• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,013 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 17: Ditto

Chapter 17: Ditto

~In the castle~

Celestia had woken a while ago. She had already raised the sun and was walking back to her room. To her surprise there had been little to do in day court. So she was happy to be able to take a break and rest in her room.


Celestia moved her head. She recognized that voice. She followed where the voice had come from.


Celestia started to run. She was running, looking for that voice. She knew that voice, but from where? She entered a room and saw why she recognized that voice. That laughter.

"Discord! What are you doing!?"

"Oh Tia. I have done nothing yet. Well, nothing to big anyways."

"Whatever you are planning, the elements will stop you."

"They can't stop me Tia."

"They will imprison you in stone."

Discord burst into laughter. Celestia just watched, confused on why Discord was laughing. Discord was still slightly laughing as he spoke.

"Imprison? My dearest Tia, I was never imprisoned."

"What do you mean you where nev-"

"We are getting off topic Tia."

"And what topic might that be?"

"Well. You're little human friend for a start."

"Mimic? What about him?"

"What do you really know about him?"

The question confused Celestia. She pondered on his question, not exactly sure how to answer Discord.

"For example. How old is he?"

"Why would I know that? And how is that important?"

"Oh Tia. That human is much older than me. Based on how long we have lived his existence before me isn't that much. But he was born before I ever existed."

Celestia was a bit taken back by his comment. She thought, Mimic was born before Discord came to be? He couldn't be that old... could he? She stared at Discord.

"You're playing tricks Discord."

"Don't believe me? You know the spell to check ones age. Why don't you pay him a little unexpected visit?"

Celestia teleported away in a flash. To worried on what Discord was planning she left without a second thought.

"Oh Tia. You can't even imagine what is about to begin. The biggest game ever created. On a global scale. One that started thousands of millennial ago. And in this wonderful chaos it will happen. The ultimate battle between me and my creations, against humans, ponies, and him."

Discord couldn't stop laughing.

"This will be very, very, interesting."

He snapped his fingers and disappeared. Leaving the room silent. Showing no signs that anything had just happened.

~Mimic's POV~

I was having a much needed rest. I was having a happy dream. But things don't last do they? A sound woke up. I opened my eyes and saw Celestia pointing a horn at me. Her horn glowed and something shot toward me? I expected it to deflect or dissolve when it touched me but instead an aura went over my body. Magic worked on me? She stared at me for a moment as her eyes widened.

"It's true..."

Suddenly Discord appeared. I stared at him.

"The hell are you doing here now Discord?"

"You know him?"

"Yeah. He has been in my head talking and laughing since I got to ponyville. He is an annoying bastard."



"How old are you?"

"What? Why?"

"Just answer her question Mimic."

"I'm 21. Why?"

"You're lying."

"What? No, i'm not. Why would I lie about that?"

"Tell the truth!"

She Tackled me and held me to the ground.

"What are you planning?!"

"Tia, please. Don't do this. This will make him try to kill himself again."

Celestias eyes widened. She stared at Discord then at me.

"Is this true? You tried to kill yourself?"

"Hey, in my defense, it was day one, I was in pain, I was run out of the nearest town, and I was bleeding. Suicide seemed like an okay thing to do under the circumstances but someone wouldn't let me."

"Be glad I stopped him Tia. He is an important piece to the game."

"Again with the game. Is this the same game you said I supposedly started?"

"Actually it is! Do you remember what else I said?"

"That I started it before Equestria?"


I looked at Celestia and she was just staring at me. Her eyes full of suspicion. Discords was laughing as he put his blindfolded Celestia. He then made a screen appear in front of me. I could see Rainbow flying over the forest.

"Whats this?"

"This is what happened a while ago."

The screen fast forwarded and showed her on the floor with her wing damaged.

"This is now."

He fast forwarded once more and showed her being trapped by wolfs.

"And that's what will happen."

"Discord what are you doing?!"

"Mimic. Remember your vision yesterday?"


"Remember how you saw proof that it was real?"


I saw her being cornered as the wolfs...

"I have to go!"

Celestias blindfold came off. She grabbed me by the arm.

"We're not done here!"

"Celestia, we can talk all you want later but right now I have to save a life!"

I grabbed my journal and ran out. I ran up stairs as I activated fire. I ran out the opening of my tower and propelled my self toward Rainbow. I got a good look at where she was and I knew where that might be. I flew until I saw her on the ground. Her color helped. I got down there. She seemed surprised when I landed.

"Mimic! What are you doing here?"

"Trying to help you."

"How did you know I was here?"


"Discord's loose!?"

"You know Discord, Celestia knows Discord, I need you guys to talk once I get you out of here."


"Long story, now, can you walk?"

"Yeah, i'm fine."

I heard growling. I turned around and saw several wolfs. I could see the head of the pack. He was the one who always seemed to find me.

"I hate wolfs."

"Mimic, what are we going to do?"

"You are going to walk ahead of me as I attack these wolfs."

They where slowly making their way toward us when their heads popped up and turned. I followed the direction of their heads. Suddenly they all ran for it. They just ran right past us.

"I didn't know they feared you Mimic."

"They don't fear me."

"But then what scared them off?"

"I don't know and I don't want to stay and find out. Lets go."

I turned and looked where all the wolfs looked before running for it. My heart stopped for a moment. Against a tree rested something. Leaning against the tree was a lone scythe. One I knew to well. Rainbow saw it.

"What is it?"

"We should go now."

I started to run when I turned around and saw Rainbow limping her way toward me. I got balk to her.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, i'll catch up right now."

I looked at her leg. It was banged up.

"Why didn't you tell me you hurt your leg."

"It's nothing, lets go."

I could hear hoof steps from a horse not that far off.

"We have to go."

I was about to grab her when she slapped my hand away.

"I don't need help i'm fine."

I turned around and saw two eyes. Two eyes that just screamed dead and lifeless. I grabbed Rainbow and ran for it.

"Put me down!"

"Rainbow you're great and all but this is life or death. It's okay to ask for help, even if the situation sin't life or death."

She seemed stopped struggling.


I ducked as a scythe flew and stabbed a tree ahead of me. I turned around and saw the man on the horse. It creeped me out that I could see its bone, muscle, and organs. I booked it out of there. The thing was close to catching up with me.

"What are we going to do?"

"Me not you."

I looked at the tree and saw something. It had an alchemy circle for fire. that's when I remembered I had several alchemy circles for fire on trees when I was being hunted down. there where more ahead of me so if I activated the trap of fire I might get hit. In a split second decision I decided that I had to do it.



"Close your eyes. This might scare you."

"I'm not scared of anything!"

"Let's see how that goes. This will be interesting."

I threw a fire ball toward the nearest alchemy circle. In an instant several fireball where being activated and launched throughout the forest. I could hear the thing being hit by the fire and being held back. But as I suspected there where fireballs being thrown in front of me. I felt adrenaline go through my body. I smiled from the excitement of being in danger.

"Hang on for your life Rainbow!"

I was running and dodging balls of fire. The adrenaline was great. I was running as I made it to the bridge. I couldn't hear the creature, as I had lost it back in the fire trap. The ponies where up and about. What time is it that they are all awake? I ran into Fluttershy. Suddenly the other girls came walking by and ran over to see what happened.

"What happened?"

"Rainbow why are you hurt?"

"Can I be carried to! That seems like fun!"

"Twilight. The creature is back! The one from your dreams!"

They went dead silent. It was very faint but I could hear the creature running at us. I looked at the girls.

"Pinkie, Apple jack, tell everyone in town that the thing is coming. Get them to the middle of town. I will make an opening to the tunnels so they can stay down. Rarity, and Fluttershy, you take rainbow, her leg is hurt and her wings busted. Get an aid kit while you can Fluttershy."

They all left as told. Twilight just stared at me.

"What do I do?"

"Find Celestia and tell her about my plan. Last I saw she was with me and Discord at the castle."

"Discord is loose!?"

"You know Discord too great. Looks like i'm left out. I need you to tell me more once this thing is over. Now go!"

She ran and teleported away. I could hear the thing getting closer. I ran to the center of town. All the ponies where there. Damn, they got here fast. I picked the right two to get them here. They all looked panicked. I changed from fire to earth and made an opening.

"Everyone. You will stay underground until it's safe. It you think it's getting to dangerous underground then go in that direction. It will lead to the barn where I will have another opening. It's going to be dark in the tunnels so any unicorn that can cast a light spell, it would be much appreciated. No get down there!"

They all ran down into the tunnel fearing their safety. A short moment later the girls came. Twilight said she couldn't find Celestia. That she probably went back to her Castle. She was trying to ask about what I knew on Discord but I made her and the other get down. They where leaving when she remembered something.

"Spike is still sleeping in the library! I have to get him!"

"Fine. Lets hurry up!"

I closed the opening and ran to the library. She ran upstairs and woke Spike. She ran back with him. I made an opening at the floor and made her go. I heard the creature close now. I didn't even get time to close the door I made and just ran. I got to the front and saw Celestia and another alicorn. They looked at me. Celestia looked at me. She seemed angry with me she came and talked to me.

"We will handle this Mimic."

"Thanks but I urge you to go underground with the rest of the town."

"We can handle it Mimic."

"Who's your friend Celestia?"

"That's my sister Princess Luna."

"Nice to meet you Mimic."


I looked and saw the scythe flying toward us. We had all been distracted for a moment that we didn't see it. Before either princess could react I placed my hands on the ground and made a rock wall. The scythe stabbed the rock. They both looked surprised.

"You're welcome. Now you two should really go. This battle is personal."

I ran at that thing and started hurling rocks at that thing. The princesses came to help me. I looked at them while I hurled several sharp rocks.

"I told you to leave."

"Your not in charge of us Mimic."

I sighed. Celestia was right about that. The creature made his scythe come back to him. He raised his hand as a small rock on fire appeared. It started to grow in size as he threw it at us. Celestia and Luna tried to magic it away but it didn't work. Also magic proof eh? I threw an equal size rock at it. Both rocks exploded and pieces went flying. The thing made two more and threw them at Celestia and Luna. They didn't have time to react as they where thrown back.


I turned around and saw Twilight.

"I told you to stay underground!"

"Make an opening here, I have to bring them underground with me!"

"Hurry it!"

I made a opening and she and the girls brought them in. Before Twilight could come back up. It was me and this creature. Then several weird dark wolfs emerged from that damn forest.

"Now that's not fair."

Suddenly I was being tackled by several wolfs. I tried to throw rocks a them but it did nothing to them but throw them back. They seemed to ignore the pain. Suddenly I saw something hit a wolf that was about to attack me. It was a pony with black fur. I couldn't tell who it was. The pony looked at me and spoke.

"Hello cutie. Need a hoof?"

"Blossom? I'll ask about your flirting later but for now, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the town and decided to help."

"I thought ponies hated batponies."

"I could disguise myself to look like a normal pony."

"That must be useful."


"Look out!"

I hit a wolf that was behind Blossom. I was doing this as I heard foot steps. Human foot steps. They where jumping from roof to roof, but I couldn't see anything.

"Blossom get out of here!"

"And leave you behind? No. Besides, you saved my life, I have a debt to repay."

We where fighting as a few wolfs in front of us suddenly swirled into oblivion. I turned around and saw a man jumping from roof to roof. He was the human I saw yesterday. he was heading in my direction. The other wolfs didn't seem happy and began to run at me.


The human threw two hand guns in my direction. I ran and grabbed them. Just in time to turn around and shoot the wolfs. I began to shoot every wolf in sight.

"Know this guy?"

"No, I don't remember anyone, but he is helping us."

"I'll take care of the ones on the left! You get the middle and make your friend get the right!"

"Nice plan!"

I was shooting left and right but these wolfs never stopped. I was walking back as I was shooting. Suddenly I bumped with the guy. I turned around and saw the guy.

"Long time no see Mimic."

"You know me?"

"Dude, it's me Ditto."

"Sorry, I lost all my memories. All I remember is waking up and being in this place."

We where both shooting at the wave of wolfs coming at us.

"Well this will be fun. At least you wont be like before."

"Like before?"

"Talk later on that."


"So who's your friend?"

"A very flirtatious batpony."

"Sounds nice. I'l meet your girlfriend later, for now I got the ones on the right, you get the middle."

"She's not my..! You know what never mind, to hell with it. Lets get rid of these wolfs."

He ran out and began to shoot his path clear. I stayed in the middle on this battle. I couldn't tell if we where making progress. These wolfs seemed to never stop coming. I heard a yell not far off. I turned around and saw Twilight. Why can't she just stay down!? I ran after her. I was shooting the wolfs that got to close to here. Not even stopping I picked her up with one arm and ran to the library.

"Blossom! Cover me quickly! Twilight I specifically said to stay underground!"

"I wanted to help!"

"If the princess couldn't do much what made you think you could!?"

"I could at least try!"

There was a blue glow from my jacket. Yes something new. Anything will help. Twilight saw it too.

"Mimic, what was that blue light? I've seen it before."

I opened the door and got her underground.

"None of your business, now stay underground this time!"

I made the door become the floor so she couldn't follow me. I ran where there where no wolfs and took out my journal. I didn't even notice that Twilight had teleported and followed me. I opened the book and flipped to the page. There was a circle and writing on two pages. I was reading.

"Shadow soldiers or shadow warriors. Turning shadows into three dimensional shadow soldiers that will follow it's creators command. It's basic three commands being attack, defend, and observe."

I smiled at this.

"Oh you came just in time shadow warriors."

I drew the circle and activated it. Nearby shadows came to the circle as my warriors began to form. I smiled at this. Once I had a handful of them I did my command.

"Shadow warriors. Attack the enemy!"

They each made a sword and a shields out of shadows. They each ran at the wolfs. That's insane. I just smiled and slightly laughed at this.

"I'm having way to much fun fighting."

I got a pistol in each hand and ran into the battle. Never noticing Twilight just staring at me. I ran into the battle and started shooting these things left and right. I was shooting when when I couldn't shoot anymore.

"Ditto, I need bullets!"


He threw to mags in my direction. I jumped on the heads of these wolfs and grabbed the mags. I started shooting again. We where finally making progress but we where getting heavy damage. My adrenaline was the main thing keeping me going. I don't know about Ditto. My shadow warriors where helping a ton. We managed to stop the wolfs. Now it was us against that thing. He threw a ball of fire at us. It took all my strength plus my warriors and ditto to destroy that thing. Blossom just watched in awe as we deflected that thing.

Once the boulder on fire was gone, so was the thing. It was escaping. I was running after it. Just as I stepped foot on the forest vines grabbed me and there was a vine wall stopping me. Your not going to escape this time! I concentrated and threw a fireball at the vines making them fall on fire. I started to launch several boulders on fire in his direction. The forest was on fire. My breathing was rapid. I really hated that thing. I started walking back. I was walking back as I saw Ditto fall. I walked a little further as the adrenaline keeping me fighting left. My walking slowed down. As I got weaker my shadow warriors began to fade away. I walked a few more feet as I fell forward.

I fell on the ground. I was trying to stand but fell back on the ground. I could see the girls and the princesses just looking at us from a roof top. They where just watching. Blossom came to me and tried to get me on her back. She yelled something but I couldn't hear what she yelled. Then I remembered something. One of my dreams. That thing killed someone I knew. I was remembering that it had etches something on the floor after it killed that guy. One word. The last thing I said and remembered before I passed out. I remembered what that thing was. I had fought it before many times. One word.

"...Death. It's you..."