Summer wouldn’t share.”

Twilight smirked. “Then Kohaku won’t have to worry about sharing with anyone other than his Pearl then? I sometimes wonder how other me handles the two of them and Rainbow Dash.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Drinks. I needed more than a few myself when dealing with them. Good thing you were more than happy to provide them.”

“If it’s drinks you want I can provide you with some potent stuff,” a voice came from the vicinity of the throne.

Twisting around both Pearl and Twilight blinked seeing Kohaku lounging about on it. An open book in his paw and with nine tails swishing about.

“And I’m sure you know we did what we did for the benefit of you both.”

“Kohaku what are you doing here?” Twilight groaned rubbing her nose bridge with a hoof.

“Well, today is a very special day for you both. And I would be a lousy friend if I missed it.” the fox smiled pleasantly.

Pearl felt a headache coming on already. “How exactly? Doubt anything could top our wedding. And I’m taking time off from visiting friends for this. It better be worth it.”

Grinning like a cheshire cat, Kohaku leaped off the throne and taped Pearl’s nose. “Oh believe me. It is.” Looking up at the sky he frowned a bit seeing the sun already past midday. “Odd, she’s usually more punctual than this, I wonder if lounging about in that den of hers has impeded her ability to move like she used to?”

Twilight’s eyes began twitching. “And just who is she?”

“That would be me.” A booming voice echoed from behind both Pearl and Twilight. The pair almost fell over each as they turned and saw sitting there the Dragon Mother herself.

Pearl blinked as she wasn’t the size she was back in her own lands. But rather no larger than Kohaku’s actual physical size of twelve hooves high. She lay there on her back and looked up at Tiamat. Who looked down at Pearl with amusement.

Tiamat smiled and looked at Kohaku. “You are right, they do make such a lovely couple. I’m sorry I missed the wedding.”

“Yeah but I doubt we want ponies running and screaming about on such a happy day,” Kohaku smirked as all five of Tiamat’s heads chuckled.

“It’s nice to see you have not changed you puffball.”

“Or you rainbow lizard.” Walking over Kohaku helped both Twilight and Pearl up to their hooves. “You two okay now?”

Twilight rubbed her head. “I am so not ready for this. I made sure to invite you, your highness. Yes, I know it would have caused quite a panic. But I wasn’t about to insult you by not doing so no matter what.”

All five heads nodded slowly. “Which is why I did not attend. But Kohaku did provide me with a visual so I was able to watch it. But since I was unable to come myself. I wanted to bring my wedding present personally.”

Pearl couldn’t miss how Tiamat’s eyes looked at her as she said that. “Call me curious. It has to be big if you came all the way here yourself.

Nodding Tiamat smiled at Pearl. “Oh, it is. Something only those like your Celestia, Kohaku, or myself can grant. You have proven to Kohaku and myself that you are more than worthy of such an honor. And you can thank your best friend there because after all, it was his idea.”

“Well, why have Twilight suffer the same fate as all immortals who mate those without such a life themselves? Besides. I want my friend by my side for as long as possible.” Kohaku chuckled as Twilight’s eyes widened with revelation.

Pearl felt dizzy. They could not mean what she thought they did. Could they? But there was no deception in either of their eyes. “But why now? You gave me an extended life when I was still a filly. Why not then?”

Twilight shook her head. “Because it has to be earned. There are certain rules that prevent us from giving these out willy-nilly. And Cadance can tell you what it is like to be a filly and newly ascended.”

Tiamat nodded. “Part of why I let you live when we first met was your audacity to insert yourself into something you had no business being in. Only then did I realize there was more to you than any thought. Why Tsunami seemed more happy than she had in many centuries. All these years have proven it."

“I’ve watched you since you were just a filly Pearl. A rough and tumble brat from the streets of Baltimare.” Kohaku smiled brightly. “You grew from a delinquent into someone who can command authority even from your mate. That in itself is no small feat. You’ve braved my forest and Tiamat’s realm with more bravery than any other pony. You carry yourself with kindness and fierceness that demands respect.” Stretching Kohaku walked over and placed a hoof on Pearl’s shoulder. “But despite that fierceness. You show levels of love and affection that are just as infectious as anything I’ve seen. You care about others more than your own safety.”

Pearl blushed as Twilight nodded with a smile. Well, when it was put like that… And she hadn't been that much of a brat. Had she?

“And without you, I might never have taken the role of Queen. You helped me realize that Equestria needs to change. And change for the better.” Twilight smiled feeling herself get choked up.

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Okay okay, I get it. Lay it on thick why don’t ya? This will really stick it to Thunder now. Broken beyond repair or not.”

Everyone chuckled as Tiamat reached out a claw. “Then by the power given to me in the Age of Starbirth, I name you Pearl Rose, Dragon Princess of Equus, for now, and all time.”

As the claw touched Pearl’s forehead, she felt a flood of magic flow into her, more than she had ever thought possible. From her forehead sprouted a horn, in spiraling colors of red, blue, green, black, and white, at the tip. She even grew several inches.

Finally, all the magic was absorbed into her as the queen removed her claw, causing Pearl to rub her head. “Ow. Did it hurt this much for you, Twily?”

Twilight shook her head. “I believe I passed out at some point, Pearl. I was in the Aether one minute. The next moment, I was back in Ponyville." She looked lovingly at her wife’s new horn and increased size. “But it looks beautiful on you, Rosie. And who better than me to teach you magic?” She smirked.

Pearl snorted, watching in shock as a burst of flame shot out of her nostrils. “What the? Where the hell did that come from? And why do I have a sudden craving for raw fish?” She growled as a bolt of lightning sizzled for a moment in the air.

Tiamat chuckled. “It is my personal touch to this process. You now possess all of the breath weapons that I do. Not only are you part Pegasus, Unicorn, and Earth pony. But also part Dragon. Much better than what he came up with.”

Kohaku huffed as he crossed his front legs. “I still think she’d look better with fox tails,” he muttered making Tiamat laugh.

Pearl was glad she didn’t get those. “Yeah. No thanks. Part dragon is way cooler. I do not know how you can even walk with all of yours. But I’ll take these every time.”

Twilight giggled as she wrapped a wing around Pearl. “Well. This will make things much more interesting for sure. Now I can blame you instead of Spike for any dragon-related damage.”

Pearl stuck her tongue out, earning another giggle from her wife as well as Tiamat and Kohaku.

Fun With Magic and Big News

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Luster did her best not to giggle as Pearl struggled to lift her cup with her magic, her horn swirling in every color of the appendage itself. This had been going on for some time now. She knew that she shouldn't be laughing, for she remembered how much trouble she too once had with her magic, but she couldn't help it. Did that make her a bad pony?

Pearl finally finished her coffee before groaning as she set the cup down again. “How the hell do unicorns do this? I’ve had this thing a month now, and I’m still like this.”

Luster put on her best teaching smile. “Well, Miss Rose. Unicorns are born instinctually knowing how to use their magic. You just got your horn. It is to be expected.”

Pearl grumbled as she blushed. “Twilight said the same thing, and she’s been teaching me. I’m much better than I used to be at least. And if last night was anything to go by, I am awesome.”

Luster rolled her eyes. That was an understatement if the noises coming from the couple’s bedroom were anything to go by. Even several hallways away as her room was. “You used the spell I assume?”

Pearl nodded, grinning at the memories. “Yeah. Hopefully, it worked. Not like I can ask Riko about it.”

Luster tapped her chin. She understood the whole family enough now to know who this was. “Why not? You are family.”

Pearl sighed. “I know, and Kohaku’s said she is much nicer and more approachable than Kazumi. But going to all the places she would frequent, hoping she might show herself to me, doesn’t feel right. Guess we’ll wait for the obvious signs from Twily. She’s carrying if it worked.”

Luster frowned. She was still sore about having been used and manipulated as she had, even with all of the good that had since coming from that encounter.

Pearl’s ears fell. She wasn’t too happy about it either. Whatever she had once felt about the unicorn was long gone. “How much of that was Kohaku and Summer’s pushing? Or…?”

Luster sighed. “Some of it was them. But everything I said was how I felt. Perhaps I wouldn’t have said it as I did, or at that time. But it was on my mind all the same.”

Pearl made a note to add some more pounding the next time she got the chance on Kohaku. He had it coming for any number of things. Just add one more to the list.

Luster looked around, the cafeteria of the School of Friendship filled to the brim with most on their lunch break. “Where is the queen, anyway? I thought she was joining us?”

Pearl rubbed her forehead irritably. “Lord Ember is making a huge stink about Tiamat visiting as she did. Plus something about Garble I didn’t catch.”

Luster tapped her chin. “I thought the Dragon Lord answered directly to the Dragon Queen?”

“She does,” Twilight sighed, as she sat down with them, waiving off the bows of the students. “Garble does not seem to care. Another one of his harebrained schemes to be named Dragon Lord.”

Luster frowned. She understood enough dragon customs to know how dangerous that was. “How? I thought that was punishable?”

Twilight sighed. “It is. Smolder was able to talk Ember out of going straight to Tiamat with the first scheme. I don’t know how much longer that will last though. Death is the only outcome if it goes that far.”

Pearl nodded somberly. “Tiamat will empower one of her Consorts, and they will kill the offender. It’s only been once or twice if I read it right. Dragons backstabbing each other is normal. But to go after the Dragon Lord? To try and turn them against her? Yeah. That’s going too far.”

Luster’s ears fell. That wasn’t fair at all. “What about Spike? Some of the students know about the last Gauntlet of Fire, and what he did. Hay. Some were in it.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “If the Dragon Mother had any problem with it, she would have done something before now about it. Spike knows it too. Garble’s being a sore loser.”

Twilight nodded. “It did give me a distraction from last night at least. I still think we should have waited more, Rosie.”

Pearl rolled her eyes and poked her wife. “Oh don’t be such a stick in the mud, Twilight. You want this as much as I do. Stop acting like you didn’t enjoy it.”

Twilight blushed as Luster giggled. “Fine. I can only imagine what else could be in Riko’s library. What else do any of them have? Think of what we could learn.”

Luster and Pearl shared a smirk. “Good luck finding any of them, let alone getting them to give something up,” Pearl grinned, poking her fellow alicorn. “Riko might be easier since her shade would hang around places of healing. But there’s a lot of those.”

“And it’s not just limited to Equestria.” All three mares swiftly turned their heads to see Kohaku lounging about next to an open window. A book held up by two of his tails, a plate with mooncakes, and an open bottle of soda with a straw beside him. “She helps all places of healing through the entire world. Of course, if you do want to learn more you can always visit the library. But I know how you feel about visiting the old temple.” A sly grin crossed Kohaku’s face.

Twilight sighed. “It is not as bad as it used to be, with us now being family. But I can’t help it. And it is not going through the Everfree either. Maybe one day I’ll get over it.”

Nodding softly he turned a page and popped a mooncake in his mouth. “I understand. Even I have trouble visiting the old temple at times. But that’s for a different reason altogether.” Closing the book in his tails he looked up. “As a change of subject. I’m glad to know you two are enjoying the spell I gave you.” Kohaku smirked as he saw the pair blush. “No, I didn’t peep. I little owl told me. I didn’t press him for details. But I’m here to let you know something I forgot to tell you at the wedding.”

Twilight made a note to talk to Owlowiscious about that but raised a brow all the same. “What would that be? Should I expect any more visitors?

“No. it’s about the spell I gave you. I was so distracted I wanted to explain a few things. I’m sure by now you know it’s not a hundred percent chance of conception.” Twilight and Pearl both nodded. “Well, please don’t go messing with the spell to enhance anything. Sis was very specific about that. It could lead to some bad things.”

Pearl wouldn’t even know where to start, but turned a glare on Twilight, seeing the slight gleam in her wife’s eyes. “And I’ll make double sure somepony doesn’t. I’ll make what Summer did to you look tame by comparison.” Pearl had a slight giggle watching her friend openly shiver at the thought.

“What kind of bad things?” Twilight quirked an eyebrow after turning her head away from the glare of her wife.

“She wouldn’t say. Probably because she herself doesn’t know. Since no one has ever gone against her orders to find out. But that’s healers for you.” Kohaku shrugged and purred as the afternoon sun hit his fur. “Thankfully Riko is far more open about giving warnings than Kade. But then not many would want to browse through her library. Unless you're a pyromaniac.”

Twilight huffed, crossing her legs. “Okay, I get it. You’d think I was a filly with her hoof in the cookie jar or something.”

Luster tapped her chin. “Weren’t you caught doing the same several times?”

Twilight blushed, while Pearl giggled. “I hate that you told her that,” Twilight grumbled.

Pearl just smiled. “Somepony needs to knock you off that pedestal of yours. Might as well be me.”

“Well just don’t knock her down too hard. We wouldn’t want to damage the little one.” Kohaku yawned and rested his head down on his front paws. Both Pearl and Twilight almost wrenched their necks turning toward him. “What you didn’t know?”

“The doctor told me I wasn’t…”

Scoffing Kohaku smirked. “I swear. You ponies need to pay closer attention to things. Your doctor is lacking in the one thing I have.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “A keen sense of smell. Your physical chemistry has changed, it can mean one of two things. One. You're in menopause, which as an alicorn is impossible. Or, you're pregnant. Congratulations.”

Twilight’s head spun. As much as she had wanted to, she hadn’t planned on getting pregnant on the very first try. She hadn’t thought it would be that simple. Now… “Oh sweet me,” she mumbled.

Pearl, though, was all smiles, before it hit home. “Oh sweet you is right. I’m gonna be a mother. And I have no idea what to do now!”

Luster tried to process all of this, but it was easier said than done. “So. Do I keep this to myself, or spread the good news?”

After a moment, Twilight shook her head. “Keep this to yourself for the moment, Luster. I trust your smell, Kohaku. But let this simmer a bit before we spread the news.”

“So I shouldn’t have told Cadence and Celestia?” Kohaku grinned as the three mares glared at him. “Yeah, that’s my cue to leave. Ta.” With that Kohaku popped out leaving nothing but leaves in his place.

Pearl growled. “I am going to strangle him one of these days. I don’t know how. But I will!”

Twilight nodded as both Cadence and Celestia popped in and started bombarding the two with questions. Leaning over Twilight whispered to her wife. “I’ll try and hold him down for you,” before groaning.

Pregnancy Plans

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Celestia sighed as she set the scroll down on the Cutie Map. “I had believed this kind of magic a myth. Or only the domain of ponies I would not allow within a mile of myself.”

Cadance nodded excitedly. “Twilight. Do you realize what this could mean for so many mares and stallions across Equestria and the Crystal Empire? What about Lyra and Bon Bon?”

Twilight rubbed her temples with a sigh as Pearl giggled. “I have Cadance, and I do not think I will ever be sharing this with anyone outside of my friends and family.” She snorted. “Bon Bon is being more pushy than usual ever since the wedding. Lyra can only do so much.”

Celestia frowned, for she knew why this could be. “Then perhaps Agent Sweetie Drops needs to be reminded about the Edict of Obliteration that SMILE exists under. She is toeing a very fine line, your highness.”

Twilight nodded. “I know. I’ve made it clear that if she continues sticking her snout where it does not belong, I will invoke the Omega Protocol.”

Cadence winced. It was not the Omega Oath, but it was dire enough. “But I don’t think that’s the only reason you won’t. Isn’t it, Twilight?”

The queen nodded solemnly as Pearl laid a wing around her wife. “It’s not my place. Riko gave this to Pearl and me alone, and I will not risk it by letting be used by all. I’d rather not meet a properly mad kitsune. Let alone a vixen.”

Celestia and Cadance shared a worried look. It was a feeling they had grown to know rather well themselves ever since meeting Kohaku. “Then what will you do now?” Celestia asked.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Panic was my first idea, but I’m trying to be better about that. Neither of us thought we would be so lucky on the very first try.”

Cadence smirked. “Very few mothers ever are Twilight. Just look at me. I didn’t expect Flurry Heart when I learned I was pregnant. But I don’t regret a thing.”

Twilight nodded. “That is something I can take some comfort in, Cadence. Can you please have your doctor send everything on your own pregnancy to Doctor Lovejoy? He is my own and is also qualified to help expecting mothers.”

Cadence smiled. “Of course, Twilight. I’ll get started as soon as I get home. Shining will be wondering where I am right about now.”

Twilight nodded, feeling her belly. She could almost feel the new life that was even now growing inside of her. “Don’t tell him about this. Not yet.”

Celestia blinked. “And why not? He is your brother.”

Twilight scowled. “Yes. And I still haven’t paid him back for not telling me about his wedding until a few days before! None of you did!” She snorted. “Now it's my turn. Ha! Take that, Shiny.”

Cadence sighed in exasperation as she remembered how immature these two could be about things like this. “Fine. But you can’t hide this forever, Twilight.”

Twilight smiled. “Oh, I don’t plan to. I’m just going to milk it for a little bit. It’s so much more fun this way.”

Celestia rolled her eyes. And ponies thought she was crazy. “So how do you plan to keep the scroll safe? Ponies are going to wonder how any of this was possible when it becomes known.”

Twilight tapped her chin. How was she going to keep it safe? Did she just give it back? She had memorized how the process worked. Kohaku would make sure it made it back to Riko’s library if the vixen didn’t come for it herself. It wasn’t like Twilight would try and stop her. “I’m not sure actually.”

“Can’t you ask her?” Cadence asked.

Pearl shrugged. “Well. Yes. But there are so many places, all over Equus, not just Equestria, where her shade could be. And I would not want to take her away if she is helping someone. at the time”

Celestia nodded, her smile softening. “A healer’s work is never truly done. Perhaps it is for the best then we leave it alone then. This is going to cause quite the stir when news breaks.”

Twilight flopped her head onto the table. “I know. And I can’t even know what kind of pony they might be. Honestly? I don’t think I want to know either. Let it be a surprise.”

Cadence nodded happily. “It was for us with Flurry Heart. I believe the doctors may have known before us, but did not tell us.”

Twilight smiled slightly. “She’ll be over the moon for sure. Flurry’s settled in Ponyville so well already. You’d think she had been born here.”

Cadence frowned, remembering something she had seen at the wedding and several times since. “Should we be worried about how much my daughter is interested in a certain nine-tailed annoyance?”

Pearl giggled, shaking her head, having an idea of what this was about. “No. Kitsunes mate for life, and only very rarely do they take another mate, even if the first dies. It’s even rarer for them to mate outside the species. It caused quite the stir when Kohaku did, and even worse with Kazumi."

Celestia chuckled. Starswirl had become open about his past since the wedding. While it wasn’t everything, she and Luna now knew far more than they ever had about their old teacher.

Cadence, though, didn’t seem convinced, but held it in for now. “So we do not need to worry then? You know him better than I do, Twilight.”

Twilight shrugged. “Unless Kohaku’s even crazier than I thought? No. We will not need to worry about Flurry Heart. I doubt Summer would share him anyway.”

Cadence breathed a little easier knowing that. There would be hell to pay if anything happened to her little girl. She didn’t care who Forestsong was.

“Your right, I wouldn’t share him,” a watery voice giggled as a dragon slowly stepped into the room.

“Hello, Summer.” Twilight bowed her head slightly with a smirk in acknowledgment.

“Twilight, Sis” Summer smiled as she hugged her little sister who hugged back. Looking up she smiled at Cadence.

“Relax princess. Kohaku merely sees great potential in your child. As do I.”

Cadence looked at the dragoness, the soft eyes soothing her worries. “Sorry, I’m just a mother who worries.”

Twilight and Pearl saw for a brief moment the pained look on Summer’s face but let it go as she remained smiling.

“I understand. His human counterpart treats her well enough as well. With love and respect, not surprising as she might well become that one's mate.”

“What?!” Cadence stepped back.

“I take it you never told her that?” Twilight face hoofed and shook her head slowly. “Oh sorry.”

“Did you come here just to give me a headache? If so Kohaku gave me plenty earlier.” Twilight sighed.

“No, I came to spend time with my sis, it’s almost time for our scheduled tea time.” Summer smiled. “I also know you’ve been stressing about the spell my love gave you. Please do as you please with it. Just remember the lesson you learned about magic others are not yet ready for.”

“Yeah let's get going, I have some awesome news for you.” Pearl giggled and placed a wing on her sister. The two left in a poof of magic.

Twilight groaned. “Those three are going to be the death of me. I just know it.”

Cadance wasn’t listening as she poked Twilight. “What's this about the human Flurry and Kohaku?! Why didn’t you say something?”

Twilight sighed, preparing for a very long day ahead.

Pregnancy Fun

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“So where is purplesmart anyway?” Discord asked, looking around, munching on a cotton candy cloud. “You two are never apart anymore it seems.”

Pearl sighed as she added the Bit Staves to her High Grade Gundam Aerial to create its Bit On Form. “At the doctor. I don’t know if I’m ready to be a mom just yet.”

“It seems you won’t have a choice dear,” Twilight grumbled, as she dragged herself into the room and sat down gently in an unused chair.

Discord grinned. “Long day, queeny?”

Twilight couldn’t even muster up the energy to groan as she slumped. “Lovejoy confirmed it. I am indeed pregnant. It’s far too early to know for certain about most things, however.”

Pearl sighed. Just her luck. “Don’t suppose you saw any kitsunes while you were there?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. That would have been too easy I guess. Family or not.”

Pearl sighed as she looked down as well. “So now what? I frankly didn’t think it would work that fast.”

Twilight rubbed her temples. “Lovejoy has me on a diet and strict orders not to engage in anything strenuous. Until we can know what pony they will be, there’s not much else we can do.”

“What about Flurry?” Pearl scratched her head.

Twilight shook her own. “Flurry did not start displaying any kind of magic until right before she was born. Nor was it even known she was an alicorn until afterward.”

Now it was Pearl’s turn to slump in defeat. “Great. Not like there’s any other alicorn we can ask. They all died out a long time ago, Kohaku told me.”

Twilight was taken aback. “Really?”

Discord nodded. “Oh yes. One time, you couldn’t go five feet without meeting one. Their long lives are what eventually killed them. Why have children when you can live forever?”

Twilight’s ears fell. She could see where that might lead. “Then they found something they couldn’t fight, and with no children…”

Discord nodded. “Before you start throwing accusations around, I had nothing to do with it. If I really wanted to kill ponies, Sunbutt and Moonbutt would’ve never even found the Elements. Let alone got a chance to use them.”

Twilight glared at him. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”

Discord only smirked as he poked her snout. “Don’t play dumb, Twiggles. You and your friends barely beat me and you know it. I could have so easily snapped you all into oblivion, but that’s no fun.”

Twilight growled as she rubbed her snout, but the deadly serious look in Discord’s eyes stopped her cold. He was not joking. Perhaps for once in all the time they had known each other.

“I’ll be the first to admit in the past I may have been a bit, overzealous in my fun-making. But never once have I ever made it deadly.” Discord sighed for a moment before putting on a smile as a paw gripped his shoulders.

“And he’ll be the last to admit that he actually cried when the Alicorns were all but wiped out.” Kohaku chuckled which made Discord grimace—Twilight and Pearl giggling.

“They were all fun to tease. I enjoyed watching them run around in a panic.” Poking his friend in the chest. “And weren’t you the one who suggested turning their whole island upside down?” Discord chuckled with a closed-eyed smile along with Kohaku.

Twilight rubbed her womb. “All I can hope for is that my pregnancy is as normal as Cadance’s. It’s all we have for an alicorn. Unless either of you is hiding something that can help?”

Kohaku sighed as he produced a jade chair for himself and comfortably sat down. “An alicorn birth isn’t much different than a unicorn birth. The only difference is the amount of magical power the newborn has. So you should have the room covered with a higher degree of magical dampeners.” Rubbing the back of his neck, Kohaku snapped up a tray of mooncakes and green tea. Taking a sip he looked back to Twilight. “And I’m sure you know, a unicorn’s birth can be a little hazardous. What with your horns and all.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “Mother was forced to stay in the hospital a week after my birth.”

“Say how do you know all of this?” Pearl glared at Kohaku as she popped a mooncake in her mouth.

“I’ve assisted my sister in more than one birthing. Kitsunes, ponies, alicorns. She didn’t care what species you were. If you needed her help. She was there. And it was part of my extensive education.” Sipping his tea he saw Discord’s uncomfortable shifting and silently chuckled. “I doubt anything will go wrong. Most I suspect is some tearing from the horn and an unprecedented level of magic. You being… well you. And Pearl’s own draconic magic being added to the mix. Your offspring will probably make lil Flurry look like a helpless squirrel by comparison.”

Twilight and Pearl shared a look. They didn’t even want to think about that possibility. But who knew? Maybe Kohaku would finally be wrong about something.

Pearl wished so. Just so she wouldn’t have to put up with his smugness all the time if nothing else. But the look in his eyes told Pearl he had seen this so often he couldn’t be more right.

Pearl winced at the sounds of crashing coming from Twilight’s Study. That couldn’t be a good sign, as she opened the door, and did her best not to laugh at what she saw.

Twilight was floating in mid-air, a yellow magical aura surrounding her, with an annoyed look on her face as she dodged another book aimed at her head. She groaned as she saw Pearl in the doorway. “Well just don’t stand there. Do something!”

Pearl snickered as she dodged a book herself. “Like what? This is way outta my pay grade. I was a Pegasus, remember? Mom can’t help me here.”

Twilight groaned as she floated over to her wife. “And my mother is too far away to get here in time. She still won’t at least think about getting a Teleportation Circle.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Typical, as she rubbed Twilight’s womb, feeling the baby kick in response. “Her magic’s coming along great at least.”

Twilight sighed. “Pearl. We don’t know if they will be a filly or a colt. I’ve made it clear to Lovejoy that he is forbidden from telling either of us.”

As if in response, Twilight was suddenly violently shaken, before being thrown across the room, but was stopped short of hitting anything.

It was all Pearl could take as she burst into laughter. “And I think she just told you what she thinks of that. Remember what Kohaku said about us both being mares? How could it be anything BUT a filly?” Pearl sighed knowing that it always fell on def ears. “Good thing we know alicorns are built even tougher when they’re pregnant to protect the baby.”

Twilight slumped in defeat. “I’m happy you’re having so much fun with this, Rosie. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. You are carrying next time. And I am pulling rank as your queen on this.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Where is our favorite furball anyway? He was in here last time I saw him.”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “I threatened to turn him into a nice rug if he didn’t stop laughing. I think he took the hint. Also, he mentioned something about a ping pong challenge at Pinkie’s inn. Which is odd since she doesn’t own an inn.”

Pearl nodded. “Not the one we know anyway,” she whispered but Twilight turned her head and gave Pearl a look. “It’s a very long story. I barely believe it and I was there.”

Twilight rubbed her temples with a groan. “You two are going to be the death of me. I can’t ask Cadance since it would take too long, and I am not allowed to travel that far just yet.”

“I forget, doesn’t she have a Teleport Circle? Or did she not get one yet? Because Kohaku installed a new one in our castle as fast travel to his place.” Pearl focused on the table and in a flash produced a tray of tea. “Rug boy may be a pain, but some of his spells are rather handy.” she giggled.

Twilight groaned. “Now I’m starting to see what other you see in her Haku. You two are made for each other. If I didn’t know any better, you know something about this that I don’t.”

Pearl just smiled innocently as she sipped her tea, earning another groan from her fellow alicorn.

With a pop of teleportation, Pearl found herself floating in mid-air in the night sky of Ponyville. She had time to blink, and wonder aloud “What the?” Before gravity took over.

With a squawk, Pearl fell face-first into the Rose River. A moment later, she resurfaced with a splutter of curses. “GAH! I bucking hate this! Six times this week I end up wet! Last night I was in the gods damned Everfree! Mother bucking baby magic!”

“Tut tut. And you kiss your wife with that mouth?” A voice giggled as Summer surfaced next to the annoyed alicorn.

Pearl shot her a venomous look. “Oh. Quiet you. I don’t see you offering any help. If this is what one child is gonna be like, I don’t know if I want another one.”

Summer giggled. “But it will be so worth it in the end. Bringing life into the world is the greatest gift you can ever give.”

Pearl’s heat evaporated at hearing the heartbreak in her sister’s voice. Again she cursed Tiamat and that damned oath that had robbed them of so much. “I know. Gods, I am excited to be a mom. But this is so damn frustrating! Seems I’m getting the brunt of all this. Maybe if I tie Kohaku down, he can take some of this. He seems great with kids.”

Summer nodded, though it still showed pain as she smiled. “Oh, he is. I’m sure his Human World counterpart can tell you that. As can the ones who visit Pinkie’s inn. And all the orphans around Equestria can tell you tales of a nighttime guardian parent that visits them during the full moon.”

Pearl nodded. “I ripped Tiamat a new one after I got my horn, for what she did to you. Not everyone should have paid for what one bad apple did.”

Summer sighed. “I ripped her a few new ones myself. Almost literally. She felt for us. However, a mother’s rage and sorrow at her lost children knows no bounds. I pray the two of you never need to discover that yourselves.”

Pearl nodded. “If I can keep Twilight from doing something stupid with the spell, we hopefully won’t. She’s taking Lovejoy’s instructions to a crazy level. Even he thinks she’s overdoing it.”

Summer frowned. “I would hope she would know better than to mess with a spell like this. It was a risk even giving it to the two of you because you are ponies.”

Pearl wondered what she meant by that, but decided she didn’t want to know. “You’d think. But I’ve caught her eying the spell more than once. A look she only gets when she wonders what she could do to improve on it.”

Summer growled. “Then you need to make her see just how dangerous that is. You have never seen a truly mad kitsune. Riko may not have the same temperament as her sisters, but she is still someone not to cross.”

Pearl gulped. She made a note to pound it into Twily’s head when she got the chance to leave the damn spell alone. Gods knew she wasn’t going to mess with it.

Before either could say more, however, a bright flash came from the couple’s bedroom. Summer smiled as the light faded. “On the bright side, everything seems to be going well. When is our queen due?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Any day now. I’ll be happy when it’s all over too. No more waking up in your river, or the Everfree, or Sweet Apple Acres.” She giggled. “Seeing Twily float around the castle has been fun though. One day, I’ll tell her that Kohaku taught her that trick.”

The two giggled before a loud cry came from the bedroom. Summer looked up at it in worry. “Perhaps you should go to her, sis. An annoyed alicorn can be dangerous.”

Pearl nodded as Sumer disappeared back into her river, before taking flight.

Twilight was hunched over the bed as Pearl came into the room, a pained expression on her face. It made the younger mare stop dead in her tracks. “Twily?”

Twilight’s breath hitched as she looked up. “Pearl. I think my water just broke.”

It took several seconds for that to click for Pearl before she began to panic. “Buck! I’m not ready!”

Twilight tried to smile, but the pain was too much. “I don’t think we have a choice, Rosie. Find Gallus. He knows what to do.”

Pearl bounced on her hooves, torn between doing what she was told, and staying at her beloved’s side

“Pearl, Go.” a soft paw touched Pearl’s side. “I’ll handle things here. You will be around for your child’s birth.” Kohaku smiled at his friend as she nodded and ran off.

“Kohaku? What are you doing here?” Twilight groaned as the large fox came closer.

“Well a little birdy told me what was going on and I’m here to help. And to be honest. I don’t trust your doctor. So I hope you can accept me as the midwife fox.” he grinned and chuckled.

“This is no time to joke Kohaku, I’m in labor. My doctor is just fine, what don’t you trust about him?” Twilight pushed herself up slightly only for Kohaku to push her back down gently.

“Nothing Personal, he’s just never delivered an Alicorn before.” Placing his paw along Twilight’s swollen belly he muttered a few words as his paw glowed. Slowly easing her pain. “Just relax and breathe deeply. I spent a thousand years as my sister's assistant. I know what I’m doing.”

Twilight groaned as Kohaku rolled the Queen onto her back making her blush. “This is so embarrassing.”

“Relax, by the time Pearl gets back. You’ll both have a bouncing baby girl.”

Twilight nodded as she laid her head back and listened to Kohaku’s voice, guiding her through the ordeal.

A Healer's Touch

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Twilight sighed and rested her head back on the pillow under her head. The constant beeping of her heart monitor kept her awake. She looked and felt like a train had run over her at full speed. Not even her fight with Tirek had drained her this deeply. But then, she wasn't giving birth at the time either. She was glad for Kohaku’s help in preparing her for the difficult delivery. While he did want to deliver the child himself. The Queen did manage to convince him to let Lovejoy do it. Thankfully Pearl had been a great help with that.

Looking down at her wife she smiled. A bit of drool leaked onto the bed where her head was and the light snoring that Twilight had grown accustomed too rang in her ears. Reaching down Twilight caressed her beloved Pearl’s mane. The young princess had fallen asleep hours ago. Shifting a bit she winced in pain, a reminder of the injury she sustained, and giggled at the memory of her wife arguing with the doctor only a few hours ago.

“What’s going on? Why is there so much blood? And why is my wife in such pain?!” Pearl huffed as she slammed her hoof into the delivery room floor, a spout of flame erupting from her mouth. “You said nothing was going wrong!”

“Please princess, calm down. I didn’t lie, this is quite natural and very common amongst unicorn births. And by your friend's explanation that includes alicorns.” The doctor sighed taking a step back as the nurse returned with a freshly washed white alicorn foal wrapped in a red blanket. “A baby unicorn’s horn can be quite sharp and it made several lacerations on the way out. We simply have to stitch them up and wait for them to heal.”

“And just how…”

“Pearl.” Twilight’s tired voice cut through the thick argument. Causing both Pearl and Lovejoy to look at the worn out queen. “I love your fiery concern, but I'm just fine. Please let the doctor do his job and come sit by me.”

Grumbling Pearl glanced back at the doctor but did as her wife bid and sat down next to her. “I’m sorry Twily. I just…”

“I know. But I’m going to be just fine.” Reaching out, Twilight lovingly caressed Pearl’s cheek, the two leaned in and touched horns affectionately. Both ignored the wincing Twilight made as she was stitched up.

Closing her eyes, Twilight tried to get some sleep when her room became eerily silent. Even the beeping from her heart monitor stopped. Looking around she saw a dark shadow drift across the floor. She recognized the shape with the nine tails that swished behind it as the shadow made its way to her daughter’s crib.

Twilight watched as the shadow lifted the child and cradled it slowly, rocking it back and forth whispering in a voice Twilight could barely understand. “Kohaku, I know you are excited about my daughter’s birth. But couldn’t this have waited until morning? My newborn daughter needs her sleep.”

“As much as I appreciate the concern in your voice, I am not my little brother.” the shadowy head turned to Twilight. Set in the shadow were two aquamarine eyes that glittered like river stones under a midday sun. As the fox came closer Twilight saw it was a vixen, almost identical to Kazumi in stature and build, but instead of storm gray, she was river blue and had a face that inspired a soothing calm, rather than abstract awe. “Greetings child, I am Riko.” Riko smiled and lightly caressed Twilight’s cheek with a paw that was as soft and cool as running water.

Twilight’s mouth dropped as she looked at this vixen, who was no taller than Celestia. A vixen who currently was cradling and rocking her newborn foal with such motherly care, while at the same time soothing her own burning mind like a powerful anesthetic.

“You have such a beautiful child. So full of life and promise. I had to come visit her. Since it was my spell that helped bring her into this world.” Riko lightly nodded her head at Twilight. “It seems my brother was right about the two of you. He argued so passionately for this, and you should have seen his smile when she was brought out of you. You would have thought he was the father in question.” Riko giggled as Twilight groaned at the thought.

“Not that I'm ungrateful, I would have thought you’d be helping out in more pressing engagements. What with so many hospitals and healing centers.”

“And what could be more pressing than the emergence of new life? I’m present for all new births. And I help aid in the relief of pain. Not unlike what my brother did for you.” Riko smirked as she touched just above Twilight’s small breasts. Her paw lightly glowed. Almost instantly Twilight no longer felt the pain of her injuries from birth. Laying the foal in Twilight’s open front legs, Riko sat back and looked at the trio.

“I feel ashamed now…” Twilight muttered silently but knew Riko’s ears perked.

“Why should you feel ashamed?”

“Because I lumped all of Kohaku’s sisters together, thinking you were all like the Kazumi I saw that one day.” Twilight quickly looked up as she heard the most beautiful laugh she had ever heard. Riko was almost on the floor giggling.

“Don’t feel bad about it. It happens more than you realize.” Getting up, the vixen stretched and cracked her neck a few times. “Well, I have to get going. As your teacher said, a healer’s work is never done. Your wounds have been healed and you should be good to head home tomorrow.” Riko said as she picked up Twilight’s chart and made several notations on it. “Just make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions and take it easy over the next few weeks. I can’t afford to make a house call, even if you are family.”

Twilight blinked, looking into those stern healer eyes, and nodded. She knew in her heart that this was one doctor to never cross.

Doctor Lovejoy read the chart, unable to hide his surprise at the notations that had not been there earlier. “You are truly in luck, your highnesses. It seems Saint Riko has taken an interest in you. I’ve only seen her name on extreme cases. Nothing this common.”

Pearl just barely held back a giggle. “Saint Riko?”

Lovejoy nodded. “Indeed. There are stories going back thousands of years about injuries that are miraculously healed overnight. She’s healed all types of injuries, both physical and mental. Some say she taught the first healers their craft. All doctors know her name but is incredibly rare to see her writing and name. But it also happens enough that we all know that she is real.”

Twilight smiled, sharing a discreet wing touch with her wife as she held their daughter. “How is my wife, doctor?” Pearl looked at Lovejoy with a smile.

Lovejoy could only shake his head in amused disbelief. “She is completely fine, princess. I must admit that with only one other known alicorn giving birth, we were worried as Queen Twilight and Princess Cadence are different enough that not everything from her time could be used here. I would recommend that you take it easy over the next few weeks. Nothing strenuous, let your body recover its full strength before you do anything ‘normal’.” Lovejoy huffed at the last word. Knowing Twilight’s pension for experiments and week-long study sessions.

Pearl smirked, giving Twilight a knowing poke. “Oh I’ll make sure she does, doc. Even if I have to tie her down myself. I’ve gotten better at it over the last few years if I do say so myself.”

Twilight huffed at the reminder, while Lovejoy chuckled. “I know, I've seen the rope burns. Try rapping some silk cloth around it first. It’ll cut down on skin abrasions. That's what my wife and I do.” Placing the clipboard back on its stand the doctor ignored the staring blush on both mare's faces as he walked to the door. “I’ll get your discharge papers ready.” Closing the door behind him he left the trio alone.

Pearl waited a moment, before shaking her head. “Okay. What really happened last night? I know enough that unicorn and alicorn births leave something behind on the mom.”

Twilight nodded. “He was right. Riko was looking out for all of us. She showed herself while you both slept, and helped heal what I had.”

Pearl sighed in relief. “That’s a relief. Is she any nicer than Kazumi?”

Twilight chuckled. “She is. But you also know that going against something she says is a very bad idea. Perhaps it is a kitsune thing. Even for the nicest ones.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Go figure. She smiled down at her daughter. Her white coat and multi-colored mane and tail reminded her of Celestia’s. “So what’s her name? We never picked one.”

Twilight nodded, smiling as she rocked the newborn alicorn. “I did have one in mind. Summer Rose. Not only for the season.” She smiled out towards the Rose River. “But for your sister as well. It’s not fair to leave them out of this.”

Pearl smiled as she stroked Summer’s mane. “It’s perfect. Think they’ll wait till we get home? Or crash the party here? Wouldn’t put it past either of them if they did.”

Twilight giggled. All of their family and friends were waiting in the lobby for the family. Pinkie had already promised a party, but Twilight would need to talk her down. “Honestly, Rosie? I couldn’t care less right now.”

Pearl rolled her eyes as she finally allowed herself to relax. She made a mental note to thank Kohaku when she had the chance. And Riko if she ever had the opportunity.