• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 1,331 Views, 199 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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The Very Next Day

Author's Note:

One week until the Friendship Games.

Indigo opened her eyes after a long and decent night's sleep. She stretched and yawned, then slowly got out of bed and scratched her back. She played airhorn noises off of her phone, which fully woke her up. "That's the ticket!" She said, then changed into her school uniform.

Indigo slid down the banister and almost fell flat on her face. "Shit!" She said before regaining her balance. She wiped sweat off of her brow. "A little too close for comfort there..." She walked out the door, taking care not to trip, then wheeled her way to the bus stop.

Indigo sat down at her usual spot on the bus and stared out the window. She saluted her house. "At ease, soldier!" She said, earning confused looks from students around her. "What?" She said. "Like you guys don't do anything less embarrassing when you're alone." Indigo rolled her eyes as the students turned away from her and resumed whatever activity it was that she had distracted them from.

The bus stopped in front of Crystal Prep, and all the students got off. Indigo made her way to the front entrance, pushing her way through other students trying to enter. "Gangway, people!" She said, being the first of the throng to arrive. She gave all the glaring students the middle finger before moving on.

Within seconds, Indigo Saw Lemon Zest out of the corner of her eye. Grinning widely, she extended her leg. "Gah!" Yelped Lemon. She hit the floor with a thud, then looked up at Indigo. Lemon simply got back up on her feet, then went about her day. Indigo shrugged, indifferent to Lemon's lack of a response. She continued going about her day as well, until the warning bell for the first period rang.


Indigo exited her first period class, walking like a zombie. "BRRRRAIIIINS!" She slurred as a few students snickered. A few onlookers decided to join in, creating a miniature zombie horde. Holy shit, this is awesome! I never expected others to join in! Indigo thought to herself. The front of the horde stopped mid-stride, much to Indigo's confusion and ire. She walked over the front and stopped as her blood ran cold.

There, standing a few feet away, was Night Watch, the most stern hall monitor in all of Crystal Prep. "Aw, fuck." Indigo muttered under her breath. She heard the sound of several pairs of feet run away from her, and she turned around. Her jaw dropped to find the zombie horde had deserted her. Indigo scowled and shook her fist. "Traitors!" She yelled before turning her gaze back to Night Watch. She laughed sheepishly as a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead. "I'm going to detention, aren't I?"


Indigo sighed heavily upon leaving detention, which is where she ended up staying for the entirety of second period. Great, now I gotta lay low for the rest of the day. She made a sputtering noise. I hope those deserters get theirs! She thought, pounding her fist into the palm of her other hand while gritting her teeth.

She continued walking down the hall, feeling boredom slowly tighten its grip on her. Really? Now? I just got out of detention, boredom! She passed by a student and gave her a noogie. Okay, that helped a little. Indigo thought with a smile of satisfaction.

She continued walking down the halls until the warning bell for third period sounded off. Time to move on!


In retrospect, detention would have been more preferable than third period! Indigo thought as she exited the classroom. She sighed. "I swear, would it kill the staff to show even a small iota of enthusiasm every now and then?"

Indigo shook her head. Oh well. No sense in dwelling on the past. She shrugged, then walked through the hallways to reach her fourth period class before the warning bell sounded off.


"Lunchtime!" Indigo shouted upon leaving her classroom. Now, what can I do to amuse myself while not getting into trouble? She thought, cupping her chin. She passed a student, tapped her on the shoulder, then continued her way to the cafeteria without looking back to see the student's reaction. She passed by another student, blew in his ear, and continued moving forward.

Once Indigo reached the cafeteria, she inhaled through her nose, then exhaled in a sigh of contentment. "Ahh...the smell of school food. Nothing like it!" She grabbed her food and ate it a speed that would make competitive eaters blush. Out of the corner of her eye, Indigo noticed at least one student nearby looked nauseous. Indigo smiled. Mission accomplished. She thought with a satisfied nod. Onward to fifth period!


Fifth period ended, and Indigo made an exasperated noise. "Gah! That girl wouldn't stop twirling her goddamn pencil! It was driving me crazy!" She said, pulling at her eye sockets. She waited for the student to walk out of the classroom, then grabbed her by the collar and pulled her within an inch of her face. "You're lucky I'm not the violent type." Indigo said, her voice low and menacing. "But if I see you twirl any sort of writing tool again, I will get violent. Understand?!" The student nodded as sweat trickled off of her forehead. Indigo smiled. "Good." She let go of the student, and the student ran away as fast as she could.

Indigo sighed. "Man, I hate getting angry. Why did that even bother me so much?" She shrugged, then walked to her sixth period class.


Sixth period was over, and Indigo walked out of the classroom. She made a sputtering noise. What the hell is wrong with me? I can't believe I got so worked up over a pencil being twirled! She slapped the palm of her hand to her face and dragged it down. Guess I gotta go find her. She thought, and began her search.

Indigo searched several hallways, catching glances of other students as she passed them by. By the time she reached her third hallway, however, the warning bell for seventh period sounded. "Dammit." She said. "Next time, then."


Indigo Zap had spent a majority of seventh period racking her brains trying to remember the features of the student she harassed. She wrote down the features that she managed to remember on a piece of paper, and folded them in her pocket. She left the classroom and started asking around as fast as she could. Just before the warning bell for eight period sounded off, she had a name: Fleur De Verre. Excellent. Indigo thought as she traversed to her second to last class for the day.


Eight period ended, and Indigo bolted out of the classroom in search of Fleur De Verre. Knowing her name was enough, Indigo didn't want to come off as a stalker by asking where her next class was. If worse came to worst, she'd simply book it after the last period of the day and try to find her before all of the buses left. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, but at the same time the possibility of a challenge excited her. The warning bell for the final period of the day rang, and Indigo walked to her final class for the day. She grinned widely. A challenge it is, then!


The final bell of the day rang and Indigo sped out of the classroom and through the halls, barely glancing at any student who didn't immediately fit the description of Fleur De Verre. She spent nearly twenty minutes trying to find the student, then gave up, slouching in defeat. She hurried over to the buses and sat down. She did a double take when she noticed that she was sharing a seat with the very student she had spent so much of the day tracking down!

Fleur shrank back a little, meeping out of fear. Indigo gave her a genuine smile and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

Fleur looked up slowly. "Y-y-you're not?!"

"No." Indigo said in the most sincere tone she could muster. "I'm not. I want to apologize. Honestly, I don't know what got into me back there." She said, shrugging while frowning. "I guess I kinda overreacted. I was looking for you ever since sixth period ended, and I'm glad I found you."

Fleur completely sat upright and smiled. "Thank you." She said as the bus reached Indigo's stop.

"Don't sweat it. It made us both feel better." Indigo said with a smile. "Looks like this is my stop. Catch you later!"

Fleur De Verre blushed as Indigo got off the bus. She was so happy that she didn't care that Indigo didn't remember kissing her yesterday. Fleur practically melted in her seat as her heart beat a mile a minute while the bus left Indigo's stop.