• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Party Of the Year

Cadence smiled as she watched Twilight carry Pearl down the carpeted walkway to the timberwolf-driven river stone carriage. Followed quickly by their parents. She had never been so proud of the little mare she once foal sat for.

“I see nothing but good things for their future.” Forestsong sighed contently as he shifted down to pony size, standing to Cadence’s right.

“We both do.” Summer joined suit next to her mate at Cadence’s left.

The Princess nearly jumped out of her horseshoes at how swiftly those two moved. “Any chance you two cannot give a pony a heart attack today?” Cadence huffed as the pair chuckled. “Those two told me a lot about you both, but I never expected what I've seen today. Thank you for blessing them as you both did.”

“We were glad to do so. They mean as much to us as they do to you.” Summer purred moving up to her mate. Off to the side, Kohaku carried a semi-limp Pearl on his back.

Cadence smiled as she looked at the younger pair walking up to her. “I saw you two, hooking hooves. Paws.. whatever. So when can we expect a wedding from you two?” the Princess giggled as Forestsong and Kohaku both rolled their eyes to the laughter of Summer and a half-sleepy Pearl.

“Oh, not for a long while I can assure you of that,” Kohaku smirked.

“After all we Kitsunes do like to take our time,” Forestsong humphed a bit as he looked to his mate.

“After all why rush things when you don’t have to?” Cadence blinked as she shifted her attention back to the smaller fox.

“Ponies, you all do things so quickly.”

“It’s amazing how any marriage here lasts as long as it does.”

“After all, my parents didn’t marry till after a thousand years had passed. Just to be sure they were compatible,” the two foxes quickly finished together.

“Stop. Stop you two are making me dizzy.” Cadence staggered as Kohaku and Forestsong just looked at each other.

Summer swiftly slapped a claw around her mate's mussel as Pearl shoved her hoof into Kohaku’s mouth as it opened.

“So sorry,” Summer bowed her head as Forestsong muffled something and shrugged.

“They promised to behave themselves but we should have known they’d sync together.” Pearl shook her head before yawning, Kohaku’s voice muffled by her hoof.

“Oh, no need to explain. You get Twilight and her brother together and it’s like they’re both children again.” Cadence chuckled with the two.

“Let’s go you two, before you give anypony else a headache,” Pearl slapped Kohaku’s rump with her hind leg and pointed toward the courtyard. “Now get moving or I won’t…” Pearl whispered into his ear.

Cadence and Summer didn’t have to guess what she said. But whatever it was caused Kohaku to dash outside leaving the younger Pearl to squee happily.

“Ah to be young and in love,” Forestsong muttered, finally removing his mate's claw from his lips. “Let's go, my love.” Forestsong held out his paw which Summer lovingly took. And in a splash of water and a flurry of leaves, the pair had vanished from everypony’s sight.

Cadence smirked as her own husband came up curious as to what was going on. “Don’t ask love. Let’s go enjoy the afternoon before my headache gets worse.”

Shining shrugged and just followed his wife.

“Are you sure about this, Sunset? I hate hiding this from them. Especially now,” Sci Twi frowned as she took a sip of her drink, the reception now in full swing.

Sunset nodded, sitting with the rest of her old Canterlot High friends. It felt just like old times. “You better believe it, Twi. Even more so now with the hoof cuffs Daisey and Lotus have.”

Rainbow looked over at a little surprise by the stage, right now occupied by Vinyl Scratch. “So…” She asked with a smirk.

Sunset smirked right back. “We’re getting the band back together. If we’re lucky, I can get queeny to join us. We haven’t had the whole group since graduation.”

Twi sighed, as she watched a ghostly version of Pearl talking with a ghostly version of what she could only guess was Kohaku. To see them like this was weird in so many ways for her.

Fluttershy saw it and lay a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”

Twi nodded with a sigh. “I know they’re from a different universe, therefore not everything would be as I know it. But to see them like this? It’s…”

Sunset picked up the unfinished thought with a smile. “It’s weird to see any version of your wife with anyone else? Especially a boy?”

Twi nodded glumly.

“I”m not sure why it would be so weird.” a soft voice came from beside the pair. Twi and Sunset almost jumped out of their seats as they saw the ghostly Kohkau sitting next to them. “But then again I’m not a pony or a human.”

Twi pinched her snout. “Well, you have that in common with our Kohaku. Giving people and ponies heart attacks.”

The sound of a swift wingslap upside Kohaku’s head got both girls giggling as the Ghostly Pearl sat next to Kohaku. “What did I tell you about doing that?” Pearl huffed narrowing her eyes at him.

“Oh come on, how many opportunities like this am I going to get.” Kohaku smiled but seeing Pearl make a face he shrunk down and huffed crossing his front legs together.

“Sorry about that Twi, so. How are you and My counterpart doing?” Pearl smiled lightly petting Kohaku’s back. “Last I saw you from our human world, you two just had your third anniversary.”

Twi smiled, glad that some things were the same at least. “Quite well actually. My Pearl keeps going on about having another child, but two are enough for the moment. Riko thinks we should slow down. Too much magic too soon can…”

“Cause irreparable damage” Kohaku finished with a sigh. Lifting his head he looked at Twi. “My family… they're alive in your world?” The young fox’s eye slowly began to twitch.

Twi and Sunset blinked and looked at Kohaku before nodding. Pearl looked at her fox who got a dark look on his face. “Haku.” The young Pegasus placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“I’m going to… I need some air.” Kohaku stepped up on the table and walked on before jumping off and off toward the forest.

“Did we say something wrong?” Twi looked about as they were out in the open.

“No, he’s going through a few things after seeing Starswirl off in the distance earlier.” Pearl sighed. “Unlike your Kohaku, and the Forestsong here. He hasn't had the most pleasant of pasts. So if you want someone to blame, blame the wizard. As down as he is, he’s not one to ruin today. And I think he’s getting a bit tired. It’s his magic that’s sustaining us being here.”

“Really? Well, tell him I'm sorry.” Sunset smiled while Pearl nodded.

“So. How about you Sunset? You getting laid yet?” Pearl smirked as Sunset spat out her drink in shock making the young girl and Twi laugh.

“Well, you certainly haven’t changed. Still quick to jab.” Twi laughed.

Sunset’s blush soon matched her mane as her friends joined in the laughter at her expense.

Kohaku took long deep breaths as he sat on a tree stump alone in the deep forest just off the courtyard. Small animals each poked their heads around before running about the teen’s body. It wasn’t until a bunny rolled down his snout that he started to laugh.

“Needed a place to cool off huh?” His counterpart stepped out of the trees and sat in front of the young fox who merely nodded.

“The things we do for love and those we care about.” Kohaku leaned back looking up at the sky.

“You didn’t want to show up did you?” Forestsong watched as Kohaku shook his head slowly.

“It meant the world to Pearl, to be here and watch the wedding. It also doesn’t help that Twi was right. Seeing any version of your mate with another can be painful.” Looking up at Forestsong, Kohaku shivered at how much he resembled their father. “And it doesn’t help when Cirrus and Stratos are pressuring me about when I’m going to put a ring on the hoof of their daughter.”

Forestsong chuckled nodding. “Well, we’ve never been known for short engagements. Then again, my own was only a hundred years.”

“How did you know?” Kohaku closed his eyes.

“One look into her eyes, that’s all it took for me.” Waving a hoof the bushes parted and showed the table with Sunset, Twi, and Pearl all chatting away. “Look at her. What does she make you feel.”

“Like I’m home.” Kohaku chuckled.

“Can you live without her?” a soft voice came from behind him.

Looking behind he saw the Dragoness that was his counterpart’s mate. Looking back at Pearl he smiled and shook his head.

“Then what are you waiting for!” Forestsong and Summer asked in unison. Looking behind them he saw the faded outline of six kitsunes, their eyes nodding in response.

Wiping a tear from his eye Kohaku smiled then nodded in return. He had what he needed. Their approval. With a deep breath. Kohaku walked out of the grove with a new resolve.

“Does he know our Pearl asked you to talk to him?” Summer rested her head down on her mate's shoulder.

“Not a clue.” Forestsong shook his head slowly. “I remember being that young and clueless.”

“Wasn’t it just yesterday?” Summer poked his shoulder. Earning a chuckle from Forestsong as he stuck his tongue out at her.

Twilight watched with a smile as Kohaku rejoined the party with a new spring in his step. “Do you think he will listen?”

“I’m not sure, but I hope he will.” Pearl nuzzled up close to her new wife. “Hopefully he won’t be dragging his tail with sis anymore. They may be in their late teens but they have been together longer than you and I.” Pearl chuckled. “I’m glad his Pearl and I came up with this. Just a swift kick in the tails.”

Twilight giggled. “Well between the two of you, hun, you’re capable of giving him that kick regardless if he needs if not. Literally in your case.”

Pearl just stuck her tongue out at her wife, which only made her giggle harder. She eyed the cases beside the stage. “Do you know what they’re planning? I know they’re up to something.”

Twilight shook her head with a sigh. “Sunset made them Pinkie Promise not to talk about it until it was the right time at least. Whatever that might mean. And I’m not going to force it.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. Damn those promises.

Twilight gave her new wife a pointed look. “Now. I’ve been holding this back for a while now. But I’m noticing that you don’t use certain curses you used to. Especially around Forestsong.”

Pearl nodded. “Yeah. I got an earful about it right after you set me and Luster to tending the castle’s gardens.”

Twilight nodded. She had heard about that little talk the two had and what was said. “That’s not the only reason I feel. You know the real reason why he hates them. Why he stops me using the oath.”

Pearl’s ears wilted. It was time she stopped holding this in, as she nodded. “We’ve met the reason why. The Slayer of Eternities is the only weapon that will kill a spirit. No amount of their magic will save them. Think of what would happen to the elements they’re tied to if they die.”

Twilight did, and her heart clenched in horror. “And the Omega Oath?”

Pearl shook her head. “Kitsunes are the reason it exists. One pushed Lumena’s buttons one too many times. Another made the mistake of flat-out attacking her. She permanently scarred their deaths on the entire race. The Dragon Wars were the final straw.”

Twilight’s ears fell, as the implications began to sink in. “Then…”

Pearl nodded. “If Tiamat hadn’t done so, Lumena would have done so herself, and no amount of his family’s influence would have mattered. With interest.”

Twilight shook her head in sorrow. She made a mental note to watch her words and thoughts from now on. It would not be right of her.

“She’s right of course. Every word.” Forestsong mumbled as he popped a fork full of cake into his mouth. “Kind of a shame but those of us who didn’t have our brains in our rears, accept it. And there are a few safeguards now. Why do you think it hasn’t been used since the Dragon Wars?”

Pearl rolled her eyes and took a bite out of her cake as Twilight blinked then looked at Pearl. “You know?” Pearl nodded slowly smirking pointing her hoof at Forestsong.

“Someone had to take responsibility. How do you think I was bound to nature the way I am? There’s only ONE being capable of doing so.”

“Why you?” Twilight looked at Forestsong quirking an eyebrow.

“I think she liked me. I was never rude, I held her in awe and with deep respect. Still do, even though she’s a pain in my tails at times.” Forestsong looked over at his counterpart as he talked to the Rainbooms who all started to look excited. “I know how to push her buttons but stop before going too far. I’m also not stupid enough to challenge her, unlike that swelled-head moron who started the whole thing back then. She has one of us in every world she creates. Sort of a failsafe in case something should go wrong and the secret of that Oath falls into the wrong hooves, paws, or talons.”

“Really?” Forestsong nodded slowly.

“Why do you think Alicorn Pinkie owns a multi-universal inn between universes? She too was a guardian like myself, the first of us to be exact. I think it’s because she made the maker laugh.”

“So why did she choose you? If what you said can be believed.”

“I think she’s waiting to erase him on the day when she finally beats him at Ping Pong.” Pearl chimed in groaning. “But honestly, I think she just likes playing that silly game with him. I’ve seen it in her eyes.”

“When was this? I don’t remember you going anywhere.”

“About a few months back or so ago. Longest two days of my life especially since they were crammed into eight hours here. And that was just one round.” Pearl shivered at the memory. “But, I did see her smile as they played. Though that might have had something to do with the pony that was with her.”

“Who could be with her? Not sure if anyone could put up with her.” Twilight rubbed her head a little with a wing, her mind running in circles

Pearl shrugged. “Don’t really know for sure. Said her name was Crystal Dawn, and that she was Lumena’s soul mate. Though she knew her under the name of Cosmos.”

Twilight held her head trying to imagine that sight.

Pearl saw this and kissed Twilight tenderly. “Hey. This is supposed to be the best day of our lives. Let’s not ruin it with stuff like this. I’m going to teach you to dance if it kills me.”

Twilight giggled as she returned the kiss tenderly. “You’re right. And my dancing is not that bad.”

Pearl and Forestsong only giggled, earning an annoyed pout from the alicorn as Pearl dragged her across the yard and out to the dance floor.

“Who the hell taught you to dance? A dying manticore trapped in a tar pit?” Pearl grumbled as everything but the mare in front of them was tuned out.

Twilight huffed. “Excuse me? Nopony has ever said anything about this before now.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Maybe because they weren’t about to insult a princess and a national hero? Lucky for you mom and dad made me take lessons when I was a filly.”

Twilight blinked. “When was this? I don’t remember you ever taking any here in Ponyville.”

Pearl nodded. “That’s because I didn’t. I was ten and still living in Baltimare. Mom thought it would make me more ladylike.”

Twilight smirked as she stole a quick kiss. “Well, that obviously did not work. You make most sailors seem tame by comparison.”

Pearl smirked as well. “Yet you love me anyway. So who’s the weird one here? Now, put your wing on my barrel, the other wing on mine, and let ME lead this time. And let's try to not have four left hooves.”

Twilight pouted once more but did as she was told.

Forestsong sat comfortably next to his mate watching the pair dance, almost bursting out laughing as Twilight’s hoof scraped up Pearl's front leg for the fourth time.

“She is getting better.” Summer rested her head on her mate's shoulder. “At least she didn’t fall down this time.”

“I’m not sure if this is so funny it’s painful, or it’s so painful it’s funny.” Forestsong watched as the two tried to master a simple box step. His eyes scanning saw everypony snicker slightly as Pearl cursed for the fourth time in ten minutes. “Okay, I can’t watch this anymore. Someone has to do something.”

“And what do you think you can do love?” Summer smirked then caught the glimpse in his eyes. “Oh no. Please don’t do this. Remember the last time?” the dragoness groaned but watched as Pearl tried to spin Twilight only for the pair to fall and tumble into a speaker. “Never mind. Just do it. Before our ‘Queen’ kills my sister. Or Pearl blows her top.”

Forestsong chuckled as he lifted his paw and pointed at Twilight. “From sun to moon, ponies play and prance. For the next few hours. Twilight can dance.” with a light spark of light from his finger he grinned. Watching as Twilight suddenly started to spin and twirl Pearl around like an expert.

From the corner of her eyes, Pearl caught the light spark from her friend’s finger, and it didn’t take long for it to click. But at this point, she couldn’t have cared less.

Twilight wasn’t sure why she suddenly knew everything Pearl had been trying to teach her as if she had been doing this her entire life. But it was much better than making a fool out of herself as she had been. The snickers were not as quiet as ponies thought, but in this instance, she didn’t care. As now all those snickering ponies were wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the skill she was displaying on the dance floor.

The royal couple matched the skill shared by the only other couple on the floor. Another Pearl and a smaller version of the fox. The two doing moves some thought were only reserved for the bedroom, the younger Pearl grinning as the fox held a single rose in his teeth. The pair danced on only their hind legs.

Sunset rubbed her snout with a sigh. “Okay. They’ve had way too much practice doing that. I didn’t even think ponies could stand like that for long.” Sunset quirked an eyebrow as Kohaku leaped from the stage and continued to dance to the edge of the floor, only to return leading a group of heated mares toward Pearl who stood there shaking her hips lightly keeping her eyes focused only on his before running out and leaping into his paws. The young fox held her up with no effort at all. “Way too much practice.”

AJ, though, had another thought as she listened to the music that had changed as soon as the couples had started. “When the heck did ponies even know that song?”

Twi sighed. “They shouldn’t. But I’m past that point of questioning anything about Equestria.”

Sunset blushed and bit her lips. “I may have had a hand in that. I was requested to bring that tape with me. And Kohaku there asked me to give it to Vinyl. I just didn’t know they’d be doing the exact scene from the movie.”

Rarity watched as most of the couples soon joined the pair on the dance floor as well. “Well, it is much better than it was, darling. I had hoped her highness had improved since the Fall Formal. Apparently not.”

Everyone but Twi winced at the reminder. How Flash hadn’t got a black eye was beyond them.

“You want me to what?!” Twilight asked, finally allowing herself a break, even as most couples were still out on the dance floor.

Sunset smirked, in a way that she knew would get under her feathers. “We want you up on stage with us. We haven’t jammed in too long. Especially when it’s all of us.”

Twilight sighed. She had been afraid of that. “I do miss those days. But how exactly do you plan for everyone to play? Hooves aren’t the best for some of our instruments.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Kohaku has a plan for that. If hooves won’t work…”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh, no. It’s too risky.”

“Why not? Isn’t there a store in town that sells models that require a bit more than hooves can give? ” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes. But it is still a quite small community. Only Daisey and Lotus know about Pearl’s collection at the moment. I am waiting for it to grow some more before I unveil the truth.”

Sunset nodded softly but smiled regardless. “True, but they do say, no guts no glory. Let’s give everypony here a concert to remember, and deal with the aftermath later. Who knows when we’ll ever get another opportunity like this again? All of us together up on stage.”

Twilight sighed looking at her friends who all smiled back at her. She knew she was defeated. There was no argument to be made here. Sunset was right. After today she would be so busy being a queen and a wife there may never be a time like this again. “Alright girls. Let's do it. Equestria has dealt with a lot these last few months. What’s one more thing.”

After a quick cheer, the eight of them all walked up onto the stage. As all eight mares stepped up off the final step, they shifted up into their human forms.

Twilight kept her eyes closed as she picked up the microphone and turned to the crowd. She was surprised to see that nopony was looking at them any differently. Had this once again been a case of her overthinking things too much? “I guess I was worried over nothing.” Looking out over the crowd again she saw her beloved wife seated next to Forestsong and his mate on one side, while on the other was Kohaku and his Pearl. With a nod, she opened her mouth to start when she heard her name from the side.

“OH Twilight wait.” Luster smiled as she galloped up onto the stage rummaging through her saddle bag. Luster giggled and pulled out a specially designed microphone that matched Twilight's crown. “I thought you’d be singing today, what with the other Twi here, so I got you thi…wha?” But as the young mare turned she blinked at seeing Twilight and the others. Taking a few steps back she looked at the front of the stage then moved back up. Repeating this a few times Luster shook her head.

“I have NO idea how you're pulling this off. But it’s amazing. You HAVE to teach this spell to me.” Luster grinned as all the girls looked at each other confused. “Anyway, break a leg.”

After catching the new microphone in her hand, Twilight looked out into the crowd and saw Forestsong wink at her. Much to the confusion of both Pearls and Summer, while Kohaku just chuckled.

“Why is no one freaking out? Humans aren’t known to most ponies,” Twi whispered.

Twilight shook her head with a smile. “I don’t know, but let’s not waste this.”

Everyone was confused as Twilight stepped forward. “Thank you. Everyone. This day has been more wonderful than I could ever have imagined. My bad dancing and all,” she giggled.

The crowd chuckled as well, and even her Ponyville friends couldn’t keep a straight face.

Twilight’s smile grew as she looked at her friends beside her. “Now. I want to give something back. We all do. Things change, but friendship is forever.”

Pearl blushed as Twilight looked at her, as she began to sing.

‘I spent so much time searchin'
Lookin' for somethin' more
Diggin' holes too deep
And opening every door
And when you stand too close
Yeah, the picture's never clear
And when you look too far away
It all but disappear’

The girls soon joined in.

‘And it was right (right) there in front of me

Just too close for me to see

Sometimes the things you want

Are not the things you need

And it was right there in front of me’

Sunset’s smile grew as she looked towards Princess Celestia, who smiled as well.

‘There was a time before

I didn't know where I belonged

I thought I needed more

And that I couldn't get along’

Twi’s smile grew, as she and Sunset locked eyes.

‘But who I am
Was all I ever needed
And when I faced that test
I finally succeeded’

Twilight smiled as she and Twi stood back to back.

‘And it's all I'll ever need’

Pearl’s blush grew by the second, trying to contain her excitement.

Twilight’s smile softened, earning a knowing smile from Twi.

‘And it was right there in front of me
And it's all I'll ever need
And it was right there in front of me-ee-ee
All this time
It was in front of me.’

Everyone cheered. It made Twilight gitty, remembering this same feeling the night of the Battle of the Bands and during graduation. “I forgot how much fun this is,” she whispered.

Rainbow chuckled. “You know it, queeney. I say we give them a show to remember.”

Twilight nodded, and she had a song in mind to start. “You remember Songbird Serenade?”

The girls nodded.

“Only for one song,” Rarity replied.

“Rainbow.” All of them spoke in unison.

Twilight smirked. “That’s what I’m thinking, and we go from there.”

It was all the girls needed to hear, as they began.

‘I know you, you're a special one
Some see crazy where I see love
You fall so low but soar so high
Big dreamers shoot for open sky

So much life in those open eyes
So much depth, you look for the light
But when your wounds open, you will cry
You'll cry out now and you'll question why

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

I am here and I see your pain
Through the storms, through the clouds, the rain
I'm telling you you can not escape
You can do it, just feel, baby

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

Here comes the sun smiling down
Here comes the sun smiling down
Here comes the sun smiling down
Smiling down

I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

I can see a rainbow (Here comes the sun)
In your tears as they fall on down
I can see your soul grow (Here comes the sun)
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow (Here comes the sun)
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out’

“You’re definitely a better singer than a dancer,” Pearl giggled, as the Rainbooms finally called it curtains, having performed for most of the afternoon.

Twilight smirked, stealing a quick kiss. “Says the mare who can’t hold a tune. Nails on a chalkboard sound better than when you try.”

“Kohaku says the same about my signing too.” the ghostly Pearl huffed as she sat back and crossed her front legs.

“Where is he anyway. Wasn’t he just here?” Twilight asked looking about.

“No clue. He walked away just as you girls left the stage.” Pearl shook her head.

The sound of a microphone echoed through the room as Applejack taped it with her hoof and positioned the pole to Kohaku’s height. With a grin and nod he stood in front of it as Applejack walked off stage yet again.

“Uh sorry for interrupting the party. But I thought now would be a good time to do what I should have done a while back.” Kohaku looked at his pearl who blushed a deeper red than her hair. “But I hope that the one mare I care for deeply feels the same. And wants nothing more than to be Together Forever!” the wave of his paw every instrument lifted as music filled the whole room.

“Oh no…” Pearl blushed and shrunk down into her seat but smiled at being called to attention.

Twilight and her Pearl blinked as magic seemed to fill the room. Pearl looked behind her as she saw Forestsong and Summer grinning with their paw and claw gripped together. A paw was outstretched.

Kohaku spun and sang as he stood on his hind legs. A green trench coat hung from his shoulders as his song continued. At the words “Heaven and Earth” his paws stretched up as the sky itself parted showing the night sky. Stars streaked across the heavens forming a pegasus and fox.

Pearl wouldn’t have said it but her heart was beating faster as she watch her fox. Barely calling into question how he looked more solid with another two tails swishing behind him. As he jumped off the stage as he continually repeated the chorus. Kohaku knelt before his Pearl and took her hoof in paw. He didn’t need to say the words. She knew them in his heart. Leaping forward Pearl locked lips with Kohaku and sent him tumbling to the ground. The crowd watching cheating.

“I guess that’s a yes.” Pearl chuckled as she leaned into Twilight, the sky returning to normal slowly as the magic around them died out. “And about damn time too.”

Celestia and Luna chuckled as they walked up to the royal couple, the party slowly dying down as everyone was leaving. “Love takes time. Just look at the two of you,” Luna grinned.

Celestia nodded. “Your chariot awaits, your highnesses. I have it on good authority that you will not soon forget your honeymoon.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but this brought forward something that needed to be taken care of. “Celestia, Luna. I hate to have to do this. But…”

Luna’s grin grew. “You wish us to take back the sun and moon while you are away?”

Twilight nodded sheepishly.

“Fear not, you needed have asked us. Sister and I have already done so.” Luna bowed her head as Celestia nodded.

“Thank you all.” Twilight hugged her friends and former mentor as she turned to Pearl. “Shall we go my love?”

“Let's.” Walking together they stopped at the door to their carriage only to find it blocked by Kohaku and his Pearl.

“I guess this is goodbye huh?” Pearl frowned as she looked at the two of them.

“Sadly yes. The spell holding us here is fading and we’ll soon wake up. But we wanted to give our one last goodbye and well wishes.” Kohaku bowed his head slowly.

“I’m going to miss you two.” Pearl leaped out and hugged Twilight and Pearl, both shocked she had substance now. “Oh don’t look like that. Sense Forestsong and Summer did whatever they did to him, I can at least hug goodbye. Why they couldn’t do it earlier…”

“Now Pearl.” Kohaku placed a paw on his future mate’s back to calm her. “I hope you two have a good life together. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll meet again at the crossroads.”

“Then we’ll look forward to that day.” Twilight smiled and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“Be sure to treat her right!” Pearl smirked and lightly punched Kohaku in the shoulder.

“I will.” The two young lovers stepped aside as they opened the door to the covered pegasus-drawn carriage. After he did the pair waved one last time before vanishing completely.

Pearl smiled as she watched the lands under them grow smaller as they were carted to their honeymoon. “You think they’ll be okay?”

“As well as we will be.” Twilight smiled wrapping a wing around Pearl and pulling her in close. “Like them, we have nothing but a universe of possibilities.” Leaning in Twilight kissed Pearl deeply.

As Pearl sank into the kiss, she felt elation at the fulfillment of her greatest heart’s desire. Best. Day. Ever!

Author's Note:

Hoped to have this for the wedding itself. But I don't mind, since it was worth the wait. Done as a Commission by Snow Quil. Pearl's is based on this by MyLittlePastafarian, and Twilights is based on this by Vavacung.

And just because it was too funny not to. Here's the song they were all dancing to. Dance moves and all from Dirty Dancing for the visiting Pearl and Kohaku.