> My Roommate is a pony? > by Meh121 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Roommate-Facebook > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No, I don't want to go to Equestria for college, besides, Earth is much better." I told my old roommate, David on the phone. "Come on, it’s really not that bad." David told me. "No, there is no way I'm going to some freaky place with magical talking ponies, it's bad enough we have some here." I said. "Well fine, but don't complain when I become famous and stay in Equestria." David told me in a mocking tone. "Yea, you have fun with that." I told him. “What if I told you they even have jobs and places to eat for us and everything?” David asked me. "No, I’m perfectly fine here. Well I have to go, my new roommate is here, let's just hope he’s as good as you were." I said hanging, up the phone. I then parked my car, a two thousand and four black Mustang that really needed an oil change, closed the door and started on my way to the apartment. It was pretty spacious since I was the only one there and the second bedroom was never used since David left. "Hey, what's up Tyler?" I heard Jay, my neighbor, ask as I was making my way towards the apartment door. "Nothing much, I got a new roommate, I just hope he’s as good as David was, he was always funny as hell." I said, unlocking the door. 'Oh this must be my new roommate! I hope he is nice' Twilight thought to herself as she heard the door unlock. "Hey what's up ma.....um I think you got the wrong apartment." I said. I was looking down to see a purple pony starting back up at me. "No, I think the paper says this is the right apartment." Twilight told me. "Let me see those." I said, grabbing the papers. I read the address only to find that it was correct. I ran out of the apartment and called David again. "You'll never guess what just happened." I said, getting back into my car. "What is it this time, does your roommate smell or something?" David asked. "No....it....it's....it's a...." I kept mumbling. "A what, spit it out for goodness sake!" David said, a bit annoyed by my mumbling. "A freaking pony!" I shouted, slamming my face on the horn. "You're kidding right?" David asked with a bit of a laugh being hidden. "No I'm not, it’s like purple or lavender or something, and it has a horn on it’s head!” I shouted, with my face still smashed on the horn. Then someone knocked on my window, and I looked up to see Jay looking at me like I was crazy or something. "Why are you face horning?" Jay asked. "I have a freaking pony as a roommate!" I shouted, with my face still smashed on the horn. "You're kidding me, didn’t you say that those ponies creep you out?" David asked on the phone. "Oh, hey David." Jay said. "What's up?" David asked. "Nothing really how is that Equestria place you're at?" Jay asked. "Hold on, I’ll just put you two on speaker phone while I go check my room to see if it was a cardboard cutout or something" I said, opening my door, only to slam it shut with tremendous force. I ran into the apartment and saw that the pony wasn’t there. I sighed as I walked into the kitchen and still didn’t see it. I grabbed a Dr.Pepper before leaving the kitchen. The moment I opened the can I heard a noise from inside my room. “Jay come here, I think someone is breaking in.” I said, motioning for him to come inside. "Really, why would anyone break into your apartment? It's only got a laptop, an xbox, a huge TV, and like forty games. Okay you know what, I see why some people might want to break in." Jay said. "It's funny though, why would someone break in during the middle of the day?” David added over the phone. "They must have some crazy need for a thrill I guess" I said, pushing open my door.Only to see that purple unicorn looking through some of my stuff. I screamed and shut the door in Jay’s face, leaving him in the hallway with David on the phone. "What the hell was that?" David asked. "The pony’s in his room." Jay said, laughing, soon to be joined by David. Hearing Jay and David in the hallway, I opened the door back up. “Ok, time for you to go home, and time to hang up on you.” I said, grabbing my phone and then closing the door again. I turned around and the pony was just looking at me with this look of absolute confusion. “Umm..hi?” I said, not really knowing how I should talk to it. "Are you going to run away this time?" she asked, walking up to me. "I don’t think so, but you shouldn’t be going through my stuff." I said, scolding her. "I'm sorry, I didn’t know” she said. 'Really? There are only two people here and she can’t tell who's stuff is who’s?' I thought, facepalming. "It's alright." I sighed, forgetting that I really didn’t even show her much hospitality to begin with. "Well my name is Twilight Sparkle, I'm from Equestria. I used to live in Ponyville, and was born in Canterlot, and Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, was my personal teacher in magic school. It's very nice to meet you, though I haven’t gotten your name yet?" Twilight said to me with a huge, goofy smile on her face. "My name is Tyler Abbott and I'm from Macomb, Michigan, the state we’re in right now.Other than that there’s not much to tell about me other than I’ve had a lot of different jobs." I said, looking down at her. "Oh, I used to work as the Ponyville librarian." Twilight said, trying to start a conversation. "Hmm, that sounds kinda cool." I said trying not to sound so harsh. "Thank you." Twilight said, not noticing my sarcasm. "No problem, but there is your room." I said, pointing to the other bedroom down the hallway as we walked out of my room. "Oh alright. I guess I'll talk to you later then, roommate." Twilight told me, walking into her room. "Great, a pony as a roommate, this is going to be fun." I sighed, pulling out my laptop. I logged onto Facebook and did what most college students do, post mindless crap on Facebook. However today was different, today I had something decent to post. “Well this is crazy but I got a pony named Twilight Sparkle as my new roommate.” I set as my status, before seeing Twilight walk out of her room. "Oh you have a laptop too? I got one when I signed up for college, but I have no idea how to use it." Twilight told me, with a hint of sadness in the last part. Have you ever seen the old cartoons where there is an angel and a devil on the character’s shoulders telling them what to do? That’s about what happened to me here. 'Come on help her..' I thought. 'No, you know that these ponies freak you out, she needs to just figure out things on her own.' I thought, ready to have a mental argument with myself. 'Who knows, maybe you'll even think she’s a good roommate.' I thought. 'No, she is a pony, not going to happen, you're better off just moving out.' I thought again. 'Just look at those eyes, she is asking for your help, so just help her.' That thought hit me straight in the heart, and caused me to be way softer than I wanted to be. "Go ahead and grab it. I'll show you how to use it." I told Twilight. She quickly darted into her room and pulled out a brand new laptop. "Hey your’s has HP on it, just like mine!" Twilight squealed with joy. "Hey look at that, it does." I said, trying to be nice. "Ok then Twilight, do you even have anything set up yet?" I asked. "Well the guy at the store said it has Windows on it, and that it was ready to go, but I was looking, and I couldn’t find any windows." Twilight said, looking over the laptop just to make sure she didn’t miss the windows. "Windows is the name of the technology that runs the laptop, there aren’t any windows on it." I said, chuckling lightly. “Oh I see...I feel kinda dumb now..” she said, looking rather sad. “It’s okay, I’ll help you figure it out.” I said, reassuringly. “Okay, to start you just have to open it up, and turn it on, you might also want to plug it in whenever you can so the battery doesn’t die.” I said, opening the laptop. "Thank you very much." Twilight said to me, her frown starting to shape into a smile. 'That is so adorable’ I thought. ‘No, come on, it's weird having a pony as a roommate and you know it.' I thought. “Really, it’s no trouble at all." I said, putting on a smile. "Alright, so to start you need to choose a username and password." I told her, after I had done any other necessary steps for her. "Username?" Twilight asked. "It’s like a name that yo-, actually, just put in your name." I said, as I watched her horn glow as she typed in her name. "Ok now what?" Twilight asked. "What.....did you....how...what did you just do?" I asked. “I used magic, have you never seen that before?” Twilight told me, giggling at the jaw-dropped expression on my face. "How though? That’s not possible magic, isn’t real." I said, still with a dumbfounded look on my face. "Really, watch this." Twilight said, grabbing the drink out of my hand with her magic. "Ok I'm not going to lie, that’s a bit creepy, I've seen other unicorns around here but they never used their magic." I told her, standing up to grab my drink. "Heh, your face sure was funny when you saw me do it." Twilight told me, still giggling. "Alright, hit enter and there you, go your laptop is now ready to use." I said, jumping back onto my laptop. I looked and saw my status on Facebook had already received forty likes and sixty comments. “Pictures or I don't believe you.”, “Pictures now.”, “Need Pictures of pony show them!”, “Pictures of pony please.”, “Ha you got a pony as a roommate oh yea pictures though or no proof.”, “Really I thought you were not a big fan of ponies btw can I get a pic of the adorableness.”, Is what most of the comments said, I chuckled when reading them. "Who do they want a picture of?" Twilight asked. "Oh what the!" I shouted in panic and threw my soda at her in self defense. "Really." Twilight said, with an angry look on her face. "Sorry but, didn't your parents ever teach you not to sneak up on a man who’s reading Facebook comments with a can of soda at the ready?" I asked. I looked at her and started laughing until she used her magic to dry herself off. "What's a Facebook?" Twilight asked, licking up the taste of the soda. "You're kidding right? I thought with the joint world thing that ponies had the internet, at least that is what my friend told me." I said, looking up at Twilight. "I've never used the internet in Equestria just because, well, just because I never used it." Twilight told me. "Ok well, Facebook is simple, all of your friends are on here, and all you do is add them to your friends list, and then boom, you got a friend on here. Then you can tell people what you’re doing, like this." I said scrolling up to my last status. "Well this is crazy but I have a pony named Twilight Sparkle as a roommate." Twilight read out loud. "See? Then people can like and can comment on it, like how they all want a picture of you." I said. Then a chat screen from David popped up. What’s up David? I asked. Nothing, I saw how much attention that status you posted earlier is getting you. David typed in. You think? I typed in. Well I just wanted to say gl with the roommate, talk to you later. David typed in before he logged off. "Then you can chat to your friends." I told her, pointing at my conversation with David. "Oh, can I get one?" Twilight asked me. "I don't care, you’re an adult after all." I said to her. "Oh ok, can you help me again please?" Twilight asked. "Sure, but first so I can prove I'm not lying, let me take a picture of you." I told her. She nodded, and stood there as I aimed the webcam and took a picture of her, then uploaded it to Facebook. "Alright, here you go." I said, handing her laptop back to her after setting up an email and Facebook for her. "What’s a profile picture?" Twilight asked. “It’s a picture of yourself so people know who you are when they view your page. Here I’ll show you how to do it.” I said, taking a picture of her and I with my webcam, then setting it as my profile picture. "Oh, I see." she said, running over to her laptop. She took several pictures, some goofy, some were just Twilight being Twilight, one was her using her magic, and several more of her doing something else. "Which one should I use?" Twilight asked, bringing her laptop right up to my face. I scanned them and then pointed to the one with her using her magic while she was standing on one leg. Then I looked back to my Facebook and saw more comments on the two pictures I had uploaded of her. “Dawwww that is so adorable I'm so jealous of you having her as a roommate.”, “Holy crap you were not lying you really do got a pony as a roommate!”, “Bro you should totally let me live with you because of the adorable that pony has is to much for a single man to bear.”, “I'm coming over tomorrow after class.” The last one was from my best childhood friend. I replied to her saying that she is always welcome here. "How do I add a friend?" Twilight asked me, bringing her laptop right up to my face again. "Type in the person’s name." I told her. "Ok." She said, before setting down the laptop again. I saw a friend request from: Twilight Sparkle. I looked at her and she smiled up at me. "Will you please be my friend on Facebook?" Twilight asked me, giving off a smile that would make Chuck Testa cry. I felt my heart melt from the dawww she was giving me. I knew I wasn’t a big fan of ponies but that smile was just too much. I clicked accept and watched her eyes grow wide with excitement, she came over and gave me a bone crushing hug. "Oh thank you thank you." Twilight told me hugging me tighter. "It's no problem, but..I..can't..breathe." I coughed out. "Oh, heh, sorry." Twilight told me. "It's fine, but are you really that happy I added you on Facebook?" I asked. "Of course! That means we are going to be BRFF’s" Twilight told me. “BRFF’s?” I asked. “Best roommate friends forever!” she explained. “Oh I see..” I said, feeling silly for not getting it. I then looked back to my Facebook and saw Twilight had put a post on my wall. “Hi roomy thanks for the help.” I immediately saw fifty likes on that wall post and almost seventy on me just adding her as a friend. "I guess it does, kid." I said to Twilight who only looked up and looked confused. > Being Nice..... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "He sure is nice." Twilight said on the phone talking to somepony. "Well still ain't it a bit strange having a human yet alone a guy as a roommate? Aren't you afraid of him?" Rainbow Dash asked concerned for her friends well being. "No in fact he is afraid of me it's kinda funny." Twilight said giggling. "No way a human is afraid of you I would love to have seen it." Rainbow said, Twilight could hear the smirk even though they were on the phone. "Well I would show you but right now he is sleeping on the couch." Twilight told Rainbow as she just stared at me. "Well he sure seems like a good guy taking naps sounds just like me." Rainbow said Twilight only giggled to her friends reply. "Oh hey do you have a Facebook?" Twilight asked. "Well of course did you finally get one?" Rainbow asked. "Yep my roommate set it up for me." Twilight told Rainbow Dash. "Ok then I'll talk to you later it's nap time for me." Rainbow said hanging up on Twilight. "Hmm what are these for?" Twilight asked herself picking up my keys. "Whoa....whoa there Twilight last thing I need is you to do is lose my car keys." I said waking up from hearing the keys jingle as Twilight moved them from side to side. "Oh I'm sorry I was just wondering what they were used for I only got this one key,yet you have so many keys." Twilight said in awe. "It's simple this one is for my parents house when I have to feed the animals when they are gone. This one is my car key if I plan on getting around faster I need these. That is the mailbox key and the other key is just a spare house key." I told her. "Why do you have four keys that seems like a lot." Twilight told me. "No it's not a lot trust me I've seen much more keys on a single key ring." I told her sitting up. "Why though that sure is crazy." Twilight told me. "Let's just say crime here is much more common then Equestria. We like our security on Earth I don't know why you even came here." I told her my voice coming off a bit cold. "Well....I wanted to become a scientist. The problem is Canterlot and Ponyville university are the best of the best but they are lacking in science fields." Twilight told me, a warm blush came off her face. "Oh well Oakland university really I only went here because It's cheaper then most University's." I said. "That's the thing I'm not that rich and Celestia even gave me a few extra bits but my parents they heard this place is good for a cheaper college." Twilight told me. "Aren't your bits pure gold and how much is a few extra?" I asked. "Well they are pure gold but she only gave me four thousand." Twilight told me. "Wait only four thousand that has to be like a few thousand dollars." I said looking down at her. "Well I never changed my money into human money yet." Twilight told me. "Oh god come on kid I'm going to exchange your money right now." I said grabbing the pouch and told her to follow me. She walked out of the door following me. I unlocked my car and jumped in and opened the passenger door for her. "Come on get in." I told her she just sat there. "What is this?" Twilight asked. "A car you know vrrooom vroom fast." I told her making childish sounds. "Um I think I'll just walk besides it's only a mile." Twilight said. "Are you afraid of this or something?" I asked her. "Well yea I'll just walk to the currency exchange portal for this area." Twilight said. I sighed and turned off my car and jumped out. "Trust me last thing I need is for the one paying half the rent to get lost." I said to her trying to make a joke. "So are you walking with me?" Twilight asked with a smile on her face. "Yes now let's go." I told her starting to walk. It was just a cloudy day probably because soon college was going to start back up again,and every one wanted the summer to last a bit longer. "So you are studying for science what type biology archaeology.." I stopped seeing her blush a little bit. "Oh I'm sorry if that was a bit personal question." I told her. "No it's fine I'm blushing because of how nice you're being but I'm studying zoology." Twilight told me the blush still on her face. "Well don't tell any one but I can be nice when I want to..." I told her laughing a bit. "I won't tell anypony oh what are you going to college for?" Twilight asked. "Criminal justice and law enforcement I want to work as a police officer. Hopefully in the K-9 unit." I told her. "Hey though why zoology I heard my friend tell me of a pony who loves animals um Flutterguy no Flubershy?" I tried to remember the name I was sure one of those were right. "Oh my friend Fluttershy yes she knows everything about animals but I want to know everything, how certain animals act how they run and everything it's one of the few things. I've never studied so I want to learn more and besides she brought up a conversation with animals. From there I just wanted to learn more. So a police officer don't people hate cops?" Twilight asked. "Well most do but I mean I'm just doing it to keep crime off the streets. Although some police are...." I stopped seeing how she is a pony she would not like to hear some of the words we used. "Jerks personally I can't stand them pulling people over and stuff for stupid things." I said. "Oh so you want to be a good and nice police officer?" Twilight asked. "Exactly." I told her. I looked and saw we were at the exchange for currency and I saw the line and how long it was. "Oh it's Miss Sparkle." A pony said walking up to us. "Hey there Moonlight." Twilight said. "Please Miss Sparkle we have a line for V.I.P's and you are at the top of the list, Celestia's orders herself so come on in. Are we doing bits to U.S.D?" Moonlight asked. "Yes oh this is my human roommate Tyler." Twilight said pointing at me. "Pleasure sir." Moonlight said to me. "How's it going?" I asked. "Pretty good now then if you two would please come with me." Moonlight said escorting us to a very small booth labeled V.I.P's only. "Thank you Moonlight maybe I'll see you some other time." Twilight said as we left the booth. I heard her stomach grumble and chuckled. "Seems like someone is hungry." I said laughing. "You mean somepony." Twilight said correcting me. "Yea that word but by the way what do ponies eat?" I asked. "Well we can't eat meat but we can eat cake fruit vegetables basically everything but meat." Twilight told me. "Hmm you ever had pancakes for lunch?" I asked. "No why would I they are for breakfast." Twilight told me. "Well looks like you're going to be having breakfast for lunch." I said opening the apartment door. "Hello?" I asked calling David. "Hello can you hear me?" David asked me. "Yea I called to tell you I'm making the best lunch ever." I told him. "Really you're making chocolate chip pancakes?" David asked with a bit of anger in his voice. "Yea but the real reason I called is I saw the strangest thing a pony and human were making out....when they passed my window." I told David putting the pancakes on the plates. "Oh yea it's a new big thing in fact human pony relationships are becoming more popular then pony and pony relationships." David told me. "How that is disgusting..." I told him. "Please everyone knows ponies are sexy." David said on the phone. "What the hell though next thing you know the government is going support gay marriage or something I mean I have nothing against gays but the human and pony thing is a bit creepy." I said knocking on Twilight's door and handing her the pancakes. "Well actually they have supported gay marriage in fact it's normal here but any way the human and pony thing is becoming normal on Earth as well I heard on the news." David said. "Ok well excuse my while I eat I'll call you later." I said hanging up. "Um..." I heard a voice come from the door. "Come in." I said hearing Twilight. "Hey what is this?" Twilight asked holding an Xbox remote. "Oh that's where the remote went where did you find it?" I asked. "Under the couch I dropped a fork under there and found it." Twilight told me. "Of course the couch well to late to return this one." I sighed hitting myself with the Xbox remote. "What is an Xbox?" Twilight asked. "Well it's really an Xbox 360 but it's used to play games on you can watch TV and everything on it." I told her. "Whoa that's so cool." Twilight said with a bit of joy in her eyes. I sighed after seeing my little brother and sister do that look it meant they wanted to see what it does,but they were to afraid to ask if they could watch TV with me. "You want to watch TV with me?" I asked standing up and set my plate on the dresser. "No I couldn't that would be so rude being in your room and sitting on your bed." Twilight told me. "Please we have washers and I can tell you want to see what this does. I trust you enough to think you are a big girl and won't make a mess on the bed." I told her. "Are you sure I don't want to be rude?" Twilight asked. "Yes I'm sure next time just ask if you want to do something. Like I said I'm normally a nice guy respect me and I respect you." I told her. She nodded and grabbed her plate from the living room and ran back into the room. She looked up at the bed and tried to jump up but the bed was still a bit to tall for her. "You need help?" I asked. She nodded I quickly jumped off the bed and picked her up I was surprised how light she was. Her soft fur felt pretty nice. "Thank you." She said setting her plate down. "No problem." I told her smiling. "So then are we going to watch TV?" Twilight asked. "Yes normally I don't play a game and eat, it get's the controller sticky." I told Twilight searching through Netflix I stopped on a show and looked at her only to see her shake her head. "Wait that one!" Twilight shouted after seeing Bridlemares. I sighed after this joint world thing we've been swapping TV shows and everything. "No I'm not watching this." I said to her. "Please please please oh pretty please." Twilight begged me. I rolled my eyes and sighed I sadly clicked on it and watched part of the show before getting up I grabbed Twilight's plate and mine. She did not seem to notice her face glued to the TV I walked back into the room and grabbed my guitar and went into the living room shutting the door. I started to adjust the strings and started playing not noticing anything that went on around me. "That sounds beautiful." Twilight said coming from out of my room. "Thank you." I told Twilight still playing it messing around trying to create a good sound. "Where did you get it?" Twilight asked. "My Uncle got me this three years ago." I told Twilight. "He seems like a good guy." Twilight said. "He...was." I sighed. "What do you oh..." Twilight said. "Oh I meant before he moved away from me now I don't know what the hell he is like." I told her laughing. "Oh I thought you meant he passed." Twilight told me. "No he moved to South Carolina it's been a while since I've seen him." I told Twilight. "Oh well I came to ask if I could keep watching Bridlemares." Twilight told me. "Oh yea go ahead just hit the A button on the remote to watch the next episode." I told her. "Oh thank you!" Twilight screamed like a little filly and ran into my room. I just laughed and set down my guitar and grabbed my car keys and left the apartment. I quickly grabbed my phone and called Katie my best friend since we were little. "Hey girl what's up?" I asked. "Nothing why?" Katie asked a bit confused. "Well that's good you got twenty minutes." I told her. "For what?" She asked. "Till I pick you up." I told her. "Oh alright...."Katie said still a bit confused before I hung up on her. I ran into target and picked up a case of Dr.Pepper and I quickly thought of Twilight and picked up some carrot juice. 'Ponies like carrot juice right?' I thought scanning it I sighed and really didn't care. "Roomy where are you?" Twilight asked walking out of my room. No response she kept walking around. "Hey roomy are you here?" Twilight asked calling out again. "Great I guess he doesn't like me." Twilight sighed as a few tears hit the ground. "Why are you even picking me up?" Katie asked. "You said you wanted to meet Twilight right?" I asked. "Oh the pony right how is it I thought you were not a big fan on ponies." Katie told me. "Well....for some reason....this one is pretty cool...." I said hiding an embarrassed blush admitting a pony was not that bad. "Oh my god you just said that I can't believe it you admitted a pony is not that bad." Katie laughed. "Hey people can change..." I told her as I parked the car. "I knew you had a soft spot for ponies you have a soft spot for almost everyone." Katie said getting out of the car. "Yea yea I know." I said rolling my eyes as I unlocked the apartment door. I walked in and saw Twilight crying her eyes out on the couch. "Twilight what's wrong?" I asked running over to her. "You're back....I..thoug.....thought you were gone and you left me." She sobbed out. "Oh come on calm down...I just went to pick up something to drink, and I grabbed my friend who really wanted to meet you." I told her giving her a hug. "Oh that is so adorable." Katie said taking a picture. "Did you just take a picture?" I asked turning my head to her. "Yep and now time for Facebook." Katie told me. I wanted to say something but I didn't really care any more Twilight was sorta growing on me. "Oh you must be Tyler's friend." Twilight said. "Yep we've been best friends since we were little." Katie said smiling. "It's nice to meet you I'm Twilight Sparkle I all ready know your name." Twilight said. "Oh my gosh you are so adorable!" Katie said hugging Twilight. "You girls want something to drink?" I asked. "Water you know me I can't stand pop." Katie said. "You mean soda and Twilight what about you I picked you up some carrot juice you want some of that?" I asked. "Eww no I hate carrot juice." Twilight told me. "Then what do you want to drink?" I asked sighing for buying the carrot juice. "That stuff you spilled on me it tasted good." Twilight told me. "Oh Twilight I don't know he never let's any one drink his pop besides me even though I hate it." Katie said. "It's fine she can have it." I said handing her a Dr.Pepper. "Wow I'm shocked you just let her drink a pop of yours." Katie said. "Hey now people can change in fact I'll give everyone in the apartment complex some soda." I said. "Really?" Katie asked. "No not really." I told her. "Why are you surprised he is being nice to me?" Twilight asked. "Well you see he was not really a huge fan of ponies coming to live here and such..." Katie said. "But I changed now I found out from you. Twilight that ponies can be pretty cool." I told her. "Well I think I have to get going." Katie told me. "You want me to drive you?" I asked. "And have Twilight freak out again besides my mom texted me she is on her way." Katie told me as she walked out the door. "So then how come you never liked ponies?" Twilight asked. "I don't know I was just being an idiot and judging before I even got to meet one." I told her. "Oh well I thought the same about humans until I met one in Equestria." Twilight told me. "So you really don't like carrot juice?" I asked. "No it's nasty." Twilight told me sticking out her tongue. "Tell me about it." I said to her we both laughed for a few seconds. "Well I guess tomorrow we start college." I told her. "Yep well then I guess we better get some sleep." Twilight told me. I nodded as we both walked into our rooms,shutting the doors at the same time for some reason I thought it was funny and started laughing. "How is she going to get to college it's like a four mile walk pony or not that still is a lot." I said to myself. "Looks like I'm going to have to ride in his car according to this it would take a while to get there by hoof." Twilight said. I laid down and close my eyes and just smiled. About an hour later I got a knock that scared the crap out of me. "Who is it?" I asked ready to use something as a weapon. "I'm scared I heard a noise in my room." Twilight said. "Twilight there is nothing in there." I said. "But I'm scared." Twilight pleaded. "What did I tell you if you want something ask." I said my eyes still closed. "Can I sleep with you tonight please?" Twilight asked trying to make the please sound as adorable as possible. "Sure just stay on this side on the bed." I said picking her up and putting her on the bed. "Thank you." Twilight said to me. "Yep now just go to sleep." I said to tried to even care if a pony was in my bed I closed my eyes and just passed right out. > Goodbye Forever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Roomy wake up!" Twilight shouted jumping on top of me knocking the wind out of me. "Twilight....don't....do that." I told her gasping for breath. "Do what?" She asked jumping again. "That!" I shouted once I got my breath. "Oh you mean jumping on you." Twilight said. I nodded gently pushing her off of me. I looked back and saw she was just staring at me. "What's up?" I asked looking at her. "I'm hungry again..." Twilight said. "So that's not a big deal I'll pick us up something to eat." I said. "But I'm going to make you go broke!" Twilight cried out. "Trust me Twilight I've got enough money to spend here and there." I told her smiling as I grabbed my towel and fresh pair of clothes. She looked at me confused. "Oh where are my manners would you like to take your shower first?" I asked. She nodded I smiled and showed her where the bathroom was she quickly jumped in the shower and used her magic to turn on the shower. I quickly closed the door and went into my room. I sat there and just listened to music waiting for her to come out of the dang shower. I started to fall asleep again until I heard. "Ok your turn." Twilight said as she walked into her room. I quickly jumped into the shower only to find the hot water was almost gone. I did a quick five minute shower and dried off. I saw the time on my phone and slipped on my clothes I opened Twilight's room and told her to hurry up. "What's the big rush class is not for another hour." Twilight said looking confused. "Hurry we are going to miss the breakfast menu at McDonald's!" I shouted grabbing my keys I tripped over a random college book and slammed face first into the door. I was stunned for a second and my nose started bleeding like crazy but I didn't care. "Are you alright?" Twilight asked. "Of course just a little nose bleed." I said stuffing a Kleenex up my nose. I unlocked my car and jumped over the little mud ditch we had for the water to go when it rains. I slammed face first into the hood of the car. "Are you ok this time?" Twilight asked looking at me while I was on the ground. "Yea I think I broke my nose that time." I told her holding my nose. "Oh what should I do?" Twilight asked nervously. "Nothing it's fine I can stick through my classes today I'll just go to the hospital later." I said laying on the ground. "Ok then I guess we missed breakfast I'll just eat a bigger lunch what about you?" I asked seeing her horn light up. "Whoa wait what are you doing!" I shouted seeing her lower her horn closer to me. "You'll see." Twilight said placing her horn on my nose I waited a few minutes until she lifted it off of me. "Whoa my nose it feels good as new,that magic stuff sure is helpful." I said touching my nose like a person touches something after surgery. "Are you forgetting something?" Twilight asked giving me a stern look. "Oh yea thanks and I owe you one big time." I said getting into the car. I opened the passenger door expecting her to be afraid this time but she jumped right in. "Well then buckle up." I told her starting the car. "Buckle up?" Twilight asked. "You know seat belt here I'll just do it for you." I said reaching over and trying to make a seat belt work the best it could for a pony. I put the car in reverse and then we were off for the whole four mile drive. "Thanks I'll see you later roomy." Twilight said as I parked the car. "Yep just meet me here." I told her running to class. I opened the door only to be met with a lot of stares. "Ah Mr.Abbott you're late." The professor said to me. "I had a broken nose." I said to him. "Really I see no evidence." He told me inspecting my nose. "Wait though he is living with that unicorn I read they can heal wounds." I heard Jay said. "Hmm very well next time try to show up on time." The professor said to me. "Thanks." I whispered to Jay sitting next to him. "No problem you're lucky I remembered the unicorn so how freaky is it living with a pony?" Jay asked. "Well actually she kinda has grown on me a little and I owe her big time with the nose thing." I whispered back. "So then if a murder victim is stabbed in the neck in winter. In Michigan while it is not snowing out and there is liquid around the stab wound what was the murder weapon?" The professor asked and had no responses until I raised my hand. "It's simple if it's not snowing out and the body is facing away from any snow on the ground, that assuming there is not any. That would mean a sharpened icicle could perhaps be the murder weapon. Plus those things fall on dozens of people, position the body correctly I could even look like an accidental death. So if that is true then the murder weapon is an icicle." I said the professor looked a bit dumbstruck. "Alright then how would you look for evidence besides the liquid around the neck?" He asked me. "Simple you inspect the snow around the victim and look for any traces of frozen water. If there is any ice you remove the snow and use the liquid for any fingerprints. If he is wearing a glove find out if any of the ice ripped off some of the gloves fabric. Other then that the case would still take a long time to solve unless he made one of those crucial mistakes." I said. "That is correct Mr.Abbott." The professor told me. "Nice job there wonder boy." Jay whispered. "Ah Miss Sparkle you're late." Twilight's professor said. "I know and I'm so sorry my roommate had a broken nose and I healed it so we are late because of that." Twilight rushed out of her mouth. "Wait really that's like the fourth time he broke his nose." Katie said. "So you can confirm he broke his nose?" The professor asked Katie. "No but it happens a lot." Katie said and soon a few laughs could be heard. "Alright because this is the first day of class I will let this slide." The professor told Twilight. "Hey Twilight come and sit by me." Katie said. Twilight smiled and quickly ran over next to Katie. "So how did he break his nose this time?" Katie asked. "Well first he tripped over a book and slammed face first into a door,then he fell face first into his car and that's how he broke his nose." Twilight said. "Of course let me guess he tried to jump over the ditch?" Katie asked. "Yep and then he fell." Twilight told her. "Of course he did." Katie giggled. "So then during this time period I wish to start with a dog for all of you to study." The professor said. "Wait don't tell me they are trying to make us study our dogs like they did a few years ago like they did with my sister." Katie sighed. "How is this supposed to happen? Also does this type of thing happen usually here?" Twilight asked. "Well normally no but sometimes you get that crazy teacher who thinks this is like a dog pound and we have to bring our dogs in." Katie said. "If you don't have any dogs then we will give you some as property of the school." The professor said. "Wait when did this start happening?" Katie asked. "Since this year, this is my class and if you don't like how I do things you can leave." The professor told Katie. "Sorry." Katie said to the professor. Several students did not have dogs every student had gotten a dog besides Twilight. "Sorry Miss Sparkle but we ran out maybe a neighbor or something could help?" The professor asked. "Maybe." Twilight said. "Well how boring was class for you?" I asked hoping into the car. "Well I need a dog." Twilight said. "I would get us one but the apartment won't let us get one unless we do it in secret. I'm sorry but the last thing I need to do is get kicked out I would never hear the end of it." I said. "It's fine maybe a shelter or a vet could help me out." Twilight sighed out. I stopped by Pizza Hut and picked up a cheese pizza for Twilight and I. "This pizza stuff is really good." Twilight said taking a bite. "Yea but it's terrible for you." I laughed. "How?" Twilight asked. "It's fattening I don't know if you ponies care about your figures but if you do then just give the rest of the pizza to me." I said with a grin on my face. "I'm not worried." Twilight said pulling the box closer to her. "Well I'm going to take a nap I'll see you when I wake up." I said closing my eyes and soon passed out on the couch. Twilight's phone started ringing. "Hello?" Twilight asked. "Is that any way to greet your mentor." Celestia said jokingly. "Oh Princess how is it in Equestria?" Twilight asked. "Still the same but with humans and what about Earth?" Celestia asked. "Well my roommate is a human male but he is really nice but I had to heal his broken nose." Twilight said. "What about your classes?" Celestia asked. "Well I need a dog but we can't get one and it's for class." Twilight sighed out sadly. "You said your roommate is a human right?" Celestia asked. "Yes he is." Twilight said looking at me. "We made a discovery one of a unicorns spells went wrong and it turns out the humans D.N.A can be altered to any animal a unicorn wants." Celestia said. "So you're saying I could turn him into a dog if wanted?" Twilight asked. "Yes you could it's like all spells it's the mutation spell but it's results are much more fun on a human." Celestia said. "I don't know if he would like that." Twilight mumbled. "Well what is he doing right now?" Celestia asked. "Sleeping." Twilight said. "Just use the spell on him right now besides I think he owes you for the nose thing." Celestia said. "You're right thank you princess." Twilight said hanging up. Twilight walked over to where I was sleeping and place her horn on my head. I was a heavy sleeper so it takes a lot to wake me up. Twilight walked back and watched the spell take it's effect. She watched in awe as my body changed it's shape and eventually I became a dog. A Beagle to be exact. I awoke shortly after not noticing the spell as I jumped down from the couch and looked up to see Twilight. "Now sit." Twilight said giggling. "How are you so big did you shrink me or something?" I asked. "No you don't notice anything different?" Twilight asked. "Well I sure can hear you much better and smell much better. Why is everything so hot?" I asked. "Hmm strange your vision is still colored." Twilight observed. "Of course wait why would you say that?" I asked. "You're a dog now silly." Twilight told me. "What you're kidding." I said until I saw paws in front of me I jumped in shock. "Turn me back into a human." I ordered. "You owe me remember." Twilight told me. "Well yea but I mean a dog come on." I said. "Hmm well let's see I saved you a trip to the hospital." Twilight told me. "Fine...." I sighed. "Now sit." Twilight giggled. "No way." I said until she held up a slice of pizza my mouth stared to water the second I saw it. "Sit and I'll give you this." Twilight said. "Must resist urge to get pizza." I said turning my head away from it. "Come on please this is for my class." Twilight begged. "What about my class!" I shouted. "I'll take you to your professor I'm sure they'll understand." Twilight told me. "You owe me then if I'm missing class time." I said. "What if this got you out of class?" Twilight asked. "Hmm I guess." I sighed. "Now sit." Twilight told me. I rolled my eyes and laid down. "No not lay down sit!" Twilight said a bit aggravated. "Sorry I don't see any pizza not happening." I said. "Fine then lay down." Twilight said to me. I sat up she then used her magic to make me sit still. "Really I fell for that." I sighed. "Yes I can't believe it worked." Twilight giggled pulling out a notepad and taking notes. "Now lay down." She said my body fell as her magic released. "Good boy." She said rubbing my head. "This is so embarrassing and could you cut it with the dog crap I am a human." I said. "Nope you're a dog now." Twilight told me. I growled which made her jump back. 'This is why I did not like ponies because they can do this to me.' I thought. 'Well you had to be nice didn't you.' My other so called bad side of my mind thought. 'Well actually I took a nap and woke up a dog not exactly like I said hey Twilight make me a dog.' "You're so adorable I could just pet you." Twilight said. "Not happening." I said trying to move out of the magic bonds. "I think you don't have a say on this." Twilight told me. "Wait till I become human again." I growled at her. "Only if I let you..." Twilight said with a bit of threat in her voice. I whimpered not knowing how to do it. "Well then I got enough information for now. What shall I do with you for now.?" Twilight asked. "Let me turn back into human form." I said. "Sorry but the experiments results would change then." Twilight told me. A knock came from the door. "Come in." Twilight called out. "Hey Twilight how's the dog find coming along?" Katie asked walking in. "I have a dog now." Twilight said pointing to me. "Oh he is so adorable!" Katie shouted rushing over to me. "Katie stop this kinda oh wait right there." I said kicking my leg like crazy. "Did that dog just talk?" Katie asked. "Well yea it's Tyler I used a spell and made him a dog." Twilight said. "So wait that's him?" Katie asked. "Yea it's me I'm not a huge fan of her magic if I can't even sleep without being a different animal every time I wake up." I said. "This is so funny though you're a dog you don't think this is funny?" Katie asked. "Let's see Twilight is taller then me now I feel like a midget." I said. "True I guess if I woke up only about a foot tall I would not be to happy." Katie told me petting me still. "But I'll tell you what getting pet feels amazing." I said wagging my tail. "Wait how are we going to school?" I asked. "I know what if I drove your car?" Katie asked. "No way besides you'll never get the keys." I said kicking them under the couch. " Why besides I'm sure my dog would love to have a new friend." Katie said. "No there is no way I'm being friends with that giant thing it's not a dog!" I shouted. "Hey now just because he is a St.Bernard don't mean he is not a dog." Katie argued. "Here are the keys." Twilight said using her magic to hand them to her. I barked at her for doing that. "You know what though how am I going to sneak a St.Bernard in here." Katie said. "No you're not just give me the keys and leave." I said. "Oh I know we could just pick up your dog on the way to school." Twilight said. "Yea that could work." Katie agreed with a grin on her face. "You hurt my car and I'll hurt you." I growled at her. "Not like this you won't." Katie said making fun of me. "Well I can tell you two are good friends." Twilight giggled. "How?" We both asked. "You just remind me of some of my friends back in Equestria." Twilight told us. "I'm not even going to bother." I sighed. "Oh I know who's bed I can use." Katie said with the same grin on her face. "No there is no way you're using my bed or anything of mine!" I shouted. "Well I never thought about the Xbox." Katie said running into the room and slamming the door shut. Twilight just looked down at me. "Great now where am I going to sleep?" I asked. "Oh with me!" Twilight shouted picking me up and putting me in her room she closed the door just before I almost ran out. "Must get out." I said trying to jump up and reach the doorknob. Twilight saw what I was trying to do and locked the door. "Come on settle down it's not like I'm going to hurt you or something." Twilight told me. "This sucks so bad." I sighed. "Hey maybe you could show me how to learn so stuff on the computer." Twilight said. "Sorry can't hear you I'm asleep." I said snoring. "You sure are stubborn." Twilight giggled. I still pretended like I was asleep. Twilight just rolled her eyes and put me on her bed before laying down. I fell asleep only to wake up what felt like a short nap. "Oh god I have to pee." I said jumping down from the bed. I scratched the door and made crying sounds. "What's the matter?" Twilight asked. "I have to pee." I said. She used her magic to open the door I quickly dashed into the bathroom and jumped into the bathtub. I jumped out and ran around the house for no reason. "Oh it's all ready eleven!" Twilight shouted picking me up and slammed on my door. "Oh holy crap!" Katie shouted running out to the car. "Um a little help." I said trying to get into the car before Twilight picked me up. Katie started the car and backed out faster then I wanted her to. "Easy with this car otherwise you're going to pay me for any damages." I said. "Calm down nothing is going to happen." She told me. "Wait here." She said parking the car only to come out with her giant dog and put him in the back seat where I was. He spotted me and started sniffing me. "Nice doggy." I said backing up he kept trying to sniff me until he got till a certain area. "No stay away." I said jumping to the front of the car. Both girls just giggled at what was happening. "Well then Miss Sparkle an A for you." The professor said after reading Twilight's report. The next two days went by super slow but I stuck through them getting research notes from Jay who only laughed at seeing me a dog. "Oh my god that was terrible." I said as Twilight turned me back into a human. "Come on you know you liked it the way all those girls thought you were adorable." Katie told me. "That part was good but everything else sucked." I said running to my laptop and searched how to stop unicorns magic from transforming you. The answer was eat a banana a week. "Although I don't have to worry about turning into an animal ever again. Besides I never did like being an animal it felt so strange." I said looking at Katie. "I can't tell you anything I just thought it was funny." Katie giggled at me. "I'm surprised we pulled off the whole dog thing surprised no one snitched on us." I said. " Well I sorta used a spell on you while here making you invisible to the others." Twilight told me blushing a bit. "New rule no using magic on me without my permission because that shi er stuff freaks me out." I said pointing at Twilight. "Why?" Twilight asked. "It's creepy you don't see me turning people into animals or making stuff float in the air." I sighed out frustrated that she turned me into a dog. "You don't have to be so rude." Katie told me with a little of a I'm going to kill you face. "No he is right I'm a freak." Twilight said running into her room. "Really come on you started getting along and this?" Katie asked aggravated. "Well let's see we were until she turned me into a dog don't get me wrong I love dogs, but turned into that is a different story!" I shouted at her. "It was for her project and besides you owed her for her fixing your nose you know sometimes you can be a real jerk, no that does not even have the right word the correct word is you can be a real jackass and you wonder why I left you!" Katie shouted slamming the door as she left the apartment. I sighed and just sat on the couch before I went outside and slammed the door. I started my car and took off out of the parking space burning a bit of rubber before I took the car out of park. "Damn damn and more damn!" I shouted driving to no where special. "She has the nerve to stick up for the pony after she turned me into a dog and used magic with out me knowing!" I shouted to myself. "She did fix your nose though." I sighed still talking to myself. "Still she just did her freaky unicorn magic thing on me while I was sleeping the nerve of her." I told myself before turning. "Great an ambulance with no sirens stopped in the middle of the road how strange." I mumbled to myself. I watched as the ambulance just started up again and let me pass it for it to only follow me. I turned left and watched as it turned left as well following me still. I turned right it turned right I turned into a parking lot and it followed me into there. I stopped and it stopped. "What the hell is going on?" I asked myself before I decided to head back home. I quickly took off and turned only to see a guy driving the wrong way in my lane coming right at me! I quickly tried to turn my car out of the way only for him to slam into the car. The car flipped and rolled and flew into the air rolling into the parking lot. Shard of glass cutting my body all over the airbag inflated and I slammed my face into it only to be unconscious from the impact. I awoke only to find myself awake on the couch. "What the hell just happened?" I asked seeing no one or no pony. I looked down and saw a note that Katie left. "I know by the time you remember our argument that I slammed the door and just waited there seeing nothing happened I left. I looked inside to see you taking a nap and was about to punch you for not caring about how Twilight feels. So I wrote you this letter just say you're sorry to her after all you are her only real friend here." I read the note out loud. I put the note down and quickly ran into Twilight's room to say I was sorry. "Hey Twilight I'm sorry." I said only to see now unicorn any where. I ran into my room and saw no unicorn in there either. I found a note on the bathroom door. "You're right I'm a freak so I decided to leave you alone forever. I don't want you to come looking for me you won't find me by the time you read this letter. There is a whole three months of rent in the kitchen bye for ever ex roomy." I read out loud feeling a bit of tears fill up my eyes. "Damn damn and more damn!" I shouted grabbing my phone and keys. I started my car and burnt a bit of rubber on the tires. > Search and Rescue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N Don't try a few of the things I'm about to write because it takes years of training, and after breaking a few bones learning how to do it right, so like I said just because some other people can do it. Don't do it! That is all if you get hurt trying any of these things I warned you. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I sped off not caring about the tires. It was around five when I took a nap, I looked at the time on my car it was only thirty minutes of time that passed. 'How long was that walk?' I thought as I drove faster and faster. I turned left, and saw the same ambulance from my dream. "Oh god no!" I shouted, as I turned right and watched it follow me. I sped up and lost it for a second or two. I looked and saw I was going eighty in a fifty. I quickly slowed down, surprised I saw no cops in the area. I did a quick turn into the parkinglot only to see the ambulance waiting there. "What the hell" I asked myself, I quickly did the same thing as my dream. I drove the car and waited to turn, I pulled out seeing the stop light change. I saw the same car heading in the wrong direction, I quickly slammed on my cars breaks. I looked and saw it was not stopping. I looked down and then looked in the mirror, I sighed as I jumped out of the car and into traffic. "What the hell the breaks aren't working." I said as I turned and saw the traffic. I quickly jumped onto my feet and ran to the parking lot. Well not really so easily, in fact I almost got ran over. Here is how it happened. "Hey kid what the hell are you doing? You just jumped out of your car!" A man shouted at me angrily. "My bad." I said giving off a nervous smirk. I looked and saw the car smash into mine. I quickly stood up and started to run, my car was rolling right towards me. "Ah what the hell!" I shouted as I stopped. I looked in horror as the car was coming right for me. It was still low to the ground and was not stopping. I gulped as I thought at what I was about to do. "This is crazy." I said. I quickly ran towards my car, knowing I could not out run it. I watched as it bounced in the air, I took advantage and slid under the car. I looked up and saw I dodged the car. "Ok that is why you work out." I sighed in relief seeing as my speed saved me, only by a few inches. I didn't notice that the car door broke off and crushed my arm, until I looked down and screamed in pain. I heard the sirens of the ambulance and a cop car go off. I looked and saw a cop rush to my side and rip the door off my arm. "Are you alright?" He asked. I looked at my arm, and saw the bones in my arm were crushed all over. I noticed a strange glow in the officers eyes, as with the paramedics. "Nev-never...better." I coughed out as I stood up. "Please lay down sir." The paramedics said to me. "I told you never been better." I said leaving the wreck. I quickly looked back and the cop and paramedics talking. They looked at me and chased me. "Sir please come back!" They shouted, seeing that I was losing them. I stopped as my arm bumped into a wall. I screamed in pain, but I kept going. I started running faster and faster, my adrenaline kept fueling me. I looked and saw the currency exchange. "Dammit stop or I'll shoot!" The cop shouted. I looked back and saw him pull out his pistol, I quickly moved faster until I was in the streets again. The cars were in few here, mostly because it was a pony crossing area. I ran to the pony crossing area before I heard a gun shot. "What the hell man?" I asked looking back. "I told you to stop." The cop said aiming his taser. "Wait a second I need to see Twilight just let me go." I said trying to reason with him. " Who is Twilight?" The cop asked. I looked in the V.I.P line and saw her, getting her currency changed back to bits. "That pony right there she is leaving, because of me I need to tell her something before she leaves." I sighed out. "What are you doing shoot him!" The paramedics ordered. "I can't do that he has done nothing, in fact nothing even happened here." The cop said leaving. The strange glow in his eyes disappeared. "Hey!" I shouted. "What is it kid?" They asked. "Thanks!" I said pushing through the ponies to get to Twilight. I hopped the fence, not feeling like taking an extra minute to walk around. I didn't care and felt no pain in my arm now. I jumped down an landed on the arm. "AHH!" I shouted in pain. 'No you can care about your pain later.' I thought as I stood up and ran again. s "Twilight!" I shouted as I saw her about to go through the portal. "Huh?" Twilight asked spinning around. "Twi-Twilight...ple-please don't go." I panted out trying to catch my breath. "Your arm!" Twilight shouted worriedly looking at it. "It's fine just a car door crushed it." I said looking at it. The pain hit me again, I collapsed to the ground and screamed. "Why did that even happen?" Twilight ask running over. "I came to stop you." I said with a smirk on my face. "Stop me from what?" Twilight asked, her horn lit up again as she placed it on my arm. I winced in pain feeling the horn touch my completely smashed arm. "Leaving, look Twilight I'm so sorry please stay with me." I begged her while saying sorry. I looked and saw her do a questioning face. "Please Twilight I'll miss you if you leave." I pleaded. She gave a hmm sound through her mouth. "Come on please Twilight." I sighed out. "Sure I'll be your roomy again." Twilight said with a giggle. "You will?" I asked in joy. "Yes." Twilight told me. "Oh this is so amazing." I said as I stood up. "I'm a very forgiving pony." Twilight told me. I looked at my arm and saw not a single scratch on it. "Let's go home roomy." Twilight said. A/N Sorry it took so long for me to update this. So go ahead and hate me for that. Oh yea and don't go jumping out of cars like a stunt man or something. > Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks." I said as Twilight helped me on the couch. My arm was still in a lot of pain, now that there was no adrenaline left in it. "I'm sorry I can't keep the pain from coming back." Twilight said with a slight frown. I sighed at her, for acting like it was her fault. "It's fine it was me who was the idiot, I mean who tries to run at a car. I only know one idiot and that's me, besides my arm was smashed completely it saved me a few weeks in a hospital, so hey just look it like that. You did everything you could, for that I'm grateful." I told Twilight trying to put on a smile. "But if I was never so foolish, and my emotions were not so crazy I would have not gotten you hurt!" Twilight argued back. "Look it's fine and besides so what, your emotions got the best of you, do me a favor quit being so dan...no so damn hard on your self." I sighed out, glad I used damn to shake some sense into her head. Twilight gasped at what I said. "Oh you said a curse word!" Twilight gasped out. "Big deal it's a word, look it's like me saying big fucking deal. Not much of a difference just a word." I told Twilight trying to get up. "No please don't get up." Twilight told me, she tried pushing me down. "I'm fine it's not like I'm going to die." I chuckled out. Twilight gave me a worried look, before I saw her horn light up. "I'm sorry." Twilight mumbled out, I felt my body stop in place and fell face first into the carpet. I winced from the pain before letting out a small whimper. I tried to turn my face around but couldn't. "Come on Twilight I was just getting a drink." I sighed out, as I saw her hooves in front of my face. She quickly laid down in front of me. "I'm sorry but a doctor would say you need bed rest." Twilight argued, trying to bring her science point of view into this. "But there is no doctor and I'm fine!" I said a little louder then I thought, as I quickly saw Twilight flinch. "No you're not don't act like I never saw it." Twilight told me, with a motherly look in her eye. "Please Twilight I'm fine, and what are you talking about?" I asked really confused at what she meant. She sighed and pointed at my shoulder."I know that the muscles were barley holding onto your arm, how you went through that pain I have no idea. Adrenaline or not, and hoping a fence in your condition what the hay is wrong with you?!" Twilight shouted the last part, angry at my stupidity. I gulped seeing how her concern went from sweet, to her caring so much she was actually pissed at me. "Move up my sleeve." I told Twilight. "Why?" Twilight asked worriedly. She quickly did as I had told her though. She gasped seeing it. "What did you do that could have killed some of the nerves?!" Twilight asked, even more angered at me, but her anger was mostly concern. "It's fine I just tied around a piece of clothing around it." I chuckled until I saw a hoof slap me. "Ow what was that for?" I asked. "That's for being so stupid, I would never forgive myself if you got hurt like that." Twilight told me. "Look you don't have to act like my mom." I sighed out. "I might as well, what would your parents do if they found out?" Twilight asked. I gulped after hearing that. "No no please don't tell them! They are so over protective, they would treat me like I'm about to die." I told her. Twilight only giggled. "I never said I was going to, it was a what if silly." Twilight giggled again. I blushed a bit at the embarrassment. "Look here Tyler, drop the tough guy act and everything. You are very easy to figure out, you are like a stallion trying to impress a mare." Twilight told me. "Um hate to break it to you Twilight, but the adrenaline kept me going. Besides when you just slapped me, I never laughed or something I said ouch." I told her. "Oh yea." Twilight said giving off a nervous giggle. "Can I please get up now, my wound only stings." I said to Twilight. She gave a small nod as her horn lit up again. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, and grabbed something to drink. I walked back into the small living room, and looked around. "I always forgot how these walls bored me so much, but that was when I first moved in." I chuckled before walking to my door. "Sorry." Twilight mumbled as a tear hit the ground. "For what?" I asked. I stopped turning the door knob. "For acting like a foal my emotions got the best of me, when I heard you say something and heard it wrong. But most of the time I look at things with a logical explanation.." Twilight told me. "Look here Twilight I'm fine so quit your worrying." I sighed out a bit annoyed. "How though you make no sense from a logical perspective, how are you so forgiving even the most forgiving ponies would be mad, at having their legs smashed. So I don't get it why are not even the slightest bit mad at me?" Twilight asked. "Did you ever think that maybe people are different, yes I was mad at the magic stuff. But I felt so mad at myself for hurting you, I never wanted to hurt you. But one thing I hate is when I'm compared to others, ponies or not. Did you ever think of looking at things without logic?" I asked as I turned the door knob. "Why would you hate being compared to others?" Twilight asked me. "Because I'm my own person not someone else, you should be proud of your self. In fact people always had exceptions for me, that is another thing I can't stand. Maybe others should take into consideration is how you feel, about them maybe you have your own exceptions. Look here just set your own exceptions forget the ones people have for you, and be your own self not some other pony, even if they are your idol just try to be yourself. It's sad not seeing people take their own individuality even if it is in the slightest way. The slightest difference can be a huge difference in the long term. People always thought I was like my dad, but while I looked up to him I hated that, I'm my own person not him. You know it was just the one thing that would make me mad, how hard is it to see I'm my own person." I sighed out, pushing the door open. "So you hate it because you were always compared to others?" Twilight asked me. "It's not even that I've always been different, I wanted to be my own person and finally I'm treated like my own person finally." I told Twilight with a small smirk on my face. "You sure are confusing." Twilight admitted. "I confused my self actually, but in simple terms just be your self. If others don't like to bad for them, it's you and nobody can tell you how to act." I told Twilight. "Somepony." Twilight told me. "Someone." I sighed out. "Somepony." "Someone." "Somepony." "You know what rock paper scissors for this." I said stopping the argument. "Huh what is that?" Twilight asked. "Oh that's right you have hooves, ok then on the count of three grab paper, scissors or a rock." I said. "Ok fine." Twilight said. "Go!" I shouted, we both took off and rushed back to where we were standing. I looked at my paper and smiled all the scissors were high up. "I got scissor what does that mean?" Twilight asked looking up at me. "You beat me no that is impossible!" I shouted looking at the scissors. "So that mean you have to say somepony now." Twilight said with a smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I guess it does." I sighed out. I went into my room and slipped on my lions jersey, and walked back out. "Um why do you have somepony's last name on your back?" Twilight asked looking at me. "Who oh this it's a Calvin Johnson Jersey." I told Twilight. "What is it for?" Twilight asked inspecting the jersey. "It's for football." I told Twilight, sitting on the couch "Football?" Twilight asked. "Just sit and watch." I told Twilight. It was week one the Lions Vs the Rams. It was the fourth quarter with only a few minutes left. I looked and Twilight was actually enjoying watching this. I looked and saw her look at me. "You know they don't actually use their hooves it seems like they use hands." Twilight told me. "Yea I know." I chuckled out. "Yes that was amazing!" Twilight shouted in joy watching a Rams player tackled Kevin Smith. "No Twilight that is bad!" I shouted at her. "How he got him, I thought that was good?" Twilight asked confused on how the game worked. "Yes but the Lions we want them to win and not get tackled. The Rams are bad." I told Twilight. "Oh I see well then that was bad." Twilight said. I nodded. The game went on and the lions were down by three and touchdown! "YES WE WON!" I shouted jumping up from the couch. "Yes yes yes yes!" Twilight shouted bouncing around in circles. "That was amazing." I said with a big smile on my face. Twilight nodded. "Wow football is fun Rainbow Dash would love it." Twilight said. "You know I got a football in my car." I said with a smirk on my face "Oh you do maybe we can play some time once your arm heals." Twilight told me. I nodded. The rest of the week went by slowly until the Lions 49Ers games which we lost. "Man this sucks." Twilight said pouting. "You can't win them all." I told Twilight. "I know but still." Twilight tried to argue. "It's fine there is always next week." I told Twilight with a smirk on my face. "That Calvin Johnson is amazing." Twilight said. I looked at her in shock she was all ready learning players names. "Yes he is." I agreed with her. I looked at my jersey and then at her. I sighed before I took it off and tossed it at her. "Huh?" Twilight asked. "If you like him so much why not have his jersey." I said. "I can't take this." Twilight told me. "Yes you can besides I got other jerseys." I told Twilight. "Thank you." Twilight told me. "It's nothing." I said. I went into my room and laid down. There was no school for another week do to something getting flooded. I made sure my door was closed before I took off my sweat shirt. If Twilight found out my other arm was cut to shreds she would flip out. I looked at the bandages that covered my whole arm. "Well I'll see you tomorrow roomy." Twilight told me closing her door. > Ponies....Ponies everwhere > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No school still." I sighed, out. Don't get me wrong but this whole no school power outage crap, is starting to piss me off. Not just a bit I mean a lot because my teachers, are so 'nice.' That they still send me home work, and Twilight she gets no homework still. Of course maybe her teachers don't have computers at their houses, or maybe they just are nice. "Ok I'll talk to you later." I heard Twilight say. I slammed my laptop shut, and opened my door. "Oh hey Tyler." Twilight said, giving off a friendly smile. "Hey." I said, in my normally still tired morning voice. Twilight just giggled, trying to hide it. "What's so funny?" I asked, looking at Twilight like she was crazy. "Nothing, you'll see in a while." Twilight told me. I just shrugged it off, and walked into the living room. "You hungry?" I asked, looking at Twilight. "Um yes, I like those pancakes you made." Twilight told me. I sighed out. "I felt like just having cereal but I guess, I'll make pancakes only because it's you." I told Twilight. She gave off a smile. "Thanks but you know you don't have to make me pancakes." Twilight said. "It's fine." I said taking off my sweat shirt. I looked at Twilight then at my other arm. I gave off a weak smile. "What happened to this arm!?" Twilight asked me. "Um glass." I said meekly. "Glass look at it! It's still bleeding! Oh that's it sit down young man." Twilight told me, pulling me with her magic. "Come on Twilight I just got a little cut up nothing more, it's not even that bad." I tried to reason. She just gave an agitated sigh. "I don't care." Twilight snorted out, using her magic to slam me on the couch. I tried to move but she did the same spell as before. She quickly yanked off the ace bandage around it, she gasped seeing the marks on it. "A little cut up! A little cut up, you call this a little cut up? I think you're crazy, this looks likes you just ran through glass." Twilight told me. "Just hurry up and heal it." I sighed out annoyed. "Now you expect me to heal it? Really you just don't tell me, and you are all like oh just like heal it for me." Twilight said, continuing her rant. "Pretty much." I told her, unamused at her lecture. "You're lucky I'm nice." Twilight huffed out. I watched as Twilight's horn light up, she quickly placed it on my arm. I was always amazed as how my body looked brand new again. I sighed in relief seeing my arm no longer cut up. "Thanks kiddo." I told her, while seeing I could move again. I quickly grabbed her and gave her a light hug. "It's no trouble, I help out my friends." Twilight told me. I gave off a slight smirk, hearing her call me a friend. "Oh yea while we are at it, quit calling me kiddo." Twilight said pulling away from the hug. I gave a swift nod, and stood up heading into the kitchen. I started the stove and, grabbed a pan. I looked back seeing Twilight watching me. "You sure do like to sneak up on me don't you?" I asked, giving off a smile. "Well I just wanted to know, how you make pancakes." Twilight said to me. "It's simple watch." I said grabbing some milk. "Can I help?" Twilight asked. I nodded and she gave off a girly shout of enjoyment. "Ok what first?" Twilight asked. "Grab me some eggs, and butter first please." I said, while grabbing some cooking spray. I watched Twilight's horn quickly light up, as she grabbed the items I asked for. She neatly set them on the counter next to the milk. "What's next?" Twilight asked, wanting to help more. "Can I trust you to mix these?" I asked, handing her a bowl, filled with the eggs and milk. "Of course." Twilight said grabbing the beater, with her mouth. "Not to fast or to hard." I told her. "Rike dis?" Twilight asked, slowing down. "What was that?" I asked moving down closer to her. She let go of the beater and wiped off her mouth, which had some saliva on it. "I asked do you mean like this." Twilight told me. "Oh well yes that is much better." I said throwing in the mixed dry ingredients in. "What was that for?" Twilight asked. "What do you mean?" I asked, until I looked up and started laughing. Her face covered in powdered ingredients. "Oh you think that's funny?" Twilight asked. She quickly grabbed the pancake mix and threw some at me, I gave her a playful grin. I quickly ran into my fridge, and pulled out whipped cream. I ran up and sprayed Twilight in the face. I watched her expression change from a playful, one to those of a competitor. "Um Twilight are you alright?" I asked, stopping from putting a cherry on her head. She gave off a small chuckle before she quickly tackled me. "My turn silly." Twilight told me. I gave her a look of questioning, before I found out what she meant. She used her magic and poured out an entire box of pancake mix on me, she didn't stop there she poured a gallon of milk on me to. I tried to throw her off, but she was much stronger then I thought. Well given she is a pony her legs of course would be much stronger then a humans. "Twilight my phone!" I shouted noticing it was covered in milk. "It's fine silly, I can fix it with my magic and if not I'll buy you a better one." Twilight told me. "No it's not fine!" I shouted, using my real strength to throw her off of me. I ran to my phone and tried to turn it on, only to find it was soaked way into the battery. "Why is it such a big deal, I mean come on we were playing around." Twilight told me, almost sounding like Rainbow Dash. "It's fine I'm not mad at you, it was my fault." I told Twilight. I sighed before I left the apartment. I couldn't even drive my car, the repairs made me want to cry. The price even with the insurance was crazy. 'Why did they even bring this piece of crap, back here it's totaled.' I thought kicking my car. "Well I guess I should clean up." Twilight thought aloud using her magic, to clean up the mess in only a few minutes. She went into her room and grabbed a book, she silently read the book. She stopped for a second, and looked up at the ceiling. "Hmm maybe he had something important on his phone, ugh he probably is just mad." Twilight said, before returning to her book. I quickly threw the battery of the phone in the garbage, and put in the new one. "Thank you come again." The salesman said. "Thanks again you're a life saver." I said, giving off a friendly smile. I tried to turn on my phone and, surprisingly it still worked. I pulled up the pictures and smiled, they were the first pictures of Twi and I. I decided to make a quick dash home. It was all ready four, I picked up the pace. 'Oh man I've all ready been gone for, two hours.' I thought before I opened the door. "SURPRISE!" I heard someone yell. I looked to see a pink mare in front of me. "Whoa, what's the for...it's not my birthday." I asked, actually surprised. "Silly it's your surprise welcome party." The pink mare said. "Welcome party I've lived here." I said crouching down and untying my shoes. "Well we are welcoming you to...to.." The pink mare said, before she couldn't figure out what to say. "Um how about it's a welcome to my life with Twilight party." I said, noticing Twilight show up from behind the pink mare. "Oh yea, that's what we'll call it!" The pink mare shouted. "Friends of yours?" I asked Twilight. "Yes." Twilight said to me. I looked around to see two regular ponies, two with wings, and one with a horn. I scanned around a little more, and found two ponies in the hallway much taller then the others. They both had wings and horns. "Whoa this sure is a lot of ponies." I told the others. "Ok then, it's time to meet each other." Twilight said. I just stood there and watched the others form a line. "Pinkie say hi to Tyler." Twilight said. "Pinkie say hi to Tyler." Pinkie said taking Twilight's words literal. Twilight was about to say something, before I stopped her. "Let's do this the easy way." I said. "Easy way." They all asked in unison, which creeped me out a little. "My name is Tyler, it's very nice to meet you all." I said. "Ok this is Rainbow Dash, that's Fluttershy, this here is Pinkie I'm sure you know that by now, this is Rarity, the one with the hat is Applejack." Twilight said. "And the tall ones?" I asked, looking at them. "Well they are royalty." Twilight said. I was about to bow, after hearing what Twilight said, before being stopped by a hoof. "No need to bow human, my name is Celestia I am the princess of the sun." Celestia told me. "I am the princess of the night, my name is Luna it is very nice to meet you human." Luna told me. "I'm honored to be in the company of royalty." I said. "We are just glad, you didn't faint seeing royalty." Celestia giggled out. "Um Princess if it's not rude to ask, what do you mean by that?" I asked. "Please I'm off duty, treat me like one of your friends." Celestia told me. "Um, ok." I mumbled confused. "Well let's say some of the humans fainted, as with some of my subjects." Celestia exclaimed to me. "Who want's to party!?" Pinkie asked. She was holding some of my secret alcohol, as well as some of her alcohol. > Alcohol and Ponies.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N Sorry I've been playing borderlands 2 like a crack head and no I have nothing against pot heads... "Um Pinkie right?" I asked, with a bit of fear in my voice from her craziness. "Yep that's my name silly." Pinkie said, in a very cheerful tone. "How the....you know what how did you even find my alcohol?" I asked, amazed at how she found it. "Easy silly, I mean really behind those strange machines that you shove stuff in." Pinkie said confused, at where a washer and dryer were. "You really don't know what those are?" I asked. "Um pardon me but if you forgot ponies don't normally wear clothes." Applejack said politely. I sighed before I face palmed, I quickly bent down and grabbed my Jack Daniels from Pinkie. "Right I forgot, well those...." I stopped thinking about having a bit of fun. "What are they?" Rainbow asked. I sighed before I chuckled. "Those are magical portals to magical places, they can take you and your clothes to a magic planet." I told them. I started laughing before I saw Twilight say something. "Um I thought you said magic is not real." Twilight told me. I quickly gave off a blush, before hiding my face. "So you were lying to us partner?" Applejack asked. "Not lying more like joking." I told Applejack before taking a swig. "I guess so." Applejack sighed out. Pinkie on the other half was, laughing like I told the funniest joke ever. "Oh that was funny everypony thought you were telling us the truth, then Twilight was all like um you don't believe in magic!" Pinkie yelled. I looked at the others who just giggled. "It's just Pinkie." Rainbow whispered in my ear. I shrugged again and sighed, utterly confused at how ponies act. "Ok then so I guess we are all getting drunk as hell?" I asked looking around. I got a nod from almost all the ponies. Besides one the yellow one. "Um...do I have....to you...know drink?" Fluttershy asked. "No you don't have to, if you don't want to." I said trying to sound as friendly as possible. I was surprised how the yellow mare just ripped the bottle right out of my hands. "Oh yes darling I should have warned you, Fluttershy is a surprisingly good drinker...but when you said those words. Let's put it like this you challenged her. Oh and Pinkie if you think she is crazy now, wait till she is completely baked." Rarity said. "Whoa wait a second Pinkie has weed!" I shouted. "Weed, no darling baked means wasted in pony terms." Rarity sighed out. "Oh thank god because baked here means, you are high from smoking a plant called marijuana." I said. "Oh come on old timer like we don't know that stuff, ever since you humans have came to Equestria the jails have arrested so many potheads." Rainbow told me, rolling her eyes with the old timer part. "Oh great of course potheads and a magical land full of talking ponies, that make sense." I chuckled. "Ok but enough of pot.....time to get wasted." I said standing up on my table. I looked over and saw Fluttershy still drinking, which is kind of creepy seeing her drink as much as a grown man. I shrugged it off and quickly jump off my table. I ran into my not so much secret stash and pulled everything out. I heard a knock on the door, I sighed a annoyed sigh. "Jst a minte I'm coming." I said with a bottle in my mouth. "What was that?" Twilight asked giggling. I set the bottles on the table. "I said just a minute I'm coming." I told Twilight opening the door. I looked and was shocked to see who was at the door. I sat there for a good minute or two before David talked. "You gonna let me in today, or you gonna keep staring at me like a ghost." David chuckled, waving a hand in front of my face. "Oh yea my bad." I said moving out of the way. "David is that you?" Rainbow asked. "No way crazy flyer Dash what's up!?" David asked in a joyful tone. "You two know each other?" I asked looking at both of them. "Of course this guy is crazy." Rainbow admitted hovering above David. "Yea this is my roomy." David said with a bright smile on his face. "I don't know if I should be tripping out or not." I told them. "Please the last time you tripped out was in high school." David told me. "True true, but um how awkward is it that my roomy is best friends with your roomy? Then us being best friends having each others best friends roomy." I said. I looked around seeing many confused stares. "You know what never mind." I sighed out. "Ok then well I see you are all about to get drunk." David said with a grin. "Oh god don't jump off the roof again." I sighed remembering what happened. "Relax there at least I took the ladder, mister climbing off people balcony's and walls." David told me giving me a punch in the shoulder. "Hey I was playing assassins creed when you decided it was a good idea, to have a 'few' friends over." I sighed trying to defend my case. "Oh jumping off the roof sounds like a great idea!" Pinkie shouted, all ready drunker then all of us. "Um Pinkie how are you all ready so drunk?" I asked looking at her. "It's simple a secret mix." I heard Pinkie whisper, before she popped out behind me. "Oh Jesus Christ!" I shouted falling. "Well then my little ponies and two humans." Celestia said with a grin on her face. "Oh my god the princesses are here!" David shouted before kneeling. "It's fine no need for such formal greetings when we are off duty." Celestia told David calmly. "Pinkie can I try your secret mix?" I asked seeing how fast it got her drunk. "S-sure...thing." Pinkie told me. I watched as she quickly dashed over to the drinks, and moved a incredible speed before she stopped. I looked at her in amazement seeing how fast she can make a drink. "Um how is that possible?" I asked a bit in fear. "It's Pinkie she breaks the laws of physics." Twilight told me. I looked down at her and saw her giggle, I noticed how cute her eyes looked. 'No she is a pony not a human, she is not cute like that!' I thought shaking myself loose. "Is something the matter?" Twilight asked me. "Nah it's fine." I assured her, giving off a slight blush. I felt a quick yank on my shoulders only to face a blue mare, she looked at me giving a 'hey let's talk...in private' look. I nodded and went into the room with her, I quickly closed the door. "Ok before we all get drunk as hay let me tell you this." Rainbow stopped, moving her hoof around like trying to find the right words. I sat down watching her move her hoof around a little bit. "Ok let's just say it like this you're dumb." Rainbow sighed putting a hoof on my shoulder. "Well that's kinda blunt there isn't it?" I asked, wondering why she said that. "I mean girl wise." Rainbow sighed. "What does that mean?" I asked looking at Rainbow directly in the eyes. She returned the look and stared me down. "Look for a human you're pretty cute kid, but I'm not gonna try and steal you from my best friend." Rainbow told me. "What do you mean?" I asked giving her a weird stare. Rainbow gave a frustrated sigh. "You really didn't notice as long as you've lived with her....Twilight likes you!" Rainbow said a little louder then I expected, which caused me to jump a bit "Well of course she likes me, we are good friends." I told Rainbow. "No I mean she really likes you, like really bad look here I'll show you my text." Rainbow said. "Isn't that kinda unloyal showing private conversations." I said. "It's being a good friend to you, so in a way it's loyal." Rainbow told me showing her phone. I grabbed it out of her hands, and scrolled through lines of text. I stopped seeing Twilight in the huge line of text. I pulled up the text reading through some of the crap, until I saw Twilight ask. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hey can I ask you something? Of course Twilight. Is it strange to have feeling for my roommate? Um you mean the one you like to tell me about? Yes that's him, I really like him.....he is so nice and he is pretty cute. Well I mean personally some humans are so I think it's natural. What if he doesn't like me, or is creeped out knowing if I like him? Well then I have no idea what then. Well that doesn't help. I'm sorry Twi. It's fine well I'll talk to you later. See you in a few days. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I sat there for a second, before I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Twilight." Twilight told me. I gave Rainbow a quick glance. "Oh this is gonna make it look awkward." Rainbow said. "Hold up back up plan time, oh by the way Rainbow promise me this." I said stopping before pulling out a can of bud light. "I promise but what is it?" Rainbow asked. "It's strange but I think I have feelings for Twilight too." I said handing her a can. "Oh this is getting good, maybe I'll work some things out for you and Twilight while we are drunk." Rainbow said. "How when we are all going to be drunk as hell?" I asked. "Trust me this girl is a heavy drinker." Rainbow assured me. I gave her a quick nod before opening the human side on the bud light can. I quickly chugged it down before giving off a burp. "Good because I'm a heavy drinker, but there is no way you'll out drink me." I told her opening the door to see Twilight. "Oh really I've drunken three things of Pinkie's special drink and was still sober." Rainbow said with a grin. I quickly gave a grin back to her. I saw David looking at both of us, Rainbow and I both looked at him. "Oh drinking contest!" David shouted. "Oh what are these fine contestants drinking tonight?" Pinkie asked sounding like an announcer. "Your special brew." Rainbow said. "Oh goody." I heard Pinkie giggle, before she bounced off to the table and make a few drinks. She handed them to the others, I was surprised to see the princesses chug the drinks down quickly. Rainbow and I quickly approached my table, we both stared each other down. "Alright rules are who ever backs down from the table first loses." David told us. "Sounds fine." Rainbow and I told David in unison. Pinkie quickly slid two solo cups to us. I quickly grabbed the cup, and took a sip to get used to the taste. I licked my lips liking the taste I saw Rainbow do the same, we both quickly chugged the cups down before setting them down. "Holy shit that is strong." I said feeling a cool burning sensation like when drinking whiskey. "Thanks." Pinkie told me. I gave off a weak smile, before I turned to Dash. I was losing my balance before I saw my vision all ready getting a little different. "Round two here we go!" David shouted, dramatically. "Let's hurry I wanna jump off your roof!" Pinkie shouted pushing another two drinks. I looked to see Pinkie who acted sober but was completely drunk. I looked to see her gone and back door open. "Hey everypony we are all drunk, you wanna play?!" Pinkie shouted looking up into the sky. I sighed before taking another drink this one hit me hard I quickly fell back, and laughed seeing Rainbow fall back to. "Well it looks like it is a tie!" David shouted. "A TIE?!!" Rainbow and I shouted in unison again. "Yes you both left the table." David told us. I sighed before seeing Twilight walk next to me. "If you ask me I think you won." Twilight told me. "Turn up that music!" Pinkie shouted, I looked to see her dancing drunkenly on the porch to no music. I sighed just understanding it was Pinkie. I just chuckled and gave a kind smile to Twilight. I looked down and blushed again, I suddenly start to feel very dizzy and fell. "Are you all right?" Twilight asked me, staring down at me. I stared into her eyes again, blushing a bit more. "I'm fine I see you, that's all I need." I mumbled drunkenly. Honest truth I don't remember much of the night besides Pinkie getting arrested for trying to jump off a roof, causing public disturbances, harnessing a stop sign, and breaking and entering the apartment swimming pool. All I remember besides that is passing out on the floor, soon followed by a warm feeling on my body. > Talking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ah my head." I sighed rubbing my temples. I awoke feeling a soft feeling on my body it was warm, and I'm not going to lie it felt really damn nice. I slowly opened my eyes to see where I was, I looked to the side and saw my table. I chuckled for a minute noticing I passed out on the floor. "Ah you're finally awake." Celestia said hearing me. I was startled at first when I heard her voice. I looked outside and saw it was still pretty dark out. "What time is it?" I asked still laying there, this blanket was amazing although a bit heavy. "About four a.m." Celestia told me, magically giving me some water and aspirin. I tried moving my hands but they were stuck. I sat up and noticed Twilight was laying on top of me. I mentally freaked out. 'Oh dear god she fell asleep on me! Plus her teacher and the ruler of Equestria is looking at me, while her student is passed out on top of me! Oh dear god I'm so dead, it's bad enough I actually like Twilight.' I thought. "Don't worry I'm not mad at you for my student falling asleep on you." Celestia told me. "Um I was thinking that how could you even notice what I was thinking?" I asked looking at Celestia. "Sorry I saw the look on your face when you saw Twilight, I couldn't resist." Celestia giggled at me. "It's fine but a bit creepy at the same time." I told Celestia. "So then you have feelings for Twilight?" Celestia asked me. I nodded as I slowly moved out from under Twilight. "Well I know she has feelings for you." Celestia said with a smile as I stood up. I looked down at Twilight who looked adorable sleeping. "So I found out Rainbow showed me some of the text, but I don't know if she really actually likes me like that." I said a bit nervous. "Oh trust me she really likes you." Celestia assured me. I couldn't help but blush hearing that. "Wow I really am bad at noticing that type of stuff." I admitted feeling stupid, that even her own teacher could tell she liked me. Celestia only smiled. "It's kinda funny though I never imagined my student would fall in love, while on Earth at least." Celestia told me. "I never thought I would fall in love with a pony, but hey here shows Twilight out of the blue and suddenly my view on ponies changed." I told her. I pulled up a chair for Celestia and myself. "It's cute if you ask me, a sudden romance like this is sometimes the best." Celestia told me. "So then what should I do, I'm not the best with explaining my feelings." I told Celestia. She only gave a small giggle. "You seem to be doing a fine job right now, as for what to do I say do what you think is best." Celestia said. I felt a small vibrate on my phone, I quickly pulled it out and sighed. "Stupid random texts." I said lighting a cigarette. Celestia just looked at it and wondered what is was. "What is that thing?" Celestia asked me. "A cigarette, it's just a stress reliever well that's my excuse." I told Celestia. "So you are under stress?" Celestia asked cocking an eyebrow. "Yes just with this whole Twilight idea I have no idea what to do." I admitted. Celestia quickly took a cigarette and lit it. She coughed almost the second she inhaled. "These taste terrible." Celestia told me. "I never said they tasted great." I chuckled. "Anyways so about your little love problem. Why don't you just ask her out?" Celestia asked me. I sat there looking at her for a moment. "It's not the simple, I mean she probably all ready would say no." I admitted. "You can't doubt yourself I mean just try it once, do it for Twilight." Celestia told me. I sat there for a second and finally nodded. "I'll do it for Twilight." I told Celestia. "Oh what about Pinkie!?" I asked. "It's fine they let her out finding she had ties with me." Celestia chuckled. "Where is she now?" I asked. "Equestria." Celestia told me. "So how is Equestria?" I asked her. She gave a slight sigh. "Stressful." Celestia told me. "I heard it's a great place to live." I told her. "Sure it is but I mean managing the economy, attending royal affairs, then morning court, and caring about everypony and human there." Celestia sighed. I looked at Celestia and shot her a smile. "Well if you ask me from what Twilight told me, you are doing one hell of a job." I told Celestia she gave a weak smile. "Thanks." Celestia told me. "I never thought about it but you sure do have a lot of stress on you." I told her. "It's fine besides these cigarettes make me feel relaxed." Celestia told me. "Huh it's kinda funny they do because you want them to make you feel relaxed, it's funny it's all in your head that you feel relaxed." I told Celestia. "Interesting I might have to buy some of these." Celestia told me. I chuckled for a bit of the morning we talked, I saw the others wake up and say there goodbyes and leave, all mentioning things that needed to be done. I finally saw Twilight wake up her eyes opened slowly. "Well go ask her." Celestia whispered. I looked at her and gave her a no way face. She motioned me to go on, I finally gave in and nodded. I walked up to Twilight and smiled seeing how cute she looked. "Hey there roomy." Twilight said half awake. I waved at her and took a deep breath. I felt my heart rate start to go up faster and faster. I finally worked up the courage to ask her. "Twilight will you go out with me?" I asked. > Sho..Shocking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm sorry what was that?" Twilight asked standing up. I looked back at Celestia before giving off a sigh. "Nothing noting at all." I said before grabbing my new car keys. Yea I got a car again all ready deal with it. This car I determined not to crash, or almost die in same difference. "What was that about?" Twilight asked Celestia. "I wish I could tell you, but I think I'll just wait and see what happens." Celestia told Twilight. "Ok then." Twilight said confused. Celestia just gave off a small chuckle. "Well I'll be waiting to see how this turns out in Canterlot." Celestia sighed out. "You're leaving all ready?" Twilight asked with a bit of sorrow in her voice. "Like your friends I too am very busy." Celestia told Twilight, while giving her student a nuzzle. "I'll miss you." Twilight said. "I'll miss you more." Celestia sighed out, before she vanished. I quickly walked back into the apartment before grabbing something, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Hey roomy what's going on?" Twilight asked. I just passed her before lighting a cigarette, I took a deep inhale letting the smoke enter my lungs. I exhaled a little of it out, before I started walking back into my room and pulled out my wallet. "So are you ready to go play borderlands 2?" Twilight asked. I still ignored her and grabbed a cup of coffee. "You told me we were gonna play it together." Twilight said reminding me. "I know fully well what I told you." I said giving her an angry look. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I quickly pulled it open. "Hey Jake what's up man?" I asked him. Twilight just sat there confused, she wondered what she did to piss me off. "No way you're kidding a couple hundred for only performing for an hour?" I asked with joy in my voice. "Plus I can take two others with me." I said in shock. "Yea I have a few people I can take with me." I said I accidentally put the phone on speaker. "So are you going to take the unicorn with you?" Jake asked me. I looked down at her and laughed. "What unicorn?" I asked Jake. "The one living with you." Jake sighed out. "Oh that one um what's her name?" I asked out loud. "It's Twilight come on Tyler this isn't funny, what did I do?" Twilight asked me. "Oh yea that one, nah I think I'd rather rip up the free passes then give her one." I told Jake. "Ouch that's gotta sting hearing that." Jake said before hanging up on me. I saw Twilight start to cry a bit, I ignored it grabbing my guitar and amp. "Hey Twilight." I said to her. "Yes?" Twilight asked me, her ears perking up. "You wanna get the door for me." I said motioning to it. "Sure thing." Twilight said closing the door, she followed me out to the car. "That was a good joke, not wanting me to go with you." Twilight chuckled. "Oh that was no joke, I meant every word of it." I said throwing the cigarette next to her, I quickly lit up another one and laughed at her. "Although the look on your face is priceless just....when you pretended not to hear what I asked you earlier." I told Twilight. "What are you talking about I woke up, and you were just acting like a child." Twilight told me. I sighed and rolled my eyes at her. "Did you even think to maybe notice, but no I just wake up with a passed out Twilight on me." I started off. "What are you even getting out, besides me laying on top of you?" Twilight asked. "I only you know asked a question I thought would mean a lot to both of us, but hey I guess not I was a fool to ever ask you Twilight Sparkle, by next week your new roommate should be here." I said. "A new roommate what are you talking about?" Twilight asked me. "All I have to do is make a call and I'll be moving, but it depends on how I'm feeling after tonight." I said. " Why are you acting like this please tell me!" Twilight begged as a few tears hit the ground. "Maybe I'll tell you later tonight, but who knows I might not be back for a while. Girls love a guy who can perform, so if you get the drift you'll understand why I might not show up tonight." I said opening the trunk to my new 2013 Viper. I heard footsteps approaching the car, I turned around to see Jay. "Whoa I'm so jealous of you right now." Jay said staring at the car. "Perks of rich grandparents, all I had to do was show em my grades." I chuckled. "So then you playing or being DJ tonight?" Jay asked me. I pointed to the guitar and amp. "Alright have fun, looks like my ride is here...although one day maybe you should give me a ride in the beauty." Jay told me. I just gave him a we'll see look and put the amp and guitar in the trunk. "Well have fun by your self." I said throwing the free passes on the ground. I took off much faster compared to the Mustang. "This is amazing!" I shouted shifting gears. "Hmm two free passes, I think I can have some fun with Katie." Twilight said pulling out her phone. "Can you believe her she just acted like, she had no idea what I said." I said angrily waiting at a red light. "Ok the fact is I'm jealous of your new car, but I mean maybe she has no idea you asked her out." Katie told me trying to calm me down. "I don't know but I'll talk to you later, they needed some one to fill in for guitar." I told Katie opening the door to the car before I hung up. "Come on pick up." Twilight mumbled to her self. "Hey Twilight I just talked to Tyler, so what's up between you two?" Katie asked on the phone. "Well can you pick me up to start if off please?" Twilight asked. She stared at the tickets, at the bar called the Place With No Name. "Um sure I can." Katie told Twilight. Twilight gave a sigh of relief before hanging up. I walked in seeing a rather large crowd in the bar, my adrenaline started to kick in. I walked in and everything seemed to slow down, I heard the people talking some of their conversations were rather interesting. "That your car out there?" I heard someone ask me. "Um yea....why." I said setting down the guitar and amp. "How the hell does a college student afford that?" The man asked me. "Grandparents." I chuckled walking up to the people, they were called the Rugged Bandits. "Interesting name." I said setting my stuff down. "So your the one we heard of, think you can keep up with us?" The lead sing asked. "Sure I've been told you have some pretty good covers." I said. I knelt down and plugged in the amp, I connected everything and took a deep breath. I smelt the strong smell of alcohol, in the brick layout of the bar. The floors were covered with people, and not a surprise ponies. "Good evenings colts, gentlemen, mares, and ladies, put your hooves and hands together for the Rugged Bandits." A pony announcer said. "Hey all you drunks out there, let's get started shall we with some Pain by Three Days Grace." The leader singer announced in the microphone. 'Easy enough.' I thought taking a deep breath. "So why is he acting like a child?" Twilight asked. "You really don't know do you?" Katie asked looking at Twilight. Katie saw the Black Viper and turned her car. I stopped playing guitar in the middle of the song. "I'm sorry but I can't play right now." I said packing my things up and leaving the bar. I sighed my head rushing with thoughts about today. I looked at the pack of cigarettes before throwing them to the ground, I threw the amp and guitar in the car. "Hey kid what was that about?" The unicorn announcer asked. "Girl...er mare problems." I sighed. The announcer just chuckled. "Ha better hope they're not a unicorn...they have some much rather crazier mode swings. You know like being able to use magic on you." The announcer told me. "Well yea it's a unicorn." I said shutting the trunk. "Oh sweet Celestia be strong, but hey maybe the unicorn is not so well with magic. What's the mares name kid?" The announcer asked me. "Twilight Sparkle you heard of her?" I asked. "You mean the element of magic, I can't help you out there kid. Her special talent is freaking magic." The announcer told me. I watched him quickly dart back into the bar. "No I don't really know." Twilight sighed out. "Look he asked you out this morning, and he thought you were just plain out ignoring him." Katie told Twilight. "Wait he asked me out!?" Twilight asked, her eyes went wide with shock. Katie just nodded at Twilight. I picked the pack of cigarettes up, the cold pavement chilled my hand a little bit. "I'm so stupid I should have payed attention, then I could have said yes. But now he probably hates me right now, or maybe he will hate me forever." Twilight said, her imagination starting to get the best of her. "Come on Twilight he'll forgive you I promise." Katie assured Twilight, by grabbing her in the eyes. Twilight calmed down a little bit before giving an nod. I started the car, I looked up and grabbed my Hollywood Undead CD Swan Songs. I smiled before putting it in. I looked to my side and saw Katie's parents truck. I rolled down my window, I was shocked to see Katie roll down her window. "Hey there kiddo." Katie chuckled. "Well this sure is a surprise." I told Katie. "So I thought you were not supposed to be quitting for a while, what happened to that?" Katie asked. "Eh you know the Twilight bullshit, but hey you know it's a Friday. So I think I'll do a few street races, you know maybe win me a couple thousand." I said with a smirk on my face. "You are lucky you can get away with that stuff, you know your life is easy." Katie told me. "Maybe but I think I'm blessed." I said. "Maybe because your step dad is a cop and you have a rich dad and grandparents." Katie giggled. "Yea well I'll see you before I change apartments." I said. I tried to shift my car, but for some reason my hand wouldn't move. I tried to move my legs and saw they were froze, I heard a door in the truck open. I closed my eyes hearing hoof steps on the parking lot. "If your here to kill me, just get it over with quickly...also try not to splatter to much blood on the car." I said keeping my eyes closed. I heard the car door open, I kept my eyes closed in fear of what was going to happen. "Tyler open your eyes, she is not going to kill you." Katie told me. "She?" I asked not really wanting to open my eyes. I felt the fur on the pony on my skin, I quickly opened my eyes and saw Twilight really close to my face. I tried to move my body, but it was still stuck in place. I saw her lean in towards me, I was wondering what the hell was about to happen. I was shocked when I saw her press her lips against mine, at first I was freaked out. But then I felt her pull away from my lips, I just sat there in shock. I heard Twilight giggle. "You know you can move again." Twilight told me. "Ye-yea...I kno-know...I'm still in shock." I stammered out. "By the way the answer to the question you asked, well my answer is yes." Twilight told me with a bit of blush, that was visible through her lavender cheeks. I still sat there in shock at what just happened in less then one minute. "Aww how adorable, but hey kiddos let's get home." Katie said breaking the awkward tension. I snapped back into reality, I nodded and quickly shut my door. I saw Twilight walking to Katie's car, I spoke up not knowing what to say. "Um Katie if you don't mind, I would like it if my girlfriend rode with me." I said seeing Twilight turn around. "It's marefriend by the way coltfriend." Twilight told me. "Um yea I meant marefriend, by the way you call me a boyfriend." I corrected Twilight. 'I really think this couple is going for a huge train wreck, or for a total success.' Katie thought. Twilight opened the door and jumped in the car. "Wow this car is really nice." Twilight said "I know right." I chuckled before taking off. > The phone call that is bad..... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After driving to the apartment I locked up the Viper and gave a sigh of relief, for once something in my life was going right. I unlocked the door and turned on the lights in the apartment, I was glad the minute I saw the couch. I threw my guitar and amp on the couch the apartment felt warm and nice. "Sooo." Twilight said kicking a hoof back and forth. I broke out of my moment of thought when I heard Twilight's voice. I looked down at her and shrugged. "Sooo." I said kicking my leg back and forth across the carpet. I just stared in Twilight's eyes I loved the way they looked, it just seemed like all the troubles in the world would disappear if I stared in them. It was like I was in heaven staring into her eyes. "Um hello earth to Tyler?" Twilight asked tapping me with a hoof. I broke out of my second zone out for the day, I just gave a little chuckle. "What's up?" I asked. 'Oh god I'm talking to my gir- err marefriend like she is one of the guys.' I thought face palming. "I asked do you wanna go lay down and you know...cuddle or something?" Twilight asked me. 'Oh god cuddling I can't stand it.' I thought. "Sure I'd love to." I said trying to sound happy about the idea. I kicked off my black Nike shoes and put them in a corner, for like the one billionth time today I took another sigh. "You sure are sighing a lot if something bothering you?" Twilight asked me, I looked into her eyes again. I wanted to tell her nothing was wrong but something was. "I can't lie to you Twilight...I really like you." I told her, I slowly sat down on the floor looking up at her. "Uh uh and I really like you." Twilight said to me with joy in her voice, she quickly ran over and hugged me. "But listen I want you to know...if you don't feel like dating a human break up with me right now." I said embracing the hug back, her warm Lavender body felt so nice against my T-Shirt and jeans. "I don't care if you are a human or not I..I." Twilight stopped as I got up for a second. "Please don't say those words it's to soon to know or not, I've heard that word tossed around so much around me." I said taking off my T-Shirt it was hot in the apartment today. I saw Twilight blush a bit as she saw me without a shirt. "My I have to admit you sure are a lot more muscle, then I thought you were under there." Twilight giggled. "Where do you think I've been going this whole time we've had no college." I told Twilight with a smirk on my face before I turned to open my door. "What is that on your skin are you hurt!?" Twilight asked rushing over to me. I looked at her confused until I realized she was talking about the two tattoos on my back, I chuckled for a couple of second until I looked at her. "It's a tattoo silly, you know ink engraved into your skin to make an image." I said. "A tattoo what is that?" Twilight asked. "Hang on a second I thought you saw these before." I said remembering to the time I took my sweat shirt off. "No I think I would remember seeing something so pretty." Twilight told me. I blushed a bit no knowing how to respond to my tattoos being called pretty. "Ok so basically a tattoo is a what I told you ink engraved into your skin, to make an image like the two you see here." I told her, I chuckled again seeing her eyes widen when I told her it was engraved into my skin. "So are they just there to make a picture on your back?" Twilight asked me as she pulled me down, I knelt down before she pushed me onto my stomach so she could observe the tattoos more closely. "No they have a meaning like the marks on your flank, yea I know the proper term...it's um yea I don't know actually." I admitted sad I couldn't remember what the mark was called. "So it's your special talent so it's like a cutie mark?" Twilight asked with joy in her voice. "Well it's not my special talent." I said. "Good because what they hay would a black phoenix and a regular phoenix be as a special talent?" Twilight asked poking my back, I flinched her hoofs were freezing. "Perhaps being in the balance between good and evil I don't know." I told Twilight pushing myself off the ground. "You said they had a meaning what is yours?" Twilight asked me, her ears perking up a bit. I turned around and pushed open my door, the room felt cold and I loved it.(You see the author is really messed up and thinks 36+ is still pretty dang warm, but 70 in my house is cold so yea think about that.) "Well personally I've lost a lot of friends, family members.... so for me it stands for two things. Through death there is always new life, the other is there is always good and bad in life." I told Twilight before slipping my shirt back on. "Amazing.." Twilight said at loss for words. "There are many more but those seems to my favorite." I chuckled before hopping up on the bed. Twilight hopped up on the bed and snuggled her head onto my stomach. I grabbed an xbox remote after looking at my Assassin's Creed 3 and Halo 4, I looked back at Twilight and remembered she wanted to watch a movie. I was looking through the movie list before I heard a sound, I looked over and saw Twilight's horn light up and her phone being pulled up. "Hey Mom and Dad!" Twilight said in joy. I heard a voice on the other end of phone but could not make out what they were saying. "Oh it's going great here I even met somepony err someone." Twilight said. I heard a shocked voice reply back. "Yes a human it's so cool isn't!" Twilight said looking up at me. I looked down at her and smiled. "You want to meet him in person....in Equestria.....in two days sure that sounds great!" Twilight said before hanging up. "Wait I have to meet your parents...." I gulped. "Yea they still treat me like I'm a little foal still." Twilight told me. "I have to meet your parents...." I mumbled. "Is something wrong maybe a bad day or something?" Twilight asked concerned. "No it's just I'm very bad at making first impressions." I said. "I can tell." Twilight giggled remembering when we first met. "Not funny at all." I said a bit annoyed. "Look it's fine just be yourself." Twilight assured me. I sighed....again and nodded not feeling in the it's my way mood. (AN ok so I was going to make this a really long chapter but after seeing how it's been a month I decided to tweek it around and stuff and shorten it up to let you know I'm not like dead or something promise next one won't be a super long wait.) > To Canterlot and beyond...nah jk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Have a great day sir and enjoy." The bagging person said as I left Target. "You too." I said leaving with my copy of Black Ops 2. Today was the day I had to meet Twilight's parents...and well my confidence kinda sucked, a lot not to mention. I walked outside and smiled as I saw the snow on the ground, I looked around and saw people walking in out of the stores. "I'm surprised it's pony free." I mumbled to myself before I bumped into somebody. I saw the person I knocked into she just stared like she saw me before. "I'm so sorry I should have watched where I was going." I told her. "Hey I know you you're in my class um it's Tyler right." She said. "Yea oh wow it's Megan right?" I asked. She just giggled at my answer. "You were close." She giggled. "Really?" I asked. "No not at all it's Briana." Briana said. I heard another set of footsteps approach behind us. "Well anyway maybe you should swing by my place later today, if you get my drift." Briana told me with a wink. "I can't I..." I stopped. "Come on you know you want to." Briana said. I felt pressured as a girl I barley even knew wanted me to go to her house, I was about to just lie and say sure but I heard a familiar voice save my ass. "He has a girlfriend all ready, and speaking of which he has to meet her parents." Katie said giving Briana a back the hell away look. Briana just walked into the store giving he hair a little flip, I turned and smiled seeing Katie. "Is this going to be a non stop thing just say no and leave, you know I can't cover your ass for every thing you know." Katie said to me. Katie looked at me strange "I was going to you know what never mind this never happened okay." I stated. "What happened?" Katie asked. I smiled and ran to my car before any other awkward things happened today. I sighed knowing the trouble of driving a sports car in the snow, I started the car and slowly backed out I slipped my glasses on. The roads had all ready been cleared thankfully, I sped up a bit seeing how it was all ready seven am. __________________ Back at the apartment "Where is he...he couldn't have waited to buy a game?" Twilight asked herself before hoping in the shower. Twilight used her magic to lock the door and turn on the shower knobs, she started playing some of the songs I had on my old phone, that I just used for music. "I swear if he is not back in ten minutes he is in so much trouble." Twilight said looking that is was 7:05 all ready. Twilight ran a hoof under the water to see if it was warm enough, she gave a relaxed sigh feeling the water at a perfect temperature. Before she was going to hop in the shower before she heard her phone go off. "Are you kidding me..." Twilight said rather annoyed. She picked up her phone with a small sigh. _________ Phone Call "Hey." I said to Twilight. "Hi sweetie." Twilight said with a bit of annoyance in her voice. I quickly picked up on the change in her attitude. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "Yes there is." Twilight sighed. "What is it did I do something wrong?" I asked. "Yes you went to buy a stupid game and out of all days, you could have waited till tomorrow but no not you, you picked the day you're supposed to meet my parents." Twilight said. "Look I'm sorry is there something I can do to make it up?" I asked. "Yes there is, pick up the pace." Twilight said. "All ready done Miss Sparkle." I said trying to lighten her up, it had no affect as she just sighed and hung up on me. _____________ Normal View now I closed the car door slowly trying not to wake up those who were asleep, good neighbor stuff you know. I ran up to the door almost slipping on some melted snow, the door was all ready unlocked which made my running continue all the way into the apartment. "I'm back." I shouted. "Good now go get ready." Twilight ordered me basically. "Yes miss bossy hoofs." I said walking into the room. I slipped out of my white T and looked for a nice button up shirt, I grabbed my purple one, I looked at my regular blue jeans. "Don't wear the jeans you have on." Twilight said to me as she saw me looking at my jeans. I looked up at her and saw what she looked like with a wet mane and fur, and to be honest it was pretty hot. "As you command my sexy princess." I said trying to be funny before I realized how lame that sounded. "That sounded...." Twilight stopped before I interrupted. "Super lame yea I know." I said before grabbing my darker pair of blue jeans. "Yea it did but it was a cute kinda lame way." Twilight giggled cutely. "Thanks I think." I said before I saw Twilight gasp. She started giggling again which caught me off guard. "What is it?" I asked looking at her before spiking my hair up a bit. "You look so much different with glasses on, I never knew you wore glasses." Twilight exclaimed pointing at them. "Normally I wear contacts but I'm juggling money around for the holidays, and my one year supply is done so I just pulled out my glasses." I said before blushing a bit embarrassed at Twilight giggling at me wearing glasses. I saw her give a small frown which made me feel bad for blushing and looking embarrassed. "I giggled because you look good in glasses, not as good as without them but still good." Twilight said giving me a slight smile. "Thanks I think?" I said mostly confused if that was a compliment or not. Twilight just giggled before she used her magic to grab a towel, I slipped into my dark pair of jeans and finished spiking my hair. I looked at my watch and noticed it was only 7:15 I still had an hour to kill, but first I wanted to make sure. "What time are we supposed to be there?" I asked. "At about 9:00." Twilight told me. I sat there mumbling to myself some random calculations, Twilight just sat there wondering what I was doing. "I still have an hour to play!" I shouted. I looked at Twilight before I looked and saw she gave a slight frown, I watched her horn light up as she began to pull me. "No you don't I want to be there early besides it makes a better first impression." Twilight reminded me. "No I want to play, ugh fine you win." I sighed grabbing the car keys. Twilight gave a slight grin knowing she won, I looked at her and rolled me eyes. "I knew you'd see it my way." Twilight giggled while closing the door and locking it. I looked outside and smiled seeing as the snow stopped, I took a deep breath of the crisp winter air. I felt a tug on my shirt, it was Twilight giving the motion to move it faster. I unlocked the car and turned up the stereo, I put in another Hollywood Undead cd I out my favorite songs on one cd. I switched it to Black Dhalia. Twilight gave me a strange look. "What's the matter?" I asked confused and concerned. "There is something bothering you am I right?" She asked as I backed out. "No nothings wrong." I lied. I turned the radio up a bit more but she completely turned it off. I looked at her and sighed. "Is it about my parents?" Twilight asked. "No it's not about them, it's about something else." I said looking at her before parking the car, and grabbing my cash to convert. "Aha there is something wrong." Twilight shouted jumping up and pinning me against the car. "Nope." I said starring off. "Really because you said oh nothing's wrong, then you just said it's something else when I asked if it was about my parents so therefore something is wrong!" Twilight said rather loudly. I gently pushed her off me, and started to walk. Twilight quickly started to gallop to catch up with a woried expression on her face. I stopped waiting to see if there were any cars, I quickly ran to the currency exchange booth I sighed looking at how long tthe line was. "Twilight and umm Tyler this way!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I looked over and saw Moonlight waving at us. I followed Twilight over to the booth. I watched Moonlight quickly exchange the currency. "Thanks." I said. He quickly nodded helping some rich people I used to know by dating their daughter. Long story short she was a stuck up rich person surprise....not. I looked at the portal the giant gold arch, surrounding the vortex of different colors. It looked like it should have belonged in a video game. I took a deep breath and walked through. Nothing happened besides I took foot in a giant city known as Canterlot. I looked over at Twilight who looked at me. "That sucked I thought it was gonna be awesome but nope." I said disappointed causing Twilight to giggle. > Equestria and easy first impressions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides being really disappointed in the whole portal thing, that was soon made up quickly with the sight of Canterlot. There was a giant castle like for real it was sweet, it was all big and it beat the portal thing. Well there was actually much more then a giant castle. In fact I was surprised in the city, it was very modernized, even without our human buildings there. There were stores, restaurants, almost everything we had they had. Besides the castle not everywhere has that. Twilight stared at me and watched me spin around looking at everything, before she made a slight sound that snapped me out the mind control, that was known as Canterlot. "You'll have plenty of time to sight see later on, let's not forget why we are there." Twilight said reminding me. "I know I know." I sighed before following her. She moved rather quickly through the streets, I guess when you used to live here you get used to this type of stuff. I looked around seeing posters for NFL play offs, on some of the pony restaurants. I over heard a group of people talking about how the Patriots, and Texans were going to the Superbowl. I quickly walked up to the group and laughed. "Sorry to break into your conversation, but are you kidding me the Ravens are going to the Superbowl, not just because they are my favorite team but let's face it the Broncos were the number one team this year." I was interrupted my Twilight using her magic to drag me away. "Are you trying to make us late?" Twilight asked. "Sorry I couldn't help myself." I chuckled like an idiot. "Well control your self before I put a muzzle and a leash around you." Twilight said sternly. I was mocking her from behind making childish expressions. I stopped right before she turned around and smiled at her. 'Hah she has no idea what I just did.' I thought to myself as I walked with her. "You do know I know you were mocking me right?" Twilight asked me "How I was behind you, how did you know?" I asked her shocked. "I didn't but you just told me." Twilight said with a smug face. I sighed as I noticed we were by a fountain, towards the out skirts of the town. I watched her as she sat down on a bench, I stood next to the statue of the pony holding something. I looked at the statue more closely and noticed it wasn't holding something, it was wearing something. I looked and noticed five other statues, I cranked my head at Twilight's flank and looked at the statues. I saw her give a slight grin. "Yes that is Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and I." Twilight told me as she stood up. "Why do you have a crown, and the others necklaces, or amulets what ever they are?" I asked looking at her. "I guess I never told you, okay so the items you see each of have are the elements of harmony. They are the most powerful objects in Equestria, but they are just not object you can use. You have to require a bond with the elements of harmony my friends and I have that bond." Twilight said. "Whoa that's so cool." I said in amazement. "Oh it's nothing besides not to brag but we've only saved Equestria twice." Twilight whispered in my ear. "Only I mean how many people or ponies can say they saved their country, or planet what ever this is. Besides our military I really can't think of people who just save the country." I said. "Military don't you mean guard?" Twilight asked. "No I meant military I forgot you never watch this news, or have any classes that really do with keeping up on it." I pulled out my phone and pulled up a map of the world. I made a circle round the U.S in red, I made a circle around the middle east in black. "Ok so as you know we are the red, the area in black is known as the middle east. It has many countries in the area we are at war with mainly Pakistan. We are on a mission to try and stop the terrorist group known as Al' Qaeda. Others will say it's over oil and other reasons personally don't ask me. I just hope those out there make it back alive, that is my only thing I care about." I said. "I don't get you're all humans why fight each other?" Twilight asked me. "I have no idea it's a question that I've wondered, and others have since the beginning of time." I said. I heard other hoof steps behind us. I saw Twilight turn around and give a bright smile. "Mom, Dad!" I heard her say loudly behind me. 'So much for some more logical talk, the only smart girlfriend, err first marefriend I get and we barley get time to talk about logic.' I thought, before I stood up and turned to face her parents. "Mom, Dad I'd like you to meet Tyler." Twilight said introducing me. I saw her father reach out his hoof, which I took and shook. "Good to meet you Mr.Sparkle." I said. His response was about to shock me. "Please call me dad." Mr.Sparkle said. "And of course call me mom." Mrs.Sparkle said. 'Oh great these type of parents, don't wanna make a bad impression, don't want to make a bad impression.' I thought "Totally don't wanna mess up on this, or I'm so sol, no pressure dammit." I said out loud with out even noticing, I saw three faces turn around and stare at me. "Sorry I'm just gonna be honest here, I'm really nervous and I don't want to make a bad impression. Bec...because I really love your daughter with all my heart, I would give up anything to be with her. I love her eyes, her personalty, look my point is your daughter is perfect. I just don't want to mess up and make a bad impression." I sighed looking down at the ground. I saw Twilight run up to me and hug me, I returned it back and whispered in her ear. "I love you more then anything in this world." I whispered in her ear. "I love you more then anything in Equestria." Twilight whispered into my ear. "I love you more then anything in the all the stars in the universe." I said. "I love you more then anything in the universe." Twilight said. We both stood up, I looked at her...well my parents I guess now as well. They both were giggling. "You two remind us of us when we were younger." They both said in unison. I blushed knowing that was a romantic reference. "Look son you don't have to worry about making a impression, we can tell you love our daughter and that is all we could ask for, human or not it doesn't matter as long as she is happy we're happy." Dad said. "Thank you dad, and mom I'm glad to hear that because I'm gonna be honest, I would have messed up so much today." I sighed in relief. "By the way is that a guitar, and some cubical lunch box on you?" Mom asked. "No it's a electric guitar and my amp, besides video games and Twilight I love this thing." I said. "Electric guitar never heard of them." Dad said. "Not a surprise considering how until February no electric guitar style bands are playing, that's a long list of music types I don't want to list." I told them. "Okay enough small talk for now, let's head to where you'll be staying for a while." Both parents said, escorting us to their house. I looked around noticing the snow all over the ground, it looked so beautiful the sound was so peaceful of the snow crunching, it reminded me so much of home. (Not home sick just saying it reminded me of Michigan.) "How long do you think you can take us at the house?" I asked. "Stay as long as you want, you two can use Twilight's old room." Mom said. 'There is something different here that I like, maybe a longer visit would be nice. Plus Twilight could see her friends, it would be a good thing for her.' I thought. "How come you asked that?" Twilight asked curious. "I don't really know yet...." I said with a smile. "You sure did pick a mysterious one Twilight." Both of our/her parents said. "I know and the best part is he all mine." Twilight said with a smile. Eventually we made it to the house, it had a amazing view the castle that loomed above, although it seems like it always does. "Please make yourself at home." Dad said. "Come on follow me." Twilight said walking up a set a stairs, I quickly followed her until we came to a stop. She opened the door revealing her old room. I set my things in a corner, and kicked my shoes off. "So did you figure out why you asked about staying here longer?" Twilight asked. "I just have a feeling it's going to change both of us, mostly you but there will be some changes for me as well." I said, "What type of changes?" Twilight asked pushing me down into the bed. "I can't place my finger on it yet." I sighed. She lightly punched my shoulder. "You know I'm glad you said those things, I'm glad my parents like you and I'm shocked they are letting you call them mom and dad, you know for once in a long time everything seems to be working just fine." Twilight said. "You know I meant it...every word done to the last period, I don't want to ever lose you for once everything does seem to be working out just fine." I sighed in relief. "What time is it Equestrian time?" I asked noticing it was extremely bright. "About noon why?" Twilight asked. "I'm tired could you wake me up in an hour or two please." I said. Twilight just giggled before she kissed me and left the room. > First Impressions II and Strange Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Hah yea right like I can sleep, there is so much to do here. It's amazing how a land full of talking ponies can do so much.' I thought remembering , all the things I have seen. 'Okay maybe I could use a little sleep.' I thought closing my eyes. "I like your colt friend he seems nice." Twilight's mother said to her with a smile. "He is nice we've had our ups and downs, but our love is to strong to be ended by silly things." Twilight said with a sly smile on her face. "Do you know what he wants to do with himself?" Twilight's father asked looking up from the paper. "He said he wants to be a police officer, but I think he is really studying for the FBI." Twilight said. "FBI?" They asked. "Federal Bureau of Investigation, they deal with huge drug dealers, terrorist, they work to defend the people." Twilight said. "Drug dealers?" They both asked again. "You know what never mind this story could go on forever." Twilight sighed. "Ok I still can't sleep, maybe a walk would do." I said looking at the window. I stood up from the bed, I tried to be as silent as possible and hoped out of the window, it was nice and cold. I looked around and saw nopony was out around here, I couldn't really tell if it was strange or not. The air was still crisp I could feel every breath hit my lungs, it felt great the air was so clean. I looked over and saw a park, I noticed there were two little ponies trying to get something out of a tree. I walked over my footsteps molding with the snow. The soft crunches sounded relaxing, I stopped and saw that a winter hat was stuck in the tree. I looked down at the two before I spoke. "May I?" I asked. They both nodded, I tried to jump and get the hat but no luck. I sighed before I took off my sweatshirt and let it fall in the soft white snow, I grabbed onto one of the larger branches making sure it was secure. I pulled myself up and grabbed hold of another, I stood with my back against the trunk of the tree. I looked up and grabbed the hat before tossing it down to the kids. I slid down the tree slowly. only to get a bit of my hand sliced open by a strange looking branch. 'Shit.' I thought instead of saying out loud in front of the little colts, in reaction to the pain. "Thanks mister." The young black colored colt said, he put the hat over his white mane and smiled. I tipped by ball cap down to show a silent you're welcome. They both ran off before I laid down and looked up at the clouds. I wrapped my hand up to stop the bleeding with my scarf. I started to close my eyes, and before I knew it I was asleep. The funny thing is I knew I was asleep, but I couldn't wake up no matter how hard I tried, I stayed asleep. It was strange I could see all white and before I knew it I was just sitting there, in the empty space it felt relaxing. I wondered why I was in this spot, it was chilling but so relaxing. 'The light it is so beautiful.' I thought. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard voices. "It's so lovely this time of year." Cadence said looking all around. "It certainly is." Shining Armor said. "Oh wow my hand." I said looking at it, the blood was gushing out. I quickly ran back to the house, it seemed every second I ran the blood gushed out more. 'Damn the so called bandage is not holding to well now.' I thought, my vision clouded from the amount of blood loss. I stumbled into the front door of the house, barley hitting the handle and opened the door. "Um hello?" I heard a voice ask. I looked and saw hoofs before my face and noticed they were Twilight's. I looked up and before I knew it, the whole thing ended and I woke up in Twilight's bed. I was in a cold sweat and gasping for breath. "Dat nightmare." I said with a chuckle. 'But wait you don't feel pain when dreaming, unless I wasn't dreaming but I was.' I thought before laughing. I slowly stood up cracking a few of my joints, and smiled with great relief that the nap did me some good. 'Although it is strange it's about the fourth nightmare, but it really wasn't scary hmm.' I thought before I heard hoofsteps. I slipped on my shoes and looked at the door. I saw Twilight slowly push the door open, and look in before she screamed seeing me right at the edge of the bed. "Ahhh what they hay, you could have warned me before I opened the door." Twilight said. I just chuckled before she used her magic and pulled me down off the bed by the ear. "Errr Mehhh Gerddd what are you doing, stahp stahp Twilight." I begged but she kept pulling me until we were half way down the stairs. "Look my brother and his wife are here, not to mention she is a princess." Twilight whispered in my ear. "Oh please I got this." I said as I walked down the stairs I fell face down, the stairs taking a few pictures with me. I saw a rush of hooves in front of me and looked up and saw Twilight giggling. "At least I went down with a crash." I said looking up before I saw a few chuckles. I stood up and brushed myself off before I saw a few giggles, and chuckles. I gave off a nervous blush 'Hmm I was on the floor kinda like the nightmare, kinda strange.' I thought. "Well then how is that for a first impression?" I asked looking at the smiling faces. "I thought it was kinda cute, that your coltfriend did that." The pink one said giggling. "He sure is strange, but I like him." Her brother said with a smile. "The name is Tyler, and yeah normally I'm not so derpy." I said with a slight smile. "This is my wife Princess Cadence, and my name is Shining Armor." Shining Armor said sticking out a hoof, that I gladly took out and shook. "The pleasure is all mine your majesty." I said bowing and kissing Cadence's hoof. She blushed a bit. I stood up again before I got a few looks. "So then let's get down to business, Twilight and you were requested to meet with Celestia." Shining Armor said breaking the awkward silence. 'Oh novoes the cigarettes.' I said picturing an image of Celestia smoking a cigarette. "Let me grab my things." I said, before I took off upstairs. > Not what I was expecting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘So I’ve got the ruler of Equestria hooked on a cancer causing habit, smoking. I might as well just throw in the towel for having any sort of good reputation around here.', I thought, grabbing my guitar and smaller amp. I looked down and saw the others were waiting for me, I also noticed Twilight's brother staring at my guitar case. "You play the cello?", He asked me. I just looked at him and chuckled. "No, my good sir, this is an electric guitar, it’s nothing like the cello. Let's just say that it’s louder and much easier to get hyped up on.", I said with a slight smirk. "As long as it doesn’t make that stuff you guys call ‘rap’ and ‘hip-hop’, that’s all I hear you humans talking about. Personally I can’t stand it.", Shining said with an irritated eye roll. "Wait, have you never heard of rock and rock roll? Grunge? Alternative?", I asked with a little bit of a worried look on my face. "You guys listen to rocks?" Cadence asked with one eyebrow raised. "No, this is crazy, next thing you know you’ll say you've never heard of dubstep or electronic music.", I said. "Oh! That's right, I never told you, but let's just say that we do have a few of those artist around, and now with you humans here it has tremendously increased their sales.", Twilight said as she motioned for us to start moving. She pulled me to the side to whisper something in my ear, that I guess I should have seen coming. Obviously a town full of rich ponies hasn’t heard of that kind of music and would know that it’s actually a popular genre here. The cold air felt really nice on an early February afternoon, the air smelled so fresh, almost like it does in the country. I looked ahead of us and saw a hot air balloon and a chariot. I scratched my head as I stared at the strange forms of transportation, I mean we had those things on Earth, but we never actually used them to travel, did they not have airplanes or cars here? "What did you think? We were going to just walk all the way up there?", I heard Twilight ask me. I nodded before she giggled at me, then I noticed two pegasi attached to the chariot, I hopped in the hot air balloon simply because that chariot was way too flashy for my style. Although I guess with my ride back at home, I can’t really say much. I set my things down and looked around, Twilight and her parents joined myself in the hot air balloon, while Shining and Cadence both got into the chariot. I watched them take off as our hot air balloon was starting to climb into the air. "How come I didn't notice this kind of stuff when we first came here?" I asked, looking at every little detail of the balloon. "It's because it belongs to the kingdom, that's why." Twilight exclaimed, pointing up to a royal seal on it. The cold air definitely made riding in a hot air balloon feel sketchy as hell, I mean, it’s called a hot air balloon, right? Well let’s go ahead and skip the part about the hot air balloon and get to the good stuff. "Is that my balloon?" Twilight asked herself. I looked to where she was pointing and saw that it had just landed. I saw a lot of familiar faces, but a new one that was certainly not a pony. Twilight ran up to her friends and hugged each one of them. I finally caught up, and set my things down and waved. "Hey girls." I said with a smile on my face. I was met by a pink rush tackling me down. "Oh my gosh I thought we wouldn't see each other in forever, and well forever is like forever. But now you're here you know what this calls? Huh, huh, do ya, do ya? A seeing each other party!" Pinkie screamed while somehow throwing confetti. "Um, yea it's nice to s-see you....again Pinkie." I gasped while gently pushing her off of me. Applejack raised her hoof above my head, and reached it out for a shake. I shook her hoof trying to be gentle, and, well, let's just say her gentle almost broke my arm. Rainbow was the next one to greet me, this time I was on my feet, she stuck out her hoof and I knuckle touched, or I guess, hoof bumped her? They don’t really have knuckles. "I see you’ve got a guitar there, and to make it even better it's electric!" Rainbow said. "Ha, so you like rock music!?" I shouted. She nodded. "You totally have to do this new thing, now that rock is actually getting popular here, there’s going to be a competition called Battle of the Bands. I bet you would totally win." Rainbow said with an eager look in her eye. 'I thought Shiny boy said that rock wasn’t really heard of here, same with Twilight.’, I thought. "Um, I'll think about it, but with the amount of awesomeness I have, I'll probably do it." I said. Rainbow whispered something in my ear that made me think. "You're right, I don't have a band." I said. "I know a really good bass player, and a pretty good vocalist." Rainbow said, pointing at herself and Twilight, respectively. Twilight blushed before she gave a nervous look. "Who me? I’m no good at singing, I never sing, what would make you think I’m good at singing?" Twilight said. Rainbow giggled. "Please Twilight, I’ve heard you sing on my flybys. Come on, you have to do it!” Rainbow shouted. "What about drums?" I asked, taking a bit of the pressure off of Twilight. "We'll have to talk about this later, I don't want to keep the princess waiting." Rarity said. Before I started to walk I noticed this strange little creature run in front of me. "Hi! My name’s Spike." He said with a big smile on his face. "The name’s Tyler, nice to meet you Spike." I said, sticking my hand out for a handshake. I watched him quickly run off with the others. I shrugged my shoulders as I caught up with the others. We made our way to the throne room before two guards nodded and opened the doors. I then heard a loud beat going, as I saw Celestia with a snap back, a golden chain, and some custom made Jordan's on. She was listening to some rap song. I noticed she was lighting up a cigarette, and heard her scream ‘snap backs and tattoos!’. I ran up to where the music was coming from, and turned it off. Normally I would have never done that to a leader, but dear god that music made me want to kill myself, to put it politely. "Who turned that off?" Celestia asked. I was furious and I had no idea why, I took off the chain and threw the snap back off somewhere. The others gasped. I then put the cigarette out and looked her in the eye. "Oh what's good in the hood you repin that west coast, I know you are Tyler you got that swag because yolo." Celestia said. My eyes almost fell out of my head from the amount of stupid from that one sentence. "Ok pardon my French here, but Celestia, I swear to god that myself and everypony in this room just lost at least 20% of their brain cells from that one sentence. I think you need to wake the hell up and grow up. You’re acting like a little shit head teen here, you are the ruler of this fucking place now act like it. No more cigarettes, no more of that trash music, and stop trying to act like one those shit heads that you listen to for the love of god." I said looking her dead in the eyes. She clapped slowly. I stood there confused, while the others were making shut up signs or something of that sort. "Let this be an example girls, that you should stand up for something you believe in. He just stood up to me, something I've never heard of before. A commoner correcting a political leader. As you humans would put it, you sir have balls." Celestia said, bowing before me. I chuckled before she giggled. "So then, I bet you're wondering why I’ve called you all here." Celestia said with a smug look on her face. We all nodded. "As you are well aware, as I think you can tell, we are trying to set up a battle of the bands, and well, I could use some help." Celestia said, pointing to the other ponies as they nodded, then the little dragon, the last one was me. I sat there for a second. "Ah why the hell not, should be fun." I said. "Well girls, you know what to do, as each of the notes I sent you had a job on the back." Celestia said. I watched as 5 of the girls and the dragon took off. "That leaves you two, but for now I'd like to speak to Twilight alone please." Celestia said. I nodded and walked outside the doors. I tried to hear the conversation, until one of the guards looked at me. "Good luck kid, the doors are sound proof." He said to me. I sighed before I sat against the wall and pulled out my guitar. 'This sure wasn’t what I was expecting.' I thought. > Watch what you laugh at > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat there for a few minutes listening to music before deciding to get up. I always loved just sitting there listening to music, lost in my own world. I packed my song book back into my bag, then grabbed my guitar and everything else I would need. I waved to the guards, who gave a slight nod, as I walked out of the room. I got into the hallway, and every direction looked exactly the same. Why would you make every place the same? Wouldn’t you get lost all the time. I stopped and looked down all of the hallways to see if there was some clue as to where the gardens were. On second thought I probably should have asked the guards where to go. Against my better judgement I decided to just walk around until I could figure out where I was going. As luck would have it I eventually ran into Fluttershy entering the hallway from one of the many connecting rooms. It only took me forty minutes, nah, really more like thirty nine to get out of this whole hallway mess, thanks to little old Fluttershy, who was holding something in her mouth. "Wait up Fluttershy." I called out. I must have startled her because she jumped and even flew off the ground a little bit, dropping what was in her mouth, it was some sort of wire, looked like it would be used in a fence. I figured they were using it in the garden for some reason or another. I felt pretty bad about scaring her thought and picked it up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't think I was going to scare you like that." I apologized. Fluttershy just gave a weak, albeit cute smile. "No, it’s my fault for overreacting, I just get so scared all the time." Fluttershy said sweetly landing back on the ground. I thought about saying something about how she always blames herself for things that happen, but I figured she gets told that enough, and she wouldn’t really listen to me anyways. "So, how's the work in the gardens coming along?" I asked, trying to tone down my voice a bit so I didn’t accidentally scare her again. "It's going very well, I just moved all the animals to safer areas so they wouldn't be trampled or scared while everypony’s there. Applejack is building stands right now, Rainbow is putting up more of this wire to make sure the animals don’t come back in, Pinkie is blowing up balloons and beach balls. Rarity is getting some of the other decorations ready, and Spike, well, he is sleeping peacefully." Fluttershy said, smiling lightly. "Wow, you girls sure do make progress." I said, giving her the wire back. As I handed her the wire, I accidentally brushed up against one of her wings, which was already extended, most likely from me scaring her earlier. She reared away from me and squeaked. "Oh, I'm sorry.” I said. “Did I hit something sensitive?" I asked, looking at her, concerned. I was afraid this little chat of ours was going in a direction I definitely didn’t want it to. "Um-um ye-yes." She said weakly. 'Oh great job, I probably look like a perv right now!' I thought to myself, hoping that this would just be taken for what it was, an accident. Thankfully she didn’t feel the need to elaborate on the situation any further, and we continued heading towards the gardens. The air here was warmer, most likely indicating spring was coming soon. We still had a while to go, and the awkward silence, still lingering from the events that just transpired, really didn't help. Finally Fluttershy broke the silence, but I think after hearing what she said, I would have been ok with us just not saying one word the whole way there. "So did you and Twilight, you know?" Fluttershy asked. "Did we what?" I asked. "Mate." Fluttershy stated with, a bit of a giggle, even though you could easily tell the topic was a tiny bit frightening for her. Hearing her ask that really just about made my eyes pop out of my head. This little, scared, innocent pegasus was asking me about my sexual relationship with Twilight. I really didn’t know what to do, this was just getting more and more awkward. "No, we didn’t. Although it’s not really anyone’s business but our own, but I don’t we ever will anyways. Mostly because I have no problem with dating Twilight, I just don't think I could ever bring myself to, well you know..." I stated with a slight blush. "You did say ‘think’, so there is a chance, even if it is small." Fluttershy giggled. It was really surprising to see this new brave and blunt side of her. Twilight told me about one time when a guy named Iron Will taught Fluttershy how to be assertive, and she became like this huge bully that was really mean to everyone. I never really believed her, but I think I’m starting to a little more now. "Ok, can we please just drop the whole sex topic? It’s making me kind of uncomfortable." I pleaded.. "Only if you say please." Fluttershy said. "Please." I said, I was beginning to believe that whole assertiveness thing even more now. "I want you to beg for it." She said with a blush. 'Oh god, I think she’s coming onto me, but I’ll do anything to just drop it and be done with subject.' I thought. Don't think I was scared of her, I just wanted out of the situation was all. "Please, please, please Fluttershy drop the subject." I begged. "That wasn't very good, I want you to get on your knees and beg like you really want it to end." Fluttershy commanded. I sighed before I got down and kneeled before her. "Please oh great Fluttershy, with all that is your inspiring greatness, allow me, a simple commoner, your permission to drop the subject of sex between Twilight and I." I was actually starting to beg now. "I guess, but I didn't think you would beg that much." Fluttershy said. I sighed as I began to think that she was just trolling me. I still just couldn’t get over her excessive amount of blushing throughout the entire conversation. "Can you not bring up the fact that I just begged to a small yellow pony though? It’s kind of embarrassing back where I come from, and it probably would be here as well." I said. "I guess, but who knows? Maybe there will be a time when you’re just half the size of my hoof, then who would be the small one?" Fluttershy said. "I don’t see how that could ever happen, I’ve been eating bananas, so no magic can affect me.” I said with a slight grin. "There is more than just magic though, forget to watch what you drink and you could end up just an inch tall." Fluttershy said. 'Note to self, don't drink anything that Fluttershy gives me.' I thought, making a mental note. "I see, I'll make sure I only drink human things then." I said. She just giggled. "So then how much closer are we to the stadium?" I asked. "Only about five minutes away." Fluttershy said. I sighed as we kept walking, this became way more awkward than I ever thought it would. I found out that Fluttershy has a crush on me, she gave a hint that she might try to shrink me, and possibly keep me as a pet or god knows what she could do if she was a skyscraper sized pony. "So how are you and Twilight doing?" Fluttershy asked. "I thought we agreed to just drop the whole sex thing?" I sighed. "I think you mean you begged." Fluttershy giggled. I rolled my eyes at that comment, and tried to brush the fact off that I begged to a little pony. "Yea yea very funny, but for real, please don't tell me you're trying to bring up sex again, and you are just talking about the normal relationship details. In which case yes, we are doing very well, I even hit it off pretty well with her parents. As for her brother and his wife, I have no idea how I’m doing there." I explained. "That's nice." Fluttershy mumbled quietly. I nodded, trying to keep the silence between us, now that this conversation had gotten awkward. The stadium was right in front of us, I noticed it because I saw a giant net of wire, at least it was almost complete. I saw Applejack give a sigh before she tipped her hat to me, I returned the same favor by nodding. I noticed that Rainbow swooped down and grabbed the wire from Fluttershy, as she quickly went to work finishing off the rest of the wired area. Which she did in ten seconds flat, to make it about twenty percent cooler. She motioned for me to come over to her, I quickly set my things down and walked over to her. She pulled me in and began to whisper something in my ear. "You want to pull a prank on Applejack?" Rainbow Dash asked very quietly. "Sure, sounds like fun, what is it?" I asked. I watched her as she pulled out some metal things, I've never seen them before but it looked like it was used to grab things. She pulled out a flower and started to giggle. "This here will shrink Applejack into as I like to call her Appletini." Rainbow chuckled. "You know what, I'm in, I'll distract her." I chuckled thinking of how good this would end up. I walked up to Applejack and started making small talk about this whole battle of the bands thing. Until I saw Rainbow drop the flower down on her head. She quickly grabbed it and gasped. "Rainbow Dash!" Applejack yelled. "Oops." She chuckled. "Don't worry they're fresh so it should only take a few more minutes to work." She finished the last part before she flew up higher. I was just laughing the whole time. "Well then it seems like I can't get the mastermind, so I'll get her sidekick." Applejack with a grin. "Not gonna happen." I said taking off. One thing I forgot was A. She was a pony and could easily catch up to me. B. The prank took a few minutes to activate. C. I was screwed. D. Save me Tom Cruise and Baby Jebus. This plan did not work out so well as she tackled me down and shoved the flower in my mouth, and forced me to chew and swallow. She started to shrink when I shoved her off of me. Rainbow spoke up. "Well I'll take tiny here home, since the others have all already left." Rainbow said as she picked up Applejack. I was left here with Fluttershy, because Twilight was still with the princess. So I decided to start heading back to Twilight's parent’s house. Until I stopped and leaned over and threw up before my whole world started to spin, and I noticed Fluttershy getting bigger and bigger. 'Damnit Applejack, I’m going to kill you.' I thought before I passed out. Fluttershy had a concerned look before it turned into a huge grin, and then she picked me up. "Well I'm sure Twilight won't mind if I watch over her boyfriend for a while." Fluttershy giggled. "Alright Princess, I'll be back tomorrow." Twilight said as two guards opened the door for her. She gave a smile until she saw that her boyfriend was missing. The guards said he went for a walk and never came back. "Maybe he's outside." Twilight said to herself as she quickly teleported herself outside. She noticed the stage area was complete, but saw nopony, nobody, and not even Spike. She was starting to get nervous. Then she figured he was probably back home at her parent’s house. She perked up thinking this and started running to the hot air balloons. > Dodging a bullet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You see Fluttershy was prepared, she saw the hot air balloons and got a devious look. She talked to the birds in the area, after that she flew away with a big blush on her face. 'That should buy me a few moments longer to have my plaything.' Fluttershy thought looking at her saddlebags. Twilight ran to the hot air balloons out of breath, her breath escaping her mouth heavier every second. She saw they were all ripped open and the guards trying to get everything back to order. Twilight made a step loud enough for the others to stop panicking, Twilight looked at all of them. "I don't have all day." Twilight called out, before the other ponies could react, Twilight's horn lit up and aimed her horn at one of the hot air balloons. The balloon was patched up in a few seconds and was filled with air. "Thanks Miss Sparkle." One of the guards said. "You're welcome but you boys can fix the rest, as for me I have a boyfriend to hunt for." Twilight said, the guards stared at her strangely before she each gave them a worst thing. A mare's stare......they all quickly went back to work on the repairs. 'Such a beginners spell and they have three unicorns, how have they not used that spell yet?' Twilight thought as she looked back and used the hot air balloon. Twilight shrugged it off, she had other thing to attend to. She did have to admit the breeze felt nice in her mane though. "Wh-where am I, it's dark I can't even see." I exclaimed touching the walls of my dark prison. I noticed they were soft but there were other things in there as well, I noticed some strange animal pellets? I remembered everything in a flash. "Help let me out I'm stuck in the bags, somebody let me out, and if it's you Fluttershy you better let go of me!" I shouted pounding on the part I assumed was on her body. I heard a small giggle before everything stopped. I was flown forward right against what I assumed was her stomach, I looked up and tried to hide but when I saw her look into the bag she found me. 'Damn so much for hiding.' I thought as I tried to run away, Fluttershy just giggled and rolled her eyes. She eventually won her prize, me. She used her mouth to pick me up, which totally sucked because I could feel the saliva rolling down my back. I tried to scrim around but Fluttershy dropped me into her hoof. "Let me go!" I commanded. Fluttershy looked down at me. "Okay if you say so." Fluttershy said with a smirk. She held me out above the sky, I looked down and flailed about. "Wait don't let me go, don't let me go you crazy sadistic giant pony!" I screamed out quickly hugging Fluttershy's giant hoof. 'I think this could work out well for me, look at him holding on for his life.' Fluttershy thought. 'This is going to be a day of living hell.' I thought as I noticed Fluttershy slow down. I noticed she was making her way down. 'Oh god she's gonna drop me, but close enough so she can watch the whole thing. This is it I'm so screwed.' I thought looking up at the giant pegasus. A big surprise I was wrong, we actually landed at her house? It looked more like a zoo animals were everywhere. We landed and she slowly pushed open her door, I was shocked to see even more animals. Birds, mice and pretty much any little animal, well I guess I can't call half of them little anymore. "Hi my little animal friends, I'm back and momma has a new toy for herself." Fluttershy said with a grin looking at me. "No I'm not your toy I'm a human, last time I checked if this whole shrink thing wears off. I'm going to get my revenge on you, and if I find a cure if it does not wear off you better look out." I told Fluttershy, she just gave me a look that showed I was pathetic to her. "If you don't die first." Fluttershy said coldly, as she held her hoof above me. I wanted to move but I couldn't my body was frozen in fear. "Wait stop I'll do anything!" I shouted. She looked down at me with a smirk. "Let's go upstairs I have a special task for you." Fluttershy told me, before I could respond my tiny fragile body was thrown into the air, only to land on her hoof. I watched as a bunny followed us, until Fluttershy turned around. "Not right now Angel Bunny, I've got a wing massage appointment." Fluttershy giggled. She quickly opened and closed the door as she laid out on the bed. 'Wait aren't those pretty much like the most sensitive spot on her body.' I thought. "No I'm not doing that you sick perv!" I cried out. "Well I guess you could always meet my hoof, much closer then you would like to be." Fluttershy said. "Fine...." I sighed out in defeat. Fluttershy gave me a sweet smile. She handed me somethign I would assume to wing lotion, and it was totally not because the giant bottle said so. "Great I'll pump the lotion for you, and you can do the rest." Fluttershy told me. 'If only I had a needle or a tooth pick or something, I'd totally stab her.' I thought. I watched as the bottle sprayed out the lotion some of got into my mouth, and let's just say this stuff might smell good but Jesus did it taste like death. I coughed and spat out the lotion which landed right on Fluttershy, the scary thing is she gave a death stare at me. "Sorry sorry, won't happen again miss." I said. "It better not." She said angrily, but that response slowly changed as I began working on her wings. I watched as the slowly expanded out. 'I hate you so much, I thought you were supposed to be kind. Although I guess when you're always shown as one of the weakest links, when somebody that you can take advantage over would change the person or pony dramatically. I guess I can't blame her for wanting to take advantage of me, I mean I'm pretty sure Twilight would even enjoy having her way with me. "I understand....." I whispered. I saw Fluttershy turn around, and give a puzzled look. "Understand what?" Fluttershy said. "What you're doing to me, I don't blame you one bit for taking advantage over me. After all you seem like you....." I stopped thinking of my next words carefully, otherwise I could end up as a little bloodstain on her hoof. "Seem like I'm always the weakest link, that's what you were going to say was it not?" Fluttershy asked as she picked me up. I nodded before I cringed before I noticed nothing happened. "I understand why you went kind of crazy with the power, it must hurt to always be the one who is quiet, perhaps open up more?" I asked. "You see when I tried to be more assertive, I became a huge bully and I swore I would never do anything like that again." Fluttershy stammered out. Twilight was out of breath from all the running in the cold air, but she was finally at her parents house. She pushed open the door only to see nobody or nopony was there. Fluttershy quickly gave me a kiss, while I tried to fight it you really can't as a joint pony about two hundred times your size is towering over you. "Oh I'm such a bad pony I just kissed my best friends boyfriend." Flutterhy stated as she panicked. She quickly pulled out the antidote for the poison joke, it took a few minutes but before I felt a sudden rush go through my body it worked. "No you didn't you clearly tripped, and when Twilight finds us I'll just say you found me shrunken and you were worried, this way you can manage your friendship. As well as not worrying about being a liar to her." I said noticing a familiar feeling though my body. "You would lie to her for me?" Fluttershy asked, I nodded. Fluttershy quickly ran at me to try and give me a hug. I simply side stepped her as she flew past me, before she gave a slight blush and a nod understanding why I did that. "I hope this works." Twilight said to herself as her horn lit up, while she did track Tyler a teleportation spell this long is crazy. But not for Twilight, she is after all the element of magic. Before Twilight could open her eyes she was in front of Fluttershy's cottage. "Fluttershy open up please." Twilight called out in a rather angry tone. "Wait Twilight before you go berserk, promise me one thing you'll listen to the story." I called out. "Fine I will." Twilight said, as I opened the door. Before I could speak I noticed Fluttershy stand in front of me, there were few tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry Twilight this is all my fault, I found him shrunk and I foal napped him. I wanted to keep him forever as a personal slave, because I liked the power I had over him." I looked at her when she said slave. "I can explain the rest here, you see the problem is she has been one of the weakest links. When she saw me a mere tenth the size of your hoof, I'm pretty sure you're gonna take advantage over me. Even you would Twilight hell even I would." I said. Twilight looked at both of us before she burst into laughter. "You guy....you guys thought I wa-was mad hahaha!" Twilight burst into laughter. Fluttershy and I both looked at her before we started to laugh. 'Well looks like we dodged a bullet there, didn't have to explain the whole story.' I thought looking at Fluttershy. "Well did you have fun?" Twilight asked with a small smirk. "No, and I don't want to talk about it." I told her in a rather serious tone. "I think it was a rather good plan, I mean come on it was one of the best pranks ever, also admit it, it was kinda fun." Twilight giggled. "Fun...is something that doesn't exist for me anymore." I sighed as I kept ahead of her. "Come on it was just a simple prank." Twilight called out. > Breaking it down > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know I'm glad you took me over here, and that you get to see your friends now. But if it involves pranks that are life threatening than I'd like to be left out of them, you know living and all is something I'd like to do." I told her coldly. I stood there the snow coming a little past my ankles, it was colder than before and the wind started to pick up. I looked at Twilight as her mane started dancing in the wind, I could see the look on her face, she was almost ready to speak. I looked at the snow on the ground and watched as little white dust spun around in circles making little tornadoes. I watched as Twilight was kicking the snow in the ground, the snow easily being pushed around by her hoof. I shuddered a bit actually noticing how life threatening those hooves could have been. "Are you trying to think of something that will get you out of this mess, if so you can't I want to know how why you think this was funny?" "I get it that you're angry and at first I was too." "Wait you were angry that's it I'm done I'm outta here." I said as I started walking away. "Dammit you idiot listen up for a second!" She yelled covering her mouth after noticing what she said, but than shrugged it off noticing she was in the heat of the moment. I turned around and looked at her waiting to hear what she had to say. "If you'd listen to what I'd have to say instead of walking away like a little child, than you'd hear why I was mad. At first I thought you left me so I was like okay a pretty rude move, but than I noticed you weren't anywhere. I was taking a balloon to get here when Rainbow Dash explained the whole prank to me, I let up on the whole thing and thought it was gonna be pretty funny." She told me. "Explain why Fluttershy almost murdered me several times!" I yelled stomping the snow around me. I watched as her horn lit up, I started to run, but it was impossible to out run her, next thing I knew we were in front of her house. "I think that is something only she knows, and may never tell us." Twilight exclaimed to me. I looked around and felt the snow hitting my face messing up my vision a bit, I liked it though something about the wind and the snow mixing just makes you feel like well a bad ass. Sadly I couldn't really enjoy the moment with the whole argument thing going on. I stomped my shoes of snow before I walked in, I took a mental note that we were the only two in the house. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed one of my water bottles and asked Twilight if she wanted to a drink, she told me that she was fine and to come sit down in the kitchen. I slowly made my way into the kitchen taking of my wet coat and looking at hers, I giggled at noticing the luxury she missed out on of being able to just change and stay dry. "So are you still mad about this whole thing?" She asked calmly. "Of course I am I mean come on anyone would be, granted I'm just mostly annoyed at it now." I told her. I took a few sips of my water looking at her, I was still pissed off at the whole situation, I mean ponies are fuckin crazy man. 'I should have just gotten a new apartment and asked a for HUMAN only roommate, than I wouldn't be in any of this crazy damn mess. I'd be probably dating a nice somewhat normal girl. I'd be able to make my music much faster as well.' I thought feeling a bit of self pity. "Good because if you were still angry than you would have been acting like a little child, I'm glad you shook it off and acted mature." Twilight giggled. "So are we done here I need to finish my music?" I asked annoyed. "Well I guess I mean how hard can it be making a bit of music, I was wanting to finish this discussion." Twilight nagged on. "You think making music is hard please what have you done recently that is stressful?" "Nothing recently you know why! Because I was busy saving an entire country, not to mention I've done it several times!" "Oh well yeah I'm sure having five others baking you up with the most powerful things known to your kind it must be a challenge, I'm so scary of you shooting rainbow lasers of friendship." "You think you can do what I do better?" She asked standing up. "Well I have no magic so I'm down than if you think you can do what I do better." I told her. "Than it's settled first one to admit what they do is harder is the winner." She said. "Good now if you excuse me I'll be leaving you, I'll still be working on my music while I'm "busy"." I told walking up the stairs. "Where do you think you are going?" She asked. "A hotel to relax and finish my work without any interruptions." I yelled down. I looked at her on my way down and had my things packed. "Well I'll give you a hint than something is planning an escape from it's prison and if it goes free, this time the whole country will be doomed." She told me. "Thanks for the tip, here these will help you making music a bit simpler, now if you'll excuse me I'll be assembling my own team." I said closing the door. "Great she's going to regret the day she tried to make a bet against me, I mean come on fluffy bunnies are probably some of their most evil things here." I chuckled. I walked into the hotel and looked around, it was rather bright with the golden tiles and the bright lights. The area was mixed with chatter from the small talk of rather higher class ponies, and hell even some people were in suits and other things. Just like something you would expect and see in a movie, it kinda got quiet when I set down my guitar and other things. "Hello sir." The front counter pony said. I could tell a bit in his voice he was thinking I'd never be able to afford this place, and in most cases he was right but I saved up a lot of my pay checks here and there. So I felt pretty damn confident. "Give me a suite if you wouldn't mind." I said in a cocky measure. "Are you sure you wouldn't want one of our more affordable rooms?" The front counter pony asked. "I'm sure." I said. "Are you really sure?" He asked. "I'm sure of this without a doubt in my mind." I said tipping my sunglasses down and grabbed my bag of bits. He handed me a card key and I just walked away. 'That's what you get for questioning me, next time don't assume anything. Asshole.' I thought I chuckled at the last part. 'Oh dear lord this guy is a prick and a half.' The front counter pony thought. 'Or was it really you being a prick?' I thought noticing his look. Well I kept on walking because um elevators have some of the strangest ponies and people ever on them so it really doesn't suit me, got a problem with it sue me if not then just sit there and keep reading this story. Yeah I just broke the fourth wall actually in a direct form, because I'm just that good. Any who let's get this shit started. I walked up the stairs pretending they were like an adventure, by that I meant I tried not dying walking up about six floors from a lack of breath. But finally I made it to my room, and I didn't have to take the elevator so a win in my books. Now the next part was trickier than the most and that was to find my room, anyone that has stayed in a hotel will feel my pain of finding your room. '675' The card read for my hotel room. '597,598,599,600.' I read as I passed each door until boom 675 popped up after some walking, I used the key card and heard the little click sound which meant all systems were go to open the door. When I opened it, I was shocked this place had two bathrooms each with a hot tub in it, a sky balcony view, it had everything. I threw everything on the bed, and walked out the balcony and took a deep breath. > Bets can be hard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hmm so how does this even work?" Twilight asked herself looking at the software. "So how do I save the day, this is gonna be harder than I thought...." I sighed mentally and physically. "Maybe this is harder than I thought." We both said at the same time, despite being in different places. "Well I need a book to read up about Tartarus last time I checked its an earthen myth." I told myself not giving up to defeat. "Hey I can youtube how to make dubstep! I still wonder how Vinyl Scratch does it so easily?" Twilight pondered as she tapped her cold hoof against the table. "But I don't exactly have a library card here.....maybe I can walk back to Twilight's knowing her she loves to read, there has to be something there on a book about Tartarus, granted I still think she might have played me off." I argued with myself as I looked at myself in the mirror. I noticed how much rougher my face had become from not shaving the last few days, I rubbed my hand against the sides of my cheeks and felt the little stubble tugging at my skin. "Maybe he made this software harder to use, I mean I guess you can't make a bet easy." Twilight sighed as she looked at her reflection in her old mirror. She ran her hoof through her mane just for comfort but sat back down. She noticed her parents come back with a few things in their grasp. "Mom, dad you where gone for a while." Twilight told them. "Sorry we didn't tell you we went to visit your aunt, where's Tyler at I'm surprised you're not with him." Her mother said as she lowered the things in her grasp, they were mostly random nicknacks nothing to vitally important. "Well we made a bet so who knows when he'll come back." Twilight told them both. "Well what did you two bet?" She asked. "I bet him he couldn't deal with what I do and he bet I can't deal with what he deals with." Twilight told him. "So you bet him he couldn't save an entire nation....not to mention he is a human with no magic or anything else." Her dad mentioned stretching the no magic part out. "Well yeah look we both got in an argument I'm sure he'll admit that what I do is harder, and he'll come crawling back to admit it." Twilight assured them. "All your doing is making music?" He asked, she responded with a nod. She played the whole fifteen seconds she had to her parents, they just cringed at what sounded like the most off balance and off key off rhythm thing ever heard. "Perhaps you might want to admit to him before he does something foolish and well you keeping making....well what ever that's supposed to be." Twilight's father just paced back and forth, trying to get that horrid sound out of his head. "Howdy party ponies hope I wasn't interrupting anything, I need a book on Tartarus "Twilight we need you to wait out here." Her father said, Twilight gave a confused look but nodded. I closed the door behind her but gave her a confused look as well. "So from what I've been able to read up on is that thanks to the princesses banishing a greater evil with the elements of harmony, but my question is what is this greater evil, I mean come on Equestria seems peaceful." I said. "You're correct Equestria is peaceful, but take a look at this book." Her father said throwing a book on the table. The loud smack broke the little bit of silence that was going on in the room, I looked at the book and loosely translated it. "Tartarus you mean like the greek mythological place for the damned?" I asked. "In a sense yes but not damned as in damned souls, here in Equestria it was where the Titans banished the hellish creatures from created from the Old Ones beings of darkness who seek only destruction, or so the legend is told." They both told me. "Wait so this is all a legend?" I asked. "Well not the Tartarus part that is very much true, and the creatures well they're real as well, as for the Titans and the Old Ones and the banishment it's believed to be true, but it hasn't been confirmed by the princesses." Her father told me as he excused himself for a drink. I looked as he left and noticed Twilight was absorbed reading a book, and from time to time checking her phone. "You see that legend is true, my husband still wishes to confirm it as a legend, even after the princesses told us that they were just ordinary ponies at birth, their parents how ever were not. They were two of the titans that were banished to the mortal world after breaking the code of falling in love, as that is believed to be a mortal trait. As the princesses grew up the powers their parents had were bestowed upon them. As for the Old Ones they have not been seen in thousands of years even by the titans even after the battles for the mortal worlds, you see Equestria was once a war zone as the Old Ones sent their minions to try and conquer the planet. The Old Ones were already fighting with the Titans in a place even unknown to the Princesses as their parents never told them." Her mother told me. I was listening fully intent as this story was really interesting "Please keep going." I begged her my ears hungering for more "The titans had all ready established the ponies, gryphons, and even the dragons on this planet all which lived in equal harmony. They rose up against the Old Ones abominations and creations, they stood definitely against them, while there were heavy casualties from our side. But I'll tell you what they never gave up fighting for their freedom, down to the last soldier they held their ground. It was then that the princesses stepped into the fray after their parents gave them their powers after seeing how much they matured. The princesses inspired their ponies by seeing them in shining armor that looked to be crafted of the sun and moon themselves. The battle lasted the span of years until one of the Titans had enough of the suffering and chaos that happened to the mortal races, it is said that stepped he down onto Equestria, he was a pony that one had ever seen, he began banishing the creatures into the land of Tartarus that we call it today, he created that land to keep the evil at bay." She paused for a moment for a drink and carried on. The reason he fought was because he was inspired by mortal bravery. Look I know of this crazy bet you two have had I'm not going to talk you out of it, but just remember in your heart that mortals even without magic can still accomplish great things. But a mere human wouldn't stand a chance in there, please don't do this you could go down a hero for all we know if you kept living and not risking your life for something like this! She stopped for a moment and she lit up for a second to remind me of something. He also placed a three headed dog named Cerberus in charge of guarding the area." She continued. "So what else happened?" I asked her also becoming inspired by her words, yet her words that were supposed to make me consider going I ignored. "The Titan battled against those that were to strong to banish, with the aid of the mortal races and princesses the war ended after 15 long years. After that the titan took the two princesses up to the pantheon to rule in their parents places. Until one day they came back looking as the same forms they've taken today instead of their more titan look. As for this evil it is possible Cerberus might have gotten loose again or something worse, but the only pony who has technically made it back from Tartarus is our daughter, but she only went to the gates. The mad whispers of the Old Ones creatures could possibly escaping and targeting the Elements of Harmony. They are the ones who drove King Sombra into madness and created the creature he is today. Discord is also one of the children created from the Old Ones that was not banished or slain, he was more defiant of his makers but didn't exactly like the harmony of the other mortals." She said. "I think I've heard enough, I'll be taking a map and I'll make my leave tomorrow." I stated. "Are you insane going to the gates of Tartarus why you have no magic to defend yourself, you could be slaughtered within a few moments of setting foot in there, and if the escaped whispers are driving ponies insane, just picture what could happen to you! A mere human with no weapons at all either, but I mean on top of that a mere human! Were you not listening to anything boy!" Her mother shouted. "Sometimes bull rushing works and sometimes it doesn't, just like sometimes the least likely person is the one who can make things right." Something has to be done and besides you said this Cerberus dog might have escaped or something, what if I go looking for him?" I asked. "You are a fool, but you are a fool with a good heart. But I can't stop you from making your own choices, so if you wish to do something this insane don't say I didn't warn you." Her mother said pointing to another book. "Read up on this, find this weapon that is still in the old sisters castle in the Everfree, if you are truly bold enough and insane enough to go rushing into what you humans would call hell, try to be armed properly." She said handing me the book. "Thank you, and I'll be taking the book of Tartarus if that isn't a problem with you." I told her she looked at me than she pushed over the book, I put them in my bag making sure they fit in properly. "Are you sure you want to do this, you don't have to be a hero, in time the princesses will be able to fix this. Or Twilight and her friends with the elements." She told me. "Sometimes time is a bad thing, as for being a hero that's to noble like you said I'm a fool with a good heart." I chuckled. Before she could say another word I made my way out and looked at Twilight. "I'll be at the hotel tonight I have some things to think about, I'm not mad at you either I was just frustrated." I told her before whispering I love you. "I love you too, I'll see you tomorrow." She said. 'Who knows maybe you will, maybe you won't I just hope I'm doing the right thing.' I assured myself before hugging her and taking my leave. "Wait! Please drop this bet you could be killed!" Twilight cried. "You know bet or not I'm willing to put my life on the line for a country, and for the safety of the one I love." I told her. "No you're not going, let my friends and I fix this we'll be fine, as for you just stay back here." Twilight pleaded. "Fine but I'll be reading up on these books." I told her leaving. 'Yeah right like I'm not going to go if what Celestia told me earlier was true than I'll have a better chance than she thinks.' I thought. "You're far to weak to venture into Tartarus and make it out alive." The voice whispered. "And you think because I have no magic, or flying I can't hold my own?" I asked. "I'll tell you what you're a tough one to combat against, I'm surprised you haven't succumb to my total control. Do you remember the police officer, he was under my control he did fight instantly killing you with one shot. You humans are strange your minds so different from the ponies. But once you enter our realm you will fall, so does that answer your question?" The voice stated. "We'll see now if you excuse me I have some reading to do, and besides it seems like you'll be forced to leave soon." I said. "I'll be back within a weeks time when I'm strong enough to communicate with you again." It stated. I waited for a while before I knew for sure that the voice was gone of my presence, I popped open the book and sat down and started to read, I jotted down notes, until I finally got to the part where the sword was mentioned. I noted everything down until I was filling up the page. I eagerly turned the page feeling the rough context of the page, this was becoming a normal thing the feeling of the paper dragging across my fingers. "Really how much more writing is this going to take!?" I shouted annoyed. Until I got the answer like the legit answer was written right there. "Oh that's not even funny." I chuckled. I felt my socks sliding off my feet due to the fact that I was laughing now, most of the time I'd be furious but I wasn't it was strange. The rough edged pages of the book slid across my fingers as I closed the book, but I looked down at my notes and wondered if this was a smart idea. 'A sword crafted of the light of the sun, and a shield crafted from the stars from the night sky. A glistening suit of white armor that was never able to fit a pony sat there, she never knew what creature it was for. All that she could remember is her parents told her that a titan crafted it, and said in do time it would be useful. All of which were scattered around the old castle in the Everfree Forest, all of which I have to find...' I thought. I was interrupted in my train of thought as I heard a knock. "I'll be just a minute." I called out to the door. I grabbed my glass and filled it with water and slowly drank it as I made my way to the door. I stopped for a second and wondered who it could be. I slowly opened the door to see Twilight standing there by the door. "I call off the bet you win, I just want you and I don't want some stupid bet ruining things between us." Twilight said walking in. "I knew I'd win." I told her giving a smart remark. "Haha very funny you dork." She said hugging me. I closed the door as she quickly made me walk to the couch with both of us in each others grasp. "Oh I'm the dork coming from you." I told her. "Yeah coming from me but you're my dork, and that's how I like it." Twilight said kissing me I returned it with a lot of passion. "Touching I'll remember you two when I take over this petty land." The voice said. I ignored it out of the heat of the moment. "You know I think I'm ready to take the relationship to the next level." Twilight said. It took me a second before I realized what she was talking about. > Coming to > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wait a second." I said being pinned to a couch. "What's the matter never had a girl who took charge?" Twilight asked with a rather playful smile. I grazed my hand through her soft mane feeling how smooth it was, it was strange how it always seemed to stay so....so perfect. Granted for all of her perfections there were imperfections granted not as many, after all most people and ponies have more perfections it's up to them to find them and embrace them, and mostly for them to stop worrying about what others think of them constantly. I think this is what makes Twilight the way she is, she embraces the nerd she's been called because as it's her biggest perfection and well it is. She hides all of her imperfections into a side that only few can see. I thought looking at her making reflections. "Are you okay?" She asked patting me on the head. I snapped out of it and looked at her. "Actually I'm better than okay!" I said embracing her I slowly moved into her and took her off guard. We locked lips feeling our tongues danced a bit back and forth contacting almost like an art, the saliva rushing between our mouths crashing together like warm waves. Her lips we're so soft that it wasn't almost unreal as for her fur in a heat of the moment, well it was sleek and glistening. "Are you sure you wanted to do this?" I asked in low gasping whispers of passion, the warm breath brushing on her face. "More than you think." She responded with a lower whisper, this one of excitement, fear, and passion escaping her mouth. I looked up to her as she had me pinned on the couch, she drug her hooves along the bottom of my shirt as she raised it above my head and slipped it off. Than slowly you can figure out the rest we had sex the end. "Tha...that was great." She sighed out contently. "Holy shit the quiet ones are the freaks." I mumbled out with grin on my face. "You know that was my first time." She whispered warmly on my neck, getting the hairs on my neck to stand up at attention. I looked at her Violet eyes that always seemed to be one of her best traits. "Bull....bull fucking shit that was your first time, that's crazy talk!" I yelled out in disbelief, my eyes growing a few inches wider as I spoke. "As honest as you were enjoying every second of that." She giggled. I just blushed and slowly sat up my blush jumping a few scales on the color wheel. "That's crazy you seemed like you're...like a sex addict." I told her astonished. "So let's get back to business about the whole going to Tartarus thing. I was worried before but I decided on something." Twilight said standing up before deciding to just sit on the couch would work better. She combed her glistening with sweat and now disheveled mane, she turned around when she felt my hand go through her mane. I took in the now rough texture of her mane and caught a few tangles in her mane. I just smiled warmly as I laid on her stomach and looked up at her, her soft and warm fur felt amazing. "Only you could still be serious after something like this." I sighed out. "Is that a problem?" She asked with a strange look. "Only fucking huge come on it was your first time ever!" I shouted. "I'm sorry I just thought that people and ponies just do it for fun." She said. "Only those who are looking for a one night stand, we're in a relationship Twi come on you had to feel connection and love." I told her now sitting up. "Come to think of it I did, I felt like I knew a lot of things about your just from that." She mentioned. "See, and now you're gonna ruin the moment with something we've all ready talked about. Hell you tried to talk me out of it a few hours ago." I told her. "I was tempted to turn you into an orange and just let you sit on the counter until everything was resolved, that was the original thing I was coming to do. But in my anger at your stupidity I was realizing why I loved you." Twilight told me. "An orange what the hell not even an animal this time?" I asked playfully. Deep down I shuddered though that at any moment I could be her plaything, or an orange. I shuddered again realizing what could have happened some room service pony could have thought of me as a nice snack. I stood up feeling the cold floor with my feet it was a nice feeling, as I walked to the fridge and asked if Twilight wanted a Dr.Pepper to which she gladly nodded. I grabbed the cold aluminum can, and opened them feeling the "sweat" on the cans on my hand. Condensation is a strange thing because it's just a build up of water, but it's like a human thing to we build up so much in life that it's strange. "So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about the whole Tartarus about?" I asked. "I want my friends and I to go with you, this way we can make sure all of us are safe." She smiled. "You know what bananas don't work so I'm not going to argue." I said thinking in the deep recesses in my mind about the orange thing, hell even Twilight could forget it's me and well you know eat me. I also cursed myself for being so gullible in thinking bananas would counter magic. "What does that even mean?" She asked. "Uhh never mind that, it was just a barren thought." I chuckled nervously. I watched as Twilight's eyes found their way to my notes, I quickly handed them to her. I watched as her eyes skimmed the paper, with ease. 'How could I be so stupid and forget to actually enjoy that moment, I feel terrible, to me it just felt good sure there was the connection but I didn't even notice it.' Twilight thought as she kept at it. "Hey don't beat yourself up about it, it's different for everyone's first time." I assured her wrapping my arm around her. She just looked at me and gave a warm smile and told me thank you, as she embraced me in a hug. My shirtless body felt so much warmer than even with a shirt when we hugged. "Tomorrow we go to the old pony sisters castle, just the two of us though, just so my friends can leave us alone while I show you the cool things of the castle." Twilight whispered. > Day Dreaming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't sleep at all in fact I pretty much gave up on the whole idea of sleep, I had no idea what it was that kept me awake but I honestly didn't care. I sat at the edge of the bed before I decided to get up for a second, this whole thing of going to a castle that has been abandoned seemed strange. Like why was it abandoned? Do thieves or gangs use it as a hideout? I shrugged off the last option after all this was easily one of the most peaceful places ever. Well besides the dragons and crazy evil shadow thingy that would end all days, but hell either than that easily one of the most peaceful places. I slowly got out of bed my feet making contact with the cold floor, the pattering sounds of my sound echoed lightly as I walked to the fridge. I opened it and grabbed the last slice of cake because well cake is fucking amazing. I sat down with a half drank Dr.Pepper and a slice of chocolate cake, it was heavily glazed and the batter was thick and mixed with chocolate chips. The cake was a diabetes to go cake and it was amazing, but I stopped eating it and just left it there as a strange feeling rushed at me like a train wreck. The anticipation and the excitement we're begging to wear off instead I was panicked ,and now with a frantically and panicked mind I did start thinking and doubting myself and everything else. Would I even come close to my goal or would I be defeated, what if the sword was stolen and wasn't even there it's been so many years and who could even know. Perhaps I was setting myself on to high of a pedestal and it was about to crash down hard, almost like a skyscraper. I looked all around and grabbed the thick darkness, it hanged around my body like a thick fog. It almost seemed to be oozing out of me, I stood up and took a deep breath. The strange part was that the darkness moved as I breathed, I quickly inhaled some of it and saw the visions of a place filled with fire and black rocks. They weren't coal it didn't have the same texture or anything, the rocks were a smooth and glossy yet there were still rough parts all around. "This must be Tartarus." I whispered, when suddenly I snapped back into reality. I awoke next to Twilight in a panicked sweat, I ruffled the covers enough to awaken her, as I heard her mumble lightly. "Whe-where..are you..goin..going?" She yawned sleepily her mane and everything still a disheveled mess. Her eyes half open as they begged her to go back to sleep. She lifted her head slightly as half of her body was still meshed with the bed and covers, she sank half way into the soft pillows. "Uhh I needed to grab a drink of water, would you like one?" I asked making a perfect excuse. "No but next time try not to make so much noise." She said this time before crashing back out. I looked at her shocked and wished I could fall back asleep that easily. I tried to piece together the strange events and everything else, was it just a dream? Naturally I started to question what was real and fake, had I been in a coma this whole time, that maybe just maybe my mind has had to set up a false reality to keep itself busy. "Highly illogical if it was a coma then I would have been able to show you more of Tartarus, but you awoke before I could speak to you in the dream world." A calming yet stern voice said in the shadows. I did a hard and quick turn sliding a bit on the wood floors, I looked and saw that Luna was right in front where I was standing. I touched her face to see if she was real, and well the swat away from her smooth face was good enough proof. 'Okay so maybe I was going on the crazy train for just a few minutes there, but it won't happen again. Well until it happens again....' I thought still staring slightly down at Luna and of course I didn't notice how long I was staring. It was interrupted by a poke at my face, I shook my whole head and focused. I took a quick mental note to stop focusing on the non important details. > Knighted > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sorry for the whole crazy spell there Princess Luna." I blushed slightly embarrassed. I was met with a stare for a few seconds, before she spoke. "You don't have to call me Princess, Luna will do just fine". She paused for a second before her tone changed. "You also have no idea of crazy or insanity, that is why I'm here to warn you in the upcoming battle. Your mind must be ready for the upcoming battle, otherwise you and the others will fall." Luna told me with a hoof on my shoulder, I looked at her as I felt her warm fur brush on my shoulder. "Are you here to train Twilight and I?" I asked with a stiff voice. "I can't train you all I can do is give you advise, this thing is the same thing that gave King Sombra the ability to look and bring you into your darkest fear." Luna informed me, this time as her eyes locked with me. "I don't think I can do this you know, now that the whole bet thing is over. Those doubts they might have been part of the dream....bu-but they are real. This bet is not worth it the others will be much more suited for this kind of thing." I stumbled out before sitting back down, I lightly put my palms against my face and just looked down. Luna lightly walked over to the couch and sat down, she cleared her throat before she used her magic to grab herself a glass of water. I looked at it before she opened her mouth to speak. I watched as she did all of this calmly. "May I give you a piece of advice?" Luna asked. I noded slightly before I took a breath. "Do you know what makes a person, a pony anything great?" She paused for just a moment waiting for a response. I shrugged and looked at her blinded. "Yourself, you make yourself great, no one else can achieve your goal of you becoming great. It all comes from you, the others you choose to have around you.They help you either achieve your goal or will drag you down, because it was you who chose to have them around you. That is what truly makes something great." She pointed at my chest I looked up at her. "You build your own empire don't let someone else take it away from you." Luna said her eyes looking stern, her face unmoving. Anyone could tell she meant every word she said. "Also kid be careful. Once you let the darkness in, it doesn't leave so easily. Trust me I know from personal experience." "Wait, what do you mean by that?" "The whispers, they'll promise you things you could only dream of." Luna said as she stood up, I watched as her horn lit up and in a flash she was gone. I sat there as my eyes readjusted to the dark, the room lost its cool smell of the night air. I felt the soft couch readjust to my form as I laid there. I searched the room as my eyes darted back and forth. I got up my feet again making contact with the cold solid floor. '4:22 it's all ready this late, well uhhh early. Did I just silently correct myself? I did didn't I.... I'm going crazy, wait is talking to yourself via thoughts crazy? Well I mean we do it all the time, but this is getting out of hand.' I thought as I blushed, I felt my hair, it was smooth but coarse in some spots. It was relaxing almost like a safe haven. I looked down at the glass table and noticed there was a note, my fingers scraped against the cold surface. I grabbed the note but also cut myself on a chip in the table. I shrugged it off as I read the note. 'If you're reading this it means you're thinking of seeing this through. It also is an invitation to become knighted once you've achieved grabbing the two weapons.' 'P:S watch for the chip in the table.' "Two weapons? Wait, what?" I exclaimed even though no one was around to hear. "Really watch for the chip...." I sighed. I quickly moved to grab my items as quietly as possible. I threw my items in the bag and left early. 'Twilight is going to kill me if she finds out the truth.' I thought as I was waiting at the train depot. I looked at my phone and texted her. 'Going away for a few days my family needs help and needs to be warned; it must be done in person.' I sent it to her and gave a nervous laugh. I laughed at how I was just a somewhat normal student, then all of a sudden I get stuck with crazy end of the world crap. The cold air was peaceful and welcomed. I looked around it was dead all around. I started to drift off, when I heard a scream it was coming from an alley. I quickly shot up and darted over there. I saw a human and a pony robbing a woman. I snuck up behind the man and grabbed him by his arm and tripped him, I heard a loud crack as his arm was either dislocated or broken. I looked at the pony but felt a quick pain in my leg, I looked down and saw the man stabbed me in the leg. If my adrenaline wasn't working before it sure as hell was now. I quickly kicked the guy in the ribs and the face, this was before I was sent flying by a buck in the ribs. I looked at the woman and told her to run, I noticed she was reaching for her phone and she started to dial a number. The gray earthpony took notice of this and started to rush towards her, I struggled to get up my breath was shakey, as well as my balance. I stumbled over to him and grabbed his black haired tail. I felt the rough detail of it and yanked on it to slow him down. I bit down on my sweatshirt and ripped out the knife, my vision was starting to blur as he bucked again but this time he went with me. I looked into his gray eyes as I stabbed him in the left front leg, I then slashed his leg behind his right hind ankle. "None of them will die but they will not be able move." I managed to cough out with some blood to the woman. The last thing I heard her say on the phone was to bring an ambulance. I watched the snow turn red before I blacked out. > Embracing Fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well you are one tough cookie, well you're not really a cookie. You are still tough none the less." A voice rasped through darkness, his voice echoed as if we were in a valley. "Well duh you're in a valley, you're in the shadow of The Valley of Death hurray!" The voice cheered. "Whoa author buddy you better tell them who I am, and yeah so what I can break the 4th wall too. Deadpool, The guy laying at my feet as well, and Pinkie aren't the only ones who can do it." -Since you want to the break the 4th wall maybe you should tell them who you are.- "Oh you think because you wrote something down that I'm gonna respond to it." -I just won't tell them who you are until our hero here wakes up.- "Whoa low blow and he is so not a hero, he's totally gonna get fucked up in this battle that is without some weird vision prophecy bullshit your friend Death here says. So he would have less of a chance of getting fucked up, and yes everyone I am death. You all need to stop picturing me as such a giant douche bag who only wants your souls, like really guys sometimes I do cool shit like this, well you'll see if our author actually decided to fucking write!" -Just saying you're the on the rant so are you done?- " Fuck you." Death chucked. "Okay now I'm done fuckhead." He burst out into laughter. -Real mature.- "Well you could be a cookie, do you want me to make you a cookie? I could send you to Twilight she would eat you up, maybe if you're lucky get dunked in a glass of milk. You would be with her forever, well as body tissue or something. So romantic, I think I might just do it." Death laughed. "Really a cookie, well now that you and the author are done bickering we can get on with the show. Also really thanks for the image because I totally want to be dead in my pony girlfriends stomach." I sighed. "Whoa I never said you would be dead the romantic part is that you would be alive, just as being part of her stomach." ."See what I mean guy thinks I'm a douchebag who only thinks I care about shit dying." Death said rather insulted. "You know as much as I'd love you to turn me into a parasite pretty much let's not and say we did." "Besides let the reader see the fun that is going to happen in this chapter." "Author you better not fuck up on your english to bad this time." I said. "Whoa you can't put I, god you're just as big of a douchebag as death." I said. -Not so funny when you wanna be a jackass. Now shut the hell up, I'm breaking all 4th connections now.- I looked around and saw nothing but after something hearing about me being a tough cookie I awoke. "Peekaboo it's me!" Death said with a happy grin. "Whoa whoa wait a second, I'm dead?" I asked staggering back, as I slowly stood up and grasped nothing, but it wasn't nothing it had a texture. "No no but considering the state you are in I figured why not a good old chat with my friend." "I'm not your friend." He smiled a smile that was the creepiest thing I've seen not in a movie. He took off his head and grew another and revealed the same bony smile. His teeth were a slightly rotted yellow, with what appeared to be red eyes glowing behind them. His robe was a sleek black with no tears in them, he was pretty well kept for a dead guy. Well if you consider a white skeleton to be healthy undead standard wise. Instead of a scythe he wielded four swords. He quickly took notice of my observation of him, he threw two swords on the ground. They we're pure black, the hilt was a darker shade of black with a few shades of gray mixed in there. "What am I supposed to do with these?" I asked astonished. "Well duh silly you need to pick them up, I'm going to switch to a more serious side. Like for the rest of what I need to tell you. Be warned this guy is a dick, he has no fun." Death exclaimed pointing to his rotting teeth as he snapped. "Wait why do I feel as if we are moving?" I asked pondering on my thoughts of what was going on in here. "Welcome to purgatory, as my more annoying side told you, you are not dead, well not yet. The only reason you are not being taken is because of your selfless action, you are lucky, given even this deed if paramedics didn't reach you in time well your marefriend would be crying over a corpse, instead of being furious at you. Time moves slowly in this dimension what you felt is your own heartbeat." This version of death said with a more serious tone. I noticed his features changed to more of higher standard of a skeleton, his posture changed to a more upright position. His long bony fingers switched the swords into a scythe, mine turned into a strange blade. I also felt a bow and quiver appear on my back. "Wait what is this for?" I pointed out as I pointed at the weapons. "These weapons are but your tools, the tools that are somewhere in the Everfree Forest. These weapons are not in pure form in this realm. They need a person of strong will to even use them without the user destroying themselves. Now put an arrow onto your bow." I looked at the strange recurve, the bow was made of a strong wood unknown to our earth. The wood itself was pure black with gold etchings in it. The arrows we're made of a strong steel, with carbon fiber arrowheads. The quiver was made of a leather of what looked like to be black panther, I could tell by how tough the leather was, but for some reason I could feel a life force off of it. "What the hell is going on here?" "Pull back on the bow." Death stated calmly, but he did so with smug look. I did as he said, but the bow string didn't even budge! Much to my shock and disappointment it didn't even budge! I was furious I don't know if it was for the smug look that death was giving me or not, or if it was that I a person of so much pride couldn't even manage to pull back a simple bow string. I fell to my knees, I don't know why this simple task was causing me such pain but I wanted it to stop. "Ahh I see that you are curious as to why you are feeling these emotions, it's simple the weapon is an extension of yourself, but the weapon is also self aware. It can sense your pride, it won't fire. You are learning about humility, you see you thought your pride was your greatest weapon, you thought it was your will. You are wrong boy." Death told me as he pulled me up. I stared into his hollow eyes, for some reason I could see emotion behind them. "I'm not that prideful!" I shouted back at the entity. He smiled and chuckled. "Boy you are to prideful, the whole reason is because you were to full of pride to even notice it. Your pride oozes from you, it's almost sickening. What Twilight see's in you is beyond reasoning." When he mentioned that I lost all sense of control I focused on one thing and that was to silence this fool. I pulled back again, this time it budged just barely. "You are a quick learner but your anger can not solely drive your will to fight. You must find a reason to fight, not one of vengeance as it will eat you whole. You must also remember that you are mortal, I am ten times more powerful than you will ever be." Death said in a taunting manner. "So I am here because of my pride what does that mean?" I asked. I watched as Death's expression was one of a grin into shock. "What do you think it was recall your memory." I looked at him and remembered I was talking with Luna and it was my own doubt that crushed my pride, she gave me words of encouragement. "So it was because of Luna that my pride sent me here!" I yelled furious at the pony for filling my head with pride. "Boy that is a stupid remark! Your pride and doubt are always at a constant battle, but you blame a Celestial being for your pride? You are pathetic remember harder child!" He yelled teleporting to my face. I recalled that I thought about leaving without the others to train myself and find the weapons, they would just slow me down. I left and was stabbed after defending a woman. "You said I did a selfless deed, I take it that it was risking my life to protect another?" I asked him. "Yes but now ponder of what your act of pride was." He reminded me. I sat there for what seemed like forty minutes, but according the watch I heard it was about three minutes real time. Hmm was it an argument from beforehand? No it was from something that caused this. 'He really doesn't notice it by thinking he was better going off into the forest alone it was a smart choice.' Death thought rolling his hollow eye sockets. "I think I understand it was my idiotic choice after my arguments with Twilight, granted that issue was somewhat resolved, it was my choice to go into the forest without my friends, as I thought they would slow me down. Holy crap I can't believe it took me that long to figure it out." I sighed. 'Well done but I wonder how he will take this "compliment." ' Death thought. "Not bad for a mortal, not bad." Death clapped with a smirk. "I've noticed that you've talked about mortals a few times now, you called me weak because I'm a mortal. I think that is a lie humans, ponies, these mortals are capable of great things We can build massive cities, give life, invent, and so much more, the most important is to love. We can love an act that not even science can explain, the most incredible thing ever. While we can do the opposite it is still a feet it's self such a destroy, kill , and invent for war and death, even hate." I said calmly. I looked at Death's surprised reaction. "Well, well mortal I'm impressed, it took you two days to figure out your act of pride yet only a few minutes ago I expected you to boast about yourself, you talked about other life, and what makes you great. Don't forget boy that pride is a good thing, but only in moderation." Death said with a tone that a parent would have. "Well as you said my doubt and pride are at a constant war." I admitted. I heard another snap and noticed what it was going to be. "Aww cheer up little guy, he's going to teach you a lesson." With that he snapped again. "Doubt is the worst thing to overcome, once it is overcome you will feel stronger. Now let's look at your doubts and your fears." Death said, I couldn't see anything but Death was starring at something intently. He made audible mhhms from time to time. "You fear of failing to help save this world." Why would you put such a burden on yourself, I can see this doubt is manifested because of your pride, you are forgetting your greatest assets." He told me. "My weapons?" I asked dumbly. "No boy put away your pride and your doubt for a second. Think of what it is that is the most important thing to you?" He asked. I closed my eyes and thought of Twilight and her friends....my friends. "My friends of course, they are my greatest assets, as Luna said I choose who brings me or bring me down. I build my own kingdom!" I said loudly. "Exactly well that wasn't so hard, let's face your greatest doubt. Ahh she has a face." He said with a wonder. I looked at Twilight. "This pony Twilight I know of her, as you were easily angered when I insulted you with her name." What is it you're afraid of, I wonder." He thought peering deeper. "Perhaps you do have a good heart in you somewhere." He jokingly said. "You are afraid of you harming her, or of her harming you, but that is not the only thing you are afraid of her abandoning you." He said with clarification. "Normal fears, everyone has them." I tried to say as I knew his next response was going to make me look like a fool. 'He still needs to overcome his pride and admit he is wrong, perhaps when he wakes up he will have learned by then.' Death thought before he spoke. "Your level of fear is much higher than others. Most fear well me and yet I noticed you seem confused about you are indeed strange, but anyways let's get back on course." He said as he transformed into Twilight, I looked at him he looked just like her, he even sounded like her as he gave off a giggle. He lit the horn and transformed me into a dog, he transformed back into Death, but instead I noticed Twilight was right in front of me. "You fear her magic and what she can do to you." He said as he released me from well a strange memory. "You also fear that with these new weapons and powers you will harm her." He said. "Wait powers, I thought of power, what do you mean by powers?" I asked. "Ignore that part I will explain in do time. Now then." He said as he transformed me back into a dog, I looked up at Twilight as she towered above me. "Well let's see how did you face this fear?" He asked. "I at first thought she was going to keep me as a dog forever, she threatened it several times, I was terrified that my new roommate was going to make me be her pet forever." I told him. "How did you face your fear?" He asked. "I made the best of it." I thought out loud. "Yes! Kid you are smarter than I thought you would be." Death cheered! "Now how do you think these powers could not harm her?" Death asked as he motioned at me to pull back on the bow. I noticed I could pull it back all the way. I could pull it back! I was overcome with joy. I even held it for a few moments all because of control. I smiled a huge smile, I had to admit death was a pretty good teacher. I realized how funny that sounded. "Control!" I shouted. He gave a nod as he motioned toward the sword. "Pick it up." He told me. I did as I was instructed. "Now hit me." He told me. I looked at him like he was crazy. I swung at him, it was rather slow as the weapon was rather heavy. I noticed I missed him, I struck him again he easily side stepped out of the way. "Your fear is making you slow just as I thought, you need to meditate." He exclaimed. I looked at him wide eyes like he was crazy. "Your fear of Twilight leaving you there is more to it, as for this you must meditate yourself and ponder." Death whispered as he touched the giant sword and broke it into the two shadow like blades. "You must fight your own demons." Death told me. He gently sat me down and walked slowly. "You must learn to balance your harmony clear yourself of all emotions, control on certain events. You are water moveable like a current but you are also a rock hard to move, a leaf in the wind as you can control yourself in a breeze." He said. At first I thought he was crazy but I noticed I couldn't hear him anymore, I looked around and saw Twilight standing there. She looked terrified, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "You, you're a monster you gave into this darkness and now you've imprisoned your friends, family, the princesses. If you spared anyone from your slaughter they are now suffering in an eternal torment." She spoke to me with needles in her words. I looked at my hands I saw the blood of innocents stained across them. "Twilight wait no!" I shouted, but she didn't hear me. "I'm leaving you to rot and die alone, I can't stand you." She cried out. She started to walk away she was going to leave me. I had to do something, I tried to move but I couldn't. I was in a panic I needed to get control of my body before she was gone. I took a deep breath and waited, I had to control my emotions. 'Damn come on I can't let he go she's all I needed.' I thought. I watched as I heard giant footsteps approaching her. It was him this thing.... He picked her up and laughed. "Well my apprentice you did will you defeated those closest to you and you did so without remorse. I'm proud of you, now as your reward you get to kill the thing making you weak." He told me. Twilight looked at me in disgust. "Do it you monster kill me like you're going to do to the others!" Twilight shouted, her eyes showed those of venom, distrust, and hatred. 'This can't be happening, this felt so real. Wait a second vengeance and hatred are both in common as negative emotions. Don't fight with just these emotions, I need to balance the harmony while these emotions were powerful, just using them would eat anythings soul.' I thought. Just then I started to notice what I would fight for, I felt a warmth in my heart, soon it spread throughout my body. The darkness looked at me with a strange expression. "How ironic you are able to wield the light, but you are all ready damned. Go ahead and strike her down with this "holy" light." The darkness hissed out. "I will not be defeated by you monster, your fear over me is no longer!" I shouted. He laughed, I looked at him confused. "Silly child, Twilight kill this one." He laughed. I looked up and saw that Twilight was about to stab me. Suddenly I jerked awake, I saw death starring at me. "What was that about?" I asked. "It was you meditating you saw a part of your fate but only parts, the have been revealed to be half truths in a way." Death said laying a hand on my shoulder, I felt a warmth the same warmth from that vision? I thought. "Well kid you are one of the few thousand people or ponies to ever be granted powers of the holy light, just remember this is pure holy light. This is an honor don't ever forget that, anyone can give into negative emotions, hence why there are so many necromancers and "masters" of the dark arts coming to Ponyville. You will be a defender of this land. You must also remember to not give into those whispers, that was your greatest fear, don't let it succumb to you." Death said. "Your Fate has been started only you can choose how your fate must be. Just as anyone with power must just as I chose to become Death after dying terribly, you will have chosen to be a paladin. Instead of dying you will be risen from the ashes of here." Death said. 'Did he say chose to become death wait what!' I thought, I was about to ask him but... I was to slow ,I watched as he waved goodbye before I could thank him he was gone. "What just happened?" Twilight asked. "His stitches they're gone, no scares or anything. It looks as if her never went into surgery." A nurse said. I awoke next to a beautiful set of Purple eyes gazing down at me with sadness that soon turned into anger. "You idiot you could have gotten yourself killed. Also really trying to get to those weapons without us you are such an idiot!" The Unicorn yelled at me. Before I could speak she had more to nag about. "I swear I will turn you into a dog again while I sleep and chain you to my ankle, really who decided it was a good idea to get stabbed. You could have waited for the police or something but no you wanted to play hero!" She shouted with tears of joy. I grabbed her and slowly kissed her passionately. Once the kiss broke I received a strange look from her. "What was that for?" She asked rather stunned. "For you being you." I smiled. "Now what was that light thing that happened?" She asked. "I will explain everything once we get to the Castle of The Pony Sisters." I said as I tried to get up. She just pushed me down and gave a seductive look. "Not before the hero has a little fun." She jokingly said. 'Oh my god are we really gonna do it in a hospital? She's only had sex once or maybe twice if we were drunk I forgot. This is amazing, she is amazing.' I thought. > Stitches > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was shocked that she just did well that. I looked at her, my passion for her has only grown and so has my own fear. I sighed as I looked at her, she gave a puzzled look. "What's wrong, something seems to be troubling you, did I do something wrong?" Twilight asked as she got off my chest and stood up. "No it's nothing..." I sighed as I stood up. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded as I grabbed my clothes and went into the restroom, I looked back at her and winked. 'What was that whole thing about, his body healed fine, why did we just have sex in a hospital? Wait Twilight forget about that ask about the important questions first. His body glowed with a light, what was that exactly?' Twilight thought. I looked into the mirror and noticed nothing was really different, I still looked the same besides a bit of a loss of color. I started to change and noticed my chest had no visible scars from the wound. I moved my hand across my chest and felt nothing wrong either. 'What the actual hell how did this happen? What about this so called holy light was I dreaming? The holy light is a church thing, but also a thing in games such as wow, shit I haven't even played that in like four months. Ahh I need to actually think, Death himself called me a paladin, I had to have been dreaming. It can't be real, but how do I even explain no visible scars. I'm perfectly fine!' I thought as I punched the mirror. I stared at the blood and I didn't even yelp or yell in pain. If anything I was rather angry. I heard hoofsteps as they approached the door, I heard Twilight quickly bust through the door. I saw her shocked face as she looked at the shards of glass in my hand. "What did you do, are you okay?" She asked the first part rather confused the second one with general concern. "This doesn't even make sense! I should have stitches in my chest! Scars at least!" I snapped as I looked at her. I couldn't make sense of this and it was driving me crazy. "Just take a deep breath." Twilight said calmly. She started to use her magic to take out the glass. I winced in pain. "What is that supposed to do make everything all peachy?" I asked harshly, my voice sounding as if I shot daggers at Twilight. "What would taking a breath do?" "It would calm you down, trust me." Twilight told me. I looked at her as she used her magic to heal me. She gave a surprised look as she looked at my hand. "It won't work why can't I heal the wound it's nothing major, so I should be able to heal it." Twilight gasped. I blinked and looked at her, I took a deep breath. "Do you have enough magical ability to teleport us to Fluttershy's? I asked. "I should why is it you ask?" Twilight asked. "Just do it please." I told her losing my patience. "If you say so." Twilight said with drawn out tone. I smiled warmly at her for reassurance, but she didn't know what I was planning. "Trust me." I said with a giggle using her own words against her. 'How is this cut not bothering him, he clearly needs stitches then since magic won't fix it.' Twilight thought as she focused on Fluttershy's cottage. She opened her eyes and saw that we we're all ready inside the cottage. 'Strange I could have sworn I wanted to teleport out of the cottage. 'Is this my fate to be some Paladin, here I thought my fate was to get a career and finish college. Now I'm some supposed to be some protector of the world. This doesn't make sense, all because of some supernatural dream I'm here as a paladin? No this is not how it's supposed to be I just want things to be normal again.' I thought clenching my teeth in anger, I tried to move my hand to hit something...again. This time I was stopped by feeling Twilight's hoof on my shoulder, she clearly saw my anger getting the best of me again. 'Good thing she did that before I would have had to probably had to have surgery on this hand.' I thought wincing in pain looking at it. "Hey Fluttershy, um Tyler thought that it would be a good idea to stop by here." Twilight giggled at her friend who was now on the ground. "I was just about to meet up with the others, bu-...but seeing as he is here now, and with you." Fluttershy said rather quiet even for her. She took notice to the blood dripping onto the ground. She swiftly recovered and stood up. "Oh my you're hurt let me grab my medical kit." She said before she actually rushed swiftly into an unknown room. 'Well glad that my presumption payed off.' I thought. I looked over at Twilight, who was giving the we still need to talk look, I nodded as I did have some explaining to do. "I can trust that you will be fine here alone with her for a few minutes, I need to round up the others. After all this time you aren't the size of a bug." She giggled knowing how I still felt about that prank went wrong. I took a deep breath and just rolled my eyes, my anger had been getting the best of me recently. It was starting to feel as if I kept directing it at her, it really wasn't meant to be though. I watched as she teleported out of the cottage and left. I suddenly heard another set of hoofsteps as Fluttershy came in with her medical kit. 'This is so awkward...' I thought. 'Awkward.' Fluttershy thought. "Ummm I umm grabbed the medical kit." She muttered. "Uhh thanks, look Fluttershy I know what happened before was not you. I can trust you and now I need you to do these stitches." I told her. I watched her face blush and she gave a look of shock. 'Hopefully you don't sow my body and do god knows what happens.' I thought. "You are trained for this right, I mean with all of the animals and everything right?" I asked worried. She nodded before she took the needle. But not before everypony came in and was able to watch. "That was fast." I said watching as the needle was moving closer. "Turns out they were all at the train station, so it was pretty easy." Twilight said with a smirk. 'This is going to be fun to watch.' She thought. "R-rea, ready?" Fluttershy asked. I nodded and gulped. "All without painkillers in his system. Well that is one tough boyfriend Twilight. Sure he doesn't belong with a pony like me?" Rainbow jokingly asked. She received a small hit from Applejack for her comment, to which I smiled and so did Twilight. "Mother of god this hurts!" I shouted. "I barley touched you." Fluttershy said finally getting out of her awkward stage. "I knew that." I said embarrassed. The room was met with laughter, for everyone except me. "Glad you all are having so much fun." I mumbled. "I take it back Twilight he is definitely meant for you." Rainbow told her, Twilight just rolled her eyes. I took a deep breath as the needle was sowing in after four minutes of screaming I finally bit down on my shirt. The constant feeling of a needle piercing skin, it felt like it being ripped apart, only to feel a thread dragging through it. After 20 or so minutes it was finally done. "That only hurt for like the first 10 minutes, good thing needles don't scare me right." I chuckled. "Thank you Fluttershy." I smiled at her. "No problem." She replied warmly with a smile "Just what exactly was that wound from sugar cube?" Applejack asked. "I punched a mirror." I bluntly stated. I felt everyone's eyes lock on and their jaws drop. 'Probably not the best choice of words.' I thought. I looked over at Twilight to please save me, she nodded. I felt my prayers answered. I felt Twilight's magic grip me as she yanked me over to her. "I'm going to take Tyler to my place for a few he needs some rest, we'll see you girls tomorrow." Her horn lit up as she teleported both of us to her place. "I so owe you one." I told her. "Oh I know you do, and you can repay your favor by telling me what is wrong with you. But first.." She smiled as she said this and pinned me down on her bed. 'I've created a monster and I love it.' I thought. 'This kid is something else.' Death thought. "I think he's funny but still not as funny as me." His counterpart said with a giggle of a child. "I know the boss said not interfere with mortal business, but I think he can make an exception. After all the last Paladin was over forty years ago, and my how things have changed." He said in awe. "Wait forty then how are there hundreds still around?" His childish counterpart asked. "You see as long as a paladin is not killed in combat, well they live much longer than the average mortal." Death said as he closed his mind off. He smirked as he began to cast a teleportation spell. > A dark night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stopped myself before I did anything that I'd later regret. Looking at Twilight, I could feel the mood change as I shifted her off of me, a sense of guilt and sadness washed over the both of us; the warmth of my spot on the bed leaving me as I moved away from her. Her face betrayed a puzzled expression, but also one of sadness welling up in her deep purple eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" Twilight asked getting off the bed. I watched as she made depression that was once her on the bed slowly vanish. The soft sound of her getting up moving the fabric was all that was heard for a moment. I studied her face as she gave a worried look. I stared off for a few moments, normally emotions can be felt and seen, but this...this way I was feeling them was so intense I couldn't deal with it, it felt as if a I was in a room full of the loudest people ever. The emotions they vibrated throughout my body, I took a gasp of air and slowly recuperated. I took a deep breath and snapped out of my trance like state. I nearly fell face first into the floor but I felt Twilight's magic grab me last second. "Are you okay you've been acting strangely ever since the hospital?" She asked looking down at me. I slowly stood up and locked eyes with her, I nodded and then shook my head. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong finally?" Twilight questioned with hope in her eyes and voice. "Yes and right now is the perfect time. You might want to sit for this one though." I hinted at the bed with a small gesture with my head. I watched as she sat back down, I grabbed a smooth wooden chair and moved it across the floor. The scraping of wood was the only audible sound in the room. I sat down on the soft cushioning and focused on her face. It stood out like the stars during a dark night. Her deep purple eyes were now those of curiosity of a child, they lit up and danced around. While from my quick glances of the mirror betrayed that of one of who was scarred from a lifelong battle of fear and hate. 'Perhaps after that whole experience my attitude has changed.' I thought before giving off a smile. I noticed that even with a smile I still looked scarred, it was strange but I ignored the factor. "So what about that light I saw?" She snapped out of her trance of looking at me. While she focused in on me now as I readjusted myself in the chair. "That light you saw well....heh that's funny that you asked about that out of all things." I chuckled nervously my facial expression probably showed that of me wanting to face palm. "Well are you going to tell me?" She quipped with the same tone as before, almost menacing and confidently terrifying. "Uh right about that... Well let's just say that I came close to a near death experience. I saw the darkness, but in that darkness something found me." I whispered and looked at Twilight as she shuddered. I paused and noticed the way I said it almost hissed out. "What found me was well Death himself, well both of them." I told her remembering the two sides. I stopped once again noticing a hoof to my mouth right before I was about to open it. "So you're telling me that this "darkness" as you called it was more then likely caused by Death. Including those facts there were two beings of Death?" This would sound crazy to those with a dull mind, but this sounds almost entrancing. Now that you speak of it, this is making sense that the darkness you saw might be because of this "Rising Darkness" as we should call it." Twilight stated. She grabbed a notebook and took notes, even humming a few hmmms and scribbling out parts quickly. I watched her as all I heard was the quick scribbles of pen on paper. "I'm ready for you to keep going, now that I know I'm getting the truth." Twilight informed me with a smirk. 'How the hell can she tell if I'm even telling the truth? This whole thing sounds made up even to me, and I saw this craziness happen in front of me. Then yet again Twilight does have an open mind about this stuff. Well after the whole Pinkie Sense from what I heard she believes in more... more superstitious things.' I thought trying to place a correct word on it. "Well during my near death experience, I... I well met with Death himself. I for sure thought that I was going to die right then and there, but miraculously I wasn't being told to cross the boat to the afterlife. I saw nothing but blackness stretching out, eerily there was a light between us. It was almost pure darkness like a night without the stars or moon. That is the only way I can describe it. In that short span for well as I should put it in the mortal plane I learned a few very important lessons. I shall spare most of the details. I can tell you to make a long story short that I mentally battled my own self. I learned how to control my pride and my doubt. I was so foolish and arrogant for leaving and thinking that I would be fine, I didn't care about there others feelings, but most of all I didn't care about yours. For that I am truly sorry." I told her lowering my head in shame. I double checked the mirror I noticed that this hard scarred look on my face was going away slowly. 'This is strange how has Twilight not noticed it?' I thought looking at her. 'Perhaps I always looked scarred and I just noticed it even more so today.' I looked her up and down, I noticed how her fur was still smooth, despite her being on edge a few times. Her eyes were once again filled with happiness, but also of a studious look.Suddenly I felt her emotions once again, I felt a warmth in her, it was the warmth of joy. I could tell she was beginning to feel happy again after I decided to open up to her. I saw her crack a smirk as she took a few more notes. "You know for everyday I see you I can't tell if I want to cry, laugh at you, or kill you." Twilight playfully giggled as she took more notes. I saw her hoof motion for me to continue. "I battled my greatest fear while there as well." I mentioned much quieter. I heard her ears flick up before I even saw them do the same. "Well since you don't mind being honest why don't you tell me what your greatest fear is." Twilight told me leaning in closer, I could feel an intensity that of a thousand suns as she watched me. "It's you..." I mumbled out. I looked at her as she just sat there. I watched as she looked at me for a few moments, now it was her turn to stare me down. "Me? You're scared of your girlfriend. I don't know if I should laugh or think it's cute. But instead I want to know what it is that makes you so afraid of me?" Twilight asked moving even closer to me. I heard her voice tremble a bit and her emotions and face both gave a look of betrayal. I readied myself for the next lashing she would probably give me. "Well it's two things to be exact. It's your power, I knew you were powerful but with this new "gift" I can feel it. The funny thing is I'm feeling that very soon a large change will happen to you, making you even more powerful. Don't ask me how I know this, but it's strange I can feel the energy of things around me like never before, even the emotions, strength and power of living things. Even this tree you live in. I wonder if it's a paladin thing?" I asked the last part rhetorically, before I face palmed as I saw Twilight give me a strange look. "Paladin?" She asked tilting her head. I was going to open my mouth but she beat me to it. "Also why would you be afraid of my powers, do you think I would honestly hurt anyone or anypony unless I felt the need to do so? Especially my coltfriend! See now I wanna kill you again! That...that's like the fourth time today!" She shouted at me. I winced and backed up a little bit before she just sighed. "You're an idiot, but you're my idiot." She said kissing my cheek. "Now what was the second reason?" She sighed out again, she was a studious type, she couldn't always let emotions get in the way. Not after the whole Smartypants episode. Twilight thought mentally shuttering. She noted that her emotions can help or destroy her. "That you would leave me." I bluntly told her. She just sighed as I had to answer about the paladin thing still. "As for being a paladin it's a warrior of the holy light." I watched as she tilted her head again. I cursed myself mentally for having to explain yet another thing to her, but at the same time all this head tilting was rather cute. I also loved this alone time even if it was just talking. "Let's just say that we have many religions all based on things, most all believe in a higher power one who is good. So much that the higher power could be a being of holy light, purging the darkness away. A paladin's main goal is to fight this battle of good and evil. Or well so I think..." I explained to her. "That makes sense but why in the fuck would I leave you, do you really think our relationship is that bad?" Twilight asked angrily. Before I could respond she opened her mouth once again. "After all these stupid arguments and everything else we still have come out stronger than before. I would keep asking more but I don't want to know more, if you have so much doubt that this relationship will fail. I'm sure we could talk it out." Twilight told me. Normally I would let that soak in and say something to cover myself but it could wait for a moment or a week. "There is more, I don't doubt or relationship will fail. This rising darkness I saw a vision...it showed me being corrupted by this thing that has been speaking to me. I saw you try to leave but he threw you at my feet. I looked down and refused to kill you. You tried to kill me after as you were corrupted by this darkness. In the end I have no idea what to make of this." I told her. I looked at Twilight as she furrowed her brow as she took more notes. I watched as her face turned into one of horror but she didn't show it for a longer period of time. "I think I will need time to ponder on this, perhaps tomorrow at the castle of the pony sisters." Twilight yawned sleepily. > A Prank A Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "75,76,77,78..." Twilight mumbled in her sleep, her voice was a bit raspy but it was way sexier this way. I laughed hearing her slowly begin to count with me after every pushup. At first her counting caught me off guard, I looked to see if she was mocking but I was surprised to see her passed out. Her mane was a tattered rough mess, her coat was still all over as well. I just smiled warmly as I turned up the music and started counting louder. I looked over and was shocked she was still asleep. I stopped at 100 and took a moment to rest. I sat on her cold wooden floor, I drug my fingers through the carved wood and traced it. It was very smooth to the touch, considering it was a tree. I gave a quick glance and saw she was still asleep. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 'She's so going to kill me after this.' I thought looking at her and placed my laptop next to her. I made as little noise as possible, despite me knowing she wouldn't wake up. I started to laugh louder then I intended. I quickly covered my mouth, and scrolled through my music choices. I kept scrolling through my fingers probably annoyed by now at all the scrolling. I finally found a song loud enough and started to turn up the volume. I smiled my face now beaming a huge grin, my laughter was almost uncontrollable. I was about to hit play before I felt my body levitate. "You really didn't think I heard you? Jeez come along now." Twilight giggled jumping out of bed. 'Glad to see my magic is working on him now.' Twilight thought as she dragged me through the house. Twilight kept looking back giving an almost evil grin, all while she kept giggling and skipping the whole time. I almost threw up as she caused me to shake around like a carnival ride. "Twi-Twilight! What are you doing?" I asked trying not to barf. She just smiled and went into the bathroom. She turned on the water, the water slowly bubbled out after a few moments it started rushing out. I craned my neck slightly, I was able to catch that the cold water was the only thing turned on. I watched as she also used her magic to bring the water to an icy cold temperature. 'Come on stupid light powers work!' I thought mentally kicking myself. I rolled my eyes as just went along there was no way she was going to drop me in the tub. "Here is how it can go, you can either let me sleep for two hours, cook food for me and serve it to me. Or....you can take a nice cold bath your choice." She smiled while hovering me above the bathtub. I gulped as I felt the cool water below me, I looked down and smiled. "Drop me in." I told her coldly thinking she wouldn't... Let's say I learned never argue with a mare who woke up early. "Your choice." Twilight said as she left the room dropping me in she walked back up the steps. "You bit...." I said as I felt my body fall. "Come on holy light save me! Do something, I'm begging you." I called out desperately as I felt my skin start to touch the water. I was ready to scream but I noticed the water was now a gold color and was now in a small globe. I looked at it and touched it, I was amazed on how it moved with my hand. I moved my hand left, the water followed my hand. "Ohhhh hahaha hell yes I have the force!" I shouted as I opened the door, the water followed me closely behind. 'Revenge is a dish best served cold.' I thought walking up the steps. I looked at Twilight who was laying on the bed, I noticed my laptop was off the bed. I gave a sigh of relief as I moved the water over Twilight. "Surprise Motherbucker!" I shouted dropping the water all over her and her bed. She quickly and violently shot out of the bed and looked at me shivering. "Did you forget about me?" I asked mimicking the spy from Team Fortress 2. "Wh-why you little shit!" She shouted stomping her horn glowed as I was violently thrown onto the ceiling. I felt magic grip me and grip me to the ceiling. She even put tape over my mouth. I looked at the glowing purple chains that held me against the ceiling. I tried to talk but the tape held true. I sighed mentally and prayed silently, I did this for a few minutes and nothing worked. Twilight looked up at me and laughed, she jumped into the bed and looked up. "Just had to make sure you couldn't get out with the light, now be a good house decoration and let it's owner sleep in peace." Twilight said with a smart remark. I watched as she lit up the area around her in her magical glow, I watched as she grabbed all of the water and threw it at me. She smiled as she opened one eye and saw the tape still holding. She winked at me before going to bed. 'Add another one for Sparkle!' Twilight thought with a smirk. 'I swear I'll get you back for this.' I thought dripping water. > Cereal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'This is just stupid I need to leave for these weapons already.' I thought tugging at the magical chains, the strange thing is they still had that cold metal feel to them. They even jingled just like chains did as well, I was flipping out mentally and it had only been fifteen minutes. I started shaking violently this feeling of being trapped it was building up anxiety, it was anxiety I never knew I had. I struggled to pull with all my might, the water was not making it easier. 'You know next time you date someone socially awkward make sure they don't have magic.' I thought mentally cursing myself. I tried with all the strength I had and began to thrust my body on top of yanking on the chains. To my surprise I heard the ceiling start to crack, I repeated the motion until my left arm came undone. I peeled off the tape, I yelped at how it took off a bit of facial hair, I felt my hair fibers yanking against my skin. "Twilight let me down!" I shouted, I looked and she smirked as she opened one eye. She closed them before the realization hit her I was yanking the tree's ceiling down. She shot up out of bed and quickly undid the spell. She watched me fall to the ground. "Bubble now!" I shouted, I watched as her horn lit up, I watched her eyes light up with a golden hew as I fell. Time felt like it was slowing as I felt the same golden warmth envelope me, I hit the ground but nothing happened to me. I gave a sigh of relief but I was beginning to feel a little tired but I shook it off as nothing, I looked up at Twilight's slightly drooped violet eyes. "Oh my goodness are you okay?" She asked concerned. "Just fine, next time how about we take the pranking to a lower level next time." I suggested as I brushed myself off, Twilight nodded as she grabbed her hair brush and began to brush her hair. "So are you ready to leave, I mean after we eat of course." Twilight asked as we walked down the stairs. I nodded silently as I looked at my hand with the stitches in it, I thought about how I could heal wounds, but I had no idea how it happened. So I couldn't really cheat the system and heal myself. I grabbed two bowls as Twilight levitated the milk and Coco Puffs to the table. I saw her raise a brow at me as she watched me carry the bowls. "Weren't you just levitating water a few moments ago? Why not do that with the bowls?" Twilight asked as she pulled out her chairs, I grabbed two spoons and made my way over to the table. "To be honest the only think I know how to control about the light is the bubble, everything else has happened by chance." I admitted handing her the bowl and spoon. She looked at me her eyes wide in disbelief. I just shrugged as she looked at me. "Great so this umm what did you call it, Old God?" She asked and paused. I nodded and she continued on with her speech. "It relies on you, using powers you don't know how to control, also there is no one to train you on how to use these powers... Yep we're doomed." Twilight jokingly said the last part. "I won't be alone I have you and the others to help back me up, we are a team after all." I smiled as I began to pour my milk into the bowl. "I know I just wanted to hear it." Twilight smiled as she began to eat. > Shadows loom. Light Blossoms > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We met up with the others around the center of the town. The crisp winter air was refreshing in a way unique and unlike any other, the snow on the other hand or hoof could cease to exist. I watched as my breath and the others crystallized in front of all of us. Their was still an ominous feeling in the air but for some reason the others couldn't pick up on it. It kept drilling at me slowly chipping away at me, my hands started to glow in a golden hue. I saw Twilight give me a concerned look, I took her advise from earlier and took a deep breath, it worked a little bit until I heard a familiar voice. "Tyler is that you?" The voice called out, his voice echoing through the stale winter air. I spun around quickly, to be eyeing one of my professors. "Professor! What are you doing in Equestria?" I asked startled. He responded to the question, as he pointed at myself and Twilight. "When I noticed two of my best students have not been in school for almost four months, I decided to check on the rumors." I gave him a puzzled look, as to ask what the hell he was talking about. He opened his eyes in realization that he didn't specify said rumors. "Right the rumor that you were skipping class and smoking pot in Equestria." He bluntly stated. I looked at him strangely before laughing a bit. "Professor smoking pot does it really look like we are smoking pot?" I asked pointing to the rather larger circle. I looked over, as the large circle wasn't helping. I quickly said something before he could intervene. "You know what don't answer that. If you wish to know the real reason, there is a darkness that threatens the land here, and on Earth. We were put in charge to see if we could put a stop to this." I told him as I mentally face palmed, as I saw him give a confused look. "What darkness? There is no darkness are you lying?" He asked looking around. I was about to speak again before Twilight beat me to it. "You see there is a force known as an Old God, in our version of a prison of the damned. He has been slowly bending things to his will even corrupting the very beings and land on this planet. He is still in a weakened state from a battle very long ago. He has spoken to some of us in our very minds to try and turn us against each other." Twilight tried her best to explain in a short sequence of events. "You are all crazy drug addicts, you two stop skipping class, and next time make a better excuse. Some darkness what a load of bull." The old man sighed. "They speak the truth, and since you seem to ignore their warning mortal perhaps I can help show you this darkness." A voice echoed out from the shadows. The figure that spoke leaped out from the ground and grabbed the professor. "Ahh the six ponies that caused me such much trouble, you took my kingdom of slaves away, now you will soon learn as we take your precious kingdoms from you!" Sombra yelled out. "You are mad!" Twilight shouted as she charged her horn for a spell. Sombra smiled his green and red eyes radiating a smokey trail of dusk behind. He laughed as he put a shield up and vanished into the shadows taking the old man with him. "The Old Gods will take you all!" He shouted before vanishing out of sight. "Where is he now, how will we ever know where he went?" Applejack asked. There was another sound coming from behind us, it was the sound of footsteps and hoofsteps. There was a familiar laugh to me that caught my ears. "Funny that the boy who started out with wanting nothing to do with this, is now perhaps your greatest ally. People might not like the direction you are going, but you choose to do what you wish. You are heading down a noble path, aiding in a cause that you would have never known about if you refused to let this one live with you." The figure called out, his voice catching all of our ears. He made a notion to who he was speaking at as he pointed to Twilight. "Who are you?" Twilight asked the looming human figure. "He's death." I bluntly stated out. The others looked at me like I was crazy. "That pony well it's hit counterpart." I pointed to the pony with a picture of a smiling skull as I lit a cigarette. "Wow, you just take out all of the fun!" His counterpart yelled out. "Now now I'm sure you are all wanting an explanation on why we are here." Death assumed. The other nodded. "As am I." I said walking up. "Oh I'm sure you are looking for the most answers out of all of them." Death told me as he met eye to eye with me. His dark brown eyes and jet black hair coming down past his eyes a slight amount moving as he studied me. "As for the rest it's simple I'm here to train your friend right here." He pointed out his grayish skin extending as his finger moved slowly at me. "Now that ominous presence you feel, it is Sombra I take it you are able to sense his aura? In due time you will even be able to sense the aura of those with the pure of heart." Death told me. "Look this is all fine and dandy, but if you are here to train Tyler why would you make your presence so know?" Applejack muttered out. "Ughh fine I guess I owe a better explanation, firstly you guys took to long to meet at the Everfree Forest so I used my power to teleport here. As for the rest I sensed all of your auras, and well the rest is history. You see Tyler and the rest of you are all in need of training, this power you will come to face....it...it's nothing you ever faced before." Death coldly stated his words slowly drifting in the wind. "Yeah right we have the elements of harmony we just blast this Old God and we win, and we get our pictures on the wall of Canterlot." Rainbow Dash said. "You are arrogant, but I do sense a great amount of power from you, in fact all of you have this potential to grow in your abilities. You two the most." Death said pointing at Twilight and I. "You will learn to grow the most, but your paths will still meet but soon you will need to take separate paths for a while." Death said. "Are you sure he isn't crazy." Rainbow whispered. Applejack quickly yanked Rainbow Dash's ear back. "Do you believe him Tyler?" Twilight asked, her eyes glowing with questions. "I do sense what he is speaking of, perhaps we will need to take separate roads soon, but don't worry it will only be for a while." I smiled warmly at her. "Yep they are both crazy." Rainbow whispered to herself. She looked back at Applejack, she just rolled her eyes. "Uhh I ha-hate to uhhh....bring....the bad news here, but did anyone remember that Sombra just kidnapped someone?" Fluttershy called out. "Right we should continue the prophecy mombo jumbo later, and the questions as well." Rainbow said as she hovered above us. > Trusting your senses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well then young paladin which way is it we are going?" Death asked me. I ignored his creepy smile and his annoying tone. I began to concentrate, I felt multiple beings of evil all of them pulling at different corners of Equestria. I felt ones that even were in the very town as they were just a lesser evil, I picked up on Sombras trail and focused to where we needed to go. I felt a huge presence behind him, it felt as if it were an evil to go box or something. I began to walk my surroundings began to manifest all around me. The world began to manifest all around me, it was almost like echolocation. Everything gave off a certain look, it was strange so strange that I almost broke my concentration. It reminded of the eagle vision from the Assassin's Creed games...well before they were broken as shit. "How can he see where we are going?" Twilight asked Death? I could tell she was looking up at him as she asked. I could feel her sense of wonder and curiosity stronger then ever before. "It's very hard to explain just picture how a bat uses echolocation. Instead of using sound waves he is using the life energies of everything around him. It's a lazy way of explaining things." Death blushed as he saw the reaction of the others. "I can see everything just in a different perspective. Twilight it's similar to a spell I was reading where you can pick up on the magical energies from others even the very earth itself. For me it's so much more I can feel the hate, love, good, and evil all around. It's incredible." I stopped and had to regain focus as everything was fading out. The red trail of Sombra was fading away. I took a deep breath and regained my composure. "Twi do ya have any idea on what he mentioned?" Applejack asked. Her country sounding voice made the question sound much more important for some reason. "I uhh, well it's sorta old combat magic used to single out the most powerful foe. Now it can be used for recon rescues the spell it incredibly hard to learn. Most ponies don't even know about the spell." Twilight told the others. They all looked at her surprised Twilight glanced over at Rainbow who mouthed the word egghead. Twilight just rolled her eyes. "So how do we know if we are going in the right direction, I mean what if his senses are leading us in into a wild pony chase? I mean no offense you are just starting off as a paladin. Even Death told me earlier that most paladins don't learn how to do this until a few weeks. Granted it is self taught and easy he said but still. Your little pause from your constant moving when you spoke for to long. That was clearly you losing focus for a moment." Rainbow asked as she looked over at me. The other gasped at her observation to detail. She just ignored it. "Look I'm still going to stick by your side I'm just wondering if you should maybe have me do a quick flyby in this area. I could probably find him if you are leading us in the right way." Rainbow told everyone. "Have faith in the light Rainbow, I know we are heading towards the right direction. We are almost to the Everfree Forest." I told them as we were almost at the border. I could feel the atmosphere change closer with every step. "The Everfree are you crazy?!" They all shouted. "No I'm just going where we need to go, you were all fine about going there to get the weapons. What's the problem now? I asked. "It's because who the hay knows where he could be at in the Everfree. Are you sure aren't sensing the whole forest with it's evil energy?" Twilight asked the others all nodded in agreement. We all kept walking though their hoofsteps were much slower than mine or Death's. "Just trust me on this please." I told them as we reached the border. They all sighed before Fluttershy stepped forward first. > Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were a few audible gasp as Fluttershy stepped forward. I gave a smirk as she gave a weak smile. "Look we've been in here before and while every time...so-something...uhh dang-dangerous happened we've faced it together." Fluttershy meekly told everyone. I placed my hand on the center of her back, she looked up at me as I gave her a nod of encouragement. "There is no way you are going to be the first ones in there." Rainbow exclaimed as she moved forward. She hovered low to the ground, her wings gently causing a breeze for the grass. "Aww darn we haven't let some evil baddy stopped us before." AJ mostly reassured herself as she quickly moved up. I grasped Twilight's hoof as she slowly moved up. We both locked eyes for a moment to which I gave a wink to. She chuckled a bit and moved up slowly. Rarity and Pinkie moved up with the others. Death was all ready moving toward the forest. The sounds of our hoof and footsteps echoed as we left the last bits of path. The grass soon brushed, as we moved through the forest. "Look I know Zecora lives here and all but don't mention this whole thing to her if we somehow happen to see her okay girls?" Twilight ordered more than demanded. The others nodded in unison. "Who the hell is Zecora?" I asked looking at Twilight. I furrowed my brow as I looked at her. "A zebra who rhymes....a lot.... like a lot, a lot." Rainbow told me. "Oh great and she chose to live here out of all places, sounds like a real sane Zebra." I sarcastically said my hand gestures making things look more dramatic. "I'm afraid you won't be seeing your Zebra friend. She is visiting her family from her home country." Death told everyone. "How do you even know this?" Twilight asked. "We are reapers the shamans do communicate with us. It is simply part of our job isn't that right Mr.Serious." Death's counterpart mockingly said as he stuck out his tongue. "Sounds uhh interestin." AJ muttered. We kept walking the path grew more narrow as we moved. The grass started to grow darker as did the sky, it was almost pitch black. The strange thing about this darkness is you could almost feel it creeping in. The only thing that saved me from madness were the small patches of sunlight. I stopped moving as I heard footsteps moving closer, it was a beast large. "Do you hear it?" Death asked. "Yes it sounds like a large beast..no wait two of them possibly three." I ducked quickly down avoiding a beast made of wood. I looked over and saw the beast nailed the tree. It stared right back at us, it's green eyes staring me down. Death quickly reacted by pulling out a scythe. The others jumped out and made a howl, the reply was met as several loud howls were heard. The trees started to shake as they appeared birds flew out of the decrepit trees. They blotched out the sky even more than before, I felt a hand pull me up. "Well this will be great practice to see how well you can command a small team." Death smiled as we met with our backs. I gave off a smirk as I pulled a combat knife out of my bag. 'Damn I wish I had that weapon right about now, this will have to do as I pulled out the other. "Well than I think we should get started. Twilight and Rarity use your magic to pick off any others trying to group up with them. They both nodded though Rarity did hesitate before I gave her a stare. Rainbow I need you to fly off and Distract the wolves coming from further away. "What no way! You think I'm about to leave you guys here?" Rainbow asked her stubbornness and loyalty to her friends was starting to really show. "You might want to get a control of the group." Death told me quietly as he slashed a few of the wolves. "Dammit Rainbow just go!" I shouted as I stabbed one through the muzzle as it ripped off some flesh from my arm. The wolf made a loud yelp as it drew more attention to myself. "Rainbow just listen to him we got this sugar cube." Applejack assured her with a nod as she threw her hat. It nailed the wolf right in the face causing it to blindly run into Applejack's outstretched hoof. "Fine!" Rainbow shouted as she took off. "Hey you ugly piles of sticks come and get me!" Rainbow shouted. She diverted some of the pack. "Applejack I need you to cover Twilight's and Rarity's flanks." I ordered. "Yes sir!" She shouted and rushed over to them. "Tyler we could use some back up we're getting over run!" Twilight shouted dodging a few wolves. I looked around and noticed there had to have been at least twenty of them if not more. A few remained at the ground sliced from Death's scythe. The one that ripped off some of my flesh still had the knife in it's muzzle. "Pinkie and Fluttershy I need you two to run recon and look for Sombra I feel like he is behind this." I commanded them dodging a few bites from the same wolf before I twisted it's neck and removing my blade. "Death Junior give them backup head towards the castle we'll regroup with you shortly. I received two giggly yes's from Pinkie and Death's counterpart. I saw a cowering Fluttershy mumbling something. "These wolves I can't communicate with them. Fluttershy cried out. She flew up to a tree and hid. "You might want to get that one under control." Death told me mockingly. "Fluttershy please they'll need your help and aerial view to help them out." I begged her. All I received was a small cry. "Fluttershy think if Sombra taints the forest and animals even further." Twilight called out as she summoned a magical being of magic to fight with her. I looked to see Fluttershy jump down and break a wolves back. I noted the shadowy energy that left wolves body. "That BIG MEANY!" Fluttershy shouted as she grouped up with Pinkie and Death Jr. I noticed one about to jump onto Pinkie's back, I was about to shout lookout but Death Jr quickly slashed the beast in half with a sword. "Well it seems like Twilight has better leadership skills than you do." Death mocked me. "This really isn't the time for this." I sighed stabbing a Timber Wolf in the back. The beast quickly did a death roll and pinned me on it's back. I tried to keep the snarling jaw away from me but the beast seemed stronger than the others. It was larger but despite the size was even more agile than the others. The others were busy being swarmed by the other Timber Wolves which had to be in numbers of at least thirty or more. "Don't worry I got you Tyler!" I heard a voice from shout from the top of the forest. I looked up and saw Rainbow swiftly coming from descent for a kick. I heard the kick come through stunning the beast, giving me enough time to move from the jaw and rip out the knifes. "Thanks for the save." I told Rainbow. "Save the thanks for later I came to tell you that most of the Timber Wolves are blocked by a wall of animals thank to Fluttershy. "That was brilliant thanks for the heads up, you mind helping us out here before catching up with the others to go find Sombra?" I asked as we both flipped the larger wolf onto it's back before I slashed it's mouth open. Rainbow gave it a swift kick in the jaw dislodging it. The great beast made a loud cry after the sickening crack that echoed out loud. There was also a spurt of blood and loud scream as a wolf was over the body of... > Forest II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of blood gushing through a bite as Twilight's neck was punctured. Her scream escaping her now agape mouth, the wolf shaking her body around. The others stopped for a moment and looked at her, the wolf was larger than the previous one. The other wolves started coming in for the kill, Death quickly sliced through several of them. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were busy fending for themselves. I felt a course of rage enter my body, my hands started to glow, but not the normal paladin glow of gold. Instead...it was a black and red the two knifes I wielded were forged together by whatever this power was. It gripped onto my soul and body, I could feel every ounce of it. It seemed even more powerful than the light, all my rage and hatred all boiled up into one focal point. A weapon....of immense power, the two blades now become two black steel blades, the hilt was a red and black mixture. "I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!" I yelled, my eyes now glowing red with fury. "It seems the plan has been set into motion, he wasn't so pure as I thought. Indeed you were right he is powerful despite being a mere mortal." Sombra said to the shadowy figure next to him. "Even those with the purest of soul and heart are not incorruptible." The Old God said calmly with a smile. His twisted teeth showing in his shadow. The smile extended further and further before the Old God began to laugh maniacally. "It seems the pawns have been set for this game of chest." Sombra said. "Indeed it has my dear knight." "As for the old man?" Sombra asked pointing to unconscious man. "Leave him for now." "As you wish my lord." Sombra obeyed with a bow. The Old God simply just left, his shadow no longer clinging onto the room. His laugh still echoed despite his presence no longer being there. "Tyler control your rage, you're a paladin! We don't let emotion cloud our judgement!" Death shouted. "Shut up! You shut up! This light isn't have even aided me once this battle! This! This power it feels ten times more powerful than the damned light. It's failed to keep her from harms way, what good is a power that can't be relied upon?" I muttered through gritted teeth cutting my way through Timber Wolves trying to protect their leader as he continued to shake the life out of Twilight. "This power you speak of it's corrupting your soul, your heart, your very being." He retorted. "My heart is right in front of me!" I shouted cutting through a slightly larger wolf. The cries of the fallen echoed through the forest. If these things could bleed the ground would be stained with their blood. I stood in front of the towering abomination, it's hulking form as he dropped Twilight to the ground, I could hear a weak cry escape her, I noticed her eyes looking at me. "Is this how you want her to see you nothing more than a damn fool!" Death shouted as he stood in front of me. I clenched the swords tighter now. "If you don't move out of my way I will cut you down." I whispered softly. "You are stubborn see how far your rage get's you. Seek the revenge on the wolf then if that is what you wish." He calmly replied. "Move out of my way and help the others you blubbering idiot! I swear to you beast, I will cut you down!" I shouted pointing at the now snarling behemoth. I slowly watched as Twilight's blood dripped down ever so slowly. I could hear it dropping to the ground mocking me, ever so slow the trickle. His growl was deep and loud. "I feel like you're all bark and no bite well then I think it's about time we get started." I said readying my weapons. "Hahaha indeed it is puny human, I will enjoy feasting on every last one of your bones. The great thing is your little girlfriend there is slowly bleeding out I say she has about twenty minutes. Tell you what if you play nice I'll kill you both at the same time." The Great Timber Wolf chuckled. "Oh so you can speak what a good doggy, but Like I said ALL BARK AND NO BITE!" I shouted charging in at the wolf. I jumped to try and get a clean swipe at the beast. He simply lunged over me grabbing me with his paw. His claws digging deep into my shoulder flesh. I didn't feel it as my rage and adrenaline kept me going. He had me pinned by one arm. I tried to slash at his leg with my other but he pinned the other one as well. I could feel his hot breath against my neck, his breath stunk like rotting flesh and blood. "Well looks like it was you who was all bark and no bite." He chuckled. I felt him moving closer, his jaw opening for a clean blow before a purple blast of magic hit him. It was powerful as it sent him flying a few feet into a tree. I looked over to see Twilight's horn glowing very faintly. "It seems like you are a bigger threat than this little whelp even in your status. Looks like I'll have to kill you right now instead." He growled getting up. He readied his hind legs for a pounce, right before he jumped I threw one of the swords into his side. He leapt still but it slowed him. I sprung up and shoulder charged the great beast. I made contact with him but his hard bark outside caused me to crack my shoulder. We both sat there stunned for a moment as he slammed into a tree. "Well I'll give you credit little pup, you are very strong when it comes to protecting your loved ones. Your friends are still fighting off the few swarms of little pups like yourself. Soon they won't stand a chance against four ancient hounds. They will be nothing more than food in a few moments." The Great Timber Wolf said, never taking his eyes off of me. "Yo-you know what I think that the sword was lodged even deeper after your impact." I muttered using the other sword to stand up slowly. I watched the great beast try to pull himself up into the tree before I noticed a few burns on his legs from Twilight's magic. He yelped in pain as he struggled to get up. I limped over to the beast before standing above him. "Please spare me you must have a code of honor being a paladin! It wasn't our fault Sombra threatened to wipe us all out even the pups if we didn't kill all of you. Please SPARE ME!" He shouted up. My cold dark eyes looked down at him as I was about to thrust my sword into his head. "TYLER e-en..enough." Twilight muttered out coughing up blood. I looked back at her broken form. A large puddle of blood was starting to form beneath her. I looked back at the creature who had Twilight's blood still on his teeth. "You..yo-...you did this." I muttered as I drug the sword through the beast side. "It's your fault she is dying! This is all your fault, you expect mercy you shall receive none!" I shouted as I stabbed the beast through the head. "Honor be damned." I whispered as a tear hit the ground. "You must find a way to control your rage before they get a hold of you. I am truly sorry that it came to thi..this." The beast muttered before the life faded from his eyes. I grabbed the two blades from his body, as I did I was violently grabbed by Death as he threw me to the ground. "Perhaps you are right honor be damned. I knew you shouldn't have been a paladin. You had no reason to kill that beast yet you let your rage and hatred get the best of you. Revenge doesn't bring back the dead now does it!" Death shouted as he pointed at Twilight. "Take your damn light I'm through with it, I have no use for something that doesn't work." I muffled. "You are a damn fool if you wish to turn your back to the light." Death said as he walked over to Twilight. "The light doesn't fucking exist. It didn't help me or any of us for that matter." "Wait a minute here don't go doing something stupid." Rainbow spoke up. I looked over at her the same cold dark eyes glancing at her. "I see so even you wish to take his side. Well tell me than if the light worked why is Twilight over there dying! If it would have worked she would be fine!" I shouted. "You can't be serious, you saw it and used it before! All you need is training. Did you think I woke up and was a great flier? Or was Twilight born with the power she has now?" Rainbow asked walking up to me. I was about to speak before she cut me off. "No it took practice there were several times I wanted to stop trying to join the Wonderbolts, you know what though I kept pushing forward. I had to believe in myself and in my dreams. So if you are going to give up because of something like the light not working instantly, and you want to give into this darkness in you go on ahead. You will forever be known as a coward, you will be no better than those we are trying to stop!" Rainbow shouted tears forming in her eyes. I looked up and panned my eyes back to Twilight suddenly something snapped I felt a rush go through me but this time it was full of happiness I felt renewed. "Thank you Rainbow." I whispered standing up the black and red glow was replaced by a golden glow. The two swords now had a white and gold color to them. I walked over to Twilight and smiled perhaps I could try to heal her. I began to pray to the light and asked for forgiveness for being a fool. I looked up to see Twilight glowing, suddenly she stopped glowing. I ran up to her and placed my hand by her mouth....wha-what I felt was nothing. No breathing. I began to tear up as I tried again, nothing happened. I felt Death place a hand on my shoulder. "She is gone there is nothing we can do for her but say a prayer." Death whispered. I began to sob as did the others. "No." I whispered. "There is nothing the light can do for one that has passed other than give them peace." "I refuse to give up now! If one speech can make me see the error of my ways, there has to be something a way of some sorts! Come on give me some help or something you said you were once a paladin too. You are also Death itself surely you can help somehow!" I blubbered out. "There is....there is...." > At Any Cost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Tell me how to save her dammit!" I shouted the tears welling up. "Calm down remember what we just spoke of don't let your anger get the best of you." Death coldly said. "It's not anger, it's my fault she is like this." I choked up looking down at her. "Tell me dammit I will gladly bare any curse, do any challenge set forth. I will even strike a deal with you a contract, bring her back in exchange for my own life." I said the others eyes went wide. A few gasp were heard I noticed Rainbow was about to speak before Death stepped forward. "I wish I could make this easier for you, in order for her to be brought back to life you must defeat me in a duel." Death said his eyes narrowing. "What kind of duel..." "Simple a duel to the death, in order to bring her soul back you must kill me." Death said. "What I'm not going to trade another life for another." I told him looking dumbfounded. He only chuckled. "You act like a paladin now out of all times, I'm afraid this is the only way to win her life back." "So this is how you became the aspect of death. You told me you killed the other aspect, I'm taking it you fought for a loved ones soul and triumphed am I correct?" I asked fixing my glasses. "My you are indeed very clever, yes this is how the duel ends. Do you still want to fight then boy?" He asked readying his weapon. "I ac-" I was cut off by a shout. "WAIT A SECOND!" A voice with a heavy accent cut me off. We all turned around to see a zebra standing there, she had some type of tribal gear on. It made her look like an assassin of sorts, the two daggers and vials of poison didn't help either. "Who in the hell are you?" I asked stepping forward. "I'm Zecora the one that rhymes a lot..." She glanced over at Rainbow "You do know I only do it for show it's fun to see if ponies catch onto it. Anyway back to the situation, I couldn't help but overhear that you sir are a paladin?" Zecora asked raising an eyebrow as she pointed her hoof at me. "More or less." I said. "There is another way that you can save her, but it can only be you. Walk west of here for another two and half miles, there you will find a gorge. In that gorge will be the lair of phoenix's, I need you to grab three feathers and two eggs from the phoenix that reside there." She said looking me sternly in the eyes. "Oh it will be easy Princess Celestia has a pet phoenix darling they are rather small. It shouldn't be a problem." Rarity told me with a gleaming smile. Her tear stained coat mixed with her blood was really noticeable now that the fighting and grieving was over. "I'm afraid not these ones they even give dragons a fair fight, it has been rumored that the paladins of old were able to tame and use them as mounts and companions. Perhaps you will have such luck?" Zecora asked mostly to herself. "Three feathers and two eggs I do believe this will be rather easy." Death murmured. He pulled me aside and whispered into my ear. "There is an enchantment that you know of it will increase the power of your weapon, but you must believe in the light don't even falter in your faith. This enchantment will make things easier." "Thanks for the advise." I whispered back before I started to walk. "Do be careful out there darling." Rarity said. "Yeah Twilight will kill you if you end up dying." Rainbow bluntly said with a blush on her face. "You know what normally I would disagree but yer right on that Rainbow." Applejack chuckled. "Do be careful. Oh I forgot that she only has about three hours so I would make with haste." Zecora said as she handed me a few vials. I put them in my bags and quickly took off. 'Off to The Valley Of The Phoenix's.' I thought sprinting even faster. > Den Of The Phoenix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well then a den full of flaming birds...great." I sighed as I trekked on. I looked back remembering the others. "I will continue on!" I shouted jumping down into the den. The heat was immense the minute I jumped down into the den. The rocks were even warm to the touch. I was greeted by a loud and a roar that shook the very ground. "You simple birds are nothing but flames, you think that your flames can harm dragon scales?" A great black dragon bellowed out. "I will not let any harm come to my children!" The phoenix shouted. The phoenix grabbed the dragon by his wings, the dragon simply clawed at the phoenix's chest. She let out a caw of pain before she flew a few yards back. Her great fire lit up the sky in a brilliant hue of colors. I noticed a few feathers fall to the ground. I began to sprint further down into the den. I looked up noticing the two beast kept going at eachothers throats. 'Peaceful land.... sure.' I thought dodging a few falling rocks from them crashing into the cliff sides. I thought I was about get out away just fine but I heard a few snarls from behind. "Kill the human you idiots!" The dragon yelled looking down at me. The dragons came forth from the shadows. "Well now calling me an idiot was not the brightest idea, but if that's what you wish then. I believe it's time." I sighed pulling out my two swords. I pulled out a cigarette and calmly lit it. "You know they say these things kill you faster, tell you what perhaps you could help me out. I'll give you the chance to kill me early." I said winking at the smaller dragons, their red eyes glowed before they all lunged at me. "Ignore the human you still have to worry about me!" The Phoenix yelled as she blew molten flames at the dragon. I looked up to see the dragon take the blow surprisingly well, his scales were slightly burnt. "I wouldn't be looking up at the sky." One of them growled. "Oh so you can speak too, how nice." I jokingly said jumping out of the way. I struck one of the dragons in the back, my blade just leaving a tiny scratch on his scales. "It will take a lot more than that to injure us." The black one grumbled out. "I see well I guess I shouldn't play nice then." I took a stance and prayed for a moment. 'Light please work'. "You are praying at a time for this, what is it you pray for human a quick death." A red dragon chuckled. "Light's Blade!" I shouted as my two swords glowed with a heavenly light, they felt stronger than before. "What is this?" The blue asked. "Is that a paladin?" The phoenix asked herself. "Now, now den mother I believe you said to keep your eye on the fight at hand." The dragon said biting the phoenix by the throat. She cawed out once again the dragon threw her to the ground. The force caused the ground to shake and crack. It threw us all off balance, I ended up dropping my swords. The dragons clawed into the ground. "Well now it looks like we'll be feasting on human it's been a few months. The portal sure has brought in some stupid ones." They all said in unison. I jumped out of the way of their attacks, they kept pushing me back further. 'Damn at this rate I'll be dead or I'll run out of time.' "Well like I said nothing more than a flaming bird. Pathetic." The huge beast spat. "Hurry up and stop playing with your food." "Sir he is quick and wields some strange magic." The same colored dragon yelled up. "Fine I will finish this." He called up as he began to swoop down, the force of his wings caused a large gust. "Light's shield!" I felt my body encased in glowing light. 'My first thing I learned through the light.' I thought as I felt the beast hit the shield. "Paladin look out!" The Den Mother called out, I felt an immense heat rush through the area. I heard the younger dragons scream as they were being burnt alive. I shielded my eyes from the intense brightness that was caused. Once I felt the heat die down I broke the barrier, I noticed that if that fire was still going my barrier would have broke in a few seconds. I noticed the young dragons were nothing more than just a pile of ash. "YOU...YOU MURDERED MY CHILDREN. THERE SHALL BE HELL TO PAY!" The dragon yelled out as he lunged forward swiping his massive claws left and right the phoenix. She cawed out in pain as every swipe hit her. "Crap, I have to help her somehow." I said picking up my swords. I began to cast another light's shield this time of the phoenix to buy her a few seconds. I felt it work, but I grew tired and weak. I struggled to stand up. "Why you are quite the annoying human aren't you?" The dragon annoyingly asked. He turned his attention to me now, his footsteps echoing through the den. "Don't you think we should help him it sounds like there is a battle going on over there." Rainbow asked. "As I said before he is the only one who can do this task." Zecora told Rainbow firmly. Her eyes giving the look that she was not to be trifled with. "Come on you saw that huge burst of light. We can't sit here at least send Death. He was a paladin at one point!" Rainbow shouted. "Perhaps you didn't hear me the second time?" Zecora asked standing up. Rainbow quickly backed off. "You know Zecora how come you aren't rhyming right now?" Applejack asked. "It's simple I don't want to speak in riddles as of now." She said with a smile. The dragon kept walking toward me, I couldn't stand I just laid there motionless. "You keep your filth away from him!" The phoenix shouted tackling the dragon to the ground. She clawed at his chest his weaker underbelly began to bleed. She breathed her fire at the wound causing his blood to heat up. He quickly used his claws to shield his wounds before he kicked the phoenix back. "You are very clever I must admit." He laughed as he licked his own blood. "Yo..you will not harm any of my children or that boy." The den mother weakly said as she flew up and swooped down. "I see we are going for one last blow well little birdie you put up a good fight!" The dragon shouted as he took off. "Light's Blade..." I whispered as the phoenix glowed as he claws glowed even brighter. She caused a rainbow of colors as she struck the dragon. I gave off a smirk as I looked up as I saw the dragon falling down to the earth. "Whoa what was that?" Pinkie asked. "The light." Death Jr. smiled. "Well it is incredible." Fluttershy smiled warmly. "Aye." Death Jr. smiled as he turned his head as they kept moving forward. "I must thank you paladin for your help. Why is it you came to this den in the first place?" She asked looking down at me. "You see it's my umm girlfriend, she has died recently do to the attack of the timber wolves. Their pack leader bit her on the neck. I was told that if I was to get three phoenix feathers and two eggs I would be able to bring her back to life If done quick enough. Look I don't know if it's true but I'm willing to pay any price to bring her back." I welled up a bit a few tears hitting the ground. "To most mortal I would refuse, but after your help to protect my children I will give you as you ask." She said with authority. I gulped and nodded slowly. "Than-thanks...I don't know how to thank you." I weakly replied. "By taking this egg, I believe he will make a great companion." She gently nuzzled it to me as well as two other eggs. The one I was supposed to keep was much larger and gave off a feeling of warmth. The egg had a unique pattern as well. It was a bright red and yellow mixed with orange, it looked almost like dancing fire. "You want me to take one of your children are you sure?" I asked with the feeling of unworthiness. She chuckled as she picked me up and took off flying. "Aye, I also wish to ask you a favor, make sure you stop this darkness the negative energies are causing the creatures in the forest to be highly aggressive." "Of course." I told her with a smile. "Well then I think it's time I drop you off." The great phoenix swooped down and dropped me to the hut. She also plucked three feathers from her chest before she gave a wink and flew off. > Rebirth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well look who's returned and with a few moments left to spare." Death said with a cocky smirk. His eyes glanced at my bruised and scratched form. I looked up at him before his eyes went wide as he glanced at the egg I was gifted with. "Ho...how did you receive a phoenix egg of your own. No less granted from a matriarch. "I saved her. She wa..was. Can't this wait a second I need to sit down." I sighed annoyed. "Oh right my bad." He hurriedly blushed and walked me into Zecora's hut. I sat down with a sigh of relief and handed the items to the ground except for my egg. "What is that?" Rarity asked, her eyes glowing wide with color. "No you can't use it for a dress." I chuckled sluggishly. She just rolled her eyes at me and poked me. I yelped a bit and slapped her hoof away. She giggled as she covered her mouth to be more proper. "It's a phoenix egg that of a den mother and her actual consort. As you can see the egg has different markings and is slightly larger than the others. The others are done with other males to keep the species breeding." Death told the others. "Wait a second I thought phoenix's are able to be reborn." Rainbow exclaimed. "Yes but if they are slain they do not return from death, if they do they are considered to be almost like gods. Very few phoenix's have been able to come back after something like this. It requires a vast amount of energy to be able to accomplish this task. That is why they bread just for that small chance they will have an egg such as Tyler's." Death said giving a firm look mostly to Rainbow. Zecora was mixing the potion together the colors we're the colors of fire. It even gave off a little bit of steam off the vial, it was incredibly warm to the touch as Zecora quickly slipped it onto a rack and grabbed a oven mitt for her hoof. She began chanting some weird stuff as she threw in small spices, the color became an even brighter shade of red. I began to doze off my body and it seemed like my magical abilities with the light needed to recharge for a bit. I could have sworn that the egg moved right before I dozed off. "I swear he is the only person who could rest at a time like this." Rarity scuffed. "Do you also know anyone who can kill Timber Wolves, their leader, and help a phoenix kill a dragon." AJ said with a smug look on her face. "Wait what?" Rarity yelled. "Well duh you couldn't smell his fire?" Applejack asked walking up to Rarity. "Y...yo-you can smell their fire?" Rarity asked. Applejack just nodded with a smirk. "It also helps he has a dragons claw still chipped into his bag." Rainbow sighed. "Silence I need concentration for this to work." Zecora snapped at the others. She began to pour the mixture into Twilight's mouth slowly, her body slowly began to glow her wounds started to close up. The shine soon became a radiance of colors dancing on the walls around her. Slowly she began to open her eyes as Zecora finished pouring the rest down her throat. Soon there was an audible cough coming from her. "W-what just happened? I could have sworn I saw Tyler glowing with a red energy a few minutes ago." Twilight uttered confused. Her eyes glancing left and right. As soon as Twilight awoke the egg began to move fierce so much that it woke me up. I looked down at it, the egg began to jitter even faster now. The egg glowed a bright golden color that of the sun, it even gave off a warm feeling to it. The warmth gently touched my body and healed my wounds and even made me feel renewed once again. "Wow that was cool." I smiled warmly not noticing Twilight right next to me. "Miss me, I would usually nag you for falling asleep, especially during your only shot of seeing your girlfriend coming back from the dead. I think I'll let it slip this time." She breathed warmly into my ear. "I had it timed perfectly the whole time." I winked at her giving her a loving embrace. "Look I'm sure we'd all love to play catch up and stuff, but I do think you are all forgetting that there is an evil sorcerer on the loose corrupting the forest." Death said. "Leave it to Captain Killjoy to ruin a touching moment like this." I sighed, the others giggled. "Sadly I do have to agree we must hurry!" I yelled. "Aye sir!" The others shouted. Surprisingly even the little phoenix said aye sir after the others. I smiled warmly as we left and rushed forward. 'I hope you're ready Sombra we're coming for you, all of us.' I thought looking back at the others. > Sombra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This pathetic farce is boring me." Sombra yawned as he picked Fluttershy up with his magic and threw her around. Fluttershy screamed as she tried to break free. Death Jr. leaped forward and took a slash at Sombra he easily teleported out of the way, he laughed as he threw Fluttershy across the floor. She laid there struggling to get up. Pinkie tried to hit Sombra with her party cannons he simply vanished into the shadows and kicked the cannons back at Pinkie knocking her down. Death Jr. tried to jump at Sombra once again this time he struck a blow. "Quick Twilight can you teleport us to the castle?" I asked Twilight. My smile returning seeing her once again brought a warmth to my heart once again. "Are you sure?" Twilight asked stopping in her tracks. I nodded. She closed her eyes and began to cast her teleportation spell. Her horn lit up the forest lighting up in our small area. A bright flash happened but the spell didn't work we were teleported but not even close to the castle. "What happened?" I asked her putting a hand on her head. "Sombra put an enchantment that doesn't allow teleportation magic." Twilight sighed annoyed. "Perhaps you should go on ahead of us with your phoenix. He should be able to carry you...despite his small stature. They learn very quick, yours seems to learn quicker than the others I've encountered." Death stated pointing to Flame Tail. "Flame Tail quick take us to the castle!" I shouted. I looked back to see the somewhat larger than a hawk, the flame bird swooped back and charged forward to pick me up. "Aye Sir!" He shouted as he took off with me in pursuit. "Do be careful. He has all ready taken down Fluttershy and Pinkie!" Twilight shouted. I turned around to give her a wink and smirk. 'Great like that is any reassurance.' Twilight thought with a sigh. "Quickly guys right this way!" Rainbow shouted as she came back from finding where they were after Twilight's spell. "You heard her move out!" Twilight shouted as they all hurried behind Rainbow. "Pathetic the only one left standing is me.Rather boring I did hope you would put up more of a fight. Oh well time to hasten the sacrifices." Sombra laughed manically. He kicked Fluttershy down a few more times as she was the only one who was still trying to stand. He laughed harder hearing her give out a few weak cries of pain. He gave an extra hard kick to Death Jr. for giving him a scratch on his armor. The kick sent him flying. "Th..they....will s-stop you." Fluttershy coughed up. "Who your little friends? I'm afraid that every room but this one has a magic encryption that will not allow anyone to pass." Sombra laughed. "Go right through the window Flame Tail!" I shouted. "Aye sir!" We crashed right through the window where Sombra was in. "I see perhaps I should put another enchantment on the windows before that little rainbow haired one starts dropping you guys." He said rather coldly. "I told you they would come." Fluttershy smirked. I was still getting up from crashing through the windows. I looked to see Sombra give another kick to a standing Fluttershy. "Why you little whelp! I think I'll kill you just for fun!" He shouted grabbing his sword. "Light's Shield." I whispered hold my hand out to Fluttershy. Sombra brought the sword down only for nothing to happen. He swung again and again. "Why won't this shield break all ready!" He yelled. "SOMBRA I'VE COME TO MAKE YOU ATONE FOR YOUR CRIMES!" "Ahh I see the little disturbance from earlier, this is great. You'll be buried right next to her, the best part is she gets a front row to seat to watch you die. In fact I'll only seal off this room so your little girlfriend you worked so hard to bring back will get to watch you die as well." Sombra grinned. "Oh that's just great well then let's get started." "Tyler wait you don't stand a chance!" Twilight shouted. "Why can't we pass!" Rainbow shouted trying to charge through the barrier. "It's an encryption spell, perhaps I can decode the ancient text." Death pondered for a moment before nodding. "Don't fight him he is much to powerful." Twilight cried out. I looked back at her and smirked. "Remember when you and I first met? How I was afraid of you, well perhaps I was wrong. Maybe I was afraid of myself." I told her. "What are you getting at?" Twilight asked. "I think I was afraid that I would never be acceptable to change. Now suddenly we went from being some normal couple going to college, well to this now we've grown so much in a short time. Just trust me on this." I winked at her. "Touching I figured I'd let you get your last words in." Sombra cut in. "I see well my apologies for holding you up." I readied my blades as he readied his as well. "Darkness Consume Soul." Sombra whispered. The room went dark I couldn't sense him anywhere. "Tyler don't let him get a hit on you, this ability will tear your body and soul to shreds. He is opening up big, don't let him make you a quick fight!" Death shouted. "Jeez you're starting to sound like my parents, I'll show you something pretty cool I worked with Flame Tail on the flight over here." I chuckled. "I've got you now!" Sombra yelled as he was ready to strike. "Phoenix Radiance!" I shouted. "Aye Sir!" Flame Tail yelled as his body and mine lit up with light. "Well that certainly is new." Death smiled warmly. The darkness in the room dissipated. The other shielded their eyes due to the brilliant colors of the light and the colors of a phoenix melding together. The room was lit up like a rainbow, the light bounced off the windows to increase the intensity of the light. "You see Sombra there is no light that the dark can't touch." "You are a fool to think that your little feat means you've won." Sombra leapt through the air attacking with pure strength, he used his unicorn magic this time and fired a few blast. I jumped out of the way of his sword but a few magic energies shot me in the chest sending me flying. I was sent flying into the wall by Twilight and the others. I looked up to see Twilight look down worried. Sombra didn't let up as he teleported behind me and kicked my body sending me skidding across the ground. "Are you alright?" Flame Tail asked concerned as he flew towards me. "N-ne..never bet...better." I smirked slowly getting up. Sombra fired another magical blast, Flame Tail moved in the way and took the blast at full force. His little body flew through the air crashing next to Fluttershy. "What a shame he took that blast to try and save you, to bad." Sombra laughed as he fired another blast of magic. This green and black ball of energy felt stronger than the other ones before it. They hit me head on sending my body crashing into a pillar. Again Sombra teleported and hit me full blast with the same spell this time it was red and black, it felt stronger than the others before it. The worst part was the attack was point blank. I fell next to Twilight again. I looked up and saw she began to cry. "Stop this!" She cried out. "Don't worry you'll be joining him soon enough." "Twilight." I whispered stretching my bleeding hand out a bit. "You're still alive well perhaps you need another lesson in pain." Sombra said slowly walking over to me. "Shadow Reaper." He laughed his weapon stretched out a bit glowing with a red and black glow similar to everything about this insane pony. "The crystal ponies and soon the others will once again be nothing more then slaves. Your pitiful team up has accomplished nothing. You see the others that lay here they will soon die. Just like you!" He laughed as he stood above me. He readied his sword and aimed it at my neck. "Friends are pointless, you are a fool to put your trust into them." He called out pointing to all of them. "Sombra stop this he doesn't have to die!" Twilight yelled. The tears streamed down her face. "Well fine shall I start with you, I mean dying twice in the same day sounds like fun. In fact I'll break your soul down slowly and painfully. It'll be fun." He chuckled which soon turned into him laughing harder than before. "You said I can't put my trust into my friends, you must be a fool." I said my body glowing with the light, my wounds slowly began to heal up. "You make me sick wishing to enslave others, you are pathetic. People and ponies like you don't deserve to live!" I shouted kicking him off of me. I quickly threw one of my swords at him. "Heaven's Strike!" I yelled as the blade soon took off and impaled him in his hoof. He positioned himself so his chest wouldn't take the blow. "My, it seems like I struck a nerve with you. Is this your true power, perhaps I should show you mine." Sombra smiled as he took off his cape, his body began to glow with a red energy. He pulled the sword out of his leg and licked the blood. I looked at him wide eyed. "If you take your eyes off the fight I'll be taking your head." He whispered I turned around to see him slashing his sword right behind. "He is fast, there is no way Tyler can keep up with him." Rainbow said. "Tyler just get out of there!" Twilight shouted. "Never I can't allow someone who doesn't care about friends be allowed to walk out of here. This big wishes to enslave others, I can't stand for this. I will fight to my dying breath for the others freedom!" I grabbed my other sword from the ground and parried an attack of Sombras. He began to charge his horn for a strong attack once again. I quickly used another Light's Shield but didn't have enough time to use it properly. "Very smart he used his shield, there is no way Sombra will break through that one." Twilight said in joy, she wiped away her tears. "It's not going to be strong enough he didn't have enough time to say it out loud, you see while using the light out loud it becomes stronger. It shows your faith, it makes your enemies falter. That is how it's supposed to work, very few paladins master the art of quiet contemplation where there spells are just as strong without using the words. Though I must say that Phoenix Radiance he created is quite the feat of strength." Death chuckled. "Wait I thought paladins used spells from the light, you're saying they can create their own?" Twilight asked. "Yes every one of us has our own preferred fighting style, while certain abilities are the basics of being a paladin. They have the freedom to create their own spells, they can even teach them to others." Death said. "Twilight would ya quit distracting him so he can crack the encryption." Rainbow interrupted annoyed. Her head placed against the wall trying to break through it. "Oh you see I all ready figured it out, you see it can't be unwritten until this fight is over. So we just have to hope for the best. Sombra is stronger than the boy, but I will say he has heart." Death noted. "You've got to be kidding me!" Rainbow yelled annoyed her eyes went wide with rage. She tried pounding on the wall. "Flutters don't you die on me! You can't I love you!" Rainbow shouted. "Rain..Rainbow." Fluttershy smiled warmly as she began to stand up slowly. She charged with all the energy she has left, her rage guiding her blow as she charged Sombra into the wall. "Quick heal your phoenix partner, I'll move the others into safer distance." Fluttershy told me, I nodded swiftly and ran over to Flame Tail. "Did you just say you love her?" Twilight asked with a blush. "Look, I know what I said, you don't have to rub it in anymore." Dash blushed as she hid her face. 'I swear only mortals can be this happy while one of their friends is fighting.' Death silently laughed. "Light's Blessing." I whispered as a ray of light came out of my hand, it began to wake up Flame Tail. He jumped straight up and saluted. "Reporting for duty Tyler." Flame Tail said. I pulled him closer and whispered a plan to him. "Aye sir." He said as he took off to the ceiling circling above. "That was a cheap blow." Sombra said teleporting again. I could sense it this time and took a slash at his armor. "Light's Blades!" I shouted as I took another slice this time slicing his armor off of him. "Well now I see that's how you want to play it." Sombra said taking off the rest of armor. "That hoodie of yours is almost like using a coat of fur, I see perhaps you are stronger than I've taken you for. You've fought all this time and with no armor. My you are quite fun." Sombra smirked. I took off the sweat shirt revealing my chest and back. My phoenix tattoo was glowing brightly as I took my stance. "I say now that you mention it you are pretty pathetic, this great being of darkness being taken out by a novice paladin. Hell I'm not even in great shape, yet you've failed to kill me it's pathetic." I laughed as I looked up above and saw Flame Tail glowing brightly as he began his descent. "Phoenix Claw!" We both shouted as I punched him and Flame Tail took a swipe at his face. "Was that your almighty attack, distract me for just that, sure the cut burns but that is it." Sombra sighed annoyingly. "Quick Flame Tail use your fire on his wound." "Aye sir!" Flame Tail flew down and used his flame breath into the wound. Sombra jumped out of the way so that only part of it would touch his face. He grabbed Flame Tail and threw him next to Fluttershy. "You did good little buddy!" I yelled. "Well your little attack didn't really help you all that much now did it." Sombra smirked as he took a slash at me. I dodged most of it but part of the attack still hit me slicing some of my skin. 'I can't use any more of my energy to heal wounds I have to go straight on the offensive.' "Heaven's Strike Double Attack! Light's Blade, Phoenix Radiance!" I shouted all spells worked with unison I had to hope they would deal enough damage to him. My body gave off the same glow this time directly aimed at Sombra he screamed in pain as the light burned his eyes a bit, I took a slash at his chest and legs. He fell to the ground as he yelped in pain. The sounds of him hitting the ground echoed through the air. His black blood leaked out slowly. "Well fought paladin." He whispered before his body began to turn into a black ash. The others came bursting through the door now that the spell was broken. Twilight picked up Flame Tail and quickly ran over to me tackling me to the ground. She began to cry as she hugged me almost giving me a death grip. "Is it true what you said?" Fluttershy asked looking up at Rainbow. "Of course it was. I could understand if you didn't feel the same way though." Rainbow sighed kicking the ground nervously. Fluttershy pulled her down and gave her a kiss. "I love you too." Fluttershy blushed, Rainbow quickly followed suit. "It looks like the fight is over and it looks like once again the brave heroes have defeated Sombra who was suspected behind all the evil behind the forest. This is Anchor Mare, Windstrider signing off from The Equestrian New Network." The news cut off giving to a commercial. Katie paused the T.V. and gave a quick look at who was in the shot. She gasped seeing Twilight and I. "Why that idiot he almost got himself killed! Mom I'm going to Equestria!" Katie shouted, her mom gave a typical mom response of bring warm clothes and to be safe response. 'I've wondered where they went off too.' Katie thought as she grabbed some clothes and cash. She looked into the mirror before giving a wink and taking off. "So does anyone care to explain why you guys were being sacrificed?" Death asked the small crowed of humans and ponies. "It.....it was to hasten the return of an old god. That's what Sombra said. He told us we should be grateful for being used to bring back an old one." A scared pony said. "Wait a second professor are you okay? I asked. He gave off a weak nod and smile. I gave a sigh of relief. 'Sombra you fool you forgot that friends make you stronger, it's a shame that it had to end this way.' > Light Triumphs? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Let's get all of the citizens out of the castle." A guard ordered herding together the ex-hostages. "Well you did quite the number on Sombra all of you. Including on all of those dead Timber Wolves. This so means the goddess of nature is going to want to have a few words." Celestia gulped. "Actually your highness it was the young man sitting over there." Death pointed over to where I was sitting. Celestia looked up as if she didn't believe him before the others gave a nod behind him. Celestia's eyes widened in surprise after the conformation from the others. Celestia slowly walked over to me her hoofsteps echoing through the now emptied castle. She kicked up particles of dust staining her hooves a bit. "I have to thank you for putting an end to Sombra, I can feel myself becoming more like myself once again. My heart is at ease knowing that we have slowed the hasting of the old god returning." Celestia beamed warmly as she looked down at me. I sat still not bothering to look at her as I felt her hoof on my shoulder. "I really do appreciate what you have done killing that psycho who so foolishly sought the destruction of both of our worlds. You have done all of a great deed." Celestia said gratefully. "He isn't dead not even close. That was a mere copy of him, the real Sombra is even more incredibly powerful compared to that...thing. I have done nothing as these sacrifices did what they were intended to. They were not meant to increase the timing of the summoning. They were meant to create mindless slaves with incredible power, they corrupted the very land around us. The goal was to corrupt the lands of Equestria to make it easier for the dark forces to conquer. A willing slave is also way less dangerous than a slave with a fire in their heart. We achieved a very small victory. The weapons that I sought after were nothing more than mere lies, I found out during my fight that I could tell that Sombra knew almost every step of the castle. He would have been able to find these weapons very easily." I stood up slowly my wounds began to come back now that the adrenaline had worn out of my body. "Wait you're saying that wasn't even the real Sombra?" Twilight asked horrified. "He tore you apart and that wasn't even his full power. That's crazy." Rainbow gawked in fear.\ "Celestia I don't see why you should be here any longer I fear that the kingdom might be in danger. There was also one thing I forgot to mention, it's that the sacrifices corrupted the land that was seen as the biggest threat. Instead of corrupting being of nature Sombra created being of pure hate and darkness. This small victory will mean nothing if Canterlot falls." I told her my eyes begging to shut for sleep. I began to fall over my injuries taking their toll. "Are you certain of this?" Celestia asked. I gave off a weak nod. "Twilight and the others I believe all of you should go with her. Protect the city, or at least check to see if my haunch is hopefully false." I coughed out kneeling down. "Oh yeah what about you, huh are you that stupid to think that leaving you here in this state is smart?" Rainbow asked pushing me over, she easily toppled me over. I gave her a furious glare my eyes began to light up with rage. I began grind my teeth together before I shoved her off of me. Her soft body making a soft echo as she rolled over onto the ground. "What about you she does have a point why would we leave you here?" Applejack asked. She looked me over her emerald eyes giving a piercing glare. I wiped some sweat off my brow before I stood up slowly only to fall again. My knee hit the ground harder than before making me wince for a second. "Especially well...err in your condition." Applejack asked helping me over to a wall to lean against. The cold stone felt almost to good to be true for a minute..but that was before the pain hit. "I'll be fine just go with the others they will need you to protect them." I smiled before sliding down the wall. "Why not come with us?" Twilight asked walking over to me. I looked up at her concerned face, her eyes welling up with tears seeing me in my current condition. I slowly moved my hand up to her face and wiped away her warm tears before giving her a smile. She returned one slowly and weakly. "Is there something you need to do here?" Twilight asked. "I need to heal the land around here if someone were to stumble into the woods in their current conditions...well you know. I just need a few moments to recover." I told everyone as they walked over to me. "Why not have one of us stay at your side, you can't be alone to handle this thing." Twilight said. I chuckled softly which caught me a few raised eyes and ears. "I'm not alone I have Flame Tail. Ain't that right little buddy?" I asked giving off an actual smile now. "Aye Sir!" He piped up loudly flying above us. His wounds were starting to heal quickly. 'Not surprising he is a phoenix after all.' I thought. "Now quick you mustn't wait any longer!" I shouted they all nodded as Celestia casted a mass teleportation spell. I noticed Twilight's horn light up, the room now entranced in white and purple radiance it. They gave off such a brilliant hue that I could feel myself getting better all ready. Celestia gave off a bright flash teleporting everyone but Twilight. "You are an idiot sometimes, but you do have a good heart." Twilight smiled tears rolling down her face as she moved closer to me. I gave her a loving embrace she returned it. Her warm soft body felt like a nice warm pillow, I felt her tilt my head toward hers. She moved in swiftly as she locked lips with mine. Her eyes closed as she began to use some tongue before breaking the kiss, a little strand of saliva broke as she pulled away. "I expect to see you soon and in good health!" She ordered. "Aye sir!" I chirped giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Hey that's my line...." Twilight just giggled seeing Flame Tail have his thunder stolen like that. "Well little buddy I say let's get some rest for now." I smiled as Twilight vanished leaving a few purple sparkles after her spell. "Aye sir." Flame Tail agreed as I all ready began to hear him snore. Mean while on earth. "So is four thousand bits a lot of money?" Katie asked Moonlight as she observed the gold coins in her hands. "Well Miss Katie let's say that's about three months in a top hotel with everything included. You are lucky you know Miss Sparkle as well, use that to your advantage you might even get some discounts." Moonlight chuckled. "I have a question Moonlight." Katie said catching Moonlight off guard. He perked up letting Katie know he was ready for the question. "I need to get to the Everfree Forest do you know the quickest way there?" Katie asked. "Ask for this name when you arrive in Canterlot, it is going to be in Central Square. May I ask why you want to go there of all places? Did you not hear about all the crazy that has been going down there? The place is all ready all sorts of dangerous and crazy, but now it's even worse. You have a death wish or something?" Moonlight asked slamming his hooves on the wooden board. A few veins popping out of his head. "You kids now a days..." He sighed noticing the awkward stares he was getting. "No I have to go tell someone half of my mind on how stupid they are." Katie sighed. "Let me guess Tyler." Moonlight laughed. "Yep..." She sighed face palming. > Reunion? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay so the portal thing was really lame.." Katie sighed as she exited through the portal. She looked around her taking in the warm spring air around her. 'Hmm I guess winter wraps up much quicker here.' Katie thought with a smile. Canterlot was as busy as ever the townsfolk were moving from all over unaware to the dangerous to soon follow. Katie looked at the paper her brown eyes scanned the paper as she took a few mental notes as she began walking to Central Square. She dodged people and ponies left and right getting a few stares from guys and colts all alike. She even noticed some of the females were looking at her with envy. She just rolled her eyes as she reached the destination. She retook out the paper and searched for a place called Fairy Tail Inn. She scanned around before noticing a giant building right in front of her. The building was huge made out of both stone and some strange material she had never seen before. On the building was a symbol of a phoenix and the words of the inn surrounding it. "I guess this is the place." She sighed pushing open the heavy wooden door. She was greeted to a sight of a warm and cozy looking bar. The floor was made out of a soft wood she noted as her footsteps made a softer step than usual. "Well look at that looks like someone is lost." The bartender said noticing Katie still looking at her paper. He gave off a warm smile as he noticed her embarrassed blush. "Please dear take a seat have a drink or two." He assured her pointing to a bar stool. Katie walked up and took a seat she looked up to a bartender before setting down the paper. "what can I get you miss?" He asked. "A glass of water would be great." She told him with a smile. The bartender just sighed mentally as he grabbed her a glass of water. "Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't stay long I need to see a pony named Shadow Dancer. A friend of his Moonlight told me to ask of him a favor." Katie said the sudden warm atmosphere of the bar disappeared. The small chatter in the background cut off. Katie looked around a bit nervous before noticing the bartender's eyes went wide. "You seriously want to see that insane bastard?" He asked in fear. She nodded, the bartender pointed a shaky hoof over to a table where a black and purple pony was sitting alone. Katie noted how the pony was wearing a hoof that was as black as hit coat, if it wasn't for the purple she wouldn't have noticed the hood. Katie walked up to the table she took a gulp and tried to swallow her fear before she sat down. The pony moved his head up from his beer looking into her eyes. His deep purple eyes looked up at her, Katie noticed a scar on his left cheek and under his chin. They looked like claw marks that cut deep into him. "What is it you want, make it quick." Shadow Dancer said his voice monotone but still frightening. Katie began to sweat she felt terrified of this pony as he took off his cloak revealing even more scars. "I seek passage to the Everfree Forest, your friend Moonlight said you would be able to take me there." Katie replied. A few gasp were heard from the bar. "She's crazy." "Aye, that she is." "Shh don't want to make Shadow mad." Katie ignored the comments going around the bar before noticing a grin on Shadow Dancer's face. He stood up and laughed a bellowing laugh. Katie looked up confused and a little terrified. She wiped the sweat off her brow. "He told you to contact me, I guess this is the favor I owe him." He sighed. "Come then let's make haste the pegasus said stretching his black and purple tipped wings. His wings even had scars these ones were much lighter than the others. Katie quickly followed as he left the Inn. Shadow hovered above her before placing his hooves under her arms. "Wait what are you doing?" Katie asked slapping his hoof away. "I'm taking you there, I much rather prefer making a short trip rather than a few day one by foot, a train isn't going to take you directly there either." He said bluntly. Katie just took a gulp as he allowed her to pick her up. Shadow Dancer readied himself before taking off, he gave off a strong gust of wind stirring up some dirt on the ground before he began to soar to the skies. 'Incredible even with my extra weight he isn't even struggling.' Katie thought as she soared she noticed how blue the sky was up here. A much different feeling than an airplane it felt much more free and natural. She still didn't want to look down. "So if I may ask why is it that the others are afraid of you?" Katie asked looking up at Shadow. He sighed loud on purpose and annoyed. "I was waiting on that question, look to put it simple I was captured by a cult of ponies seeking to bring forth an old god. They thought I would go down easy as a sacrifice, but I fought everyday!" His voice trembled in rage it echoed through the empty sky. "They eventually decided that perhaps I should join them, use their dark magic they use. Despite me not being a unicorn I was able to wield this dark magic, while not as strong as a unicorns I could still wield it. Little did they know that they didn't bring me to the darkness, I found something in it. The being channeled it's dark powers into me, I embraced them like a warm glow." He whispered a few parts. "My name Shadow Dancer was my new name, the cultist gave it to me after they saw me embrace the darkness. The dark magic danced around me every time I used it, I used it to fight hoof to hoof combat with those freaks. I eventually welcomed this power so much that it began to tear at my soul, I slaughtered everyone of those.....freaks!" His voice quelled with rage, Shadow felt the dark energies that coursed through him began to grow. "I'm sorry....that I asked." Katie whispered a few tears streaming down her face. "It's fine after all I didn't have to tell you." Shadow Dancer assured Katie, he noticed she pipped up a bit. She even had a smile and wiped her tears away. 'Why did I tell her though....it came so naturally.' Canterlot "So we are here what's the plan princess?" Twilight asked worried. She looked up to her mentor for advice. "I suggest that we wait and see we'll get the guard ready for an attack." Celestia said as they hurried through the castle. "Rainbow scout ahead go find Luna." Twilight ordered. Rainbow gave a quick salute and veered off from the group. "She should be righ...." Rainbow was interuppted as the wall in front of her bursted in front of her. The dust and debris caused her to cough and blur her vision through the dust. "You are a sitting duck right now Rainbow." A voice called out it sounded peaceful. There was a dark and sinister laugh followed behind as a beam of magic busted through the cloud of dust. Rainbow squinted and made out Luna she beamed a warm smile, in fact a little blush came over Rainbow. "Move out of the way to the right." Luna told her as she pulled out a strange weapon. Rainbow didn't get what she meant and sat there dumbfounded for a moment. She took a hit from something straight in the face sending her skidding a few feet. "This one should be easy enough to take down." A deep voice called from the still hanging dust. Rainbow was able to grind herself to a halt thanks to her usually quick reflexes. She spat out a bit of blood and shook off some of the pain in her face. "Pl-please if that's tha...that's the best you can do than you might as well throw in the towel." Rainbow grinned as she flapped her wings strong enough to create a vortex sending the dust flying at who ever just hit her. "Did you hear that?" Twilight asked. Applejack nodded as did Celestia. They turned around to find out what made that sound of an explosion before three more explosions happened. Twilight used her magic to control all the dust and send it flying full force at three shadows she made out. They were sent back a bit but nothing to extreme. Everfree Forest "You have go to be kidding me they just don't stop coming!" I shouted jumping over more Timber Wolves. These ones were larger than the others, they didn't have the glow that the others did from earlier. "This is getting annoying alright Flame Tail it's time!" I grinned noticing him flying down from above. "Aye sir!" He yelled as he took a swipe at a wolf. "Phoenix Radiance!" The forest lit up even brighter than the castle did before. This time the light could be felt all around us, it was made out of holy light and fire. The spell had improved as Flame Tail was learning rather quick how to control his power. I beamed a smile as I saw him land on my shoulder. "Over there did you see that?" Katie asked her voice peaked with awe with a nice mix of fear and wonder. "Yeah I think I know where your friend is." Shadow said flying faster. "There seems to be something coming straight for us!" Flame Tail yelled, his high pitched voice ringing through the forest. He flew me out of the way as what he was saying landed right in front us. "So I was right it is you! Well you idiot for not dying I'm so going to kill you!" Katie shouted charging straight for me. 'Well she sure does cut right to the point.' Shadow thought with a smile. "Wait a second Katie is that you?" I asked walking up to her. We met and before she spoke we were interrupted by the trees beginning to warp around us. The branches made loud twisting sounds as the trees moved to create a circle. "Disgusting humans but most of all you! Lightbearer it was you who has been slaying my children!" A voice called out. "Who are you?" I asked readying my weapons. I looked up and noticed the ground was turning into the shape of a pony. After a few moments one did pop out of the ground. "Me I'm the goddess of nature or in this case your death. I see you also brought some friends good your remains shall feed the earth! Good to see you are beaten down too paladin. It looks like this will be a easy victory for me, I shall enjoy walking over your remains as you become part of my earth." The goddess of nature laughed pointing at us, the wolves that were blinded began to see again. "You have another thing coming if you think you'll be walking over any of our bodies!" I shouted as I began to charge. "Children attack!" She ordered. I looked at her green body and blue eyes her eyes looked just like the water. Her mane was the color of brown like the ground. Her hooves had shoes covered in flowers she held her hoof out as her forces began to charge. I leapt through the air ready to strike when..... > Clash: Forces of Nature vs Lightbearer and Allies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Please do you really think a small attack would do any damage." The goddess laughed, she shielded herself by using the dirt as a shield. Her forces began to be coming out of the the ground at an incredible rate. "You stand no chance you are fighting in my domain, you will die here." She laughed as she held me in place with roots from the trees. I struggled by every time I did I would feel small pricks of thorns cover my entire body the blood slowly trickled out of me. She walked over and placed a vine in front of my mouth and laughed. "I know that your attacks are more powerful through speech, the light you so desperately cling onto is so easily extinguished in a few moments." She moved her hoof and made the trees cover the little patches of light. "You have to help him Shadow!" Katie yelled out tears streaming down her face. The goddess of nature laughed as she grabbed Katie with the same roots. "You don't even have power in your body, you think you stand a better chance?" She asked walking over to her. "You are right, the light that fool clings onto is so easily put out. You did make one mistake, it seems as the forest was corrupted so too were you. I will show you the power of darkness." Shadow laughed as shadows enveloped him. Shadow ran up and charged the goddess with a shoulder charge knocking her back. She only laughed as she was flew back her forces catching her. "You see it was I who let my little slaves be corrupted, it seems that those of free will did indeed fall under Sombra's spell. They are now my slaves, I was not corrupted from the darkness I all ready started out with a hatred. A hatred that burned even more once these damn humans came to MY LAND!" She yelled as she threw me into the ground with her magic. She kept slamming me into the ground I began to lose more blood my vision fading in and out. "You see you are all nothing but insects to me, even Celestia fears me. She knows that I can take back my agreement of allowing no harm to you ponies as long as you respect my land." She sighed in annoyance of slamming me into the ground. "You think slamming me into some hard...gr-ground will put me down." I coughed out as a bit of blood exited my mouth. The vine ripped into my tongue causing more blood to pool out. "I see perhaps I will keep you as a torture pet, my little slaves will feast on your remains....after I've had my fun." She smirked. "I think you made a mistake!" Flame Tail yelled out burning the roots away, he flew up burning the tree's bringing light to the forest again. The goddess of nature sighed as she used her magic to put out the fire using water from the streams. "I see you bring a little phoenix with you, it matters not for they are nothing more than mistakes created by the unicorns of old. You see little phoenix you are nothing more than a tool for them all." "You speak nothing but lies and hatred." Flame Tail snarled flying at her forces of nature burning them into a crisp. Those made of earth just shrugged it off. "Tyler stand up!" Katie shouted, tears still streaming down her face. I slowly stood up, healing my wounds with the light, they started to close up slowly. The pain however was still there as I began to stand up. I struggled at first falling to the ground before I clutched the ground. I looked up and saw Shia Labeouf's image standing in front of me. "Do IT! JUST DO IT!" He shouted his face turning red as he flexed his arms. 'What the hell is going on?' I thought rolling my eyes. Surprisingly I laughed as I began to stand up. "Thanks Shia you crazy son of a bitch." "So tell me goddess of cruelty what is your name?" Shadow asked killing off a few of the extra forces. "My name is Viridi. I do believe you are the famed...or should I say feared Shadow Dancer." She giggled as she insulted Shadow. "Well Viridi I'll show you wh-." Shadow stopped as I placed my hand in front of his mouth. He gave a strange look at me. "I'll take care of her I made it my mission to stop whatever was going on in the forest. Get Katie out of here as fast as you can." I told him looking back. "Look here kid I know you just met me but you're in no condition to take her on alone." Shadow said stepping in front of me. I gave off a sigh as Flame Tail flew over and burned the roots holding Katie in place. Viridi chuckled her high pitched laugh echoing through the forest as she threw Shadow against a wall of dirt causing him to fall to the ground. He slowly got up and gave a smirk. "Dirty blow I think someone is scared." "You wish, scared of mere mortals please. I'm a goddess, you are nothing compared to me, you are just.." Viridi stopped as I interrupted her. "Shut up, just shut up. You think because you control the land that we are nothing but insects to you. All things bleed and you are no different, let's see if you can hold up against us then." I said pointing my blade at her, she looked angry as her brow began to twitch. "You, you dare talk to someone higher on th-" I interrupted her by trying to slash her chest, she quickly reacted by blocking with her hoof. To my surprise my half truth of everything bleeds turned out to be true as I made a cut on her. The blood was red too just like the mortals she talked down to. I gave a smirk as did Shadow. Flame Tail swooped down at gave a slash at her back causing her to flinch in pain. "You think you are so clever I'm done playing with you fools may you all rot underneath my hooves!" Viridi roared as she made two swords out of the ground. They were made out of iron and other natural materials, they were incredibly sharp looking too. "Paladin don't let her scare you with her swords, she has to be afraid as she wouldn't be resulting to hand to hand combat." Shadow calmly said letting his body be fully enveloped into nothing but pure shadow. "Katie get out of here, Flame Tail take her to Canterlot. As soon as you are done come back for us." I told him looking up at him. "Aye sir!" He shouted swooping down to pick up Katie, she was caught off guard and gave off a little yelp. "I swear Tyler if you die I'll comeback to step on your body like Virdi you hear me!" She yelled as she flew off. "Well she sure is a charmer." Shadow smirked. "She sure does know tough love that is for sure." I chuckled as Viridi took her stance. "Enough chatter you idiots save it for your dying breaths." She said as she leapt at us. We both jumped out of the way. She slashed we both dodged it but she made contact with a tree. Viridi cut the tree in half with a single slash. "Damn I was hoping to kill you two with one attack what a waste of time." She sighed restoring the tree. "Don't let her touch you when she charges!" Shadow shouted as he crept through the shadows and kicked her in the back sending her tumbling towards me. His hoof gave off a red and black smoke trail off of it, I took advantage of her being caught off guard and took another slash this time at her front hoof. I heard the cut hit her hoof as the sword tumbled to the ground. The blood began dripping out of the wound as well. She quickly used the leaves of the forest and applied them to her body, we both looked confused as her wounds healed. My eyes went wide in terror as she picked up her sword again. "That's it, that is the look you should have when looking at a goddess!" Viridi shouted charging forward. I quickly casted a weak Holy Shield around myself, she took a quick slash shattering the shield and sending me tumbling. She grabbed me with the roots again this time I caught on and slashed them quickly. Shadow charged this time from the top of the shadows he landed a punch on her but Viridi caught on and grabbed his hoof and threw him. She grabbed him with vines and roots he gave off a cold look of hatred as she laughed. "One down now one more to go!" She giggled as she walked over to me. She threw one of the swords at me, I chuckled and ducked under the sword. "Throwing a huge object like that won't help." I smirked as I walked over to her. She laughed as her forces grabbed me. She used their bodies to entangle me again. "You fell for it now then let's see how much you smirk after I'm done with you." She smiled as she made a whip out of a vine laced with thorns. She snapped it in the air causing a crack that sent a few birds flying away, she looked up her smile beaming as she saw the same look of terror I had before. She snapped the whip against my chest, the whip grabbed my clothing and tore off most of my sweat shirt and tee underneath. For some reason whenever I healed myself it restored my clothing. I yelped in pain before biting on the clothing around my neck. She snapped it again tearing more flesh away. She did it over and over my chest nothing more than a stain of red now as my blood dripped onto the ground beneath me. She smiled as she walked up closer and saw the tears rolling down my face. "Don't worry we still have your back to do." She whispered. "Leave the boy alone!" Shadow shouted trying to morph back into the shadows. "Silly mortal these new thorns block any form of magic, you are now my little play things." Viridi laughed as she turned my body around back first now. I spat out the little piece of clothing I had in my mouth as I coughed out more blood. "Do your worst bitch." I muttered spitting on my hand and flipping her off. Shadow spat at her face and laughed. "You sure are pathetic having to hold us little mortals as you called us. Shouldn't you a goddess been able to beat us hand to hand with combat." Shadow laughed. "That is where you are wrong you see my hand to hand combat is lacking. Using my very element is how I fight, brain over brawn you dear idiot." She spat back in his face. 'Come on just a little bit more.' I thought wiggling my foot to my sword. Shadow noticed what I was doing and caught on quickly. He began to distract Viridi for me. "I think it's funny that your so terrifying whip did nothing. I bet it doesn't even hurt." He smirked. Shadow chuckled seeing her beginning to become annoyed with him. She snapped the whip once again her glare growing stronger as she began to tremble with rage. "That's it!" She yelled charging at him with her blade instead of her whip. She was interrupted as a certain song somehow played through the forest she looked around confused. "It's John Cena!" A voice yelled from out of nowhere. From the sky dropped John Cena right on top of Viridi. She was knocked into the ground so hard that she actually caved it in a little bit. He quickly ripped the vines off of Shadow and I. "Thanks Cena!" I shouted with a smile giving him a bloody thumbs up. "Everyone gets one." He said before disappearing. "What the hay just happened?" Shadow asked confused. "Murrica just happened. Good old Murrica." I smiled standing up. Viridi laughed harder now that she had gotten up. "You think that little stunt will be the thing that saves you, I will give you both credit if you hadn't weakened me that little surprise would have done nothing." Viridi panted standing up. She tried the same trick with the vines this time we both leaped out of the way. I gave a look over to Shadow who gave a wink as we both kicked her at the same time. "Shadow's Void!" "Heaven's Heel!" Viridi was sent flying back into a tree she began to summon more of her troops from all around. They backed Shadow and I up well back to back duh. The forces seemed to be smaller than before and Viridi looked like she was on the verge of passing out. "I think she is almost out of energy." I said slashing a few of the beast down. "Perhaps these guys seem way to easy to take down, especially for the numbers they have." Shadow said flying up his hoof glowing with flame embers as he crashed into a huge group of the foe. "Shadow you think you can take care of these guys?" I asked giving off a smirk. "If you have a rake I'd be happy to bag up this lawn for you." He laughed. I took it as a yes and jumped straight at the tired out Viridi dropping her with an elbow. "Heaven's Drop!" She gave off a gasp of air as most of her forces began to vanish. "Th...this isn't over...." She gasped before falling to the ground. I raised my sword above her throat before Shadow stopped me. "I know you think it will help if she is dead but it will do more harm than good." Shadow gently spoke into my ear. I dropped my blades before sitting against the tree and gave off a tired smile. "You're right, I suppose proper introductions are in place." I said extending my hand. Shadow looked surprised by the gesture as his eyes went wide with shock. "The name is Shadow Dancer." He smiled taking my hand. "Tyler, once normal college student, now I guess a paladin and a fighter for good." I laughed my laugh turned into a small yawn. I looked up at Shadow who also began to slowly sit down. "I noticed Viridi said ponies fear you? Why is that....if you don't mind me asking." I bluntly stated out not really thinking. "Long story short is because of my abilities. Usually dark cults use this lost magic, they fear me because of it. So I usually just sit alone and live my life in the shadows because of that. I'm also enlisted in Celestia's actual military. Most don't know about that so yeah that's about it." Shadow chuckled. "They think of me as a monster, ponies never talk to me or trust me. It's a sad living but I can't change that." Shadow sighed a few tears began to well up. "Between us you are not a monster, miss Viridi there is what you would call a monster. As for the ponies give it time, I'm sure soon they will see that they will need you now more than ever." I said before drifting off. "Thanks it means a lot." Shadow said before he too dozed off. > Clash: Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well I like a good fight, and from the energy of the forest I have to say my ally took down whoever was in charge there." Celestia said summoning a spear to her side. Twilight looked up in shock seeing her teacher, ruler, and most important her mother figure ready to fight. "You have got to be kidding me, what did you send out a whole army to take down Viridi?" The being laughed not buying her words. "Actually it was my boyfriend, he wiped out the...uhh who?" Twilight asked stopping for a second. "You're really bloody serious, a bookworm like you doesn't know about Viridi?" "Who the hay is Viridi!" Twilight asked looking around for an answer. "The goddess of nature." Celestia calmly said looking down at Twilight through her in the corner of her eye. "Why don't I know who this is?" Twilight asked annoyed. "Some books are better left unread, now come on Twilight focus on the fight at hand!" Celestia said aiming her spear at the still shadowed villains. "Right sorry!" She squeaked blushing. "Oh please you think you can honestly defeat us?" "I think so partner!" Applejack shouted using her rope to grab one of the enemies. She quickly yanked the still hidden being into sight, what they saw however was not what they were not expecting. "Well still think you can take us out?" The ex captain of the royal guard laughed as he used the ropes momentum to slam into Applejack. What he wasn't expecting was how resilient she was. The shock was still hitting Celestia, one of the other ponies took advantage and threw a spear at Celestia. Twilight used her magic to create a shield in front of her teacher. 'Why did she say she liked a good fight, there is no way Celestia of all ponies said that.' Twilight thought jumping over a slide tackle from one of the ex captains allies. "Well not bad little miss, but we are part of an old special forces team. You know of the changelings don't ya?" He asked. Twilight nodded. "Well you see me and my partner were sent there for a bit of recon, I'll put it lightly let's just say that changelings hit a lot harder than what you can dish out." 'Oh shit how am I'm going to fight a pony like this? I don't even know that many offensive spells.' Twilight thought gulping as she took a punch to her face she was sent sliding back a bit. "Enough of this!" Celestia yelled seeing Twilight take a hit, she slammed the spear into the ground causing a bright light to shine through the halls. Celestia's eyes burned with the fury of the sun, Twilight shivered in fear as she felt Celestia's power take over the room. She used her magic to grab the three foes and wrap them up in a golden chains binding them into place on the wall. She also felt two other forces fighting it out she grabbed them as well and threw them in place next to their presumed comrades. 'I knew she was lying she wouldn't harm her own subjects unless they were truly evil. She must feel that they have some good in them left.' Twilight thought with a smile. "Uhh where did they go?" Rainbow asked looking at Luna. "I felt my sisters magic perhaps that's where they went." Luna said half sure of it. "Why would they just decide to fight her?" Rainbow asked wiping her still bleeding nose. "I'm sure that my sister had something to do with it." Luna giggled looking at Rainbow's confused face. Luna started to walk the still confused Rainbow followed closely behind Luna. "You all are going to answer some questions." Celestia scolded her glare putting fear into the ponies in front of her. > Extra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well fuck me this is some fucking bullshit!" I shouted kicking a tree. "What is wrong with you?" Shadow asked looking up at me. "All of this, it's fucking bullshit! I should be relaxing in my room or studying, or going to a party or something normal. Instead I'm killing a bunch of fucking mystical creatures sent from who the fuck know's where. Dating a fucking a fucking pony, I mean come on this has got to be a dream or some really fucking funny joke." I looked up to the sky before laughing. "Oh hahahaha very fucking funny I know there is someone up there laughing at this. It's all fun and games for you ain't it." "Who the hell are you talking to?" "I don't even know, look I just needed to vent, I'm tired and I just had to get some of this shit off my chest." "You are one crazy motherbucker." "Oh please I'm fine I totally din't like having a half normal life or anything. This is so what I wrote down in my fucking dream journal." "You have a dream journal...dude just.." "It was a joke do you not know sarcasm? I mean jeez fucking a do you know how long it's been since I've sworn this much. All this talk of supporting the light and being self righteous, having crazy virtues and shit fuck that. I'm getting sick of playing a fucking paladin, I'm rerolling to a hunter or a mage or some shit." "Rerolling?" "Dude it's simple I'm probably just having a dream and I'm stuck in a different version of wow or something crazy." 'He's bucking lost it.' Shadow slowly walked over before slapping me across the face and handing me a snickers. "Here eat this." "Why?" "Because you're, not you when you're hungry." I shrugged before taking a bite, I looked up at Shadow before chewing. "Better?" "Better." "Well are you ready to head off to Canterlot." Flame Tail asked floating above us. I looked up at him before sighing. "Aye Sir...." "Hey that's my line, would you all stop taking it! Come up with your own lines!" "Anyway let's head out, if this rumor of yours is true than things are going to go down." Shadow said. "Quit ignoring me you guys!" Flame Tail shouted his flames glowing even brighter. "Care to give me a lift?" I asked Flame Tail giving him a grin. "Aye sir!" 'Well that was easy.' I thought. "Staples that..." "Oh hell no magical sky voice for staples and snickers commercials, we've all ready had more than enough product placement for one chapter." "Fine....but can I finish the line?" "No!" We all shouted. "Well fine." "This trip is going to take forever." Death Jr. sighed looking at Death. "Oh please you almost died twice, besides you're not the one stuck on guard duty." Death sighed eating a crayon. "Are...are you eating a crayon?" The nurse asked confused. "Yeah so what!" Death shouted offended. "Well uhh I uhh you know I think I'll be going for a bit, if you need anything don't be afraid to ring us." The nurse blushed before leaving. "Why do I get stuck on all the boring missions no fair, oooo a purple one." Death said before taking a bite. Mid forth wall break. It's lesson time kids. "My name is Death Jr. and I'm sure some of you are wondering why he is eating crayons. Well it's simple he goes a little wonky after being in the mortal plane for so long. Why he becomes the immature one and points is beyond me. You might also be wondering why I'm just fine and it's because I don't eat crayons!" Death Jr. sighed before rolling his eyes. "Okay maybe I do for some reason to us reapers they taste good, so leave us alone. > A warning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well this is going to be interesting..That is if this so called warning comes to pass." I said taking in the scenery before landing onto the grass below. Shadow soon followed suit as he fluffed his feathers before putting them away. "I agree the castle looks like it's taken some heavy damage too." Shadow said before rushing in. 'Shit I hope the princesses are okay.' Shadow thought sprinting even faster. "Would you care to explain why you are..." I stopped before the thought of Twilight popped into my head. "Flame Tail let's go quick!" I shouted as he picked me up. He flew faster than usual we busted through a window. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine quick drop me and stay close by me." I said with a serious tone to my voice. I heard Shadow follow close behind me. "So what is it you were studying in college?" Shadow asked. "Criminal justice, I wanted to be a cop or something better, I wanted to join the F.B.I but then this happened." I said as we both ran. "Well now quite the change, how's it feel though to living a normal life to suddenly all of this?" Shadow asked. "I still don't know honestly, I will not lie about it. To be honest I don't even know if I like being a paladin. There are days where I just wish I could go back to before all of this, but it's not a dream so this is how it's going to be from now on. Until this darkness is finished then I will keep fighting until I draw my last breath. I will still uphold justice and freedom, even if it cost me my life! Even if this isn't the way I wanted it to be, this is the hand that was dealt to me. I will not try to fight it." I rambled on as we turned the corner. "You have a good head on your shoulders kid, Twilight is one lucky mare." He said as we slid to a halt as a being of shadow popped out in front of us. "Son of a bitch!" I shouted drawing my blades the Shadow Golem quickly swung at us, we both leaped out of the way while Flame Tail flew higher up before breathing fire on it. The golem looked up before picking up part of the ground and threw it. "Quick go fine Twilight and the others, that goes for you too little buddy!" I shouted before sliding under the hulking being. "Right don't you die on us!" Shadow said as Flame Tail followed behind Shadow before giving a salute as they rounded the corner. The boulder crashed into the wall causing an opening to a cliff that overlooked a waterfall and some of the country side. "Crush tiny human!" The golem shouted charging straight at me. "Oh the hell you will." I told the being before sliding under him again. 'Damn I can't keep playing the dodge game with this big fucker.' I thought before throwing one of my swords at it. "Light's Speed Flaming Sword!" The sword lit up with light and fire it pierced the golem in the chest ripping it open a bit. 'That had to have killed him.' I thought grinning before hearing the huge footsteps charging straight at me again. I was to slow to move out of the way and he slammed me right into a wall. "Hehe you're fun, let's keep playing." He laughed as he picked me up. 'This thing thinks it a game!' I thought still feeling the effects of being throw into a wall by such a huge being. "Let go of me!" I shouted kicking widely. "Okay." He said dropping me right onto the shoulder that hit the wall. I screamed in pain as he laughed again his deep slow voice echoed through the halls. 'Son of a bitch! I'm not going to have enough time to heal this right now.' I thought standing up slowly before I noticed that the hole was still there. "Good to know you don't regenerate, so looks like you can die, I just have to chop you into tiny pieces." I smirked before sliding under his slashing at one of his legs. The blade cut through the heel causing him to fall. "Or how about this!" I shouted stabbing the bastard in the head. The behemoth roared in pain as the blade pierced his head. His body started to disappear into the shadows as he gave off a final gasp of air. 'Note to self and the others if we see these things aim for the head.' I thought before picking up my other sword off the ground. 'I should have been snapped in half from that thing, or a broken spine from him throwing me. Was he holding back?' I asked myself looking at the dent in the wall. "Well now it seems you've made a pesky dent into one of my golems. Perhaps Sombra was right to keep an eye on you. Those things are not easy to make, the little ones that are about to swarm Canterlot in a few hours are going to be fun to see how you all deal with those. I mean honestly a golem taken down by one stupid fucking kid." A human said sitting on a chandelier, what ever I'll be seeing you that is if you even live in the next few hours." He said before vanishing. "What the hell come back here you coward!" I shouted at the walls. To no surprise there was no response. "Just who the hell was that." I asked aloud to myself. "Princess Celestia!" Shadow shouted seeing her just fine. "Shadow Dancer what are you doing here?" Celestia asked turning around surprised. "Wait who is this? Is there anything or anyone else that I don't know about going to show up or be mentioned today!?" Twilight asked looking confused while her frustration was starting to annoy her. "This is Shadow Dancer he is a member of the Equestrian Military." Celestia said looking at him. "You have got to be kidding me I thought I knew all of the guard and military." Twilight sighed annoyed. "He is a newer recruit but quite skilled, he can even use magic." Luna said. "How he is a pegasus?" Twilight asked inspecting Shadow. "Long story short these damn cultist." Shadow said pushing Twilight out of the way gently. His eyes focused onto the wall in front of him. He narrowed his eyes as he stared at the chained victims in front of him."Who are they?" He asked looking back at Celestia and the others. "Some ex guard and special forces members since we are telling short stories now." Twilight said before anyone could pipe in. "Also where the hell is my boyfriend!?" She asked looking at Shadow. "He was fighting off some weird Shadow Golem. He told us to come find you all and make sure all of you, you especially Miss Sparkle." Shadow said pointing at her. Meanwhile on the other side of the Castle. "Where the hell are they!" I shouted looking around. "Wait Tyler is that you?" I heard a voice say from around the corner. "Katie why aren't you with the others?" I asked concerned. "Flame Tail felt a strange energy so he dropped me somewhere safe. I'm glad I don't have to kill you twice. But I'm still going to kill you!" She shouted slapping my shoulder. I yelped in pain before falling to the ground. "Ouch uncalled for!" I shouted looking up at her, she just stuck her tongue out playfully. > Chasing Shadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm glad you're safe though." Katie said hugging me with a smile on her face. "Thanks as am I, but look we need to find the others quickly." I told her grabbing her arm and pulling her with me. "Right, I'm right with you until the end you know that right?" She asked running with me. "Yeah I know that, but there isn't really anything you can do in a fight like this. You'll only get yourself hurt or worse killed." She looked at me before stopping. "Look I know I might not have powers or whatever, but I'm going to fight. I've heard about this old god or whatever. No matter the cost I'll fight until the very end with you. It's the least I can do for you." She said grabbing my hand tears started to flow out gently. I looked at her puzzled before I sighed. "Look I know we didn't work out, but honestly I told you not to blame yourself for us breaking up." I told her but she didn't stop crying. "Look Katie if you want to feel sorry for us then right now is not the time!" I shouted grabbing her face gently. Her brown eyes still leaking with tears. "Dammit Katie, I don't blame you for cheating on me! It was my fault I wasn't there for you, I wanted to have you so badly but I..I just couldn't." I said smiling a few tears dropping down her face. "I don't believe you, every time I see you, you just seem so happy. Until you see me I can feel it, you put on a fake happiness. You've hid it all this time, I want to make it up to you somehow." She said pushing my arm down to my side. I trembled a bit before trying to find the right words. "Lo...look if you want to make it up to me, leave I told you. You're just going to get in the way." I said taking a deep breath to calm down. "You know I won't do that, I'll find another way to make it up to you." She said with a smile. 'So stubborn.' I thought as we kept running through the halls. On the other side.... "Well of course he was going to make sure we alright." Rainbow said playfully. Twilight just looked up at her and stuck out her tongue. "Well now do you five now care to explain yourselves?" Celestia asked looking at the group. "I told you all ready, you are all doomed to suffer in the darkness. Those who do not see the vision of the great one will suffer his wrath." The ex captain said. "This is getting us no where." Luna sighed. Shadow stepped up to the group and cracked his neck. "So you too want to see darkness, I'll show you." He told them as black and purple energy shot out of his left hoof. He placed it close to the ex captains face. "So this is what you want so bad, I'll give it to ya unless you speak." He said slamming his hoof into the wall next to him. He just grinned catching Shadow off guard. 'Is that dark magic?' Twilight asked herself looking at Shadow. 'I know Flame told us that Tyler teamed up with some pegasus. This however I was not expecting.' She thought looking at the group. Back to the other side.... "Why exactly is it that we have to hurry?" Katie asked running her footsteps echoed through the empty halls. "How the hell did we not reach them all ready!" I shouted ignoring her. I slammed my fist into the wall. I heard Katie's footsteps follow from behind me, I quickly calmed down for a moment. "Calm down I'm sure we're going to find them." She said with a gentle smile. I looked at her before nodding. "I know we'll find them but I'm worried if we'll make it enough time." I said to her as I took off running again. This time I looked at a window and crashed right through it. The glass shattered with me the color shards falling with me. I shrugged it off using a Divine Shield Spell, I stood up shaking off the dirt. Katie just sighed as she hopped over the window. "Why did you have to go and break stuff!" She shouted. "Shortcut." I told her as I threw one my swords into the next window. This one exploded with a large amount of colors catching the sunlight. It caused the ground to sparkle with colors that danced on the ground. The glass hit all with small clings, the larger pieces shattered on the ground. "So are you going to tell me why the hell you are in such a hurry?" Katie asked again this time with anger behind her voice. "I have a hunch." I said looking back at her grabbing my sword. "So we are just waiting for your hunch? Oh this is great." She sighed hopping through the other window. "I did tell you, you could have just left here didn't I." I said looking back as I followed the last path that we didn't take. Katie followed closely behind as she brushed herself off. "Do you care to explain your hunch?" She asked. "I fear that the other rumblings were from combat, if that one human I saw earlier is still here...he could turn those ponies into Shadow Golems, the only difference is because they are living beings.." I paused for a minute. "What come on spit it out!" She shouted as we rounded a corner. "They could be used as! Oh shit duck!" I shouted as she slid as another Shadow Golem popped out of the walls. > Smell The Residue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Man you fuckers are getting annoying!" I shouted grabbing the thing by the shoulder as he swung at me. His fast packed into the ground causing it to dent and crack the marble floors. "Katie run!" I shouted as the golem started to charge her. She quickly leaped over the golem as it charged into the wall. I looked back to see she was okay, I jumped off the golem sliding a few feet back on the floor. "Show off." I said looking back at her. "Cheerleading and gymnastics not my fault." She said sticking out her tongue. The golem recovered from smashing into the wall he turned around and charged again. "Well look I don't need you getting in the way." "I'm not going to." She sighed. I slid under the golem slicing his heels again only to see nothing happen this time. "What the...." "Oh well I suppose I should tell you this golem has no weak spots, I didn't want them to fall so easily like last time. There is no fun in it after all." A voice giggled. I looked over to see the same human from earlier. "You speak of nothing but lies everything has a weak spot." He just giggled even more at my response. He walked up to the golem and hit it once causing it to fall to the ground and shatter. "You're right, it's funny you have so much trouble taking these guys on. I mean for real you're a paladin you are created to be the exact opposite of darkness, but for some odd reason you can't take these things down. If this is the best you guys can muster you'll soon be kissing the ground. Well I'm going to leave for good." He said jumping in front of me. "If you think you can save these ponies I'll be waiting for you." He said calmly his dark deep hollow black eyes giving a piercing glare. Just like last time he vanished. I stood there motionless. I want to try and move but my fear was getting the best of me. "He's right if I'm a trump card we have nothing. He..he just took that thing down in one touch." Katie walked over placing her arm around my shoulder. "Are you even listening to yourself? You out of all people giving up, what are you afraid you can't beat him? Since when did you let fear hold you back, if you think he's going to beat you then show him up! Beat him you were never afraid of a challenge, this is just another obstacle in your way!" Katie shouted tears streaming down her face. "Dammit I'm scared too! I have no idea how this is going to pan out, but by all that is good you have to try your very best." She whispered the last part as a few tears fell to the ground. I looked down at her before picking her up. "I don't know if we're going to stand a chance or not,but thanks." I said to her still carrying her in my arms. She tilted her head tears still streaming down her face. "For what?" She asked wiping some of them off. "For giving me hope, I'm glad you decided to stay." I told her. She gave off a blush before jumping out of my arms. We both walked silent for a few moments before I remembered what I was going to say to the others. Katie noticed me starting to run she too followed in suit. Our footsteps sounded like a looping march the marble floors shined with our reflections. I looked down at my self I had a stern face trying to hold a will of iron but I was still shaking questioning what I was even doing. I shook my head dispelling my thoughts of doubt. Katie smiled seeing me shake my head and seeing my expression change. We both rounded the only corner that we hadn't checked. "Twilight!" I shouted seeing the group standing there. She looked over after her ears gave a soft twitch as she heard her name. She walked over to me beaming a smile. Her face lit up like a light in a fog of darkness and chaos. "You're okay I'm so glad." She whispered while hugging me. I returned the gesture half heartily she took notice by letting go. "Are you okay?" She asked looking up at me. "We need to move out of this room now." "Why?" "Those ponies chained to the walls are darkness bombs. They'll turn anyone caught within the blast radius into beings of shadows. They'll be empty shells of their former selves." I said loud enough for the others to hear. "Are you sure?" Twilight asked. "Why would I make this up!?" I shouted at her. She flinched a few inches back before readjusting herself. "Look I don't know it, it just seems so strange." "Just trust me on this." I sighed pulling her with me. The princesses looked back at me before seeing the grins on the ponies faces. "Well, well paladin I'm impressed but do you know who the intended target was?" I shook my head looking at him directly into his hollow black eyes. The captain just laughed as he broke the chains and pointed. "You!" He shouted jumping off the walls. "If these others get caught in the blast it will just be more fun. I'm sure the boss wouldn't mind either." He smirked as he started to crack his limbs walking toward me. I backed up slowly as he kept creeping toward us. "You don't have to do this." I tried to reason with these insane pony as he moved closer. I pulled out a blade of mine ready to throw it before he started to charge at our group. I threw the blade at the charging pony it pierced his leg slowing him down only for a few moments as the others followed suit and started running. The sounds of his bones crunching with the blade impacting didn't even phase him either. The combined noise from all of us running was followed by the sounds of chains breaking. "So is there anyway we can make sure they don't blow up?" Rainbow asked. "Well from what it seems if we give a fatal attack at the chest it will still trigger a reaction causing all of us nearby to well become shells almost. The key is to aim for their legs like I did, doing this slows their movement as well as the amount of well residue is needed to blow us up. Essentially we could drain them of all the residue and be fine. This means that we are going to need to run as fast as we can do anything to slow them." I said as we rounded through a corner. Our foot and hoof steps echoed through the halls soon followed by others not to far behind. "Come on guys wake up and smell the residue!" The captain shouted as he picked up his pace. We kept running until the hall split into two separate groups. "Split now!" I shouted. The others looked confused for a second before we split up into smaller groups. "Splitting up into groups well two can play at the game!" They shouted. > Honor? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle didn't split for much longer so I decided to once again made a shortcut. I looked at another window before charging into it. The glass didn't shatter as much as last time keeping several shards still lodged into the window. The grass was soft and cold to the touch with almost no snow lingering. I brushed myself off a few cuts and bruises were the result of my actions. "Well one day your body is going to break." Katie sighed as she hopped out of the window. I rolled my eyes and looked back to see the others followed suit and jumped with us. Shadow was the one who broke through the window on the opposite side he rolled. He had a few scrapes but he shielded himself from most of the glass with his wings like a full body shield. The sounds of the crashing windows drew the attention of the walking time bombs as they charged through the walls. The captain was the first one that busted through the wall. He grinned as the dust from the walls danced in the wind behind him. His wound was still causing him to bleed but it had slowed. 'What the hell he should have been bleeding like the crazy. His wound is even larger now.' I thought slowly backing up. "What's the matter kid? You thought you had it figured out so well didn't you?" He asked moving closer. I took up my other blade and was ready to throw it. "You sure you want to do that?" He asked his raspy voice echoing through the empty lands. The other guards of his soon followed suit and busted through the walls. I noticed that my blade was missing from his leg. His grin grew wider as he noticed my scanning before he pulled it out and tossed it in front of me. "Tell you what you beat me.." He paused for a minute before returning back to his normal pony form. "You beat me in fair combat and I'll have these idiots here blow themselves up." He said before grabbing his weapon. "He still hasn't fully recovered from fighting all day!" Katie and Twilight shouted. "It's fine my wounds are healed." I said locking eyes with the captain. "But your body has to be exhausted it even showed when you were fighting that golem." Katie said. "I am a stallion of honor tell you what I like ya kid. Why don't we let you get a day of rest hell we'll even postpone our attack. Just because I think it will be fun to strip everything away from you. My boys and I will wait right here all night. Cast a spell if you don't trust us. Tomorrow I expect to see you here." He said. Celestia and Luna gasped as did the others. "Can we really trust him?" Celestia asked. "I don't sense anything from him saying that he is lying at the moment." I said focusing on his speech pattern. "I don't think we can trust them, they are still the enemy." Luna said. "I know you are all talking about if you can trust me or not." He said walking closer. We all readied our weapons before he looked his men and threw his sword at one of them. The sword landed right in the head killing the stallion in just a few seconds. His body didn't blow up either he just turned into ash. "See your plan wasn't bad at all but for a kill shot without and explosion is to aim for the head." He said. "You...you just killed one of your own." Twilight whispered. Her face looking in a mix of disgust and shock. The captain laughed as he walked back to where his weapon was. He picked it up and looked back at us. "Oh please sweetheart we're the "bad guys" he chuckled. "Plus if that doesn't show you that I honor the terms of our duel I don't know what would." He sighed annoyed. We all stood there. "Seriously do I have to kill another to show you?" He asked putting a sword up to anther one of his allies throat. I threw my blade at his knocking it from his hoof. "Why is it that you want to fight me so bad?" I asked looking at him my blood boiling. "It's simple I love beating the living crap out of my enemies. The greatest are the ones who are supposed to be all heroic. Watching them lose knowing they failed is the greatest feeling ever." He told me with a grin on his face and he picked up his weapon and kicked mine back to me. I gritted my teeth together before looking at the others. "Fine I'll take you on your duel. If you don't end up honoring your part and keeping your men off of us for the night know I'll have an entire army after you." I said walking up into his face. "Big threat for someone who knows that you don't have an army." He grinned getting closer to me. "I'll find one just to hunt you down." I told him shaking in anger. > Duel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were surprised as when we awoke the next day that the other end of the bargain was held up. The air was crisp and cool, the wind was blowing rather swift causing the hair on the others to move with the wind. I looked at the captain and gripped my weapons. The wind was piercing through my clothes causing my hairs to stand up a bit. "Still waiting to recover really how much longer." Death sighed asking the nurse. "Should be a few hours before they make their full recovery." She said handing him more crayons. She blushed seeing him taking them and shoving him into his mouth. "So boring." He sighed before looking at the nurse, he stood and rolled his eyes. "Fine I guess I'll still play guard duty for a few hours." Death sighed talking to the wall. "Guard duty for what exactly?" She asked curiously. He turned around and looked at her. "For real? You seriously didn't hear about them getting attacked. You know what never mind you'll just have to wait and see." Death smiled as he turned his back to her once again. The nurse rolled her eyes before walking out of the room. "Nut job." She sighed. "Well now, are you ready?" The captain asked grabbing his sword. "Whenever you are." I said deadlocking his eyes. He laughed as he walked closer. "I like your style kid, you seem to have a lot of..how do I put it. Hmm spice to ya." He said cracking his jaw as he inched closer. "Save the talk for after I kick your ass." I said cracking my hands. "We'll see how it works out for ya, that flare you have, is going to get put back in check." The others looked out at the two of us as we readied our selves. Twilight looked nervous as she looked at me. "I'm sure he'll be fine." Rainbow said looking at Twilight noticing how much stress Twilight had. She noticed how she could really feel her stress, fear, and love. All at once. "I'm sure he will be but it's still not exactly what I want to watch." Twilight sighed turning her eyes to Rainbow. "He sure does have a warriors spirit." Shadow remarked. "Well paladin are you ready?" The captain cocked his shoulders as he stood in my face. I leapt back catching the hard ground with my feet. I readied my blade as I stood there waiting. "So who is going to strike first." He grinned looking at me. We both stood there as the wind kept blowing. I looked around him and noticed that the others were waiting for something to happen. His few men he had left were also waiting for something to happen. I could feel my heart racing as I stood there waiting. I decided that I would have to make the first move. The weather started to change as snow was beginning to fall. At first it was slow as it was falling. The wind was nothing more than a roadblock making it harder to see as the snow started falling faster and more furious. It felt like even the god of wind was making the fight seem like the fate of two worlds. We both stood there mirroring eachother's movements. I stood still for a moment as the snow picked up once again. "Well this is quiet the show isn't it." He smirked moving forward. I took a step back as he moved up another. The cliff was rather close to both of us. I rolled out of the way before my foot slipped near the edge. "Careful now, don't want you falling." He chuckled as he came charging in. I tried to parry his shoulder coming in but he knocked me back before I could ready myself. He grinned as he came charging in. His men cheered as he landed the first hit. I quickly sprung up throwing snow around us. The cold powder fell all around us. I threw another handful at his face before tripping him. "Cheap shots won't get you far." He said dusting himself off and he quickly got up. I backed up this time away from the cliff. The snow was falling harder now the wind made it feel like small pellets of ice barraging the skin. I pulled my hood in closer noticing he was still wiping his face off from the snow. I readied my blade the metal was colder than before my grip tightened around the hilt. The cold metal almost fused with my skin. My hand was growing numb as I ran at him, my other blade was ready to follow with another strike. I used the ice this time with me instead of against. I slid under him slashing at his legs. My swords held a smell of blood and sweat. I felt my fear grow as I stuck the blades into the ground to stop sliding. I looked over at him and watched as he struggled to get up. The captain turned around and smirked as he stood up. "Not a bad try kid but I told you! Cheap shots won't get you far!" He yelled standing up charging at me his blade dragging against the ground. The sound of cutting stone and ice echoed through the empty halls of the castle and the outside. "I think you're wrong about that one!" I shouted jumping down the waterfall of ice. I looked up as he looked down at me and threw his weapon. Twilight reacted by quickly teleporting to the bottom of the cliff. The others came running out except for the princess's as they followed Twilight in suit. Rainbow quickly flew down as Applejack stood watching. Katie hitched a ride from Flame Tail as they landed. "We have to do something!" Twilight shouted as her horn lit up. I threw one of my blades close to her. She snapped out of casting her spells and looked up. I shook my head no before throwing my other sword at the Captains incoming blade. He jumped down next riding against the waterfall. I landed on my sword in front of the girls. A barrier or bright light covered me to take the impact of the fall. The blades began to light up as a beam of light knocked the Captain to the ground. His goons quickly jumped down to see if he was alright. "Ge...get away from me you idiots!" He shouted struggling to get up as his legs buckled. I grabbed my blade from the ground and walked over to the Captain placing my sword over his throat. I was ready to swing before I knocked back by a magical force. The silence was met by a laugh a very similar laugh. I looked up to see the same human from before. "You know I lied about that being the last time seeing you." He chuckled as he used his magic to grab the others. "Your orders were clear Captain to inflict them with the curse and it seems you have failed. Sombra is going to have words with you." He said as he began to open a portal. "Next Time We Meet Paladin it won't be on your grounds!" The cultist said as he and the others jumped through the portal. I tried to run up to it before I felt Twilight's magic pull me back. "Don't be reckless you don't know what lies beyond that portal!" She shouted years streaming down her face. "Come on we had a clear chance." I said looking back at the now closing gateway. "It would not have been worth the risk of taking it. We are still out numbered and it seems like some of your race has sided with the old ones." Celestia said standing straight up surveying the land. "Plus we have some repair to do." She sighed pointing to the windows. "Of course." Rainbow and I sighed. Twilight just giggled as we stood still for a moment in the cold blowing wind. "How did you manage to see his sword coming down with all that snow in the way?" Twilight asked. "I guessed." I told her bluntly. She just stood there before facehoofing. > Don't Waste My Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The human escorted the group.... of what he called failures to Sombra. The quiet halls echoed with each step the group took. The black walls were glowing faintly with the glow of torches that were bolted tightly on the walls sparked quietly. "You're seriously going to take us there?" The captain asked the cultist his face still turned forward. "Of course I'm taking you to him. You failed your one mission. Sombra placed his trust in you and you failed, all for the sake of a duel. Pathetic." He spat looking back at the captain and his men. The captain gritted his teeth as he bit his tongue. "It's called honor something you wouldn't know about cultist scum!" He shouted losing his temper. "Careful, if I were you I would watch your tongue." He grinned as he felt the captains anger building up. He turned around and looked at him dead in the eyes and laughed. "I mean if that paladin almost beat you, I know for sure then you wouldn't stand a chance against me." He laughed as they kept walking. "He didn't almost beat me, he used cheap shots. That is not a victory especially, for a paladin." He snorted getting in the cultists face. "A win is a win, just accept it, you lost. You are an old washed up hag of a fighter. I think you couldn't even touch a hair on my head if we fought." The cultist grinned his voice changing to a tone of superiority. "Yeah, that's what you think but I am a man of honor. You are considered an ally....for now." The captain said spitting venom with his words. The cultist looked at him before laughing. "What do you mean for now?" He asked stepping back a few inches. "If I so even see a hint of betrayal I will hunt you down." The captain whispered stepping closer. "Boldly stated, but your threats are hollow." The cultist sneered with a chuckle. The light flickered as the grouped walked the candles dimming behind them almost like lights being dimmed slowly. The air was starting to have a tense feeling in it as the tension between the two began to arise. "Perhaps you'd like to learn a thing or two?" The captain said stopping again. He stood straight up making his presence be known. He readied his weapon at his side. The cultist was beginning to feel annoyed that the captain was still going on. "Do you ever shut the hell up?" He asked the captain was about to speak before being cut off to a swift punch to the gut. "May I also remind you who gave you the dark magic that flows through your pathetic veins?" He grunted as he kicked the captain back. His men stood there to afraid to do anything as the cultist pulled out a blade. "So tell me this! Do you want to waste my time or shall we keep trekking on? Either way you're going to Sombra rather beaten and broken or still in one piece?!" He asked shouting making the candles in the area flicker before he snapped making the light re balance in the atmosphere. The air was still hanging heavy with the tension between the two. "You know you failed your mission too." The captain spat from his kick to the chest. He walked but into the cultist's face getting eye level with him before headbutting him. "YOU were supposed to destroy the castle while we bought time and corrupted their forces." He turned his headbutt into a kick buck to the shoulder. The cultist arm snapping loudly in the process. The candles now blazed with rage just like the cultist. "That's it you pathetic waste of breath I'm going to snuff the life out of you!" He shouted using the flames from the candles conjuring them into a living flame. The beast gave off an immense heat so much so that there were heat mirages in the area. "Now you wish to mess with the powers of a god!?" The cultist shouted before the flame giant dissipated. The room was black before lighting back up again but with a darker flame. "Both of you have kept me waiting long enough!" A voice shouted from the end of the hallway. > The Powers Of A God > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Perhaps you two would like to stop acting like idiots. If not then you both can fight with each other against me." The voice called out the men behind them shivered in fear. He waited a few seconds before continuing to speak. His gruff voice echoed off the walls bouncing in every direction. "I thought not..." He paused for a moment as he walked towards them. His metal hoof plates echoed with each step he took. "A rather smart choice." He grinned as he used his magic to teleport behind the group. The group flinched as they moved back, they all took a deep breath as Sombra appeared behind them. "I all ready know of both of your failures..the fact that you doubt what I know disgust me. Do you take me as a pathetic mortal?" He asked the two peering into their eyes. They shifted silently before they both shook their heads no. "Good I'm glad you two aren't complete idiots. Now fortunately I had a back up plan to start an invasion to weaken the force's of Canterlot. Should you two have failed..." He mumbled looking at them. "Honestly a duel! Are you such an idiot! You have the powers of a god! A god! You choose them to duel a mere paladin. Not to mention a young mortal child! As for you a cultist with the powers of summoning that most conjures dream of and you choose to only summon mere golems! Sombra's green eyes flickered with a spark as he used the fire around him to conjure many different aberrations. The room flickered once again but with the color of green fire. "See what you saw before was just child's play....this is the magic of a god. To have a flame be considered so hot that is almost like touching an acid. "Perhaps you will both learn from this mistake." "If not.." he flared up before looking at them. "I can find replacements with the snap of your necks. Do I make myself clear?" He asked. The two nodded. "Good now that I made myself clear we will prepare for the invasion a month ago. "Wait..sir...I thought it was supposed to happen sooner." The captain choked up. "If it wasn't for your mistakes it would have happened much sooner! Mostly due to the idiot who revealed the plan in the first place." Sombra scorned looking at the cultist. "Now prepare for in a months time we will soon have Canterlot bent to our will." Sombra grinned. > Inspire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It has been over seven days where the hell are they?" Death asked as we sat at the coffee shop. His voice was tired and groggy. "Shouldn't you be glad that you're out of the damn hospital? Same with the others?" I asked sipping on my fresh hazelnut coffee. The steam still drifting with the air. The smell radiating around the coffee the smell perpetrating the air. "Yes, I am glad I'm out of that forsaken place." He said his voice still gruff. He sipped on his black coffee while looking around the area. "It still doesn't make any sense. You are sure, that both you heard his threat?" Death asked scratching his chin. "Yes of course!" Katie yelped drinking her cup of tea. She spilled a bit on the table. Everyone just ignored it but she had the urge to clean it up. "I still don't get it he didn't say a date..but he gave the hint of something coming very soon. It was supposed to be a few hours that day. That was the warning." I told him standing up pacing around the area. "Perhaps their plans backfired?" Twilight asked looking at some notes. "You do remember their goal of trying to corrupt us. They had a primary target it turns out." Twilight said looking up sipping some of her tea. "Who exactly would that be?" Rainbow asked. Twilight pointed at me. "Why him, why not someone awesome like me?" Rainbow asked slightly insulted. "Rainbow Dash this is not the time for acting like a child." Applejack blurted out from eating some apple pie, the smell radiating through the air. She quickly gave her a punch to the shoulder. "Now Twi, why do you think that they would go after your coltfriend here?" Applejack asked her curiosity peaked as she gave her full attention to Twilight. "Well I've been thinking about it and reading from the tales of the old. Back when warfare and other things were common. This threat that we are facing is from the powers of an old god. They thrive on chaos and darkness. Corrupting someone who uses the light is the ultimate act they can perform." She said looking at me. "Oh please so long as I'm kicking..." I stopped as Twilight put her hooves on the table. "No! Like AJ said this is not a game, don't act so smug you were very nearly close to being corrupted. You think that they won't stop to corrupt you again? Or even kill you!" Twilight shouted causing a scene. Others looked around crowding the table, most of them were younger colts who were checking out the mares. 'You want a scene?' I thought giving a smirk. "Now look here!" I shouted placing my sword into the ground. "I am a paladin of the well... no order yet! But that doesn't mean I won't stop fighting until my last breath!" I shouted watching the colts eyes shift their gaze to me. "If these bastards want some they can find something at the end of my blade! Now if you question my faith perhaps you need a demonstration of it, oh great Learner of Wisdom?" I quipped giving her a smirk. "A demonstration?!" Twilight shouted as she stood up. The others backed up clearing an area, a few musicians started playing a tune in the background. Her horn began to glow as she fired a few magical blast from her horn. "How about this you wanna make fun of learning! I'll make a demonstration out of you!" Twilight shouted. 'I knew that would work Rainbow thought.' She chuckled looking at me. 'Not bad kid, not bad.' "You really think your little magical blast will hurt." I chuckled using my hand to create a shield of holy magic. The shield absorbed her blast of magic. I looked and noticed that Twilight was shocked to see such a trick. "You've been practicing these last few days haven't you? To be able to use abilities like that and not even utter a word. I'd be rather impressed if you weren't making fun of learning." She said as she charged her horn. "I've also been practicing in the magics of old." She smirked as she caused the ground beneath me to form a hand. I quickly leaped out of the way and onto a table a few inches away from her. "Not bad but Twilight.... I'm much more nimble then you." I said gently blasting her with a wave of holy light. It stunned her and knocked her back a few feet. The crowd looked in awe at the event that was unfolding before their eyes. I leaped behind her, tripping her causing her to go face first in the pavement. I chuckled at seeing what was unfolding. "You think you are funny?" She asked angrily grinding her teeth. She launched another volley of spells point blank. They knocked me back a few feet. She stood back up and began to channel more as she aimed directly at me. Her horns aura started to turn a blue. I jumped out of the way only to land on a patch of ice and slide right under her as she teleported. "I think I am just as nimble as you." She smirked as she looked down. "Perhaps but you are not aware of your surroundings." I chuckled pushing her as she slid on the ice only to fall as well. "You do have a great sense of your surroundings, but under pressure you seem to forget where you are." I said pulling her up. The crowd clapped as they saw me lifting Twilight up. She dusted herself off before melting the ice. "That just happened didn't." She whispered into my ear. I nodded in response. "Care to tell me why it happened?" Twilight asked. "All because I made fun of learning." I whispered into her ear. "There was a reason behind it and I want to know why." Twilight sternly said. "You'll see in good time." I said with a smirk. The group of colts slowly moved up to me. I took a few steps back to get a breathing room, they were all asking questions at a million words a minute. A few mares even came up to me and started asking questions right along with the colts. Soon a few humans came up as well. "What type of magic was that?" The unicorns asked confused. "It's not magic it is the holy light." I told them trying to make it sound different than the magic they were used to. "Yeah but how can a human use magic?" They asked. "It's not magic.." I sighed. "How is it not magic?" A few of them asked. "Look you use your magic on something, you use it as part of your body like an extension." I paused to make sure I was on the right track on when Twilight gave the nod that I was, I kept on speaking. "The light is much more than an extension of my body, it is part of who I am it is inside all of us. Unlike magic I can also use it to inspiring feels of courage and hope. Hence why all of you felt a strong urge to watch, the light caught it's grip on you. Those who were drawn here have the light stored in your bodies." I told all of them as I stood on top of the table. I surveyed the crowd and counted about fifty of them had the light stored within them. Death also looked at the crowd and observed them. "So care to explain why you made a scene?" A human asked. His hair was a long golden blonde his blue eyes looked up at me. "I need to inform all of you a threat that will be coming to this very city, to this very country! No in fact if left unchecked this threat will conquer both realms. There is a force far beyond measure of it's power that is slumbering slowly building power. Make no mistake war is coming, we will need to unite in order to defend ourselves against this threat. I will need champions of the light to help defend our worlds! You can choose to believe me or not. Those who have the will to stand against this threat join me. The rest of you can leave." I said coldly looking at the crowd. I waited for a few moments to everyone's surprise no one left they all sat discussing among themselves. We waited silently before the same human walked forward. "How do we know you are not lying?" He asked moving closer inspecting us almost. Twilight's horn glowed as she projected an image of the castle and the things that attacked us. She then displayed the image of Sombra as his shadow clone was fighting against myself. "Any other questions?" She asked stopping the spell. "One more." A colt said stepping next to the human. His green eyes focused onto Twilight and I. His black hair and coat catching the rays of the sun. "Why do you fight? You said a being of unmeasurable power. Why would you try to fight against something like that?" He asked his voice shaky as he looked up at us. "Why do we fight?" Twilight and I asked at the same time. "To protect those who can't protect themselves." Rainbow said with a smile as she hovered above us. "To protect family." Applejack grinned as she finished her pie. "To inspire hope, to show that we are not beaten even if the odds are against us. You mortals are the only hope against this threat." Death said revealing himself as his true form. A few gasp and screams were made. We waited to see if any would run but instead another question came up. "Who.....is....he." The colt asked his voice trembling pointing at Death. "I am Death, I was once a mortal. In fact I was once a paladin like the lad here." He said pointing to me. "I made a mistake when I was younger and now I bear this curse." He said to the group. They had gotten over their fears once he told them who he was. "Really you were just all scared before." He face palmed. "Ehh we've seen scarier and stranger things before." The crowd said. Twilight giggled as did the girls. "I still want to know why you two fight." The colt said pointing at Twilight and I. Twilight blushed before she spoke. "You all ready know that we are the bearers of the elements of harmony. It is something that we were fated to do. We were fated to protect this land. I will fight to my last breath because that is my duty. That is not the only reason why I fight. I fight in the pursuit of knowledge, to learn from our mistakes and how to better ourselves." She said swelling her chest with pride. Rainbow and I snickered before whispering nerd under our breaths. The human stepped forward before pointing at me. "Why do you fight ?" He asked. "I fight for the hope of a better tomorrow. In the hope that we will wake up to see another day, I will fight until my last breath in order to keep that hope in check. To inspire people that there is still hope, to fight for those who can't, those who wish to do something I will fight for them. I will fight beside them in order to keep peace, I will draw my breath in the pursuit of justice." I said raising my sword high into the air. The crowd cheered before they lined up. "This is why I caused a scene." I whispered to Twilight. "Worth it." She gently wooed into my ear. "How did you know that there were ponies and people here who could use the light?" She asked. "I've been looking at the patterns of the city for the past couple of days, I tracked down pockets of those who could. Something drew them here so I took full advantage of it." I smirked. "What do you think drew them all here?" Twilight questioned. "It had to have been the light...after all it does work in mysterious ways." I told her with a smile.