• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 1,326 Views, 199 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Sixth Period

Author's Note:

From now on, all my chapters are going to be at least 1k words. It doesn't feel right having just hundreds of words in a chapter.

Indigo forced herself off of her seat as soon as De Verre was out of sight. I feel terrible about this. She thought as she walked over to her sixth period class. Nobody's ever had a crush on me before. At least, not that I'm aware of. She sighed again. I have to talk to her the next chance I get. She entered her classroom.

As class started, Indigo found herself in constant thought. Should I not have told her about my Asperger's? She shook her head. I don't think it would have made any difference if I hadn't. She'd still know that my kissing her was nothing more than an impulse. She put the palm of her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. God, I feel like such a shit right now.

"Miss Zap?" Indigo opened her eyes and looked up to see the teacher staring down at her. "Is there something more important on your mind than class?"

Indigo blushed from embarrassment. I'd say yes, but I'd rather not piss off the teacher. She shook her head. "No, ma'am."

The teacher nodded. "Good." She headed back to the chalkboard. "Now as I was saying..."

Indigo went back to her thoughts, but paid a bit more attention to the teacher. She wrote notes on her pad of paper to remember anything the teacher said, should she be reprimanded again. I've got to find her after this class. She made a sputtering noise and jotted down notes, since she knew the noise would catch the teacher's attention. The teacher glanced at Indigo, then went back to her lecture.

Indigo glanced at the clock in the classroom. Her eyes widened. It hasn't even been ten minutes?! She suppressed a groan. I thought my attention span was supposed to make time fly, not slow down to a near standstill! She turned her attention back to her teacher, who was writing on the chalkboard. Indigo copied the teacher's writing, then went back to her thoughts.

Crap. She thought as another realization hit her, along with a wave of panic. I can't lie to Mom and Dad. I'll end up telling them about Fleur De Verre's crush on me, then I'll have to tell them how it started...the impulsive kiss. In the goddamn hallway of all places! I'll be grounded for a week! Indigo sighed heavily and nearly banged her head on the desk, but stopped just a inch short of impact. She quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

As if I haven't gotten enough negative attention from the teacher already! Indigo thought, rolling her eyes. She turned her head to the clock. Move faster, dammit! She gritted her teeth and gently laid her head down on her desk, then shot back up just in case the teacher happened to be glancing in her direction. The teacher was still writing on the blackboard. Good.

Indigo looked around the room and at all of her classmates. She noticed most of the students were showing roughly the same level of enthusiasm as she was. Figures. This class can get boring as hell. One student was asleep at their desk. Oof. I may make bad decisions sometimes, but even I never go that far. The last four students she didn't account for were listening intently. each with varying degrees. Well, good for them. Indigo thought sarcastically.

Indigo started twirling her pencil, then almost immediately stopped. Oh, great. Now I'm doing it! She put the palm of her hand to her forehead and dragged it down her face. She looked at the clock again. What part of "move faster" don't you understand?! She thought, resisting the urge to flail her arms in frustration. She glanced back at the chalkboard to see new notes to take. She copied the notes, then returned to her thoughts again.

Maybe I should just sing a song or two in my head. That usually helps pass the time. Indigo thought, glancing at her teacher. She blanched when she noticed the look on her face. The teacher began to walk slowly towards her, and Indigo shrank into her chair, sweating from nervousness. The teacher passed her by, and she wiped a bead of sweat off of her forehead, sighing with relief. The teacher walked up to the sleeping student's desk, and slapped the palm of her hand on it, startling everyone in the room.

The poor student yelped and sat upright immediately as the teacher fixed him with a death glare she knew would keep the student awake for the rest of the period, if not the rest of the day. Indigo stifled a giggle. And that's why I never fall asleep in class. She thought smugly.

Shortly thereafter, Indigo's thoughts returned to more pressing matters. Okay, one thing at a time. First off, I have to patch things up with De Verre. Then there's the second part of the tryouts, which is who knows when at this point. Then I'll have to deal with my parents. She shuddered. Man, why can't the tryouts be my only concern?! She made another sputtering noise as she wrote down more notes.

Indigo looked at the clock in the classroom again at the risk of her sanity. She smiled widely. Yes! She thought, almost unable to hide her excitement. Just a few more minutes! She looked at the chalkboard again, and wrote down the new notes the teacher left.

Indigo started to glance at the teacher, then her notes, then the clock every so often. She could hear the seconds tick away, which started to erode her attention span. She gritted her teeth in impatience as she switched her focus from her teacher to the clock, to her notes, then back to her teacher until the bell finally rang. Indigo nearly bolted out of her desk, leaving her belongings in the classroom. She hurried back in and claimed them, then ran out.

"Freedom!" She shouted, sighing with relief. She grinned widely, feeling determination. "All right." She said, lowering her goggles. "Operation: Find Fleur De Verre is a go!" She cracked her knuckles and began her search.