• Published 30th Mar 2018
  • 15,514 Views, 5,222 Comments

Fallout Girls - Universal Librarian

A magical malfunction sees the Equestria Girls transported across worlds and dumped in one of the most unforgiving of places... the Capital Wasteland.

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Comments ( 16 )

Hot damn, it's been a while! Nice to see this come back!

Excellent end to Anchorage, and now the Moons just need to collect the loot. Wonder what they'll take? I hope Luna takes Jingwei's Shocksword!

I'm guessing we'll be focusing on the Pitt from now on. I'm really curious who this "Lucy" is that the slavers keep mentioning. Whatever happens next, I can only assume that it will be brutal.

And if I'm keeping count correctly, that's two DLC done, one in progress, and two not yet started! Keep up the great work!

Thats the simulation completed, but they cant reformat the compute system with that demonic form within it as that would let it Obi Wan out? :twilightoops:

As for Lucy having more than one head, I cant remember what that old mythological two headed giant was called, related to regenerative trolls? Or Orthros? Otherwise its 3 heads for Cerberus and Chimera, or 3 or more for Hydra?

Whatever this Lucy is, Id expect she cant just be picked up and thrown through a wall by AJ.

Really, really hope Lucy isnt a Tiamat. :rainbowderp:

Oh god Luna’s starting to enjoy it. Scary. Still, mission accomplished!

“One” of Lucy’s heads?

Awesome chapter! Its been honeslty worth the wait. I'm super glad the Moons have cleared the simulation, I'm worried what comes next for them cause Braun will not let his new toys go easily.

As for AJ and Adam, well that Radstorm isn't going to be fun, and its the Pitt. The 76ers of Appalachia couldn't clear the city, Lyons BoS couldn't clear the city, so I fear what horrors lurk in the city. And are gonna be drawn out by the magic and radiation.

A hydra, or what I hope not. A wendigo colossus. Those suckers are terrifying

Aliens are gonna be fun lmao.

I cannot wait to see what happend to our favorite becon horse.

On the bright side, I'm on new meds and I've got my Baldur's Gate fixation out of my system for the time being, so I intend to be back to a relatively regular posting schedule from now on.

Anyhoo, that's enough babbling from me. Once again, for those of you who've read this far, especially those who've been putting up with my shoddy release schedule for the last few months, thanks for reading!

Are you on meds because of Baldur's gate? Yeah, i had to fix that addiction as well.

And about the schedule, meh, just glad to see you back.

I really, REALLY, love the interactions that the Moons have with each other. Sonata treating Luna not like a teacher but like normal. Sonata and Trixie at each other throats (not really but you get what i mean). I also love that part when Luna giggled and started to dance a little like a child who just found her favorite toy. That was cute and precious.
About Lucy. I am guessing that Lucy is a heavily mutated troglodite that has multiple heads? Maybe some sort of amalgamation caused by Equestrian magic, not too sure about that. God, i can't wait for the new chapter.

I also can't wait to see how the Moons react to the Rainbooms killing. Because i am sure they will be disgusted when they actually see the dead bodies. That and i am quite sure they will be shocked (especially Sonata) when they see how fast, how ruthless and how optimized the Rainbooms kill and operate. To see Twilight burst a head just as easy as walking, to see Fluttershy drain a man of blood right in front of their eyes, and Pinkie just exploding someone or having her pickaxe stuck in someone's head. That will leave them traumatized. God, i can't wait for the next chapter (i actually can, in fact, wait)

Is it wrong that I want Pinkie to be the one to take on Mothership Zeta?

Applejack's gonna end up getting ghouled, isn't she? :ajbemused:

With how unpredictable she is the alien will deal with her nature of being a universal wild card.


Sometimes we just need new meds because the old things don't work like that supposed to.
I think I speak for most of your fans when I say taking care of your health is more important than supplying us with magical Wasteland goodness on a set schedule.

Twinny #14 · May 9th · · ·

Welcome back! Health matters most too so hope ya healed well to get better.

Good chapter as always, and I Can't wait for the moons to finally go on a mission with the rainbooms

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