• Published 1st Jul 2018
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Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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The Night Life

After several moments of panting and catching her breath on the kitchen floor, Indigo finally regained enough strength to climb up to the island where the pizza and breadsticks were.

"Damn...all that running...really took it out of me." Indigo said, wiping the remaining sweat off of her brow. "I had no idea I was so out of shape." She said, pausing to slap herself on the forehead. "She said as she prepared to eat two pizzas and a bunch of breadsticks over the course of the weekend." She said through gritted teeth, understanding the irony of the situation.

Indigo sighed. "You know what, screw it. I didn't run halfway across the neighborhood to tire myself out for nothing. I bought it, now I'm eating it!" She grabbed a plate and filled it up then walked into the living room, sitting herself down in front of the television. "Television!" She said, wiggling her fingers like a magician about to do a magic trick. "Do my bidding! Entertain me!" She smiled, amused by herself.

Indigo picked up the remote control and turned the power on, realizing a split-second too late that she had the volume at maximum. "Shi-" Music blared, startling all nearby neighborhood wildlife. She set down her plate and for once in her life covered her ears. Loud music is only fun when it's consensual! She thought, feeling a headache coming on. She turned down the volume on the television, but still heard the ringing in her ears for a few more moments until it subsided.

Indigo sighed with contentment once the ringing in her ears left. Okay, maybe I should cut back on the loudness. She thought to herself, clutching her head with hands. At least I don't have that big of a headache. Oof. She channel surfed as she ate pizza, never staying on the same channel for more than a minute or two. She made a sputtering noise. "Come on!" She nearly shouted, throwing her hands up in frustration. "I get it's a Friday night, but there's got to be something good on!"

Indigo finished eating and cleaned up after herself, then walked to the living room window. She stared at the sky, unable to see many stars due to the lights from the neighborhood and Canterlot City off in the distance. Indigo smiled warmly. She'd never openly admit it to anyone, but staring at the stars in the night sky brought her a sense of peace. She never quite understood why that was. Maybe it was the serenity of the evening. Or perhaps a sort of reassurance that she was never alone, that there just may be life outside of this planet that she and the rest of humanity lived on.

Indigo Zap didn't mind thinking like that every now and then, but she much preferred to be thought of as a prankster. That one nutty student that likes to be obnoxious for its own sake. Keeping other people on their toes was one of her pastimes. She relished in her unpredictability, as well as the reactions of her fellow students during her antics. Constant thinking always brought her boredom, but she never failed to entertain herself with her shenanigans.

Indigo shook her head, feeling boredom overtake her innermost thoughts. Well now, that's enough of that. Back to spontaneity! She ran up to her room and rummaged through her closet. After a moment of searching, she found a water gun. Grinning widely, she ran back downstairs and opened her fridge. She took out a bottle of soda and unscrewed the liquid container from her water gun. She then opened the bottle of soda and poured the contents into the liquid container. She screwed the liquid container back onto her water gun, then shook it vigorously. Indigo opened her mouth widely, then fired!

Indigo nearly choked from the sudden high-pressure release of soda that launched into her mouth. She coughed and sputtered for about a minute, then regained her composure. Mental note: never do that again! She grabbed a glass of water, drank it down and then put the soda from her water gun into the glass. She stretched and yawned. "Damn...if I keep this up I'll..." She trailed off as her activity from the day fully caught up with her, and she began snoring.