• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,385 Views, 266 Comments

My Roommate is a pony? - Meh121

  • ...


We were surprised as when we awoke the next day that the other end of the bargain was held up. The air was crisp and cool, the wind was blowing rather swift causing the hair on the others to move with the wind. I looked at the captain and gripped my weapons. The wind was piercing through my clothes causing my hairs to stand up a bit.

"Still waiting to recover really how much longer." Death sighed asking the nurse.

"Should be a few hours before they make their full recovery." She said handing him more crayons. She blushed seeing him taking them and shoving him into his mouth.

"So boring." He sighed before looking at the nurse, he stood and rolled his eyes. "Fine I guess I'll still play guard duty for a few hours." Death sighed talking to the wall.

"Guard duty for what exactly?" She asked curiously. He turned around and looked at her.

"For real? You seriously didn't hear about them getting attacked. You know what never mind you'll just have to wait and see." Death smiled as he turned his back to her once again.

The nurse rolled her eyes before walking out of the room. "Nut job." She sighed.

"Well now, are you ready?" The captain asked grabbing his sword.

"Whenever you are." I said deadlocking his eyes.

He laughed as he walked closer. "I like your style kid, you seem to have a lot of..how do I put it. Hmm spice to ya." He said cracking his jaw as he inched closer.

"Save the talk for after I kick your ass." I said cracking my hands.

"We'll see how it works out for ya, that flare you have, is going to get put back in check."

The others looked out at the two of us as we readied our selves. Twilight looked nervous as she looked at me.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Rainbow said looking at Twilight noticing how much stress Twilight had. She noticed how she could really feel her stress, fear, and love. All at once.

"I'm sure he will be but it's still not exactly what I want to watch." Twilight sighed turning her eyes to Rainbow.

"He sure does have a warriors spirit." Shadow remarked.

"Well paladin are you ready?" The captain cocked his shoulders as he stood in my face. I leapt back catching the hard ground with my feet. I readied my blade as I stood there waiting. "So who is going to strike first." He grinned looking at me. We both stood there as the wind kept blowing.

I looked around him and noticed that the others were waiting for something to happen. His few men he had left were also waiting for something to happen. I could feel my heart racing as I stood there waiting. I decided that I would have to make the first move. The weather started to change as snow was beginning to fall. At first it was slow as it was falling. The wind was nothing more than a roadblock making it harder to see as the snow started falling faster and more furious. It felt like even the god of wind was making the fight seem like the fate of two worlds.

We both stood there mirroring eachother's movements. I stood still for a moment as the snow picked up once again. "Well this is quiet the show isn't it." He smirked moving forward. I took a step back as he moved up another. The cliff was rather close to both of us. I rolled out of the way before my foot slipped near the edge. "Careful now, don't want you falling." He chuckled as he came charging in. I tried to parry his shoulder coming in but he knocked me back before I could ready myself. He grinned as he came charging in. His men cheered as he landed the first hit.

I quickly sprung up throwing snow around us. The cold powder fell all around us. I threw another handful at his face before tripping him.

"Cheap shots won't get you far." He said dusting himself off and he quickly got up. I backed up this time away from the cliff. The snow was falling harder now the wind made it feel like small pellets of ice barraging the skin. I pulled my hood in closer noticing he was still wiping his face off from the snow. I readied my blade the metal was colder than before my grip tightened around the hilt. The cold metal almost fused with my skin. My hand was growing numb as I ran at him, my other blade was ready to follow with another strike. I used the ice this time with me instead of against. I slid under him slashing at his legs. My swords held a smell of blood and sweat. I felt my fear grow as I stuck the blades into the ground to stop sliding. I looked over at him and watched as he struggled to get up.

The captain turned around and smirked as he stood up. "Not a bad try kid but I told you! Cheap shots won't get you far!" He yelled standing up charging at me his blade dragging against the ground. The sound of cutting stone and ice echoed through the empty halls of the castle and the outside.

"I think you're wrong about that one!" I shouted jumping down the waterfall of ice. I looked up as he looked down at me and threw his weapon. Twilight reacted by quickly teleporting to the bottom of the cliff. The others came running out except for the princess's as they followed Twilight in suit. Rainbow quickly flew down as Applejack stood watching. Katie hitched a ride from Flame Tail as they landed.

"We have to do something!" Twilight shouted as her horn lit up. I threw one of my blades close to her. She snapped out of casting her spells and looked up. I shook my head no before throwing my other sword at the Captains incoming blade. He jumped down next riding against the waterfall. I landed on my sword in front of the girls. A barrier or bright light covered me to take the impact of the fall. The blades began to light up as a beam of light knocked the Captain to the ground. His goons quickly jumped down to see if he was alright.

"Ge...get away from me you idiots!" He shouted struggling to get up as his legs buckled. I grabbed my blade from the ground and walked over to the Captain placing my sword over his throat. I was ready to swing before I knocked back by a magical force. The silence was met by a laugh a very similar laugh. I looked up to see the same human from before.

"You know I lied about that being the last time seeing you." He chuckled as he used his magic to grab the others. "Your orders were clear Captain to inflict them with the curse and it seems you have failed. Sombra is going to have words with you." He said as he began to open a portal. "Next Time We Meet Paladin it won't be on your grounds!" The cultist said as he and the others jumped through the portal. I tried to run up to it before I felt Twilight's magic pull me back.

"Don't be reckless you don't know what lies beyond that portal!" She shouted years streaming down her face.

"Come on we had a clear chance." I said looking back at the now closing gateway.

"It would not have been worth the risk of taking it. We are still out numbered and it seems like some of your race has sided with the old ones." Celestia said standing straight up surveying the land. "Plus we have some repair to do." She sighed pointing to the windows.

"Of course." Rainbow and I sighed. Twilight just giggled as we stood still for a moment in the cold blowing wind.

"How did you manage to see his sword coming down with all that snow in the way?" Twilight asked.

"I guessed." I told her bluntly. She just stood there before facehoofing.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the lack of updates....again! I'm not promising anything anymore lol.