• Published 1st Jul 2018
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Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Dawn of a New Day

Indigo Zap slowly opened her eyes, waking up from a good night's sleep. She yawned and stretched, then reached over to her phone. She turned the volume to its maximum level, then turned on an app and pressed her thumb on her phone. The sounds of airhorns blared in her room, scaring away birds perched on the tree next to her bedroom window. She leaped out of bed, and stretched again. "Ahhh. That always invigorates me." She said with a contented smile.

Indigo wouldn't normally play that noise inside the house, but her parents were away for the remainder of the week. She had Thursday through Sunday all to herself. That suited her just fine, she didn't mind being alone all that much. She jumped into the shower and quickly washed herself off. She toweled off, then changed into her uniform.

Indigo reached the front door and cracked her neck, then her knuckles. "All right, Thursday. Show me what you've got!" She said, then exited her house.

She reached her bus stop and boarded. The same students in the same seats, like always. Indigo shrugged. One of these days, I'm going to sit up front on the bus. She walked up to the seat that might as well have her name on it and sat down. Putting her hands behind her head and lacing them together, she leaned back and made a sputtering noise as the bus departed for Crystal Prep.

Once the bus had arrived at Crystal Prep, all the students disembarked. Indigo casually walked out and took a breath of fresh air. She sighed, smiling. Some people view this place as a hellhole. But me? I love the atmosphere. The tension. And most of all, the competition! I get such a fucking rush out of it! Here, I truly feel free. It's like a second home to me, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Indigo walked in and began to sport the grin that she was well known for. "Aw, yeah! Time to kick today in the nuts!" She started bobbing her head to a beat only she could hear. Some people would call her weird, maybe even eccentric. Others would call her aggressive. Some people would go so far as to call her insane, but never to her face. One thing Indigo prided herself on was her unpredictability. One minute she could be your best friend, then the next you'd be on the receiving end of a borderline malicious prank. Aside from her, the most feared student in Crystal Prep was Sour Sweet. Indigo never understood Sour's deal, but that was okay.

Continuing down the hall, her head bobbing changed into a bit of a strut, much to the confusion of students watching her pass them by. Let them judge me. I could care less about their opinions. She thought as she walked into her first period classroom.


First period class had ended, and Indigo walked out, randomly tousling the hair of a student she passed by. She continued on her way, not bothering to see the student's reaction. I love doing that. She thought, grinning widely. Never gets old. She walked the halls only looking forward, while paying close attention to her peripherals, just in case someone wanted to try something.

The warning bell for second period rang, and Indigo put her goggles on and ran as fast as she could to her next class. "Adrenalinnnnnne!" She yelled as she ran, bumping into one or two students along the way. She arrived to class with just a couple of seconds to spare. She pumped her fist in triumph, put her goggles back on her head and went to class.


Man, did I get chewed out for running in the halls like that. Thought Indigo upon leaving second period class. "Worth it!" She said, grinning. Now...where do I go from here? As much as she liked being random, Indigo was no fool. She'd keep her shenanigans at bay for now, then when she felt the time was right, she'd get back into it. There's only so much I can get away with here. She shrugged and decided to play the buddy role for a while. Now, who was the lucky or unlucky person?

Indigo scanned the hallways for anyone who looked like they needed a friend. She found someone who looked down and walked over to her 'friend'. "Hey, there." Indigo said. "You look like you've had a rough morning." She put her hand on his shoulder. "What's your name?" She asked, sporting her famous grin.

"Sunburst." He said.

"Well, Sunburst." Said Indigo, "I can see you're looking kinda down. Wanna talk about it?"

Sunburst turned his head away, the lights on the ceiling reflecting off of his glasses. He hesitated. "I-I don't know. It's kinda personal."

Indigo shrugged. "Suit yourself, man." She began to walk away, then stopped. She walked back to him. "Tell you what." She said. "If you ever want to talk about it or get my attention, all you have to do is put your phone on max volume, then play the noise of airhorns. I'll come running before anybody tries to beat the crap out of you."

Sunburst blinked, a bead of nervous sweat trickling down his forehead.

"What?" Indigo said, giving him a quizzical look. "Damn near everybody here hates airhorns. It's like I'm the only one around here who doesn't!"

The warning bell for third period rang.

"Whoops!" Said Indigo. "Well, I gotta head off. Just remember, I'm only a few airhorns away." She said with a wink and gave him a gentle noogie, then sprinted off to her next class as Sunburst just stared on in confusion.


Third period had ended, and Indigo left the classroom with a yawn. "You'd think some classes would require pillows 'cuz some of them bore me into sleep!" She said to no student in particular. Indigo smiled. It never mattered to her what other people thought about her, and she doubted it ever would.