• Published 4th Jul 2014
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Dust on the Wind - Sparky Brony

Mike was an electrician, and had no clue that the My Little Pony world depicted on TV was real. A Five Score Divided by Four story

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Chapter 63. It's Not Just a Rule, It's an Adventure

Another cross country flight to Florida, though this time, we are farther north in the state, a bit to the west of Orlando. And it’s not the frantic flight that we had to deal with last time. Mindy and I are riding, she insisted I ride with her, rather than flying myself and leaving her in the chariot all by herself. Finally we land in the pony town established here. They’ve even made guest accommodations, for the frequent visitors to their town. Finally we are escorted to a waiting room.

While we are waiting, Mindy leans over to me, “Dustie, I really think you should read the entry of the diary that talks about Discord taking her.”

I shake my head vigorously, “Oh, no, I’ve had enough of Discord for ten lifetimes.”

“Dustie, I think it’s pretty important.” Her ears drop, and she assaults me with her cutest expression, “Please?”

I sigh and hold out a hoof, I start to read,

I had a dream last night, when my cutie mark appeared, I was running through a town, I finally remembered it’s name, Ponyville. I ran up and down the deserted streets, for the last week, it’s been Tartarus, Discord has been appearing at random, making the few ponies left disappear. Though many have simply run away. I know there are ponies left in other cities. But Ponyville is deserted. He had been having fun otherwise, not too long ago, a large part of the Canterlot Castle landed on the outskirts of town. I’ve been scrounging for food, I’m so hungry, and most of all, I’m so lonely. I may have been above them all, but I have found out, I need other ponies in my life. Being this lonely has been horrible! Finally I’m walking slowly down an alley, and he’s there. I stop and look at him for a long time, he has a twisted smile on his face, “Now, it’s your turn..”

I jumped at him, “Oh Discord, take me out of this place, I’m so lonely, it’s horrible!”

He catches me, and for a moment, he seems almost tender, but his magic hits me, and I can’t help it, I scream. His voice fills my ears as I feel my body coming apart,

"Five score divided by four,
Your memories removed, your body confused!
For your insolence you must pay,
Cast off to a land far, far away!
I've scattered the six, and that's just the start of my tricks,
Your mind shall be weak, your outlook bleak!
Forgetting everything and living like a fool,
You have all lost, now no one can stop my rule!"

I shudder on reading the last, it’s been almost five years since I’ve changed, and those words still have a strong effect on me, I look over at Mindy and frown, “With her depiction in the show, I wonder how accurate that was.”

She shrugs, “I don’t know, she never mentioned the show in her journal, I’m not even certain she was aware of My Little Pony as a human.”

We are interrupted by the door opening, and a young pony walks in, she’s about fourteen or fifteen now, starting to get to her adult size, but she has the same pink coat, and the purple and white streaked mane. She speaks up, “I was told you wanted to see me?”

I smile, and lift up the journal, “I believe we have something of yours, Diamond Tiara.”

She gasps and rushes forward, grabbing the journal, which she hugs, “I can’t believe it, when I left it in the tent, I thought I would never see it again!”

She looks at Mindy and I, tears in her eyes, “Oh thank you for finding it, and getting it to me. Maybe I can write some happy things in my journal now.”

I’m able to smile, “Happy things?”

She nods exuberantly, “We don’t know where my daddy is, but the ponies taking care of me have been wonderful.” Her ears fall, “For the most part, that is. Things have been hectic for a long time here. A lot of ponies have been starting their own families, and while they take great care of me, it’s not Filthy Rich, it’s not my Daddy. I remember how my Daddy was. I was a spoiled brat.”

“Were you like how you were depicted in the show?”

She sits down, her ears laid back, tears ready to fall, “In some ways, yes. I was a bully, I was spoiled, I felt entitled. It seemed Silver Spoon and I could do anything.” She sighs, “Then Discord happened.” She looks up, the tears are now flowing, “I was so scared, so alone. He nearly depopulated Ponyville. The train stopped running, so I couldn’t get to Canterlot, or Manehattan. I was just stuck, alone.”

I gather her up, and put my forelegs and wings around her, she cries into my shoulder, “I hated being alone, that’s why I was so mean. I was popular because we were rich, I was somepony, because of my Daddy’s money. And Discord took all of that away from me. I can’t believe it, I was so lonely, when he showed up, I begged for him to curse me, I begged to be taken away from all that life had become.”

I hold the young mare for a long time, looking at Mindy.

Finally I ask, “Do you like where you are living right now, Diamond?”

She pulls back, “It’s okay. They take care of me.” She sniffles, “Though they have some foals of their own now, and…”

I trace a hoof along her cheek, “You feel left out, still alone?”

She nods, the tears still falling.

I look at Mindy again, then smile at her, “How would you like to live with us? Until Filthy Rich is found, or if you can go through the portal in a month or so. I know he’s not in any US pony colony, we’ve checked. But he might be overseas. I have a daughter about your age, from when I was human before my change. I think you would like her.”

She narrows her eyes, “A human girl?”

I nod, and nuzzle her, “We are a whole herd, Diamond, and Hannah is just about to turn fifteen, and I think she would be thrilled to get to know you.”

“Does she know how I was?”

I nod, “Yes, but I think she would like how you are now.”

She looks thoughtful, I decide to sweeten the pot, “Hannah is also one of the humans who gained magic.”

Her eyes widen, “A human with magic?”

I nod, smiling hugely.

She looks thoughtful for a long time, looking occasionally at me, then at Mindy, then back at me, then she leans forward into my forelegs, hugging me tightly.

“Don’t worry, Diamond, we will take care of you, you never have to be alone again.”


A few days after our little tour with Mr. Willard, my phone chirps.


“You miserable bitch, you did something to my camera.”

I suppress a chuckle, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

I can imagine how he looks right now, his face red, shouting into the phone, “Don’t play coy with me, you somehow wiped the hard drives on our cameras, and the memory cards as well.”

I grin, “Let me think for a moment…” I look over at Mindy, who is smiling as much as I am, “Oh yeah, you brought your camera equipment into the power plant. Remember, we use lightning to generate the electricity, each bolt is like a miniature EMP, everything in there is hardened and shielded to prevent disruption. Though we do know that cell phones are vulnerable.”

“You could have told me.”

I smile again, “We’ve never brought cameras close to the generation equipment, we will conduct testing, and consider signage, warning about certain electronic equipment in proximity to the equipment. Thank you for your information.”

“You’re lying! We continued recording after that. All that is gone.”

Mindy whispers in my other ear, I continue, “Mindy noticed with her phone, it got blanked while the system was writing, and so everything after was corrupted, you might want to pull the power and do a hard reset. That is what she did to her phone, and it’s working correctly now.”

I hear a lot of grumbling from the other side of the connection, and I fight to suppress my giggles, finally he talks, “Fine.”

“I must thank you for that information, so we can prevent future computer damage. Though as I said earlier, you are not welcome on any pony settlement land. So, best of luck to you.”

I close down the connection and look at Mindy. We both fall out of our chairs, laughing.


Sunset smiles at the human male in his twenties, and she glances over at the two mares sitting off to the side, a pegasus and an earth pony, she turns and focuses on the young man, “So, Dave, This will last a few days, and will likely end up in you being a daddy, are you ready?”

He looks at the mares, it’s obvious he’s in love with them, something that warms Sunset’s heart, “Oh, yes, Sunset Shimmer, they want foals, and they want me to be their daddy. I really want this.”

She smiles, and steps back, “This is a rather complex spell, I need you to remain absolutely still. I promise it won’t hurt.”

Her horn lights, and after a moment her eyes start to glow. Sunset Shimmer shortly had her magic ready to let go. She takes a step and aims her horn at the smiling human.

An orange flash announces Mindy teleporting in, next to her is Dr. Ray, As the magic fades she shouts, “Hey Sunset, you’ll never guess…”

The startled unicorn gasps, her concentration broken, the magic streaks to Mindy and Dr. Ray, enveloping both ponies in light. Sunset sits down and rubs her temple, “What the…” She looks at her herd mates, “Mindy!”

After a few moments, the light fades, leaving two ponies lying, sprawled on the ground, Sunset teleports over to Mindy, “Oh, Mindy, you have the worst timing.” Her magic turns Mindy over.

Mindy groans, “What happened?”

Sunset brings Mindy’s face close, “You startled me, is what you did. And now you are stallion for the next couple of days.”

Mindy’s eyes go wide, “What?” She flips onto her hooves, and looks down between her legs, then she looks up at Sunset with a big grin, “I am so going to have so much fun with this, Sunset!”

“Oh, what the hell.” Comes a feminine voice, catching both Sunset and Mindy’s complete attention,

Mindy moves over and cradles Dr. Ray, “I’m so sorry Ray.”

Ray looks confused for a long moment, then Mindy giggles a bit, “Sweetie, you are missing something.”

The brown unicorn feels over his body, and finally finds what he’s missing, the now female Dr. Ray groans and lets her head flop back, “Seriously?”

Mindy giggles, sounding a little odd coming from a stallion, “Oh, yes. We’ve been rule 63’d.”

Ray frowns, “Huh?”

Mindy giggles again, “Oh, nothing, just a rule of the internet.”

Sunset steps forward, “I am trying to figure out why the spell affected both of you.”

Mindy bounces up and down, “My teleportation field was fading as you fired, and it affected your spell, hitting both of us, but I think this will be fun, Sunset.” Mindy moves forward and kisses Sunset, “But I think you’ll like this new equipment. So I know what we are doing later.”

Sunset looks at the human and two mares, blushing furiously, “Oh Mindy…”

Mindy giggles and his magic picks up Dr. Ray, and they both disappear in an orange flash.

Sunset stops for a moment, her horn sparking, her face red, then she turns and looks at Dave, “So, you still want to go through it?”

He looks at the two mares and gulps, then nods. Sunset smiles, charging her horn once again.

***Lightning Dust***

Naps are good, I love me a good nap. This time, I’ve curled up with Alan, he’s been busy most of the day, and he wanted a nap, I joined him, lying there with the massive human is relaxing.

I’m woken to a tongue invading my mouth, I open my eyes to see a magenta face with a bright white mane, “Good afternoon Mindy.”

Mindy giggles, yet her voice is off, I furrow my brow, “Um, Mindy, you sound different.”

Mindy’s new voice responds, “I accidentally messed up Sunset’s spell, take a look.” Mindy sits down on the bed, her front legs parted a bit. I get an eyeful of what’s hanging there.

“Oh no.” I moan.

Mindy giggles, “Oh yes, I hope you are horny, Dustie. I want to try this out, but Ray is going to get it first.”

Now I’m really confused, “I didn’t know that Ray swung that way, Mindy, I think he prefers mares.”

“Oh, he did. But for the next couple of days, he’s going to try the life of the fairer sex.”

My ears fall, “No way.”

Mindy nods enthusiastically, “Oh yes, I was teleporting both of us when Sunset did her spell, it hit us both, he’s a she, and I’m a he now.”

I look at the unicorn at the end of the bed, “Ray?”

He nods, a blush evident in his face, “After it happened, Mindy and I have been talking, I think it might be fun.” He looks down, “Mindy promised to be gentle.”

I move over and hug the former stallion, “Oh Ray, this is going to be a new experience for you. I had to go through it myself, learning to be female. It’s pretty damned nice, I’ll tell you.”

Ray blushes harder, “Mindy has been showing me, we haven’t gone all the way yet, but…”

“Mindy showed you what other parts of our anatomy can do?”

Ray nods, “I’m still wobbly on my hooves, but it was very fun. I’m hungry for more.”

I get a whif of the unicorn mare in front of me, “Um Ray, I think you might just be in heat.”

His ears fall, he looks sharply at Mindy, “What?”

Alan sits up, looking at us in confusion, he rubs his eyes, “Uh, Mindy, why are you a stallion?”

Mindy giggles and bounces in front of him, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, “Alan, I accidentally startled Sunset, she turned me into a he for the next few days.”

Alan furrows his brow, “Seriously? What are you going to do?”

Mindy giggles, “What else? I get to see how the other half lives.” He moves over and sits next to Alan in the bed, wrapping a forehoof around him, “I know you prefer with me, but I don’t have the equipment right now,” Mindy looks at me, a sly look on his face, “Though I think Dust would be happy to take care of you, before I get to her.”

Alan gulps, looking at Mindy, then looking at me, I’m giving him my best lost little puppy dog look, which gets a smile out of him, “I think I can hold off until you are back to normal, Mindy. I’m not ready for that, just yet.”

I’ve had about enough of that from Alan, I move over, rubbing my entire body along him, enjoying the thrill of electricity that pops throughout my body in touching him, every member of my family affects me like this, I know I’m leaking now, I sit down on his legs, my nose level with his, “Alan, it’s been a long time, I know what you went through with your dad. I respect that, and I admire how you feel, and how you are keeping true to Mindy. But I want you,” I can feel the heat in my face, I’m certain my face is glowing red right now, “To be honest, when you stood up for me in the plane from Hawaii, how you made all the humans there know they were in the wrong to treat me like that, I wanted you. I wanted you even before Mindy got a connection with you. And for that whole time, I’ve been keeping quiet, thinking that you’ll eventually come around.” I poke his nose with my snout, “Please Alan, please show me the love that you’ve shown Mindy, show me that you love our entire herd just as much as you love her.”

His smile gets strained, he seems to be thinking furiously, then Mindy moves over and whispers in his ear, I can’t hear it, but his face turns bright red, he shifts to look at Mindy, who nods and smiles, then he looks at me, then back at Mindy, who gives him more than a chaste kiss.

Finally he pulls away, I can tell that Mindy’s kiss has really turned him on, I smile, weakly, I really want this human, so badly that it hurts. Then his eyes widen, I think he can see that hurt in me. His arms grab me up and he kisses the pure hell out of me, my wings shoot up, and when he finally lets me have some air, he traces my ear with a finger, “I never knew how much my issues were hurting you, Dust.”

I push him back onto the bed and bring my face close, “I love you Alan, just like everypony here does.”

***Cloptional part in side story***

A few days later, a renewed mare Mindy pops over to me. “Dustie, I have a feeling. I think if we investigate in Detroit, we will find Irony.”

I frown at her, “What? Did you find anything online to tell you that?”

She shakes her head so hard her ears flop, “No, Dustie. It’s a feeling. I can’t say for certain, but I think if we head that way, I think we will get lucky.”

I move forward and kiss her, “Mindy, whatever it takes, if it takes following your hunch, we are going to get Irony. No matter what.”

The door to my office slams open, Dr. Ray is there.

“Umm, Dust. I think there is a problem.” She says.

I cock my head to the side, “Sunset said sometimes the spell lasts a day or two longer, depending on the magical strength of the subject.”

Ray shakes her head, “No, Dust. I just performed the test. I think I’m stuck as a mare for about the next eleven months.”

Both Mindy and my ears fall, looking at the unicorn mare in front of us as she takes a deep breath.

“Dust, Mindy. I’m pregnant.”

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