• Published 22nd Jul 2021
  • 1,099 Views, 27 Comments

A Twilight Rose Love - Mystic Sunrise

After a breakup, Pearl Rose finds love in a place that she never expected.

  • ...

Final Countdown

Everypony in Ponyville seemed to be out and about this day. All of them happily jostled about as they put the final touches on in the castle’s main hall. Excited for the moment when Queen Twilight married the mare of her dreams.

Some were all for the wedding, and others were against it. But none were more excited than the princess’s five closest friends, each one fulfilling their duties admirably.

Pinkie Pie was happily bouncing about arranging all the food and drink that she herself lovingly prepared. A saddle bag hung on her back with a small pink head with bouncing curls poking out, sucking peacefully on a pacifier.

Applejack continued her work making sure the band stage was all ready and every seating arrangement was in place.

Rainbow Dash constantly looked up at the sky. She knew there was supposed to be a huge thunderstorm scheduled for the day. But every time a cloud was pulled over Ponyville, it dissipated as soon as a Pegasus let it go. It was the oddest thing to happen to the weather, but at least her friends could have the outdoor reception as they wanted to.

With her usual skill, Rainbow directed just where all the decorations would be hung. Shooting up in the air, Rainbow Dash took a long look at the pavilion. All the tables were aligned just right to Twilight’s specifications.

“Hey Rainbow, get down here for a moment, I have to ask you something.” The loud farmgirl voice rained out toward the Wonderbolt wonder.

Within a second Rainbow stood in front of her friend. “What’s up AJ?”

“Something just doesn’t seem right about this here seating arrangement.” Rainbow looked over her friend’s shoulder and shrugged.

“Looks okay to me.”

“Well, have you any Idea who this pony is? We’ve met everyone who’s coming, but I don’t think I've met this individual. But that name sure does sound familiar.”

Applejack and Rainbow both looked at it carefully. Off to the side of the wedding table, which listed Twilight Sparkle and Pearl Rose. was a lone chair with the family colored green. Written in fine calligraphy, between Twilight and Pearl’s parents, was the name Kohaku Forestsong.


Starswirl stood in the center of the grand hallway of the Castle of Friendship. He felt honored that his long-time admirer and friendship teacher Twilight asked him to help with her wedding preparations. When he first asked why she just giggled and said it would be a good lesson for him.

He wasn’t all too sure what she had meant. This wasn’t the first wedding he had attended. But regardless, Starswirl wasn’t about to say no. Lifting a hoof to his shoulder he rubbed the base of his neck. It had been stinging him for weeks now and he didn’t know why.

“Starswirl darling, is everything okay?” Rarity asked as she walked down the grand staircase. “You seem a bit out of sorts.”

“Oh, nothing like that my dear, I’m just fine.” Unhooking his cloak, Starswirl slung it over one of the chairs and sat down, His hoof rubbed along the crescent-shaped blood-red scar that was there.

“Oh my. That looks positively inflamed. It really should be looked at.”

“No need,” Starswirl chuckled. “It’s a very old wound. And a special one at that. It’s just been giving me issues lately. First time in several thousand years to be exact.”

Rarity shrugged. It was certainly hard to believe Starswirl had been alive thousands upon thousands of years now. But if history was to be believed, he was that old. “Well don’t overwork yourself.”

Starswirl nodded as he got back up and worked his way around. Double checking everything as Rarity continued on her way out the door. No doubt to collect a few more things from her shop. Given the number of items she had brought with her already, he assumed her whole shop was now in the castle.

Standing in place under the arch, the old wizard looked about till his eyes caught sight of a set of chairs mingled with the family. While every other chair sported a white cushion made of cotton. This one had a green cushion made of the finest silk fabric. Walking over to them he ran his hoof along the green silk fabric. With a groan, he fought back several painful memories.

He was about to do his exercise to put those memories back in place until he saw the name on the seat with the green cushion. His hoofs trembled before staggering back.

“No... no it’s not possible.” His voice was a trembling whisper only to himself. “This has to be a mistake.” Turning from the chair he galloped hard up the staircase and into Twilight’s chambers.

“Twilight!” Starswirl called out. “Twilight are you here?”

Twilight came out of her bathroom. The edges of her mane were in curlers and the rest of her was in a plush purple bathrobe.

“Starswirl, calm down. Is everything okay downstairs?”

“That depends on your definition of okay. If everything is in place, then yes. If you have a seat dedicated to a creature who passed from this world a very long time ago, then no.”

Twilight chuckled internally. She was expecting this reaction. Tomorrow was sure to be interesting when he got the full experience. “I take it this is about Kohaku?”

“Yes, it is,” Starswirl blinked and looked at Twilight. “How is it possible you even know that name? It shouldn’t be. He’s gone, dead. I should know. I buried him myself. With my own two hooves. His mate helped of course.”

“Set deep in the Everfree Forest where no pony can possibly find it. Unless they are led there by someone who does know. Remember you aided us in finding them.” Twilight watched Starswirl's face contort into fear and confusion. “I’ve seen the graves. And the shrines dedicated to them. Pearl and I had to do a little repair work on his, seeing as how Discord destroyed it and desecrated the grave by robbing it of Kohaku’s skull.”

A pony could have sworn someone had just sliced Starswirl’s jugular vein. As all the blood suddenly drained from his face, leaving him pale and swaying side to side. So much so he gripped the post on Twilight’s bed to steady himself. “He…. what?”

“You heard right, Discord did that.”

“Kohaku will NOT be pleased. His soul is equal to his mother and all her mothers before her.” Starswirl slumped down and looked out at the Everfree which by now was almost touching the castle. Being one of the only ponies who knew its origin and who kept it alive, he feared what would happen now.

“OH, he wasn’t. Pearl and I watched him lash out at Discord. We haven’t seen the Lord of Chaos since.”

“I doubt you ever will. Desecrating the shrine of a fox spirit is a serious offense. He could lose more than his life.” Twilight nodded in agreement. “But that doesn't explain why his name is on a chair at your wedding.”

“Well, we wanted to be sure he had a spot should he want to come.” Twilight smirked and giggled. Much to the odd look Starswirl gave her. “The pillow next to his is for his mate. Given her connection to Pearl, it seemed right.

Starswirl staggered and fell back onto his rump at hearing that.

“Like I said, it’s there if he wants to use it. If not, then that’s his choice. If not for him and the storm that raged that day. Pearl and I wouldn’t have had the most interesting proposal ever.”

“What storm?” Starswirl’s voice almost cracked.

“A wild storm raged after we finished restoring the shrine. Driving us into the temple itself.” Twilight watched as his eyes widened even more. She was certain they might explode if they got any larger.

“She... pushed you into the temple… but it was sealed.” His voice trailed off into a whisper.

“Yeah. Speaking of her, who was she really? I know her name is Kazumi, and I’m certain she was someone special to you. If you made a promise to make her howl for a week,” Twilight smirked, thoroughly enjoying this.

If Starswirl could have died on the spot, he would have. There was no possible way any pony could have known that. Unless they saw the wild memory that roamed the old temple. Gulping hard he thanked the fact he was already seated.

“Yes her name was Kazumi. Ponies just called her Stormbringer. And she was my mate.” Twilight’s eyes widened as she smiled.

“That was you we saw on the balcony trying to escape that room. I thought so. Did you ever complete what you promised her?”

Blushing deeply, Starswirl groaned. “Yes, it was the longest seven days of my existence. I prayed and begged for death long before it was over. And vowed never again to promise such a thing to a vixen in heat.”

“What happened afterward?” Twilight giggled. She couldn’t wait to share this with Pearl.

“I had to be treated for extreme dehydration. It lasted two weeks. I had plans to vacation in Tartarus when my recovery was complete. That’s how horrible I felt.”

Twilight giggled hopelessly. She floated a ring from inside its box on her bedside table. If it was possible, Starswirl became even paler. “I’m sure you recognize this then? Pearl said it was given to her in what I can only assume was Kohaku’s bedroom. She could never say who gave it to her. But now I must thank Kazumi for letting us use it.”

Starswirl didn’t think he could possibly get any dizzier. The emerald diamond sparkled as bright as any flame. His breathing became so slow it almost stopped. “Th… The Forestheart Diamond? She found the Forestheart Diamond in Kohaku’s room?” Turning around the old wizard closed his eyes. A visible tremor raced down Starswirl’s body.

“Yeah, if that’s what this is. Was she not supposed to take it?”

“It’s not that, there’s no chance she could have. The spell on the box is so strong, it can’t be taken, only given. How could she? Unless she met Kohaku’s mate Tsunami.” Starswirl turned and looked at Twilight.

“Pearl has had quite a lot of contact with Summer. They even share a connection I thought impossible.”

“Oh please… They’re a Twin Soul aren’t they?” Starswirl placed a hoof on his temple while Twilight nodded.

Twilight looked at the ring lovingly. “Pearl said she had seen the most tender and heartbreaking of memories that old temple had just before she was given the ring. She still won’t divulge all of what she saw, but I think that’s because she doesn’t want to relive it.”

His eyes widened, Starswirl looked at every plant in the room. Suddenly feeling very scared. “I would be extremely surprised if she did. They were denied so much. A long life together, even children.” Twilight’s head snapped up when she heard that. Looking at Starswirl she saw him take out a small silver ring with a storm gray gemstone with bright blue streaks of lightning flashing inside of it.

Bowing his head, Starswirl took long deep breaths. “If Pearl was given ring in his bedroom. Then she must be truly special to the two of them. These rings or I should say gemstones, are more precious than you can know.”

Twilight looked at the Diamond again. “So it’s more than just an engagement ring then?”

Coughing a bit, Starswirl sat up and rubbed his shoulder, slowly regaining his composure. “Handing out a ring like these wouldn’t have to mean a romantic relationship. After all, Kitusnes and other Yokai species don't propose, the same way ponies do.”

Tilting her head, Twilight blinked. “I don’t get it.”

Chuckling a bit, Starswirl tilted his neck and pointed to the red crescent-shaped scar. “This is what a Kitsune does when he, or she, claims their mate. Giving of a soul gem is done when they wish to be together, even when they are separated by distance or design.”

Twilight looked at the gem and hummed softly.

“I see. That scar. How long ago did you get it? I would have thought any injury like that might have healed long ago.” Twilight looked at the marking. She had seen similar marks in her books. However, she had paid little attention to them.

“Believe it or not, it was well over twenty thousand years ago. So long that even I forgot exactly.” Starswirl chuckled when Twilight’s eyes widened. “And it will never fade. Kitsunes mate for life, so the marking isn’t just a physical one. It cuts deep to the soul. Kazumi shared with me her lifespan and much of her own power with me.”

Twilight rubbed the same spot on her own neck. She wasn’t sure if she would have ever allowed the same anywhere near her neck if she had been in the same position. One wrong move...

“I’d never be brave enough to get one.” Twilight continued to rub her neck.

“Well, be thankful. They aren't handed down to many non-kitsunes. Mating outside the species is somewhat frowned upon.” Starswirl chuckled. “And you have to be sure you want one too. Because they are given during a very passionate moment.”

“You mean during…” Twilight squeaked. Starswirl nodded slowly

“Exactly,” Starswirl sighed. “At the very height of passion when you feel like your melting into your own lover. Something about the exchange of essences, both magical and physical, that’s what makes it work. I’ve studied it for thousands of years and it still confuses me.” Walking to the window, Starswirl looked out over Ponyville. “So I gave up and accepted it for what it is. A constant reminder that I’m a taken stallion. Ever since her passing, even after all these years, I still feel that she’s my mate and wife. And the thought of another, well is not appealing to me.”

Twilight sat there listening. She never would have guessed anything like this about her idol.

“It’s why I have never taken another lover or wife I still feel like I belong only to her. And I still love her deeply to the point it hurts. There are days I do tend to walk out into wild storms and just lay out in an open field. You might think I’m crazy but I can feel her next to me during those times.”

Turning back to Twilight he walked toward her and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Take it from me. Immortal life is not something you want to spend alone. I’m glad you and Pearl are getting married. But as an immortal yourself, you’ll one day have to come to terms with outliving everyone you know and love.”

“We’ve thought about it. Talked about it even. Both of us are prepared for whatever may come,” Twilight replied, trying to sound more confident than she truly felt.

Starswirl did not seem convinced. “Are you? Celestia and Luna can tell you what this is like. Princess Cadance does not truly understand either. Young Flurry Heart is too young to.”

Twilight’s ears fell. She had known all of this since the day she had become an alicorn. For a time, she had been able to put it to the back of her mind. But now…

Starswirl seemed to guess her thoughts for his smile softened. “You have proven me wrong before, Twilight. All of you have. Perhaps it is just my old age talking. I too remember what it was like when we were young and in love. Kazumi was even more beautiful then if possible. Especially when she was in a good mood.”

Twilight giggled a little at the idea. “She has good moods? She threw Pearl around like a leaf in the wind, and scared me more than I ever thought possible.”

Starswirl chuckled. “Indeed she does. Very few ever saw this side of her, and it took much to get to it. Kazumi will most likely tan my hide for telling you this. But it is a fate that I accept. What you experienced is normal. Pearl was most likely just in her way, but not in a way to anger her.”

Twilight nodded, remembering the day well. “She was protecting Kohaku. We didn’t know any of this at the time. He had broken down after tearing Discord to pieces. Pearl was being the friend he needed at that moment.” She rolled her eyes. “And he’s been a constant pain in her flank since. But she still loves him.”

Starswirl nodded. “Then the two of you had nothing to fear. Family is everything for Kazumi and she will go to great lengths to protect her family. As much as Kohaku was a serious pain in her flank as much as he is for Pearl.”

Starswirl started to chuckle openly. “I remember when her and me were called on to negotiate with a dragon who had taken up residency on a mountain nearby. You know it now as Canterlot.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Things went smoothly at first. Kazumi and I were in peaceful talks. Kohaku was being, well himself. He was five and started playing explorer. Well one young dragon didn’t like that. He took a snap at Kohaku. That’s all it took.”

“What happened?” Twilight wished she had a bowl of popcorn now as exciting as these stories were.

“Negotiations were over, and with one bolt of lightning the cavern was cleared of everything but us.” Starswirl rubbed his nose. “She picked up her baby brother and we left.”

“I wonder where that could have been? I’ve never seen evidence of dragon habitation.”

“Have you not visited the Canterlot Caves? How else do you think they were formed.” Starswirl smirked seeing her shocked expression.

“That was with ONE lightning bolt?” Starswirl nodded.

“After that we spent some time at large lake. You never would have guessed she wiped out an entire dragon nest. She was laughing and enjoying everything for days.”

“I think that’s equal part brutal and marvelous.” Twilight sighed.

“Well some good did come out of it all. She discovered a dragon egg, probably laid centuries before. A rare one too. Violet with dark purple spots. Markings of a mage dragon. Most of their kind went extinct long ago.”

“What happened to the egg?”

“You call him your little brother now.” Starswirl smiled. “Despite her fury, Kazumi always had a side that was as gentle as summer rains. Most of her family was like that. They may seem fierce. But once you get to know them. You understand just how gentle, loving and compassionate they can be. And Kohaku is no different. After all it was his sisters who taught him that compassion. I’m proud to be a part of that family and clan.”

Twilight sighed. That was a weight off of her shoulders at last, if she was being honest with herself. Ever since seeing Kohaku’s fury, she was wary of the rest of his family. “Kohaku and his mate named us as part of them as well.”

“Then you both have been afforded an honor few ponies will ever get or know of. And you never need fear for your lives, for that family will always protect its own.” Looking at his gemstone ring Starswirl shook his head as he turned to go. “One more bit of advice from someone who has lived longer than anyone knows. Hold tight onto Pearl, Twilight. Hold onto her for as long as you can. No matter what may come. Eternity is too long to hold onto every petty argument and fight you will have.”

Twilight did not say anything as the unicorn left. Leaving her alone with her thoughts.