• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 1,326 Views, 199 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Jogging Around Town

The instant Indigo shut the front door, her stomach growled. "Crap, I was so bored that I forgot to eat!" She grunted in frustration. "What the hell, me?! You know what, screw it. I'm jogging on a near-empty stomach." She sprinted away from her house, starting off at a decent pace.

Indigo jogged on the sidewalk, taking in the sights and sounds of the neighborhood. The cars passing, the cicadas buzzing, people walking their dogs, the smell of people grilling. "Ahh, the beauty of summer." She said, briefly closing her eyes before quickly snapping them open. She had nearly been hit by careless cyclists on the sidewalk several times before, and she didn't want to take that chance. As if by reflex, she jumped off of the sidewalk and let the cyclist pass her by.

Looking both ways, Indigo jumped back onto the sidewalk then immediately looked behind herself. She must be getting paranoid or something. She smiled, rolled her eyes, then shrugged, and went back to jogging. She hummed a little tune while still keeping track of her surroundings.

The sun had started to set slowly, but Indigo didn't mind. This was a relatively safe neighborhood, and she had all the time in the world to enjoy herself. Even if someone did come after her, she'd kick their asses. She may not be as much of a fighter as Sour Sweet, but she can hold her own. Hmm. Now there's a thought. Maybe I should challenge Sour to a fight! She blinked as the implications of her thought sank in. On second thought, nah. As legitimately exciting as it sounds, even I know when something's too crazy for me to handle.

Indigo continued her jog, headed towards nowhere in particular. She took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Ahh...the smell of freshly cut grass. She smiled contentedly, then her stomach growled again. She frowned until an idea formed in her head. Oh, this is gonna be fun! She thought, grinning from ear to ear. She took out her phone and dialed a number. She waited for a couple of seconds, then someone picked up.

"Canterlot City Pizza, how can I help you?" Said the person on the line.

Indigo stopped and leaned against a stoplight as she made her order.

"All right, it'll be there in about an hour. Thank you!"

"No. Thank you!" Indigo said, grinning. She pocketed her phone and clapped her hands, rubbing them together. Okay, so I have one hour. That should allow me some more jogging time before the delivery person heads over. She continued further away from her home, despite her stomach's protests. "Oh, hush. You can wait for another hour." She said to her stomach.

The sun was almost finished setting as the sky changed colors. Indigo checked her phone to see what time it was. "Okay, half an hour left." She grinned and did a few stretches. She knew the lay of the land well enough to know that she wouldn't get lost. She cracked her knuckles, then her neck. Her anticipation reached a near fever pitch as she lowered her goggles over her eyes. "Let's do this!" She said, and began to run at full speed.

Going as fast as she could, Indigo kept her guard up. She may be racing against the delivery person, but that didn't mean she had to be reckless. She looked both ways before reaching a stoplight just to be sure she didn't run over anyone on the sidewalk or in turn get run over by a car.

Slowing down just long enough for her to comfortably check her phone, Indigo risked taking a look at the time. She glanced, then put her phone back in her pocket. I'm making some pretty good time here. She thought with a smile. She continued forward until she saw a Canterlot City Pizza car pass her by.

Indigo's eyes widened in shock. "Oh, shit!" She blurted out. And apparently, so's my pizza! Double time it, Indigo! She thought to herself, and picked up her pace. Going over a mental map of her neighborhood, she struggled to find a decent shortcut. Looks like I'll have to improvise. She thought. She cut through a couple of yards, much to the annoyance of a neighbor or two. Indigo didn't bother to look back. She had a race to win, after all! Apologies later!

Her house was within sight. The finish line! The "home" stretch! She booked it for all she was worth, and she reached her front door just as the car pulled in to the driveway. She pumped her fist in victory. "YES! Nailed...it!" She said, panting from her run.

The delivery man got out of the car, carrying Indigo's order. "Ms. Zap?" He asked.

"Yeah...that's...me." Indigo said, trying to catch her breath. "Let...me just...get the money...whew!" She unlocked the front door, grabbed her cash and handed it over.

"Thank you!" Said the delivery man.

"No...thank...you!" Indigo said, still gasping for breath. The car pulled out of the driveway, and Indigo walked back into the house. She set the pizzas and breadsticks on the table, then collapsed on the floor as exhaustion finally won its battle against her.