• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,013 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 13: Pinkie's Party

Chapter 13: Pinkie's Party

I was heading to Twilight's house. I had some stuff to attend to. Twilight wanted to meet me for... I don't know what she wanted me for actually.

~Earlier that day~

I woke up. I went to put on my gloves and jacket when I saw a piece of paper on the desk. What? I looked at it.

Meet me at the library
before the sun goes


The sun was relatively about to go down. It was about 6:00 pm. I needed a watch. I saw the library. No one was around so I didn't really go underground. I walked up to the library door and knocked. I heard foo-hoof steps. Twilight opened the door.

"I'm surprised you didn't come from the underground tunnels."

"No one was around, so there was no need."

"What if somepony saw you?"

"Well then fuck them. Why are they out when it's almost night?"

"Well, we're out when it's almost night."

"Which is what I want to know."

"Then follow me."

Twilight led the way to who knows where. We walked through the town. I didn't really think there where others watching me, but I just had this feeling that they where. I wonder what's going on. We walked to what looked like house made up of candy. It looked delicious. Why does a house made up of candy sound familiar? I feel like its a story of some kind. Oh well.

"So what are we doing here?"

"Just open the door and you'll find out."


I open the door. The room was dark. I tried to make out what was in the room when the light suddenly turned on and confetti was blasted from somewhere. I heard multiple voices screaming 'Surprise!' . For about a dozen milliseconds I had an extreme heart attack. I saw Pinkie right in front of me from out of nowhere jumping up and down.

"Where you surprised? Whereyawhereyawhereya?!"

"Jesus! Give me a heart attack why don't you?"

"Sorry, she's just very excited."

"Yeah, I could tell."

"Yay! You where surprised!"

I looked around. There where several ponies here. It looked like the whole town was here. But why would that even be? They where all staring at me. Well this is awkward

"Now that you're here, we can start!"

Once she said that, everyone in here began to eat or chat to each other. Everyone went to their own business and stopped staring. What the fuck is going on? Twilight and Pinkie brought me over to a table.

"So what is this exactly?"

"Your party!"

"My party?"

"Your 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!"

"Of course it is. And who came here exactly? Those are allot of people."

"The whole town! And it's ponies, not people silly!"

"Of course. Ponies. My mistake. And why is the whole town here? Aren't they, like, afraid of me, or something?"

"They don't really care who the party is for. They just like Pinkie's parties."

"So why did you think this was a good idea if they are afraid of me?"

"Well, if everything goes well at this party, then at the end of this they wont be afraid of you anymore."

"Well that sounds like a plan. So what now?"

"A party game!"

"I don't exactly like the sound of that."

Pinkie pushed me to a smaller side room where there was a picture of a pony on the wall. But it didn't have its tail. I turned to pinkie where she handed me the tail. Pin the tail on the pony? Really? She blind folded me and spun me around. I was getting slightly dizzy. When she stopped me I walked/stumbled toward the paper. I ran my finger down the side of the paper and estimated where the middle was. Then I just moved it to the right and placed the tail. I took of my blind fold and saw that I had actually got the tail relatively on the spot I had to pin the tail.

"First try!"


"I'll be right back, I have to go get something!"

She just zipped away. Damn she's fast. I walked out and saw a nice place to sit. I grabbed some snacks on my way to the spot in the corner. I had some juice to my side as I sat in the corner. Everyone was doing their own separate thing. I closed me eyes and relaxed. I heard hoof steps approach me but didn't really do anything. I heard a throat clearing. I open my eyes and saw that one orange pony that tried to rope me before. I raised an eyebrow. What do you want?


"Ah came to apologize?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Uh...tellin' you?"

With that weird moment out of the way she began to say her story about how she thought I was a threat and wanted to protect her friends from me. All in all seemed like a legit reason to fight a random stranger that was injured. Not letting that go. Not yet. She apologized and I 'forgave' her. With that over she left and I closed my eyes relaxing. I relaxed for a few minutes until I heard a noise off to the distant. It was getting louder. I opened my eyes and saw Pinkie with a huge cake. The cake looked like it could fall at any moment. It was on a small stand with wheels. She was rolling that thing out into the middle of the floor. She left it in the middle of the room and came over to me.

"Do you like your cake?"

"Uh..sure. Why is it so big?"

"The bigger the better!"

"Well, it is a lot of people I guess."


I didn't reply to that. I just walked over to the cake. It was tall. She just got a plate and gave me a piece of cake. She handed the cake out. I went back to my seat and ate my cake. I was done with my slice of cake as Twilight had called me over. I sat in front of her as we talked. She was asking if I could bring some books from the castle so she could read them. I had told her they where to old to read but she said that she knew how to fix that. I don't know why but In the middle of our conversation I jumped to the side. As I did that I saw piece of cake hit Twilight. I turned around and saw Rainbow flying toward her.

"I'm sorry Twi, I swear I didn't mean to throw that at you."

"Rainbow Dash!"

Twilight levitated pieces of cake and threw them at Rainbow. Rainbow got out of the way as the cake flew and hit some one else. It hit a white unicorn who was making a big fuss about the cake being in her hair. I did not like her voice. She levitated more cake an threw them back at both Twilight and Rainbow. The next thing I know is that I'm taking cover behind a table to avoid the fire of cake flying around the room. I was there for a while as Twilight also came and hid behind the table with me.

"Well that escalated quickly."

"It did."

I peeked over the table to see a cake flying in my direction. The cake hit my face and I just sat back down. I turned to Twilight who was stifling her laughter. I grabbed a piece f cake that was on my face and shoved it in her face. We sat there waiting for the cake crossfire to die down. It took several minutes for the cake war to stop. With that battle done the ponies just ate and laughed. They where like that for the rest of the party. Once the party ended and they left, we where to clean up what was left. It didn't take long to clean up. We finished and started saying our good byes.

"Sorry about the cake Pinkie."

"It's okay Rainbow. Everypony still had fun right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So how did you like your party Mimic?"

"It was pretty good. Since I can't remember if I have ever been to one or not I can't really say for sure. But it seemed like a pretty good party."

"At least now the town wont be afraid of you."

"That's a plus."

We started to walk off. Pinkie stayed where the party was. Then Rainbow left. Later Twilight. Eventually it was just Fluttershy and I walking toward the forest. We reached Fluttershy's house. From there I was going to keep walking but Fluttershy called me.



"Would you like to stay at my place? The forest is dangerous, especially at night."

"Nah, 's okay."

"Well, okay. Stay safe Mimic."

"Bye Fluttershy."

"Bye Mimic."

With that over we parted ways. I walked through the forest. I could hear random noises everywhere. What bothered me was that I kept hearing a rustle of leaves somewhere behind me everywhere I walked. I heard a howl off in the distance. Those wolfs better not bother me. I walked as I heard some one screaming. It was not to far behind me. I ran back to see who it was. Just behind a few bushes I saw a pony being attacked by the wolfs. Oh shit. I heard a growl behind me. Oh fuck me. I ducked as wolf lunged from behind me. I saw the pony being attacked. The wolf lunged at me again. I grabbed it and used its momentum to throw it back at the other wolfs that where attacking the pony. With them knocked out for the moment I grabbed the pony and ran for it. I could hear the wolfs not far behind as I ran. I saw the river I had to cross. I reached into my pocket to get the chalk out. I quickly drew the symbol for earth and made a bridge. I ran across as the wolfs came after me.

I withdrew the bridge just before the wolfs got on it. I didn't wait to see if they stopped, I just ran back to my castle. I carried it to my room and put it on the bed. Its fur was black. It had fangs and red eyes. Never seen this pony before. Wonder why it looks different. I just brought a chair over and sat by the bed and waited for the pony to wake up.

Author's Note:

Dr_Squipadelio : Recommending a show here called Gravity Falls. I got the journal idea from there and the show itself is thought out. If you can, you should check it out. You can watch the first episode