• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,016 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 16: Get Cooking

Chapter 16: Get Cooking

I was just staring at a book on the floor. It levitated and went across the room, then fell. The book has done this at least three times already. I sighed. The things that happen to me. I got up and left. I was carrying some books back to Twilight's place. I got there an knocked. She opened the door.

"Hi Mimic."

"More books."

"Thank you."

"Where do I put them?"

"By the table is fine."

I put the books down and saw a book on the floor. The book I had read to Twi when she was blinded. I remembered the blue stream of particles. I had unconsciously drawn a circle. Then I remembered the day Twi attacked Blossom. I had controlled the ground without drawing anything. And again, the blue light. The blue stream of particles surrounded me that time.

"Hi Mimic!"

"Ah, Jesus!"

I nearly fell when she appeared in front of me from nowhere.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted some cupcakes!"


"Great! Lets go make them!"

"Wait. You're just going to make them?"

"We're going to make them!"



"Well, didn't have anything else for to do for today. Lead the way Pinkie."

She started to bounce off somewhere. I was following her somewhere. Several ponies waved hi to me. Guess everything with me in this town worked out. Apparently the candy house is where Pinkie lives. And where she works. Strange. So we got to work. I handed her what she needed. She did the major things and I mixed some batter. We had a little accident and Pinkie dropped a sack of flour on me. We where laughing at this.


" 'S okay."

She brought a napkin and tried to wipe the stuff off my face. She was wiping when she just stopped and stared at me. She stared at me for a moment.


She snapped out of it and smiled.


With that over we got the cupcakes into the oven we just sat back and waited. We still had batter left in the bid bowl Pinkie used. That thing was huge. Once the cupcakes where ready, we added frosting. We ate the fresh cupcakes, and they tasted good.

"These taste great."

"I know right!"


"But what?"

"It could be better...with..."

I looked around the kitchen and found some flavors and other things. I cleared the table and left the batter. I sepperated the batter into three different bowls. I added different things to each bowl. I mixed them with the help of Pinkie. Once we got each different batter in the oven and had it done we tasted them. It tasted better than the first.

"This tastes better! How'd you do that Mimic?"

"No idea."

I looked around. So many things here. My mind just looked at the food supply in the kitchen and just started to rearrange them into a dish. No idea why, but I started to grab everything and put it on the table. I was getting to work.


"And he just started making food? Just like that?"

"Yeah! I told him I would bring you girls back to eat some of his food!"

"His cupcakes where better than yours? You're sure?"

"Of course Dashie! I can't wait for you to try them!"

I heard Pinkie open the door. She came with all the girls, and Spike. I was mixing the food and spices I found. I was frying things with one hand and mixing the salads with another. I probably looked like a professional chef. I brought out plates and put salads and some herbs and other stuff on it or the sides. I gave it to them and served myself a plate. They all seemed to enjoy it. I was pretty satisfied with my plate. We where all enjoying our food as Twilight spoke.

"Hey Mimic."


"This is great. I didn't know you could cook."

"Yeah? Well me either."

"What do you mean?"

"I lost all my memories."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that."



"Do you ever feel sad that you can't remember your own life?"

All the girls stopped eating and stared at me. Spike just kept eating. Even with Spike's chewing, it was silent. I was chewing as I thought about what Fluttershy just said. Sad? Never thought about feeling sad because I can't remember my life. The girls just stared at me. I swallowed and spoke.

"I dunno. I guess it's bad that I can't remember my life. But for all I know my life could have been terrible before. Forgetting my life could be a fresh start for me. On the other hand, I could've had a great life and lost everything by forgetting my life."

They just stared at me. They all seemed to feel sad for me though. Why, no idea but they did. I could see it in their eyes.

"But are yah sad?"

I sighed.

"What I feel is irrelevant. I can't remember my life. That's a fact. There is no point in talking about how I feel in the matter. No point in wondering about the past. I have to think on the know and-"

My vision changed from being at the table to being somewhere in a forest. I was looking through someone else's eyes. I could see a human, male, running through a mountain. I heard a roar from behind and wings flapping. I could see a big dragon chasing the guy. He got in a little cave in the mountain nearby. He ran toward the cave and hid behind a few rocks. I saw a journal with a number 2 on it fall to the ground. It fell and opened. The journal had alchemy circles and writing. I had never seen the alchemy circles the journal had. At least I don't think so.

He took the journal, closed it, and put it away. He brought out chalk and drew an alchemy circle on the ground. He placed his hands on the ground as the ground began to dissolve as throwing knifes, a sword, and a camo tarp thing appear. He pocketed his knives. He grabbed the camo tarp with one hand and threw it over him. With the other he grabbed his sword. He walked out of the cave slowly with the camo tarp over him.

My vision came back to me at the table as all the girls where staring at me. What the heck just happened?

"...the future."

"Are you okay Mimic?"

"What? Yeah, i'm fine."

That was real Mimic. No, it's not. Don't believe me? Then go to the roof and look for that dragon. I could hear him laughing. I got up.

"Sorry, I'll be right back."

I ran outside and looked for a roof. The building next door had a flat roof. I ran at it. Without thinking I ran the wall and jumped off the the other wall, I hung onto something where I kicked off and grabbed onto the roof edge. I pulled myself up and stood on the roof. Take this. I saw a pair of binoculars in front of me from nowhere. I grabbed them and stared through them. I could barely see a dragon flying far, far away.

"I have to get a closer look."

I started jumping from roof to roof to get a closer look. I ran to the last house by the edge. I could see the dragon fly away. I didn't know how to react to this. There's another human out there? I just sat down. I sat down and just stared at the place. I was there for an hour until Rainbow and Fluttershy flew by. I heard them. They where there for almost half an hour until Rainbow spoke up.

"Mimic. Are you okay?"

I lay silent for a minute. I didn't turn around. I just kept staring to where my vision was. That human and the dragon. I spoke still looking in the same direction.

"...I don't know."

They just sat just behind me. Not long later Pinkie showed up. She was always so hyper and talkative, yet she just walked up next to me and sat down. She stayed silent. Almost like she understood what I was dealing with. Then Twilight teleported with Applejack and Rarity. Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy went back with them. I could hear them whispering behind me.

"What's with him?"

"Maybe he remembered something?"

"You think so?"

"He seems in deep thought."

"Do you think he remembered something terrible?"

"Maybe it's best to leave him alone dear."

"Sh, he might hear us."

I'm pretty sure they all turned to look at me. I didn't move. I didn't give any sign that I was listening. Then they talked again.

"I wonder what he's thinking about."

"I think we should just stay with for a while."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"I feel bad that I can't help him."

"We should let him be for now. We'll see if we can help tomorrow."

"I'll throw him a party!"

I heard them sigh. Then they all sat down next to me. We stayed there for a long time. Apple Jack and Rarity left at the same time. Then a while longer Rainbow left. Then a long while after that Pinkie got up, hugged me and left. Then an even longer time passed as Twilight got up, also hugged me then teleported away. Then it was just me and Fluttershy. Later Fluttershy hugged me and spoke.

"You helped me. Come by to talk anytime, i'd be glad to help you in return."

She flew away. I sighed. I could hear Discord laughing in the background. Damn, I hate you. Oh, that's hurtful. Especially from you. Why especially from me? You'll find out one day. I drew the circle for fire and flew away. I flew home ward. I got home and just lay in bed. Tomorrow will be a much more interesting day for you Mimic. How would you know? You don't have to believe me. Just wait and watch what happens tomorrow. You'll feel better.

Author's Note:

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