• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,013 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Wolfs

Chapter 5: Wolfs

Two days have gone since I realized that I couldn't remember anything. Needless to say the first day was pure panic and worry. Yesterday, the second day, I wondered what to do while I walked around the forest. Today I had decided that worrying about this wouldn't do me any good. I haven't woken up out of breath lately so that's a plus.

Today was more or less one pm. I didn't really have a watch so I just went off the suns position in the sky. I had decided it best to made some traps around the castle in case the ponies tried to look for me and got to close. I was in the forest, climbing trees writing symbols on branches so I could transport fire from different places. I did the same for water.

I only had my chalk since I didn't plan to run into the ponies. I had just climbed down my eighth tree when I heard something in a bush. I turned around and saw a pile of sicks. I just passed it off and walked. I heard the sound again and turned. The position of the sticks had changed. I'm being haunted by sticks. Wow. I turned when I heard the noise for a third time. I turned around, but instead of sticks, I found a weird wolf like creature. Made of sticks. When others appeared from behind the bushes, I ran for it. Oh fuck my life!

I was running as I was tackled by one of them. On instinct I braced for impact on the ground. The wolf was on top of me. I punched its jaw. My glove added some force to it since it was leather but the punch hurt. The wolf was pissed off if anything now. I grabbed one of my chalks and quickly drew on the floor. The wolf clawed my back as I placed my hand on the circle. It glowed as I had control over the wind.

"Get off me you bastard!"

I used the wind to push him off. The wolf was not prepared and was pushed back pretty far. I used my wind power to have a gust of wind pushing them all back. I hadn't really practiced with this so I still only had push and pull wind control. I ran as I used the wind to push them back. I lost concentration on the wolfs and kept running. I could hear them running at me from behind. I turned around and blasted them with air. They tripped but got back on track easily. I have to experiment with this. Might as well start. I thought of something you could do with air. A thought immediately came to me.

"A tornado."

I didn't want to make one since it might g to big and wreck the forest, which was my hiding place. I decided to risk it and thought of how to make one. A branch fell off a tree ahead of me. An idea came to mind. As I got close to it, I grabbed it and turned to face the wolfs. Using both my hands, I twirled the branch making a circular gust of wind to start appearing. I concentrated on the wind as the wolfs neared me. In one swift motion I stopped twirling the branch in a circular motion and swung it like a bat to where the wind was originating from. I thought hard of a tornado as a horizontal one appeared ans shot forward. The wolfs where caught off guard and where completely destroyed. The sticks that made them flew everywhere.

"Take that wolfs!"

My celebration was cut short as something hit the back of my head. I turned and saw a pony that looked scared.


It shot something upwards and exploded in the sky. That was a beacon! Run! Ugh, you again. I ran away. I could hear foot steps coming at me. God damn these ponies! It had a horn so I was pretty sure the correct term was unicorn but I didn't really give a fuck at the moment. I didn't want this unicorn to see me so using my wind I blew several leaves off the trees to block her sight. I use the wind to give me a boost and ran up a tree. It was harder to use wind as a propelling method. It took more strength that fire. I made it up in the tall tree and hid in the mix of leaves and branches.

I hid their trying to control my heavy breathing. I tried to breathe in a low tone so I wouldn't be heard. I was on the branch as a group of ponies came. Three I had never seen before, but I recognized the forth. It was the one that had trapped me in that spherical glow. Do these have alchemy?

"He was here a moment ago."

"We will get him, don't worry."

"My magic didn't work against him though."

Again talking about magic. Magic doesn't exist people. Then again they are unicorns. I just left that train of thought stop as I kept hearing their conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"I had cast a spell on him that would make him fall asleep. But nothing happened to him."

"That's strange. Are you sure?"

"Yes. He just acted like it was nothing."

"We should get back before that creature attacks."

"Yes that would be nice."

The purple one stopped talking to the one who had spotted me and walked away. I waited for about three minutes before I came down. I jogged it over to the castle. I drew the alchemy circle for fire and set a branch on fire. I propelled my self upwards to the top of the castle. From the top I could see movement in the forest. Movement in different spots. They where searching for me.

"It might not be the best idea to stay out here."

No it might not.

"Can't you leave me alone?"

No. This is fun.

"Well at least one of us is happy with this."

I am happy. Thank you for caring.

"Go to hell and leave me alone."

I just entered the castle through the search tower and went to my room. I just looked through the books. I couldn't read them at all. I think they where in a different language or some shit. I just fooled around with my air alchemy until the day came to an end.