• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,016 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 7: Trouble

Chapter 7: Trouble

"That's allot of fire."

The smoke was going up very high in the sky. I was still running toward the town. I got to it and saw random explosions and fire. Mass panic from these ponies. I could see the purple one firing its purple projectiles at something. I could see the pegasi flying around moving the fucking clouds and making it rain from place to place.

"This is to much. Who did this?"

I was still hidden as I saw movement somewhere in the town. A house fell and something came out. Something that made my blood go cold. I saw a man on a horse throwing his scythe around. There was something about this guy. Something very wrong. I was suddenly hit by memories. I saw him in my memory wreaking chaos around the city. Destroying skyscrapers. I saw the floor and saw multiple lifeless human bodies. It was terrible. My memories of him where painful. I snapped back to reality when another explosion went off.

Something told me what would happen if I didn't stop him. I could just picture it. Murdered ponies everywhere. This is very fun.

"Are you crazy? This guy is going to murder them!"

They deserved it. They treated you like a monster.

"They did, but they don't fucking deserve death!"

They don't deserve your kindness.

"Fuck off. I know what I am going to do."

I still didn't know about this time limit about controlling the elements so to be sure I just drew the alchemy circle for earth and place my hands, activating the alchemy. I began to run towards the guy. I caught up with him as he had his back against me. From the side of my eye I could see the purple one bleeding from its head. It was staring at me. It was definitely injured. It had attacked me but it didn't deserve to die. I began to make boulders float upwards and hurled them to the guy.

He turned around and his horse began to gallop toward me. He had his scythe in his hand ready to swing it at me. I made a rock wall appear to protect myself. It surprised me when the horse broke the rock wall by ramming into it. I jumped back as his scythe scratched my nose drawing small amounts of blood. That was way to close to my eyes. I saw his horse, it was white and had dark black lifeless eyes. His horse kept going. Before it could turn around I made the ground go uneven and the horse tripped. The man flew forwards and fell. He just got up and started to walk towards me. I drew the alchemy circle for fire. I absorbed all the fire from the burning houses making the fire stop. I condensed the fire in the palm of my hand.

Having to condense that much fire into the size of a pebble was hard. The man kept walking toward me. I unleashed my fire and focused it on him. I was sweating from the heats intensity. He was thrown backwards. My concentration broke and the fire stopped. I still had some in the hands of my palm. He threw his scythe at me. I didn't even see it as the scythe mad a big cut right across my left cheek. I yelled in pain. That was unexpected. His scythe began to fly back to him. The scythe had made me fall. I lay on the ground trying to get my breath back. He came up to me and spoke.

"A human. With the power it does not have the right to posses."

"Go to hell."

"None of these creatures have the right to own their power. Magic and Alchemy is not to be shared with others. And you will be the first to die."

Magic and Alchemy? He lifted his scythe and was about to swing it downward to stab my guts. Right before he stabbed me I used the fire to launch myself backwards. I saw a bucket of water near by. I drew the alchemy symbol for water. I activated it and floated the water over to me. I separated it into both my arms and made whips. I began to whip him. He stumbled backwards. I threw and covered his body in water. I concentrated and turned the water to ice. His scythe was in the air in a striking position as I froze him. His scythe began to glow and the ice began to melt. I won't be able to kill him. I have to stop him though. But with what? I was thinking as I remembered something. The Elder Star! We where already in the center of town so this was the perfect place for this.

I brought my chalk out and got to work. The bigger the start the bigger the greater its power. I was half way done with a big ass star. It was a star with an eye/ fire pillar/ flaming eye in the center. I was working as I heard a scream behind me. The creature was heading toward the purple one stuck under some rocks from the crumbled building. He was getting to close. I have to finish this but I won't be able to do it it time to stop him! I had a split second of argument with myself as I saw him raise his scythe about to cut the pony. As he raised his scythe, I saw images of murdered humans everywhere. On instinct I ran over there. Right before the scythe made impact with it, I blocked it. The scythed made a big cut going across my chest. I began to bleed as I fell down.

"I said you would die."

"Go to hell asshole."

He didn't see me drawing the symbol for air. The purple one saw me as I placed my hand and activated it. Wright before he struck again I made a big gust of wind throw him back. I looked around and saw a long metal pole. Probably for a flag or some shit. I grabbed it and began to twirl it. I was making another tornado. It was easier to make one with a staff. I had tried to make one with my arms. My arms where sore at the end of that day. I set the vertical tornado and hit him. I ran over the the star to complete it. I was running completely on adrenaline at this point. Tons and tons of adrenaline.

I was close to finishing it when the man landed in front of me. I just had a couple feet of drawing to go and I would finish this.

"Join us. Join us and be feared by many."


"Join us and protect what you have."

He held out his arm. I was tempted. The voice in my head was begging for me to agree. I began to extend my hand when my memory came to me in a flash back again. He had done this before with a friend of mine. He had killed my friend. I think he was my friend. That or some one I knew. I looked at his scythe. It was behind him in his other hand. This bitch was going to kill me the moment he had me. I brought my had back.

"Fuck you!"

I finished the star as it began to give off a soft glow. He roared. I saw his body. It was transparent. His skin, meat, and organs where transparent. I could see his skeleton. It was creeping the fuck out of me. He drew his scythe. I placed my hands on the circle as it began to glow with an intense blue.

"Be gone!"

Fire emerged from the star and made a fire tornado. I could hear the monster roaring in anger. I could see his horse from my side view vanishing. The fire tornado grew and grew going upwards disappearing into a bundle of randomly forming clouds. Right before he was done away with his scythe stabbed me. I looked down. His scythe went straight through my body. The fire disappeared along with the man and his horse. The scythe fell off my body as it also vanished. I just looked down and saw blood everywhere. I fell on my knees and then fell forwards passing out.

Author's Note:

The Elder Star