• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 17

Twilight frowned as Forestsong finished. “Are you sure there’s no other way?”

He gave her a lidded stare. “Unless you are better with languages than you have let on, then yes. There is no other way.”

Twilight sighed, as Starlight entered the room. “What did I miss?” She asked.

Twilight gave her a sad look. “You know how I have been learning Kanji?”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “It’s the only thing on your mind it seems like anymore. Why? Did you suddenly change your mind and want to stay?” She asked Forestsong.

He shook his head. “No. But there is another thing about learning the Shrine Restoration spell. I felt it was time that Twilight learned it.”

Twilight nodded. “Assuming I can learn it at all, and nothing goes catastrophically wrong, the spell will also make me forget all of it. I can still speak it. But I won’t be able to read it.”

Starlight blinked in surprise. “Isn’t that a bit extreme?”

Forestsong shook his head. “In a way, but. This was laid out by the gods long before my grandfather’s time. Think of it this way. It’s a way of keeping her and everypony else safe from accidental misuse of power.”

Twilight nodded. “I will never master the language. Even if I had all the time in the world. If I mispronounce the wrong thing… I don’t want to think of what could happen.”

Starlight thought about it for a moment. The longer she thought, the more it made sense. If Forestsong was an example, one word or sentence said the wrong way could unleash gods’ know what. “Well, when you put it that way…”

Twilight nodded. “I understand why it’s in place. I just wish there was a way for me to keep it all. Even if I never use it again. I can’t exactly ask an eastern dragon for help. No one’s seen one in centuries.”

Starlight smiled as she levitated a letter over to her mentor. “Well, this might help. This came in earlier from Pearl. From what I hear, she’s raising absolute hell over there.”

Twilight giggled as she took the letter in her magic. That sounded like Pearl alright, as she read her marefriend’s letter. As she did though, her face grew redder and redder, soon looking like the Pegasus’ mane.

Forestsong smiled. “I assume that all is well then?”

Twilight nodded. “Oooh. I forgot how raunchy Pearl can be when she’s in the mood. I don’t know what happened. But I haven’t seen her this fiery in quite some time.”

Chuckling Forestsong leaned back and twirled a soft shimmering scale as Twilight continued to view the letter. “I guess she inherited a lot more than just the personality,” he softly whispered.

“Hmm?” Twilight looked up and turned her head quirking an eyebrow at the scale.

“Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself.” Leaning forward he kissed the scale and with a flip of his wrist, it vanished. “I think my presence is kinda hindering you at this point. I’m going to go lay out in the garden for a time. It has this beautiful view of the river.”

Twilight blinked as she saw the shimmer in his eyes, not unlike how she gets when looking at Pearl. She was about to ask the questions in her head about it but closed her mouth and shook her head smiling. “Thank you, for your lessons. I’ll let you know when we’re ready.”

“Of course. Just don’t forget to mark down when Pearl gets back. And spend some quality time with her alone. River said she needs it and I always trust her judgment.” Closing the door behind him he half skipped his way down the hall.

Twilight nodded to herself as she went to her calendar only to stop and blinked… “who the hay is River?” Her eyes locked on the door Forestsong just left from.

Starlight could only shrug. “And there’s something about Luster as well. I thought you should know.”

Twilight frowned. “What is it? Is she not fitting in? Others not trying to make friends with her? Come on, Starlight. Don't keep me waiting."

Starlight shook her head. “Hardly. Most of the students don’t care that she's your student or new in town. She has a small group that she hangs out with quite a bit in fact..”

Twilight blinked before her frown grew. “Wait. Are you saying that there’s nothing wrong with her?”

Starlight only smirked. “Gotcha.”

Twilight’s eyes twitched. Oooh. There was that damn smirk of Starlight’s that always got under her fur like a bad itch. “Did you have to put it that way?” She groaned, shaking her head.

Starlight chuckled. “You need to lighten up, Twilight. At this rate, you’re going to crash and burn hard. Relax. Didn’t Pearl ever teach you to do that?”

Twilight sighed, but she was smiling all the same. “She has. Usually when we’re snuggling. She always knows the right places to make me melt in her wings.”

Starlight could see the wistful look in her mentor’s eyes as she spoke. She had an idea of what it might mean. “Have you thought of… ?”

Twilight nodded. “A lot lately. But there is no way I can go looking for one, and not make a massive scene about it. And what would Equestria think about it? A princess abandoning her duties for love?”

Starlight snorted. “What does it matter what someponies think of it? All that matters is what you and Pearl want. All of us can see you both want it. Why not take that final step?”

Twilight shot her a scathing look. “Because it’s not that simple. Starlight. If I do this, this changes everything. You know that there are ponies who still want her dead. That wants me dead.”

Starlight rolled her eyes as she turned to leave with a huff. “I think you’re making a mountain out of a molehill here, princess. Go back to studying then. Maybe Pearl is thinking more clearly than you..”

Twilight winced as the door slammed shut behind the unicorn. Damn it. Why did she always have to be this way? She knew what she wanted. What her heart was yelling at her to do.

But she couldn’t. Not yet. It wasn’t the right time. And Twilight was beginning to wonder if it ever would be the right time.

Twilight studied the scroll in front of her intently. She had given express orders that she was not to be disturbed. This was too important. Too much rested on her getting this right.

As a foreigner (or Gaikokujin), it had taken far longer than she had thought to learn even this much of the language. But after some time, she had begun to see things that had helped her learn. Even more so with Forestsong’s help.

There were two ways to write this language. Hiragana and Katakana. While both could be read the same way, since the letters would always have the same pronunciation, Hiragana was used for more easy reading and was used for clarity and understanding.

Katakana, on the other hoof, was used for emphasis and onomatopoeia. Twilight had noticed it on several sections of the journal Forestsong’s great-grandfather, grandfather, and father had kept. Now she understood why and it only increased her respect for them.

She tapped her chin. Maybe it was her talk with Starlight or the thought of how much progress Luster Dawn seemed to be making, but Twilight was feeling inspired at the moment. “I know I’ve seen the words before. At least one eastern dragon needed it to be used. What was it again? Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu?”

Nothing happened.

She sighed. That would’ve been too easy. “I don’t think I pronounced it right. I can’t ask Forestsong. He wouldn’t make it that easy. But why did I feel something? It almost felt like magic. But not like I have ever heard of or felt.”

Something about it, though, felt more natural. Like a part of the natural order of things. Why? Twilight knew that there was more than one kind of magic. Light and Dark, Arcane and Primal. But there was another, one few knew of.

Elder Magic, what some called the Words of Creation or Deep Magic, combined all forms of magic into one single whole. If the old creation myths were to be believed, the multiverse itself sprang into existence at the beginning of time by this magic. Whether that was true or not was another story.

Was there another kind of magic out there? One only kitsune and eastern dragons had known of? It wasn’t impossible, she supposed. Picking up the latest scroll she had been studying she leaned back into her chair and started reading again.

The passage she read noted the various differences between kitsune and eastern dragons. Many younger species attributed them both to gods or godly guardians. Both had the power to bring anything into existence by the use of words and written symbols. Closing the scroll she tossed it aside and got up moving to the windows.

Twilight looked down on the garden. She smiled at how wonderful her beloved had taken care of it. Forestsong was a good influence on her, even if the two were at odds some days. Shifting her gaze to the overlook to the river she saw a large hoof trimmed hedge in the shape of a nine-tailed kitsune. The hedge was laid out on its belly gazing down toward the river that led from the Everfree Forest.

Rubbing her eyes she swore there was a set of finely shaped river stones that leaned out of the river onto the bank. The water flowing over them took the shape of what she could only describe as a far eastern dragon. As she watched the hedge and water she thought of Pearl. Twilight wanted to run out and grasp her sweet fiery redhead and tell her how much she missed her. Perhaps it was the same with Forestsong. He talked about his mate before but not much beyond his feelings for her.

Tracing her hoof along the edge of the window sill she started to mouth the words again. Over and over she repeated them. As her hoof dug into the soft wood she spoke aloud.

“Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu.” The sudden explosion in front of her kicked Twilight back through her library’s crystal wall and slid on her back into her throne room. Much to the shock of Starlight.

“Twilight? What the hay was that?!”

Twilight shook her head, trying to stop the ringing in her ears. “I don’t know. It’s never done that before.”

Starlight blinked. “What hasn’t? Does it have something to do with the scroll?”

Twilight nodded as she stood. “I’ve been practicing one line in particular. Something about it feels important. I know I felt something the first time I said it.”

Starlight looked at the scroll with a raised brow. “Which one? Maybe I can help. Say it slowly this time. That might be what went wrong.”

Twilight nodded, before slowing her breathing and relaxing. “Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu.”

This time there was no explosion. But Twilight definitely felt something stirring within her. A different kind of magic from any she knew.

Even Starlight felt it, and her eyes widened in shock. “What was that? Tell me you felt that too?”

Twilight nodded. “I felt it. I’ve never felt anything like it before, and I thought I knew most magic. But this? This is something else entirely.”

Starlight gave her a hopeful look as a thought came to her. “Do you think… ?”

Twilight nodded happily, her smile growing. “I think we’ve found the spell. Nothing else has had this effect. What else could it be?”

Starlight nodded. “So why didn’t anything happen? All I felt was the magic? Shouldn’t it have done something?”

Twilight tapped her chin. “Maybe I have to be at the grave and shrine for it to work? Perhaps it wouldn’t work even then if we don’t return Forestsong’s skull as well.”

Starlight scratched her chin. That made sense, as she walked over to a nearby window and looked down at the kitsune-shaped hedgerow. “What is he doing? He really seems into the river.”

Twilight joined her. He hadn’t moved since last she looked. This time, she could definitely see two finely shaped river stones leaning out onto the bank, and the water flowing over them was in the shape of an eastern dragon. “She’s his mate. The spirit of the river. I think they’re talking to each other. Look at the stones on the bank and the water flowing over them. Tell me you don’t see an eastern dragon?”

Starlight squinted. Now that her mentor mentioned it, she could see what Twilight saw. Her ears fell. “It’s so sad that this is the only way they can do this. It isn’t right.”

Twilight’s ears fell as well as she sighed. “No, it’s not. Which is why I want to fix this as soon as possible. As much as I love having him here, and all I’ve learned, this isn’t right. And I’m worried.”

Starlight gave her a concerned look. “About what?

Twilight sighed. “How much longer can this go on before the balance tips too much toward one side. Towards Chaos. Or worse.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “Come off it, Twilight. I think you’re just overthinking it. You need to relax. Go to the spa. Take the day off. Do something other than work for once.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but Starlight did have a point. Again. Maybe she did need to relax. It would help clear her head at least. And right now? She needed it.

Author's Note:

Time to begin to wrap this side plot up. This has taken up way more of the story than I thought it would. I don't regret including it in the story. But still. I've also been learning a bit of Japanese from Fluent in 3 Months. Which is where the bit on Hiragana vs Katakana came from. Still a long way from learning it all, plus Kanji, but I'm on my way.