• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,382 Views, 266 Comments

My Roommate is a pony? - Meh121

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"Okay so the portal thing was really lame.." Katie sighed as she exited through the portal. She looked around her taking in the warm spring air around her. 'Hmm I guess winter wraps up much quicker here.' Katie thought with a smile. Canterlot was as busy as ever the townsfolk were moving from all over unaware to the dangerous to soon follow. Katie looked at the paper her brown eyes scanned the paper as she took a few mental notes as she began walking to Central Square. She dodged people and ponies left and right getting a few stares from guys and colts all alike. She even noticed some of the females were looking at her with envy. She just rolled her eyes as she reached the destination. She retook out the paper and searched for a place called Fairy Tail Inn. She scanned around before noticing a giant building right in front of her. The building was huge made out of both stone and some strange material she had never seen before. On the building was a symbol of a phoenix and the words of the inn surrounding it.

"I guess this is the place." She sighed pushing open the heavy wooden door. She was greeted to a sight of a warm and cozy looking bar. The floor was made out of a soft wood she noted as her footsteps made a softer step than usual.

"Well look at that looks like someone is lost." The bartender said noticing Katie still looking at her paper. He gave off a warm smile as he noticed her embarrassed blush. "Please dear take a seat have a drink or two." He assured her pointing to a bar stool. Katie walked up and took a seat she looked up to a bartender before setting down the paper. "what can I get you miss?" He asked.

"A glass of water would be great." She told him with a smile. The bartender just sighed mentally as he grabbed her a glass of water. "Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't stay long I need to see a pony named Shadow Dancer. A friend of his Moonlight told me to ask of him a favor." Katie said the sudden warm atmosphere of the bar disappeared. The small chatter in the background cut off. Katie looked around a bit nervous before noticing the bartender's eyes went wide.

"You seriously want to see that insane bastard?" He asked in fear. She nodded, the bartender pointed a shaky hoof over to a table where a black and purple pony was sitting alone. Katie noted how the pony was wearing a hoof that was as black as hit coat, if it wasn't for the purple she wouldn't have noticed the hood. Katie walked up to the table she took a gulp and tried to swallow her fear before she sat down. The pony moved his head up from his beer looking into her eyes. His deep purple eyes looked up at her, Katie noticed a scar on his left cheek and under his chin. They looked like claw marks that cut deep into him.

"What is it you want, make it quick." Shadow Dancer said his voice monotone but still frightening. Katie began to sweat she felt terrified of this pony as he took off his cloak revealing even more scars.

"I seek passage to the Everfree Forest, your friend Moonlight said you would be able to take me there." Katie replied. A few gasp were heard from the bar.

"She's crazy."

"Aye, that she is."

"Shh don't want to make Shadow mad."

Katie ignored the comments going around the bar before noticing a grin on Shadow Dancer's face. He stood up and laughed a bellowing laugh. Katie looked up confused and a little terrified. She wiped the sweat off her brow.

"He told you to contact me, I guess this is the favor I owe him." He sighed. "Come then let's make haste the pegasus said stretching his black and purple tipped wings. His wings even had scars these ones were much lighter than the others. Katie quickly followed as he left the Inn. Shadow hovered above her before placing his hooves under her arms.

"Wait what are you doing?" Katie asked slapping his hoof away.

"I'm taking you there, I much rather prefer making a short trip rather than a few day one by foot, a train isn't going to take you directly there either." He said bluntly. Katie just took a gulp as he allowed her to pick her up. Shadow Dancer readied himself before taking off, he gave off a strong gust of wind stirring up some dirt on the ground before he began to soar to the skies.

'Incredible even with my extra weight he isn't even struggling.' Katie thought as she soared she noticed how blue the sky was up here. A much different feeling than an airplane it felt much more free and natural. She still didn't want to look down.

"So if I may ask why is it that the others are afraid of you?" Katie asked looking up at Shadow. He sighed loud on purpose and annoyed.

"I was waiting on that question, look to put it simple I was captured by a cult of ponies seeking to bring forth an old god. They thought I would go down easy as a sacrifice, but I fought everyday!" His voice trembled in rage it echoed through the empty sky. "They eventually decided that perhaps I should join them, use their dark magic they use. Despite me not being a unicorn I was able to wield this dark magic, while not as strong as a unicorns I could still wield it. Little did they know that they didn't bring me to the darkness, I found something in it. The being channeled it's dark powers into me, I embraced them like a warm glow." He whispered a few parts. "My name Shadow Dancer was my new name, the cultist gave it to me after they saw me embrace the darkness. The dark magic danced around me every time I used it, I used it to fight hoof to hoof combat with those freaks. I eventually welcomed this power so much that it began to tear at my soul, I slaughtered everyone of those.....freaks!" His voice quelled with rage, Shadow felt the dark energies that coursed through him began to grow.

"I'm sorry....that I asked." Katie whispered a few tears streaming down her face.

"It's fine after all I didn't have to tell you." Shadow Dancer assured Katie, he noticed she pipped up a bit. She even had a smile and wiped her tears away. 'Why did I tell her though....it came so naturally.'

"So we are here what's the plan princess?" Twilight asked worried. She looked up to her mentor for advice.

"I suggest that we wait and see we'll get the guard ready for an attack." Celestia said as they hurried through the castle.

"Rainbow scout ahead go find Luna." Twilight ordered. Rainbow gave a quick salute and veered off from the group.

"She should be righ...." Rainbow was interuppted as the wall in front of her bursted in front of her. The dust and debris caused her to cough and blur her vision through the dust.

"You are a sitting duck right now Rainbow." A voice called out it sounded peaceful. There was a dark and sinister laugh followed behind as a beam of magic busted through the cloud of dust. Rainbow squinted and made out Luna she beamed a warm smile, in fact a little blush came over Rainbow. "Move out of the way to the right." Luna told her as she pulled out a strange weapon. Rainbow didn't get what she meant and sat there dumbfounded for a moment. She took a hit from something straight in the face sending her skidding a few feet.

"This one should be easy enough to take down." A deep voice called from the still hanging dust. Rainbow was able to grind herself to a halt thanks to her usually quick reflexes. She spat out a bit of blood and shook off some of the pain in her face.

"Pl-please if that's tha...that's the best you can do than you might as well throw in the towel." Rainbow grinned as she flapped her wings strong enough to create a vortex sending the dust flying at who ever just hit her.

"Did you hear that?" Twilight asked. Applejack nodded as did Celestia. They turned around to find out what made that sound of an explosion before three more explosions happened. Twilight used her magic to control all the dust and send it flying full force at three shadows she made out. They were sent back a bit but nothing to extreme.

Everfree Forest
"You have go to be kidding me they just don't stop coming!" I shouted jumping over more Timber Wolves. These ones were larger than the others, they didn't have the glow that the others did from earlier. "This is getting annoying alright Flame Tail it's time!" I grinned noticing him flying down from above. "Aye sir!" He yelled as he took a swipe at a wolf. "Phoenix Radiance!" The forest lit up even brighter than the castle did before. This time the light could be felt all around us, it was made out of holy light and fire. The spell had improved as Flame Tail was learning rather quick how to control his power. I beamed a smile as I saw him land on my shoulder.

"Over there did you see that?" Katie asked her voice peaked with awe with a nice mix of fear and wonder.

"Yeah I think I know where your friend is." Shadow said flying faster.

"There seems to be something coming straight for us!" Flame Tail yelled, his high pitched voice ringing through the forest. He flew me out of the way as what he was saying landed right in front us.

"So I was right it is you! Well you idiot for not dying I'm so going to kill you!" Katie shouted charging straight for me.

'Well she sure does cut right to the point.' Shadow thought with a smile.

"Wait a second Katie is that you?" I asked walking up to her. We met and before she spoke we were interrupted by the trees beginning to warp around us. The branches made loud twisting sounds as the trees moved to create a circle.

"Disgusting humans but most of all you! Lightbearer it was you who has been slaying my children!" A voice called out.

"Who are you?" I asked readying my weapons. I looked up and noticed the ground was turning into the shape of a pony. After a few moments one did pop out of the ground.

"Me I'm the goddess of nature or in this case your death. I see you also brought some friends good your remains shall feed the earth! Good to see you are beaten down too paladin. It looks like this will be a easy victory for me, I shall enjoy walking over your remains as you become part of my earth." The goddess of nature laughed pointing at us, the wolves that were blinded began to see again.

"You have another thing coming if you think you'll be walking over any of our bodies!" I shouted as I began to charge.

"Children attack!" She ordered. I looked at her green body and blue eyes her eyes looked just like the water. Her mane was the color of brown like the ground. Her hooves had shoes covered in flowers she held her hoof out as her forces began to charge. I leapt through the air ready to strike when.....