• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 15

Pearl sighed as she flopped onto her bed. “I shouldn’t have snapped at him like that. He doesn’t mean anything. I know he doesn’t. He just wants to go home and be with his family.”

Knowing that, and making herself give him slack, were two different things, however. Gods above, Forestsong just made it so damn hard to be his friend some days.

“How did she put up with him?” She wondered aloud. “Maybe being a dragon helped. They have to be patient.”

And again, there was a tug on her soul. Like she should know Summer Rose. That there was something there between them. But that didn’t make any sense. Pearl had never met the dragoness. It didn’t seem likely she would either.

She groaned as she pulled her blanket over her head. She was too annoyed to have gone back to the Castle of Friendship and so slept in her own bed tonight. “I’ll make it up to him in the morning. Promise. Maybe I’ll be in a better mood.”

The next morning, Pearl awoke to a delicious smell wafting throughout her house. “That smells so good,” she moaned, rubbing her eyes and stretching.

After a moment, she blinked. “Wait. Who the buck is cooking?”

Zipping down to the kitchen, Pearl stopped in her tracks at the sight that greeted her.

On her table were steamed rice, some glazed tofu, and a bowl of what she thought might have been miso soup, with some rolled egg omelets to the side.

But what really threw Pearl for a loop was Forestsong who stood by with a forlorn expression on his face.

Pearl blinked. “You made all of this? For me? Why?”

Forestsong sighed deeply, bowing his head low. “Gomenasai.” his words a soft whisper. “I was wrong, Pearl. Father taught me better than that. Your oaths are your own and I had no right. I’ve just been so frustrated. Being about as I’m capable of now, I’ve seen first paw just how others are treating my creation. I’ve even heard ponies say the princess should just put the torch to it.”

Forestsong sat on his haunches but kept his head low. “Even some of the creatures in that school. Muttering how their Treehouse isn’t able to keep the forest away. It’s hard for me to keep my anger in check. But it’s no excuse, not how I spoke to you. My first living friend in so long.” Bowing himself down completely he pushed his forehead to the ground. “Please forgive me.”

Pearl’s ears wilted. She knew the six he spoke of. They were the only ones who ever went out to that treehouse. Why Harmony seemed so fixated on them was beyond her, but that wasn’t the point. “I forgive you. And you’re right. It isn’t fair what they say about the Everfree. But it’s all we’ve ever known about the forest.”

She lifted his head with a smile. “And you can be sure that Twilight will not get rid of it. Even if we didn’t know you and what it means to you, I don’t think she could or would bring herself to try.”

That seemed to work, for Forestsong brightened up a little. “And I’m sorry I snapped at you yesterday. You just make it so darn hard some days. I sometimes wonder how Summer Rose put up with it,” Pearl sighed.

Chuckling Forestsong sat up and took a long deep breath. “I sometimes wonder that myself. But she had a very calming presence about her. No matter how angry or frustrated I was, just feeling her claw on my chest or shoulder. Seemed to take it all away. I know I pushed her patience to the limit, but never once did she snap at me. And I asked myself what I did, what I said. What was it that made me so deserving of her love?”

Pearl smirked. “Did she ever say why? You’re not that adorable.”

“I did actually ask her, several times. But she just smiled and kissed my cheek. And despite that last comment, she always told me how adorable I was.” He chuckled back at Pearl, matching her smirk with his own.

Pearl chuckled as she sat down. “I’ll just have to take her word for it. I don’t see it myself. But she was your mate. I wasn’t. Maybe she had a thing for annoying puffballs.”

Nodding softly, he took a seat across from her. “Perhaps. But I do question sometimes what Twilight sees in you. But I guess she just has a thing for mouthy lil redheads.” Grinning, he picked up a bowl of rice. “But then you're her chosen future mate. Not mine.”

Pearl nearly choked on an omelet. “Woah, Woah, Woah. We are so not ready for that kind of commitment. Not yet. Weren’t you the one who said we should take our time?”

Nodding as he took a few bites of his rice. “Yeah, but neither of you is that subtle. I’ve been mated for tens of thousands of years. And while yes you're at the start of your relationship. I know the look of a creature who has mateship in its eyes. You have it when you look at her, and I can see it in Twilight’s when she looks at your flank every time you turn away.”

Pearl didn’t respond, but her roaring blush said all that was needed.

Pointing his chopsticks at Pearl, Forestsong smiled. “And that says everything. You wouldn’t be blushing if you didn’t think about being her mate, or at least, what it would be like.”

Pearl groaned. “Okay, fine. I do. I’d be lying if I said it never crossed my mind. It’s been a thing in my head for years now. For a while, I thought I had put it behind me. These last few months show that I didn’t. But it’s not as simple as marrying her. I don’t know what it was like for you. But a princess getting married is always a big deal. And to a commoner, as some still see me.”

With a slight scoff, Forestsong popped an egg roll slice into his mouth. “I swear. Someponies can be such prudes. You come from a good family, one that’s very well off and has a good background. And trust me there is nothing common about you.” Swallowing, he set his chopsticks down. “My family was a ruling caste. My status was no less than Twilight’s. My Rosie was just a simple river dragon, who was far more a commoner than you. She had nothing to her name. Neither did her family.”

Folding his claws together Forestsong’s eyes stared into Pearls. “The higher-ups in the clan thought us an abomination. An affront to everything. But I didn’t care, I loved her for who she was. And she loved me for who I was, not what I was. So against everyone, I told them to buck off and mated with her. Yes, they were angry, but it’s not like they had a choice in our decision.”

Pearl snickered. “I know Twilight doesn’t give a single buck about status. It’s not a power she likes to use, but there is no one who can tell her what to do if she sets her mind to it. But she also cares about what this might do to Equestria. Most probably wouldn’t care, but some would. And extended lifespan doesn’t make me invincible. Neither does it to Twilight. Or any alicorn.”

Forestsong nodded slowly. “I know how that is. Rosie and I had to fend off a few attempts on our lives a few times. No creature ever tried to poison us as I can just create an antidote or just grow one.” twisting his claw he held one of the Amber Orchids in his claw. “Amazing little flower this is. It started to grow wild at my passing. Full of nutrients and capable of neutralizing any toxin.”

Pearl had to admit that it was beautiful. “Good thing most poisons or toxins don’t work on her. You’d have to give them by the gallon to get a reaction. Something about being connected to the sun and moon I think. Most just try the good ol’ fashioned stab you in your sleep. Luckily none ever got the chance. But many have tried.”

Nodding he placed the flower down in front of Pearl. “Then it’s a good thing you have my great-grandfather’s scroll. Dragons back then knew some amazing spells for preventing entry to a cave of any size and shape. I think they might be quite useful. It’s one of the most useful things they forgot about.”

Pearl made a note to tell Twilight about this. It would come in handy for sure. And maybe she could even get it for her room as well.

“Well, I'm going to take off. Please enjoy the meal, there’s more in the kitchen as well. I forget sometimes how much ponies can eat. Fluttershy said she’d sing for me today. It’s one of the things I miss the most. Oh yeah, if you're going to plant that flower. It grows best with water from the Rose River. Guess who that was named after.” He chuckled with a grin before walking out her front door.

Pearl chuckled before digging in. She didn’t need to guess too hard where the name of the river came from. But she would be sure to go there later.

Pearl had to admit, as she dunked a watering can into the river, that this was a beautiful scene. She could see why a river dragon would come here.

Looking around, she half expected to see Summer Rose at any moment, but nothing appeared, earning a sigh from the Pegasus.

“Maybe it was hoping too much for it to be that easy. Why would she want to see me anyway? I’m nothing special to her. Just another Pegasus to her probably.”

A part of her wanted to argue against that, but Pearl knew it was true. The river’s spirit had no reason at all to show herself. Least of all to her.

Pearl sighed as she looked deeper into the water rushing past. “Look. I don’t know if you can hear me. But we are trying as hard as we can to get Forestsong back home. It’s not fair that you two are separated like this. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”

Nothing responded, earning an eye roll from the mare. “Great. Now I’m talking to myself,” she grumbled.

Turning around Pearl came face to face with a set of sea-green eyes. Letting out a sudden scream she fell backward into the river. A light giggle reached her ears. “Oh my, I didn’t scare you did I?” the youthful voice said

Water dripping down her face, Pearl squinted at the sunlight beaming from behind a shadowy head. Looking down she saw an outstretched hoof. Taking it, Pearl pulled herself up. “Uh, no. You just startled me is all.”

Another giggle escaped the girl's mouth. As the light moved behind the clouds Pearl saw that she was face to face with another pegasus girl with grey fur and light pink hair. “I’m sorry. So, who were you talking to? Or were you talking to the river? I do that sometimes. It's a lotta fun. Say does the river speak back to you? And since you were talking to the river, who’s Forestsong? Is it something the river lost?” The young girl almost bounced when she spoke.

Pearl blinked several times as she felt her brain start to heat up from the rapid-fire of questions from this young girl. Young teenager more likely as the girl was only slightly smaller than herself and not yet fully grown. “Ah….” Pearl opened her mouth but found it pointless as more questions flooded her ears.

“Say why were you getting water from the river? You know there’s plumbing in Ponyville. Or is yours broken? Ooo you aren't poor, are you? Oh, I'm sorry was that rude of me to ask. I shouldn’t have. Should I? You must have a really good reason for the water.” The Pegasus girl slowly took a long deep breath, not noticing Pearl’s twitching eyebrow. “Oh I’m so sorry I haven't introduced myself, I’m River Run.” River grind holding out her hoof. Which was polished like smooth river rocks.

Pearl’s brain took a moment to stop spinning before she shook her head and took River’s hoof. “Pearl Rose. And, no, my plumbing is fine. I’m getting water for a flower I’ve planted. A friend said that the water from this river is the best for Amber Orchids.”

“Oooo well he’s right you know. This river is wonderful for flowers. My boyfriend always loved planting flowers along the riverbank for me.” River said as she hopped up on a nearby rock, one Pearl could have sworn wasn’t there a few seconds ago. “He loved plants. Every year he would surprise me with a single Amber Orchid. Well, not much of a surprise since I always knew it was coming. But it made my Haku smile when he gave it to me. So tell me, is this friend of yours your boyfriend?” River hmmed as she leaned in with a wide smile.

Pearl’s face turned green at the thought. “Oh, eew. NO! Forestsong and I are just friends. Nothing more. He has a girlfriend anyway. I don’t even like boys like that.”

River giggled and rocked back and forth on the rock. “Just teasing, I’ve seen you in the wings of that lovely lavender Alicorn. Princess Twilight.” Looking out along the river, River smiled. “Gotta say you're a lucky mare. So you were saying something about bringing him back to the river? Why doesn’t he just come himself? Is he hurt? Or disabled? I take it he’s a pain to deal with by how you’re talking about him.”

Pearl nodded. “You have no idea. And no, he’s fine as can be. Why he doesn’t come here himself, I don’t know. He’s in love with the river dragon spirit who lives in this river. It’s partly why I’m out here. I was kinda hoping I could meet her. But all I’ve met so far is you.”

River blinked and tilted her head before scoffing, “Why would you want to meet a dragon, they can be quite fearsome.” looking over Pearl, River smirked. “Unless you have a connection to them? I can say I haven't seen any kind of dragon by this river. And I live very nearby. Besides, what would you say to her?”

Pearl sighed. “I don’t know. It was a stupid idea anyway. She has no reason to see me. Why would she care? And I’ve loved dragons for as long as I can remember.” Pointing to her flank and the sleeping red dragon therein, she smiled. “It’s how I got my cutie mark. When I first met Tiamat. Once I stopped quaking in my feathers anyway.”

“I see. Well, I don’t think it’s a stupid idea. I think it’s stupid of her for not showing.” River gave a quick nod to Pearl. “But you have my curiosity peaked. What would you say if she sat in front of you? It has to be important for you to come all this way past Ponyville’s border.”

Pearl smiled sheepishly. “I, um. Didn’t plan that far ahead.”

Leaning forward, River grinned. “So with no plan, no idea of what to say. You were going to face down a dragon you’ve never seen before? Girl, I like your style. You’ve got a lotta guts to do that. I hope she does show up for you. But here’s a bit of advice. Speak from your heart. And speak honestly. River Dragon’s don’t suffer those who do otherwise.”

Pearl blinked and opened her mouth before hearing her name being shouted from behind her. Twisting around Pearl saw Cloud and Red waving from atop a hill before moving along. Turning back, Pearl found that the Pegasus girl and the rock she was sitting on had vanished completely.

Blinking, she looked around, but there was no sign of River anywhere to be seen, and there wasn’t even any sign that there had been a rock there either. “What the hay? Where the hell did she go? She was right there.” As Pearl looked, a light sparkle struck the corner of her eye. Walking up to where the rock was, Pearl looked down and saw an alabaster scale twenty times larger than any fish could produce.

Pearl grinned. There was only one creature that had scales this big. But how did it get here? She hadn’t seen any dragons. Unless…

“Could River have been? … Na. She couldn’t have been. Maybe I just wasn’t paying close enough attention before,” she said, grabbing the scale and the water can, before joining her friends.

From further down the river, River watched Pearl join her friends, sharing a laugh at some joke one of them told. Her smile only widened as the trio passed out of sight.

“I was wondering when you would finally come, little one,” she whispered before slipping into the river with a giggle.

Author's Note:

Is River Run more than she appears? You better believe it. Way more in fact. But I'm not going to spoil it until we get to a certain chapter. So please don't ask me. Not even in a PM. I'm not telling. If you can't wait? Too bad.