• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 1,326 Views, 199 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Saturday Morning

Author's Note:

Six days until the Friendship Games.

Indigo slowly opened her eyes as she woke up. Realization dawned on her as she began to remember the events of the previous night. "Aw, crap." She sighed heavily and turned off the television. "I hate not falling asleep with my pajamas on!" Making a sputtering noise, she walked upstairs and turned the shower on. "Yuck." She said, stripping out of her uniform. "I am definitely going to wash this. Slept-in uniforms are the worst!" She jumped into the shower and washed herself off.

With the knowledge that she was alone and not expecting visitors, Indigo decided she felt bold. She toweled off, then walked to her room, completely naked. She blushed and giggled. I should do this more often! She thought. Kind of a thrill even though I know there's nobody around. She ran to her room and got herself dressed. She returned to bathroom and put her dirty uniform into her clothes basket.

"All right!" Indigo said, clapping her hands. "What to do now?" She cupped her chin in thought as she went over several ideas in her head. Let's see here...I could jog, play video games, anything random... She shrugged. "Oh well. Weather's nice enough. I suppose I could go for a jog at least." She walked out of the house and closed the door.

"Hmmm. Where to?" Indigo said. She looked at the sidewalks and considered her options, then shrugged. "Eh, doesn't matter. The paths may be different, but the destination is the same." She blinked, then smiled. "Heh. Sounds like something I'd see on a motivational poster. But enough about that. Time to get to it!"

Indigo started off at a leisurely pace, taking a look at the happenings around herself. Nobody in front of her, a trio of girls selling Filly Guide cookies to her left. Filly Guide cookies do sound good! Can't remember the last time I had any. She thought as she passed the three. Maybe I should go back home and wait for them! Indigo shook her head. Nah. Besides, I'm sure there'll be more opportunities.

Continuing forward, Indigo checked her right. Nothing going on there. She thought, and leaped to the side just to be cautious. She turned around and once again saw nothing. She shrugged, then got back on the sidewalk and resumed her jog. She passed by a man mowing his lawn and sniffed the air. God, I love the smell of freshly cut grass! She thought with a dreamy look on her face. She snapped back to attention and continued forward.

I can't let my mind wander too far off. Indigo thought, picking up her pace just a bit. I'd rather not run into a street light or another person...or anything else if I can help it! She listened closely just to be sure there were no incoming cyclists directly behind her. She turned around quickly then jumped to the side almost immediately. Yet again, there was nobody behind her. "Great." She said. "I must be getting paranoid or something." She sighed and decided to jog off of the sidewalk. Just to be on the safe side.

Indigo jogged on the grass for a moment, then panicked and jumped back on the sidewalk. Great, now I'm worried about stepping in dog crap. She sighed. I know it's not the worst thing in the world to happen, but I'd rather avoid it. She put her hand to her forehead. Yep. I am getting paranoid. Next thing I know, I'm probably going to keep an eye on the sky just to be sure it won't fall on me! She rolled her eyes and shook her head, then kept on moving forward.

Sweat began trickling down Indigo's forehead. How long have I been at this now? Like, what? A half-hour, maybe? I should've kept track of time out here. She took her phone out of her pocket and checked the time. Twenty minutes, huh? I guess that's not too shabby, but I think I should push myself just a teeny bit. She started moving faster, starting to feel fatigued. No. I've gotta keep moving. Got to push myself!

Indigo sped up just a bit more. Come on, push past the limit, baby! She grinned widely, despite feeling like her legs were on fire. Okay, maybe I should at least head home before I collapse on the sidewalk and give people the impression that I'm a passed-out drunk. She kept her speed consistent for a few more moments, then felt her legs nearly give out on her. "Shit!" She said, then slowed to a near-walk speed. She wobbled for a few minutes, then she fell over. She sat on the sidewalk, catching her breath and letting her legs rest up.

"Hey, are you okay?" Said a young gravelly voice. Indigo looked in the direction of the voice to see the three Filly Guide girls from before. "You don't look so good."

Indigo chuckled. "I might have pushed myself a bit too much back there. I honestly don't know if I can even get up right now." She smiled sheepishly.

"Y'all think it'd be okay if we let her ride in the wagon?" Asked the yellow-skinned girl of the trio.

"I don't see why not. She can't walk, after all." Said the gravelly-voiced girl.

The third member of the trio simply shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe we can sell more cookies with their sympathy for her."

"Sweetie Belle!" The other two scolded her.

Sweetie Belle flinched. "What?" She asked. "Sympathy is a good selling point. At least, that's what I heard Rarity mention once to one of her friends." She cupped her chin in thought. "Or did she mean sympathy for the customer?" She shrugged. "Oh, nevermind." Sweetie Belle blushed. "Sorry about that, girls."

"That's okay." Said the girl with a Southern accent. She turned to face Indigo. "Sorry about that...um..."

Indigo smiled. "My name's Indigo Zap." She extended her hand.

"Ah'm Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom said as she shook Indigo's hand, then held onto it tightly as Sweetie Belle brought the wagon with several boxes of Filly Guide cookies towards Indigo so she could sit in it.

"Name's Scootaloo." Said the girl with the gravelly voice, gesturing to herself.

"And I'm Sweetie Belle!" Said the third girl.

Indigo smiled. "Nice to meet you three. You know, despite the circumstances." Indigo may like to be random and unpredictable, but whenever someone was willing to help whether or not she asked for it she did her best to be polite and civil. Never bite the hand that feeds you. She thought. It was one of the few things she kept consistent in her daily life wherever she was.

"No worries." Scootaloo said. "Now, where's your house?" She asked as she took a map out of her pocket. "Is it even on our route?" Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gathered next to Scootaloo and examined the map.

"Why don't you show me the map so I can point it out to you?" Indigo asked the girls.

The trio exchanged glances, then nodded. "Don't see why not." Said Sweetie Belle, and the girls crowded around Indigo as they showed her the map of their planned route. Indigo studied the map carefully, taking note of the houses crossed out.

"Tell you girls what." Indigo said, pulling her phone out of her pocket. "I'll put my address in the GPS, then you can tell me if it's on the route or not. I don't want you three going too far out of your way to get me home." She said with a smile.

"Don't be silly, Indigo!" Said Apple Bloom. "We're gonna take you home even if it's a mile away!" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle gave Apple Bloom looks of uncertainty. She looked back at the two. "What?" She asked.

"Aha!" Indigo said. "My house isn't that far, so you don't have to worry." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle heaved sighs of relief. She handed the phone to the girls and they looked at her phone.

"Well, I'll be!" Apple Bloom said, smiling. "That's only a couple of blocks away from here!"

"Nice!" Scootaloo said, pumping her fist. "Let's get to it, then! It's not that far off of our route, and we have some time to spare!"

As the group neared Indigo's house, they sold more cookies and chatted with each other until they reached Indigo's destination.

"This is the place, girls." Indigo said as she got out of the wagon.

"Are ya sure ya can move, Indigo?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"I can. My legs are going to be sore for the rest of the day, but I can." Indigo said as she slowly walked up to her front door. "Thanks for your help, girls." She smiled and waved.

"No problem!" The three said in unison, then headed back to their route as Indigo closed the front door.