• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,382 Views, 266 Comments

My Roommate is a pony? - Meh121

  • ...

Being Nice.....

"He sure is nice." Twilight said on the phone talking to somepony.

"Well still ain't it a bit strange having a human yet alone a guy as a roommate? Aren't you afraid of him?" Rainbow Dash asked concerned for her friends well being.

"No in fact he is afraid of me it's kinda funny." Twilight said giggling.

"No way a human is afraid of you I would love to have seen it." Rainbow said, Twilight could hear the smirk even though they were on the phone.

"Well I would show you but right now he is sleeping on the couch." Twilight told Rainbow as she just stared at me.

"Well he sure seems like a good guy taking naps sounds just like me." Rainbow said Twilight only giggled to her friends reply.

"Oh hey do you have a Facebook?" Twilight asked.
"Well of course did you finally get one?" Rainbow asked.

"Yep my roommate set it up for me." Twilight told Rainbow Dash.

"Ok then I'll talk to you later it's nap time for me." Rainbow said hanging up on Twilight.

"Hmm what are these for?" Twilight asked herself picking up my keys.

"Whoa....whoa there Twilight last thing I need is you to do is lose my car keys." I said waking up from hearing the keys jingle as Twilight moved them from side to side.

"Oh I'm sorry I was just wondering what they were used for I only got this one key,yet you have so many keys." Twilight said in awe.

"It's simple this one is for my parents house when I have to feed the animals when they are gone. This one is my car key if I plan on getting around faster I need these. That is the mailbox key and the other key is just a spare house key." I told her.

"Why do you have four keys that seems like a lot." Twilight told me.

"No it's not a lot trust me I've seen much more keys on a single key ring." I told her sitting up.

"Why though that sure is crazy." Twilight told me.

"Let's just say crime here is much more common then Equestria. We like our security on Earth I don't know why you even came here." I told her my voice coming off a bit cold.

"Well....I wanted to become a scientist. The problem is Canterlot and Ponyville university are the best of the best but they are lacking in science fields." Twilight told me, a warm blush came off her face.

"Oh well Oakland university really I only went here because It's cheaper then most University's." I said.

"That's the thing I'm not that rich and Celestia even gave me a few extra bits but my parents they heard this place is good for a cheaper college." Twilight told me.

"Aren't your bits pure gold and how much is a few extra?" I asked.

"Well they are pure gold but she only gave me four thousand." Twilight told me.

"Wait only four thousand that has to be like a few thousand dollars." I said looking down at her.

"Well I never changed my money into human money yet." Twilight told me.

"Oh god come on kid I'm going to exchange your money right now." I said grabbing the pouch and told her to follow me. She walked out of the door following me. I unlocked my car and jumped in and opened the passenger door for her.

"Come on get in." I told her she just sat there.

"What is this?" Twilight asked.

"A car you know vrrooom vroom fast." I told her making childish sounds.

"Um I think I'll just walk besides it's only a mile." Twilight said.

"Are you afraid of this or something?" I asked her.

"Well yea I'll just walk to the currency exchange portal for this area." Twilight said. I sighed and turned off my car and jumped out.

"Trust me last thing I need is for the one paying half the rent to get lost." I said to her trying to make a joke.

"So are you walking with me?" Twilight asked with a smile on her face.

"Yes now let's go." I told her starting to walk. It was just a cloudy day probably because soon college was going to start back up again,and every one wanted the summer to last a bit longer.

"So you are studying for science what type biology archaeology.." I stopped seeing her blush a little bit.

"Oh I'm sorry if that was a bit personal question." I told her.

"No it's fine I'm blushing because of how nice you're being but I'm studying zoology." Twilight told me the blush still on her face.

"Well don't tell any one but I can be nice when I want to..." I told her laughing a bit.

"I won't tell anypony oh what are you going to college for?" Twilight asked.

"Criminal justice and law enforcement I want to work as a police officer. Hopefully in the K-9 unit." I told her. "Hey though why zoology I heard my friend tell me of a pony who loves animals um Flutterguy no Flubershy?" I tried to remember the name I was sure one of those were right.

"Oh my friend Fluttershy yes she knows everything about animals but I want to know everything, how certain animals act how they run and everything it's one of the few things. I've never studied so I want to learn more and besides she brought up a conversation with animals. From there I just wanted to learn more. So a police officer don't people hate cops?" Twilight asked.

"Well most do but I mean I'm just doing it to keep crime off the streets. Although some police are...." I stopped seeing how she is a pony she would not like to hear some of the words we used. "Jerks personally I can't stand them pulling people over and stuff for stupid things." I said.

"Oh so you want to be a good and nice police officer?" Twilight asked.

"Exactly." I told her. I looked and saw we were at the exchange for currency and I saw the line and how long it was.

"Oh it's Miss Sparkle." A pony said walking up to us.

"Hey there Moonlight." Twilight said.

"Please Miss Sparkle we have a line for V.I.P's and you are at the top of the list, Celestia's orders herself so come on in. Are we doing bits to U.S.D?" Moonlight asked.

"Yes oh this is my human roommate Tyler." Twilight said pointing at me.

"Pleasure sir." Moonlight said to me.
"How's it going?" I asked.

"Pretty good now then if you two would please come with me." Moonlight said escorting us to a very small booth labeled V.I.P's only.

"Thank you Moonlight maybe I'll see you some other time." Twilight said as we left the booth. I heard her stomach grumble and chuckled.

"Seems like someone is hungry." I said laughing.

"You mean somepony." Twilight said correcting me.

"Yea that word but by the way what do ponies eat?" I asked.

"Well we can't eat meat but we can eat cake fruit vegetables basically everything but meat." Twilight told me.

"Hmm you ever had pancakes for lunch?" I asked.

"No why would I they are for breakfast." Twilight told me.

"Well looks like you're going to be having breakfast for lunch." I said opening the apartment door.

"Hello?" I asked calling David.

"Hello can you hear me?" David asked me.

"Yea I called to tell you I'm making the best lunch ever." I told him.

"Really you're making chocolate chip pancakes?" David asked with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Yea but the real reason I called is I saw the strangest thing a pony and human were making out....when they passed my window." I told David putting the pancakes on the plates.

"Oh yea it's a new big thing in fact human pony relationships are becoming more popular then pony and pony relationships." David told me.
"How that is disgusting..." I told him.

"Please everyone knows ponies are sexy." David said on the phone.

"What the hell though next thing you know the government is going support gay marriage or something I mean I have nothing against gays but the human and pony thing is a bit creepy." I said knocking on Twilight's door and handing her the pancakes.

"Well actually they have supported gay marriage in fact it's normal here but any way the human and pony thing is becoming normal on Earth as well I heard on the news." David said.

"Ok well excuse my while I eat I'll call you later." I said hanging up.

"Um..." I heard a voice come from the door.

"Come in." I said hearing Twilight.

"Hey what is this?" Twilight asked holding an Xbox remote.

"Oh that's where the remote went where did you find it?" I asked.

"Under the couch I dropped a fork under there and found it." Twilight told me.

"Of course the couch well to late to return this one." I sighed hitting myself with the Xbox remote.

"What is an Xbox?" Twilight asked.

"Well it's really an Xbox 360 but it's used to play games on you can watch TV and everything on it." I told her.

"Whoa that's so cool." Twilight said with a bit of joy in her eyes. I sighed after seeing my little brother and sister do that look it meant they wanted to see what it does,but they were to afraid to ask if they could watch TV with me.

"You want to watch TV with me?" I asked standing up and set my plate on the dresser.

"No I couldn't that would be so rude being in your room and sitting on your bed." Twilight told me.

"Please we have washers and I can tell you want to see what this does. I trust you enough to think you are a big girl and won't make a mess on the bed." I told her.

"Are you sure I don't want to be rude?" Twilight asked.

"Yes I'm sure next time just ask if you want to do something. Like I said I'm normally a nice guy respect me and I respect you." I told her. She nodded and grabbed her plate from the living room and ran back into the room. She looked up at the bed and tried to jump up but the bed was still a bit to tall for her. "You need help?" I asked. She nodded I quickly jumped off the bed and picked her up I was surprised how light she was. Her soft fur felt pretty nice.

"Thank you." She said setting her plate down.

"No problem." I told her smiling.

"So then are we going to watch TV?" Twilight asked.

"Yes normally I don't play a game and eat, it get's the controller sticky." I told Twilight searching through Netflix I stopped on a show and looked at her only to see her shake her head.

"Wait that one!" Twilight shouted after seeing Bridlemares. I sighed after this joint world thing we've been swapping TV shows and everything.

"No I'm not watching this." I said to her.
"Please please please oh pretty please." Twilight begged me. I rolled my eyes and sighed I sadly clicked on it and watched part of the show
before getting up I grabbed Twilight's plate and mine. She did not seem to notice her face glued to the TV I walked back into the room and grabbed my guitar and went into the living room shutting the door.

I started to adjust the strings and started playing not noticing anything that went on around me.

"That sounds beautiful." Twilight said coming from out of my room.

"Thank you." I told Twilight still playing it messing around trying to create a good sound.

"Where did you get it?" Twilight asked.

"My Uncle got me this three years ago." I told Twilight.

"He seems like a good guy." Twilight said.

"He...was." I sighed.

"What do you oh..." Twilight said.
"Oh I meant before he moved away from me now I don't know what the hell he is like." I told her laughing.

"Oh I thought you meant he passed." Twilight told me.

"No he moved to South Carolina it's been a while since I've seen him." I told Twilight.

"Oh well I came to ask if I could keep watching Bridlemares." Twilight told me.

"Oh yea go ahead just hit the A button on the remote to watch the next episode." I told her.

"Oh thank you!" Twilight screamed like a little filly and ran into my room. I just laughed and set down my guitar and grabbed my car keys and
left the apartment. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Katie my best friend since we were little.

"Hey girl what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing why?" Katie asked a bit confused.

"Well that's good you got twenty minutes." I told her.

"For what?" She asked.

"Till I pick you up." I told her.
"Oh alright...."Katie said still a bit confused before I hung up on her. I ran into target and picked up a case of Dr.Pepper and I quickly thought of Twilight and picked up some carrot juice.

'Ponies like carrot juice right?' I thought scanning it I sighed and really didn't care.

"Roomy where are you?" Twilight asked walking out of my room. No response she kept walking around.

"Hey roomy are you here?" Twilight asked calling out again.

"Great I guess he doesn't like me." Twilight sighed as a few tears hit the ground.

"Why are you even picking me up?" Katie asked.

"You said you wanted to meet Twilight right?" I asked.

"Oh the pony right how is it I thought you were not a big fan on ponies." Katie told me.

"Well....for some reason....this one is pretty cool...." I said hiding an embarrassed blush admitting a pony was not that bad.

"Oh my god you just said that I can't believe it you admitted a pony is not that bad." Katie laughed.

"Hey people can change..." I told her as I parked the car.

"I knew you had a soft spot for ponies you have a soft spot for almost everyone." Katie said getting out of the car.

"Yea yea I know." I said rolling my eyes as I unlocked the apartment door. I walked in and saw Twilight crying her eyes out on the couch.

"Twilight what's wrong?" I asked running over to her.

"You're back....I..thoug.....thought you were gone and you left me." She sobbed out.

"Oh come on calm down...I just went to pick up something to drink, and I grabbed my friend who really wanted to meet you." I told her giving her a hug.

"Oh that is so adorable." Katie said taking a picture.

"Did you just take a picture?" I asked turning my head to her.

"Yep and now time for Facebook." Katie told me. I wanted to say something but I didn't really care any more Twilight was sorta growing on me.

"Oh you must be Tyler's friend." Twilight said.

"Yep we've been best friends since we were little." Katie said smiling.

"It's nice to meet you I'm Twilight Sparkle I all ready know your name." Twilight said.

"Oh my gosh you are so adorable!" Katie said hugging Twilight.

"You girls want something to drink?" I asked.

"Water you know me I can't stand pop." Katie said.

"You mean soda and Twilight what about you I picked you up some carrot juice you want some of that?" I asked.

"Eww no I hate carrot juice." Twilight told me.

"Then what do you want to drink?" I asked sighing for buying the carrot juice.

"That stuff you spilled on me it tasted good." Twilight told me.

"Oh Twilight I don't know he never let's any one drink his pop besides me even though I hate it." Katie said.

"It's fine she can have it." I said handing her a Dr.Pepper.

"Wow I'm shocked you just let her drink a pop of yours." Katie said.

"Hey now people can change in fact I'll give everyone in the apartment complex some soda." I said.

"Really?" Katie asked.

"No not really." I told her.

"Why are you surprised he is being nice to me?" Twilight asked.

"Well you see he was not really a huge fan of ponies coming to live here and such..." Katie said.

"But I changed now I found out from you. Twilight that ponies can be pretty cool." I told her.

"Well I think I have to get going." Katie told me.

"You want me to drive you?" I asked.

"And have Twilight freak out again besides my mom texted me she is on her way." Katie told me as she walked out the door.

"So then how come you never liked ponies?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know I was just being an idiot and judging before I even got to meet one." I told her.

"Oh well I thought the same about humans until I met one in Equestria." Twilight told me.

"So you really don't like carrot juice?" I asked.

"No it's nasty." Twilight told me sticking out her tongue.

"Tell me about it." I said to her we both laughed for a few seconds.

"Well I guess tomorrow we start college." I told her.

"Yep well then I guess we better get some sleep." Twilight told me. I nodded as we both walked into our rooms,shutting the doors at the same time for some reason I thought it was funny and started laughing.

"How is she going to get to college it's like a four mile walk pony or not that still is a lot." I said to myself.

"Looks like I'm going to have to ride in his car according to this it would take a while to get there by hoof." Twilight said.

I laid down and close my eyes and just smiled. About an hour later I got a knock that scared the crap out of me.
"Who is it?" I asked ready to use something as a weapon.

"I'm scared I heard a noise in my room." Twilight said.

"Twilight there is nothing in there." I said.

"But I'm scared." Twilight pleaded.

"What did I tell you if you want something ask." I said my eyes still closed.

"Can I sleep with you tonight please?" Twilight asked trying to make the please sound as adorable as possible.

"Sure just stay on this side on the bed." I said picking her up and putting her on the bed.

"Thank you." Twilight said to me.

"Yep now just go to sleep." I said to tried to even care if a pony was in my bed I closed my eyes and just passed right out.