• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,382 Views, 266 Comments

My Roommate is a pony? - Meh121

  • ...

Clash: Forces of Nature vs Lightbearer and Allies

Author's Note:

So I forgot all about this being a comedy. No just kidding but I am trying new writing approached in work of my next big story so let me know if this light hearted stuff is okay. I know I went dark in a few spots but the jokes were there just for fun. Although the next story I plan on making is a bit darker but shh. Rougly I would say this story has anywhere between 5-10 chapters left so that I can start working a bigger and much more well written story than this.

"Please do you really think a small attack would do any damage." The goddess laughed, she shielded herself by using the dirt as a shield. Her forces began to be coming out of the the ground at an incredible rate. "You stand no chance you are fighting in my domain, you will die here." She laughed as she held me in place with roots from the trees. I struggled by every time I did I would feel small pricks of thorns cover my entire body the blood slowly trickled out of me. She walked over and placed a vine in front of my mouth and laughed. "I know that your attacks are more powerful through speech, the light you so desperately cling onto is so easily extinguished in a few moments." She moved her hoof and made the trees cover the little patches of light.

"You have to help him Shadow!" Katie yelled out tears streaming down her face. The goddess of nature laughed as she grabbed Katie with the same roots.

"You don't even have power in your body, you think you stand a better chance?" She asked walking over to her.

"You are right, the light that fool clings onto is so easily put out. You did make one mistake, it seems as the forest was corrupted so too were you. I will show you the power of darkness." Shadow laughed as shadows enveloped him. Shadow ran up and charged the goddess with a shoulder charge knocking her back. She only laughed as she was flew back her forces catching her.

"You see it was I who let my little slaves be corrupted, it seems that those of free will did indeed fall under Sombra's spell. They are now my slaves, I was not corrupted from the darkness I all ready started out with a hatred. A hatred that burned even more once these damn humans came to MY LAND!" She yelled as she threw me into the ground with her magic. She kept slamming me into the ground I began to lose more blood my vision fading in and out. "You see you are all nothing but insects to me, even Celestia fears me. She knows that I can take back my agreement of allowing no harm to you ponies as long as you respect my land." She sighed in annoyance of slamming me into the ground.

"You think slamming me into some hard...gr-ground will put me down." I coughed out as a bit of blood exited my mouth. The vine ripped into my tongue causing more blood to pool out.

"I see perhaps I will keep you as a torture pet, my little slaves will feast on your remains....after I've had my fun." She smirked.

"I think you made a mistake!" Flame Tail yelled out burning the roots away, he flew up burning the tree's bringing light to the forest again. The goddess of nature sighed as she used her magic to put out the fire using water from the streams.

"I see you bring a little phoenix with you, it matters not for they are nothing more than mistakes created by the unicorns of old. You see little phoenix you are nothing more than a tool for them all."

"You speak nothing but lies and hatred." Flame Tail snarled flying at her forces of nature burning them into a crisp. Those made of earth just shrugged it off.

"Tyler stand up!" Katie shouted, tears still streaming down her face. I slowly stood up, healing my wounds with the light, they started to close up slowly. The pain however was still there as I began to stand up. I struggled at first falling to the ground before I clutched the ground. I looked up and saw Shia Labeouf's image standing in front of me.

"Do IT! JUST DO IT!" He shouted his face turning red as he flexed his arms.

'What the hell is going on?' I thought rolling my eyes. Surprisingly I laughed as I began to stand up. "Thanks Shia you crazy son of a bitch."

"So tell me goddess of cruelty what is your name?" Shadow asked killing off a few of the extra forces.

"My name is Viridi. I do believe you are the famed...or should I say feared Shadow Dancer." She giggled as she insulted Shadow.

"Well Viridi I'll show you wh-." Shadow stopped as I placed my hand in front of his mouth. He gave a strange look at me.

"I'll take care of her I made it my mission to stop whatever was going on in the forest. Get Katie out of here as fast as you can." I told him looking back.

"Look here kid I know you just met me but you're in no condition to take her on alone." Shadow said stepping in front of me. I gave off a sigh as Flame Tail flew over and burned the roots holding Katie in place. Viridi chuckled her high pitched laugh echoing through the forest as she threw Shadow against a wall of dirt causing him to fall to the ground. He slowly got up and gave a smirk. "Dirty blow I think someone is scared."

"You wish, scared of mere mortals please. I'm a goddess, you are nothing compared to me, you are just.." Viridi stopped as I interrupted her.

"Shut up, just shut up. You think because you control the land that we are nothing but insects to you. All things bleed and you are no different, let's see if you can hold up against us then." I said pointing my blade at her, she looked angry as her brow began to twitch.

"You, you dare talk to someone higher on th-" I interrupted her by trying to slash her chest, she quickly reacted by blocking with her hoof. To my surprise my half truth of everything bleeds turned out to be true as I made a cut on her. The blood was red too just like the mortals she talked down to. I gave a smirk as did Shadow. Flame Tail swooped down at gave a slash at her back causing her to flinch in pain. "You think you are so clever I'm done playing with you fools may you all rot underneath my hooves!" Viridi roared as she made two swords out of the ground. They were made out of iron and other natural materials, they were incredibly sharp looking too.

"Paladin don't let her scare you with her swords, she has to be afraid as she wouldn't be resulting to hand to hand combat." Shadow calmly said letting his body be fully enveloped into nothing but pure shadow.

"Katie get out of here, Flame Tail take her to Canterlot. As soon as you are done come back for us." I told him looking up at him.

"Aye sir!" He shouted swooping down to pick up Katie, she was caught off guard and gave off a little yelp.

"I swear Tyler if you die I'll comeback to step on your body like Virdi you hear me!" She yelled as she flew off.

"Well she sure is a charmer." Shadow smirked.

"She sure does know tough love that is for sure." I chuckled as Viridi took her stance.

"Enough chatter you idiots save it for your dying breaths." She said as she leapt at us. We both jumped out of the way. She slashed we both dodged it but she made contact with a tree. Viridi cut the tree in half with a single slash. "Damn I was hoping to kill you two with one attack what a waste of time." She sighed restoring the tree.

"Don't let her touch you when she charges!" Shadow shouted as he crept through the shadows and kicked her in the back sending her tumbling towards me. His hoof gave off a red and black smoke trail off of it, I took advantage of her being caught off guard and took another slash this time at her front hoof. I heard the cut hit her hoof as the sword tumbled to the ground. The blood began dripping out of the wound as well. She quickly used the leaves of the forest and applied them to her body, we both looked confused as her wounds healed. My eyes went wide in terror as she picked up her sword again.

"That's it, that is the look you should have when looking at a goddess!" Viridi shouted charging forward. I quickly casted a weak Holy Shield around myself, she took a quick slash shattering the shield and sending me tumbling. She grabbed me with the roots again this time I caught on and slashed them quickly. Shadow charged this time from the top of the shadows he landed a punch on her but Viridi caught on and grabbed his hoof and threw him. She grabbed him with vines and roots he gave off a cold look of hatred as she laughed. "One down now one more to go!" She giggled as she walked over to me. She threw one of the swords at me, I chuckled and ducked under the sword.

"Throwing a huge object like that won't help." I smirked as I walked over to her. She laughed as her forces grabbed me. She used their bodies to entangle me again.

"You fell for it now then let's see how much you smirk after I'm done with you." She smiled as she made a whip out of a vine laced with thorns. She snapped it in the air causing a crack that sent a few birds flying away, she looked up her smile beaming as she saw the same look of terror I had before. She snapped the whip against my chest, the whip grabbed my clothing and tore off most of my sweat shirt and tee underneath. For some reason whenever I healed myself it restored my clothing. I yelped in pain before biting on the clothing around my neck. She snapped it again tearing more flesh away. She did it over and over my chest nothing more than a stain of red now as my blood dripped onto the ground beneath me. She smiled as she walked up closer and saw the tears rolling down my face. "Don't worry we still have your back to do." She whispered.

"Leave the boy alone!" Shadow shouted trying to morph back into the shadows.

"Silly mortal these new thorns block any form of magic, you are now my little play things." Viridi laughed as she turned my body around back first now. I spat out the little piece of clothing I had in my mouth as I coughed out more blood.

"Do your worst bitch." I muttered spitting on my hand and flipping her off. Shadow spat at her face and laughed.

"You sure are pathetic having to hold us little mortals as you called us. Shouldn't you a goddess been able to beat us hand to hand with combat." Shadow laughed.

"That is where you are wrong you see my hand to hand combat is lacking. Using my very element is how I fight, brain over brawn you dear idiot." She spat back in his face.

'Come on just a little bit more.' I thought wiggling my foot to my sword. Shadow noticed what I was doing and caught on quickly. He began to distract Viridi for me.

"I think it's funny that your so terrifying whip did nothing. I bet it doesn't even hurt." He smirked. Shadow chuckled seeing her beginning to become annoyed with him. She snapped the whip once again her glare growing stronger as she began to tremble with rage.

"That's it!" She yelled charging at him with her blade instead of her whip. She was interrupted as a certain song somehow played through the forest she looked around confused.

"It's John Cena!" A voice yelled from out of nowhere. From the sky dropped John Cena right on top of Viridi. She was knocked into the ground so hard that she actually caved it in a little bit. He quickly ripped the vines off of Shadow and I.

"Thanks Cena!" I shouted with a smile giving him a bloody thumbs up.

"Everyone gets one." He said before disappearing.

"What the hay just happened?" Shadow asked confused.

"Murrica just happened. Good old Murrica." I smiled standing up. Viridi laughed harder now that she had gotten up.

"You think that little stunt will be the thing that saves you, I will give you both credit if you hadn't weakened me that little surprise would have done nothing." Viridi panted standing up. She tried the same trick with the vines this time we both leaped out of the way. I gave a look over to Shadow who gave a wink as we both kicked her at the same time.

"Shadow's Void!"

"Heaven's Heel!"

Viridi was sent flying back into a tree she began to summon more of her troops from all around. They backed Shadow and I up well back to back duh. The forces seemed to be smaller than before and Viridi looked like she was on the verge of passing out.

"I think she is almost out of energy." I said slashing a few of the beast down.

"Perhaps these guys seem way to easy to take down, especially for the numbers they have." Shadow said flying up his hoof glowing with flame embers as he crashed into a huge group of the foe.

"Shadow you think you can take care of these guys?" I asked giving off a smirk.

"If you have a rake I'd be happy to bag up this lawn for you." He laughed. I took it as a yes and jumped straight at the tired out Viridi dropping her with an elbow.

"Heaven's Drop!"

She gave off a gasp of air as most of her forces began to vanish.

"Th...this isn't over...." She gasped before falling to the ground. I raised my sword above her throat before Shadow stopped me.

"I know you think it will help if she is dead but it will do more harm than good." Shadow gently spoke into my ear. I dropped my blades before sitting against the tree and gave off a tired smile.

"You're right, I suppose proper introductions are in place." I said extending my hand. Shadow looked surprised by the gesture as his eyes went wide with shock.

"The name is Shadow Dancer." He smiled taking my hand.

"Tyler, once normal college student, now I guess a paladin and a fighter for good." I laughed my laugh turned into a small yawn. I looked up at Shadow who also began to slowly sit down. "I noticed Viridi said ponies fear you? Why is that....if you don't mind me asking." I bluntly stated out not really thinking.

"Long story short is because of my abilities. Usually dark cults use this lost magic, they fear me because of it. So I usually just sit alone and live my life in the shadows because of that. I'm also enlisted in Celestia's actual military. Most don't know about that so yeah that's about it." Shadow chuckled. "They think of me as a monster, ponies never talk to me or trust me. It's a sad living but I can't change that." Shadow sighed a few tears began to well up.

"Between us you are not a monster, miss Viridi there is what you would call a monster. As for the ponies give it time, I'm sure soon they will see that they will need you now more than ever." I said before drifting off.

"Thanks it means a lot." Shadow said before he too dozed off.