• Published 1st Jul 2018
  • 1,324 Views, 199 Comments

Before the Friendship Games: Indigo Zap - CapNTilfy

Follow Indigo Zap as she goes through life before the Friendship Games. Book Four of The Crystal Prep Chronicles: Before the Friendship Games.

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Indigo Zap vs. Tuesday

Author's Note:

Three days until the Friendship Games.

Indigo's eyes opened up slowly as she yawned and stretched. She got out of bed and looked out the window. Well, today looks promising. She thought with a smile, then looked down at her legs. Guess I should check 'em before I wreck 'em. She snickered. She sprinted around her room, or at least as much as she could, given the size of it. She winced in pain, then fell over simply to amuse herself. "Woman down!" She said quietly so her parents wouldn't get the wrong idea. "Medic!" She said, giggling to herself.

Indigo got up off the floor. All right, enough screwing around. She changed into her uniform, then cracked her neck. "Ooh, yeah. Needed that." She said contently, then left her room. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Morning!" She said, greeting her parents.

Azure and Twinkle looked up and smiled. "Hey Zappo. How's the legs?" Asked Azure.

"Eh, they're okay." Indigo said. "Tried sprinting in my room to test them out, and I lasted for about a minute. Still gonna take it easy on them."

"That sounds like a plan." Twinkle said.

"Well, I should be off. Later!" Indigo said as she headed for the door.

"Hold up!" Azure said, causing his daughter to kick up her left leg, slide her left foot on the floor then pivot on her right foot's heel. She finished by stomping her left foot on the floor.

"Yeah, dad?" Indigo asked.

"Keep your impulses in check, will you?"

Indigo smiled. "I will."

"All right then. Have a good day!"

"That's the plan, at least. See ya laters!" Indigo said as she finally left the house. Once outside, she took a deep breath of fresh air. She sighed. Nobody's cut the grass...man, I love that smell. She walked up to the bus stop and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the wind in her hair. She opened them back up once she heard the bus approaching. I wonder where De Verre is...I haven't seen her since yesterday. She frowned at the memory as she boarded the bus.

Once Indigo climbed the last step in the bus, she kept her eyes peeled for De Verre. Come on, you've gotta be here. The further back into the bus she got, the more frustrated she became. She made it to the back of the bus, and she still couldn't find Fleur De Verre. "Argh!" She grumbled, sitting down. She put her head in her hands and made a sputtering noise. "If I don't see her by the end of the day, I'm gonna ask around tomorrow." She said to herself.

Once the bus stopped in front of Crystal Prep, everyone disembarked. Indigo opened the doors and stretched. "All right, Tuesday. What do you have in store for me?" As if to answer her question, the sound of airhorns blared off in the distance. She gasped, then grinned. "The Indigo-signal! Someone requires my assistance!" She began skating in the direction of the noise, then took out a cape she borrowed from her mother and put it on. Once she neared the airhorns, she shouted at the top of her lungs. "I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the airhorn that sounds in your ears...I am Indigo Zap!"

The airhorns stopped immediately, and Indigo looked to see a very bemused Sunburst. He blinked, at a loss for words.

"What's the problem?" Indigo asked, snapping Sunburst out of his puzzlement.

"Oh, right. Sorry. That was just so unexpected I froze up." Sunburst said. "'I am the terror that flaps in the night'?" He smirked. "Where did that come from?"

Indigo shrugged. "Eh, just some old cartoon my dad watched when he was a kid. But enough about that. Time is short, and first period's going to start in a few minutes."

"I just wanted to talk, that's all. I've been feeling...lonely." Sunburst said.

Indigo put the palm of her hand to her forehead and dragged in down to her chin. "Oh, please don't tell me you have a crush on me..." She said.

"What?! No! What gave you that idea?" Sunburst said in a panic.

Indigo blushed. "Sorry. Long story. Anyway, what do you want to talk about?"

Sunburst sighed. "I don't know."

Indigo smiled. "Well at the very least I'll keep you company until the bell rings which should be...about five minutes. I didn't skate down the halls just to do nothing, yaknow!" She said, giving Sunburst a noogie. "Hey, do you happen to know who Fleur De Verre is?"

Sunburst fixed his hair and readjusted his glasses. "No, I'm sorry to say that I don't. Why do you ask?"

Indigo looked away for a moment. "That's another long story."

"Is there something you want to talk about?"

Indigo barked a laugh. "You call for my help and then end up asking me if I want to talk. That's a new one." She quickly raised her hands in defense. "Don't get me wrong, I'm genuinely touched. It's just that nobody outside of my family has ever asked me if there was something I wanted to talk about." The warning bell rang.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to move on." Sunburst said. "See you later?"

"Yeah." Indigo nodded. "See you later."


First period had ended, and Indigo left the classroom in thought. It'd probably be a waste of time to search for De Verre if I don't even know whether or not she's here. She passed several students in the hallway, feeling the urge to be random. Keep it in check, Zap. She told herself. As tempting as it may be, the reward isn't really worth the risk. She sighed. Man, things are really boring without all of my randomness. Did I really depend on it that heavily to keep me going throughout the day?

"Bleh. I don't like thinking too much." Indigo said as she walked the halls. She stopped and stared at the ceiling for a moment. Probably not a good idea to just stop in the middle of a hallway. She thought, then walked over to her second period class.


Second period was over, and Indigo again found herself in thought. I hope De Verre is okay. I wish there was a way to contact her. I didn't even get her phone number... Indigo growled. "I can't take it anymore!" She nearly shouted, and ran outside turning her phone's volume all the way up. She pressed it to her ear, clenched her teeth, and played airhorn noises off of her phone. She yelped in pain, then brought the phone's volume back to normal. Her ears were ringing, and she was unable to hear herself sigh in relief. Why did I even do that?! She thought as she walked back inside. The warning bell for third period went off, and Indigo thanked her lucky stars that she didn't go deaf.


Third period ended, and the ringing in Indigo's ears had finally left. Okay. She thought. That's a stunt I'm never going to pull again. I'm glad I know how to at least look like I'm paying attention, because I could barely hear a word the teacher said until the class was ten minutes in! She made a sputtering noise. There's still some time before fourth period starts. Where do I go from here?

An idea formed in Indigo's mind and she darted for the doors to the entrance. She opened them and heard the sound of lawnmowers in the distance. She closed her eyes and sighed. "Ahhh. Peaceful." She laced her hands behind her head and leaned on the front steps of the campus until she barely heard the warning bell. "Well, that's the end of that I guess."


Indigo left her fourth period class, with Sunny Flare right in front of her. She growled in frustration. Ooh, is this a kindred spirit I see before me? "Bored?" She said, gaining Sunny's attention.

"No, I'm trying to stretch my body because it's been my lifelong dream to break the world record for tallest human." Sunny said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Indigo.

Indigo snickered. "I didn't think you had a sense of humor."

Sunny shrugged. "Whatever gets me through a day as slow and uneventful as this."

Indigo smiled. "I hear that. I almost want to tempt fate just so something interesting would happen."

"That's hardly ever a good idea." said Sunny.

"You'd rather be bored out of your skull than have anything interesting happen today?" asked Indigo.

"I'd rather be bored out of my skull than risk a chance of any sort of catastrophe." said Sunny.

"Hey, sometimes the reward makes the risk worth it." said Indigo.

"Sometimes." said Sunny.

"Look, it's not like I want the apocalypse." Indigo thought for a moment, cupping her chin. "I just want something that's non-lethal and harmless but still exciting to happen."

"Such as?" asked Sunny.

Indigo shrugged. "I don't know! I'm so fucking bored I think my imagination put itself out of its misery!"

Sunny blinked.

"What?" said Indigo. "I can't think of anything creative right now, that's the best reason I can think of!" Sunny rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on! Surely this boredom's been affecting your brain as well."

"Maybe just a little." admitted Sunny. "I feel like I might be on the verge of losing my mind! Got any ideas on how to kill this boredom of ours?"

Indigo grinned. "I do, but I think we'd get ten to twenty years if we followed through with it." Sunny blinked again. Indigo laughed. "I'm just kidding. I've got nothing right now."

Sunny groaned, frustrated. "Then why am I even talking to you?!"

"You've got nothing better to do." Indigo said, smiling. The bell for the next period rang.

"I do now!" Sunny said in a singsong voice. "Ta-ta!"

Indigo shrugged. Oh well. Off to the next class I go.


Well, there goes fifth period. Indigo thought. At least it's lunch time! She skated through the halls, rushing towards Sunny Flare. "Incoming!" She shouted. Sunny yelped and jumped to the side as Indigo passed her by, rolling on the wheels hidden from within her sneakers. As she neared the cafeteria, she heard the sound of airhorns. Indigo sighed. "Okay, this one better be good enough to keep me from eating lunch!" She said, rolling through the hallways until she found the person responsible for the noise.

Indigo stopped dead in her tracks as she stood before Fleur De Verre, holding her phone up high.