• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 25

Pearl watched as Luster all but bounced excitedly in place. A sight that got more than a few odd looks from other passengers on the train. “Are you sure you’re not related to Pinkie?”

Luster only shook her head. “I still can’t believe we did all that— so many books. From worlds, I still can’t pronounce! Tiamat’s makes Queen Twilight’s library looks small.”

Pearl giggled. “Yeah. I had to drag her away the first time we went there literally. I don’t think she ever would have left if I hadn't.”

Luster chuckled. It was a feeling she knew well. “Do you think I can go back, miss Rose?”

Pearl’s ears fell. “I don’t know, Luster. Tiamat didn’t invite you back.” Her heart dropped at the look of heartbreak in the unicorn’s eyes and wrapped a wing around her. “She didn’t forbid you from ever coming with me again, though. So there’s still hope.”

Luster tried to smile. But Pearl saw that it was forced as the train slowed as Ponyville came into view. Even from here, she could see the frenetic activity around the Castle of Friendship.

Luster saw it as well and rolled her eyes. “We’ve been gone a month. Your wedding isn’t for another few months. Isn’t this a little early?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Have you met Twily when she’s in this kind of mood? Nothing will stop her when she’s in it. Not even me.”

Luster giggled. “So what will you do now, Miss Rose? Queen Twilight has a head start on you for the wedding.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. First stop for me is Rarity. She’s already started working on Twilight’s dress. Mine will never be ready if I wait. Mom offered her own. But I wanted something for me.”

Luster could understand that feeling. She was far too young to be thinking of stuff like this. But she already had a few ideas if she ever did find that special someone. “And the rest?”

Pearl shrugged as the train pulled to a stop at Ponyville station. “We had a few ideas before the whole mess with the other world started. Applejack is in charge of catering, and Pinkie and the Cake twins are handling the cake.”

Luster nodded as she pulled down her saddlebags and stood, stretching her legs for all they were worth. “What about other you and Kohaku? You both wanted them to be here.”

Pearl shook her head sadly. “They can’t be here. Not in person. If Lumena and Shenlong keep their end of this, they’ll be here in spirit at least. Don’t know how exactly. But they will.”

Luster could only hope as well, as the passengers began to disembark. She liked them too much. As annoying as Kohaku had been. Almost a younger Forestsong in fact.

Looking around though, she was surprised at what she saw. Or what she didn’t see.

Pearl saw it as well and frowned. “Oh now, this is just rude. Twily knows we were coming home today. Being here herself was asking for too much. But nopony? Really?”

Luster was surprised as well. “Maybe she’s just busy? She did just cause a huge shakeup in Equestria’s government.”

Pearl harumphed. “She better be. Or she’s sleeping on the couch tonight. Pinkie Promise.”

Luster had the sense to not comment on this. But as they began to make their way out into Ponyville proper, a timid voice called out to them. “Pearl?”

Pearl stopped dead in her tracks. She knew that voice. Had known it intimately for a long time. And even now. months later, she knew it, as she turned around with a shocked look. “Lotus?”

“Pearl it is you!” Lotus leaped up and hugged Pearl tight around the shoulders laughing aloud. Pearl while confused wrapped her legs around her old girlfriend. “Oh my, I didn’t think to see you again.”

“Lotus.. I.. when did you get back to Ponyville?” Pearl gulped and took a slight step back. Her emotions all in a flurry.

“This morning, I missed this old place. And I thought it would be perfect to set up my new shop. I was hoping to get the mayor and Princess… I mean Queen Twilight’s permission but I haven't seen them at all today.” Lotus smiled sitting down.

“Yeah. Well, things have been rather hectic with the wedding coming up.” Pearl nervously rubbed the back of her head a bit.

“OH yeah, I heard about that. Congratulations. I always thought you two might end up together one day.” Lotus sighed and looked down a bit. Raising her eyes slightly. “Your not mad at me for leaving the way I did. I know we had just broken up. But something told me you needed your space. I know I should have said something but. Well for some reason I couldn’t.”

Pearl looked at her. The amber orchid nested behind the girl’s left ear. It had wilted slightly but was still just as vibrant. “Yeah, I want to talk to you about that. You see.” Pearl bit her lip as she saw the sad look in her old friend’s eyes. The slight tearing and quivering lower lip. With a sigh she shook her head, silently cursing her friend for bringing this about. “It’s okay. Really. I was worried you might not want anything more to do with me is all.”

“OH parish the thought, you see…”

“Lotus!! Where are you?” a husky female voice called out from a row of shops. Both Pearl and Lotus looked over and watched as a broad-shouldered, blue earth pony came running up. Pearl noticed the look over Lotus’s face, the same one she herself gets when Twilight calls out to her.

“There you are silly. I’ve been looking all over for you.” The large mare chuckled. “I found this sweet little vacant shop just next to the boutique you told me about. And it’s in our price range.” the mare squeed loudly almost jumping up and down.

“That’s awesome babe. No doubt you worked out a reasonable payment plan.” Lotus blushed. Pearl just rolled her eyes knowing just how lousy lotus was with finances.

“You know it. Say who’s your friend here?” Pearl leaned back as the mare, who stood head and shoulders above her, looked the girl up and down. “OH my... Is this?” Lotus nodded slowly

“Yes sweetie, this is Pearl, the girl I told you about.” Lotus blushingly chuckled as she was pulled into the larger mare's embrace. “Pearl. This is Water Daisy. My fiance.” Lotus blushed a deep crimson.

Pearl and Luster stood there with their mouths open. Pearl hadn’t expected that of all things. But the look in Lotus’ eyes showed how much she loved Water Daisey, the same look Twilight gave her every time they saw each other. “Well… Didn’t see that coming.”

Lotus nodded. “We met while I was in Baltimare. You know how I’ve always wanted to start my own hobby shop ever since you first showed us your…”

Pearl nodded. It was a Royal Order that her Gunpla collection remained known to only a very few.

“Right well you know that same little voice that told me that you needed space. Mentioned I should take a trip out to the far east. Well, I did. You’ll never guess what I discovered.” Turning over to her beloved, Lotus reached into her bag and pulled out a few items. One was a set of hoof grips. “These hoof gloves are amazing. You can grip and maneuver items just as easily as a unicorn. It uses a ponies own magical power and it’s calibrated so you can’t pick up anything huge. A coffee cup is an absolute limit. I tried for something bigger and blew myself into the hotel room next door to me.” Lotus chuckled. “But I thought it would be perfect for those who want to test their hooves at model making."

Water shook her head and pulled out another box. Which looked similar to Pearl’s own Gunpla. “They even carry model kits. I figure I can import and sell them here. Kind of corner a market nobody has access to. And there are so many!”

Pearl looked at the model kit and blinked. It was identical to several models she saw on the shelves that belonged to Kohaku while she was in his world. Not Gunpla but still just as intricate. “Okay. You have me sold already. I can put in a good word with Twilight if you need it. You wouldn’t by chance happen to have more of those, would you? Just so I can convince her that it works.” Pearl smiled and tried to keep a straight face but Lotus just smirked and pulled out a second pair of the grips.

“You still have the world’s worst poker face, here. Product test all you like no charge. On the condition, if we get the okay, you help us endorse it.”

Pearl’s eyes went as wide as her smile as she snatched up the grips almost drooling over them. “Deal!” Her mind already thinking of the unfinished and unopened Gunpla she has in storage.

Water saw all of this, and harumphed. “You two aren’t telling me something. I just know it.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to love. I’m just under strict Royal Command to not tell anypony,” Lotus apologized with a small smile.

Pearl nodded. “And this is one Royal Command even I won’t break. One day, I hope I won’t have to hide it, and all of Equestria can know. But too much can go wrong at the moment.”

Water could see that these two were dead set on this, and even she knew not to test Queen Twilight’s patience. Especially here in Ponyville. “Fine. But this better happen soon. I want in on it.”

“They're talking about a set of models that come from another world.” A voice cheerfully came from behind an oak tree. Pearl, Lotus and Luster all gasped and turned around to see a six-hoof-high fox with nine tails swish all about.

“Forestsong….” Pearl’s voice tightened.

“What? I’m not under that command. And honestly, what can she do to me that wouldn’t hurt her more?” Forestsong lightly taped Pearl’s nose and chuckled. “Relax. Nopony else is around but us. And if she’s going to be in business with her love here in Ponyville. And is providing tools to work with the only things that make you go gaga other than Twilight. I see no reason for her to not know about that.”

“But what about…” A paw quickly silenced Pearl as she growled loudly.

“I see no reason to tell about it.” Answering Pearl's silent worry. “The model kits and knowledge of the other world is the only real secret being held here. And I’m fairly sure she won’t tell anypony.” His eyes focused on the mare who only shrugged and shook her head. “See. Plus if I’m right, you’ll find a way to have a supply train of those kits shipped here from there.”

Pulling herself away from Forestsong Pearl groaned. “Isn’t there a dragoness you should be fawning over right now?”

“No, she’s visiting family. I’m just here looking in on a few creatures at the sanctuary.”

“Okay… wait. How can you manifest here? I thought your..” Looking over at the castle, even from the distance she could see it was butted right up against the crystal tree trunk, the river running almost under it. Looking over she saw him wink. “OH, you have to be kidding me. You spead up the growth that much!”

“Of course, you should have known me better by now.” Forestsong chuckled.

“Pearl? Who or what is that?” Lotus looked at the giant fox as if she had seen him before but couldn’t place where.

“A pain in my flank is what he is. A constant, never-ending, headache-inducing pain,” Pearl grumbled.

Forestsong leaned in and pressed his nose up against hers and grinned. “But you love me anyway don’t you.”

Pearl groaned but remained silent. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of actually admitting to that. But knew he saw it in her eyes. “I’ll never understand how other me puts up with you.”

Luster was lost now. “But she doesn’t. Unless…”

Pearl rubbed her temples. Now was as good a time as any to say this. “She does in fact. Kohaku is a much younger version of Forestsong here. Plus a few more differences. But Kohaku is his name. Most ponies just knew him as Forestsong.”

“And it will stay that way. Earn it if you insist on knowing,” Forestsong shot back. “Few ponies knew my name long ago as it was. Those that did earned it in some way.”

Pearl frowned. “Then, by the Slayer of Eternities, maybe Twily will just spill the beans on why the Everfree has moved so much and a bunch of other things. I’m sure that will go over well.”

Forestsong sighed as she stepped up to Pearl, looking down at his friend softly. “Pearl we’ve talked about those oaths. I personally don’t care if others know why my forest has spread. Or why the river has increased. But Tsumi and I save our true names for those we love and trust without reservation.” Placing a paw on her shoulders his eyes remained firm yet caring. “You and Twily are a part of our clan now. So we don’t mind you using our true names. It shows a level of trust.”

Pearl’s eyes twitched. Twilight damn it all. There was that absolutely infuriating habit he had of knowing exactly what to say to cool her off. Even his counterpart had that. “I don’t suppose you know where Twily is then, do you?” She looked back over at Lotus and Water Daisey, who bore very confused looks at all of this. “If I have to drag her kicking and screaming out for this, I will.”

“Check at the boutique. Rarity has had her there for the last seven hours taking measurements to things I didn’t know you could measure.” Forestsong chuckled.

Pearl rolled her eyes as she pulled the two mares along with her. “Of course she does. Come on you two. I’m sure I can drag our queen away long enough.” She looked down at Luster, whose head was spinning from all she had just learned. “Go ahead, Luster. This is gonna take a while.”

Luster nodded before running off, holding off the torrent of questions for later.

Lotus finally found her voice as she followed the Pegasus. “I feel like I’m missing so much here.”

Pearl sighed. “It’s a very long story, Lotus. It goes back to when we broke up, and all kinds of insane things since.”

Water Daisey watched Forestsong for a moment. “Why does he hate that oath so much? Ponies have used it for centuries.”

Pearl rubbed her snout. “He doesn’t just hate it, Daisey. He fears it. Not so much for himself, not even Twilight knows that part. But for what those oaths could bring about to others. Or rather to nature itself. He’s a spirit of nature after all and he doesn't want it to go away. I try to keep from using them around him, but there are moments he gets a bit too worked up. And I forget myself and use it haphazardly.”

Lotus tapped her chin. She had been reading some of the more obscure eastern literature, so recognized Forestsong as a kitsune. “There’s more to it I feel.”

Pearl nodded. “That oath is sworn on the only weapon in the multiverse that can and will kill a spirit. No amount of magic will save them from it. The backlash to what they're tied to if they are killed?” She shivered. “As I said he’s a spirit of nature, he’s tied to it as much as it is to him. The pair are almost interchangeable. If that oath destroys him… well. He told me and I don’t want to relate it. But I’m sure you can imagine life without nature.”

Luster shivered. “That’s why he fears it… he fears what would happen to us?”

Pearl nodded slowly. Watching as Daisey and Lotus were walked up front. “For… Kohaku and Tsunami. That oath deprived them both of a full life and marriage. And worst of all, children. So the pair have almost entirely adopted us ponies here in these lands. They never said as much but from talking to them for so long. I picked it up. I still haven't told Twilight about all that. So if you could.”

“Keep my mouth shut. You got it.” Luster nodded. “Us students of Twilight have to stick together.”

Pearl nodded proudly. “You are learning. There’s still hope.”

Luster pouted, while Pearl giggled.

Twilight listened with interest as Lotus and Daisey explained what they had in mind. “I admit that I have been interested since Pearl first started herself. But I never got into it myself. Far too much to do.”

Pearl nodded as Rarity fussed over her, taking measurements in places she didn’t think the unicorn needed to know about. “I’m willing to put my name behind this, Twily. We’ve been holding this back for years. Maybe it’s time you lighten it up a little.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. That was true.

Daisy gulped. She hadn’t thought this would be so nerve-wracking. “Then. Can we move forward, your highness?”

Twilight took several seconds before she smiled and nodded. “You can, my little ponies. If Pearl is behind this. Who am I to argue with her?” She smirked as the two mares beamed. “And I will do one better. I’m lifting the restriction on who knows about your collection, Pearl. If this truly takes off, then who knows what might come from it.” She smirked. “But keep it between us until your store is up and running. At least for the moment. I will not give ponies false confidence right from the start.”

Pearl’s smile grew as Lotus and Daisey hugged each other tightly, happy tears coming in rivers now from both. Now came her final part. “And Lotus. Would you do me the honor of being my maid of honor at our wedding?”

Lotus’ eyes lit up, as Rarity chuckled. “Pearl. It would be my honor.”