• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,382 Views, 266 Comments

My Roommate is a pony? - Meh121

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"It has been over seven days where the hell are they?" Death asked as we sat at the coffee shop. His voice was tired and groggy.

"Shouldn't you be glad that you're out of the damn hospital? Same with the others?" I asked sipping on my fresh hazelnut coffee. The steam still drifting with the air. The smell radiating around the coffee the smell perpetrating the air.

"Yes, I am glad I'm out of that forsaken place." He said his voice still gruff. He sipped on his black coffee while looking around the area. "It still doesn't make any sense. You are sure, that both you heard his threat?" Death asked scratching his chin.

"Yes of course!" Katie yelped drinking her cup of tea. She spilled a bit on the table. Everyone just ignored it but she had the urge to clean it up.

"I still don't get it he didn't say a date..but he gave the hint of something coming very soon. It was supposed to be a few hours that day. That was the warning." I told him standing up pacing around the area.

"Perhaps their plans backfired?" Twilight asked looking at some notes. "You do remember their goal of trying to corrupt us. They had a primary target it turns out." Twilight said looking up sipping some of her tea.

"Who exactly would that be?" Rainbow asked. Twilight pointed at me. "Why him, why not someone awesome like me?" Rainbow asked slightly insulted.

"Rainbow Dash this is not the time for acting like a child." Applejack blurted out from eating some apple pie, the smell radiating through the air. She quickly gave her a punch to the shoulder. "Now Twi, why do you think that they would go after your coltfriend here?" Applejack asked her curiosity peaked as she gave her full attention to Twilight.

"Well I've been thinking about it and reading from the tales of the old. Back when warfare and other things were common. This threat that we are facing is from the powers of an old god. They thrive on chaos and darkness. Corrupting someone who uses the light is the ultimate act they can perform." She said looking at me.

"Oh please so long as I'm kicking..." I stopped as Twilight put her hooves on the table.

"No! Like AJ said this is not a game, don't act so smug you were very nearly close to being corrupted. You think that they won't stop to corrupt you again? Or even kill you!" Twilight shouted causing a scene. Others looked around crowding the table, most of them were younger colts who were checking out the mares.

'You want a scene?' I thought giving a smirk. "Now look here!" I shouted placing my sword into the ground. "I am a paladin of the well... no order yet! But that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting until my last breath!" I shouted watching the colts eyes shift their gaze to me. "If these bastards want some they can find something at the end of my blade! Now if you question my faith perhaps you need a demonstration of it, oh great Learner of Wisdom?" I quipped giving her a smirk.

"A demonstration?!" Twilight shouted as she stood up. The others backed up clearing an area, a few musicians started playing a tune in the background. Her horn began to glow as she fired a few magical blast from her horn. "How about this you wanna make fun of learning! I'll make a demonstration out of you!" Twilight shouted.

'I knew that would work Rainbow thought.' She chuckled looking at me. 'Not bad kid, not bad.'

"You really think your little magical blast will hurt." I chuckled using my hand to create a shield of holy magic. The shield absorbed her blast of magic. I looked and noticed that Twilight was shocked to see such a trick.

"You've been practicing these last few days haven't you? To be able to use abilities like that and not even utter a word. I'd be rather impressed if you weren't making fun of learning." She said as she charged her horn. "I've also been practicing in the magics of old." She smirked as she caused the ground beneath me to form a hand. I quickly leaped out of the way and onto a table a few inches away from her.

"Not bad but Twilight.... I'm much more nimble then you." I said gently blasting her with a wave of holy light. It stunned her and knocked her back a few feet. The crowd looked in awe at the event that was unfolding before their eyes. I leaped behind her, tripping her causing her to go face first in the pavement. I chuckled at seeing what was unfolding.

"You think you are funny?" She asked angrily grinding her teeth. She launched another volley of spells point blank. They knocked me back a few feet. She stood back up and began to channel more as she aimed directly at me. Her horns aura started to turn a blue. I jumped out of the way only to land on a patch of ice and slide right under her as she teleported. "I think I am just as nimble as you." She smirked as she looked down.

"Perhaps but you are not aware of your surroundings." I chuckled pushing her as she slid on the ice only to fall as well. "You do have a great sense of your surroundings, but under pressure you seem to forget where you are." I said pulling her up. The crowd clapped as they saw me lifting Twilight up. She dusted herself off before melting the ice.

"That just happened didn't." She whispered into my ear. I nodded in response. "Care to tell me why it happened?" Twilight asked.

"All because I made fun of learning." I whispered into her ear.

"There was a reason behind it and I want to know why." Twilight sternly said.

"You'll see in good time." I said with a smirk. The group of colts slowly moved up to me. I took a few steps back to get a breathing room, they were all asking questions at a million words a minute. A few mares even came up to me and started asking questions right along with the colts. Soon a few humans came up as well.

"What type of magic was that?" The unicorns asked confused.

"It's not magic it is the holy light." I told them trying to make it sound different than the magic they were used to.

"Yeah but how can a human use magic?" They asked.

"It's not magic.." I sighed.

"How is it not magic?" A few of them asked.

"Look you use your magic on something, you use it as part of your body like an extension." I paused to make sure I was on the right track on when Twilight gave the nod that I was, I kept on speaking. "The light is much more than an extension of my body, it is part of who I am it is inside all of us. Unlike magic I can also use it to inspiring feels of courage and hope. Hence why all of you felt a strong urge to watch, the light caught it's grip on you. Those who were drawn here have the light stored in your bodies." I told all of them as I stood on top of the table. I surveyed the crowd and counted about fifty of them had the light stored within them. Death also looked at the crowd and observed them.

"So care to explain why you made a scene?" A human asked. His hair was a long golden blonde his blue eyes looked up at me.

"I need to inform all of you a threat that will be coming to this very city, to this very country! No in fact if left unchecked this threat will conquer both realms. There is a force far beyond measure of it's power that is slumbering slowly building power. Make no mistake war is coming, we will need to unite in order to defend ourselves against this threat. I will need champions of the light to help defend our worlds! You can choose to believe me or not. Those who have the will to stand against this threat join me. The rest of you can leave." I said coldly looking at the crowd. I waited for a few moments to everyone's surprise no one left they all sat discussing among themselves. We waited silently before the same human walked forward.

"How do we know you are not lying?" He asked moving closer inspecting us almost.

Twilight's horn glowed as she projected an image of the castle and the things that attacked us. She then displayed the image of Sombra as his shadow clone was fighting against myself. "Any other questions?" She asked stopping the spell.

"One more." A colt said stepping next to the human. His green eyes focused onto Twilight and I. His black hair and coat catching the rays of the sun. "Why do you fight? You said a being of unmeasurable power. Why would you try to fight against something like that?" He asked his voice shaky as he looked up at us.

"Why do we fight?" Twilight and I asked at the same time. "To protect those who can't protect themselves." Rainbow said with a smile as she hovered above us. "To protect family." Applejack grinned as she finished her pie. "To inspire hope, to show that we are not beaten even if the odds are against us. You mortals are the only hope against this threat." Death said revealing himself as his true form. A few gasp and screams were made. We waited to see if any would run but instead another question came up.

"Who.....is....he." The colt asked his voice trembling pointing at Death.

"I am Death, I was once a mortal. In fact I was once a paladin like the lad here." He said pointing to me. "I made a mistake when I was younger and now I bear this curse." He said to the group. They had gotten over their fears once he told them who he was. "Really you were just all scared before." He face palmed.

"Ehh we've seen scarier and stranger things before." The crowd said. Twilight giggled as did the girls. "I still want to know why you two fight." The colt said pointing at Twilight and I.

Twilight blushed before she spoke. "You all ready know that we are the bearers of the elements of harmony. It is something that we were fated to do. We were fated to protect this land. I will fight to my last breath because that is my duty. That is not the only reason why I fight. I fight in the pursuit of knowledge, to learn from our mistakes and how to better ourselves." She said swelling her chest with pride. Rainbow and I snickered before whispering nerd under our breaths.

The human stepped forward before pointing at me. "Why do you fight ?" He asked.

"I fight for the hope of a better tomorrow. In the hope that we will wake up to see another day, I will fight until my last breath in order to keep that hope in check. To inspire people that there is still hope, to fight for those who can't, those who wish to do something I will fight for them. I will fight beside them in order to keep peace, I will draw my breath in the pursuit of justice." I said raising my sword high into the air. The crowd cheered before they lined up. "This is why I caused a scene." I whispered to Twilight.

"Worth it." She gently wooed into my ear. "How did you know that there were ponies and people here who could use the light?" She asked.

"I've been looking at the patterns of the city for the past couple of days, I tracked down pockets of those who could. Something drew them here so I took full advantage of it." I smirked.

"What do you think drew them all here?" Twilight questioned.

"It had to have been the light...after all it does work in mysterious ways." I told her with a smile.

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