• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,382 Views, 266 Comments

My Roommate is a pony? - Meh121

  • ...

Breaking it down

"You know I'm glad you took me over here, and that you get to see your friends now. But if it involves pranks that are life threatening than I'd like to be left out of them, you know living and all is something I'd like to do." I told her coldly.

I stood there the snow coming a little past my ankles, it was colder than before and the wind started to pick up. I looked at Twilight as her mane started dancing in the wind, I could see the look on her face, she was almost ready to speak. I looked at the snow on the ground and watched as little white dust spun around in circles making little tornadoes. I watched as Twilight was kicking the snow in the ground, the snow easily being pushed around by her hoof. I shuddered a bit actually noticing how life threatening those hooves could have been.

"Are you trying to think of something that will get you out of this mess, if so you can't I want to know how why you think this was funny?"

"I get it that you're angry and at first I was too."

"Wait you were angry that's it I'm done I'm outta here." I said as I started walking away.

"Dammit you idiot listen up for a second!" She yelled covering her mouth after noticing what she said, but than shrugged it off noticing she was in the heat of the moment. I turned around and looked at her waiting to hear what she had to say. "If you'd listen to what I'd have to say instead of walking away like a little child, than you'd hear why I was mad. At first I thought you left me so I was like okay a pretty rude move, but than I noticed you weren't anywhere. I was taking a balloon to get here when Rainbow Dash explained the whole prank to me, I let up on the whole thing and thought it was gonna be pretty funny." She told me.

"Explain why Fluttershy almost murdered me several times!" I yelled stomping the snow around me.

I watched as her horn lit up, I started to run, but it was impossible to out run her, next thing I knew we were in front of her house.

"I think that is something only she knows, and may never tell us." Twilight exclaimed to me.

I looked around and felt the snow hitting my face messing up my vision a bit, I liked it though something about the wind and the snow mixing just makes you feel like well a bad ass. Sadly I couldn't really enjoy the moment with the whole argument thing going on. I stomped my shoes of snow before I walked in, I took a mental note that we were the only two in the house. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed one of my water bottles and asked Twilight if she wanted to a drink, she told me that she was fine and to come sit down in the kitchen. I slowly made my way into the kitchen taking of my wet coat and looking at hers, I giggled at noticing the luxury she missed out on of being able to just change and stay dry.

"So are you still mad about this whole thing?" She asked calmly.

"Of course I am I mean come on anyone would be, granted I'm just mostly annoyed at it now." I told her. I took a few sips of my water looking at her, I was still pissed off at the whole situation, I mean ponies are fuckin crazy man.

'I should have just gotten a new apartment and asked a for HUMAN only roommate, than I wouldn't be in any of this crazy damn mess. I'd be probably dating a nice somewhat normal girl. I'd be able to make my music much faster as well.' I thought feeling a bit of self pity.

"Good because if you were still angry than you would have been acting like a little child, I'm glad you shook it off and acted mature." Twilight giggled.

"So are we done here I need to finish my music?" I asked annoyed.

"Well I guess I mean how hard can it be making a bit of music, I was wanting to finish this discussion." Twilight nagged on.

"You think making music is hard please what have you done recently that is stressful?"

"Nothing recently you know why! Because I was busy saving an entire country, not to mention I've done it several times!"

"Oh well yeah I'm sure having five others baking you up with the most powerful things known to your kind it must be a challenge, I'm so scary of you shooting rainbow lasers of friendship."

"You think you can do what I do better?" She asked standing up.

"Well I have no magic so I'm down than if you think you can do what I do better." I told her.

"Than it's settled first one to admit what they do is harder is the winner." She said.

"Good now if you excuse me I'll be leaving you, I'll still be working on my music while I'm "busy"." I told walking up the stairs.

"Where do you think you are going?" She asked.

"A hotel to relax and finish my work without any interruptions." I yelled down.

I looked at her on my way down and had my things packed.

"Well I'll give you a hint than something is planning an escape from it's prison and if it goes free, this time the whole country will be doomed." She told me.

"Thanks for the tip, here these will help you making music a bit simpler, now if you'll excuse me I'll be assembling my own team." I said closing the door.

"Great she's going to regret the day she tried to make a bet against me, I mean come on fluffy bunnies are probably some of their most evil things here." I chuckled.

I walked into the hotel and looked around, it was rather bright with the golden tiles and the bright lights. The area was mixed with chatter from the small talk of rather higher class ponies, and hell even some people were in suits and other things. Just like something you would expect and see in a movie, it kinda got quiet when I set down my guitar and other things.

"Hello sir." The front counter pony said. I could tell a bit in his voice he was thinking I'd never be able to afford this place, and in most cases he was right but I saved up a lot of my pay checks here and there. So I felt pretty damn confident.

"Give me a suite if you wouldn't mind." I said in a cocky measure.

"Are you sure you wouldn't want one of our more affordable rooms?" The front counter pony asked.

"I'm sure." I said.

"Are you really sure?" He asked.

"I'm sure of this without a doubt in my mind." I said tipping my sunglasses down and grabbed my bag of bits. He handed me a card key and I just walked away.

'That's what you get for questioning me, next time don't assume anything. Asshole.' I thought I chuckled at the last part.

'Oh dear lord this guy is a prick and a half.' The front counter pony thought.

'Or was it really you being a prick?' I thought noticing his look.

Well I kept on walking because um elevators have some of the strangest ponies and people ever on them so it really doesn't suit me, got a problem with it sue me if not then just sit there and keep reading this story. Yeah I just broke the fourth wall actually in a direct form, because I'm just that good. Any who let's get this shit started. I walked up the stairs pretending they were like an adventure, by that I meant I tried not dying walking up about six floors from a lack of breath. But finally I made it to my room, and I didn't have to take the elevator so a win in my books.

Now the next part was trickier than the most and that was to find my room, anyone that has stayed in a hotel will feel my pain of finding your room. '675' The card read for my hotel room.

'597,598,599,600.' I read as I passed each door until boom 675 popped up after some walking, I used the key card and heard the little click sound which meant all systems were go to open the door. When I opened it, I was shocked this place had two bathrooms each with a hot tub in it, a sky balcony view, it had everything. I threw everything on the bed, and walked out the balcony and took a deep breath.