• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 1,324 Views, 199 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Indigo's Wednesday at Crystal Prep: First Half

Author's Note:

Two days until the Friendship Games.

Indigo slowly opened her eyes. I hate everything right now. She thought as she stretched and yawned. All she wanted was a good night's sleep. She didn't want to have dreams about her parents doing lewd things. She didn't want dreams about seeing Sunny Flare unconscious, either. Well, she didn't get either. She was oh so fortunate enough to get both! She nearly gagged over the thought of her parents getting in on the same room as an unconscious for the love of god, make it stop!!

She put on her uniform and dashed out of the house without saying 'Good morning' to either of her parents.

Azure and Twinkle looked at one another. "Well." Azure said. "Someone's in a hurry."


Indigo rushed into the bus, nearly tripping over the stairs.

"Watch your step, miss." Said the bus driver.

Indigo rolled her eyes and glared at the driver, then quickly scanned the bus until she found her target. "De Verre!" She said, causing her to yelp in surprise. Indigo ran to the seat and sat down next to De Verre, then grabbed her by the collar and shook her. "I need help getting these messed-up images out of my head!" She said, nearly in hysterics.

"O-o-o-o-o-o-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-a-a-a-a-a-y-y-y-y." De Verre said as she was violently shaken by Indigo.

"Oops." Indigo said, letting go of De Verre. "Sorry! I got a little carried away there." She blushed from embarrassment.

De Verre reeled for a moment in her seat, then raised an eyebrow. "A little carried away?"

"Okay, a whole lot." Indigo admitted sheepishly.

"So what images are in your head?" De Verre asked.

Indigo shuddered. "Are you sure you want to know?"

De Verre curled her hands into fists and put them on her hips. "Well, do you want me to help or not?" She asked.

Indigo sighed. "Okay, fair enough. But don't say I didn't warn you..." She whispered into De Verre's ear.

"Eww!" Shouted De Verre, grabbing the attention of nearly the entire school bus. She laughed sheepishly and shrank into her chair.

"Told you." Indigo said.

"Great, now I've got those images stuck in my head!" De Verre whispered sharply.

"Well, now you can help me and yourself. Get them out of my head!" Said Indigo.

"Is head trauma an option?" Asked De Verre.

Indigo barked a laugh. "Actually..."

Before Indigo could continue, the bus came to a stop. They had arrived at Crystal Prep.

"Okay." Said Indigo. "Maybe classes will help us forget."

"Here's hoping." Said De Verre.

"And if that doesn't work, there's always alcohol." Indigo said. De Verre blinked, and Indigo burst into a laughing fit. "I love making people have blank expressions." She said. "See you later!"

"Yup." De Verre said. "See you later."


Indigo left her first period class and saw Lemon Zest. No harm in a passing-by pep talk. She thought with a smile. "Yo." she said. "You excited for the Friendship Games?" she asked.

"Of course I am!" said Lemon, perking up. "Crystal Prep always wins, after all!"

"You're goddamn right we do." said Indigo as she and Lemon fist-bumped.

Indigo smiled as she passed Lemon. Yeah, that felt right. She thought. Now, what else can I do to kill time between periods? She glanced around, only to find that there was nothing of interest going on around her. I guess I can't expect every day to be eventful. She sighed and went to her second period class.


Indigo exited her second period class on her hidden wheels. She rounded a corner and found herself a few feet away from Sunny Flare. Oh, shit! "Incoming!" She said in hopes of not bumping into her. Sunny sidestepped then crouched and extended her leg, tripping Indigo. "Ow!" Indigo cried as she the floor with a thud. "What the hell was that for, Sunny?"

"I was trying to get your attention." Sunny said.

"Well, you succeeded." Indigo said, dusting herself off. "So what gives?"

"Lemon somehow knows all of our deepest, darkest secrets and is blackmailing us into playing nice with each other throughout the Friendship Games." Sunny said.

Indigo stared at Sunny, her jaw dropped. She blinked, then burst into a laughing fit. "Holy shit, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"

Sunny sighed. "Indigo."

"I mean, can you imagine? Lemon Zest! Blackmailing not just you, but the entire team?!" Indigo laughed harder.

"Indigo!" Sunny growled.

"You should use that as a line for a stand-up routine or something!" said Indigo.

"Goddammit, Indigo Zap, LISTEN TO ME!" she yelled, grabbing her by the collar and forcefully pinning her to a nearby locker.

Indigo's eyes widened in shock. "Okay, okay! Jesus, Sunny. I believe you."

"Good." Sunny said, releasing Indigo. She then left her by herself.

"What the hell was that about? I don't really have a deep, dark secret to hide..." Indigo's eyes widened. "Oh, shit...no, she couldn't have." She took a deep breath, then exhaled. No. Fleur's not the vindictive type, Indigo. Just give her the benefit of the doubt. Despite that thought, however, doubt was the only thing on her mind. Okay, okay. I'll just ask her if she knows anything about it. Surely doing only that won't make it seem like I'm accusing her, right? The warning bell for third period rang, snapping Indigo out of her thoughts. She shrugged. "Class first."


After third period, Indigo began her search for De Verre. She managed to remain calm, knowing that she'd hear the truth from her. At least, she hopes it'll be the truth. Dammit, Indigo, you can't be friends with someone if you don't trust them! She sighed. "Okay. All I need to do is find her, then get this matter resolved." She said to herself, then began skating down the hallways.

Now, where could she be? Indigo sputtered, realizing that time wasn't on her side. She glanced to her left, to her right, and even behind herself. De Verre was nowhere to be found. She sighed in defeat as the warning bell for fourth period rang, then went to her next class.


"Okay!" Indigo said, cracking her knuckles upon leaving her fourth period classroom. "Let's try this again!" She lowered her goggles and skated through the halls, keeping watch for hall monitors. A minute later, she bumped into De Verre at full speed. "Shit!" Indigo cried as the two fell on the floor.

De Verre slowly got up off the floor, groaning in pain.

"Oh crap, oh crap!" Indigo panicked. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

De Verre looked at Indigo. "Yeah, I should be fine. Probably got a bruise somewhere, but that's not the worst thing."

Indigo breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh man, I was totally freaking out. You had me worried!"

"Why were you in such a hurry, anyway?" Asked De Verre.

Indigo's eyes widened. "Oh, right!" She put her hands on De Verre's shoulders. "I'm going to ask you a question, and I want to hear the absolute truth."

De Verre nodded.

"Did you tell Lemon Zest or anybody else about what I told you in confidentiality?" Indigo asked, looking De Verre straight in the eyes.

"No. I didn't." De Verre said most sincerely.

Indigo breathed another sigh of relief. "Oh thank god...but now that just raises another question."

"Hold that thought." De Verre said, placing her pointer finger on Indigo's lips. "I need some context first."

Indigo nodded, and De Verre removed her finger. "This is going to sound strange, but after second period Sunny Flare told me that Lemon Zest somehow knows all of the deepest, darkest secrets of each of the students that are going to participate in the Friendship Games."

De Verre blinked. "That seems a little over the top, don't you think?"

"I know, right? At first I thought it was the funniest thing I'd ever heard. I mean, can you imagine? Lemon Zest? Blackmailing?" Said Indigo.

De Verre nodded. "Though I don't know her all that well, I doubt she's the type. Then again, most of the students here are kind of hard to read in the first place. How did Sunny Flare even convince you?"

Indigo blushed and looked away, embarrassed. "She kinda pinned me to a locker."

De Verre made a hissing noise between her teeth. "Yikes."

"Anyway." Indigo said. "The question that's on my mind is who told Lemon?" The warning bell for fifth period rang. "Dammit." She muttered under her breath. "Oh well, we'll continue this later."

"Agreed." De Verre nodded.