• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,094 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Ch. 19

Twilight and Pearl walked side by side through the thickest part of the Everfree Forest. Despite the known dangers, this part of the forest was completely devoid of all hazards. Even a set of Timberwolves that were pursuing them refused to follow any deeper. That did little to ease their fears.

“We’ve been walking for hours. If the plants here weren't so overgrown I’d fly,” Pearl groaned and kicked aside a massive sunflower.

“I agree, Pearl. But we promised. It shouldn’t be too long now. I only wish I knew what we were looking for.” Shaking her head, Twilight kept a fierce lookout. It had been a year to the day since Fluttershy brought her the skull. One year since the events that brought her and Pearl together.

“I can see a clearing up ahead. Let's stop there and rest for a bit Twilight,” Pearl called out from atop a small hill.

Twilight agreed readily. As they reached the clearing they found a massive tree. Clearly the largest in all of Equestria. Let out a soft whistle, the princess sat down and pressed her back up against the cool wood. “Oh, that’s better. I know he said we wouldn’t have a problem finding the place. I just wish he had described it better.”

Pearl snuggled up close to Twilight and rested her head down on Twilight’s shoulder. The warmth of that large wing gave her the comfort to let out a small moan. “I agree, I ju…” Blinking Pearl lifted her head up. “Do you hear something?”

Turning her head, Twilight nodded. “Definitely. It sounds like. Music. But who’s signing?” Getting up Twilight trotted around the base of the tree. Looking about to find the source and stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes wide.

Pearl caught up to Twilight and chuckled. “Of course, who else?” Standing atop a set of broken stairs leading to an old temple door was Forestsong. She recognized the song instantly. Meteor.

Pearl and Twilight observed their friend. No longer was he partially see-through. Now he appeared to be made of real flesh and blood. His slim body shifted back and forth along the foliage, all of it responding to his song. Together they understood his name, Forestsong. As he sang the forest grew larger around him. Parting with each step of his massive paws.

Pearl watched Forestsong. She watched as he danced about like a newborn. Picking up bunnies and flipping them in the air before catching them on his back. Pearl shook her head as he leaped up to a tree half his size. Hugging it fiercely.

“Oh boy…” Pearl blushed out of embarrassment.

Twilight turned to her love and giggled. “You okay hun?”

“Yeah, it’s just the heat of this place, it’s getting to me.”

“No, it’s him. He’s happy to be home. And I think you’re going to miss him more than you’re letting on.” Pearl could only nod in reply. “I’ll miss him too.”

With laughter in his eyes, Forestsong’s nine tails affectionately touched every large flower and tree, his voice bringing them all to life. The Trees, the flowers, all moved aside. Making a clear path for his guests. Turning his head toward Pearl and Twilight he bowed to them both. Spinning on his paws he led the pair up to a set of double doors so large they made even him seem small.

The pair watched as he stopped behind a set of seven gravestones at the top of a small hill leading to a broken-down temple. Each shrine was made with a different color of marble. Looking left they found Gold, Red, and Blue while turning right was Silver, Grey, and Black. But it was the one in the center that caught their attention. Made what looked to be the color of jade, was the marker Forestsong stood behind. His head bowed sorrowfully.

The Gravestone was cracked down the center and pushed off a small stone box. The kanji on the gravestone was still intact. Pearl leaned in to read it.

“Here Lies Kohaku Forestsong. Beloved Son and Little Brother. May his spirit forever rule this forest.”

“At least now we know your true name.” Pearl smiled up at Kohaku who only smiled.

Twilight and Pearl looked inside. Up to the edge it was filled with crystal clear water that shimmered, even in the shade of the giant oak tree. There at the bottom was the curled skeleton of a young fox. The only thing missing? The skull.

“The rain must have done this. Should we try to empty it first?” Pearl looked up at Twilight and Kohaku.

“No, that water was always there.” Kohaku sighed deeply as he looked at the liquid.

“I still can’t believe Discord did this.” Reaching into her saddlebags, Twilight levitated Kohaku’s skull and lovingly placed it into the grave. “I hope we never see him again.”

“I doubt we ever will, you remember what Fo… Kohaku here did to him.” Pearl gripped one-half of the gravestone and pulled it up over the stone box.

“True. Who knew his race could be so, fierce?” Twilight levitated the other half of the stone monument and placed it over Pearl’s.

Pearl shook her head. “He got Lotus to leave Ponyville right before we got together. I mean. I wouldn’t change it for the world. But if that was him being vindictive for something so small, then I can believe what he did to Discord.” She sighed, putting the unpleasant thought from her mind. “You have the spell ready?”

“I do. I practiced it for days. I just hope I have the right pronunciation.” Raising her right hoof Twilight took a long deep breath. Casting a spell not meant for ponies was always a challenge. Giving a small prayer she began to speak. Her magical aura shimmered around her whole body. “Kono jinja o gen no eikō ni modosu.” As she spoke the final words, the aura left her body and surrounded the grave. The cracks began to heal and mend together.

While it took only seconds, Twilight felt as if she had been standing there for years. Falling to her belly, the princess breathed heavily. “That was an experience.”

Pearl chuckled and sat next to Twilight, her hoof softly brushing along Twilight’s back. “I’ll say. But we did it. Look.”

Twilight lifted her head and nodded. The Jade-colored grave had been fully restored. And as they looked up, Kohaku had vanished from sight.

Pearl and Twilight looked around as they heard laughter along the garden path they were on. Watching in surprise as the ruins became whole again to reveal an opulent palace, one that could have easily fit the Castle of Friendship inside of it, and still had plenty of room left over.

Pearl’s breath hitched as she watched a young fox playing with who had to be sisters. He laughed and jumped atop each of them as they affectionately wrapped their tails about his body. A part of her just knew who he was, but she had to ask. “Is that?”

Twilight nodded, her smile softening. “It’s Kohaku. When he was still bound to a mortal frame.” She looked around at the other gravestones. “He was so young, and these, all of them? They’re his family. This isn’t just some fancy graveyard, it’s their home.”

Pearl’s ears fell as Kohaku and his sisters vanished, everything becoming ruins yet again. “I don’t think we should be here, Twily.”

Twilight put a wing around her love. “Pearl. Kohaku invited us here. We restored his shrine and returned what was stolen from him. I don’t think we need to worry.”

Pearl nodded. “I know. But it just doesn’t feel right. Maybe I’m being paranoid. But I really don’t want to meet an annoyed Kitsune. If what happened to Discord was Kohaku being mad, I really don’t want to think what his sisters are like. Let alone his parents.”

Overhead a loud thunderclap echoed in the valley as dark clouds covered the sky.

“Oh great, and we have a wild storm brewing.” Pearl huffed as she leaned up against the massive double doors. “Do you think we can make it to the Castle of The Two Sisters before it’s impossible to leave?”

“Possibly if we leave now.” Twilight was about to take a step past the grave shrines when a raindrop the size of an apple struck the ground with an audible snap on the stone tiles. “On second thought. Run. that way. To the doors over there.”

Twilight and Pearl reached the decrepit doors of the old temple only to find them sealed shut. Looking over her shoulder, Twilight saw the rain inching closer. Together with Pearl, they pushed against the doors harder, only to have a section of it give way bringing both mares spiraling along a marble floor. Groaning, Twilight stood up and looked about, the dark cavern-like building half-lit by the partly open door. “OH wow. I didn’t think we were going to make it.”

Sitting up, Pearl brushed broken wood off of her coat. “Well I'm glad we did, that rain was no joke.” Looking around she found the shadows in the room rather creepy. “Is it just me, or do you find this place just a little too unsettling.”

“What are you thinking, love? Are you that uncomfortable here?” Pearl only nodded slowly.

“Get back here you three-tailed pain in the ass!” an echoing shout came from a long staircase. Both mares looked up to see two nude kitsunes dashing about. One they recognized as Kohaku and the other was a crimson vixen with five tails. Kohaku had a red towel in his tails and waved it about as water dripped from their fur. Both kitsunes dashed about various shocked noble ponies and other important-looking individuals from parts unknown.

Twilight stepped forward only to have the red vixen vanish as she came into contact with her. “Oh boy…” she whispered.

“Forget feeling comfortable? This place is haunted!” Pearl huffed as she looked about. “We should NOT be here.” A thunderclap erupted outside causing both mares to jump as heavy rain began to pour outside. The rainfall echoed in the now silent room. “I think the storm feels the same way.”

“Oh my, we haven't had visitors here in ages.” A soft elderly voice half echoed through the halls. As Twilight shined her horn to the shadows of the room. Pearl noticed an elderly earth pony mare step into the light. The mare's grey fur shimmered slightly in the light of Twilight’s horn. A rich pink mane cascaded down her neck and shoulders. Despite being old, she walked with a confident grace of a young maiden. “These storms are quite dangerous, my dears. I'm glad you found some shelter.”

“Thank you, I’m sorry if we’re intruding.” Twilight bowed her head slightly, which the elderly mare repeated. “Who are you by the way? I thought this place was abandoned.”

“Oh, I’m just the caretaker here. Been watching over the lands here for as long as I can remember. I was just making my rounds when the storm hit. So don’t mind me.” The elder mare smiled and kept walking. “Please make yourselves at home. There’s a comfortable living space just past that archway and up the stairs. But nobody has been there in several thousand years. Even I don’t go into that room. I’d offer you a place in my room, but there’s only enough room for myself.”

“Thank you. We’ll just stay until the storm passes.” Twilight watched as the older mare just waved a hoof and melted into the shadows of another hallway. Looking at the door she saw it flex and push against the heavy winds that battered against it. “Now that I think about it, we aren't going anywhere tonight.” Walking onward, Twilight made her way through the arch to a set of steps leading up.

“This had to be some kind of meeting area.” Stopping dead Twilight found several large thrones. And one smaller one set between the largest on the highest level. “Definitely a meeting area. I think Kohaku’s family were royals of sorts.” Moving to the closest throne. Made of solid marble with a silken red pillow. Running her hoof about it she blinked.

“That is not possible.”

“What now?” Pearl frowned. She had to fall in love with a mare with a super scientific mind. But despite her initial annoyance, she smiled.

“These pillows have been here for who knows how long, and they are perfect. No sign of deterioration anywhere.” Twilight caressed the soft silk. Looking up she found on the back of the chair was a small burning stormcloud. “Firestorm. Wow, these thrones are just like mine back at the castle.”

Half rolling her eyes, Pearl walked onward leaving Twilight to muse over pillows and stone. Step after step till she reached the top, her wing touching the small throne with a jade pillow. Walking around more she found a pristine silken curtain, Pushing it aside Pearl found another set of stairs. Not as grand as the current ones, but still in good condition. Moving on up the sounds of the storm grew louder but less threatening. As she reached the top, Pearl stopped and blinked. “Oh wow.”

The living quarters were amazing. The main floor alone was larger than Twilight’s throne room. Along one wall was a set of Asian armoires holding everything from weapons to fine china. Along the opposite wall, was possibly the largest family tree she had ever seen. Setting her eyes in the center of the room, were piles of pillows, all arranged for comfort. And like Twilight had said earlier. No sign of decay anywhere.

“Wow. This room is amazing.” Twilight said as she came through the curtains. “I was wondering where you went off too. Looks like we found a place to roost for the night.”

“Gods help me, she's insane!” a loud male voice from the upper floors. Bursting from a double door was a male stallion with a thick black mane and just the slightest hint of a beard. Both mares blushed as he was slightly excited.

“That's…” Pearl couldn’t help but pause while Twilight nodded.


Behind the stallion, a large grey vixen gripped the stallion’s tail. “You promised to make me howl for a week, now get back in here and fulfill your mately duties.” And began to pull him back with ease.

“I take it back, I take it back!!” His hooves marked the floor with a screeching sound as he was thrown back into the room. As the doors closed the room fell silent yet again.

“What the hell went on in this place?” Pearl breathed out as she collapsed on a pillow. “And was that really Starswirl up there?”

“Or a distant ancestor?” Twilight sat next to Pearl. The storm outside rattled the windows without breaking them.

“OH don’t mind that my dear girls. Old memories drift through this place like the wind.” The Caretaker smiled as she stepped out from behind the staircase.

“I thought you didn’t come this way?” Pearl asked, rubbing her head, still trying to shake the image of Starswirl out of her mind.

“Oh that, I don’t go through the throne room, there’s a service stairwell just under here that the servants used.”

“Makes sense. A caretaker would go that way.” Twilight smiled. “You seem to know a lot about this place.

“More than you’ll ever know my dear. This was the home of a wonderful family. Wise, Loving, highly mischievous. You would have liked them I think.” The caretaker sat down on a light pink cushion.

“Well, we did have the pleasure of meeting one of them. Forestsong.” Laying back, Twilight closed her eyes.

“Oh yes. The most mischievous one of them all. He was always getting into trouble that one.”

“So you’ve met?” Pearl nodded in agreement with what the caretaker had said.

“Once, a long time ago when I was much younger.” The elderly mare leaned back and looked at her hoof

Twilight quirked an eyebrow at the mare's actions when a warm welcome scent filled her nose. “What is that amazing scent?”

“I know, it’s delicious.” Pearl looked about and found a double door just off to the right of the central staircase. “It’s coming from there.” Getting up, Pearl trotted to the door. She glanced over her shoulder about to say something to the Caretaker. But all she found was an empty room. With only Twilight and herself there. For an elderly mare, she is certainly quiet and fast.

As Twilight and Pearl entered they were greeted by a red mare in a maids outfit. “Your dinner has been prepared, mistress’s,” the maid bowed and lowered her gaze. On the table were various meals and desserts. Every one of their favorites was there.

As Twilight moved in to examine the table, Pearl shrieked out. Turning around, the maid had vanished without a trace.

“I told you, this place is haunted,” Pearl grumbled. “If this is their idea of a joke, it’s not very funny.”

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t think this is a joke, Pearl. It’s almost like someone wants us here. That storm seems… Far more different than any normal storm. Even for the Everfree.”

Pearl didn’t give voice to her feelings that Twilight was exactly right. That storm wasn’t normal. She had been in Ponyville long enough and seen enough storms come in from the Everfree, to know there was something far more to it, and she really didn’t want to go back out and face it. Her mouth was watering at the sight of all the food before them. “Well. Doesn’t feel right to let all of this go to waste. And that storm isn’t going anywhere by the sounds of it. I say we wait it out. Who knows? Maybe there’s more around here to see.”

Twilight nodded. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious as to what else they might find around here. Assuming the family who had lived here let them. For now, it was rude to leave all of this food alone, so she ignited her horn and grabbed what looked to be a hayburger. With the first bite, she moaned as she swallowed. It certainly was NOT a hayburger, but the best vegetable patty she had ever tasted. Beating out the Burger Queen in Ponyville by a long stretch.

Pearl herself had to agree that the food was exquisite. Better than anything Ponyville or even Canterlot could produce. After helping herself to a second course of the vegetable wraps, Pearl heard whistling past the doors they entered. After excusing herself Pearl walked about the main house. The whistling got louder as she climbed the central staircase. Coming to a door marked with a grand tree with a treble clef in the leaves. Pushing it open she found the room lit by candles.

Her own room could fill this one almost three times over. One wall was lined with various scrolls and plants, the other filled with model kits. In its center was a large circular bed with two large shapes writhing under it. Grimacing a little with a blush, Pearl wanted to leave but found herself inching closer.

“Oh, you hopeless romantic.” Pearl froze as the voice was identical to her own coming from under the sheets. Freezing in place all she could do was watch. The sheets half kicked off revealing Kohaku, dressed only in his kimono shorts, out on his back. Laying on top of him was an alabaster dragoness. Her long body took up most of the bed. Pearl noted that the hairstyle was identical to her own. Pearl recognized Summer Rose. Only now she seemed younger.

“You really know how to treat a girl?” The dragoness teased as her claw traced hearts over Kohaku’s chest.

“Hey, you're not too bad either.” Kohaku chuckled.

“I should hope not. After seven hundred years I know how to make my fox happy.” Pearl watched as Summer rolled her body over and rested her head on his chest. Which was rewarded with Kohaku’s arms wrapped about her. Before it was covered, Pearl saw a large crescent-shaped red scar on her neck. Even he didn’t miss the quick change on her face.

“You're still upset aren't you?”

“Of course I am. In a month’s time, you're going to ascend and I'll be left here alone.” The dragoness sniffled a little. “Why can’t we find a way around this? You could stay behind in secret. We could talk to the Dragon Queen. We…” her words were silenced by a tail tip on her lips.

“Rosie.” Kohaku sighed. “I’ve talked to her. She feels for our situation, applauded my decision to mate a dragon. Even though her mates think we’re freaks for this. But her decision was made long ago. She will not relent.”

Pearl felt her heart drop. Why was she seeing this? Pearl felt their love in their voices and almost wept that she knew the outcome.

“If I stay behind, It would mean these last thousand years were in vain. I’ll cease to exist like the rest of my kind who can’t or have chosen not to ascend.” Pearl watched as Kohaku tenderly caressed Rosie’s hair.

“I could just kill that bitch.” Rosie’s claw griped Kohaku’s tuft hard. Harder then intended as Pearl watched him wince in pain, but said nothing. “Robbing us of our love, our future… children.” her last word in a low whisper that rang in Pearl’s ear.

“Oh Sumie,” Kohaku let out a long-drawn-out sigh as the dragoness blushed. Pearl thought he hadn’t used that name in ages by her reaction. “I’m none too happy with her myself. But the spell and dice were cast when I was two. At least when I ascend we’ll still be together. Remember your river runs through my forest. When I ascend, I’ll be every tree, every leaf, every soft breeze caressing your cheek. I’ll always be around you. On that note, I have something for you.”

“Another gift?” Sumie quickly pushed herself up and looked like a child at Christmas. Pearl stood there in shock, it was almost identical to how she reacted.

“Just something I made, to keep us close no matter how distant we are.” With that Kohaku produced a delicately carved box and opened it. Pearl leaned in trying to see but all she saw was the emerald shine from the box.

“Oh, Kohaku. It’s beautiful.” Wrapping her arms around Kohaku, Sumie cried and clung to him with a smile.

As Pearl blinked, the image in front of her faded. Sighing she rubbed her eyes. After composing herself, Pearl looked about the room.

Pearl had to admire Kohaku’s tastes. She gazed at the wall with the model kits, not unlike her Gunpla.

“I see you found the saddest memory in this place.”

Pearl whipped around and found her staring eye to eye with the Caretaker. “How? Um… you saw that too?”

The caretaker just shook her head softly with a smile. “I didn’t have to see it, I lived it.”

Pearl trembled as she took a step back, one blink was all that it took. Instead of an elderly pony, she found herself looking up at the same dragoness who graced the bed behind her only seconds ago. “Y.. you... You’re…”

“Yes Pearl, I am Sumie.” Pearl had to rub her ears as she found herself listening to an older version of her own voice. “I’m not too surprised you found this place. Your soul must have been longing to return.” Sumi’s tone was soft and sad. Like she was longing to go somewhere but couldn’t.

“What do you mean? I’ve never been here before.” Pearl took a few steps forward, keeping her eyes steady on the dragoness. It was time to stop beating around this bush. "And I want an answer. Why me? You're not doing this for Kohaku. What makes me so special to you? We've only met twice. and you've never given me a straight answer." She poked the dragoness. "You said you're not like he is when it comes to this. I don't see it."

Summer didn't respond for a moment. At one time, Pearl might have worried she was overstepping her bounds. But she was done dealing with their crap. “I said your soul was eager to return. Or should I say our soul?” Pearl tilted her head and half scrunched her face. “Did you think it merely coincidence how alike we are?”

Pearl blinked a few times as she did note how similar she was to this dragoness. “You're not saying I'm a reborn version of you are you?”

“Oh no dear, but we do share twin souls. It’s a rare phenomenon occurring in only twenty percent of the population of the entire world throughout its history. Have you ever had this feeling that you should know someone or swear you’ve been in someplace before, but can never place where, when, or how?” Pearl simply nodded.

“Like how comfortable I am in this room when the rest of the castle gives me the creeps. Or how I felt I should have known Kohaku the moment I saw him?”

“I couldn’t have put it better myself, dear. Yes, that's exactly what I mean.” Sumie practically purred. “It’s because you have known him, and you have been here. A soul’s twin can be born centuries apart and yet still connect to each other. You and I are twin soul sisters.”

Taking a deep breath, Pearl let out a long-drawn-out sigh. “Okay, so I have a twin dragon sister. Great. Like my life can’t get any weirder.” Sitting on the bed leaning back on her front legs. “So why tell me this now? Why not tell me this when we first met?"

“Because I wanted you here, to give you something.”

“Wait, YOU wanted us here? Then that storm out there is…” Pearl blinked and looked out the window at the storm, raging furiously about the temple. Rubbing her eyes she swore for a split second she saw the form of a massive nine tail fox.

“My sister in law, Kazumi Stormbringer. She’s doing this as a favor for me.” Sumi chuckled and sat next to Pearl. “She can be quite fearsome. But once you get to know her, she’s as gentle as a summer shower. You've met her before. She intervened when Twilight almost spoke an oath that should never be invoked."

Pearl blinked. So that's who that had been. “Okay, you said you wanted to give me something?”

“OH yes. Silly me.” Sumi reached back and grabbed from the headboard a small wooden box, the same wood box she had seen in the vision.

Pearl took the box with her hooves and opened it. Gasping, Pearl found an amazing platinum, gold-wrapped ring. At the center was what looked to be a diamond but was the same color as an emerald.

Reaching out she hesitated. Biting down on her lower lip, Pearl wanted to take the ring. But something in her was questioning if she should.

“It’s okay little sister, it was made for a purpose. Kohaku crafted it especially for me. As a way for us to be connected while we were apart.” Sumi softly looked at the ring.

Pearl just couldn’t help but stare at that ring. It was definitely made for a dragon’s claw finger, but the diameter was perfect for an alicorn’s horn.

“Is it okay for me to have this? It was made for you to be close to Kohaku.” Pearl’s voice trembled.

“Oh it’s okay dear, he and I are together again. Later our souls will dance and frolic amidst the trees and along the river.” Sumi placed her claw on Pearl’s hoof. “And you have a greater need for this ring. I know what you have been thinking of these last few months. And now you have both the time and means to make it happen.”

And that had been the stumbling block for her, Pearl had known for some time that she wanted to be more than just Twilight’s marefriend. Damn what someponies thought of it, but Pearl wanted to spend the rest of her life with the alicorn.

She wanted to buy Twilight a ring so exquisite that the answer couldn’t be anything but yes. But she also knew she could never get one as beautiful as this ring (and there was no way in Tartarus that she could go looking for one, and not have Twilight or one of their friends know about it). And here it was, being offered to her on a silver platter by a dragon sister she never knew she had.

“Kohaku and I caught a lot of strife when we became mated. Not everyone in the clan accepted us. But we didn’t care. We loved each other, and even now that love burns with the same intensity as it did back then. We also had the love and support of our friends and family, and that’s all we needed.”

Pearl smiled. This was the second time she had received love advice from a creature from the past. Without a second thought, she swept the ring box up with her wing and dashed to the door. Looking back to thank the dragoness, Pearl found that she had vanished without a trace. Mouthing a thank you, Pearl went to find Twilight.

“Pearl in here, you have to see this room,” Twilight called out from the large double doors. One marked with the sun, that looked to be made of gold. While the other was silver, marked with the moon. Upon entering her eyes widened. It was huge, Twilight’s room could have fit in here three times over and still have room to spare.


“I know right, I checked and the bathroom is the same size.” Twilight smiled. “Complete with an indoor waterfall and almost natural-looking pond.”

“We’ll have to try those out.” Pearl chuckled as she shifted a bit, the ring box heavy in her wing. Darn it all. Maybe she should’ve asked her parents how they did this. The butterflies in her stomach had grown into dragons.

Twilight seemed to notice, for she gave her a worried look. “Pearl. What is it? You know you can tell me anything.”

Pearl bit her lip, before growling. “Oh, buck it all to hell!” Gulping down her worries, she looked Twilight dead in the eyes, before going down to one hoof. “Twilight. This last year has been the best year of my life. I love you. I’ve never loved anypony else as I do you. I can’t imagine my life with anypony else.”

Twilight brought a hoof to her mouth, her eyes widening in shock as Pearl brought a green wooden box out from under her wing. Inside was a beautiful platinum, gold-wrapped ring with a diamond that was almost emerald-colored. “Pearl. Are you asking?”

Pearl smiled. “Twilight Sparkle. Will you marry me?”

Twilight took all of two seconds before she threw her hooves around Pearl, and pulled her into the biggest kiss she could. “Yes! A thousand times, yes!”

Pearl’s grin put Pinkie’s on her best day to rest, returning the kiss as she slipped the ring around Twilight’s horn. Ghosts of the past be damned. This day had turned out perfect.

Author's Note:

I admit that Meteor is a favorite from the Cosmic Era. T.M. Revolution is one of my favorite bands. Behind Daybreak's Bell by L'Arc-en-Ciel for 00, and The Winner by Miki Matsubara for 0083: Stardust Memory. Rounding out my top 5 are Beyond the Time by TM Network for Char's Counterattack. and Raise your Flag by Man with a Mission for Iron-Blooded Orphans.

Rounding out my Top 10 are:

6: Eternal Wind for Gundam F91 by Hiroko Moriguchi.
7: Flying in the Sky for G Gundam by Hitofumi Ushima.
8: Asu e for Gundam AGE by Galileo Galilie.
9: Into the Sky for Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 by Hiroyuki Sawano.
10: Rhythm Emotion for Gundam Wing by Two-Mix.