• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,014 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 27 : The Wedding

Chapter 27 : The Wedding

I was buying some food to take back since we didn't really have much at the moment. I was buying when more ponies waved at me. I simply smiled and waved back. I had turned to wave so I accidentally bumped into someone. I stumbled slightly but got my balance quickly.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No, it's quite alright."

I looked at the one I had bumped with to see a mare I have never seen before. Grey coat and black mane, a cutie mark of what looked like a violet treble clef and a purple bow around her neck. She just stared at me for a second.

"Pardon me for asking, but what exactly are you?"

"Huh? Oh, i'm what you call a Human. Before you say anything, no one has ever seen or heard of a Human, so you won't have heard about my species."

"And why is that?"

"A very complicated very long story. Besides it might make you question certain things and bore you."

"I would still like to know, but I won't push the matter."

"Well if you really want to know maybe I could tell you sometime."

I noticed she had dropped something from her saddle. I reached down and grabbed it.

"You dropped this."

"Oh, thank you."

She grabbed it and put it back. We just began to walk somewhere and talk at the same time.

"Never seen you before, what's your name?"

"Octavia Melody."

"Well, pleased to meet your acquaintance Ms Melody."

She rolled her eyes.

"Just Octavia is fine. What’s your name?"


She just froze, turned her head at me and stared for a second.

"You're Mimic?"

I just gave her a questioning look and looked myself over.

"Uh. . . yes?"

"Hmm, interesting. . . you weren't exactly what I expected."

"Well if makes you feel any better, i'm sorry for not being what you expected."

She just kind of stared at me before rolling her eyes.

"I apologize if that was rude."

"Not at all. You seemed pretty calm to see a new species, compared to a few mares I know."

"Well some ponies just don't know how to handle some things."

"Yeah, you can say that again. So what brings you here?"

"I am here for two reasons. One was to meet you, and two was to bring a letter to Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh you're here for Twi?"

"You know her?"

"Yep. She’s one of the six mares who didn't exactly have the best reactions to me."

She laughed softly.

"I assume these six mares you are referring to are the element bearers?"


"Would you mind leading me to Ms Sparkle?"

"Sure, and while we walk I would like to know why you wanted to see me."

"Of course."

As we walked I found out that, according to her, word of my 'wonderful' music and cello playing has reached Canterlot. She kept hearing about how great my music, and her being a musician herself, wanted to meet me and see if my music was as good as ponies said. Her being a musician does explain the treble clef as a cutie mark now that I think about it. We got to the library as I opened the door for us to go in.

"Oi Twi! Some one has mail for you."


We waited for a few seconds before she came. She thanked Octavia and opened it to read as Octavia and I were about to talk again.

"As I was saying on the way here-"


Her screaming made me jump slightly as we both turned to her.

"What’s wrong Twilight?"

"This is what's wrong!"

She shoved the letter in my face as Octavia and I read it.

"Her brother's getting married to Mi Amor Cadenza?"

"She has a brother?"

"Who is Mi Amor Cadenza!?"

Yeah, Twilight was flipping out right now.

"Twilight, calm the fuck down."

"How can I calm down!? My brother is getting married, and to some pony I don't even know!"

Yeah, Octavia and I just went out the door and let Twilight calm herself down.

~Time Skip~

So, Twilight finally seems to have calmed down. She is currently taking deep breaths.

"You better?"


"Okay so now what?"

"We were invited to the wedding so round everypony up Mimic."

"Why me?"

She just gave me this stare. Not sure what it meant but I doubt it was good. With that I left and got the girls. Found Rainbow sleeping in a cloud, Apple jack was working, Same with Rarity and Pinkie. Ran into Fluttershy on the way back. Ditto and Octavia came along as well. We all went to the train station and went to Canterlot. There was this big pink sphere around it. No one knew what it was. That made an alarm go off in my head. Not to big but enough to know it would be best to be cautious.

When we talked to Celestia we found out that this Cadence as Celestia called her was the babysitter of Twilight when she was younger. When Cadance came Twilight did something which I assume was a gesture that only Twilight and Cadance knew. Cadance however did not react. I made a note of that, especially because Cadance didn't even know what the heck Twi just did. I wanted to keep a close eye on this Cadance. I walked over to Ditto.

"Hey Ditto."


"I'm gonna go get something from that secret cave we found before.."

"Is something wrong?"

"Possibly, just stay here and keep an eye on Cadance."

"Sure thing boss."

"And stop calling me that."

"Sure thing boss."

I just gave him this stare. Ditto just laughed and walked away. With that I just went back through the secret entrance and walked down. I kept going walking inside the long creepy cave. I kept walking and found the door. Still open, I went inside and looked around. I found the cabinet door I was looking for. I grabbed two guns in case shit went worse than I thought. I put my guns away and kept walking. I could explore more of this since this room is only the first and main room but I had to get back. I just walked out and went back up. Once I met up with Ditto I gave him a gun and explained to him my suspicion and worry. He seemed like guns were too much but kept it anyway. One thing I did find out is that the guns held more bullets than normal ones since the magazine had the same space expansion alchemy my backpack had, so that was very useful. Now we just had to wait for the wedding to actually begin.

~Time Skip~

The wedding was just about to start and Twilight was still nowhere to be seen. Then shit went down really quickly. Twilight burst in with another Cadance, the one getting married turned out to be a shape shifting bug, and Celestia tried to attack her but was defeated in one hit. And now this bitch be monologuing. I just got up and walked over to Celestia.

"Hey Celestia, you alright?"

She nodded. I could tell she was lying from the way she looked but I didn't say anything. I just walked over to this Chrysalis as she was called by Celestia.

"Hey, Chrysalis. Stop this now and I won't hurt you."

"Ha! I defeated Celestia with one attack, you think you can beat me?"

"No. I don't think so, I know so."

Her eye twitched, Yeah I was getting on her nerves. She has anger issues apparently. She charged up her horn and shot a big ray of magic at me. I was still standing. She did it again. And again. And again. She was getting pissed now. I just yawned.

"Oh yeah, and I should probably tell you magic doesn't work on me."

Her face of anger turned to one of confusion but soon turned into a sickly smile.

"Why thank you, that information is very helpful."

She began to make a big green ball of magic. But I didn't see her horn charge up. I just stayed put. Something was telling me to be careful about this attack but I didn't listen to my thought. On impact I felt extreme pain. I quickly jumped out of the way as the rest of the ball burned the floor.

"What the fuck was that?"

"That was my energy. Tainted Love Energy to be exact. I don't expect somepony like you to know about this."

She made multiple small orbs of green energy and threw them at me. I was able to dodge nine out of the ten she threw at me. Ditto was trying to get everyone out of here. Chrysalis was attacking me but then she did something I didn't see coming. She threw her attack toward the real Cadence. Son of a bitch! I ran and pushed her out of the way just as it hit me. I yelled in pain. These shit’s hurt.

"Cheap shot."

"But it worked."

"Fucking hate you."

"Glad to hear that. Now die."

She gathered a big ball of energy and threw it at me. It was to big and would have hit others so in a moment of stupidity I tried to catch it. Was I surprised when I did catch it. Well. I somehow caught it. It was about an inch away from my hand but still. Pain shot up my left eye. No not pain. But something very strong. The green ball of energy began to take a blood red glow to it. Chrysalis just stared at it for a moment before smiling and turning to me.

"Just what exactly are you?"

"I'm Human."

With that I launched the ball back at her. She dodged but the ball hit part of her wing. Her right wing was now damaged so she couldn't fly away. I cracked my knuckle and stood up straight. The process was repeated in which she threw the balls of energy at me and I threw them back in a sickly red color. No idea as to why they turned read, but I still felt something in my left eye. Eventually I heard gunshots. Worried something happened I knew I had to finish this quickly. Chrysalis was distracted with the gun shots so using fire flew at her. I activated fire as my fist burst into flames.

"Night Night Chrysalis!"

I punched her head as I heard a crack and she fell to the floor. I don't know why but for a second I could swear I saw something. Like a presence looming over her that just shot out left. That was weird. I quickly ran outside and saw multiple smaller versions of Chrysalis all about, and some on the floor. I saw Ditto shooting at them with one hand and throwing air to push them away if they got to close with the other. He looked a little tired.

"Aim for the head! They have tough skin and a bullet to the head is the only way to at least knock them out!"


I took out my gun and began to shoot them down. There were too many of this fuckers. That's when I got an idea. Chrysalis was their ruler. And the subject should protect them if they really are loyal. So. I ran back inside. To the left of where Chrysalis's body was was Celestia with the girls.



"I need a big empty party cannon, now."

She saluted and ran off somewhere. I grabbed Chrysalis and dragged her outside, where I saw Pinkie with the cannon. It was pretty big cannon. I held Chrysalis in one hand. I drew in a deep breath and shouted.


Everything stopped. All the bugs looked at me with anger. I showed them Chrysalis and threw her inside the cannon. Using air alchemy I began to pressurize the cannon.

"If you want Chrysalis!"

I pressurized to the point where the metal of the canon was making noises.

"Go get her!"

I activated the cannon as Chrysalis went flying out of the sky. All the bug ponies looked at each other before flying in the direction Chrysalis went. The ones that had been knocked out where carried by others. Ditto and I began to walk both inside and collapsed onto the floor taking deep breaths.

"Vision’s getting blurry."

"Same here."

Right before passing out I heard someone talking.

"If he keeps this up he might get here sooner than intended."

"I'm sure he won't. He'll figure all this out. He has to."

Author's Note:

Hbh froruv frph lq sdluv