• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 21

Pearl sighed as she flipped another page of the journal. “I hope Summer can explain this better than this thing can. I’ll never learn what I need to at this rate.”

Starlight rolled her eyes as she looked at another scroll. “Look on the bright side, Pearl. Who better to learn it from than an eastern dragon?”

Pearl shrugged. “I guess. I just hope she’s a better teacher than Kohaku was for Twily. I don’t think I could take it like she did.”

Starlight sighed. “Pearl. Do you have to use that name?”

Pearl shot her a look. “Why not? It’s his name. Do you want me to start calling you Glimmer? What’s Kohaku gonna do? Come back here and annoy me to death? Yeah right. He’s probably feeling up Rosie this second.”

Starlight only smirked as she poked the Pegasus. “But you miss him anyway. Come on. I can see it in your eyes. Don’t deny it.”

Pearl fought it for a moment before she too smiled. “Yeah. I do miss him. I know he’s home and with his family. But I guess I was so used to seeing him around, that it’s weird to know I won’t. Hay. I’m almost expecting Kohaku to drop in any second now with a witty remark, or to hear his paws on the floor.”

The two paused for a few moments, listening for any sound of paws or claws on the crystal floors. But the only sound was their breathing and the wind from an open window.

Starlight shook her head with a chuckle. “Well, it’s not like you’ll never see Forestsong ever again, right? Every time you go into the Everfree, he’s there with you.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. And if something ever happens to me in there, I will find a way to haunt his nine-tailed ass. I don’t know how, but I will.”

Starlight giggled as she returned to her reading, while Pearl sat at a nearby window and looked out towards the Everfree, sighing as she watched the trees sway in the wind.

It had been three days since she and Twilight had returned from the temple, the wild storm having blown itself out by morning. No one had greeted them as they had left, and even as they watched, the temple had vanished, leaving only the graves and shrines behind.

Pearl had been more than happy to get back to Ponyville. Knowing what she did now about the forest, it still creeped her out, even though nothing had tried to come close to them.

Now Twily was off in the Crystal Empire on some kind of princess business, and to ask Princess Cadance a huge favor for their wedding.

Just that thought alone made Pearl squee in delight. She and Twilight. Married. It was a fillyhood dream come true. And as bumpy as the road had been so far, it had been worth it.

Sighing, Pearl watched the trees, her mind seemingly a million miles away for a time, before she blinked, and rubbed her eyes. But it was still there. “Starlight. Come here for a second.”

Starlight gave her a confused look before joining her at the window. “What is it?”

Pearl pointed towards the Everfree. “Please tell me I’m seeing things. Does the Everfree look closer to the castle, or is it just me?”

Starlight stared at the forest for a time, trying to see what the Pegasus apparently had. Finally, after several minutes, her mouth dropped. “That can’t be right. It is closer now than it was. Not by much, but it has grown towards the castle.” She looked down, and her confusion only deepened. “And look at the river.”

Pearl did as he was asked and looked downwards, and her own mouth dropped in shock. Now even the Rose River had shifted course towards the castle a little, and if she squinted, she swore she could see a dragon’s smirking face in the water. “But why?” She whispered.

Starlight looked at her. “What do you mean?”

Pearl shook her head. “Think about it. There’s only one way they can be moving like this. What I don’t understand is why would they do that?”

Starlight could only shake her head. “Maybe Summer just wants to be closer to her sister? Are you really going to argue with a couple of spirits about it?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “No. It’s not worth the hassle. If this keeps up though, I don’t know how we’re going to explain it to Ponyville. We kept Kohaku a secret. There's no way we can hide this."

“Then talk to them,” Harmony said, appearing before the two startled mares. “Make them see that this is not a good idea.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “No wonder Twilight is stressed after meeting you. I already have a headache.”

Pearl nodded. “What do you expect me to do? March into the Everfree and ask Kohaku nicely to stop moving his forest this way?”

Harmony nodded. “If that is what it takes, then yes. He will listen to you."

Pearl snorted. “And if that doesn’t work? Friendship Laser of Death the entire forest? Good luck with that. Assuming you survive his retaliation that is. Twilight won't do it. And I doubt your six would all agree to it."

That shut Harmony up for a moment. Pearl hated to have to say it like that. But she was not getting suckered into picking a side between these two.

“What did you ever do to Forestsong that has him treating you like this anyway?” Starlight. “I never asked him since it seemed like a sore spot for him.”

Harmony shook her head. “He sees my very existence as an insult to how plant life should be. My harmonics are not the same as true plants sing. He has hated me ever since I first sprouted.”

Starlight and Pearl shared a surprised look. With how he had berated them for how they treated their own plants, it made sense. “So what do you want me to do? Kohaku won’t listen to us, and I respect him too much to try and force him,” Pearl snorted.

Harmony gave her a pleading look. “He is your friend though.”

Pearl nodded, before poking the mare. “You're right. He is my friend. And friends don’t do this to each other.” She saw the defiance in Harmony’s eyes and frowned. “Let me put it this way then. Your beloved six still go out to the Treehouse, right?”

Harmony nodded, not sure why this was relevant.

Pearl’s frown grew. “Don’t antagonize the one who can guarantee their safety as they travel through his forest. Whatever he may think of you, Kohaku has once never taken that out on them. Don’t give him a reason to start now.”

Harmony huffed, but she knew that Pearl was right. “I see now why Twilight loves you so much. A fire to rival any dragon. She will need it in the years to come.”

Pearl’s temper cooled. “Well. My twin soul sister is a dragon. So maybe that has something to do with it?”

Harmony chuckled. “Indeed,” before she faded away.

Starlight shook her head with a smile. “I still can’t believe you are one, Pearl. I thought twin souls were a myth.”

Pearl chuckled as she returned to her scroll. “At least you knew what they were at all. What did Summer say? Twenty percent of the world’s population throughout history have been one?”

Starlight nodded. That sounded about right if all she had ever heard about twin souls were correct. “So what about your lessons with Summer?”

Pearl sighed. “I want to try this for now before I go ask her. I know she said I can come down to a certain spot on the river, and just tell the hedge I’ll be taking lessons with the river.”

Starlight giggle-snorted and even Pearl couldn’t keep a straight face. “Yeah, I know. This time last year, if you’d told me I’d say that, and I was being serious, I’d call you insane. Now? Well…”

Starlight nodded, her smile softening. “But you don’t want to interrupt their time together? Even knowing that as spirits, they have all the time in the world and have been together for so long.”

Pearl nodded. “Yeah. Call me a sucker for it, I can’t help it. And I still have questions for Kohaku. There is no way he didn’t know about me and Summer. I just know it. Among other things.”

Starlight could well believe it. Before she could say more, however, an old dog-eared journal began vibrating on one of the shelves.

Pearl’s ears picked up as she rushed over and flipped to the newest page. “Been a while since Sci Twi’s said anything. Hopefully, it’s something good.”

Starlight rubbed her snout irritably. “Must you call her that, Pearl?”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “What? It’s the only way I can know which Twilight I’m talking about some days. She doesn’t seem to mind.” She skimmed over what the girl had written, and her smile only grew by the second. “Oh yeah. Now we’re talking.”

Starlight gave her a curious look. “What is it?”

Pearl looked up with a huge. “So Bandai just had a big online event showing off a lot of the new stuff coming out next yearr. No idea why they didn’t do it in person, but whatever. And I just found two I’m already sold on.”

Starlight chuckled. While she wasn’t super into this thing as Pearl was, she liked a lot of what went into it all. “So which ones? I know you’re waiting for that Master Grade kit you were over the moon about when it was announced.”

Pearl nodded. “A new Iron-Blooded Orphans Gundam High Grade. Asmoday.”

Starlight tapped her chin. “That wasn’t one that’s ever come up before. Has it? I don’t remember you saying anything about it.”

Pearl nodded. “That’s because it wasn’t. But not all twenty-six that survived the end of the Calamity War have been named, so it kinda makes sense I guess. Seere was the last Gundam Frame that was named before this, and it’s only in Gecko and doesn’t have a kit yet.”

Starlight smiled. It was rare for Pearl to get this excited about anything. But when it came to Gundam or Gunpla, she could go on and on for hours about so much about the franchise. To such an extent that Twilight herself was kinda jealous about Pearl’s ability to lecture. “And the other one?”

Pearl blinked, before looking back down at the journal. “And there’s a new Real Grade too. The God Gundam from G Gundam. It’s actually nice they’re using the proper name too. Burning Gundam is kinda lame.”

Starlight rolled her eyes. She would have to take Pearl’s word on that. “So what now then?”

Pearl tapped her chin. “They’ve gone up for Pre-order on some sites already. Twi’s wondering if or when I want either of them and how we’ll pay for them.” She picked up a nearby enchanted quill and began to write. Darn right I want them both. Twilight is gone for a few days, and I want her to come with me this time.

There was a pause for a moment before Twi wrote back. Why? Did something happen? Aren’t you a little old to need her supervision?

Pearl snickered before replying. I am. But we’ve got big news that I think we should both be there to share. Can you get all the girls together? I think they’ll love this.

No promises, Pearl. But I will try. Knowing Pinkie, though, she’ll find a way. She always does.

Pearl giggled as the magic faded for now. That was true. No matter what universe or world it was, Pinkie always seemed to know about this kind of thing and how to make it work.

Starlight though was concerned. “I don’t think this is a good idea, Pearl. Something strange has been happening to the Mirror lately. It’s almost like it's reacting to something.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Come on, Starlight. I’ve done this for years, and nothing’s happened. Why would that change now? I think you’re just seeing things.”

The unicorn gave her a flat look. “Who is the unicorn around here? Me or you? Maybe I am seeing things, but it could also mean something is wrong.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Alright then, smarty pants. You tell me who or what could get around the Universal Barrier. It’s there for a reason. That mirror is probably the only way to other worlds.”

Starlight nodded. “I know, Pearl. Gods know what could get around it. Which is what I’m worried about. Only one thing or being I know of can.”

Pearl’s ears fell. She would be lying if that hadn’t crossed her mind as well. “Look. I’m not going through it now anyway. Me and Twily have to do this together. And who knows when she’ll get back.”

Starlight sighed. Arguing with Pearl was like arguing with a mountain some days. But the Pegasus was right of course. Who knew? Maybe it was nothing and she was being paranoid.

In the back of her mind, however, Starlight Glimmer doubted it.

Author's Note:

So that little bit about the World Mirror? That will play a part in something Valtyrian is writing at the moment for this universe. Won't say too much now though. Spoilers. I just started hinting at it now.

The Universal Barrier? Exactly what it sounds like. It keeps the universes separated, except in specific circumstances. It also keeps undesirable elements like Displaced, Anon, and HIE out.

In fact, the Barrier deletes those kind of people from existence. Not kills. Deletes. They have no say in the matter. Only the highest power in my multiverse can grant them entry. Very rarely does she do so however.

As for the Gunpla Pearl mentioned? Both of them were announced at Hobby Next Phase 2021 Autumn, Bandai had back in November. All are up for Pre-order. I use Hobby Link Japan and USA Gundam Store.