• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,014 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 14 : Blood Sucker

Chapter 14 : Blood Sucker

She was sucking the blood out from my neck. I could feel my body growing some what weak. I felt dizzy as the blood left my body. Because of the slow blood loss I wasn't sure how long she was taking my blood. I saw a flash on light to my left. I turned and saw Twilight with a surprised look on her face. She started to yell something as she attacked the vampire pony thing.


I woke up. Oh fuck I fell asleep. I looked at the bed. The pony was still asleep. I sat there and waited. I sat there for a few minutes. I should go to Fluttershy's and get something to tend to its wounds. I'm sure the pony will stay asleep until I get back. I walked outside, got some fire, and flew off. It was about to be morning. On my flight I saw some wolfs still walking around the forest. I could see them looking for food. I flew for a little more and landed in front of Fluttershy's place. I knocked and waited. I heard her coming down stairs.


"Hey Fluttershy."

"Oh, hi Mimic."

"Can I ask for a favor?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Do you have an aid kit?"

"Is somepony hurt?"

"Yes, I found a pony being attacked by those wolfs in the forest on my way home."

"Oh my. Should I come with you?"

"Nah, 's okay."

"I'll go got some supplies for you. Stay right here."

She left. She left fast. She was like Pinkie when she ran somewhere except Fluttershy was flying. Anyways, she came back with an aid kit in her mouth. I got the kit, thanked her, and flew off. On my flight back I couldn't see the wolfs anywhere. I entered through the tower and went down the stairs to my room. The pony was still asleep. I opened the aid kit and took some stuff out. I had a bandage to wrap the wounds of the pony. I started with one of its legs. I wrapped the bandage around its leg. From there I moved to its forehead. As I finished wrapping its forehead it began to stir.

I sat down as it began to stir even more. I leaned in close to see if it was okay. It slowly opened its eyes. I leaned it a bit closer.

"Are you okay?"

Its eyes moved and focused on my face. It blinked as suddenly its eyes shot wide open and sat up. Bad move since by doing so we hit each others head. I leaned back and rubbed my fore head as the pony did the same. The pony noticed the bandage on its front leg. It stared at the bandage and started at me. The pony repeated this process staring at both things.

"Did you do this?"

The voice was feminine. Okay so it's a female.

"Uh, yes?"

"You are trying to heal me?"

"Well yeah."


"The fuck do you mean why? What am I supposed to do leave you out there in the forest injured?"


"So are you okay?"

"Yeah I guess."

"So who are you? I have never seen a pony that looks like this."

"Oh. So you don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

She was staring at me. It was like she wasn't sure whether or not to tell me what I didn't know. She just stared directly at me then at the door. I had it closed and she couldn't exactly run in her condition. She stared at me and sighed.

"I'm not exactly a pony."

"Is it the fangs?"

"Sort off."

"So if your not a pony what are you?"

"A batpony."

She just looked at my face searchingly fro any reaction. Bat..pony? I had no idea what that was but I am guessing it was bad from her hesitance to say it.


"You don't know what that is?"

"No not really. I only started living here a few months ago so I don't know much about this place."

"Living here?"

"Woke up in a river bleeding and can't remember anything, long story."


"So what's a batpony exactly. What makes them different from other ponies?"

"We need to drink blood in order to live."

"Drink blood?"

"Well yes."

"Interesting. What's your name?"

She blinked and stared at me.

"It doesn't bother you?"


"The fact that I drink blood."

"Well you have to. It's apart of your survival."

"So it doesn't bother you? Really?"

"No it doesn't. So whats your name?"

"Blood Blossom."

I laughed softly at that. Why do all these ponies have such strange names. She noticed and stared at me.


"Nothing. Just a fitting name. Now can you stay still, I still have to bandage your other leg."


She changed position as I wrapped the bandage. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Blossom just staring at me. She looks like she wants to say something. I was just about done wrapping the bandage when she spoke.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"In the forest."

"What about the forest?"

"I was following you to attack you for blood."

I stopped wrapping the bandage. I turned my head and just looked at her. She looked at me as her ears folded back. I sat up straight and just stared at her. She looked like she was trying to make herself as small as possible. I snapped my fingers and pointed at her.

"So you're the rustle of leaves I kept hearing following me. I thought I was paranoid or something."

I just kept wrapping the bandage around her other leg. I saw her in the corner of my eye with a confused look on her face. I finished wrapping the bandage, cut the last piece off from the roll and tied it.

"There you go is that better?"



"You're insane."

"Yeah probably."

With me done wrapping the bandage around her leg I leaned back on my chair. Oh! A batpony! I haven't seen one in a while. Oh great it's you. Where have you been Discord? I haven't heard from you in a while. I was beginning to think you where a figment of my imagination. Oh just planning. Planning? Yes, Planning. Okay i'll bite. Planning what? I don't know why but I felt suspicious about that. I felt like he was really up to something when he said that. A game! I deadpanned. A game. Yes a game! Why are you excited about a game? Because its going to be fun! Would you like to play? No. To bad. Why? Because you started this game so 'no' isn't an option. What? When? Before Equestria. Before Eque...? Wait do you mean- Oh better stop talking before I say to much. You'll play whether you want to or not. And we have to wait for the other three players. I'm sure the others will eventually tell you. Tah tah! Discord? Discord! You fucking ass, answer me! He wouldn't answer. I sighed.

Blossom and I sat there in silence. We where just there resting. We sat there for a while as Blossom suddenly Grabbed her stomach in pain.

"Blossom, are you okay?"

"Yeah, no i'm fine."

"That's a lie. Whats wrong?"

"I need blood."


I brought my neck over to her mouth. She seemed hesitant. She held her stomach in pain again.

"Blossom take it."

She bit into my neck. She was sucking the blood out from my neck. I could feel my body growing some what weak. I felt dizzy as the blood left my body. Because of the slow blood loss I wasn't sure how long she was taking my blood. I saw a flash on light to my left. I turned and saw Twilight with a surprised look on her face. She started to yell something as she attacked the vampire pony thing. No that's not it, the bat thing has a name. This loss of blood is making me lose focus. I could see twilight attacking Blossom.


She didn't.


She was still attacking Blossom.


My body began to glow blue. The blue light went to my hands as I placed them on the ground. Twilights hoofs where now being held by the bricks of the castle. I had made the brick get a hold of her hoofs. She tried to budge but the brick stayed. Okay, my head is a little clearer now.

"Mimic, what are you doing?!"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. Why did you attack her?"

"Attack her? She was taking your blood!"

She began to yell about vamponies. No idea if that was a different creature or a different name for Blossom's kind. She was yelling and saying random things about protecting me and being under her influence. Forgive me for this. I walked right up to her and slapped her. She went silent.

"Twilight. I let Blossom take my blood. Speaking of Blossom, are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

"She was attacked by wolfs on my way home from the party. I brought her in, tended to her wounds thanks to the aid kit Fluttershy gave me this morning and I let her have some of my blood."

"...So...this vampony wasn't attacking you?"

"No. Hey Blossom."


"Is vampony and batpony the same?"

"No. Vamponies are savages who take joy in the hunt of taking blood. They attack as often as they can for the taste of blood in their mouths. Batponies only get blood when they need it for survival. Ponies think all of us are just like vamponies. They don't know how different the two of us are from each other."

"Okay, that clears a lot up."


"Yes Twilight?"

"Explanation. Now."

Now I have to explain this to her. Great. I explained what happened and some of my conversation with Blossom. After finally explaining everything to Twilight...for the third time...she apologized repeatedly as she left. With that done it was just me and blossom here.

"So blossom. Do you have a place to go?"


"Are you leaving to your home?"

"I might."

"Well if you do you should see if you can find some one with medical experience since i'm not exactly a doctor. But I think you can take the bandage off the day after tomorrow."


We sat there for a moment. There was really nothing more to do.

"Well, I should go."

"Yeah. It was nice to meet you Blossom."

"And it was nice to meet you Mimic."

She hugged me and thanked me. Then something really unexpected happened then. She kissed me on the cheek and walked to the door. Before leaving she looked back at me. Smiled. And walked away.

"... Holy fucking shit. What just happened?"

I heard someone laughing to my side. I turned and saw a very strange creature with mix match body parts and a beard. Why does that voice sound familiar? It turned at me and kept laughing. That cartoon-ish rolling on the floor and hitting it, laughing.

"What the hell are you?"

"Oh, Mimic. You don't mean to tell me you didn't recognize me?"


"Yes! I knew you would get it."

"You're real? Or am I just hallucinating?"

"Of course i'm real."

"So do you know what just happened?"




"Can you tell me?"

"Yes, I can."



"Tell me what just happened."

"Well she likes you."

"The fuck? Why?"

"Her kind is usually rejected by ponykind. You cared for her, which no one has done to her. Also she took your allowing her to take blood an... how should I say this... intimate... moment for her."

"...What the fuck did I get myself into."

He wouldn't stop laughing. I just sat down. I had to think a lot of things over. I turned to Discord. I have to have a talk with you. He was still laughing but I could hear his voice in my head. I wont say much Mimic. I might as well try to make you talk.