• Published 1st Jul 2018
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Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Indigo Zap and the Mega Tournament

Author's Note:

Longest. Chapter. EVER! :pinkiecrazy:

Indigo continued to stare on in disbelief. "One...one...one...one hundred and twenty-eight contestants?!" She struggled to regain her composure as the first match of the first round started. "One hundred and twenty-eight contestants..." She murmured. She quickly shook her head, snapping her back to reality. "One hundred and twenty-eight contestants!" Her tone was now that of excitement. She began eating her lunch as the second match began. She watched intently as two potential opponents ducked, darted, punched, kicked, and performed various combos on each other.

Once Indigo finished her lunch, she kept her eye on all of the competitors. The weren't half bad, at least by her standards. She studied each match carefully, taking notes on the players' names and which characters they chose. Before she knew it, it was her turn to battle. She grinned widely in excitement and cracked her knuckles.

Mega Tournament
Round 1, Match 43
IndiZap vs. Heartstringer

"All right then, 'Heartstringer'. Show me what you've got!" Indigo said as she selected her character. Adrenaline flowed through her as she waited for her match to begin. She took a quick drink of water as the match started.

"Round One...Fight!" Said the game's announcer.

Indigo closely watched Heartstringer's movements, trying to figure out her first course of action. Heartstringer immediately rushed after her and threw a punch, which Indigo deftly blocked. Heartstringer tried a flurry of punches, but to no effect. Hmm. Thought Indigo. Must be a casual player. She narrowed her eyes in determination. But casual or no, I won't hold back! Moving her thumbs as fast as lightning, Indigo landed a ten-hit combo on her opponent, stunning Heartstringer.

"Mercy on the battlefield is for the weak!" Indigo said, grinning. She knew her opponent couldn't hear her, but it felt good to say it nonetheless. She landed a swift uppercut on Heartstringer's jaw, sending her flying. Indigo jumped and landed another ten-hit combo, effectively winning the first round.

IndiZap Wins! Flawless Victory!

Indigo pumped her fist in victory, then prepared herself for the second round of combat.

"Round Two...Fight!" Said the game's announcer.

"Bring it!" Indigo said, not hesitating to give her opponent her all in battle. Heartstringer backed away almost immediately, causing her to scoff. "Oh, please!" Indigo said. "You think that's going to stop me?" She rushed towards her opponent and delivered a flurry of blows, only to have them all blocked. "Well, well, well!" Indigo said. "So you can learn after all! Not that it'll help you!" She leaped over her opponent, then delivered the same flurry of blows on the opposite side before Heartstringer could react. Indigo's opponent backed away again. She grinned. "If it didn't work the first time, what makes you think doing it again will work?" Indigo moved her thumbs furiously, unleashing her character's signature special move. It sent Heartstringer flying until she landed with a thud.

IndiZap Wins! Flawless Victory!

Mega Tournament
Round 1, Match 43
IndiZap vs. Heartstringer

Indigo smiled smugly as she leaned back, lacing her hands at the back of her head, basking in her victory. "Was there ever any doubt?"

The rest of the first round continued in full swing, with Indigo keeping her eyes on the screen as she tried to analyze the patterns of the other competitors. Sadly, analysis was never really her strong suit. That didn't stop her from trying to do so regardless!

After a while, the first round of the tournament ended. The words "Second round will begin in ten minutes!" showed up on the screen, and Indigo bolted for the bathroom. "Thank god, I've been holding it for I don't know how long!" She said, relieved and grateful for the break in the action.

Once she returned from the bathroom, she sat down as the first match of the second round began. "Things better start to heat up, or I'll be disappointed!" She said, watching the match unfold with interest. "Maybe I should have brought popcorn with me." She thought aloud, then shook her head. "Nah, wouldn't want to miss any of the action."

Several matches flew by until it was Indigo's turn. "It's about damn time!" Indigo said as she grabbed her controller.

Mega Tournament
Round 2, Match 18
IndiZap vs. 8u770n_m45h

Indigo's eyes lit up. This guy was pretty decent. Who knows? Maybe he'll put up a good fight!

"Round One...Fight!" Said the game's announcer.

In an attempt to catch her opponent off-guard, Indigo changed up her tactics and used a special move right off the bat. 8u770n dodged it, much to Indigo's delight. "Gotcha!" She said, and landed a ten-hit air combo. 8u770n landed on the ground, but swiftly got up and fired a special move back at Indigo, which she deflected. 8u770n jumped over the deflected attack, then landed a five-hit combo on Indigo.

Indigo grinned. "Don't get cocky there, buddy!" She said as she got her character up off the ground and nailed 8u770n with a flying kick, stunning him. She followed up with another ten-hit combo, knocking her opponent out.

IndiZap Wins!

Indigo cracked her neck. "Not half-bad, but you're going to have to try harder than that!" She said as the second round of the match started.

"Round Two...Fight!" The game's announcer said.

8u770n crouched immediately, causing Indigo to raise an eyebrow. "What are you thinking, hmm?" She cautiously walked closer to 8u770n, and he leaped into a flying kick. Almost by reflex, Indigo blocked the oncoming assault. Her opponent jumped around, continuing the assault of flying kicks. Indigo gritted her teeth, slowly becoming irritated. "All right, that's enough of that!" She said, then nailed 8u770n with an uppercut special move, causing him to fall to the ground. Wasting no time, she immediately followed up with a special move, stunning him. "You're toast!" She said, nailing her opponent with a seven-hit combo, knocking him out.

IndiZap wins!

Mega Tournament
Round 2, Match 18
IndiZap vs. 8u770n_m45h

"Next!" Indigo said as the next match started. Her eyes were determined to stay glued to the screen, hoping for little to no distractions until the second round was over. The competition was indeed heating up, as each fighter began to execute more complex maneuvers against each other. "Oh, man, I can't wait until the next round!" Indigo said, feeling giddy with anticipation.

The rest of the matches seemed to fly by quickly, and the second round came to a close.

The Round of 32 will begin in ten minutes. The screen said.

Indigo yawned. "What time is it, anyway?" She said as she took her phone out of her pocket. She checked the time. "Huh. It's been almost an hour and a half." Indigo felt grateful for this distraction. She'd much rather be doing something than doing nothing. She looked up at the ceiling, giving her eyes some time to rest while she waited for the next round to begin.

The Round of 32 began, and Indigo looked back at the television. "Thirty-one people and me left...I hope they don't disappoint!" Sure enough, it looked like all contenders were stepping up their game. Some of them stayed faithful to their movesets and some of them changed their tactics. It was now Indigo's turn, and she reached for the controller.

Mega Tournament
Round of 32, Match 11
IndiZap vs. Herpaderp

Indigo blinked in surprise. "I'm fighting Herpaderp?" Herpaderp was wildly chaotic in the battles she witnessed. Jumping around and throwing all kinds of punches, kicks and special moves. She was never in the same spot for more than a second, and Indigo smiled at the prospect of a real challenge.

"Round One...Fight!" The game's announcer said.

Indigo's brow furrowed in concentration as she waited for her opponent to make a move. Herpaderp fired a special move, then jumped over it. "What?" Indigo said, her eyes wide with surprise. Herpaderp landed an uppercut, causing Indigo to fly upward, then land on the special move, stunning not just her character, but herself as well! Indigo shook her head rapidly, then tensed. "Okay, it's time to get serious!" She said, glad to finally have a challenge.

Once her character was hit, Indigo fired a special move that caused her opponent to jump, then she hit Herpaderp with an aerial special, followed up with a midair kick. "Bet you didn't see that coming!" Indigo taunted as her opponent landed on the ground, stunned. She followed up with a Super Special move, knocking Herpaderp out.

IndiZap wins!

"Now, then...how will you fight back?" Indigo said, cupping her chin as she tried to think out various scenarios.

"Round Two...Fight!" Said the game's announcer.

Indigo quickly fired off a special move, then retreated a few steps as her opponent jumped over it and fired a special move of her own. What is she thinking? She thought. Indigo blocked the special move, only to suddenly be on the receiving end of a well-timed uppercut. "Woah! That was fast!" She said before quickly counterattacking, then landing a five-hit combo, stunning Herpaderp. "Time to finish this!" Indigo declared, then hit Herpaderp with a special finishing move.

IndiZap wins!

Mega Tournament
Round of 32, Match 11
IndiZap vs. Herpaderp

"Not bad. You could've had me on the ropes there, but you're just not quite on my level." Indigo said as the next match began. She cracked her neck. "Ahh, I needed that." She said contentedly. The matches continued as Indigo kept her eye on each competitor. Before long, the Round of 32 had ended.

The Sweet Sixteen will begin in five minutes.

"Five minutes?" Indigo said. "Wonder why the wait is shorter? You'd think the breaks would be longer as the tournament goes on..." She made a sputtering noise and took a drink of water. "At least I've momentarily forgotten about the pain in my legs from running like a maniac earlier." She directed her attention to the television as the Sweet Sixteen started. To Indigo's surprise, she was in the first match.

Mega Tournament
Sweet Sixteen, Match 1
IndiZap vs. DJ_Vinyl

"Oh-ho!" Indigo said, excited. Vinyl had performed quite well in all of her previous matches, always keeping her opponent on the defensive. Indigo liked to think of herself as an offensive player, so this match should be a treat!

"Round One...fight!" Said the game's announcer.

Vinyl dashed up to Indigo and started off with an uppercut, which Indigo countered by parrying, then hitting Vinyl with a special move. Indigo laughed. "Now that's what I'm talking about! Hit me with your best shot, Vinyl!" Vinyl flipped in midair, then landed a flying kick on Indigo. She landed on the ground, then got up, crouched, and hit Vinyl with a special uppercut move. Vinyl flipped in midair and fired a midair special move. Indigo deflected it, and it flew straight into Vinyl, knocking her out.

IndiZap wins!

"Wow. Almost made me sweat there!" Indigo said, beaming with pride. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and grinned with anticipation for the next round.

"Round Two...fight!"

Vinyl stood still for a moment, as though she were contemplating her next move. She's not going to try to pull the same stunt that that '8u770n' guy did, is she? Once she finished that thought, Indigo decided to take the initiative and fired a special move at Vinyl, then jumped and fired a midair special move. Vinyl parried the ground special move, then blocked the aerial special move.

Indigo grinned. "Yes! This is the challenge I've wanted!" Getting pumped up, Indigo dashed towards Vinyl then deftly executed an uppercut combo. Vinyl and Indigo landed on the ground. Not wasting any time, Indigo fired another special move. "How does it feel to be on the defensive for once?" She taunted. Vinyl had no time to block, and the special move stunned her. "Buh-bye!" Indigo said as she laid into Vinyl with a finishing combo, knocking her opponent out.

IndiZap wins!

Mega Tournament
Sweet Sixteen, Match 1
IndiZap vs. DJ_Vinyl

"Woo!" Indigo shouted with excitement. She wiped sweat off of her brow. Wait, she was sweating? "Awesome!" Indigo shouted, feeling adrenaline fuel her. "Bring on the next victim!" She said as the Sweet Sixteen round continued. The remaining matches seemed to go by quicker than the last couple of rounds.

The Elite Eight will begin in ten minutes.

"Elite Eight." Indigo smiled. "I like the sound of that." She got up and stretched until she felt a twinge of pain in her legs. She grunted, then sat back down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling until the next round of the tournament began. She watched carefully as the remaining competitors upped their respective games by yet another notch. It wasn't long before it was her turn.

Mega Tournament
Elite Eight, Match 3
IndiZap vs. Dashin8r

"Finally!" Indigo yelled, throwing her hands up. "Someone who's at least close to my level!" Dashin8r had all but blown away her previous opponents with her relentless onslaughts of special moves and combos. "Show me what you've got!"

"Round One...fight!"

Dashin8r kicked things off with a running uppercut, which Indigo blocked, then countered with a special move. Dashin8r took the hit, then backflipped and launched at Indigo with a headbutt, stunning her. Her opponent followed up with a special move, then backed up once Indigo got back up."Nice!" Indigo grinned. "But let's see how you handle this!" Indigo unleashed a series of blows, stacking up to a five-hit combo before Dashin8r broke it and sent her flying to the other side of the screen. "Yikes!" Indigo said. "One more hit and I lose this round!"

Thinking quickly, Indigo fired her super special move, cornering her opponent. Taking advantage of the situation, she came in close and hit Dashin8r with a special move, stunning her. Indigo licked her lips as she hit her opponent with a special combo, finishing her off.

IndiZap wins!

"Wow, that was too close for comfort!" Indigo said, feeling a slight rush of fear.

"Round Two...fight!"

Dashin8r launched towards Indigo and landed a headbutt on her. Indigo recovered and hit her opponent with an uppercut special move. Dashin8r flipped in midair and hit her with a super special aerial combo, stunning her. "What?!" Indigo said, shocked. "I didn't know that was possible, and I play this game a lot!" She gritted her teeth as Dashin8r landed a six-hit combo, then backflipped away from her. She fired a special move only for her opponent to jump up, then perform a diving kick, knocking her out.

Dashin8r wins!

Indigo stared at the screen in shock. "How did I not know those things?!" She yelled in frustration before the next and final round.

"Final Round...fight!"

Indigo rushed over to Dashin8r, then flipped over her before the latter could land a punch on the former. Now behind her opponent and feeling a little worried, Indigo fired a super special move and caught her opponent off guard. Just before Dashin8r landed, Indigo rushed toward her and hit her with an uppercut a split-second before her attack could be blocked or parried. Dashin8r recovered, grabbed her and threw her across the battlefield. Indigo nearly missed her chance for an aerial recovery, but she lost health nonetheless. Dashin8r rushed towards Indigo, causing her to backflip. Moving her thumbs at a speed that surprised even herself, Indigo performed a super special and knocked out her opponent.

IndiZap wins!

Mega Tournament
Elite Eight, Match 3
IndiZap vs. Dashin8r

Indigo smiled. "Man, I hope I get to meet you someday. You were a worthy opponent, Dashin8r!" She gave a salute to the television screen as the final match of the Elite Eight played out before her eyes. Much to her shock, the final match barely lasted a minute. If she were a lesser gamer, she'd shudder at the thought of playing against the victor.

The Fated Four will begin in ten minutes!

Indigo blinked. "What's wrong with using 'Final Four'? Is it copyrighted or something?" She shrugged, deciding to let the matter rest. She looked at her phone. "Holy crap, it's been that long?!" She said in disbelief. "Then again, this has been a freaking long tournament." She took a deep breath, then exhaled in preparation for her next match.

Mega Tournament
Elite Eight, Match 3
IndiZap vs. SunShimPwny

Indigo snickered at the name, but she knew not to underestimate the player. She had consistently swept all of her opponents, after all. The only other player in the tournament besides her to pull that off, though...Indigo suppressed a shudder. She was not a lesser gamer.

"Round One...fight!"

SunShim moved fast, nearly startling Indigo. She launched a series of projectiles, hitting Indigo with all she had right off of the bat. Indigo took a few hits, then flipped backwards and fired a special attack. SunShim took the brunt of it, then grabbed and tossed her to the other side of the screen while launching a special attack, stunning Indigo. "Shit!" She yelped. SunShim followed up with a ten-hit combo, knocking her out.

SunShimPwny wins!

Indigo blinked. "Okay...you want a battle? I'll give you a battle!" She gritted her teeth in concentration.

"Round Two...fight!"

Indigo started off by firing two consecutive special moves, then leaping into the air for a flying kick. The first was deflected, the second hit, and her flying kick stunned SunShim. Indigo landed a ten-hit combo, sending her opponent to the edge of defeat. SunShim then got up and landed a devastating super special move. "No!" Indigo shouted, feeling a wave of panic. She blocked her opponent's next attack, then followed up with a rapid uppercut, knocking SunShim out.

IndiZap wins!

Indigo was panting and sweating. "I don't know if that was exhilarating or terrifying..." She said as the final round began.

"Final Round...fight!"

Indigo dashed towards her opponent and landed a six-hit combo before getting thrown to the other side of the screen. She recovered in midair, then successfully landed a flying kick on her opponent. She tried to follow up with a super special move only for it to be blocked. She backflipped, then fired a special move, hitting her opponent.

"I'm not letting up!" Indigo said, then unleashed another ten-hit combo, knocking out SunShim.

IndiZap wins!

Indigo screamed with joy and she clenched her fists, flailing them. She took a deep breath and exhaled, then watched the match that would decide her final opponent. The match lasted all of one and a half minutes. This time Indigo could not hold back the shudder she had previously managed to keep at bay.

"I may not be a lesser gamer..." Indigo gulped. "But I'm still human."

The Championship match will begin in ten minutes!

Indigo got up and paced around the living room. "Okay, Indigo, calm down. These are just unusual circumstances! Sure, you've never played against someone of the caliber you're about to face, but you can do this!" She walked over to the mirror. "Show me your war face, soldier!" She closed her eyes and looked deep down within herself, and she summoned a scream that scared all the wildlife around her house.

Feeling more confident, Indigo Zap walked over to the television and took another deep breath, then exhaled as her final battle was about to start.

Mega Tournament
Championship Match
IndiZap vs. Lunar_Goddess_NMM

Indigo felt her muscles tighten in anticipation.

"Round One...fight!"

Lunar fired several special attacks in succession, catching Indigo off guard. She took each of them and her health bar fell to below half. "What the hell?! It hasn't even been ten seconds!" Indigo shouted, feeling her newfound composure and confidence slip a little. She fired a special attack only to have it parried, then Lunar followed up with a flying kick, stunning her. Lunar finished her off with a super special attack.

Lunar_Goddess_NMM wins! Flawless victory!

Indigo gritted her teeth. Lunar was good, there was no doubt about it. She'd have to change something up if she wanted to win this!

"Round Two...fight!"

Lunar started off the next round in the same manner as before, and Indigo managed to block all but one. She rushed to Lunar and leaped into the air with a flying kick, which was blocked, then countered. Indigo began to sweat as her thumbs swiftly hit all the buttons she could, managing to land only two hits while all the others were blocked. Lunar hit Indigo with an eleven-hit combo, stunning her. Lunar then executed a super special move, knocking her out.

Lunar_Goddess_NMM wins!

Lunar_Goddess_NMM is the Grand Champion!!

Indigo Zap could only stare at the television in disbelief, utterly shocked.