• Published 1st Jul 2018
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Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Indigo's Wednesday at Crystal Prep: Second Half

Lunch had begun, and Indigo sat down at a table. Man, I was so hungry I didn't even think to look for De Verre! She sighed, then began to eat. Maybe she'll find me here. She thought as she wolfed her food down, much to the disgust of those nearby. She glanced over to the students staring at her. "What?" She said. "I'm a growing woman, no way in hell am I gonna slow down!"

"But it just might kill you if you don't." Said De Verre as she reached the table.

Indigo snickered. "What are you, my mom? Besides, I'm prefectly-" She cut herself off, pretending to choke.

De Verre rolled her eyes and folded her arms, smiling. "Har, har, har. Funny." Indigo resumed eating while De Verre sat down. "So where were we last time?" Her eyes widened. "Oh yeah! How did Lemon find out about everyone's secrets?"

Indigo shrugged. "No clue whatsoever. But now that I think about it, I can kind of understand her using blackmail."

De Verre blinked. "Wait. You can?"

Indigo nodded. "Yeah! Think about it." She said, pointing at her with a fork. "How many of the students here are always nice?"

De Verre cupped her chin in thought. "I don't know offhand, but I'd imagine very few."

Indigo nodded. "You'd probably be right." She said before taking another bite. "Now since we've established Lemon Zest as a 'good girl', think about this: what happens to even the nicest of people if they get pushed around too often?"

"Oh, I get it." Said De Verre. "She hit her breaking point."

"Exactly!" Indigo said, needlessly slamming a fist on the table. She winced in pain and shook her hand. "Ouch! Geez, I got really caught up in the moment there..."

"No kidding." Said De Verre. "You need to go to the nurse's office?"

"Nah." Indigo said, shaking her head. "This isn't the worst injury I've ever had. It's gonna hurt for a while, but I'll manage."

"If you say so." Said De Verre as she gave Indigo a skeptical look.

"I do." Said Indigo after she finished her lunch. "Anyway, I think it's partially my fault that this happened."

"Wait, are you talking about the fist slamming or Lemon's blackmailing?" Asked De Verre.

"The blackmailing." Indigo said. "I might have been one of the people doing the pushing." She said as she looked away from De Verre.

De Verre sighed. "Really?"

Indigo nodded. "Really. I just have so much pride for my randomness that I've been doing nearly everything on a whim." She said, forcing herself to make eye contact.

De Verre rolled her eyes. "Yeah." She said flatly. "I've noticed."

"But I also help people out, too. I mean, doesn't that kinda balance things out?" Indigo said, moving her hands up and down like a scale.

De Verre put the palm of her hand to her forehead. "I don't think that's how it works, Indigo. In case you haven't noticed, your behavior's been getting you into trouble lately."

Indigo scoffed. "Seriously, what's with the mom act?"

"Have you never had a genuine friend before? I'm saying all of this because I care about you, and not in the 'I have a crush on you' way!" De Verre said, frustrated.

"Whoa, whoa! Okay. I get it." Indigo said, holding out her arms. "I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." De Verre said. The warning bell for sixth period rang. "Well, this is where we part ways, I guess."

"Yup. See ya later!" Indigo said.


Indigo yawned and stretched as she left her sixth period class. "I can't believe I got away with falling asleep in the middle of class! Then again, that teacher isn't very observant." She sighed contentedly. "I did need that, though." She said, smiling.

"Napping during class? Seriously?" Said De Verre as she tousled Indigo's hair from behind.

"Huh." Indigo said. "So that's what that feels like."

"Wait, what?!" De Verre said in shock. "Your family doesn't do that?"

"Nope." Said Indigo, shaking her head. "They do noogies. But even then, those are pretty rare."

"Eh. I don't like noogies." De Verre said. "Even if they're done softly, I just plain don't like them."

Indigo grinned. "More for me, then!"

"Anyway." De Verre said. "Do you have any crushes?"

Indigo blushed. "Wh-wh-where did that come from?" She asked in surprise.

"Just wondering. Isn't this what friends talk about?" Asked De Verre.

"Can they not talk about it if the subject makes them uncomfortable?" Asked Indigo, still blushing deeply.

"Okay, fair enough." Said De Verre. "So what do you want to talk about?"

Indigo shrugged. "I've got nothing." The warning bell for seventh period rang. Saved by the bell. "Well, I'll see you later then!" She waved to De Verre as she headed off to her next class.


Indigo left her seventh period class and wandered the halls until she stopped in front of a classroom. I think this is Sour Sweet's class. Maybe I should try to whole "small talk" thing with her and see how it goes. She leaned on a nearby locker. Sour Sweet exited her class, then turned her head and saw Indigo. "Booga-booga." Indigo said in a monotone. Sour Sweet blinked, and Indigo laughed. "I'm just messing with you." She said.

Sour Sweet smiled and rolled her eyes. "Oh, you." She said. "So what do you want?"

Indigo grinned. "Just wanted to kill some time with some small talk."

Sour Sweet folded her arms. "Okay, then. Anything in particular?" She said, leaning against a wall.

"What sort of events do you think will be in the Friendship Games?" Indigo asked.

Sour Sweet shrugged. "Hell if I know. Don't they usually keep that sort of thing under wraps until the last minute?"

"I don't know too much about the Friendship Games myself." Indigo said, putting her hands behind her head. "I just wanna kick some CHS ass."

Sour Sweet grinned. "I hear that." They gave each other a high-five. "Do you think they'll put up a fight?"

"They always do." Said Indigo. "But Crystal Prep always wins."

"Always." Said Sour Sweet. The warning bell for eighth period went off. "See you later!" Sour Sweet said, and went off to her next class.


Eighth period had ended, and Indigo felt like she was just released from prison. "I'm just glad they let me go early on good behavior." She said in as deep a voice as she could muster. She turned to another student. "What were you in for?"

To Indigo's surprise, the other student answered. "Manslaughter! I slaughtered a man!"

Indigo burst into a laughing fit. "Oh, man, that totally made my day." She said once she finished laughing. "You're all right, dude." She gave the student a light punch on the arm. "Catch ya later!" I'll have to remember that one. She thought, trying hard not to fall into another laughing fit. She stopped to take a deep breath and exhaled to calm down, then continued moving on. "And now I'm bored." She sighed. "Screw it." She threw her hands up in defeat and skated to her final class.


"Freedom!" Indigo shouted as she sped out of her final class for the day. "Time to blow this popsicle stand!" She made a beeline for the doors, then jumped over the stairs. "Woohoo!" She shouted once she landed. Finally! A day that hasn't left me a mess! She thought as she boarded the bus. She took her seat immediately and almost fell asleep on the spot, if it weren't for De Verre sitting down next to her, nudging her awake.

"Wouldn't want to miss your stop now, would you?" De Verre asked with a grin.

"Five more minutes, mommy!" Indigo said as she buried her face into the back of the seats in front of her. The bus stopped at Indigo's stop. It was just about to leave when she realized where she was. "Oh crap, I gotta go! Later!" She said, running to the front. She disembarked and took a deep breath of the fresh air. "Ahh. Home sweet home." She slowly approached the front door, savoring the moment...then opened it.