• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,013 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Where Am I?

Chapter 1: Where Am I?

"We have to leave before they get here."

Whats going on? I looked around and saw we were running. I don't know why we were running, I just knew we had to leave. We were in some kind of facility or base or something. There were screens all over the walls. They looked like computer screens with footage of a camera somewhere else in the building. I couldn't talk.

"How are we doing?"
"I don't think they-"

He was interrupted by a big explosion. Some of the computer screens began to have a red sign in the middle of the screen. I think it said 'Breach'.

"We have to go now!"
"What are you waiting for!? Let's go!"

The woman grabbed my arm and pulled me to start running. We were running again. We ran and ran, hearing explosions and screens around us more and more saying breach and footage cutting off. We ran to a room and the guy locked the door.

"We have to do it now! Before they get here!"
"I'm preparing it! Hold still please."

The woman began to strap me down and drew some symbols around my body. She kept drawing this very complex circle with strange symbols. Then alarms went off. They panicked.

"It's not done!"
"It'll have to do!"

A glass coffin like thing came over me. What is going on!? I looked to my side and saw the door burst open. I couldn't see what was doing it but saw them murder the guy by the control panel. Then they went for the woman. She ran over to my glass coffin. I could only hear her repeating the same words over and over.

"...Remember. Please remember. For the sake of everyone, please remember..."

That was the last thing before they killed her. I couldn't see what killed her. It was like the creature was blurred. They looked at me and was coming after me when my coffin moved and went underground. WHATS GOING ON!? I could hear the monsters screaming in anger.

"...Wake up..."

What? Where is the voice coming from? I looked around, nothing but dirt everywhere. God, i'm buried alive.


I woke up. I was drowning. FUCK! I began to throw my arms around trying to get to the surface. I just kept pushing and going in the direction I thought was up. I just kept flailing my arms about until my hand grabbed something. I just pulled myself up and reached air. I was gasping for air. I crawled over to a tree. I sat down and began to vomit a ton of water I had drank and some water in my lungs.

I vomited for about for about three minutes. I just sat down trying to get my breath back. After twelve minutes I had my breath back and all the water from my lungs expelled. I had something my back. I turned my head and saw a back pack. I noticed that I had some type of glove on my hand when I reached for my back pack. It was a black glove that didn't cover all the finger. It stopped halfway up the fingers. I had blue jeans, a grey shirt, and a long sleeved jacket.

"God, what happened?..."

I noticed something very wrong. The majority of my body and the backpack was not wet. How could it not be wet? I was just drowning. I looked up and saw a river. I touched my clothes and backpack, it was dry. How the hell...? I wanted to know why that happened but first I had to get out of here. Here looked like a forest, but outside of the forest who knows where 'here' is. I stood up and touched my hair. It was wet. Then I realized it wasn't only the river water. There was blood.

"Must have hit my head in the river."

I had no other explanation for that. I tried to walk and fell. I leaned on the tree and stretch my legs. I began to slowly walk through the forest, slowly leaning on the trees. I heard a noise behind me. Don't look back....don't look back... I turned my head and saw a bush. In the bush where a pair of glowing eyes. Then more appeared. Run!

I ran. That voice sounded familiar. Great i'm going crazy. I didn't really care about my sanity right now, I had to run for my life. I could hear branches and leaves breaking and being stepped on. Whatever it was, it was chasing me. I could feel them breathing down my neck. I didn't even dare look back. I tripped on a root and began to fall down. There was a cliff. I was falling down a cliff. I just tried not to get hurt as I rolled down the steep hill cliff thing. Eventually everything in my vision stopped. I had stopped rolling through the rocks. I looked up and saw wolfs. They just stared at me and turned back.

"Thank God."

I began my trip back through the forest. It began to rain. God damn it. I walked and walked until I saw something. I began to speed walk to see what it was. It had looked like a house but these trees where in the way. I walked and walked and came across a bridge. It was a small town.

"Oh thank God. I hope they can help me get back home."

I was happy about finding civilization at last. I need food and water. I was getting hungry. I began to walk and crossed the bridge. I walked into town. I needed a doctor to see my head. Hope I don't have a concussion. I walked until I noticed I was in the middle of town.

I didn't like the ere silence. No one was outside. I didn't like it at all. I looked around for a type of shelter and spotted a weird tree. Something was telling me to walk to it. I began to walk and got to the tree. As it turns out it had a sign that said library. I had nowhere else to go so I knocked on the door. I heard a faint voice on the other side.

"Be quiet, he's here! Get away from the door!"

These people know I am here and won't help me? Assholes. I sat on the other side of the door wondering what to do. I had nowhere else to go so I forced the door open. What happened next was not something I was ready for.

Author's Note:

An alright start?

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