• Published 15th Feb 2015
  • 4,014 Views, 155 Comments

The Alchemist - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Chapter 19: Shadow...

Chapter 19: Shadow...

I was dreaming. I was remembering more. I remembered my enemy. Death. The creature with the scythe. He was Death. But he shouldn't exist. Death was only a story. In myths. Not real. So how is it that he was here? I felt like I should know why Death existed but I couldn't remember. My memory was like a door. It was locked and I only saw what I could see from the keyhole. A tiny space in the vast room. It infuriated me. But there was something else. Discord.

I new Discord before. I had encountered him before. I remembered him. But why? Why do I know him? I remembered some more from my past. But with every memory comes even more questions. More why's and how's. Even without the past there were questions on the present. Why did Celestia ask my age? Why did she say that it wasn’t true? How do the girls know Discord? Why has Discord been with me since day one? And what is his game? I needed to know more. But I couldn't. All I could do is hope that Ditto would clarify some things.


I slowly woke up. I got up but went back down. I was in pain. Not that it hurt to much, I just forgot that I was in pain to begin with. I sighed.



I turned around and saw the girls. I just lay in my bed. I looked at the bed next to mine and saw Ditto. I looked back to the girls. Then I saw something floating next to my bed. My journal was floating with a blue sphere around it.

"What the..?"

The girls just stared at me. I reached to grab it. When my hand passed through the blue sphere the journal dropped into my hands. I just put it back into my jacket. Strange.

"What happened?"

"You saved the town again, but you set the forest on fire."

"We had to make it rain on the forest to stop the fire from spreading."

"Damn. Sorry for that."

I got into a sitting position on my bed.

"What happened to Blossom?"

"You called?"

I looked at the door and saw a pony I haven't seen before. The pony had a white coat, a curly light yellow-ish mane and red eyes. Then the pony grew fangs and her coat changed to a dark coat.


"I told you I could disguise myself."

"That's sick."

The girls looked at me with a puzzled look on their face. Do they now know what sick mean? Oh, maybe it doesn't mean the same shit since i'm human and their ponies. Before one of them asked I answered.

"It’s a human figure of speech. You wouldn't get it. So Blossom, you doing okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

"Girls, you okay?"

"We're fine."

"How about Celestia and Luna? I managed to stop the scythe from getting them but not the blast."

They all seemed to freeze when I asked on Celestia and Luna. They all eyed each other. I knew they were hiding something now. What are you hiding?

"They're fine."

"That's nice to know."

"We'll let you get better."

"Bye Mimic."

"Bye girls."

They were all about to leave.



"I need to talk to you."


The girls left. I waited for the door to close and for Blossom to get closer.


"Several things. First of how is your wound?"

"It's better. Thanks to you."

She said that in the most flirtatious way possible.

"Second off, why did you get pain when you needed blood?"

"If we don't get blood we will get waves of pain. Thirteen waves in total. Each wave stronger than the last and the pain I got when you helped me was my twelfth wave of pain."

"What happens if you get your thirteenth?"

"I die."

I was surprised by this.

"And that's why you said that I saved your life?"


She hugged me.

"And why are you being flirtatious with me?"

"Because you're attractive."

"...Thank's for the compliment. But you kissed me before you left. And it was the first time you saw me. How could you automatically like me?"

"Because I just do."

"Not an answer."

"All the answer you need."

"Get a room you two."

I turned around and saw Ditto sitting in his bed. He was smiling as he saw us talk. His journal was also in a blue sphere. He just grabbed it and put it away.

"How long where you listening?"

"Long enough. Man you weren't like this before. You've changed."

"I will talk to you in a moment."

I faced Blossom.

"I will want a better answer next time."

"You won't get a better answer. Bye."


I turned around to talk to Ditto when Blossom hugged me and once again kissed me on the cheek. I just turned around as I saw her leave the room. Ditto was laughing.

"That's the second time she kisses me and leaves."

"You are popular with the ladies, as usual."

"I was popular with girls before?"

"Yeah, but you never wanted to get into a relationship."


"Because you didn't want to have a weak spot that your enemies could take advantage of."

"That makes sense."

"It was a nice reason and all but you were an ass when a girl hit on you."

"So I did have a terrible life back then."

"Yeah you had bad experiences."

He laughed softly.


"I was thinking if I should call you by your nickname again. Past you didn't like the nickname but now since you lost your memories it won’t bother you as much as before. I don't think so."

"What was my nickname?"

"Your nickname was-"



"I'm afraid this conversation is no longer private."

"What do you mean?"

I activated walked over to the door and opened it. The girls came falling into the room. They just looked at us and smiled.

"Ops... wrong room?"

"What are you doing listening to our conversation."

They looked at each other. Then they looked at me.

"We can't say."


They were surprised by my answer. They just stared at me.

"That's it?"

"What? You said you wouldn't say, so why would I force you?"

"You have changed by far. Past you would have investigated them one by one."

"Past me sound like a pain in the ass."

"From time to time yeah but you were always the strongest and smartest of the four of us."


"I'll fill you in later."

"Right. Lets go to my place to talk."


Ditto got up and walked ahead of me. I began to walk as I turned back to look at the girls.

"I would appreciate it if you don't follow me and eavesdrop on us this time."

They just stared at each other. I walked passed them and went outside. Once I was outside with Ditto I cracked my back and knuckles. I was is still in pain but nothing I couldn't handle.

"So where's your home?"

"In the forest."

"What kind of house is in a forest?"

"A castle."


"Long story. Lets walk there, I could use a walk."


We walked through town. The whole town seemed to be thankful of me. Especially since this time almost all the houses were completely intact. The forest just in front of the bridge was burned down. Huh. We walked through a pathway and saw another part of the forest that was also burned.

"You did all this?"

"Yeah but I didn't really think about the forest setting on fire."


We walked until we saw the castle. We crossed the river and went upstairs to my room. We got in and sat down.

"Nice place."


"So where did we leave off?"

"My nickname and there being four people."

"Right. Your nickname used to be God of Chaos."

"What? Why?"

"You may have been the smartest and strongest among the four of us but boy did you enjoy chaos. Fighting, war, battling your opposite. You loved danger. The adrenaline. Man you could never stop smiling when you were doing things like that. Especially when you got mad you always got your way."

"I feel like I have heard that before. God of Chaos."

"Do you know Discord?"

"Yeah that ass has been in my head annoying me since day one."

"Yeah he loved your nickname and decided to steal your nickname."

"Unoriginal much?"

"That's what I said."

"You said that I enjoyed fighting."

"You did."

"And you said I enjoyed fighting my opposite. What do you mean my opposite?"

"Oh that."

"So who, or what, is my opposite?"



I remembered so much on Death. It was the one thing I could remember clearly. Ditto could see I was trying to process all of this.

"We have a lot to talk about."

Author's Note:

Write this on a piece of paper and figure it out.

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