• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 10

Twilight pinched her nose in frustration. “I appreciate the concern, Gallus. But Pearl and I had everything under control. There is no need to worry about a little storm.”

Gallus shook his head. His Royal Guard training had managed to instill discipline and obedience to the Crown, but some of his old habits had never gone away. “With all due respect, Twilight. That was not just a little storm. It literally came out of nowhere, dead center on your castle. Harmony wouldn’t have gathered me and my friends together if it was just a “Little storm.” ”

Twilight smiled. That was true, and past experience had taught her to trust Harmony’s judgment on something like this. Not today, however. “With all due respect to Harmony, this was not something the six of you could have handled. I do not doubt that you all would have tried. But this was something Pearl and I had to do ourselves.”

Gallus frowned. He could tell that Twilight was hiding something. Something important. “What is so important that you won’t tell us, Twilight? The Map Room looks like a warzone. There’s blood spots against one wall. What happened in there?”

Twilight frowned. He was towing a very thin line. She liked that Gallus would speak to her like this normally. But not today. “Justice long overdue. Discord finally paid for all he has ever done. And that, Captain. Is all I will say on the matter.”

Gallus snapped to attention, his training overcoming his need to know more. No matter how much he didn’t like it.

Twilight hated to have to say that. But the fewer who knew of what had really gone on in the Map Room, the better. “Tell Harmony this as well. Stay out of this. I don’t want the six of you hurt. And if she still insists on getting you involved?”

She paused for a moment before her frown grew. “Tell her Forestsong sends his regards.”

Twilight rubbed her snout as Gallus left. She hated having to keep him and his friends out of this, but it was better that they didn’t know. She made a note to make it up to him later.

Right now, however, there were other ponies she needed to meet with. And she was not looking forward to this. One in particular.

Her thoughts were interrupted when one of the Door Guards stuck his head inside. “Your highness? Your friends are here.”

Twilight sighed. Better to get this over with as soon as possible. “Send them in.”

The guard nodded, before ushering the rest of the Elements of Harmony and Starlight Glimmer into the Council Chambers. Rainbow looked a little worse for wear after being thrown around in the storm, and the others didn’t look much happier.

Twilight gulped. “Thank you for coming on such short notice, girls. I know Ponyville needs all hooves on deck. But this can’t wait.”

Applejack shook her head. “Land sakes, Twi. That damn storm almost flattened the whole town. Ain’t counting whatever happened to your castle.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah. What was up with that storm anyway? We couldn’t get anywhere near it. It almost looked like it was alive.”

Rarity shot her a look. “Come now, Rainbow. Don’t you think you’re exaggerating just a little? Ponyville has had wild storms before.’

Rainbow shook her head. “Not like this one, we haven’t. Since when did a storm hover over one spot and not move at all? Even the other storms moved. This one didn’t move at all, and then it just vanished? That isn’t normal. Even for Everfree storms.”

Fluttershy nodded, a distant look in her eyes. “It’s true. And then there was that all the animals were worried sick. I’ve never seen them so afraid.”

Twilight nodded. She had been afraid of that. “That was not a normal storm. Not even a wild storm.”

“So do you know what it was all about?” Starlight asked.

Twilight nodded sadly. “Yes. Do you remember the kitsune skull I have had for some time now?”

“That old thing? What about it?” Applejack asked.

“Does it have something to do with that gravesite we found?” Pinkie asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes. That broken into grave we found? That skull belongs to it. I’ve met its owner.”

Fluttershy felt her heart drop. “That is so sad. What is it doing outside of it? That doesn’t feel right. Um. At least I don’t think so anyway. I don’t understand kitsune burials.”

Twilight smiled a little. “It’s okay Fluttershy. And you’re right. It isn’t right. That grave was desecrated. Forestsong is the name of its owner.”

“And you’ve met him? How?” Starlight asked.

Twilight chuckled. “He’s a spirit, Starlight. The literal embodiment of the Everfree Forest. It’s his home. My castle shows the sign of nature’s wrath, unleashed. Unrestrained and unstoppable.”

The girls shared a look. “But what did you do? We only just found the place. Unless you never told us something?” Rainbow asked with an annoyed look.

Twilight shook her head. “I didn’t do anything. But I knew who had, and Pearl and I told Forestsong about it. He was not pleased, to say the least.”

“So who did it then? That is something I can’t believe anyone would ever do,” Fluttershy replied.

Twilight’s ears fell as she looked at her friend. “It was Discord. He willfully desecrated and destroyed Forestsong’s shrine, and he damn well knew what he was doing when he did it.”

The girls gasped, while Fluttershy looked disappointed. “I cannot believe you, Twilight. He would never do such a thing.”

Twilight gave her a look. “Would he? What about Sombra? What about the Legion of Doom?” Her frown grew. “Tirek? Discord was never one to think about what his actions would cause or cost.”

Fluttershy shrunk back a little, but she came back quickly. “But he learned his lesson. I know he has.”

Twilight laughed, but there was no mirth behind it. “Has he? Did you ever wonder why you found Forestsong’s skull as you did? Like it was placed there on purpose.”

Fluttershy couldn’t argue with that. It had seemed too convenient that she had been the one to find it. “It did seem too convenient. And it did look too new since you said kitsunes died out a long time ago.”

Twilight nodded. Her frown melted a little at the look her friends were giving her. “Fluttershy. For as long as I knew him, Discord and I never got along. At best, he was a constant pain in my flank. At worst… Well. You all remember the first time we met him.”

The group nodded, even if Starlight hadn’t been present at the time. “Hard to forget about that, darling,” Rarity shuddered.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “In all that time, no matter how much he drove me insane, I never said a thing about it. Do you really think I would lie about this? What would be the point?”

Nopony said anything for a moment. “Silverstream came to me that day. She said the Tree of Harmony had asked to get her friends together. You know she wouldn’t do that unless something was very wrong,” Starlight said.

Twilight nodded, her head falling. “I was at ground zero. Pearl and I saw things that we will carry for the rest of our lives. My castle looks like a warzone. Do you really think I would do it myself?”

Nopony could argue with that. As long as it had taken, Twilight had always taken good care of her home. No matter if it had been the Golden Oaks Library, or the Castle of Friendship.

“Alright. Just for the sake of argument, let's say Discord did all you said he did, Twilight. Where did that storm come from?” Rainbow asked. “Even he couldn’t make the weather do that.”

Twilight gulped. “I do know. Remember the grave and shrine I said we should avoid even more than the others? That it would probably be the last thing we ever did if we got too close?”

“Ah still think you were overreacting, Twi,” Applejack rolled her eyes. “What could they do? Being dead and all.”

Twilight looked out a nearby window. It was a rather cloudy day. “I can tell you, Applejack, what one of them did. That storm was Forestsong’s sister, Stormbringer. If I understood what he told us correctly, she is the literal embodiment of the storm and weather.” She shuddered. “I have never felt such power in something so beautiful, and yet so terrifying at the same time.”

“What did she do?” Pinkie asked.

“Well for starters with the flick of her wrist, and not even touching her, she blew Pearl aside as if she was nothing more than a wayward leaf. Standing before me the aura was so intense all I could do was bow before her.” All of her friends were wide-eyed in shock. Twilight rarely if ever bowed before Celestia.

Twilight smiled slightly. “She then calmed Forestsong down and grounded him. Whatever else, he is still her baby brother.” She looked at AJ, Rarity, and Rainbow. “I know you girls know what that is like?”

The trio in question nodded, smiling at the memories of their own younger siblings. Even Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile.

“So what then? We just put his skull back in his grave and fix his shrine? Doesn’t sound too hard,” Starlight shrugged.

Twilight slumped in her chair. “It’s not that simple, Starlight. Returning Forestsong’s skull is just one part of what we need to do. We need to reconsecrate his shrine, and who knows what else, and I don’t know how I can.”

“Can’t he tell you?” Fluttershy asked. Whatever else she was feeling at the moment, she didn’t like the idea of this not being made right.

“He can, but he won’t,” Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose with her hoof. “He said magic such as this has to be earned, and I believe him. I’ve been reading scroll after scroll. And in one was mentioned what might happen if a reconsecration goes wrong. Not only would his soul be lost. But mine as well.”

The group blanched at the thought. “Guess we can’t ask the rest of his family for help then, either?” Rarity asked with a forced smile.

Twilight snorted. “Rarity. I want to avoid the rest of his family if I can. If Stormbringer is any indication, we were lucky to get away with what we did. And I think that was her in a good mood. Besides, they have less tolerance for ponies than Forestsong does.”

Fluttershy sighed and moved herself to the door. “I’m... I’m sorry Twilight, I have animals to feed right now.” Her voice was low as her shoulders slumped a bit as she left the room.

Twilight winced. She hated having to be the one to have said all of this. But it was out now, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She just hoped that one day, Fluttershy would forgive her for what she had done.

Fluttershy strolled through Ponyville. Looking about she watched as various ponies cleaned up after the sudden storm. She couldn’t believe what had been said about Discord. Reaching the bridge to her home she stopped and looked at the Forest.

“Why would he, why do that and leave me to find it?” She said to herself. With a long-drawn-out sigh, Fluttershy walked toward her cabin when a rustling came from behind her.

Turning around she stood defensively. Her wings clung tightly to her body as her eyes scanned the road, moving over toward her valley. Blinking she noticed something dash past the hills. From the shape, she saw it was a fox. “Oh my, I hope I didn’t frighten the poor dear.” Spreading her wings Fluttershy took to the sky and soared a few feet above the ground to her valley.

Landing on a small hill she looked around. Nothing but a large pile of leaves at her hooves and trees from the Everfree that bordered it. “Hello? Any little fox out here? You don’t have to be scared, come on out.” Slowly turning around she looked everywhere for what she had seen.

Sighing she sat down and lowered her head. “Great, nothing. I must have just imagined it.”

“You didn’t” a soft voice reached Fluttershy’s ears. Startling her so much that she jumped several feet into the air and spread her wings to hover.

Looking down she saw the pile of leaves shift as a small fox no larger than a colt lifted its head from the pile. With a shake the leaves vanished and sitting there was the fox she had seen.

“Sorry, I was tailing you. You seemed rather depressed.” Forestsong stretched and patted the ground beside him. “I was going to keep my silence, I wanted to avoid frightening you. But you sounded so defeated. I guess I just felt sorry is all.”

“W… who...” Fluttershy half stammered as she slowly floated down.

“Who am I?” Fluttershy nodded. “Well my name, my actual name hasn't been used in ages. Not even Twilight and Pearl know it. But you can call me Forestsong.” Forestsong smiled pleasantly. His nine tails fanned out on the ground behind him.

“Forestsong? The same one Twilight was talking about. The same one I… I..”

“Yes, you're the one who found my skull after Discord placed it in your path.” Forestsong kept perfectly still, the sunlight slightly filtering through him making the ground in front glitter a brighter green. “You needn't worry, I don’t bite. At least not without permission first.”

A soft giggle escaped Fluttershy’s lips as she landed beside the fox. Reaching out she lightly touched his shoulder and pulled back slightly. “Your. um. Are you?”

“Yeah, it’s hard to explain. But to answer your questions, yes. I am a spirit. Not actually dead, but not actually living either. What you and Twilight found at the gravesite is the remains of my physical form. One I shredded a very long time ago when I ascended. Becoming a true spirit of nature.”

Fluttershy just looked at Forestsong. Blinking just to keep her eyes from spinning any more than they were. “Twilight said that you, well we saw the aftermath at her castle.”

“Yeah, not exactly my best moment.” Keeping his still form he steadied his eyes on hers. “But I was upset. Having a childhood friend betray me and damn me by keeping me from my home and trapped in this pony purgatory. No offense.”

“None taken,” was all she could say as she looked into his eyes. She knew this tactic. She used it often with frightened animals. Whatever he was, he knew just what to do. “This friend, Was he? I mean was it.”

“Discord?” Fluttershy nervously nodded. “Yes. it was. I’m sorry to say it. I know he was your friend too. I don’t know why, but the reason never justifies the action. He betrayed me, my family. Our entire friendship the moment he shattered my shrine.”

“Couldn’t you have found a way to forgive him? A second chance?” Fluttershy felt sick to her stomach. She then found a soft paw on her front leg.

“If only it was so simple. I’d known him my entire life. Even back when I was just a baby.” Running his paw up he sat next to Fluttershy. “I know how you feel, you’re in disbelief. So was I. But if I didn’t do something, I would be betraying my own heart.”

“What did you do?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Fluttershy wanted to run away. Frightened of the answer before it was even given.

“I tore his essence apart, scattered it all over the world.” He looked away, but Fluttershy saw the sudden flash of deep-seated anger behind them. “Being an immortal he didn’t die. But, it will take him eons to reform. Maybe during that time, he can find redemption, but I'm not holding my breath. Our friendship is dead now.”

“I’m sorry.” Fluttershy wrapped her front legs around the small boy. She didn’t know why she did it. Only that she had to.

“I’ve always liked you.” Forestsong leaned back and rested the back of his head against her ample floor. “I’ve watched you many times in my forest. You would stroll its paths, helping every little animal you found. You even sang to the birds for hours. And I would listen to you as you did so.”

“I like doing that. I’m just grateful and lucky nothing ever happened to me. I know how dangerous the place is.”

“That wasn’t luck, that was me.” Pushing away slightly he moved behind Fluttershy.

Turning around she was going to ask what he had meant only to be met by the largest set of paws she had ever seen. Lifting her head up, her eyes met large amber ones. “I’m sure Twilight told you I was the embodiment of the forest?”

Fluttershy nodded slowly. “Big…”

“Hmm?” Looking down he blinked and then chuckled as a flurry of leaves circled about him and he retook the small form he had earlier. “Sorry, being this close to my home and my body just acted of its own accord.”

“Well, um that’s okay. You can be that large if you want.” Fluttershy gave a little cough. “I don’t mind. I like your forest. It’s beautiful. A bit wild, but I guess that’s how it should be. Thank you, for keeping me safe that is. And I'm so sorry Discord did that to you. He should have just left you alone.”

Sighing softly, she hugged Forestsong again. “After the whole Grogar incident, I found it difficult to forgive him. Even now I haven't. He hurt us all and his actions almost destroyed us. But being part of chaos is his nature. But when I heard what he had done to you, I never thought he could do something so evil.”

Forestsong felt the soft drops of tears on his back as he lifted his paw up and lightly held her hoof. He felt her collapse to her belly. Shifting slightly he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and let her cry.

Twilight sighed as she and Starlight left the room behind. The rest of the girls had already found their rooms for the night. Right now, Twilight needed all the companionship she could get, “Well that could have gone better,” she grumbled.

Starlight chuckled. “If it had come from anypony else, I’d say they were lying. I’m still having a hard time believing it myself.”

Twilight smiled a little. “I understand the feeling, Starlight. But I have the proof to show it. Whether I want it or not.”

Starlight rolled her eyes before they dropped. “Were you truly ready to invoke it though? You know better than I do what it would mean if you had.’

Twilight nodded firmly. “Yes, Starlight. I was. I think that was why Stormbringer came as she did. Aside from helping her family, she knew what I was about to do, and what it would mean for them even if the Judgement had gone their way. I don’t know how she knew. But she did.”

Starlight could see the gleam in her mentor’s eyes. She meant every word of it. And if there was one thing Starlight Glimmer knew, it was that Twilight Sparkle was never one to use something like this unless there was no other choice. “Good thing we dodged a bullet then, huh?”

Before Twilight could reply, however, someone else butted. “Dodged what bullet?”

The duo stopped and turned. The young pink unicorn that had come up behind them bore a curious look as she looked between the two older mares.

Twilight smiled. “Hello, Luster. Shouldn’t you be in class? I know we do not have any lessons planned for today.”

Luster gave her teacher a look. “It’s Lunch. I finished early so I could find you. One of your friends said which way you were going.”

Twilight looked at a nearby clock. She smiled sheepishly as she saw what time it was. Oh. Was she really that out of the loop today? Apparently so as Starlight smirked at her out of the corner of her eyes. “So it is. Is there something you wanted to talk to me about?”

Luster nodded happily. “There is. But I hope I’m not taking too much of your time, Your Majesty.”

Twilight giggled as she placed a hoof on her student’s shoulder. “Luster, I may be the Ruler of Equestria, but I’m still your teacher.”

Luster smiled. “And you’ve been wonderful. I’ve enjoyed every moment at the School of Magic. But I’m just not sure it’s the right place for me.”

Twilight’s smile faded somewhat. “I see.”

Luster caught on to the change and tried to change tack. “And it’s not the work. I could spend weeks in the library doing research. It’s just there’s a lot of focus on making friends.”

Starlight smiled. “If that’s your problem, you’ve come to the right place.”

Luster shook her head. “That’s just it, though. I don’t want to make friends.”

Twilight blinked in surprise. “So you’d rather leave the School of Magic than make friends?”

Luster smiled. “Actually, I was hoping to set up an independent course of study. Perhaps ask Miss. Rose if I can go with her on one of her trips to the Dragon Lands. I can learn so much.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “It’ll be hard to do without friends. Pearl doesn’t take just anypony with her on those trips. Her friends can tell you that.”

Luster shook her head. “I’m not so sure. Friendship looks like more of a distraction and ultimately a waste of time.”

Starlight’s jaw dropped in horror. “What?!”

Luster looked at Twilight hopefully. “I know you and your friends accomplished so much. I do. But that was so long ago, and you rule by yourself.”

Twilight’s frown grew. “I see. So just because I rule by myself, and that my friends and I don’t see each other as much as we used to, that friendship is a waste of time?”

Luster nodded happily, glad her teacher was finally seeing sense. “I mean, yes. Plus if friendships ultimately fade, why even make them in the first place?”

Something finally snapped behind Twilight’s eyes as she heard those words. Starlight saw it and quickly backed away from the explosion she knew was coming.

Twilight’s frown grew as she lifted Luster’s head with a hoof. “I see. Tell me, my little pony. What kind of stupid way of thinking is that?!”

Luster gulped and tried to back away, but her teacher’s hold was firm. “What do you mean?”

Twilight’s eyes twitched. “You presume to tell me, the Princess of Friendship herself, that friendship is a waste of time and not even worth it?! Where did you even get that idea?”

Luster’s lack of response told Twilight all she needed to know, as Luster's ears fell. She knew the unicorn’s parents would not have put the idea in her head. Cozy Glow was too good for that, and she knew that her classmates had tried to make friends with her for years without success. “I see then. You made this up yourself, based on what you thought you saw around you?”

Luster bit her lip as her head fell. It only confirmed Twilight’s suspicions, sighing sadly as her head fell as well.

“Pearl will not take you, Luster. Not with this attitude. I know the two of you have not always gotten along, but I had hoped she had exaggerated this. I see I was wrong.”

Luster sniffed, long-held tears finally flowing, a long seated fear finally confirmed. “Do you even care about me? What does she have that I don’t? I'm a unicorn, and she's just a Pegasus. But you've always favored that airheaded fea-”

Twilight’s hoof on her lips shut her up as Twilight leaned in with an angry scowl. “I suggest you think very hard about how you plan to finish that sentence, Luster Dawn. I know your mother taught you better than that. Pearl deserves your respect as much as I or Starlight does. She has never spoken about you in such terms. No matter how much you two fought. She has tried to be friends with you. Yet you blow her off constantly. Why?”

Luster wilted under the stern look she was getting from both mares. This was not how this was supposed to go. Where had she gone wrong? She'd had this planned out months ago. What did she miss?

Twilight saw this, and it broke her heart. She wanted to take Luster in her wings and tell her everything would be alright. But that would be a lie. There was one thing she could do, as she turned to look at Starlight. “Starlight. I hate to do this to you, but the classes at the school will need to be reworked.”

Starlight blinked in confusion. “Why? What do you have in mind?”

Twilight smiled a little. “You will be having a new student soon.” She looked back at Luster, who was just as confused as Starlight was. “You’re right about one thing, Luster. The School of Magic isn’t the right fit for you. So I am transferring you to the School of Friendship.”

Luster gasped in shock and horror. “You can’t do that! Can you?”

Twilight giggled. “In fact, I can, Luster. Your mother told me recently that she was worried about you. That you weren’t fitting in at the school. And once again, Cozy was right. She told me that if I felt it was needed, I should do this.”

Luster pouted. Her mother was always good at this kind of thing. It was why she was a chess Grandmaster. But the look in her mentor’s eyes said there would be no argument about this. She let her tears gather, her heart breaking at the thought of what this meant. “Does this mean I’m no longer your student, Princess Twilight?”

Twilight’s heart shattered, remembering when she had once asked that same question. “Right now Luster? I don’t know. Your magic is beyond compare to your classmates. But you are sorely lacking in other areas. Prove me wrong, however. Prove to me that I am wrong about this. Show me you can learn to embrace friendship and make friends.”

She smirked, earning another gulp from the unicorn. “And I will know if you are faking it just to make me happy. I’ve gotten very good at seeing this type of thing. Am I understood?”

Luster nodded, but Twilight could see her heart wasn’t in it, however, She turned back to Starlight. “I will leave the rest up to you, Starlight.”

Starlight nodded numbly, as the alicorn turned and walked away, leaving behind two very confused and lost unicorns.

Only once she was sure nopony would see her, did Twilight allow herself to drop the mask and let her own tears flow.

Author's Note:

Did I just do that with Luster Dawn and the whole premise of The Last Problem? Yes. Yes, I did. I'm not sorry about it either. Twilight has had a lot thrust on her recently. Good and bad. Only now did it finally boil over. In the worst way possible, and on the last pony Twilight wanted to do it to.

Luster being Cozy Glow's daughter is based on the story Namesake by Jackelope. Very different circumstances obviously since Cozy was never a villain in this universe. Her worries and fears are based on What We Gonna Do About Cozy Glow? by Matthias Unidostress.