• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,094 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 3

Pearl groaned as she pushed her head out of the sheets and glanced about the room. It was quiet and empty save for a large potted ficus tree on either side of the eastern-facing window. Slipping out from under the sheets, Pearl took a deep breath.

“Hello?” Her gaze shifted left and right. Waiting for a few minutes she let out a relaxing sigh. She had never been so relieved to be alone. Moving into the attached bathroom Pearl turned on the shower.

Quickly the room filled with steam and was completely unaware of a shaded form watching her from the corner.

“Twilight must think I’m going crazy. She’s right there’s no such thing as ghosts.” Pearl muttered to herself as she washed her mane. “That nightmare must have shaken me up more than I realized. Twilight herself must have been half asleep. How else could she have seen something that wasn’t there.”

Pushing her head under the showerhead, Pearl felt the water run down her neck and back “Mmmmm that feels so good.” Turning off the water she reached around the corner for a towel.

“Towel, towel. Where are you?”

“Here ya go.” A shapeless mass in the steam said as it handed her the fluffiest towel.

“Thanks.” While drying herself off she paused again and lowered the fluffy terrycloth down from her face. Her eyes scanned across the bathroom when she saw it. A shapeless mass just sitting there looking at her. Dashing back to the bedroom area, Pearl quickly closed and locked the door.

“Okay, that didn’t just happen. Maybe I just need some breakfast. Yeah, that’s it. Breakfast. Just the thing I need to clear my mind.”

“Ooo. Breakfast sounds wonderful. I wonder what they’ll have. Pancakes? Waffles?” The voice returned, Pearl could hear it move back and forth in front of her. “Oo oo. Maybe super fluffy pancakes. Oh, we'll definitely need fresh fruit, syrup definitely ....”

Pearl leaned into the bed and just listened to the insane ramblings about breakfast and various toppings that could be put on them. Her eyelid started to twitch uncontrollably until she couldn’t take it any longer. Zeroing in on the voice, Pearl grabbed a pillow and launched it at the annoying voice.

“Will you please for the love of Celestia just shut up already! You're driving me insane!” Pearl shouted. She had heard the pillow hit the vanity across the room so she knew it didn’t hit any creature. Not that she waited around for the results.

Pearl threw open the door and ran out as fast as she could only to barrel into Twilight for the second time in less than a day. Blinking, she looked down into Twilight’s eyes and felt her heart start to beat faster.

Twilight stretched out and sat up in her bed. Leaning into the headboard she thought about what had occurred only a few hours earlier. Pearl was as scared, nay terrified. It had been years since she had seen her old student like that.

What caused her to question her student’s state of mind was that she didn’t know anything about her apprentice. Blinking a few times she let her blankets fall down.

“Apprentice? When did I have an apprentice?” Twilight's voice quivered. Lately, her guards had been looking at her funny. Getting up from her bed she moved to her vanity. A gift from Rarity when she moved back to Ponyville. “My head hurts, am I thinking too much? Imagining things? No, that's not me. Maybe I’m just working too hard.” Levitating her crown up to her newly brushed mane, she placed it on her head. She liked how the amber orchids worked with it.

“I think you are working too hard,” Forestsong said as he walked up next to her. “Maybe you can take the day off.”

“But what about my subjects? I can’t ignore my duties.” Twilight turned in her seat and looked Forestsong in the eyes.

“Yeah, but you would be doing them a disservice if you're overly stressed.” Forestsong moved behind his mentor and wrapped a gown over her shoulders.

Twilight wanted to argue, but she couldn’t. A part of her knew he was right. Some part of her believed that her so-called Lesson Zero meltdown had been a result of stress brought about by dealing with Discord only recently before it.

“Pearl looked rather stressed out too. Maybe the two of you could make a day of it.” Forestsong stretched and placed a paw on her shoulder. “After all, when was the last time you two spent any time together that wasn’t brought on by some trouble?” He chuckled into her ear.

“You’re right. And I felt bad for yelling at her last night. I mean how could she forget you?”

“I’m not upset about that, she’s had a rough couple of days.” Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Again you’re right. Okay, I’ll do it. I don’t want another day like that Miss Smarty Pants incident.” Twilight chuckled. “And a day with just me and Pearl. Nopony else. You don’t mind holding things down here right?”

“Nope, not at all. Just leave your crown behind. Today you're just Twilight, not Princess Twilight” Forestsong walked the length of the room and opened her door. “You two go have fun.”

Removing her crown, Twilight felt as if a weight had been lifted. Walking down the hallway, she just reached Pearl's room when the door burst open. The next thing she knew, Twilight was looking up into the most beautiful set of eyes she had seen in years.

A part of her knew this feeling was wrong, but for the first time in a long time, Twilight didn’t care. She could look into those eyes all day.

And then the spell was broken, and the two mares both burst into roaring blushes and scrambled to free themselves from the awkward position.

Pearl wouldn’t have minded staying in it though, but like Tartarus was she going to say that. And for ponies to see? No way. “Um…” was all she could stammer out as she looked away sheepishly.

Twilight coughed. “Let’s pretend that never happened, shall we?”

“Deal,” Pearl mumbled. “So where are you going? Where’s your crown? You rarely ever take it off except on the weekends.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m not Princess Twilight today, Pearl. And I was looking for you. We’ve both had a couple of stressful days, and I decided that we both need a day off. Just the two of us.”

Pearl blinked. That did sound like something she needed, and maybe she was stressed. “But what about your duties?”

Twilight smirked. “Let me ask you something, Pearl. Who is going to tell me no? Not if they know what’s good for them.”

Pearl giggled a little and nodded. “You're right. Nobody will.”

“How about going to that new water park the neighbors talk about.” The voice beside Pearl whispered. Her eye twitched but thought it was a good idea so she kept her knee-jerk reaction to herself.

“How about we go to the new water park. It’s just on the outskirts of Ponyville. I heard they have a lot of fun things to do,” she smiled.

Twilight’s own smile grew. “That sounds wonderful, Pearl. I’ve been wanting to visit it for a while now. This is the perfect day for it.”

Pearl bowed in a grand gesture, but her smile said how she really felt. “Lead on then, oh princess.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help but giggle as she led them toward the front door.

Pearl happily skipped like a filly as she exited the water park dressing room. Her crimson one-piece swimsuit shimmered in the sun. Looking behind her, Pearl watched as Twilight almost skipped as much as she did. Dressed in a similar one piece that was dark midnight blue in color.

“We’re all so pleased you decided to visit us, Princess.” The park’s administrator bowed a bit while backing up. “I do hope you and your guest will enjoy yourselves.”

“Thank you very much, Ms. Falls. Pearl and I will most certainly enjoy ourselves. And please. You don’t have to address me as princess today. Just Twilight will do.” Twilight let out a pleasant sigh. Even leaving her responsibilities behind, she was still a princess to every other pony.

“If you insist Pri... Twilight.” Crystal Falls half stammered. “Oh yes, I also made sure you and your guest have the VIP Pavilion for the day. Anything you need or want. Food or drink. Just ask the attendant. And everything will be charged to your castle account.”

Twilight half-rolled her eyes and sighed. Despite wanting to be just a regular mare again for once, she had to admit it felt good for these perks. “If you insist.”

Turning around Twilight looked at Pearl, who was like a little filly in a candy store again. She hadn’t seen her old student so excited since the last time they went to the human world. If only to get a new model to assemble.

As she looked at her student, Twilight’s eyes focused on that firm shapely flank. Blushing, the princess couldn’t help but lick her lips slowly. Wondering just how nice it would be to see Pearl lit up by candlelight. Blinking, she quickly shook her head and groaned. Why was she having these thoughts about Pearl? And most of all, what brought it all about?

Pearl smiled as the chlorine-filled air hit her nose. She hadn’t had this much excitement since her last Gunpla shopping spree. Looking out over the park she found massive slides and tubes going everywhere for miles. She did have to admit that this was the largest, and only, water park in Equestria.

“Not a bad place for a first date huh?” the voice in her ear whispered.

“Indeed. To think I'm out on a date with the mare of my...” Blinking, she looked around and found only Twilight talking to the administrator. It might have been her imagination but she swore Twilight had been staring at her flank. “I don’t know who you are. But shut up.. Don't ruin this for me,” Pearl whispered back. While she was still nervous about the voice, it had started to become annoying rather than scary. Turning her head to the mirror by the changing station, she looked at herself. Her eyes trailing up to the amber orchid attached to her headband. She still questioned where the voice was coming from. But was determined not to let it ruin her chances today.

“Everything okay Pearl?” Twilight tilted her head as she moved up next to Pearl, having heard her talking to herself.

“OH, I’m fine, just excited,” Pearl smirked and ran a hoof over her own mane. “So what would you like to do first, Twilight?”

“Let's hit those pipes up there. And take it by instinct after that.” Twilight chuckled and ran off, pushing into the sky toward the Pegasus entry.

Pearl smirked and followed in suit. For hours on end, the pair moved from one exciting ride to another. Even taking part in the two pony rides. Pearl had to admit, it felt amazing with Twilight’s front legs around her body. She had to stress to herself not to get too excited or her wings would have sprung out.

During that same ride, Twilight had to restrain herself from letting her hooves roam about Pearl’s well-developed body. She wanted to put those thoughts far from her mind, but being so close, it was rather difficult.

Nearing mid-afternoon, Twilight and Pearl walked along the edges of a shallow pool where many couples and older ponies liked to lounge about. From the shadows of a row of thick hedge bushes, a set of amber eyes watched the pair.

Pearl, for the first time in days, had forgotten all of her problems. Being with Twilight was like bliss. Even the new voice in her head no longer concerned her. After all, why should it when you're with someone you feel completely safe around? But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched all the time. It only felt odd when she was in the changing room.

Taking a few steps away from the edge of the pool Pearl leaned upon the hedges. “Twilight, can I tell you something?”

“Pearl, you can tell me anything.” Twilight chuckled.

“The last few days. I don’t know, have felt rather. Chaotic.” Twilight nodded in agreement but sat down and kept listening. “My breakup with Lotus, my slight psychotic idea that I'm being haunted. The insanity that you have a secret apprentice that I can’t see.” Lowering her head she flipped her hoof across an odd branch atop the otherwise clean hedge. “I could be wrong, you may indeed have a student I haven't met. I mean I’ve been hearing voice….” Pearl’s voice was cut off when she heard Twilight yell out. Turning around she saw her old teacher fall backward. Having tripped over a strange root, and landed on her back in the shallow pool.

“Twilight!” Pearl dashed out, only to feel something slam into her backside, causing her to trip over the same looped root. What happened Pearl could only see in slow motion.

The water was splashing higher and higher as she felt herself falling. Looking out of the corner of her eye she glanced at a set of amber eyes before looking back in front of her. Twilight was getting closer and closer. Landing in the water atop Twilight, Pearl felt those large wings around her. She would have been glad if it had stopped there, but she moved forward more. Her fall was so perfectly aimed that her lips landed directly on Twilights.

For a moment, neither moved. Twilight’s eyes had widened in surprise at the contact but made no move to break the kiss. Pearl was just as surprised, but right now. She didn’t care. Nothing was more beautiful than the mare before her was at the moment.

After a time, the two finally broke apart, even if a part of both mares didn’t want it to end just yet. Twilight almost had a goofy look to her eyes as she looked over at Pearl. Pearl, meanwhile, was running a gamut of emotions. But one was at the forefront of her mind.

Maybe this was a bad idea, and maybe this wasn’t the best time or place to ask. But right now, she didn’t care. “Twilight. Can I ask you something?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course, Pearl. You know you can ask me anything.”

Pearl nodded. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she looked Twilight directly in the eyes. “Twilight Sparkle. Will you go out with me?”

Twilight was stunned. Of all the things she had expected, that hadn’t been one of them.

Pearl didn’t seem to notice. “Maybe this isn’t the best place to ask this, and maybe I’m losing my mind. But right now, I don’t care. You’re the most beautiful mare I’ve ever met. Anyone who says otherwise can kiss my flank.”

She paused for a moment. “I’ve felt like this for years. I never said anything because I didn’t think it was right. You didn’t like mares as I do, and maybe you still don’t. But I don’t care.”

For a moment, Twilight didn’t say anything. Pearl’s ears fell as the seconds ticked by. Had she blown this? Would this destroy their friendship? Why did she have to go and open her big mouth like this?

Finally, though, Twilight smiled, as she lifted Pearl’s head with a hoof. “Pearl Rose. I would be delighted to.”

She sighed. “You’re right. I didn’t like mares as you do. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned about love, and having it lectured into me by Cadance and Flurry Heart. It’s that love doesn’t always make sense.” Her smile grew. “But I want to give this a try.”

Pearl’s grin would have made Pinkie proud as she squeed and threw her hooves around Twilight, who only giggled and returned the hug.

From the bushes, a set of Amber eyes watched the scene before them. With a smile and a soft rustling of leaves, Forestsong left the ignited spark to flicker into a flame.

Author's Note:

Just as an added detail to Ch. 2's Author's Note. Pearl's Gunpla collection is only up to date through 2021. Bandai hasn't announced enough past December for it to take anything from 2022 and beyond into account.