• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,013 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Side Chapter: Happy Birthday!

Side Chapter: Happy Birthday!

~Pinkie's POV~

It was two in the afternoon as Pinkie was passing houses wondering when Mimic's Birthday was. Does he even know his own Birthday? Twilight had told me how he forgot his life. How can you live not knowing your own birthday!? Just then she ran into Ditto.

"Oh hey Pinkie."

"Hi Ditto!"

Just then Pinkie had a thought.

"Hey Ditto, do you happen to know when Mimic's birthday is?"

"Yeah I do. Actually I think it's today."

Pinkie gasped in surprise.

"It's today!?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I have to make him a surprise birthday party!"

"That actually sounds like a nice idea."

"Great! Now, you distract him for the day until night. Then come by the library."

"What time at night?"

"Hmm. Lets say at eight thirty."

"Sounds good. I'll be sure to keep him distracted until then Pinkie."

With that Pinkie zoomed of. Today she was determined to give Mimic the best surprise birthday party he has ever had. Pinkie went to Twilight first. Bursting through the door, startling poor Twilight.


"Gah! What is it Pinkie?"


Twilight put a hoof to Pinkie’s mouth. Pinkie still managed to mumble out random sentence fragments even though Twilight was covering her mouth with a hoof. After a few seconds Pinkie realized she was supposed to stop talking. Twilight then removed her hoof from Pinkie’s mouth.

"Pinkie, I can't understand you when you talk so fast. Tell me what you said again, but this time talk slower."

"Okay. So I ran into Ditto and asked him if he knew when Mimic's birthday was, because I was wondering earlier when Mimic's birthday was and then I remembered you had said that he had forgotten his life so I knew Mimic didn't know his birthday and then I wondered how he was able to live peacefully not knowing such an important date, it would drive somepony insane! But then again what is insanity? Isn't insanity just-"

Twilight covered Pinkie's mouth with her hoof yet again. Pinkie then proceeded to give an apologetic smile.

"Oops, sorry! Well as I was saying I asked Ditto if he knew Mimic's birthday, and he did, and now I wanted to throw him a surprise birthday party here!"

"But what if Mimic comes here while we are preparing the party?"

"Don't worry about that silly! I asked Ditto to keep him distracted until tonight!"

"How is he going to distract him until tonight?"

~Ditto's POV~

Ditto walked into Mimic's room and saw him reading in his journal.

"Hey Mimic want to go hunting?"

Mimic seemed to think about it before shrugging.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do today."

"Cool, let’s go."

~Back at the library~

As Pinkie explained her master plan for this birthday party to Twilight, Twilight was ready to go tell her friends about it, Pinkie was going to spread to word to the town but Twilight insisted on it being just their friends. First up the cake had to be done, Pinkie decided to make a three layered cake, flavored vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, using the strawberries Mimic had given her not to long ago. Pinkie went back to Sugarcube Corner and started to make the cake.

~In the forest~

Ditto and Mimic had been trying to find something to eat, but animals eluded them.

"God damn it! How long have we been hunting?"

"About an hour."

Just then they heard wings fly over head. They looked and saw a manticore fly above them and land not to far off.

"Was that a manticore?"

"I think so."

"You think they taste good?"

"Let’s find out."

~Back in Ponyville~

Pinkie had finished the cake and now it was time to decorate the library. Twilight and Rarity hung up decorations along the wall with their magic. Applejack had brought over some apple cider for drinks at the birthday party. Spike was cleaning up anything that dropped while the girls put up the decorations. Pinkie had two part cannons at the ready for when Mimic showed up. Just a few more preparations, some gifts, and they would soon be done.

~Time Skip~
~Mimic's POV~

"Who knew manticore meat tasted so much like steak?"

"Is it steak? I thought it was something else."

"Who knows but it tasted great."

"It did didn't it? Anyways, want to go pass by Twilight's?"

"What for?"


I shrugged

"Got nothing better to do."

We walked through the forest until finally meeting the entrance to Ponyville. We walked to the library as It was getting dark out. We opened the door as I heard two cannons go off, confetti blasted everywhere, and I heard multiple people yelling 'Surprise!'.

"What's all this for?"

"It's for your birthday silly!"

"My birthday?"

"Yes it's for your-why are you crying?"

I gave Pinkie a confused look.

"I'm not crying."

"Yes you are, look!"

She gave me a mirror she took out of her hair as I brought it up to my face. Sure enough there were tears streaming down my face. I slowly raised my hand to touch my face. It was wet from the tears.

"That's weird why am I-"

Just then I got an immense headache.


I heard a door open.

"Happy Pseudo Birthday!"

I could see the shapes of three people. What looked like two adults and a child. For some reason my visioned seemed to be blurred. They began to sing happy birthday as one of the adults brought out a cake and began to light the candles. I saw six candles. Just as the person lit the final candle they finished the song.

"I honestly thought you forgot my birthday. Its late its almost nine."
"Well the best parties happen at night."
"It's your birthday too-"

I couldn't hear the name right.

"I still wanted to surprise you."

With my blurred vision I saw the two children hug.

"Now blow out the candles you two."

I heard them take in a deep breath and blow.


I woke up and groaned.

"Ugh, what happened?"

"Well you were crying then you held your head in pain then you passed out."

"Are yah alright?"

"What happened?"

I silenced them with a hand movement.

"I think I recovered a memory of a birthday I might have had or attended."

"Well, are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

"Well then let’s get back in the party spirit!"

And with that everyone talked to each other. I found they had given me some presents. A gem from spike. An apple pie from Applejack, a suit from rarity. The suit looks like it's just about my size. That's amazing. Twilight and Rainbow gave me a daring doo book. Fluttershy offered to give me a pet but I said no. And Pinkie gave me several cupcakes. Then a thought came to me. I walked over to Ditto.

"Hey Ditto."


"How is it that you know my birthday? The way you described me from before would never let information about myself slip."

"Yeah that. I kind of wasn't suppose to see it but I did. You had asked me to help you delete all information about you, where you were born, who your family was, any ties to yourself and others were deleted and I saw your date of birth on there while deleting everything."

"And why didn't I do it myself?"

"You said you were busy deleting someone else's information. I always assumed it was us but I was never sure."

"Well then, okay. Let’s get back to the party then."

And with that we partied until night, almost forgetting the incident in which I had passed out.