• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 1,324 Views, 199 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Regularly Scheduled Madness

Fourth period had held Indigo Zap's attention for all of five minutes. For its remainder, she simply stared off at nothing in particular and rode out her boredom until class ended.

She walked out of the classroom and sighed. Maybe Lemon Zest has the right idea. Maybe I should just bring some earbuds tomorrow, the silence in classrooms can be so boring! She blinked. Nah, scratch that. I may get bored as hell in there, but good grades are still important. She shrugged and walked through the hallways, waving at random students as though she were on a parade float.

Besides her usual behavior, there was nothing that stood out to Indigo in the hallways. She did, however, see posters for tryouts for something called "the Friendship Games". Upon seeing this, Indigo quirked an eyebrow. "Well now, this looks promising..." She said, cupping her chin and grinning in anticipation. She took out her phone and put a reminder in it about the tryouts. "It's a date." She said to herself, cracking her knuckles.

The warning bell for fifth period rang, and Indigo noogied an unfortunate student who just happened to be nearby. She jogged to her next class.


Fifth period ended, and all of her classmates cleared out as though they were afraid of what she might do to the next poor unsuspecting person who happened to be next to her. Much to the students' surprise and even relief, Indigo did nothing. She simply winked at a random student with her grin. Indigo almost did a double-take as she could have sworn the student blushed. She smiled inwardly. Good to know I'm attractive, these looks don't come naturally! Indigo slowly walked over to the student as her face reddened further. "Like what you see?" She said in her most seductive voice.

The student slowly nodded her head, trembling from nervousness.

"Well, then." Indigo said, mere inches away from the student. "How do you like this?" Within a second, she embraced the student and full-on french kissed her. Several students took out their phones and either recorded it or snapped photos. The student's arms went limp and let out a soft moan right before Indigo broke the kiss. "That's all you're gonna get." Indigo said with another wink, and the student fainted on the spot. Turning her back, Indigo laughed heartily. "Oh, man. I needed that. Haven't had tongue in weeks!" She said, walking to the cafeteria.

Indigo found her seat and sat down, making a sputtering noise. Can't start another food fight. She thought. I got in more trouble than I'd ever been after I pulled that stunt. She banged her head on the table. "Ow. That was dumb." She said, rolling her eyes. She took out her phone and played a game on it until the warning bell for sixth period rang.

Indigo walked the halls and saw Lemon Zest carrying a book and plenty of papers. She grinned. Target locked. She walked over to Lemon, who just barely noticed her, then bumped into her hard. Lemon's book and papers fell to the floor and she saw Sunny kick them further down the hallway. Oh well. Indigo thought with a shrug. What's done is done. Moving on!

The warning bell for sixth period sounded off.


Having finished sixth period, Indigo rolled out of the classroom using the hidden wheels from her shoes. Gotta love it. This is the only way to travel! She thought as she glided through the hallways. She sighed happily, feeling her hair ruffle slightly from her skating through the hallways. Man, whoever invented this had better be rich...cause if not then boy did that person get screwed!

Indigo skidded to a halt right in front of her next class as the warning bell for seventh period sounded off.


Walking out of class, Indigo wiped some sweat off of her brow. Damn, I'm surprised I didn't get in any trouble for skating in the halls! Better watch myself for the remainder of the day. Without warning, she bumped into someone. Indigo heard a yelp and a thud, followed my a groan. Indigo looked down. "Oh, crap! Are you okay?" She extended her hand to the bespectacled purple student wearing her hair in a bun. The student nodded and smiled awkwardly. "Good." Said Indigo. "Gotta be careful around here, it's like everybody gets in everybody else's way here." She gave the student a gentle slap on the back. "Laters!" The student continued down the hall, blissfully unaware of the taped piece of paper of her back that read "HUG MEH." Indigo snickered to herself and traveled to her eighth period class.


"I wonder if that girl ever found out that I taped a sign to her back." Indigo thought aloud, lacing her fingers behind her head as she left her second to last class for the day. Ah well. Again, what's done is done. No use making a big deal out of it now. She tapped a random student on the shoulder. "Tag, you're it!" Then ran off making whooping noises like a strange bald man in the company of two other knuckleheads towards her final class of the day.


Her final class of the day over, Indigo burst out the classroom. "Peace out, bitches!" She said, a wide grin on her face. She calmly made her way to the school doors despite wanting to skate out with every fiber of her being. Once she got outside, she skated full tilt. "Woohoo!" She shouted, nearly running into another student. She stopped right in front of her bus and boarded. She overheard a couple of people talking about her as she headed towards her seat. She smiled and leaned in. "I'm not chaotic evil...I'm chaotic neutral. And don't you forget it!" With that, she noogied both students at the same time and took her seat.


Indigo enjoyed the ride home and looked forward to her plans for the night. Grinning widely, she stepped off the bus and made her way home.