• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,014 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Next Day

Chapter 8: The Next Day

I was in a lab coat. I was with other people. Probably scientist. There where multiple screens. The main screen had what looked like DNA. It was a program showing DNA replication. We walked in the hall way. We passed an open room where I heard a piece of conversation

"...allowing us to make DNA for these tests."
"How can we be sure that the genetic structure will stay stabilized?"
"The process in this allows..."

That was it. We kept walking and came up on a indoor window to another room. There where vials upon vials. Each with a labels. Scientist taking what looked like samples and putting them in vials. We kept walking and came across another window showing what looked like a practice room. I saw a person moving things around. Having things appear and disappear from random places. One person looked very tired. He just fell and people came in trying to save him. We entered a room.

The room was big. It had a 3-D projection. It looked like a lion with a scorpion tail and wings. Next to it, it showed a DNA structure. There was a testing room. There was a machine starting to grow brightly at the tip. It grew brightly and I heard a weird noise.


I woke up. I was tired. An extreme understatement. What happened? I could remember my dream very vividly. Its like it was there, but it wasn't. My mind was fuzzy. I opened my eyes and immediately closed them from the bright light. It took me more or less a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. I moved my hands to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. Something held my hands back. They where chains. Forget my hands, the fact that I was chained woke me up. I moved trying to get them off.

Just then I remembered what had happened yesterday. Fuuu~ck... I moved my legs and found them chained as well. For fucks sake man. I reached into my pocket and took out the chalk. On the wall to my right I drew the alchemy circle for earth. Once I had control of the earth I levitated chunks of rock from the wall and smashed the chains. I had my hands free after a while. I heard something drop. I turned my head and saw a pony in what looked like a nurse outfit. It just ran off yelling something. Fuck, have to hurry! I quickly smashed the other chains and got loose. I ran over to the wall and made an opening for me to get through.

"Stop, don't go!"

I turned my head and saw the purple unicorn with a bandage around its head. I think it was the one I had saved. We just stared for a while. Lets see. Stay and very possibly get chained again. Or leave and stay safe with a very low possibility of being chained to a bed. I left.


I closed the opening I had made myself so the pony couldn't follow me. I was outside in town again. It was day. The ponies in the street where looking at me. They where frozen in fear. I heard something off to my right. I saw the purple unicorn pony talking to that blue pegasus. The pegasus nodded its head and flew toward me. Escape! I quickly drew the alchemy circle for fire. I took out my lighter in my pocket and moved some of the fire to my hands.

Right before the blue pegasus got to me I used the fire and shot upwards. The sudden force made me a little off balance. I could see the blue pegasus looking in awe as I shot upwards. I had singed its hair a little. The purple unicorn was galloping toward me. I just shot myself toward the forest. I felt pain, but ignored it.

I looked back and didn't see the blue pegasus or that purple unicorn. I turned my head back to look straight ahead as a purple flash appeared ahead of me on my path to the forest. I crashed into something. I tripped and fell to the ground. I looked back and saw the purple unicorn. This bitch is persistent, i'll say that much. I used my fire to go forwards.

"Please wait!"

I didn't know what to do so I kept going forwards. I went up above the tree line and kept going. The pain was growing. The pain was making my concentration weak. I kept going but crashed just before having to cross the river. I looked down at my stomach. It was bleeding through its bandages. A random purple flash appeared in front of me. I saw the unicorn walk up to me with a worried face. I made a fire ball appear in the palm of my hand and it stopped walking.

"Please. I know we treated you badly, just let me help."

I was contemplating about this. Pain shot from my stomach reminding me that I was severely injured. The fire from my palm swirled away into the air. I just lay down as she cautiously came over to me.

"We have to take you back to the hospital. But its to far away and I can't teleport you. My magic won't work on you for some reason."

I coughed up some blood and spoke in a slightly raspy voice. I spoke and pointed.

"The castle."


"Head to the castle."

"It might not be safe. Even so, the river is deep."

"Just trust me."

She just looked at me and back to the castle. I could tell she was wondering about what to do. She just looked at me and nodded.

"Can you walk?"

"I can."

"Okay, but how do we cross the river? I don't think you can swim in that condition."

"Just watch."

I took out my chalk and drew the alchemy symbol for earth. I placed my hands as the purple unicorn watch the circle glow a light blue. She asked something but I didn't hear her question. I stood up and concentrated. I made the bridge form. She just stared in amazement. We crossed the bridge. Once we crossed I made the bridge go back into the earth. We walked as I tripped. I fell face planting into the ground. The unicorn came and brought me to a sitting position.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

I got back up only to fall again. That shit hurt. That shit hurt so God damn bad.

"Here let me help."

She came and put me over her. She was carrying/dragging me to the castle. I was to much in pain to complain and tell her to let me go. We walked over to the door. I just pointed to where we had to go. She just followed my directions. We where going up the stairs as we entered the first room. We went inside as she just looked around. I walked/limped my way over to a chair and sat down.

"You shouldn't have left the hospital."

"They had me chained to the bed, why the hell would I stay?"

"They had you chained?"


"They said they wouldn't do anything to you."

"Yeah well fuck them."

She was looking around for something to cover my wounds. She found something to bandage my wounds. She was wrapping that around me as she tried to get a conversation going.

"What magic did you use to defeat...what ever that was back in ponyville?"

"Magic? Magic doesn't exist."

She stumbled as she was wrapping. She just looked at me like I had said something she had never heard before.

"What do you mean magic doesn't exist?"

"I mean it doesn't. It's a myth, it's not real."

"Of course its real."

"Uh, no it's not."

"Then what did you do to defeat the creature back there."

"Alchemy. Science, not magic."


"Yeah, I used it to control earth, air, fire and water."

"I have never heard of that."

We had a conversation on alchemy and magic. I didn't show her the journal. I wasn't sure if I could trust her just yet.

"I never knew something like that was possible."

"Yeah, and I didn't think magic was real either."

"Strange. How did you come here?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I woke up drowning in a river and bleeding from my head."

"Wait, you woke up drowning and bleeding?"

"Yeah. I can't remember anything from my life from before. It might have been from whatever injury I took to the head, or shock, or something. I just can't remember anything. Well, nothing specific."


"Yeah like the name of the country, state, I remember a small house. I remember my species name, I remember the planets name and the solar system."

"I'm sorry. I wish I could do something."

"Can't even remember my own God damn name."

We just sat there in silence for a moment.

"Thank you for saving me."


"Thanks for saving me from that creature."

"Oh yeah, that. No problem."

"Why did you save me? I treated you terribly."

"While I can agree you where treating me like shit when I tried to take shelter from the wolfs attacking me and making me go back into this forest where they tried to hunt me down again-"

I could see in her face that she only felt guilt at the moment. She didn't deserve death, but she did deserve to feel that guilt. And I was more than okay with her feeling guilt.

"-but regardless of what you had done to me, no one deserves death. Well no one except those who are trying to kill others. Like that guy in the town back there."

We just sat there in silence once again.

"I'm sorry for how we treated you."

"Yeah, you ponies treated me like shit."

"Can we start over?"

"You can but that won't really change the past."

"Uh...okay? My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"Hello Twilight."

"Do you know what that creature that attacked us is? It looked like you."

"Well, it was humanoid, but I doubt it was human. It's skin, meat, and organs where transparent. I could see its skeleton. Fucking creeped the hell out of me."

"Why did he attack us?"

"I don't know. But when I saw him, something happened in my head."

"What do you mean?"

"I had a flash back. It's like I knew him. I saw him destroying the city, dead cut up bodies on the floor. I remembered something but whatever it was it was painful."

"He must have triggered your memory. Is there anything you can remember about your life before that might trigger your memory?"

"I don't know. I think I used to play instruments. Aside from that, I remember having to run from something but that was it. You think that might trigger my memories?"

"Well its worth a try."

We just sat there in silence for a moment. It was dark out now.

"Well, I should head home before my friends start to worry."


"Thank you, again, for saving me."

"Yeah don't mention it."


"Bye Twilight."

She teleported away in a purple flash. I was left alone to my thoughts. You shouldn't trust her. Ugh, you again. Can you like stop existing? The voice left me alone. I just drifted back to sleep.


I saw some one walking around town. There where crystals everywhere. The crystals where like houses. There was a big crystal the size of buildings in the center. The girl was sitting down with his legs crossed on some type of alchemy circle. There was a laugh near by. She stood up an looked around.

"Come out!"

The laughing continued. Out of nowhere a big black cloud or smoke came around and surrounded her. I could see eyes in the smoke.

"You can't stop me this time."
"Yeah whatever. Lets get this over with."

She began to mutter something as I saw words and symbols surrounding her. The words and symbols orbited her and once she stopped talking the symbols glowed and something shot toward the smoke. There was a big explosion. Once the smoke from the blast cleared I saw the eyes still there.

"Goodbye human."

The smoke engulfed her. She yelled in pain.


I woke up screaming. My arm felt like it was burning. I was in extreme pain. My right arm was glowing blue. I fell on the floor. Off to the side I saw the journal glowing a bright blue. The pain lasted for ten seconds as the burning sensation died. I looked at my arm. There was a symbol that looked like it was burned into my arm. It was the number 4 in what looked like an alchemy circle. Almost like the alchemy circle on my journal.

"What the fuck..?"

The glow from my journal stopped. I walked over to my journal and opened it. Where the four symbols where supposed to be only stood one. The symbol for air with a second circle and extra symbols, now had three circles in total. I turned the page and on the next three stood the other symbols for fire air and earth each with an extra circle and symbols. After that where two Alchemy circles that I have never seen before. They only had two circles and some symbols.


I felt extremely exhausted. I just closed the journal and fell asleep in bed instantly drifting of into what ever dream I got this time.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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