• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Gifts of the Dragon Queen

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Twilight?” Sunset asked, as Luster gingerly stepped through the Mirror Portal. “We all know what that first step is like.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s why I trust our friends to look after her. And it’s why I am sending you with her, Sunset. You got out of this last time. Not this time.”

Sunset rolled her eyes as she stepped up to the portal as well. Point. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t complain about it anyway.

Pearl watched them go with a huff. “And I can’t go, why? The Witch from Mercury premier is this weekend. I loved the Prologue. I haven’t been this hyped since Iron-Blooded Orphans ended.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Because, dear, I am expecting someone any day now. And I want us both here for this. I am not sure who or what Forestsong meant.”

Pearl’s ears fell, for she could hear the venom in her wife’s voice. “You still don’t fully trust them, even knowing all of that?”

Twilight snorted. “Trust is the last thing I feel right now. Discord is well within his usual self to do all of this. Perhaps I was expecting too much from them.”

Pearl sighed as she kissed Twily, earning a moan from the alicorn. “Hey. It’s probably why they’re making themselves scarce at the moment. Even if you don’t use a certain thing.”

Twilight melted into the kiss. “Maybe. I know Flurry was over the moon to meet them at the reception. If I didn’t know better, I would be worried about that.”

Pearl giggled. “Please. Kitsunes mate for life. Even if the age difference wasn’t so huge, it’s insanely rare for them to have more than one mate. Plus Summer wouldn’t share.”

Twilight smirked. “Then Kohaku won’t have to worry about sharing with anyone other than his Pearl then? I sometimes wonder how other me handles the two of them and Rainbow Dash.”

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Drinks. I needed more than a few myself when dealing with them. Good thing you were more than happy to provide them.”

“If it’s drinks you want I can provide you with some potent stuff,” a voice came from the vicinity of the throne.

Twisting around both Pearl and Twilight blinked seeing Kohaku lounging about on it. An open book in his paw and with nine tails swishing about.

“And I’m sure you know we did what we did for the benefit of you both.”

“Kohaku what are you doing here?” Twilight groaned rubbing her nose bridge with a hoof.

“Well, today is a very special day for you both. And I would be a lousy friend if I missed it.” the fox smiled pleasantly.

Pearl felt a headache coming on already. “How exactly? Doubt anything could top our wedding. And I’m taking time off from visiting friends for this. It better be worth it.”

Grinning like a cheshire cat, Kohaku leaped off the throne and taped Pearl’s nose. “Oh believe me. It is.” Looking up at the sky he frowned a bit seeing the sun already past midday. “Odd, she’s usually more punctual than this, I wonder if lounging about in that den of hers has impeded her ability to move like she used to?”

Twilight’s eyes began twitching. “And just who is she?”

“That would be me.” A booming voice echoed from behind both Pearl and Twilight. The pair almost fell over each as they turned and saw sitting there the Dragon Mother herself.

Pearl blinked as she wasn’t the size she was back in her own lands. But rather no larger than Kohaku’s actual physical size of twelve hooves high. She lay there on her back and looked up at Tiamat. Who looked down at Pearl with amusement.

Tiamat smiled and looked at Kohaku. “You are right, they do make such a lovely couple. I’m sorry I missed the wedding.”

“Yeah but I doubt we want ponies running and screaming about on such a happy day,” Kohaku smirked as all five of Tiamat’s heads chuckled.

“It’s nice to see you have not changed you puffball.”

“Or you rainbow lizard.” Walking over Kohaku helped both Twilight and Pearl up to their hooves. “You two okay now?”

Twilight rubbed her head. “I am so not ready for this. I made sure to invite you, your highness. Yes, I know it would have caused quite a panic. But I wasn’t about to insult you by not doing so no matter what.”

All five heads nodded slowly. “Which is why I did not attend. But Kohaku did provide me with a visual so I was able to watch it. But since I was unable to come myself. I wanted to bring my wedding present personally.”

Pearl couldn’t miss how Tiamat’s eyes looked at her as she said that. “Call me curious. It has to be big if you came all the way here yourself.

Nodding Tiamat smiled at Pearl. “Oh, it is. Something only those like your Celestia, Kohaku, or myself can grant. You have proven to Kohaku and myself that you are more than worthy of such an honor. And you can thank your best friend there because after all, it was his idea.”

“Well, why have Twilight suffer the same fate as all immortals who mate those without such a life themselves? Besides. I want my friend by my side for as long as possible.” Kohaku chuckled as Twilight’s eyes widened with revelation.

Pearl felt dizzy. They could not mean what she thought they did. Could they? But there was no deception in either of their eyes. “But why now? You gave me an extended life when I was still a filly. Why not then?”

Twilight shook her head. “Because it has to be earned. There are certain rules that prevent us from giving these out willy-nilly. And Cadance can tell you what it is like to be a filly and newly ascended.”

Tiamat nodded. “Part of why I let you live when we first met was your audacity to insert yourself into something you had no business being in. Only then did I realize there was more to you than any thought. Why Tsunami seemed more happy than she had in many centuries. All these years have proven it."

“I’ve watched you since you were just a filly Pearl. A rough and tumble brat from the streets of Baltimare.” Kohaku smiled brightly. “You grew from a delinquent into someone who can command authority even from your mate. That in itself is no small feat. You’ve braved my forest and Tiamat’s realm with more bravery than any other pony. You carry yourself with kindness and fierceness that demands respect.” Stretching Kohaku walked over and placed a hoof on Pearl’s shoulder. “But despite that fierceness. You show levels of love and affection that are just as infectious as anything I’ve seen. You care about others more than your own safety.”

Pearl blushed as Twilight nodded with a smile. Well, when it was put like that… And she hadn't been that much of a brat. Had she?

“And without you, I might never have taken the role of Queen. You helped me realize that Equestria needs to change. And change for the better.” Twilight smiled feeling herself get choked up.

Pearl rolled her eyes. “Okay okay, I get it. Lay it on thick why don’t ya? This will really stick it to Thunder now. Broken beyond repair or not.”

Everyone chuckled as Tiamat reached out a claw. “Then by the power given to me in the Age of Starbirth, I name you Pearl Rose, Dragon Princess of Equus, for now, and all time.”

As the claw touched Pearl’s forehead, she felt a flood of magic flow into her, more than she had ever thought possible. From her forehead sprouted a horn, in spiraling colors of red, blue, green, black, and white, at the tip. She even grew several inches.

Finally, all the magic was absorbed into her as the queen removed her claw, causing Pearl to rub her head. “Ow. Did it hurt this much for you, Twily?”

Twilight shook her head. “I believe I passed out at some point, Pearl. I was in the Aether one minute. The next moment, I was back in Ponyville." She looked lovingly at her wife’s new horn and increased size. “But it looks beautiful on you, Rosie. And who better than me to teach you magic?” She smirked.

Pearl snorted, watching in shock as a burst of flame shot out of her nostrils. “What the? Where the hell did that come from? And why do I have a sudden craving for raw fish?” She growled as a bolt of lightning sizzled for a moment in the air.

Tiamat chuckled. “It is my personal touch to this process. You now possess all of the breath weapons that I do. Not only are you part Pegasus, Unicorn, and Earth pony. But also part Dragon. Much better than what he came up with.”

Kohaku huffed as he crossed his front legs. “I still think she’d look better with fox tails,” he muttered making Tiamat laugh.

Pearl was glad she didn’t get those. “Yeah. No thanks. Part dragon is way cooler. I do not know how you can even walk with all of yours. But I’ll take these every time.”

Twilight giggled as she wrapped a wing around Pearl. “Well. This will make things much more interesting for sure. Now I can blame you instead of Spike for any dragon-related damage.”

Pearl stuck her tongue out, earning another giggle from her wife as well as Tiamat and Kohaku.

Author's Note:

Surprise twist! Yeah, there are a few changes from what the cover art may have said about the story. But that's why it's so fun. Up next is where the second half of the story begins. Eternity is too long for it to be just the two of them. Family makes it all worthwhile.