• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 8,382 Views, 266 Comments

My Roommate is a pony? - Meh121

  • ...

Forest II

The sound of blood gushing through a bite as Twilight's neck was punctured. Her scream escaping her now agape mouth, the wolf shaking her body around. The others stopped for a moment and looked at her, the wolf was larger than the previous one. The other wolves started coming in for the kill, Death quickly sliced through several of them. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were busy fending for themselves. I felt a course of rage enter my body, my hands started to glow, but not the normal paladin glow of gold. Instead...it was a black and red the two knifes I wielded were forged together by whatever this power was. It gripped onto my soul and body, I could feel every ounce of it. It seemed even more powerful than the light, all my rage and hatred all boiled up into one focal point. A weapon....of immense power, the two blades now become two black steel blades, the hilt was a red and black mixture.

"I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you, you son of a bitch!" I yelled, my eyes now glowing red with fury.

"It seems the plan has been set into motion, he wasn't so pure as I thought. Indeed you were right he is powerful despite being a mere mortal." Sombra said to the shadowy figure next to him.

"Even those with the purest of soul and heart are not incorruptible." The Old God said calmly with a smile. His twisted teeth showing in his shadow. The smile extended further and further before the Old God began to laugh maniacally.

"It seems the pawns have been set for this game of chest." Sombra said.

"Indeed it has my dear knight."

"As for the old man?" Sombra asked pointing to unconscious man.

"Leave him for now."

"As you wish my lord." Sombra obeyed with a bow. The Old God simply just left, his shadow no longer clinging onto the room. His laugh still echoed despite his presence no longer being there.

"Tyler control your rage, you're a paladin! We don't let emotion cloud our judgement!" Death shouted.

"Shut up! You shut up! This light isn't have even aided me once this battle! This! This power it feels ten times more powerful than the damned light. It's failed to keep her from harms way, what good is a power that can't be relied upon?" I muttered through gritted teeth cutting my way through Timber Wolves trying to protect their leader as he continued to shake the life out of Twilight.

"This power you speak of it's corrupting your soul, your heart, your very being." He retorted.

"My heart is right in front of me!" I shouted cutting through a slightly larger wolf. The cries of the fallen echoed through the forest. If these things could bleed the ground would be stained with their blood. I stood in front of the towering abomination, it's hulking form as he dropped Twilight to the ground, I could hear a weak cry escape her, I noticed her eyes looking at me.

"Is this how you want her to see you nothing more than a damn fool!" Death shouted as he stood in front of me. I clenched the swords tighter now.

"If you don't move out of my way I will cut you down." I whispered softly.

"You are stubborn see how far your rage get's you. Seek the revenge on the wolf then if that is what you wish." He calmly replied.

"Move out of my way and help the others you blubbering idiot! I swear to you beast, I will cut you down!" I shouted pointing at the now snarling behemoth. I slowly watched as Twilight's blood dripped down ever so slowly. I could hear it dropping to the ground mocking me, ever so slow the trickle. His growl was deep and loud. "I feel like you're all bark and no bite well then I think it's about time we get started." I said readying my weapons.

"Hahaha indeed it is puny human, I will enjoy feasting on every last one of your bones. The great thing is your little girlfriend there is slowly bleeding out I say she has about twenty minutes. Tell you what if you play nice I'll kill you both at the same time." The Great Timber Wolf chuckled.

"Oh so you can speak what a good doggy, but Like I said ALL BARK AND NO BITE!" I shouted charging in at the wolf. I jumped to try and get a clean swipe at the beast. He simply lunged over me grabbing me with his paw. His claws digging deep into my shoulder flesh. I didn't feel it as my rage and adrenaline kept me going. He had me pinned by one arm. I tried to slash at his leg with my other but he pinned the other one as well. I could feel his hot breath against my neck, his breath stunk like rotting flesh and blood.

"Well looks like it was you who was all bark and no bite." He chuckled. I felt him moving closer, his jaw opening for a clean blow before a purple blast of magic hit him. It was powerful as it sent him flying a few feet into a tree. I looked over to see Twilight's horn glowing very faintly. "It seems like you are a bigger threat than this little whelp even in your status. Looks like I'll have to kill you right now instead." He growled getting up. He readied his hind legs for a pounce, right before he jumped I threw one of the swords into his side. He leapt still but it slowed him. I sprung up and shoulder charged the great beast. I made contact with him but his hard bark outside caused me to crack my shoulder. We both sat there stunned for a moment as he slammed into a tree.

"Well I'll give you credit little pup, you are very strong when it comes to protecting your loved ones. Your friends are still fighting off the few swarms of little pups like yourself. Soon they won't stand a chance against four ancient hounds. They will be nothing more than food in a few moments." The Great Timber Wolf said, never taking his eyes off of me.

"Yo-you know what I think that the sword was lodged even deeper after your impact." I muttered using the other sword to stand up slowly. I watched the great beast try to pull himself up into the tree before I noticed a few burns on his legs from Twilight's magic. He yelped in pain as he struggled to get up. I limped over to the beast before standing above him.

"Please spare me you must have a code of honor being a paladin! It wasn't our fault Sombra threatened to wipe us all out even the pups if we didn't kill all of you. Please SPARE ME!" He shouted up. My cold dark eyes looked down at him as I was about to thrust my sword into his head.

"TYLER e-en..enough." Twilight muttered out coughing up blood. I looked back at her broken form. A large puddle of blood was starting to form beneath her. I looked back at the creature who had Twilight's blood still on his teeth.

"You..yo-...you did this." I muttered as I drug the sword through the beast side. "It's your fault she is dying! This is all your fault, you expect mercy you shall receive none!" I shouted as I stabbed the beast through the head. "Honor be damned." I whispered as a tear hit the ground.

"You must find a way to control your rage before they get a hold of you. I am truly sorry that it came to thi..this." The beast muttered before the life faded from his eyes. I grabbed the two blades from his body, as I did I was violently grabbed by Death as he threw me to the ground.

"Perhaps you are right honor be damned. I knew you shouldn't have been a paladin. You had no reason to kill that beast yet you let your rage and hatred get the best of you. Revenge doesn't bring back the dead now does it!" Death shouted as he pointed at Twilight.

"Take your damn light I'm through with it, I have no use for something that doesn't work." I muffled.

"You are a damn fool if you wish to turn your back to the light." Death said as he walked over to Twilight.

"The light doesn't fucking exist. It didn't help me or any of us for that matter."

"Wait a minute here don't go doing something stupid." Rainbow spoke up. I looked over at her the same cold dark eyes glancing at her.

"I see so even you wish to take his side. Well tell me than if the light worked why is Twilight over there dying! If it would have worked she would be fine!" I shouted.

"You can't be serious, you saw it and used it before! All you need is training. Did you think I woke up and was a great flier? Or was Twilight born with the power she has now?" Rainbow asked walking up to me. I was about to speak before she cut me off. "No it took practice there were several times I wanted to stop trying to join the Wonderbolts, you know what though I kept pushing forward. I had to believe in myself and in my dreams. So if you are going to give up because of something like the light not working instantly, and you want to give into this darkness in you go on ahead. You will forever be known as a coward, you will be no better than those we are trying to stop!" Rainbow shouted tears forming in her eyes. I looked up and panned my eyes back to Twilight suddenly something snapped I felt a rush go through me but this time it was full of happiness I felt renewed.

"Thank you Rainbow." I whispered standing up the black and red glow was replaced by a golden glow. The two swords now had a white and gold color to them. I walked over to Twilight and smiled perhaps I could try to heal her. I began to pray to the light and asked for forgiveness for being a fool. I looked up to see Twilight glowing, suddenly she stopped glowing. I ran up to her and placed my hand by her mouth....wha-what I felt was nothing. No breathing. I began to tear up as I tried again, nothing happened. I felt Death place a hand on my shoulder.

"She is gone there is nothing we can do for her but say a prayer." Death whispered. I began to sob as did the others.

"No." I whispered.

"There is nothing the light can do for one that has passed other than give them peace."

"I refuse to give up now! If one speech can make me see the error of my ways, there has to be something a way of some sorts! Come on give me some help or something you said you were once a paladin too. You are also Death itself surely you can help somehow!" I blubbered out.

"There is....there is...."