• Published 1st Jul 2018
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Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Fun with the Whole Family

Azure Feather and Twinkle Trick looked at each other for a moment. "How about a giant fort made out of pillows?" Asked Feather.

Indigo snickered, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms with a smile.

"What?" Twinkle said, confused. "You love it when we make giant pillow forts together."

"Yeah, I do." Indigo responded. "But we've established that I need to take easy, and I'm not sure making a giant pillow fort falls under that category. Besides, it's not as fun if we don't all do it. I wouldn't feel right just watching you and dad make one without me."

"Fair enough." Said Twinkle. She put a hand to her chin and stroked it in thought. "Hmm..." She stayed still for several moments before sighing. "Yeah, I've got nothing." She said, slumping in defeat. "What about you, hon? Got any ideas?" She said to Indigo.

Indigo shrugged and made a sputtering noise. "I dunno. Maybe we just play it by ear at this point?"

Azure shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

"Have you eaten lunch already?" Asked Azure.

Indigo nodded. "But I won't turn down eating dinner at a restaurant later!" She said with a grin.

Azure laughed. "Okay, we can do that later. But what about now?"

Indigo thought for a moment. "Any good movies out?"

Indigo and her parents would spend the next half hour going over all the movies currently out in theaters, finally settling on one they all wanted to see. "All right, then." Said Twinkle. "To the Familymobile!" She pointed in the direction of the garage in an over the top fashion.

Normally Indigo would rush to get to the car first, but she walked briskly instead. Her parents went at the same pace so she could have a fair chance at winning. She smiled slightly. "Come on, guys. You don't have to hold back on my account. You two are the only people in the whole world I don't mind losing to."

Azure nudged Indigo with his elbow. "You sure about that, Zappo? I hear eating dust isn't good for your health."

Indigo rolled her eyes and smiled. "Har, har." She said sarcastically. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Azure cupped his chin in mock thought. "Nah." He said. "Besides, we missed you! Gonna spend all the time we can with you!" He said, giving her a noogie.

Indigo laughed. "Okay, okay. If you insist!"

"We do." Said her mother, pulling Indigo's goggles down to her eyes. Indigo continued laughing until the three got into the car.

Indigo buckled up. "So, have you guys heard anything about this movie?"

"Nope." Her parents said in unison as Twinkle started the car, then backed out of the garage. "The less you know about a movie, the better. That way you can be more surprised at how it turns out." She said.

"Or disappointed." Said Indigo. Azure glanced back at her. "What? I'm just saying." Azure turned his attention back to the front. "But at least we know the synopsis. I think that should be a bare minimum before going to see a movie. I mean, can you imagine just walking into a movie without knowing anything about it other than the name?"

"Yes, actually." Twinkle said as she put a free hand on Azure's thigh. "That's what your father and I did on our first date."

"What?!" Indigo nearly shouted. "I know you like to be random sometimes, mom, but isn't that kinda wasting your money?" Her parents laughed as she stared in shock.

"We both agreed that our first date should be memorable." Said Azure. "It turned out to be the worst film we ever saw, and it remains the worst movie we've ever seen to this day. But you know what? It was memorable, and that's what matters." He gave Twinkle a quick peck on the cheek.

Indigo smiled warmly at seeing her parents' love for each other. Her thoughts drifted momentarily, imagining what it would be like to have a family of her own someday. Meeting the right person, confessing her love or her significant other confessing to her...she sighed. It must be one of the greatest feelings in the world. She was snapped out of her thoughts by her mother.

"We're here!" Twinkle said as she parked the car. Indigo unbuckled her seatbelt and eagerly got out of the car. She followed her parents towards the theater entrance.


Indigo and her parents left the theater, each of the three with differing opinions.

"What the hell did I just watch?" Said Indigo, pinching the bridge of her nose. "That was the most confusing movie I ever saw, and I've seen some weird movies!"

Twinkle giggled. "I do love a good surreal movie." She said as she readjusted her glasses. "That part with the fish caught me off-guard, though."

Azure shuddered. "Don't remind me about that. I'm not eating fish for a month after having seen that!" He sighed. "I don't even think I'll ever look at fish the same way ever again. That scene aside, it was okay. Not the best, but not the worst either." He said, opening the door to the outside for his wife and daughter.

"If I've learned anything at all today, it's that you can't always trust a trailer or synopsis." Indigo said, throwing her hands up. She made a sputtering noise. "Well, at least it was a memorable experience." She said, winking at her parents.

Twinkle snickered, and Azure just smiled. The three got into the car.

"Now then, where to?" Asked Twinkle.

"Anywhere where there's no fish." Said Azure.

Indigo laughed. "Makes no difference to me. I'm not all that picky of an eater."

"All right then, just leave it to me!" Twinkle said as she started up the car, then steadily lowered her foot on the gas pedal.

The family enjoyed companionable silence until Indigo noticed a large construction site. "What the?!" She said, staring at a large wall. "How long has that been there?!"

Azure shrugged. "Beats me. We hardly drive on this road." He said as the car passed by a giant sign.

Coming Soon: Equestria Land!

Indigo's eyes widened in excitement. "Oh, man! That looks so cool!" She said, barely able to contain herself.

Twinkle laughed. "I'm sure we'll find time to get there." She said. "It looks like a lot of fun!"

Azure laced his hands behind his head. "Been a while since I've been to an amusement park."

"Sweet!" Indigo said. "I so can't wait!"

The silence returned after a moment, then remained until the car was parked at the restaurant.


Indigo, Twinkle and Azure returned to the car after finishing their meals. Azure slowly sat down in the passenger seat, his face pale.

"Of all the items on the menu, the guy right behind me had to eat fish." Azure said, sighing heavily.

"You gonna be okay, dad?" Indigo asked as she sat down and buckled her seatbelt.

"Need me to roll down a window, hon?" Asked Twinkle.

"Yes to both." Said Azure. "Hopefully a nice breeze will help."

Twinkle rolled down the window to Azure's door as she started the car. "Just let me know if you need me to pull over." She said.

"Don't worry, I will." Said Azure.

Indigo tensed up slightly. One of her greatest fears was being in the same vicinity as someone throwing up. She clenched her jaw as she felt the chill of fear on her back. She took a deep breath, then exhaled.

Twinkle took notice. "Are you okay, Indigo?" She asked.

Indigo smiled nervously. "I think so." She said. "Just a little nervous, I guess."

"Nervous? About what?" Asked Azure.

Indigo tensed up further, afraid that her father would get sick by talking too much.

"Are you sure you're okay, Indigo?" Asked Twinkle, raising an eyebrow.

Indigo sighed heavily. "I'm...I'm afraid of being near people sick to their stomach." She admitted.

Azure looked back at his daughter and smiled warmly. "Don't worry, Zappo." He said softly. "I assure you I'm fine. And even if it happens, there's not much you or I can do about it. It's a natural bodily function."

Indigo tensed up further, afraid of being thrown up on. "Iknowbutcanyoupleaseturnaroundbeforeyoupukeonme?" She blurted out.

Azure kept his warm smile. "I understand." He said. "But don't worry. We're almost home."

Thank fuck for that. Indigo thought, still tensed up. She remained that way until the car pulled into the garage. Once it stopped, Indigo quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and bolted into the house, then ran upstairs and closed the door to her room.